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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 05/08/1721
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 6
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SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1721. OR, British gazetteer. Being the freshest advices foreign and Domestick. GREAT- BRITAIN. Covent Garden, August 1st, 1721. Mr. READ, AMong other useful Subjects, which I gave you my Opinion sometime ago, might be proper to adorn your Paper, I mention'd a brief Account of the History of your own Country, which cannot but be entertaining as well as useful to your Readers, and may be render'd much more so, by being methodiz'd accordingly, and a part given in every Paper, so that the whole may be run thro', without any great Interuption of Business, or tres- passing on the Patience of those who have very little Inclination to Reading, who yet may once i Week con- tentedly enough run over so brief and entertaining a Po- tion of it, as will in a little time give them a necessary view of the History of their own Country, which I fear too many arc unacquainted with altho' they make a tol- lerable Figure in the World. That you may constantly employ a Part of your Paper, which you seem to have to spare, to a very good purpose, and I think, to a much better than I see in of many those Weekly Entertainments call'd Journals, where Paper and Print is very often lit- tle better than thrown away, or made use to an ill pur pose. For your Encouragement, I have drawn out the follow, ing Introduction of it for you, and if you think fit to pursue the Subject, shall give you Assistance in other Parts of it, as likewise in promoting all I can the Sale of your Paper, which I have been a constant Reader of. \ THIS flourishing Island, was at first called Albion, either from Albion Marcoticus, who seated himself here, or II ! from the white Clifts or Rocks which appear from the Coast of France, or from Ollion signifying rich and happy, in regard of it's Fer- tility, temperate Climate, and Riches. Next it was call'd ' Britain, either from the two British Words Pry'd and Cain, which signify Beauty and White, or from the British Word Bryth, that is, painted stain'd, or colour'd, ( the Inhabitants of old, using to dye their Bodies with Woad to which che Greeks added Tania that is, a Region, thence call'd Britains Land, or Britainy. At length, the Southern and best part of it, from the Anglo Saxom then inhabiting of it, was call'd Angle- Land, now England : The Dimensions of which in length from Berwick to the Land's- End is 386 Miles in breadth, from Sandwich to the Land's- End ^ 79 Miles; in compass, by reason of the many Bays and Promontories, about 1300 Miles. The Britains or first Inhabitants of this island, were deriv'd from the Gauls or French, as both their Speech, laws customs. and Buildings manifest. Among the most antient Britains, none but the better and more ci- Vilizd sort wore any Apparrel; but painted their bare Bodies with Sundry Pictures, rcpresenting all manner of living Creatuies, Flowers, Planets, and the like, con- cieting that this made them appear more terrible to their Enemies. About their Wafts and Necks, they wore chains of Iron, fancying them to be a good Ornament. ( Piice Three Halfpence.; The Hair of their Heads they wore long, which was na- taraly curl'd, all other parts they shav'd save the upper Lip of all the Provinces, the Kentish were the most ci- viliz'd in regard of their Converse and Traffick with other Nations. Their Buildings were many, and like those of the old Gauls, poor rude Cottages, and they gave the Name of Towns to certain Woods which they fortified with Ramperts and Ditches, to which they made their Retreat when invaded by their Enemies, till the Romans taught them to build their Houses of Stone. Their Wives were many, Ten or Twelve a piece, which they held common among Parents and Brethren ; but the Issue reputed his only, who first marry'd the Mother when she was a Maid. The Children they brought up in common amongst them. Their Diet was spare and mean, being Barks and Roots of Trees, and Milk also a kind of Food they had no bigger than a Bean, after the eating of which, for a considerable Time, they did neither hunger nor thirst. They eat likewise Veni- son and Fruits. Their usual Drink was made of Bar- ley. Their Religion was Paganish Superstition. They had many Idol Gods, and used Man's Flesh in their Sacrifi- ces. They had Priests and Instructors, the Chief of which were Druides, who were the Sacrifices, discus- sers, and Interpreters of religious Matters ; they decided also as Temporal Judges almost all Controversies In the Civil State, and such as refused to stand to their Judg- ment, they put under their Interdiction, which was ac- counted the most grievous Punishment. These Druides were privileged from the Wars, and all other Burthens, Taxes and Payments Over all the rest of them; there was one Primate. The main Thing they laboured to perswade Men was, that the Soul is Immortal. They caught only by Word of Mouth. " . The Merchandizing of the ancient Britains Consisted chiefly in Ivory Boxes, Sheers, Onches, Bits and Bridles Wreaths and Chains, with other Conceits made of Glass and Amber. And as their Merchandize was mean, so was their Shipping also ; the Keels and Ribs whereof were of light Wood covered over with Leather, Their Coin was either of Brass, or else of Iron Rings fixed at a certain Weight, which they used for their Money ; but as Times grew more civil, and Traffick more frequent, they stamped both Gold and Silver. Their Armour were Shields and short Spears, in the lower End of which Spears was fastened around Bell of Brass, which at the Beginning of a Fight they shook with a great Courage, conceiting that such a ratling Noise did dismay the Enemy. In the Beginning of a Battle they fought in Chariots, but when they had wound themselves in amongst their Enemies, they fought on Foot, upon occasion retiring