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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 02/09/1721
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
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British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices foreign and Domestick. GREAT BRITAIN. The Continuation of the History of ENGLAND. The SAXONS. oSwald, the 5th King of Deira, the < j- h of Bernicia and 3d of Northumberland . hav- ing received the Chri- stian Faith in Scot- land, durimg his Ba- nishment there ; at his return, took such care for the Salvation of his Subjects, that he sent into Scotland for Aidan, a Christian Bishop, to instruct his Northum- brians in the Gospel of Truth. And because the Bishop could not speak their Language, the King himself would interpret his Sermons to the People. Which godly Un- dertaking of the good King and Bishop was so successful, that as it is reported, in Seven Days space, Fifteen Thousand received Baptism. At this time the whole Island flourished with Peace and Plenty, and acknow- ledged their Subjection to Oswald But Penda King of Mercia envying his flourishing estate, slew him in Bat. tle, at a Place called Maserfield, in Shropshire, and then tore his Body in piece meal. Whereupon the said place of his Death is called to this Day Oswald's- Tree. His dismembred Limbs were first buried in the Monastery of Bradney in Lincolnshire afterwards removed to Glo- cester, and buried in the North side of the upper end of the Choir in the Cathedral Church. King Oswald being at Dinner on Easter- Day, one brought him word, that there was a great Company of poor People in the Streets which asked Alms of him ; whereupen he commanded the Meat prepared for h s own Table to be carried to them, and brake a Silver Platter to pieces and sent it amongst them". In the Year of Christ 636 Honorius. Archbishop of Canterbury first divided England into Parishes. Nor- thumberland was sometime parted into two Kingdoms, namely, Deira, and Bernicia. oSway, the 4th King of Northumberland, . slew Penda in fight with the discomfiture of all his Mercian Power ; and in the same Battel slew ethelbert King of the East Angles, who sided with Pen- da; after which Victory he subdued the Mercians, and made the Northern part also wholly subject unto him. He founded the Cathedral Church in Litchfield for a See. died in A. D. 670. and was buried in St. peter s Church in Streanshall. A; ° VUlshere. the 6th King of the Mercians, slew ,, his two Sons Vulfald and Rusin, because they usually resorted to Reverend Chad for the Profit of their Souls, and had received at his Hands the Sacra. Baptism. Their Martyr'd Bodies, Queen Er- MOTHER caused TO buried in a Sepulchre of ne, and thereupon s fair Church to be erected ; which by reason of the many Stones brought thither for the foundation, was ever after called Stones ; and is now a . "" Market Town in StafFordshire. But Vulshere re- penting his most inhumane Murther. and becoming a [ Price Three Halfpence.] Christian, converted his Heathen Temples into Churches and Monasteries, and finished Medisham, now Peter- borough ( his Brother Puda's Foundation,) inriching it largely with Lands and Possessions. he died A. U 674. and was buried at Peterborough. EThelred, because of his Nephew Kenred's Minority and disposition to a private Life, was accepted of the Mercians for their King. His entrance was with War against the Kentish King Lothair, whose Country, he miserably destroyed, sparing neither Religious nor secular place. but at length didpuieted its Mind, be- caude of his Cruellies, to expiate his Crimes, he first: built a goodly Monastery at Beadney in Lincolnshire, then resigned the Crown to Kenred, became there a Monk himself, living there a regular Life the Term of Twelve Years, and died Abbot of the Place, A. D. 716. In the 4th Year of his Reign a fearful blazing Star dis- covered itself, and for Three Months together continu. ed rising in the Morning, and giving forth a blazing Pile, very high, and of a glittering flame. KEnred, the 8th King of Mercia, reigned in Peace the term of Four Years, but affecting a private retired Life, he appointed Chelred his Cousin to rule in his stead, and acompanicd with Offa. King of the East Saxons, and Edwin Bishop of Winchester, he went unto Rome, where himself and OfFa became Monks, and there died. A. D. cheldred, the 9 h King of the Mercians, was j9 \_ y all along, during his Seven Years Reign, engaged m Wars against Inas King of the