The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 25/03/1721
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number: Issue Number:
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n THE Weekly journal: oR, British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1721. G R E A T- B R I T A I N. Mr READ, IN an Excellent Piece lately publish'd, call'd Francis Lord Bacon, or the Case of our injur'd Country is truly Rated, and is written with that Spirit that the Au. thor may justly call himself an Englishman. I am of Opinion, that if you wou'd Print only his Preface in your next, it wou'd be most acceptable to your Readers, the greatest part of which may not have an opportunity to see the Book it self. I am, & c. IT was an Old Law among the Locrians of Italy, as we are
inform'd by very good Authorities, That Man who propos'd to make any new Law, should be obliged to do it with a Rope about his Neck, in which he was to be strang- led forthwith, if he fail'd of carrying his Point, and the Majority determin'd his Proportion prejudicial to the Publick. I Don't find that there is any such Custom now sub- sisting in any part of Christendom; and the Reason, perhaps, may be, because all our Neighbouring Monar- chics are Absolute, and their Laws made by the Edicts of the King only. Had this peculiar Custom obtain'd in our Constitution, I am in doubc whether the Ad- vantage, or Prejudice of it, would
have been greater. On the one Hand, it would rid us of a Number of busy Fools ( for Fools will be medling, let the Conse- quences be never so hazardous) and it would contribute to deter Knaves ( who have ever little private Views of their own) from offering their Schemes to the Ruin of the Publick: As, on the other Hand, indeed, it might hinder just and wise Men from promoting Laws for the Good of their Country ; since none are so diffident of their own Parts and Opinions, as Men of sound Sense and solid Judgment. Therefore, I believe, it will be allow'd, that our Constitution, as it stands, is infinitely preferable to that of the old
Locrians, and liable to fewer Inconveniences. With us every Member of the Legislature is at liberty to propose what he esteems to be for the Interest of the Subject; which, being consider'd and weigh'd by the whole Body, whenever a Difference of Opinion arises, they are immediately to divide, and the Matter is carri- ed, or rejected, by the Majority : And, certainly, it is but reasonable to suppose. that there is most Wisdom, most Honour, and most Virtue, in the greater Number. Again, if some Inconveniences, whieh were ( not fore- seen, should attend a Law that was design'd for the n of the Commonwealth, the same Power, that
d may and will alter or utterly repeal it, where the Remedy does not come too late. I am led into this Consideration from the present Cla- mours of a ruin'd People, and from the vigorous and Price Three Halfpence. publick spirited Resolutions of both Houses to redress their Injuries. It must be a Comfort to every Sufferer in this Calamity, who gave a Vote for the Election of a Member, to see his Representative in Parliament bravely labouring to do him Justice, by punishing those Mis- creants who have been the Cause of it} and like a skil- ful and wise Physician, searching into the unseen and latent Sources of the Distemper,
before he Ventures to apply the Remedy, lest he should apply in the wrong Place The Learned in Physick know, that the Infection of- ten lies remote from the Part where its Symptoms first shew themselves ; so that if an Arm be corrupted, and it spread to the Hand, it would be ridiculous to think of curing a Malignity, that reaches so high, by cutting off a Finger. It is much the same thing in the Case of the South Sea : If the flagrant Frauds of that Affair have taken rise from some undiscover'd Springs, and yet only appear'd in the Persons of the Directors; the bare sacrificing of those servile Wretches, will hardly con- tent or stop
the Resentments of an exasperated People. Nor will the Names of those Honourable Members be forgot to Posterity, who shall, upon this Occasion, go thro with an Enquiry, so effential to support the Ho- nour of their King, and the Welfare of the People both which, we have too much Reason to fear, have been equally abused in the Management of this Project. I have somewhere read a Story of a Member of the House of Commons, who, when a Bill was brought in by the Court- Party, which he judg'd would be of perni- cious Consequence to the People, oppos'd it with all the Vehemence and Interest imaginable ; and when the
Tide of its Abettors run too strong against him, finding his honest Endeavours to no purpose, he petition'd the House, that the Borough, for which he serv'd, might be ex- empted from that Law. Pity it is, that his Name is not recorded to Posterity, and that he has not a monument of Marble to perpetuate the Memory of so glorious an Integrity ! Nor Gold, nor Preferment, could bribe him so much as to be silent in a Cause, where the Duty of a Patriot commanded him to speak. Upon the mention of this worthy Gentleman, I can. not help looking back on some noble Patriots of our own, who, while this pernicious Affair was depending,
gave their Opinions against it with so much Candour and Strength of Argument; and who, like Prophets, foretold every Step of the Mischiefs, which at this instant overwhelm us. I don't doubt, but every Honourable Member thought he was serving his Country, while he promoted this fatal Scheme ; but I can't help giving the Preference to the Wisdom of those, who saw Effects at such a Distance, and discover'd the Traces of Villany and Mischief lurking under the Masquerade of publick Ser- vice, and the Interest of the Nation. It has often happen'd in private, as well as civil Life, that we will not believe the Danger of Things, till the
Evil is come upon us. It puts me in mind of a Fable in aEsop, very much apropos to our Circumstances. There Was a Country Fellow at work a sowing his Grounds, and a Swallow ( being a Bird famous for Pro- vidence and Foresight) call'd a Company of little Birds about her, and bad them take good Notice what that Fellow was a doing. You must know ( says the Swallow) 13 I that
