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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 15/07/1721
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 6
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SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1721. vice Gallies, and where all the Flat bottom'd Vessels were sent, which were built the last Year at several Places on the Coast. Those Letters add, that Expresses arrive daily from the Plenipotentiaries at Neustad ; that it is believed the Negociations are much advanced, and that on the Day of Publick Fasting and Humiliation obser- ved thoughout the Kingdom the 17th of the last Month, the Preachers then notified from the Pulpit, that they had receiv'd Orders from the Throne, to beg the Bles- sing of Heaven upon the present Negociation of Peace. FRANCE. Aix, June 29. For some Days past none of the Inha- bitants of this City have fallen Sick, or Died of the Plague and it is abated since the ijth Instant at Toulon, but continues Violent at La Vallette, St. Remy, and Tarascon. Advices from Arles say, that sixty Persons were interr'd there on the 7th Instant; That there had been a Sedition among the Country People who were under Quarantain in the Parish of Majour, but was appeas'd by the Archbishop. They had forc'd their Passage thro' a Guard of 150 Soldiers, and dispersed themselves over the Country; however, the Governour had caused three of the chief of the Mutineers to be shot to Death. Marseilles, June 17. The Inhabitants of this City, who remain alive, have begun to lie upon the Beds of those who have Died of the Plague, they having been well Clean'd and Air'd, and even in the Space of twenty three Days , there had not one Person died infected ; but a Maid Servant, unknown to her Master, going into a Country House, which had been Infected. the returned back Sick to Town, and being carried into the Hospital, she died there in 14 Hours time. This fatal Accident has oblig'd them to renew the Quarentine, which is to last 80 Days, and if in all that Space of Time any one should happen to die of the Plague, or any Mark of Infection, they will be o- bliged to begin the Quarantine again. Nismes, June 17. The Plague continues at Canourge,' but in no other Part of this Province, which is attribu- ted to the good Order observ'd. Arles is in a better Condition than it has been of late, by the Desertion of its Inhabitants, who are gone to Canourge and La Cran to gather in their Harvest. Paris, July 19. It is said thac the Count de Tou- louse will cause a School to be erected in the Jesuits College, for instructing of Youth in the Knowlege of the Eastern Tongues, especially Turkish and Arabick, design'd for the Benefit of the young Nobility, and o- thers attending the Ministerial Function discharg'd by the King's Ambassador at Constantinople. M. de Sourdeval, firfs Gentleman to the Arch- bishop of Cambray, is gone to Madrid, to compli- ment, as ' tis generally said, his Catholick Majesty on the Accommodation with the Court of Great- Britain, or, as some will have it, to carry new Propo- sals, in order to remove the yet remaining Differences between this Court and that of Spain. At the Instances of Sir Rob. Sutton, the British Ambassador, about 10 Protestants who were seiz'd and imprison'd about a Year ago at Nismes, for having assembled together to sing Psalms, and condemn'd to be sent to Missisippi ; have been releas'd out of the Prison of Rochelle. I4 A GREAT- Weekly journal oR, British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. tHE last Letters from Revel say, that the Czar was ex- pected to set out from thence in a few Days for Peters- bourg: That it was generally taken for granted, a Peace would soon be concluded with Sweden and that the Duke of Holstein's Affairs with the Czar's Court seem of late not to have made a. _____— : ny Progress. It is said, that the Czarina faVours the Duke's Interest, and takes all Occasions of making him agreeable to the Czar; parti- cularly recommending him for his Piety and Devotion •• And one Day entertaining him on that Head, he said, It was no unbecoming Spectacle to behold a Prince at his Devotion in Church, surrounded by a large Congre- gation, and gaz'd at by a Company of Reverend Priests ; but yet that alone was not the whole Duty of a Prince . Adding, that it was an easie Matter to find a Husband for the Princess his Daughter ; but the chief Point was, to find a Person of Judgment and Experience, capable not only of preserving his present Dominions, and secu- ring them to Posterity, but likewise to know how ro improve every Opportunity, by adding to his Greatness. POLAND. Dantzick, June 24. SWITZERLAND. Basil, July 6. N. S. Upon the 3d Instant, about a quarter after Eight in the Morning, we felt here a short but violent Earthquake : It began with a terrible Noise, somewhat resembling thac of a Train of Coaches upon the Gallop; to which succeeded two or three Shocks, which shook all the Houses, especially the upper Stories, and the Roofs look'd as if they were falling in. The Clappers of several Bells were heard to strike upon this Motion ; but it being of so short Duration, no other Mischief ensued than the falling of a few Chimneys. This Earthquake was felt on both Sides of the Rhine, far into Alsace and the Brisgau, the whole Extent of our Canton, and in the Bishoprick of Basil ; and was the frightfullest we have had since the Year 1673. DENMARK. Hamburg, July ,, Advices from Danszick of the 5th say, that 30000 Tartars, who had