The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 17/06/1721
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number: Issue Number:
No Pages: 6
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Succours arriving time enough from the Fleet, nor would even the Fleet itself be of much Servise in those Seas. DENMARK. Hambourg Jur. e 17. Here are Advices which say, that Prince Galisin having detach'd above 30 great Gal- lies with only Cossacks on Board, order'd them to make a Descent at Hernasund and Guernbeck ; that they lan- ded without Opposition, plac'd Garrisons in those Pla- ces, destroy'd the c'ountry thereabouts by Fire and Pil- lage, and made Prisoners of every body they could find, and at length entirely ruined the Village of Hernasund, It is suspected in Sweden, that the Russians receive Intel- ligence
from some Persons disaffected to the Kingdom, seeing the Enemy is exactly apprized of every Post where the Swedish Regiments arc quarter'd, and of the other Dispositions taken for the Defence of the Coasts. The Duke of Holstein's Baggage, that has continued so long a time at Lubeck, is at last embark'd for Riga. NETHERLANDS. Brussels, June 16 The States cf Brabant persisting in their refusal to deliver up Mr. Knight, the Marquis de Prie has sent their Remonstrances to the Court of Vi- enna, together with the Memorial lately given in on that Subject by his Britannick Majesty's Resident, Mr. Leathes ; so that ' tis not likely
that this Affair can be determin'd before the Parliament of Great- Britain have ended their Sessions. There is nothing yet actually re- solved on, either in regard to the Establishment of an India Company, or concerning the Quarantine. FRANCE. Paris, June 18. The Pope has written a Letter to the Dutchess of Ventadour, complimenting her upon her Care of the King during his Infancy; that Letter was accompanied with a Present of a fine Pair of Agate Beads set in Gold, and a curious Gold Crucifix of Filli- green Work. The Syndic of the Sorbonne has received an Order from Court, to carry to the Marquess de la Vrilliere a Copy of
the Speech he pronounced in the Assembly of the Prima Mensis. It is reported, that the King's Conoration will be performed next Year, about Whitsontide, several Officers being already appointed to assist at that Ceremony, and among them, the Marquess de Nesle, Nephew to the Cardinal de Mailly, Archbishop of Rhemes who is to perform the Office of the coronation the Marquess is to bear the Regal Mantle, which Office will entitle him to the Ducal Dignity, and likewise to the Blue Ribbon. Paris. June 21. On the 16th an Express from London pass'd through this city in his Way to Madrid ; and ' tis believ'd that a Day will not be
fix'd for opening tbe the Congress of Cambray till after the Return of thac Express. The late Earl of Mar, who has been some Time in this City, is on his Departure for London, to return Thanks to his Britannick Majesty, for having granted him his Pardon. ' Tis said the Pope will dispose of two Hats only in the next Promotion of Cardinals, one of which will be to his own Brother, and the other to M. Albani, the late Pope's Nephew, who is return'd from the Court of Vi- enna. By the diligent search made afrer a numerous Band of Robbers, fo many have been seiz'd that our Pris- nos are fill'd with them. w GREAT- oR, British Gazetteer.
Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. ITALY. Leghorn, May 31. Here is lately arriv'd here an English Man of War from Lisbon, but last from Cadiz, with a great deal of Money in Specio on board ; by two Maltese Men of War, the St J0hn and the St. Vincent, we have receiv'd the Confirma- tion of this latter's having taken, the 20th of April last, at about nine Leagues from Oran in Africa an Algerine Privateer, nam'd the Golden Sun carrying 300 Men and 32 Pieces of Cannon, commanded by Rey Haldey ; in the Combat there was about 100 Alge- rines slain, the rest have been carried Slaves to Malta. That the
Troubles in Grand Cairo continue : That the Partizans of the Emit Agi have gotten the Power into their Hands, and depos'd the baSHaw ; and thAt an Account of those Proceedings have been transmitted to the Port, together with Accusations against the depos'd Bashaw. GERMANY. Vienna, June 4 Letters of the 9th of the last Month from Constantinople say, the Grand Signior has sent the Bashaw Alif, one of h's prime Ministers and Fa- vourites, into Banishment, upon Occasion, as ' tis re- ported, of having held a close Correspondence with a certain Foreign Minister, and animating the Temple to a War in Poland, which
Particulars have been discover- ed by the Grand Vizier. Those Letters add, that an Express WAS dispatch'd to France, to hasten the Turk- ish Ambassador's Return to Constantinople. It is re- ported, that above 36000 Turks are marching towards Choczim ; that the Polish Army was drawing near to Caminiec, and thst the Czir has caused a Body of Tar- tars and Calmucks to enter Ukrania. Hanover, June 13. This Morning three Coiners were were Executed here, and three others will be sent to the Places of their Abode, to suffer there The Sentence of two others being remitted, they will be sent to Hamlen to be put to hard
Labour in Chains. ' Tis Paid that se- ven more are seiz'd in the Country for the same Crime. . ,, SWEDLAND. Stockholm, June 5. Yesterday arrived an Express from gefle, with Advice, that the Muscovites have made a descent six Lesgues from thence, in the Province cf Gestricia they have destroyed the Iron works, Plunder'd and burnt several Villages, together with the little Town of Suderham. and kill'd all the Peasants . k- y £ n 10 Arms' They came thither only with thirty Galleys, and some flat bottom'd Vessels; but we exPect the farther Particulars : Mean while, several Re- r^ uc" 6/" 1' 1 from CamP in this Neighbourhood Old
