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The Weekly Journal or, Saturday's Post. With the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick


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The Weekly Journal or, Saturday's Post. With the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick

Date of Article: 21/01/1721
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 112
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Turba Tortum digna sequl potius quam ducere Funem. Hor. HE Wisdom of the Parlia- ment being at present em- ployed in endeavouring to relieve the Miseries of the People, by Support of Pub. lick Credit, I shan't presume to say any thing upon that Point; but shall only' send you some few Thoughts cOn- cerning those Persons who have destroyed that Credit, and who I hope to see meet with a Punishment propor- tioned to the Calamity they have brought upon us. To triumph over People in Misfortunes, to insult the Dejected, to stab the dead A- chilles, whose very Name, when living, was a Terror, is the_ most ungenerous Behaviour m the World; but, I believe,' I may freely speak my Mind in Relation to those Persons, without the least Fear of any Friend to them, either justify- ing their Behaviour, or censuring mine. ' Twas a Custom in Sparta to encourage dextrous and suc- cessful Rogues, but severely to punish any that were ap- prehended in the Fact. Successful Villainy has no where met with greater Applause than in this Nation our Allies abroad, who have constantly abused and cheated us, are our dearest Friends still, and triumphant Iniquity has had a long uninterrupted Course at home. The Impunity, and perhaps Applause, other Betrayers of their Country have acted with, was no small Encouragement to those Gentlemen, who, I don't doubt, will quickly be recorded with that most odious Character. The Foxes, who have so long fatned upon our Stores, must never hope to escape, till reduced to their first spare Condition, and then, perhaps, not with a whole Skin ; they who have so abused our good Nature, should feel the Weight of our Resentment. The Calamity they have brought upen us, will allow them no Place of Refuge. The just Indignation of the Populace will never suffer them At home, and they resemble too much the Missisippians to meet with any Favour in France ; and our good Allies will be very unwilling to shelter these Men abroad, by whose Means alone they will now be forced to fight their own Battles, pay their own Troops, and even Support the publick Expence out of their own publick Coffers ; in short, by whole Means they have lost the Assistance of so rich and profusely generous a Friend as England has always proved to them.. There is nothing can be a stronger Evidence of the great Injustice of those Persons, than that the collected Body of the Nation, the Parliament, should be the only Power able to resist them ; nothing can convince us more of the great Calamity they have brought upon us, than that the Parlia- ment it self can only slightly cover the deep Wounds they have made. Common, though great Villains, are within Reach of the Law and though Lawgivers have sometimes made no provison against monstrous enormous Crimes, as thinking it impossible for Man to be guilty of them, That surely was never any Reason for letting such Offenders escape. Robbing a Man of the least Part of his pro perty is within the very Letter of the Law, and the Intent of that Law being to protect us in our Property, support So- ciety, and extirpate the Disturbers of it, must necessarily included from Persons who have had do little Compassion as to defraud the whole Nation of its All, its whole Property. Kings have been forced to fly and abdicate for less Offences, for lighter Oppressions; and shall Directors escape ? Shall we dethrone our Monarchs, who have an Hereditary Power over us, and were sometimes thought to be above Law, and not capable of doing ill, and suffer Subjects ( the lowest and most, infamous Subjects !) to go unpunish'd for the same Crimes? ' A Man who endeavours to alienate the Affections of the People from the Crown, or makes any Attempt,- tho' never so wild, never so unconcerted, in favour of the Pretender+ suffers Death by the standing Laws of the Land ; venture to say, that had the Directors been profess'd non- jurors ( Men whose unhappy, but aVowed Principle it is to endeavour to overturn our present constitution) they could no way have concerted a more effectual Method of under- mining our present Government, and advancing their own Cause. Too many were the Disaffected before this Misfor- tune befel us and People who are very well settled in their Allegiance to the Crown, even when there is no Competi- tor, no Rival, when oppressed with Misery and- Poverty, can scarce refrain from reflecting for publick Calamities, upon that Person in Whose Reign they suffer thein. The Misery of our Nobility and Gentry, the encreased Wretchedness of our Poor, speak in too loud Strains not to have reach'd every Ear ; and, I believe, our Credit abroad is always sound pro- portioned to our Condition at home. If then Poverty at home, and the Consequence of that Discredit abroad, prove the Result of this bold Iniquity, every one must confess, that the Authors of it strike at the Foundation of our Constitu- tion ; that they whosc Credit and Reputation was design'd as an invincible Bulwark against the Pretender, have open'd the widest Breach for him to enter at. _ I wish there was any one in that infamous Number who could be able in any Degree to clear his Reputation; but, I'm afraid, the kindest excuse that can be found for any of them will be, that they, out of Supineness or Folly, promo- ted or suffered what others had Villainy enough to contrive ; for, I must own, there are same of that Body whose com- mon Character will clear them of having any Manner of Design ; but I can, by no Means, think this a sufficient Ex- cuse ; the Consequence of their Neglect is the same to the Nation as the others Villainy; and the not opposing Trea- son is promoting it ; every Member is equally answerable for the Breach of a Joint- Trust : The very Design in the Institution of Bodies corporate, is, that it may not be in the Power of some Few to oppress the Whole ; that the In- tegrity and Vigilance of Some may be a Curb and Balance to the Rest. A Man who accepts of a Joint Publick TRUST and never interferes in the Management of it, is guilty of a very high Misdemeanor, though no Misfortune attend than Neglect ; and shall any who have all along shared in the Glory, and been Partakers of the Spoils of this successful Ini- quity, be distinguished in the Judgment that attends such daring Adventures. Aggregate bodies are like the Idol in the Scriptures, which, though cOmposed of Gold,_ Silver Lead SATURDAY January 21. 