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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 19/08/1721
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 6
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Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1721. ( Price three halfpence) A. D. COnstantine the Son of Cador, Duke of 542. Cornwall, and Cousin to King Arthur, by Marriage, and his adopred Heir, was slain by Conanus, when he had been King Three Years, and was buried at Stonehenge. A. D. AUrelius Conanus, King Arthur's Nephew, 545. detained his Uncle in perpetual Imprison- ment, and slew his two Cousins, because they had more right to the Crown than himself. A. D. VOrtiporus in many Battles vanquished the 578. Saxons, and valiantly defended his subjects; but otherwise very wicked. A. D. MAlgo Canonus, in Arms and Dominions, 581. was stronger and greater than any other British Potentate; saith Gildas. A D CArericus sowed Civil Wars amongst his Sub- 586. jects the Britains, which occasioned them to forsake him, and leave him to the Mercy of the Sax- ons, who pursuing after him, he fled into Cirencester for Safety ; but by the Advice of his Pursuers, certain Sparrows being taken, and Fire fastned to their Feet, were let flying into the City, who lighting among Straw, set it on Fire, whence the City was burnt to the Ground ; but Careticus escaped, and fled for safely unto the Mountains of Wales, where he died. A. D. cAdwan maintained himself and his Subjects in great Honour and Peace His first Affairs against the Saxons, were to revenge the Deaths of his Britains, and harmless Monks of Bangor, slain by wild Ethelfred, the mighty King of Northumberland. The Monastry of Bangor in North Wales, was situa- ted in the fruitful Valley, now called the English Mai- lor, containing within it the Quantity of a Mile and an half of Ground. This Monastery, as saith Bernard Clarivalentius. was the Mother of all others in the World. Whose Monks distributed themselves into Seven Portions, every one numbering 300 Souls, and all of them living by the Labour of their own Hands Many of these Monks assembled at Caer Legion, to assist their Brethren the Britains with their Prayers against Ethelfred, sirnamed the Wild, King of Northumberland, who with his Pagan Soldiers set upon the Britains discomfited their Host, and put to the Sword Twelve Hundred of these Christian Monks. A. D CAdwallo, or Cadwallin the Son of Cadwin, 635. warred most valiantly against the Saxons, slew the Christian King Edwin of Northumberland, with his Son Osfride in a great and bloody Battle at Hethfield. He died in Peace, as the British Writers say, and was buried in St. Martin's Church in London ; his Image great and terrible, triumphantly riding on Horseback, being artificially cast in Brass, the Britains placed upon Ludgate, to the farther Fear and Terror of the Saxons A. D. cAdwallador, the Son of Cadwallo, with great 685. Valour, fought against the Saxons ; but his Nobles dissenting and warring among themselves did much endamage his very hopeful Undertakings And by the All disposing Hand of Providence, so great a Dearth j 4 E befel ( 2COI ) THE O R, British Gazetteer. GREAT- BRITAIN. The Continuation of the History of ENGLAND. The SAXONS. AUrelius Ambrosius, descended of that Constantine, who was elected here, only in hope of his lucky Name. He was very successful a- gainst the Saxons ; but, as some say, was poysoned by the procurement of Pascen- rius the youngest Son of Vortigern. Others report, that he was slain in the Field by the Saxons, and that the Britains erected that famous Monument, called Stonehenge, anciently Choria Gigantum, over the Place were he was slain and buried ; though, according to the saying of some, Aurelius Ambrosius caused the Mo- nument if Stonehenge to be rected in Memorial of the Massacre of 300 of the Nobility of the Britains by the Saxons, who were there buried. He built Ambres- bury in Wilts. A. D. UTer Pendragon, the Brother of Ambrosius, 497- was in all his Wars against the Saxons most victorous and fortunate. He was sirnamed Pendragon, either because at his Birth their appeared a fiery Comet something refembling a Dragon's Head, or because of the Serpentine Wisdom, or from his Royal Banner, wherein was pourtrayed a Dragon with a Golden Head. When he had Reigned Eighteen Years, he died of Poyson put into a Well, whereof he usually drank. A- D. ARthur, the Son of Pendragon, begotten upon 516. the Lady Igren, Dutchess of Cornwal, was Crowned King of Britain at 15 Years of Age, about A. D. 716, Twelves Battles he fought against the Sax- ons with great Manhood and Victory, the last of which was fought at Bath, or Bathen- hill, where the Britains gave the Saxons a very great Overthrow. But Mordred a Prince of the Picts, whose Mother was Pendragon's Sister; affecting the Crown, upon the Pretence of Ar- thur's reputed Bastardy, made many Attempts against him ; and lastly, at Cambalu, now Camelford in Corn- wal encountering King Arthur, gave him his Death's Wound, and was himself slain by Arthur in that Place. From which Place this Renowned King was carried to Glastenbury, where he died of his Wounds in A. D. 542, whose Body was there buried, and after 600 Years was digged up by the Command of Henry the Second. HisBones of great Bigness, and Skull, wherein was per- ceived ten Wounds, were found in the Trunk of a Tree ; over him was a huge broad Stone, in which a leaden cross fastned, and therein was this Inscription, Hic jacet. Here lies King Arthur buried in the Isle of Avalonia. By him lay his Queen Guenavor, whose