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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 22/04/1721
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
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O R, British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 1721. GREAT. BRITAIN. From one of the Pretender's Followers at Rome, to the Author of the London- Journal. Worthy S I R, THE inexpressible Sorrow for the Death of Ms Holi- ness, our great and adora- ble BenefaCtor, was some- what alleviated by the Re- ception of some of your Papers full at that Time, which our Friends in Eng- land had taken care to Expe- dite to us They were imme- diately translated into Itali- an, that is the Political Part of them, and dispers'd thro' the whole City of Rome and Parts ad jacent, and gave Abundance of Satisfaction to all our Friends, who look upon it as an Act of the highest providence, tha Heaven shou'd raise us up so good an Advocate, so un- foreseen, especially, at a Time when we lay under the most desponding Thoughts. We are the more surpriz'd with Joy, that notwithstanding the great Spirit your Papers are wrote with, and the pleasing Liberty you take in exposing the Court and Ministry, that Sen- timents feem to gain such universal Esteem, that they do not think fit to entangle themselves farther, by causing my Examination ro be made concerning what you write : And we, who have had such terrible Examples made of some of our Party that way, cannot but look upon it as a good Omen to our Affairs when so extra- ordinary a Licence is permitted, for we have always laid great stress upon the happy Productions of the Press, and take it for an infallible Argument that our Interest advances, as the Cause spreads itself from thence ; and since the Sword has prov'd unfortunate, ' tis perhaps destin'd that the Pen shall do the Work ; for ' tis the utmost of our Master's desire to come in with- out Bloodshed, who is naturally a Man of very great Humanity, and is never known to be delighted with any SpeCtacles of Horror. You, Sir, who seem to be so great a Champion for Justice, must needs have enter- tain'd some small Esteem for him upon that very Ac- count, for Humanity and Justice cannot but be nearly related. Give me leave to say farther, that the way to advance his Cause and Interest, is to go on just as you do, keep a ( ready Hand, shew the Naked B— ch of Great- Britain, and its Ministry, to all Europe, and bid them supinely kiss yours, & c. It must needs be a Signal of Honour to your Country, that so great a Genius shall condescend to giVe her the CorreCtion of his Pen. Tell ' em flatly that we are undone, unable to resist the least Attempt made upon us, thereby to Encourage some Potentate or other, big with Revenge, to undertake some what in his Fa- vour. Make the World believe, in a more especial Manner, that Britain has no Occasion for Foreign Alli- ances : Nor to apprehend any Thing from the Union of Price Three Halfpence. France and Spain, and therefore she may slight and bully the Emperor and bring the Affair of Mr. Knight to a downright Quarrel with him, by making his de- livery an Article of much more Consequence, than your Preservation from the Chevalier; for if I take you right you mean an InsurreCtion at Home, which without the help of Foreign Alliances, is most naturally like to suc- ceed ; for it will be of the highest Importance, that when you rail at Alliances, you shou'd be wholly silent in the Particular of the present DisaffeCtion which our Party has always boasted, and never fail'd to be in- dustrious in Cultivating ; so that we have made De- traction some times of as much use, as a small Army wou'd have been. Among the Inftances of this kind, nothing can do our Cause more Service, which we assure our selves by what we have seen, you mean to serve, than always to bring our German Dominions into Discourse ; ' tis easy to make the People believe, that our Fleet is sent every Year to the Baltick to ProteCt them, at a Vast Expence, tho' of no Consequence or Concernment to Britain ; and that we never had any thing to fear from the late King of Sweden, or the Czar, nor that there is no necessity to keep up Alliances on that side, neither for the Preserva- tion of the Protestant Religion, or Publick Faith, See. out that Britain may safely enough let the Czar over- run the North, and fear nothing at all from him with respeCt to the Chevalier, or dangerous War he may kin- dle in Germany, which spreading thro' Europe, as it probably will, may force you to become Parties to, if not Principals in it. To conclude this Head, ' tis certain we at Rome, with Britain no Alliances, our nine in ten wou'd then be a glorious Article, and we need only send over a few Grenadiers Caps. Your affronting the Emperor is a most seasonable Point; and ' tis the easier impos'd on the People, in that they have forgot our former Alliances with that Court, try, nor care if they did remember, that in both the late Wars in King William's and Queen Anne's Times, it was their timely Assistance that kept King James, and our Chevalier out; that having got little by the Peace at Ryswick, they were ready to renew the War with you soon after ; and when you are upon the Point of Gratitude, draw a Curtain over the Conclusion of the late War, let not the immortal Ormond be shewn de- ferring the Germans, and leaving them to be sacrific'd by their Enemies, when they had taken Arms to defend the Queen's Title, and whan nothing but their doing so cou'd have prevented the Chevalier's being reinstated ; and above all not a Word of making a voluntary Present: of Spain and the Indies from the House of Austria, de- ferring the present Emperor's Interest, and sacrificing his brave and faithful Catalans. Gibraltar is a Theme of that Importance as is worthy to be the SubjeCt of your discerning Genius. But this Point, unless