West Sax- ons, Which Inas being in Pilgrimage at Rome, in A. D. 720, gave a Tribute to Rome, called Peter pence, being a Penny for every House. At first it was the King's Alms, it was also called Romescot. Inas built a College at Wells, and a stately Abby at Glastenbury, where formerly the old Cell of Joseph of Arimathea had been. He also built a Castle at Taunton. King Chelred died A. D 716, and was buried in the Cathedral Church at Litchfield. EThelbald, the 10th King of the Mercians, spent the most part of his Reign in Peace, and too much thereof in Luxury ; for which he was reproved by Boni- face ( an English Man; Bishop of Mentz whose Epistle Redargutory had this Influence upon the King, that in sign of Repentence, he privileged the Church from all Tributes to himself, and founded the Abby of Crow, land. About which time it was appointed by Arch- bishop Cuthbert and his Clergy, in a Convocation held in his Province, ( the King being present at the same Council with his Princes and Dukes) that the Sacred Scriptures should be read in their Monasteries, the Lord's Prayer and Creed taught in the English Tongue.- A. D. 733, in Janbary the Sun suffered so great an Eclipse, that the Earth seemed to be overshadowed, as with Sackcloth. And A. D. 7^ 6, and in December the Moon being in her full appeared both dark and bloody, for a Star ( though there be none lower than the Moon) seemed to follow her, and to deprive her of Light, til) it had got before her. But great Ethelbald fighting against Cuthred the West Saxon, was traiterously slain by the procurement of one of his own Captains, near Tamworth and was buried at Repton in Derbyshire, 1+ F Offa, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1721. A. D. Offa the nth King of the Mercians, as is 7? 8 \ J said, was born both Lame, Deaf, and Blind, continuing so unto his Man's Estate. He was of such a stout and daring Spirit, that be thought nothing im. possible for him to attain unto. The first that felt his Fury were the Kentish Men, whose King Alrick he slew in Fight with his own" Hands From South to North he then marched, and beyond Humber made havock of all that opposed him. Whence returning in Triumph, he vanquished Kenwolph and his West Saxons, with whom Marmadius, King of the Britains, sided. He caused a great Ditch to be made between his and the Britains Borders, that is, from Basingwark in Flintshire, ard North Wales, not far from the Mouth of Dee, run. ning along the Mountains into the South, ending near Bristol at the Fall of Wye. The Tract whereof in many Places is yet seen, being called Clawdh Offa, or Offa's Ditch. The Danes that had invaded England, he forced back to their Ships, with the Loss of all their Booty and many of their Lives. Then making his Son Egfryd Partner with him in the Kingdom, he went to Rome, where he made his Kingdom subject to a Tribute, called Peter Pence, and gave rich Gifts to Pope Hadrian for canonizing Alban a Saint; in Honour of whom, at his return, he built a magnificent Monastery over against Verolamium. Also in Testimony of his Repentance for the Blood he had shed in his Wars, he gave the tenth part of his Goods unto the Churchmen and poor At Bath he built a Monastery, and in Warwick, shire a Church, where the adjoining Town from it and him beareth the Name Offchurch. He died at Offley in A iJ. 794 and was buried wiihout the town of Bed- ford, in a Chappel standing upon the Bank of Owse, which long since was swallowed up by the same River. In A. D. 75;, was Sigebert, King of West Saxons, slain by a Swineherd; and in A. D. 760, Kenwolph, King of West Saxons, made Wells an Episcopal See. To be continu'd. The Tryal of Lieutenant Colonel John Lilburne, by an extraordinary Commission of Oyer and Terminer, at Guild Hall, London, the 14th, 2jth and ; 6th of October, 1649. THE Commissioners being set, and Proclamation for Silence made ; the Lieutenant of the Tower was commanded to bring forth his Prisoner according to the Precept The Prisoner being broupht to the Bar, the Sheriffs of London were directed to take him into their Custody. Cryer. John Lilburne, hold up thy Hand. Lieu Col Lilburne, directing himself to Mr. Keble ( the president of the Court) desir'd he might have the Privilege of a free born English Man, and such as were due to him by Birth right and Inheritance, having fought ( as well as others) for them. He said he men- tion'd not this by way of Merit, to gain Mercy, he scorn'd it, and ask'd none, but from the Hands of God ; he crav'd but the Liberty