The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 14/10/1721
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number: Issue Number:
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SATURDAY, OCTOBEr. 14, 1721. GREAT BRITAIN. The Continuation of the History of ENGLAND. The SAXONS. eThelred , for his Slowness, sir- named The Unready, was crowned at King- stone. Upon his Co. ronation a Cloud was seen through England, one Half like Blood, the o- ther Half like Fire: And in the third Year of his Reign the Danes arrived in sundry Places of the Land, and did much spoil. And about the same Time a great Part of London was con- sumed by Fire, He payed Tribute 40000 I. yearly, ( called Dane gilt to the Danes. His Reign was much molested with Danish Invasions in divers Parts of the Land. And
so low were the English at that Time, by the intruding Danes, that they were forced to Till and Sow the Ground, while the Danes sat idle in their Houses, and eat that which they toiled for. Also abusing their Daughters and Wives, and having all at their Command j the English for very Fear, calling them Lord Danes. Hence we call a lazy Lubber a Lurdane. In this the English distressed Estate, the King, at last, sent forth a Secret Commission into every City within his Dominions, That upon the Thirteenth Day of No- vember they should Massacre all the Danes which were amongst them. This Command of the King's, the Peo- ple
put in Execution with extreme Rigour, in A. D. icoj But to revenge this great Destruction of the Danes, Swein, King of Denmark, prepared a very great Navy, and arrived in the West of England, and shortly after Canutus brought 200 Sail of Ships, well furnished, to his Assistance. And in A. D. 1016, King Ethelred died, and was buried at St. Paul's. His Issue were Ethelstan, Egbert, Edmond, Edred, Edwy, Edgar, Edward, Elfred, and four Danghters. In the Year of our Lord 991. was Ipswich in Suffolk sacked by the Danes. And in 1004, Thetford in Nor. folk, anciently called Sitomagus, was sack'd by the Danes; for the Recovery
whereof Bishiop Arfast removed his Episcopal See from Elmham thither. Norwich was fired by the Danes; its Castle was afterward re- edified by Hugh Bigod, Earl of Norfolk. t AD ' eDmond, Sir named Ironside, the eldest Son * J016. that Ethelred had living at his Death, was P Crowned at Kingstone by Livingus Archbishop of Can- ' terbury A. D. 1016. At which time the Danes were , so powerful in England, that Canute was accepted King • at Southampton by many of the Clergy and Laity, who 5 sware Fealty to him But the City of London stood most firm for edmond, and bravely withstood Canute besieging it, till such time that
King Edmond came and relieved them. At Fenham, near Gillingham, King Edmond engaged with the Danes, where he put many of them to the Sword, and the rest to Flight. And not after, his and the Danish Host met nigh to Shore, Ptice Three Half Per. ee, ston in Worcestershire, where the ' Battel was, for the' first Day, fought With equal Success; but on the next Day, when the English were in forwardness and proba- bility of the Victory, the Traytor Edrick on purpose disanimated them, by cutting off. the Head of a dead Soldier, putting ir on his Sword point, then crying to the English Host, Fly ye Wretches, fly, and get you away
for your King is slain ; behold, here is his Head ;- seek therefore now to save your own Lives. By which means the. Fight' ended on even Hands. And the next Night following" Canute stole away toward London, whom Ironside fol- lowed, first raising the Siege that Canutus had laid a- gainst London, and then marching after him to Brent, wood, where he gave the Danes a great Overthrow. Then near onto Oreford in Kent, the two Armies met again, and fought in a furious manner, till at last the Day fell to the English, who slew Four Thoufand Five Hundred Men, with the Loss but of Six Hundred, and put the rest to flight, whom the
King had pursued to their utter Confusion, had not his Brother in- law Edrick played the Traytor again, disswading him from the Clase of them, under the Pretence of Danger and Am. bishments, and the English Soldiers Over weariedness Whereupon Canute had the Opportunity of passing over inio Essex, where his scattered Forces rallied, and fresh Supplies came in to them. After, whom Edmond ad. vanced, and at Ashdon by Saffron Walden, the Armies joined Battel when a bloody Slaughter ensued, with the Hopes of Victory on the English side ; which the ever trayterous Edrick perceiving, he withdrew his Strength to the
Danes, the Enemy thereby regaining the Day. Of King Edmond's Nobles were slain, Duke Alfred, Duke Goodwin, Duke Ethelward, Duke Ethelwin, Earl Urchel, with Cadnoth Bishop of Lincoln, and Wolsey, Abbot of Ramfey, and others of the Clergy that were come thither to pray for good Success to the English. The Memorial of this Battle is still retained by certain small Hills there remaining, were the Dead were buried. From hence King Edmond marched to Glocester with a very small Army, which he there encreased. After him Canute followed, and at Dearhust, near Severn, both Hosts met, and were ready to join Battle; when
by the Motion of a certain Captain, Edmond and Canute un- dertook by single Combat to end the Difference. So entring into a small Ifland called Alney, adjoining to Gloucester, there they valiantly fought, till Canute hav- ing received a dangerous Wound, and finding Edmond to over- match him in Strength, he thus spake to the English King:.' What Necessity should move us. most ' valiant Prince, that for the obtaining of a Title, we ' should thus endanger our Lives? Better it were to lay ' Malice and Weapons aside, and to condescend to a ' loving Agreement. Let us now therefore become ' sworn Brothers, and divide the Kingdom
betwixt us, ' and in such League of Amity, that each of us may use • the other as his own: So shall this Land be peaceably ' governed, and we jointly assist each other's Necessity. Which Words ended, they both casting down their Swords, embrace as Friends, with the great Joy and Shouting of both Armies. And according to Canute's Proposal, the Kingdom was divided betwixt them, Ld. mond having that Part that lay coasting upon France, Canute the rest. But the Traytor, Duke Edrick, with design to work himself farther into Canute's Favour, procured Edmond to be thrust into the Body as he was easing Nature. Then cutting
off his Head, he presented Canute therewith, saying, All hail, thou sole Monarch i4 L •/ OR, British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick.