1721. ;. Lead, and several other ordinary Materials, yet each contri- bute to the Support of the Body. Had, indeed, the honest Endeavours of Some proved ineffectual; had a villainous Ma- jority over- powered the Rest, the: Infamy and Reward must then have light on their Heads ; but had any of the Preston Gentlemen, who was never forced into Arms, and had never during the time of Action, shewed any publick Dislike of the Cause he was ingaged in, pleaded Ignorance of his De- sign, I believe it would have proved of little Service to him, unless the Folly of his Plea had convinced the Government, that there was no Danger in overlooking such an Offen- der. A Man who lends his Sword to another to commit Mur- der, is himself guilty of it ; - and those Persons who have suffered others to make use of the Power entrusted with them to such villainous Ends, are equally answerable for the Con- ferences of it, as if they had joined themselves in eve- i shall only add one thing further, that the World may rest satisfied in their Hopes of seeing those Offenders pu- nished according to their Actions. The Power of the Com- mons delegated to the present Committee, will, no doubt, be exerted. Those Gentlemen will pursue the Iniquity, let it run never so far ; they will discover the Head of the Spring through its infinite Meanders and Windings. There is no one too great or powerful for them ; and, I doubt not, but as their Power, fo their Justice, will reach eVen to the highest ; and, if what has been observed in the House fshould prove true, that there have been Villains who have not been Directors : If they have been the Tools and Instruments of illustrious Traytors, we may justly hope, that those Men whose Crimes have reduced them to an Equality with the lowest Offender, will be blended in one common Punish- ment ; that they will not so far distinguish the Traytors, that while small Rogues are sent to Newgate, great Ones shall be only turned out of their Places. There is no Defence those guilty Wretches can make, but what must convict them, their numberless ill- got Wealth, which, at one View, is sufficient to condemn them, is, I be- lieve, the only Means by which they hope to escape ; the most covetous of them all would gladly distribute one half to secure with themselves the Possession of the other : But, I hope, we are not all of Directors Spirits, to ruin the Na- tion ourselves, or suffer those who have, to go unpunish'd, out of private Interest. There are some, I hope, who dare resist this Almighty Golden Shower, and won't suffer the - very Crimes of these Men to be their Protection ; though how seldom this happens, the Observation in the following Story, with which I shall conclude my Letter, will sufficient- ly testify. A certain great Minister, who was called to Ac- count by his Successors for embezzling the publick Money, to a prodigious immense Sum, a Sum so great that nothing but his Life was thought a sufficient Attonement. In these Circumstances an intimate Friend questioned him, with some Freedom, Whether he had cheated the Publick of so great a Sum ? and, upon his Denial of the Fact, said, I am sorry for it ; for, if you had got so large a Sum, you might have escaped, but now you'll certainly be hang'd. pHILO BRITANNUS. SIR, THE Holy Scriptures being the only Rule of our Faith, the only certain Guide in the Affairs of eternal Salva- tion, nothing can be more useful than to shew what is the best Method of discerning the true Sense of those sacred Writings, and attaining a right Understanding of the Will of God therein contained. If we follow a false Light, or make use of wrong Means, we may turn this Heavenly Food into Poison, and make what was given us for our Preservati- on from damnable Heresies, an Occasion of falling into them. We cannot therefore be too cautious in this Affair, nor guard too much against that Presumption and Self- sufficien- cy, which tempts us to imagine, that bare Reason, unassisted by any other Help, is sufficient to fathom all the Depths of the Oracles of God. The Authors of the Independent Whig have in many Pa- pers set themselves to establish this rash Assertion ; and by attributing to the Scriptures such a Perspicuity, as it is in Fact evident they have not, have given scope for the Cavils of the Enemies of Revelation, and Promoters of Deism. To prescribe to god how he ought to have revealed his Will, and to require those Things as necessary to every divine Revela- tion, which Experience evinces not to have been complied with in the Christian, can only serve the Cause of Atheism ; and I wish it was not so intended. The same prophane Complaints against God might with as much Justice be urg'd, because he has nor wrote the Scriptures in some universal Language, which the whole World might have understood Without precariousy depending on Human Translations ; and will be as conclusive for the Necessity thereof, as for the Necessity of the Scripture's being clear and intelligible ts the Reason of all Men, even of the meanest Capacities, without any Recourse to those Helps, which I shall now prove to be the surest Way. of attaining the true Sense thereof. To understand the true Meaning of any ancient Writing, we ought to be acquainted with the usages and Customs of the Time and Nation in which it was wrote, those Acci- dents and Circumstances which occasioned the Writing it, and ( since the Sense of Words is continually changing, the Meaning in which such and such Words were used at the Time when the Author flourished. Without a just Know- ledge of these Particulars, we can never have a true Under- standing of what was wrote near seventeen hundred Years ago; and it is highly unreasonable to expect to understand, the Writings of the New Testament, without a previous Knowledge of the Customs of the Apostolick Age, to which frequent Allusion is therein made of the Controversies then in the Church, which gave Occasion to the Writing of the Epistles, and to which the greatest Part of some of them wholly relates, and of the original Sig- nification of divers Words and Phrases, which now stand for far different Ideas- And of what Service can Reason be in this ? Of no other certainly than to dirsft us to look for these Things where only they are to be found, in the Wri tings of THE FATHERS. Ay, but, say our Independent Whigs, the Fathers were fallible as well as we. Who doubts it ? But what then ? we do net recommend them as infallible, but as Men who had better Opportunities of coming to the true Sense of Scripture than we ; they were nearer the Foun- tain Head, and conversed with the Apostles, or Apostolick Men, who must needs know the Mind of the divinely inspi- red Authors much better than we can at this Distance pre- tend to do We cannot suppose that the Apostles neglected to instruct their Disciples in the great Truths of Religion ; neither can we suspect that the noble Army of primitive Martyrs and Confessors wilfully would corrupt, a unfaith- fully transmit to Posterity the great Trust committed to them. And though some of them might have singular Opi- nions, that is no Objection, since it is not their own pri- vate Thoughts, but what they testify to have been the Do- ctrine and Practice of the Church in those early Ages that we recommend ; and this we rely on, in Justification of our forsaking the Romish Errors, not on the fallacious Dictates of a. private Spirit. They who prefer their own wild and extra- vagant Fancies to the Judgment of the Primitive Church, wrest the Scriptures to their own Damnation ; and I shall not scruple to say, in the Words of Archbidhop BRAMHALL one of our bedt Writers against Popery, That the promiscuous License given to all Sorts of People qualified or unqualified, not on- ly to read, but to interpret the Scriptures according to their private Spirit, or particular Fancies, without Regard to the Analogy of Faith, or the Interpretations of the Doctors of former Ages, is more pernicious both to particular Christians, and whole Societies, than the over, rigorous Restraint of the Romanists, Yours, & c. EUSEBIUS. As. it seems at present absolutely necessary to strike in with the Humour of the Times, we hope several of our wor- thy Correspondents, and especially the ingenious Mr. E. S. will not take it ill, that we for some time defer the Publica- tion of their Performances. