The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain Being a Weekly Account of News
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The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain Being a Weekly Account of News
Date of Article: 01/01/1721
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( 3) The Nottingham Mercury, & c. The London BILL of Mortality. Christened Males, 196. Females, 195. in all 391- Buried Males, 279. Females 251. in all ——— 5* 0. Increased in the Burials this Week —— 28. CASUALTIES. Excessive Drinking 2. Found dead in the Street at St Giles's in the Fields 2. Hang'd themselves at St. Dunstan's at Stepney 2. Overlaid 1. SATURDAY'S POST. From St. James's Evening Post Jan. 21. BERLIN, Jan. 17. His Prussian Majesty having been inform'd, that the Ro- man Catholicks, notwithstanding their enormous and unheard of Proceedings at Thorn, are still going on with their Persecutions,
and labouring at the total Oppression of the Protestant Citizens of that Town, has sent to his Polish Majesty at Dresden another Rescript, in much stronger Terms than the former, concluding that his Polish Majeity would be pleas'd to interpose and exert his Royal Autho. rity to put a stop to these farther Proceedings ; in Default whereof, he must ex- pect to see this Affair redressed in another Manner, and with Eclat. LONDON, Jan. 21. From Fox's Letter. Wednesday the Commons read the Bill to continue tha Du- ty on Malt. Monday last died the Earl of Cholmondely, Treasurer of his Ma- jestys Houshold, & c. who is succeeded
in Honour and Estate by the Lord Newburg General of the House. This Day the Commons call'd over their House and order- ed several Members into Custody. The Lords committed the Earl of Suffolk and Bindon to the Tower for granting Protections. Jackson's Letter says, The King of Denmark has sent a Letter in very strong Terms to the King of Poland, and has order'd the Popish Churches in his Domini- ons to be shut up. FOREIGN
.' 4 ) FOREIGN NEWS Rome, ( the Metropolis of all Italy) January 6. THE two Princes of Bavaria in their Audience of Leave of the Pope the 3d Instant, were admitted to salute his Feet. On the 4th Cardinal Cienfuegos, the Imperial Ambassador, presented to his Holiness the Diploma of the Ristitution of the Distrid of Commaulico to the Holy See, on which Account his Holiness is to grant to the Em- peror who restores the District, the Power of levying Ecclesiastical Tythes in the Hereditary Austrian Dominions in Germany. Leipiick, ( in Germany) Jan. 15 They write fram Thorn, that the Vice- President of that City, M Czernich, was
pardon'd for being con- cem'd in the late Tumult; and that ' twas reported, all Matters touch- ing the Magistracy would be put on the same Foot as before the Tu- mult happened Some particular Advices from Berlin say, that the King of Prussia has so far taken to Heart the Interest of the oppressed Protestants, and especially those settled in Polish Prussia, that such effectual Means would be taken, as will entirely prevent for the future, the Roman Catholicks persecuting those People. There is remarkable Advice from Dantzick, that several of the Citizens of Thorn who are arrived there, relate, that at the Execution ol the Ten
Protestants, the Executioner cut, of most of them, only part of their Heads, in which Condition they languished ictme considerable time before they could expire. J 6 LONDON, Jan 21. Tuseday last, being the Birth- day of his Highness FREDERICK LEWIS of HANOVER, Prince ot Brunswick Lunenburgh, and DUKE of GLOUCESTER, who then enter'd the 19th Ytarof his age, their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, together wuh the young Princesses, were complimented thereupon as usual. The Flag was display'd for the first Time on the New Steeple of St. Martin's, the King's Parish Church, and in the City
there was Ringing of Bells and Illuminations. To- morrow is the Day also on which he was christen'd, the King of Prussia and the Elector of HANOVER, now our most gra- cious Sovereign, being his Godfathers, and the late most excellent Prin- cess Sophia, Electress Dowager of Hanover, his Godmother. Letters from Scotland say. that a Fire lately happen'd at Inverness, which had like to have burnt the Town, if it had not been for the Care and Diligence of Part of the Garrison, who were up all Night in the Streets to extinguish it 5 when Capt. Pujolas, a French Refugee of Bri- gadier
