The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 15/04/1721
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
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O R, British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, APRIL 15, J721. 31 I v h GREAT. BRITAIN. S I R, April 10. YOU had a very good Let- ter in your last Saturday's Journal now I being Coun- cil of the same Side for my King and Country, beg leave to give my Opinion. Ca to in the London- Jour. nal has writ many excellent Letters and so made him- self very Popular, by set- ting up as a Tribune or Advocate for the People, but if ever he design'd so in Reallity he has spoil'd all, by very gross Mistakes, or otherwise taken off the Mask and discover'd the Hypocrite and that all his Compliments to
the King, Ministry, Parliament, Sec. was only Grimace, sneering in their Faces, whilst he was cutting their Throats, fall- ing in with the Sentiments and taking the same Measures with their Inveterate Enemys. This Charge may easily be made good against him from two of his Letters; that of the ;; th of March and last Saturday, wherein he arraigns the Government with ill Policy, false Steps, male Administrations in Things, quite foreign to the Matter he first took in Hand, viz. the Villany of the late South Sea Directors, and this by the same Topics, and with the same Arguments as the Jacobites and Tories all along make use of. If
he is a Jacobite in Disguise I have nothing farther to say of him ; but this noble Author they give out is a Whig, and has always been One; why then he must have some strange Design in Hand, when he calls in the Papists, Jacobites and Tories to his Assistance, for they are the People ( as they say themselves) or vastly the major Part, who are most com- monly in the Right, or rarely in the Wrong, according to this Author's Assertion, they mightily applau'd those two Leters of his, as exaCtly agreeing with their Thoughts In King William's Reign, ' twas a common way for Members of Parl; ament to rail so long against the
Administration, till there was a Padlock clapt on their Mouths by a good Post, and then Matters went very well ( especially with themselves; tho' the same Trade of Corruption was carry'd on as before, and ge- nerally Worse, against which, when out of Place, they made so much Noise ; but let this Noble Author's Plot be what it will, we shall examine the Justice and Honesty of his Arguments, or rather Assertions, and what a Friend he would be to his Country, if the World believ'd all he said. His chief Stress lyes upon Asserting that the People, ( viz the Major Part, for ' tis impossible to think they will all agree, in any one particular)
are most commonly in the Right, in their way of thinking, ex- cept they shou'd be mislead or impos'd upon ( a prudent Salvo) bur however ' tis a very fine Compliment to the Mob, who of themselves have no small Opinion of their Parts, and Capacity ; but as they are easily, and fre- quently, mislead and impos'd upon, ' tis a sign they have no extraordinary Capacity ro Judge of things, and there Price Three Half pence. being, without all dispute, many more Knaves than honest Men, the common People always lye open to be impos'd upon in their way of thinking and Acting; and I wish this Author ( if he continues at the rate he goes
on) may not so impose upon, and mislead them, as may make them Curse him and his Memory. Now to instance of what Levity the Bulk of the People are, within a little more than half a Century, they have been for a Common- Wealth, then for Monarchy; against Popery, for Popery ; Adoring one Man as their Darling, and inn little time for De Witting him, and setting up another ; nay their Representatives, a select number Chosen as the best Head Pieces, are Subjet to the same Infirmities, to do, and undo, to call that White at one time, which shall be Christen'd Black at another, and this unsteadi- ness is common to particular
Persons who shall shift about all Points of the Compass, be a Protestant, Papist, and Protestant again, Whig, Tory and Whig again, to the end of the Chapter, which made the Poet give this Character of the English, A Moody Murmuring Race Whom no King can Rule, or God can please. And this humour in the People, our Author advises them to Gratifie as the certainest way to regulate Mat- ters, by Intimidating their Governors. His other points are about Foreign Alliances, and Mr Knight, the Em- peror in particular is so unhappy as to be quite out of favour for Reasons best known to himself, except what he has borrow'd from
our good Friends the Jacobites, that we had no Necessity to enter into any Alliance with him ; that ' twas indifferent to us who had Na- ples, Sicily, & c. the Spaniard, or he and the like; this was the Cry of the Tories in the two late Wars, and Mr. Mill's Lucrubracions has lately refresh'd his Me- mory ; but if this Author borrows hints from others, ' tis ungentleman like directly to invade their Provinces: The Manufacture of lying chiefly appertain'd to the Jacobites and Tories, and they engross'd it for some Years past, so that in a Manner it became their Pro. perty, but for a new Author to set up on their bottom who is a Whig, without he
had made a formal Recan- tation of his Principles, and became a thorough Convert to their Party is not fair. The Emperor and the Em- perors his Predecessors have been faithful Allys to Eng- land, tho' we not so to them ; and all the Blood and Trea- sure we have spent in their behalf is well spent. if we Value our own Safety, Religion and Liberty, for they in their turns spent their Subjects Blood and Treasure, to defend us against our common Enemy, and with their and others Help all was little enough : Such vile Insinu- ations as these, which this Author brings as the Senti- ments of the infallible Populace, or Mob, spirited them
up to drive our glorious General out of his Native Country, and instead of some other Patriots, to cry up Traytors and Miscreants. If this Politick Author cou'd with his eloquent Harangues, and fine Speeches persuade all the People to be of one Mind, provided ' twas a right Mind, I wou'd then allow we were under no necessity for foreign Alliances; except to promote Trade I never heard till this Time one Word spoke against our Alliances made with Foreign Princes, espe- cially the Emperor by King William, Queen Anne, and King George for Guaranteing the Protestant Succession, but .