to their Chariots, which in the mean Space that they fought on Foot, were drawn all together. They were so expert in managing their Chariot Horses that running them forceably down a steep Hill, they could stop and turn them in the Mid- way. The Britains were govern'd by their own Kings, the Land being divided into several Kingdoms or petty Pro- vinces, till about the Year of the World's Creation, 3913. and before the Birth of Christ y4 Years, the Romans under Julius Caesar took footing here, who after they had been stoutly oppos'd by many British Kings for near 130 Years, made themselves Masters of the Country, nor were the Britains then subdu'd but by their own Divi- j 4 D sions sions which made way for the Roman Conquest, who held this Kingdom during the Reginis of JJ of its Emp- rors to the time of Theodosius the Emperor, Anno 423- when the Roman Greatness fell in Decay, during which Time they had been grievously afflicted with the Incur sions of their inveterate Enemies the Pitts, Saxons, and Scots. As to the Romans they became inur'd to them, and began to sit easy under their Government, and there- fore they sent to the Emperor Theodosius to Rome, to sollicit Succours against them, but their own Affairs pressing, they withdrew their Legions from Britain, ad- Vising the Britains to stand upon their own Guard. _ Thus after about 500 Years that the Romans had rul'd in Britain, they took their final leave of it, bruying part of their Treasures in the Earth, having greatly dispeo- pled the Country by drawing Levies out of it to serve in their Wars Abroad. _ To be continu d. The Continuation of the Tryal of King Charles the 1st. That it was now too evident, he had taken up Arms to defend the Fundamental Laws of this Kingdom, a- gainst those who would totally change the anrient Go- vernment. And that having shewn them, why he could not submit to their pretended Authority, he expected thev should offer some reasons to convince him of his Error, or desist from these Procedings Tuesday, January 23. 1648 Painted- Chamber._ They resolve to try the King once more, if he will acknowledge the Jurisdiction of their Court; but order the Lord President, that in case he continue contumaci- ous, to acquaint him, He is to expect no further Time; and that the Clerk be order'd in the Form prescrib'd to require his final Answer. Then the Court adjourn'd into the Hall, where seventy one Commissioners were present. The King being brought t0 the Bar again, Mr. Solicitor Cook, shewing his former Delays and Con- tempts, said, That nothing more remain'd now but to demand Judgment : But that notwithstanding these Con- tempts, and the Notoriety of the Facts charg'd, he would proceed to examine Witnesses as to the Truth of them, if requir'd. The Court also put the King in Mind what former Proceedings had been ; and told him, that although they might take Advantage of his Contempts, and immedi- ately pronounce Judgment upon him ; yet they once more gave him an Opportunity of answering the Charge; and told him he must anfwer in plain Terms ( for they said Justice knew no Respect of persons if he was Guilty or Not Guilty. The King refusing to acknowledge their Jurisdiction aS formerly, and observing also, That he had done nothing against the great Trust God had committed to him : The President told him, that he had now a third time pub- lickly difown'd and affronted ihe Court : And how he had preserv'd the Laws and Liberties of the People, his Actions best spoke : He had written his Meaning in Characters of Blood throughout the Kingdom. And the Clerk being order'd to demand a peremptory Answer to the Charge in the Form prescrib'd : And the King re- fusing to answer, his Contempt was again recorded, and he was remanded into Custody. And the Court ad- journ'd to the Painted- Chamber ; where they resolv'd, that notwithstandirg these Contempts and the Notoriety of the Facts charg'd, they would examine Witnesses tn give the greater Satisfaction ; and Warrants were issued out for summoning of Witnesses : And then the Court adjourn'd till next Morning. Wednesday, January 24 1648 Painted- Chamber. Resolv'd That the Witnesses should be examin'd in the Painted Chamber ; and a Committee were appointed to take their Examinations; after which the Court adjourn'd till the next Morning. Thursday, January jj, 1648. Painted. Chamber. The Court sat private. Order'd, that the Dean's House in Westminster Abbey be furnish'd for the Lodging of the Lord President, his Servants, Guards, and Atten- dants, The Witnesses who had been examin'd by the Com. mittree the 24th, were this Day sworn again in Court, and their Depositions were read To them; and they did severelly attest the Truth of their resprective Depositions. Mr Holder being brought from Whitehall, where he was Prisoner, to give Evidence against the King, de- sir'd to be excus'd. And the Court finding he was alrea- dy a Prisoner, and his Examination wouid tend to ac- cuse himself. they wav'd it. The Depositions taken against the King. William Cuthbert, of Holderness in the County of York, Gent, saith, That upon the second of July I64!