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The London Journal
Date of Article: 12/08/1721
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Sum'si CVlt ^ EXAMINATIONS Taken by the COMMITTEE OF SECRECY ; with an Account of what appeared to them there- upon. N the Progress of their Enqui- the Committee found it at- tended with many Difficulties. In some of the Books produ- ced before them, false and ficti- nous Entries were made : In o- thers Entries with Blanks; in o- thers Entries with Rasures and Alterations; and in others, Leaves were torn out : They found further, that some Books had been destroyed, and others taken - away or secreted ; nevertheless, the Committee were enabled to lay some Matters of Importance before the House for their
present Consideration. The first Matter that offered it self to the Consideration of the Committee, was a Scene of Iniquity and Corruption ; the Discovery of which the Committee conceived to be of the high- est Importance, to the Honour of Parliaments, and the Security of his Majesty's Government. The Committee observed, in the Account laid before the House, by the then Court of Directors of the South- Sea Com- pany, pursuant to the Order of the iath of December last; that the Company were therein supposed to have received the Sum of One Million Two Hundred Fifty Nine Thousand Three Hun- dred Twenty- five Pounds,
upon Account of Stock sold, to the amount of Five Hundred Seventy- four Thousand Five Hun- dred Pounds: Whereupon the Committee ordered the Com- pany's Cash- Book to be laid before them ; and upon Inspection thereof, they found at' Fol. 120 and 121, the aeveral Entries of Stock, as aold for the Company, annexed at the End of this Report, No. i. The Total of which Entries amounts to the said Sum of Five Hundred Seventy- four Thousand Five Hundred Pounds in Stock, and of One Million Two Hundred Fifty Nine Thousand Three Hundred Twenty- five Pounds in Cash ; but It is very observable, That from the Article of
the 4th of Fe- bruary 1719, unto that of the 2d of npril 1720, both inclusive, there is no mention made of the Name of any Peraon whatsoe- ver to whom the Stock is supposed to be sold. The whole Accompts comprehended in these two Pages of the Cash- Bopk, and Entered in this concealed Manner, appear ( Price Two- pence.) nevertheless to have been sftated and ballanced by the Compa- ny's Committee of Treasury, without expressing the Day when such Accompts were stated, and are subscribed by Sir John Fel- lows then Sub- Governour, Mr. Charles Joy then Deputy- Gover- nour, Sir Lambert Blackwell, Sir Robert
Chaplin, Sir Theodore Jans- sen, Mr. Jacob Sawbridge, and Mr. Stephen Child, then Directors ; all of them of the said Committee, and Sir Robert Chaplin, Sir Theodore janssen, and Mr. Sawbridge, at that Time Members of the House of Commons. The Committee, upon this Occasion, took the Liberty to re- mind the House of a remarkable Period in the former Session of Parliament: That upon the 2d of February 1719, the House a- greed to the Report of the Committee of the Whole House, ap- pointed to consider of that Part of his Majesty's Speech which related to the Publick Debts; that the Proposals of the South- Sea
Company should be accepted, and ordered a Bill to be brought in, pursuant to the said Resolution ; which Bill having paas'd the Houfe, and afterwards the House 0f Peers, had the Royal Assent upon Thursday the 7th of April, 1720. The Committee, surprized to see so large an Account of Stock disposed of by the Company, before the passing the Bill to ena- ble the Company to encrease their Capital Stock and Funds, and before any Subscription or Redemption could be made, whereby their Capital Stock was encreased, proceeded to exa- mine carefully into that Tranfaction. And upon Examination of the late Sub and Deputy-
Gover nours, aud the late Directors of the South- Sea Company, Mr, Robert Knight, then Cashier, Mr. Robert Surman, then Deputy- Cashier, Mr. John Grigsby, then Accomptant, Mr. Charles Locke' then second Accomptant, and Mr. Matthew Weymondsel, Broker, it manifestly appeared to the Committee, that the Company, at that Time, was not possess'd of such a Quan- tity of Stock, whereof they could then make an actual Sale and Transfer j the Company having, at that Time, in their own Right, only a small Quantity of Stock, not exceeding Twenty- five Thousand Pounds, or Thirty Thousand Pounds at the most ; and upon