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. We have had one Mail from France, and another from Holland, since our last: The former of which brings us a Confirmation of the Account we gave last Week of the De- livery of the Princess Sobieski, Consort of the Chevalier de St. George, who was lately brought to Bed at Rome on the 31st past, N. S. of a Son, to the inexpressible Joy of the whole Court there, which they testified by firing of Guns, Bon- fires, and innumerable other Illuminations, by publicld Thanksgivings and Congratulations usual upon the like Oc- casions. The Chevalier received the Compliments of the Court, and of all the Nobility, Gentry, and of most of the Foreign Minifters in Town. These Letters differ something in the Name of the Infant, but as those which are most Au- thentick; tell us, it is James Charles Edward Cazimir ; the lat- ter will at least prevail with us here, till more certain Intelli- gence arrives. They are something more favourable this Time, than they have been for several Posts last past in their Accounts of the Plague; and they assure us, that the new Constarnation the poor People were in from the Distemper's breaking out a- fresh, had, as is usual in such dreadful Circumftances, pre- cipitated them into the Belief of all the wild Reports that C 460- ) the Fears and Apprehensions of others had given Birth to upon that Head ; and that to these alone we owe the Ac- count of the Malady's having reached Toulon, from which we are since informed by most Authentick Letters, and by the concurring Testimony even of those who first raised the Ru- mour, that they have hitherto escaped, are now entirely free, and never yet had the least Appearance of any Infection a- mong them ; but the good News does not entirely end here, for they tell us also, that in all other Places, where the Dis- ease has appeared, it is again once more abated ; and they begin to hope that the Malignancy of it is at length effectu- ally exhausted : Tho' whether they may not be as much mistaken in this, as they have been in their other Intelli- gence, We must leave to Time to make out for us: and in- deed ' tis with some Diffidence we ought for the future to re- ceive their Information either Way, when ' tis considered what an Uncertainty those poor People are themselves in, with Relation to a true State of the Case, and how hard it is for them to come immediately to a right Knowledge of Things, where they can have little or no Intelligence : So that when they tell us much of the Abatement of their Af- fliction, we ought to make Allowances for their earnest De- sire of having it so ; or of the Increase of the Calamity, the same Concessions for the Frights of those who are in Danger of being affected by it. The private Affairs of the French are in much the same Condition as by our last ; tho' the little Alteration they have suffered seems for the worst. Their publick Stocks, their bank Bills, and, in short, the whole of their publick Credit is upon the Decline : They have tried innumerable Projects for their Relief, and new Essays' are made every Day ; but nothing has yet been found effectual or equal to the Great- ness of their Distress : Tho' some of their new Pilots, who seem indeed to have a desperate Game to play, continue to amuse the Populace with repeated Assurances of a speedy Delive- rance, and of a happy Restitution of their former flourishing Circumstances; which Assurances, tho' not fully believed, are yet acquiesced in, for Want of more probable Methods to fix their Hopes in. The Spaniards are endeavouring to make the most of their good Success in Africa, by pushing on the War there with the utmost Vigour and Application ; and in short, they seem to be uniting the whole Strength and Wealth of the Kingdom of Spain, to make that Undertaking effectual. Since the last Battle of the 21st past, the Marquis de Lede has re- ceived a Reinforcement of nine Thousand effective Men, all choice veteran Troops, and fit for Service, with an immense Quantity of Ammunition, Provision, and other warlike Stores ; so that at present he is fully supplied with all Things needful for the Expedition, and is much stronger than when he first landed, or before the first Battle there. But the Spa- niards, who seem at this Time of Day to have their Eyes per- fectly clear to their own Advantage, know that all this, and much more is requisite: They find that the Moors will give them no Rest, that they must dispute every Inch of Ground with them, and fight for it before they win it. They know they have a powerful, daring, or at least desperate Enemy to deal with, who will omit no Opportunity to break in upon, and harrass them. They see a mighty Empire ' drawn down upon them, and there's no Medium between Conquering and being Conquered; they must force their Way by the Sword, and deliver themselves from Death by the Destruction of their Opposers, or perish in the Attempt. These Things therefore appear at present to have their due Influences upon the Spanish Court, and they are marching their Troops down to the several Posts of the Kingdom, raising new Regiments, filling up the old, and amassing incredible Quantities of all Sorts of warlike Necessaries and Provisions, being resolved that their Army shall want nothing in their Power to pro- vide, that may contribute to their finishing with the utmost Honour and Glory, what they have already begun with so much Advantage and Reputation. The Accounts relating to Mr. Law are still very uncertain ; some tell us that he desigins for Venice, others for Home, and a third that he is gone for the Court of Vienna, 111 a publick Character from the Court of France, and charged with Af- fairs of the highest Consequence : But which of these, if any are to be depended upon, is as yet an entire Secret, and is like to continue fo till that Gentleman arrives at the End of his Journey, where the first Moment he begins to appear in any publick Manner, will put us past Conjecture, and'out of our Pain. They all of a sudden talk very hotly again oF forming the Congress of Brunswick, and of a Peace in the North, and assure us that the Muscovites are so ardently desirous of ac- commodating Matters with the Swedes, that they resolve to send their Ministers thither, and to accept of those Terms which Friends of both Sides shall determine, to be just and equitable ; but tho' these Things may in themselves be true, notwithstanding a Multitude of Probabilities to the contra- ry ; yet as we have not sufficient Authority to warrant them to our Readers as such, we shall only leave them with them, just as they are handed to us, and wait for future Intelli- gence to contradict or confirm them. In the same positive Manner they assure us, that all the Dis- ficulties which retarded the Treaty of Cambray, are at length fully adjusted and removed ; and that the Congress will be formed there in a few Days; but as this seems to a- rise but from little better Grounds than the former, it of Course merits Confirmation also, and meets with much of the same Credit. The Dutch have suffered extremely' by the, breaking in of the Sea upon them in the late tempestuous Weather, and besides the Damage done to their Dykes and Houses, many of which are entirely destroyed and washed away, a great Number of People have perished, Multitudes ' of all Sorts of Cattle have been drowned, and an immense Wealth in Goods and Merchandize destroyed : The Inundation was much more terrible than that at Christmas 1717. the Water flow- ing at least four Foot higher than it did then. They are still in the utmoft Distress upon this Account, the Country lying for many Miles covered with Water like a Sea ; and tho' they have summoned in all possible Help to their As- sistance, they will nor be