The Weekly Journal or, Saturday's Post. With the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick
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The Weekly Journal or, Saturday's Post. With the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick
Date of Article: 22/10/1720
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( ) V R1 if V sATURDay October 22. 1720 Va misero mihi, quanid de spe decidi! Terent. S I R, Owever idle Fancies may suggest that the present melancholy Prospect cf the Recursion of the South- Sea Tide, is Subject for Mirth and Buffboonry ; those of better Judgments* who accustom themselves to think seriously, can't but believe it an Affair of the most deplorable As- pect : And what can give us a more expressive and exquisite Idea of the Fickle- ness of Fortune, and the Inconstancy of Temporal Prosperi- ties, than to behold fo many Vessels which lately with such magnificent State bore up the Stream of the swelling Tide,
now lie wrecked up in the forsaken Sands. OH thoughtless Mortals ! always blind to Fate, Too soon dejected, and too soon elite. As it's certain, that nothing so elevates us even beyond our selves; that transports, with such vain Hopes, and flattering Delusions, nor more effectually corrupts our Minds, and cre- ates in us Disdain and Arrogancy, than a too sudden Increase of Riches; so o fall almost in a Moment into the other Extream, to lose at one Cast a bulky Fortune, and sink immediately from Affluence and Plenty, into a low Ebb of Indigence and Want, is a Case on the other Hand that has as natural a Tendency to create
Melancholly and Despair. This, and worse, is my Mis- fortune ; for to all this is added the Loss of a Mistress, of such a Mistress, whose commanding Beauty, and attractive Charms, had more deeply engaged my Soul ; and whose Loss more seri- sibly afflicts it, than all that Loss of Thousands And what re- mains to make me more compleatly miserable? Ah perfidious Belinda ! I have, but too late discovered this sordid, ungenerous Mind, masked under the sweetest, most enchanting Disguise that ever the Sun beheld. Oh Syren! who could look upon that beauteous Face and think of Danger? If I have Reason to blame ( to say no
worse) the Fall of Stock upon the alone Principle of the diminishing my Fortune, I have much more Reason to complain, in that it has lost me what is infinitely more valuable, and sunk with its own Price, my Belindas Af- fections Now her base Principle of Interest is apparently discovered, ar. d you can't but think it strange, when 1 tell you that her Carriage was always suited to the Price of Stock, and that ' twas that alone influenced her Smiles and frowns : This, perhaps, by a less absolute Lover had been sooner discovered ; and to me, the Analogy and proportionate Rise and Fall of her affections with the Stock, had been
conspicuously' evident, had not those transcendent Beams of Beauty dazzled my Sight, and weakened the wonted Power of my Opticks: ' Tis true, I could not but be sensible of frequent Changes, and that her kinder Smiles, and killing Frowns, were alternately dispensed, bur I attributed all to some little Uneasiness, or to a caprici- ous Humour natural to th « Sex ; and such favourable Turns can Love invent, and so prone are we to think Things as we would have ' em, that I often imagined it a little Female Art to accuate my Desire. I hoped those killing Frowns were forced, and those sudden Storms raised on Purpose to eclipse
the Sun- shine of her Smiles, to make me more truly value and bless their happy Influence; and I believe you are too much a Lover not to know, that Amantium Irae amoris redintegratio est. A Barometer gives not a more sure Indication of the Wea- ther, a D al of the Hour, or the Moon of the Tide, than her Face has for fome Months part of the Rise and Fall of Stock : From the late Reflux from a 1000, she has gradually decreased her Favours, and sunk ' em by Decrees with all imaginable Niceness, in her Regard to the sinking Stock : After their Fall to 800, ' twas with some Difficulty I obtained to have my Visits accepted; and
