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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 07/10/1721
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 6
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SATURDAY, OCTOBER. 7, 1721. GREAT BRITAIN. The Continuation of the History of ENGLAND. The SAXONS. EDWY the eldest Son of King Ed- mond was crowned at Kingston, and on the Day of his Co. ronation, as some Monks say, he, in sight of his Nobles, as they sat in Coun- cil, abused the Body of a great Lady his near Kinswoman, and not long after slew her Husband, that he might the more freely enjoy his in- cestuous Pleasure. A great Enemy he was to the Monks Order, expelling them from some of their Mo- nasteries, and placing married Priests in their Vacancies- Dunstan the Saint he expelled the Realm, either for his bold Reprehensions of him, or for detaining the Treasure his Uncle had committed to his Keeping, or both ; but the People having the Monks single Life in high Veneration, and conceiting Dunstan to be a very holy Man, they turned their AfFections from him, and sware their Fealty to Edgar ; for very Grief whereof he pined away and died, A. D- 959, and was buried in the Church of the New Abbey at Winchester. A. eDgar, sir named the Peaceable, was crowned 959. _ at Kingston by Otho, Archbishop of Can- terbury. To rid the Land of Wolves, which then were Very plenty, instead of the Tribute imposed on the Prince of Wales by King Athelstan, he appointed Luduall Prince of Wales, to pay yearly 300 Wolves. His Navy Royal, consisting of 3600 Ships, he employ'd in securing the coasts of Pirates and foreign Enemies, wherein himself would sail every Summer. And in the Win- ter he would circuit the Country, taking an Account of the Administration of his Laws, and a Demeanour of his great Men, especially his Judges, whom he would punish severely, if he found them to have been guilty of Bribery, or Partiality, insomuch that there was never less Robbery, Deceit or Oppression than in the Reign of this King. His State was so flourishing in peace and Prosperity, that it caused divers Kings to bind them- selves in League with him. Wars he had none in all his Reign, save a little towards the latter End thereof by the Welsh, whom he quickly curbed ; but that which darkned his Glory, was his Laciviousness. For he defloured a certain Nun called Wolschild, on whom he begat St. Edyth ; after her another named Ethelflede, on whom he begat his Son Edward- And after this, happening to hear a Western Duke's Daughter extolled for her Beauty, he came to her Father's House, com. manding her to his Bed. But her Mother, tender of her Honour, instead of her Virgin Daughter, brought her Servant Maid in the Dark to the King ; who well enough please him that Night ; tho' in the Morning when he understood the Deceit, he checked the Lady, yet entertained this Servant for his Concubine, keeping to her Bed alone, till he married his lawful Wife El- Price Three Halfpence. freda, Earl Ordgarus's Daughter.- The Fame of whose excelling Beauty coming to his Ear, he employed Earl Ethelwold, his Favourite, to go to visit her, and if he found her Beauty suiting, then to court and secure her for the King. But Ethelwold liked her so well when he saw her, that he courted her for himself, and at his Return to Court, pretending to the King that her Beauty was far short of what it was famed to be ; therefore be- sought the King in respect she was a great Heiress, that he would solicit her Father to bestow her upon him to Wife; which the credulous King did : But the Duke had not been long married with fair Elfreda, e'er a fresh Commendation of her Beauty sounded in the King's Ears : Whereupon he resolved to make his own Eyes the Wit- nesses, which accordingly he did ; and upon Sight of her Beauty, became so enamour'd of her, that taking Ethelwold at the Apvantage, as they were Hunting to. gether, he ran him through with his Javelin, then took Elfreda to be his Wife, who was very willing to embrace the Honour. Edgar, at the Instigation of Dunstan, now Archbishop of Canterbury, displaced the married Priests, and possess'd their Vacancies with Monks of single Life. To repress Drunkenness, which the Danes had brought in, » he ordained a Size, by certain Pins in the Pot, with a Penalty to any that presumed to drink deeper than the Mark. He died A- D. 97;. and was buried in the Ab- bey of Glastenbury, His Issue were Edward, Edmund, and Ethelred. Ordolph, the Son of Ordgate, Earl of Devonshire, in A. D. 961. built a famous Abbey at Tavistoke in De- von- Ethelwald, Bishop of Winchester, about A. D. 963, and in the Reign of King Edgar, in a great Famine, sold away all the sacred Vessels of his Church for to re. lieve the Poor, saying, That there was no Reason that the Senseless Temples of God should abound in Riches, and lively Temples of the Holy Ghost to want them. A. D- eDward, sir- named the Martyr, was much 975 opposed by his Mother in Law, Queen El- freda, and many of the Nobles, as being Illegitimate; but by the Procurement of Dunstan, and the Clergy, he was admitted to be King, and was crowned at Kingston in A. D- 975. The Beginning of whose Reign was at. tended with a miserable Barrenness of the Ground, and Murrain amongst Cattle. A dreadful Comet also ap- peared. These, many Men thought to be Signs and Judgments sent from Heaven, for the Sins committed against the married Clergy, who were expulsed from their ancient Professions. In favour of whom the Duke of Mercia destroyed the Monasteries in his Province, cast out the Monks, restoring to the Priests and their Wives their ancient Revenues- On the contrary, Duke Edelwin, in Eaft- Saxia, grievously oppressed the married Priests. To put an End therefore to these Troubles, and to prevent the Dangers that might ensue, the Case was referred to be heard in Council at Winchester; where the Business was