The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 08/07/1721
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
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SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1721. ill flu O R, British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. Lisbon, June 3. Achmet Brother of Seith Le- guer, Governour of St. Croix, in Barbary, and Son of one of the King of Mequinez's Secreraries, having some time a go kill'd a Son of that King in a Quarrel, fled to Maza- gaon, and arriv'd here from thence on the 18th of Octo- ber last : The King of Por- gal gave Orders for his bring furnished with Neces- saries in the Seminary of St. Patricius ; and he being converted to the Catholick Faith, was Baptized on the - ift of May last, the King being his Godfather, and the Queen his
Godmother who gave him the Name of John of God. The Day after his Christening, he com- municated, and in the Afternoon receiv'd the Sacra- ment of Confirmation by the Hands of the Archbi- shop of Lacedemonia. ITALY. Genoa, June 24. Here came Advice last Week, that his Britannick Majesty's Ships the Dragon and Loo, had chas'd a Genoeze Ship commanded by Captain Decotto, into Porto Spezza ; she came from Palermo, and had a good Sum of Money on Board, besides a great many Bales of Silk; had they had the good Fortune to have taken her, it would have been a great deal more than sufficient to satisfie Sig.
Como for his Demands on Sig. Luca Giustiniano The Plague continues at Toulon with the same Vio- lence as before. notwithstanding all the Precautions us'd by the Magistrates ; who are apprehensive the Town will become entirely Desolate, there remaining now not above 4000 Souls in it : At a Place call'd La Val- letta there remains only 22 Souls out of 2000 ; but some of the latter are retired into the Countries adja- cent. It rages at Arles, continues at the Seina, Ollio les, Tarnscon, Berre. and Brignole ; several die yet at Marseilles, but we have no certain Account how it goes in Languedoc. S W E D E L A N D. Siockholm,
June 25 The Court has receiv'd two Ex- presses frpm Nieustad', which have been sent back with new Instructions to our Plenipotentiaries ; We are as- sur'd they have agreed upon the Preliminaries of a Peace with the Czar; the Conditions of which we shall know in a little time. June 10. Since the Weather is become fair, a- bundance of Workmen are employed here in building a fine House, said to be design'd for the Duke of Hol- stein's residence : And the Partiz « ns of that Duke pre- Virt m the Articles of Marriage between their Master and the Czar's Daughter, it is specified in one them. that the Czar will allow him the
Revenues of Livonia, for his assistance, till such time he succeeds to the Crown of Sweden ( Price Three Half pence.; DENMARK. Hambourg, July 4. The News of the Truce being agreed upon between the Czar and Sweden is confirmed", ' and with this Addition, that the fleet of Gallies which have hitherto kept the Swedish Coasts in continual Alarm is now recalled by a Frigate sent from Abo, with Or- ders for the immediate Return of the Gallies to Croonslot. It is expected that the next Post will bring an Account ! of the Preliminary Articles of Peace. The Russian Ar. my continue their Encampment in Courland, and is dai- ly
reinforced by fresh Regiments, as also by some Li- thuanian Parties, whom the Muscovites have received with open Arms, and given them seVeral Months Pay in Advance. The Duke of Mecklenbourg has erected a sort of Inquisition, for the Tryal and Execution of some Officers and Persons belonging to his Court. Baron Keller is impatiently expected at Rostock, in Order to terminate the Differences arisen in the Durchy of Meck- lenbozrg. The Prince Royal of Denmark is upon his Departure for Germany and Great Britain : His Royal Highness will be accompanied in his Travels by the Grand Chancellour Count Holst, and other
Persons of Distinction: FRANCE Paris, July 12 A few Days ago the ArchbiShop of Cambray resign'd his Office of Cabinet- Secretary; in fa- vour of his Elder Brother, M. du Bois, who is now in Possession of that Employment, having on the 9th Instant taken the usual Oaths to that Purpose It is said how- ever, the Archbishop has referved the Property of that Office to himself; and that M. du Bois is not to dispose of it without his Consent. The last Letters from Rome say; that the Pope was to hold a 2d Consistory on the jrh Instant, in which he would make a new Promotion of Cardinals; and as the Courier that was lately sent to
Portugal, to know the last Resolution of the Infante Don Antonio, the King's Brother, touching his Acceptance of the Cardinal Dig- nity, cannot yet be returned ; and there being no fur. ther Mention of the Pretensions of Don Alexandra Al- bani Nephew to the deceased Pone; it is therefore believ'd, that the Archbishop of Cambray will in that Consistory be created a Cardinal : It is also said, that as soon as he is invested with the Purple, he will lay down his Office of Secretary of State, will be declared Prime Minister, and that the Count de Morville will be made Secrerary of state. On the 7th intant the Turkish Ambassador and his
Attendance went to visit the Sorbonne, where the Do- ctors in their Robes and square Caps, with their Dean at their Head, receiv'd him at the great Door; the Ambas- sador having taken several Turns in the Court, to view the Edifice, which he liked extreamly, he was con- ducted to the Library, and afrerwards to the Church, where he beheld the Pictures of the ancient Fathers He was afterwards shewn the Tomb of Cardinal Richelieu, who was the great Founder of the Sor. bonne Church ; which Monument he view'd a long Time with much Attention, and confess'd in the Tur- kish Language, thar nothing could he more Noble.