f 2052 ; I The Continuation of the Tryal of Col. John Lilburne " the Jury being charg'd with the Prisoner, he alledg'd that he pleaded Not Guilty, upon Condition he might have as much Privilege as Duke Hamilton and others had ; and said the indictment appear'd defective, both as to Matter and Form : and therefore he again insisted on having Time and Council to speak to the Er- rors in the Indictment ; but the Court rejected his Demands. Then Mr. , of Council for the Common- wealth, open'd the Indictment; and Mr. Prideaux, Attorney- General for the Commnnwealth, having fur- ther enlarg'd upon and aggravated the Charge,
proceeded to call his Witnesses ; and first, to prove the Book, in- titled the Out- cry, to be the Prisoner's. Mr. Thomas Newcomb the Printer was call'd, and the Book being shewn him, he depos'd, That about seven or eight Weeks since Lieut- Col. Lilburne and Captain Jones brought that Book to him; and Captain Jones agreed with the Deponent for the printing it ; and he receiv'd the Copy from Captain Jones; and that after- wards Mr. Lilburne examin'd and look'd over one Proof- sheet, and the Deponent's Corrector another; and Capt. Jones read the Manuscript to the Corrector: That the Deponent printed only some few
Impressions of the last Sheet of the Book ; which, with the Forms, were taktn before he had perfected the Sheet ; and that he knew not where the former Part of the Book was done. Mr. Att. Gen. Mr. Jones read the Original, and Mr. Lilburne corrected the Copy ? L. Col. Lilb. Sir, you abuse me, by endeavouring to make him say more than his Conscience dictates ; he says I cast my Eye upon the Copy ; I desire to know if I was at his House to give any Directions after the Copy was taken. Mr. Att. Gen. That's no Thanks to either of you. John Tooke, John Skinner, Thomas Lewis, John Haw- kins and John Merriman sworn. Tooke
depos'd, That about seven Weeks before, Thomas Lewis, John Smith and the Deponent, met Lieut. Col. Lilburne in Ivy- lane ; and that Thomas Lewis taking Acquaintance with Mr. Lilburne, Mr. Lilburne ask'd them to drink, which they did ; and that Mr. Lilburne ask'd them if they had seen a Book call'd The Apprentices Out cry ; and Thomas Lewis answer- ing no, but had Thoughts to buy one; Mr. Lilburne said he had one in his Pocket and would give it him, which he did, and nam'd a Place ( which the Deponent had forgot) where more were to be sold. L. Col. Lilb. You charge me, in the Indictment with going amongst the
Soldiers to seduce them; now I al- ways endeavour'd to avoid meeting them, or discoursing with ' em; and desire to know if they did not speak to me first. Ld. Keble. It's no Matter who spoke first, if you gave ' em the Book. Lewis. On the sixth of September last I met Lieut. Col. Lilburne, and ask'd him how he did ; and having told him I knew him formerly, and had visited him in the Tower, he ask'd me to drink, on which we went to the Red Cross in Newgate. Market; and there he ask'd me if I heard of a Book call'd The Out cry of the Appren- tices-, and I acknowledging a Desire to have one. Mr. Lilburne said he had one given him,
and he would give it me ; and on my asking him where I might buy more,' he desir'd me to go to a Friend of his in Martin's- Lane', ( the Man's Name I have forgot,) and tell him Mr. Lil- burns was there; and, says he, perhaps where you find that Man you may have more Books. And the same Book I had from Mr Lilburne I deliver'd to the Lieutenant. Mr. Att. Gen. What did Mr. Lilburne say to you concerning you Pay? . L. Col. Lilb. Sir, don't direct him, leave him to his own Conscience and Memory. Lewis. He said, You Soldiers keep us all in Slavery, and ask'd how was our Pay, faying there was Money come for us, and ready to be
deliver'd us. Skinner depos'd, That the Beginning of September, the Deponent and Mr. Lewis met Mr. Lilburne in Ivy lane; and that they went to the Red Cross in Newgate. Market to drink ( but knew not whether ' twas Mr. Lil. burne or Mr. Lewis that propos'd going) that Mr. Lil. burne ask'd Mr. Lewis if he had seen the Book call'd The Apprentices Out- cry, and told Lewis he had one which was given him, and said he would give it to Lewis, and did so, Was afterwards deliver'd to the Lieutenant. Lieut- I deliver'd it to my Captain. Capt. Merryman. This individual Book I deliver'd Mr. Secretary Frost, who made me sign it, that I might
not be mistaken. L. Col. Lilb. My Lord, I desire the Witnesses may answer if that be the very Book in the Indictment; and if they have examin'd it with the Indictment. Here Mr. Attorney repeated the Evidence to the jury; and again observ'd that Mr. Lilburne was Corrector, and read the Original Copy. L. Col. Lilb. They have not answer'd my Question; I desire the jury will take notice of the Question, and that I am deny'd an Answer. Mr. Att Gen. The next Thing charg'd upon him, is a Paper intitiled Salva Libertate; I sent to him to come to me about it. but he refus! d coming with the Lieutenant of the Tower, unless I directed my
Warrant to bring him. Lieut of the Tower. I sent Mr. Lilburne Word I had Orders to carry him to Mr. Attorney's Chamber; he came to me and desir'd a Sight of the Warrant; and having told him I had none, he answer'd, I shan't obey a verbal Warrant, nor won't go unless you force me. When I had a Warrant, he desir'd to read it, and to take a Copy of it, which he did .- About three Hours after he came again to me, and said, Pray receive this, Viz. ( The Salva Libertate) for I intend not to own that Gentleman's Power who sent the Warrant; and said he gave it me to shew to Mr. Attorney ; and this is the same he deliver'd to me, and