> being Lord's- Day, he saw a Troop of Horse, call'd the Prince's Troop, come to Beverley : That the same After- noon they march'd to Holderness, where they receiv'd Ammunition brought up the River Humber ; and that the same Night 300 Foot call'd the King's Guards, un. der the Command of Col. Duncomb, came to HoL- derness to this Deponent's House ( call'd Hull Bridge) about Mid- night, and broke it open, and possess'd themselves of the said House. And that the same Night the High. Sheriff brought a Warrant ( which Col Duncomb gave this Deponent, being Con- slable) for staying all Provisions from going to Hull, to Sir John Hotham That the thursday following, the King came to Beverley, where the Deponent often saw him with Prince Charles and the Duke of York ; and that the train'd Bands were rais'd at Holderness, as was generally reported, by the King's Command. And the Deponent further saith, that the breaking into his House on the Sunday Night was the first Act of Hostility committed in these Parts. ( Qu. If it does not appear by his Deposition that Sir John Hotham had then seiz'd Hull for the Parliament ? ) And he further deposes, that the Deponent himself was had before the Earl of Lindsey, then the King's General, for holding Correspondence with Sir John Hotham John Benner, of Harwood in the County of York, Glover, depos'd, That about Midsummer was six Years, the King's Standard was set up at Nottingham; and that he saw the King in the Castle within two or three Days after it was set up. And that the Regiment the De- ponent belong'd to, of which Sir William Pennyman was Colonel, had then their Colours given them ; as had the Earl of Lindsey's Regiment; and the Earl was then pro- claim'd General : And it was also proclaim'd at the Head of every Regiment, in the King's Name. That the said Forces should fight against all who should oppose the King or his Followers; and particularly against the Loid Essex and Lord Brook, who were proclaim'd Trai- tors : And that these Proclamations were printed and dispersed through every Regiment. That the Deponent took up Arms to prevent being plunder'd; for Sir William Pennyman gave out that it were a good Deed to fire the Town, because they refus'd to enter into the Service: And that divers others did take up Arms for the King for fear of being plunder'd. That the Depo- nent saw the King sitting on Horse- back at Edge hill in October 1641: And that he spoke to the Colonel of every Regiment as they pass'd by, that they should en- courage their Soldiers to stand to it against the Lord Essex and Lord Brook, Sir William Waller and Sir William Balfour. That the Deponent saw many slain at Edge- hill Fight; and by a List brought to Oxford it appeared there were 6559 slain. That in November 1642, the Deponent saw the King at the Head of his Army at Hounslow H: ath, and Prince Rupert standing by him ; and that he heard the King say to several R.- giments of Welch, who run away at Edge- hill, That he hop'd they would regain their Honour at Brentford. William Brayne, of Wixhall in the County of Salop, Gent, depos'd. That about August 1642, he saw the King at Nottingham, his Standard being then up: That he march'd with the King to Derby, and in September the same Year was try'd as a Spy at Shrewsbury before Sir Robert Heath, and other Commissioneis of Oyer and Terminer. Henry Hartford depos'd, Thar he saw the King with his Forces at Nottingham in the Year 1642: And that he saw him on the Sunday Morning after the Fight Brentford, on Horsehack, in the Town, many of the Parliament's Forces being kill'd there the Day before. Robert Lacy depos'd, That he painted the Pole on which the King's Standard was put at Nottingham and that the King lay at the Earl of Clare's House in that Town. Edward Roberts, of Bishop's Castle in the County of Salop, depos'd That he saw the Kirg with his Forces at Nottingham, Edge Hill, and Brentford. To be continu'd. 4 The South- Sea Company have chosen Mr. Stratford, a Spanish Merchant, to be their Agent at the Court of They write from Dublin of the 22d Instant, That that Day arriv'd there the Prince Pacquet- Boat from Ho- ly Head, having on Board the Lord- Shelburne from Eng- land is also the Yatcht from the same Place, on Board of which was Counsellor Ward. On THursday 7 Night Col. John Huske was elected Member cf Parliament for Newport in the Isle of Wght, in the room of Sir Tristram Dillington, Bart, deceas'd. Friday 7 Night the Baroness de Grorte, whose Daugh- ter was lately marry'd here to Baron Hattorf, set out from hence to return to Germany. Last Saturday Capt. Vernon, who married a Relation of Madam Kilmansack's, was presented to his Post in the Third Regiment of Guards. Fresh Orders are sent to New York concerning the Protestant Palatines, and other Germans settled in seve- ral Divisions in that Province, and a Project is on Foot for planting Churches and Schools among them. The late Directors of the South Sea Company are to surrender their Estates, real and Personal, into the Hands of the Commissioners before the 23d of September next. They write from Bristol, that one Rease, Master of a Vessel belonging to that Port, was committed to Newgate for Ravishing a Girl under nine Years of Age on board his Vessel. By the Prorogation of the Parliament on Saturday last, the Earl Coningsby, Sir George Caswall, and Mr. Aislabie, were releas'd from their Confinement in the Tower. Monday arrived a Courier, from Madrid, with his Catholick Majesty's Ratification of the Treaty between Great- Britain and Spain which was signed some Weeks ago On Saturday last a fine Ship of between 60 and 70 Guns, for the Use of the Mississippi Company, was launch'd at Mr. How's Dock at Limas We hear that last Tuesday the Turky Merchant, Capt. Collet, and the Bristol Merchant, Capt. Win, two Turky Ships with all their Lading, was burnt at Standgate Creek The Price of Ships and Cargoes being provided for by Parliament. Monday a Watchmaker in Chick Lane, by virtue of a Warrant from the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, was taken up, and secured that Night in the Poultry Compter, being charged with abusing a Child of nine Years old in a barbarous Manner, and giving her the foul Distemper, and was committed to Newgate on Tuesday Night. Last Week an odd Accident happen'd at the Three Tuns in Chancery- Lane : Two Footmen had laid a Wager upon their respective Heighth, each hold- ing that he was taller than the other; and not being able to decide it amicably, went into the Street to try it out at Cudgels; and a Gentleman of good Re- putation coming by, endeavour'd to part them, when one of them falling upon him unmercifully, he could not bear it, but in his Passion drew his Sword, and run the Fellow in the Belly, of which Wound he is in great Danger. And on Saturday Night last at the same Place another odd Accident happen'd : An Officer of the Army being in Drink, made