but by those who were for the Pretender, the Necessity forms a Security to us, is very Obvious and will be granted on all Sides if we are minded to have a Pro- testant Government, and consequently our Liberties and Properties secur'd. The People of late Years have been so poyson'd that ' tis a sad Truth to say, the much greater Part of them, are for the Gentleman now at Rome, and while in this Mind our Author tells them they are the best Judges of Things, and what is for their Country's Interest I have often heard the Tories say, that if ever the Pretender came here, the Whigs wou'd bring him , which ! never regarded, till of
late, and now I am partly of their Opinion, if there be many such Whigs as our Au- thor, who, I will not say, intends directly to bring him in, but only to Pave and Sweep the Way for him, that he may come in as easy and decently as possible, in short whatever may the Intention of these Letters be, I am sure that to Inflame and Irritate the People to such a Degree, as to cause an Insurrection, may at this Juncture be our final Destruction. His Clamour about Mr. Knight, is both false and injust, Mr. Knight being Conscious of his own Guilt, might very probably run away of himself, without being prompted to it by other great Crimnals in
Post, who conniv'd at his Escape; if they did, they were very foolish Politicians nor to take care of his safety when gone. The King has given his Parliament a very Satisfactory Account of the Methods taken to secure, and bring him over, and the Obstructi- ons that hinders it for the present, is made Publick, and may satisfie any reasonable Man, and all the Insinu- ations of under hand Dealings about him, are but bare Surmises, or rather vile Suggestions, without Proof or Colour of Proof, and i really believe if he was here and examin'd this Author, and those of his Humour wou'd be no better pleas'd than they are now. I cannot i magine what this Casheir, Mr. Knight, cou'd act or know more than the Sub Governor, Deputy Governor and all the rest of the Directors, and what Power he had to dispose of the Company's Stock and to whom without their Privity and Consent ; perhaps some of the Criminals now under Examination may say so in his absence, to Skreen themselves, but as Cato says there is Evidence sufficient without him to do their Business, only I must remind the great Cato, that he insinuated a notorious Lye about him ( which his Names Sake wou'd have scorn'd to do) that Mr Knight desir'd to come over, if so, pray what hindred him, this
will put him upon the Wreak to invent another Lye to support the First, he is no Criminal against the Emperor or States of Bra- bant, and they had nothing to do to debar him of his Liberty, but at the Instances of King George. These Villains who have in a Manner ruin'd the Nation, are in a legal Way of Examination, Prosecution, and Punish- ment, without the Help of the Populace, and I can see no neglect or delay in it, whatever this clear sighted Gen- tleman does, but he has a strange way of Complaining, which is by making Panegyricks upon the King, Mini- stry and Parliament, about their zeal to do the People Justice ; and yet
finds grievous Faults that it is not done, or ever likely to be done, except those infallible Judges, the Common people, will do it themselves : I love a Man that dares speak out, and not mutter be- tween the Teeth, make Inuendo's, Side wind Expressi- ons, speak to one Man and mean another ; but this manner of Libelling he had a Noble Precedent for ; Dr. Sacheverel, in his famous Sermon, said that the Revolu- tion hated the odious Imputation of Resistance, and at the same time blacken'd it, as the most notorious Rebel- lion. Cannot he give us Leave to have a little Patience to see what the Parliament will do, and what
Determi- nation the Legislator will make of it, without finding Fault before there is Reason, and endeavouring to di- sturb the Course of Justice, in this he maybe the best Friend the South Sea Directors can ever have ; for if he can holloo the Mob upon the Government, they may have a Chance to escape, which as it is, there is little Prospect of; for as they are Money'd Men, some Cash prudently scatter'd among the Mob, or their Leaders, will be more prevailing Arguments to the hungry Beasts of the People, than doing Justice to their Country. If the Parliament should not do Justice to their injur'd Publick ( which as yet I cannot
believe) the People have then no ether Remedy, than at the next Election to choose honester Men in their Rooms. There is an Ar- bitrary Power lodg'd in al! Nations, tho of different Modes and Forms, and Ours in King, Lords, and Com- mons, so what they Enact, cannot be laid to be an In- jury to any Man, bccause ' tis, in some Sence, an Act of our own, being done by our Deputies or Representatives, but if they do not please us, we are at Liberty to choose those that will. As to our Prince, we have a Maxim, That the King can do no Wrong ; and certainly ' tis a very good Maxim ; tor all Acts of His are executed by his Ministers
and Officers : Now if they do any thing con- trary to Law ( for the King's Will is not our Law, ex. cept what the Law gives to his Prerogative) we may Punish them by the King's Laws, and Condemn them in the King's own Courts ; so the Subject is safe from being oppress'd, and if the Prince will not interpose, nor offer to skreen the Corrupt Minister, but leave him wholly to be Try'd by the Laws, or his Parliament, then the King is safe, and in this Sence, can do no Wrong ; Nay, even if the Offender shou'd plead and shew. the King's Command for what he does, that will be so far from Justifying him, that ' tis an Aggravation to his