Inspection of the Transfer Book at that Time, as well as upon the Examination of the before- mentio- ned Persons, the Committee could not find any Transfer made by the Company of any Part of that great Quantity of Stock at the Times specified in the Cash- Book, ( excepting to the Duke of Portland, the Lord De la War, and the Honourable John West, Esq; who sold their Annuities to the Company)' and no Ac- count of any Transfers of such Stock has as yet been given into the House, altho' by their Order it was expresly required. * Upon SATURDAY, August 12. 1721. tHE following Narrative requires but little Introduction; a
long one is therefore omitted, that our Readers may haw more of the Mat- ter of Fact. We hope every Englishman, that's not a Villain, nor a Friend tc Villains, will be obliged to us for this Publication, which might otherwise have never been made: If we run a Risque by it in our private Circumstances, which nothing could engage us to but the Love of our Country; we hope, while we are Subservient to that, we have nothing to fear from honest Men and Britons : To God and them therefore we commit our Cause, nor dread the Consequence. Here we find the Source of all our Misery and Woe ; here we see who have been Traytors,
Harpies, and Parricides ; who their Aiders, Confederates, and Abettors-, to whom we owe the National Calamities we labour under - and who has contributed to destroy us at Home, and make us contemptible Abroad. Here appears the Cause of the Widows Sighs, the Orphans Tears, the RUin of Families, the Distress of Mil- lions; the sinking of Credit, the Discouragement of Trade, the Lowering our Stocks ! Here we see whO have been lavish of the Nation's Wealth, and Squandered away our Treasure to help to undo us : Here we see the Reason of the Hardships the poor Annuitants suffer by t Here we see who have built
private Fortunes at the Publick, Expend : Here we see to the Bottom of the fatal Wound our dear Country has received; and They stand confest who gave the Blow, In a Word ; Here we see to whom GRACE has abounded, and who stood in need of INDEMNITY. THE - London Journal
Upon farther Examination of the Persons before- mentioned, the Committee discovered, That this supposed Sale of Stock was colourably Entered in the Book for the Benefit of Persons, whose Names were designed to be concealed, with Intention to make an Interest in Favour of the Company, and to facili- tate the Acceptance of the South- Sea Proposals, and then pas- sing of the Bill, which were at that Time depending in Parlia- ment; and to that End the late Sub and Deputy- Governours, Sir John Blunt, Mr. Gibbon, Mr. Chester, and Mr. Holditch late Directors, who had the Care of solliciting the passing of the Bill, together
with Mr. Knight the Cashier, had the Power of disposing of this Stock. And the general Method by which this Practice was car- ried on, was this, This Stock was set down, as sold at several Days, and at seve- ral Prices, from 150 per Cent. to 315 per Cent, and was from those Times to be esteem'd as taken in or holden by the Company, for the Benefit of the pretended Purchasers, altho' no mutual Agree- ment was then made for the Delivery or Acceptance of the Stock at any certain Time; and although no Money was paid down, nor any Deposit or other Security given to the Company for Payment, by the supposed Purchasers:
So that if the Price of Stock had fallen, as might be expected if the Scheme had miscarried, no Loss could have been sustained by them ; but if the Price of Stock should advance ( as it actually did by the Success of the Scheme) the Difference by the advanced Price was to be made good to the pretended Purchasers; and accord- ingly the Accompt of such Stock was made up and adjusted with Mr. Knight, and the Money arising by the Difference of the Price between the Times of such taking in, or holding of the Stock, and the making of such Adjustments, was paid or allow- ed out of the Company's Cash to the pretended
Purchasers; but no Entries of such Adjustments, or of the Names of the Persons with whom the same were made, appear'd to the Com- mittee, in any of the Books of the Company. Sir Theodore Janssen affirmed, that when the said Accompt in the Cash Book was laid by Mr. Knight before their Com- mittee of Treasury, to be pass'd and sign'd, an Objection being made, that Blanks were made for the Buyers of this Stock, the late Sub- Governour and Mr. Knight said there were Reasons for passing the Accompt in that manner, and that the Stock was disposed of to Persons, whose Names were not proper to be known to a great
