The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 29/04/1721
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
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C w ) British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1721; GREAT. BRITAIN. Mr. READ, Westminster April 34th, 1721. UPON a strict Perusal of the nOble Lord Cato's Lon- don- Journal of Saturday last, I find that Author dwin- dles away Very much from his wonted strong and masculine Spirit of Writ- ing, to a very low, flat, and diminutive Sort of Stile. But this Author's dispirited Scribling is to be imputed to the Meanness of his Subject, the Praise of a Commonwealth, in Opposition to Kingly Sovereign- ty ; For his DiscoUrse thereon is as ridiculous as the Assertion that Storks are to
be found and will only live in Republicks or Free States, which is a Conceit pretty enough to advance the Opinion of popular Po- licies, and from Antipathies in Nature ( as a learned Writer observes) to disparage monarchical Govern- ment Passing over the Anarchy and Confusion often happen- ing in the several Commonwealths of Greece, we shall only take notice whether Rome was always happy under a popular Government. When the Romans would have no more Kings to rule over them, it was not long after their Commonwealth had been founded by Brutus, but in the Year when Posthumius Caninius and T largius were (
as livy shews, lib 2.) Consuls, during the Games and Plays at Rome, Certain Younkers of the Sabines wanton- ly attempting to Carry away and ravish the Courtezans and common Strumpets of the City, the People ran to- gether and in a riotous Manner fell From Words to Blows, till a Fray grew in manner of a Battle; and up- on this small Occasion a Rebellion had like to have en- su'd. Now the common People are abhorr'd by the Se- nators for their many Seditions, and the Senators loath'd by the common People, for the unusual Authority they assum'd to themselves. The Plebeians detested the va- rious Alterations of their
antient Constitution under Consuls, Tribunes, and perpetual Dictators. They ap- not of Publius Clodius's depriving Pessnuntius Sacer- des of his Priesthood, to confer the Dignity on Brotiga- rus a Foreigner. Thar was pretty Harmony and Con- cord, when Q aElius Paetus makes a Law, that the Peo- Ple as often as they assembled to give their Voices, the Augures should observe Signs and Tokens in the Firma- ment, and Magistrates should have Power, accor- ding as they saw fit, to gainsay and hinder their Pro- ceedings; but afterwards P Clodius abrogates the Law, by making it unlawful to observe signs and Tokens in the
Heavens, upon those Days when the Roman People Were to be assembled Now the People are debarr'd from much ConVersation, as well as their Mouths lock'd Up from nice eating j for C. OrchiUs confines ' em to a cer- tain Number of Guests at Feasts : and C fanniUs enacts another Law for setling the ExpenceS, allowing Non plu- res denis assibus, that is of our English Money seven Pence Price Three Half Pence halfpenny, to be spent in their ordinary Banquets. Sem- proxius preferr'd a Law, whereby he took away the Au- thority of sitting in Judgment from the Senators, and appropriated it to the Roman Gentlemen. M
Plautius Syl- vanus ordain'd that the Judges should be chosen not on- ly out of the Senators and Gentlemen, but out of the Populacy also. L Cornelius Sylla, in the Time of his Dictatorship, clipt the Authority of the Tribunes, and made the Children of proscribed Persons, that is, such who are banish'd, uncapable of the Roman Magistracies ; but Julius Caesar did ( as Suetonies shews in his life ) con- trary to this Law, for Adnoisit ad honores & proscriptorum liberos. Moreover, you nuy read in ValeriUs Maximus, ). 9. c. 7 of several Seditions rais'd by the Roman Chiefs against the common People, and by the Commons against
them. But what I would infer from the abovesaid Matter is if continual Fastions and Seditions, if new Forms of Government very frequent, if cutting one anothers Throats every Day for Prerogative, if Laws made and abrogated as the governing Consul pleases, if people must pinch their Guts to oblige a penurious Coxcomb in Power, if too much Conversation must be debarr'd free- born Citizens for fear of being too expensive, and the Mob must be made Judges, are the Blessings which our English Cato admire in the Commonwealth of Rome) what ( in the Name of God) must his Curses be ? If these are the Blessings of a
Commonwealth, Heavens grant I may alwas be under the Protection of a King, not State ridden by a Multiplicity of Rulers, who in a Commonwealth too often happen to be the very Dregs, Scum, and Rascality of the People, and beirg once in- vested with a Supream Power, proVe the greatest Tyrants then to enjoy our pristine Tranquility and Happiness would the deluded Slaves ( for I cannot truly call them free Subjects under a republican Government) weep Blood for Redemption ; but preceeding Mischiefs are not amended by succeeding Lamentation I admire this Gentleman should rave so much against Kingly Government,
seeing it is of divine Institution ; God particularly invested Saul and David with regal , Power ; and in Respect to that Power, it is by the Command of God, and was the Desire of the persian Emperors ( who then were Rulers over the People) that 1 Supplications were made to the Almighty in their be- half by the Jews, who were under their Protection. Be- sides, as our Saviour held it lawful to pay Tribute to Caesar, so the great Apostle of the Gentiles bids Men pay for heathen Kings, since the Governments of a Heathen or Tyrant is better than the DisorderS and Tumults which commonly happen in Governments whe- ther