C 1874 ) that all the Fowler's Nets and Snares are made of Hemp or Flax ; and that's the Seed that he is now a sowing. pick it up in time, for fear of what may come on it. In short they put it off, till it took Root • and then again, till it was sprung up into the Blade. Upon this, the Swallow told them once for all, that it was not yet too late to prevent the Mischief, if they would but bestir themselves, and set heartily about it; but finding that no heed was given to what she said, she e'en bad Adieu to her old Companions in the Woods, and so betook her self to a City Life, and to the Convention of Men. This FIAX and Hemp came in time to
be gather'd, and wrought, and it was this Swallow's Fortune to see seve- ral of the very same Birds that she had forewarn'd, taken in Nets, made of the very Stuff she told them of. They came at last t0 be sensible of the Folly of slipping their Opportunity; but they were lost beyond all Redemption Good Counsel, as Sir Roger L'Estrange observes, is cast away upon, the Arrogant, the Selfconceited, or the Stupid, who are either too proud to take it, or too heavy to understand it. So Cautions, or the common Ways of anticipating, or defeating Conspiracies, are below the Wisdom of Men of Intrigue and Cabal; till, at last, a faction
comes to be too hard for the Government. The Continuation of the Tryal of Thomas Lord Strafford. Then they call'd their Witness Mr. Hoy again, who depos'd; That the Reason he did not complain sooner, was, that when he was coming over for that purpose, Sir Paul DaVis, and the Master of the Wards, dissuaded him from it, telling him of my Lord- Deputy's great Power; and that he might as well run his Head against a Rock, as seek Remedy against him as the Times then went. This Article charges him with assuming a Power above Law, giving Warrants to the Bishops and their Officers, to attach and imprison the Bodies of
those, of the poorer Sort, who refus'd to obey any Ecclesiastical Decrees or Orders; and they instance in one that was given to the Lord Bishop of Down and Connor. A Copy of the Warrant to the Bishop of Down was produc'd, but the Lord Strafford objected to the reading of it, averring, they ought either to have brought the Original, or some Body that would haVe prov'd it to it a true Copy. Then Sir James Montgomery was sworn. He depos'd that he had seen the original Warrant, and he believ'd it to be a true Copy, as well in Words as Substance ; but could not say he ever examin'd it with the Original ; however, the Lords over
rul'd the Ex- ception, and order'd it to be read, being to the Effect set forth in the Article. Sir James Montgomery further depos'd, That he had seen several Warrants under the Hand of the Bishop of Down's Chancellor, directed sometimes to the Consta- bles, and sometimes to his Apparitors with their Assis- tance, for apprehending Persons ( twenty or thirty in a Warrant) and that he had known them executed with great Cruelty; sometimes wounding, beating and im- prisoning the Parties. And that this time Twelve- month, the Deponent was charg'd himself to be assisting at the Execution of one of these Warrants: The Managers
observ'd, that in this Instace, he had made Acts of State to exceed Acts of Parliament. For whereas by the Statute the Subject being cited into the Eccleliastical Court, could not be imprison'd till a Writ de Excommunicato Capiendo issued ; by my Lord Strafford's Warrant he was apprehended, if he appear'd not on Citation ; and Knights and Men of Eminency were call'd in to assist at the Execution of them. That he did not only take this Power himself, but gave to it others ; and therefore it was high time to accuse him of subverting the Laws of Ireland. The Earl answer'd, That such Warrants had been usually granted to the
Bishops of Ireland ; however, he had granted only this to the Bishop of Down ; and hear- ing Complaints of the Execution of it, he call'd it in long before his Impeachment. ) The Lord Primate's Examination was read. Importing, that the Bishop of Meath told him he had & Warrant of Assistance from a former Lord De- puty. Robert Lord Dillon depos'd, he had heard Writs of Assistance had been granted by former Deputies. Mr. Thomas Little, his Lordship's Secretary, depos'd, That he had feen an original warrant of my Lord Falk- land's by which this was drawn. And that this was the only Warrant the Lord Stafford made. My Lord
Strafford desir'd their Lordships to consider, that in Things concerning the Irish Charge, it was im- possible for him to have hiS Witnesses on so short Notice of Tryal ; otherwise there Things, being so notorious, might have been easily clear'd. That he follow'd the Practice of those who went before him ; and if it were not altogether agreeable to Law, he hop'd every Mistake of the Law, did not amount to Treason, for then these would be more Prosecutions for Treason, than Trespass, in Westminster- Hall. The Managers reply'd, That tho' this single Act was not Treason, yet added to other exorbitant Proceed, ings, it was a strong
Evidence to prove his subverting the Laws. Wednesday, March 3 r, 1641. This Article sets forth, That he had procur'd the Farm of the Customs to his own Use, and for his own Lucre had caus'd the native Commodities of Ireland to be ra- ted higher than in the old Book of Rates, particularly Hides and Wooll, to the great Oppression of the Sub. ject. In maintenance of this Article, the Managers first produc'd a Lease of the Customs from King James to the Duke of Buckingham ; and afterwards another Lease to the Dutchess of Buckingham, of which the Earl afterwards had an Assignment, which they shew'd was attended with