afterwards went very quietly with me to Mr, Attorney's Chamber; which is all I can say. Ld. Keble. Mr. Lilburne, Is it your Hand- writing? Shew it him. L. Col. Lilb. I am too old to be snapt in such simple Gins, or catch'd with Fooleries; I'll look on none of your Papers ; prove it. Ld. Keble. Your Writing or not Writing is nothing; you deliver'd the Book. L. Col. Lilb. Sir, I desire to know in what Part of the Tower you receiv'd this Paper, whether the Place was in the Liberties of London or County of Middle, sex ? Lieut, of the Tower. ' Twas at the Steps by the nar- row Passage at my Garden, end, ' tis commonly reputed to be in Middlesex,
but I know not certainly. Mr. Att._ Gen. I must desire the Jury to observe, that tho' Mr. Lilburne does not acknowledge his Hand, he implicitly confesseth it. L- Col. Lilb. Sir, I deny nothing, and what you can prove I have a Life to justify, but prove it first Mr. Att. Gen. The next Thing he is charg'd with, is intitled An Impeachment of High Treason against Oliver Cromwell, & c. 1 suppose he'll not own it, but may be ask'd the Question. L- Col. Lilb. I shall answer none of your Questions, make your Advantage of it. Thomas Dafforn, Richard Lander Marshall, Major Hawksworth Governor of Warwick Castle, all sworn Dafforn depos'd, That
the nth of August last, v' Prisoner gave him a Book at Winchester- House » > Southwark to carry to Colonel Ayres, who was then remov'd to Warwick Castle j and that he deliver'd accordingly. ^ Lander, depos'd, That he was present, took it from him, and deliver'd it to the Governor- jv To be continu'd. 1 of England, for behold here the Head of the Copartner, which for thy sake I have adventuoed to cut off. To whom Canute, like a worthy King, replied, That in regard of that Service, the Bringer's own Head should be advanced above all the Peers of his Kingdom ; a while after per. forming this his Promise, by causing Edrick's Head
to be cut off, and placed on the highest Gate of London. But fome say, that King Edmond died a natural Death at London, when he had Reigned seven Months, whole Body was buried at Glastenbury. His Issue were, Edward, Sir- named the Out law ( be- cause he lived out of England during the Reign of the Danes) and Edmond. To be continu'd.
Last Week Thomas Dunford, and Henry Crab, were bail'd out of Newgate, being two of the Persons that were on board the Smugling- Boat that some Time ago was pursu'd above Bridge, by the Officers of the Customs, when John Combs shot John Lamb, the Custom- house Waterman. They write from Dartmouth, that on the 6th Instant came into that Harbour a large square Stern Vessel of and from Bayonne, with Wooll for Havre de Grace ; the Ship's Name or Master's we cannot yet learn, be- cause no Boat can go on board except the Pilot, boat, which went on board after she came in, and is not suf- fer'd to come ashore,
but keeps there under Quarentine • Not a Cuftom- house Boat went out till she came within the Harbour, tho' the Tide Surveyor hath two under his command, and Tidesmen on Shore ; nor any look out at the Castle. tho' there now belongs to it a Fort- Major, a Master Gunner, and two under Gunners; nor so much as one Man to watch on the Hills. The Ship cannot go out again, the Wind being strong at South They write from Bristol, that at the Assizes there, which began the 10th past, one Capt. Perce, formerly mentioned, waa Try'd and Condemn'd for a Rape on a Citizen's Daughter about nine Years of Age, by en- ticing her on
Board his Ship, and making her Drunk ; and, ' tis said, he has since been Executed. Exeter, Sept. 22. 1731. This Day the Right Honourable the Lord Clinton, Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of the County of Devon came hither from his Lordship's House of Fil- leigh, and was received by our Bishop, Chapter and Cor. poration, with all marks of Honour and DistinCtion, and there were ringing of Bells and publick Rejoycings during his Lordships stay in this City. They write from Exeter, that one Morning last Week a Woman was found strangled in the Passage leading to the Dolphin Inn, and that her Body was sadly abus'd ; it
being suppos'd to have been done by some of the Sol- diers. We hear that Sir Wm. Windham is dangerously ill by a Fall he received from his Horse, as he Was Hunting near his Seat in Sometsetshire. We hear the Earl of Rochester's Gardener, who was hurt at the Fire, is since dead. Last Week the Earl of Loudon set out for Scotland. We hear, the Hon. Wm. Monck Esq; one of His Ma- jesty's Council, and Commissioner of Appeals in Ireland, is appointed Attorney General of Jamaica, in the room of Edmund Kelly, Esq; The Conge de Elire being return'd from Norwich, for Electing Dr Green. ReCtor of St. Martin's in the Fields,
Bishop of that See, he was accordingly consecrat- ed Bishop on Sunday Morning, at Lambeth Chapel. There is Advice from Barbados, that on the 30th of July last died there Colonel Henry Holdip, of the Gout in his Stomach, whereby one of the greatest and most valuable Plantations in that Island descends to his only Daughter, Sir William Savage's Lady. On Saturday Night the Corpse of John Frere, Esq; late President of the Council and Island of Barbados, was interr'd in a splendid Manner at St. Dunstan's in the East. Dublin. Sept 19. Yesterday his Majesty's Answers to the Addresses of the two Houles of Parliament of this
