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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 08/04/1721
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 6
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2-> C 1885 ) THe Weekly Journal: oR, British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1721. iJ. tfl GREAT- BRITAIN. Mr. R E A D, find the general Bent of all the News- Papers runs against the Authors of our prefent Calamities, and with reason enough I confess, for certainly no Nation under the Sun was ever so trick'd, ruin'd, and beggar'd, as we have been; a Treache- ry so well concerted and carried on by a Handful of Villains in Trust, that we were blown up before we had time to think that any Mine had been dug ; and what is worse, tho' the Depth of the Viilany has been discover'd, and the inmost Recesses of their dark Rogue- ries laid open, we are not able to have those Evils either redress'd or punish'd as they deserve, notwithstanding Publick Justice, and the Nations Wrongs cry aloud to Heaven for Vengeance. Tho' that be the Case, and that Case really bad enough, yet I cannot but think there is a proper Decorum to be kept with Governments; and, I hope, whatever their Sentiments may be con- cerning our present Calamities, or the mischievous Rise of them, that you still preserve your wonted Duty and Respect for his Majesty King GEORGE, and a just Ab- horrence of all Treason and Sedition, either in Word or Deed, let it come from what Quarter, or from what Hands it will, whether from secret Enemies, or pre- tended Friends. Disloyalty may have various Masks, and whilst Men may assume a Pretence of calling out for Justice, they may be aCting or introducing the greatest Injustice : Whilst they are pretending to be speak the At- tention of the People for the Good of the Nation, they may be calling them to Arms, and downright precipi- tating them into an Insurrection : One way effectually to do this, is to set the People up for the Judges. How- ever proper they may be to Judge of Matters at present, there has been a Tim ® when thofe, who feem now to spirit them up, wou'd have been very unwilling to abide by their Judgment. A Government may have Faults, but the Governor wou'd have but an indifferent Time of it, if the Popu- lace were to be DiCtators. I say, that tho' a govern- ment may be chargeable with some false Steps, it is not to be suffer'd that every daring Scribler shall launch out into traiterous and sawcy RefleCtions; no, not even tho' the Name of some Great Lord shou'd be made use of to give Sanction to their Libels ; or tho' that Great Lord shou'd have all the reason imaginable to pay the most obsequious RespeCt to the Person of that Prince, who under feign'd and counterfeit Pretences, is treated with the highest Indignity, and us'd as no Prince in the World ever was, or as no Subject ever durst use a Prince, either in this, or any other Country. It may indeed serve to convince the World that that Ministry must be very feeble which lets such Insolence pass with Impuni- ty i but it may also serve to shew these Writers that Prict Three Half. Pence. they have a good and merciful Prince, who suffers them to offend thus. I can remember Mr. Read, when you Were taken into Custody and Bound over, for a small Reflection on the late K. of Sweden, then in his Grave; and yet here is a living Monarch in his own Dominions ten times worse us'd, and they are suffer'd to go on. I am pretty well resolv'd Within my self, that shou'd any thing like this be publish'd in another Country, and Complaint had been made by His Majesty's Re- sident there, a Foreign Court wou'd have done him that Justice to have punish'd the Offenders ; and shall the Libellers at Home go unpunish'd ? I really see no End or Design in it, but to blow the Nation into a Flame, and to ripen the Populace to Rebellion, where they are falsly represented as proper Judges of Peace or war, Right or Wrong ; so that they seem to be told that they have a Right to take up Arms, when their Sentiments are not follow'd. A pretty Compliment paid to a Mob, who have been so far from being capable to distinguish, that they cry'd up the greatest Miscreant's, have and vill= fied the best Patriots, and have even Coutenanc'd the Pre- tender's Title before King GEORGE'S. ' Tis easy to per- ceive what these Men drive at. Put them into Power and Place they'll be Contented, and perhaps the Nation never a Jot the better for all their pretended Honesty and loud crys for Justice. Cou'd one really think their Aim went no farther than calling the late Directors and their Adherents and Abettors to Justice, or bring, over Mr Knight, every honest Englishman wou'd joyn with them ; but whilst they pretend to instruCt the Mob sawcily, tho' Ironically to dictate to the King what he is to do, in relation to Peace and War, Gibraltar, the Czars and such Secrets of State, ' tis hoped that no Man who has, or ever had any Respect for the present Govern, ment, but will wash their Hands of such seditios; Ad- vocates for the People; for these Things have no rela- tion to Misfortunes accruing from the South- Sea Vil- lains, and therefore are purposely foisted in with Design to bring yet greater AffliCtions upon us. As to their making so free with Foreign Princes, after they have paid their own with so little RespeCt I cannot see what shou'd stop their Hands from the most gross Re- flections; RefleCtions ! that do not come under their Cognizance, and if they did,, those Princes