Aristocratical, Or a Democracy. Since God approves of Monarchical Government. as mostly resembling the divine Power of him who is sole King of Kings and Lord of Lords, why should this Gentleman strive Tooth and Nail for a Commonwealth ? His Plea is for Liberty and Property; which Privileges I'm sure are likelier to be lost in a republican State, than when govern'd by a King, to resist whom ( St Paul says, Rom. XIII 2.) is Damnation: Nay, tho' he is a Tyrant according to Pomeranus's Exposition of that Text in Mar- lorat on the New Testament His Words are Certum qui- dem est omnes fere principes nostros a principio
primum occapa- ! j O Unit
tionis ter rarum ( quemadmodum hodie Tarca multa occupit) fraude tyrannide, aMbitione, cupiditate dominandi sua regna occupasse : tamen non sunt abjiciendi, sed eis obediendum : quia ordinati sunt A Deo in hoc mundo ut nobis praesino ac pro- If this profound Obedience ( as the last Citation hints) should be paid to cruel and bad Emperors or kings, the same Allegiance is due to holy and just Kings ; whose Persons the Canon and Civil laws hold to be sacred, and ( the Title being borrow'd fiom the Scriptures; Gods upon Earth, for the great Authority they have over other Men under God Our Municipal or Com- mon Laws
say, that the Person of a King as King, can- not be held to be a Minor ; for when the Royal body Politick of the King doth meet with the natural Capa- city in one Person, the whole Body shall have the Qua- lity of the Royal Politique ; for Omne majus trahit ad se quod est minus. And of so great Weight is the Life of a crown'd Head among us, that our Statute Laws, made in several Reigns, make it High- Treason, to compass, or but only to imagine the Death of the King, who is ( Grotius tell us, de jure belli Ac pacis, I. i. e. 4 . sect. 6) su- peremient to all other Perfons in his Dominions We have been under a monarchical
Government, which is a most greeable to the Temper of the British Na- tion, for these 3000 Years past, and more ; but when some sort of People are quite forfeited with Ease, Plen- ty, and Luxury, then their giddy Brains, turning round with Inconstancy, the Mother of Novelties, they are for new- modelling the State, the Kingdom must be turn'd into a Commonwealth, in hopes that all may be Lords paramount at last. But by the Pattern they would take by Rome, let Pluturch remember them how the republi- can Governors Camillus cheated the Soldiers ; that Fabius was try'd for Cowardice and Treason ; how Coriolanus was
against the Interest of the common People; that Marius caus'd false Judgment to be given against Turpi- lius ; how Sylla fired Rome, and committed infinite Mur- thers, and that Lucullus's Ambition was always raising Brawls and Contentions among the People. These are the Pleasures your Commonwealth- Men delight in; and these are the Miseries the Lovers of Monarchy must sink under. /> The preaching republican Doctrines at this Time of Day, is ( I think) little less than Cosin German to Rebel- lion ; it is highly criminal to alienate the AfFections of the People from their Liege Sovereign, whose wonder- ful Reign is not
tarnish'd with the least Blemish. His Majesty maintains the Church of England as by Law ef- tablish'd, wheieby he justly claims the Title of Defender of the Faith ; he sees the Laws duly executed; He extends his unparellell'd Mercy even to his very Enemies; it is with great Reluctancy that he unsheaths the Sword of Justice, unless for Murder, which he will never Pardon; and those dissenting Brethren, whose tender Consciences will not permit them to conform to some Rites and Ce- remonies, he most graciously tolerates in their own way of Worship. Now these are Blessings which may very well encourage People to sacrifice
their Blood for the Vindication of them : these ( I say again) are Blessings tempting enough to make us all of one Mind, then may we be formidable to the whole World A Bundle of Arrows cannot be broken, except they be separated ; nor could the Horse Tail be pluckt off ( as Sertorins shew'd his Romans) so long as the Hairs were twisted together: Thus as hard a Matter it would be to over- come us, so long as we are united in Loyalty ; but let this Band be broken, and then we soon become a Prey to the Enemy. ' I admire this Gentleman should be against a supream Power being lodg'd in one Person, seeing, that tho' the
Supremacy and Sovereignty of a British King is over all Persons, yet his absolute Power is limited and restran'd by reciprocal Parts, Laws and Stipulations betwixt Prince and People; and to these Parts, the King and People are equally bound before God and Man ; and the King as much bound to Justice, to the Protection of his Subjects, and to the Observance of the Laws ( not only our of Religion, but even of moral Honesty also) as the Subject is to Obedience. And he is not only accountable to God, but even his People have certain just and legal Ways to seek Redress. wherein he shall do Wrong ; not. withstanding that Axion
of our Common- Law, That the King can do no Wrong j which I grant to be false in many Senses, and may very well be call'd Fictio juris, a kind of metaphysical Fiction : Le roy ne fait tort, being only to be understood, in the ordinary Course of Justice; which the King administring by his Ministers, and not in Person, it is they that are the Wrong- doers, and not the King; and the Subject against them is to seek his Remedy. For Kings may do Wrong, and be as wicked as other Men, commit Murther, and wrongfully take away other Mens Estates ; which no Fiction of the Law can make not to be wrong, altho' his Person be exempt