then for any extraordinary Satisfaction I re- ceded, ' twould have been equally as pleasing to hAve had those Favours denied ; for she was so much altered, so disobliging, and captious, that I could neither look, speak, or do any Thing to please her. As before every Address was received with a modest Freedom, and each Look spoke a secret Satisfa- ction: Now it w » s, pray, Sir, forbear, you take very great Liberties. — I wonder at your Rudeness, pray cease your Impertinence, & c. with Looks so scornful, fo Cruelly kill- ing, that oh! if you ever knew what ' twas to be in Love, and to be thus treated, you couid not but pity me. In
short, I was all Amazement and Confusion, and sat silently gazing, ' till I almost lost my little Remains of Sense; so like an Ass, that very pathetick Resemblance of a poor, whining, fouless Creature, a Lover. I begin now, Mr. Mist, to be very angry with my self for so prostrating my Reason, and am fully perswaded, that to be downright in Love, is in plainer Terms, to be a down- right Fool; for to doat upon one's Ruin, to sacrifice one's Reason to an inordinate Passion, and to ido- lize abate perfidious Wretch, whose barbarous Treatment justly merited my sharpest Resentment, is, if not Folly, direct Madness. Since the Fall of Stock
to 600, I could but once gain Admittance, though I have often sollicited for it with a great deal of Warmth and Application; and then I was received so coldly, with such damned senseless Indifference, as perfectly confounded me; she received me as I had bern a Husband, or as Men of Quality do impertinent Duns. In my Prosperity, when the rising Stock made me imagine that For- tune courted my Embrace, and considering that she generally yields to the bold and brave, I with eagerness pursued the Chase; but now the inconstant, the deluding Jilt, that had drawn me on with so fair a View, that so long seemed within my Reach,
and suffered me to grasp her as I pleased, has left me in the Lurch; like as the doubling Hars retreats, whilst the too eager Dog o'er- shoots his Prey. I that could nor content my self with such prodigious Gains, and building upon the imaginary Notion of Stocks rising to a much higher Pitch, by which I hoped to double my Fortune, have like the Dog in the Fable, very fairly lost the Substance, by catching at the Shadow, which is according to our own Proverb, Ail Covet all Lose. When Stock was rising, and Belinda kind, my tow- ring Fancy dreamt of nothing but stately Palaces, rich Furni- ture, and splendid Equipages ; I pleased my
self with thinking how magnificent and grand, how like my self I shou! d appear, when in my gilded Chariot, belinda by my Side, and thus and thus attended: but now awakened from my golden Dream, I find I have been building Castles in the Air, have beenstrangely mished <
J$ 590 ) misled by an Ignis Fatuus, and that all my fine Things, which never had Existence but in th « imaginary Conception of my own projecting Noddle, were reduced to nothing. All that I have to add is, that you would afford your friend- ly Advice to one undone by such complicated Ills, and let me know where there remains any Comfort for one who has been Fool enough to venture his All, both his outward Substance, and inward Peace, upon the hazardous and changeable footing of merciless Waves, and the more dangerous Evil, Woman's Smiles. for my Part, I have so much of the Spirit of an old Roman, that was I not
restrained by those clearer Notions of Futurity, I should rather cease to be, than to be miserable. I am, Sir, Yours, & c. John Jobbernol. Rebus in angustis facile est contemnere vitam. Mr. Mist, IHave, of late ( when time permitted) made it my Business to read the Works of most of our Philosophers in being, and have observ'd, in all their Morals, they begin the Doctrine of Virtues with Courage ; and, ' tis my Opinion, Sir, that among all the Virtues that belong to Mankind, this will justly claim the Precedency, and is certainly the most fundamental Part of Morality : This Virtue is pre- requir'd to the Susception of all the rest,' for the