many, but at a fit Time a perfect Accompt thereof should be made up, and that if the Bill did pass, the Stock would be well sold. Mr. Robert Surman declared, that about the 3d of April 1720, Mr. Knight, the Cashier, shewed him that Accompt of Stock sold in the Cash Books, Fol. 120 and 121, and told the Exami- nant, that there was a Committee appointed to look into the State of the Cash that Night; and that he ( Mr. Knight) having thereby charged himself with the Value of so large a Quantity of Stock sold, would appear to have a great Sum of Money in his Hands, which he really had not; and therefore said, he would write off a
supposed Sum of eight hundred thousand Pounds, as lent by the Company to sundry, upon four hundred thou- sand Pounds Stock; and Mr. Knight did then accordingly enter the same with his own Hand Fol. 121. of the said Cash Book, in the following Words. 1720. April 3. By Loan to sundry on Security of four\ hundred thousand Pound South- Sea Stock, at an Interest of 5 per Cent. per Ann. J That Mr. Robert Surman further declared, he did not know that any Part of the said Money was really lent, but the En- try was made to that Effect by Mr. Knight, with an Intention to answer in Part the Accompt of Stock sold; he believed
that the Entry in the same Book written by Mr. Knight, as fol- lows Fol. 121. April 14. By Account of Loan, on South- Sea \ Stock, lent to sundry on Security of one hundred thousand Pounds Stock, f" 25°>°° 0 at 250, at an Interest of 5 per Cent. J as to the greatest Part, if not the whole of that Sum, was en- tred with the same View; and the Examinant at that time took it that this Stock entred, as sold in the Cash Book, was not paid for; and for that Reason Mr. Knight entred these Sums of eight hundred thousand Pounds, and two hundred and fifty thousand Pounds as actually disbursed, to help to make a Bal- lance upon the
Account, as it now stands in the Cash Book. That the Examinant observing the said Entry of Stock sold, Mr. Knight told him that it was a Transaction of a private Na- ture, and that a great Part of it was disposed of to Persons of Distinction. \ Mr. Astell, one of the late Directors, likewise declared, that he believed the said Article of Loan of eight hundred thousand Pounds, on four hundred thoufand Pounds Stock, was entred as a Blind to answer the Accompt of Receipts on the other Side of the Cash Book, for that he could not find any Minute there- of in the other Book of the Company. Mr. Stephen Child said, that he took the
Articles of Stock bought and sold, in the Cash Book, to be fictitious, and to be entred in that Manner, meerly to make a Ballance. Whilst the Committee had this Matter under Examination, viz. upon the 27th Day of January last, the Court of Diredosrs ( pursuant to the Orders of the 17th of December preceeding, requiring a particular Account of the Stock sold, and by whom, and to whom transferred,) laid before the House a Book con- taining an Account of Stock sold, as then received from their Committee of Treasury, without mentioning that any Part of such Stock was actually transferred. And the Committee examining into that
Account, Sir John Blunt ( from whom the Committee received the first material Informations, the late Sub and Deputy- Governours, Mr. Gibbon, Mr. Astel, Mr. Chester, late Directors, and Mr. Robert Surman inform- ed them, that they believed, and that it was generally so under- stood amongst the Directors, that the said Accompt laid before this House, was not a true Accompt; and that there were many fictitious Names therein, as the Names of several Brokers and others, who were made use of to cover the Names of other Per- sons, who had the real Benefit of such Stock, and who, never- theless, were not mentioned in that
Account ; but that the Names of Persons of Distinction or Condition therein contained are real. Mr. Astel declared, that pressing Mr. Knight upon the repeat- ed Orders of the Directors, to make up the Accompt of this Stock, Mr. Knight answered, That he could not comply with these Orders, without giving up Forty or Fifty of the Com- pany's best Friends. • Mr. Robert Surman gave the Committee a further Explanation of the forming this Accompt, as followeth: That since the Order of the House, requiring this Accompt, he assisted Mr. Knight in preparing a Draught thereof; and by Mr. Knight's Direction, he wrote down several