from Punishment. Now as Kings cannot govern this Kingdom by a des- potick or arbitiary Power, ' tis ill tim'd for this Gentle- man to found a Commonwealth upon the Hypothesis of Algernon Sidnry, an old debauch'd Colonel that suckt in his republican principles in the most horrid Rebellion of Forty One, and for being an Abetter in the Rye House Conspiracy, he was deservedly executed in the Reign of pious ( as he ironically calls him) King Charles the Second. But yet I have a better Opinion of this Gentleman than to think he is in good Earnest for a Commonwealth ; but seeing we are a discontented People, given altogether to
Faction and Sedition, under that gilded Pill he would have the Dissenters ( whom he takes to be all Republicans) swallow the Bitterness of his Tenets, till having made Divisions thorough the Nation, it may give the Pretender the favourable Opportunity of usurping the Throne ; who'll soon shew ' em what kingly Government is, with a Vengeance. But to conclude, I'm inform'd this Journalist is a Par- liament- Man ; if so, we may well cry cut with the Orator, Odii immortales! Ubinam gentium sumus ? Quam rempublican habemus ? In qua urbe vivimus ? Hic hic sunt in nostro numero Patres conscripti, in hoc orbts terrae sanc tissimoque consilio, qui de nostrumque omnium interitu, qui de hujus urbis, atque adeo orbis terrarum exitio cogitent. Immortal Gods ! whereabouts are we ? What a Govern- ment have we ? In what City do we live ? In this, in this very Place, is one of our own House my, Lords, of this most venerable and grave Council of all the World, who projects the Ruin of you all, together with the Destruction of this City, and the Empire of the World. I am yours, FABRICIUS. The Continuation of the Tryal of Archbishop Laud. and concluded, that though Naaman was a great Man, yet he was a Leper : And this Man's Leprosy had to infected
all, that there remain'd no Cure but the Sword of Justice, which they doubted not but their Lorships would apply, that the Commonwealth might live again and flourish. His Grace having obtain'd Leave to reply, to this Effect. That it was a great Affliction to him to appear at this Bar as a Criminal, though he should be acquitted : But as to his Sentence, he was not very solicitous about it for he thank'd God he had so spent his Time, that he was neither asham'd to live, nor afraid to die Nor could the World be more weary of him than he was of it. But if none of the things, whereof these Men ac- cus'd him, merited Death by Law, though
he might not in this Case appeal to Caesar, yet he might and did to their Lordships Justice; not doubting but God would protect his Innocence. Then his Grace observ'd, That the Charge against him was divided into two principal Heads, viz His en- deavouring to subvert the Laws of the Land, and the Religion by those Laws establish'd He said, as to the Laws he had been a strict Observer of them all his Life ; and since he had had any Share in the Ad- ministration, no Man had been more guided by them than himself: As the Lord Coventry, if he had been living, and the learned Council who were present, and attended the
Council Table, could testify: And how such a Behaviour, during his whole Life, in private and publick, could stand with an Endeavour to overthrow the Laws, and introduce an arbitrary Government ( which his Soul hated) he could not imagine : Nay, he had ever held, that humane Laws bind the Conscience, and this Doctrine he had constantly preach'd as Occa- sion offer'd ; and that an Endeavour to subvert the Law was a greater Crime than to break any particular Law. And
C 1905 ) nd this they might see was his Judgment long before he could suspect any such Charge being brought against him, in the Book he wrote against Fisher, out of which he read a Passage to that Effect. . , . As to Religion, he was both and bred up in the Church of England; and, by the Blessing of God, and Favour of his Prince, grown up to the Years that were then upon him, and that Place of Preferment which he did yet bear. And in this Chuich, by the Grace of God, he was resolved to die. That he had ever continued steady to his Profession and Principles, without Regard to any wordly Views, tho' if his Conscience
would have given him Leave to shift his Tenets as Time and Occasion serv'd he might easily have slid thro' all the Difficulties of this sort that had press'd him. That he had always endea- vour'd, that the publick Worship of God, that was too much slighted, might be preserved, and that with as much Decency and Uniformity as might be ; for he was still of Opinion that Unity could not long continue in the Church without Uniformity. He saw that the Neg- lect of the publick Worship, and of the Places dedicated to that Service, had cast a Damp upon the true and in- ward Worship of God ; which while we live in the Bo- dy, needs
external Helps, and all little enough to keep it in any Vigour; but though he had endeavoured to redress things, according to the Law and Canons, he did not know he had ever done it but with Consent and Liking of the People. That he had as little Acquaintance with Recusants as any Person in the Administration : And if his Consci- ence would have permitted him to go over to the Church of Rome, he did not know any good Reason could be given for his continuing here, to endure the Libels and Slanders, and base Usage he had suffer'd before his Im- prisonment, and which had ended in this Prosecution against his Life. That