very Entrance into the School of Wisdom. A virtuous Course is certainly a State of Discipline, Difficulty aud Hardship. Therefore, Sir, I cannot help inserting, that I think it a great Piece of Daring to set up for a good Man ; especially, if to the proper Difficulties of a virtuous Engagement, are add those Calamities and Straits it oftentimes exposes us to, through the Malice and Folly of the World : So ( as a late in- genious Author tell us.) Plato, set upon his School Door, let none enter here that understands not Mathematicks ; it may be set as a Motto up" n the School of Virtue, Let none enter here that wants Courage-, and, as ' tis
necessarily requisite to the Suscoption of all other Virtues, Pi it is their main Support, Gua, ' toi Establishment: Without Courage every other Virtue preca- rious, and lies at the Mercy of every cross Accident ; without this, let but a Pistol b « held to the Breast, find the severest Chastity will be frighted into Compliance, the most heroick Friendship into Trcachery, and the most ardent Piety into Re- nunciation of God and Religion. There is nothing among all the Uncertainties of this sublunary World so tottering and unstable as the Virtue of a Coward ; he has that with him that upon Occasion Will infallibly betray every Virtue he has ;
so to secure him from Sin, you must keep him from Temptation. Courage is most eminently signalized in the Case of Martyr- dom, when a Man submits to the greatest Evils of Pain, to a- void that much greater one of Sin ; this is the very Summity and Persection of Courage, thar which an Hannibal or Scipio could never equal in all their Gallantry and Feats of War. That which with the Popular passes for Courage, is certainly nothing else but Stupidity and Desperateness, a brutish sort of Knight- Errantry, in seeking out needless Encounters, and run- ning into Dangers without Fear or Wit; which is so far from having the
foremention'd Property of Courage, of being a Guardian and Security of our Virtues, that ' tis in it self a Sin. And, I am certain, there is no Man of Sense but must allow, that all Acts of Valour that are not under the Direction of Pru- dence, can be call'd nothing but desperate Fool- hardiness. Mr. Mist, if ( as your Friend and constant Reader) you'll honour me so far as to give this Place ! n your next Journal, I shall take some Opportunity to repay the Obligation. For fear you should neglect it, Sir, I'll tell the Good it may produce. There's two young Gentlemen ( both my Friends) that have unfortunately quarrell'd, and have appointed
Monday Morning Eight o' Clock to dispute it, and try their Courage ( as they call it) behind Montague- House. I hope, Sir, a Sight of this on Saturday will convince them of their Error, and cause them to follow the Philosophers Morals, and their Rules, which is to dispute their Courage over a Bottle. I am, SIR, Youry very humble Servant, Bernardo Valentine FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Two Mails are arrived from Holland, and one from France since our former. By the latter are continued most fad Ac- counts, relating to the infectious Distemper at Marseilles, and other Parts of France ; and, in short, they tell us now, that it does not yet
appear to have abated in any Place where it first raged, as was reported, but that the Numbers which die daily of it, are yet as great as ever, in Proportion to the Number of People that are left alive for it to prey upon. The Government in France are still taking all further Precaution, In their Power, if possible, to prevent its Advances, and check its Fury ; and a third Line is ordered to be thrown up, which is to be guarded with the utmost Strictness ; but it is feared none of thesle Pro- ceedings may prove so effectual as to lessen the threaten'd De- solation, till it receives a more powerful Stop than human In- dustry can apply to it, by