Tresses of hair finely platted, of a Golden Colour, seem- ed Perfect and entrie, but till being touch'd they moul- dred Dust These RelickS- were reburied in the great Church, ' ( nooi ) John Bradshaw President. befel, that Herbs and Roots were the Commons chiefest Sustenance. Mortality and Pestilence likewife raging so sore, and suddenly, that People in their eating, drink, ing, walking, and speaking, were surprized by Death, and in such Numbers, that the living were scarce suffici- ent to bury the Dead. Which Calamities lasted no less than Eleven Years, whereby the Land became desolate ; insomuch that the King, and many of his British Peers, were forc'd to seek and eat their Bread in foreign Parts. But the destroying Angel, by God's Appointment, hav- ing sheathed his devouring sword, Cadwallador was minded to have returned into his Native Country with fome Aids which he had procured of his Cousin Alan, K. of Little Britain, but was forbid by an Angel ( as he thought and commanded to go to Rome, and there take upon him the Habit of Relig: on ; which accordingly he did, and died at Rome, where, in St. Peter's Church, he was buried, being the last King of the Britain; Blood, about A. D. 689, To be continu'd. The Continuation of the Tryal of King Charles the First. And that the King declar'd to the Deponent, that he had found the Independents the most active Men in the Kingdom for the Parliament against him, and perswa- ded the Deponent to Expedite the bringing them over ; and for their Encouragement, his Majesty promised upon the Word of a King, That if they would come over, and be as active for him against the parliament, as they had been against him, he would grant them whatever Freedom they could desire. And then his Ma- jesty refer'd the Deponent to the Earl of Bristol for the further Prosecution of the Affair. That the Earl directed the Deponent to let the Independents know, that the King's Affairs prosper'd well in Ireland ; that his Irish Subjects had given the Rebels ( meaning the Parliament's Forces) a great Defeat: That the Lord Byron had a considerable Army before Namptwich in Cheshire, which would be strengthened with more Forces that were daily expected out of Ireland. That when the Deponent left Oxford, he had four safe Conducts, with Blanks for inserting what Names the Deponent pleas'd ; and that one Ogle was sent out of Oxford with the De. ponent, to treat of delivering up Aylesbury to the King. Then several Letters and Papers of the Kings were produced as Evidence against him ; but the Publishers of this Tryals have not thought to give us Copies of them, or to let us know the Purport of them. The Witnesses being examin'd, the Court still sat pri- Vate, and came to the following Resolutions That they would proceed to Sentence of Condemna- tion against Charles Stuart King of England ; that he should be condemn'd as a Tyrant Traitor, and Murde- rer, and a publick Enemy to the Commonwealth of Eng- land ; and that this Condemnation should extend to Death: And that draught of a Sentence, grounded on the said Vote should be prepared by a Committee appointed for that Purpose; who were to leave a Blank for the manner of the King's Death. Then the Court ad. journ'd till the next Day. Friday, Jan 26, Painted Chamber. The Court sate private : And a Draught of a Sentence being pro- duc'd after several Debates about it, and some Amend- ments made, it was order'd to be Engross'd. And it was resolv'd, that the King should be brought into the Hall the next Day to receive his Sentence. Saturday, January 57, 1648. Painted Chamber. Re- solv'd that the Lord- President do manage what Dis- course shall happen between him and the King, accord- ing to his Discretion, with the Advice of his two Assi- stants ; that the Lord- President should hear the King say what he would before Sentence, but not after. That after reading tha Sentence, the Lord President should declare, that the same was the Sentence and Judgment of the whole Court ; and that the Commissioners should thereupon signify their Consent by standing up. Then the Court adjourn'd to Westminster Hall, where sixty seven of the Commissioners appear'd, viz. John Lish, William Say, Oliver Cromwell, Henry Ireton, esqrS; Sir Hardress Waller. Sir John Bourchier, William Hevengham, isaac Pennington, Alderman of London. Henry Martin, William Purefoy, John Berkstead, Matthew Tomlinson, John Blackiston Gilbert Millington, EsqrS; Sir Wm. Constable, Bar. Edmund Ludloe, John Hatchinson Esqrs; Sir Michael Livesay, Bar, Robert Titchburn, Oven Roe, Robert Lilburne, Andrew Scroop, Richard Dean, John Okey. John Huson, Wm Goff, Cornelius Holland, John Carew. John Jones, Miles Corbet, Francis Allen, Peregrine Pelham, Daniel Blackgrave, Valentine Wanton, John Downs, Thomas Horton Thomas Hammond, Nicholas Love, Simon Meyne, Thomas Wayte, Thomas Harrison, Edward Whaley, Thomas Pride, isaac Ewers, Esqrs; tho. Ld. Grey of Grooby, Sir John Danvers Sir Tho Maleverer, Barts. John Moore, Vincent Potter, Augustine Garland, John Dixwell, George Fleetwood, Peter Temple, John Alured Henry Smith, Humphrey Edwards: Gregory Clement, Tho. Wogan Esqr; Sir George Norton, Bart. Edmund Harvey, John Ven, Thomas Scot, Tho Andrews Alderman of London. William Cawley, Anthony Stapeley, James Temple, Esqrs, The King being brought to the Bar again, ( having his Hat on as usual) some of the Soldiers began to call out Justice, Justice, and Execution ! But Silence being com- manded, his Majesty derir'd to be heard ; which the President told him he should before the Sentence pro- nounc'd, but he must hear the Court first. Then