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The Weekly Courant Containing a Faithful Account of All Publick Transactions both Foreign and Domestick together with Remarks on Trade


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The Weekly Courant Containing a Faithful Account of All Publick Transactions both Foreign and Domestick together with Remarks on Trade
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The Weekly Courant Containing a Faithful Account of All Publick Transactions both Foreign and Domestick together with Remarks on Trade

Date of Article: 14/09/1721
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Weekly Courant Containing a Faithful ACCOUNT of All Publick Transaction both FOREIGN and DOMESTICK. TOGETHER WITH Remarks on TRADE. Thursday Sept. 14. 1721 Vol. X. numb, 5. , To be continued WEEKLY. NOTTINGHAM: Printed and Sold by ANNE AYSCOUGH in Bridlesmithgate, and by Mr. Martin Bookseller in Leicester, Mr. Canterell and Mr. Atlestree Booksellers in Derby, Mr. Hoyle brassfounder in York —— Mr. Carlton in Gainsborough, Mr. Dixon in Mansfield, D. Watson in Ashby- de- la- Zouch, Mr. Farnsworth in Newark Mr. Bradley in Chesterfield, Mrs. Taylor in Doncaster. Mr. Barber in Wakes field, Mr. Swale in Leeds, and at his Shop in Wakefield, Mr. Austin in Rip pan, and at his Shop in Richmond, Mr. Dyson in Hallifax, Rich. tatter - shall in Ashbourn, Wm. Green in Sheffield, Barnsley and Rotherham, Mr. Bartlet and Mr Greenwood in Bradford, Mr Ryles Bookseller in Hull, Mr. Hostead in Melton, Fr. Woodhouje in Redford, and Mr. Bloom in Pontefract. At all which Places Advertisements are taken in at two Shillings each. Theophilis i t: A Catalogue of BOOKS publish'd at london since our last. V I. EcClesiastical Memorials relating to the Reformation of Religion, and the Church of England, under the Reign of King Henry VIII, King Edward VI, and Queen Mary I. being all new, and such as have hitherto escaped our Writers and Historians By John Strype. M. A. in three Vol. in Folio. With a large Appendex to each Vol containing original Paper . II. The English Apiary ; or, the complete Bee Master ; unfolding the Whole Art and Mistery of the Management of Bees. II. Tully'S two Es- says, of Old Age, and of Friendship, with his Stoical Paradoxes and Scipio's Dream, render'd into English by S. Parker, of Oxon. Gent. III The Ecclesiastical Histories of Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen and Theodo- ret, translated and Abridg'd from their Originals, by the same Author. ABortive ' Aged Apoplexy — Cancer Childbed — Chrisoms London Bill, of Mortality, from Aug. 11, to Aug 19, 1721. Consumption Convulsions - Colick Dropsie Fever Gangreen Gout Griping in the Guts Horshoehead Jaundies — Imposthume — Infants -— Measles - —- Mortification- Plurisie Rheumatism Rickets Stilborn Sore Throat Stopage in Suddenly Teeth —— Thrush Tissick Rising of the Lights Small- Pox Twist o'th' Guts Vomiting ' Water i'th' Head Worms CASUALTIES. Drowned 3. One in the River of Thames at St. John at Wappin, One in a Ditch at St. Dunstan at Stepney ( buried at St. Paul at Shadwel; and One in the River of Thames at St. Margaret in Westminster. Murder'd at St. Leonard in Shoreditch r. Overlaid i. Christened • Buried 318 447 Increased in the burials this Week 17. Yesterday the Prices of the following Commodities at Bear Key wete Wheat 22 s. to 25s, psr Quarter \ Beans 15 s. to 22 s. Rye 17 s. to 201. 1 Pease 25s to 30s Barley Malt 17 s. to 24s. 17 s to 24 s. 101, to 13 s. Rape Seed 10. to 17I. p. Last I Kentish Hops 3I. to 4l. p. Hund II Coals s. per Chaldron. 2 The Weekly Courant, & c. From Miller's Letter Sept. 9. TIS advised from Rome, of the 19th. past, That the Pope ha- ving observed that advantagions Lotteries were established by the Court of Vienna at Naples and Milan, would be very pre- judicial to the Ecclesiastical State, and thereby drain it of all the ready Cash, his Holiness had thought fit to prevent, the same in causing a pottery to be set up in that City tho' much opposed by the Imperial Minister Cardinal Althan, who had desired of the Pope an Audience but was refused Admittance. That Cardinal Ottoboni had gi- ven a Magnificent Entertainment to the sacred College, with a Consort of Musick Perform'd by 42 Voices and 114 Instruments, in which a Cana- ta was sung entituled Rome rejoycing for the exaltation of her Holy Fa- ther, Prince, and Citizen; and after the Consort a fine firework was play'd off, the Decoration whereof represented the Temple of Minerva', where the four Parts of the World were seen coming