The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 01/04/1721
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
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( i* 79 ) THE Weekly journal; oR, British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. * t • * SATURDAY, APRIL I, 1721. GReAT BRITAIN. Mr READ. AS you condescended to Print in your last, the Preface to that excellent Piece lately publish'd, intituled Francis Lord Bacon, or the Case of our injur'd Country truly stated, so if you please to insert in your next Journal what is underneath, written by the same Au- thor, it cannot but be acceptable t0 your other Readers as well as my self, who is Yours, 4cc. ZALEUCUS, the Law- giver of the Lotrians ( and who. like many of our pre. sent Set of Lawgivers was at first
of very mean Descent and Expectation',) is made to introduce that System, which he compil'd for the Use of his Countrymen, with this formal Preface ! That every Member of a Com- monwealth, in the first Place, insist to believe there are Gods ; which they will be convinced of, by looking up to HEA- ven and the World, and considering the Beauty and Order of all Things there. The Consequence of this Persuasion seem'd to him. that we should thereby be oblig'd to ho- nour the divine Powers, and have a stricter Regard to our own Actions and Conduct ; that we should sheW much less Reason, than we are willing to allow our selves. if, while we observed so just and beautiful a Regularity above, we could suffer ourselves to be so wild and eccentrick, as I may say, in our Motions below Now the nearest Pretence that we have of imitating this divine Regularity, must be by the Provision of good and wholesome Laws. Laws, establish'd by the Wis- dom. and not the Caprice of the Legislators: Laws, promoted neither by Party Interest nor Party Passions, here the Honour and Safety of the Government is prin- cipally consider'd, and the Sanctity of Power, and pri- vate Right, are equally guarded It has happen'd in all Countries, that the Prince very often has
been a greater Stranger to the Constitution than his Ministers: And from this Misfortune it has often happen'd, that Corruption and oblique Designs got the start of justice and the Nation's Interest. ' 1 ' certainly far from being our immediate Case, who have a prince, whose Wisdom, or Indulgence, is disputed by none but Jacobites ; and who is happy in a Ministry that have Resolution and Integrity enough to fall in with his Measures, for the Safety of their Country However, if we look back Into the Annals of other Ages and Countries, we shall be furnish'd with Instances, that stupid and indolent Piinces have been cajol'd, by Artifices
of their designing and self interested Mini- sters But the World is new improv'd in Judgment and r ard the Princes at least of Europe come to the Task of Power. Well read in all the Arcana's of and Law. of Nations: They know the Limits Price Thret Half pence. of Prerogative and Property, and false Colours must be put upon indirect Artempts, before they can be drawn in to wave their own Power, or infringe the Rights of their Subjects New Arts now are necessary to an insidious Statesman ; and because it is impossible to re- duce his Prince's Integrity, or impuse on his Wisdom, by a true State of Things ; he labours to put a
plausible Gloss upon his Measures gilds them over with the po. pular Appearances of the Nation's Interst, and so be- trays his Monarch's Love and Indulgence to his People, to support and countenance the Schemes of a disguis'd Avarice, and lurking Villany. Nor is he content to a- buse the royal Authority meerly by his own Misrepre- sentations, another Fetch of Policy is to keep the royal Ear from being misabus'd ; His own Dependants and Minions, the Creatures of his Favour, and Abetters of his Vices are planted about the King's person. to block up and intercept the Possbility of Detection. I may be bold to say wi'h Cicero
upon this Head. Ubicumque hoc factum est, improbe factum est; quitumque hoc fecit, supplieio dignus : Wherever such Artifices are practised, they are impious in themselves ; and whoever it is that puts them in practice, deserves a Punishment easie to his Crime. Now the greatest Satisfaction the poor SufFerers have, under this almost general Calamity which afflicts us at this Time, is, that their honest and generous Represen- tatives in Parliament, are resolved to Search into the Source of their Misfortunes, and detectl the secret Springs and Machines, by which so much Fraud has been set on foot and perpetrated. All Points
of Guilt have ever been reckon'd to be ag- gravated fiofti the Quality and Circumstances of the persons committing them ; and the Party that, by Trust and delegated Power, is put in a Capacity of prejudic- ing a Multitude, and actually does it, is look'd upon with more Horror and Detestation than a meaner Vil- lain, whose Baseness only exerciseS itself on a private Family. I will not suppose my Readers so unacquainted with their Bible, as not to remember what numerous Injun- ctions there are in the Holy Text against Corruption, and the perverting of Judgment thro' Bribes. The more oriental Countrisi, and from whom the