the President said, that the Prifoner had several times been brought before the Court, to answer a Charge of High. Treason, exhibited against him in the Name of the Peo- ple of England : [ Here a Lady cry'd, Not half the People of England] buc being silenc'd, the President Went on, and recited the Proceedings that had been had ; that the Prisoner had refused three several Days to answer or own them as a Court ; and that his Contumacy had been thrice Recorded ; and that the Court, that they might not be wanting to themselves, had resolved upon a Sen- tence then ready to be pronounced against the Prisoner; but in regard of his Desire to be further heard, they were ready still to hear him in any thing relating to his Defence, but they should not suffer any thing to be of- fer'd against their Jurisdiction, The King answer'd, that since they wou'd not admit of it, he should wave saying any thing farther to their Jurisdiction, tho' he thought the settling of that most conducive to the Peace of the Kingdom, and the Liberty of the Subject : That if he had had a greater Regard to his Life, than to the Peace of the Kingdom, and the Liberty of the Subject, he should have made a particular Defence for himself; for by that means he might at least have delay'd an ugly Sentence, which he believ'd wou'd pass upon him. He told them, that an hasty Sentence once pass'd might sooner be repented of, than recall'd; and therefore ( more for the Kingdom's sake than his own) he desir'd he might be heard in the Painted Cham- ber before the Lords and Commons, before they pro- ceeded to pass Sentence ; that this was but a small De- lay, and he might offer such Reasons, as might conduce to the Peace and Welfare of the Kingdom ; he therefore again conjur'd them, if they had that Regard to the Welfare of the Kingdom as they pretended, that He might be heard there before Sentence pass'd. The President answer'd, that this was still a declining the jurisdiction of the Court, and tended only to Delay; however, since he press'd it so much, they would with- draw, and consider of his Proposal ; and accordingly they withdrew into the Court of Wards. [ Nalson says they withdrew to prevent a Disturbance from one of their own Members, Col. John Downs, more than out of Regard to the King ; for Downs observing his Ma f iccs ) jesty press so earnestly for a short Hearing, could not stifle the Reluctance of his Conscience, and began to be troublesome ; that but having used some Threats and Re- proaches to harden him to go through the Remainder of their Villany with them, they return'd ] The King be- ing again brought to the Bar, the President told him, that they were Judges appointed by the highest Au- thority ; and that Judges ought no more to delay, than to deny Justice, according to the Old Charter ; and that it was their unanimous Resolution, that they should proceed to Judgment, without any further Delay. To be continu'd. Mr. READ, I Am a constant Reader every Saturday of the several Weekly Journals that are publish'd ; your's, and the London Journal, I prefer to the rest, by reason I knOW that yours is a Loyal Papers, and I my self glory in being esteem'd a Loyal down- right Whig. The occasion of my sending to you now, is this, to request of you to insert both this Letter, and the following Lines, in your next Journal. It is indeed a long time since I writ any thing in Rhyme ( for I cannot call it Verse, knowing it doth not merit that Title but last Week meeting ac- cidentally with a Book of Poems, and finding Matrimo- ny much decry'd in one certain Essay therein, I cou'd not forbear saying something in its Vindication ; it be- ing really my Opinion, that it is the most happy State of Life, of all others, more especially where the right Ends of Marriage are justly and duly observ'd. I am not ignorant that there are many unhappy Marriages, and many Causes of their being so : And, amongst the rest, I know not any more frequent, than the Impatience of most Women, to live in Subjection. They are much of the Humour of other Subjects, and cannot forbear thinking they are Slaves, because they cannot be Ma- sters ; when both the one and the other might have as much Liberty as were advantageous for them, if they did not strive for more : Nay, their Fate too is com. monly alike; for by such unnatural Rebellions, they u- sually bring upon themselves that Slavery in Earnest, which they fear and dread without Reason A Wife who is willing to submit to her Husband's Pleasure in Things that are reasonable, may easily oblige him not to desire any thing of her, that is not not so : This I can lay by Experience, having now been a Wife almost half the time of my Life ; and neither my self, nor my Husband ( as I verily believe) did ever repent of our Marriage wish all married People could say the same; Ladies then wou'd not be so afraid to venture on that Honourable State. But this pleasing Subject makes me forget my self, and give you and the World more Trou- ble than I first design'd ; but pray Pardon it, for ' tis the first, and perhaps may be the last, from Your unknown humble Servant, ( Fidelia. In Praise of MATRIMONY. NAture, ' tis true, has grac'd our Sex with Charms, But ne'er design'd we shou'd employ those Arms To break the Laws she does on Us impose, For whom Subjection. and not Rule, she chose : Women are Subjects Born, and must give Way, First to their Parents Will, then Husband's Sway. The only Pow'r Heav'n does to Us permit, Is but the Choice, to whom we will submit; And happy She who prudently does chuse .' A Generous Man will not his Pow'r abuse And if his Heart