soon able to relieve themselves, or reduce the Ocean to its just Bounds again. LONDON, Jan. 14. The Stocks since our last are as follows. Saturday South Sea Stock was 200 for the Opening.' » ft, sd, and 3d Subscriptions no Price. Bank 146. India 170 with the Dividend, for the Opening. Old African 46. New 34. Monday South Sea Stock was t8o for the Opening, jft, id, and Subscriptions no Price. Bank 146. India 17 « , with the Dividend, for the Opening. Old African 46. New 34. Tuesday South Sea Stock was 180 for the Opening, ift, id, and 3d Subscriptions no Price. Bank 146. India 170, with the Dividend, for the Opening. Old African 46. New 34. Wednesday South Sea Stock was 180 for the Opening, ift, id, and 3d Subscriptions no Price. Bank 146. India 170, with the Dividend, for the Opening. Old African 44. New 34. Thursday South Sea Stock was 180 for the Opening, ift, id, and 3d Subscriptions no Price. Bank 146. India 170, with the Dividend, for the Opening. Old African 44. New 34. •- • - i Wednesday last the Prices of the following Commodities at Bear Key were ; Wheat 17 to 26 s. per Quarter. Rye — 14 to 15 s. Barley i<* to 19 s. Oats — 8 to 12 s. Beans 171023$. Hog Pease 15 to 17 s, Malt 14 to 24 s. Rape Seed none at Market. Hops a 1. 15s. to 3I. 10S. per Hundred. Coals 27 to 19 s. per Chaldron. CASUALTIES. Drowned in the River of Thames 2, one at St. Olave in Southwark, and one at St. Martin in the Fields. Found dead at St. Mary Le Bow. 2. Hang'd themselves 6, one at Christ- Church in London, ( three being distracted) at St. Giles in the Fields, one ( being Lunatick) at St. James Cler- ken well, and one at St- Martin in the Fields. Overlaid 1. Christned Males 149, Females 183; in all 332. Buried Males 266, Females 262 ; in all 528. Increased in the Burials this Week 49. This Day Se'nnight his Majesty was pleased to confer the Honour of Knighthood on Capt. George Walton, in Consi- deration of his signal Services performed with Sir George Bing in the Mediterranean. One Richard Every of Taunton Dean in the County of Somerset, who was lately in the Capacity of a Gentleman s Footman, and at this Time out of the Way, has been this Week by Advertisement desired to appear, if living, and make his Claim of Inheritance to an Estate of 15ool. per annum, descended ta him by the Death of John Every esq We ( 670 ) We hear a. Treaty of Marriage is on Foot, which is short- ly to be consummated between the Right Honourable the Earl of Burlington, and the Lady SaVille, Daughter of the late Marquess of Halifax, and Grand- Daughter of the Earl of Nottingham. On Sunday last their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Prin- cess accompany'd his Majesty to the Royal Chapel at St. James's, when the Sword of State was carried by the Lord St. John. On Wednesday the Corpse of Mr. Peter Joye was interred at St. Dunstan's in the East ; we hear he is like to be suc- ceeded in the Office of Treasurer of St. Bartholomew's Hos- pital by Mr. Brockhurst. Alexander Brodie Esq; is eleCted one of the Representa- tives in Parliament for North Britain, in the room of his Brother James Brodie Esq; deceased. Last Week the Right Hon. the Marquess of Annandale, after a short indisposition, died at the Bath He was one of the sixteen Peers for Scotland, and Lord Privy Seal for that Part of Great Britain, and is succeeded in Honour and Estate by his eldest Son the Lord James Johnstoun, now abroad on his Travels. On Monday the Corpse of Sir John Cope, late Represen- tative of the Borough of Tavistock in Devonshire, was car- ried from Chelsea, where he died, to be interred in Hampshire. His Majesty having been pleased to give Orders, that all the Directors of the South Sea Company, holding any Em- ployment under the Crown, be discharged, Sir Harcourt Masters, Knight, Receiver General for this City, Thomas Reginolds Esq; one of the Commissioners of the. Victualling • Arthur Ingram Esq; one of the Commissioners of the Salt- Office, are removed from those posts ; as is likewise Fran - cis Hawes Esq; from his Place in the Customs . .£ Oh Monday Night the Sessions ended at the Old- Bailey, when seven Men received Sentence of. Death for Robberies., on fhc High- way and Burglaries; among which was Thomas Spigget, who for above half an Hour endured the Torture of the Press before he would submit to plead ; a Man and a Woman were burnt in the Hand, and many others ordered for Transportation ; William Heater, the Porter, was tried and acquitted. On Tuesday Sir Randolph Knipe was sworn in Alderman for Bassishaw Ward, in the room of Sir Charles Cock, de- ceased, before the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen at Guildhall, and took his Seat among them accordingly. They are building at Deptford a new Man of War of 70 Guns, in the room of his Majesty's Ship the Burford, which was lost in the Mediterranean. Two Ships of eleven hundred and fifty Tuns each, built at Limehouse Dock, for the Use of the Missisippi Company, lie ready on the Stocks, to be launched the next Spring Tide. On Sunday Night the Corpse of the Lady Appleton was carried from her House in Pail- Mall, and interred at Creed- Church. Great Search is made after Mrs. King, a notorious Male- factor, who is returned before her Time from Transpor- tation. On Wednesday the Right Hon. the Lord Craven was in- troduced into the House of Peers, took the Oaths, and his Seat accordingly. Wednesday the Directors of the East India Company sat at their House in Leaden- Hall- street, and appointed Thirty two Clerks, seven of - whom are chosen out of the House, to go with all Speed to the Forts and Factories they trade to in the East Indies. The Company are freighting with all Diligence their Ships in the River, designing to have the last of in the Downs by the 20th of the next Month. Yesterday the Commiflioners of the Victualling sat at their Office on Tower- hill, to treat with the Merchants for tran- sporting Provisions to Port Mahone, for the Use of the Garri- son, and his Majesties Men of War in the Strights. Thursday the Crew that lately belong'd to the Blast Bomb Ship, were paid their Wages at the Pay- Office in Broadstreet, from the 28th of October 1718, to the 21st of February fol- lowing . The same Day, early in the Morning, a Man driving a Cart loaded With Poultry, coming up from Essex to Leaden- hall Market, being sleepy, got into the Cart, and laid him- self down to rest, leaving the Team to go forward of them- selves ; but a Lanthorn with a lighted Candle therein fell down at Bow, and set the Straw 011 Fire; so that most of the Man's Clothes were burnt off his Back before he awak'd. and the Fire got to such a Head that the Cart was burnt, and some few of the Fowls that were saved, were so scorch'd, that they were worth little. On Tuesday Night Jonathan Wild the famous Thief- catcher, apprehended in Grace- church- street one john fil- wood, alias violet a notorious house- breaker, who re- turned lately from his Transportation, and robbed a Noble- man since at the Opera- House, of a Gold hilted Sword, a Present of the late King of Sweden ; there was in Company with him another Rogue, who escaped by the Favour of the Night ; but Wild brought the former before the Lord Mayor, who committed him to Prison. On Tuesday a Man well dress'd, was found dead in the Fields by Lamb's- Conduit, behind the Lord Powis's House ; but tis not known how he came by his Death. The Lord Irwin is on the Point of setting out for his Go- vernment of Barbadoes. His Lordship imbarks on board his Majesty's Ship the Feversham, Captain Brown Commander. We are informed that last Monday a Number of young. Women dressed in White, went to