greater Advantages to the Farmer, thai the first Lease. Then they proceeded to show that the Customs by the old Book of Rates amounted to but 10 or 12000 1. a Year; and by the new Book, to 5; and 57000 1. per Annum. The Lord Strafford in his Defence, desir'd that the Charge might be read again ; and obserV'd, that there was nothing in it, that, by any Law, could be construed treasonable. That they had been told what his Majesty lost by a Contract with the Dutchess of Buckingham, which, he conceiv'd, could not concern him, being no Party to it; however, by their own showing, there was a 20000 I. Fine, and an Increase
of Rent 1350 1. per Annum, which was some Consideration for it : That the Rates appear'd to be rais'd the 24th of March, 7 Car. and he was not a Partner in the least till the 21st of April after, so that the Book of Rates was not rais'd by him, but by them who manag'd the Business between the King and the Dutchess of Buckingham ; and unless they could show a Book of Rates that was made the 9 Car. as they had charg'd in the Article, or since he was interested in the Farm, the raising them could not affect him, any more than whether they were justly laid, which he believ'd might be made out too, if he had time to produce
Proofs. And if the Testimony of Merchants, who speak for their own Advantage, is to be admitted in this Case, the Customs will produce lit. tie. That this Book of Rates was settled by the then Lord Treasurer, and he believ'd, very fairly. That it was not voluntarily that he took a Share in the Farm, but he was, in a manner, compell'd to it. That his Majesty had from time to time been acquainted with the Increase; and indeed it did rise beyond all Imagination, the Customs, when he and his Partners enter'd upon them, amounting to but 11000 1. a Year, and now were advanc'd, as had been prov'd, and by that they might judge of the
Truth of the Remonstrance from Ireland, which complain'd of the Decay of Trade. That his Majesty gave a Consideration for that Share, and had it himself. That the Customs were an Inheri- tance of the Crown in Ireland, and five Eighths were entirely the King's, besides the Rent the Farmers paid ; and he hop'd they would hear the King's Council before they concluded it. To be continu'd. On Saturday last, upon hearing Council for the Lord Clinton, upon his Right of Precedency, it was resolv'd in the House of Peers, that he should be plac'd betwixt the Lords Fitzwater, and Dudley and Ward, by which he sits in Parliament as the
4th Baron of England. The
The Regulations made from Time to Time, by the Honourable Bench cf his Majesty's Justices of Middlesex, being justly look'd upon as Precedents and Examples for the Counties of this Kingdom, in the like Cases, the following Older has been transmitted to us by a publick Spirited Gentleman, in order to be inserted in your Weekly Journal. Mid1 Ad General' Quarterial Session Pacis Dni Regis tent pro Com Midd' apud Hicks Hall in St John street in Com pred die Mercur' in Septimana proxim post Festum Epiphaniae soil undeciemo die Januar Anno Regni Dom Georgii nunc Regis Magnae Britannia, & c. septimo, coram Rob.
Thornhill, Armig. Ric. Reynell, Bar. Hen. Fetherston, Bar. Mart. Ryder, Jos. Offley, Johan. Milner, Gul. Cowper, Nich. Jeffreys, Ric. Browne, Gul. Gore, Math. Holworthy, Ric. New- ton, John Ellis, Isaaco Tillard, Johan Clerk, Ar- migeris, & alijs sociis suis Justiciarijs dicti Dni. Re- gis ad pacem in Compraed conservand necnon ad divers. felons transgres. & al. Mulefacta in eodorn Com. perpe- trat. audiend. & terminemd. assin & c. THIS Court having taken into Consideration the Fees taken and claimed by the Clerks to his Ms. jesty's Justices of the Peace for this County for Warrants, Recognizances, Discharges, Orders of
Removal, and other Business by them done and transacted, and think- ing it requisite that the same shonld be settled and ad- justed, so that his Majesty's Subjects may not be impos'd upon by paying greater Sum or Sums of Money than ought to be taken or demanded of them, by the said Clerks on Pretence of their Fees, doth hereby limit and declare the Fees that may be taken by the Clerks to the Justices of the Peace for this County for Business to be by them done and transacted, in such Manner as is spe- cisied and express'd in the Table here under written, viz. A Table of the Fees. FOR a common Warrant for Assault,
Wounding, or Felony, A Warrant for the Peace A Warrant to search for stolen Goods For every Recognizance to answer for any Misdemeanor For the Discharge of every Person taken by the Constables on Privy Search, or Watch. If any Misdemeanor or Misbehaviour ap. pears to the Justice or Justices, i s. If none, no Fee to be taken For the Discharge of every Person brought by Warrant for any Misdemeanor For every Perfon discharged out of Goal For every Supersedeas, if required, where Persons have given in Bail For every Examination taken in Writing be. fore one or more Justices, in order to a Settlement or Vagrant
Pass For every Vagrant Pass For every Settlement, Pass, or Order of Re- moval to the last Place of Settlement sign'd by two Justices For every Copy thereof for the Overseers of the Poor For any Orders concerning Relief of Poor, Summons to Church Wardens or Over- seers for refusing to relieve their own Poor For Confirmation by Justices of Overseers of the Poor, Scavengers, or Surveyors of the Highways For every Copy thereof For the Warrant for Nomination or Return of Surveyors of the Highways For every Copy thereof For Confirmation by two or more Justices, of Poors Rate, Scavengers, Surveyors of the Highways,
Vagrants, or Bridge Rates, ^ whether such Rates be contain'd in one or' more Books For every Summons in Writing sign'd by. any Justice ( except in relation to the Poor . where no Fee is herein allow'd) against a single Person, and for every Warrant of Distress on Poors Rates, and the like on other Rates, or Penal Statutes, or Commit. ment thereupon against a single Person. 01 pi 01 For every such Summons or Warrant of Di- stress with long Lists of Names For Warrant against reputed Father of a Bastard For Affidavit of a Mother, and for every Affidavit taken in Writing For the Adjudication of Bastardy For the Copy of the