Names, which Mr. Knight read to him out of a Book with a green Cover, wherein Mr. Knight had kept an Accompt of this Stock entred in the Cash Book of the Company, and also of Subscriptions, but believed Mr. Knight did not give him all the true Names, becaufe Mr. Knight sometimes turned over a Leaf or Two, without giving him a Name, although there were in those Leaves Names of Persons with whom an Accompt was there entered. And Mr. Surman said further, That he remembred that in the same Book, at the Head of a large Accompt, wherein the Debtor Side came near to the Bottom of the Page, he saw the Name of
John Aislabie, Esq; late Chancellor of the Exchequer; but Mr: Knight turned over that Leaf, and did not give him that Name to insert in the Account. That at the Head of another Accompt, in the same Book, he saw the Names of James Craggs, Esq; That at the Head of another. Accompt in that Book, he saw the Name of Charles Stanhope, Esq; All which were Accompts of Stock and Subscripticns; but Mr. Knight left out all these Names in this Account; and after it was thus drawn out from the Green Book, and from Letters which Mr. Knight thus delivered to this Examinant, the Sums not coming right, Mr. Knight made several
Alterations in the Names and Prices, and inserted other Names and Prices, to frame the Account in the Manner it now appears. Mr. Francis Hawes, one of the late Directors, likewise decla- red, that about the Time of making the last Midsummer Divi- dend, Mr. Knight informed him, that he ( Mr. Knight) held Stock for John Aislabie, Esq; and that he had an Account of Stock depending with Mr. Aislabie: And the Examinant believ- ed, that such Stock had been taken in some Time before, and that Mr. Knight held such Stock with the Company's Money. And that the Examinant added, that he believed the Reason of Entring the Five
Hundred Seventy Four Thousand Five Hundred Pounds Stock, sold in - the Cash Book, was to give Persons an Opportunity of having Stock at Low Prices; and that great Part of the Stock sold, was disposed of for the forward- ing the Bill. The Committee proceeded to examine Sir John Blunt, con- cerning the Disposal of the fictitious South- Sea Stock before- mentioned ; He acquainted them, that the latter End of February or the Beginning ot March last, Mr. Knight told him, and as he remembred, the late Deputy- Governor, Mr. Gibbon and Mr. Chester; that Mr. Craggs, the Post- Mafter, desired to have Eighty Thousand Pounds
Stock bought or taken in at the current Price, vit. Fifty Thousand Pounds for the Earl of , and his Friends, and the remaining Thirty Thousand Pounds for Mr. Craggs and his Friends ; that this Request was complied with, and Eighty Thousand Pounds of the Company's Stock was directed to
to be applied accordingly • which the examinant took to be part of the Sum of One Hundred Thirteen Thousand Pounds entered in the Company's Cash Book, as sold on the 27th Day of February 1719. at 175 per Cent. That no Money appear'd to have been paid for the above- mentioned Eighty Thousand Pounds. But Six John Blunt said, that some time in March, Mr. Knight shewed him a Note for the Fifty Thousand Pounds, signed , which Mr. Knight said, was the Earl of ' s Hand : and the Examinant believed it to be so, having seen his Lordship's Hand to Treasury Warrants and Orders. The Note, to the best of his
Remembrance, was to the Effect fol- lowing : ' That whereas Mr. Knight had bought several Parcels * of South- Sea Stock for the of , the Particu- * lars of which were therein specify'd, amounting in the whole * to Fifty Thousand Pounds Stock, at several Prices, the Money ' payable for which amounts to more than Eighty Thousand ' Pounds, his Lordship promifed to pay the said Money with ' Interest, at a certain Time therein mentioned. That since the beginning of the Session of Parliament, the Examinant and Mr. Knight discoursing about the Company's fictitious Stock, and particularly concerning the Earl of ' s part of it, the
Examinant asked how he would conceal that ? Mr. Knight replied, He would go through Thick and Thin rather than dis- cover it. That the Examinant did not know of any Money paid, or Note, or other Security given by Mr. Craggs for the Thirty Thousand Pounds, residue of the Eighty Thousand Pound Stock. Mr. Edward Gibbon, another of the late Directors, said, That Mr. Knight told him, that some time in February 1719. he was to supply and furnish the Earl of with Fifty Thou- sand Pound Stock, at between 170 and 180 per Cent. which was the Price of Stock at that time. Mr. Joy, late Deputy- Governor, declared, that Mr. Knight,
