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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 12/08/1721
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
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C * 995 ) THE journal: OR, British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1721. GREAT- BRITAIN. The Continuation of the History of England. The SAXONS. tinuing r 13 Years Ella being the first King, and Ethel- wolph the first Christian King thereof. The West Saxons Kingdom, containing the Counties of Cornwal, Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Wilts, Berks, and Hampshire, began A. D. 519. contining 300 Year.'; Cherdick being the first King, and Hingils the first Christian King thereof. The East Saxons Kingdom, containing the Counties of Essex, Middlesex, and Part of Hartfordshire, began in A. D. 527, continuing 281 Years, Erchenwin being the first King thereof, and Shebert the first Christian King. the Kingdom of Northumberland, containing the Counties of York, Durham, Lancaster, Westmoreland, Cumberland, and Northumberland, began, in A. D. 527, continuing 379 Years; Ella and Ida the first Kings thereof, and Edwin the first Christian King. The Kingdom of Mercia, containing the Counties of Oxford, Glocester, Worcester, Salop, Cheshire, Stafford, Warwick, Buckingham, Bedford, Huntingdon, Part of Hartfordshire, Northampton, Rutland, Lincoln, Lei- cester, Derby, and Nottingham, began in A. D. 585. continuing 202 Years, Cerda being the first King and Peada first Christian King thereof. The Kingdom of the East- Angles, containing the Counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, and Cambridge, began in A. D. 775 continuing 353 Years, Uffa being the first King, and Redwald the last Christian King thereof. Its last King was Edmond, whom the Danes, for his con- stant Profession of the Christian Faith, most barbarously slew at a Village then called Heglisdune, where, when the Danes were departed, his Head and Body were bu- ried, and the Town, upon occasion thereof, called St. Edmond- bury. After the Death of this Edmond, the Kingdom of the East- Angles was possessed by the Danes, till such time that Edward, sir- named the Elder, expuls- ed them, and joined it a Province to the West Saxons.- But the Britains, during the time of the Heptarchy, continu'd in the Defence of their own rightful Inheri- tance, with great Disdain, and Valorous Resistance, as much as in them lay, oppressing the Saxon Yoke. The British Princes who contended with the Saxons ro maintain their Country's Rights, were these chiefly. First. VOrtigern, at that time King, by the Election of the Britains, when the Saxons were first invited into the Land . This Vortigern reigning first 16 Years, and then deposed for his Favours to the Saxons, was retained in durance all the Reign of Vortimer his Son after whose Death he was re established ; but oppressed by the Saxons, and pursued by Aurelius, he fled into Wales where, in a Castle which he built by Melius's Directions in the Mountains, he, with his Daughter, whom he had taken to Wife, were burnt to Ashes. VOrtimer, for his Father's Abuse of Government," was constituted King of the Britains. He gave unto the Saxors Four famous Overthrows, almost to their utter Expulsion. After his last Victory over them, he caused his Monument to be erected at the Entrance into Thanet, whither he had driven the Saxons, even in that same Place of the Overthrow. Which Monument was called Lapis Titulo, now the Stoner, wherein he commanded his Body to be buried, to the Terror of the 14 D Saxons THE Southern or more civilized Britains being now grown very low, and exceed, ingly weakned, ( what with the Romans exporting their their valiant Country- men to serve in Foreign Coun- tries, what with their own civil Dissentions, the Ro- mans forsaking them, and the Calamity of Scarcity and Fa- mine their veterane Foes the Scots, Picts, and Irish, hereupon take their Opportunity so miserably to infest and trouble them, that no longer able to defend and secure themselves, they supplicate Aid out of Germany, from the Angles Jutes and Saxons then inhabiting Jutland, Holstein, and the Sea Coasts along to the River Rhine. Of these to the Number of Nine Thousand, under the Command of the two Bre- thren, Hengist and Horsa, entered Britain at Ebs fleet in the Isle of Tanet, about 450 Years after the Birth of Christ. There they were received with great Joy, and saluted with Songs after the accustomed manner of the Britains, who appointed them that Island for their Ha- bitation. And not long after, Hengist obtained of Votigern, King of the Britains, the Property of so much Ground as he could inclose with a Bull Hide, which cut- ing into Thongs, he there built the Castle, called from thence Thong- Castle : To which Place he invited Vor- tigern, who there fell in Love with Rowena, the Daugh- ter or Niece of Hengist; upon which Match Hengist be. gan to grow bold, and to think of making this Island his Inheritance. In order to which, he sent for fresh For- ces to come over to him j which being arrived, they fought and made occasions of Quarrels with the Natives, driving the Inhabitants before them from their wonted possessions, every several Captain accounting that Part of the Country his own, where he could overmatch the Britains, commanding in it as absolute King : By which means the Land became burthened with Seven of them at the first, at one and the same time. But although the Land was divided into Seven several Kingdoms, and each or them bearing a Sovereign Command within his own Limits; yet one of them ever seemed