Kingdom at the Opening of the Session, were by Direction of his Grace the Lord Lieutenant, communi- cated to each House, and are as follows. Affection to his Person and Government, of which they have upon all Occasions given him such signal Proofs His Majesty will omit nothing that may contribute to the Wel- fare and Happiness of a people that have so long distinguish'd themselves by their Zeal for the Protestant Religion, and the Good of their Country. Whitehall, October 7. An Arret of the French King's Council of State, dated the 1st of October, N. S prescribes Rules to be generally observed at all the ports of that
Kingdom with Respect to Ships, Per- sons and Goods coming thither from other Countries. Which Rules are as follows, and are publish d for the Information of all British Subjects whom it may concern. CARTERET. I. His most Christian Majesty permits all Foreign Ships and Vessels belonging to Subjects of the PrinCes and States with whom his Majesty's Subjects have Li- berty of Commerce, to enter with Goods not prohibi- ted, the Ports and Rivers of france, provided they do not come from Countries infected, or suspected of In- fection ; and that they did not touch at such Countries, nor had Communication in their Passage
with suspected Ships; and provided also they bring due Certificates of Health from the Places whence they set out, and from all those where they touch'd. II The said Certificates of Health are to specify the Name and Burden of the Vessel; the Name of the Cap- tain or Master ; the Number of the Sailors and Passen- gers ; the Place from which the Vessel set out, and those she touch'd at; the Quality and Quantity of the Goods laden in her, and whether they are of the Growth or Manufacture of the Country where she was laden. Ill- The Goods which shall not be of the Growth or Manufacture of the Places where they were put on
Board, shall be accompanied with sufficient Certificates that they were not suspected of Contagion ; which Cer- tificates shall fpecify the Time when the said Goods were brought into the Port where they were laden, the Places from whence they were fetch'd ; and whether, after their Arrival, they were opened and repacked IV. The Certificates of Health, the Custom- House Permits, and the Bills of Lading, shall be sign'd by the Consul of the French Nation, if any such reside in the Place where the Ship was laden, with Copies of the said Papers. V. such Consul shall deliver to the Master of the Ves- sel those Copies sealed up in
a Packet directed to the In. tendant, or other proper Officer of the Port to whicH she is bound. VI. The Ships and Vessels, which haVing entered the Ports and Rivers of France, shall not fully satisfy all that is ordered by the preceding Articles, shall be confiscated, the Goods and Effects burnt, and the Persons who came in them, be all shut up in an Hospital, there to perform Quarantines VII All Captains or Masters, Sailors and Passengers on board the Vessels, which shall enter the Ports, Har- bours and Rivers of France, are forbidden to come ashore or to land any Goods, without the express Permission of the Magistrates of
the Place, or Officers of Health resi- ding there; or to advance with their Vessels beyond the Place which shall be assigned them by the Shallops, un- der the Direction of those Officers, on Pain of Death, and of the Goods and efFects being burnt. VIII. This Arret to take Place, with respect to all Ships departing from foreign Ports, eight Days after the same shall be known there. His Majesty's Answer to the Address of the House of Lords; GEORGE R. HIS Majesty's returns his Thanks to the House of Lords for their very loyal Address which is filled with so ' many Expressions of Duty and affection. And they may de- pend on his
Majestys continuing to do every Thing on his Part to make his People happy. His Majesty's Answer to the Address of the House of Commons. GEORGE R. HIS Majesty thanks the House of Commons for their duti- ful and loyal Address and questions not but they will make good those Assurances which they give his Majesty of their One Joshua Reignolds, a Hackney Coachman, ha- ving lately been twice ConviCted before the Commission- ers for Licensing Hackney- Coaches and Chairs, of exact- ing more Money from Gentlemen than his legal Fare, was thereupon fin'd by the said Commissioners, pur- suant to the Statute in
that Case made and provided ; but nor paying the Penalty after a Week's Notice, they committed him to Newgate last Thursday 7- Nighr. We read in Sandford's Genealogical History, that in 1348, amidst the Successes of King Edward the Third a most contagious Pestilence arose over all Christendom, and in England took away, by Report, one Half of the Men ; there dying in London, between New Year's Day and the rst Day of July, 57.374 Person;. Last Saturday about nine a Clock at Night a violent Fire broke out at Mr. Wm Child's at Childsfield near foot's
C 2054 ) foot's Gray in Kent, about 15 Miles from London, which consum'd three Stables, three Barns, three Out- houses, and seven Stacks of Hay and Corn ; and it was observable that the Flames rose to a prodigious Height, and Conflagration was so very dreadful, that the same was visible enough from several Parts of this City On Sunday Evening last there was a General Council at Whitehall, at which the Commissioners of the Customs, and the Physicians, attended, and were advis'd with in order to take the farther necessary Precautions for pre- venting the spreading of the Plague, in case the same shou'd be brought into
these Kingdoms, and we hear the Physicians propos'd the Building of Barracks on Black- Heath, and other convenient Places, to remove the Sick to; and appoint Apothecaries and Surgeons, approvd of by the College of Physicians to take care of them, in- stead of Women, as was formerly practic'd, when the Plague rag'd here, which was approv'd by the Lords in Council, who directed the same to be put in Execution. Tuesday the Rt. Honourable the Earl of Berkeley came to Town from his Seat in Middlesex, being reco- ver'd from his Indisposition of the Gout. Tuesday his Grace the Duke of Richmond, Governor of the Welsh