debated so long, till the Monks were in Hazard of losing the Day. Whereupon it was perswaded to be referred to the Rood, placed where the Council sate ; which Oracle ( after devout Prayers made unto it) thus spake, God forbid it should be so, God forbid it should be so : you judged well once ; and to change that again is not good Upon which Words, the married Priests went down the Wind But they disclosing to the Peo- ple that this was but a Trick of the Monks, in placing a Man behind the Wall, who thro' a Trunk uttered these 14 K Words Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. C 2045 ) THE Weekly Journal; OR, British Gazetteer. C 29 Words in the Mouth of the Rood ; it was therefore in- stantly desired, that the Case might be once more scan- ned, which was granted ; and at Cleves in Wiltshire, the Prelates, Peers, and Commons assembled, where be- ing set in Consutation, the Chamber Fioor, being over- pressed with the Weight of People, broke and fell down, hurting many, and killing others ; only St. Dunstan, by a Miracle, remained without any Hurt, the Post where, on his Chair stood, standing still firm This is the Story. And now the secular married Priests were left to take Care without any Cure. But King Edward as he hunted near Corf- CastIe, where Elfreda and her Son Ethelred resided, either on Purpose, or by Chance, part- ed from his Company, and came to the Castle to visit his Brother in law ; where as he sate on Horseback at the Gate, discoursing with Elfreda and Ethelred, and whilst he was drinking a Cup of Wine, a Knife was struck into his Back, by a Servant whom Elfreda had ap- pointed thereunto. Whereupon the King setting Spurs to his Horse, rode away ; but fainting, thro' the Loss of much Blood, he fell from his horse, and with one Foot in the Stirrup, was dragged up and down the Woods and Grounds, till in the End his Body was left dead at Corf's Gate , and was first buried at Warham, afterwards removed to the Minster of Shaftesbury, El- freda, his Mother in- Law, sore repenting the Fact, to expiate her Guilt, and pacify his crying Blood as she ( thought Founded the Monasteries of Almsbury snd Worwell, in the last whereof she died and was buried. To be continu'd. The Continuation of the Tryal of Col. John Lilburne. Ld. Keble. What was then done nothing concerns US; perhaps he confess'd the Indictment ; if you will do so too, it alters the Case. L Col. Lilb. No, Sir, he was sav'd by the Skill and Honesty of Council Maynard, who ( there being two Facts, and but one Witness to the Proof of each) quash'd the Indictment, as contrary to the Statute of Edward VI. Ld. Keble. If Law a rise that you perceive not, the Court will help you as well as your Council. L. Col. Lilb. Sweet Sir, if you deny me ( being upon my Life) what the Law allows, the Lord deliver me from wanting such Counsellors Mr. Prideaux. My Lord, I desire the Court would proceed, as he has pleaded and confess'd something. L. Col. Lilb' Sir, you abuse me. I have done nei- ther; my Plea was conditional ; and you have broke your Promise ; so my innocent Blood be upon you. The Jury call'd. L. Col. Lilb. Sir, some of rhe Grand- Jury did not find me guilty of Treason, and think themselves wrong'd in what was said Yesterday by some of the Judges. Pray let them speak. Ld. Keble. Be silent and hear the Court, you can't be heard. L. Col, Lilb Then, Sir, before all this People, I make my Protest against your unjust and bloody Pro. ceedings. Ld. Keble. When your legal Time comes, you may talk till Midnight. L. Col. Lilb. ' Twill be too late then! [ Here Mr. Sprat, or Colonel Robert Lilburne, whis- per'd him to challenge one of the jury, and the Judge excepted against it ] L Col. Lilb. Sir, any By- stander may help the Priso- ner by the Law of England. Ld. Keble. It can't be granted. [ After the Prisoner had challeng'd two or three, the Jury were sworn and charg'd with the Prisoner.] Mr. Broughton John Lilburne hold up thy Hand L. col Lilb. As I did Yesterday. I am John Lil- burne Freeman, Ld. Keble. Read the Indictment- tHE Indictment set forth, ' That the said John Lilburne, late of London, Gent. as a false Tray- tor, not having the Fear of Good before his Eyes, & c. ' intending to disturb the Government then happily ' establish'd, without King or House of Lords, in the ' Way of a Commonwealth, and Free- State; and in. ' rending to disgrace the Commons of England, the Su- ' preme Authority of the Nation, and to bring them into *< 5 ; ' Hatred and Contempt with the good People of England 1 did on the first Day of October 1649., in the Parish of ' Mary the Arches, in the Ward of Cheap, London ' Malicioufly, Advisedly, and traitorously, by Writ- ing and Printing, and Publishing a certain traiterous ' Book, intitled a Salva Libertate; and by another ' traiterous Book, intitled An Impeachment of High ' Treason against Oliver Cromwell and his Son in ' Law Henry Ireton Esqrs; late Members of the late ' forcibly dissolv'd House of'Commons, presented to publick ' View by Lieut. Col. John Lilburne, close prisoner in the ' Tower of London, for his real true and zealous Affections ' to the Liberties of this Nation. And a third Book, inti- ' tied A Hue and Cry after Sir Arthur Haslerig. And by ' another traiterous Book, intitled An Out- cry of the ' young Men and Apprentices of London, or an Inquisition ' after the last Fundamental Lams and Liberties of England ' directed by way of Letter to the Soldiers in the Army ' especially to all those that sign'd The Solemn Engage- ' ment at New- Market Heath, the fifth of June. ' but more especially to the private Soldiers of the General's ' Regiment of Horse that help d to plunder and destroy the ' honest and true hearted English Men, traiterously defeated ' at Burford the 15th of May 1649 And also by another ' traiterous Book, intitled The Legal Fundamental Liberties ' of the People of England, revivd. asserted and