to be Supreme over the rest. The SAXON Heptarchy: THE Kingdom of Kent, consisting of that County only, ( which Vortigern had given to Hengist in favour of Rowena) was the first Dominion of the Saxons Seven- headed Kingdom, and began in or near the Year of out Lord 455, continuing 371 years. In it there Ruled seventeen Kings successively ; the first of which was Hengist ; and the first Christian King thereof Was Ethel, bert sirnamed Bren. The S° uthJSaxons Kingdoms containing the Counties of Sussex and Surrey, commenced in A. D. 48a, con. (" Price Three r Saxons; that in beholding this his Trophy, their Hearts might be daunted at the Remembrance of their great Overthrow. But Rowena procured his Death by Poyson. He restored the Christian Religion, then sorely decayed, and rebuilt the Churches destroyed by the Pagan Saxons, r To be continu'd. The Continuation of the Tryal of King Charles the 1st. Robert Loads, depos'd, That he saw the King in the Rear of his Army in Keynton Field, where many were kill'd, in the Year 1642 ; and that he saw the King with his Army near my Lord Mohun's House in Corn- wal, about Harvest 1644. Samuel Morgan depos'd, That he saw the King at Edgehill in 1642 ; and that he saw him also in the Year 1644 at Cropredy- Bridge, where he did light off his Horse, and draw up the Body of the Army himself. James Williams depos'd, That he saw him with his Forces at Keynton Field, and at Brentford. John Pyneger depos'd, That in August 1642, the King's Standard was up at Nottingham ; and that the King had a Train of Artillery there. Samuel Lawson of Nottingham, Malster, depos'd, That about August 1642, he saw the King's Standard brought out of Nottingham Castle, borne on divers Gentlemens Shoulders reported to be Noblemen ;) that it was carried up the Hill, adjoyning to the Castle ; a Herald going before it: And it was erected on the Hill with great Shoutings, and with Sound of Drums and Trumpets, the King being present. That when the King with his Forces march'd out of Town, the Inha- bitants were forc'd to pay a great Sum ; and were threatned to be plunder'd in case they refus'd. Arthur Young, Citizen and Barber Surgeon of Lon- don, depos'd, That he took the King's Standard at Edge- hill, but that it was taken from him again by one Mid- dleton, who was afterwards made a Colonel. Thomas Wittington depos'd, That he saw the King at Nottingham, when his Standard was set up in the be- ginning of August 1641 John Thomas depos'd That he saw the King in the Action at Brentford. Richard Blomfield depos'd, That about the latter end of August 1644, at the Defeat of the Earl of Essex's Army in Cornwal, he saw the King there on Horse- back at the Head of his Army near Foy : And that the Earl's Soldiers were plunder'd contrary to Articles there lately made. William Jones depos'd, That he saw the King march- ing at the Head of his Army to Naseby Field ; and that the King rode up to Col. St. George's Regiment, and ask'd, if they were willing to fight for him ; and the Soldiers answer'd with great Acclamations, crying. All, All. That the Deponent saw the King at Leicester the same Day his Forces had taken it ; and that he saw the King in the Army when they besieged Gloucester. Humphrey Brown depos'd, That about June 164s, when Leicester was taken by the King's Forces, Ne- wark Fort by Leicester surrender'd upon Condition to have their Cloaths, Money, 8cc. And that not withstand- ing they were stripp'd, beaten and wounded by the King's Soldiers : And an Officer of the King's rebuking his Soldiers for it the King reply'd, I don't care if they cut them three times more, for they are my Ene- mies. And that the King was then on Horseback in Leicester, in bright Armour. David Evans depos'd, That in June 1645, he saw the King marching to Naseby Field at the Head of his Ar- my about half an Hour before the Battle began. Diogenes Edwards depos'd, That he saw the King marching to Naseby, and saw many kill'd there. Giles Grice depos'd, That he saw the King with his Sword drawn in the Fight against Sir William Waller at Cropredy- Bridge, being in July 1644; That he saw him the same Summer about Lestithiel in Cornwal, when the Earl of Essex was there. That he saw the King at Naseby with Back and Breast on ; and saw him at the second Fight at Newberry, and at the Storming of Leicester. John Vinson depos'd, That he saw the King at the first Fight at Newberry September 1643. That he saw him at the second Fight at Newberry about November 1644. That he saw him lead up Collonel Howard's Regiment of Horse there, and tell them, That they must stand by him that Day, for his Crown lay upon 96 ; the Point of the Sword; and if he lost that Day, he lost his Honour and his Crown forever. That he saw the King, after his Forces were routed at Naseby in Nort thamptonshire, rally the Horse himself, and cause them to stand. George Seely depos'd, That he saw the King at the Siege of Gloucester, and in both the Fights near New. berry. John Moore depos'd, That he saw the King at the last Fight at Newberry, at Copredy- Bridge, at Leicester, and at Naseby ; in which Battels abundance of Men were kill'd. Thomas Ives depos'd, That he saw the King at the first Fight of Newberry, and at Naseby. Thomas Rawlins dcpos. d, That he saw the King near Foy in Cornwal, about July 1644 : And that he saw some Soldiers of the Parliament's plunder'd by the King's Party, contrary to Articles, not a great Distance from the King's Person. - Thomas Read depos'd. That soon after the laying down of Arms in Cornwal, between Lestithiel and Foy, he saw the King at the Head of a Guard of Horse. James Crosby