a scurvy Mistake. by going up to the good Woman's Bed, she being in it, instead of his own; but finding it was not her Cousin, as she call'd her Hus- band she cry'd out; upon which the Company went up, the Watch came in, and the poor amourous Gentleman having got out of the Window, was caught upon the Sign- Post; and being carry'd before Mr. Justice Hunger- ford, was committed to New- Prison, from whence we hear he is bail'd out. Our Merchants have Advice, that the Two Sisters, Capt. Richards from Madera to Canso in Nova Scotia, was on the 21st of April last, plunder'd by a Pyrate of jo Guns, and between 30 and 40 Men, in the Latitude of3c, 500 Leagues to the Westward of the Madera Islands They Write from Cowes of the 31st of July, that the Royal George was arriv'd there from Jamaica, having sail'd from thence on the 21st of May last, by which there is advice. that Commodore Vernon in his Ma- jesty's Ship the Mary, having found the said Ship not fit to continue had resolv'd to set sail for England on the 8th of June with such of the Jamaica Fleet as should then be ready under his Convoy. On Sunday last the Lord Lempster carried the Sword of State before the King, to the Royal Chapel at St James's. where His Majesty was accompanied by their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess. His ROYAL Highness the Prince has given a Plate of 30 1. Value, to be run for next Month at Wimbleton in surrey by any' Running Footmen in England, one Phillips belonging to the Duke of Wharton excepted. In Consequence of the Peace concluded with Spain, the South Sea Company are resolv'd to renew their Trade to Spanish America ; and we hear, the Directors chose last Thursday, for that End, an Agent to reside at Madrid, six Factors at Cartagena, 16 for Panama and Portobello, six for Vera Crux, and four for Havana, and that they are suddenly to go on Board the Royal George, a Ship of 8 - 0 Tons, which is freighted with such a Cargo as, we are told is much wanted in the Spanish Indies, and will infallibly meet with a good Market; A new Charter is passing the Seals for the Borough of Bodmin in Cornwall, the old one having been vacated by the Court of King's- Bench. John Wentworth, of Yorkshire, Esq; died on Thurs- day 7 Night. Last Friday 7- Night a Woman was taken dead out of a Pond near Wood's- Close, being discover'd by a Dog sent into the Pond after a Stone, who brought up one of her Arms above Water. The next day, one James Reading was committed to Newgate for a Robbery on the Highway, the same be- ing positively sworn against him. He was discharged out of New- Prison but in June last, having made him- self an Evidence against several Persons for Robberies and we hear he designs to make himself an Evidence again. Last Week a Person was taken up at Greenwich, on Suspicion of being concern'd in Coining and Utter- ing Counterfeit Moidores, he having several such Pieces then about him ; being carried before Mr. Justice Savory, and not giving any good Account of himself, we hear he was committed to Maidstone Goal. The Boston Gazette of the 25th of June hath the fol- lowing Account from Carolina, viz. Charles Town, South Carolina, May 13. Gen. Ni- cholson our Governor not being yet arrived, tho' daily expected, we labour at present under some unhappy Cir- cumstances, Major Johnson, our late Governor, w some of the Inhabitants, and about a hundred Men did on Tuefday last draw up under Arms Back of the Town toward the Fort, in order to surprize it, and thereby to re instate the laid Major in the Go- vernment: But Colonel Moore, our present Governor, being apprized of it, alarm'd the whole Country in his behalf, and order'd two great Guns from the said Fort to be fired over Major Johnson's Men's Heads, who there. upon wheel'd to the Right, and march'd to Colonel Rhett's Point till Evening, and then dispersed. After- ward Major Johnfon and his Men promising not to dist- urb the Government any more, Were admitted into the Town; but in case they should act otherwise, Colonel Moore is provided to oppose them. Those Letters add, that on june 17. Capt Hinkley from Jamaica, but last from South- Carolina put in at Boston, who brought Advice, that General Nicholson, Governor of that Colony, with several Transports and Soldiers on board, were safely arrived there, to the great Joy and Satisfaction of the People, being then almost all under Arms. They write frcm Boston aforesaid, June the 22d, that they had Advice from Newfoundland of May 30th, by Capt Caley, that on the 18th of thesfame Month his Majesty's Ship the Dolphin. Capt. Condit Commander, arrived there in six Weeks from Plymouth, in order to cruize upon the Banks to secure the Trade and Fishery from the Pyrates; and Capt. Stewart, in his Majesty's Ship the Winchester, was daily exPected there from Eng- land as Commadore. Two French Men of War were also expected there to cruize upon the Pyrates ; and the Master of a Ship from Ireland to Boston brought Advice, he heard the Report of forty or fifty great Guns upon the Banks ; but the Weather being foggy, he could not see the Ships that were engaged, but it was believ'd to be a French Man of War and the Pyrates aforesaid. Those Letters add, that a young man of that ToWn being at Sea, in the West Indies, tumbled out of the Ship's Boat, and was immediately snarch'd up by a Shark that follow'd it, who bit off his Head and Shoulders: The Fish being afterwards pursued and taken by the Men ( > 992 ; of the Vessel, they ript him up, and found the young Man's Head and Shoulders fresh in his Belly. Salscum in Sussex, July 29, 1721. ISend you the following Account of the Taking of Ja- cob Walter, the no less Famous than Notorious smugler and Owler, on Wednesday last, being the Twenty Sixth Instant, by a Party of Brigadier- Gene- ral Groves's Regiment of Foot, quarter'd in Battell in Sussex : Captain White having Intelligence that that Smuglers were lurking between Hastings and Battell, march'd on Tuesday out of the latter, with Lieutenant Burnet,, Ensign