Crime ; for ' twill be suppos'd he procur'd those Orders by his ill Advice, which is the most heinous of Crimes to mislead his Prince : Most, or all the Misfortunes that ever happen'd to Princes, English ones especially, was by protecting Evil Ministers. Our Excellent Prince has not yet been Guilty cf the least Shaddow of this, nor, I believe, ever will, but has suffer'd himself to be the most wrong'd and abus'd, of any Prince upon Earth. Our Author has now taught all degrees of People to talk nothing but Treason in common Conversation, and has alienated Multitudes of His Majesty's Subjects Hearts from him, who had a good Opinion
of their Prince before, by these two Seditious and Scurrilous Letters ; God save the Nation from such Patriots If we do not stand by our present Prince, and his Royal Family with our Hearts, Tongues, and Hands, at all times, especially difficult ones, we are an undone Nation, there is but another Choice, which is dreadful to think of: I never had a Post under any King, nor I believe, ever shall, but I love my Country as well, or better than this clamorous Author, and have shew'd ear- lier than he when those Mischiefs were hatching, and might have been prevented, if what I foretold had been sufficiently taken Notice of ; but ' tis very
ungenerous in this Gentleman ( or Lord) who has receiv'd great Fa- vours from his Sovereign, tho1, perhaps, he don't think them enough, to take this Opportunity to insult the Go- vernment under their present Perplexities, and incense the People more than they are already ( which perhaps he durst not do at another time ) Distresses generally make us too urgent and furious to wait with tolerable Pati- ence for Redress till ' tis possible to be had ; to make Peo- ple, already half- distracted, run stark mad, is an odd sort of a Cure. To insinuate to them, that from those in whose Power it is, and from whom they can only ex- pect
Justice, were Contrivers of their Ruin, and now Shelterers and Protectors of the Criminals, is to make them desperate, and give them to understand, that they are left without any Hopes of Relief, but what re- fults from breaking the Constitution, and overturning all Go- vemment ; this is another strange way of prescribing Reme- dies for our Evils ; and this is what common People, or Mob must take this Author's Meaning to be, viz. That as they are the most proper Judges of what is Right or Wrong, so consequently if they do not like the Method of proceed- ing, may take their own, or the shortest way to do themselves Justice, and
then a Jack Cade, a Wat Tyler, or a Massnello, with 100000 of the Rabble at their Heels, may be our Infallible Guides, to reform Abuses, pull down, and set up, who they plesfe; And this is the Blessed doctrine of our Cato. but if he is so fond of a Roman Name, I think a Cataline Suits him better. Your most humble Servant T. R. The Tryal of the Most Reverend Father in God Wil- liam Laud, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, which began March 12, 19 Car, I. 1643. ON Friday December 18, 164o, Denzil Hollis, se- cond Son of John Earl of Clare, by Order of the House of Commons, impeach'd the Archbishop of High Treason, and
other High Crimes and Misdemeanors, at the Bar of the House of Lords ; and acquainted their Lordships
( ; Lordship: that the Comnons would make Proof of their Charge against him in convenient cime, and destr'd that in the mean time he might be committed to safe Custody. Whereupon his Grace being order'd to withdraw, spoke to this effect ; That he was sorry for the Offence that had been taken against him. but desir'd their Lordships to look upon the whole Course of his Life, which was such, that he did verily persuade himself, not one Man in the House of Commons did believe in his Heart that he was a Traitor. Here my Lord essex interrupting him said, That Assertion was a Scondal upon the whole House of Commons, that
they should charge him with so high a Crime which themselves did not believe. Then his Grace deliv'd he might be proceeded against in the antient Parliamentary Way : To which the Lord Say answer'd, He must not prescribe to them how they should proceed. Then his Grace withdrew, and was soon after call'd in again to the Bar, where he was deli- vered to Mr. James Maxwell, Usher of the Black- Rod, to be kept in safe Custody, till the House of Commons should proceed on their Impeachments: But at his Grace's request he was permitted to go to Lambeth, attended by Mr. Maxwell, to fetch some Papers that were neces sary for his Defence; and the Lords order'd, that no Member of their House should visit his Grace without Leave of the House. On Friday February iS, 1640, Fourteen General Ar- tides of Impeachment were sent up from the Commons to the Lords by Sir Hen. Vane the younger [ by Mr. Pym, Say Rushworth and Prynn ] Whereupon his Grace was sent for to the House, and the Articles were read to him, and were to this EfFect. 1. That he had traiterously endeavoured to subvert the Fundamential Laws, and introduce an arbitrary Go. vernment; and advis'd his Majesty that he might levy Money on his Subjects without Consent of
Parliament, and had affirm'd, that this was warrantable by the Law of God. 2. That he had advis'd and procured divers Sermons and Discourses to be made and publish'd, denying the Authority of Parliaments, and Force of the Laws, estab- lishing an absolute Power, not only in the King, but himself, and other Bishops, above and against the Law. 3. That by Threats and Promises to the Judges, and other Ministers of Justice, he had perverted the Course of Justice, so that the King's Subjects had been depriv'd of their Rights, and subjected to his Tyrannical Will, to their utter Ruin, & c. 4 That in the Archbishop's own Courts he