depos'd, That he saw the King at the first Fight at Newberry. Samuel Burden depos'd, That he saw the King's Standard at Nottingham, about the Month of August 1642 : That he saw the King at Cropredy Bridge, in Pur- suit of Sir William Waller's Army, which was then routed: And that he saw the King at the last Fight at Newberry, riding from Regiment to Regiment, while they were engaged with the Parliament's Forces. Michael Potts deposed, That he saw the King near Newberry, both before and after the first Fight there; and that he saw him in the Head of his Army at the se- cond fight: Thar he saw the King at Cropredy- Bridge, and near Lestithiel in Cornwal, where the Earl of Essex lay with his Forces in Harveft 1644. George Cornwal depos'd, That he saw the King draw up his Forces at Cropredy Bridge. Henry Gooche, of Gray's Inn in the County of Middlesex, Gent, deposed, That about the 30th of September last he had Access to his Majesty in the Isle of Wight, and told him that he had many Friends; and that since his Majesty was pleased to justify the Parlia- ment s first taking up Arms, most of the Presbyterian Party, both Soldiers and others, would stick close to him. The King answer'd, That he would have all his old Friends know, that though for the present he was con- tented to give the Parliament leave to call their own War what they pleased, yet that he neither did at that time, or ever should decline the Justice of his own Cause. That the Deponent then told the King, that his Business was much retarded ; for that neither Col. Thomas, nor any other, could proceed to Action for want of a Commission. And the King answer'd, he being upon a Treaty would not dishonour himself; but that if the Deponent would go to the Prince his Son, he, or any for him, should receive what Com- missions they desir'd : That he would order the Mar- quess of Hertford to write to his Son in his Name ; and that the King express'd much Joy that his good Subjects would engage themselves for his Restauration. Robert Williams depos'd, That he saw the King near Lestithiel, marching at the Head of his Army in Ar- mour, with a short Coat over it unbutton'd ; and that he saw the King drawing up his Army at St. Austell Downs: And that he saw him at the Head of his Army near Foy ; and that the Earl of essex then lay within a Mile and a half of the King's Army. Richard Price, of London, Scrivener, depos'd, That the King's Agents about London tampering with the In- dependents, to draw them off from the Parliament Party, it was discover'd: And the Committee of Safety directed those who were tamper'd with, seemingly to comply with the King's Agents: And that the Deponent having obtain'd a safe Conduct under the King's Hand and Seal, waited on the King at Oxford in January 1643. to treat with his Majesty about the Business. To be continu'd. The Right Hon. the Lords of the Treasury having appointed Money for paying of Half Pay to the Sea. Officers, from the 1st of July, 1720, to the 31st of De- cember 1720 ; the said Payments will accordingly be- gin to be made at the Pay Office in Broadstreet, on the 17th Instant SIR, SIR, Chichester, Aug. 3. 1721 BEing occasionally here, on my Travels, I think it not amiss to acquaint you, That this Day the duke of Richmond, attended voluntarily by about an Hundred and Fifty Gentlemen, and others, on Horse- back, and ten Running Footmen in White, went thro' this City, and met my Lord Cadogan coming from Portsmouth ; the whole Cavalcade attended his Grace and my Lord back again thro' this City, with Bells ring, ing, and numerous Crowds of Spectators, to his Grace's Seat at Goodwood, where his Grace gave a magnificent Entertainment to the whole Company, where His Ma- jesty's and all Loyal Healths weie plentifully drank; But it was observable, that tho' divers Members of the Corporation attended his Grace on this Occasion ; yet a certain Magistrate of the City, to shew his Kidney, and good Breeding, retir'd out of Town betimes in the Morning; and, indeed, it was a Mortification to a Par- ty here to see one of His Majesty's Friends so handsome. ly receiv d. I am Yours, & c. Newbury in Berks, Aug 3 1 721. Mr. READ, AS I am an entire Lover of His most Excellent Ma- jesty King GEORGE, am become a constant Reader of your Paper, where ' tis with Pleasure I find the Best of Kings, and Best of Constitutions, so well de- fended ; and as you have before now expos'd those who are Enemies to our National Quiet, hope you will go on still to do so. As I have the Honour to serve His Majesty in a small Post, can't bear to see him every Day affronted and spoke slighting of, by Scoundrels in Fi- gure and Power. Tuesday last, being the 1st of August, the Minister of our Town, who is zealously affected to His Majesty, preach'd a very good and loyal Sermon up. on the Occasion, for which he has been affronted by many, and in particular, our two Church- Officers, who are both Tories, would not suffer the Bells to ring at all, but only let ' em jangle for about half an Hour towards Night, when, by the way, they were suffer'd to ring very merrily on the 10th of June last. You'll please to take Noticice of this, and you'll oblige many of your constant Readers; but especially, Your humble Servant, Philobrit. ' The Spanish Ambassador having receiv'd some Dis- patches from his Court, went on Monday to wait on His Majesty at Kensington. Last Week a Person sold a Diamond Ring to a Gold- smith in Lombard- ftreet for 500 1. and the Seller ha- ving a Counterfeit Ring exactly the same Size, and Make, set only with Bristol Stones, he took the Oppor- tunity to exchange it, without being