the Cold of the approaching Season, which, ' tis highly probable, may produce an intire Abasement, since they find now, that but one cool Day will check its Fu- ry, and that not a tenth Part so many die then, as when the Weather is either hot or warmer. Mr. Law, and thro' him the India Company in France have lately stood a very powerful Attack there, which, tho ' headed by some of the greatest Men in the Kingdom, and carried on with all the Arts, good Management, and Judgment the Na- ture of the Thing would admit of, has been so far from an- swering the Design of the Undertakers, that, if possible, it his more effectually
rivetted and established the Interest of both the former than before; and after the latter had carried Mat- ters to the greatest Length, and were at the highest Pitch of their Expectation, they had the Mortification to see, after a full Examination of them all, their Schemes and Pretensions exploded, anf rejected, as groundless, vain, impracticable, and filled With Difficulties and Inconvenience, that were noc to be Surmounted; one of thefe Projects was for the taking the Farms from the India Company, and another for taking the Revenue from tie Crown; for the latter of which they pre- tended they would pay his Majesty six Millions per
Month, maintain his Houshold, pay the Troops of the Crown, repair his Palaces, and mend all the High Ways of the Kingdom; but they were both rejected, as ridiculous, to the exceeding Joy and satisfaction of tha People, who plainly saw they must have been ruined, if the other had succeeded ; for in the Fall of Mr. Law, the Stock., in which such a Multitude of Fami- lies have all their Fortunes, would have received a Wound past the Power of any Body of Men to have retrieved, at least till their Distruction had been compleated, who arc the present Possessors of them. People seam much more easy and satisfy'd with their Cir cumstances in France than formerly ; the new Species begins to move i the Town- house of Paris hava already begun to pay in Money the Arrears of the first six Months, for the new cre- ated Rents on the Town- House there ; and as the Coin circu- lates there, no doubt but they will be much more so, especially if their trade and Credit revive at the same Time, which they now seem to make little or no doubt of. Their religious Affairs seem more intricate than any other; and what makes their Difficulties upon that Head the greater, aud less promising of a speedy Change in their Favour, than any other Distresses they labour under.
The Cardinal de No- ailles, from whom they once expected so much Good and Ad- Vantage to the Gallican Church, seems now the chief Obstacle to its Peace. He continues positive in his Refusal to publish his Mandate, till the Parliament of Paris shall have register'd the Accommodation ; and, in short he has acted so very con- trary to the Measures of the Court of late, in that Particular especially, that he appears to have lost much of his Interest there ; and People talk variously of his having retired to M. Valerien, which, as his Friends gave out, was meerly for the sake of his Devotion, but it does not meet with intire Credit.
However, be that as It will, it is certain the Government have dropt him, as it were, out of the New Council of Conscience, esta- blished at Paris, for determining of Affairs relating to Religi- on ; and it is no very extraordinary Mark of their additional Favour for him, that they have substituted the Cardinal de Rohan in the Room, as it were, of the Cardinal de Noaillas who was the chief Opposer of the latter in the great Affair of the Constitution. This new Council consists of the Cardinal de Rohan, as Pre- sident, the Cardinal de Bissy, the Archbishop of Cambray, the Bishop of Frejus, the King's Confessor, and the Bishop of Cler mont. They are to meet every Wednesday at the Palace Royal, and are only to intermeddle with the Concerns of the Church. The Execution of the Spanish Expedition has met with some small Interruption, for the want of Transports to carry the Troops; so that they are not in so great a Forwardness as by our last, Accounts we might very well have expected, tho' they are supplying the Defect with all possible Dispatch ; and rhe Marquis de Lede, their General, being upon the Spot, to influ- ence Matters with his Presence, there is no doubt to be made, but that the Design will take Place as soon as the Nature of Things will admit.