have Mini- sters here to call for Justice, and if they have not that Justice, it may occasion Misunderstandings, as those People who have affronted Crown'd Heads, or Publick Ministers, have often been told when they have come to be Examin'd upon Complaints of that Nature. I am afraid of being tedious, otherwise cou'd say a great deal more on that SubjeCt, and give any honest english- man just Reasons that such Proceedings will in the End do a great deal more Harm than Good, for People may not be always in that Ferment they are in now and provok'd by their Injuries to like such Railing ; and another Thing I can shew the Printer and Publisher Precedents, where they may be Punish'd, without tak- ing any Notice of the Great Persons said to back them and which it shall not be in the Interest of those Great Persons to SKREEN them from. I speak this only by way of Caution, I am, & c. J L th* The Conclusion of the Tryal of the Earl of Strafford. The rest of the Articles charg'd against the Earl are as follows. By the jfth Article, he was charg'd with imposing great Sums of Money on the People contrary to Law, and levying them by a Military Force. By the 16th Article he was charg'd with issuing seve- ral Proclamations forbidding the Nobility and others to depart the Kingdom without Licence, whereby they were depriv'd of all Opportunity of Petitioning for Redress against his Tyranny and Oppression. _ This 19th Article charges him with framing a new and unlawful Oath, and imposing it upon the Scotch Who inhabited Ireland ; and that such as refus'd it he fin'd, imprison'd and banish'd; and particularly, that he fin'd Henry Stewart and his Wife 5000 1. a piece, & c. Which Oath the Lord Strafford declar'd did oblige them not only in point of Allegiance and Supremacy, but to the Ceremonies and Government of the Church establish'd, or to be establish'd by his Majesty's Au- thority. The Commons proceed to speak to the 20th, 21ft, 52d, 23d, and 24th Articles. This 20th Article charges him with inciting his Ma- jesty to carry on an offensive War against his Subjects of Scotland, and having caus'd divers Ships of that Nation to be seiz'd in order to kindle the said War, & c. In the 21 st Article they charge him. That having prevail'd with his Majesty to enter into the said War, on Pretence of procuring a Supply for Maintenance of it, he compell'd his Majesty to call a Parliament in Eng- land, designing, that if the said Parliament refus'd to enter into his Measures, then to procure his Majesty to break with them, and raise Money on the Subject by Force They fet forth in the i- xi Article, that he procur'd the Parliament of Ireland to declare they would assist in the said War against the Scots. And gave Directions for raising an Army there of 8000 Foot, and icoo Horse, being for the most part Papists, whom he de- sign'd to employ in the Destruction of this Kingdom of England. He is charg'd in the 23d. Article, that upon the fifth Day of May, he falsly told his Majesty, that his Parlia. ment refus'd to supply him, and thereby procur'd his Majesty to dissolve them ; and immediately after said to his Majesty, That having try'd the Affections of his People, he was loose and absolv'd from all Rules of Government; and that he was to do every thing that Power would admit In the 24th Article, That he declar'd the Parliament had forsaken the King, and given him Advantage to supply himself another way ; and that he was not to suffer himself to be master'd by the Frowardness of the People, & c. April 7. 1641. He is charg'd in the 25th Article with advising his Majesty vigorously to levy Ship Money ; and procuring some Sheriffs to be prosecuted in the Star Chamber for not levying it : And that when the Lord Mayor and Aldermen were sent for to the Council, and it was de. manded of them what Inhabitants of the City were capable to lend the King Money, and they refus'd to answer: He said, That they deserv'd to be put to Fine and Ransom ; and that no good would be done with them till an Example was made of them, and that they were laid by the Heels, and some of the Aldermen hang'd up. This Article charges, That having reduc'd his Ma- jesty to great Straits for Money, he fell upon two dan- gerous Projects, viz to seize the Money in the Mint, and to embase the Coin with a Mixture of Brass; And that accordingly he procur'd 180000 1. to be seiz'd in the Mint, which belong'd to several Merchants: And that when some attended my Lord Strafford, represent. ing the ill Consequences of these Things, he reply'd, the City had dealt undutifully with his Majesty, and they were more ready to help the Rebels than the King, and might thank themselves for it, & c. In the 27' h Article it is charg'd, That the Lord Straf- ford, being Lieutenant. General of his Majesty's Forces against the Scots, impos'd a Tax of 8J. a Day for the Maintenance of every Soldier of the Train'd. Bands in the County of York, Scs. April 12, 1641 This Day being apppinted for summing up the EvidenCe on both Sides, my Lord Strafford was directed by the Lord High Steward to do it on his Part with all the Clearness and Succinctness he could. My Lord Strafford thereupon proceeded to a Reca- pitulation of what had been offer'd on each Side, pro- mising that he should not endeavour to represent the Proofs of either better or worse than they were in them- selves, and he wish'd the like Rule might be observ'd on the other Side, for in the Management of this Cause he observ'd they had aver'd that several Articles