perceiv'd by the Goldsmith, who did not discover it till the Sharper was mov'd off. ' Tis said, the King's Statue in Brass is going to be set up on Cheapside Conduit. On Friday 7- Night the Lord Hinchinbroke, Sir George Oxenden, Sir Robert Rich, and Rushall, esq; were admitted into the Ancient Fraternity of Accepted Masons, at the King's. Arms Tavern in St. Paul's Church. Churchyard, where they had a very handsome Enter- tainment. They afterwards wore their Leather Aprons home. William Lynch, Esq; Receiver General of the King's Taxes for the County of Suffolk, is lately dead. On Friday 7- Night dy'd, in a very advanc'd Age, Mr. Thomas Butler, of the Exchequer Court in the temple, the ancientest Clerk there, having been in that Employ- ment above threescore Years. On Saturday last the Reverend Mr. Anthony Smith rector of St. Michael, Woodstreet, and Lecturer of St. Sepulchres, departed this Life at Newport- Pagnel in buckinghamshire. The Rev. Dr. Philips a Canon Residentiary of Here- ford, is also dead and is succeded by the Rev. Dr. Lewis. Last Week Sir Nathan Wright, formerly Lord- Keeper Of the Great Seal, dy'd at his Seat at Caucot Hall in Warwickshire. Mr. Smith, Keeper of White- Chapel Goal, who had a Very good Estate by that Employment, is The King of Poland has written to the Emperor, to acquaint him of the daily Incursions of the Tartars '' into Poland. Advices from Hungary say, that the Turks have also made Incursions into Transilvania • That those Incursions, together with other Reasons, have determind the Imperial Court not yet to make the Reform of the Troops, as was intended lately. The King of Poland is recruiting his Forces, and some Regiments have received Orders to be in a Readiness to March upon the first Notice. A certain Gentleman, reading the Epitaph engrav'd on Mr Butler's Monument, ( Author of Hudibrass) erect- ed in Westminster. Abbey, took a pencil, and writ these following Lines, MArble or Brass. devouring Time may waste. But Wit, as long at time itself shall last : That ever lives, nor can to Death submit ; No Tomb he needs, whose Monument's his Wit. They write from Bologna, that on the 13th Instant they had a most dreadful Tempest : it Thunder'd snd Lightned almost without Interruption, and Hailstones fell of a most prodigious Size, One of them weighing no less than a Pound Weight. Most of the Roofs of the Houses were either pierc'd through, or quite stript off; and many Persons were kill'd or wounded. The Havock it has made in the Country is much greater ; the Trees and Vines are shatter'd to Pieces, insomuch that they will be obliged to cut them off close to the Ground. The Damage in the City only is computed at about Co. 000 Crowns, and that in the Country amounts tu some Millions. Letters from Paris say, that the 7th instant Sieur Leger, a Vintner in the Street st. Honore, went to the Suburb St. Marceau, to the Wedding of one of his Relations, and carry'd with him three of his Children, the eldest about nine Years of Age, the second eight, and the third six. After Dinner they went to walk in the King's Physick Garden, where the Children finding some black Poppies,, fell to eating the Seeds; They were immediately stupify'd ; and being carry'd home, lay- twice 24 Hours as in a Sort of Lethurgy,' Senseless, without any Motion, except only the Palpitation of the Heart, and their Eyes continually open. Several phy- sicians went to see them and after having consulted to. gether, order'd them a Dose of Emetick Wine : The two eldest are recover'd,. but the youngest not having Strength enough, dy'd the 3d Day. The Rejoycings are still continu'd on Account of the King's Recovery ; so universal a joy was never known. On SYLVIA the FAIR. A Jingle. ASwarm of Sparks, Young Gay, and Bold, Lov'd Sylvia long, but she was cold ; Int'rest and Pride the Nymph control'd, So they in vain their Passion told : At last came Dullman, he was Old, Nay, he was Ugly, but had Gold : . i- He came, and saw, and took the Hold, While t'other Beaux their Loss condol'd Some say, she's Wed, I say, she's Sold. Next Tuesday his Majesty's Ships, the Rupert and the Rippon, will be recall'd at the Pay- Office in Broad. street. We hear there is a great Concourse of Foreigners and others daily in Chelsea- Park, to see the Raw Silk Under- taking, for which a Patent was granted by His present Majesty. We hear from Persia, that the Town call'd- Tauris was swallow'd up by an Earthquake, with 24000 People, , and that at the first Concussion, a Flood of black Water issued out of the Earth. On a Mole on a Fair Young Lady's Breast. By T. Harris AWhile the New Creation wanted Light, And Nature's Birth- Day was a gloomy Night ; Let there be Light, God said ! strait Light appear'd, And from their mournful State the various Beauties clear'd; For Man cou'd ne'er have seen what God had made, Had not his Glory over shin'd the Shade : So the Creation, Blind with too much Light, Wou'd find your Breast for Mortal Eyes too bright, Did not between each dazling Hemisphere, Kindly an Interposing Mole appear Nor C 1998 ) } Nor cou'd we e'er have seen their Charms display'd, Were not their Lustre temper'd by that Shade : As Reading in a Room, when Light and Heat, With pointed Fury on our Temples beat ; If with a Veil we moderate the Rays, A milder Light then wantons in the Face So Nature, when this Copy she begun. And meant to make the Book it self a Sun, Took Pity on our Eyes, and plac'd this spot, And made the Writing fairer by the Blot. Soho, August 9. SIR LOoking into a dark obscure Closet, in some new Lodgings I have lately taken here, I found a Small Bundle of M S. S. Papers, containing