the Prince's Court to pray their Royal Highnesses to intercede for the Life of Knight, the Callicoe Printer, condemned for breaking open Mr. Deard's Toy- shop in the Court of Requests ; and her Royal Highness was pleased to acquaint them, that if his Case ap- peared so favourable as they had represented it, she would use her good Offices in his Favour. They write from Lincoln, that at the late Election for a Knight of the Shire, there appeared for Sir William Massin- berg Bart, the greatest Body that ever had been seen together in that, or any other County upon such an Occasion. A cer- tain worthy Countess appeared on the same Side, at the Head of a Body of 400 Freeholders. The Anniversary Sermon, upon the Excellency and Use- fulness of the Liturgy, and- the most promising and hopeful Bulwark of the Protestant Religion, the Charity- Schools, will be preached by the Rev. Dr. Knight, at St. Sepulchre's- Church, on Wednesday next in the Forenoon, being the Fe- stival of St. Paul, . according to the Bequest of the late Mr. Paul Jarvis, deceased, and Treasurer, of the charity- School for boys within the said Parish, who amongst other Charities be- ' qut. y- W Forty Shillings for the Minister of the said Parish, ( or Some Doctor. in Divinity) annually to preach a Sermon en St. Paul's Day, on those two important and necessary Subjects beforementioned and also Forty Shillings to the said Boys School, and Five Shillings to the Master, and Twen- ty Shillings to the Charity- school of St. Dunstan in the West, and half a Crown to the Master, to be annually paid them for ever, on Condition the said Masters and Children attend the said Service and Sermon. And considering the Importance of the Subject, the Emi- nency of the Preacher, and the pious Intention of the Do- nor, ' tis humbly recommended to the several Treasurers, Trustees, the Schoolmasters and School- Mistresses of the Cha- rity- Schools within this City and Suburbs ; and also to all true Lovers of the Church of England, and the Charity- schools, that they would by their Pretence manifest their Endeavours, and ready Inclinations to encourage and pro- mote this good Design. To morrow there will be two Charity Sermons preached in the Collegiate Church of St. Katherine near the Tower ; That in the Morning by the Reverend Dr. Watson, Rector of St. Stephen Walbrook, and Lecturer of St. Botolph Ald- gate ; and in the Afternoon by the Reverend mr. Wood Lecturer of St. Olave in Hart- street. There will be likewise two preached the Parish Church of St. Anne's within Aldersgate, for the Benefit of ; o poor Children ; that in the Morning by the Reverend Dr. Knight, Vicar of St. Sepulchre's; and in the Afternoon by the Rev. Mr. Hawkins, Lecturer of St. Catherine- coleman. Wednesday Morning between 4 and 5 a- Clock the Bristol Mail was again robb'd, between Colebrook and Longford, by one Highwayman. SHERIFFS appointed for the Year ensuing. Dorset, Henry Henly Esq; Lincoln, Sir Richard Cust Bar. Stafford, Sneyd of Keel, Esq; Suffolk, . John Pitt, of Dealing, Esq; Worcester, James Compson, Esq; Wilts, Henry Read, of Crowood, Esq; SOUTH WALeS. Brecon', Richard Hughes, of Brecon', Esq; Caermarthen, David Lloyd, ' of Clyny- March, Esq; Cardigan, Edward Lloyd, of Wern, Esq; Glamorgan, William Richards, of CardifFe, Esq; Pembroke, Stephen Lewis, of Langloman, Esq; Radnoy, Nicholas Tayler, of Presteign, Esq; NORTH WALES. Anglesea, Thomas Lloyd, of Llanydan, Esq; Caernarvon, Hugh Lewis, of Pont- Newedd, Esq; Denbigh, Thomas Price, of Glyn, Esq; Flint, John Wynne, of Gledlom, Esq; Merioneth, Richard Mitton, of Mowddy, Esq; Montgomery, John Scot, of Salop, Esq; Yesterday A letter from Brentford, directed to Mr. j. w came too late to Hand to be inserted this Week. Yesteday Noon South Sea Stock was 180. Subscriptions no Price. Bank l+ fi india 170. Old African 44.*' New 34. ADVERTISEMENTS. By Way of voluntary Subscription. A Sale of Goods, as Clocks, Watches, and other valuable Things, at Mr. WILLIAM YEATs's, at the Iron Rails in Richmond- street, near St. Ann's Church, ASilver Dressing Table, with a Glass and Boxes value, four Hun- dred and ninety Pounds; if not liked by the Person to allow five Guineas Discount, or four hundred and ninety Pounds shall be paid. Two Parcels at the Value of one Hundred Pounds each. Thirty - Silver Tankards, 011e in a Lot, at ten Pound each. One hundred Clocks, one in a Lot at seven Pounds each. One hundred Watches at six Pound each one in a Lot. Twenty silver Mugs one in a lot, at three Pound each. Two hundred plain Gold Rings one in a Lot, at fifteen Shillings each. One thousand silver Spoons one in a Lot, at ten Shillings each. Ten thousand Gallons of French Brandy, one Gallon in a Lot. One thousand Tea- spoons one in a Lot, at three Shillings each. One thou- sand Tea Strainers at two Shillings and six Pence each, one in a Lot. The rest, Knives, Forks'; Salisbury- scissars, and Silk Handkerchiefs; the lowed Parcel the full Value of one Shilling. Each Person paying_ down six- pence for their Ticket, and six- pence more when drawn, it it amounts to the Value of one Pound, and so proportionible for a greater Parcel. The Number of Parcels are one hundred Thousand. The whole entire Number is 600000, which is but Five to One. The first and last Number shall be entitled to a Gold Watch, Value Thirty Pound. Note, this Sale will begin the middle of February. AT the Hungary Water Ware- house at the Black Boy and Comb in Fleet- street, near the Bridge, is sold right French Hungary Water, lately imported in large half Pint Flint Bottles, at one Shil- ling Three- pence each ; the same Sort that has been sold at the said Place some Years, or rather better, being a fresh Parcel. _ And that the Publick may no longer be imposed upon by the spurious Coun- terfeits of the Town, they are desired to try the very Bottle they buy, by putting a Spoonful into a Glass of Water; if it turns the Wa- ter white, it's good, if a sky Colour, or bluish, ' tis naught. Note, perfumers, Merchants, and Others, may be supply'd by Wholesale at the said Place. , Against the VENEREAL DISEASE. THE famous Italian Bolus has so great Success in the cure of the Venereal Disease, Scurvy and Rheumatism, that not one of the great Numbers that daily take it miss of a perfect Cure, and tho' lo ' very cheap as is. 6 d. each » yet four Bolusses never fail to root out and carry off the most malignant, virulent, and obstinate kind of the Venereal Disease, without confinement, or making your- case known to any ; which if it fails to do, the Money is returned. This great Medicine likewise destroys Mercury, and carries it out of the body, and thereby relieves those unfortunate persons Who have fallen in- to bad Hands in former cures. Is to be had only at the flaming Sword, the corner of Russel- ftreet, over against will's Coffee - house. Covent- Garden, and at Mr. Raw's at the North Entrance of the Royal- Ex- change neat Bartholomew- Lane, with primed Directions. LUCERNA LUCIS, or LAMP of LIGHT. " ffOR CUre and Prevention of Blindness, by extir- pating the Cause of Cataracts Suffusions, and other false Appearances from before the Eyes, Sym ptoms, which usher in by Degrees a total Loss , of Sight, and too often an Incurable Blindness, if not timely prevented. By this Optick Secret, a lady 15 Years blind, nd several Persons of Distinction, two. of them blind from their Birth, was brought to Sight, to the Royal Satisfaction of K. Charles . and K. james II. and also to her late Majesty Queen Anne, viz,, in the Cure of this famous Painter, Seignor Vano, blind of a Gutta Serena, i. e. when the Eyes seem as fair as those that see, yet