were fully prov'd, where he conceiv'd there was nothing fully prov'd. April 21, 1641. A Bill having been brought into the House of Com- mons, to attaint the Earl ot Strafford of High- Treason, my Lord Digby, who had been one of the Managers for the Commons in the Impeachment, made a Speech against the Bill. My Lord Digby said, He was still of Opinion that the Earl of Strafford was a most dangerous Minister, and most unsupportable to free Subjects; That he be- liev'd him still that grand Apostate to the Common- wealth, who must not expect to be pardon'd in this World till he was dispatch'd to another, but yet that his Hand must not be to that Dispatch, as his Confidence stood inform'd ; he had rather it was off. That he must put them in mind of the Difference between Prosecutors and Judges, and how unbecoming that Fervour was in them now they were Judges, which, perhaps, might be commendable in them as Prosecutors. That it was honest and noble to be earnest in order to the Discovery of Truth, but when that was brought to light, their Judg. ment thereupon ought to be calm and cautious. The same Day, the 21ft of April, the Bill was read a third Time by the Commons, and upon the Question, the Lord Digby and Mr. Lloyd were appointed Tellers for the Year, and Sir Gilbert Gerard and Sir Thomas Barrington Tellers for the Noes; and there appear'd to be Yeas 204 Noes 59. Then the Bill was sent up to the Lords by Mr. Pym, and he was order'd to acquaint their Lordships, That it was a Bill that highly concern'd the Commonwealth, es- pecially in the expediting of it. Mr. Pym reported, That he had deliver'd the Bill of Attainder as he was commanded ; and acquainted their Lordships that the Commons were ready to justify the Legality of the Bill, Thursday, April 22, 1641. The Commons receiv'd a Message from the Lords, that they had agreed to hear the House in Westminster- Hall, as to the Matter of Law, on Saturday next. Whereupon the Commons appointed Mr. Solicitor ST. John to maintain the legal Part of the Bill of Attainder, and Mr. Glynn and Mr. Maynard were appointed his Assistants; but it was put off to the 29th of April. April 13, 1641, Exceptions were taken in the House of Commons to my Lord Digby's Speech on the Bill of Attainder ; but his Lordship rising up and explaining some Passages in it, the Matter was drop'd. April 24, 1642. Two Petitions from the Citizens of London were read ; one was directed to the House of Commons, and the other to the Honourable Assembly of the Lords and Commons, desiring to have their Grievances redress'd, and Justice done upon the Earl of Strafford, and other Incendiaiies and Offenders, without which the Petitio- ners conceiv'd that neither their Lives, Liberties, or Estates could be secured, which Petition was subscrib'd by twenty Thousand Hands. The Commons sent up the last Petition to the Lords, urging them again to expedite the Bill of the Attainder. Wednesday, April 28, 1641. Mr Edward Hide was sent with a Message to the Lords, to desire the Lord Strafford might be close con- fl. i'd, the Commons fearing his Escape. Mr. St. John having set forth the Legality of the Earl of Straffords Attainder, my Lord Strafford Peti- tion'd that his Council might be heard again in matter at Law, bur this Was over rul'd. Friday May 7, 1641, the Lords pass'd the Bill of Attainder. Next Day, the Lords mov'd his Majesty to pass my Lord Statfford's Attainder. NEXT Day, being Sunday r 1887 3 Extract of a Letter from Mr. John Biss, dated Maderas, March 4. N. Si. 1721. Sunday, the King consulted several Bishops and Jndges concerning it. Monday, May 10. 1641. it was pass'd;, and on the Wednesday following, being the 12th of May, the Earl of Strafford was beheaded on Tower- Hill. Next we shall procced upon the Tryal of Archbishop Laud, who was beheaded for introducing the Common- Prayer Book in Scotland. The two Persons condemn'd at Kingston, viz Simon Broom, and John Del, alias Appleby, are Repriev'd. Last Week the House of Lords heard the Cause concerning the rebuilding Westminster College, between Francis Lord Bishop of Rochester, Dean of the collegiate Church of St. Peter Westminfter, Mi- chael Evans Clerk, Lawrence Broderick, Robert Can- non, and Henry Baker Doctors in Divinity ; four of the Prebendaries of the collegiate Church Appellants , Sir Rober Raymond his Majesty's Attorney General, Nicholas Onley, Thomas Dent, Thomas Lynford, and Edward Gee, Doctors in Divinity ; and Samuel Lord Bishop of Carlisle, five of the Prebendaries of the colle- giate Church aforesaid, Robert Friend Doctor in Divini- ty. Matter of Westminfter School, and William Farrer Esquire Respondents ; which Cause had been heard two Days successively in June last before the Lord Chancel- lor who was pleased to order that the Parties should proceed to a Tryal at Law, at the Bar of the Court of Kings Bench. 