chiefly Scraps and Fragments of Poetry, but in what Age or Reign they were wrote, there is no appearance. Among the rest, was the following Tale, tho' so blind and dirty that I had much ado to transcribe it: Thinking it might most suit your Journal of any, I have sent it you to Print if you please. I am, & c. A TALE. AHerdsman, chiefe of all the swains, Paternal Guardian of the PlMts : Where num'rous Herds and Flocks Were fed, O'er flow'ry Vales, and Pastures spread. Him a most ample Fortune, blest, P Strict Truth and Justice sway'd his Breast > Whilst Providence supply'd the rest. J Still anxious of the Peoples good, A murm'ring and ungrateful Brood ; Whate'er he did was sure to thrive, But they wou'd neither lead nor drive.' Rich, proud, rebellious — a Race, Who wanted nothing else but Grace : And by their Actions seem'd to say, They'd neither Love him, nor Obey, Unless he'd Govern their own way. Of such unsteady Principles, No Laws cou'd govern, nor Religion please; So hard a Task has he who Rules, A Race of Stubborn Head strong Fools; These finding one time free Access, Attack'd him with this fine Address. ' Great Sir, we beg you'll lend an Ear, And our Complaints with Patience hear: ' Tis true — we chose you here to rule, To be an easy humble Fool, We hate a K-- to whom we go to School. ' Tis true, we may be thought sad Fellows, And that we have deserv'd the Gallows: Have, rail'd, and writ, oppos'd, and curst you, And damn'd the very Air that nurst you : Yet what of that let us rebel, Talk Treason, or do what we will, Your Business Sir, is to sit still : Nay tho' we once had a Design, To cancel you, and all your Line; And that in modesty we grant, We'd do it still -..- but that we can't. Yet we expect you'll make your Court, And like us but the better for t For if you mean to have our Hearts, You must o'er look our just Deserts ; Who, tho' we say't —( just Praise bequeathing, There's not a People this Day breathing, Grant us but Honour and Preferments, That wou'd be more your humble Servants. To whom this Precept do's belong, To do no Right, Nor take no Wrong We own, you make our Foes all fear us, No Wolf, or Tyger, dare come near us : Our Flocks securely stray in Peace, We Eat, grow fat, and live at Ease. But still Sir that's not all we wan't, Altho't may seem Extravagant: You must by Us Sir, be engrost, Quit to us every Place and Post, And fairly let us rule the Roast. On these Terms, or the like Expedients, • We may perhaps shew some Obedience. This said with, wondrous Modesty, They stopt, and let the Sage reply; } You tell me Sirs, says he, your Case, ' Tis mighty hard I must confess; That Men of such fine Principles, Shou'd any Hardships know like these ; Or that such rare uncommon Virtue, Shou'd e'er contribute thus to hurt ye : For since your Modesty's so great, Who can your Services o'errate ? But I'll rehearse ye Sirs, a Tale, That may befit your Purpose well. A Shepherd once, who liv'd alone, A Mile or two from any Town ; A Christmass Goose, had fatting got, Safe pent within his homely Cot; Who, whilst he went to tend his Sheep, He thought it safest there to keep, Sly Renard — who had made a Set, And often with Repulses met, Came one Day thundring at the Door, ( A most intruding sawcy Cur) Who's there, says she — Forsooth ' tis I, Made bold to call as I pass'd by. Pray let me in — for I am come, To serve you — and avert your Doom; For know your Exit is decreed, This Night as sure as Death, you bleed, Your Master who's an hungry Elf, Means to devour you himself; • ; Altho' he teaches you that I, Am your invet'rate Enemy : But don't believe the hungry Slave, For I am the best Friend you have; Who, if you will be rul'd by me. Will from his Purpose set you free ; And safely guard your precious Life, From the approaching bloody Knife, Convey you to rich Granaries, Where you may feed, and live at Ease. Oh ho .... Sir Renard —. cry's the Goose, Is't you ? I thank you for your News ; I've heard indeed, how you can Cant, And look demure as any Saint: When you some harmless Prey wou'd fix, And have a Mind to play your Tricks.- But troop. Sir, pray with what you've got, For by my Soul you enter not: This lowsy Trick's grown stale and musty, I know you Faith, too well to Trust ye; My Predecessors oft' you bit, But I Here it broke off, and by the Conclusion seems to say, that some part was behind, but you have it as it was left, and to attempt a Moral to't, wou'd be a silly Presump- tion, since no One can pretend to know the Author's De- sign. Last Thursday Humphry Morrice, Esq; a very great Trader to Guiney, and the most considerable general Trader in Great- Britain, with many other eminent Merchants, went down the River of Thames, and nam- ed a fine Ship of 500 Tuns, for the Service of the Ho- nourable the East- India Company, by the Name of the Walpole, in Honour of Robert Walpole, Esq; first Lord of the Treasury. and Chancellor of the Exchequer. On Monday Morning last one Mr. Guy, that some Time ago kept the Rummer Tavern in James- street, at the Corner of Hart, street, Covent Garden, shot himself in Bed at his Habitation on Lambeth Marsh. Extract of a Letter from Vigan, in the Lower Langue- doc, July 13. WE fear not so much from the Side of Provence, as from Canourgue, where the Contagion has reign'd for some time : The Village of Courjeat has been burnt, which was the Place first attack'd by the Infection, bought by a Galley Slave, who escap'd either from Marseilles or Aix. It has since spread it self to se- veral Villages of the Canourgue, inclos'd by Lines and Pallisadoes, having several Regiments posted to guard them. A