which St. Paul had, of speak- ing for himself when he pleaded for his Life before the Heathen Roman Judges ; this, he said, was allow'd when he was arraign'd before the House of Peers, by the King's special Order, the first of May 1641, for sticking close to the Liberties of the Nation, being one of those two or three Men who first drew their Swords in Westminster Hall, against Col. Lunsford and his As- sociates, when ' twas thought they design'd to cut the throatS of the chiefest Men in the House of Commons. That being taken in the Action at Brentford, by the King's Forces and arraign'd as a Traytor before the Lord- Chief Justice Heath at Oxford, for levying War against the K ng, he was try'd by the good old Laws of England, With all the Fairness and Equity imaginable, and permitted to plead to the Errors in the Indictment, before pleaded Not Guiliy ; and had Council freely assign'd him to consult and advise with, and help him in Point of Law as soon as he had pleaded, and before any Fact was prov'd ; all which he said was consonant to Sir Edward Coke's Judgment, in his third Part of his Institutes, n ap of High Treason, fol. 29,34,137, and 230 That being no profess'd Lawyer, he could not be suppos'd to understand the Forms and Niceties of law; and therefore it behov'd him to consider ( lest he hurried himself into Dangers before he hold up his Hand. C 201^ ) He complain'd that notwithstanding Courts of justice ought to be open and free to all People, and no Man try'd in Holes and Corners, yet at his Entrance the Gates were shut and guarded. He said he had been summon'd before a Committee of Parliament, on much the same Pretence he was brought before this Court, and there he refus'd to pro. ceed, till by their special Order their Doors were thrown wide open ; and said if he were not allow'd the same Privilege here, he should rather die than proceed further and that they might have no Jealousy of his Escape, he had engag'd to the Lieutenant of the Tower to be his true and faithful Prisoner, to come and go back peace, ably; and if he should be separated from him by Force 0r Accident, to return to him as soon as he had Liberty • and he believ'd the Lieutenant did not scruple it. ' Ld. Keble, Mr Lilburne, look behind you, and see whether the Door stands open. He faid he was satisfy'd as to that ; but in the next Place he faid, by the Act made for abolishing the Star. Chamber in 1641, all Statutes made against Magna char- ta were declar'd to be void ; and consequently that of the first of Edw. Ill, which erected these extraordinary Commissions of Oyer and Terminer, was repeal'd, as be. ing against the Subjects indubitable Right declar'd in Magna Charta, viz. That no English Man should be sub. jected to any other Tryal but at the ordinary Assizes, Sessions or Goal- Deliveries. He added, That this was the Opinion of the House of Commons ( when they were in their Purity, and acted in defence of the Liberties of the Subject) as ap. pear'd by the Arguments of Mr. Hyde, publish'd in a Book, call'd Speeches and Passages of Parliament, from p 409 to 417, who was commission'd from the then House of Commons to complain of the special Commis- sion of Oyer ar d Terminer, exercis'd in the five Nothern Counties, as unjust in the Foundation, ard inconsistent with the Liberties granted by Magna Charta ; tho' the frequent Insurrections of those Counties, in Henry VIII's Time ( after the Suppressions of Abbeys) was then an extraordinary Reason for erecting that Court; and therefore if they were then illegal in those aggravating Circumstances and Dangers, much more must it be so now, to try him for Words or Books only, when there's no Infurrection in the Kingdom, and the ordinary Courts of Justice open, in which he had often ( since his first Commitment seven Months ago.) fought a legal Tryal, but could never enjoy that Benefit, tho' he ought, by Law and Justice, either to have been try'd at the first Assizes in the County where his pretended Crime was committed, or acquitted. Then he goes on: I never acted in an hostile Manner against the present Governors; I have been in many Battels under their Command, and hazarded my Life for ' em ; and since I left my Command, have liv'd at Home in Peace. I was at the Commons Door the same Day they voted me a Traytor, and was offer'd by Mr. Rigby ( who now sits as Judge amongst you) very great Matters in the Names of some great ones, if I'd follow their Directions, so that I might easily have avoided the Snares of mine Ene- mies, but I