held a secret Cor- respondence with 15000 Janizaries, who are assembled near Choczim, are marching that Way ; and that tis reported, the late King Stanislaus is expected in those parts. Hamburg, July j. Letters from Stockholm, of the 2d Instant, say, That after the Russians had burnt and plunder'd the Towns and Villages along the Coast beyond Gafle, Northward, they even ventured with their Gallies to the Elbe of Ingermanland ; and that » " apprehended they made a considerable Booty there, because the Inhabitants of the Neighbouring Countries had sent thither the best Part of their Effects, as judg. ing it to be a Place safe from the Reach of the Musco- ( Price Three Halfpence.) Francis and Benjamin Brightwell, tWo Soldiers who were try'd for a Robbery on the Highway near Hampstead, were both acquitted, it appearing very plainly, that they were innocent. One Mr. Heaton hath discover'd a certain Vege- table of Grass, of the Growth of Great- Britain, for the making of Womens Hats, much finer than those of Leghorn,' Burmudas, & c. and having made Application to his Majesty for a Patent, for securing to himself the Profits of the said Invention, for the Term of 14 Years. The Subject Matter of his Petition was referr'd to his Majesty's Attorney Ge- neral, who hath made a Report in Favour of the Petitioner ; but we are inform'd, some Persons are about entering a Caveat against a Patent for the said Invention. On Wednesday Night last one Asgill was com- mitted to the Gatehouse, Westminster, by three of his Majesty's Juftices of the Peace, for extorting Mo- ney from several Perfons by telling them they were indicted in the Crown- Office, and under Pretence of doing them Service. Letters from Rome of July 29, say. The Pretender lately waited on his Holiness with his Son, who be- ing but six Years of Age, and not knowing what it was to kiss the Pope's Foot, made some Difficulty at first of complying with that Cermony, but at last he did ; and then he ask'd the Pope if he had a Mind to hear him play upon tbe Violin. With all my Heart, said the Pope. But then, faid the young Fiddler, you must dance, or else I will not play. The holy Father, in pure Complaisance to him, pretended to dance, and made three or four Steps, which so animated the Musician that he play'd upon the Violin a good while, so well for a Child of his Age, that the Pope was charm'd with him, and gave him a Purse of 5o Lewid'ors. Wednesday Morning Mr. Lewis, the Blacksmith, belonging to Chrift's Hospital, hang'd himself in his own Bed- Chamber in his House near that Place. He was observ'd to have been melancholly and uneasy for some Days before ; and has left four young children, who are now destitute both of Father and Mother. Wednesday the Lords of the Treasury adjourn'd for Three Weeks. O11 Monday last began the Drawing of the State- Lottery, when a Prize of 5001, came up against Number 31771, as first drawn Yesterday 7- Night a Certificate in the Lottery 1723, for 52I. 10 s. was stopp'd at Mr. Spence's Office in the Exchequer, wherein we hear 4 of the Commissio- ners Hands were so exactly counterfeited, that it could hardly be distinguish'd without comparing it with the Checque, since which, two Persons have been taken into Custody for the said Felony, whereof one who had been Proclaimer at drawing the Lottery, was on Wednesday Night committed to Newgate, and the other to New Prison; On Monday, Sept. the 14th a Foot Match is to be run four Miles on Hounslow Heath, between Tho. mas Butler and William Mawbone, for 100 Guineas. Play or Pay. Dublin, Aug. 11. On Sunday Evening the Master of a Vessel from Cork happening to quarrel with one of his Men, they fought on the Custom house Key, and both tumbled into the River : The Sailor was sav'd, but the Master, notwithstanding all the Endea- vours used to prevent it, was drown'd. The Bill preferr'd against Bowen the Perriwig- Maker of Russel street, Covent Garden, for uttering treasonable Words against his Majesty, was returned Ignoramus. Thursday 7. Night a young Man on Board the Lon- don, just arriv'd from Jamaica, and lying at Wool, wich, in leaping from the Ship into the Boat unfor- tunately fell into the River and was drowned. A Conge de Elire is actually passing in Ireland, for electing the Rt. Rev. Dr. Boulter, Bishop of Bristol, into the Archbishoprick of Ardmagh in the room of his Grace Dr. Thomas Lindsay deceased. Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales being within two Months of her Time, she and her Royal Consort are expected at Leicester- House very speedily. The three young PrinCesses, Anne, Carolina, and Amelia, continue at the Royal Palace at Kensington. Maidenhead, August 18. This Day about half an Hour after Eleven of the Clock in the Morning we had one of the most terrible Storms that, I am apt to believe, has been known for a considerable Time It was one of the clearest and most beautiful Morn- ings that I have ever beheld for above an Hour and half after Sun rising, when it began to Lighten and Thunder extremely, which lasted with little Inter- mission for something more than two Hours; upon which follow'd a Storm of Hail. At soon as ever I could conveniently get out of the House I gathered some of the Hail Stones; one of which, after they had been in the House a considerable Time, and was wasted no small Quantity, I measur'd, and found it to be near five Inches round. Some of the Stones were of a globular Figure and smooth, others of them were long and very ragged and sharp pointed. They were as hard as Ice How far the