Adjudication to be" serv'd on the reputed Father For signing by two Justices each Pair of In- dentures of Apprentiship of Children put out by the Parish, for each Justice's Hand For every Recognizance or License for Victu- allers renew'd at general Renewing of Li censes, to the Justice's Clerks For every old Recognizance or License re. new'd after the general Days of Renewing For every new Victualer's Recognizance 01' License granted at any Time, to the Clerks of the two Justices who grant the same For attending Sessions on every Appeal For drawing and preparing ( if requir'd) an Affidavit and Certificate of Burryins in '
Woollen For taking or swearing the said Affidavit For every Conviction on any Penal Statute, or for Swearing, Drunkenness, felling Ale in short Measures, or on Suudays, not1 hanging out Lights, or the like For every Commitment to any Goals, for Examination of Felons, Recognizances to prosecute, Informations against Felons, and attending at the Old- Baily to prove them ^ For Summons or Warrants against Persons ; disaffected, against Persons Prophaning the Lord's Day, Cursing and Swearing, and Certificates thereof For making Certificates for Constables, Al- lowances for passing Vagrants 5° °° ° Which Fees this Court is
of Opinion may be taken by the Clerks to the Justices of the Peace for this County, and this Court doth hereby Order, that no Clerk to any; of the Justices of the Peace for this County, shall hereafter demand or take of any Person or Persons what- soever, for any Business, Matter or Thing specify'd or compriz'd in the said Table, any greater or larger Fee or Fees, than what are therein compriz'd ; And to the intent that Publick Notice may be had of this Order, It is further order'd by this Court, that the Clerk of the Peace of this County, do cause Five Hundred Copies of this Order to be printed, and that a Sufficient Number thereof
be deliver'd by the Cryer of this Court to the Justices of the Peace for this County and their Clerks, and that a printed Copy thereof be also affix'd upon one. of the Pillars of this Court, at Hicks Hall in St. John street, in the said County. Per Cur' Harcourt, SIR, March 20. 1721. THere is a Family of Converted Jews, and Baptized in Town, of the Church of England, of many Years Conversion, as appears by good Certificates of their true Behaviour ever since, who are reduced to the last Extremities, by losses and Accidents, who distresses are so pressing, that it is Matter of Wonder, that they are not Perished, they are fallen from
Affluence, and from being substantial House keepers into their present Condition ; these not only Sacrificed a comfort- able Subsistance for the common Cause of Christianity, but considerable Provisions, and did not their internal Supports exceed their outward Circumstances, they would be, of all People, most miserable. Formerly great care was taken for the Converted Jews, but now are Perishing. I think fit in Christian Charity to declare this to prevent the Ruin and Shame of the Converts to the Church of England ; And if such as are above- mentioned have any Title to your Charity and Pity, they may be seen and heard of at
Mr. Knaplock's Book- seller, at the Bishop's- Head in St. Paul's Church Yard ; at Mr. Willett's Mercer, at the Three Angels in the Strand, near Somerset house, at Mr. Goody's a Sword Cutler in Pall- Mall, near the Hay- Market; and at Mr. Isbell's Gro- cer near Holbourn- Bars ; where you may be satisfied of the Truth, Sc'c. Your unknown Friend, M. S.„ John
c * John Wills, Esq; one of His Majesty's Council at Law, is appointed a Welsh Judge, on the Death of Wm. Wright, Esq; late Recorder of Oxford, deceafed : He succeeds Mr. Carter for the Counties of Carnarvon, Me- rioneth, and Anglesey, in North- Wales, who is remov d from that Circuit to the Shires of Brecon, Glamorgan, and Radnor, in Wales, in Place of Mr. Wright. ' Tis said, Mr. Harley, and Mr. Bateman, intend to stand Candidates for the Borough of Leominster, in the room of Sir George Caswell, Kt. They write from St. Jago de la Vega, Dec. 19. That two Women that were taken with Racon, and other Pi- rates, are
condemn'd by a Court of Admiralty, to be hang'd within a Month after they have lain in, having pleaded their Bellies. The 30th instant there will be a General Court of the Bank of England for chusing a Governor and Deputy. Governor, and the Election will be declared that Eve- ning. We hear Mr. Gibbon, a Commissioner of the Reve- nue in Ireland, is appointed Secretary to the Duke of Grafton Lord Lieutenant of that Kingdom. His Majesty's Ship Success is ordered to Maderas, to protect our Trade from the Pyrates. The late Ld. Abergavenny, left two Sons and two Daughters, and is succeeded by the Eldest of those Sons,
George, now Ld. Abergavenny, about 18 Years of Age. The latter end of last Week died the Rev. Mr. Brad- ley, Chaplain to the Duke of Richmond, of the Small. Pox- About the same time died Mr. Samuel King, one of the Supernumerary Clarks of the Treasury, and is succeeded by Mr. Power. Some late Advices from Ratisbon say, that the Catho- lick Ministers perceiving the Protestants are firmly re- solved to persist in their Remonstrances for Redress, have transmitted to the Imperial Court an Account of the prefent Situation of Matters at the Diet; and till an Answer arrives from Vienna, the Conferences are in a great degree
suspended. In the mean time the Catho- licks cast about with great Industry, in hopes of bring- ing religious Proceedings into the Course they would have them, for which Reason they made great Excepri- ons against the Behaviour of some of the Protestant Ministers, and have made Instances to their Courts to get them recalled ; regarding them as Persons of too violent a Disposition to comply with Matters which, otherwise, say they the rest of their Brethren would judge to be reasonable enough. They write from Jamaica, that the Honourable Colo- nel Francis Rose, President of the Council of that Island, a Gentleman of great