We cannot yet pretend to determine with Certainty, whither their Views are directed ; but it is plain, if they intend any other Descent than upon the Coast of Africa, they take the properest Methods in the World to keep it secret, and to delude the Enquiries of Mankind, by drawing their Eyes that Way; for they write positively from Madrid, that four- seen W
( teen Battallions of their Troops are already transported to AFRIca, and are safely entered into the Town of Ceuta; and that the reat are to follow as aoon as they can be got ready, which, whether true, or otherwise, a very little Time will now discover. As for the Affair of a Treaty between Spain and the Allies, if we may believe what they write now, it is like to sufFer a Suspension for some Time from the Increase of the Plague in France ; and the Congress At Cambray'll not be formed, at least till it is seen whether the Penipotenitiaries may meet ( there without Apprehensions of suffering from the Encroachments of that Malady ;
though, in the Interim, the several Ministers of the Powers concerned are making tne necessary Preparations to be ready at the shortest Warning to proceed to the place of Treaty, or as soon as it may appear to be safe for them to go thither ; so that they tell us, that Matter will no longer be de- ferred now, than, may be absolutely necessary for the publick Good to have it so. If the prospect of accommodating Matters in an amicable Manner, between the Roman Catholicks, and the Reformed in the Palatinate, and other Parts of the Empire, was promising and agreeable before, it is much more so now ; and they assure that the
Protestant Powers, who appeared on Behalf of the latter, have had their Case so much at Heart, and been so very desirous of bringing Things to a Friendly Conclusion, that, upon their undertaking to restore the Roman Catholicks in the Protestant Countries to their former State (" who had been dealt with by Way of Reprisal) in fifteen Days Time, the Court of Vienna have changed their Resolution of allowing four Months to the Elector Palatine and others, for the giving Sa- tisfacton to their Subjects upon this Head ; and his Imperial Majesty, ' tis said, has dispatch'd an Express, with fresh Orders to Cardinal Saxe- Zaits, who is
now with the Imperial Dyet at Ratisbon, to notify to them, that ' tis his Majesty's Pleasure, that the Redress of the Protestants should be fully made in a Month's Time at farthest. These Things indeed are not so fully confirmed, but that we may be allowed to wait for far- ther Advice before we conclude thrm certain. However, it adds to their Credit, that Letters from other Parts, as well as from Vienna it feif agree, in affirming, that it was generally expected, from the mutual good Advances of these contending Parties towards a Reconcilation, that all their former Diffe- rences would be terminated in a much shorter Time than was at
first imagined ; and that it would be all finished in the Dyet at Ratisbon, without requiring an extraordinary Deputation of tre Empire for that Purpose, as was at first proposed. Things continue in the North in much thesame Situation as by our former. Neither the Swedes nor the Muscovites have either moved or prepared to move in any hostile Manner against each other, by Sea or Land, ( since our last; and as the Conferences are still held at Stockholm between the Musco- vite Ministers and those of the King of Sweden, People talk with abundance of Assurance, that the Preliminaries to a Peace will soon be adjusted and settled
there, to the mutual Satisfa- ction of all Parlies: Though, however positive they may be upon this Head, ' tis not very probable, but that an Affair of so much Consequence as this seems to be, and which has so long involved the two Nations, may take much more Time in bringing to a happy Conclusion, than these hasty People would perswade us to. Our Letters seem to be preparing us for the word from Po- land, or at least to look for a very fatal Consequence of Affairs on that Side. The General dyet of the Kingdom is at last met, as they would call it, at Warsaw, though but very few of the Members are yet arrived. However, on
the 30th part they came together, and their old Mareschal or Speaker presi- ded, and, according to Custom, recommended to them the Choice of a new one; but their Dissensions ran so very high upen this Point, and so much do they seem resolved to oppose the Measures of the Court, that though the Dyet cannot act without a Mareschal, and the old one has no other Power than to press for the Election of his Successor, yet they abso- lately refused to proceed in the Matter, and adjourned them- selves to the 7th Instant, as a Testimony, ' tis said, of their utter Aversion to enter upon any Affairs till Count Fleming is removed
from his Command in the Army : Whether, at their next Meeting, and when the Assembly is like to bs more numerous, they may be porswaded to milder Methods, cannot yet be known ; tho', ' tis thought, in order to go 00 more re- gularly, they may be prevailed with at least to give up the first Point, and proceed to the Choice of their Mareschal, since, without his Presence, they are not to be confidered as a Dyet; nor, by their Constitution, can they go on without him in their Deliberations upon the Affairs of the Republick. The Plague continues to rage in Poland ; and by its Ap- proaches seems to threaten the City of Warsaw itself.