1 ft. Whether the Relators, the Preben- daries of Westminster, have such a Right or interest in the Garden called the Common, or College, or Preben- daries Orchard in Quefsion ; that the Dean and Chapter cannot without the Consent of the Respondents, the Prebendaries, lawfully build thereon according to the Plan proposed for building a new Dormitory, idly, Whether the Respondent, Doctor Friend, hath such a Right and Interest in such a little Garden leading from the School to the said common Garden; that the Dean and Chapter cannot lawfully build thereon without h s Consent, according to the said Plan. 3dly, Whether if the said Building should go on according to the said Plan, it would be such a Nuisance to the Respondents, Dr. Dent and Mr. Farrer, that they might lawfully stop the said Building: The Bishop of Rochester, 8cc. not willing to abide this Issue, did thereupon directly ap- peal to the House of Lords, and their Lordships af. er hearing the Arguments of Council for two Days suc- cessively, adjourned their Debates for a Fortnight, to give Time to the Parties to agree. They write from Lydd in Kent that two Smuglers having been seized by the Custom- Houfe Officers, and committed to Prison there, were released on Saturday the 18th past by ten of their Fellows, who came on horseback armed with Pistols, Swords, and each Man a Hatchet; who upon their Arrival demanded the two Men, but being refused, broke open the Prison, and going up Stairs, the two first fired their Pistols before them as they went, by which one of the Custom House Officers was shot with a Ball into the Arm ; after which they rode off in Triumph wiih the two Men. The ten were so disguised, there was no knowing who they were. The Letters from Barbadoes say, the Small Pox is as rife there as the Plague in Provence, and that the Crop of Sugars there is extremely bad, insomuch that several considerable Planters will not be able to make any at all ; which, together with the prodigious Scarcity of Money, has very much alter'd the Face of that Colony, once the most gay and flourishing in America. Mr. John Bound, one of the Puisuivants at Arms, is dead. We hear, Brigadier General Stanwix is msde Gover- nour of Hull, in the room of the Lord Irwin. Monday at an Assembly of the Governours of the charter- House, his Grace the Duke of Chandois was unanimously chosen one of the Governours, in the room A Duke ° f Buckingham. deceas'd. • fire having lately happen'd near Croomb in Worcestershire, and there being some Reason to sus- pect that it was wilfully and maliciously occasion'd, his majesty hath been pleased to promise his most gracious pardon to any Person concerned in the same, who shall discover his Accomplices, so as they may be legally con- r k d ra Reward of 20 Guineas is likewise promised n J I, L on making such Discovery by the Right Ho- nourable the Earl of Coventry. A Prodigy has lately happened about the Island of Terseira 17 Leagues distance s E. from it, in and about the 12th to the 20th of November last, by Fires which break out on the Surface of the Sea, With a most violent Impetuosity, throwing up Pumice stones, and other Combustibles, and has formed an Island of three Leagues long and as many broad, having considerable Height, and Mountainous, with five Vulcanoes, making a most hideous Noise like Thunder, or great Guns, and a Cloud proceeding from it, breaking into small Rain of Sand inftead of Water. This Prodigy was first seen on the nth of the said Month by a Ship belonging to this Island, coming from Brazil, who thoughr at first it had been a Water- Spout; but coming nearer it, saw a pro- digious flashing of Fire, which smelt of Brimstone, and heard a most astonishing Noise; afterwards a vast Quantity of Fish was perceived dead 0n the Sea, and ap- peared broiled ; sailing a little farther, met such it Quantity of Pumice stones that it was hardly possible to make way through them ; at the said time they did not discern Land, but it made to them as a Cloud of Fire and Smoke, on the Surface of the Sea, for about half a League in Length, and the said Cloud ascending into the Air distilled into Showers of Rain, which brought abundance of Sand on their Ship's Deck, and being nigh the Flashes of Fire, and hearing the Noise, they were under great Consternation, but it pleased God to send them a little Breeze of Wind that brought them from it, and at that time it appeared to be nothing of Land above Water ; but now by Description of Mr. John Robinson, Matter of a Pink Snow of Piscarag, who sailed round it on the 20th of December, it is become a considerable Island, as aforesaid ; and they were so very nigh it, becalmed, that the Ashes proceeding from the vast Fire fell on their Deck, and they were in no small Danger thereby : The Governour of Terseira told the said Captain Robisfon, that the Irruption happened on the 20th of November, and that it caused a great Earthquake in the said Island, which threw down a great many Houses in the City of Angra, and the adjacent; Parts. Friday Sennight, the following Gentlemen were chosen Directors of the Bank of England for the Year ensuing, viz. Alderman. Mr. Robert Atwood. Sir Gerard Conyers, Kt. and Alderman. Richard Cary, Esq; Richard Du Cane, Esq; Sir Peter Delme, Kt. and Alderman. Mr. Barington Eaton. Sir Gilbert Heathcote, Kt and Alderman. Mr. Samuel Holden. Moses Raper. Esq; Sir William Seawen Kt. Mr John Shipman, William Thomson, Esq; Sir John Ward, Kt. and Ald Mr. Bryan Benson Thomas Cook, Esq; Mr John Francis Fauquier.' John Hanger, Esq; Sir William Jolliff, Kt. Sir Randolph Knipe, Kt. and Alderman. Christopher LethicuIlier, Esq mr. John Lordell. Sir Philip Jackson. Humphry Morrice, Esq; N. B. The last Eight are New Ones. Last Tuesday the following Gentlemen were chosen Directors of the East India Company for the Year en. suing, viz. Mr. Abraham Adams William Aislabie, Esq; Capt. Richard Boulton Francis Child, Esq; Dr. Caleb Cotesworth John Cooke Esq; William Dawsonne, Esq; Sir Matthew Decker, Bart Mr John Eccleston Joseph Eyles, Esq; John Gould. Esq; William Gosselin, Esq; Edward Harrison, Esq; Thomas Heath Esq; Joseph Herne, Esq; John