Worth and Esteem, dy'd there in December last, whose Death was much lamented by the Rich, and extensive Charity much miss'd by the Poor. Those Letters add, that on Dec. 13. the Oldfield, Capt. Mitchell, arrived there in eight Weeks from Falmouth, which brought thither between 20 and 30 Miners from Cornwall, to work on the Mines lately disco- ver'd in that Island, in expedition of much richer Ore than that in Cornwall aforesaid. They further add, that John Racan, Captain, George Featherstone, Master, and seven other Criminals, were executed at St. Jago de la Vega, for Robbery and Felony on the High Seas, where, of
the two first were hang'd in Chains for a Terror to others. On Sunday last died suddenly Mrs. Edgecomb, Wife of Richard Edgecomb, Esq; one of the Lords Commissi- oners of the Treasury. Monday died the Rt. Hon. the Lord Visct. Lisburne, of the Kingdom of Ireland. On Saturday last Richard Hopkins, Esq; was chosen Sub- Governour, and Wm. Snelling, Efq; Deputy. Gover- nour of the London Assurance in the rooms of Sir Wm. Chapman, and Sir Jacob Jacobson, late Directors of the South Sea. They write from Dublin, that on the nth Instant died there Dennis Daly , Esq; who was a Privy- Counsel. lor and Judge in the Reign
of King James the Second. Sir Robert Banks Jenkinson, Bart, is chosen Recorder of Oxford, in the room of Wm. Wright, Esq; deceased. The following Ships richly laden, viz. the Princess Anne, and Princess Amelia, from the West- Indies, tho Hanover from Bombay, and the Godfrey from Bencolen and Fort St. George, arrived laft Friday 7- Night in the River. J) We are credibly inform'd that the Design of Establish- ing an East- India Company in the Austrian Netherlands, is suspended, if not quite laid aside. There are Letters in Town from Barbadoes by way of Bristol, which advise that on the Arrival of the Lords Justices Order
for restoring Mr. Cox to his Place in the Council ( from which he was arbitrarily remov'd by the late Governour Lowther, to make way for his Creature and Kinsman and for Impowering him to take upon himself the Administration of the Govern- ment, the Ensigns thereof were accordingly delivered to him ; but that all the Members of Council, except the Honourable John Colliton, and Richard Lightfoot, Esq; had behav'd in such a manner as to oblige the President to suspend them. The same Letters add, that ths Assembly then in being, which had been chosen by the most artful Methods imaginable, did all that was possible to
distress the said Mr. Cox; and that the Spirit of the Faction was kept up merely on the Assurances they had from hence, that as soon as the King came Home, all that had been done in behalf of that poor distressed Island would be reversed and that the next Vessels would restore them to the same Power of doing Mischief. On Thursday 7- Night died Mrs. Cotton, Wife of Robert Cotton of Giddon in the County of Huntingdon, Esq; a Gontlewoman of many Excellent Endowments, who for Constancy of Mind, Sedateness of Temper, Unaffected Piety, and Undissembled Charity, has left her Name a very great Example for Posterity,
and render'd her Death a lasting Grief, not only to her own Family, but to all who liv'd near her, the Poor especially. And this Week she was carry'd out of Town to be Interr'd in Huntingdonshire among the rest of the Family. At Hertford Assizes, one Mary Maxwel was try'd upon an indictment for Subordination of Perjury, in hiring Witnesses to personate other People to swear they knew her, and saw her quilt great Quantities of Gold into her Stays, which she pretended she was robbed of in the Liberty of St Albans, to the Amount of above 3001. which she had su'd the Liberty for ; and in order to re. cover, had subpaena'd these
Witnesses to be examined at the Assizes before, at her Tryal with the Hundred, When they discover'd the Villany, and my Lord Chief Justice Prat committed her; and at the same Assizes the Grand- Jury found the Bill against her, to which she then pleaded Not Guilty, and travers'd the Indictment; but was now found Guilty, and Sentenc'd to be Pillory'd. Letters from Tripoly of August 15. say, that the Regency of this City have renew'd their Peace with France upon the same Foot as formerly, and agree- ably to their Treaties with England and Holland, ex- cepting, that all the Italians, and particularly the Ro- mish Clergy, who are
actually in this City, or who may come hereafter, are to enjoy the Protection of France. This Treaty was concluded by M de Souet, who was Envoy Extraordinary from the Court of France to Al- giers and Tunis. That Minister gave amongst the Mem- bers of the Regency, a fine Diamond ; a Clock ; a Car- pet, on which was embroider'd the Arms of France and Navarre ; a curious Gun ; two Pair of Pistols; seven Suits of Cloth of Gold, and three Pieces of the finest woollen Cloth ; two Mortars, 1OO Bombs, and ioo » Weight of Powder. The Regency have presented that Minister, in return, with 11 fine Barbary Horses, and the
Releasement of five Christian Slaves. Dublin, March r 1. The following Piece has been publish'd here, and met with extraordinary Approbation. PArnassus February the Twenty seventh, The Poets assembled here on the Eleventh,' Convened by Apollo, who gave'em to know, He'd have a Vicegerent in his Empire below ; But declared that no Bard shou'd this Honour inheirt, Till the rest had agreed he surpass'd them in Merit: Now this you'll allow was a difficult Case, For each Bard believ'd he had a Right to the Place; So finding the Assembly grow warm in Debate, He put ' em in Mind of his Phaeton's Fate ; ' Twas urg'd to no
Purpose, the Dispute higher rose, Scarce Phoebus himself cou'd their Quarrels compose. Till at length he determin'd that every Bard, Shou'd each in their Turn be patiently heard. First
On Tuesday last the Earl of Burlington was married to Lady Dorothy Saville, eldest of the two Daughters and Co- heirs to Wm. Saville, late Marquis of Halifax The Baltick Squadron will be ready to sail early next Month, under the Command of the same Admirals that went thither last Year The Duke of Marlborough has lodg'd an Appeal a. gainst the Verdict given in the Exchequer, in favour of Mr. Strong the Builder. Our Merchants have Advice, that the Endeavour, Capt. Emson; from Oporto to Hull, and the Vine, Capt. Martin, belonging to Portsmouth, were lately lost off of Portsmouth. Last Sunday the New born Son of the Earl of