Hebrews deriv'd a great Part of their Laws, had I time to search so deep into Antiquity, call'd Criminals of this sort to a very strick Account There it a remarkable Instance of this kind recorded of Cambysis a Prince of many in- sufferable Vices, but famous for the Severity of his Go- vernment, and the Strictness of an inexorable Justice. This Prince had a particular Favourite, whom he made a Judge ; and this Judge reckon'd himself so secure in the Credit he had with his Master. that without any more ado, Causes were bought and sold in the Courts of Judicature, as openly as Provisions were in the Markets. So soon as
Cambyses came to understand how this ingrate- ful Wretch had prostituted his royal Dignity for Gold together with the Liberty and Property of his People, and the Honour of his Administration ; he caus'd his Minion to be taken up. and degraded his Skin stript over his Ears, and the Seat of Judgment cover'd with it. He order'd his Son. in the c0nclusion, to succeed his Father in his Character and Office; and to deliver I) K Judgment
- _ - - s 9 •/ >' sm v judgement from that Very Chain; that having this Me- n of his Father's Crime- and Infamy before his Eyes, should never slip aside from the Duty of his Trust. and this this Prince, by that severe Act of Juftice, and by the Choice that he made of his Son to succeed the father, gave proofs that his Heart was free from per- sonal Malice, and that, he hated nothing that belonged to the Judge, except his villany. In all publick Cases, where the Interest and Safety of the People are concern'd, it must be admitted, I think, that it is indifferent whether a Minister betrays the Prince, or, his People, for a wicked Reward to the
Ene. my in the Time of War ; or enters into pernicious Prastices by confederating with a Set of designing Knaves, to raise an infamous great Fortune to himself, by im- poverishing the Subject, and that way reducing them to a State of Captivity, I know well, the first is de- clar'd High Treason by our Laws ; and I believe the last, were it to come upon the Tryal, would be pro- nounc'd so too. For it is one establish'd Maxim in the Law, that, Ubi eadem est ratio, ibi eadem est Lex. No one Statute can foresee, or include all Circumstances of being criminal ; but wherever there is the same Reason for punishing, there the Law ought to be
the same. I believe many People are of my Opinion in thinking that were Reason is for punishing Malefactors, there the Law is the same, as abovesaid, and would wish it were put in Force against some Persons, high in Quality and Power, who lie under the Imputation of being con. cern'd in the Frauds of the Directors. Be this as it may, the publick Sufferings call aloud for as publick a Re- dress. I shall therefore wind up this Discourse with the Instance of no less a Man than Cicero, against as no- torious Corruption and Extortion as ever got footing in a Commonwealth. Nomen vestrum, populique Romani, odio at acerbitati scitote
exteris nationibus, judices, futurum, si istorum haec tant a injuria impunita discesserit. Sic omnes ar- bitrabuntur, praesertim cum haec omnino fama de nostrorum ho- minum avaritia cupiditate perorebuerit, non istorum solim hoc esse facinus, sed corum etiam qui approbarunt. Believe me, you great Judges, your own reputation, and that of the Nation, will become scandalous and hateful to foreign Countries, if so great Injustice in these base Men be pass'd with Impunity. For all will conclude especially when the Infamy of their Avarice and ille- gal Graspings is in the Mouths of all, that the In- justice does not only come from them,
but from you, who give it a Sanction, by not punishing its Authors. The Continuation of the Tryal of Thomas Lord Strafford. That tho' he was charg'd with raising the Customs, he had his Majesty's Letter in the Year 1637, for the raising them ; and tho' he had then a fourth Part, he and the whole Board, dissuaded his Majesty from the raising them, as he prov'd by my Lord Dillon, Serjeant Maynard reply'd, That the Dutchess of Buckingham's Patent was in March 7 Car. and the Lord Strafford's Lease in the April following ; and insinuated, that no Advantage was intended the Dutchess but to the Earl, for she never paid a Penny
Rent, or receiv'd any Profit. That tho' the Rates were rais'd by his Ad- vice, and in order to his taking of it. That if they did lay the Offence of the ninth Year, and it fell out to be at another time, it was not material since the Thing was prov'd to be done. That tho' Tunnage and Pound- age was the King's Inheritance, he ought not to extort from the SubjeCt to give to the King. And that the Subject was like to have Justice, when the Lord Deputy, to whom they should appeal, was a Party. That he thrust Sir Arthur Ingram out when any thing was to be got, and in eight Years gain'd 50000 I. to himself ; and no wonder if he who gain'd so
much' would seem to interest his Majesty in part, that his Share might be the better assur'd to him. And as to his refusing to raise the Rates on the King's Letter, it appear'd the whole Board dissuaded it, tho' indeed it was to be wonder'd at he did not take them down. He took notice also of an extravagant Clause in the Grant, that it should be good notwithstanding any Act of Par- liament; and concluded that here was not only an In. hancement of Rates, to the Oppression of the Subject, V - but the King was deceiv'd, and his Purse drain'd to fill my Lord Strafford's. In this Article the Earl is charg'd with monopolizing Tobacco, & c.