Hamilton, and one Serjeant, to a Place call'd the New House, two Miles from Battell, where he left the Ensign with ten Men, and went forwards to a Great House on the Road to Hastings, where the Smug- lers us'd, and order'd it to be search'd ; in the Interim came an Account from the Ensign, that one Norwood had leap'd out of a Window three Stories high, and made his Escape, tho' one of the Men had fir'd after him; upon which the Captain left the Lieutenant to fi- nish the Search, who being inform'd of an Alehouse a little farther, took the Serjeant and three Men with him ; they search'd the House, and found no body ; the Lieutenant being much enrag'd at the unsuccessful Trou ble he had met with, resolv'd to make a second Search himself, and then found the aforesaid Walter under a Bed, made him his Prisoner, and brought him to Battell Goal, where he still continues : They continue every Night in quest of the Smuglers. Last Wednesday Night Jacob Walter, the famous and notorious Owlet and Smugler, was taken near Battel in Sussex, and who made his Escape formerly out of the Fleet Prison, was brought to Town under a Guard, and committed to Newgate by Warrant from one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State. On Tuesday last, when the Artillery Company were performing their Exercise in Bunhill Fields, a Man was kill'd by the springing of a Mine. Last Monday His Majesty went to the House of Peers and being in His Royal Robes seated on the Throne, with the usual Solemnity, Sir William Sanderson, Gen. tleman Usher of the Black- Rod was sent with a Message from His Majesty to the House of Commons, command- ing their Attendance in the House of Peers The Com- mons being come thither accordingly, His Majesty was pleased to make ths following most Gracious Speech to both Houses. My Lords and Gentlemen, THE Occsfion of my Calling you together again so suddenly, is to give you an Opportunity of Resuming the Consideration of the State of Publick Cre- dit. Gentlemen of the House of Commons, The Progress that you made in this Affair during the last Session, has laid such a Foundation of this necessary Work, that the World is fully appris'd of what is rea- sonably to be hoped for at this present Conjuncture. My Lords and Gentlemen, I must recommend to you all possible Dispatch, and am perswaded that at this Season of the Year your De- liberations will be confin'd to what is absolutly necessary upon this extraordinary Occasion. Tuesday last being the Glorious Anniversary of his Majesty's seasonable Accession to the Throne, the Morn- ing was usher'd in with Ringing of Bells, at Noon the Guns at the Tower, and in St. James's Park were fired, and there was a great appearance of the Nobility Gen- try, and Foreign Ministers, to Compliment his Majesty on this Occasion. The Honourable Artillery Company of this City, perform'd an Exercise in Honour of the Day, and in the Evening there were Illuminations and Rejocings throughout London and Westminster, parli. cularly at the Royal Exchange, where there was a large Bonfire, Fire works, and a vast Concourse of People, had Wine and Strong Beer given them, in which they Drank the Healths of His Majesty, their Royal High- nesses the Prince and Princess of Wales Prince Frede- rick, and all the Branches of the Royal Family ; and to the Glorious Memory of King William; the Duke of Marlborough's; the Duke of Newcastle's, and several other Loyal Healths were drank, and the Air Eccho'd with the loud Huzza's of Long Live King GEORGE ; No Pretender-, No Attainted Rebels; No Tory Whigs, & c. \ On the firft of August, being the AnniVersary Day of His Majesty's happy Accession to the Throne. Writ by Mr. T. H. Author of the Vox Populi, printed in the London Journal, Saturday April the 29th, 1721 Britania ! Goddess of our happy Isle, ' On this auspicious Day, vouchsafe to Smile ! Yee Guardian Angels from your Heav'n come down, Come, and attend our Monarch on his Throne ! Enough ! she hears I see with vast Surprize I see Britania in her Chariot rise, And force her way thro' all the yielding Skies ! thisWay she bends, tow'rds this her Fav'rite Land, Joy in her Face, and Freedom in each Hand. See at her Chariot Wheels, where Faction lies, Fast held in Chains, no more Attempts to rise ! Graveling in Fetters, see the Monster bound, And foaming tear the Earth, and lash the Ground See Fortitude and Wisdom on each side, That to encourage, this to be her Guide. Swiftly she flies, swift to our British Shoar, The Seas to greet her, make the Waves to roar. Augusta too, her brazen Cannon sounds, The pleasing Eccho thro' the World rebounds. I come the Goddess crys, without Delay, To celebrate this bless'd auspicious Day ! Proclaim the News she cries— strow, strow, the Way; Ye Shepherds sing the Glory of this Day ! The Nymphs, the Shepherds Toil shall all repay; Bright Phospher, Guider of the Purple Morn, With Splendor let this joyful Day be born. See, how along the expanded milky Road, Each Heavenly Dweller from his blessed Abode : Dress'd in aEtherial Robes moves gladly on This great triumphant Day with Pompt to Crown! This Day in Glory shall be ever drest, With noted White, Superior to the Rest. This Day in comely Order shall shine forth, And with distinguish'd Rays, show its own Worth; Truth shall with Justice, and Historick care The Joy of other Realms with ours compare ; When all the Attributes of swelling Fame, Shall be compleat in sacred GEORG's name And all the World, shall this great Story read, No King before so Grest Or Greater shall succeed. SIR, St James's August 2. TH E Story of the old fat Lady which her Hoop. Petticoat, in your last made all our Family laugh heartily ; but alas Sir, this is nothing to what you might be furnish'd with were you acquainted at our End of the Town. There's my Lady Fanciful, who lives but two or three Doors from us, that changes her Face so often, that half the Servants in the Family don't know her for three parts of the Year. Poor Tom Trott her Footman, as honest a Fellow as