Dal- keith was Christen'd by the Name of Francis the Duke of Queensberry and Dover, and Ld. Carleton standing God- father, and the Dutchess of Monmouth Godmother. The Lady Diana Spencer is in a fair way of Recovery from the Small Pox. We hear that the Seamen belonging to His Majesty's Ships designed for the Baltick, under the Command of Sir John Norris, will, upon the said Ships coming to the Buoy of the Note, be paid the Wages due to them to the last Day of December, 1719. Last Thursday Morning about 4 a Clock a Fire broke out at a Brandy Shop in Brewer's- street near Golden Square, kept by a Blackmoor,
which soon consum'd that House and another, both lately built; and damag'd several others: The faid Blackmoor was so far distract- ed at that unfortunate Accident, that the Firemen had much ado to prevent his running into the Flames to de- stroy his Life with his Goods. On Saturday laft, three notorious Highwaymen, viz. Freshwater, Barnsby, and Berry, were executed at Win- chester: Before the Tryal, the two former finding no possibility of escaping, advised Berry, who was a very raw young Fellow, to impeach them, and to save him- self, which he as generously refused, and said that as they were all taken like Men together,
so like Men they would die together. The Corpse of Mr. Craggs is to be interr'd at Charl- ton in Kent , we are assur'd he has left a vast Fortune among his three Daughters, Mrs. Newsham, Mrs. Elliot, and Mrs. Trefusis. * Letters from Montpellier, say that the Plague continues to rage at Tarascon ; and ' tis much fear'd it will extend it self into Languedoc, that being a Town of Provence situ- ated on the Banks of the Rhone, over against Beau- caire in Languedoc. The States of this Province have granted 1 2000 Livres to the Inhabitants cf the Dioce- l'es of Nismes and Usez, towards indemnifying them of the 18000 Livres they paid
to the Persons they employ'd to gather up and bury the Locusts, of which there has been such an infinite Number of late Years, that they covered whole Plains, devoured all the Corn, clouded the Sky, and came into the very Houses ; insomuch, that it was difficult to keep them from the Meat as it was upon the Table It has been observed, that these In- sects, which preceded the present Plague, have former- ly been the Fore- runners of the like Affliction. Sir George Saunders, Kt. and Wm. Fisher Esq; are made Commissioners of the Victualling Office, in the room of Joshua Churchill, and Thomas Reynolds, Esqs. The short
Allowance Money due to the Men on board His Majesty's Ship the Defiance, is ordered to be paid from the nth of October to the 3d of December 17: 0. at the Pay Office in Broad street, as soon as the said Ship arrives at the Nore. Capt, Molloy, Commander of one of the Yatchts, is made one of the Directors of Greenwich Hospital. < GalfriduS Warpole, Esq; Brother of the Right Hon, Robert Walpose, Elq: is made Joint Post master General in the room of Mr. Craggs; Capt. Cavendish succeeds Mr Walpole, as Treasurer of Greenwich Hospital ; And Capt. Kempthorne in the Command of the Carolina Yatcht. Last Thursday, His
Majesty went to the House of Peers, and gave the Royal Assent to the following Bills, viz. That for punishing Mutiny and Desertion. That for prohibiting the Wear of Calicoes. That for preserving the Harbour of Rye. That for making the River Kennet Navigable. That for making the River Weaver Navigable. that for granting Powers of En- grastment First one who believ'd he exCell'd in Translation, Founds his Claim on the Doctrine of Transmigration : • since the Soul of great Milton was given to me ' I hope the Convention will quickly agree Agree quoth Apollo from whence is this Fool ? I am Just come from Reading Pythagoras at
School, Be gone, Sir, you've got your Subscriptions in time, And giv'n in Return neither Reason nor Rhyme. To the next says the God, tho' now I won't chuse I'll tell you the Reason for which I refuse you, [ you: Love's Goodness has oft to her Parent ccmplain'd, Of my fav'ring a Bard who her Empire disdain'd, That at my Instigation a Poem you writ, Which to Beauty and Youth preferr'd Judgment and Wit. That to make you a Laureat I give the first Voice, Inspiring the Britons I approve of my Choice. Jove sent her to me her Power to try, the Goddess of Beauty what God can deny ? She forbids your Preferment, I grant her Desire,
Appease the fair Goddess then you may rise higher. The next that appear'd had good Hopes of succeeding, For he merited much for his Wit and his Breeding. ' Twas wise in the Britons no Favour to shew him, He else might expect they shou'd pay what they owe him : And therefore they prudently chose to discard, The Patriot, whose Merits they wou'd not reward; The God with a Smile bid his Fav'rite advance, You were sent by Astraea her Envoy to France.. You bent your Ambition to rise in the State, I refuse you because you cou'd stoop to be great. Then a Bard who had been a successful Translator, * The Convention
allows- me a Versificator. Says Apollo you mention the least of your Merit, By your Works it appears you have much of my Spirit ; I esteem you so well that to tell you the Truth, The greatest objection against you's your Youth ; Then he not concern'd you're now laid aside. If you have you shall certainly one day preside. Another, low bending, Apollo thus greets. ' ' Twas I taught your Subject, to walk thro' the Streets. You taught'em to walk, why they knew it before, But give me the Bard that can teach ' em to roar, Whenever he claims his Right I'll confess Who lately attempted my Style with Success, Who writes like Apollo has