Having gratified his Curiosity by this Visit to the Sor- . bonne, he took his Leave of the Doctors, and returned Home. On the nth Instant he was shewn the Royal Printing House, where he saw them work off some Sheets of the late King's History by his Medals. 13 Z GREAT.
r 1968 ; consider in humane probability and reason, the Powers Christ leaves to his Church in the Gospel, and St Paul explains so distinctly afterwards, we cannot think that our Saviour said all these things to no purpose ; And pray consider on the other side, that those, whole resist the truth, and will not submit to his Church, draw their Arguments from Implications, and far fetch'd Interpre- tations, at the same time that they deny plain and posi- tive Words; which is so great a Disingenuity, that ' tis not almost to be thought that they can believe them- selves. Is there any other Foundation of the Protestant Church, but that if the
Civil Magistrate please, he may call such of the Clergy as he thinks fit for his turn at that time ; and turn the Church either to Presbytery, In- dependency, or indeed what he pleases? This was the Way of our pretended Reformation herein England-, and by the same Rule and Authoriry it may be altered into as many more Shapes and Forms as there are Fancies in Mens Heads This is a true Copy of a Paper written by the late King my Brother in his own Hand which I found in his Closet JAMES R. I think the Publication of these two Papers are a great Step towards gaining a Belief that King Charles inclin'd to Popery, or else his
Brother has treated his Memory in the vilest manner, but in our next we have somewhat farther to add on this Affair. On the 29th of last Month a Court Martial was held at the Horse- Guards, for the Tryal of the Second Lieu- tenant Bryan J'Anssene, in Brigadier- General Andrew Bisset's Regiment of Fuzileers, now in the Island of Mi- norca ; and the said Lieutenant having been requir'd to appear before the Court to make his Defence; but not complying therewith, the Court proceeded against him as in Cases of Desertion, and Sentenc'd him to be shot to Death ; and laid the Account of their Proceedings before His Majesty.