ever pinch'd upon board Wages, lost his Place t' other Day for an absuredity in mistaking her Ladyship for the rubicund old China Wo- man, that is always plaguing the whole Family with her impertinent Visits, when her Lady ship has a mind to a new Face, she is plaister'd like the Front of an old Build- ing, which bakes on to a meer Crust; and so remains till she has a mind to appear in Publick at some Ball or Opera, or other Assembly. This Face may perhaps last her about a Fortnight, with some small re- necessary, but as soon as she begins to dislike it, and old Matron is sent for, who gets a living among the Quality by ruin- ing their Complections with her beauty Washes & c. to rectify all deformities, and then she is new Modell'd again. Her Husband Sir John is a good natur'd honest Gentleman, and bears all patiently, and Reason good they say, because she came of a great Family, and brought him 10000 1. which perhaps by the by is not the largest Fortune she has bestow'd on him. The following Lines which I have sent you, seem very appropos to her Ladyship's Case, and looks as if the Poet who writ so many Years ago had Prophesied of her. She duely once a Month renews her Face, Mean Time it lies in dawb, and hid in Grease : These are the Husband's Nights ; she craves her due, He takes fat Kisses, and is stuck in Glue. But to her secret Lover when she steers, Fresh from the Bath, in Brightness she appears; The Eclipse than vanishes, and all her Face Is open'd, and restor'd to ev'ry Grace : The The Crust remov'd, her Cheeks as smooth as Silk. Are polish'd with a wash of Asses Milk; And shou'd she to the farthest North be sent, A Train of these attend her Banishment : But had'st thou seen her Plaister'd up before, ' twas so unlike a Face, it seem'd a Sore. If this shall be thought worthy your Inserting. I shall now and than take a delight in turning Author to oblige you, for you must know, that since I have been prefer'd from Footman to be my Lords Valet de Chambre, I have taken upon me to read Poetry to my Lady's Woman and the Chamber Maid, which is the greatest Diversion I have to employ my idle Hours. I am, SIR, Your very humble, Servant Tim. Trip. Monmouth, July 30, 1721. Last Saturday at the Assizes four Persons were con- demned for a most barbarous and inhuman Murther and Robbery, which they committed on the bodies of Tho. Morgan of Rumney, in the Counry of Monmouth, and Jane his Wife, after which they rifled the House of 600 1. in Money, and of several Rings and Plate to a consider- able Value. By the same Letter we are inform'd, that there was the greatest Appearance of Gentlemen to meet the Judge that has been known these many Years, and that they had a very numerous and loyal Grand Jury; the Fore, man of whiCh was Mr. Morgan of Tredegar, Lord Lieutenant of the County, a Gentleman of fine Parts. There was one remarkable Tryal at the Crown. Bar on a Traverse. A Justice of this County was insulted in his own House. in the Execution of his Office, by two Men and one Woman: The Justice forgave the Woman, but requir'd Security of the Men for their good Beha- viour ; which they refusing, were committed. Some- time after they all three agreed to bring their separate Actions against the Justice ; and by combining, and swearing hard together, got the Advantage of him Whereupon the Juftice indicted ' em all at the Assizes, and they were all found guilty, and detected of most abominable Practices, by Sir James Montague. N B. Mr. Baron Page try'd one of the Causes before, in which he shew'd a great deal of Respect to the Justice, and learnedly open'd the Nature of his Commission ; and, notwithstanding the Baron's Charge to the Ju. y, they would not determine in favour of the Justice. Last Week his Grace the Duke of Wharton was admit- ted into the Society of Free- Masons; the Ceremonies being perform'd at the King's- Arms Tavern in Sr. Paul's Church- Yard, and his Grace came home to his House in the Pall Mall in a white Leather Apron. On Sunday Night last, eight Gentlemen., some of them Persons of Rank and Figure, drew their Swords upon one of the Dutchess of Marlborough's Chairmen, in old Bondstreet, and ran him thro' the Arm, for which four of them were committed to the Gatehouse. On Tuesday last the Livery and Badge given annually by Mr. Dogget in Honour of the Day ( being the King's Accession,) were rowed for from London- Bridge to Chel- sea by six Watermen that came out of their Time this Year, and carried by one Gundy of Vaux Hall : But we hear that a Dispute arose about their manner of starting, which will be rowed for this Day. The same day being the Anniversary of His Majesty's Accession to the Throne, Capt. Oliver, Deputy Gover- nor of Windsor- Caftle, made a very handsome Entertain, ment, in Honour of the Day, for most of the Nobility and Gentry about that Town, and at Night a large Bonefire, with Illuminations, and all possible Demonstra- tions of joy; the Guards were drawn out of the Castle, and fir'd several Vollies. ( A Pocket Case mark'd Bender in which were two Notes, one of 160 1. and the other of 54 1. and for which a Reward or 15 Guineas was ofFer'd, was taken up by a poor Labourer in St. Giles's in the Fields, who has a Wife and six Children; and he rcceiv'd the Reward ac- cordingly. __ Sir Nathan Wright, formerly Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, lies at the Point of Death, at his Seat in Warwickshire, The Report of the Death of Mr. Justice Blencowe, as publish'd in some of Thursday's Papers, is not true. The Earl of Hailifax has convicted some People in the Country, for publishing a Libel, importing, that his Lordship sold Ale'. The following Lines have been lately found upon the Monument of Mr Butler ( Author of Hudibras) set up by Mr. Barber, City Painter. POETA LOQUITUR I have no Tomb, nor House, nor land Bat yet shall be while Time doth stand ; NOT shall thy Name be ever known, But only on this Marble Stone. No Honour's paid to me thou Elf, the Monument is for thy self. ON Sunday Evening