up to make their Of- ferings. And add that the Duke of Bracciano had at last obtained a Dispensa- tion to marry the Princess of Barghese, his first Wife's Sister. Letters from Paris of the 15th Instant N. S. say that the Prince of Au- sturia is shortly to be married to the Daughter of his Royal Higness the Duke of Orleans. We are informed that on Fryday Night about 11 a Clock an Express ar- rived here, from Paris, to Monsieur la Clonche Secretary for the French Affairs with advice, that on Sunday last the most Christian King was mar- ried by proxy to the Infanta of Spain, who is in the 4th Year of her Age. Private Letters from Brabant assure, that Mr Robt. Knight lives well, and in no small Splendour and Profuseness in his Confinement at the Ca- stle of Antwerp, where he was allowed all the Liberty he could desire. The Letters from Paris of the 17th advise, that the Inanta of Spain was expected there in March next, to be brought up under the Care of Ma- dam Vantadour, but say that the Prince of Austuria is to marry the Arch- Dutchess, and his Brother Ferdinand the Regents Daughter, and the Duke of Chartres the Infanta of Portugal. From / ( 4 ) From Whitehall Evening Post, The Duke of Berwick has sent an express with the melancholy News touching the Contagion in the District of Gevaudan, and that this terrible Scourge was even felt in 30 Villages belonging to Rovergues Hereupon the said Duke ordered new Lines to be cast up, which are to extend about 40 Miles, namely, from the River Tarn to that of Alli.' t, and thence to the River Loire and the Rhone. These Lines are to be guarded, not only by the Peasants thereabouts, but also by a great Number of Troops under the Conduct of the Duke of Berwick: and besides this Precaution another will be taken, Which, we hope, will prove more successful, viz to com- pel the Inhabitants of infected Places to come away stark naked, and to burn their Cloaths; and, after having received new ones, to perform Qua- rantain in Barks. Cambray, Sept. 2. ' Tis very doubtful when the Congress will be open. ed here for treating of a Peace of the South: ' Tis said, that to remove one of the Difficulties which have so long retarded this Affair, a Proposal it made on the Part of the King of Spain, That in regard the Cortes or States of that Monarchy cannot be assembled without prodigious Expen- ces, his Catholick Majesty's Act of Renunciation shall be registred in such Cities and Towns as are wont to send Deputies to the States when conve- ned upon extraordinary Occasions. Ostend Sept. 7 By the English Ships arriv'd in the Downs fron East Indies, we have Advice, that our Ship call'd the Ostend home from Bengale, after having sustain'd several. Storms beyond the Cape, became so leaky, that the Goods on Board were all wet, and that the Sea- men endeavour'd all they could to get to the Island of Mascarin, or that of Mauritio, to dry the Effects; but it was apprehended the Ship will not be able to proceed on her Voyage hither. Marseilles, August 22. No infectious Distempers having been discover'd, here, and in the neighbouring Parts, our Churches and the Exchange are at last open'd again, and the Courts of Judicature will be permitted to assemble in a few Days. Paris, Sept. 8. Letters from St. Geniez in the Rovergue import, that the Marquis de Bonas, who commands the Troops on that Side, had made a Tour to the District of Grivaudan hard by Conaurge, and that by the Advice of the Physicians, and the Consent of the Duke de Roquelaure he removed the Troops from that small Tract of Land to the Frontiers of Languedoc, in Order to guard all the Avenues of that Province. The Commandant had begun to draw a Line on the Frontiers of Rovergue, in Order to cut of all Communication with the District of Grivaudan, which ia entirely infected, as is likewise the Towns of Morvejole, Milhau, and the Adjacent Villages. Paris, Sept. 13. Mr. William Laws is still imprisoned in the Chatelet. his His Wife has been to see he Brother in Law in Italy, and is since brought to Bed here. The Council of the Regency is suppress'd, and a Royal Council if establish'd, of which the Cardinal du Bois is President. An Qrder is publish'd for clearing this City of Vagabonds and Beggars. Two- Monks lately committed for Robbery, one of them a Disguiss'd Father, are imprison'd during Life. A Corsair of Salee has taken a Ship belong- ing to St. Malo, having on Board 6ooo Pesos, much Oyle and Co- cheneal. M Grieu, who went in 1718 to Mississipi, and was taken Pri- foner by the Spaniards at Pensecola, is return'd hither; Ratisbon, Sept. 4. ' Tis