Monday the Proposal for the late Directors to pay a certain Sum to the Government, and to be allow'd to make best of their own Estates, was rejected. On Saturday Night, about 11 a. CIock, a Footman went from a Coffee House in Greck street in Soho, for a Hackney Coach ; when coming back, and beating up the Seats for his Master, he found under one of them a Child murder'd. On Sunday last a Duel was fought in Hide Park, be- tween the Rt . Hon. the Lord Brook, and Captain Lister, the last is thought to be mortally Wounded ; his Lord- ship was prick'd on the Hand, and slightly in the Belly. The Coroner's Inquest have sat
on the Body of Dr. Fabricius's Maid, the Mad Doctor of Morefields, and brought in their Verdict, Willful Murder. Monday at a Sessions of the High Court of Admiralty held at the Old- Baily, James Bradshaw, or Brachett, was convicted of Felony and Pyracy, in Robbing the Ship Loyal Merchant ; one Eastwell appear'd on the Part of the Prisoner; and testified, that he was forced into the Service of the Pyrates, and by them cruelly Whipt for not complying with their Measures ; but the Evidence having been himself a Pirate, he was by the Court committed to Newgate, till he should produce a Certificate of his Acquittal in Scotland,
where he was try'd, Walter Kennedy was try'd upon 2 Indictments the one for Robbing the said Loyal Merchant, and the other for Robbing the Experiment, and afterwards setting her on fire ; it was prov'd, that Captain Gronet of the said Ship was hang'd several Minutes by the Pyrates ( of which Kennedy was one) to extort from him a discovery of his Money, and other extraordinary Cruelties used to him, which Fact being fully prov'd upon him, the Jury found him Guilty and the Court pronounc'd Sentence of Death against both of the said Prisoners The same Day came on at the King's Bench Bar West- minster, before the Lord
Chief Justice Pratt, the Tryal of Samuel Heathcote, of Queen's Square, Esq; and Anne Fletcher Spinster, for Betraying, Seducing and Corrupt- ing a young Lady, of the Age of 15, from her Parents at Clapton near Hackney, it appear'd by the Evidence, that the' Defendant Mr. Heathcote, being Married to the Sister of the above mention'd Lady, Daughter of Justice Allworthy, had thereby an opportunity of frequent Ac- cess to her at her Fathers House, till she was several Months gone with Child, when it was thought necessary to remove her thence ; that accordingly about a Fort- night before Easter, the young Lady, through the
Con- trivance of Mr. Heathcote, and the Assistance of Anne Fletcher her Maid, was brought away in an abrupt man- ner from her Friends, to a Tavern in Swithins Alley near the Royal Exchange, where Mr. Hearhcote receiv'd her, and carry'd her to Lodings provided for her near Covent- Garden, where being brought to Bed of a Son. and falling ill, Sir David Hamilton visited her several times, and saw Mr Heathcote in the Room with her, who pass'd for her Husband by the Name of Stephens. Their Cohabiting together as Man and Wife, was prov'd by several other Witnesses. The Lady dying soon after, was bury'd in Covent
Garden Church ; when the Matter came to be discover'd to her Parents, who remov'd her Corps into Cambridgeshire, and commenc'd this Prosecu- tion. The Evidence being very full against the Maid Anne Fletcher, as to her being Aiding and Abetting in the Matter, the Jury found them both Guilty of the said Indictment, and Sentence will be given against them next Term, The Tryal lasted from nine in the Morn- ing till four in the Afternoon. Last Saturday Nathaniel Wilkinson, Servant to Mr. Mist, and one of Persons against whom the late Pro- clamation was issued, was apprehended in a Gardener's House near Lambeth, by Mr.
Hutchins, one of HiS Ma. jesty's Messengers ; he was immediately carried before the Lord Carteret, one of His Majesty's Principal Secre- taries of State, where he deny'd who he was and pre- tended his Name to be Smith ; but seVeral Persons being sent for on Monday, who knew him, and affirm'd him to be Mr. Wilkinson, he at length own'd himself, and was remnaded back into the Custody of the said Messen- ger, and was examin'd on Tuesday before the Commit- tee appointed to enquire into the Author of Mist's Jour- nal, and other Seditious Libels; when refusing to take the Oaths, in order to be Examin'd, the House of