vindicated: ' Did declare and publish that the Government afore- ' said was tyrannical, usurp'd, and unlawful ; and that ' the Commons assembl'd in Parliament were not the ' Supreme Authority of this Nation. [ Here the Words ' said to be treafonable in the said Libels are recited, but ' such of them as were insisted on at the Tryal, appear. ' ing hereafter in the Evidence, it is not necessary to in- ' sert them here ] And the Indictment further charges, 1 that the said John Lilburne ( not being an Officer, Sol- ' dier, or Member of the Army) Did also at the Time ' and Place aforesaid, traiterously endeavour to incite ' a Mutiny and Rebellion in the Army under General ' Fairfax; and particularly did endeavour to draw ' Thomas Lewis, John Skinner, and John Toppe, from ' their Obedience to their superior Officers ;' and did ' deliver unto the three aforesaid Soldiers the said Book, ' intitled An Out cry of the young Men and Apprentices of ' London [ containing such and such treasonable Ex- pressions. which see afterwards in the Evidence) which ' said Books did also contain divers others traiterous, ' malicious, and tumultuous Expressions ( not mention'd ' in the Indictment) and were written and publish'd to ' the Intent to stir up and raise Forces against the Go- ' vernment aforesaid, in the Way of a Commonwealth ' and Free- estate establish'd, and for the Suppression and ' Alteration of the said Government, and to stir up ' Mutiny in the Army aforesaid, & c. in manifest Con- ' tempt of the Laws of the said Commonwealth, and against the Form of the Statutes, 8cc. To be continu'd Being desir'd to Write on NOTHING; I thus Epy'd. IMust Write on Nothing, e'er yet in Print, A Subject new is e'er came out o'th' Mint ; And yet you'll find that there is Something in't, On Nothing I Think ; on Nothing I Write, ' Tis Nothing I court, nor Nothing I slight ; Nor care I Pin if I get Nothing by't. Fire, Earth, Air, and Water ; Beasts, Birds, Fish, and Men Did start out of Nothing ; ' twas a Chaos all then, And all Things shall turn to Nothing again- ' Tis Nothing sometimes, makes all Things to hit, As when Fools among Wise Men demurely sit, The Fool that says Nothing, does pass for a Wit. The Beau that Addresses his Mistress, that Thing, And fain to the Lure the Wanton would bring; What a Fuz does he make about her Nothing. At last when his Patience and Purse is betray'd, He then in the Bed of a Whore may be laid ; For She that has Nothing, can ne'er be a Maid. All slashing, and clashing, and flashing of Wit, Does start out of Nothing but Fancy, and Fit ; For ' tis little 0r Nothing, that e'er has been Writ. When to Fists and to Cuffs together Men fall, Then Something gets Nothing and Nothing gets all ; For from Nothing it came, and to Nothing it shall. The South Sea that trick'd all Europe in haste, And laid both our Fame and Credit all waste ; You see, my Good Friend, ' tis all Nothing at last. When c 2 G ( brawl, When High- Church and Low Church do wrangle and And each in his Turn does tumble and fall ; then Nothing gets Something, yet Nothing at all. The bravest Great Prince, tho' never so stout, And like Alexander, gives the World a full Rout; As he Nothing brought in, so he Nothing shall out. The Nimble- Tongu'd Lawyer, that pleads for his Pay, When Death shall Arrest him, and bear him away ; At the General Bar will have Nothing to say. If any Man tax me for weakness of Wit, And shou'd say, that on Nothing. I Nothing have writ ; My Answer is this, Ex nihilo, nil fit. But let this free Censure be never so tall This very Word Nothing shall give it a Fall ; For writing of Nothing, I comprehend All. Let every Man then give the Poet his Due, ' Cause it is now with me, as it may be with you ; I writ this essay when I had Nothing to do. This very Word Nothing, if took the right Way, Will still be of Use, when we call, and hear say. You're welcome, kind sirs, There's Nothing to Pay. Preamble to the Patent of the Lord Besborrow of Bes- borrow in the County of Kilkenny, in the Kingdom of Ireland WHEREAS antientness of Extraction, Valour, unshaken Loyalty, and personal Qualifications, do justly claim favour and esteem of Good and Equta ble Princes; and we having with pleasure observed that Our Trusty and Well- beloved Subject William Pon- sonby, Esq; is deservedly recommended to us by all these Titles , being descended from Noble Ancestors of Picardy in France, who at the Norman Invasion came into Great- Britain, and established themselves in the County of Cumberland, whence his Father removed about eighty Years ago into the Kingdom of Ireland, during the distressed Condition of the Protestant Inte- rest there, occasioned by the Popish Rebellion and their Cruel Massacres. In the suppressing of which, his va- larous Actions did not only gain him the Preferment of a Colonel, and the Honour of Knighthood ; But his other personal Qualifications rendred him worthy the Alliance of many Peers of that Realm. Nor are the Qualities of the present Son less eminent than those of his Father : With the same good Dispositions has he from his tenderest Youth rose up an Assertor of the Li- berties and Legal Government of his Native Country; signalized himself early, and for many Years in the Ar- my, particularly in the resolute Defence of Londonderry, when the Common Cause was at the last Gasp : Having attended that whole War, and been raised to the Rank of a Colonel, he afterwards served constantly in Parliament, strenuously asserting there not only the Publick Good, and the established Religion, but likewise our Succession, to the Crown against all the wicked Attempts made to obstruct it ; which laudable Example, six of his Sons and Grandsons at once, virtuously imitated in the same Senate. Now that so many good and eminent Services may not remain unreguarded, and that others may be encouraged to gain the Rewards due to Merit, we have resolved to raise the said Person who has so well deserved of us, and the Commonwealth, to the Dignity of a Peer. Know ye therefore!