a Gentleman going to a House nor far from Golden- Square, and requesting the Land- lord to sit down and keep him Company, he did it till two next Morning; the Hostess, missing her Husband rises, and finding the Gentleman there, desir'd he would pay the Reckoning, which he refus'd, and immediately lays his Hand on his Sword, told the Landlord he never paid Reckonings any other Way than by Cart or Tiere . the Hostess reply'd, since he was so much upon the Push she would have it by Secoon ; so calling the Watch who secur'd our Hero in St James's Round- House, next Morning he sent the Money for his Reckoning and was dismiss'd. Letters from Toulon, July 18. say that after a Respite of four Days from Death and fresh Infection, three per sons died the 17th, and four fell sick. Accounts from la Valette assure, that not ten Persons there are exempt from the Plague ; that it has swept away 1500 of the Inhabitants, and that the Place resembles a Desart, Above 130 have died in a Day at la Seine, which is terrible, considerirg the Place is very small, and thinly Peopled. The Town is at present amus'd with a very odd Story, which, however incredible it may seem, is justified for Truth : That on Tuesday last a little Horse, for a con- siderable Wager, went up the Steps of the Monument, to the top, and being there, the Person that made the Wager, rode him twice round the Gallery, and then led him down again ; for the better Performance of which, he was Shod with Leather over his other Shoes. Letters from Stockholm of the 23d of July say, that the Muscovite Plenipotentiaries had proposed two Clauses of an extraordinary Nature, viz. That the Swedes should depart from their Alliance with Great Britain, and enter into one Offensive and Defensive with the Czar: And that, in order to content the Duke of Holstein, he should have his Right of Suc- cession to the Crown of Sweden preserv'd. But as there is no manner of Likelihood that the Swedes will ever accept the first Proposal, so it is believed also, that the second is as unlikely to be complied with, but proposed rather pro forma. In the mean time, the Term for Sus- pension of Hostilities drawing towards a Conclusion, the King of Sweden has exhorted the Senate, as also the Deputies and States of the Kingdom, to come to a final Resolution, without Loss of Time, upon the Proposals of Peace laid before them some time ago; so that ' tis taken for granted, that that Affair will be determined in a few Days. Wednesday in the Evening His Majesty and the Court went to Kensington. Wednesday their Royal Highnesses went to Wansted in Essex, t0 see the fine Gardens of the Earl of Castlemain. The same Day the young Prince William Augustus went to Richmond, attended by a Party of the Guards ; and their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess fol- low'd in the Afternoon. Last Sunday died the Lady Ingoldsby at Kensington Thursday Morning the Corpse of the late Ld Bishop of Winchester was carried with great Funeral Pomp, to be interr'd at his Seat call'd Trelawney in Cornwall ; the Procession being made thro' Chelsea, Kensington, & c. We hear his Royal Highness the Prince, is about purchasing of the Dutchess of Shrewsbury ( for Five Thousand Pounds) one of the finest Beds in Europe. On the 25th past a Man from Shirrick- Fair, overtook a young Woman on the Road, whom he ask'd to Ride, which she accepted of, but he had not gone far with her, before he rode out of the Way to a convenient Place, and there forc'd her to let him lie with her, for which he was pursu'd and taken, and Confin'd in St. Giles's Round- house two or three Nights, and was than committed to New Prison ; and she being an eminent Man's Daughter in Westminster, he is like to be prosecuted for the same. lle- cci* r i; letters from Hambourg, Aug. 5, say that two English Gentlemen, one of them Captain Moor, and the other said to be a young Nobleman, being on board a Ship in this River, some of the English who reside here, upon a Supposition that they were either the Pretender and the Duke Of Ormond, or some of his chief Adherents, they caused them to be Arrested, but perceiving their Mistake, they presently releas'd them again ; however, they insist upon Satisfaction, Standgate Creek, Aug. l. On the 29th past came in the Expedition Sloop, Thomas Romrite, from Jersey. The same Day went out the Robert, Capt. Francis Wood from Bourdeaux, by Order from above, before the Expi- ration of her Quarantain, but all well. Yesterday also came in here under Quarantain the Susanna fiom Guern- zey. His Majesty's Conge d'Elire hath passed the Great Seal, for Electing to the Bishoprick of Winchester the Right Reverend Father in God, Charles, Lord Bishop of Nor- wich. His Majesty hath been pleas'd to order Letters Patents to be passed under the Great Seal of Ireland for creating Barons of that Kingdom. William Ponsonby, Esq; by the Name, Style and Ti- tle of Baron Besborrow of Besborrow in the County of Kilkenny; James D'Arcy, of Sedbury in the County of York, Esq; by the Name, Style and Title of Baron D'Arcy of Na- van in the County of Meath ; and John Bligh, Esq; by the Name, Style and Title of Baron Clifton of Rathmore in the County of Meath John Lord Viscount Lisburn is appointed Lieutenant and Custes Rotulorum of the County of Cardigan, in the room of the Lord Viscouut Lisburn, his Father, de. ceased. Letters frcm France say, that since the 5th Instant, all the Musicians are constantly employed at the singing the Te Deum in one Church or other, for his Majesty's happy Recovery from his late Indisposition. Her Royal Highness came on purpose from St. Cloud, on the 6th, to be pre. sent at that Solemnity, which was performed by the Cardinal de Noailles in the Metropolitan of Paris : The Duke Regent was also there, accompanied by all the Princes of the Blood, 38 Prelates, as well Archbishops as Bishops, all the Courts in their Habits of Ceremony, and a prodigious Concourse of People, who in the very Church made loud Acclamations of Long live the