Com- mons resolv'd to Address His Majefty, that he might be deliver'd into Custody of the Serjeant at Arms attending the House ; accordingly he was on Wednesday deliver'd into the Hands of a Messenger of the House cf Commons, and was the same Afternoon several Hours before the Com- mittee, under Examination. And last Thursday was order'd to be sent to Newgate, and not to be allow'd Pen, Ink, or Paper, and no Person to be admitted to see him, without the leave of the Speaker of the House of Commons. Last Week died Mrs. D'Oyly, Mother of the Lady Biddulph at Greenwich, and not the said Lady herself, as was
said by Mistake Last Sunday several Persons were taken up in George. Yard, Shoreditch, upon Suspicion of Listing Allen. for the Pretender. Stephen Crouch, Esq; is appointed Receiver General of the Land Tax in the County of Wilts, in the room of Richard Langham, Esq; who has resign'd that Em. ployment. Some Advices from the North say, that the Peace ' e. tween Sweden and Mufcovy is concluded ; that the Czar is to pay two Millions, two hundred Thousand Rubles, to Sweden, and to have Livonia, and half of Finland ; and that the Duke of Holstein is to be excluded, Our Merchants have Advice, that the Mary, Philip Roch,
from Bourdeaux to Dublin, has been lately lost 0n the Coast of Wexford in Ireland. Philip York, Esq; Father to the Solicitor General, is lately dead. Mr. John Bardolph pf the Town of Bedford, is made Surveyor of Houses for that Country in the room of his Father who hath resign'd that Employment. Mr. Serjeant Whitacre is made one of His Majesty's Serjeants at Law. The Rev. Mr. Hawkins, Curate of St. Mary Hill, is chosen Lecturer of Allhallows. Barkin. The Duke and Dutchess of Marlborough, are gone for a few Days, to St. Albans. Last Tuesday the Lord Ereskine embark'd at Dover, to visit the late Earl of Mar, his Father, now
at Paris. Last Sunday a Man who was under the Care of a Mad Doctor, at Hoxron, for the Cure of a Lunacy; broke out of the House, and getting into the City com- mitted great Outrages on Ludgate Hill; he attempted to
to murder a Person and set Fire to a House against the new church in the Strand, but the same was soon extiri- guish'd ; in his mad Fits he threaten'd particular Mischief to the Village of Dean- Land in Hampshire, but was se- cur'd and carried back in the Evening to the Madhouse at Hoxton. Last Tuesday Nighc died the Rt. Hon. Lord Piercy Seymour, youngest of the two Sons of the Duke of of Somerset, of the Small- Pox, in the 23d Year of his Age. He was Member of Parliament for Cocker- mouth in Cumberland, by a late Election -, and ap- pear'd to be a Gentleman of great Hopes. The Young princess Amelia hath been
dangerously ill of a Quinsey, so that her Physicians had very little Hopes of her Life but upon its breaking, about two Days ago, her Highness is much better. The Duke of Cambridge, Capt. Small from East In- dia. is arrived at Plymouth ; having left the Cardonel and Codogan in the Chops of the Chanel. The Elizabeth, Capt. Pollard for the Canaries, and the Swallow, Capt. Riley from Lisbon, are both taken by the Sallee Men. Letters from Abroad Vary so much concerning the Progress of the Plague in France, that nothing of Cer- tainty can be said of it, till we have more repeated and confirm'd Advices. Those from France say,'
that in the Execution of a Decree given by the' Commissioners appointed by the King, to state the Debts of Mr. Law, late Comptroller. Central, they are beginning to sell his Moveables to the highest Bidders, '" On Tuesday His Majesty, and the Prince, view'd in the park two New fashion'd Chaises, lately brought from Germany. ' Tis said that in a few Days there will be General . Review of the Foot and Horse Guards in Hide- Park, before His Majesty. Last Monday one Hargrove, who some time ago was said to have kill'd Lieutenant Wilks, a Half. Pay Officer, in Fleet street, was, with another Person in his Company, committed to
the Compter by the Lord Mayor, for Wounding a Waterman at Trigg StairS, near Paul's. Wharf. The same Day a Man who keeps a Publick House in Piccadilly, stood in the Pillory at Brentford, for Deer- stealing, pursuant to his Sentence at Hicks's Hall last Sessions ; being the first that fell under the Construction of the late Act of Parliament. Last Tuesday died at his Appartment near St. James's, Theodore Bailisy, Esq; at the Age of 91 He had serv'd in the Courts of King Charles the 1st, King Charles the 2d, and King James the 2d ; to the last of which Princes he was Cupbeaier, being a Roman Catho- liCk ; and had a Pension