Heathcote, Esq; Capt Robert Hudson Mr. Henry Kelsey Henry Lyell, Esq; Sir Gregory Page, Bart. Mr. Simon Theunemaus Edward Turner Esq; John Ward. Esq; Mr. Josias Wordsworth, jun, VulcanO in ye Sea Last Saturday one Anne Collins was committed to Newgate, being charged upon the Oath of John Collins her Husband, with beating and bruising him in a bar- barous Manner, and threatning to kill him, and with being marry'd to another Person ; all which she hath confess'd before the Justice of the Peace that made her Mittimus. Some Days since one Thomas Vincent was committed to Newgate, he standing indicted in the County of Mid- dlesex for the Murder of one Thomas Holden They are very busy at the Victualling Office in fur- nishing six Months Provisions for the Baltick Squadron, which will be ready to sail in a few Days. The Dean and Chapter of Westminster, had a meeting last ' Tuesday about rebuilding the old Dormitory, but came to no Agreement,, so that the Matter is like to re- turn again to the House of Lords. We hear the Dolphin, Hector, Richmond, and ano- ther Man of War, will quickly set sail for the Medi- terranean. Some Letters from Vienna say, that the Emperor, at the Instances of his Britannick Majesty, has named two Commissioners, who, in conjunction with the Pro- testant Ministers at Vienna, will endeavour to termi- nate all religious Differences. Last Monday a House, the Corner of Channel Row, fell down and kill'd one Woman. Letters from Dublin advise, that Sir John Peyton of that City, Baroner, Son and Heir of Sir John Peyton of Great Bradley in Suffolk, Baronet, Son and Heir of Sir Edward Peyton of Iselham, in Cambridgeshire, Baronet is dead there without Issue ; whereby the said Title of Baronet is fallen to Yelverton Peyton, Gent, now in His Majesty's Sea- Service, Son and Heir of Charles Peyton, Son and Heir of Thomas Peyton, late of Roug- ham in Norfolk: Esq; fourth Son of the aforenamed Sir Edward Peyton, Baronet. The Act about the Calicoes, says that it shall not be lawful for any Person, or Persons, whatsoever to use or wear in Great Britain any Garment or Apparel printed, stained, painted, or dyed Calicoes, after the ijth of December 1712. under the Penalty of 5 Pounds; and if after that Time any Person or Persons shall use 0r wear in Great- Britain, in or about any Bed, Chair, Cushion, Window- Curtain, or any other sort of Houshold Stuff, or Furniture, in the same manner as abovesaid, shall forfeit jo- Pounds, and it is the same Forfeiture of 20 Pounds for any Mercer, Draper, Upholder, or any o- ther Person that shall sell the aforesaid Goods, unless for Exportation thereof, and unless the same shall be clear'd outwards accordingly, as is usual in case of Sale for Ex- portation. ' Tis said, that a Cessation of Arms with Spain will be prolong'd. Mr. West, one of the King's Council, is chosen Mem- ber of Parliament for Tregoney in Cornwall, in the room of Sir Charles Cooke, deceas'd. Captain Guy succeeds Galfridus Walpole, Esq; in the Command of the Carolina Yatcht. The last Letters from Provence say, the Plague was somewhat abated at Aries, and at Tarascon ; that 74 1 8 3 8 ) Houses were shut up at Toulon j that Marseilles was al- most free from Infection, but that it was still lurking in several of the Country Villages ; that at present the Ma- gistrates of Marseilles were wholly taken up in punish- ing Offenders, who have been guilty of committing extream Barbarities during the late Mortality. The Number of the Dead in that City is computed to be 90000, of which the greatest Part have been kill'd by Poison, by the Sword, by being bled to Death, and a Thousand other fatal Confequences, suggested from a Desire of Gain in the Minds of Inhumane Wretches, who applied themselves wholly to become rich by the Spoils of the Innocent, and the Price of the Lives of their miserable Fellow Citizens; Even the publick In- firmaries have served for Theatres, in which the Sur- geons, the Hospital Attendants, and the Directors, have represented almost every Scene of Cruelty that can be invented. The Medicines which the Physicians pre- scribed were tripled upon the helpless Patients; Mer- cury was mix'd in their Broths, and many of them, when the Disorder was at the highest, were either stifled in their Beds, or dispatch'd by the Poniard. History can scarcely parallel the Villanies that have been committed during the Plague Time in that City. Another sort of Profligates made it their Practice to marry, then robb'd their Wives, and contrived Expedients to destroy them, on purpose to marry others. A young Woman of 23 Years of Age, was lately hang'd for practising of Poi- son ; a considerable Sum of Money was found in her Possession, befides Jewels. We know these Circumstan- ces by a Letter from Marseilles, dated the 13d of March; and the Author adds, that at the Instant he was writing, the Officers of Justice were leading the guilty Director of the Grand Hospital to the Place of Execution. There is Advice from Toulon, 156 Persons died of the Plague in 3 Days in that Town and in the Hospital of St. Roche, and that the Bishop had shut all the Churches, and offered ro give all his Substance for the Relief of the Poor, who being in extream want of of all Necessa- ries, run the Haziard of perishing through Want and Miseries rather than the Sickness, which ' tis said is felt on Board two Frigots in the Harbour of Arsenal, and also in another, which was fill'd with the meaner sort of People. We hear likewise that the District of Camar- ga, and