about Ten or a Eleven Months since, told him, that about One Hundred Thousand Pound Stock must be reserved for Mr. Craggs at the Post- Office, in Trust for others: Whereupon the Examinant asking, what, for the Earl 2 He replied, Not for himself, but his Friends. Mr. Joy said further, that Mr. Knight told him, since the En- quiry began, that the Sum promised to Mr. Craggs, was but Thirty Thousand Pounds. The before- named James Craggs, Esq; being examined, said, That he did never apply to Mr. Knight, or any other Person whatsoever, to have any of the Company's Stock, or to have any Stock taken in for him by the
Company. Mr. Richard Hoi- ditch another of the late Directors, said, That he was told by Mr. Knight, that Fifty Thoufand Pounds of the Company's Stock, said to be sold, was held for a noble Lord in a high Station. That he apprehended, and believed, that by the Lord in a high Station, Mr. Knight meant, the Earl of , But Mr. Knight being since asked about it, said, That it did not go that Way, but it went another Way, or Words to that Effect. The Committee, in the Course of Sir John Blunts Examina- tion, asked him, Whether he knew of any more of the Com- pany's Stock disposed of, in order to facilitate the Passing of the Bill ? He
answered, That he believed the Dutchess of her Two Nieces, and the Countess of , were the Per- sons, for whole Benefit Thirty Six Thousand Pounds Stock was entred in the Company's Cash Book, as sold on the 4th of Fe- bruary 1719. That some time after the 4th of February 1719. and while the said Scheme or Bill was depending in the House, Mr. Secretary Craggs, in Westminster- Hall, spoke to him, and to the late Sub- Governor and Deputy- Governors, and to Mr. Gib- bon and mr. Chester, on the Behalf of the Persons above- named ; and said, he really thought it was for the Interest of the Com- pany, to engage
Persons of their Rank to be concerned in it, or to that effect. Whereupon it was agreed that they should have Thirty Six Thousand Pounds of the Company's Stock at the Price mentioned, which was 150 per Cent, although the Market Price, as he believed, was then somewhat higher. That he took it4for granted the Agreement was since made good. That Mr. Knight had the Management of this Affair, and us'd to keep an Accompt of the Stock thus disposed of in a Book of his own. But he then apprehended the Dutchess of and Countess of , did not either of them know that the other was to have any Stock. Sir John Fellows, late
Sub- Governor, on his Examination, said, that whilst the Proposal for the South- Sea Company, or the Bill in the House of Commons was depending, Mr. Knight told him that Mr. Secretary Craggs proposed, that Twelve Thoufand Pounds of the Company's Stock should be disposed of to the Dutchess of , Twelve Thousand Pounds to the Coun- tess of , and Twelve Thousand Pounds more to the Dutchess's Two Nieces. The Examinant agreed they should have the Stock, paying the Market Price, which was then above 1000 per Cent. But Mr. Knight telling the Examinant, that he thought they were intitled to the Stock, from the
first Applica- tion made for it, at which time the Price was about per Cent, this Examinant consented they should have at it that Price. He added farther, that Mr. Secretary Craggs did, at his Office, recommend the above- mentioned Proposal ; and said, that it would be for the Service of the Company to have such Persons Proprietors. He said likewise, that the same Proposal was, at another time, made to him and others, by Mr. Secre- tary Craggs in westminster- Hall. That the Examinant and the Deputy Governor waited on the Dutchess of , and ac- quainted her with the Proposal, and that Mr. Knight should have Orders to
follow her Directions, and desired her good Offices on the Company's Behalf. That the Dutchess received them ci- villy, and thanked them for it. The Examinant said also, that a Letter was wrote by Mr. Knight, to the Countess of _ , signed by the Examinant and the Deputy- Governor, to acquaint her with the said Proposal. And that she wrote an Answer, signifying her Acceptance, but that he had lost the Letter. Mr. Edward Gibbon, another of the said Directors, being examin'd, declared, that whilst the South- Sea Bill was depending in the" House, he was at a Conversation in Westminster- Hall at which were present Mr.