had sold Justice, and taken Bribes, and advis'd his Majesty to sell Places of Judicature, and other Offices. 5. That he had caus'd divers Canons to be compos'd containing Matters contrary to the King's Prerogative, and the Laws of this Kingdom, and establishing an un- lawful Authority in himself, and his Successors: And that many of those Canons were surreptitiously obtain'd without due Consideration and Debate, and others sub- scrib'd to through Fear, which were not voted and pass'd in the Convocation as they ought: And that he had en- deavour'd to confirm his exorbitant Power by a wicked Oath in one of the said
pretended Canons, enjoin'd to be taken by all the Clergy, and many of the Laity. 6. That he assum'd a Papal and Tyrannical Power in Matters Ecclesiastical and Temporal, in Derogation of the King's Supremacy ; and denied his Ecclesiastical Ju- risdiction to be deriv'd from the Crown. 7 That he endeavour'd to subvert the true Religion, and introduce Popish Superstition : That he had enjoin'd divers Popish Ceremonies, and punish'd ' those who op- pos d the same with Coporal Punishment; and vex'd Others with Ecclesiastical Censures and Excommunica- tions contrary to Law. 8 That he abus'd the Trust repos'd in him by his
Majesty, intruding upnn the Places of divers great Of- ficers, and others the King's Subjects, and procur'd to himself the Nomination of Persons to Ecclesiastical Pre- ferments which belong'd to his Majesty and others ; and prefer'd Persons to be Chaplains to the King, and to other great Promotions, who were Popishly afFected, 9 That he admitted those to be his own Chaplains r ^ Popishly affected, and committed the licen- sing of Books to them, by which means divers supersti- tious Books had been publish'd. Jo. That he had endeavour'd to reconcile the Church of England with the Church of Rome; and to that End convers'd
with Popish Priests and Jesuits. and held Correspondence with the Pope, and treated with those who had receiv'd Instructions from him: And that he had countenanc'd the establishing a Popish Hierarchy in this Kingdom. 11 That he had caus'd divers Orthodox, and learned Preachers to be silenc'd, depriv'd and vex'd, and thereby hinder'd the preaching of God's Word, and caus'd many loyal Subjects to forsake the Kingdom 12. That he had abrogated the Privileges granted to the French and Dutch Churches, in this Kingdom, en- deavouring to cause Discord between the Church of England, and other Reform'd Churches. 13.
That he had labour'd ro bring divers Popish In- novations into the Kingdom of Scotland, in order to create a War between the two Kingdoms of England and Scotland ; and had advis'd his Majesty to subdue the Scots by Force of Arms; and had enforc'd the Cler- gy of this Kingdom to contribute towards that War; and that when his Majesty had made a Pacification, he censur'd it as dishonourable, and so incens'd his Majesty, that he enter'd into an offensive War against the Scots. 14. That to prevent his being question'd for his said traiterous Proceedings, he had endeavour'd to subvert the Rights of Parliament, and incense his
Majesty a- against them, and labour'd to cause Divisions between his Majesty and his People, to the ruin of himself, and his Kingdoms; for which they did impeach him of High- Treason. And the said Commons, saving to themselves the Li- berty of exhibiting any further Accusation, and of re- plying, & c. pray'd the Archbishop might be put to An- swer, and such Proceedings and Judgment had thereupon as should be agreeable to Law and Justice. His Grace having heard the Articles read, spoke to this Effect: That though there was a heavy Charge against him, their Lordships observ'd it was in Generals, which in- deed made a
great Noise, but afforded no Proof; and when they should descend to Particulars, he did not doubt but his Innocence would furnish him with a suf- ficient Answer to what he should be charg'd with, That as he could not acquit himself of humane Frailties, so he did not doubt bat their Lordships would be favour- able to them ; but for any Corruption in the least De- gree, he fear'd no Accuser that would speak Truth. That what touch'd him nearest, was, that he should be thought to endeavour to introduce the Romish Supersti- tion, and be thought false to the Religion he profess'd : And that, with St. Jerome, he knew not how to be
pa- tient, when Falshood in Religion was charg'd upon him. When his Grace had ended his Speech, he desir'd he might remain at Mr. Maxwell's House till Monday fol- lowing, till his Lodgings were fitted up In the Tower; which was granted. And on Monday the first of March Mr. Maxwell carried him in his Coach to the Tower. When they enter'd cheapside, the Mob gather'd about the Coach, and went along with them, using Abundance of reproachful and scurrilous Language against the Archbishop, till he was enter'd the Tower Gate. On Tuesday October 24, 1643, His Grace receiv'd an Order from the Lords, dated the 23d. with a
Copy of ten Additional Articles, and the Order required him to put in his Answer, in Writing, by the 30th of the same Month. The said Additional Arricles were to this Effect. r. That the said Archbishop, in order to introduce an Arbitrary Government, had in the third and fourth Year of the King caused the Parliament, then sitting to be dis- solv'd, and afterwards, given divers Propositions to the Duke of Buckingham under his Hand, wherein he as- pers'd the Parliament, affirming they us'd his Majesty like a Child ; and affirm'd, that they were Factious Pu- ritans; and commended the Papists as harmless, peace- able Subjects. To be