For Maintenance of it a Proclamation was read, set- ting forth, That whereas, through the general Liberty hitherto given of importing TobaccO, unwholsome Tobacco was often brought over, none shouid presume to import it for the future without special Licence. Another Proclamation was also read, forbidding To- bacco to be sold by Wholesale but in Rolls seal'd at each End, by Persons appointed to seal it : And that the King's Officers should have Six Pence a Pound for what they seiz'd unseal'd , and that the Perfons having such unseal'd Tobacco', should be committed, till they gave Security to answer it to the Council. My
Lord Strafford in his Defence, produc'd a Petition of the House of Commons, desiring that the Leases of the Farms ( among which Tobacco was one) might be taken in and compounded for, and converted to the King's Benefit, that the Revenue might be able to bear the Charge, and the Subject eased of Contribu- tion. Then he produc'd a Grant from King James, of the Duty of Tobacco, for Ten Pounds a Year, and appoint- ing Eighteen Pence a Pound to be receiv'd for every Pound of Tobacco, and he show'd another Lease for 21 Years, to Mr. Lyne, of the said Impositions, at 20 Pounds per Annum. And he produc'd the King's
Let- ter, dated July 18, 12 Car. directing; the settling this Business, being a Warrant for issuing the abovesaid Pro- clamation. And he produc'd a Proclamation issued about the same time in England, prohibiting the plant- ing of Tobacco or landing it in England or Ireland, ex- cept at London, on pain of Confiscation, & c. which my Lord Strafford observ'd was to the same effect with the Proclamation with which he was charg'd. He next produc'd the Contract itself, made with the Patentees, Carpenter, Bartholomew, Peatly and others. Mr. Serjeant Maynard reply'd, That he did not ap- prehend any Thing tyrannical in the Orders of the
House of Commons in Ireland. That King James's Lease, where only an Imposition was laid on Tobacco, was not a Precedent for him. for here all are prohibited to sell Tobacco without the Licence of the Paten- tees. — April 1, 1641. He is charg'd, in this Article, with ingrossing all the Flax in the Kingdom, and enjoning it to be wrought in such a manner as the Natives were unprastis'd in ; and causing all such Flax and Yarn to be seiz'd, as was or. der'd in other manner than he had prescrib'd. The Proclamation enjoining these Things was first produc'd in Evidence ; and then the Lord Deputy's Warrant, command the Justices of
Peace to assist the Officers to search for and seize such Yarn as was pro- hibited in the Proclamation. My Lord Strafford answer'd, That they had men- tion'd some Things tending to Oppression, but nothing towards Treason. That the Intent of these Procla- mations was certainly good, being to reform an Abuse, and better the Commonwealth. That they were sign'd by the Lord Loftus, the Lord Primate, the Archbishop of Dublin, the Earl of Ormond, & c. and the two Chief Justices, tho' they were imputed only to him. That divers other Abuses had been reform'd by Pro- clamation before, such as drawing by Horse- Tails, and
burning the Straw to separate the Grain from it ; and that this was co render a Manufacture valuable, which, as they manag'd it, was worth nothing to them. Thac he would have promoted this Manufacture there in regard to the English Nation; for he observ'd che cloathing Trade ( which Very much increas'd there,) would, in time, be a great Prejudice co England. And that in the Attempt he was a Loser 3000 1. That if the Officers had been guilty of any Abuse, they must anfwer for it ; and that Croky, who was produe'd as a Witness against him, was himself the most obnoxious; and that upon Complaint of the ill Execu- tion of the
Warrants they were recall'd. To be continu'd. Excraft \ I - V
(" mi ) Extract of a Letter From Nevis, from a Merchant, who was ruin'd by the South Sea Stock to his Wife in L My dear Life, Nevis Jan. 4th 1721. THE very first Thing I did after I set my Foot on Shore here, was to take Pen in Hand to write to thee, to give thee an Account of my arrival here, af ter a very tedious and dangerous Voyage : But nothing I saw or fear'd, came any thing near the sad Thoughts! always had of you and my dear Children. Nor nothing will allay those dismal reflections till I hear how you fare since I left you, and whether my merciless Creditors have had any Companion for you. The poor Effects I have
brought with me, I will immediately put into some Method of Trade, in order to enable me to live, and to spare you some small Relief, till it shall please God to enable me to send for you over, with my Children, if you think Dicky is not too young, you may send him in some of the next Ships, his sight will be a great Consola- tion to me, for you and my Children are never out of my Thoughts. I beg you to have Patience my Dear under your Sufferings, which I own must be great, that from a Plentiful Fortune which I had with you, are now I fear reduc'd to Straits, unless your own Relations are kind to you, which I shou'd be glad to
hear. It will be unjust to reflect on you, for my Misfortunes, and I hope they will consider, that I am not ruin'd by any Miscon- duct or ill Husbandry of my own, but by a Means that has reduc'd many thousand, besides myself, from plenti- ful Fortunes, to Penury and Want, which wou'd not affect me so singularly, did I not feel the sad Agonies, of having brought you and three dear Children to be unfor- tunate, which cuts me to the Heart, one kind Letter from you will be the most acceptable thing on Earth, especially if it brings me News of the Health of you and my Children, whom I never think on without Tears. The other part of the
Letter relates to private Affairs, and concludes thus. Pray the good God have you and tny Children in his keeping, to whose Mercies I constantly recommend You. Adieu, for this time, my dearest Life, See. Oxford, March 22. This Day , in a full Con- vocation, it was unanimously decreed, That the solemn Thanks of this University should be returned to the Right Honourable the Earl of Nottingham, for his most noble Defence of the Christian Faith, contain'd in his Lordship's Answer to Mr. Whiston's Letter to him concerning the Eternity of the Son of God, and of the Holy Ghost. In like manner it was decreed, That solemn Thanks
should be returned to the Right Reverend Father in God Francis Lord Bishop of Chester, on Account of his having so fully averred the Rights, Privileges and Dignity belonging to the University Degrees in his Book, entituled, The Bishop of CheSters Case, with Relation to the Wardenship of Manchester, & c. Then it was likewise unanimously agreed, That the Reverend Dr. Shippen, Vice Chancellor, together with the Honourable William Bromley, and the Honourable George Clarke, Esqrs. ( Burgesses in Parliament for the University) do wait upon the said Earl of Not- tingham, and the said Lord Bishop of Chester, and present to
their Lordships the aforesaid Thanks in the Name of the whole University. Monday Morning the Revd. Dr. Shippen, Vice- Chancellor, and the Honourable William Bromley and George Clarke, Esqs; Representatives of the University of Oxford in Parliament, waited on the Right Ho- nourable the Earl of Nottingham, to return his Lord- ship the solemn Thanks of that University for his noble Defence of the Christian Faith, contain'd in his Lord- ship's Answer to Mr. Whiston's Letter, See. — Longueville. Esq; an eminent Counsellor at Law, is lately deceas'd, after a pretty long indisposi- tion. Friday Sennight, a Secretary, or Clerk, to the
Trea. surer of Greenwich- Hospital, hang'd himself at Green- wich : ' Twas given out, he did it, as being deficient in his Accompts ; but, as far as we can learn, that Re- port is rather uncharitable than true. Tuesday the Corpse of the late Mr. Craggs was carried out of Town, and Interr'd at Charlton in Kent. Tis expected the Courc will go into Mourning For the Death of the Queen of Denmark, as soon as the Danish Minister has notified the same. Sir Toby Butler of Ireland is dead. Last Sunday the Ld. Clinton, newly call'd up by Writ to the House of Peers, carried the Sword of State before the King, to the Royal Chappel at St.