it have its right and proper Turns, will not do much Service on our Part; for Instance, I will not doubt but the Spaniards will irrevocably insist of its being deliver'd to them ; I think that is taken for gran- ted. I presume it is entirely granted too, that the Peo- ple of Britain neither can Or will ever condescend to part with it, so far we like this Bone of Contention: But there is one Thing yet we have to Fear' in this re- lt 3 N spect 3*) $ ( i893 ; pect, that your Court will play this C; rd Wisely, if Gi- braltar shall be thought of that Vast Importance as to support the Reasons of entering into a War for it; which plainly to us appears to be the Case. They will make use of it as an Argument to convince People, that, it a War ensues, they lie under an indispensible Obligation of entring into the warmest Sentiments to provide libe- rally for the Expence of it ; which will be a great Cloud to our Hope. But it will be a noble, as well as a master- ly Stroke of your sublime Pen, and an extraordinary Service to our Master, if you can, with your prevailing Credit among the People, not only possess them of the Importance of Gibraltar, and the absolute Necessity there is for Britain to retain it, but, at the same time also, to insinuate to them, that there is no Occasion to be run to the Expence of a War: On which Subject you may easily, according to your wonderful Dexterity that way, frame an Occasion to throw some Aspersions on the Ministry; it is a Time of prodigious Credulity, and Peo- ple in the violent Ferment they are in, will never give themselves time to think, and as they look more upon the Effect, than the Causes of Things, will, with a few of your happy Turns, reflect on your Governours for drawing them into a War, without remembring at all that they made it an absolute Consequence of their own Proceedings. Tho' this may appear a little Difficult, yet by what I have seen in some of their Papers, you are capable by your Elocution to make the People believe Black is White, and will it not be an admirable Device, exceeding anv Thing in Machiavel, if you can drill them on to cry out for a War, as you will allow to be the Case if we keep Gibraltar, and then to blunt their Temper, and make them cry ouc as loud against War: There he only wants to affront the Emperor till be aban- dons his Alliance with you. And then. Go on, dear Sir, worthy Patriot, and Advocate to an abandon'd Cause ; expose and libel the Govern- ment, shew its Weakness and Mismanagement, Poyson the People more if possible than they are, and leave the rest to us: Be satisfied you serve a Pr—— of the greatest Gratitude, who will never forget nor neglect to reward such signal Services. We perceive, ( humbly hoping you will give us the Liberty of expressing our- selves freely to you) that you, and some Friends have been neglected ; you want ( nay, ought) to be prefer'd. You rail at some in snug Places, and chiefly at those in the Best ; ' tis great Pity it shou'd not be taken for an Argument of your Merit, and no less a Shame, such Modesty has been so long neglected. With how much Justice, Honour, and Honesty wou'd Men of your Spirit and Principles fill the best Posts in Government, where Virtue and Religion, Peace and Sobriety are to be supported. But I fear you will think me tedious, and therefore am oblig'd to conclude my self with profound Respect, Sir, Yours, & c. The Tryal of Archbishop Laud. s. That for ten Years past he had endeavoured to ad- Vance the Power of the Council- Table, the Canons of the Church, and tbe King's Prerogative, above the Laws of the Realm ; and particularly had said at the Council Table, That as long as he sate there, he would make them know an Order of that Board should be of equal Force with an Act of Parliament. And at ano- ther time, That those who would not yield to the King's Power he would crush them to Pieces. 3. That to advance the Ecclesiastical Power, and per- Vert the Course of Justice, he had, by undue Means, prevenced Writs of Prohibition being granted to stay Proceedings in the Ecclesiastical Court. 4. That a Judgment having been given in the King's. Bench against one Burley a Parson, upon the Statute against Non- Residency, by Application to the Judges, his Grace caus'd Execution to be stay'd ; and being in- form'd of the ill Life and Converfation of Burley, he said, he had spoken to the Judges, and he would never suffer a Judgment to pass against any Clergyman by Nihil dicit. 5. That about eight Years since he caus'd Sir John Corbet, a Justice of the Peace of the County of Salop, to be imprison'd in the Fleet, only for causing the Petition of Right to be read at the Sessions of the Peace for that County ; and, during his Imprisonment, by a Writing under the Seal of che Archbishoprick, granted away part of the Glebe Land of the Church of Adderly, of which Sir John was Patron, to the Viscount Kilmur- rey • And that he had prevented Execution of Judgment in an Action of Waft, which Sir John had obtained against Sir James Stonehouse, and procur'd Sir John to be committed to Prison, by Order of the Council- Table, until he submitted to their Order, whereby he lost the Benefit of his Judgment. . 6. That whereas divers Sums had been given, and Dispositions made by persons for buying Impropriations, he had caused the same to be overthrown in the Court of Exchequer, under Pretence of buying in of Appro- priations. . . _ _ 7. That he had harbour'd and reliev'd divers Popish Priests and Jesuits, particularly Sancta Clapa a Francis- can Fryar, who had written a Book traducing the Thirty Nine Articles; and one Monsieur St. Giles, a Popish Priest at Oxford. 8. That he had said, there must be a Blow given to the Church, such as had not been given, before it could be brought to Conformity. 