Sheep having got over the Ditches about Ca- nourgue, came to the Lines, and was seized by the Sol- diers, and kill'd ; but the Commandant having Notice of it, ordered those Soldiers to dig a large Pit. without letting them know for what Purpose; and whilst they were ( ) were digging a part from their Comrades, they were shot to Death, and buried with the Sheep in the Pit. It is said, that Orders are sent to burn Canourgue, and the neighbouring infected Places; that the miserable In- habitants will be oblig'd to fire the houses, to throw their Cloaths into the flames, and to retire to Barracks, that are built for them, provided with Cloaths and pro- visions for their Subsistence. The Distemper is ri Leagues off, and not in this City, is has been reported ; nevertheless, we are in continual Alarms, and the Ap- prehension is so great, that no body dares go out of the Gates. No Quarter is given to such who escape, be they sick or in Health ; they are immediately shot who quit their Posts. Grinling Gibbons, Esq; his Majesty's Monumental Carver, and Master Carpenter, is lately dead, and suc- ceeded in the last Place by Thomas Ripley, Esq; who ii made one of the Commissioners of the Board of Works, and Thomas Bridge, Esq; is made Clerk of the Works, » nd Store- keeper of his Majesty's Meuses, and of the Savoy, in the Room of Mr Ripley. On Tuesday last the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury adjourn'd their Board to Monday come Sev'nnight. The next Morning the Right Honourable Robert Walpole, Esq; set out for his Seat in Norfolk. We hear the Duchess of Kendal is going to repair and beautify the Swedish Chapel in Trinity Lane, which her Grace frequents every Sabbath- Day. Next Monday the Trustees appointed to dispose of the Estates of the late Directors, & c. are to be sworn before the Barons of the Exchequer, for the faithful Discharge of their Trust. Last Saturday the Assizes for the County of Surry, end- ed at Kingston, where ten Persons received Sentence of Death, viz. seven Men and three Women; three of which are for the Highway ; 16 or 17 were order'd for Trans- portation ; five burnt in the Hand, and two to be whipt. Last Saturday the famous Hum- - y S- lt- r, commonly call'd Duke of St. Paul's, return'd from his Travels ; and having now finish'd his earthly Peregrinations has made his Will, wherein he sets aside a certain Sum for defray- ing the Expences of a Consort of Flagellets, to attend him to his Grave, playing a Composition of his own. N. B. He has order'd his own Flagellet to be coffin'd up with him, being not altogether certain that the said In- strument is yet in Use where he is going The Duke of Beaufort, now in the 14th Year of his Age, and the Lord Charles- Noel Somerset, his Brother, having lately made cohice of the Dukes of Grafton and Portland t0 be their superiour Guardians, the same has been contested by the Trustees appointed by the late Duke their Father, ( who are the Hon James Bertie, Esq; and Mr. Nevil, and likewise the late D. of Ormond) and argued in the Court of Chancery by Council on both Sides, for three Days successively, when the Choice of the Duke his Brother was confirm'd ; and a certain Rev. Divine of this City having, as ' tis said, incurr'd a premunire, by se- ducing the said Wards from the Dukes of Grafton and Portland, in Contempt of an Order of the High Court of Chancery, is likely to be Prosecuted for the Offence, ( which Mr. Attorney General signified was not par- don'd by the Act of Grace, as commencing since) and reciv'd a Reprimand from th « Lord Chancellor. Baron Steigners, • Minister of the Elector Palatine in Brabant, who has been here a considerable time, set out from hence last Week on his return to Brussels. They write from New- York, that his Excellency William Burnet, Esq; is marry'd to the Daughter of M. Van Horn an Eminent Dutch Merchant there. A Patent is passing the Seals, granting to one Mr. Brown, forthe Term of 14 Years, the sole Use and Be- nefit of a new invented Engine or Mill for beating and working of Raw Hemp after a better and cheaper Me- thod than what has been hitherto practised. They write from Dartmouth of the 4th Instant, that two Days before a Ship from Virginia of and for Lyme, Capt. William Read. Master, pass'd by that Place, and is since put in at Torbay the said Master reports, that in the Lat. of40, and about 60 Leagues off of the Main of Newfoundland, he met with a French Pyrate of 16 Guns who stripp'd him, his Men and Ship, of all that was Valuable, taking from them their Money, Cloaths and provisions, some Hogsheads of Goods from the Hold , and then let them go. The said Pyrate afterwards lay by, waiting for a Consort of his, one Robinson an Englishman. who commands a Pyrate Ship of greater Force, and was last Year upon th « Banks. . Wednesday Morning they began the Experiment of In- oculacing the Small Pox upon the six Criminals in New- gate formerly mention'd. several eminent Physicians be- longing to his Majesty and their Royal Highnesses, and several others who are eminent Members of the College and the Royal Society, as also some noted Surgeons and Apothecaries being present , when Mr. Charles Maitland the Surgeon performed the Operation, who a few Years since hath practis'd it in Turkey, and has lately introduc'd it with Success into England. The Success of this Experiment we shall give some Account of as soon as it is over: They say, it was try'd about six Weeks ago upon an Eminent Physician's Son with the desired Effect. Last Tuefday one Cole, an Exchange Broker, hang'd himself at his Habitation in Clement's Lane, near Lom- bard- street. The