Storm extended itself I cannot yet learn, nor what Mischief It has done; bu: it must certainly have destroy'd a great deal of Corn as far at it reached, had it been on the Ground. I suppose it has done a great deal of Mis- chief to the Windows, tho' those of the House where I am did not much suffer by it, because the Wind was favourable, and the Stones did not fall very thick. During the Storm the Air was considerably colder than before ; for I observed that the Spirits in . he Thermometer, which before it were almost ten De- grees above temperate were sunk almost 10 De- grees below it. This Alteration or the Air, and In- tenseness of the Cold, was, I reckon the Occasion of the stone being so very hard and condensed into such large ones; , otherwise they would have fallen in large Drops of rain, or small Particles of Snow or Hail, and those a great deal softer. 1 have for a considera- ble Number of them by, but whether the Place be cool enough to preserve them any time I cannot tell. We hear that on Sunday last M. Fryer, only Son of Sir John Fryer, Bart, died at Whowell, the Seat of the Family, in Hampshire Wednesday one Julian, a Negroe Boy. who is scarce arriv'd at the Age of 14, was committed t0 Newgate by Sir Francis Forbes, for Crimes of a most heinous Nature, viz. 1st, robbing his Mistress Madam Turner of Sunbury in Middlesex, of between 20 and 30 Guineas, and then willfully setting Fire to her House, which was consumed in less than three Hours Time, and Jewels, Plate, See. to the Value of above 200001. lost, besides the Family narrowly escaping with their Lives on the 8th Inftant. He confessed the Facts be- fore Sir Francis, together wirh the Circumstances and Manner of committing them, and said the Devil prompted him by appearing several Times to him; he had been entertained in the Family about five Years. A Warrant is gone to Kingston upon Thames, for the Execution of the six following Malefactors there this Day, viz. John Summers, James Ed- wards, Thomas Vasage, and Thomas Eades, for House- breaking, John Cross for the Highway. and Samuel Claye for Felony. The other six condemn'd Malefactors are repriev'd, in order to be tansported. When his Majesty arrived at his Palace of Wind- sor on Friday 7- Night, the Towns People express'd their Joy by ringing of Bells, Bonefires, and other Illuminations; The next Day the Mayor, Recorder, Town Clerk. and other Principal Officers of the Borough, waited upon his Majesty, in their Forma- lities, and congratulated him upon his honouring them with his Royal Presence, and they were all very graciously receiv'd. His Majesty dined last Sunday at Windsor in Pub- lick, when 12 Persons of Quality had the Honour to dine with him ; and a great Number of Country People came thither, and were admitted to see his Majesty at Dinner. We are very unwilling to nip young buds; but we can't help advising our promising Correspondents, Philo. Musus and Philo- mathy, & c. to ripen their Judg- ment by a little more Experience before they enter. tain n U I in fi a V V r i tain the Publick with their poetical Productions. It's unpardonable to pretend to write Verses before they can spell. If there is any honest Gentleman near them that will preach upon that Subject, Tarry at Jericho till your Beards are grown, ' twill be very proper for them to hear him with Attention. They are also advis'd to pay Postage hereafter, otherwise the Favour design'd for us will not be receiv'd. Mediocribus esse Poetis Non Homines, non Di, non concessere Columnae. Bankrupts since our last List. James Punter, of Whitechappel, in che County of MiddleseX, Victualler, Robert Cooper, late of Charing Cross, in the Coun- ty of Middlesex, Mercer. Samuel Cowper, late of Bread- street, London, Haberdasher. SHIPS Enter'd Inwards at the Custom. House, since our last. The Rose from Petersburg; Richard from Virgin'a; John and Robert from Maryland ; Judith, and Chester and Adams, both from Barbadoes; Prosperity from Sc. Christopher's; and Beckford, and Neptune, both from Jamaica. The Mary from Oporto j Macham from Antegoa, and Judith from Maryland. The Brothers from Venice ; Tyger from Leghorn ; Amelia and Lady Ann both from Bremen ; Fortune from Hambro Prince Frederick from Ostend ; En. deavour from Norway ; Nathaniel and John from Riga; Marygold from Northcopen ; Phoenix and Hampton Courc both from Rotterdam ; Prince Fre- derick from Barbadoes; Anne from Maryland ; Ri- chard and Elizabeth, Friendship, Martin and Prosper- ous Anne all from Norway. The Leake from Malaga; George from Oporto; Junior from Calais ; Friends Adventure from Riga; Mary from Guernsey ; Goodfellow from Amsterdam ; Canewood from Barbadoes; Elizabeth from Ostend ; Prosperous Ann from Wylerg ; Friendly Society from Norway, and John and Isaac from Amsterdam The Ann and Catherine from Stockholm ; Abigail from Amsterdam; Conclusion from Rotterdam ; William and Deborah, and Blackrett both from Nor- Way, and London from Sweden. The Sunderland from Jamaica; Love and Plom- mer from Norway, and Passgrove from Barbadoes. Clear'd Out. The Betty for Portugal; Anne for France ; Duke Charoft for Calais ; St Peter for Flanders; Good. Intent for Holland ; Moore for Diep j and St. Chri- stopher for Pensilvania. The Priscilla for Spain ; Friends Goodwill for Flan- ders ; Happy Mary Magdalen for Cadiz; Duke Beau- mont for Calais ; John for France ; Mary for New. England ; Betty for France ; Two Brothers for Guern- sey ; Windsor for Holland ; Angel and Queen both for Norway. The sturdy for Madera ; Sarah for Africa and