9. Thac in May 1640, after the Dissolution of the last Parliament, he caus'd a Convocation to be held of the Clergy of both Provinces, where Canons were made contrary to Law, and to the Rights and Privileges of Parliament, and of the Subject, and tending to Sedition; and caus'd a most dangerous and illegal Oath to be con- triv'd, viz. I A. B. do swear that I do approve the Doctrine and Discipline, or Government, establish'd in the Church of England, as containing all things necessary to Salvation : And that I will not endeavour by my- self, or any other, directly or indirectly, to bring in any Popish DoCtrine, to that which is so establish'd ; nor will I ever give my Consent to alter the Government of this Church by Archbishops, Bishops, Deans and Archdeacons, & c. as it stands now establish'd, and as by Right it ought to stand ; nor yet ever subject it to the Usurpation and Superstitions of the See of Rome : And all this I do plainly and sincerely, & c. Which Oath he had himself taken and caus'd other Ministers to take, on Pain of Suspension, & c. And had imprison'd Godfrey Bishop of Gloucester for refusing to subscribe the said Canons, and take the said Oath, till he submitted. 10. That a Resolution being taken at the Council- Ta- ble, for assisting the King by extraordinary Means, if the Parliament should prove peevish, he wickedly ad- vis'd his Majesty to dissolve the Parliament in 1640, and accordingly it was dissolved ; and soon after he told his Majesty, that he was now absolv'd from all Rules of Government, and left free to use extraordinary Ways for his Supply. For all which the said Commons did impeach the said Archbishop of High- Treason, and other High Crimes and Misdemeanors ; saving to themselves the Liberty of exhibiting any further Accusation, & c. The Humble Answer of William Archbishop of Can- terbury to the further Articles of Impeachment, & c: All Advantages of Exception to the said Articles of Impeachment to this Defence saved ; this Defendant ' humbly faith, that he is Not Guilty of all or any of the Matters by the said Impeachment, charg'd in such Manner and Form as the same are by the said Articles ' of Impeachment charg'd. That as to the 13th of the first general Articles, or any other that concern'd any Act of Hostility, either be- tween the King and his Subjects, or between Sub- ject and Subject; or which might be conceiv'd to arise upon Coming of an English Army against Scotland, or of the Scotch Army into England, or upon any Assistance or Counsel relating thereto, & c. it is enacted, by an Act of this present Sessions of Parliament, That no men- tion shall be made thereof; but such things shall be held and be reputed as though they had never been done: That the Defendant is not excepted out of the said Act : And as to the rest of the said first and further Arcicles, this Defendant, saving to himself all Advantages, & c. saith he is Not Guilty. Tuesday March 12, 1643. His Grace being brought to the Bar of the House of Lords, Mr. Serjeant Wilde opened the Charge against him in a set Speech; the Purport whereof was, That if the Memory of all the pernicious Practices which had been from time to time attempted against our Religion, and and laws were lost, here they would find them reviv'd : That had the faults of this Man been no other than those of common Frailty and Inadvertency, they would gladly have thrown a Veil over them ; but being so willful and destructive, and so comprehensive of all Evils, the Sin would lie upon their own Heads, if they did not call for Justice ; which they had not deferr'd so long, if the Distraction of the Times and the Death of some of the Witnesses, and of their Members, who were em- ploy'd in the Prosecution, had not render'd it impracti- cable to do it sooner: But that there was Matter enough surviv'd; Treason in the highest Pitch and Altitude, and even the betraying the whole Realm, and the Sub- version of their very Foundations. That these Crimes, of themselves so heinous, were aggravated by the Quality of the Offender, who had been advanc'd to the most eminent Stations in Church and State ; and was endow- ed with many great Gifts of Nature; but all these Ad- vantages he had perverted to the Destruction of the Publick. That it had been observ'd, Churchmen in all Ages were the archest Seedsmen of Mischief, and principal Actors in all the great Distractions that had happen'd. And as they medled with Temporal Things heteroge- neal to their Calling, God was pleas'd to smite them with Blindness, and infatuate their Counsels; and this great Prelate was an Instance of it, who employing his Time in State- Affairs, became the Author of all the ille- gal and tyrannical Proceedings and Innovations in Re- ligion and Government, and indeed of all the Concussi- ons and Distractions that had happen'd in Church and State. And when by the Magnanimity of former Princes, and the Wisdom of their Ancestors, they had shaken off the Antichristian Yoke : And when they had seen such bloody Massacres, Plots and persecutions at Home and Abroad, in order to introduce it again ; that this Man should go about to reduce them to those rotten Principles of Error and Darkness again, it could not be expected but the People should be ready to stone him. That he convey'd his Poyson amongst them, under the specious Pretence of a Reconciliation; and in order to effect his Designs he countenanc'd the Preaching and Printing of Popish and Arminian Doctrines; and was introducing Popish Ceremonies in all the Particulars contain'd in the Mass- Book. That to make way for these, the Book of Sports was publish'd, and the Day set apart by God ab aeterno, was prostituted to all Loose- ness and irreligion : Yet, to shew his Love to Religion ( the Pope's only) he held Correspondence with Rome, and the most dangerous Jesuits, and was making himself a Way to the Papal Dignity. That as to his Attempts against the Laws and Rights of Parliament, his Exactions, Oppressions, and Endear vours to