he had no Pledges to sway him, no Wife and Children to detain him here, or incline him to go against his Conscience ; though if he had, he hop'd his Conscience would be heard above them ; and for Honour and Profit, he desir'd their Lord- ships should know he scorn'd both the one and the other, when they came in Competition with his Conscience ; though if he could have complied with Rome, he be- liev'd it would be admitted, that he would not have wanted either Honour or Profit; and might have en- joy'd much more Ease than in the Station he was. That he was innocent as well in Thoughts as Practice of any Design to alter
Religion, and introduce Popery : And if nothing but Truth were spoken, he challeng'd whatever was between Heaven and Hell to say their worst against him in Point of Religion ; in which he ever hated Dissimulation : And though he might have procur'd his Safety by it, he thought it no way became a Christian Bishop to halt with God. Lastly, It was strange, if he design'd to introduce Po- pery, he should have labour'd so much to reduce those who were going, or had gone over to it. And here he. instanc'd in twenty two People, most of them Men of Condition, whom he had brought over to, or confirm'd in the Protestant Religion ;
and challeng'd any Clergy- man to give a better Account of his Zeal to the Esta- blish'd Church : And concluded, acknowledging their Lordships Patience in hearing him ; and said he did not doubt but he should be able to answer whatever should be more particularly objected against him. March, 13, 1643. His grace was brought to the Bar again, and the Ar- ticles the Managers appointed to proceed upon, were the first and second Original Articles, and the second Ad- ditional Article, he was charg'd, 1. with bestowing the epithet of peevish upon the Parliament. And, 2. they infer'd, that the Vote to assist the King by extraordinary
ways. proceeded from his Advice . W j Which his5 Grace replied, that if he did use the Word peevish, ( tho' he believ'd it had been inferred since his diary fell into other Hands) it being in his private which he hop' d wou'd not have been made publick it cou'd not be inserted with a Design to dis- grace the Parliament; and that it was not said that they were Peevish, but if they shou'd prove peevish, which it wou'd not be deny'd, but it was possible a Parliament might be in some particular. That it was not said in the Diary, that the Vote to J by extraordinary Ways was by his Coun- sel, but that there was a general Vote, which COu'd
not be call'd or accounted his Counsel ; and besides. it appear'd in the same Diary, which was produc'd as Evi- dence against him, to be for the Scotish Business, and so it was within the Act of Oblivion. Then he was charg'd with saying to the King, after the last Parliament, That now he might use his Power, which Sir Henry Vane the Elder, than of the Council and present, attested. His Grace answer'd, that he never spoke the Words, or any other to this effect, to his Knowledge ; and if he had, they were ill advis'd Words, but no treason ; and if they had been Treason, there was but one Wit- ness, and the Law required two. and
that it was strange, at so full a Table, there was no Person of Honour shou'd remember such a Speech, but Sir Henry Vane —_ And further, that this, as well as the former Charge;.' related to the Scotish Business, and so was within THE Act of Oblivion. The next Thing charg'd upon his Grace, was his ille- gal pressing for Money, especially Ship- Money ; and when a Sum was laid upon one Samuel Sherman of Dedham, being a Maritime Town in essex, he shou'd say, it was a proper Sum, tho' the Distress amounted to eleven Subsidies. To this his Grace answer'd, that the only Evidence was Sherman, and that it was in his own
Cause, and that he said no more, than that he believ'd his Grace to be the instrument of his Oppression, whereas he was censur'd by the Council- Table, and not by him alone ; and lastly, if it were true, there was no Treason in it. Then Alderman Atkins was produc'd as a Witness a- gainst his Grace, and he depos'd, that when he was brought before the Councils- Table about Ship- money, none , was so violent against him as his Grace, and that this was before Sentence was given in behalf of the King, in the Case of Ship- money ; and that at another time he press'd the Deponent to lend Money the King being present ; and that
he thought his Grace favour'd Alder- man Harrison more than him, because the Deponent was committed, and not Harrison. To be continu'd. Tuesday 7- Night when the Ld. Mayor and Court of Aldermen of the City of London waited on His Majesty, to congratulate him on the Birth of the Young Prince ; the Recorder made their Compliments to His Majesty, to the Effect following : May it please your Majesty, THE Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen of the City of London most humbly intreat your Maje- sty's Permission to congratulate Your Majesty on the Birth of the Young Prince These your Majesty's faithful and dutiful Subjects,
being sensible of their Felicity under the Government of a Protestant King, having Reason to be thankful for the Preservation of their Religion, their Laws and Liberties, and for the many Blessings they enjoy from your Ma- jesty's mild and gracious Disposition, cannot but rejoyce at this Increase of your Majesty's Royal Progeny, at this Addition of Strength to the Protestant Interest, and on this agreeable Prospect of the Continuance of Happi- ness to them and their Posterity; They have great Satisfaction in the Hopes that this young Prince will inherit the bright and virtuous Quali- ties of his Ancestors ; they beg Leave to wish for