_ 8£ i*. -—-— —— — we hear that The Lord Bishop of Hereford is to hold the Rectory of Stretham in Commendam. Letters from Gibraltar of September I bring Advice, that the English Men of War were come in there from Tetuan, and were return'd thither again with 1500 Bar- rels of Powder, and i; oo Quintals of Brimstone, being ' he remaining Part of the Ransom stipulated ; upon the Receipt of which, the Bashaw of that Place had promis'd, that the Captives shiuld imbark. and it was concluded they were by that time on Board. We are told, for a Certainty, that several of the late South Sea Directors, viz. Mr Delaport, Eyles, Tillard Gore, Astell, Ingram, Motley, Sawbridge, Raymond, Edmundson, Sir Jacob Jacobsen, and Surman, have se- verally taken the Oaths directed by the Act to be taken at the Time of their delivering in their respective In- ventories; and all the other Directors are ready to take the same at the next Meeting of the Trustees. We hear a certain foreign Minister here has made such Instances on behalf of five Men convicted at Wexford in Ireland, for inlisting Men for the Pretender, which 47 .) ' tis alleg'd, were for the King of Spain, that an Order is sent to Reprieve them. On the 17th of this Instant will be paid at the South- Sea House the Dividend of ; per Cent, due at Christmas last on the Stock given for the several Money Subscrip- tions that have been claimed to the 15th of July last. And the Dividend Warrants of 41, per Cent, due at Midsummer last: on the Stock in general, as it then stood, With the Additions made by parliament thereto, will be delivered out on Tuesday the 31st of this In- stant. Last Week there was Advice from Kingston in Ja- maica, that on the late Anniversary of the Birth day of King George, and the restoration of King Charles 11. Colonel Gale splendidly treated the Principal Inha- bitants, and the Military Officers ; and an Ox roasted whole was given to the Soldiers ; they had afterwards Part of, four Beefs more roasted after the modern Way, and as much other Victuals as would have sufficed for thrice their Number, with Plenty of Liquors to drink his Majesty's and other Loyal Healths. Micaiah Perry, Esq; the greatest Virginia Merchant in this City, departed this Life on Sunday Morning last at his house in Leadenhall street. Col. Du Bourgay, Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica, hath been laid up with the Gout a Considerable Time, which has hitherto prevented his setting out for that Island. Last Week Mr. James Eaton; a young Student riding through Barlow, on the Road to Cambridge, his Horse threw him, and tumbling over his Body, bruis'd him so, that he died in a few Hours after. Last Sunday four Bailiffs who liv'd at Wapping, with one of their Wives, went down in a Pleasure boat to Gravesend, when a hard Gale of Wind springing up, and they not knowing how to Hand their SailS the over set, and they were all Drown'd. Last Sunday Dr. Green, the present Bishop of Nor- wich elect, Preach'd an excellent Sermon at the Opening of the New Chappel in Long- Acre. Last Week a new east India Ship was Launch'd at Limehouse, and nam'd the Eyles. Some Letters from Portsmouth say, that eight or ten of the Inferior Officers of the, Customs, have been suspended, upon Information of having receiv d Goods to their own Use our of the Ships performing Quaren- tine. Letters from Hamburgh say, that upon Advice from France that the Plague encreases there, the Magisrtrates have resolv'd to forbid any French Ships from coming in there, but the French Resident opposes it. Monday the Ld Herbert was presented to the first Troop of Guards, drawn up in Hyde Park, by the Rt. Hon. the Lord Newburgh. General of the Horse Guards. We hear, the Plague has been' carried by a French Ship from Marseilles to Cusco in Peru, and from thence spread to several other Places there. • '.,' Letters from Copenhagen say, that an Inhabitant there, propofing to shew his Strength had an Anvif laid on his Stomach, and a Bar of Iron broke upon it with a Hammer; but his Back- Bone crack'd in the Experiment, and his Breast was was so bruis'd, that he died misera- bly. To the Author of the British- Gazetteer.. SIR, October, 3d. 1721..' YO U are desir'd to give the following Piece a Place in your Paper, and excuse the Length of it. If I may obtain this Favour, you will very much oblige a Youth, who in just Admiration of your steddy Loyal- ty, is, with all Respect, Sir, Your humble Servant, HOnesty js prais'd, and starves, says Juvenal: Which is a Truth that has been always attested, and in- deed so flagrant a one it is, and ever was, that it cou'd never be denied in any Age. Examples thereof have been wanting at no Times; but at once, never cer- tainly were there such Numbers justled together. Justice and Honesty are inseparable. Piety and Virtue are their followers, and they shou'd be the Badges of every Man's Character. They are the most stable Sup- ports of all humane Society as well as the surest Means in being, to make every private Person lead, both a happy and contended Life. A Man therefore that's Honest and Upright in all his Dealings, who forms within himself such Ideas, which are as just and solid as they are Genuine and Impartial, and acts accordingly, may very reasonably be accounted such, from a well grounded Principle of Obedience and Honour. Thrice happy is that Man, whose good For- tune leads him to the Enjoyment of those inestimable Qualifications and Endowments, which are the brightest Emblems, of a perfect State of Innocency. But although I dare not deny, that there are such ex- emplary Men still residing among Mortals ; yet so great is the scarcity of such Men, that I presume, except somewhat more than a slight Examination be made, it will seem to be so. For at present ' tis become an Art