several Places on the other side the Durance, are suspected of Infection. Letters from Venice say, that M. Law and his Son were unexpectedly returned thither, intending to tarry there till a new Pope is chosen at Rome. Tuesday last a young Woman drowned herself in the New. River; she was taken upon Wednesday in the Afternoon, and is not yet own'd, she was well dress'd, and her Hoop Petticoat was found hanging near the Place where she threw herself in. Last Thursday in the Evening two Gentlemen were robb'd, coming over Finchley- Common, of their Watches and Diamond- Rings, by one Man well mount- ed who rode off. Several Persons of Quality are gone to take the Di- versions of the Horse Races of New Market. IMr. READ, . Croydon, March 28th. 1721. N your last Journal but one, there is an Affecting Letter Representing, in Pathetical Terms, the Calamities of a Family Reduc'd almost to the Iowest Circumstances, by the fraudulent Practices of South. Sea Accomplices: which gave Occasion to the following Lines, which if you please you may publish in your next. I am Sir, your J. P. WEE do approve and love, The Innocence o'th Dove, The tempting Baits of Gold, Our Eyes shall not behold, To act within our Sphere, It's what will us endear, We'll strive all that we can. To serve both God and Man, Nor ever let our Mind, To cheating be inclin'd, The ways of Fraud and Sin; To us have odious been ; We never did refuse ; The honest Part to choose ; We never could be brought; To have a tricking Thought; To blame the Good and Wife ; We utterly despise; Consent to what is just; Whatever Is our Trust ; Those Columns are conjoyn'd, By such as have Combin'd ; Their Friends to undermine, But sep'rate are design'd, To shew the nobler Mind, That's not to Fraud inclin'd. To Last Saturday the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, and Court of Common- Council of the City of London agreed, Nemine Contradicente, to Petition the Honourable House of Commons ; and on Monday two Aldermen, and one of the Sheriffs deliver'd the following Petition. To the Honourable the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament assembled. The humble Petition of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Com- mons of the City of London, in Common Council assembled. Sheweth, THat your Petitioners think it their Duty most humbly to represent to this Honourable House the present State of the City of London, fo considerable a Part of the Kingdom, now fill'd with numberless ObjeCts of Grief and Compassion, the sad EffeCts of the Mismanagement, Avarice, and fatal Contrivances of the late Directors of the SouthSea Company, their Aiders, Abetters and Confederates, in the Destruction of their Country. Nor is it the Case of this Great City alone your Peti- tioners lament, but the general Decay of Trade, Manu- factures, and of publick Credit, whereof this Honour- able House have been always so extreamly tender; as also of the Honour of the British Name and Nation. Your Petitioners beg Leave to return their most hum. ble Thanks to this Honourable House for the great Pains they have taken to relieve the unhappy Sufferers, by compelling the Offenders to make Restitution ; as like- wise for their continued Application to lay open this whole Scene of Guilt, notwithstanding the industrious Artifices of such Sharers in the common Plunder, as have endeavour'd to obstruCt the Detection of Fraud and Cor. ruption. And your Petitioners doubt not, but the same Fortitude, Impartiality and publick Spirit, wherewith this Honourable Houfe have hitherto acted, with still animate Them in the Pursuit of thofe truly Great and Noble Ends. We are too sensible of the Load of the Publick Debts, not to wish that all proper Methods may be taken to lessen Them: And it is an infinite Concern to us, that the Payment of a great Sum towards them ( which was expected from the late Scheme) is now rendered extreme. ] y difficult, if not impracticable ; and yet is a Cloud hanging over the Heads of the present unfortunate Pro- prietors of the South- Sea Company, and a great Damp to publick Credit. We will not presume to mention in what Manner Relief may be given in this arduous Affair, but most humbly submit it to the Consideration of this Honourable House. Your Petitioners therefore most hnmbly pray this Honourable House will be pleas'd to take such farther Measures as They, in their great Wisdom, shall judge proper, that Trade may flourish, publick Credit be restored, and Justice done to an injured People, And your Petitioners shall pray, Sec. A LIST of the Estates, & c. of the late South Sea Directors. Blunt < Chaplain Chapman Chester De la Port Edmonson Gibbon Gore Hammond Hawes Holditch Jacobson Lambert Morley Page Raymond Read Reynolds Tillard Surman Grigsby Tis said, the Estate of the late Mr. Craggs, Post- Master General, consists of j 1,000 J. per Ann in Land, most of it lately purchased ; 92,000 1. Stock in the South- Sea Company ; 43, oool. in East India Stock, and tf . ocol. in Bank Stock, besides Vast Sums in Specie and Bills. Sum of the abovesaid ' ' Directors comes to; l> l6l< 9* l We are inform'd that about 24 Petitions, containing of the Decay of Trade, and of the late villainous Ma- nagement, See. are already prepared, in order to be laid before the Parliament. Laft Monday the six following Malefactors were ex- ecuted at Tyburn, viz. John Filewood, Martin Gray, Charles Hinchman, Henry Woollford, alias Davis, Samuel Whittel, were convicted of Returning from his Majesty's