cont'nu'd. Monday Morning between Two and Three of the Clock the Lord Irwin died of the Small- Pox, being the 9th Day of his Sickness. His Lordship was but 32 Years old ; marry'd to a Daughter of the Righr Hon the Earl of Carlisle, but having lest n0 Issue. is succeeded in his Honour and Estate by his Bother, the Hon. Arthur In- gram
gram, Esq; Member of Parliament for Horsham in Sus- sex. Mr. Parsons, Brother- in Law to Galfridus Walpole, Esq; is appointed Secretary to the Postmaster Genera. Several of the Annuitants have Fil'd a Bill in the ex- chequer against the South- Sea Company, to try in Equi- ty, whether Subscription be a good Contract. The Lady Ann Bateman, Wife of Wm. Bateman, Esq; and Daughter of the Earl of Sunderland, is brought to Bed of a Son. An Order is sent down to Exeter for executing one Walker, condemn'd last Assizes there, for the Murder of Tho. Ford, a Planter in Petty- Harbour in Newfound- land. Last Week a great
Quantity of Fire Arms bought by the Portugal Ambassador, were ship'd for Lisbon. We hear, the Lord Visc. Hatton is dangerously Indis- posed. Francis Colman, Esq; kiss'd the King's Hand on Sa- turday last, being appointed to reside as his Majesty's Minister at the Imperial Court, and will forthwith set out for Vienna. Letters from Madera of the 30th of last Month bring Advice, that Commodore Matthews; with four Men of War touch'd at that Place with several Ships under his Convoy, bound to Guinea and the East- Indies. Our Merchants have Advice, that the Union Capt. Grirelien, was lately lost in going over the Bar of Opor- to,
and all the Persons drown'd except a Boy, and that several other Ships were very much damaged in running foul of one another. Sir John Norris having received his Instructions, and taken leave of His Majesty, their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess, 8cc. is set out in order to sail with the Fleet forthwith to the Baltick. The Title of a Baronet of Great Britain is descended to Yelverton Peyton, Esq; a Sea Lieutenant in Half Pay, by the Death of Sir John Peyton, Bart, who died at Dublin some time since We hear there is a Marriage concluded between Sir Hugh Accland of the County of Devon, Bart, and Mrs. Wroth, Daughter
of Sir Thomas Wroth of the County of Sommetset, Bart, a Lady of 20000 1. Fortune. Sir George Ludlam, Kt. Chamberlan of London, is appointed Receiver- General for this City ; and Jo- siah Diston, Jun. Esq; is appointed Receiver General for the City of Westminster and County of Middlesex. The Transfer Books of the Bank open'd on the 5th Instant ; and they will begin to pay their Dividend of 3 per Cent, this Day. A Captain and two Pilots of a French Ship lately re- turn'd from America, have given the Regent of France an Account, that being in the Gulf of Bonaven- rura in the South Part of that Country, upon the 18th of
August last, they saw a Sea- Monster, with a Head like a Spaniel, middling Throat, very large Teeth, Eyes sparkling like those of a Man in a Passion, smooth Hair, a broad flat Nose, Hands, Arms, Shoulders, and every Motion like ours, a brown Skin, Nurse's Chest, and that which distinguishes Sexes, like a Horse's. He was about eight Feer high, as near as could be guess'd by the Eye. He came so near the Ship from Ten to Twelve o' Clock, that one might almost have taken him by the Hand, if he had been dispofed to shake Hands. The Captain try'd the Harping- Iron twice at him ; but he escaped it both times by plunging.
Soon after he appear'd again, and swam off like a Man bathing. Then he came near again, rose out of the Water as high as his Knees, did what can- not handsomely be express'd, and so disappear'd for good. This Monster somewhat resembles that kill'd in 1717, by Monsieur Caron, upon the Banks of Boulogne. The Regent hath order'd a Design to be made of it, and that with the Description to be reposited among the Archives of Paris. Last Week three noted Highwaymen were ap- prehended at an Inn at Egham in Surrey, and brought Prisoners to the Stockouse at Kingston. In the Year 1717, when the May Pole in the Strand
was taken down, Sir Isaac Newton, Kt. the great Mathe- matician, obtained it of the Inhabitants and sent it to the Rev Mr Pound Rector of Wanstead in Essex, who got leave of ( Sir Richard Child, Bart..) now Lord Castlemain to erect and place the same in his Lordships Park at Wan- stead, the Use whereof is for the raising of a Telescope. the largest in the World, being 125 Foot long, and was given to the Royal Society, by Monsieur Hugon, a Member thereof ; it had not long been set up there, but these witty Verses were fastned upon it by an unknown Hand. ,, , „ Once I adorn'd the Strand, But now have found, My way to
Pound, In Baron Newton's Land. Where my Aspiring Head aloft is rear'd, T' observe the Motions of the aethereal Herd, Here sometimes rais'd a Machine by my Side, Thro which is seen the Sparkling Milky Tide: Here oft I'm scented with a balmy Dew, A pleasing Blessing which the Strand ne'er knew ; There stood I, only to receive Abuse, But here converted to a nobler Use : So that with me all Passengers will say, I'm better far than when the Pole of May. We hear Orders are given to the Workmen for to proceed next Week in the finishing of the Churches, that have stood still for a long Time. ., They write from Dublin that there
has been a large Collection at several of the Churches, for the Poor Weavers of that Place, and had Collected above 1000 1. also there was Acted a Play for them at the Theatre- Royal, where a Prologue and Epilogue was spoken and is as follows. A PROLOGUE, spoke by Mr. Elrington. GReat Cry and little Wooll is now become The Plague and Proverb of the Weavers Loom. No Wooll to Work on, neither Weft nor Warp. Their Pockets empty, and their Stomachs sharp. Provok'd in loud Complaints, to You they Cry, Ladies relieve the Weavers, or they Dye. Forsake your Silks for Stuffs, nor think it strange To shift your Cloaths,