thought myself fecure in a safe Conscience. About five a Clock next Morning, a or 300 arm'd For. ces, Horse and Foot, hal'd me out of Bed from my Wife and Children, not according to the Law as is expresly provided in 1 Ida. VI chap 12 and 5 and 6 Edm. VI. chap 11. But contrary to all good Laws ( tho' there has been an eight Years War pretended for the Laws and Liberties of England ( carried me thro' the Streets of London in a Terror ( like an Algier Captive; to their main Guard at Paul's, and thence with a new and mighty Host conducted me by force of Arms, to White- hall, tho' ( if I had been a Traytor) I ought to have been pro. ceeded against by the Civil Officers, according to the Privileges the Parliament themselves, in 1641, claim'd for the six Members, in their own Book of Declarations, 3<>, 37. 76, 77. I was then carried to Derby House before a Company of Gentlemen, who thought them- selves authoriz'd to be a Committee or Council of State ( who, I'm sure, had nothing to do with me for pretend, ed Treason) and Mr John Bradshaw ( who had been Council for me before the House of Lords, in 1645, « • gainst my unjust Star- Chamber Judges) urg'd it as Ille- gal, Arbitrary and Tyrannical, that the Lords in the Star- Chamber should order me to be whip'd, pillory'd, & c, for C 2019 ) according to their Calculation happens this Year) the Messias they dream of, is to be born of a Virgin, to de- liver by his Blood the Jewish Nation from the Bondage they hae endur'd since the Destruction of Jerusalem ; that on the Day of his Birth, which was to be likewise that or his Death, a famous King appointed by Inspira- tion, shall reunite the dispers'd Nation, conduct ' em in their future Conquests, and render them famous by the total Destruction of the Christians. The following Ac- cident flatter'd their Expeditions : Some Soldiers here, having found a new born Male Child dropt in the Street, brought him to the Cardinal Legate, who caused him to be baptiz'd. and put in the Hospital ; hereupon the Prin- cipal Jews appointed four Midwives to discover whether any of their Nation had not been so happy as to be the Mother of the Foundling, and one of them appearing to have the proper Marks, the chief jews went to the Hos- pital, and reclaim d the Infant, but being deny'd they had Recourse to another Expedient. A poor Bailiff, whose Wife was near her time, sold the Jews for 40 Ducats, the Child she should be delivered of, if a Male; according to the Prophesy, the jews were to be Masters of that Town, where the pretended Messias should be born Hereupon, our Governour being ignorant of their Design, received fiom the Jews 5000 Crowns, and de- livered to them, for some Hours, only the Keys of the Gate of their Quarter, on Condition they should not open it ; afterwards the Rabbi and others came to the Gate, formed a verbal Process, and boasted of their Sovereignty. Two Hours after, they met at the Synagogue, whither the Bailiff's Child was brought and having shut the Doors, sacrific'd him, and sprinkled the unleaven'd Bread with his Blood, and burn'd his Body. After this Tragedy, one call d Felix Coen, after having been an- ointed and crown'd, was recogniz'd as King. The great Inquisitor being appriz'd of this cruel Sacrifice, went to the Synagouge, and having seen the throne erected there, arrested the new King, the rabbi and the princi- pal Jews, who are laid in irons. Extract of several Letters from Provence, dated Aug. 11. According to our last Advices from Marseilles, common Diseases only are now among them, which nevertheless prove mortal especially in the Country. In the City above 800 houses are shut up, which they are going forthwith to cleanse and purify for the Service of those who will come to resettle there ; but the Physi- cians of Montpellier have given their Advice not to do it till October next because of the great Heat They add, that the Merchants of Marseilles have desir'd a Re esta- blishment of their Commerce, especially to the Levant; but it has not been judg'd propei to grant their Request, because of the Consequences in regard to Foreigners; ne- vertheless, they are at work to get some Vessels ready to put to Sea next Winter The Plague is at length ceas'd in Toulon, and excepting some who are still sick in the Hospital, there is no Talk of any that fall ill of it. In seven Days there dy'd only ten Persons in the City, and sixty in the Hospitals and Infirmaries They have burnt the furniture and wearing Apparel, and purify'd the Houses: But intermitting