introduce arbitrary Power, & c. they would be made fully appear in the Evidence , and therefore he should not insist upon them at present. To be continu'd. On Saturday last, about two or three a- Clock in the Morning, her Royal Highness the Princess, felt some uneasie Pains, and had very little Rest all Night: About the same time in the Afternoon, there appear'd certain Symptoms of her approaching Labour ; and a little af- ter Seven a Clock in the Evening, her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales was happily deliver'd of a Prince at Leicester- House, there being then present in the Room his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, the Dutchesses of Dorset and Shrewsbury, the Countesses of Pembroke, Grantham, Cowper, and Bristol, Ladies of her Royal Highness's Bed Chamber, the Countess of Picbourg, the Women of her Royal Highness's Bed- chamber, Sir David Hamilton, and Mrs. Crane the Mid- wife, who laid her Royal Highness. Their Royal High nesses dispatched the Lord Herbert to acquaint His Ma- jesty with it, and to make their Compliments, and His Majesty was pleased to send immediately Coll. Negus, Commissioner for executing the Office of Master of the Horse, with his Compliments to their Royal Highnesses. At Night there was a large Bonefire at St. James's, and another at Leicester- House, where four Hogsheads of Wine, having the Heads beat out, were given to the Populace, and another Hogshead within the Court. ' 9 ) ' Yard, was plac'd in the same Manner, for the Soldiers on the Guard. The Officers of the Houshold created those of the. Guards, and plenty of the choicest Wine was common thro the whole Family. There was likewise Bonefires and, Illuminations in se- veral other Places, especially at the Royal- Exchange, at all which the King, Prince and Princess, and the Young Prince's Healths were drank, with loud Accla- mations of Joy. The next Day their Royal Highnesses receiv'd the Compliments of the Ministers of State, Foreign Mini- sters, Nobility, 8cc. and the like Compliments were paid His Majesty at St. James's, where there was a very great Court, and the News of the Birth of the Young Prince was dispatch'd to all the Foreign Courts.' Monday His Majesty went to Leicester- House, to Visit the Princess, and see the Young Prince. Last Tuesday the Honourable House of Commons presented to His Majesty an Humble Address, to con- gratulate him on the Princess of Wales being happily delivered of a Prince, to the unspeakable Joy of all His Majesty's faithful Subjects; and to express the great Satisfaction and Comfort we have in seeing the Pro- testant Interest of this Kingdom more firmly established and secured, by the Increase of His Majesty's Royal Fa. mily; which Address His Majesty receiv'd very gra- ciously. Last Monday Humphry Parsons, Esq; Alderman of Portsoaken Ward, and William Billers, Esq; one of the Sheriffs for London and Middlesex, waited on his Royal Highness with a Compliment of Congratulation on the Part of this City, on Account of her Royal Highness's being happily brought to Bed of a Prince. The next Day the Lord Mayor, attended by some of the Aldermen, & c. waited on the King to congratulate Him on the same Occasion. Private Letters from Abroad give fresh Hopes of Mr. Knight's being speedily brought over ; and that the Mar- quis de Prie, upon a Memorial presented to him by Mr. Leathes, seem'd inclin'd to oblige His Majesty . By the last Letters from France there is Advice, that Sir Robert Sutton was preparing to set out for Cambray. Friday Sennight Tho. Colman, Esq; set out for Vienna, where he is appointed His Majesty's Resident. The same fame Day the Lord Polwarth arrived in Town from Denmark. Last Week last Henry Aglionby, Esq; was elect- ed Member of Parliament for Carlisle, in the room of General Stanwix, who oppos'd him. The Poll, Aglionby z68. — Stanwix 131. Nath. Elwick, Esq; now at Fort St. George, is ap- pointed the New Governour there. The East- India Company have also appointed a New Council for that Settlement, consisting of eight Persons. On Sunday both Courts went into Mourning for the late Queen of Denmark ; pursuant to Orders given the Day before for that Purpose. They write from New- Market that the Duke of Rut- land's Horse, Fox, won the King's Plate, and also the Prince's Plate. Sometime ago died Henry Martin, Esq; Inspector General of the Exports and Imports in the Customs ; but we do not hear that his Employment, which is a very considerable One, is yet given away. Mr. Benson is made a Land Surveyor in the room of Mr. Keon. Mr. William Murphey, a private Gentleman belong, ing to his Majesty's first Troop of Guards, commanded by his Grace the Duke of Montague, is lately arriv'd in London from the Court of Berlin, to which Place he conducted 1; Grenadiers as a Present from his Majesty to the King of Prussia, who received him in the most gracious manner, and presented him with a Gold Medal of six hundred Ducats value. The Account which the Captain of the Cassandra gives to the India Company of the Loss of his Ship, is in Substance as follows: That about the latter End of July last, he with the Greenwich, and an Ostender, went to water at the small Island of Joanna, near the Coast of Madagascar, where they had Intelligence that some Pi- rates were at work to fit out a small Pirate Ship at Ayanotta. another Island about three Leagues off, which they resolv'd to go and destroy. That 0n the 7th of August ( ipco ) August in the Morning about 8 a- Clock, they discover'd a Sail standing to the Bay of Johanna, upon which they immediately unmoor'd and made clear Ships, both Cap- tains having mutually engaged to stand by each other, not doubting but to give a good Account of them. The Cassandra weigh'd and got under sail, and the Green- wich cut and did the like, the Pirates then within a Mile of them, the Cassandra being under the high Land