The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain Being a Weekly Account of News
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The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain Being a Weekly Account of News
Date of Article: 07/09/1721
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T H E Nottingham Mercury , OR, A GENERAL VIE W OF THE Affairs of Europe, But more particularly of GREAT- BRITAIN BEING A Weekly Account of News. Thursday, Sept. 7. 1721. NOTTINGHAM: Printed by JOHN COLLYER at the Hen- Cross, near the Old Booksellers Shop. Who sells the best Paper Hangings, and black Lead Pencils
From St. James's Evening Post, Vienna, August: 23. The Turks continue to fortifie Widin, Nizza, and several other Places upon the Danube, and have lately sent some Troops towards the Dniester and Dnieper, to make an Incur- on, and amiss Provisions together on that Side ; they being apprehensive of a general Scarcity throughout all their Pro- vinces. it is reported, that Prince Rogotzi is arrived in the Ukraine. Yesterday a secret Council Was held here, touching the present Posture of Affairs, in which, ' tis said, Prince Eu- gene's declar'd, that this was no Time to diminish the Inspe- rial Army. LONDON, August 31. We hear,
the Duke of Rutland is made Gentleman of the Bedchamber to the King, in the room of the Earl of Warwick. Next Monday the Judges are to meet at Searjeants Inn- Hall in Fleet- Street, to determine the Special Verdict found the last Assizes at Nottingham, against Mr. Mitford Henry, an Ensign in the first Regiment of Foot- Guards, for killing Mr. Barugh, a Watch- maker, as he was travelling into Yorkshire From Jackson's Letter) There is some talk in Holland that the intended Congress at Cambray will be removed to Ostend and open'd there in October next. There is the ' greatest expectation that's possible, to hear the Issue of
the Proceedings of the General- Court of the South- Sea Company, which is to be held Tomorrow, but especialy what Dividends will be declared: Mean time, ' tis talk'd that Mr. Walpole will be present, to make some famous speech as ' tis said, on the Subject of the Ingrastment. The said Company is determined to renew the Assento or Negro Trade, and for that end a Committee met last Thurs- day to Contract with Owners of Ships, and hired divers which will begin their Voyage as soon as they can be freighted'. We are assured the S. Sea Directors resolv'd this Day the Midsummer Dividend be 2 and a half per Cent in Money
and as much in Bonds payable in a Year with 4 per Cent Interest and the Books be opened the 11th of September.
C 3) iljt} ^ mlrnrn f ? fffi ifif f$ f t f i * f The Nottingham Mercury, F- m St, l'me8> s Evening Poft, Copenhagen, Aug. ® 3 § il T imported, that the Czar ha, declar'd that His Intentions are far from giving his Danifli Majefty any Difquiet in the Poffcffion ofthe Dutchy of Slefwick, and that he is difpos'd IS^^ im to contribute as much as in him lies to his faid Mijefty s iecure Enjoyment of ir„ Agreeible to that Dedara tion, ' usfaid, the Czar has fent Orders to M. Beftucbef his Miniftcr, to notifie the fameto this Court. . Thelait Letters from ScockfaoJmiayj that the Czar feems at prefent to favour the Iritcirefts of Prince George of Heifc- Caflel, with
refpect to the Succdhon of the Crown of Sweden, - as likewife to a Mar ri- ge with the Princefs his Daughter. The Variation in the hu Accounts from Petersburg and Neuftad,' is imputed in a great Measure, to the Czar's for bidding, under fevere Penalties the writing or divulging the Occurrences in thofe Places • but ' tis known how, that w: iat Propjfals fosver were made to tl Muficoviie Plenipotentiaries, they had Power only to receive and refer, but not to aft decifivciy without previous Orders from the Cfcar himfelf. Altho' the Ruffians are now at Sea with 40 Ships of War, and i8oC7alli « s they coumitno Hofti- lities /