from the Crown, for Life. The Lord Lempster's Lady was lately brought co Bed of a Daughter. Captain Finny is appoinced Governour of the Baha- ma Islands, by Commission from His Majesty, in the room of Woodes Rogers, Esq; Mr. Proben is made a Welsh Judge in the room of Mr. Serjeant Whitacre, now one of His Majesty's Serjeants at Law. Last Thursday was 7- Night died Mrs. Coryton, Mother of the Countess of Rochfort. About the same time died also the Lady Dowager Brownlow, and Sir Thomas Wroth of the County of Somerset. Wednesday the House of Lords heard a Cause between the Earl of Kinnonl,
Respondent, and his Tennant John Robertson, a Pauper, Appellant, and gave it for the Earl. We hear Brigsdier General Munden is made Out Ranger of Windsor Forest, in the room of Denzil On- sl0w, Esq; deceas'd. A new Writ is order'd for Kt. of the Shire in the room ot the latter, and ' tis generally thought Sir Wm. Scawen will be chosen without Opposition. Mrs. Stockdale an Eminent Tire Woman, has a Grant of the Lodgings at Whitehal which belonged to Mr. Chase formerly Apothecary of the Houshold. His Majesty's Ships the Falmouth, St. Albans, Hampshire and another are fitting out for the Mediter- ranean, and tis said
they will touch at Genoa, to make a peremptory Demand of a large Sum of Money due from a certain Noble of that Republick. Last Sunday being the AnniVersary of the Lord Bishop Of Durham's Consecration to the See of Oxford; was kept by his Lordship at Steane with great Devotion and Solemnity. He had upon that Day adorn'd the Church and Episcopal Function full fifty Years; a Period of time which appears from History to have been very rarely enjoy'd in that advanc'd Sation. The next Day the neighbouring Gentry and Clergy waited upon his Lordship at a very splendid Dinner ; as did also the Vice- chancellor ot Oxford
and Heads Of Houses in Scarlet, and the Proctors in their Habits. The Univer- sity paid this uncommon Compliment to his Lordship, as to one who for a long Course of Years had been an Ornament of the Church, a Patron of Learning, and the greatest living Benefactor to their Body. Their Re- ception was very generous and magnificent; and his Lordship, who is in his eighty eighth Year, entertained his Company all the time with great Freedom, Ease and Chearfulness. Last Week the Right Honourable the Lord Car- teret, one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, passing through St James's Square in his Chair, was
met by the Lord Harley's Lady in another; a Dispute happen'd between the Footmen, about giving the Way, which immediately turn'd to Blows; and the Chairmen and Footmen being all desperateiy engag'd with their Poles and Plants, my Lord goc ouc of the Chair, when one of the Lady's Footmen had the Insolence to Assault his Lordship in a most furious manner, for which he has been committed, to Newgate, and two of the others are bound over to the next Sessions: My Lord Harley came the next Day to the Lord Carteret, to excuse the Acc- dent, and to return his Lordship thanks for the Care he took of his Lady during the
Disordes. Councellor Webb, the most noted conveyancer In England, lies at the Point of Deach, ac his Chambers in the Temple. , j The Duchess of Ormond made a visit lately to the Princess of Wales. And this Week the Lord Bishop of RoChester waited on his Majesty at St. James'S. A Person who is just come to Town from Leeds in Yorkshire, informs us, that a Quarrel happening beyond that Town, between an Officer of the Aimy riding Post; and a Gentleman unknown, the latter was run through the Body, and died on the Spot ; and according to the Description of his Perfon, & c. appears Co be one Mr. Bath of Hind Court in
Fleet street, whose Wife has dis- patch'd a Messenger to Yorkshire, to learn the truth thereof. ' ; Elihu Yale, Esq; commonly call'd Governor Yale, a Gentlemen eminently known for his extensive Charity, lies at the point of Death, at his House in Queen's Square near Ormond- Street. Thursday a Woman big with Child was committed to Newgate, for having mortally wounded her own Husband with a Knife; and were also feveral Pick- Pockets who had not served long enough to perform that Operation withouc being discovered. We hear that the Courc will go into Mourning on Sunday 7- Night, on Account of the late Prince of