Sweden, to reinfore the Troops that are there al- and drive away the Enemy before they have done more Mischief It is likweise fear'd that the Russiane enm i , y ! he, ShiPsin the Docks, and others that are . J''" 1? rigg'd, there not being any Swedish Gallies in those Parts to protect them, nor but small expectance of ( Price Three Half- pence.) ( 1 9 4 7 )
C is GREAT BRITAIN. The Continuation of the Tryal of Archbishop Laud. He answer'd, that Clergymen not being liable to Watch and Ward, they could not by Law be made to contribute to this Tax. as he learnt from tbe Lord Keep- er Coventry at the Council Table, and that therefore he might hope to see the Clergy exempted from it, with- out assuming a Papal Power. The last instance to make good this Charge was, the bringing Sir Richard Samuel into the HIGH Commission, for doing his Office as Justice of Peace upon some Cler- gymen, and that one of the Arcicles against him was, his being an Enemy of the Clergy. His
Grace answer'd, that this was prov'd only by Sir Richard, who was Witness in his own Cause, nor did he say, that his Grace prefer'd the Articles, and by his own Relation, whac was done, was by the High Com- mission, or Council- Table, and so not chargeable on his Grace alone ; neither did he remember what the ocher Articles against him were, but that it appear'd he did oppress the poor Clergymen his Neighbours, which was not a genteel Part of a Man in Power. Saturday, May 4, 1644 They proceeded again, and repeated the several Titles mentioned the proceeding Day, which were given his Grace by the University of
Oxford ; and then went on to enforce the Charge as to his Grace's endeavouring to exempt the Clergy from Civil Power; and as another Instance of this, one John Stevens depos'd,. that his Grace said to the Council, as they were pleading in the Star chamber, in Mr. Shervil's Case that they shou'd take care not to cause the Laws of the Church and the Kingdom to clash one against the other. His Grace answer'd he still thought this no ill Advice, for that the Laws of the Church and State wou'd agree well enough, if some did not set them at odds.' Another Instance was, that his Grace procured some Justices to be called before
the High Commission, for keeping their Sessions in a Place at Tewksbury, adjoining to the Church, or rather part of it, which stood in the Church Yard. To this his Grace replied, that there appeared no Proof of his procuring it, and if he had, it was such a Profanation as the Canons did not allow of; though Men in this Age were growing so bold with Churches, as if the Profanation of them were no Fault at all. The next Instance was, that about 13 or 14 Years ago, when his Grace was Bishop of London, he had caus'd two Church- wardens to be prosecuted in his Court, for executing a Warrant, made by Sir Thomas Dacres a
Justice of Peace, against an Alehouse keeper, for suffer- ing Tipling in his House 0n the Sabbath Day. His Grace answer'd che Church- wardens were not called in question for it, but for that they did nor com- plain to the Chancellor of the Diocess, and show the same Readiness to inform their Bishop, as to obey the Justice of Peace. Another Instance was, That his Grace oppos'd private Marriages in the King's Free Chappel in the Tower, which us'd to be Celebrated there without Bans or Licence, which was attested by Sir William Balfour the Lieutenant. His Grace answered, he did indeed oppose them, on Account of those
who had been ruined by such Clan- destine Marriages ; but he could not be said to have offended herein, or assum'd a Papal Power, because he did it with the King's Concurrence. From hence they pass'd to endeavour to prove his Grace attach'd to the Romish Church ; in saying among other things, that Rome was a true Church, and we did not differ from ' em in Fundamentals, but in Circumstances only ; and likewise that he corresponded and convers'd with not Popish Priests and that he would not suffer the Popish Books that were seiz'd, to be destroy'd, but sometimes they were return'd to the Owners. It was also charg'd
upon him, that Priests had the best Lodgings in New- gate, and liberty to walk the Streets. And it was urg'd as a great Fault in him that he says in the Preface to his Book against Fisher, That, to his Remembrance, he had not given him, or his, any coarse Language. > 48; His Grace answer'd, it was not prov'd he deny'd the Pope to be Anti christ ; but that he advis'd Bishop Hall to forbear that Word, for some temporal and Ec- clesiastical Respects. Besides, he did conceive that that Article of the Church of England, which confirm'd che Homilies, did not confirm every Phrase thac was in them ; nor did he think that the Homilies in
the Places cited did make the Pope the grcat Anti- christ ; for the Words are to the beating down of Sin, Death, the Pope, the Devil, and all the Kingdom of Anti christ; which Words could not possibly imply that the Pope was Anti- christ That'as to his saying the Religion of Rome and ours is all one, his Words were, Nor do the Church of Rome and the Protestants set up a different Religion, for the Christian Religion is the same to both. And he said, unless they maintain'd that Papists were no Christians, they could make nothing of this Charge : And as to another Saying of his, thac we did not differ in Fundamentals, Calvin himself