his Health and Welfare, and that your Majesty may live long and have the Comfort to see him flourish and pros- per, to see him prove an Ornament to vour Majesty's most illustrious Family, a Glory and Honour to the British Nation. The Answer His Majesty made was inserted in our last. His Majesty has been pleas'd to appoint Major Beverly Newcomen, Lt. Colonel of Colonel Nevil's Dragoons, in Ireland. Last Sunday being the Feast Day of St George, Pa- tron of the most Noble Order of the Garter, His Ma- jesty, with the Prince, and Other Knights Companions and Officers of the Order, appear'd in their Collars and other proper
Ensigns ; and the Duke of Kingston carried the Sword of State before the King, to the Royal Chappel st St. James's, The Reverend Dr. Green Preach'd the Sermon. On Sunday the young Marquis of Annandale, newly arrived
arrived from his Travels, was introduc'd to his Majesty by the Rt. Hon. the Lord Cartaret, and was received very graciously, being admitted to kiss His Majesty s We hear, an Express has been dispatch'd to the Court of Prussia, concerning the Baptizing of the new born Last Week a Silver gilt Font, to be made Use of at the Baptism of the young Prince, was sent from the Tower to be new gilt. This Font was first made Use of at the Christning of King Charles the First. Monday most of the Foreign Ministers residing in London, went to Windsor, to be present at the Install- ment of the Duke of Grafton, and the Earl of Lin- coln The
Dukes of Bolton, Mountague, Newcastle and Dorset, and the Earls of Sunderland, Pembroke, & c. went to assist at the Solemnity. Several Parties of the Marquiss of Winchester's Horse was order'd to Patrols Night and Day on the Road, to prevent Roberies. His Majesty's Ships Hampshire, Newcastle, and St. Albans, are daily expected Home from Lisbon. We hear the Falmouth Man of War, having almost repaired the Damage she received lately, will shortly set sail to join the British Spuadion, commanded by Sir John Norris, who having had a favourable Wind since his Departure, ' tis not doubted, but that he reached the Coast
of Jutland, and the Sound before the end of last Week Last Week the Rt. Hon. Robert Walpole. Esq; was sworn in Chancellor and Under treasurer of the Ex- chequer, before three of the Barons. On Saturday last died Mrs Jett, Wife of Auditor Jett, and Daughter of Mr. Lownds of the Treasury. There is Advice from Cambray, that Count Windis- gratz the EmperOr's Plenlpotentiary, was very shortly expected there, and that the Equipages of the Ministers of other Potentates are arrived, so that the time for opening the Congress would be quickly fixed. Monday three Men, that had been Gentlemens Ser- vants, and brought from
New- Prison to Newgate, were whip'd from Bloomsbury to St. Giles's- Pound for steal- ing the Glasses out of the Lamps. At the Assizes lately held in the Isle of Ely, before John Raby, Esq; Deputy. Recorder of this City one Arthur Mallet, Master of the Saracen's Head Inn in Barnwell near Cambridge was found Guilty of Felony, and was order'd for Transportation, and his Goods and Chattels, to a great Value were seiz'd by the Bishop Anne his Wife, was convicted of Subornation of Per- jury, in hiring Witnesses to forswear themselves, on the behalf of her Husband, and sentenc'd to pay a Fine of 30 1. and to sufFer three Months
Imprisonment. Last Week Rebecca Spencer and Alice Hall were com. mitted to Newgate for High- treason, in counterfeiting the current Coin of the Kingdom, and vending the same ; Spencer has been before convicted and fin'd for the like Fact. Her Royal Highness the Princess, and the Young Prince continue in good Health. Last Week the Dutchess of Ankaster set out for Lincolnshire, upon Advice that the Duke her Husband has been taken very ill at his Seat there. By Letters from Cork, there is Advice, that a Ship arrived there from Thoulon, was order'd by the Gover- nour to be Burnt with all her Cargo. Tis reported, that a
Scheme is on Foot to reduce the Annuities f. nd Money Subscriptions to 300, by an Ad- dition of Stock, to open a Lottery for a Million of Stock, for which nothing but South- Sea Bonds will be taken as Payment ; and to reduce Contracts now depending in like Proportion: Which will, tis hop'd, quiet the Minds of the People, by saving Thousands of Families from bring undone. The latter end of last Week, one Mr. Fowler, a Gen- tleman who was going down to his Estate at Boston in Lincolnshire, on a sudden fell distracted near Ware in Hertfordshire, where he killed his Horse, and had done farther damage, if the Country People
had not secur'd him. By Papers found in his Pocket it appear'd he set out from the Bell Inn in the Strand, where he was brought last Sunday, and lies in a most deplorable Con- dition. tho' when he set out he was in perfect Health, and appeared no way Delirous. . A Project is on Foot for supplying the new building, on and about Hanover Square, with New- River Water from Hounslow, and last Tuesday a Petition was pre- sented to His Majesty for his Royal License to the Un- der takers. _ , Last Week , the Hon. Mr. How, Brother of the Ld. How, died of the Small Pox, having some few Days be. fore his Death, been appointed one
of the Pages of Ho- nour, in the room of his Cousin, Emanuel How, Esq; We hear, Mrs. Crane, the Midwife who Laid Her Royal Highnsfs the Princefs, has, besides very hand- some Presents, a Pension of 100I. per Annum settled for her Life Last Week died Mrs. Mary Compton, only Daugh- ter of the Lord Compton, About the same time died at Berkhampsted in the County of Hertford, Mrs. Arrowsmith, Mother of the Reverend Mr. Arrowsmith, in the 11oth Year of her Age. The Lord Molesworth, is about to build a House in the Privy Gardens, on a piece of Ground which he ob- tained a Grant of from the Crown, some time ago.