had but a broken Wind, but the Greenwich being open to the Valley had a true Breeze, and made the best of his way from the Cassandra. They had an Ostender in their Company of 22 guns, whole Captain promis'd heartily to engage with them, and ' tis believ'd wou'd, had he not seen the Greenwich make the best of his way from them ; which he seeing did the same, leaving the Cassandra engag'd with both Pirates, who call'd several times to the Greenwich to bear down to his Assistance, and fir'd two Guns at him, but all to no purpose; but when he got about a League from the Cassandra, he brought too and look'd on. The largest of the Pyrates had but 34 Guns, and the lesser 30, which encourag'd the Cassandra's Men to see them of so small Force, not doubting but if the Green- wich would have fought to have taken both the Pyrates, who having taken just before two rich Prizes from Judea, which had the Value of 100,000 1. on board, but the Cas- sandra having no Assistance was left to the Fury of both the Pirates, from whom no Quarter was to be expected, their black and bloody Flags being all the time dis- play'd ; who notwithstanding their Superiority engag'd them both above three Hours, during which, the largest Of them receiv'd some Shot between Wind and Water, which made him keep at a little Diftance to stop his Leaks; the other endeavour'd to board him by the Help of his Oars, but by good Fortune the Cassandra shot his Oars to pieces, and prevented him, and by consequence sav'd all their Lives. About 4 a- Clock, all the Officers and Men plac'd on the Quarter- Deck and Poop, being kill'd, or wounded, and none left there but the Captain, the other Pirate made up to the Cassandra again, having lain all the Time within a Cable's Length, and given her several Broad sides, in order to clap her Aboard , when no Hopes remaining, she clapt her Helm a. weather, in or- der to run the Ship Ashore, and notwithstanding she drew four Foot Water more than the Pirate, yet by good Providence, the latter stuck fast on the higher Ground, her Boltsprit reaching almost to the Cassandra's Mizzen- Shrowds, by which they were disappointed a second Time from Boarding her, when a more furious Engagement ensued than ever, and the Cassandra having the Advantage of shewing his Broad- side to the Pirate's Bow, and gaul'd him very much; and had Captain Kirby come in even then, ' tis verily believ'd they had taken both the Pirates ; for the Cassandra had one of them sure, but the other Pirate, who was still Firing at her, seeing the Greenwich did not offer to come near, supplied his Consort with three Boats- full of fresh Men, at which time being then about half an Hour past Four, the Greenwich made Sail and stood quite away to Sea; whereupon Captain Maccrae, seeing himself totally deserted, order'd all that cou'd to get into the Long- boat, under the Smoak of his Guns, and save themselves ; and himself went into the Yawl, very sorely Wounded in the Head by a Musket Ball, so that some by Boats and some by swimming, most of the Crew that were able got ashore. When the Pirates came aboard, they cut three of the wounded Men to pieces, whilst the Captain and a few of his People made the best of their way to Kingstown about 25 Miles up the Country, where he heard that the Pirates had offer'd 10000 Dollars to the Country People to bring him in, which they wou'd certainly have done, but that they knew the King and his chief People were in the English Interest, who in the Interim gave out that he was dead of his Wounds, which somewhat abated the Fury of the Pirates; but 10 Days after when he was pretty well recover'd, beginning to consider the dismal Condi- tion they were in, and the little Hopes they had of ever Setting a Passage from thence, he desired Mr. Cowan a Passenger with him, to go down to the Pirates, and try if he cou'd obtain their Promise for his Safety if he came down to them, which they readily granted , some of them having formerly sail'd with him, which prov'd of great Advantags to him, and was the Means of pre- serving all their Lives for notwithstanding their Promise, they were going to cut them to pieces, unless they Wou'd enter with them, had it not been for the Authority that the chief Captain, Edward England, or English, and some others that knew Captain Maccrae, had over the rest ; and in the End he manag'd it so, that they made him a Present of the lesser Pirate Dutch built Ship of about 300 Tuns, call'd the Fancy, and 1: 9 Bales of the Company's Cloath, tho' they refus'd him a Suit of his own Cloaths, or a Shirt. On the 3d if Sept. the Pirates sail'd from Johanna, and 5 Days after Cap- tain Maccrae, with 55 of his Men, including 2 Passen- gers, with Jury Masts, and such old Sails as the Pirates had been pleas'd to leave him, sail'd for Bombay, where they arriv'd after a Passage cf 48 Days, almost naked and half starv'd, having been reduc'd to a Pint of Water a Day, and almost in Dispair of ever seeing any Land thro' the long and continu'd Calms they met with be- tween the Coasts of Arabia and Malabar. At Bombay they found the London and Chandois. By these Ac- counts it appears that Captain Maccrae kill'd the Pirates between 90 and 1oo Men, and lost: himself 13 Men, and 24 Wounded. The Pirates had on board both Ships when they sail'd 300 White Men, and 80 Blacks. We hear the Owners of the Cassandra, have resolv'd to send the Captain a Present to Bombay, for his singu- lar Gallant Behaviour in Engaging the Pirates, The Humble Petition of the Chief Burgess and Bur- gesses, Assistants, Grand jury, and many of the In. habitants of the City and Liberty of Westminster ; on the Behalf of themselves, and the rest of the Inha- bitants of that said City and Liberty. Sheweth, THAT your Petitioners are deeply affected with the Calamity brought upon the Inhabitants of this City, and upon the Nation in general, by the wick- ed