affirm'd, That in des- pight of Anti- christ, the Foundations of the Church re- main'd in the Papacy itself, that the Church might not wholly perish. And whereas Burton and Lane depos'd, that he said we did noc differ in Fundamentals, but in Circumstances, they should have said Superstructures; for there were many Circumstantials in Religion that might quite destroy the Foundation of Religion ; for he who denies how or where Christ was born, or whe- ther he is already come in the Flesh, denies the Foun- dation of our Religion, tho' these are but Circumstances, as to the Time, Place and Manner of our Saviour's Birth. And as to
his contradicting the Homilies, by saying The Church of Rome was a true Church, he shew'd that the Homily did not say that the church of Rome was not a true Church, but said and meant, that the Church cf Rome was not the Catholick or Universal Church, or the Head thereof; and that there was a great deal of Difference between the Church and a Church ; and tho it cou'd not be call'd the Church, in general Terms, yet it must be admitted to be a Church, and a true one too As to the Popish Books, it was the constant Course of the High- Commission to give them to their Register to be kept in his Office, aid when they had a
good Num- ber of them, to burn them; and if at any time the Books were deliver'd to the Owners, it was when they were not found dangerous He said it was hard they should charge him with the Confinement or Liberty given to the Prisoners in Newgate ; they did not sure design to make the Archbishop Keeper of Newgace. And as to his not calling Names, and giving Fisher and the Pope ill Language, when he wrote a- gainst them, he was still of Opinion, that ill Language added very little Weight to an Argument. July 29, 1644. _ They proceeded on the fourteenth Original Article, viz. That to prevent his being question'd for these
and other his Traiterous Proceedings, he had endeavour'd to subvert the Rights of Parliament, and create a Divi- sion between his Majesty and his People, and ruine his Kingdoms; for which they impeach'd him of High- Treason. To support this Article, he was charg'd with making one Speech for the Duke of Buckingham, and altering another when he stood impeach'd by the House of Com- mons in May, 1625 That he had made two Speeches for the King . to be spoken or sent to the Parliament, in which were some four Passages. And one Bland depos'd, that Sir Sackvile Crowe shew'd him a Paper, in which were fifteen or
sixteen Passages concerning Parliaments, with some four Aspersions in them, and it was subscrib'd with his Grace's Hand, W. Laud. Then some Words in his Diary were read to shew his Enmity to Parlia- ments ; from whence it was urg'd, that he charg'd the Par- liament with Malice. It was further urg'd that the Pro- clamation for calling in the Remonstrance was found in his Study, and they conceiv'd he had a Hand in it, for his Preferments follow'd very quick —— Then was pro- duc'd a Paper, which they call'd his Grace's Reasons a- gainst Parliaments, being in his Hand And these Words were read out of his Diary, ( viz. The
Parliament, which was dissolv'd 10 Mar. 1618. sought my Ruine. To be continu'd. Mr.
SI ( ' 5 Mr. READ, June, 12th, 1721. AT a Time when so much Notice is taken or blas- phemous Societies, and good Orders are taking for the Punishment of that horrid Sin, give me leave to recommend to you some Passages out of a Book I have by me, Printed in the Year 1656 giving an Account of a Set of most impious Wretches of that kind that ever the Earth bore, this Book is call'd, The Grand Imposter examind, or the Life, tryal, and Exami- nation of james Naylor, & c and will not fail to give a great deal of Pleasure and Satisfaction to your Readers, especially such as holf such vile and damnable Blasphe- mers in utter
Adhorrence. Yours, A. B. An Account of James Naylor's Examination. James Naylor of Wakefield in the County of York, a deluded and deluding Quaker and Imposter, rode October 1656 through a Village called Bedminster, about a Mile from Bristol, accompanied with six more, one whereof a young Man, whose Head was bare, leading his Horse by the Bridle, and another uncovered before him thorough the dirty Way in which the Carts and horses, and none else usually goe. And with them two Men on horse back, with each of them a Woman be- hind him, and one Woman walking on the better way or path. In this Posture did
they march, and in such a Case, that one George Witherley knowing their Con- dition, asked them to come in the better Road, adding that God expected no such Extremity: But they con- tinued on their Way, not answering in any other Notes, but what were musical, singing Holy, holy, holy: Lord God of Sabbath, 6cc. Thus continued they, till by their wandring they came to the Alms- House within the Suburbs of Bristol, where one of the Women alighted, and she with the other of her own Sex lovingly march on each Side of Naylor's Horse This Witherley saith, he supposes they could not be less deep in the Muddy Way then to
the Knees, and he saith they sang but some- times with such a buzzing melodious Noise that he could not understand what it was. This the said Witherley gave in upon his Oath. Thus did they reach RatclifF- Gate, with Timothy Wedlock of Devon, bare- headed, and Martha Symonds with the Bridle on one Side and Hannah Stranger on the other Side of the Horse ; this Maitha Symonds is the Wife of Thomas Symonds of London, Book binder and Hannah Stranger is the Wife of John Stranger of London Comb maker, who sung Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of israel Thus did he ride to the high Cross in Bristol, and after that to the