We are credibly inform'd that two of the late South- Sea Directors, are about to make a full Discovery of the late horrid Plot and Conspiracy, in order to which, ' tis said, they have already named some of their Abettors and Confederates. Last Tuesday a Soldier in the Regiment of Scotch Guards, and a Smith by Trade, ran the Gantlet in St. James's Park, with a Key hanging at his Neck, being the same he us'd to open the Locks of his Fellow Sol- diers Lockers in the Savoy Barracks, and stealing thence their Linnen ) and after suffering his Punishment he was drumm'd out of the Regiment. A Gentleman's Daughter at Hackney has
made an Elopement from her Father; they receiv'd a Letter that she is surviving, and that's all they can hear from her At the time she made her escape, it was observ'd that a Hackney- Coach was waiting above the Door, with a Woman in a RidinghoOd in it, her Father's Coachman was standing at the door at the same time, but she thinking his Company at that present not agreeable, sent him to the other end of the Town to buy Nuts for her Squirrel; the Hackney Coachman has inform'd her Father, since her absence, that he carried them to the Exchange. where a Gentleman receiv'd them, and dis- charg'd him It is observ'd she
was ogled on Sundays, by one who is a Page to a House in Leicester Fields Last saturday two Coachmakers Sons were apprehend- ed in Westminster, by the Persons they robb'd on Houn- slow- Heath. Last Wednesday there was a Committee of Council at the Council Office at Whitehall for hearing some Complaints from Barbadoes against the Proceeding of Mr. Cox, lately sent over thither, as also other Matters in his Behalf, and after reading some Petitions, &: c. relating to this Matter, adjourn'd the farther Proceedings there- on to Wednesday Se'nnight. At the same time, upon Ap- plication from the Merchants and Owners,
of several Vessels were discharg'd from their Quarantine. On Monday last one of His Majesty's Messengers ar- riv'd with important Dispatches from Sir Robert Sut- ton, which ' tis said he had received from Spain, and last wednesday arriv'd another Messenger from Holland, and brought Dispatches which are likewise said to come from Colonel Stanhope at Madrid, since which it is assur'd, that the King of Spain recedes from his Demands of the Restitution of Gibraltar, which is the only Obstacle that retards the opening the Congress at Cambray. ' Tis likewise said that the Marquis de Pozzo- bueno, Minister of Spain at this
Court, is preparing to make his Publick Entry. Letters from Toulon say, that there die here daily no or 112 Perfons, even ' tho the City be in Comparison a Desert, most of the Inhabitants being retired into the Country. Mr. Philips, Esq; is appointed one of the Gen- tlemen Ushers, Quarter- Waiters, at Court, in the room of Mr. Godfrey, who has resign'd that Employ- ment. r The Earl of Rothes, His Majesty's High Commissi- oner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scot- land, IS preparing to set out for that Part of the United Kingdom, and waits only for his Commission, which Will be ready in a few Days. Laft
Last Tuesday one Bridgman, a Solicitor, and one Jane Symonds Mistress of a Seraglio near Golden Square, were Whipt at the Carts- Tail, from the lower End of tht Haymarket, to the upper End of Piccadilly pursuant to their Sentence, last Saturday, at Hick's- Hall, for Con- spiring falsly and maliciously to charge Simon Smith, esq. with a Rape on the Body of one of their Doxies, kept at Bed and Board for such Purposes, and thereby en- deavouring to extort Money from Mr. Smith. To the Commons of Great- Britain in Parliament Assembled. The humble Petition of the Justices of the Peace, Grand Jury, Clergy, Gentlemen, and
Free holders of the County of Kent, at the General Quarter- Sessi- ons of the Peace, holden at Maidstone, in, and for the said County of Kent; on Tuesday the Eighteenth Day of April, in the Seventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE, by the Grace of God, of Great- Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith. &: SHEWETH, THAT the County of Kent, lately one of the Richest and most Flourishing in the Kingdom, is at present, by the execrable Fraud of the late Wicked South- Sea Directors, and their More wicked Accom- plices, reduced to a most unhappy Condition, which your Petitioners beg leave
to Represent to this Ho- nourable House, which hath always been ready to hear the Voice of an Injur'd People and fully avenge them or their Enemies. It is with the utmost Indignation that we see this Honourable House, struggling with unexpected Op- position ; and labouring under unaccountable Difficul- ties; and we can never sufficiently express our Resent- ment, when we behold the King of Great Britain, in vain demanding the Person of a Man, inconsiderable for every Thing, except his Crimes; who, as He was, no doubt, prevail'd on to fly his Country, to obstruct Justice upon Greater Offenders, is still deny'd on Pre- tences
too weak to give Satisfaction to so Wise a Prince, and so discerning a People. We should be very much wanting in Gratitude to this Honourable House, if we had not the deepest Sense of the Endeavours they have used to relieve us under our present Distress; happy ! if those Endeavours had not been, in some Measure, obstructed by the Contrivance of those Miscreants, who, as they have Art enough to cover their Iniquity, flatter themselves, that they have Power sufficient to be Skreen'd from Justice. But we doubt not, this Honourable House, the constant Guar- dian of our Rights, will think it becoming their Great Wisdom to
shew those Conspirators their Mistake who vainly imagine, that by thus Plundering their Fellow- Subjects, they have so far weakned them, as to render their very Resentments impotent and inefFectual. The City of London have so fully express'd our Sense oF the Load of Publick Debts, and of the Manner of being eased therefrom, that to say more, would be a Vain and useless Repetition. And therefore, for our speedy and effectual Relief ( entirely depending on your wise and just Deli- berations.) Your humble Petitioners shall ever PJay, To the Honourable the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament assembled. The humble