since you delight in Change. One Thing with Freedom I'll presume to tell, The Men will like you ev'ry Bit as well. See, I am dress'd from Top to Toe in Stuff, And by my Troth I think I'm fine enough ; My Wife admires me more, and swears She never In any Dress beheld me look so Clever. And if a Man be better in such Ware ; What great Advantage must it give the Fair ! Our Wooll from Lambs of Innocence proceeds, Silk comes from Maggot's, Calicoes from Weeds, Hence ' tis by sad Experience that we find 7 Ladies in Silks to Vapours much inclin'd, S And what are they but Maggot's in the Mind ? J For which I think it Reason
to conclude, That Cloaths may change our Tempers like our Food. Chinces are gawdy and engage our Eyes ; Too much about the party colour'd dies. Altho' the Lustre is from you begun, We see the Rain Bow, and neglect the Sun. How Sweet and Innocent's the Country Maid With small Expence in Native Wooll Array'd ? Who Copies from the Fields her Homely Green, While by her Shepherd with Delight She's seen, Shou'd our fair Ladies dress like her in Wooll, How much more Lovely, and how Beautiful, Without their Indian Drapery they'd prove, And Wooll wou'd help to warm us into Love Then like the Famous Argonaut of
Greece, We'd all contend to gain the Golden Fleece. An EPILOGUE, spoke by Mr. GRIFFITH. WHO dares affirm this is no pious Age, When Charity begins to tread the Stage : When Actors who at best are hardly Savers ° Will give a Night of Benefit to Weavers ? Stay let me see how finely will it Sound, Imprimis: From his Grace a Hundred Pound. Peers, Clergy, Gentry, all are Benefactors; And then Comes in the Item of the Actors. Item the Actors, freely gave a Day, The Poet had no more who made the Play. But
IK But whence this Wond'rous Charity, in Play'rs, They learnt it sure at Sermons or at Pray'rs. Under the Rose since here are none but friends; To own the Truth we hare some private Ends. We'll dress in Manufactures, made at home ? Equip our KINGS, and Generals at the Comb. We'll in Meath- Street. Egypt's haughty Queen, And Anthony shall court her in Ratteen. In blue Shalloon, shall Hannibal be Clad, And Scipio, trail an Irish purple Plad, In Drugget drest of Thirty Pence a Yard, See Philip's Son amidst his Persian Guard ; And proud Roxana fir'd with jealous Rage, With fifty Yards of Crape, shall sweep the Stage. In
short our King's and Princesses within, Are all resolv'd the Project to begin ; And you, our Subjects, when yon here resort, Must Imitate the Fashion of the Court. O ! cou'd I see this Audience Clad in Scuff, Tho' Moneys scarce we shou'd have Trade enough ; But Chints, Brocades, and Lace take all away, And scarce a Crown is left to see the Play : Perhaps you wonder whence this Friendship Springs, Between the Weavers and us Play House Kings. But Wit and Weaving had the same Beginning, Pallas first taught us Poetry and Spinning ; And pray obserVe how this Allowance fits, For Weavers now are just as poor as Wits;
Their Brother Quill Men Workers for the Stage, for sorry Stuff, can get a Crown a Page : But Weavers will be kinder to the Players, And Sell for Twenty Pence a Yard theirs ; And to your knowledge there is often less in The Poets Wits, than in the Players Dressing. The South Sea company do pay the Half Years Inter- est due upon their Long Bonds to Lady- Day last, on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Mornings, Holidays excepted ; and they make out Stock for the 3d and 4< h Subscriptions on the same Days in the Morning. The said Company do also pay their Dividend of j per Cent, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays,
from Ten in the Morning to One. The Race between the two Running Footmen to York and back again, was accordingly run in Part by both the WagererS ; but in the close of the first Day, Thomas Butler, Running Footman to Clayton, Esq; gave out, being taken ill with a Fever, and was brought back in a Waggon ; but the other, Peter Hugh, son the Highlander, proceeded on his Way. We hear, that Capt. Paul George of the Dragoons, has disposed of his Post, and that he hath got the Command of Col. D'Oyly's Company of Invalids The Baltick Squadron being compleatly Mann'd, a Stop is put to the Impressing any more Men,
either on the River of Thames, or elsewhere. On Monday last the following Guard- Ships were put in Commission, viz. The Nassau, Capt. Walton ; Ips- wich, Capt. Allen ; Essex, Capt. Harris ; Yarmouth, Capt. Kempthorn; Jersey, Capt. Davies; Torbay, Capt. Haddock; Bredau, Capt. Vanbrugg ; Windsor, Capt. Hubbard ; and Deptford, Capt. Elford. A Son of Gilbert Pickering, is lately dead of the Small- Pox. We hear, the Earl of Rothes, His Majesty's High Commissioner for the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, is upon the Point of setting out for that part of the United Kingdom, to open his Commission. Dr. Benjamin
Ibbot, Rector of St. Paul's Shadwell, Afternoon Preacher at St. James's Church, and Chap- lain in Ordinary to his Majesty, is ill of the Small. Pox. Thursday 7 Night His Majesty stood Godfather to a s° n of Sir John Jennings, by his Proxy the Duke of Man- n Wh° gaVe him the Name of George. Our Merchants have Advice, that the Damarisk, Capt. Alexander, from the Canaries, for Bristol, having lost all her Masts, and several of her Men in bad Weather, and having the greatest Part of her Wines stav'd, was put in at the Saltpots in Scotland. The Lord Polwarth, late Envoy at the Court of Den- mark, IS daily expected Home; and