c. o litres neither have the combin'd Fleets made any Motion which Circumftances added to the Counter- Orders for ftop- jring the March of the Swedilh Troops, flrengthens the Be- lief of an approaching Peace. LONDON, Augufl 31. - Letters from Cadiz of the 19th Inftarit fay, that Capt. Ste- wart, his Britannick Majefty's Plenipotentiary to the Empe- ror of Morocco, was arrived at Tetuan from Mequinex, with all the Britifh Captives, and was expected at Gibraiter with the Men of War, in a few Days, A Treaty of Marriage is faid to be on foot between the ad Son of the Ld. Kifcount Towfhend. and the Lady -^ erriot Ha- milton, youngeft
Daughter to the Earl of Ockney. To Morrow a General Court of the South- Sea Company will be held at Merchant- Taylors Hill, on Speciai Affairs, They write from Bofton in New- England, juiy 10. that they had an Account from Philadelphia, that General Niehol- fon being arriv'd there, was proclam'd the King's Governoi^^ and that - he had brought with him 94 Soldiers befides Officers: That he had fettied all Differences between the two former contending Governors, viz Johnf- o, tiq j for the Lords Proprietors, and ——- Moore, Eft] j who turn'Ji him out and took Poffeflion till his Majefty's Pleafure fhou'd be known, and that he had
taken the laid two Governors into his council, making the one Lieutenant General of the Forces to the Southward, and the other Lieutentant General of the Forces to the Northward \ but it is faid that Governor John- fon hath dcclin'd it, defigning to to go home for England, to fettle with the Proprietors. General iVicholfon hath alio order'd the Fortifications of Fort- Royal to be forthwith rebuilt, and hi. th made Col. Barnet chief Matterof thofe Affairs, have- ing fent thither eight Pisces of Cannon, with all the Officers and Men brought from . England. from *
( 5 ) From the London Journal, Saturday September 2, A Freich Merchant in Town has lately received a very odd Account from his Correfpondent at Nifmes in Lanquedoc, viz. That a Gardener's Afs having brought fome Ware to that Market, and being unloaded, while the Mafter was buify in difpofing of his Goods, went into the Church that was . hard by the Stand, and meeting with the Bafun of Htly Water, took a hearty Drought of it: But the poO'rBeaft being unfortunate- ly detefted and feized in the very Aft, was' tried in a formal Procefs ForHerefy and Sacrilege. This Letter intimates that Council was allowed for the ^ fs, but the
Evidence of the In- quifitors being plain, judgment was pronounced againft the grave Animal, that he ( houid be firft hang'd and then burnt; the Gardener being at the fame Time condemned to pay the whole Charge of the Procefs. Laft Week a Wholefale Chcefemonger in Thames- Street, coming out of Effex with a corrfiderabie Sum of Money, was met between Parkin and Weft- Ham, by one of thofe wander- ing iCnights that flake their Necks for a Guinea j who after the ufual Word of Command, and a diligent Search, finding but Fourteen Pence, very kindly returned it, and rode off to leek for a better Booty, " having miffed the
Boots of our fortu- nate Citizen which were well tilled with Gold. A remarkable Occident has lately happened in the Earl of Exeter's Park at Burleigh near Stamford in Lincolnshire, which pleafe to take as they fend it, where about One hu ndrcd of Deer were feized with fo violent a Phrenzy, that they firft run precipitately, and plunged themfelves into a Pond in the Par^ and then fpringing out again^ with exceffive Fury, beat their Heads to pieces againft the Trees. At a, Place call'd Woodchurch in JKent, about 10 or 13 Miles from Rye, one Night the laft Week, John Moore a Scotchman, who travels with a Pad, being out late and in
Drinfc, called at a Houfe and enquired the Way to Tenterden3
and withal told the Man of the House he should go with him to shew him the Way; the Man said he would not go with him : Moore said if he would not he would break his Windows the Man of the House bid him take Care, for if he did he would fire upon hiin upon which Moore fell to breaking the Windows, and the Man of of the House was as good as his Word, and fired Two Slugs into his Breast. He is not yet dead, but ' tis thought he cannot live. Last Week a Wqmin was brought to Bed of Three Children, Two Boys and a Girl all alive, in Play- House Yard, in White- Cross- street. They write from Sussex, that the Trade of