and Hand she does receive, Why shOU'd she be unwilling Her's to give ? What greater Glory can a Virgin have. Than to make Him a King, who was her Slave ? nor does she in that Act give Pow'r away, she still may Rule, that knows how to'Obey; she o'er her Husband's Grateful Mind shall Reign, And share his Pleasures, eas'd of half his Pain. Love will no harsh Injunctions on Us lay, And where we Love, ' tis easie to Obey : Credit this TrUth from me who long have besn A Wife and wou'd not Change to be a Queen ! SO much my dearest Husband's Love I prize, 1 I, for it, an Empire wou'd despise, fidelia. Friday 7- Night there was a General Council at Kensing- ton : And his Majesty having been pleas'd to appoint the Rt, Hon. Hugh Lord Clinton, to be Lord Lieute- nant and Cuatos Rotulorum of the County of Devon, and City and County of Exeter, ( in the room of the Lord Carteret, who reaigned those Offices) his Lordahip took that Day, the Oaths appointed to be taken instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy We are now advis'd, that the Committee of Council at the same time, determine an Appeal from Gibraltar. the Lords were pleas'd to dismiss the Appeal against Mr. Beaver. The Rt Hon. John Lord Viscount Grandison of Ire- land, is made an earl of that Kingdom, by the Title of the Earl Grandison. On Saturday last one Cornish, a Bricklayer, who lay in Newgate for a Fine for stealing Lead from a House on which he was at work, and had found Means some Time since to break out of the said Goal, was retaken by a Foot Soldier of the ift Regiment of Guards, for which the Head Keeper made him a Present. And last Night one MefF, who broke out of Newgate at the same time, was likewise apprehended, and brought back to New_ gate, and both put in the Condemn'd Hold. This MefF, is the Person once carried to Tyburn, and brought back by the Accident of the Hangman's being Arrested. When the Convicts were lately carry'd on board a Ship at Limehouse Hole, in order to be transported to Vir- ginia, some few of them it seems, were rich enough to lay in a little Geneva and Gingerbread for a Viaticum ; and a Gingerbread Cake belonging to one Dalton, ( who was once before transported, and whose Father was hang'd) was accidentally broke up, in which there was File so well bak'd, that none of their Hand Cuffs could long withstand its Operation ; upon this Discovery he was ty'd to the Geers and drub'd, but made no Confessi- on, as we can hear, tho' it is not doubted but there was some design in it. One Wm. Unton, or Umpton, a Wealthy Farmer and Church- Warden of West Thurrack in Essex, was Convicted at the Assizes for that County, and stood in the Pillory at Grays, for uttering scandalous, seditious, and traiterous Words, which, we hear, after an unman- nerly Reflection upon His Majesty, were, in Effect as follows, ' That we should never have good Times so ' long as Liberty of Conscience was given ; that he ' hop'd we should all go to Loggerheads, and after the ' next Session of Parliament he should see the Streets ' run down with Blood, when he would mount the bell ' Horse in his Stable, and then we should know who • was in the Right, or whose Right it was. ' Tis said, that Justice Michel, one of the Deputy. Lieutenants for the Hamlets of the Tower, is made Lieutenant Colonel of the Second Regiment, in the room of Col. Hugh Raymond, one of the late South- Sea Di- rectors. Mrs. Brown, Nurse to the Young Prince William Augustus, not having Milk enough, Sir David Hamilton has recommended one Mrs. Whitehead, a Linnen- Dra- per's Wife in St Giles's, to be Nurse to his Highness. We hear, the Earl of Peterborough is going Abroad again, and that a Yatcht is order'd to carry him over to France. Dr. Stanhope and Dr. Mofs are said to be recover'd from their Indispositions. The Rt. Hon. the Lord Belhaven, who was upon the, Point of setting out for his Government of Barbadoes is, we hear, dangerously ill of the Gout in his Stomach- On HUMILITY. tHE Fairest Virtues never shine so bright, As when Humility wou'd cloud ' em quite Veils add to Beauty, the more we aeem To court Contempt, the more we get Eateem. The Printer and Publisher of the Lcndun Journal, who were taken up laat Saturday, when a very great Number of that Day's Paper were seized, was on Monday admit- ted to Bail. On Tuesday Morning his Grace the Duke of Graf- ton, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, set out towards that Kingdom. _ The same Time the three Regiments of Foot Guards Were Reviewed in Hide park, by the Earl of Cadogan. The Hon. Edward Hopkins, Esq; of Coventry, Mem- ber of Parliament for Eye in Suffolk, is appointed chief Secretary of Ireland, in the room of Mr. Walpole, and set out on Tuesday Morning for that Kingdom, with his Grace the Duke of Grafton, the Lord Lieutenant. The Parliament there will sit to do Business the 12th of September next, his Grace not being able to get thi- ther by the jjth Instant; to which Day at present it is Prorogued. Monday Morning about 2 a Clock, two Custom- house Boats, whereof one had 11 Men on board, having observ'd about Ratcliff Cross 2 large Smugling Boats making up the River, one of which had 12 Oars, pursued them thro' Bridge ; the others observing it, stopp'd, and ask'd them what they meant by it? Answer was made, that they were bound up the River as well as themselves ; whereupon the Smuglers lay by, and as the others follow'd, they bid them stand off and advance at their Peril; they not obeying, the Smuglers flung some Flint Stones at them, by which one of the Officers was very much cut under the Ear ; then the Custom- house