to trick and delude upon specious Pretences, and they who follow not the current of this Fashion, are imme- diately branded by Way of ridicule, with the Titles of Harmless and Innocent Fellows. However certain it is, that the Words Honesty and Justice make a great Noise in the World, and the Mischief is, that none are more busy in the spreading of it, than they who have the least Pretensions to those honorary Names- Genus hominum ad justitiam & honesta- tem natum est, according to the saying of Cicero i. e- Man- kind is born for Honesty and Justice, and if so, it must be allowed that a very considerable Part have perverted two of the most essential Ends of their coming into the World. Fraud and Deceit in the vulgar way of Trading are nigh to become Popular, the Seller by overrating the just value of his Merchandize, is no less than an Extor- tioner, and the Buyer on the contrary by undervaluing the known worth of any Thing, may be nam'd a cour- teous Cheat. The truth of this is manifest from daily Experiences, and notwithstanding, there's no one of either Denomination, but wou'd think himself to be very much Scandalized and Affronted, if he were ac- counted such- This Doctrine, Worthy Sir, leads me into a Plain as Spacious, as the World is large ; Surrounded with as great a Diversity as there are numbers of Objects. And therefore I suppose no judicious Persons, even such as I esteem your Readers to be, will expect to see them con- fin'd within the narrow limits of one single Letter- And besides, the useful Consequences that may be drawn as well from the Doctrine it self, as from what is the reverse of that Doctrine, would be thereby obscur'd and darkned, rather than made obvious and intelligible. In this then I shail only take notice of that ourside ap- pearance of Honesty and Justice, with which too many now a Days cover themselves as with a Mantle, the better to conceal their knavish and sly Purposes. The famous Moliere has given a lively Description of that, particular in his Comedy call'd Le Festin de Pierre Where he causes De Juan in the second Scene of the Vth Act, to use these Words. ' Hypocrisy is a Vice in Fashion and all Vices in Fashion ' go for so many Vertues; the part of an honest Man ' is one of the best Personages that can be play'd at ' present, the Profession of a Hypocrite has certain ex- ' traordinary Advantages, ' its an Art whose Imposture ' is always respected, and though it should be discover'd, ' no one wou'd dare to speak against it; all the other Vices of Men are expos'd to Censure, but Hypocrisy is a privileged Vice that stops the Mouth of every Gainsayer, and enjoys at ease a Sovereign Impunity. With continual Grimaces an entire Friendship is made ' with a whole party or set of Men, he who Affronts one, makes all the others his Enemies, and those who ' are known to act sincerely, and whom every one Ac- counts to be truly senfible, even those I say are always ' led aside by the others, they loudly approve of the " Hypocrite's treachery, and blindly maintain the Ex- ' travagancy of their Actions- How many think you ' do I know, who with this Stratagem have new Mo- ' delled very dexterously the Disorders of their Youth, ' who with the Clokes of Religion have made themselves ' a Shield, and under that respected Garb have the Per- ' mission of being the Wickedest Men in the World. ' O how goodly is it to understand their Intrigues, and ' know them for what they are. Nevertheless they fail ' not of having Credit amongst the People, and a little ' shaking of the Head, a mortified Sigh, and a cast or ' two with their Eyes, makes amends for all the Evil ' they may have done. It is under this favourable Shel- ter that I will saVe my self and secure my Affairs •• I shall not cast off my gentle Correspondence because of this, but will take care to conceal and divert my self with little Noise, that if I happen to be discover'd, I may behold in Silence the whole Cabal, taking care of my Interests, and thereby I shall be defended to. wards and against everyone. ' Finally, this is the true Method of doing impunely what I shall list. I'll set my self up for a Censor of other Mens Actions, I'll judge Evil of all the World, and shall have a good Opinion of none but my self When once I shall have been affronted in the least, I will tacitly keep an irreconcilable hatred, and never forgive. I'll become the Avenger of Heaven's Rights, and on that commodious Pretext, will I attack my Enemies. I will accuse them of Impiety, and shall know the Way to let loose against them, those who without any Sence of the Cause, may through an in- discreet Zeal, cry out against them in Publick : who will load them with Injuries, and highly condemn them from their own private Authority. ' Tis in this manner one must take Advantage of the feebleness of Men, and a Wit accommodates himself to the Defects of the Age he lives in. I am Sir,. Your humble Servant, Delmester. Last Monday there was a general Court of the York. Buildings Company at Salters- Hall, when the Earl of Westmoreland in a Speech signified, the Reasons why a Dividend would not be declared, pursuant to a promise at a former General Court, but doubted not that the Gentlemen whom the Company should elect to manage their Affairs for the Year ensuing, would in a few Weeks, be able to do it. A Letter from Mr. Case Bil- lingsley desiring to be excused from being elected one of the Committee, on account of his being engaged in other Affairs of great Importance, being read, the Election was declared upon a Ballot for Governour, the Right Honourable Thomas Earl of Westmoreland. Assistants, the Honourable John Cockburne, Esq; the Honourable Robert Baillis, Esq; Richard West, Esq; Martin Harvey, Esq; John Ellington, Esq;. Of the Committe, the Hon. Col. Hen. Cornwall, esq; Christian Cole, Esq; Hen Cairnes, Esq; Mr. John Fur- ley, Mr Abraham Hankell, Will. Jones, Esq; Mr. John