Hap- py Return for Hambro. The Charles and Margaret for Portugal ; Lady Anne for France; Triple Alliance, and Rose in June both for Sound, and St. Quintin for Norway. The Blessing and Anne for Madera; Providence for Dunkirk ; Roman Emperor for Ostend ; Mermaid for Ireland, and Charles and Mary for Jamaica. (" Males 183 > Females 1961 Christned Buried' " Males 253 ) Females 234 In all 4S7 V. In all 379 Decreased in the Burials this Week 137. Yesterday at Noon South Sea Stock was 1 17 1 4th. Ditto Annuities io< 5 14th. India r4y 1 half. Bank 1321 half. Ditto Circulation 1 half per Cent. Prem. African 9 3 Civil Lijl Annuity totf. York Buildings 7 1 half. Ditto Subscription 46 1. Royal Exchange Assurance 54. London Assurance 7 7 8ths Welsh Copper 33 s. Million Bank 107. Army Del bentures 1 1 8th per Cent. Difc; Squth Sea Bonds 1 I. 3 s. Prem. India Bonds 1 1; 18 s. Prem. ao 1 Prizes 1713, middle Course, 19 1. 16 j. Blanks xjzi' 7 1. 9 5. Government's Tickets ill. 19 j; ADVERTISEMENTS. By the Comedians from both Theatres. At Mr. Penkethman's Theatrical Booth: at the Horns Inn, in Smithfield, near Pye- Corner duriog the Time of Bartholomew- Fair, will be pre- sented a celebrated and entertaining Droll, call'd The Blind Beggar of Bednal- Green ; or, The Woman never vext; with the comical Humours of Sir Timothy Souse crown, and his Man Gudgeon. The Part of Sousecrown by Mr. Bridgewater ; the King, Mr. Hud- dy ; Rakish, Mr. Williams; Montfort, Mr. Roberts" Lady Westford, Mrs. Willis; Arabella, Mrs. Morgan' Widow, Mrs. Roberts; and Gudgeon by Mr. Butcher'. All the other Parts to the best Advantage. With se- Veral most surprising and inimitable Entertainments of Vaulting on the high Rope; Walking the slack Rope, and Tumbling ; by a select Crmpany of Eng- lish and Italian Performers, far superior to any that have ever appear'd in the Fairs. During the Time of Bartholomew Fair, the first Door on the Right Hand, leading to Mr. Penkethman's Booth. Will be shewn a most curious and sur- prizing PICTURE, invented by Mr. Penkethman, and painted by Tellemans of Antwerp and others; lately shewn at Richmond before their Royal High- nessess the Prince and Princesses of Wales, & c. to the entire Satisfaction of all the Nobility and Gentry present; representing the Royal Family from the King of Bohemia to this Time; as, The King and Queen of Bohemia; the Princess Sophia; his most Sacred Majesty King GEORGE; his Brother the Duke of York; the Queen of Prussia; their Royal High, nesses the Prince and princess ot Wales; their High- nesses Prince Frederick, and the young Princesses: The Nine Muses attending, and playing on several Instruments, in Honour of that August Assembly. With Hercules killing of Hydra ; St. George the fa- mous Champion of England, killing the Dragon; Cu- pid the God of Love, grinding his Arrows. All Moving and in Action, tho' painted on a Flat ; the like never seen in England before, and worthy to be seen by all who are Lovers of Art and Ingenuity, N P. This Picture is to be seen every Quarter of Hour, from 10 in the Morning till 11 at Night, at 2 s. 6 d. j s. 6 d. is. and 6 d; WILLIAM BARMBY, at the King's Arms behind St. Clement's Church in the Strand, the only Clergyman's Warehouse in England, that can furnish upon Sight, with Gowns and Cassocks, for Judges, Barristers, and Students; Livery- Gowns, and for Corporations: Likewise buys, sells changes, or furnishes by the Year : Also Bands, Roses, Black Cloth, Prunelloes, Princes Black Silks, and Bi- shops Square Caps. He has the Honour to work for fifteen Bishops. Where also the above- mention'd Goods are sold at reasonable Rates. N B. Any Gentlemen may be furnish'd with Gowns and Cassocks, for what Time they please, which will save them a great deal of Trouble in bringing their own up to Town. Blinds for Windows made of Wire, Gauze," Silk, Cane, See. either painted or plain, by William Rodwell, in Pater- Noster- Row, on the Right- Hand, next Cheapside: remov'd from the East- End of St. Paul's: Also all Sorts of Screens made, old Pictures clean'd and mended, all Sorts of Pictures bought and sold, and neatly framed; Stair- Cases, Closets, Pannels of Rooms, and Chimney- Pieces compleatly fitted up; with India Pictures Prints, or Paintings. Allow- ance to those who sell again. 1 H ifif LONDONPrinted and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street. Where Advertisements are taken in. i„ C 1 9 7 2 J GREAT- BRITAIN. The Tryal of King Charles the First, in the Month of January, in the J+ th Year of his Reign, An. Dom. 1648. IN order to the Tryal of King Charles, the Commons, pass'd an Act or Ordinance for erecting an High- court ot Justice ; wherein they recite, that the King not being content with the many Encroachments made by his Predecessors 0n the People's Rights, but design- ing totally to subvert the Constitution, and introduce an Arbitrary Government, had levy'd War against the Parliament; whereby infinite Murders and Mischiefs had ensued : For which high and treasonable Offences, he might long since have been justly brought to condign Punishment, but that they had forborn to proceed against him judicially hitherto, hoping his Restrant would have quieted the Distempers of the Kingdom. But finding their Remisness only encourag'd his Accomplices in their evil Practices : For Prevention therefore of greater In- conveniences, and to the End no chief Officer, or Magi- strate, might presume for the Future to contrive the En- slaving and Dectruction of the Nation with Impunity, they did ordain anact, That