Boats threw in their Grapling Hooks, the others cut them loose, and afterwards attempted to fire a Blunder- buss at them three several Times, which as often flash'd in the Pan, but going off on the 4th Time, one of the Watermen was shot thro' the Head, and the Smuglers held their Way up the River without being stopt. but Search being made, they were found in Fox Hall- Creek, with every Thing taken out of them,. It is reported, that the Custom House had Notice ot these Boats com- ing from Ostend with India Goods on Board ; of which they had several loool's Worth. Some Sacks of Tea have been found buried in a Garden, and more upon a Common near the Creek One Dunford and one Crab, two Men belonging to the Smuggling Boats, have impeach'd 18 others; for ap- prehending of whom, proper Rewards have been pro- mis'd by his Majesty ; that is to say, 100l. for Captain John Coombs, who fir'd the Piece which shot John Lamb the Waterman, whose Life is despair'd of ; and 20 1. for each of the others, Letters from Venice say, That on the 3d instant at Night a small shock of an Earthquake was perceived in this City ; and on the 5th at Night happened a great Storm, with Thunder, in which the Main Mast of the Ship called our Lady of Health was broke ; the Steeple of the Church of the Capuchins damaged, as was also the Church of St James. Advices are received, that the Country about Brescia, for above 20 Italian Miles round, is ruined by Storms mixt with Lighting and Hail. Letters from Bologna say, that the Hereditary Prince of Modena is arrived there with the Princess his Spouse, on their Way to the Baths at Lucca. Letters from Vienna say, That the Cardinal Czacki has delivered the Emperor a Letter from the Pope, wherein ' tis said, he assures his Majesty, that if ever his Majesty breaks with the King of Spain about Naples and Sicily, he will declare in his Favour, he the Pope having hitherto refused to enter into a close Alliance with the Court of Madrid, notwithstanding the Advantagious Offers made him for that end, with respect to the Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily. Letters from Stockholm say, That on the 31st past an Express from Nystad brought Advice that the Czar's Plenipotentiaries, having Notice of the Arrival of some Russian Gallies at Helsingvos, and fearing they Would make a new Invasion in Sweden, had sent an Express to his Czarish Majesty, to prevail with him to countermand any Orders he may have given for that Purpose ; the rather because they hoped that the Contents of the Dis- patches brought by the last Courier from Stockholm, and of which they sent a Copy to the Czar their Master, would procure them an Order from his Czariah Majesty to sign the Treaty. Letters from Warsaw say, That the Governour of that City refuses to submit to the Orders sent him from the great General of the Crown Army, and ' tis much fear'd that this Misunderstanding will be attended with unhappy Consequences unless the King interpose his Au- thority to prevent them. We have just now receiv'd Letters from the Palatinate of Podolia, with Advice, that they have lately pillag'd two Villages, and carried off the Inhabitants. Letters from Paris say. That Cardinal Alberoni, who is at present in good Grace at the Court of Rome, will marry his Neice to the Marquis de Paracciani, and the Pope, in favour of this Match, will give to the Family of Alberoni, a Title of Nobility antidated for 200 Years. The King, who grows daily better in Health has given to each Physician who was in the Consulta- tion with those of his Houshold during his Illness, a Pension of 1500 Livers. We hear that the Honourable Charles Cornwallis, Esq; eldest Son to the Right Honourable Lord Cornwallis, is appointed Groom of the Bedchamber to his Majesty. On Monday next a Plate of Thirty Pound, given by his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, is to be Run for on Putney Heath and he that comes in Second, is to have 15 1. Value. We hear, their Royal Highnesses will be present. They write from Yorkshire, that his Grace the Duke of Wharton is set out from thence for Ireland. The Duke of Grafton, we hear, intends to stay two Days by the Way at Ingestree in Staffordshire. On Saturday last one Mr. Hopkins, a Custom- House Officer at Woolwich, having espy'd a Boat coming from on board a Ship from Rotterdam, in which were five or six Passengers, took occasion to search them, in which he succeeded so well, that he found a considerable Quantity of Diamonds, to the Value of 3 or 40.00 1 privately hid under a Lady's Cloaths. Reignoldson, Esq; is appointed one the Masters in Chancery in the room of William Rogers, Esq; who hath resign'd. They write from Aberdeen in Scotland, that there is a fine Episcopal Meeting- House erected there, with a fine Organ, wherein is design'd to be perform'd Cathedral Service, as in England. On Monday last Mr, Benjamin Norton De Foe was committed to Newgate by one of his Majesty's Princi. pal Secretaries of State, for writing and publishing a seditious Libel by Way of Introduction to the London. Journal of Saturday last ; and on Tuesday Night he was admitted to Bail before Mr de la Faye, himself being bound by Recognizance in the Sum of 1000 1. and his two Sureties in the Sum of 50001, each for his Ap- pearance at the King's Bench Baron the 1st Day of next Term. Standgate- Creek, Aug 15. All last Week We had no Ships come in here; but Yesterday came in the Warren Galley, Capt. Wills, from Venice and Zephalonia. They write from Coventry of the 10th Instant, that 1 on the Saturday before, Thomas Clark of Willoughby, Esq; being seiz'd