are blind. And lately a Gentleman of the Lord Baltimore's, who was stone blind, and one Madam, Debent, aged eighty Years, living in Brentford, and more than a hundred besides that were blind and defective in Sight, have been restored, within this twelve Months, to Perfection. This_ said Lamp of Light, with other Iuciferous Arcana's., for all Diseases of the Eyes, for good of the Publick, may be had, by Proxy, or writing a true State of the Case; Age, Sex, and COnstitution of the Patient, and conveyed into any remote Part, with Directions, by T. Clark, M. D. and sworn Physician and Oculist King Charles, and. King James. II. He now lives at his Houxe in Fountain- Court in the Strand, a Golden Head over the Door. Note no Letters received except Post paid.' The Chymical Liquor for the Hair, WHich gradually changes red, grey, or Hair of any other disagree- able Colour, whether of the Head or Eye- broWs, into any De- gree of a Brown; or, by observing the Directions given with each Bot- tle, into the most beautiful Black in Nature, that neither Time nor Weather can alter; for the Colour will for ever remain as lively as if it naturally grew so. It has, with a general Satisfaction to the World, been sold this five Years by Mr. Lockton, only, at the Griffin, the Corner of BucKler's- bury in the Poultry; where a Lock of Hair may be seen that was stained with it before it was first exposed to sale. Price half a Guinea a Bottle. ALice, the Daughter of Charles Gracestock, being blind with the Smalt- pox, haying been under the Hands of several Physicians and Oculists, Who could give her no Relief, was, by by the Interest of Friends, put into the Hospital, where she was a considerable Time, without rc- ceiving the least Benefit, it being the Opinion of every one that saw her, her Eyes were perished, and reading in the publick News- Papers of the many Cures performed by Mrs. Cater at the Hand and Eye in CAstle- court in Birchin- lane, Cornhill, applied to her, who at first Sight not only promised Cure, but did also perform the said Cure in a short Time, to the Admiration of her Parents, and also of all the Neighbourhood where she lived during the Time she was un- der Cure, which was at the House of Mr. Holland in Sun- Court near the Butcher- Row in East Smithfield. Note, She cures without the Help of any Instrument; she infal- libly cures the Ague. Price js. the Vial, without the least Grain of John's Bark. DAFFY'S EliXer. Warehouse AT the Sign of the Maiden- Head behind Bow Church in Cheap, side is sold Wholesale or Retale • that admirable cordial Daffy's elixir Salutis, which is well known to exceed all the Medicines yet discovered in chronical Diseases: This being the best that ever, was made, and - prepared m the chOicest Ingredients infused in neat old French Brandy, must far excel that which is prepared by upskilfull Persons, . Malt Spirits, and the worst of Ingredients. In short, the great Quantity 0f Saffron, . and other rich Cordials that in this will shew the Difference. , Note, Country Chapmen and others, may be supplied with Allowance. gAMALIEL VOYCE, in. Whitebone- Court; at the lower End of Bartholomew- Lane Lothbury, near the Royal- Exchange, Set teen in ARTIFICIAL TEETH in the moft exact Manner, which are so fitted and set in, that they may be taken out and put in again by the Persons themselves, and are not to be- discerncd from the Natu- ral; they not only, preserve the. Speech, but also secure the teeth next to them from loosening or falling out; but those who have Stumps to set them on, may with the greatest Security depend upon it, that they will answer the end of Natural Teetlh N. B. Any Person may have whole Sets at the said Place. . MARKHAM's ANTIENT and INFALLIBLE CORDIAL HORSE BALLS, BEing the best experienced Remedy for any Cough or Cold, giving immediate Relief, by opening all Obstructions in the Lungs and carrying off all fainting Sicknesses, Surfeits, Lots of Appetite by hard working, or any other Didtemper incident to Hordes. This Medicine which has been many Years successfully practised and known to be the best thing for leaving a fine smooth Coat, and preventing the Grease settling in the Heels; and if fallen there ( though of along Continu- ance) proves an effectual Cure. Is only, rightly, and truly prepa- red and sold by G. Markam at the Seven Stars under St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet- street, and allowed by him to be sold at Mr. Raw's at the North Entrance of the Royal Exchange, London, Mr. Hytch at the Rose and Crown- Inn in Coventry, at field's Coffee- House in Warwick, at Mr. Johnson's at the White- Hart- Inn in Donstable, at Mr. Hind's a Grocer in Chelmsford, and at Mr. Willis's Upholsterer, in Cambridge, at s. per Pound. N. b. These Cordial Horse Balls will keep good many Years, and may be given at all Seasons. espe- cially Spring and Fall, in order to keep, their Bodies from those Hu- mours, which they are then too subject to, and proper to be recom- mended to all Gentlemcn, Stage- Coachmen, Carriers, & c. as the only thing necessary to keep by them, in Case of any sudden Illness; to prevent Counterfeits ( which daily appeal- in other Forms) the Mark- hams Arms are on the printed Diredtions. SUN- FIRE OFFICE, London, Jan. 9. 1710- 21'. WE, whose Names are hereunto subscribed, king insured by this Office, and Sufferers by late Fires, do hereby certify, ( in Justice to the said Office) that we have received our full Claims for Losses and Damages we have thereby sustained. John Wright, Plaisterer, in Shoreditch. Joseph Galindo, Snuff- maker, in Church- Lane, White- chapel. Richard Tettow, Victualler, in Dean- street, Soho. John Alsop, Vintner, in Cateaton- street.' Robert Sneed., of Putney. - Job Wright, of Huntingdon." George Pricket, of York. William Lonsdale, of Brentford. , Richard Mihill, of Basinghall- street. Constant Attendance is given at the said Office in Threadneedle- street, behind the Royal- Exchange, for insuring Houses, Goods," and, Merchandize, from Loss by Fire, in any Part of the Kingdom, at the easy Rates of aS. 6 d. a Quarter, to. the Value of 500 L with a Book, in titled, Tlie Historical register, and 2 s. a Quarter without it and to the Value oi 10001. . for $ s. a Quarter,' the subscribcrs being liable to no farther cOntribution. , 0 THE Stock of an Upholsterer leaving off the Sale Trade, is now selling off at the Crane at the Ditch- side, towards Holbourn- bridge, consisting of Mohair and other Silk and Snuff, and Bedding and all other sorts of Upholstery Wares, at very low Rates; the House to be lett. • This Day is published, ; I T The Meditations and Vows of the Royal Martyr K. Charles I. under his. various Sufferings. Written by his Majesty's own hand du- ring his Imprisonment. To which is added, his last Speech on the Scaf- fold, Sold by T. Bickerton in pater- noster- row, and j. Cluer in Bow- Church- yard. Price 6d. Where may be had a new Book of Cyphers useful for Painters, Engravers, Upholsterers, Jewellers, and other Ar- tificers. Price is. JAcob Vane of little Moorfields, London, continues with great Success to cure all Sorts of Impediments in Speech; where any gentleman or others that labours under any such Difficulties, may be boarded during the Time of their Cure, at reasonable Rates, v RainboW- Coffee- house, Ludgate- hill. THIS is to give Notice, that Mrs. Hopton's Fourth. Sale of Plate will, certainly be drawn on Tuesday . next being the 26th of this Instant; in the mean Time the few remaining TicKets now left will be disposed of at the Place abovementioned, at one Shilling each at Mr. Johnson's at the Cup and Ring in woodstreet and at Mr