Hesse Phillipsdake Brother to the King of Sweden, who died the 17th of June at Aix la Chappelle in France. i We hear that by a Bill ordered to be brought into the House of Commons, for preventing the bringing of the Infection into this Kingdom by the Clandestine Run- ning of Goods, which may retain the same; it will he Enacted that if any Person is taken in the very Fact, the Discoverer shall be an Officer of the Excise- Customs, or otherwise iS ar Liberty to seize che Offender, who in Case he or they offer Resistance to disable him or them, in such a Manner as shall seem most proper. Considerable Wagers are laid that S Sea
Stock will be a: too by Michaelmas; ' tis not doubted but as soon as the S. Sea Company have Victualled, Mann'd, Laden and sent away their Trading Ships, their Credit will re- ceive and consequencly the same may occasion their Scock to be Incrinsickly worth 200 per Cent. Letters from Paris say, that on the 4th Instant as Night, the famous Robber Cartouche and his Confede- rates, attempted to break into the House of the Pope's Nuncio ; they had opened one of the Windows, but be- ing overheard by the Domesticks. were obliged to leave their Work unexecuted Some Days ago about forty Archers
Ashes by a sudden Fire. The Muscovites gave out that it came by Accident, and without their Knowledge, but ' tis suspected in Sweden to have been done on purpose, it being known that thac Capital was to be restor'd to that Crown by the ensuing Peace. _ Last Tuesday a Petition of the Earl of Coningsby, Prisoner in the Tower of London, was presented to the House of Lords. We hear " the Right Honourable Nicholas Lechmere, Esq; will suddenly be created a Peer of Grest- Britain. Last Wednesday four MalefactorS were Executed at Tyburn, viz. Robert Perkins, condemn'd for returning from his Transportation He was about
33 Years of Age, Born at Hempstead in Herefordshire, and brought up at a Vil- lage near thac Place where his Father kept an Inn. He was put Apprentice to a Baker, but getting into ill Com- pany, Stole a Crown out of a Till in an Ale house in White- Chappel, for which he was try'd, convicted, and transported to Jamaica for seven Years, from whence he found means to make his Escape, and had liv'd since two Years at Home working at his Trade, but being always in fear and uneasy, he was got as far as Graves- End in order to go to the Indies. Thomas Rogers, alias Cane, condemn'd for stealing a Handkerchiefe, and also for
returning from Transporta- tion. He was very Subborn and Obstinate, and refus'd to tell his Age, but seem'd to be about 26, Born in St. James's Parish where his Father was a Barber Surgeon, he died a Roman Catholick. Archers pursued him in the Suburbs of St. Martin, but missed of him. His Resolution and Temerity is beyond Comparison, so ' tis thought he will dispatch himself, when he can no longer escape being taken, unless he be apprehended by Surprize. He belong'd formerly to M. d' Argenson, so that he knows the Archers and others, who are in quest of him, but they are afraid of pursuing too closely, because he
has constantly Pistols about him of an extraordinary Invention. There is Advic, that the Cambridge, Capt Small, and the Cardigan, Capt. Cleg, are arriv'd at Plymouth from East India ; and ' tis believ'd that the Craggs, late Capt. Wyn, who dy'd in the Voyage, is also now come in. Three others of the Company's Ships were left at the Cape Viz. the Derby, Mary and Cardonel By' Letters from Boston in New England, dated May 10, there is Advice, that the said Town is now happily freed from the Small- Pox, which some time ago had raged there, and that on the Day abovemention'd his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, Select Men,
Overseers of the Poor and Constables, had made a strict Search and Enquiry of all the Inhabitants at their respective Dwellings, touching the said Distemper, but found none Sick of the same but one Negroe- man, whom they or- der'd to be remov'd to the Province Hospital in Specta- cle Island. They write fr0m Carolina, that upon the Arrival of his Majesty's Ship the Phoenix, the former Governor Mr. Johnson, by the Interest of the Commander of the said Man of War, made some Steps to repossess himself of the Government, and accordingly sent a Message to Mr. Moore, who was appointed Governor provisionally till the