White- hart in Broad street, where there lies two eminent Qua- kers, by Name, Dennis Hollister, and Henry Row; of which the Magistrates hearing, they were apprehended and committed to Prison. Long it had not been after their Confinement in the Goal at Exeter, from whence passing through Wells and Glassenbury, this Party bestrewed the Way with their Garments But to be short, they were Searcht, and Let- ters were found about them, infinitely filled with Pro- fane Nonsensical Language. The Examination of James Naylor, BEing asked his Name, or whether he was not called James Naylor, he replied, The Men of this
World call me James Naylor. Q Art not thou the Man that rid on Horse back into Bristol, a Woman leading thy Horse, and others singing before thee Holy, holy, holy, Hosannah, & c. A. I did ride into a Town, but what its Name was I know not, and by the Spirit a Woman was commded- ed to hold my Horse's Bridle; and some there were that cast down Cloaths, and sang Praises to the Lord, such Songs as the Lord put into their Hearts ; and its like it might be the Song of of Holy, holy holy, See Q Whether or no did'st thou reprove those Women' A. Nay, but I had them take heed that they sing no- thing but what they were moved to
of the Lord. Q Dost thou own this Letter ( whereupon a Letter was shewed him) which Hannah Stranger sent unto thee? A. Yea, I do own that Letter ? Q Art thon ( according to that Letter; the fairest of ten Thousand ? 49 ) A. As to the visible I deny Any such attribute due unto me; but if as to that which the Father has gotten in me, I shall own it. ' * Q. Art thou the only Son of God A. I am the Son of God, but I have many Brethren Q. Have any called thee by the Name of jesus? A. Not as unto the visible, but as Jesus, the Christ that is in me. Q dost thou own the Name of the King of Israel A Not as a Creature, but if they give it
Christ within I own it, and have a Kingdom but not of this World my Kingdom is of another World, of which thou wat'st not. Q Whether or no are thou the Prophet of the most high ? A. Thou hast said, I am a Prophet. Q Dost thou own that attribute, the Judge of Israel. . A. The Judge is but one, and is witnessed in me, and is the Christ, there must not be any joyned with him if they speak of the Spirit in me. I own it only as God is manifest in the flesh recording as God dwelleth in me. and judgeth there himself. Q By whom were you sent ? A By him who hath sent the Spirit of his Son in me to try, not as to carnal Matteis. but
belonging to the Kingdom of God, by the indwelling of the Father and the son, by judge of all Spirits to be guided by none. Q Is not the written Word of God the Guide 5 A. The written Word declares of it, and what is not according to that, is not true. Q Whether art thou more sent than others, or whe- ther others be not sent in that Measure. A. As to that I have nothing at present given me of my Father to Answer. Q Was your Birth mortal or immortal ? A Not according to the Natural Birth, but according to the Spiritual Birth, born of the immortal seed. O Wert thou ever called the Lamb of God. A I look not back to things behind, but
there might be some such thing in the Letter; I am a Lamb, and have sought it long before I could Witness it. Q Who is thy Mother, or whether or n0 is she a Virgin. A Nay, according to the Natural Birth. Q. Who is thy Mother according to thy Spiritual Birth. A No carnal Creature. Q Who then? A. To this he refused to answer. Q Is the hope of Israel in thee ? A. The hope is in Christ, and as Christ in me, so far the hope of Israel stands; Christ is in me the hope of Glory. Q What more hope is there in thee than in others ? A. None can know but them of Israel, and Israel must give an Account. Q Art thou the Everlasting Son of God ?
A. Where God is manifest in the Flesh, there is the everlasting Son, and I do Witness God in the Flesh; I am the Son of God, and the Son of God is but one. Q Art thou the Prince of Peace ? A. The Prince of Everlasting Peace is begotten in me. Q Why dost thou not reprove those that give thee these Attributes ? A. I have said nothing unto them, but such things are written. Q Is thy name Jesus ? A. Here he was Silent. Q For what space of Time hast thou been so called ? A. And here. Q. Is there no other Jesus besides thee ? A These Questions he forbore either to confirm or to Contradict them. Q Art thou the Everlasting Son
of God, the King of Righteousness ? A. I am and the Everlastmg Righteousness is wrought in me, if ye were acquainted with the Father, ye would also be acquainted with me Q. Did any kiss thy Feet ? A. It might be they did. but I minded them not. Q. When thou wast called the King of Israel, didst thou not answer, thou sayest it ? A. Yea. The Remainder in our next. The
c 1 9 5 0 ) The Palace of Kensington Is fitted for his Ma- jesty's Reception, who designs to reside there part of the Summer, and to pass the rest of the Season at Hamp- ton- Court. The two eldest PrinCesses, as well as their Sister, have been Ill of a Scarlet Fever, but are now much better, and will quickly be going to Kensington. Their royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess, who design'd to have set out for Richmond last Week, have deferr'd their Journey for some time longer. Sir Anthony Dean, of Charter- House Yard, died on Sunday last, aged ninety six. Mr. READ, THO' I am as dear a Lover of my Country's Liber- ties as
any English Mab breathing, yet I cannot help declaring, that I have many times thought those blessings we peculiarly enjoy very much abus'd. I have observ'd the Liberty of Speech, turn'd into the Liberty of Railing and talking Treason, and productive of Feuds and Abuses ; the Liberty of Petitioning, turn'd into the Liberty of being sawcy and dictating to our Governors, and from thence, for Convenience- Sake, turn'd into Mobbing and Riots; but the Liberty, or rather the Licensiousness of the Press, has never arriv'd to that per- nicious Height which the present time produces'd. In King Charles 2ds. Reign, many bitter Invectives