Petition of the Mayor, Jurates and Com- mon- Council of the King's Town of Maidstone, in the County of Kent, sheweth, THAT your Petitioners are under a Necessity of begging Leave, with the deepest Concern, to re- Present to this Honourable House their present misera- ble Condition, from the Great Decay of their Trade in common with the rest of this Kindom, by the languish. ing State of Publick Credit, occasion'd by the Infa- mous Practices of the late South- Sea Dirertors, the more fatal as they were the artful Contrivance of them, jointly with Persons in higher Stations, to plunder the Nation, and enrich themselves by the
Ruin of their Fel- low subjects ; by which Means such a Stop hath been put to the Circulation of Money, that at this time espe- cially, when the Duty of Hops ( the great Commodity of these Parts) is call'd for the Payment of it, it will be attended with so much Difficulty and hardship, that many families thereby will he render'd destitute of, al- most, a necessary Subsistence. Your Petitioners cannot but with Astonishment and Detestation, see the Indolence of some at the impending Danger of their Country, and at the same time, with infinite Satisfaction, observe the great Care you have been pleas'd to take, in summoning up all your
Members at this dangerous Juncture ; and as our Relief depends intirely upon the wise and just Deliberations of this Honourable House, so we are in Duty bound to return our most humble Thanks for their having already exert- ed themselves, in endeavouring to bring to Justice the more open and declar'd Enemies of their Country : And your Petitioners doubt not but the same Noble Spirit, and Publick Zeal, will animate you for the further de- tecting and prosecuting all Persons, in whatever Station they may be plac'd, who by their destructive Counsels, fatal Aid, and insatiable Avaiice, have so greatly im- poverish'd this
Distressed Nation. We are perfectly sensible of the Load of Publick Debts, and truly thankful for your Endeavours to disburthen us therefrom ; but at the same time think it our Duty to declare, that we cannot conceive we have any Rea- son tO expect to be eas'd by the Calamity of our Fel- low- Subjects : But herein your Petitioners most humbly submit themselves to your great Wisdom. And Pray, That this Honourable House will take such further Measures, as will be effectual for your Petitioners Re- lief, and may render this, once more, a Happy and Flourishing Kingdom at Home ; and Great and Conside- rable Abroad. And your
Petitioner shall, 8cc. The Order of Payment of the Ships upon Recal, lately paid at the Nore, which Recal to be made on Monday next is as follows; Ships. Suffolk, Monk, Dorsetshire, York, Worcester, Medway, Gosport, P. Frederick, Dartmouth, Defiance, Monmouth, Bedf. Gally, Guernsey, Kinsale, Port. Mahon, Pool Fireship, Wages beginning. When Wages ending. | Paid, Dec 31. 1719 Dit. 22 1720. Dit. 31. Cambridge, April 21. This day, in full Senate, it was unanimously order'd, that the solemn Thanks of this University should be returned to the Right Honoura- ble the Earl of Nottingham, for his Learned and Sea- sonable
Defence cf the Christian Faith, particularly in the Article of the Holy Trinity. Agreed likewise, that the solemn Thanks be returned to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Chester, for his having so amply and accurately asserted the Rights and Privileges of both the Universities, in re- lation to the Power of conferring Degrees. It was likewise unanimously agreed, that the Reverend Dr Master of Pembroke Hall, and the Reverend Dr. Waterland Master Magdalen College, do wait upon the said Earl of Nottingham and the said Lord Bishop of Chester, and present to their Lordships the aforesaid Thanks, in the name of the University)
and according, ly on Tuesday last they waited on the Earl of Notting. ham, and the next Day on the Bishop of Chester. On Saturday last the Son of William Bateman, Esq; was baptized by the Name of John ; his Grace the Duke or Marborough and the Lord Morpeth standing Godfathers, and the Dutchess of Marlborough Godmo- ther. Edward Herle, of Landue, Esq; and a Representa- tive of the Borough of Dunhivid alias Launceston, in the County of Cornwall, is lately deceas'd : The House of Commons have order'd a strict Enquiry to be made into the Embezzlements of the Publick Mo- ney by the Receivers that have been
dealing in the Stocks.
On the 23d Instant, the Mary and Martha, Capt. Hart from Bourdeaux for London, arrived in the Downs; having been attack'd, boarded, and taken, by a Rover of Algiers ( tho' we are at Peace with that State; in the Bay of Biscay j who took out all her Hands, except the Captain himself, his Son, and Cab- bin Boy, and instead thereof, put 11 Barbarians on Board The Captain finding them not very well skill'd in Navigation, bethought himself of a Stratagem to get out of their Hands, and accordingly took his Opportu. nity to bore a Hole in the Bottom of the Vessel; af- terwards he represented to them the great Danger they were in by
the Ship's springing a Leak, and the Neces- sity they were under to put in speedily at some Port ; and upon their resigning to his Conduct, he very fairly brought them to the Downs, and they now lie on Qua- rantine at Standgate- Creek, under the Inspection of a Man of War. An Account of this Affair is sent up to the Government, and further Instructions are expected in relation thereto. We hear, that the Ld. Rialton, Son to the Earl of Godolphin, Mr. Parker, Son to the Ld. Chancellor, the Earl of March, Son to the Duke of Richmond , and Mr Cholmondly, Son to [ he Ld. Newburg, arrived the beginning of this Month at Rome, and
that the two last proceeded on the < 5ih for Naples, but the others, ' tis thought, will stay to see the breaking up of the Con- clave. They write from Ostend, that the Concordia East India Ship, from Surat, arrived there on the 28th In- stant, N. S. richly laden, having on board, among other valuable Commodities, 466 4001. Weight of pepper, 65000 I. Weight of Saltpetre, 9000 Pieces of Chints, 984 Pieces of Bengal Handkerchiefs, 15 in each Piece, & c. The Case between the Master- Taylors and their Jour- neymen, will be very soon laid before the House of Com- mons, to be passed into an Act, viz That the said jour- neymen