Cornelius Holland, john Carew, John Nutt, Thomas Challoner, Algernoon Sidney, John Anlaby, John Moore, Richard Darley, Francis Lastels, Alexander Rigby, Henry Smith, Edmund Wild, James Challoner, Abraham Burrel, Anthony Stapeley, Roger Gratwick, John Downs Esqrs, Philip Lord Lisle. William Lord Mouson, Sir John Danvers, Sir Tho Maleverer, BartS. Sir John Bourchier, Sir James Harrington. Sir William Allanson, Sir Peter Wentworth, Knt. of the Bath Henry Martin, William Purefoy, Godfrey Bosvile, John Trenchard, John Blackistone, Gilbere Millington, Esqrs. Sir William Armyn, Bart. Miles Corbet, Francis Allen, Thomas Lister, Benjamin Weston, Peregrine Pelham, John Gourdon, Esqrs ; Francis thorp, Serjeant at Law. Josias Berners, Dennis Bond, Humphrey Edwards, Gregory Clement, John Fry, Thomas Wogan, Esqrs; Sir Gregory Norton, Bart. John Bradshaw, Serjeant at Law. Edmund Harvey, John Dove, John Ven, Thomas Morton, Thomas Hammond, George Fenwick, Esqrs; Thomas Lord Fairfax. Oliver Cromwell. Henry Ireton, Esq; Sir Hardress Waller. Philip Skippon, valentine Wanton, Thomas Harrison, Esqrs; Sir Henry Mildmay, Sir Thomas Wroth, Kts. Sir William Masham, Sir John Barrington. Sir William Brereton, Sir Will. Constable, Barts. Edmund Ludloe, John Lambert, John Hutchinson, Esqrs; Sir Arthur Hazerlig, Sir Michael Livesey, Barts. Adrian Scroop, Richard Dean, John Okey, Robert Overton, John Huson, John Desborough, William Goff, John Jones, William Say, John Alured, John Fagg, Jamas Nelthrop, Esqrs; Sir William Roberts. John Fowkes, Ald. of Lond. Teomas Scot, Esq; Thomas Andrews, Alderman of London William Cawley, Edward Whaley, Thomas Pride, Isaac Ewer, Richard Ingoldsby, Henry Mildmay, Esqrs; Sir Thomas Honywood, Kt. tho. Lord Grey of Grooby, Robert Wallop. William Heveningham, Esqrs; Isaac Hennington, Thomas Atkins, Rowland Wilson, Alderman of London Richard Salwey. Humphrey Salwey, Robert Titohburn, Owen Roe, ' Robert Manwaring, Robert Lilburne Robert Duckenfield, Thomas Blunt, Thomas Boon, Sir Peter Temple Knt. and Bart. John Lowry, Esq; Augustine Garland, Augustine Skinner, John Dixwill, George Fleetwood, Simon Meyue, James Temple, Peter Temple, Thomas Wayre, Esqrs; Robert Nicholas, Serjeant at Law Robert Reynolds, John Lisle, Nicholas Love, Vincent Potter. Esqr Sir Gilbert Pickering, bart. Daniel Blagrave, John Brown, John Weaver, Roger Hill, Johu Lenthall, Esqrs; Sir Edward Bainton, John Corbet, should be Commissioners and Judges for the Trying of him, twenty of whom should be of Quorum : And the said Thomas Lord Fairfax, and all other Officers, Civil, and Military, See. were required to be aiding and assist- ing to them in the Execution of their Commission. Pro- vided, that this Act, and the Authority thereby granted, should continue in Force for a Month, and no longer. Saturday, January 6, 1648. The Commons ordered that the Commissioners should meet on the Monday fol- lowing in the Painted Chamber. Monday, Junary 8, The Commissioners being met, and call'd over, order'd, that a Court should be holden in the same Place on Wednesday the 10th of January: And that Proclamation should be made thereof by Ed. ward Dendy, Serjeant at Arms, in Westminster Hall; and accordingly on the ninth, Serjeant Dendy, being at. tended with six Trumpets, and two Troops of Horse, and being on Horse- back himself with his Mace, rode into the middle of the Hall, ( the Court of Chancery be. ing sitting) and made Proclamation, as he was command, ed: And the House of Commons ordering he should proceed in the same Manner, and make the like Procla- mation at the Old Change, and in Cheapside, he imme. diately went thither, and made Proclamation according. ly The Commissioners appointed Mr. Aske, Dr. Doris- laus, Mr Steel, and Mr Cook to be their Council, and Mr. Greaves, and Mr. John Phelps their Clerks. Wednesday, January 10, 1648 The Court being set in the Painted- Chamber, they took into their Considera- tion the Order intended to be observed at the Tryal j and appointed Mr. Edward Walford, and Mr. Vowel, Ushers of the Court; aud Mr. Litchman their Messenger. And they appointed John Bradshaw, Serjeant at Law, their President, who being absent, Mr. Say was ap. pointed President, till Bradshaw should attend: And Mr. Greaves being engaged in other Affairs of the Com. monwealth, Mr Andrew Broughton was appointed one of their Clerk in his Room. Then Mr. Steel and Mr. Cook was ordered to prepare and prosecute the Charge again the King ; and a Committee was appointed to consider further of the Method of the Tryal. Hitherto the Court having sat private, now ordered the Doors to be opened for all People to come in, and give their Attendance, who had any thing to do there. Then three Proclamations were made, and the Act for constituting the Court read, and the Commissioners were call'd over; and Summons's ordered to be issued for all that were absent: And then the Court adjourn'd till Friday the 12th. Friday, January 11, 1648. The Court being met, and Serjeant Bradshaw attending according to Summons, took his Place of President ( having first made an Apolo- gy for himself, and desir'd to be excus'd ) And the Court order'd that he should be stil'd Lord President, as well without the Court as within, during the Continuance of their Commission. An Order also was made, that the Council assign'd to prosecute the Charge, should have Power to send for such Perfons, Papers and Records as they should think requisite for the Service. Sir Hardress Waller, and Coll Harrison, were order- ed to move the General for