certain Rech, Deputy of the Protestant Body would have been oblig'd ' ere now to retire from the Palatinate, but that the Elector is sensible that his Minister in the Protestant Courts must ex- pert the same Treatment- The Catholick Clergy leave no Stone unturn'd to prevent or frustrate the concertcd Union of the Reformed or Lutherans in the Lower Palatinate, that they may maintain one another with more Success in their Religious Privileges. From the Evening Post. Lisbon, Aug 12. On the 20th Instant came into the Tagus the rich- est Fleet we ever had from Brazile, consisting of 62 Merchant Ships and a Men of War, we hear they brought about 24000 Chests of Sugar, 28000 Rolls of Tobacco, and 6 or 7 Millions of Cruzudoes. Brussels, Sept. 15. On Account of the Contagion drawing nearer and . nearer to Paris, the Marquis de Prie has within these few Days caused the- Council of State to assemble 3 Times, to take with them proper precations for keeping it out of thefe Provinces, on Saturday last he dispatched Or- ders to the Governors and Magistrates of the Frontier Places, not fuffrr any Merchandises to be imported from France. There is a talk of Draw- ing a Line from Newport to Tournay and obliging all Travellers from France to perform Quarantain. The Hon. Mr. Vane Son of the Lord Bernard is arriv'd with his whole Family from. Lorrain, designing to reside here this Winter. Hanover Sept. 2, Advices from the North bring nothing new concer- Dublin, Aug. 27. Last Thursday died the Right Reverand Dr. John Evans, Lord Bishop of Meath, of the Gout and Strangury. He was born in Wales, the Son of a Farmer there, and educated some Time at Oxford by the Care and Generosity of Dr. Barrow, Lord Bishop ot St. A( aph; from whence he remov'd to London, where he was Curate and Schol- master. Afterward he was made Chaplain to the East India Company, travel'd as far as the Bay of Bengal, where he married, made a conside- - rable Fortune, and then return'd to England, in the Reign of King Wil- liam, when he was promoted to the See of Bangor j and from thence in the present Reign, translated to the Diocess of Meath in this Kingdom, which he farm'd out at 2390 I. per Ann. . LONDON, LONDON, Sept. 9. We now see with Pleasure, that the Custom house Bills of Entry of Goods imported and exported, which are publish'd daily in Print, begin to encrease considerably ; particularly, with respect to the Exportation of our Woollen Manufacture, great Quantities of which are shipped for Portugal, Italy and Russia, but especially to Spain ; People flatter them, selves that when Credit is a little better revived, Trade will consequently flourish. Nathaniel Jolliffe, Esq, of the Town of Southren, having got a vast Estate by South Sea, and as an Increase to his Fortune, marryed a Lady of 7000 1. designs, ' tis said, to stand Candidate for Member of Parliament for the same Town at the ensuing Election ; he has great Interest there, and is daily making more by treating every Body that comes to his House, arter an extraordinary Manner. Last Week in the Day time a large Wherry, loaded with Brandy and French Wines, going up the River, was seized by the Custom house Of- ficers, over againit the Tower. There re private Letters in Town by the Mail on Sunday last from France, which fay, that the Plague makes towards Paris in fo dreadful a manner, that the People are under the most distracting Apprehensions, and every Family upon forming Precautions against it. ' Tis reported, that the next Session of Parliament, a Bill will be brought in to take away special Bail, and to stop Execution in several Cases, which, ' tis thought by some, may be a Means to incourage Trade and re store our Credit We hear that several Persons have been Exchequer'd, for presuming to bring Actions at Law for Performances of South Sea Contracts, and en- joyn'd from Proceeding on such Actions on Pain of Imprisonment. Last Week the Wife of a Mechanick, in the Parish of St. Andrew's, di- ed in a Fit of Scolding. We hear that a Gentleman of a very good Estate in Somersetshire, ha- ving marry'd his Son to a Gentlewoman of Beauty, Wit and Fortune in that County, and living in the same House with them, the avaritius Ge- plus of the old Gentleman took dire Offence at the domestick Expences of his Children, which he often complained were excessive, and imputed to his Daughter in Law; that about three Weeks ago, his Son being abroad, none but he and his Daughter at home, he with an Ax, in a Fit of Frenzy, split her Sckull. The Son upon his return home, and the * Appearance of the bloody scene, finding