Arrival of General Nicholson, to resign to him, with several Threats in case of Refusal ; but finding the other inflexible upon that Head, and resolv'd to defend himself in case of an Attack, he desisted from any far- ther Proceeding. Three Men of Barking in Essex are now und « r Prose- cution by his Majesty's Attorney General, viz Roger Vaughan, Joseph Merchant, and one Stradling, being severally indicted for Running jio half Anchors of French Brandy, amounting in all to the Sum of 110 1. and were to have been try'd last Thursday at the Exche- quer; but the said Perfons having found Means to take off one of the King's
Evidence by arresting and impri- soning her, the Trial was put off at that Time, but it is believ'd that Stratagem will not redound to their Ad- Vantage. The Lord Bellamont is lately marry'd to Mrs. Oxen- den. Mr. Auditor Harley's Wife, Sister to the Lord Foley dy'd some Days since. It has been determin'd that all ContraCts for Subscri- ptions or Stock of the South- Sea Company, or any 0- ther Company, or pretended Company, which shall be unperformed or not compounded before the 29th of September next, shall be enter'd in Books, to be kept for that Purpose, by the respective Companies before the 1st of November next, or
else be void : And that no special Bail shall be requir'd in any ACtion brought upon any Contract made since the first of December, 1719, and before the ift of December, 1720. for Sub- scriptions or Stock of the South Sea or any other Com- pany, or pretended Company : And that no Execution shall be awarded upon any Judgment obtained in any such Action until the End of the next Session of Par- liament, which shall be next after the 29th of Septem- ber next: And that all ContraCts for Subscriptions or Stock of the South Sea or any other Company, or pre. tended Company, which shall be unperformed, or not Compounded
before the 29th of September next, where the Seller, or the Person on whose Behalf such ContraCt was made, was not at the Time of such Contract , or within a Time to be limited, aCtually possess'd of such Subscription or Stock, shall be declared null and void. Letters from Fistland say, that the Muscovites have left Abo, and are retir'd farther into the Country, and that the same Day they left that City, it was reduc'd to Jane Worsley, condemn'd for assaulting Margaret Pritchard on the Highway, and taking from her a Rid- ing Hood, and a Linnen Sheet. She was 40 Years of Age, and so very ignorant, she cou'd neither read nor
write. Barbara Spencer, condemn'd for Coining, she was about 24 Years of Age, born in Cripplegate Parish, and put Apprentice to a Mantua- Maker. She said she learnt the Trade of Coining from a Man and a Woman that had now left it off and liv'd well; and that she wou'd not betray them nor any other to save her Life. Her Husband was a Butcher', and once liv'd well ; and her Mother, who was Executed about a Year ago, she said suffer'd unjustly. We hear that upon a Report that a great number of People in this City and Suburb; have in the most Clan- destine Manner, made it their Business for several Years, to carry on the
Coining Trade, and especially in Coun- terfeiting Foreign Species, a Reward will be offered for any who shall apprehend such Persons so as they may be Legally ConviCted- On Monday a Committee of the Trustees is appointed, relating to the Affair of Dagenham Breach, are to pro- ceed thither, and tske a particular Survey of the Works, in order to make their Report whether the same will not require a continual Repair, to resist the great Strength of the Current. Christen'd, Males 170. Females 164. Buried, Males 205. Females 219. CASUALTIES. Drowned ; One at St. Dunstan at Stepney, One in the New River ( buried at St.
James at Clerkenwell, One in the River Lee ( buried at St. John ac Hackney) and Two in the River of Thames at St. Mary at Rocher- hyth. Found dead 2. One on the Shore at St. Mary at Lambeth ( a Person unknown, ) and One in a Hackney Coach at St Ann in Westminfter 1. Hang'd herself ( be- ing Lunatick ) at St. Stephen in Coleman Street r. Kill'd 4. One by a Cart at St. Mary Whitechappel, buried at St Dunstan at Stepney, One by a Fall from a Ship at St. Mary at Rotherhyth, One in a Duel in the Temple ( buried at St. Margaret in Westminfter,) and One by a Horse ( a Child ) at St. Martin in the Fields. Murder'd at St.
Leonard in Shoreditch 2. Overlaid 2 Yesterday Bank Stock was 130. India Books shut. S Sr « Books shut. Lond. assurance 6. Royal Assurancs 6. Old African 29. New African 29. LONDON: Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Friars, near Fleet- street. • 0 < » v