a sufficient Guard to attend the Court. And a Committee was appointed to make Preparations that the Tryal might be perform'd in a so- lemn Manner ; with a Power to appoint Workmen, The To be continu'd. The Continuation of Lodowick Muggleton's horrid Blasphemies. Thou hast Unchristian'd thy whole Commission, and brings it under the Law of a Carnal Commandment; and therefore has no Part nor Portion in the Power of an endless Life, as saith the same Apostle. He interrupted, M. Have a care, Life and Death's before thee ; there- fore chuse Life and Live, & c. P But Lodowick, Thou pretendest to know the Di- mensions of God, how high may he be ? M. Betwixt your Height and his, ( meaning a Friend then present) P. O Abominable ! Well L. Muggleton, God Will blast thee for ever, thou Presumptuous and Blasphemous Wretch, If thou turnest not from thy Wickedness, with much more. M. Thou shalt be Damned ; God has decreed thou shalt be Damned ; thou art of the Seed of the Serpent. P. Why then did'st thou set Life and Death before me just now, ( saying, thou had'st more Mind I should be saved, than any of the Quakers) if I am ordain'd to be Damn'd ? Is it not great Deceit to exhort a Man to chuse what he cannot have, though he bid for it, and to re- fuse that which he is unable to avoid ? But Muggleton, I will not say, that I serve such a God; no, my God never ordained thee to be Damned, whether thou dost Well or Ill ; this destroys all Rewards and Punishments, and makes Evil and Good unavoidable. M. I would not give a Pin for that God which would save us both, now I have Damn'd thee. P. Why dost thou talk of a God ; for thou fayest, Thy God can dye ; did the Immortal God ever cease to be ? M. I would not give a Rush for that God which can't dye. P. I say, thou and thy God shall to the Pit, from whence ye came, where is Death and Darkness for ever: How can God cease to be, and yet be God ; since if he ceas'd, every thing that remained in being must have been greater, since below ceasing to be is nothing ? But suppose this Nonsense and Blasphemies; how rose he again ? M. God left Elias with Power. P. Then Elias was greater then God; for that which raiseth is greater than that which is raised ; but if the Power never dyed, the Power was God, and that which dyed not God : O, Hellish Impudence and Blasphemy .' O, Muggleton, thy End will be Destruction. M. W. P. I say thou art a Damned Devil ; remember Thomas Loe, who was the wicked'st Devil that ever I knew, who never went out of his Bed after I Curst him. P. Thy Curses are under my Feet ; Tho. Loe was known to be an infirm Man in his Natural Constitu- lion ( as well as by his great Labours) for near these six- teen Years, who is gone to rest : But art thou not ashamed to say, he never went out of his Bed ; who was as well as he used to be, and often after abroad ? and when he fell sick, was often up, and changed his Lodging before he dyed, having been ill three Weeks. Is this thy Infallible Spirit, that thou suggests Lyes to thy self and others ? M. I heard so. .., Is that enough for one that pretends, to be the last Witness of the High and Mighty God, to say for a Lye, I heard so? Cover thy Face for shame M. He writ me a Curse, and he writ a very good Hand but for all that, He was a Damned Devil, and thou P art as arrant a Devil as he, and you shall be Damn d together. Lodowick, in this thou hast told another Lye; for it was an APPrentice that writ it : Where is thy Uner- ring Spirit now thou vile Imposter ? And for being De- vils and damn'd together, God rebuke thee ; only this know that I amwilling to go where he went, and whither we go thou canst not come without great and unfeigned repentance- M. Just so, many of you Quakers have dyed after my CUrse, amongst others William Smith. This is another Notorious Lye; for the Man is yet Living Well Mugglet0n' God Will reckon with thee M. Thou art a Cheat, and a Deceiver W. P. To be continu'd. I afflo « An Account of what pass'd at the Death of king Charles 2. by way of Supplement to what Was con- tain'd in oUr last Journal, and promis'd in this, being a Narrative of John Huddleston a Priest and As- sistant, at his Death. UPon Thursday the Fifth of February, 1685. be- tween seven and Eight a Clock in the Evening, i Was sent for in haste to the Queen's Back stairs at White- hall, and desir'd to bring with me all things necessary for a dying Person. Accordingly I came, and was order'd not to stir from thence till further Notice. Being thus , oblig'd to wait, and not having had time to bring along with me the most holy Sacrament of the Altar, I was in some Anxiety how to procure it In this conjuncture ( the Divine Providence so disposing) Father Bento de Le- mos, a Portuguez, came thither; and, understanding the Circumstance I was in, readily profer'd himself to go to St. James's, and bring the most holy Sacrament along with him Soon after his Departure, I was call'd into the King's Bed Chamber, where approaching to the Bed side, and kneeling down, I in brief presented His Majesty with what Service I could perform for God's Honour, and the Happiness of his Soul, at this last Moment, on which Eternity depends. The King then declared him- self, that he desired to die in the Faith and Communion of the holy Roman Catholick Church; ThAt he was most heartily sorry for all the Sins of his Life past, and particularly for that he had deferr'd his Reconciliation so long: That, through the Merits of Christ's Passion. he hoped for Salvation ; That he was in Charity with all the World ; That