his Father yet in the House, charged him with the Murther, and carry'd him before a Justice of Peace in Neighbourhood, before whom he denied the Crime. However he was committed to the Custody of an Officer, in order to be convey'd to the next County Goal, but the old Man soon found Means to get ' soon out 7 J out of the Hands of this Officer, and has not been heard of since ; but it's believed he is, in or about London. Dr John Keill, Savilian Professor of Astronomy in the University of Oxford, died thereon Thursday sev'night last, on which a Gentleman of that City made the following Epitaph. BEneath this Stone the World's just Wonder lies, Who, while on Earth, had rang'd the spacious Skies, Around the Stars his Active Soul had flown, And seen their Courses finish'd, e'er his own. He now enjoys those Realms he could explore, And finds that Heav'n he knew so well before. He thro' more World's his Victories pursu'd, Than Ammon's Son could wish to have subdu'd : One spacious Universe he travel'd o'er,. Till scanty Nature could afford no more ; And when another could not be supply'd, He came, saw, vanquish'd this, then griev'd, return'd, and dy'd. write from Plymouth, thet on Monday se'nnight, the Helena, a Ship, put in there, who in her Passage from Falmouth, about four Leagues off Low, espyed a Ship standing to the Southward, which soon bore down upon him; hoisting a Jack at his Ensign Staff, ,' white with a red Cross) the Dane hoisted his Ensign also ; whereupon the other en. deavoured to board him ; but he sailing very well, and the Sea running high, Wind S. S. W. kept on his Course till he came near the Start j when the other came up with him so near, that his Flying Gib Boom was over his Tafferel: He haled him in English, French, Dutch and Spa- nish, to strike, the Ship's Crew huzzaing, Bona Prisa, Bona Prisa. The Commander was in a Moorish Habit on the Quarter Deck, with a large Silver Scymiter drawn in his Hand : He spoke to them in Low Dutch, and swore that if they did not that Minute strike, he would cut every Soul of them to Pieces : Whereupon the Dane struck his stop sails, and said, I shall soon come on board; having by this time received many hundred Shots from Patereroes, Blunderbusses, Muskets, & c, in his Masts Sails, Rigging and Hull, and several thro' his Cabbin. On his striking the other lay by, and began to reeve His Topsails, taking in his Gibs, & c. which the Dane observing hoisted his Topsail again, and made directly for the Eastward of the Start : The Enemy with a great deal of Confusi- on pursued him to the very Break of the Rocks, but thinking he was re- solv'd to run ashore, stood off to Sea at S. S. W. the Course of the Wind coming East. The Dane seeing the Coast pretty clear, endeavoured for Portsmouth; but meeting, with a violent N. E. Wind bore away for plymouth [ 8 ] mouth. The Captain swore so every Tittle of this Account before the Commissioners of the Dock there. The Rover or Pyrate is a Turkish built Frigate, carrying above Twenty Guns, flush Decks, Patereroes On her Quarters : There appeared but twenty Men at first, but when they attempted to board, above three hundred made there Appearance, most of them in a manner naked, having only Drawerr on. The Officers were < in Moorish Habits having long Beard. There Ship was about three hundred Tons, blue Stern with red Pillars between the Windows. 00 Quarters or round House. Laft Monday the Rev. Mr. Lesly set out hence for Ireland, his Native Country, to end his Days there ; He was carried in a Horse Litter, on Account Of his great Age and Infirmities. They write from Prestein, in the County of Radnor, thar upon hearing the News that their late Lord Lieutenant was removed, and the Duke of Chandois appoirted in his Room, great Numbers of People assembled in the Town, to make Rejoicings, and for two Nights and a Day had rtng- ing of Bells, Illuminations, Bonfires, and other Demonstrations of Joy ; the first Night the Persons assembled met with no Interruption, but the next Day in the Evening, going about to repeat their Rejoicings, and re- new their Bonfire, the sheriff of the County raised the Posse, and read the Proclamation for dispersing Rioters. From Fox's Letter, Sept. 12. Yesterday came in a Dutch Post, with Advice from Brussels, that the Go vernour ot Flanders finding the Plague encrease, has strictly forbid all Trade and Commerce with France, and has sent Deputies to the states General to do the I ke, and has ordered that all Travellers that come from France to perform Quarantain, and has directed a Line to be drawn from Newport