with an Apoplectick Fit at Righton, fell from his Horse, and dy'd soon after They add, that there was a vast Appearance of Nobility and Gen- try, & c. at Warwick Race that Week which was in great Measure owing to the Lord and Lady Craven's be- ing there. Last Wednesday there was a Committee of Council at Whitehall, on the Affairs of the Plantations. The same Day one Whigley was committed to New- gate, for the Highway. Letters from Portsmouth of the 16th Instant bring Advice, that Sir Hovenden Walker was still there, tho' several News Letters from London thither had given an Account of his being at Kensington, and waiting on the King, & c. They add, that the Custom- house Officers had that Morning put into the Post- Office about 120 Foreign Letters brought by the John, John Mager Master. from Genoa, which arriv'd there on the 12th Instant, and is performing Quarentine on the Mother Bank ; as were also the Success, Capt. Bennet from Genoa, and the Richard, Capt. Nichols from Gallipoli, who arriv'd a few Days before. On Wednesday Night, died at his House in Town, the Rt. Hon. Edward Henry Rich, Earl of Warwick and Holland, being the only Child of Edward late Earl of Warwick, by Charlotte Daughter of Sir Thomas Myddleton of Chirk Castle in the County of Denbigh, and the last Heir Male of that Branch of his Family, and one of the Lords of his Majesty's Bedchamber. It is said, that his Lordship having been Bathing in the Thames, taking afterwards a Glass of Wine or two too freely, it threw him into a Fever which occasion'd his Death. The Honour descends to the Posterity of the younger Sons of Henry Earl of Holland, Beheaded be. fore Westminster Hall Gates, for endeavouring to Re- store King Charles II. of which we hear the next Colla- teral Heir is — Rich Esq; one of the Gentlemen Ushers It was observ'd, in a Year when the common Small Pox was Very mortal, that those by Insition were also at- tended with greater symptoms. Of fifty Persons, who had the insition made upon them almost in the same Day, four were found in whom the Eruption too sudden, the tubercles more, and Symptoms worse there was some suspicion, that these four had caught the common Small- PoX before the Insition was made. It is enough for our present purpose, that here was not one but re- cover'd after the insition : In those four the Small Pox came near the confluent Sort. At other times the Ino- culated are distinct, few and scatter'd ; commonly ten of twenty break out ; here and there one has but two or three, few have a hundred: there are some in Whom no Pustul rises, but in the Places where the insition was made, which swell up into purulent Tubercles; yet these have neVer had the Small pox afterwards in their whole LiVes; tho' they have cohabited with Persons having it. It is not to be noted, that no small Quantity of Mat- ter runs for several Days from the Place of the Insition. The Pocks arising from this 0peration are dry'd up in a short time, and fall ofF partly in thin Skins, and partly, contrary to the common sort, vanish by an insensible Wasting. The Matter is hardly a thick Pus, as in the Common, but a thinner kind of Sanies ; whence they are pit, except at the Place of the insition, where the Cieatrices . left are not to be worne out by Time, and whose matter comes near the Nature of Pus If an Apostheme breaks out in any, ( which Infants are most subject to) yet there is nothing to be fear'd, for it is safely heal'd by Suppuration. If any other symp- tom happens, ' tis easily cur'd by the common Remedies. Observe, they scarce ever make Use of the matter of the Insitions Pox for a new Insition. if this innoculation be made on Persons who have before had the Small pox; they find no Alteration, and the Places prick'd presently dry up ; except in an ill Habit of Body, where possibly a slight Inflammation and Exulceration may happen for a few Days To this time, he says, I have known but one boy, on whom the Operation was perform d, and yet he had not the Small- Pox, but without any Mischief and some Months after catching the COMMOn Sort he did very well. It is to be observ'd, that the Places of the insition did not swell I suspect this " h d prevented the infer. tion of the Matter; for he struggled very much under the Operation, and there wanted help to hold him still. The Matter to be inserted will keep IN the glass very well for twelve Hours He gos on I have never observ'd any mischievous Accident from this Insition hitherto ; and altho ' such Reports have been sometimes spread among the Vulgar, yet having gone on purpose to the Houses whence such rumourS have arisen I have found the Whole to be absolutely false It is now eight Years since I have been Eye Witness of these Operations; and to give a greater Proof of the Sedulity I have used in this Disquisition, I shall relate two Histories There was, in a certain Family a Boy of three Years old, afflicted with the Falling Sickness, the King's evil an Heredirary Pox, and a long Marasmus The Pa- rents were desirous to have the Insition made upon him ; the Small- Pox were thrown off with ease ; about the 40th day he died of his Marasmus In another Family, a Girl of three Years old, troubled with the like Fits, strumons, attended with an Hereditary Lues, and labour. ing under a Colliquative looseness for three Months. The Operation was perform'd on his Child ; she came off very well of the Small- Pox which was all over the 15th day ; on the 32d she died of her Looseness, which had never left her the whole time. But it is true, I never maintain'd the Inoculation as a Panacaea. or Cure for all Diseases ; nor