James's. John Campbel, Esq; Ld. Provost of Edinburgh, is chosen Member of Parliament for that City, in the room of Sir George Warrender, deceas'd, and on Tues- day last took his Seat in Parliament. The Account of the Pope's Death is confirm'd by the Mail from France. We hear, that the Lord Irwin will embark, about the beginning of next Week, for his Government of Barba- does. Clifton the Papist, who has been twice in Custody lately, for Printing a Treasonable Ballad on the Birth of the Pretender's Son, was admitted to Bail, upon Secu- rity for his Good Behaviour, as well as Appearance the first Day of nexc Term. The
Time allow'd by Act of Parliament for the late Go. Vernors, Directors Cashires and Accomptants of the S. Sea Company to deliver upon Oath to one of the Barons of the Exchequer, Inventories of their respective Estates real and personal, expiring last Friday, the same have actually been deliver'd in, and Duplicates thereof given to the Speaker of the House of Commons. We hear, the Inventories given in by the late South Sea Governors, Directors, See. are like to be Printed. They are said to be drawn up in several large Books full writ, but the Sums they have given themselves in to be worth, bear very little proportion to the
Bulk, containing a great deal under a Million ; whereas any reasonable Man might venture to content himself with the Surplus of two Millions, from almost any one in. dividual Director. Letters from Carolina dated February 2 advise, that they were in daily Expectation there of the Arrival of General Nicholson, which they doubted not would put that Colony in a flourishing State. They add, that they were at present ac Peace with the Indians, but the French and Spaniards, their near Neighbours, were doing their utmost to draw them over to their Interest. They write from Dartmouth of the 21st Instant, that the Nicholas of that Place, a
Ship of about 200 Tons, almost fitted out and ready to proceed to Newfound, land, as she lay at Anchor in that Harbour, took Fire in the Bread Room, and was burnt down to the Water's Edge. Our Merchants have Advice, that the John and Sa- muel was lately lost off of New. England. By the East- India Ships lately returned home, there is Advice from Fort St. George, that John Tutton, Esq; one of the Council and Secretary, died some time ago, and left his Substance to Edward Tutton, Esq; and his Two Sisters, who are at London. Letters from Madrid say, that the King gave a publick Instance of his Attention for the King of .
Great Brirain, which was very much taken Notice of here ; the Occa- was this : The late Duke of Ormond, upon the re- ceipt of his Letters from Rome, with the Account of the Princess Sobieski's being brought to Bed, went to Court, attended with the greatest Part of the Jacobites there, and desir'd an Audience of the King, to acquaint him with the News, which was refused him, to the great Mortification of himself, and the rest of that Fa- ction there. They write from Lisbon, that Captain Stewart being performing Quarantine at the Mouth of the River tagus, has obtain'd Leave from the Court, to send his Letters, and the Treaty of
Peace concluded with Morocco, after they were dipp'd in Vinegar, on board an English Ship bound for London, Extract of a Letter by the Mail from Holland. The last Letters from Rome give an Account, that the young Pretender has lost his Nurse, because, say they, she was of a sickly Constitution. But we have heard another Reason for her Dismission: That stand- ing with the Infant in her Arms at a window whilst the Host passing by, as she was carelesly paying some obsequious Respect to it, she let the Babe fall, to the great hazard of its Life. This Disaster gave a great Alarm to the Parents and the whole Family, and even
r to the Pope himself, and most of the Cardinals, so that the pretender's Palace was immediately fill'd, and the Nurse taken under the strictest Examination ; who, in Tears alledg'd for herself, That at the instant she was paying her Obeysance to the Host, the Child gave a sudden spring out of her Arms, as if it had been touch'd with the secret Instinct at that venerable sight. These Words so warm'd the Hearts of the Hearers, that she is for the present set at Liberty, and suffer'd to stay in the Family) however another Nurse has been provided. His Majesty has been pleas'd to declare his Resolution of not going Abroad this
Summer: Kensington House y putting in order, where he will go for some time, and spend the Residue of the Summer at Hampton. Court. On the loth of this Month, a Foot Race is to be run from London to York and back again, between Peter Hewson Footman to the Earl of Essex, and Thomas Butler Footman to Mr. Clayton, for JOO Pounds. Last Sunday two Soldiers quarrel'd at the Tower, and one of them was killed upon the Spot The County and Ancient City of Gloucester, have set a Noble Example of the most warm and zealouS Love of their Country, and which ' tis thought will be follow'd by all the Cities, Borroughs, & c.