same Night one Jervas, a Sailor, was committed to Newgate, for stabbing one of his Brother Sailors with a Knife, so dangerously, that there is little Hopes of his Recovery, His Majesty's Ship the Royal- Anne Galley is order'd from Debtford to Portsmouth, to carry the Ld. Belhaven to Barbadoes. John Cooper, the Blind- Man, committed to Newgate for Coining, was refused the Benefit of being admitted to Bail, when brought before a Judge last Tuesday. Last Week several lusty, working Country Fellows, went before Justice Michel in Goodman's Fields, to take the Oaths appointed by Law, and enlisted them- selves in Capt. Phennie's Independent Company, who succeeds Capt. Woodes Rogers, as his Majesty's Gover- nor of the Bahama Islands in America. Last Tuesday the Corpse of the Lady Ingoldsby, late Wife of Sir Wm. Ingoldsby, Bart, was carried in great General Pomp from her Lodgings at Kensington, where she lay in State, to Cranford in Middlesex, where she was interr'd : She was Daughter of Sir Kingsmill Lucy, Bart, by Theophila, Daughter of George Earl of Berke- ley, Grandfather of the present Earl of Berkeley, to whom she was Aunt. We hear, that Mr. West in Clare Street, Clare Mar- ket, who has been concern'd in all the Lotteries since the Year 1710, both English and Foreign, by dividing the Tickets into Shares, or Parts, has purchas'd a very consi- derable Number of Tickets in the present Lotteries, for the Conveniency of those who love to have Variety of Chances for their Money. On Thursday the 22d Instant will be recall'd the Le- nox, Nassau Ipswich, Windsor, and Ludlow Castle. Last Wednesday two Change Alley Pirates, alias Stock- jobbers, fell foul of one another, concerning a former Contract in one of the Bubble;, and after a smart En- gagement, in which they both receiv'd considerable Da- mage, they sheer'd off from one another. We hear, the Rev. Dr. Dunster, Morning- Preacher of Berwick- Street Chappel, will have King- Street Chappel, near Golden- Square, in the room of Dr. Wilcocks, who is to be a Vicar of St Martin's in the Fields. And the Rev. Mr, Sykes is to be Preacher at Berwick- Street Chappel, in the room of Dr. Dunster. The Chappel in Long- Acre is in such Forwardness in its Building, that it will be ready for Preaching in the next Month. We hear, the Rev Mr. King, Lecturer of St. Martin's Ludgate, is to be the Morning- Preacher, and the Rev. Mr. Clark ( Nephew to Dr. Green) the Af- ternoon- Preacher. We hear, the East India Company are fitting out six Ships, and hiring 11 more, for their Service, in order to enlarge their Commerce in those Parts ; and that ' tis expected they will bring Home a prodigious Quantity of Muslin, since the Prohibition of Lawns, Callicoes, and Cambricks. We have Accounts of 4600 Bulls- Hides being arrived from the South- Sea, for the Benefit of the Company ; in lieu of which, we cou'd spare them at this time to be sent thither, 43000 FOOLS- HIDES. A very Por- table Commodity, which would be very much to the Benefit of the Nation, and a prodigious gainful Ballance in the Way of Trade. ^ I Last Thursday his Majesty went to the House of Peers, and the Commons being sent for, His Majesty gave the Royal Assent to an Act for making several Pro- visions to restore Publick Credit, & c. As also to a Private Bill for Naturalizing James Lostau. After which he made the following most Gracious Speech to both Houses. great Riot and Tumult there, to the Disturbance of the Publick Peace ; but that it was in a little Time happily quell'd, and some of the Rioters clapt into Prison. Some Advices from Paris say. that Matters are so far accommodated with the Court of Spain, that the King of France has Sign'd an Order to deliver up the Places taken from Spain during the late short War. The Letter sent us by a Lady, ( sign'd Fidelia, ) shall be inserted in our next. Christned Males 160. Females 161. In all 3ir. Buried Males 227. Females 216. In all 443. Increased in the Burials this Week 58. CASUALTIES. Drowned 3. One at the Tower ( buried at St. Dun- stan at Stepney,) One in a Pond at St. John at Hackney, and One in the River of Thames at St. Mary at Rother- hith. Excessive Drinking 1. Found dead at St. Mar- tins in the Fields 1. Kill'd 4. One by a Coach at St. Andrew in Holborn, One by a Fall from a Ship at St. Saviour in Southwark One accidentally ( a Child) at St. Giles's in the Fields, and one by a Horse at St. Leonard in Shoreditch, Poyson'd himself at St. Giles's without Cripplegate. . My Lords and Gentlemen, IAm glad that the Business of this, and the former Session. is at length brought to such a Period, that I have an Opportunity of giving you some Recess, after the great Pains you have taken in the Service of the Publick. The Common Calamity, occasioned by the Wicked Execution of the South- Sea Scheme, was become so very great before your Meeting, that the Providing pro- per Remedies for it was very difficult : But it is a great Comfort to me to observe, that Publick Credit now be- gins to recover ; which gives me the greatest Hopes that it Will be entirely restored, when all the Provisions you have made for that End shall duly be put in Execution. I have great Compassion for the Sufferings of the In- nocent, and a just Indignation against the Guilty; and have readily given my Assent to such Bills as you have presented to me. for Punishing the Authors of our late Misfortunes, and for obtaining the Restitution and Sa- tisfaction due those who have been injured by them, in such Manner as you judged proper. I was at the same Time willing and desirous, by My Free and General Pardon, to give Ease and Quiet to the rest