to Dornick, to prevent Persons or Goods being brought. They add, that at Lisl Quarters are provided for the Royal Guards, who art to attend the King there. From Paris, that a strict Order has been publish'd there against taking in of Lodgers least they should come from Places infected, and House- keep- ers are to provide themselves 6 Months Provisions, because no Body will come near them if onct the sickness appears. This Day the Earl Of Sunderland introduced the Bishop of Bangor to the King, and his Lordship kiss'd his Majesty's Hand for the Diocess of He- reford ; and Dr. Willis, Bishop of Gloucester, is offered the rich Bisho- prick of Meath in Ireland. An Express is come in, advising, that a close League is made Between France and Spain, for uniting the two Crowns, and^ the Emperor and Por- desire to be admitted into it. Duke of Portland with his Lady is going to his Government of Jamaica forthwith, ' From [ 9] From Whitehall Evening Post. Rome, Aug. 30. Last Sunday Cardinal Albani went to Albano, where he was splendidly entertained by the Pretender. Cardinal Atberoni will hardly receive the Red Cap from the Pope's Hand, becaute the Court or Spain has started new Difficulties against him. Cadiz, August 19 • Our Governour being informed that a Ship frotti Amsterdam, having not only Dutch but also some French GoOdaon board the Master at his Examination denied it stoutly ; but it appearing he haft saveral Packs of French Effects, he was confined to the Cattle ofCatalina, and his Ship arrested. The Master of an English Ship being alfo fufpe- cted of having on Board French Merehandizes, and retuling to hav£ the Ship searched, was ordered to depart immediately outof the Bay, but this was prevented by the English Consul's allowing a Scrutiny by the Magi- strates of Health, and not by the Custom house Offerers. This Court seems fully determined to preserve entire all Commerce with Grsat Britain and the United Netherlands, but by no means to fuffer the Importatiou of French Effects. Dantzick, Sept. no. The King of Poland will flay all the Winter in Saxony, our Magistrates have desired his Polish Majetty r'o intercede with the King of Great Britain about the Affront lately put ujjon an Erigfifli Ship by one of our Captains, who has already begged Pardon ; hut whe- his Submission will pass for Satisfaction a little Time will sheW Hamburg, Sep. 16. Letters from Petersburg say, what the Czar cont- nues to treat the Duke of Holstein with great Marks of Distriction h, having his Interests much at Heart, and that the Czar medicates a fresh Invasion of Sweden, unless the Treaty at Neustet be concluded in a limited Time. Basil, Sep. 11. We have certain Advice, that Marseilles is entirely free'd from the Contagion, but it rages still in adjacent Villages especially at bagnes, which Place has been visited thrice. It is computed that 17522 Per- sons have dy'd at Toulon. A Circumvalation Line of three Miles round is thrown up near Bignal, to seperote the sound Places from the In fected From the Evening Post. Amsterdam, Sep. 15. They write from SMirna of the 2d of last Month that the Consuls of Great Britain, Holland and Venice, have write to the Ambassadors of their respective Nations at Constantinople, to desire them to obtain an Order of the Porte to the Regency of smirna, for prohibiting all Commerce wish Provence, and opposing the coming of ships from Mar- seilles into that Porte, where they daily bring Back such Merchandizes sub- ject t0 infection, formerly was sent from the Levant to Marstilles The same Letters add, that in the Interim the said Consuls have resolv'd B solemnly 10 sollemnly to protest against the importation of such Goods, and forbid the ships oF their Nation taking in any of the Goods abovementioned. " From miller's Letter, Sept. 12. Some Letters from the North, by yesterdays Holland Mail, speak ve- ry doubtful as to the Negociations of Newstet, between the Plenipotentia- ries ot Muscovy and Sweden, on Account the former insisted upon such extravagant Demands, that ' twas impossible for the latter to grant the same who it seems are 0n the other Hand only endeavouring to delay the time, and thereby prevent the Ressian Gallics, with their Troops on Borad, from executing the designs of the Czar against Sweden. Tis added, that " the 7 British Ships detained by the Danes at Copenhagen, sailed from v thence on the 8th Instant M. S. in order to join and ( apply with Provisi- ons Sir John Norris's Squadron who was at Elsenap. /. Those from Spain import, that that Court had sent a new Captain Ge- neral to command