with all his Heart he pardoned his Enemies, and desired Pardon of all those whom he had any ways offended ; And that if it pleased God to spare him longer Life, he would amend it, detesting all Sin. I then advertis'd His Majesty of the Benefit and Ne- cessity of the Sacrament of Penance ; which Advertise- ment the King most willingly embracing, made an exact Confession of his whole Life with exceeding Compunc- tion and Tenderness of Heart; which ended, I desired him, in farther sign of Repentance, and true sorrow for his Sins, to say with me this little short Act of Contri- tion. OMy Lord God, with my whole Heart and Soul I detest all the Sins of my life past, for the Love of Thee, whom I love above all things; and I firmly purpose, by thy Holy Grace, never to offend thee more. Amen, sweet Jesus, Amen. Into thy Hands, sweet Jesus, I commend my Soul. Mercy, sweet Jesus, Mercy. This he pronounced with a clear and audible Voice; which done, and his Sacramental Penance admitted, I gave him Absolution. After some time thus spent, I asked His Majesty, if he did not also desire to have the other sacraments of the Holy Church administered to him ? He reply'd, By all means; I de- sire to be partaker of all the Helps and Succours necessary and expedient for a Catholick Christian in my Condition I added, And doth not your Majesty also desire to receive the precious Body and Blood of our dear Saviour Jesus Christ in the most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist? His Answer was this; if I am worthy, pray fail not to let me have it. I then told him, It would be brought to him very speedily, and desir'd His Majesty, that in the interim he would give me leave to proceed to the Sacrament of Extreme Unction. He reply'd, With all my heart. I then Anoyled him ; which as soon as perform'd, I was call'd to the Door, whither the Blessed Sacrament was now brought, and delivered to me. Then returning to the King, I entreated His Majesty that he would prepare and dispose himself to receive : At which the King raising up himself. said, Let me meet my Heavenly Lord in a better Posture than in my Bed But I humbly begg'd His Majesty to repose himself; God Al- mighty, who saw his Heart, would accept of his good Intention. The King then having again recited the afore mentioned Act of Contrition with me, he received the most Holy Sacrament for his Viaticum, with all the Symptoms of Devotion imaginable. The Communion being ended, I read the usual Prayers, termed the recom- mendation of the Soul, appointed by the Church for Catho licks in his Condition. After which the King derir'd the Act of Contrition, O my Lord God, & c. to be repeat- ed. This done, for his last Spiritual encouragment Your Majesty hath now received the Comfort and Benefit of all the Saceaments that a good Christian ( ready to depart out of this World) can have, or desire Now it rests only, that you think upon the Death and Passion of our dear Saviour Jesus Christ of which I present unto you this Figure, ( shewing him a Crucifix ) Lift up therefore the Eyes of your Soul, and represent to yourself your sweet Saviour here crucified, bowing down his Head to kiss you ; his Arms stretched out to embrace you ; his Body and Members all Bloody and Pale with Death to redeem you: And as you see him dead, and fixed upon the Cross for your Redemption, so have his Remembrance fixed and fresh in your Heart; beseech him with all humility, that his most precious Blood may not be shed in vain for you ; and that is will please him by ' the Merits of bis bitter Death and Pas- sion to Pardon and forgive you all your Offences, and finally to receive your Soul into his Blessed Hands ; and - when it shall please him to take it out of this transitory World, to grant you a joyful Resurrection, and an Eternal Crown of Glory in the next. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost Amen So, recommending His Majesty, on my Knees, with all the transport of Devotion I was able, to the Divine Mercy and Protection, I withdrew out of the Chamber. In Testimony of all which, I have hereunto subscribed my Name. JO. HUDLESTON. Four Persons, who Work'd in the Mines in Germany, and are Excellent Musicians, aie newly arrived from thence, and Play before His Majesty every Evening while His Majesty is at Supper for which they have a handsome Allowance. A Barber, has been committed Prisoner to the Gate- House, for Assaulting and Wounding a Nobleman, at the Execution last Wednesday was 7 Night, at Tyburn ; where it was observable the Rabble were so inhumanly rude, that several Persons lost the Use of their Limbs, by the Wounds and Bruises given them, by throwing of clods of Dirt, Stones, & c. two Persons had their Eyes cut out, and several Arms and Leggs were broke : Bar- bara Spencer, the Woman who was burnt, was struck down by a Stone in the midst of her Prayers. We hear that care will be taken, to prevent such Outrages for the Future, by sending a better Guard of Officers, & c. Last Sunday there was a great Court at St. James's, and His Majesty, accompanied by their Royal Highnes- ses the Prince and Princess, went to the Royal Chap- pel, where the fine Anthem was perform'd, but not on any publick Occasion, as was said. The Lord Effingham Howard carried the Sword of State, and the Rev. Dr. Hoadley Preach'd. The Lord Belhaven, who design'd to have set out this Week for his Government of Barbadoes, has put off his Departure for a Fortnight or three Weeks. Some of the Duke of Grafton's Domesticks are gone towards Ireland, towards which