Execution of the late South- Sea Scheme ; and in a particular manner they think it their Duty to represent to this Honourable House, the great Oppression which the Subscribing Proprietors of the Publick, and especi- ally the Redeemable Debts, now lie under, to the Ruin of very great Numbers of the Trading Inhabitants of this City. Your Petiitoners return their most humble Thanks to this Honourable House, for the Progress hitherto made, in Discovering and Punishing the Authors of this General Distress, notwithstanding the Artifices which have been used to prevent and obstruct the same; And your Petitioners most humbly pray, that this Honourable House will proceed with the same true British Zeal and Spirit, which hath hitherto appear'd, until effectual Justice be done to an injur'd Nation, and Reparation made to the unhappy Sufferers, in the most equitable Manner, to the restoring of publick Credit, and the Trade of this Kingdom. And your Petitioners shall pray, See. We are inform'd that Robt. Gordon, Esq; receiv'd lately a Thousand Pounds, pursuant to a Commission pass'd the Seals, for that Sum every Year, for watching the Highlanders in Scotland, and preventing as much as possible their Depredations, Robberies, & c. Last Tuesday the Lord Carteret and Galfridus Wal- pole, Esq; came to the Post Office, and read their Com- mission for the Office of Post Master General. Mrs. Brown, whose Husband has a Place in the King's Ewry, is appointed wet Nurse to the new- born Prince. Last Monday his Grace the Duke of Sommerset, and his Son the Lord Piercy, arrived in Town from New- market. Dr. Ibbot, who was ill of the Small- Pox, is now reck- on'd to be out of Danger. Some late Letters from Jamaica import, that they had Advice there, that two Men of War that were or- der'd cut by the Viceroy of Peru in quest of two Eng- lish Privateers, that had taken feveral Ships in the South Seas, had come up with them, and had retaken the Prizes from them. We are inform'd, that there's a new Set of Cartoons now finish'd, which were engrav'd by some of the ablest Masters in Europe, and will be deliver'd in a few Days. The The Fore- Mast Men belonging to His Majesty's Ship the Squirrel, at Deptford, are by an Order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to be remov'd in- t0 the Nassau at Chatham, and to receive their Wages due to them, so soon as that Ship shall get to Black- stakes the Rt. Honourable Robert Walpole, Esq; is re elected for the Borough of Lynn Regis in Norfolk ; as is like- wise Henry Pelham, Esq; for Seaford in Sussex. Last Monday Night the Corpse of the late Lord Ir- win was interr'd in Westminster. Abbey. On Sunday last the Rt. Honourable James Marquis of Annandale arriv'd here from his Travels, where he was at the Death of his Father Robert Walpole. Esq; Eldest Son of the Rt. Honour- able Robert Walpole, esq; having been fworn in Clerk of the Pells, is return'd to France, to finish his Travels. When the Lord Mayor, as before mentioned, congra- tulated the King on the Birth of the Young Prince, His Majesty was pleased to give the following most gracious Answer. ThE Zeal and Affection you have upon all Oc- casions shewn to my Person and Government, leave me no Room to doubt of your Joy at this happy Increase of my Family. I cannot omit taking this Opportunity of assuring you, that I am truly concerned at the Calamity brought upon you, by the wicked Management of Affairs in the South- Sea Company ; I have however this Comfort, that the Reproach of any Part of this Misfortune can- not with the least Justice be imputed to Me. Nothing will give me more Ease and Satisfaction, than the seeing you delivered from your present Sufferings, your Trade revived, and publick Credit re established. Letters from Paris say, That on the 17th Instant, at Six in the Evening, the Curate of St. Germains, aged 80 Years, was very near being assassinated in his own House by three Rogues, who pretending some private Bu- siness, were convey'd to his Chamber and the Curate having no Servant in the Room, one of the Rogues took that Op- portunity to ask him for his Purse, at the same time hold- ing a Poniard to his Throat. The Curate deliver'd all the Money he had about him, and being much frighted, fell down in a Swoon. A Maid Servant being in the Chamber underneath, and hearing an unusual Noise over- Head, she open'd a Window, and call'd out. Up- on which the Rogues took to their Heels as fast as pos- sible ; nevertheless one of them was taken, and it hap- pen'd to be him who had the Poniard. He has alrea- dy been examin'd, and will shortly be brought to a tryal. Letters from Dantzick say, A certain Tradesman, an Inhabitant of Revel, set out, not long since, for Stock- holm ; where, dissembling a great Zeal for the Interest of Sweden, he procur'd to himself a considerable Share of Trust and Confidence from several People, and by that Means made a Discovery of the whole Train of In- telligence concerning the Swedish Affairs that was carrying on at present in Livonia. When he found himself sufficiently instructed to put his Designs in Exe- cution, he return'd to Petersbourg, and acquainted the Czar with the Particulars that had occur'd to his Knowledge in Sweden ; and upon the Depositions of this Traytor, the Czar order'd two Burgomasters of Riga, With several Merchants, and others of the wealthiest inhabitants of that Place, to be taken into Custody, and proceeded against as Persons guilty of a felonious Cor- respondence. This Misfortune affects not only the In- habitants of Riga, but likewise a confiderable Number at Revel, besides many of the Livonian and Estonian nobility, forty of whom are already secur'd and sent CDSr t° Riga and them Baron Taube. The chief Prosecutor in this Affair, is the same Person who has thus betray'd his Countrymen ; and ' tis thought they will come off very fortunately, if at last they can their