Smugling is grown to auch a height, that the king's Officers are frequent- ly bound Hand and Foot, and Goods are run fometimes by near an hundred Persons in a Gang., It appears that there has been Coined at the Tower from August 4. 1718, to the 23d, One million seven hundred sixteen thousand seven hundred sixty five thousand Pounds in Cold, and thirty five thousand eight hundred thirty six pounds in Silver. About Fifty Seamen are come from France, and are busy at Deptford, rigging the new Mississippian Ship of 70 Guns. They had the Insolence to hoist up French Colours, till for- bid by the Government, who ' tis
believed will think it neces- sary to put a Stop to the Building any more for them ; and the rather, since those they build, areas good as Third Rate Men of War, and most People believe, designed to be used as such. We hear that Mr. Warkins ; Son of the Widdow Warkins, who keeps Hachney Coaches near St. Giles's Pond, driving a Coach lately into Nottinghmshire, a Gentleman in the Coach had a mind to mount the Coach Box ; so Warkins descended and mounted his Horse: but he had not rode far before the Horse threw him, and broke his Neek
( 7 ) In the fresher Experiment for conveying the Small- Pox, by thrusting Cotton dip'd in the Matter of the Pustules of an affected person, into the Nostrils ; the Woman patient upon whom it was made, was not cast asleep ( as had. been publish- while the Cotton was applied ; nor was she obliged to keep her Bed, but still appeared well and free from Disorder, the Pustules breaking out on the Fourth Day to the number of about Forty or Fifty, not causing the least Uneasiness, or depriving her of her ordinary Rest. it's said, that several Gentlemen and other., in and about this City, who have never had the Small- Pox, have resolved
to undergo an Inoculation for them, having already consulted the Gentleman employed at Newgate for that purpose. From St. James's Evening Post, Marvejol, August 15. The Plague has been discover'd here ever since the 10 Instant, the Number of Inhabitants is reckoned about 4000, of- whom 10 or 12 die in a Day, and the Disease is broke out in different Parts of the City. This sad Calamnity was introduced here by a r flock of sheep drove from the Country about Canourgue. The Graziers who sold ' em are Dead. Out of 15 or 1600 persons. who inhabited Canourgue, there scarcely remains 350. The In- fection has spread
itself to several Villages in the Gevandan, Troops are ordered at all the Passages to stop as much as possible the growing Disorder. Cadiz,, Aug. 13. Vice- Admiral Somersdyde is preparing a- gain to put to sea in a few Days, in Company with a Dutch Alan of War commanded by Captain Roos. Two other Ships of the same squadron, commanded by the Captains Osterwyk and Grae- sland, arder'd to follow the Admiral as soon as they are refitted. The Governor of this City has published an Ordinance, that no Person shall introduce here any Merchandize from France; that whosoever does so, shall be punished with Death : and
that such Spanish Officers who shall be convicted of assisting in the E- vasion
( 8 ) vision of thit Ordinance, shall be ignominiously Cashier'd. Barbantane, August 21. Two Domesticks belonging to tht de Cailus, who lives within a League and a half, of , fell down Dead four Days ago, as they were waite- Table. ' All the company were struck immediately with Terror, and more so, when upon Examination, Plague- swellings were found upon the Dead bodies. Four Persons more died the Day and no small Danger is apprehended for the Marquiss de Cailus himself. Glaveson and Nove two Villages not far from hence, have had Symptoms of Infection ever since the 17 Instant. The City of Aix has continued in
good Health these six Weeks past. Marseilles give now and then an Instance of re- maining InfectiOn ; but the greatest Care is immediately taken to overcome it. Cambray, Sept. 1. Some are very confident, that the reci- procal Renunciation of the Emperor to the succession of Spain and of the King of Spain to all his Pretentions to the Netherlands, and to the Dominions of Spain in Italy, are arrived at Paris.' Two Difficulties', above all, were hard to get over one was, that the Emperor in his Renunciation took upon him the Title of Catholick King, which the King of Spain. would not consent to: The other, that the Emperor insisted,