King. They write frcm Dublin, that on the 22d past the Su- sanna of Chester arrived there, last from Holyhead, with some of the Domesticks and 16 Horses belonging to his Grace the Duke of Grafton, who is soon expected there to convene the Irish Parliament. On Tuesday came cn before the Lord Chancellor, at his House in Lincoln's- Inn Fields, a Hearing concerning the Validity of the famous Marriage betwixt Mr. Dib- ley and Miss Turberville, the Consummation of which being proved by Witnesses, as well as by the Affidavits of the Parties themselves, his Lordship confirm'd the Marriage, but committed Mr. Dibley, and three of his Witnesses to the Fleet, they for Perjury, and him for Perjury and Subornation of Perjury, in falsly swearing himself, at the taking out of the License at Doctors Commons, to be 30 Years of Age, and his Wife 27, and for seducing the others to confirm the same by their Affi- davits. At last Cambridge- Assizes, a Bill of Indictment was found against one Symon Yarrenton, a Splitter of Cau- ses there, for Common Warretry, and a Warrant is out for the apprehending of him, in order to bring him to Justice, and advance him according to his Merits He was formerly a Servant to Sir Ambrose Crowly, by the Name of Yaron ; but for robbing his Master, was sent to Newgate, and convicted of Felony at the Old Bailey on pleading guilty, was burnt in the Hand, as appeard- by the Copy of the Record of Conviction produced be- fore the Grand Jury at Cambridge. At the same Assizes, a Person in Cambridge was try'd upon an Indictment preferr'd against him by the said Yarrenton, for exercising the Trade of a Grocer, not having serv'd an Apprenticechip ; but it appearing that the Person indicted only dealt in buying and selling small Parcels of Grocery and other Goods by Retail, and was not within the Penalty of the Statute, he was acquitted : >' 94 ) And several others who now stand upon their TraVerseS for the like pretended Facts, upon the said Yarrenton's Prosecution, hope for the like Deliverance the next Assizes. We hear that the Coachman who run over the Body of a young Woman on Sunday last, is committed to Newgate ; and on Monday the Jury sate on her Body, and brought their Verdict in Chance Medley. At the Assizes held lately at Nottingham, an Officer in the Army was tryed for the Murder of Mr. Bath, of Wine Office- Court in Fleet- Street, on the Road to York, and the Jury gave their Verdict Special. Last Tuesday Mr. Mist was discharged out of New- gate; and re- committed to the King's- Bench Prison , and Nathaniel Wilkinson having given Bail, was also discharg'd out of Newgate. Two publick Papers which had been a little burthen- some to the several Parishes within the Bills of Mortality, are latelydeceaS'd. viz. Terra Filius, and the Free- thinker. On Thursday Morning the Right Honourable Sir John Fryar, Bart. Lord Mayor of this City set out for his Seat near Andover in Hampshire, and we hear his Lordship intends to return against St. Bartholomew's Day. The same Day, one Parker, a noted Solicitor, who stood lately in the Pillory at Temple- Bar, for Suborna- tion of Perjury, having been since convicted for a Rob- bery, he procured a Gentlewoman to swear against him, last Sessions, in order to get discharged from Newgate, and of two Indictments found against him last Sessions for Subornation cf Perjury, was whipt, with great Se- verity, from Holbourn- Bars to St. Giles's Pound . We hear there will shortly be a General Review of all the Forces in Great Britiin and Ireland, by the chief Officers who are preparing to set out for that Purpose, viz. General Evans for North Britain, and General Whe- tham for Ireland, Col. Legoniere, set forward last Sa- turday for Dublin. On Tuesday a Robbery was committed rear New. Hall in Essex, by two Highwaymen at six o'the Clock in the Morning, who took from a Gentleman and his Lady in their Coach going to New Hall, Money, Jewels and a Gold Watch to the Value of one hundred Pounds ; the Highwaymen made the best of their Way to Enfield- Chace, and from thence went through Enfield Town, and within a hundred Yards of the Town met another Gentleman and his Lady in their Coach and six Horses at ten o'the Clock the same Morning, and took from them a Diamond Necklace, a Diamond- Ring and other valu- able Things, to the Value of two hundred and fifty Pounds, they had no sooner done their Work but the other Gentleman came with a Hue and Cry, and the lat- ter Gentleman took two of the Horses ofF from his Coach and pursued them to London ; but the Highway- men's Horses having got the better of it, the others could not come up with them till thev came to London, where the Highwaymen quitted their Horfes, and turn'd them loose and so got off. The Horses went to an Inn where they usually stood at, but a Gentleman being their owned them, and said he was robbed of them a Day or two before. On Saturday last one Baker was committed to New. gate for concealing his Effects. after he had been declar'd a Bankrupt, andbeen several Times examin'd Last Thursday there was a Trial before the Right: Honourable the Lord Chancellor, in Relation to the Marriage of Mrs. Kiffin, a young Lady of 15,000 1. For- tune, with Mr. Herne a Linnen Draper of Cheapside ; when, upon Hearing the whole Matter, it was order'd thar she should be deliver'd up to her Husband. The Letter sent us from Newbury, Sign'd Philobrit, com- ing too Late to our Hand's shall be inserted in our next. Christen'd Males 190. Females 172. In all 362. Buried Males 190. Females 19J In all 385. Increas'd in the Burials this Week 12. CASUALTIES. Drown'd at St. Magnus by London- Bridge ( buried at St. Dunstan at Stepney) 1. Executed 3. Found dead in a Pond at St. James's Clerkenwell 1. Overlaid 1. Yesterday Bank Stock was 132. India 138. S. Sea Books shut. London Assurance 7. Royal Exchange 8. Old African 29. New African 29. LONDON: Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- friars, near fleet- street.
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