Fevers being pretty rife, it is propos'd to put those who fall ill of that Disease in in Hospital apart by themselves, and at a good Distance from that of the infected The Advices from Arles are now so favourable : They mention a new Relapse as cruel as the former. The two new Consuls are dead of it, as is likewise the Governor whom the Court lately sent to succeed him. who dy'd of the Contagion this new Affliction is imputed to the Disobedience of the Poor, who never be brought to obey Orders: but would live as they thought fit They write from Montpellier, that the Phy- sicians sent to Marselles are return'd, and have made their Report to the Faculty, as well of the Nature of the Dis- ease, as of the Method thev observ'd with the Patients under their Care. Their Conduct was much approv'd, but more their Piety in assisting the visited. On Tuesday was 7 Night Sir John Eyles, Bart, of Guidy Hall near Rumford in Effex, one of the Alder, men of the City of London, and Sub Governor of the South sea ComPany, was ( by the unanimous Consent of the Gentlemen and other Freeholders of the said County, met at Stratford) chosen Verderor of Epping- Forest ; in the room of Capt. Nutt, deceas'd. Last Tuesday there was a Committee of Cabinet- Council at the Rt. Hon. the Ld. Vifeount Townshend's Office at Whitehall. Letters from Lisbon say. That on the 27th at Night an Express arrived there from Oporto, with an Ac- count, that two Ships had put in there from All Saints Bay in Brasil ; that they had been 112 Days in their Voyage, and separated from the rest of the Fleet neat Cape St. Augustin. Letters from Cadiz of the 19th Instant say, that Capt. Stewart, his Britannick Majesty's Plenipotentary to the Emperor of Morocco, was arrived at tetuan from Me- quinez, with all the British Captives, and was expected at Gibraltar with the Men of War, in a few Davs. A Treaty of Marriage is said to be on foot between the 2d Son of the Ld. Viscount Townsend and the Lady Herriot Hamilton, youngest Daughter of the Earl of Orkney. Last Saturday the Lord Carleton, Ld President of the Council, set out for the Bath, to which Place, we hear, an Express has been sent to Sir George Byng, to hasten his Departure to Town. We hear, the Duke of Rutland is made Gentleman of the Bedchamber to the King, in the r00m of the earl of Warwick. Last Friday 7- Night died Sir Thomas Wheate. Bart. Member of Parliament for Woodstock in Oxfordshire, and Storekeeper of the Ordnance. They write from Boston in New England, July 10. that they had an Account from Philadelphia, that Gene- ral Nicholson being arriv'd there, was proclaim'd the King's Governor, and that he had brought with him 94 Soldiers besides Officers: That he had settled all Diffe- rences between the two former contending Governors, viz. Johnson Esq; for the Lords Proprietors, and Moore, Esq; who turn d him out and took Possession till his Majesty's Pleasure shou'd be known, and that he had taken the said two Governors into his Council, making the one Lieutenant Genual of the Forces to the Southward, and the other Lieutenant Gene- of the Forces to the Northward ; but it is said that Go- vernor Johnson hath declin'd it- designing to go home for England, to settle with the Proprietors. General Nicholson hath also order'd the Fortifications of Port- Royal to be forthwith rebuilt, and hath made Col. Bar- net chief Master of those Affairs having sent thither eight Pieces of Cannon, with all the Officers and Men brought from England. They write from New England. July 21 that the Day before the Governor of that Province dissolv'd the Assembly, before they had voted him a Salary. Letters from New Y0rk of July 10. bring Advice, that Capt. Maston was arriv'd there on the Monday before from Jamaica, having been taken bv a Pirate between Hispaniola and that Port, who took from him his wear- ing Apparel, Liquors and ProvisionS, but meddled not with his Cargoe : They forc'd away with them five of his Men : They were reckon'd to be the Crew of the Brigantine that belong'd to Roberts the Pirate, who had run away with the said Ship, and set up for themselves ; and, it is said, they had got on Board a good Part of Roberts's Wealth. Those Letters add, that his Majesty's Ship the Phoenix was to sail for Great- Britain on the 20th following. On Monday at the Sessions at Guildhall one Samuel Farr, a Waterman, was fined 10 Nobles, for assaulting and abusing one Mr. Lambert as he was going to take Water at the Old Swan Staits, the same being Very plainly proved upon him. Letters