Country, ' tis expected, his Grace will be going a Fortnight hence. The Lord Visct Shelburne, and some other Persons of distinction in that Kingdom, set out last Tuesday on their Journey to Dublin. Last Saturday their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess din'd at Belsize- Houfe, near Hampstead, at tended by several Persons of Quality, where they were entertain'd with the Diversion of Hunting, and such others as the Place afforded, with which they seem'd well pleas'd, and at their Departure were very liberal to the Servants. Last Week dy'd Sir Tristram Dillington, Bart. Mem. ber of Parliament for Newport in the Isle of Wight Maj. of one of the Battallions of the Coldstream Regiment of Guards, in which Command he is succeded by Col. Fol- liot; Col. Lowther succeeds the said Col. Folliot; and Capt. Parsons succeeds Col. Lowther. Last Week the Rev Dr. Friend, Master of Westmin- ster School, and the Reverend Dr. Stubbs, Arch- Deacon of St Albans, waited on the Earl of Nottingham, with the Thanks of the Clergy of that Arch- Deaconry, for his Answer to Mr. Whiston. ' Tis said, that the York Buildings Company intend to Assure the Tickets in the Government's Lottery. On Saturday last died Elihu Yale, Esq; formerly Go- vernour of Fort St. George, in the East Indies, and a very eminent Merchant. the same Day one Motteux, a young Man, an Attor- ney's Clerk in Finch- Lane, shot himself thro' the Head with a Pistol. Last Monday Mr. Pointer an Attorney of Furnivals. Inn, and three others, were tried at Guildhall, before the Lord Chief Justice Pratt, upon an indictment for Subor- nation of Perjury, in hiring Persons to swear themselves Freeholders, to qualifie them to vote, at the last Election, for a Knight of the Shire for Surry. but one Thomas Turner, the chief Evidence for the King, being ask'd in Court which was Mr. Pointer, pointed to another Gen- tleman, and there being likewise a Flaw in the Indict- ment, they were all acquitted. ' Sir Henry Prentice, Judge of the High Court of Ad- miralty having reported to the King the Proceedings of the Admiralty sessions, on Monday the 3d Instant, at the Old Bailey, James Bradshaw was repriev'd, in order to be transported, and Walter Kennedy order'd for Ex- cution. Last Week the Sum of 1100 1. was issued by the Trea- sury, pursuant to H. s Majesty's Royal Warrant, one Moiety to Lucas Ken, Esq; for his trouble in attending the Committee of Secrecy as chief Clerk, and the rest to be disposed of at the Discretion of Thomas Broderick. Esq; Chairman to the said Committe. On Sunday Night died the Reverend Dr. Newton, Minister of the United Parishes of St. Austin and St. Faith ; and we hear he will be succeeded by the Reve- rend Mr. Vernon, Minister of East Ham, the Living being in the Gift of the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's. We hear the Reverend Mr, Smith, Lecturer of St. Se- pulchres, is given over by his Physicians in the Country. On Saturday last the Trustees appointed by Act of Parliament, went down the River, to make a View of the Works at the Breach of Dagenham, and the Land Owners who met there, agreed to give Capt. Perry a Present at Half a Guinea an Acre, as an Acknowledg- ment for his good Service in stopping that Breach. We hear from Chester, that at the latter end of the last Month, the Lord Bishop of Chester return'd to that City, being met and attended into Town by a great Number of Gentlemen, Clergy and Citizens on Horse- back, as usual: And that soon after some of the Clergy appointed for that purpose waited upon his Lordship, and presented to him the most humble Thanks and grateful Acknowledgement of all the Clergy of the Arch- deaconry of Chester, unanimously agreed upon and sub- scribed by them at their Anniversary Meeting lately held at Warrington) for his having strenuously asserted and fully vindicated the Rights and Privileges belonging to Degrees conferred by the Universities. They write from Standgate Creek of the 6th Instant, that no Ships were come in there upon Quarentine since the 14th past, and that the following were newly dis- charg'd from thence, viz. the Tuscany, Dolphin, Foun- tain, and Sea Flower ; 10 more remain'd there, but the Time of most of them was near upon expiring. Last Week two Prisoners made their Escape out of Newgate, one of which, nam'd Meff, was one of the three Persons who 1 or 3 Years ago was got as far as Ty- burn, in order for Execution, when the Hangman be- ing Arrested by the Way, and detain'd by the Officers, they were brought back, repriev'd, and transported be- yond Sea, from whence this Meff found Means to re- turn, and about four Months ago was committed for a fresh Robbery, and was to have been Try'd at the ensu- ing Sessions, had he not work'd his Deliverance by breaking out of Goal. ' Tis said. the Keepers pursued him to Gravefend ; but found he had embark'd there the Night before, and was got off. Last Saturday a Woman, willing to know whether, all Men were made like her Husband, promis'd to lie that Night with a certain Gallant, at a House near Brewer- Street, by Golden Square ; the Landlord it seems was let into the Secret, which, for sundry Rea- sons, was conceal'd from the Landlady. In the Evening the loving Couple came together, the Heroine disguis'd like a young Hero, in a scarlet Coat, long Wig. Sword, and Ruffles, and by the Host they were conducted up to their Chamber They had not been long there, when as the D— l would have it, the Landlady wanting some- thing
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