shall receive no more than Two Shillings and Sixpence in Summer, and to work from Six in the Morn- ing till Nine at Night, one Hour at Noon allowed for Dinner; in Winter no more than Two Shillings, to work from 6 to 8 ; to be punish'd if they relinquish their Masters, with imprisonment. They set forth in the Bill, that there are 20,000 Journeymen in Summer, and 16, ooo in Winter; but the Journeymen within the Weekly Bills of Mortality, are making the strongest In- tercession against the passing of the Bill for their Regula- tion, as ' tis call'd ; and it is generally believ'd it will not pass the Lords. And next Tuesday the Journeymen will
be allow'd the Favour of being heard by their Council against the Bill now depending for regulating their Wages, & c. at the Bar of the House of Lords Last Wednesday being the first Day of Term, several Persons appear'd on their Recognizances at the King's Bench Bar, Westminster. The Days on which the Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench sits to try Causes this Term. In Westmin- ster- Hall, Thursday May 4. Tuesday ditto 9. Friday ditto 12. Friday ditto 19. Tuesday ditto 23. In Guild- Hail, Tuesday May 2. Monday ditto 8. Thursday ditto 1 r: Monday ditto 15. Saturday ditto 20 Wednefday ditto 24 The Days the Lord Chief
Juztice of the Common Pleas sits in Weftminster. Hall, Friday May 5. Thursday ditto 11 Tuesday ditto 16. Tuesday ditto 23. In Guild Hall, Thursday May 4 Monday ditto 8. Friday ditto 12 Wednesday ditto 17. Wednesday ditto 24. The Letter sent us by our Corespondant dated April 26th in Answer to one subscribed B in the London- Journal, of Saturday April 22d, coming too late to our Hands, will be inserted in our next. Christen'd Males 8S. Femalesi8j. In all 373 Buried Males 267. Females 270, In all 537. Decreas'd in the Burials this Week 29. CASUALTIES. Died of a Fall at St. Martin in the Fields 1. Drown'd in a Pond ( as
reported by the Coroner's Warrant,) bu- ried at St. Michael Crooked- Lane 1, Found dead 3. one ( a Female Infant} in the Cowmen- Sewer at St. 0lave in Southwark, one in the Hermitage Dock at St. John at Wapping, and one at St. Martin in the Fields. Hang'd himself ( being Lunatick at St. Giles's in the Fields, t Overlaid 1. . Yesterday Bank Stock was 134. India 138. S. Sea 136. London Assurance 6. Royal Assurance 6. Old African 41! New African 3S. ADVERTISEMENTS. This Day is Publish'd, THE Second Part of Penkethman's Jests, or Wit Refin'd; containing, 1. A Collection of the most Comical Songs, Catches, and
Dialogues extant. 2 A Collection of Penkethman's merry Prologues and Epi- logues. 3. Merry Elegies, Epitaphs, Epigrams. Tales, with other witty and comical Pieces on pleasant and diverting Subjects ; collected from the most celebrated Authors ; as well as many not yet Printed. Printed for T. Warner at the Black- Boy in Pater No- ster- Row. Price 1 s < 5d. Where may be had, The ad Edition of the 1st Fart. ALL that are distressed to the last Degree with the French- Disease, or any Sympton of it and try'd Salivation, the Specifick, and Arcanum, and all the Diet Drinks, with all the other Mercurial Slip Slops, and tired with taking
Medicines to no purpose, may have a fair, speedy, cheap, and private Cure: A Clap or Running of the Reins is cured in a few Days, without hindrance of Business, and so private, that the most in- timate cannot take Notice of it. Note, Those that live in the Country may send and be furnish'd with six Doses for five Shillings, that Cure all Symptoms of the French Disease, Rheumatism, or Scurvy and will do you more Service in all the aforesaid Distempers, than any twelve Doses sold in England. To be spoke with at the Golden Ball in Three Falcon Court in Fleet street, almost over against Water Lane. Advice in all Distempers
Gratis. To all Persons Subject to the GOUT. nOtwithstanding the suppos'd Incurability of this afflicting Distemper, yet the great Numbers that almost daily expe- rience the contrary, by that Method of Cure treated of in the 4th Discourse of the Practical Scheme, sufficiently shews, that the Disappointments Persons meet with in the Cure of the GOUT, do not at all proceed from the Incurability of the disease, but is entirely owing to a Want of the good Fortune of happily hitting upon the RIGHT Thing for it; which if but once made Use of, the GOUT would be found to be a curable Disease, as others are, and ' tis for want of this, that it
lies under the common unjust Reproach of not being to be cur'd. The remarkable Cure of Es- quire Needham, who after 30 Years Tyranny from the GOUT, was, at last, cur'd by this Medicine sufficiently pleads for it above any other Anti Arthritick Medicine. All Gentlemen therefore, and others, in these afflicting Circumstances, are most earnestly desir'd to peruse ( at least) the 4th Discourse of this Scheme, which ( for the publick Good) is Given gratis, At Mr. Garway's at the Sign of this Scheme at the Royal Exchange- Gate, which is on Cornhil Side : And Up One Pair of Stairs, at the Anodyne Necklace. just by the Rose Tavern
without Temple- Bar. Where is also giv- en away Gratis A Particular Account of the last Great Plague in London, in 1665, in which dy'd near ibo. ooo Persons. How from one single Bale of infected Goods brought from Holland, two or three Persons first dy'd of the Distemper in Westminster, from whence ( for want of proper Care in the Beginning) the Conta- gion spread itself, till by Degrees the whole City of London be- came so irrecoverably infected, that the Living scarce sufficed to bury the Dead ; and therefore publick Carts were order'd by the Government to fetch away in Heaps the dead Bodies: How the Lr , - Houses were
inhumanly shut up: How in one fatal Night in September, above 4000 Persons expir'd, and the whole City being so stepopolated, that it was observ'd that the Grass grew up in London- Streets almost as in the Fields : How wicked Nurses murder'd the Sick for the Sake of Plunder & c. To which IS added, an exact Account also of the late dreadful Plague at Marseilles ; with Rules for the Prevention and Cure of this dreadful Distemper : Publish'd for the Benefit of all Persons who may at any Time be where this Marscilian Infestion may reach, and ought to be kept in all Families: And therefore it is given LONDON: Printed and Sold
by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street. \ y,