with him Baron Solenthal, the Danish Envoy to this Court. Upon the Arrival of the latter, to notifie the Death of the late King of Sweden our Court will go into six Weeks Mourning. . We hear, the Earl of Stairs will, in a few Days, set out for Scotland. . Sir Tho. Mackworth, Bart, is chosen knight of the Shire for the County of Rutland, in the room of the Marquis of Granby, now Duke of Portland. Letters from Rome say, that the Pope finding his End approach, sent for the Pretender ; and when he was come. told the Cardinals, who were then in his Chamber, that he desir'd to speak with him in Private. But one of them re- presenting to
him, that it would more redound to the Re- nown of his Holiness, to declare in their Presence his Last Will in regard to that Person ; the Holy Father yielded to these Instances, and recommended to them the three following Points : 1. To permit the Pretender to reside constantly in the Palace that has been assign'd him. 3. To continue to pay him the Revenue that has been granted him, to enable him to support the Royal Dig- nity till he shall recover his Kingdoms. 3. To oblige the Successor to the Holy See, to assist him in all things a- gainst the Attempts of his Enemies. Upon which, the Cardinals assured the Pope, that they
would not fail to perform the first and third Article ; but as to the second, it would be inexcusable to continue to drain the Treasure of the Church, which was solely design'd for the Defence of the Catholick Religion, and not for the Preservation of one Prince only. To which the Pope reply'd.. That his Successor, whoever he were, might with a safe Conscience draw Sums from the Pub- lick Treasure, for the Subsistence of the Pretender, since he was dispossess'd of his Dominions for the Sake' of the Catholick Religion. The Pretender himself too spoke very movingly in his own Behalf; and conclu- ded with telling them, That he
hop'd they would not forsake one already forlorn. Nevertheless, the Cardinals reply'd, that it was requisite for them to deliberate on this Affair, and that they would give the Result of their Opinion the Day following. To this the Pope acquiesc'd, desiring Cardinal Althan to engage the Em- peror to espouse the Pretender's Interests, and not to a- bandon him in the present Conjuncture. But that Car- dinal desir'd to be excus'd, representing, that it was in- tirely impracticable, not only on account of the solemn Treaties, but also because of the signal Services that England had render'd to his Imperial Majesty in the last War against the
Spaniards. During these Transacti- ons, the Pope died, before the Cardinals had imparted to him their Resolution ; but ' tis believ'd in general, that the Pension given to the Pretender, will be from henceforth very much retrench'd. A True Report of the great Number of Poor Children, and other Poor People, Maintain'd in the several Hospitals, under the Pious Care of the Lord Mayor, Commonalty, and Citizens of the City of London, the Year last past. CHILDReN put forth Apprentices, and dis- charg'd out of Christ's Hospital, 129; ten whereof being instructed in the Mathematicks and Navi- gation, 129. Children Buried the Year last
past, 5. Children now remaining under the Care and Charge of the said Hospital, 862. There have been Cured and Discharged from St. Bar- tholomew's Hospital, of Wounded, Maimed, Sick, and Diseased Persons, 323$. Buried this Year, after much Charge in the time of their Illness. 249. Remaining under Cure at the Charge of the said Hos- pital. 5J3 There have been Cur'd and Discharg'd from St. Tho- mas's Hospital in Southwark, of Wounded, Maimed, Sick and Diseased Persons 4jcj. Buried from thence this Year after much Charge in their Sickness. 340 Remaining under Cure at the Charge of the said Hos- pital. . So that
there are, or have been this Year, of poor miserable Objects under the Care of the said Hospital, in the whole. 549? Received this last Year into the Hospital of Bride well, Vagrants and other indigent and miserable People, alL which \
C 1S5O Which have had Physick, and such other. Relief at the Charge of the said Hospital, as their Necessities requir- ed 31 1 . i Maintained in the said hospital, and brought up in divers. Arts and Trade at the only Charge of the said Hospital, Apprentices 108. ' Admitted into the Hospital of Bethlem this last Year, Distracted - Men and Women. 7°- Cured of their Lunacy. . • Distracted Persons Buried the last Year, after much Charge bestow'd upon them in their Lunacy and Sick- ness. Now remaining in the said Hospital under cure. 13^. The Proprietors of the Undertaking at Westminster, for insuring Houses, Goods, & c. from
Loss by Fires, have declar'd that they will give 20s. Extraordinary, or ever and above the usual Fees, for their Encouragement, to use the utmost Dilligence in Case of Fires. Last Thursday the Reverend the Clergy of the City of London met at Christ Church. and unanimOusly resolv'd that thanks should be given to the Right Honourable the earl of Nottingham, for his Lordship's late excellent Defence of the Christian Faith, in his Book entituled, An answer to Mr. Whislon's Letter, See, Accordingly Dr. Stanley. Archdeacon of London, Dr. Mangey. Chaplain to the Bishop of London, and Dr. Bedford, Minister of St. George Botolph
Lane, and one of the Members of the Convocation, were appointed to wait on his Lord- ship and present him their Thanks, pursuant to the said Resolution. We hear that an Account will be order'd to be taken by the Committee, appointed to enquire into the Estates of the late South- Sea Directors, of that of Mr. Aislabie, and Sir George Caswel, in order towards their making good the Losses Sustain'd by the unhappy Sufferers of the South Sea Compaay, and ' tis also rumour'd that the Executors of the two Craggs, will be obliged to give an A: count of what was left in their Charge. The Falmouth Man of War of 50 Guns, Capt.