from Port- Royal in Jamaica, dated May 9, bring Advice, that two Days before arrived there Capt. Andrew Kingston, of the Lloyd Galley, from London, who on the 20th of March last was taken, about four Leagues off Antegoa, by Roberts the Pyrate, in the Loyal Fortune, a Ship of thirty six Guns, and two hun- dred and fifty Englishmen, and fifty Negroes, and a Bri- gantine of the same Name, being his Consort. having eighteen Guns, and forty six Englishmen and twenty Negroes who carry'd the said Ship to Bermuda, where they rifled her of all they thought fit ; and on the 30th they carry'd her to the Latitude of 30, and gave her to the Captain again, but forced away twelve of his Men. On the 2d of April last, a French Pyrate Sloop took the said Capt. Kingston again in Sight of the Virgin Islands, and detain'd the Ship for their own Use and car- ry'd away with them six Men, which were all that re- main'd, but landed the Captain on the Virgin Islands aforesaid. Thil ' This Week Mr. Fowler, Son of Sir Robert Fowler Bart, was married'to a Daughter of the Lord Viscount Downe of Ireland, They write from Marvejol, That the Plague has been discover'd there ever since the 10th Instant the Num- ber of Inhabitants is reckoned about 4000, of whom 10 or 12 die in a Day, and the Disease is broke out in different Parts of the City This sad Calammty was introduced here by a Flock of Sheep drove from the Country about Canourgue. The Graziers who sold them are Dead. Out of 15 or 1600 Persons who inhabited Canourgue, there scarcely remans 350. The Infection hassfpread itself to several Villages in the Gevandan. Troops are ordered at all the Passages to stop as much as possible the growing Disorder. We have an Account from Jamaica, by the Fleet new- ly arrived, of the Execution at Kingston of nine more Pirates: also of the Tryal and Condemnation of eleven others, two of which were Women, named Mary Read, and Sarah Bonny ; the Evidence, against whom, deposed, That they were both in Men's Habit, and fought despe- rately, and that they narrowly escap'd being Murder'd by them. We hear that on Wednefday there was an odd sort of a Race near Paddington, between a Cow and an Horse, the former to be driven, and the latter rid: The Wa. ger was laid between two whimsical Gentlemen for 10 Guineas, and was won by the Cow. We hear the Bocks of the South- Sea Company will be opened on Monday, and yesterday there was a General- Court, when they declared the Midsummer Dividend of 5 per Cent. We hear that a curious Set of eight Bells, are ordered to be founded, to be hung in the new Tower of Sr. Mi- chael's Cornhill, the Stone work being quite finished. They write from Barbantane, of Aug. 21. That two Domesticks belonging to the Marquis de Cailus, who lives within a League and a half of this Place, fell down Dead four Days ago, as they were waiting at table. All the Company were struck immediately with Terror, and more so when upon Examination, Plague . Swellings were found upon the Dead Bodies. Four Persons more died the fame D » y; and no small Danger is apprehended for the Marquiss de Cailus himself. Glaveson and No- ve. two Villages not far from hence, have had Symptoms of infection ever since the 17th Instant The City of Aix has continued in good Health these six Weeks past. Marseilles give now and then an Instance of remaining Infection ; but the great Care is immediately taken to overcome it. Mr. READ, AMalicious Report, was very industriously spread Abroad last Week, and the same inserted in the Daily Journal, Mist's Journal. and the Evening Post, of Thursday August 24th. This Report was display'd more at Large, than in any of the rest, and with much more more Inveteracy, 8cc. The Report was this, " That six Foot Grenadiers then on Duty at Kingsington, " had been Poyson'd by OfFalls and Fragments of Meat, " which they had received and bought for Six- pence, " out of the Dutchess of Kendall's Kitchin ; and that ' two of the aforesaid six Soldiers were actually Dead " and the other four in a very dangerous Condition" This Report getting Ground, by being so confidently related, and with so much Arrogance made Publick, made me very curious to be assur'd thereof: I therefore went to Kengsington that very Evening, viz Tuesday, August 22d 1721 and very strictly enquir'd of two of the Serjeants then on Guard concerning this Affair ; and afterwards I spoke with the Colonel himself, who Com- manded, and they all assur'd me, with all Temper and Moderation, of the Absurdity of this Report. They