of the whole Kingdom, by transmitting to the Honourable Repre- sentatives of Great Britain in Parliament assembled, a Petition in which they movingly complain of the Mis- chievous Effects which the Trade of the Nation, and particularly the Cloathing Manufacture of the said County lie under, by the treacherous Practices and Mis- management of the South Sea Company and their Ac- complices; and of the fatal Stroke thereby given to the Publick Credit of the Nation: And praying, that the House of Commons will proceed to bring such Offen- ders to Justice , and take such other Methods therein as they, in their Great Wisdom,
shall think proper. We hear the Inhabitants of Salisbury Court in Fleet- street intend to hold a Court Baron soon after Easter, upon the Grant or Charter of King John to the An- cestors of his Grace the Duke of Dorset, and propose to make St. Brides a parish Palatine independent of the Laws and Customs of the City. Last Tuesday about Noon , two Men who were Brothers in law, quarrel'd in Leicester Fields, the one by an accidental Blow on the Ear immediately dropt down dead ; the Quarrel was occasion'd by the Deceased beating his Wife, Sister to the other. St James's, March z c , HIS Majesty having determined to hold a
Chapter of the most noble Order of the Garter, the Knights Companions resident in and near London, were sum- moned by Vertue of Letters from the Lord Bishop of Salisbury, Chancellour of the Order, signifying the So- Vereign's Pleasure for their personal Appearance here this Evening ; whereupon his Royal Highness the Prince, and ten other Knights Companions habited in their Man- tles, together with the Chancellour, Garter King of Arms, and the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, Officers of the said Order wearing their different Badges and respective Mantles, waited His Majesty's coming, in the Appartment next to His
Closet : And upon His Majesty's Appearance robed in the Mantle of the Order, garter by the Sovereign's Command called over the Names ofthe Knights' Companions, beginning with the Juniors, and then the Procession to the Council Cham- ber was in the following Order, wherein the Juniors went first, and those Knights, whose Companions were not present, went single, viz. On the Left On the Right Earl of Sunderland, and Duke of Kingstone a breast. Duke of Newcastle alone. Duke of Montague, and Duke of St. Alban's a breast. Duke of Bolton alone. Duke of Kent alone. Duke of Argyll, and Duke of DeVonshire a breast.
Duke of Richmond alone. Garter King of Arms, having the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod on his Left Hand. The Chancellour of the Order with his Purse and Seal. The SOVEREIGN Having thus entred the Chapter Room, the Knights stood behind their several Chairs, placed according to 1882 J the Situation of their Stalls in the the Royal Chapel of Windsor, till the Sovereign had seated himself in a Chair of Stats, when the Knights Companions seated themselve by his Majesty's Leave, the Chancellour of the Order standing near His Majesty, and Garter King of Arms having the Black Rod on his Left Hand at the lower End of
the Table. The Chancellour, by the So- Vereign's Command, declared His Majesty's Intention that the Vacancy occasioned by the late Duke of Buck- inghamshire, should be supplied by the Election of a new Knight Companion : The Statutes cf the Order prohibiting the Election of any Person who hath not actually received the Honour of Knighthood , . the So. vereign commanded Garter to bring in Charles Duke of Grafton, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, who being introduced between Garter and the Black Rod, kneeled down before His Majesty and was Knighted with the Sword of State, and then retired out of the Room. Im mediately afterwards each Knight Companion having wrote down the Names of nine Persons whom they esteemed qualified to be elected, that is, three Earls of higher Degree, three Barons, and three Knights, to which they severally set their Hands ; and the Chancel- lour having collected their Scrutinies, beginning with the youngest Knight, and so proceeding in order, presented the same 011 his Knee to the Sovereign, who upon perusal thereof commanded the Chancellour to declare the said Duke of Grafton duly elected: Upon which Garter, accompanied with the Black Rod , was sent to introduce him to the Sovereign to be
inverted ; and having brought him to the Door of the Chapter- Room, at the Entrance he was received by the two youngest Knights and conduced between them up to the Sovereign, with the usual Reverences, Garter King of Arms carrying before on a Cushion the Garter ( the ensign of rhe Order) and a golden George ir, a blue Ribbond, having rhe Black Rod on his Left Hand ; and these junior Knights returning to their Seats, Garter King of Arms on his Knee presented to the Sovereign the Garter; who delivered the same to the two senior Knights, and they buckled it about his Left Leg, while tbe Chancellour read the Admonition
enjoined by the Statutes ; and then Garter likewise on his Knee presented ro the Sovereign the blue Ribbond with the gold George, and His Majesty assisted by the two senior Knights put it over his Left Shoulder a- thwart under his Right Arm, who was then kneeling, the Chancellour at that time reading the usual Admoni- tion ; and then the said Duke of Grafton having kissed rhe Sovereign's Hand, and thanked His Majesty for the great Honour done him, rose up, saluted Severally the Companions who all congratulate him, and then he withdrew. The Chancellour then declared the Sovereign's further Pleasure of filling the
Vacancy occasioned by the death of the late Duke of Rutland the same Ceremonies be- ing in every respect observed, the Right Honourable Henry Earl of Lincoln, Gentleman of His Ma- jesty's Bed Chamber, was also declared duly elected and invested with the Ensigns accordingly. And then the Knights Companions being again called over, they returned in the same Order to the Apartment next to his Majesty's Closet, ' Tis said, that the Installment of these Noble Peers, will be at Windsor, on the 23d of April, being St. George's Day, when the Star is to be added to the other Badges of Honour belonging to this illustrious Order.