were handed about, some of which came from the Press, and many more were M S S. only: These were chiefly levell'd at the Follies and Vices of the Court, and lashing now and then a State Harlot, a Frenchified Statesman, a Court- Pensioner, a Popish Favourite, or so ; and if I am rightly inform'd, that Facetious Prince, has often seen and smil'd at some of these Compositions: King James the 2d set about the Works of Popery so heartily, that he knew they wou'd not bear the Press, and so up came L'Estrange and Licencing ; this extream soon did his Work In King William's Reign Satyrs and Lampoons on the Government
were rife enough, but these generally stole into the World, most of them in M. S. S. and I my self can perfectly remember, that there were then a set of People call'd Scandal Mongers, who dealt in carrying them about to Men of Dignity and Tast, and kept as regular Accounts and Bills, as the Exactest Tradesman do's in his Dealings; but nothing in this ever amounted to the Impudent Practice of these Times ; when every little Fellow that writes or Prints for his Bread, and cou'd not Eat if the Press were re- strain'd dares insolently attack the Government; not secretly, or by stealth, but in the Face of open Day; not in M. S. S, but
reeking from the Press; not in Coun- terfeit Names, or other evasive Methods to elude Justice, as if they were the least Conscious of Offence, but under glaring Mask of Effrontery, as if they defy'd it. I shall still agree in Opinion wiih a certain Author of Note, That the Liberty of the Press distinguishes us, from the Slavish Marks of other Countries, but I shall never ac- quiesce with him, in the scandalous Use he and others put it to, which is such as makes it high time a Power great as the Cause shou'd take in Hand to remedy it. Parliaments are proper things, when the People forget their Bounds to keep them in Compass, and
make ' em walk fair and softly. There aie Ways enough Mr. Head, by which you may render your Paper useful and diver- ting without meddling with Things that don't concern you : I wou'd undretake to shew People a little of the History of their own Country which many of our addle- headed Politicians that Rattle in Coffee Houses, know little of; there are Essays upon useful and diverting Subjects ; Novels, and an Hundred Entertaning Things, that will be a very allowable Exchange for Party Re. flections, Personal Affronts and such Matters, as buc too frequently fill your Weekly Chronicles, and seldom fail of displeasing some of
your Readers : I am a constant one and have Hopes you will not slight this Cordial Advice, but on the contrary engage me to continue my Correspondence. SEMPRONIUS. Upon a Representation to his Majesty of the great Expence of the Green Cloath Table ac Court, the same it order'd to be laid aside. Last Week, the only Son of the Lord Carteret, about or five Years Old, died of the Small Pox. Friday 7- Night a sad Accident happen'd at the House of Mr. Stone a Brewer in Windmill- street, a Can- dle being left burning in the Room, which the Maid was to have fetch'd away but forgot it, it set Fire to the Curtains of the Bed,
which was not perceiv'd till the Room was in a Flame, and Mr. Stone and his Wife al- most Suffocated and burnt to Death, so that he expired next Morning, and we hear she is since dead. Monday a Proclamation was publish'd for appre- hending and securing the Persons of Dcftor Gaylard, Apprentice to Mr. Mist Printer, and Natheniel Wilkin- son, with the Reward cf 200 1 for each. On Thursday last a Hackney Coach, with two of the discarded Justices, broke down near Charing Cross, upon which occasion there was a great Shout of the Rabble, but we do net hear that their quondam Worships re- ceiv'd any Damage. Monday
eight Convicts that are order'd for Trans- portation, were brought up from Reading, and carry'd to the Marshalsea. On Saturday last Thomas Eyton, Esq; was chosen Representative for the Borough of Flint, in the room of Sir John Conway, deceas'd, without any Opposition. On the 6th Instant at the Court at Guildhall, by Ad- journment from the Old Bailey, Robert Parker, a Solici- tor, was indicted for Subornation of Perjury, and was acquitted on the first Indictment, it not being sufficient but on a 2d Indictment for suborning one Balance, who swore to certain Interrogators before Mr. Rogers, one of the Masters in Chancery, was
found Guilty, and sen- tenc'd to pay a Fine of too 1. to suffer six Months Im- prisonment, and to stand in the Pillory between the Temple- Gates and Chancery- Lane End, and accordingly he stood pursuant to his Sentence, and was sufficiently pelted by the Populace 0n that Occasion. One Richard Bryan, that was an Evidence for him WJS committed for Perjury in open Court on the said Trial, and is since charged with Perjury in the Court of Common Pleas. A Reward of 100 1. with His Majesty's most gracious Pardon, is offer'd for the Discovery of the suspected Mur- therers ot five of the Lord Polwarths Servants, and three
Danish Passengers, onboard the Ship Batchelor of New- Castle, lost on the Gunfleet Sands in May last, when it appears several Boats came on board under pretence of giving Assistance, but, with the Crew, riffled and took away part of his Lordships Plate, Linnen, & c. and as these all sav'd themselves except one, and none were lost but that Lord's Servants and the three Danes, it is high- ly Suspicious that they were knock'd o'the head, the better to plunder and carry of the Goods. Last Sunday the Reverend Dr. Halton preached before the King, and the Prince and Princess of Wales; the Lord Portmore carried the Sword of