most of his Spirit, And therefore ' tis just, I distinguish his Merit, Who makes it appear by all he has writ, His Judgment alone can let Bounds to his Wit, Like Virgil correct, with his own Native Ease, But excess ev'n Virgil in elegant Praise, Who admires the Ancients, and knows ' tis their due, Yet write in a Manner entirely New. Tho' none with more Ease their Depths can explore, Yet whatever he wants he takes from my Store, Tho I'm fond of his Virtues his Pride I can see, In fearing to borrow from any but me, ' Tis owing to this like Cynthia his Lays Enlighten the World by reflecting my Rays, This said, the whole Audience soon
found out his Drift The Convention was summon'd in Favour of Sw - ft. Two Horse Loads of Coffee were seized last Saturday bv the Custom- houfe Officers st the Black Bull in Stoke Newington, as they were coming to London. Tis now talk'd that the Subscribing Annuitants are to be admitted into the South- Sea Company at the Rate of 300) per Cent. Last Thursday about one or two in the Morning, Col. Churchill arrived in Town from Vienna, with the Em- peror's Answer touching Mr. Knight, and at Noon waited on his Majesty, who sent a Message to the House yesterday, to acquaint them with his Imperial Majesty's Resolutions.
In the mean time, ' tis generally said, that the substance of the said Answer is, that the Emperor readily Condescends to grant his Majesty's Request, in having Mr. Knight brought over, upon consulting the States of Brabant, from whom he hopes no Objection will arise, especially under the Influence of his Imperial Majesty's earnest exhortations, who will give his Orders to that end. The same Day in a General Court of the Bank of england, they came to a Resolution, to divide three per Cent for the Half year due at Lady- day. Mr. Robert Clarke is appointed Secretary to the Pay- master, in the room of Mr. Marshal.
graftment, or enabling the South- Sea Company, to in- graft part of their Capital Stock and fund into the Stock and Fund of the Bank of England ; and another part thereof into the Stock and Fund of the East- India Company ; and for giving further Time for Payments to be made by the said South Sea Company, to the Use of the Publick And to several private Acts". To morrow Morning the Bishop of Oxford preaches a Charity Sermon at the Parish Church of St. Mildred in the Poultry; and at the same Place in the Afternoon. Mr preaches on the same Occasion. Also on the same Day in the Forenoon the Bishop of Bristol preaches
a Charity Seimon at the Parish Church of St. Michael Queenhythe ; and at the same Place in the Afternoon Mr. Oliver, Rector of St. Mary Abchurch, preaches another Charity Sermon. Last Sunday was Sennight as the Minister of King- street Chapel near St James's- Square was prayirg for King George and the Rest of the Royal Family, a Man suddenly curses the Parson in a furious Tone, and ask'd him, Why he did not pray for Queen Anne; but the Congregation looking upon the Offender as a mad Man, they only thrust him out of the Church, tho' his Crime merited a severe punishment. The Parish Church of Newington Butts,
by South- wark, being Rebuilt and finish'd, will be open'd to Mor- row for the performing of Divine Service, this Church is a neat handsome brick Building, and much enlarg'd at the Eastend What occasion'd the rebuilding of this old Church, was, by a sudden Rupture which happen'd on a Sunday in the Month of July, the First Year of his Majesty's Reign, in the time of Divine Service, which put the Congregation into such a general Consternation, that they all ran out, and many, in making their Escape, were bruised, and trodden under Foot, and received great hurt. " And upon a careful Review of the Church by experienced
Workmen, it was found so much decay- ed, that notwithstanding the Sum of 850l. laid out in Repairs by the parish, the same could not be any longer supported, and so it was taken down and rebuilt from the Foundation, for which the Parish got a Brief, wherein the Charge was said to amount to 926I. and upwards. In our next we shall give some further Account of more Church work going forward. ft i., , , Mr. READ, _ March 22d, 1720. IF you'll be pleas'd to insert the following Story 111 your next Journal it will be highly satisfactory to your constant Readers at Cheshunt, Waltham Cross, Marsfhland, and other Places in
Hartfordshire. The Matter is about one old P... r T aged about 78 YearS so that it is suppos'd it cannot be long e'er he fol- lows his Teeth, which have been gone from him these 30 Years and better. But not minding his Mortality, he is fell in Love with one that was his Servant- Maid, nay so deeply in Love that the violent Heat is like to singe his reverend Beard Having made his Passion known to the young Virgin- Pullet, who requires 6 Acres of Land and a House for her Joynture, quoth he, What do you bring me to answer it ? The handsome Damsel reply'd, My young Years to be drown'd in your old Years, which will always put
me in Mind of my latter End, and make methink Death is hugging me when I'm in your cold Em- braces. _ Old Peter, who is worth 2000 Pounds, reply'd, I Will give you 5o Pounds, which is enough to throw away upon that unnecessary Utensil call'd a Wife; be- sides I cannot get Children ; and moreover, tho' I never kiss'd a Woman in my Life time, I will first die for Love, rather than part with more Money; Upon this positive Resolution, she has thrown off her old Lover and has setled her Affections to a young brisk Fellow' from whom she expetts to see the Fruits of her nocturnal Labours. This so vexes her antiquated Lover, who
shews more Antiquity in the Wrinkles of his Face, than John Blow do's in his great wide Knee Breeches, that out of Revenge he kills all the Poultry of the young Woman's Mother -, and ' tis thought he will continue in this vexa- tious Temper till Death transports him to the Elysian Shades. I am your humble Servant, D. D. 7$ ) ...,. r). 4, Tn; Christned Males 177. Females 161. In all 338. Buried Males 305. Females 31. In all 636. Decreas'd in the Burials this Week 69. CASUALTIES. Drown'd 2 One in the River of Thames at St. Saviour in Southwaik, and one in a Ditch at St. Mary at Lam- beth. Found dead in a Box ( a Child) at St.