Last Thursday the Report of the Malefactors was made before the King and Council at St. James's ; His Majesty was pleased to give Directions to tbe Recorder of London, to make out a Dead Warrant for the Execu- tion of the following Criminals, on Monday next at Tyburn, viz John Filewood, Henry Davis, alias Wood- ford, Charles Hinchman, Samuel Whittle, Jasper An- drews, Martin Gray, and John Cobidge ; the last was a Foot- Soldier, and was Condemn'd for Assaulting and Robbing a Person on the High- way, and the other Six for returning from their Transportatious; and thar Robert Johnson, Henry Hawks, William Cryer,
James Dalton, and Mary Worth, who were Condemn'd for many Capital Offences, to be Transported to his Ma- jesty's Plantations in America. In
John Aislabie Jun. Esq; is elected Member of Parlia- ment for Rippon, in Yorkshire, in the room of his Fa- ther, who was Expell'd. William Bateman, Son of the late Sir James Bateman, ; s elected for the Borough of Leominster, in the County of Hereford, in the room of Sir George Caswell, expell'd Daniel pulteney, Esq; is elected Member for Tregoney in Cornwall, in the room of the late Mr. Secretary last Week died Sir Robert Eden, Bart, formerly one cf the Knights of the Shire in Parliament for the Bishop. rick of Durham, Father of John Eden, Esq; the pre- sent Knight of the Shire, who fucceeds him in the Ho- n° On Tuesday
next the Body of the Lord Lisburne, de- ceas'd, will be carried out of Town, to be interr'd in Wales. . , „ , . Letters from Barbadoes, dated January 17 , bring Ad. vice, that his Majesty's Ships the Rose and the Shark were arrived there from Antegoa, the latter having taken and brought in thither one English and French Trader, but upon what Account was not mention'd. They add, that the Pyrates had till then very much infested that Coast, and had lately taken several Ships. Wednesday the Honourable House of Commons resolv'd Nemine Contradicente, That an humble Address be pre. sented to his Majesty, with the Thanks of
that House for his gracious Endeavours to have Mr. Knight brought over, and for the Letter that his Majesty was pleased to write to the Emperor ; and withal to represent their Dissatisfaction the Obstacles raised on Pretence of the Privileges of the States of Brabant against delivering him up, and earnestly praying his Majesty to renew his instances to have him brought over. 6tc. Thursday the Commons waited on His Majesty at St. James's, with their Humble Address concerning Mr. Knight. The same Day in a General Court of the Bank of Eng- land, Sir Tho Scawen was chosen Governour, and Josiah Diston, Esq; Deputy
Governour of that Com- pany. Letters from France say, that the Turkish Ambassador pays frequent Visits to Sir Robert Sutton, his Majesty's Ambassador at the Court of France, whom he had known at Constantinople, and afterwards at Passarowitz. We hear, the Duke of Hamilton and Brandon is re- turn'd to Town from his Travels. The Talk, which was current some time ago, of form, ing two Incampments, is now quite at an End. Some of the Foreign Prints by the last Mail, afford us a very extraordinary Piece of Intelligence, but upon what Grounds, we are not able to say, viz. That the Court of Madrid has proposed to marry the
Prince of Asturias to the Duke Regent's Daughter, provided the King of France take to Wife the Infanta of Spain. A Committee has been appointed to inspect and exa. mine the Inventory of the Estates of the late Governors, Directors, & c. of the S. Sea Company, and ' tis said, they will afterwards be Printed. Letters from Brussels say, that Mr. Knight's Son has presented a Petition to the States of Brabant, to desire he may be taken under their Protection, upon which they have address'd the Marquis de Prie to have a due Regard to their Privileges; but as far as we can learn, this is no new thing it having been done about a
Fortnight after his being taken. Thursday the South- Sea Company deliver'd out their Dividend Warrants for Christmass last, and likewise be- | an to pay in Money, the interest on the long South Sea Bonds. . The Emperor's Exhortations which were some time ago order'd to be delivered in Writing to the Catholick Ministers on the Subject of religious Grie- vances, contain'd amongst other Matters, that if con- trary to Expectation, a War should spring from the present Disagreements, they must attribute the fatal consequences wholly to themselves, as having given Occasion to them from the Beginning, and thertfore it was
adviseable that they should seriously act for the Pre- servation of the Publick Good and Peace of the Empire ; and to this End, that they would do well to bridle their excessive Passions, and remove, as much as in them lay all obstacles preventive to an amicable Reconsile- ment. C 1883) In the Bill now depending for Regulating the Jour- neymen- Taylors, within the Weekly Bills of Mortality, the Justices of the Peace have an absolute Power given them to punish the Journeymen for Mutiny and De- sertion from their Masters, to settle their Wages, and Hours of Working, and a Power likewise to punish the Masters, in case they