Copper Company, went to wait on his Ma- jesty at Kensington, with a Petition from the said Com- pany, for a Noli Prosequi. SIR, Aldgate, Oct. 7. ISee it inserted in some of the Printed Papers, That the Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor has given Orders for preventing the detestable Practice of Trafficking in the publick Srreets near the Royal Exchange : I heartily congratulate his Lordship on so good and pious a Design ; for, at this Rate, we may put up Prayers, and take all other necessary Precautions to prevent our being visited with that dreadful Scourge, the plague, which seems in some manner to threaten us from a Neighbouring
Kingdom, but shall, by suffering such Impious Doings, rather pull the Divine Vcngeancc on our Heads. This is said to be carried on chiefly by the Jews, and I am apt to believe it, for certainly it is no Christian Practice : But will Heaven be satisfied with that Excuse ? and ought we to suffer the Jews to pollute our Sabbath, who are such rigid Observers of their own, that they wou'd hardly take a Sheep or a Lamb out of a Ditch upon that Day ? I presume our Laws are in Force against Jews in that Case, as well as Christians, who indeed, far out sin the Jews in carrying on those wicked Practices, and are a Disgrace to the Name they
hear ; for the worst of Jews will not Traffick on their own Sabbath, as the Christians do on theirs. I am, & c. To the Author of the British Gazetteer; SIR, October 12, 1721. YOU have in some of your late Papers enter'd upon a very commendable Subject and that is, the en- deavouring to discountenance Vice and Prophaneness ; a Subject which will never want the Encouragement and Commendation of all People of Sence and Virtue. The calling for a Day of Fasting and Humiliation, was, indeed, never more seasonable, I observe the great Care of the Government, in taking proper Methods to prevent the Plague from coming
agmonst us, for which they merit our Thanks ; but certainly it wou'd be a Care as suitable and necessary in the Government, and to the same Good End, to endeavour to drive out Lewd- ness and Atheism, & c. from amongst us : In my Opi- nion, all the Expedients laid down by the Physicians, wou'd not turn to more Account in the Way of avert- ing that heavy Judgment. They are so much the fa- shionable Vices of the Age, that our Young Fellows seem fonder of the Reputation of them, than of the Principle it self, which they imagine a very necessary In- gredient to attain the Character of a Pretty Fellow, or a Fine Gentleman. To
be very Lewd, and Swear gen. tilely, gives a handsome Gloss to a Man's Character, and equips him ( with a little Addition of Dress} with the character of a Smart Fellow : So an Atheist attains the Character of a Wit, by rallying Virtue, and making a Jest of Things Sacred But I ask Pardon for this Di- gression, tho I hope it will not appear an improper one. You were pleas'd to oblige us in your last with ex- posing the Character of a Hypocrite, from the famous Moliere ; I have been at the Pains of transcribing the Character of an Atheist from a celebrated English Poet, the Ingenious Mr. Otway, in his admirable Comedy, cal- led the
Atheist; where in the first Act he make's . his Friend Beauguard in opening th: Plot, introduce his Part which the following short Character : ' The most inimi- table Varlet, and the most insufferable Stinkard li- ving ; one that has Doubts enough to turn to all ligions, and yet wou'd fain pretend to be of none: In short, a Cheat, that wou'd have you of Opinion that he neither believes Heaven nor Hell, and yet never feels so much as an Ague Fit, but he's afraid of being Damn'd. In the next Act the Author introduces him to Beauguard, and his Friend Courtine, where, for a pro- per Exemplification of the Character, it will be necessary to
transcribe that Part of the Dialogue entire, lest any Part of it lose its due Weight and Energy. ' Beaugard, Hah ! Let me never see Day again if yon- der be not coming towards us the very Rascal I told ' thee of this Morning, our faux Atheist I now will I shew thee as notable a Spirit as ever past upon the igno- rant World for a fine Person, and a Philosopher. Enter Daredevil the Atheist. ' What, Daredevil, a good Evening to thee : Why, ' where hast thou been, old Blasphemy, these forty ' Hours ? I shall never be converted from Christianity, ' if thou dost not mind thy Business better. ' Dared. Been, quoth a.' I have been where I have '
half lost my honest Senses, Man : Would any Body ' that knows me, believe it ? Let me be bury'd alive, if ' the Rogues of the Parish I live in, have not indicted ' me for a Papist. ' Beau. The Devil, a Papist ? ' Dared Pox on ' em a Papist.' when the impudent ' Villains know, as well as I do, that I have no Religion ' at all. ' Cour. No Religion, Sir? Are you of no Religion? ' Dared I never go to Church, Sir. Cour. But what Religion are you of? ' Dared. Of the Religion of the inner Temple, the Com- mon Law Religion ; I believe in the Law, trust in the ' Law, enjoy what I have by the Law : For if such a ' Religious Gentleman as you are get