do I think it pro- per to be attempted on Persons like to die. some more Quick sighted, imagin'd these two Children were, as useless Shades sent to Charon by any means that could be made use of If I could have Collected any more con- cerning this Matter, I should have imparted it candidly. We hear that the cargoes of the two Turkey Ships Iying at Standgate- Creek having been inspected there is found no Necessity for burning of them ; so that the 25,0001 allow'd by Parliament to re- imburse the Own- ers, will be saved to the Publick. shers to the Prince. The Countess of Warwick, Mo- ther of the deceas'd Earl, became afterwards the Wife of the Rt Hon. Joseph Addison Esq; There having been much said of an Experiment For inoculating the Small- Pox and the Success of it, by the present Accounts we have, being Very like to answer expectation, we think the following Piece Will be ac- ceptable the curious. ... extract of a Letter from Dr. Emanuel Timomius dated at Constantinople in December 1713. which had the probation of the Royal Society, and was Printed in the philosophical Transactions, No. 339. tHE Wiiter of this Discourse observes, that the Circassians, Georgians and other Asiaticks, have introduced this Practice of procuring the small- Pox by sart of Inoculation, for about the space of forty Years, among the Turks and others at Constantinople That altho' at first the more Piudent were very cau- tiouS in the Use of this Practice ; yet the happy Success has been found to have in thousands of Subjects for these eight Years past, has now put it out of all Suspi- cion and Doubt; since the Operation having been per- m'd on Persons of all Ages, Sexes and different Tem- praments, and even in the worst Constitution of the t, yet none have been found to die of the Small- Pox, when at the same time it was very mortal when it seized the Patient the common way. of which half the AfFlicted. died. This he attests upon his own Observation. Next he observes, they that have this Inoculation ictised upon them, are subject to very slight Symp- toms. some being scarce sensible they are ill or sick; and that is valued by the Fair, it never leaves any Scars or s in the Face, the Method of the Operation is thus : Choice being made of a proper Contagion the Matter of the Pustules t0 be communicated to the Person propOsed to take Infection ; whence it was, metaphorically, the Name insition or Inoculation. For this pUrpose, they make lice of some Boy, or young Lad, of a sound healthy temperament, that is seized with the common Small- pox, ( of the Distinct, not Flux sort on the twelfth or teenth day from the beginning of his Sickness; they 1 a Needle prick the Tubercles. ( chiefly those on the , s and Hams) and press our the Matter coming from , into some convenient Vessel of Glass, or the like, receive it : It is convenient to wash and clean the vessel first with warm Water. A convenient Quantity this Matter being thus collected, is to be stopt close, kept warm in the Bosom of the person that carries soon as may be, to the future Patient. the Patient therefore being in a warm Chamber the tator is to make several little Wounds with a Nee- in one two or more Places of the Skin, till some ps of Blood follow, and immediately drop out some ps of the Matter in the Glass, and mix it well with Blood issuing out; one Drop of the Matter is suffici- for each Place prick'd. These Punctures are made differently in any of the fleshly Parts, but succeed best he Muscles of the Arm or Radius The Needle is to 1 three- edged Surgeons's Needle ; or it may be per- form'd with a Lancet: The Custom is to run the Nee- tranverse, and rip up the Skin a little, that there Y be a convenient dividing of the Part, and the mixing of the Matter with the Blood more easily per- m'd; which is done, either with a blunt Stile, or an picker ; The Wound is cover'd with half a Walnut. I. or the like Conclave Vessel, and bound over, that Matter be not rubb'd off by the Garments ; which is removed in a few Hours. The Patient is to take of his Diet. In this Place the Custom is to abstain from Flesh and Broth for 20 or 25 Days, his Operation is perform'd either in the Beginning the Winter, or in the Spring. some for Caution, order the Matter to be brought the sick by a third Person lest any Infection should convey d by the Cloaths of the Operator ; but this is to the process of this Matter, in respect of the syncrasy the Small pox begins to appear sooner in than in others, in some with greater, in others Symptoms ; but with happy Success in all. Place the Efflorescence. commonly begins at the seventh Day W hich seems t0 favour ( 2006 J x . To Morrow the Right Reverend Dr. Charles Trimnel, after his Confirmation will be present in the Royal Cha- pel at Kensington, to act in his Station of Clerk of the Closet to the King, when it will be known whether his Lordship will still hold that Office, with the Bishoprick of Winchester, as he did when Bishop of Norwich. As soon as his Lordship is Confirm'd in the former See, a Conge d'Eslire will immediately pass for Dr. Green to be Bishop of Norwich ; who is to hold the Prebendary and Archdeaconry of Canterbury in Com- mendum. Mr. Puckle, who Invented the small Cannon that Discharges 33 times, in less than three Minutes, hath lately Contrived a Spade, which was on Thursday tryed at Hoxton by Gardiners, and others used to Digging from their Youth ; who all agreed that much more Earth might be Dug therewith in a Day, with far less La- bour, than it was possible to do with other Spades now Commonly in Use, Mr. READ, SINCE you deal a little in Poetry, pray