Mereweather, Rob. Man, Esq; Will. Pointz, Esq; Mr- William Snell, Rob. Welsted, M. D. Mr. Joel Watson. ~ t We are well inform'd of the following strange Ac- count from Wimple in Cambridgeshire, viz. That the Lord Harley having order'd a Visto from his fine House there, to the North Road, of abont three Miles in Length, with a Bason in the Middle, the Workmen, ss they were digging the Ground for this latter, dug up the Bones of fourteen Humane Corpses, most of them having large Nails drove through their Sculls, which makes it justly suspected that the Persons were murther'd in a House in the Neighbourhood, formerly known by the Name of the New Inn, which is now a Farm- House. ' On Saturday September 23, the Paper- Mills call'd Perry Mills, in Northamptonshire, were burnt down. We hear the Lord Belhaven is again indisposed. which retards his Voyage to Barbadoes. The Books for transferring Bank Annuities and Per Cent. Annuities open the 17th Instant, and those for the Lottery Annuities on the 23d. The Transfer Books of the Million Bank open the 24th Instant, and they will pay the Dividend of 3 Pet Cent, due at Michaelmas on the 3 rft. Mr. Andrew Wyat, Coast- Waiter at Erith, is lately deceas'd. Friday 7- Night Robert Thornhill, Esq; only Son of Sir Robert Thornhill, was married to the Daughter of Mr. Smith, a Sugar- Baker at Battersea, a Fortune of about 10000 1. We hear, his Grace the Duke of Kent has taken Pos- session of the ancient Seat of Stene, in the County of Northampton, devolv'd to him in right of his Dutch- ess, on the Death of her Uncle the late Bishop of Dur- ham, and Lord Crew. Some time ago two Ships were order'd to be built at Limehouse by an order from France, and it was given out that they were for the Service of the Missisippi Com- pany ; one of these Ships was Launch'd last Tuesday- ir - They ( J They are each of 100o Tun, and 7o Guns, and are an- swerabfe to the Dimensions of a 3d Rate Also of War; and ' tis said some French Officers are Come over to Con- duct them to Brest, as soon as they are Rigg'd at Dept- ford, where they now Lye, with the said Officers and some Seamen 0n Board- Wednesday the Gentlemen appointed to Examine into the Complaints made concerning the Irregularities com- mitted at Standgare, and the Red- Land, for executing his Majesty's Order in Council for burning the two Turkey Ships, were expected in Town to make their Report. The Officers suspended at Portsmouth, for receiving Goods from on board some Ships under Quarentine, were only extraordinary Tidesmen. We hear the Rt Hon. the Lord Mayor has issued his Orders to the Constables of Cornhill Ward, to prevent Stockjobbing on a Sunday, chiefly carried on by the Jews, especially the buying and selling of Lottery Tickets. Letters from Newport- Pagnel, in the County of Bucks, say, That on the Death of Sir David Hamilton, the fa- mous Doctor Waller, of Newport aforesaid, set out from thence on Monday the 4th Instant, having the Ho- nour of waiting on the Lady of the Hon the Ld. Car- teret, principal Secretary of State ; the said Doctor be. ing the greatest Artist living in that Way. Last Tuesday a young Lad being in great danger of drowning in the Long Reach by falling out of a Boat, his Father attempted to save him, and thereby they perished both together; the Man's Wife and his own Mother were Spectators of this Tragical Scene from the side of a Ship The same Day a Woman with her Nurse Child passing at the end of Dog row at Mile- end, was unfortunatly run over by a Cart and killed, but the Child which she had in her Arms was most miraculously preserved from hurt. Letters from Copenhagen say, That the English Com- missary has receiv'd Orders from Admiral Norris to pro- vide Refreshments for the British Fleet, which is shortly expectcd in that Road. Letters from Gibraltar of the 8th of September say, that 300 English Slaves whom the Emperour of Moroc- co has set at Liberty, in pursuance of the late Treaty with the King of Great Britain, are come to Tetuan in order to be transported to Gibraltar, and from thence to England ; but the British Embassadour, Capt. Stewart, is still at Mequinez, to regulate some Matters that still remain unsettled. The Treasurer of the Navy has received a considerable Sum of Money towards paying off the Baltick Squadron as soon as they arrive; and like wise Money to pay off the following Ships, viz. Pheonix, at Deptford. Newcastle, at Woolwich; Falmouth, at Portsmouth. Windsor, at Ditto. St. Albans, at Plymouth; Hampshire, at Woolwich. They write from Brussels, that the Marquess de Prie has not yet, by Reason of his Indisposition, given Au- dience to any one. On the 7th in the Evening the Bri- tilh Minister, the Lord Whitworth, return'd hither from Aix la Chapelle, and had a Conference with Prince Ku- rakin, Minister of the Czar. On Tuesday in the Afternoon happened a Fire at the Castle- Inn in the Hay- Market, which consumed part of the House where it begun, a Nurse with two Children being up two pair of stairs, was for throwing them out of the Window, but the People below with much ado pErswaded her to the contrary. telling her there was no danger; however she being in a desperate Fright leapt out of the Window, which the People having notice of broke the Fall, by catching her so that she got no hurt. They Write from Kinsale of the of last Month, that a French Sloop belonging to the Mississippi Com- pany was founder'd 10 Leagues off that Place, and that a Boat had brought in thither 44' of the Men, but what with hard working and want of Provisions most of them fell down as if they were dead, and ' twas concluded that they dy'd of the Plague ; upon hearing of which at Cork they shut up their Gate.; but the Governour of Kinsale enquiring more particularly into the Matter, gave them proper Sustenance. by which Means about one half of them recover'd, and Were sent to Fort Lewis. Mr. READ, stepney Oct 4th, 