Estates Genoa say. A Servant belonging to the British Minister in this City, was shot thro' the Breast by fon L o '' who WaS immediately carried to Pri- can re nt is not yet dead but ' tis impossible he Letters by the last Post from Sweden say, the Senate are daily busied in settling Matters necessary for the Security of the State and that in a little time they would deliberate upon Methods for fixing the Succession to the Crown agreeably to the Laws of the Kingdom, in case their present Majesties should die without Issue. It is believ'd the present Lot of E- lection might sooner fall upon a Brother of his Majesty now reigning, than upon the Duke of Holstein, who by reason of an Alliance with the Czar, has drawn upon himself the general Dislike of the Swedish Kingdom ; and besides, the King of Prussia, and other Potentates, are said to have offer'd Guarantee Proposals in Favour of the House of Hesse- Cassel. ' Tis not unlikely this Affair may be settled in the next Assembly of the States. The following Gentlemen, viz. Mr. Jennings, Mr. Turner, Mr. Benyon, Mr. Oadams, Mr. Emerson, Mr. Folks, Mr Hubbard, and Mr. Drake, are appointed Council of Fort St. George, with Mr. Nathaniel Elwick Governor thereof, as mention; d before. We hear that the Lord Viscount Grimston is very ill. Last Sunday tho Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Chancellor, the Duke of Argyle. the Earl of Sunder- land, the Lord Carteret, and most of the Ministers of State, Nobility, and Foreign Ministers, were at Lei- cester- House to congratulate his Royal Highness the Prince, on the Birth of his Son, and His Majesty was expected there in Person the same Night. The same Day at Noon his Royal Highness went to St. James's to pay his Duty to His Majesty. Her Royal Highness and the young Prince are ( God be thanked) in a very prosperous Condition. Captain Jacob Rowe ( who has invented a new Qua drant to be us'd at Sea far exceeding that of Davis's) lies in the Downs, waiting for a fair Wind, to proceed on his Expedition of fishing on Wrecks ; and ' tis be- liev'd he will exceed those who have attempted the like His Machine having been approv'd of by the Lords of the Admiralty, the Launceston Man of War is appoint- ed his Convoy. The Crews of the following Ships, who were to be paid at Chatham, are order'd to be paid here, viz Dor- setshire. Prince Frederick, Monmouth, Defiance, Suf- folk, Medway, York, Monk, Dartmouth, Falmouth'( Guernsey, Worcester, Gosport, Kingsale, Port Mahon, Poole, and Bedford Galley. We hear His Royal Highness the Prince of Wale's will be declared Captain General of the Forces. Last Tuesday about 300 dozen of French Wines were removed from a House in Jermyne street; where ' tis said the Conspirators used to meet to contrive the Ruin of the Trade and Credit of the Nation. On Saturday last Mr Dugdale, Glass grinder in Castle- Street, near Leicester. Fields, fell down Stairs and broke his Skull, and died in few Days. The Surplus, or Balance, of the Estates of the late Sub Governour, Deputy. Governor, Directors, & c. of the South- sea Company, amounts to /. d. 2,014,123 16 7 farthing. Thursday Sir George Caswel, one of the Sheriffs of the City of London, was brought from the Tower in a mourning Coach, and examin'd before the Committee of Secrecy, and afterwards remov'd back to the tower of London. The same Day about Nine in the Morning a_ Fire hap- pen'd at one Mr. Seabrook's, a Distiller in Turnmill street, occasion'd by the Head of the Still flying off, which hath done considerable Damage to the House, and some of the People very narrowly escaped with their Lives, being scorch'd by the Flames, and forc'd to leap out at the Windows. When the Honourable House of Commons waited on the King, to Address him upon the joyful Occasion of the Princess of Wales being deliver'd of a Prince, His Majesty was pleased to give this most gracious Answer. IThank you for this Address, which is a fresh In- stance of your Affection to Me and my Family ; As I shall always have at Heart the securing the Portes- tant Interest of these Kingdoms, so I can never doubt of your Zeal towards the Establishing it upon a lasting Foundation, Mr, Mr READ, Westminster, Apil 20th, 1721. ThIS is to acquaint you that reading in the London. journal of last Saturday, it evidently. appear'd that the noble Author thereof, who screens his true Name under that of Cato, drives very hard for a Common- wealth; and to advance the Unhappiness of a popular Government, his chief Topicks are levell'd against Ty- ranny, and a despotick or arbitrary Power in princes. Whether this Author is for a Democratical Govern- ment, like that of the States of Holland, or an Aristo- cracy, in Imitation of the Venetians, I presume not to define ; but I believe the former would be his Choice, because he is not noble enough to be a Member of the latter. However, all his Outcry is Liberty and Proper- ty; and to incite People for maintaining their Rights and Privileges, he scares them with dreadful Stories of tyrannical Actions committed by absolute princes be- yond Sea ; which Discourse is quite foreign to the mild and happy Government we at present live under ; for we have now no William the Norman, no King John, no Henry the Third, nor a James the Second, to make Sic volo sic jubeo his Law, and turn our holy Religion into Superstition and Idolatry : We are ( God be prais'd) under the Protection of a Monarch, whose every Acti- on both of Justice and Mercy makes good that axiom in our Municipal or Common- Law, The King can do no Wrong. The Gentleman I'm writing against proclaims his Antipathy against Monarchy, and to make it odious in the Sight of the Populace, he enumerates all the Blessings Rome enjoy'd whilst it was a Commonwealth ; but never takes any Notice of the Curses that State lay under when govern'd by several of their Tribunes, Con- suls, and other popular