Frank- lin's at the Angel in Aldersgate- street Where Proposals are given Gratis. But Four to One. And the least Parecel 2 s. 6d. The Plate to be seen at the Coffee- house. N, B. If not drawn the Time abovementioned Money received shall be returned. ' THE Call for the Treatise on the PLAGUE, given gratis at the Anodyne Necklace without Temple- bar, having been of late so very great, that the Number printed off could not near answer the publick Demand for them ; Notice is hereby given that a new Edition ; of that Book is now published' in two Parts, with such Additions, that all Persons ( notwithstanding they may have the former Edition will find in this new Edition, still much more compleat Instructions than in any as yet given away : Also a sufficient Number is now or- dered to be printed off, that every Family may have one to keep by them, again It the Day of Affliction and Tribulation, and Time ot Need ONLY, up one Pair of Stairs, at the Sign of the Celebrated Anodyne Necklace, rccommended by Dr. Chamberlen for Childrens Teeth just by the Rose Tavern without Temple- bar 4 where is also given the, the Treatise of the Venereal or Secret Disease. ( & 7 2 ') J UUpiuln Afthmaticum, or the Afthnutick julep, which is known by j many Years Experience no be a never- failing Medicine in old. obfti- uate Asthma' 6, whole suffocating Fit it puts oft in a Moment; it gives a perfect Relief in straining laborious Coughs, that are unmercifully troublesome Night and Morning: ' Tis a moll excellent Remedy for Shortness of Breath upon any Motion, and in breathing- with Difficul- ty, Streightness of the Breast with Hoarseness and wheezing. No- thing exceeds this admirable Julep for opening the Bronchial Ducts and Pneumonic Passages; it penetrates into the inmost Reccsses of the * Lungs, and there meeting with tough, thick, cold, clammy, flimy Phlegm, so attenuates, divides, moves, and works it, that by coughing and spitting, it expectorates and throws up all such Matter with the greatest ease and Pleasure, thereby cleansing and freeing the Breast and lungs, when stuffed up and clogged with a heavy Load, and so pre- vents Consumptions, Ulcers of the Lungs, & c. Note, It is a safe and pleasant Medicine, to be taken by Spoonfuls,- according to the printed Directions, without the least Confinement, or Danger of catching Cold; To be had at Mr. George Strahan's at the Golden- ball over- against the Exchange, Cornhill, and at no other Place, 2 s. 6d. AT M i s. CrefTct's at the Old Sugar- Loaf at Charing- Crofs is to be fold the true B'iftol Waters, from the Hot- Well approved by Phyficians, brought fteih twice every Week, fent from Briftol, by Melfieurs John Battersbe and William Bifhop, Mailers of the \/ tll. iiuaw- Water, and all other Mineral Waters, are fold at tire fame Place, being as frefh as any in Town. WRIGHT's Diuretic!;, or clearing Tin- Sure, I TTflichurinarify difchargts all the Fa: ces or putrid Relicks of the VV Lues Alamode, or Venereal Infedtion, and chafes its Conco- mitants, the wretched Train of that complicated Diftemper, as a mu- cous, filthy, fanious Matter lodged Iff the Reins, or fpermatick Parts, which either caufea Sharpntfs in the tjrine, or too frequently provoke it. This Relick js difcoverable, partly by the fubfequent Symptoms, viz.. by a Debility, or Weakneft ot the Back, a fwtid, nanfrous, and a- verting fmcllof the Urnie, witha purulent Matter, or feculent So rdes ' redding at the Bottom, or ( lying in it, with variety of Figures. Far- ther, this Tincture efpecialfy carries off all Relinks of the Venereal Di- It- nfe, after ill managed Clues, not only cleanfing the Urinary Paffages of- ail Sand, Gravel, Films, or membraneous Pellicles, Sec. but after a lin- gular Efficacy, invigorating the Reins, reftoring them, and all their ge- nital Parts, to their Original Tone and Ufe, though the Misfortune and Decay be of the longeft'date, with an equal Succefs in cach Sex. To be had of Dr. Wright, for Ten Shillings perBottle, with f^ iredtions for itsUfe. only at his Houfe, the GoJdenHead and Two Lamps in Boll- Savage- Yard on Lu' e - te- hhi. TH E only Secret in the World of Gloves for beau- tifying the Ladies Handsand Arms-, malting the Skin delicately foft, fmooth a. id white, by taking off all Determines, as Morphews, Frccklcs, Scurf, dim- ples, or Rednefs; they arc of a greatful and plcafant Scv » nt, and will keep the Hsalsand Arms of a lifting and cxtream Whitenets, beyond F. xpe& ation, as many Ladies who " have eXpcri- enccd them, can teftify, to -( heir great Saristaifiont to be had jt the Green- Ball, next Door but one to the Sten of the Cock, oppofitc to Taylor's- Court, near Garlick- Hill, the lower End ot Bow- Lane, Cheepiide, anp no where elfe. Where may likewife be had, a mod kcomparabk Wafli to beautify the Face: It plumps and foftens the # kin, making it fair and fmeoth, by taking away all Freckles, Tann, Morphews, Pinipks, and Rednefs, and prevents Flufhing. It ha^ h no- thing of , Jaint, nor any poifonous Mercurial Preparations in it. She hath a mod excellent Secret to prevent Hair from from filling off, tiuling it to grow wherever'tis wanting; and alters red or gray Hair to a lightor dark brown, which will never change. Shefliapes the Eye- brows, making them very beautiful, and takes all fuperHunis Hair from the Face. She cutreth Hair very fine, after the ncweft Mode. She hath likswife a certain, fate, and infallible Cure far the Tdoth- Ach, without Drawing, and fo effectually, that the Pain will never return againit likewife fattens rliofe that are loofe to Admiration,- and picieryes thern iruin rotting or decaying} aifb a Powder that makes ikm as white as Ivory. 1 ii, i* nra rtnura Stomatica ; or, Dr. Andrew's molt fa- ( mouS, bitter, Stomach Tindture, 7HICH is a molt grateful, bitter, and pbafant Fia vour, and Vy is lound by long Experience to - exceed all the Stomach i ixirs and Tiinjlmcs' in the whole World, by reafon it keeps the l4oii, y loiuble, by giving two or thiee Stools a Day ; yctany Pcrfon fakes may" cat, drink, and go abroad as if they had taken * nuthiug. Moreover this noble Cordial repairs the Tone of the Sto- nr4c! 1, eftoi - s'its natural Heat recalls loft Appe- ite, helps Concodtaon. t. i.-. jj. s oil Naufcoufnefs, Heart- burnings, and rfie mod violent Pain nt Tl'. o rrich mil aculoutly It ops the labourist, ( Morning) Srrajn- Si!;; s. iind teachings vomit of hard Drinkers, sfor which no Medi- < me equals it, by reafon it drenethens theStom ach, and. at the fame Time carries off by Stool and Urine the Reliefs of bad Wine, Beer, vie, or other Liquors. It has many more Excellencies too tedious to locution here, for which i refer you to the printed Book of DircJ. fi • . i> ( where you will likewife find Obfervations on the Gout, worth '.. irice ' of any Perfon rherewith atflidted . Price as. 6 d. the half pint puttie. Sold only by Mr. Coidon at the Flowcr.>- dc- Luce over againd rhr Royal- Exchange; Mr. Raw's the North Entrance of the RoyaL Exchange aga- ind Bartholomew- lane; and at the Black Boy and Comb in Flcct- ftrcet. near Fleet- bridge. luff puUifhcd, the 4th Edition of, Acompend loas Treatife of theDikafcs ot the Skin, from the flighted itching Humour in pirticularParts only, to the moil inve- rt- 1 ate Itch, dubborn Seabbinefs, and confirmed Jjcprofy • fhewlnf their Dcpendarcc on each other, original Caufe, and difmal Corf.