told me, indeed, That some of the Men then 0n Guard, had been at the Dutchess's Kirchin, and had ( as usual bought some Remaines of Meat and says, to the value of Nine pence, of the Scullion, belonging to the Kitch- in being Perquisites belonging to that Office or Station: They told me likewise, that some of these Soldier's Comrades, had in point of Roguery and for Fun. ( as they term it) mix'd a little Jollup in their Soup and Meat, and that after wards these Soldiers went and drank plenti- fully of new Ale, which occasion'd them to swell and Vomit; but that as soon as they had dis- imbogu'd and eas'd their Stomachs, there were all Well again and some then at their Posts of Duty. I desire you Mr. Read, to insert this in your very next Journal, that the World may see the Malice, Envy and Detraction of such vile Scriblers, as make it their Busi- ness to calumniate and asperse without a Cause, the In- nocent great and glorious : For I cannot otherwise be- lieve, but that this Report was designedly rais'd and im- prov'd, only to cast an Odium on all the Nobles, and Persons of Distinction who are Hanoverians here at Court; endeavouring hereby to wound his sacred Ma- jesty, in and through their Sides, by such a bare con- struction, and vile, hellish suggestion : But alass. Their Rage is feeble, dull and nonsensical, seeing they can only Hiss and not Sting ; nor can I better compare such Mis- creants, than by alludeing them to snarling Dogs, that still are barking at the Moon, but can never bite. You will greatly oblige me, who am a constant Reader of your Journal, and likewise the Injur'd, if you publish this Accoount, verbatim as I send it to you. I am, Aug 30. Yours, T. H. Last Thursday came on the Election for a Lecturer of St. Sepulchres, when the Reverend Mr. Samuel Asplin was chosen without opposition. Christen'd Males i<; 9. Females 159. In all 318 Buried Males 212. ' Females 235, In all 447. Increas'd in the Burials this Week 27. CASUALTIES. Drown'd 3. One in the River of Thames at St John Wappin, one in a Ditch at St Dunstan Stepney ( buried at St. Paul Shadwell) and one in the River of Thames at St. Margaret in Westminster. Murder'd ( a Male In- fant) at St. Leonard in Shoreditch : Overlaid 1 Yesterday Bank Stock was 139. India I44. S. Sea 140. London Assurancc 8. Royal Exchange Assurance 9. African 29. Yesterday arriv'd a Mail from Holland. , Brunswick, September 2. THE Baggage of the Count de Goloskin 2d Pleni- potentary of the Czar, is arriv'd here, as is also that of Baron Sleinitz, the Czar's Ministers at the Court of France. Hamburgh, September j. We hear nothing new from the Congress at Neustad, and as there is no express come, in all likelihood the Negotiations are not yet terminated as has been reported. Hague, September 6. Letters from Vienna say that the Empress gives great signs of being with Child again, and that Prince Eugene was going for some Days to an island in Hungary, attended by several Ministers and Generals. A Courier is pass'd thro' here from Sweden going to London, with favourable News on the Sub. ject of Peace. ADVERTISEMENT. AT Penkethman, Miller, and Jubilee Dicky's New Theatrical BOOTH in Blew- Maid Alley ad- joyning to the Half- Moon Inn in the Borough, during the time of Southwark Fair, will be presented A Cele- brated Droll call'd, The Injur'd General: OR, The Blind Begger of Bednal Green, and the Woman never vext. With the Comical and diverting Humours of Squire Sousecrown, and his Man Gudgeon. All the Parts by Comedians from Drury Lane. Sousecrown the foolish Country Squire by Mr. Miller. Gudgeon his Diminu- tive Servant by Mr Norris. alias Jubilee Dicky. Mountford by Mr Corey. Sir Robert Westford by Mr. Shepard. Young Westford by Mr Wilks, Jun Ardelia by Mrs. Knapp. Lady Westford by Mrs. Wetherell. Widow by Mrs. Holt And the Part of the Undertaker by Mr. Penkethman. With variety of Singing and Dancing as will be expres- sed in the Bills, and a particular Entertainment of WATER WORKS, in Imitation of the famous Gardens at Versailles, the finest that ever were seen in England, by a famous Artist lately arrived. N. B There is a Passage thro' the Half Moon Inn for the Quality to the Boxes, and a handsome long Room joining to the Booth where will be Raffling, and other Diversions, particular Care being taken to have every thing made Commodious, for the reception of the Qua- lity. LONDON: Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Friars, near Fleet- street
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