State. In the new Commission of the Peace that pass'd the Seals the Beginning of last Week, we hear the following Alterations are made for the County of Middlesex, viz. Added. Sir Henry Maynard, Bart Sir John Hales, Bart. Sir George Merkham, Bart. John Armstrong, Esq; John Hedges, Esq; Thomas Jett, Esq; Nicholas Carey, Esq; George Watkins, esq; William Coatsworth, Esq; John Gonson, Esq; Joseph Andrews, esq; Samuel Horsey, Richard Gifford, Esq; James Colebrook, Esq; Samuel Saunders, Esq; Joseph Rouse, Esq; Richard Newton, Esq; Alexander Chocke, Esq; Thomas Coalthurst, Esq; Francis Sorrell, Esq;
John Rotheram, Esq; Joseph Carpenter, Esq; Samuel Edwards, Esq; John Highmore, esq; Henry Turner, Esq; Thcmas Abney, Esq; Clemen Breton, Esq; George St. Amand, sfq; Richard Farewell, Esq; Christian Cole, Esq; Grantham Andrews, Esq; Thomas Maders, Esq; Thomas Robe, Esq; Abraham Adams, Esq; Matthew Rapier, Esq; John Bird, Esq; Thomas Huxley, Esq, Left out. Sir Harry Dutton Colt. Sir Justus Beck. - Sir William Moore. Sir Harcourt Master. Sir Lambert Blackwell. Hugh Raymond, Esq; Jeffery Saunders, Esq; Thomas Reignolds Esq; Arthur Ingram, Esq.: Ambrose Page, Esq; Laurence St. Loe. Esq; The
Earls of Grantham and Orkney are indisposed at their Houses in Albermarle street. On
( i9 On Sunday the Earl of Inchequeen's Lady was brought to bed of a Daughter at his Lordship's House in Duke- street in St. James's. Letters from Gibraltar of the 15th past say, That Four English Men of War; and Twelve Merchant Ships con- tinued there , that Three Algerine Rovers had passed the Streights, to cruize on the Spanish Coast, and that the Moors had discontinued the Siege of Ceuta, by rea- son of a great Drought. . The Rev. Mr. John Den, Chaplain to the Bishop of Carlisle, is presented to the Living of Norton Davies in Northamptonshire. As is also tho Rev. Mr. Park to that of Althorpe in Lincolnshire. Edinburgh,
June 6. Last Thursday at the Electing a new Peer to sit in Par- liament, the Earl of Aberdeen had Votes of Peers pre- sent 13, and Proxies 23 ; and the Earl of Eglintoun had of Peers present, 9, and Proxies 22 ; but several Ob- jections being made by the Earl of Eglintoun and his Friends, against the Peers who Voted, gave in Lists, or sent Proxies for the Earl of Aberdeen; we are in- form'd the Earl of Eglintoun still hopes to carry the Election, whereupon his Son, sent a Petition the same Night to the House of Peers, desiring the whole Affair may be brought before and try'd by their Lordships. On Tuesday there was a Tryal in the
Court of Com. men Pleas at Westminster, between the Bishop of Lon- don, Plaintiff, and Mr. Edwards, Defendant, for Tres- pess : The Jury gave his Lordship 78 1. Damages. The same Day Charles Lawton, Esq; a Gentleman of 700 I. per Ann. in Berkshire, coming from his Seat , at Windsor to sollicit a Cause which was heard Wednes- day in the House of Lords, fell from his Horse in an Apoplectick Fit and was broughc dead to Town the same Evening. We hear a Yatcht is order'd to Calais, to bring over the Lord Rialton, who is coming Home from his Tra- vels. The Lord Bernard, who lately receiv'd some Hurt by a Fall, is upon
the Recovery. On Monday last, one Granpre, a French Refugee, was apprehended for seditious and traiterous Words utter'd against the King, in a publick Coffee- House, and before some Gentlemen whole Duty oblig'd them to resent it, and to seize him ; He was accordingly brought to the Secretary's Office, and examin'd, and after committed to the Custody of a Messenger; but we hear, he is since order'd to be admitted to Bail. The same Day a House that was repairing in Crutch- ed Fryers, fell down, and hurt and bruis'd four or five of the Workmen, one of which is like to lose his life. On Tuesday last the two Powder- Mills
near Hounslow blew up by accident, the Workmen being Absent on Some Occasion, sav'd their Lives : Some say a Higler was kill'd as he was passing by. Last Thursday Joseph Hall, Esq; and Mr. Wilkins the Printer were brought from the King's Bench Prison, where they have lain about a Month, to Westminster- Hall to receive Sentence ; the one having been convicted of Printing, the other of Publishing a Book entitled, A Sober Reply to a merry Answer, & c. Mr. Wilkins was senten'd to three Months Imprisonment, to pay a Fine of 100 1. and to give Security for his good Behaviour for seven Years. The other to stand in the
Pillory, at Charing- Cross, to be imprison'd three Months, to pay a Fine of 200 1. and to give Security for his good Be- haviour for seven Years. Next Week his Grace the Duke of Marlborough and his Dutchess comes to Town again, from Windsor, against which time Mr. Strong, the Mason is to get his Accompts ready. The Post Mafters- General have appointed Mr. John Lumley, of Abingdon in Berks, and Mr Richard Bigg, of Winstow in Bucks, Riding Surveyors for the General Post Office. In a few Days will be publish'd a Scheme for raising Money by way of Lottery. Letters from Tetuan, of May 11. O S. say, That upon the
Arrival of Captain Stewart, the British Mini- ster, the Bashaw came himself to the Water. Side, to receive him, attended with his Brothers, and about 3 or 400 Gentlemen and Guards; and before he alighted 51 ) from his Horse, he entertained him with his Horsemans shiP, and their Exercise with their Lances, Which, con- Sidering the Beauty of their Horses, and their Dexterity in their using them, made a very fine Sight. AFter this DiVersion, the Minister was conducted to a Tent which was pitched on purpose for him, and the Bashaw having alighted at another, they met each other half way between the two ; whereafter some