Dunstan in the West 1 Hang'd herself ( being Lunatick) at St. Mary at Whitechappel 1. Yesterday the Prices of GOODS at BEAR KEY, were as follow. Wheat 20 s. to 35 s. per Quarter. Rye 15 s. to 18 s. Barley 1 6 s, to 19 s. Oats 11 s. to r 5 s. Hog Pease 16 s. to 20 s. Beans 17 s. to 24. s. Malt 17 s. to 37 s. Rape Seed 13I. to 16 l. per Last. Hops 2 1. 5 s. co 4 I. per C. Coals per Child. 2i? s to 27 s. Colchester Crown Baise 1? d.{• per Ell. Yesterday Bank to Transfer, lrd a 141. S. Sea r? o London Assurance 8. Royal Exchange Assurance 7. Oid African no transfer. New African no Transfer. ADvERTISEMENTS. THE Water that
was Sold in Dean- street Red- Ly- on Square, is now Sold at the Two Sugar Loafs, next Door to the Anchor and Crown at the Lower end of Chandors Street near Covent Garden, and no where else, is to be Sold the Water that Cures manner of old Sores, tho' of never so long Continuance, if the Sores be putrified, and perished, and the Bone foul it Clesnses it, makes a perfect sound Cure without any Art used, only this Water applied preserves the Sinews, it Cures the King's or Joynt Evil, Cures Green wounds, hinders Mortifications, Disperses outward Bruises, but is not to be taken inwardly, this unparaled Water Dis- solves all
manner of Kernels, Swellings, White Swellings in Knees, Cancers, and repells all Stuborn Humours relating to the Evil, or proceeding from any other Cause, takes of Specks, has restored Sight when Lost, and if used in the going off of the Small- Pox, Heals the Face Smooth and Fine, without Pits or Humours about the Eyes, takes out Heats or Pimpels, this Water Cures where alL other Means proves in effectual, as can be cerrified by the vast number of Cures it daily do s at the PJace of Sale, it is Sold from Six pence to Five shillings the Bottle, for the Conveniency of the Poor, and so on at Pleasure, the Author undertakes any
of the abovementi. on'd, no Cure no Money : Note, That this Water is clear as Cristal, with a clear red Settling at the Bottom of the Bottles, Seal'd with a Stags- Head. A More perfect, speedy, cheap, and private Cure for all De- grees of the Secret Disease than ever was made known fore to mankind. This Arcanum is an Internal Balsam of Life and seems to be a Gift sent from God to relieve the Distressed of both Sexes : It is so great a Treasure in Medicine as exceeds all Estimation ; for it passeth through the whole Body like Fire, and consumes all Symptoms of the French Disease, as Fire burns Wood, or as the Sun drys up
Water, expelling all Malig- nity, and noxious Humours out of the Body, no Pox nor Clap can stand before it. how inveterate so ever, it begins, continues, and perfects the Cure thoroughly and substantially, rooting out the very seed of that cursed Disease : It is a most stupendious gregious Medicine, working by ways almost unaccountable to Human Understanding ; for it Cures all Ages of both Sexes and all Constitutions without offending the Stomach, or making the Person sick, or hindring ot Business, or Confinement to any particular Dyet, in a very short Time and at- a small Charge and with more Privacy than can be
expected. It Cures ail Rheumatisms and Rheumatick Pains, the Scurvy and all its at- tending Symptom) : And it being a perfect ny to Mercury destroys whatever lies in the Body after ill Cures, which often is worse than the Disease it self. N. B. This Arcanum, with Directions, for every Degree of the French Distemper, Rheumatism, and Scurvy, lies sealed up at Mr. Cooper's a Chandlers Shop against Union- Stairs in Wapping Mrs. Billingsley, at the Printing- Press. under the Piazzas at the royal Exchange Cornhill; Mr. Nodes, Sword- Cutler at the Cross Keys, next Door to the Rose- Taven without Temple- Bar; and at Mr. Evan's a
Cheesmonger and Glover's Shop, over- against Young- Man's Coffee- House by Charing- Cross. Also, for the Encouragement of the Publick, it is Sold for 10s and if it does not perform the Cure, the Money shall be return'd again. ' .... . _ .. . LONDON: Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street