that the Cortex, of Spain should ratify the Renunciation of his Catholick Majesty. Upon these Difficulties Expresses were dispatch'd to Madrid and Vien- na with proposals of Accommodation, in Regard to the King of Spain, to avoid the Assembly of the Cortez, it was propo- sed to cause his Renunciation to be register'd in all the Towns that send Deputies to that Assembly. And in regard the Em- veror, that his assuming the Title of Catholick King should it left to the Determination of the Congress of Cambray. They ex- pect the Return of these two Expresses at Paris, where they tell us one did arrive on the 29th last from Madrid,
but what he bro't was a secret ' Tis pretended likewise, that in the King of Spains Renunciaton
Renunciation to the Dominions in Italy and to the Austrian Ne- therlands, there shall be inserted a Sort of Ratification of all that was agreed, on at the Congress of Utrecht. London, Sept. 2. A great Quantity of Tea, and other pro- hibited Goods, has been lately seiZ'd at Salisbury. We hear, that the celebrated Dr. Keil Savilian Professor of Geometry at Oxford, died last Thursday. Yesterday there was a General Court of the S. Sea Company at Merchant- Taylors- Hall, when, after reading over the minutes of the last General Court, a Debate arose relating to an Ingraft- ment of their stock with the Bank, and the India company, (
which we have not room at present to give the Particulars ofy) and after a dispute of about an Hour long, the Ingraftment was rejected ; and they came to the following Resolution. To divide four per cent, by Warrants issued out, payable by the, South- sea company on demand, to those who are possessed of stock under 500/. And that those who are possessed of above stock, shall have dividend Warrants carrying five per cent. Interest from Michaelmas next, to michaelmas 1722. That the Overplus of the stock amounting to 33/. 6 s. 8d. per cent, be added before the Opening of the Books exclusive of the present dividend. That
the Directors be Impowered to make use of the Company's mony 10 carry on the Greenland Fishery for the said company's Advantage. And, j ' That an humble Address be presented to the King to thank His Majesty for the great Advantages he has obtained for the company by the present Treaty with Spain, and that the same be presented by the Sub- Governour, Deputy- Governour, and Directors. His Majesty has been graciously pleas'd to order a pardon to pass for the Malefactors who underwent the Experiment of inoculating the small Pox, the practice and success of which has been laid before the Council, and received the
Ap- probation of having fully answer'd the practitioner's first De- scription and Account of it and Yesterday an Order was sent to the Recorder, to discharge them according. B from
( 10) From St. James's Evening Post Sept. 5. Stockholm Aug. 26.-. Yesterday the Frence Garrifon march'd out of this Town and Castle ; and immediately their Place was supplied by a Detatchment of about 8oo Men from Pampeluna, while two other Detatchments took Possession of Passage and Fontarabia so that all things are now restor'd in these Parts upon the Foot they stood before the War. Warsaw Aug. 30. The Turks have already two Bridges over the Danube, and are at Work upon a third. Stockholm Auguat, 27. Tho' no Exresses are arried from Neustad, which is attributed to the contrary Winds, yet we confidently
expect to hear that the Peace is signed in a Day or two : and the more, because the Czar's fleet is return'd into their Harbours, and the Combin'd Fleets are coming to Landfoort. Basil Sept. 2. A private Letter from Bourdeaux says, they. . are in a great confirmation there, upon Advice that the Plague is got among the Frence near Nismes. it hath certainly reach'd the Village of La Roche : whereupon the Dukes of Berwick and Roquelaure, and other Commanders in Langue- , doc, held a council of War and resolved to send a Lieuten- nant- General with some Troops to shut it up, which was done accordingly. Hague, Sept. 10.