fifty Pounds into ' my Debt, I may go to Church and pray ' till my Heart ' akes; but_ the Law must make you pay me at last. ' Cour. ' Tis certainly the fear of Hell, and hopes of ' Happiness, that makes People live in Honesty, Peace, ' and Union one towards another. ' Dared Fear of Hell? Hark thee, Beaugard; this ' Companion of thine, as I apprehend, is but a sort of a shallow Monster. Fear of Hell .' No, Sir, ' tis fear of Hanging. Who would not steal, or do Murder, every time his Fingers itch'd at it, were it not for fear of the Gallows? Do not you, with all your Religion, swear almost as often as you speak ; break and pro- phane the
Sabbath ? lie with your Neighbours Wives? and covet their estates, if they be better than your own ? Yet those things are forbid by Religion, as well as Stealing and cutting of Throats are. No, had every Commandment but a Gibbet belonging to it, I should not have had four King's Evidences to Day swear impudently I was a Papist, when I was never at Mass yet since I was born, nor indeed at any other Worship these twenty Years. ' Cour. Why then, Sir, between Man and Man, you are really of no Religion ? ' Dared. May be I am, Sir, may be I am not, Sir: When you come to know me better, twenty to one but you'll be better
satisfy'd. ' Cour. Does your Honour think there may be a De- vil? ' Dared I never saw him, Sir. ' Cour Have you a Mind to see him ? ' Dared. I'd go fifty Miles barefoot, to see but a Fiend that bclong'd to his Family. Beau That's a damn'd Lie, to my Knowledge: For I saw the Rogue so scar'd, that his Hair stood upright but at the sight of a poor black Water Spaniel, that met him in the dark once. ' Cour. what think you of Conscience ? ' Dared. 1 never think of it at all, Sir, it never trou- bles me. In the same Scene he advises Courtine to Poison his Wife, who seeming shock'd at it, replied But what if I shou'd be call'd to a terrible
Account for it here. after ? ' Deard. - J • _
' Dared. Hereafter I —- cross my hand with a piece of Silver, that is to say, give me Three- pence, and for that considerable Sum I'll be Security for thee and bear the harmless for hereafter. In this short Dialogue you have the despicable State and Character of an Atheist. In the Conclusion, all the high swelling Words of this pretended defyer of Heaven, end in the meanest and basest Cowardice, which is inse- parable from Atheism ; for immagining himself to be in some Danger, he is made by the Poet to cry out. Oh! I am terrify'd, amaz'd; some Judgment for my Sins is fallen upon me; Have mercy on my Soul, & c. ' Conscience
Conscicnce, Consciencc, how shall I quiet thee? Being ask'd how he does, he replies. Oh very ill, Heaven knows! within a few Hours of a Grave; if you have any Charity procure me some Conscienious Godly Divine to unburden my self of my Iniquity to. This Sir, may serve to prove what I have said,' that Atheism and Lewdness are rather assum'd, than real among the Libertins of the Age ; tho' it is a Scandal to all Religion, as well as all Governments, that Men shou'd hold Virtue in Contempt, and e prov'd of an impious Character; when the practice of it sit's very uneasy upon many of those that profess it In giving this a Place in
your Paper you will oblige, a great many, and among the rest, Sir, Your constant Reader and Servant, & c Thursday last the Rt. Hon. the Ld. Chancellor came to Town. We hear the Welsh- Copper Company will open their Transfer Books on Monday next. We hear John Hedworth, Esq; the present Knight of the: Shire for the County of Durham is recover'd from a dangerous Indisposition, after he had been given over by his Physicians. Last Wednesday Morning Letters containing his Ma- jesty's Commands to the Commissioners of the Customs, and to the Governours of the Sea Ports, concerning the Quarentine, were sent from
the Secretary's Office ac Whitehall. ' Tis to be hoped thro' the extraordinary Ap- plication and Diligence of the Government, the advance of the Winter, the favourable Accounts of the Plague by the last Letters from France, and the Providence of the Almighty, that we have not so much to apprehend from that Distemper, as some timorous People may ima- gine, whose false and idle Reports have already had an effect upon Trade and Credit. Last Week died the Wife of the Reverend Mr. Thomp- son, who formerly Indicted her Husband at the Old- Bailey for a Rape, but was acquitted of the same, and their Marriage confirmed,
which had made a great noise in the World. On Tuesday last a Bill of Indictment being found at Guildhall against one Robinson a Porter, for stealing a Silver Spoon from the Mitre Tavern in Fleet street, and the Man being upon Recognizance for his appearance at the Old- Bayley, was so teazed and insulted by his bro- ther Porters in Fleet street, that on Wednesday the poor Fellow went home and hanged himself. Last Thursday the Grand Jury at the Sessions- House in the Old Baily, made a presentation of the Filth and Nastiness frequently retain'd in the several Markets; that the Streets and Passages ought to be kept clean
and well paved ; that proper Persons should inspect the Prisons, and all other precautions taken ar this juncture against the Infection, for which they receiv'd the hearty Thanks of the Court. The Lord Chief Justice Prat was pleased to declare his Resolutions of firmly adhering to any thing that might tend to promote so good a Work, and the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor said, he would likewise do whatever lay in his Power to the same purpose. The same Day five Butchers of Whitechappel were Indicted for leaving the Excrement, & c. of their Beasts in the Streets, to the great Nuisance of their Neighbours, and the danger of