seduce the Journeymen from one another. Extm, March 24, 172c. Mr. READ, WE hear of several Noblemen and Ministers of State being dead of late, and also of a great deal of Trouble in the Affairs now in Hand, but however, I am inform'd of a very worthy Gentleman who in the latter Part of King Williams Reign was a very great Statesman, and did always endeavour to seek out the Crisis of the Nation's Good, esteeming no Honour greater than con- tributing towards the Welfare of his native Country. The worthy Person I talk of is Sir Rowland Gwyn, a Gen. tleman of a very bright and clear Understanding; there. fore those of
our Country who know him, think him very fit to lend an helping Hand to manage Affairs at this critical Juncture; and ' tis hop'd he will be willing to do us that Service if desired, for he was very much respected by all true Englishmen when a Member of Parliament. Pray insert this in your next Journal, and it will oblige all the King's Friends in our Country. So I am yours, D. E. Last Week the Houfe of Lords heard the Appeal of Captain Abraham Dawes, Commander of the Duke of York, an East- lndia Ship, from the Exchequer Court, where a Verdict of ioool Damages had been given against him, for cruelly whipping and abusing
one Mr. Edward Frost, who was hired to go as Steward to the said Ship ; but when out of sight of Land, was oblig'd to act as a Servant ; and upon his arrival in India, was forced to fly to save his Life ; but returning to England in 1719, he brought his Action of Assault and Battery against the said Dawes, in his Majesty's Court of Ex. chequer, where he recovered the damages above, be. sides Costs; which Judgment, upon a second hearing in the said Court, was affirmed, and thirty one Pound seventeen Shillings allowed as an additional Cost ; then: the said Captain Dawes, for delay, brought a Writ of Error into the Exchequer
Chamber, wherein he was Nonsuited ; and from thence appealed to the House of Lords, and last Thursday sevennight being appointed for the hearing the Matter, Captain Dawes did not think fit to appear by Council, or in Person, before their Lordships, so that the House affirmed the Judgment given in the Court of the Exchequer, and also the judgment given in the Exchequer Chamber upon the Writ of Error, in favour of Mr Frost, besides iool, Costs more. Last Week Sir Herbert Powel, Bart, died of the Small Pox at his Seat in Monmouthshire ; by his Death the Honour is Extinct, and an Estate of 3000 K per Annum is fallen to
his two Sisters It is confidently reported, that a Noli Prosequi will be soon issued by the Government, to suspend all Pro- ceedings in Law, on account of Contracts, for one whole Year, which will give Respite to many unhappy Sufferers; and, ' tis thought, will much contribute to the restoring of publick Credit. Letters from Bayonne of the 23d of last Month give an Account, that three Vessels belonging to that City, being drove by stormy Weather into the Port of San Andero, have been sunk by the Spaniards; that the Cap- tain of one of those Ships endeavouring to get a- shore and produce his Bills of Health, was immediately shot
dead upon the Spot ; that an Order has been newly published on the Frontiers of Spain, in which the Spa- niards are forbidden to Harbour, or give Admittance at any of the Passages, to Subjects of France ; neither to Soldiers, nor Deserters. It was reported, that Mr. Law had procured himself the Title and Privileges of a Roman Citizen, in order to be secure against the Process of Foreigners, who have protected his Bills to the Value of 250000 Pistoles, that Title exempting him from being prosecuted on such Ac. counts unless by a Fellow Citizen, and it is said that those
r 1884 ) those Bills having passed through several Hands, are at last become payable to the Order of a Citizen of Rome. Nevertheress here are Letters in Town, giving an Ac- count of Mr. Law's Arrival there. Advices from Toulon of the 15th past say, that a General Quarantain is observed in that Place, no Per- son being allowed to stir out of his House under Pain of Death. The Mortality has not yet been very con- siderable in that City, the greatest Number that has died in one Day not exceeding 18 or 20. They write from Marseilies of the same Date, that hardly any Body there dies now of the Plague. The Town abounds wiih
Variety of Versions of a late famous Latin Epitaph; among the rest, the following for the present, may entertain pur Readers. on the D. of Buckingham . built in the field where may Fair was formerly kept And in Oxford- Square, in the Parish of St. Mary- le bow, is to be built another Church. A LIST of the Squadron design'd for the Baltick, under the Command of Sir John Norris Admiral, and the Rear. Ad- mirals Hosier and Hopson. Rates. Ships Names. For every Prince that hit my Fancy, ( For instance, Charles, and James, and Nancy) I had by Turns a Share of Zeal : But was old Dog at publick Weal. I've had my Doubts ; as all