Secretary Craggs, the Sub and Deputy- Gover- nors, and Mr. Chester ; where Mr. Secretary proposed, that about Thirty Thousand Pounds Stock should be disposed of to certain Ladies, whose having Stock would be of Service to the Com- pany, or to that Effect, which was consented to 5 and he believ- ed they were Foreigners, but did nor know their Names. Mr. Joy, the late Deputy- Governor, informed the Committee, that sometime before the abovementioned Convention in west- minster Hall, Mr Knight told him Mr. Secretary Craggs had mentioned to him that it would be adviseable to have some great Ladies concerned in
the Company's Stock, and that they should have it at 15o per Cent. That soon after Sir John Fellows, Mr. Knight, and himself being at Mr. Secretary Craggs's, Office, the same Proposal was again renewed by the Secretary, and was consented to by Sir John Fellows, Mr. Knight, and himself ; he did not exactly remember the Proportions in which the Stock was to be divided; but on the best Recollection he could make, he thought the Dutchess of was to have Ten Thousand Pounds Stock, and the Countess of the like Sum, and the Dutchess's Nieces Five Thousand Pounds each. Mr. Joy said also, that there was a Conversation
with Mr, Secretary Craggs in westminster- hall concerning the aforementi- oned Proposal; that he could not recollect what then passed but remembered that soon after Sir John Fellows and himself was introduced to the Dutchess of by Mr. Secretary t rig.: who interpreted between them ; that they acquainted her a the Offer, apd that Directions would be given to Mr. Knight 10 Transfer the Stock on Payment of the Money ; that the Dut- chess seemed well pleased with the Offer, thanked them, and wished them good Success. He farther said, That talking with Mr. Knight, since this En- quiry began, said, That neither the Dutchess
of nor her Nieces, had any Stock transferred to them, but that the Coun- tess of had ; to which Mr. Joy reply'd, that he did not believe him. Mr. Robert Chester, one of the late Directors, being examined likewise about the said Conversation in westminster- hall, con- curred in Substance with what Sir John Fellows had before de- clared. Sir John Blunt said likewise, That after his Examination on Friday the 17th of January last, Mr. Joy came to his Lodgings, and asked him, touching what had passed in his Examination before the Committee : That Sir John Blunt told him he had said nothing of the Ministry ; what says Mr. Joy) nor of
the Ladies neither ? To which Sir John reply'd, that he had not That on Saturday the 28th of January last, soon after Sir John Blunt had been again examined by the Committee at the South Sea House, Mr. Joy came to him, and asked him what had pas- sed? That Sir John told him he was under an Obligation of Se- crecy ; that he loved him very well, and that the best Way was to tell the whole Truth. What! says Mr. Joy, of the La- dies and all? Yes, says Sir John, the Examination is very strict, and nothing but the Truth will do. Mr. Joy being examined by the Committee to the abovementioned Conversation, be- tween him and
Sir John Blunt, did admit that the Substance of it was true. To be continued in our next. CATO's Letters are discontinu'd till the finishing of the Exami- nations above. N. B. We doubt not but the foregoing will stand our sufficient Excuse for omitting, this week, what's come to Hand from JUBA, LUCIUS, CASSIUS, MANLEY, and all our other kind Cor- respondents. FOREIGN
FOREIGN AFFAIRS. TH E Plague continues to rage in a very violent Manner at Arles; but as ' tis much abated in many other Places, they gin to hope for a Relaxation of that dreadful Distemper. Things have taken such a sudden Turn in favour of the Peace etween the Swedes and Muscovites, that they write us now, that by the very next Post we may expect to hear that ' tis actu- lly concluded. Affairs continue quiet on the side of Poland, and they give us now some Reason to hope that a War with the Turks in Eu- rope will be prevented. The Imperial Court seem to take fome Umbrage at the Pro- ceedings of the Court of Spain ;