divert your Readers with the following comical Verses, and you will oblige your constant Reader. T. R. On a young Widow married to an old Fumbler. Coming a tender Girl from School, Marrying, I met a Thund'ring Fool: But fit for Love's Embraces grown, I've got a Thing that's next t0 None : The first, with Youth's too vigorous Warmth inspir'd With Love's untasted Joys my Weakness tir'd : My second gruntiug Spark, cold to Love's Charms, He fills my Bed,' tis true, out not my Arms. When I'd no Appetite, Love cloy'd me, Now I've a Mind to't, ' tis deny'd me. Oh Hymen, Hymen, for my Quiet, Contract my Stomach, or enlarge my Diet. Last Week a Person tolerably drest, came to the Red- Lyon, a publick House at Hoxton, and desir'd their Shuffle Board Room might be immediately clear'd, and got ready for some Persons of Distinction to come and play for a very considerable Wager, the People willing to entertain such Guests as the Fellow had described, prepared the Room, and brought a large Silver tankard, and other suitable Accommodations ; but while the in- nocent Landlord and his Spouse were hurrying about the House, the Villain found means to shuffle clear off with the Tankard, and neither has been seen nor heard of since. ' tis said her Royal Highness is again with Child. Temple, Aug. 18. 1721. On Friday was Se'nnight, was carried down from his House in Fetter Lane, to be interrd at Roydon in Essex, the Body of Francis Buttler, Esq; ( not Mr. Tho- mas Buttler as was mislaken in the former Print') Se condary of His Majesty's Remembrances of the Court of Exchequer (" being near 80 Years of Age) to which Office he belong'd for near 60 Years: He was a Person universally belov'd for his Courteous Temper, and sin- gular Piety ; and which was more conspicuous in him, is. That he justly deserv'd the Character, Pecuniam qua sibi nihil esset usus. ab ijs quibus sciret usui esse non accepit, ( which, it's fear'd. few Lawyers have even a Pretence to.) This irreperable Loss cannot possibly be better made up, than in his worthy Succcessor, Mr. Benjamin Mar- riott. ISIR , Royal- Exchange, Aug. 15. F Sh- en Luck be Good Luck, I don't know but Sh- n Stories may be Good Stories : An eminent House keeper in our Neighbourhood having Occasion some Days ago, to have the Lumber of Nature bore off the Premises, ( vulgarly miscall'd a Wedding) some arch Apprentices in the Neighbourhood laid their Heads t0- gether, and sent the Musick the next Morning, to faci- litate the honest Inhabitants, and give him Joy ; who being exasperated to have his Rest broke, and be Ban- ter'd into the Bargain, leap'd out of Bed, and saluted the Manufacturers of Cas Gut and Rozin, with a brim- out of ' Oni and III ming Close- Stool- Pan, discharg'd on their Musical Nod dies ; by which they began to perceive their Error, that they had been impos'd on ; so, putting up their squeaking Instruments, they' march'd off, with a vol- ley of Oaths and Curses, filthily obnubilated with that Odoriferous Elixir, or the Syrrup of the Flesh. On the 28th of last Month, the Right Honourable the Lord Lovat arriv'd at Inverness, being met out of Town by a great many Gentlemen, his Relations and Friends. The Inhabitants expressed very much joyoa his Lordship's safe Arrival. His Lordship went from thence to his Seat at Beaufort, where on the ist Instant being the Anniversary of his Majesty's happy Accession to the Crown, his Lordship solemniz'd the same with great Number of his Kinsmen, and order'd above Bonefires to be put up at the Doors of his Vassals and Tennants thro' the County. Wednesday the Westminster Train'd. Bands perform'd their usual Exercise in Tuthill- Fields, when one of the Number dropt down Dead. Last Saturday a Coach Horse belonging to one Mr, Boulter in Westminster, by accident kickd a carman as he was going along the Street, of which he died on Monday Morning, having left a Wife and four Chil- dren ; which being signified to the Gentleman who own'd the Horse, and that his Children must be thrown on the Parish, ' tis said, he has generously put one them out Apprentice, and sent the other Three to Nurse in the Country, promising to take farther Care of them as they grew up : He has likewise given to the Widow who was Mother in Law to the Children, the Sum of Eight Guineas, and promis'd to allow her somethin Weekly ; an Token of Benevolence and Charity which we have few Instances of. Letters from Holland say, that the William and MARY Yacht was fallen down to Rotterdam, in order to sail for England, having some Persons of Quality on board On Wednesday in the Afternoon a Person well habit- ted passing under Newgate, was seized on Suspicion 1 the Highway, and a Watch, and other things of Vala being found about him, of which he could give no fii Account how he came by them, he was easily prevailed upon to impeach his Comrades, two of which in Red Coats, were soon after apprehended near Holborn, and committed. This Dav will be paid at the Pay- Office in Bre street, the Wages due to the Englilh Artificers at ; bon, from the first of January, 1718, to the ; o' ( June following. Christen'd, Males 172. Females 165. To all Buried, Males 217 Females 189. In all . Decreas'd in the Burials this Week, 37 LONDON: Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Friars, near ' Fleet- street CASUALTIES. Drown'd accidentally 3. One at St. Dunstan in the West, one at St. Dunstan at Stepney, and one at St Paul at Shadwel. Hang'd himself ( being Lunatick at st Clement near Eastcheap j. Shot himself ( being Luna tick) at St. Mary at Lambeth 1.
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