infecting the Air, to which they plead- ed Guilty ; but discovering great Sorrow for their Offen- ces, and promising never to offend again in the like manner, the Court fined them only 40 each. We hear the Lady Margaret, Daughter of the Earl of Cadogan, died last Week at the Hague. Last Saturday the South Sea Company's Ship the Royal George sailed from Gravesend. They write from Edinburgh, that the Hon. John Wightman of Mansley, esq; was on the 3d Instant chosen Ld. provost of that City for the Year ensuing. The Lord Crew, late Bishop of Durham, hath ap- pointed by his Will the Rev. Dr. Dolben and Dr. Lup- ton
Prebendaries of that Cathedral, to be his Executors. The Rev. Dr. Mangey is married to Mrs. Sharpe' Daughter to the late Archbishop of York. The Lord Fairfax is made Cornet in the Marquis of Winchester's Regiment- Mr. Staynes is made Ensign in Colonel Fuller's Com- pany of the First Regiment of Guard; On Friday 7- night ( being two Days after he was cut for the Stone; died Mr. Joseph Levi, a rich Jewish Mer- chant, who supply'd prince Eugene with 30,000 1. when he was here in the late Queen Anne's Time. We hear the Account that the Plague was got into Poitou, is contradicted by the last Advices from France ; which
say likewise, that the Plague begins to lose its' Force in the infected Provinces, where more recover now than die of it. Last Night the Corpse of Sir Robert Child, Kt. was in- terr'd at Fulham. Last Monday a Woman with Child was run over by an Ox in Smithfield, and had her Skull fractur'd ; she was immediately carried to the Hospital, and dress'd, but died in about an Hour, without being able to speak, so that it is not yet known who she was. Mr. READ, Octoher 12. 1721. IN order to recommend the following Verses, I must cell you, that our Parish- Church is rebuilding, tho' you must excuse me telling you what Parish- Church ;
the chief Matter is, that we have three or four eminent High Churchmen, who, above all others, have been most backward toward giving any thing for repairing it; on which Occasion a merry Fellow of our Club. and a smart Wag at a Jest, has compos'd the following Lines, which you are desir'd to insert in your next Journal. TIS time to own the Church in real Danger, ( ger? When its best Friends neglect it,— Nothing stran. Such Contradiction in their Zeal is shewn. They cry out Danger loudly, when there's none ; But when the Church is really like to Fall, It never moves their Consciences at all : Well may they boast their Care, —
For this I'll say for't, They love the Church, Good Men, too well to pay for't. SIR, October 14, 1721. AMong other Things worthy Notice, I wonder no Remark has been made on an Epitaph publish'd in one or two of the News- Papers, which ends thus,—. But Nassau was the Son of God. Which to me instead of Wit, is downright Blasphemy ; notwithstanding the des- picable Shelter the Author may pretend to seek under the Umbrage or Notion of the Heathen Gods. I have heard it said, indeed, that such a one was the Son of a God, the. Jupiter Neptune, or so, which may pass in Poe- try ; by not pointing so directly at Him whose
Name is too Sacred to be brought into ridiculous Couplets : But here I find the Author chose rather to venture the Dis- pleasure of Heaven, than lose the Smoothness of his Verse, or the Reputation of so excellent a Piece of Bom- bast I am unacquainted with his Merit, but hope it will justly recommend him to some Dignity in the Realms of Grubstreet ; tho'l can assure you it deserves a higher ADVANCEMENT. I am, See. They write from Dartmouth, That on the 8th in the Afternoon sailed the French Vessel mentioned in our last, which came from Bayonne with Wool for Havre de Grace ; we cannot learn the Ship or Master's
Name, none having been on Board except two of the Pilot Boat, who went on Board her in the Range, the Frenchmen telling them they had a Bill of Health ; and two other Men belonging to the Pilot- Boat row'd in after the Ship to the Harbour, went on Board when she dropt Anchor, and took in two of the Frenchmen with another Anchor to moor her ; all which four Pilot- Men have been ever since confin'd to their Boat, and are still at a Mooring in the Middle of the Harbour, under a Guard of Officers in another Boat. The Ship was Leaky, and in want of Provisions. Last Week the Ld Godolphin's Horse won the King's Plate at
Newmarket. We
We are informed, that it appears by the Report made by the Gentlemen, sent down to Examine into the Ir- regularities complain'd of to have been committed at. Standgate- Creek and the Red Sand, in the Affair of burning the two Turkey Ships, that the same had no Foundation, and that there was no Fraud or Connivance in the Officers belonging to the Admiralty or Customs : That whilst Commissioner Littleton was himself setting Fire to one of the Ships at the Red Sand, several disor- derly People, who resorted thither, notwithstanding all the Care and Diligence of the Officers, who were fain to fire upon them, stole away some
part of the Rigging, and some loose things out of the Great Cabbin : It like- wise appears, that the Person who gave the Information and rais'd so great a Clamour, was one of those that committed these Delapidations, and was afterwards ta- ken up for it, when, and not before, he gave the said Information. One of the Custom- House Officers has seized in the River, an Ostend Trader with Brandy on Board, upon supposition that the is under the Burthen cf 30 Tun, which if true, Forfeits her by the late Act. Another Vessel is also under Arrest, for not being qua- lified according to the Act of Navigation. On Monday last Baron Sparr,