1721 YOU having at all Times express'd your Loyalty to the Government, I am sensible it would be highly serviceable to his Majesty's Kingdoms in gene- ral, and to this Nation in particular, if at this Time you put the Friends and Well. wishers to the Govern- ment in Mind to consider of our eminent Danger of the Plague, which still spread in a neighbouring Nation,) for them to interceed with his Majesty to command another Day of Fasting and Humiliation throughout his Dominions of Great- Britain and Ireland. for to avert his Judgments from us : And as God hath hitherto cOn- trary to our Deserts spared us, the Justice of fitting one Day apart, or if it were one Day in a Month, Would be but a small Part cf the Sence we should have of a Divine protection, which hath preserv'd us so long, I admire our Reverend Bishops, ( especially those of his Majesty's Council ) should not propose to his Majesty for another Day to be set apart long e'er this Time. I ex- pect to see something of this Nature in this Weeks Jour- nal, or else you must expect to hear from me again In so doing you will oblige your constant Reader. 7.. V. On Wednesday the 18th Instant will begin to be paid at the Pay Office in Broadstreet, to all such who shall make due Claims for the same, the Money due to the Quarters of Sick and Hurt Seamen in His Majesty's Navy, between the 1st of 0ctober 1719, and the 30th of September 1720, for the following places ; Rochester, Deal, Gosport, Plymouth, London , Woolwith, Gi- braltar, and Kinsale. Last Thursday there was a full Board of Admiralty,, upon some Affairs which concern the Quarentine, and the Report about the two Turkey Ships lately burnt. His Majesty's Ship the Hampshire, is return'd to Portsmouth from her Cruise, without having met with any Intelligence of the Pirate she went in quest of: She is Order'd up to Woolwich to be paid off. Thursday the Lustring Company sold a great Quan- tity of Lustrings and Alamodes, at their House in Threadneedle- Street. Wednesday the East- India Company disposed of also, by Sale, a good Quantity of their Bengalls, Silks, and other Goods, which was continued Thursday and Ye. sterday. Between One and Two a Clock on Sunday Morning last, a sudden and dreadful Fire broke out at the house call'd New York, the Seat of the Rt. Hon the Earl of Rochester, at Petersam, near Richmond; which is said to have begun by the Airing of some Liinen in the Nursery for the Countess of Essex, his Lordships Daugh- ter, who was near her Time, and had the Midwife, her Deputy, and Nurfe attending in the Houf;, either by some Sparks flying out of the Wood- Fire, or by a Can- dle left carelessly in the Room ; but which of these, cannot certainly be known; for before the Servant re- turn'd to the Room, it was all in a Flame, and had burn a gcod while, and it was a meer Accident that sav'd the Lives of the whole Family ; for the earl of Essex being awake, and hearing a crackling Noise. which was no other than that of burning the Wainscot, ima- gin'd that Thieves were breaking into the House. and therefore got out of Bed, took his Sword in his Hand' and resolved to go see, without frightening his Lady but she being awake, begg'd of him not to endanger himself, but rather call some of the Servants ; so ring- ing a Bell they had in the Chamber, a Maid Servant soon after came into the Room, crying out Fire ; at which the Lord and Lady Essex immediately got up, and the whole Family was soon allarm'd ; the Earl, and Countess of Rochester, and Lord Hyde, got out of the House, without any Danger, as to their Persons. As the Fire began up two Pair of Stairs, all those who lay below, had sufficient Time to save themselves , but those above cou'd not possibly get down ; the Mid. wife, her Deputy, and two or three more, look'd out at the Window, and cry'd for Help ; but was told, There was no Means left for them ; but to throw themselves out of the Window; which the Midwife did, saying. Come then, And I will shew you all your Graves ; and so threw herself out, but in the Fall broke her Skull, and died soon after ; her Deputy also broke her Legg and her Thigh, and her Life is dispair'd of, if not already already Dead ; the Chambermaid fell so, as that she only sprain'd her Foot; and the Page had the same good Fortune; Lady Charlotte Hyde, his Lordship's youngest Daughcer, had the Presence of Mind to let herself down, by tying the Sheeets to the Window. Bars, or Port, and a Servant standing underneath, when she cou'd come no lower, bid her Jump, and he wou'd catch her in his Arms; which he did ; and tho' the Weight of her Fall beat him down on his Back, he got nO Harm ; and the Young Lady only hurt one of her Feet. In the Hurry and Fright, a Casket of Jewels, and in the Casket some Bank- Bills, was thrown out of the Window, but the Fall dashing open the Lid, the Bank- Bills were blown away, but were all afterwards found, amounting to between two and three Thousand Pounds; as was also afterwards the Casket of Jewels. Another very rich Box, or Casket, was given to some- body in the Hurry, and cou'd not be heard of till the next Day, that a Countryman it was given to, came honesty, and brought it. Some few ot the Pictures, with a small Part of the Furniture, were saved ; but the Loss his Lordship has sustain'd, cannot be computed at less than between 40 and 50ooo 1 ; which yet is not the word, in that the greatest Part of the Loss is irre- parable, by the burning of his Writings, ail the fine Family- Pictures. and others, and the Library, among which were the Books of the Ld. Chancellor Clarendon, his Lordship's Grandfather. After this unfortunate Fire, the Earl and Countess of Rochefter removed to the House of Mr Serjeant Darnell ; the Lord and Lady Essex to the Ld. Carleton's ; and others of the Family, to other Houses. About Nine on Monday Morning the Lady Essex was brought to Bed of a Daughter, being Laid by