but of what Nature they are, is not publick enough for us to enter upon yet; we must there- fore adjourn that Matter till further Information arrives. LONDON. THE Prosecution of the Scire Facias's upon the Bub- bles being Superseded, as ' tis said, by the Act of Pardon, those Bubbles begin to Revive in Exchange- Alley, and several of ' em sell for Four and Five per Cent, and continue to rise every Day. A large Body of the Annuitants appear'd on Saturday last be- fore the Parliament Houfe, and delivered to the Members a written Paper, containing the following " Words, viz. Pray do ju- stice to the Annuitants, who lent their Money
on Parliamentary Se- curity. They were so tumultuous in their Outcries to the Mem- bers for Justice, that the House sent for several Justices of Peace and Constables, and ordered the former to disperse them; which, however, could not be done effectually, without read- ing the Proclamation. After which the Justices of Peace were called for to the Bar of the House of Commons, and ordered, not only to suppress the then present Tumult, but to take Care and suppress all others that may happen for the future. The Constables laid hold of Two or Three, who did not imme- diately disperse, and threatned to send them to the Gate-
House, but did not. There was a great many Women and Children, as well as Men, who made an Outcry for Right and Property, and to do Justice to the Widows and Orphans. Most People indeed pity their Circumstances : But few, however, vindi- cate this Method of Proceeding. One Baker is committed to Newgate for concealing his Effects, after he had been declared a Bankrupt, and been se- veral times examined. Capt. Woods Rogers, late Governor of Providence, is return- ed from thence by the Way of Bristol, in a Carolina Ship, and will be in Town this Week. We are assured, after all, that their will be a Review of the
Guards before his Majesty, in a very few Days. The Managers of the York- Building Corporation, propose to draw the Lottery that is now on foot in their Favour, the Week after all the Payments on their Tickets are compleated. Last Friday Sir Nathan Wright, formerly Keeper of the Great Seal, died at his Seat in Warwickshire. We hear, that there will speedily be a Reduction of the Twenty Six Companies of Invalids, that now lie in the several Ports of this Kingdom. On Tuesday Night a Person was committed to Newgate for the Murder, as ' tis said, of his own Brother, at Shadwell. We hear, that fome eminent Merchants in Town,
having been lately admitted into Co- partnership with the Scots Gen- tlemen concerned in the Fishery at Seaforth, and the neighbour- ing Coasts, have instructed, them ' tis said, in effectual Mea- sures to improve that Trade, and baffle and disappoint the Dutch, who have long practised on that Fishery, to the great Detriment of those Gentlemen ; but the latter part of this Story seems highly improbable. The East India Company have given Notice, that they are ready to receive Proposals to the 18th Instant, from all Owners and Commanders of Ships, for the Hire of their Ships to India for the Year ensuing. On Tuesday next being
the 15 th Instant, at the Pay Office in Broad- street, will be recalled His Majesty's Ship Rupert, from the 16th of March 1717 to the 10th of January 1720. And the Rippon from the 17th of March 1717 the 16th of January 1720. We have farther Accounts from Leeds, in Yorkshire, of the happy encreade of the Woollen Manufacture in those Parts; their being at this time a greater Demand for their Cloth, and a greater Number of Hands imploy'd in the Manufacture, than have been known these Twenty Years. We are told, that the Fishpcol Undertaking, for bringing Fish alive to Town, has answered the most sanguine Expectati- ons of
the Gentlemen concerned in it, who push it on with great 1 Vigour, and have made considerable Improvements since they first set out; their Expences are now pretty well fixed and certain, the Charges of One Voyage, for Men, Provisions, & c. generally amounting to Fifty Pounds and no more. We hear, that the Master Bakers have waited on the Lord Mayor with a Petition to raise the Price of Bread but his Lordship rejected it; and told them, there was Corn in a- bundance in store, and a great Crop upon the Ground, Last Week a Nobleman's Porter being in Charge with his Lordship's House, in Golden- Square, by himself, was