- . ijuence to the Patient and their Poderity, if neglected ' or nlifiuna- ged ; alfo the dangerous Effects of Qnickfilvkr Girdles, and o'ther per- • nicious Mercurial \ ledjcincs ; defcribingthc true andonly certain Me- thod. of curing thofe Diflempcrs with Safety, Ea Poind Expedition, and . without tne Ufe of daubing Ointments or other nan& ons and iU- f. iveilin:? Remedies, Confinement of thePariertr, Dlfo'rdc'r of iht Body, t- I',- owl edge of the neared Friend. Price IHtclittl 11. Sold bv t! Child at the White- Hart in St. Paul's Churchward; A. Dodat the Pea- cock without Temple- Bar, Mr. Halfey in Sr. Michaels Church- Porch in Cornhill, Bookfeller, and by the Author, at his Hoirfc next to the Black- Horfe Inn in Lemon Street, in Goodman's Fields, whole thily Snccefs in curing D. feafcs of the Skin, and other tlubborn Maladies, is very extraordinary. TInituri Kcrvofa Catdiaca. ortheCordial Tincture for the Nerves beingan approv'd experier. c'd, and never- tailing Mcdicamen, in Sinking, Languilhing, and Lownrts ot Spiri: s, Palpitation, or rrcmblingof cl; c Heart, in all Paralitick, Sopot ok, and Convulsive ^ J piitetr. pers, a- id in a. i Affections of the Hiatl and Nerves, it infaiii- 1 itly prevents tbe ba< d ESeas « t'C'o^ ec and Tea,, n the Nc- rva » , which J occaiionsin molt People the above- mc « Uon'd i); i orders iw'th uiar. y | more which you'll fee at largje in tiie printed Book of Direction's) but yet by taking a tew Dr'ipt of this moll pkafant, delicStc Cordial, Lnihe. firlt Diffi of Cofke or Tea, you ( nay then drink at Liberty, for this great Medicine . penetrates thro' the whole nervous Side:;:,' and fo recruits the Brain and Prsccordia with a hill Influx of exul- ting Spirits, which perform the Bulincfs oi vital Fundtion vyitli fi'fcm Alacrity and new Briskncfs, fo that the Pulfe w^ liich lay fcebll and wavering, now fails a beating vigoroufly and with great Exaci- nels; moreover it wohdeitully difperfes Fear. Sadnefs, confiis' 4 ' Thoughts, Twitching? ofthe Legs and Arms, dilturb'd Sleep, and all the difmal Train of Vapours and. Melancholy. It likewTe ftops Vomiting, puts off Naufeoulhefs, jnocures a good Appetite,. and is A oow in great'Efteem artJngft Qiiality of the firft Rank. Sold at Mr. G. Strahan's Booklcllcr at the Golden Half in Coriihill, cvengamft the Royal Exchange, and at no otiiJr Place. Pr. is. fid. f" i T? tfphlrescured of « llforts( ifcurablt) whether of the l IX. Navel, Cod orS. oii), See. whfie you may have a j new invented Tjuls what is lighter, uaikr, and moreccr- : tain in keeping up rhefalimg down Parts; than any hi- therto known. It hatii no rronblefomelron Hoop ibout the Wafte, as the common Pretenders make them, nor any troubkfome Straps to go between the L< JgS'as. others have. All Perfons, old or young, of either SCX^ T, ay weir , th. m with the lealt Trouble- of any yet k. Made ' b\ . aeInverter. A. Harrr. an, Surgeon, ar the Golden- ball and Acorn in Col^' iefter- fueet, Whke- chappet. Note, Wherea; feme bife Men have pretended to vend my new invented Truffes; ro'- pre- v'nt People's being ahufed, I do declare tiicy are all not only igbrnnc of the Invention, but ajfo of the Method of Cure. Note, His Name is llamot on them to prevent Counterfeits. THE null confirmed Leprofy, and all leprous and other ftublljrn Breakings out in the Skin, inveterate Itch, See. Whether of the whole Body, or in particular Parts only, infallibly cured V by an incomparable Electuary, which, after all the ufuil Methods and Me- dicines, and even Salivations tried in vain, " grfeftly eradicates tliofc inveterate Maladies, though of many Years ( landing, fo as never to » , return again, accompli filing that in a few Day- Which no other ' Means can poflibly perform in many Months, and that with the freateft Safety in the World, and without any Confinement, as ha; een happily experienced by. many Hundreds: Common Itches, and other flight Foulnefles of the Skin, it complcarly cures almoft in an lnflant, Without Trouble, and for the very word Scabbinefi, and mod grievous Leprofy, it may ecrtainly lie depended upon as abfohitely in fallible, as the Patients themfelves in three Days time will affuredly* find : It is had only at Mr. Miles's,- Turner, at the the Griffin, next the , Bolt and Tun- Inn in Fleet- Street, at $ s. a Pot, feakd with Directions. This is to give Notice, THAT the only true and original Royal Chymical Wafh- balls for theHands and Face, are removed from Mr/ Lambert's tli^ Glo- vers, to prevent the Publick'sbeing'impofed on by Counterfeits, and- > are now tola only at Mr. Allcrofr's Toyfltop at the Blue-. oat Boy' aeainft the Riyal Exchange in Cornhill, and at Mrs. Giles's, Milliner, next Hcrculcs- Pillars- Alky by the Temple - in f kctdreet, They have 1 above thefe lj or 16 Years been largely experienced and J commended by all that ufe them, for making the Skin fo delicately foft and fmooth, as not to be parallel'd by cither Wafh. Powder, Cof- metick, & c. they being indeed real Beautifiers of the Skin, by taking off all Deformities, Tetters, as Ring- worms, Motphew, Sui^ jurn, Scuif Pimples, Pits, or Rednefs of the Small- pox, and keeping u ofa laitms and e- tream Whitencfs. They foon alter red or rough Hands, are admirable' in fhavirg rhe Hea'd, they not only glyc a more exquifite Slrarpnefs to the Ra7. or, but fo comfort the Brain- and Netves as to prevent catching cold. TJiey are of a grateful and pleafant Sccnt, without the lead Grain of Mercury, fold only by Mr. Allcroft an< J » Mr<. Giles, as above. Price 1 s. each, and no where elfc in London by Retail, therefore bcwii; c of Counterfeits, which arc not only in- effectual, bat- may alfo brove dangerous. ; Jud publifhed, A new Packof'Stockjsbb'mgCards, containing J2. Copper Cuts, reprefeP. ting the Tricks of Stockjobbers, the Humours ofChangc- Alrv, tire f ate of Stockjobbing ; with :< latyrical Epigram upon each (" I'd. bv the ^ 111 hoi- of the South- Sea EaiW; and fiuoblc Cawls, fpot- led with their' proper Colours, fo that they may 6c played with as well as common Cards. Price zs- 6 d. . • In future Times'twill hardly be believ'd, So wife an Age fhou'd be fo much deceiv'd By* cmpty Bubbles, but, too lite we find. That Avarice and Pride hattj lfiade us blm-'. Printed forTho. BowlesPrintfclkr, next to tjis Chapter Hoafe in St. Paul's Church- yard, Eman. Bowcn, in St. Catherine's, where inch as take a Quantity may have a confidcrabk Allowance; fold likewifc bv Mrs. Guy at the Archimedes, and Globe, at the Come: ,. t fcy. change- j Allev Tho. Glafs under the Royal Ksck? n(; c Sta'rs, Cornhul; . Mr. D" aitf's, aToy- fhop, at the King's Arms ag.-. i. tft St. Div. i'. hn's Chi); eh, Fket- flrect; Mr. Hanflckin's, a Priht- fk> p at the Corner of Heming's- Pow St. Martin's- Lane, and Mr. Mafon's, a Toy- Hup, the Cornei ot > Spring- Garden; at which Places a: e to be bad the Bubble Cvds. Price 2 s. 6 d. Jud publifhed for the Benefit of rhe Female Sex, i*|- A Treatife of all the'Diltempers ueculiai to Womeaj efpecially.. ofBirremcfs, plainly directing how it may be abfolurcly cured, and t'uofo Women rcndcied Fruitful, who have been deemed sncaftioljt ksrf rcn formany Years; witha clear Account . ot Conception and Gencra- tion alfoof Mifcarriage, and how it may be certainly preventedevetA in tl'ofe who have milcatried 10 or iz Times before; uhewue ol rh< J Oeen- Sicknefs, Obftruatans, immoderate Fluxes the Piles, and a M other Indifpolitionsthat the Female Se* are liable to, difioverinf t^ e I real Caufe and certain Cure, tolas Women or Maid. v ot the mearv/ tjC • pacity may pcifeflly underdand their ownlllneffef, and readfy cur • ; them'elves by the Medicines therein in EnghlTl peek: ibed . old only U « thc Two P> iuc Pcfb in Hayd an - Yard ic the Mmones. Pzfs df^ rdB 1 s. bound 1 v. 6 J. ' H L? ndony Piinted by N. Mil f in ' Qrut- Carur- hant.
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