Plantations ; and John Cobidge for the High- Way. Last Monday Night one of His Majesty's Messengers was sent with important Dispatches to France, from whence, ' tis believ'd, he will go to Madrid. About the beginning of the Week died M. la Roche, Steward to the Duke of Newcastle. Wednesday the Committee of Secrecy adjourn'd to thac Day Sennight: Wednesday the Corpse of Henry Pelham, Esq; was in- terr'd at St Ann's Westminster. Wednesday the Corpse of the late Lord Viscount Lis- burne, was carried thro' the City, with a great deal of Ceremony, to be interr'd at Greenwich. Mr. Robert Manning, Secretary to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, is removed from that Post. His Majesty having been graciously pleased to order the English Chapel, and Chapel Yard, in the Savoy, to be repair'd at his own Expence ; and the said Chapel being repair'd accordingly, Divine Service will be per- form'd there; on Sunday next, being Easter Day, and con- tinued as formerly. The Honourable Col. Sackvile Tufton, Esq; only ther of the Earl of Thanet, is lately deceas'd ; He left several Children ; and his Eldest Son is Heir rent to the Earldom. Robert Walpole, Esq; eldeft Son of the Rt. Honour- able Rob. Walpole, Esq; first Lord Commissioner of the Treasury, is appointed Clerk of the Pells, in the room of Henry Pelham, Esq; deceased. The Earl of March, eldest Son of the Duke of Rich- mond, is lately made a Guidon in the Horse Grenadier Guards. The Lord Carmichael, Son to the Earl of Hindford, is made a Lieutenant in the Troop of Horse Grenadier Guards commanded by the Lord Fane. A Son of the Lord Visct. Townshend is made a Cornet in the Regiment of Horse commanded by Ma- jor General Wade. On. Sunday last died Emanuel How, Esq; one of the Pages of Honour to His Majesty. His Majesty hath pleased to appoint Thomas Wood- cock, James Cardonnel, Tho. Milner, Esqrs; Sir Tho. Route, and Wm, Churchil, jun. Esq; to be Commissioners of the Receipt and Management of he Duties upon Salt. The two latter in the rooms of Benj. Mildmay, Esqs made Commissioner of the Excise, and Arthur Ingram, Esq; one of the late S. Sea Directors. The Princess Amelia, and the Grantham, two East. India Ships, are quickly expected Home. A Petition of John Mendez de Costa, a noted Jew Merchant of this City, having been deliver'd to His Majesty, praying that a Patent may pass for making his six Children free Denizens; the same is referr'd to the Solicitor- General. We hear that the Opinion of Council at Law rela- ting to the South Sea Loan to their Proprietors at 400 per Cent, is to this Effect That as the South Sea Company have Imposed their Stock on the Annuitants, and the Redeemables, at 400 per Cent, they ought not in Justice to refuse to take it, and to acquit the several Borrowers at that Price they parted with it to others. The sudden Death of the Pope, who has worn the Triple Crown for 20 Years, which was a longer Time than 5 Popes enjoy'd it before him, having given a strange Consternation fo all Italy, as well as the Pre- tender, and all his Adherents, take the Account of the Sovereign Pontiff's Decease, as follows.- All Things there at present are in a sort of CommOtion, and everyone talks as his Interest or Inclination leads him : But ' tis hop'd Zeal imaginable ; and the said Festival or Feast is ce- lebrated upon the Account of the Hebrews or Children of Israel being then deliver'd out of the Land of Egypt, after having been 400 Years and more in Bon- dage. Christned Males 194 Females 156. In all 3; p Buried Males 279. Females 282. in all 561. Decreased in the Burials this Week 14. CASUALTIES. Drown'd accidentally in the River of Thames at St Olave in Southwark . Overlaid 1. Yesterday the Prices of GOODS at BEAR. KEY, were as follow. Wheat 20 s. to 3 s s. per Quarter. Rye 15 s. to 18 s. Barley 16 s. to 19 s. Oats rr s. to is s. Hog Pease 16 s. to 20 s. Beans 17 s. to 24 s. Malt 17 s. to 27 s. Rape Seed 13 1. to 16 l. per Laft. Hops 3 I. to 41. per C. Coals per Chald. 21 s. to 17 s. Colchester Crown Baise IJ d. f per Ell. Yesterday Bank 133. India 141. South- Sea i4g Lond. Assurance 7. Royal Assur. 7. Old African 40. New African 30. ADVERTISEMENT. HORSE Insurance- Office, near the Rose- Inn in Smithfield. hop'd no real Troubles will happen, and that the Election will go on in Quiet. The meaner Sort of People flock to the Palaces of the Princes and Foreign Ministers, to list themselves in the Service, as is usual on the like Occasion, to precaution themselves a- gainst all Accidents. To Day the sacred College held a Congregation in the Basitick of St. Peter, where Prince Augustin Chigi took the Oath as Marshal of the fu- ture Conclaves Cardinal Acquaviva, as Minister of Spain, has assured the Sacred College, in the Name of the King his Master, that he will assist them on this Occasion for the Support of the Holy See ; and Cardi- nal Gualtieri, the Pretender's Minister, has likewise of- fer'd them his Good Offices ; but added, that his unfor- tunate Circumstances disabled him from assisting them any other ways than by his Prayers for their happy Suc- cess in the future Election of a Pope. Since the Pope's Death it appears, that besides the Alms given to the Poor by his Almoner, he has since his Elevation to the Papacy, distributed one Million and thirteen Thousand Crowns in other Charities, and had by him when he died, only about 200 Crowns. When he was told, that the Hour of Death drew nigh, he received the News with an exemplary Resignation, and employ'd his