found dead in it. It's thought he had been dead at least Two Days in that House, before they found him- The Bristol Mail has been robbed this Week, and the Letters from thence and the Bath taken away. On Thursday next, being the 17th Instant, will begin to be pay'd at the Treasurer of the Navy's Office in Broad street, the Half Pay due to the Sea Officers from the 1st of July 1720. to the 31dt of December 1720 On the 17 h the Captains, on the 18th the, Lieu enants, on the 19th the Masters. Last Week was seized in a Farmers Yard near Dartford in Kent, a quantity 0f tea to the Value of 350 I. they are now paying at the Bank,
the Midsummer Dividend on Bank Annuities of Nine Hundred and One Hundred Sixty Nine Thousand Pound at Five per Cent. The Captain of a French Ship arrived at Leghorn, whose Name is Guerin. and who is come in 30 Days from Smyrna, reports, that Tauris, the great City of the Persian Empire in Asia, not far from the Borders of Turkey and the Caspian Sea, formerly the Metropolis of the Persian Empire, and the Resi- dence of their Kings, which is now removed from thence to Is- pahan, was on the 26th of April last entirely swallow'd up by an Earthquake, together with above 240,000 Souls. On Tuesday there was a
General Court of the York Build- ings Company, when they deliver'd Conditions for their Sale of Annuities upon single Lives to the amount of 13000 1. per Annum, to be dispofed of by Way of Lottery, pursuant to the Power granted them by Parliament; in which Scheme there is to be Four Blanks to a Prize, the lowest Prize 14 s. per Annum, and the highest 5' co 1. to be drawn in the Manner of the Go- vernment Lottery 1719. The Tickets 5 1. a piece, 30*$. paid at the taking out of the Ticket, 30 s. on the 9th of Sept. next, and the remaining 40 s. by the 7th of October- The Lottery is divided into two Parts, the second of which is to
determine the drawing of the first. About Ten Days ago died the Lady Brownlow, at her Seat at Bolton, in Lincolnshire. The Beginning of last Week a young Lady, upon the Point of Marriage, going to demand her Fortune, a very ample One, of her Guardian, near Long- Acre, he put her kindly off till he had found Means, in Two or Three Days, to have her be- trayed into a Mad- House, giving out, that she was out of her Senses; but the Neighbourhood know the Motive for the last : For the young Lady before this Misfortune, had Discretion enough ; tho' the Villainy of this Harpy, the Disap- pointment of her conjugal Happiness,
together with the Mise- ries of her Confinement, have now bereaved her of her Senses to all Intents and Puposes, By Letters from New York we learn, that his Excellency William Burnet, Esq; the Governor, was lately married to the Daughter of Mr. Vomhorn, an eminent Merchant there. The Dutchess of Kendal is going to repair and beautify, at her own Expence, the Swedish Church in Trinity Lane, which her Grace frequents every Sunday. Mr. Law's Brother arrived here last Friday from Paris. Yesterday one Mr. Cole, an Exchange Broker, dispatched himself in a very uncommon manner, viz. by ftrangling him- self with his
Girdle tied to his Bed Post. He was found dead lying across his Bed, at full length. This is another Accident imputed to the Score of South- Sea Misfortunes. Mr. Noel ( whom we mentioned lately to be entered as an Ensign in the Guards,) was presented to a Colours in the Lord Cadogan's Regiment. On Thursday, the 31st Instant, the South Sea Company will expose to Sale, at their House in Broad- ftreer, Hides in the Hair, from Buenos Ayres. The South- sea Company are now entring Mariners at their House in Broad- street, for their Service in the South- Seas. It's said, but with what reason we cannot tell, that the Bub- ble
Trade is in a fair way to be revived. On Tuesday last a Fire began at a Basket- maker's House in Brooks- Market, but sufficient Help being at Hand, it was ma- ster'd before it got Head, and burnt only one Room. The Lord Chancellor having nominated one to succeed Mr. Smith, as Minister of St Mildred Woodstreet, the Parish insist- ing on it as their Right, have enter'd a Caveat in the Com mons against the said Nomination.