Wade, going down the River ran aground near Long Reach, and receiv'd such Damage that ' tis thought it will scarce be able to sail with the Baltick Squadron. The Earl of Bute, Brother- in. Law to the Duke of Argyle, is made one of the Lords of the Bed- chamber to his Majesty, in the Room of the Lord Cartaret. Mr. Reynolds is made Secretary to the Chancellor ef the Exchequer, in the room of Mr. Robert Manning. Letters from Paris say, that the Account we received from St. Malo, of the Phenomenon seen there in the sky is as follows : On Saturday the 1st of March, at Ten o'Clock at Night, we saw here a more strange
Phenomenon, than that of last Year. The New Moon, which was but two days old, was thrice as big as it ought to have been, as red as Fire, and in a violent Motion. There arose from betwixt its two Horns, a , white Bar, very luminous, and twice as big as the Rain Bow ordinarily appears. This Bar, which went as it were in the East, was continually cross'd, at seve- ral Distances, with an infinite Number of blue, green, and red Fires, which sprang up and down without In- termission. This first Appearance lasted till Eleven o'Clock, when the Moon seemingly precipitated itself Westward. After this we saw in the South East a Star of
an extraordinary Size and Brightness, not far from the white Bar which still subsisted ; but the Fires about the Bar were perfectly eclipsed by the Superior Light of the Star. This Star continued about an Hour in all its Beauty, and then went out by degrees like a Coal of Fire. Now the Fires about the white Bar appear'd again in a much greater Agitation than before, and dispers'd themselves every where. It was so light, we could see to read the smallest Writing. The Firmament was full of Stars, the Air temperate, and nothing stirring but those Fires about the Bar, which appear'd to be in the most violent Motion. This fine Sight lasted
till half an hour past One when all disappear'd except the Stars ; and they were soon intercepted by a Night as dark as if a Curtain had been dropt betwixt us and the Sky. ' N The Installment is not to be on St. George's Day, but on St Mark's- Day, which is Tuesday the 25th instant. On Saturday last died James Grey, Esq; of the Temple, at his Seat at Woolerton near Holt in Norfolk. Christen'd Males 191. Females 196. In all 387 Buried Males 23 Females 26, In all 546. Decreas'd in the Burials this Week 15. CASUALTIES. Broken Leg 1 .' Excessive Drinking 1. Executed 1. Found Dead in the New River ( buried at St. James's
Clerken- well) 1. Kill'd by the Fall of an House at St. Margaret in Westminster 1. Overlaid 3. Yesterday the Prices of GOODS at BEAR- KEY, were as follow. Wheat 20 s. to 35 s. per Quarter. Rye iy s. to 18 s. Barley 16 s. to 19 s. Oats 11 s. to 1; s. Hog Pease 16 s. to 20 s. Beans 17 s. to 14 s. Malt 17 s. to 27 s. Rape Seed 13I. to 16l. per Last. Hops 3 1. to 4 1. per C. Coals per Chald. 21 s to 27 s. Colchester Crown Baise 15 d. per Ell. Yesterday Bank 134- India 144 South- Sea 150 Lond. Assurance 7. Royal Assur. 6 f. Old African 40. New African 30^ , , ADVERTISEMENTS. sUCH Persons as are troubled with any Leprous or
other stubborn Breakings out, or Defilements of the Skin, from the Scurvy, or other foul corrupt Humours in the Blood, and as having tried every thing for the Cure thereof in vain, may be doubtful of the Success of the sweetning Diet- Drink here recom- mended, and the more by reason of the many fallacious Medicines Which are made publick, shall be directed for their Satisfaction, to several P » ople of unquestionable Credit, who were in the most miserable Conditions, and cured by it, when no other Medicines or Methods, by the best Advice, and for Years to- gether, would avail, and who had it not been publish'd, would in all
likelihood have never heard of it ; particularly one Gen- tleman ( who has also given Leave to be referr'd to) that was Cured by it of an obstinate Leprous Humour all over him, af- ter having been harrass'd with vast Quantities of Medicines for seven Years together, by the Advice of eight or nine of the most eminent Physicians and Surgeons, to the Expence of 3 or 4001. to no purpose, and who, when he shew'd himself to them cured, held up their Hands in Surprize, as if it had been Miraculous. It is a pleasant safe Medicine, all that take it wish they had known it sooner, it being in every respect agreeable to, and seems
particularly intended by ' Nature tor the Cure of cutane- ous Diseases, as the visible dying away of the Eruptions on the Skin, upon a few days drinking shews. It has no fallible Ope- ration, but as soon as it enters into the Blood, it immediately begins and gradually goes on to Alter and Change the Humours ( which feed and foul the Glands of the Skin, and cause those scabby Appearances) from a state of the Distemperature to a state of Health. Thus by taking away the Cause the Effects cease. It hinders no Business, gives no Disorder, nor does the patient ever relapse. The Author of it, Mr. Marten, Surgeon, in Prujcan's Court,
in the Old- Bailey, near Ludgate- Hill, may be spoke with every Day, about it, till Four a Clock in the Af- noon. ALL that are distrested to the last Degree with the French- Disease, or any Sympton of it and try'd Salivation, the Specifick, and Arcanum, and all the Diet Drinks, with all the other Mercurial Slip Slops, and tired with taking Medicines to no purpose, may have a fair, speedy, cheap, and private Cure; A Clap or Running of the Reins is cured in a few Days, without hindrance of Business, and so private, that the most in- timate cannot take Notice of it. Note, Those that live in the Country may send and be furnish'd with six
Doses foj five Shillings, that Cure all Symptoms of the French disease, Rheumitism, or Scurvy and will do you more Service in all the aforesaid Distempers, than any twelve Doses sold in England. To be spoke with at the Golden Ball in Three Falcon- Court in Fleet street, almost over against Water Lane. Advice in all Distempers Gratis. LONDON: Printed and Sold by J. HEAD, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street