of my Subjects, many of whom may, in such a general Infatuation, have been unwarily drawn in to transgress the Laws. Gentlemen of the House of Commons, I return you my hearty Thanks for tbe Supplies you have granted for the current Service of this Year ; and particularly for your enabling me to discharge the Debts and Arrears on the Civil List, and to make good' the Engagements I was under for procuring Peace in the North, which, in all Probability, will now very soon be concluded. These Instances of your Faithful Endeavours to support the Honour and Dignity of the Crown, at Home and Abroad, are fresh Marks of your Zeal and Affection to my Person and Government. My Lords and Gentlemen, I take this Opportunity of Acquainting you, that we have renew'd all our Treaties of Commerce with Spain, upon the same Foot as they were settled before the late War; which must necessarily prove an immediate and valuable Advantage to the Trade Manufactures of this Kingdom. I earnestly recommend to you all, in your several Stations, to suppress Profeneness and Immorality, and to preserve the Peace and Quiet of the Kingdom. You are all sensible, that the Discontents occasioned by the great Losses that many of my Subjects have sustained, have been industrioufly raised and inflamed by Malicious and Seditious Libels; - but I make no Doubt, but that, by your prudent Conduct in your seve- ral Countries, all the Enemies of my Government, who flattered themselves they should be able to take Advan. tage from our Misfortunes, and blow up the Sufferings of my People into Popular Discontent and Disaffection, will be disappointed in their wicked Designs and Expectations. And then the Lord Chancellor Prorogu'd the Parlia- ment to Thursday the 19th, of October next. Some Days ago, a Boy took up in the Streets at Whitechappel, a Purse, in which was a Guinea and a half 16s. in Silver, and a Forty Pound note : A Wo- man, who by her Occupation is a Retailer of Rice- Milk and Furmety, left all, as the Saying is, to follow the Boy, and after a short Combat, took the Purse from him ; but the People coming in timely to the Boy's As- sistance , ended the Dispute, and taking the Purse from the Woman, put it into the Beadle's Hands ; and the poor Furmety- Woman is threatned by the Boy's Friends to be Indicted for an Assault and Robbery on the Highway. If the right Owner of the Purse comes by his Loss again, the Query is, Whether he won't think of an Old Proverb. They, write from Bristol, that there has been a very ADVERTISEMENTS. LOST, or Mis- laid, out of a Miliner's Shop, at the Sign of the Golden- Lamb, three Doors of one side of Woodstreet, in Cheapside, two Yards an half, and half, quarter of Ground- Lace in two Pieces; the one half Ell- long, the other two Yards in a Piece : Whoever brings the said Lace to the Golden Lamb abovesaid, or to the Printer of this Paper, ( it being of n0 Use to any but the Owner) they shall have a Guinea and a Half Reward ; and no Questions ask'd. To all Gentlemen and others that SMOAK. CEphalick and Opthalmick TOBACCO, for the Head, Eyes Stomach, and Lungs ; which now daily gives so general a Satisfaction, that those who have once taken a Pipe of it, will not be without it, 1 ft. It smoaks so very grateful and pleasant in the Mouth, as to be not only a most agreeable Amusement and Pastime, but also its Flavour is so delicious, as to be delightful to a whole Company in a Room. 2dly. It so Strengthens and Restores Ancient Sight, and pre- serves Young Eyes, that by the Use of it, Persons may ( thro the Blessing of Almighty God) never come to wear Spectacles, and if they have already used them, may come to leave them off, it so strengthens and clears the Sight. 3dly. It brings away in a singular manner those Rheums and Humours that cause Deafness, and Difficulty of Hearing, De- fluxions, Vapours, Headaches, Toothaches, the Rheumatism, Sore, Weak, Watery and Dim Eyes, & c. 4thly. It Draws off pleasantly by the Mouth, large quantities of Water where the Legs Pit, and in a Dropsey ; so that the Use of it may prevent Tapping, or even a Salivation in many Cases where noxious foul Humours want to be drained off. 5thly. Tis of great Use to help to Expectorate and bring up that troublesome Flegm that causes Coughs, Wheesings and Difficulty of Breathing. And a Pipe of it in an Evening, gives a whole sound Nights - Sleep without waking, from a peculiar Narcotick Quality it partakes of from its being prepared from the best and choicest Virginia Tobacco, impregnated with the Virtues of certain particular Herbs and Chymical Oyls appropria- ted to the Head, Eyes, Stomach and Lungs. It is sealed up in Parcels at 1 ?. each, which will last a good while, with Directions. And ( for the Encouragement and Ad- vantage of Buyers those who takes four Parcels together have them for 3 s. 6 d. Gentlemen and others that once try it will never be without it, the taking of only ONE Pipe of it is so very grateful, delicious and pleasant. Note, a Person lately whose Eyes were so very Weak and Dim. that he could not read without Spectacles, can now by the Use of this Tobacco Read without them. To be had up One pair of Stairs at the Sign of the Celebrated Anodyne Necklace ( recom- mended by Dr. Chamberlen for Children's Teeth, Price u with Directions) without Temple- Bar. Where are given Gra- tis the Treatises of the Secret Disease, Gleets and Broken Con- SiTutions theG° UT : Thc Anodyne Necklaces: And the PLAGUE, Dedicated to Dr. Sloane President of the College of LONDON: Printed and Sold by J. READ, White- Friars, near Fleet- street.
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