Compliments past, the British Minister thanked the Bashaw for the Honour he had done him ; to which the latter answered, it was nothing to what he deserved, who came from so great a King. They lay encamped that Night, and the next Morning marched to this Town; and the Bashaw having brought him to a large Place before his own House, he again entertained him in the same Man- ner he had done the Day before, and then took his Leave After this the British Minister was conducted to the best House in Town, which Was prepared on pur- pose for his Residence. We hear the Dutchess of Mountague lies dangerously ill in
Buckinghamshire. The Lord Bernard, Who was lately hurt, is upon the Recovery. Mr. Griffin of the New Play- House, has been under Examination before the Committee for Seditious Libels, on account of Mr. Mist's Paper. His Grace the Duke of Queensberry and Dover, has hired the House which belong'd to the Countess Dowa- ger of Suffolk, near Brentford. His Majesty's Ship the Hampshire, lately return'd from the Straits, and perform'd her Quarantine at Ports- mouth, is order'd to be fitted to Sea again A Butcher's Wife at Cambridge, having barbarously murther'd her Husband because he refused to give his Consent to their
Daughter's Marriage with a young Stu - dent of the University, has been committed to Goal. All the Letters from Brabant are positive, that the States there will adhere to their Priviledeges, with res- pect to Mr Robert Knight, so that this Affair depends 0n the Decision of the Imperial Court. Letters from thence continue to speak very big of the projected esta- blishment of an East India Company, which in all pro- bability will not take effect ; for it appearing, that the Enterprissing Ostenders entirely subsist on the Credit of Money from England, and that that unlawful Trade is clandestinely carry'd on by some English Men, they will no
doubt be restrained ; so that this mighty Project must fall of course. On Monday last Ore Daniel Ellingham, a Bailiff and Benjamin Jennings, were order'd into the Custody of the Serjeant at Arms attending the House of Commons, for a Breach of the Privilege of the said House. The Coroner's Inquest has sat on the Body of Mr. Burby, who kept the Coach and Horses Ale- house at Hounslow, a Man in extraordinary good Cir- cumstance, who stabb'd himself to the Heart. The Jury brought in their Verdict, Non compos Mentis. They write from Edinburgh, that Alexander Halden, Esq; Commissioner of the Customs in that Port is lately
dead. Last Tuesday the House of Commons agreed to the Report of the Resolution of the Grand Committee, for the Borrowers on Stock and Subscriptions to repay 10 per Cent, to the South Sea Company. The Prince went on Tuesday to Kensington, and view'd the Lodgings and Apparcments there. On Sunday last one Jenkinson, of Holloway, was commitced to Newgate, on Suspicion of Robbing on the Highway, and particularly, of being concern'd in the Attack made the Day before upon Mr. Shooter, who formerly kept the Two Wrestlers at Highgate, who was shot in the Belly, so that his Life is in great Danger. Isaac Tillard,
Esq; one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Middlesex, is made Colonel of the 2d Regiment of Train'd- Bands of the Tower Ham- lets. in the room of Sir Harcourt Masters._ Mr. Grigsby is allow'd 2000 1. out of his Estate. Charles Powel, of Carmarthen, esq; of about 11 Years of Age, was lately married to a Daughter of the late Sir Thomas Powel of Broadway. Bart, of the Prin- cipality of Wales. The Lady is about fourteen. On Monday one Robert Champ, a Bailiff, for arrest- ing one John Smith a Servant Of Thomas Brere. Esq. a Member
Member of the House of Commons, and for not attend- ing the Committee of Priviliges and Elections, tho' duly summon'd so to do, was committed Prisoner to his Ma- jesty's Prison of the Gatehouse, for a Breach of Privilege and Contempt. By an Act against wearing Cloaths with Cloath or Stuff Buttons and Button- Holes ; the Penalty is laid on Those who Use or Wear them after the 29th of Sep- tember, 1722: which is, Forty Shillings for every Do- zen of buttons, or Button- Holes ; being esteem'd the safest Way of tying up the Taylors Hands On the other hand, the Master Taylors have in another Bill for regulating their
Journeymen's Wages, restrain'd them from advancing their Wages, or lessening their usual Hours of Work ; which is to be from the First of May last, from Six in the Morning, to Eight at Night ; and the Wages from Lady. Day to Midsummer to be Two Shillings a Day, and the rest of the Year One Shilling and Eightpence. For the rest, we refer to the Act at large. Eighty six Felons lie ready in Newgate, to be put on Board one of the King's Sloops, to be Transported to North and South Carolina; these sort of Cattle being so unruly on Board, that the Merchants are not for- ward to undertake their Transportation. We have Advice, that
the 50000 Guilders Prize in the Dutch Lottery, has fallen to a Butcher of Newgate. Market. This Week an Officer belonging to the Compter, was committed into Custody, for Cursing and Railing against several Persons in the Government. The Company of London. Assurance have bespoke 12 Engines for extinguishing Fires, in order to pursue their Undertaking with the utmost Vigour. On Thursday a great Number of South- Sea Stock- holders sign'd a Petition at the Half- Moon Tavern in Cheapside ; being Those who have Bought that Commodity at 300 per Cent, and upwards ; at a General Meeting of the said Stockholders, at