last Moments in preparing himself for it. When the Cardi- nals Palucci, Albani, and some others, who were in his Bedchamber, desired him to hold a Consistory to fill up the two Vacancies in the Sacred College, he answer'd them, That it was time for him to think of something else. And when his Nephew Cardinal Albani, being left a- lone with him, desir'd him to Nominate to the Dignity of Cardinal his Brother Don Alexander Albani, the Pope, after having fixed his Eyes stedfastly upon him for some Moments, said, I pray God to make all of you Saints In Heaven. He received the Sacraments of the Church with edifying Devotion ; and about two Hours before his Death, thank'd his first Physician for the Care he had taken of him, sent for all his Domesticks, and ask'd their Pardon : Then seeming to take a little fresh Strength, he declar'd, that he ask'd Pardon likewise of all the Princes of Christendom, and of the whole World in general; and in a few Moments after he expir'd. At eight o'the Clock in the Evening, his Holiness's Bo- dy, being embalm'd and cloath'd in his Pontifical Ha- bits, was put into a Crimson Velvet Litter, open on both sides, and carried by two white Horses from the Quirinal to the Chapel of Pope Sixtus, in the Vatican, preceeded by the lower Servants of the Houshold, in their Liveries, carrying lighted Torches in their Hands, and the Swiss Guards in their white Armour, and followed by the Lord Major Domo, the Companies of the Light Horse and Cuirassier Guards, six Penitentiary Fathers walking with Torches in their Hands, on each side of the Litter. His Holiness's Death was immedi- ately nois'd about, but was not formally declared till j 1 at Night, at which time the great Bell of the Capi- rla was toll'd, according to custom, because then the Prisoners are to be set free, which was accordingly ex- ecuted ; that is, the Prisons of the Capital, and other Places were set open, and all the Prisoners upon the Civil List were set at liberty; but those detain'd for Capital Crimes had been before carried to the Castle. The People here very much regret him, and that the more because his Death was as yet unexpected. They write from Paris, that they no longer doubt but that Maters are accommodated between the Courts of England and Spain : For we have Advice by an extraordi- nary Courier, dispatch'd from Madrid by the Marquis Maulevrier to the Archbishop of Cambray, and who arrived here on the 10th Instant, that Colonel Stanhope has taken upon him the Character of Embassador Ex- traordinary, and has made his publick Entry into Ma- drid in that Quality ; which makes us hope thac the Congress of Cambray will be open'd out of Hand. This being Passion Week, nevertheless ' tis observable that for six or seven Days past the several Sets of Jews in England, as well as the Dutch, French. Spanish, Portuguese, and other Nations of that distressed People are performing their solemn Passover with the greatest the fame) that we have received the following Claims, viz. I. s. d. Tho. Billon in Tottenham Court Road 1 Horse Ditto 2 ditto Henry Billingay at the Angel in Islington z ditto Ditto 1 ditro William Stephens of Brentford » 1 ditto Joseph Close, Senior, at Mount- Mill 1 ditto Robert Miller near St. Giles's Pound z ditto Samuel Slater in Broad St. Giles's 1 ditto Witness our Hands this 6th Day of April, 1721. 90 o o Thomas Bilson, Henry Billingay, William Stephens, Joseph Close, Robert Miller, Samuel Slater. AMore perfect, speedy, cheap, and private Cure for all De- grees of the Secret Disease than ever was made known be- fore to Mankind. This Arcanum is an Internal Balsam of Life and seems to be a Gift sent from God to relieve the Distressed of both Sexes: It is so great a Treasure in Medicine as exceeds all Estimation ; for it passeth through the whole Body like Fire, and consumes ail Symptoms of the French Disease, as Fire burns Wood, or as the Sun drys up Water, expelling all Malig- nity, and noxious Humours out of the Body, no Pox nor Clap can stand before it, how inveterate so ever, it begins, continues, and perfects the Cure thoroughly and substantially, rooting ouc the very seed of that cursed Disease : It is a most stupendious gregious Medicine, working by ways almost unaccountable to Human Understanding ; for it Cures all Ages of both Sexes and all Constitutions without offending the Stomach, or making the Person sick, or hindring of Business, or Confinement to an/ particular Dyet, in a very short Time and at a small Charge and with more Privacy thin can be expected. It Cures all Rheumarisms and Rheumatick Pains, the Scurvy and all its at- tending Symptoms : And it being a perfect Enemy to Mercury destroys whatever lies in the Body after ill Cures, which often is worse than the Disease itself. N. R. This Arcanum, with Directions, for every Degree of the French Distemper, Rheumatism, and Scurvy, lies sealed up at Mr. Cooper's a Chandlers- Shop againft Union- Stairs in Wapping Mrs. Billingsley, at the Printing- Press, under the Piazzas at the Royal- Exchange Cornhill; Mr. Nodes, Sword- Cutler at the Cross Keys, next Door to the Rose- Tavern without Temple- Bar; and at Mr. Evan's a Cheesemonger and a Glover's Shop, over- against Young- Man's Coffee- House by Charing- Cross. Also, for the Encouragement of the Publick, it is Sold for 10s and if it does not perform the Cure, the Money shall be return'd again. LONDON: Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street.
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