Letters of the 6th Instant from Cam- bray say, that the Conde San Estevan, first Plenipotentiary of Spain, has received an Account from Paris, that the Con- tagion encreases in France, and that the Court begins to think of attending the King to Line, in case the danger from Infec- tion augments j and that several of the Nobility purposes to retire even farther than that City. , Paris Sept. 10. The Marquis Debonas, who commands in the district of Rouergue, haviug made a Tour to La Ca- nourgue, did, with the advice of the Phyisicians, and the consent of the Duke de Roquelaure, withdraw the Troops from the said District, and is
now making a Line to cut off all Communication, with the Gevaudan, which is quite In- fected
fected. Marvejols and Milhau suffers as well as La Cannour- gue. A new Order is in the Press, enjoining the Soldiery to hinder the Inhabitants from quitting the places Infected, up- on pain of death. It is said that the Infection is got among some of the Troops. LONDON, Sept. 5. His Majesty has been pleas'd to create the most Hon. Tho. Ld. Parker, Lord High Chancelor of Great- Britain, a Viscount and Earl of Great- Britain, by the Name stile and Tittle of Viscount parker of Ewelm, in the County of Ox- ford, and Earl of Macclesfield, in the County Palatine of Chester. James Milner, Esq; is made Accomptant- General to the
Trustees for the Forfeited Estates of the late Directors of the South- sea Company ; and Tho. Marten Esq, their Secre- tary. On Saturday the 2d Instant, Sir Hovenden Walker, lately arrived from Jamaica, Kiss'd his Majesties Hand at Kensing- ton, being introduc'd by the Earl of Lincoln and his Ma- jesty receiv'd him very graciously. The Earl of Rothe's one of the 16 Peers of Scotland, and Ld. Commissioner of the General Assembly, is dangerously ill at his Seat at Lesley, in that part of the united Kingdom. On Sunday Night there was a cabinet- Council at Kcnfing- ton, when the Recorder made his Report of the condemned
Malefactors, and all the four persons cast for their Lives, last Sessions viz. John Wigley, James Reading, Wm. Casey and john Meff, were ordered to be executed to morrow se'n- night at Tyburn. Mr. Richards his Majesties Consul at Carthagena, has ob- tained leave to resign his Consulship. We had Yesterday a Holland Mail with News from Ispahain in Persia of the 30th of April, that the City of Tauris was de- stroyed by a dreadfull Earthquake wherein 346000 Souls perish- ed, most of them being swallowed up alive, but the Churcb of the Armenians wherein was a 1000 people providentially escaped The
The Lady Kilmanseckis created Countess of Leinster in Ireland. We hear out Eustace is taken for lissing Men for the Pretender. ABortive AGed • ? U Apoplexy 1 Asthma \ Cancer i Childbed 7 Cholick z Consumption Convulsion iz8 Dropsie JZ Fever Fistula French Pox Headmouldshot i Griping in the Guts Gout J headmouldshot . r 1 Hooping- Cough 1 Jaundies 4 Purples 1 Mortification 4 Imposthume 2 Loosness 1 Measles 3 Rickets z Rising of the Lights Small Pox Spotted- fever 4 Stilborn Stoppage i'th Stomach Suddenly z Surfeit I Teeth 17 Thrush 1 Twisting of the Guts t Water i'th Head * Worms ? CASUALTIES. Died by a
Blow on his Head at ST. Clement Danes I. Drowned two the river Thames, one at St. Olave in Southwark. One at St paul at Shadwell? and One in a Well at christ church in surry, Found dead at St. Martins in the Fields I. Hang'd themselves ( being Lunatick ) 5. One at saint mary Aldermary, One at saint Thomas Apostles, and One at saint mary at Whitechappel ( Buried at saint Botolph without Bishopgate) Kill'd 2. One by a cart at saint Leonard in shoreditch, and One by the Kick of an Horse at saint Margaret in Westminster. Overlaid 1. Christened — 366. Buried — —— 420 Increased in the Burials this Week Tis assured from
Vienna that the Emperor will grant to the K. of Great Britain the Investiture of Bremen and Uherde, in case the States of Sweden will consent to the Cessation of that Country to his Britanick Loudon Bill of Mortality, from . to August 22, 1721.