in the Territories evacuated by the French Troops, ac- cording to the late Treaty of Peace between that Crown, Great Britain and France, with a special Commission to appoint a Deputy, who is to reside at Iron on the Part of the Provence ot Guipusia, in order to manage the Tolls and prevent the exportation of Silver, They tell us that an Advice Boat richly laden from Peru was arrived at Cadiz, having on Board 300000 Rasters tor t| ie King, 614^ 71 Rasters in Specie, for private Perfons, 163908 Rasters in Gold, 3537 Bars of Silver the Value o'f 10434 Rasters, leven Reals and a half,' 13 Wedges of gold— valued at < 5835 Rasters 3590 Marks of Silver in Bars, also 898 Marks* Ounces of Silver Plate, 68 Sacks of Shells weighing 913 2 Pounds, 400 sacks of Parague Tea and 3 Chests for Presents. On Sunday last the Marquis de Pozzebueno the Spanish Ambassador received the Compliments of all the Foreign Ministers, on Account of the Marriage between the most Christian King and the Infanta of Spain. The same Evening his Royal Highness came to Kensington, where he Staid near two Hours with his majesty, and then returned to Rich- mond. Since the Promotion of the Duke of Portland of Capt. General and Go- vernor in chief of the island of Jamaica, his Grace is settling all his Affairs here in Order to set out for that Island before Christmass next. Sir George Byng upon his being created a Baron and Viscount of Great Britain, is preparing an Equipage suitable to that Dignity. Tis confidently Reported that Mr. Robert Knight is much indifpos'd at Antwerp, and that Caudinal Alberoni was expected at Paris in Q- iali- ty of Envoy for the Duke of Parma. A Vessel is arrived in the River from the Coast of Guiney, which has on board twelve Pyrates taken in those parts. We ' ** ] We hear that Dr. Bowers succeeds Dr. Green, lately advanced to the Bishoprick of Norwich, in the Arch Deaconry of Canterbury, and the Rev. Mr. Wake succeeds him in his Prebend of Canterbury. Yesterday the four Malefactors, formerly mention'd, were executed at Tyburn, when the Body of Meff, was, with Difficulty, rescu'd from the Surgeons by the Mob, who brought it off with great Exultation. The Countess- of Barrimore, Daughter to the Earl of Rivers, was Yester- day 7 Night brought to bed of a Son. Sir Thomas Wheat Baronet stands Candidate for Woodstock, in the Room of his Father, deceas'd, by the Interest of the Earl of Abingdon and Thomas Crispe, Esq; by the Interest, of the Duke of. Marlbo- rough. The Reverend Doctor Lnpton is to preach the next eight . Sermons at St. Paul's in Defence of the true Divinity of the Son of God.: A Representation of the State of the Moidores has been laid before the Treasury by the Warden of the Mint. This Day at Noon South Sea Stock no Transfer, Bank 135. E ft Indie 145. African 10. ADVERTISEMENTS sTray'd or Stol'n from Mr. Sherard's Grounds at Carcolstone, in the County of Nottingham, on Thursday Nigbt the 31st of August, a. light bay Mare, full aged, near fourteen Hands high, with a Pitch Brand on her ; whoever brings her to Mr. Sherard of Carcolstone, or to Mr. Robson at the Blackamoor's Head in Nottingham, shall have ten shil- lings Reward, and reasonable Charges , THE Sale of new and fashionable Plate, Cabinet- work, fine Toys & C. by Thomas Isley Burton upon Trent, will / without fur- ther delay) certainly begin at the said place on Monday the 23d D . y of October next ; in the mean time Tickets may be had at the usual Places ill the 9 th of the said October, but from that time till the Sale begins, hey will not be delivered out any where, but by the Undertaker at Bur- « n aforesaid. Note, Those who have not paid in their Money must do t by the 9 th of October aforesaid, or they will be excluded from all Be- nefit ot the Sale. WHereas Mr. Humpton and Robert Wilson of Sheffield, Yorkshire, have threatned, for these 9 Months last past, to ruin the School, of Samuel Moore of the aforesaid Place, because he would nor agree with their Notions, that the Fraction one half of a Pound being multiply'd by it self gave 5.. Pounds, and that 2- Pounds multiply'd by 2 Pounds gave 8e Pounds, they still continuing their Heat, the said Samuel Moore doth declare that the Square of the first, is but one Fourth equal to 5 Shillings and the latter, but 4 Pounds By their working they make the present worth of A lease of ao 1 per Ann, for 20 years to be above$ 2i22 Pounds which is above 3106 Years Value. Let . them print their Notions, and they shall soon be answered., 55 Simon Dego 5 * / f r » - "
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