Officers; as I shall set forth in my next, out of Plutarch, Livy, Suetonius, Tacitus, Sallust, Florus, and other Authors, who have recorded the Affairs of the Roman Empire. this Author fills up a couple of Pages with the Cruel- ties of Sultans, old Muly of Morocco, and Indian Kings : but pray, what have we to do with Mahometans and Pa- gans ? We are under a Christian King, who bids Defi- ance to Popery and Atheism, of which last Sin I fear our Journalist is guilty, since he plainly indicates his Hob- bism by presumptuously asserting, That the Right of Do- minion is in the People. Of all Forms of Government in the World give me Monachy, for then if the King should prove a Tyrant, it would be the Happinefs of his Subjects to be scourg'd but by one Man ; but in a Commonwealth it would be their Misfortune to be destroy'd by the exorbitant Pow- er of a great many tyrannick Governors ; for depend upon it, when the Sovereignty is put into the Hands of more than one Person, the fatal Consequence is no- thing but Anarchy and Confusion. I'm very sensible, that in all Nations, two Things are Causes of a common Prosperity ; good Government and good Obedience. As for the latter Part of this Maxim, our Journalist seems to observe, when he bestows praises on His Majesty ; but when we come to penetrate into what precedes and follows his fulsome Panegyricks, he's at the same time cutting his Sovereign's Throat with a Feather, he would tickle him out of his Reason ; and for that Reason give me leave to relate this short Passage of Bishop Burnet in his History of the Reformation. The Lord Wriothesly persuading King Henry the Eighth to sign Articles for the Impeachment of his last Queen, Catherine Parr, he accidently dropt them ; they were taken up by one of the Queen's Friends, and given to her; who going presently to the King, she so far con- vinced him of her Innocency, that when Wriothesly came the next Day to have her committed to the Tower, the King chid him severely for it, and call'd him both Knave and Fool. I am yours, FABRICIUS. Monday an Ingrossed Bill for regulating the Journey- men Taylors within the Weekly Bills of Mortality, was read the Third time. Petitions of the Mayor and Common- Council of Maidstone, of the Mayor, Bayliff and Burgesses of the Borough of Leicester, of the High Sheriff and Grand Jury of Chester, of the Burgesses of Caln in Wiltshire, and of the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York, have been presented to the Honourable House of Com- mons, and read, setting forth the deplorable State of the Nation, occasioned by the vile Practices, insatiable Ava- rice, and pernicious Contrivances of the late most detestable Directors of the South Sea Company, their Aiders, Abettors, and Accomplices, and of the general Decay of publick Credit and Trade throughout the Nation; and acknowledging, wiih the utmost Grati- tude, the great Care and Pains this House hath taken towards the Relief of the Unfortunate, and to discover the Scheme of Wickedness. notwithstanding the Acts and Contrivances of some of the Confederates to conceal the same ; and praying, that the House will proceed to satisfy the Justice of the Nation, and to take such Me- thods as they shall judge proper for restoring Commerce and publick Credit. Yesterday the Sessions ended ar the Old baily, where receiv'd Sentence of Death the following Persons, viz. one Thompson a most notorious Fellow for Robberies committed in a Bawdy House which he kept in White. Fryers; Sarah Allison for picking Pockets, William Barton for House breaking, Elizabeth Harris for rob- bing her Service, and one other Man and a Woman. Last Thursday Morning one William Hanson. living in Monument Court in Holbourn, was murder'd by his Wife with a Knife. In our last, Pag 5. col 2. lin. I. for King of Sweden, r. Queen of Denmark. Christen'd Males 186. Females 179. In all 365. Buried Males 294 Females 272. In all 566. Increas'd in the Burials this Week 20. CASUALTIES. Drown'd in the River of Thames 2. St John at Wap- ping I. Kill'd by a Fall from the Top of an House 2. One at Allhallows Barkin, and one at St. Botolph without Aldersgate Strangled at St. Brides 1. Overlaid 2. Yesterday the Prices of GOODS at BEAK KEY, were as follow. Wheat 20 s. ro 35 s. per Quarter. Rye 15 s. to 18s. Barley 16 s. to 19 s. Oats 11 s. to 1 5 s. Hog Pease 16 s. to 20 s. Beans 17 s. to 34 s. Malt 17 s. to 27 s. Rape Seed 13 I ro 16 l. per Last. Hops 3 I t o 4 1 per C. Coals per Chald. 21 s to 27 s. Colchester Crown Baise 15 d. per Ell. Yesterday Bank Stock was 133 India 141. S, Sea 145. London Assurance 7. Royal Assurance 6. Old African 40. New African 30. To prevent the Publick's being imposed on by Counterfeits. THE true Royal chymical Washball as it was from the first Author, without the least Grain of Mercury, or any thing Prejudicial; highly recommend- ed by those that use them, for Beautifying the Hands and Face, and making the Skin so Soft and Smooth as not to be parallel'd by Wash Powder or Cosmetick See. and is a real Beautifier of the Skin, by taking off all De- formities. Tetters, Ringworms, Morphew, Sunburn, Scurf, Pimples, Pits or Redness of the Small Pox, keep- ing it of a lasting and extream Whiteness. It soon alters Red or Rough Hands, and is admirable in Shaving the Head, which not only gives an exquisite Sharpness to the Razor, but so Comforts the Brain and Nerves, as to prevent catching Cold and is of a grateful and pleasant Scent. It is Sold by Mr. Lambert, Gloveseller, at the Corner of Popes Head Alley in Cornhill over- against the Royal Exchange, the same Shop where it has been Sold above 16 Years; and at Mr King's, Toy- Shop, in Westminster- Hall. Price One Shilling each, and Allow, ance by the Dozen. Beware of Counterfeits. LONDON: Printed and Sold by J. READ, in white- Fryers near Fleet- Street.
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