Dr. Manningham, Son of the Bishop of Chi- chester. On Sunday Night their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess, sent one of their Bed- Chamber with Compliments of Condolance to the Lord and Lady Rochester, on this sad Misfortune. At a Committee of the Welch Copper Miners, it has been resolv'd to Register all Contracts foe Shares of Stock in the said Company, which shall be unperformed or un. adjusted before the 31st Instant, Pursuant to Act of Par- liament, for which purpose Books are opened at their Office in Finch Lane, on the said 31st Instant- We hear the Duke of Richmond their Governour, has order'd an Address of Thanks to be drawn up, and presented to his Majesty for his kindness towards the said Company, » a giving Orders to withdraw the Proceedings against them, by the Attorney General. Yesterday died Sir Robert Child, Kt. one of the Alder- men of this City, after a pretty long Indisposition, Besides the Proclamation ordered in the General Coun. cil, on Monday, the following Regulations to be ob- serv'd with Regard to Passengers and Goods bound from the Ports of London and Dover, for Calais, transmitted By the proper Officer of that Place, to the Agent of the Packet Boats at Dover, and by him to His Majesty's Post- Master General, were by His Majesty's Command, order'd to be made publick, for the necessary Informa- tion of all His Majesty's Subjects whom it may in any wise concern. Copy of the Regulations to be observed about the Contagion. Article V. The Captain of the Key shall give Notice to all Packet- Boats and Transport Ships which go and return from Dover and London to this Port, and to the Wherries, not to give Passage to any Person, of what Quality or Condition soever, not even to Courtiers, un. less they they bring with them Bills of Health, sign'd by the Officers of the Towns from whence they come ; and in case the Matters of the Packet Boats, Transport- Ships, or Wherries, do bring Persons who are not sur- nished with Certificates of Health, the Town Guard shall not suffer the Persons or any Goods to be Landed, but shall force them to return back, upon the Penalties mentioned in the foregoing Article ; which are, The Persons to be shot, and the Goods and Cargoes to be burnt ; the Town Boats shall also be forbidden to bring them on Shore, unless they shall first have produc'd their Bills of Health to the Town Guard. Article VI As the Herring Fishing brings into this Port great Numbers of Fishing Boats to fish there, the Master of the Key is to give Notice from Week to Week, that none oF them may pretend Ignorance, that they are forbidden, upon Pain of Death, to give pas- sage to, or to take in at Sea, or on Shore, any person upon any Pretence whatsoever, or to go on Board any Ships coming from suspected Places. Done and establish'd at the Town- House of Calais' the 29th of Sept. 1721 Sign'd, The President de Thosse Clou Mahieu, P. Guillebert, F. le Mahieu, and Jean Provost, Eschevines. L. Laide, Master of the Key On Wednesday last was publish'd His Majesty's Pro- clamation, setting forth ; That not only several Places in the Southern Parts of France continue Infected, but that the Plague has extended it self further within that Kingdom, to prevent it's being Communicated into His Majesty's Dominions, no Ship or Pacquet Boat after the 14th Day of this Instant, shall bring any Goods or Pas- sengers from any Part of France whatever, without due Certificates of Health, which shall be observ'd in as full and ample Manner, as tho the same had been contain'd in His Majesty's Order or Proclamation of the yth of February last, and in case any Masters of Ships or Packet Boats shall be guilty of Default herein, fuch Packet Boat, Ship or Vessel, and all Persons Goods and Mer- chandizes, or any Persons, Sh'ps or Vessels, which shall receive any Goods or Persons from on board the same, shall be liable to all the Penalties and Inflictions nam'd in his Majesty's former Proclamation. Pursuant the Proclamation, orders were sent to Dover Portsmouth, Plymouth, and the other Sea- Ports; re.' quiring the Officers of the Customs, in the most strict manner, to seize all Goods, and Persons attempting to Land without due Certificates of Health ; as also to the Governours of those Ports, to use their utmost Endea- vor executing what is contained therein. Christne d Males 165- Females 172. In all 337. Buried Males 236- Females 252. In all 4S8. Decreased in the Burials this Week 40. Bruised 1. Drown'd 3. One at St- Saviour in South- wark. One at St. Dustan at Stepney, and one in a Well at St. Margaret in Westminster. Excessive Drinking 1, Overlaid 1 Smother'd in a Boghouse at St. George's ij Southwark 1. Yesterday Bank Stock was 126. India 139. S. Sea 126 London Assurance 8. Royal Exchange Assurance 7, African 26. An Account of what Prizes has been drawn, on Mon. day the I< 1Day of Drawing the Lottery. 64296 20 I. as first drawn.) ; col. LoNdON: Printed and Sold by J. ReAD, in White- Friars, near Fleet- street. Hague, Oct- 11. LEtters from Petersburgh dated September 19 add the following Particulars of the Peace, not yet mention'd The Czar renders to Sweden all Finland except Wyburgh, and a Districht of three Leagues along the Coast of Sweden, and of seven Leagues on the sea Coasts. During the Life of the King and Queen of Sweden, he shall not coutenance any Person to aspire at the Succession of he Kingdom, and his Czarish Ma- jesty promises with all his Forces to oppose any one, that shall attempt it. The King of Sweden has stipulated that the King of Great- Britain shall be compriz'd in this Treaty, and the Czar has stipulated the same for the King and Republick of Poland, and Electorate of Saxony. The Czar desired the Duke of Mecklemburgh might be included, but desisted from it: The Czar permits Sweden to draw every Year 50000 Crowns worth of Corn of Livonia.
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