1 J * gadier General Groves's Regiment, who took more than ordinary Pains to save the House where, the Arms of his Company lay, which were ne- vertheless burnt, contracted a Fever of which he is since dead. Yesterday pursuant to several considerable Wagers laid between some Italian and English Gentlemen at Slaughter's Coffee- house in St. Mar- tin's Lane, there came on a notable Boxing Match, at Figg's celebrat- ed Amphitheatre in Oxford Road, between Stopa l'Aqua, a Venetian Gondalier or Watermen, and John Whetacrea n English Drover. The Battle was fought with equal Spirit and Resolution on both Sides, but
not with equal Stature, Strength or Skill, the Italian being the' tal- left by several Inches, but the Englishman the most sturdy, for he re- ceived all the Attacks of the Italian without much Hurt or Concern, gave him several terrible Falls without having one himfelf, and beac him so sorely, that he was forc'd at last to cry out Basta, which signi- ed that he was basted enough. There was a numerous and uncommon Appearance of Spectators, Count Staremberg and other Foreign Minis- ters being present, together with several of the English Nobility and Members of Parliament, to see which Nation carry'd the Day. At the Sessions of
Oyer and Terminer, and of the Peace held for the County of Middlesex, at Hick's- Hill in St John's Street, the 14th, 15th, and 16th Days of January, 1724. the several Persons following were* convicted and sentenc'd as hereafter is mention'd, viz. Anne Chipp, convicted of Petty Larceny, in stealing an Earthern Plate, Value 6 d. was committed to the House of Correction for a Week, then to be whipp d and discharg'd. John Thatcher conviCt'd of defrauding several Persons of some Goods by false Tokens and Pretences, was committed to the House of Correct- ion for five Weeks then to be whipp'd and discharg'd. James' Baker,
for feloniously assaulting a Boy about Ten Years old by throwing a Stone at him in a Field near Islington, and putting out his Right Eye. was fined 3s. 4 d. and committed to the House of Cor- rection for six Months, and to be whipp'd at the Time of his Commit- ment and Discharge. William Brown, John Anderson, Thomas Cord, James Hansford, and David Williams, convicted for fraudulently cheating several Persons of divers Sums of Money, by going about the Parishes o! St. Giles's in the Fields, and St. Anne's Westminster, the 26th of December last, for Box- Money, pretending to be Servants of the Rakers of the said '
Parishes whereas they were not; and being poor and not able to pay Fines were committed to the House of Correction for 14 Days, to be kept to hard
( 6 ) labour, and to be whipp'd at the Time of their Commitment and Dis- charge. Sarah Kettleby, alias Blakerby, of Stepney Parish, convided of keep- ing an ill- govern'd and disorderly Room, and receiving and entertain- ing lewd and disorderly Persons, whoring and misbehaving themselves, being poor, and not able to pay a Fine, was order'd to be whipp'd at the Cart's Tail, from the Angel and Crown Tavern in Crispin Street in, Spittle Fields, to Lamb Street there, and from thence to Red- lyon- Street, and round to Pater- noster Row there, and from thence to the Angel and Crown aforesaid, and to be kept at the House of
Correction to hard Labour for fourteen Days. Twenty of the Persons who were lately apprehended in disguis'd and Masquerade Habits, in Hart- Street, Covent- Garden, dancing and mis- behaving themselves, and obstructing and opposing the Peace- officers in execution ot their Duty, and for which they were bound to this Session to answer the same, were continued over to the next Sessions On Tuesday Night the Sessions ended at the Old Baily, when the 9 following Malefactors receiv'd Sentence ot Death, viz. John Hewlet, a Watchman belonging to the Parish of St. Andrews Holbourn, for the Murder of Joseph Candy
another Watchman belonging to St, Dunstan's in the West; Joseph Picking and Thomas Packer, both Tavern Drawers, also Thomas Bradley for the Highway; Edward Pollard ( convicted on his own Confession) and John Map for returning before due Time from Transportation; Richard Blackburn alias Thompton alias £ vans, and Alexander Warren, for Horse stealing ; and William Lipsel for stealing Money to the Value of about 100 1. from his Master Robt. Kelway. The two Persons found Guilty of a Misdemeaner for threatning to swear an Attempt to commit Sodomy, against a young Man, Apprentice to a Linncn- Draper, and
thereby extorting Money from him, were sen- tencd to pay a Fine of 20 1. a piece, to stand twice in the Pillory, once on Tower- Hill, and once at Cheapside- Conduit, and to suffer six Months Imprisonment. . Two of the new Minters were convicted of stealing certain Things in the late riotous Practices in the new Mint, and receiv'd Sentence of Trans- portation. Two more were convicted of a Misdemeanor, and receiv'd Sentence to pay a Fine of 20 Marks each, to suffer 3 Months Imprisonment, and to stand in the Pillory near the new Mint, where the Offence was com- mitted.