Men should ; Yet liv'd as honest as I could. What comes, when we resign our Breath, I know not. Yet a Fig for Death. JESUS I like, but cannot take him " For what some fond Enthusiasts make him. In God alone I put my Trust Because he's Merciful, tho' Just, . Of all Things Great thou great Beginner, Take Pity on a Garter'd Sinner I Sir Harcourt Masters, Knight and Alderman of this City, and one cf the late South- Sea Directors, lies dan- gerously ill. The Conclave for Electing a New Pope, is to meet on the 9th or 10th ot April next. Last Saturday the Assizes ended at Kingston upon: Thames when two Men receiv'd Sentence of
Death, one burnt in the Hand for Manslaughter, and several order d for Transportation. Tis said that a certain Lady living near Covent- Gar- den, and of no mean Extraction or Estate, about July last laid out all the ready Money she had in South Sea Stock at 900 per Cent, which soon after falling to 600, put her somewhat out of Heart, but being fully per. suaded by her Broker that to sell out then would cer- tainly be a considerable Loss, and that he did not doubt but in one Week's time to see it at 1100, which so in- fluenced the Lady, that instead of selling out, she bought loco 1. more at 600 per Cent, soon after which it fell to
300, and from thence to the present deplorable Price; and ' tis certain that this Lady having mortgaged her whole Estate, and parted with every Thing valuable, on the said Account, must inevitably perish in a Goal if not timely relieved. Besides the People of Rank and Figure who have lately gone off by Opiates, we have had, within these two or three Days past, Instances of some others of less Note, who have also thought fit to have the World Gratis, being, as is supposed, ashamed to live in so cor- rupt and degenerate an Age, viz. An elderly Woman drowned herself in the Canal in St. James's Park last Saturday ; two Basket
Women of St. James's Market demolished themselves with South Sea Citron Water: an Affidavit Man hanged himself in Strand lane ; and others too tedious to mention. Last Tuesday and Wednesday High- Mass was perform'd st the Roman Catholick Chapels in Lincolns- lnn- Fields, and in Queen- Street, on Account of the Pope's Decease. We are credibly inform'd that six of His Majesty's Messengers are speedily to set out for Antwerp, for the safe conducing of Mr. Robert Knight hither. Besides the going about to rebuild the Church of St. Martin in the Fields, the Inhabitants of that large Pa- rish, who live in and about Long.
Acre, have purchas'd a Piece of Ground for building a Chapel. In Hanover. Square, Gen. Stewart has for IOOOI. purchas'd a Piece Commanders. Cooper, Williams, Trevor, S. Lee, Coleman, Smith, Elford, Holland, Hagar, Clinton, Falkner, Thompson, Hughes, Eaton, Dalaval, Wade, Bowler, Garlington, Field, Luck, Balchin. 3 Suffolk, 4 Warwick, 4 Medway, 3 Prince Frederick, 3 Buckingham, 4 Dartmouth, 4 York, 4 Gloucester, 3 Revenge, 4 Nottingham, 2 Sandwich, 3 Elizabeth, 3 Chichester, 4 Kingston, 4 Worcester, 4 Falmouth, 3 Bedford, 3 Dorsetshire, 4 Defiance, 5 Gosport, 3 Monmouth, Pool fireship. Kent. Sloop Tender.
Bedford- Galley Fireship, Blandford, ) Port- Mahon, > Bomb Ketches. Greyhound, J None in Commission yet in the room of the Speed- well and Furnace, King George Tender. N. B Admiral Norris commands on board the Sand- wich, Rear Admiral Holier in the Prince Frederick, and Rear. Admiral Hopson in the Dorsetshire. N. B. The Copy of Verses sent at from Croyden, coming to late to our Hands, we must refer them to our next. Christned Males 105 Femalesi86. In all 391. Buried Males 195. Females 280. In all 575. Decreas'd in the Burials this Week 61. CASUALTIES. Drown'd 3. one at St. Dunstan at Step- ney, One in the
River of Thames at St. John at Wapping, and one at St. Paul at Shadwell. excessive Drinking 1. Found dead on the Shore ( a Man un- known) at St. Mary at Lambeth 1. Kill'd by the Fall of Earth at St. Giles without Cripplegate 1. Overlaid 1. Threw herself out of a Window ( being Lunatick) at St. Lawrence Jewry t. Yesterday the Prices of GOODS at BEAR KEY, were as follow. Wheat 10 s. to 35 s. per Quarter. Rye 14 s. to 17 s. Barley 16 s. to 19 s. Oats 11 s. to 15 s. Hog Peafe 16 s. to 20 1. Beans 19 s. to 24 s. Malt 17 s. to 27 f. Rape Seed 13I. to ifil. perLaft. Hops 3 1. to 4 I. per C. Coals per Chald. lijs 10 27 » . Colchcfter
Crown Baife 15 u. £. per Ell. Yeilerday Bank 126. India- 137. South- Sea 135 I. ond. Alfurance 6. Royal Aflur. 7. Old African 3;. New African 2;. ADVERTISEMENT, e sTOPT a Silver Snuff. Box, which is supposed to be stolen; therefore any one that has Lost it, if they come to the Green Man and Still in Mint- street, and describe the Shape and Marks ot the said Box, and pay the charge of this Advertisement, may have the Box again. of Ground, to build 2 Church on, which is to be one of t'ie new Churches ; a large Chapel is going to be LONDON: Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street.