the Swan- Tavern in Exchange Alley, they agreed to present the same to the House of Commons, desiring such Relief as they shall judge proper. A Representation having been made to His Majesty, by some Physicians, that the Small- Pox may be com- municated by Incision, or Inoculating , as some ex- press it, and that it has been practis'd safely, and with success, as might be experienc'd, if some proper Ob- jects to practise on, were found out. " Tis assured, that two of the Condemn'd Prisoners now in Newgate, have upon this Occasion, ofFer'd themselves to un- dergo the Experiment, upon receiving His Majesty's most
Gracious Pardon ; and his Majesty being inclined to comply therein, has referr'd it to the Attorney and Solicitor- General, to determine whether he can do it by Law. The Advantage proposed by this, seems to be, that the best kind of these Pox, which are com- paratively innocent, may be convey'd, and thereby pre- vent the Patient's ever having the worst kind, which are called the Confluent Pox. There's another Advantage, that the Patient's Body may be well prepar'd before- had, which will make the Distemper still less dangerous. This being a Matter of some Curiosity, We have insert- ed it believing it would be acceptable to our
Readers. They write from Schinington in Oxfordshire, that on Saturday May the 13th, there happen'd a dreadful Fire, . which burnt 44 Dwelling- Houses, besides Barns and Cow- Houses: So that there is but seven Houses stand- ing in the whole Village; we don't hear that any Body IS burnt. They write from Warrington of the < 5th of June, that the Clergy of the Arch Deaconry of Chester being as- sembled there, unanimously resolved to return their so- lemn Thanks to the Earl of Nottingham, for his De- fence of the Christian Faith, in his Answer to Mr. Whiston's Letter, & c. and accordingly subscrib'd, and sent up a Letter to his
Lordship for that Purpose. We hear that the late Directors of the South sea Com- pany, their Aiders and Abettors, will be disqualify'd for ever from holding any Places of Profit or Trust, either Civil or Military, and from sitting in parliament. Last Wednesday the Judges appointed for the Summer Circuits are as follows, viz. Home Circuit. Lord Chief Justice Pratt, Mr. Justice Eyres. Western Circuit. Lord Chief Justice King, Mr. Justice Dormer. Oxford Circuit. Lord Chief Baron Bury. Mr. Baron Mountagu Midland Circuit. Mr. Justice Powys. Mr. Justice Fortescue Aland. Norfolk Circuit. Mr. Justice Blencowe. Mr Baron Page. Northern
Circuit. Mr. Justice Tracey. Mr. Baron Price The late Lady Capel, of Kew- Green, in Surrey, has, by her last Will and Testament, left 1 53 1. per Annum, for ever, co the Charity- Schools at Richmond and Brent- ford; 100 I. to her Butler's Daughter; and very large Legacies to all her Servants. ' f is said their Royal Highnesses, the Prince and Prin- cess of Wales, will remain in Town all the Summer. On Monday last, about five in the Evening . Looton, Esq; of Northampton, rode to take the Air in Hyde- Park, and his Horse being at about three quarters speed, strated and threw him, after which he was not so much as seen to move.
The Diamonds which were lately seiz'd on the River of Thames, in the Custody of a Jew, are order'd to be sold. On Saturday last, two Bailiffs, who had arrested a Pensioner of Chelsea- College in St. James's Park, were brought before the Board of Green- Cloth, and examin'd, and discharg'd, but were afterwards very ill us'd by tho Rabble. On Wednesday last Charles Molloy, Esq; Samuel Forster, Esq; arid Mr. Thomas Gordon, were order'd into the Custody of the Serjeant at Arms, for their Con- tempt in not attending the Honourable Committee ap- pointed to enquire into seditious and traiterous Libels. Two Days ago dy'd Sir
David Heckstetter a great Hamburgh Merchant, at his House at Southgate. Last Thursday an Order of the Lord Mayor was issued to the several Constables of Cornhil Ward, to give Di. regions that the Watch- Men employed in the same, should have Iron Spikes fixed at the Top of their Staffs, in order to defend themselves against any who having Committed unlawful Nightly Practices and Disorders, and offer Resistance or Assault when they are apprehend- ed ; and we hear the like Orders was issued our Yesterday to the Constables of the several Wards in this City. We aie credibly informed, that the South Sea Compa- ny will
meet with further Encouragement from the Go- vernment, by having the Remaining two Millions of the seven, which by Contract they were obliged to pay to the Government remitted them ; which ' tis expected will not only raise the Value of their Stock, but also give Life to Publick Credic in General. Christned, Males 16;. Females 137. In all 312: Buried Males 262. Females 216. In all 478. Increased in the Burials this Week 18. CASUALTIES. Drowned 3 One accidentally in the River Lee ( buried at St. Swithin London Stone, One in a Washing- Tub at St. Dunstan at Stepney ( buried at St. Paul at Shad- well, and One in the River
of Thames at St. Margaret in Westminster. Found dead in the Highway at St Mary at Islington 1. Hang'd himself ( being Launatick) ac St. Martin in the Fields 1. Kill'd 2. One by a Fall from a Scaffold at St. Sepulchres, and one from the Top of an House at St. Katherine by the Tower. Murder'd ( an Infant) at St. Mary at Islington 1. Yesterday Bank Stock was 127, India 135, S. Sea 124 I on Assurance j, Royal Exchange Assurance 6, Old African 27, New African 23. LONDON: Printed and Sold by J. RE AD, in White- Fryers near FleetStreet.