Envoy Extraordinary, and Minister Plenipotentiary from the King of Sweden, had a Private Audience of his Majesty at Kensington, to notify the Treaty of Peace concluded between his Master and the Czar of Muscovy ; to which he was Introduced by the Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Townshend, one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of state. They write from Genoa, Sept. 27. That an English Merchantman arrived there from Port Mahon, with Advice, that a British Man of War was come thither from London, having on Board the Crew of an Alge- rine Vessel, who had been cruising without Commission, and that they
were carrying them to Algiers, to be pu- nish'd according to their Deserts. Last Tuesday Francis Child, Esq; was chosen Alder- man of this City in the room of Sir Robert Child his Brother deceas'd. Wednesday there was another Council at Whitehal, pursu- ant to their last Adjournment, to take into farther C0n- sideration the proper Expedients to prevent catching, or spreading of the Infection ; and Councils are to be fre- quently held on that Subject, whilst we remain under any Danger of the Plague. Mr. Coleby, Agent Victualler at Dover, is appointed Clerk of the Cheoque at Portsmouth in the room of Mr. Lee deceas'd and Mr
Kirk Patrick, succeeds Mr. Cole- by as Agent Victualler at Dover. Mr. Lepper was likewise appointed Cooper of the Victualing office, in the room of Mr. Maxie. We hear that the Hurt Sir William Windham receiv'd, was by a Kick of his Horse as he was Hunting, but that his Life is not at all in Danger. Thursday Affidavits were deliver'd in at the Old- bai- ley, by Mr. Mill's his Appothecary and Surgeon, setting forth that he was in a very bad State of Health, and cou'd not be brought up to take his Tryal without en- dangering his Life ; and therefore he desired his Tryal might be put ofF till next Sessions: The allowing of which was
debated between the King's Council and Mr. Mist's; and again Yesterday Morning ; when the Court thought fit, the Affidavits being very positive, to defer his Tryal till next Sessions. Mr Wilkinson's Tryal is also suspended, the Evi- dence for the King being out of the Way. There being Advice from Hull, that a ship of Admi- ral Somersdyk's Squadron, that has the Plague on Board, has been hovering on the Coasts, the Government has sent strict Orders to prevent their coming on Shore. One Harris, an Exchange Broker, was taken last Thursday in Southwark 0n Suspicion of robbing the Bristol Mail. The Description given in the
publick Pa- pers of the Man and Horse, agreeing, occasion'd his be- ing secured ; and some of the Bills were found about him, and also Mask, & c. On Sunday next there will be two Charity Sermons preach'd at St James's Dukes Place, that in the Morning by the Reverend Mr. Smith, Lecturer of St. Katharine's Creed Church, and in the Afternoon by the Rev. Dr. Warren . Rector of St. Mary Stratford Bow. Last Tuesday there was a Board of Admiralty; at which the Earl of Berkeley was present, when the New Commission, by which Mr. Pulteney is admitted of that Board, was open'd. Christen'd Males 176. Females 162. In all 338
Buried Males 292. Females 268 In all 560. Increased in the Burials this Week 72, CASUALTIES. Drown'd 5. Three at St. Dunstan at Stepney ; one at St. John at Wappin, and one at St. Magnus by London- Bridge ( buried at St- Mary at Rotherhith.) Hang'd them, selves 2. one at St. Dunstan at Stepney, and one at St. Mary at Whitechappel ( buried at St. Dunstan at Step, ney.) Kill'd one at St- Martin Vintry by a Waterman's Hitcher, ( as reported in the Coroners Warrant,) One by a Fall from an House at St. Dunstan at Stepney, One by a Cart at St. Mary at Whitechappel, One by a Fall from a Ship at St Paul at Shadwel, and one
by a Fall at St. James in Westminfter. Overlaid i. ADVERTISEMENTS. LEft in Hackncy- Coach on Tuesday Night, being the tenth of October A Silver- Hilted Sword; the Coachman took the two Gentlemen up in Marrowbone Street, and set the one down in St. James's- Street, by the Dog and Duck, and the other at the Corner of Axe Yard in Kingstreet, Westminster : If the Coachman will bring or send it to Mr. Taylor, at the Corner of Axe- Yard, aforesaid, shall have a Guinea Reward, and no Questions ask'd. Just Publish'd, THE late dreadful plague IN FRANCE, compared with that terrible pLAGUE in LONDON, in the Year 1665.
In which died near a hun- dred Thousand Persons, Carts continually going about ' London Streets, to fetch away by Heaps the Dead Bodies; the Carmen having a Bell in their Hand, and crying out Bring out your Dead, Bring out your Dead : Together with the Method of Cure used to those who Recover'd in London ; not ONE having DIED that used it ; and RULES for its Prevention and Cure, Published for the Preservation and Benefit of all Persons who may at any Time be, where this terrible Infection may reach. And is proper to be kept in every Family to be ready at Hand in the Day or Tribulation and Affliction, and Time of
Need. The smiting Angel loaded with Vengeance stood, spreading his plagues. and pointing out their Road, Freight with the Wrath of an offended God By which whole Shoals of Lives together fled, Death with his Scythe cutting the fatal Thread, Crowds of pale Captives in his Triumph led. Dedicated to Dr. SLOANe This Book is given Gratis, Up one Pair of Stairs at the Sign of the Anodyne Necklace without Temple Bar; at Mr. Greg's Bookseller next to Northumberland- House at Charing Cross; and at Mrs. Garway's st the Royal- Exchange Gate which is next to Cornhill. Where is also given Gratis the Treatise on the Use of
TOBACCO, as to Smoaking, Chewing, and taking of Snuff: Also on Tea, Coffee, Chocolate, aad Drams. LoNDON: Printed and Sold by J. ReAD, in White- Friars, near Fleet- street.