How- ever, they take all possible Precautions to prevent it, though their Apprehensions of all proving ineffectual seem to be but ) 1 too just, since the large Concourse of People coming thither from most Parts of the Kingdom, and even from infected Places, to attend the General Dyet, reader it mUch more diffi- cult to secure themselves from the Distemper, than it mighi be for them to do so at any other Time. The Dutch begin'to find the ill EfFects of Bubbling now, as well as their Neighbours; and that Sort of Traffick seems upon the Decline there as well as in England ; their Stocks are low j and many of those, which the
extravagant Humour of the Peo- ple had carried up to above a thousand Times more than the real incrinsick Value, are at length come down to their Origi- nal, and some of them 10 be worth nothing at all. The Con- sequences of which, as in other Places, have produced Innu- merable bankruptcies amongst them, and some of their most wealthy Merchants are reduced, at a Blow, from the utmost Affluence of Wealth, and the highest Pitch of Price and Lu- xury, to Beggary and Distress, which, ' tis thought, may at last issue in the Good of their Country in general, by effectu- ally preventing People's running into those Things for
the fu- ture, and by blasting the Credit of those that remain pAst the Power of drawing in new Adventurers to their Distruction. By Letters, which came Express from the Gohre, we have an Account, that the necessary Preparations are making there for his Majesty's Departure for England ; many of the Lords of the Court have already left that Place, and are arrived in Holland, in order to imburk for London ; and it is not doubted, if no extraordinary Affairs intervene, and prevent it, but that, the Winds proving favourable, his Majesty himself will be at St. James's by the latter End of next Week, or the Be- ginning of that following.
LONDON, oct. 8. The Stocks since our last are as follows. Saturday South- Sea Stock was 180. 1st Subscription par. id Subsciption par. Third no Price, bank 13 f. India 140. Old African 40. New 20. Monday South Ses 190, ill Subscription 10. id Subscr. no Price. Bank 14J. India 160. Old African 4s. New 35. . Tuelday Soi: th Sea 205. 1st Subscription 10. 2d sub4 scription no Price. Bulk 145. India 160. Old African 4y. New 3;. Wednesday South Sea 240, ift Subscription ip. Second Subscription 1 Third Subscription no Price. Bank 166. india 190^ Old African 56. New 45. Thursday South- Sea 240. 1st Subscription 20 id Subs. 10.
3d Subfcr. no Price. Bmk I; J. India 180. Old African 45. New 35. Wednesday last the Prices of the following Commodities it Bear Key were 5 Wheat 19 s. to 29 1. per Quarter. Rye — 16 to 18 Barley 17 to 201. oats 11 to 14 s. Beans — 18 to 231. Hog Pease 17 to ios. Malt 17 to 31 s. Rape Seed 16 to 17 1. per Laft. Hops 3 1. j s. to 3I. 1; s. per Hundred. Coals — 2J . s to 27 s. per Chaldron. CASUALTIES. Drowned accidentally in the River of Thames 3. One at St. John at Wapping, and two at St. Catherine by the Tower. Found dead at Sr. Martin in the Fields 1. Hanged himself be- ing Lunatick at St. Dunstan in the East 1.
Killed accidental- ly by the Wheel of a Cart at St. Botolph- without Aldgate t. Overlaid 3. Christened Males 183, Females 181 ; In all 364. Buried Males 277, Females 262 ; in all 539. Increased in the Burials this Week 36. Mr. Mist, IHere send you a Paragraph from the Lord knows who'S Book it runs thus, ^ I shall make a familiar Simile which every Reader may car- ry in his Mind wirhout the Help of Figures; and which, I think, has a very near Resemblance to the South- Sea Scheme, as it has been executed, viz. A having iool. Stock in Trade, though pretty much in Debt, gives it out to be worth 300 1. on Account of many
Privileges and Advantages to which he's intitul'd- By relying on his great Wisdom and Integri- ty, sues to be admitted a Partner on those Terms, and ac- cordingly, brings 3001. into the Partnership The Trade being afterwards given out or discovered to be very impro- ving, C comes in at $ 001. and afterwards D at uool. and the Capital is then compleated to 2o « j 1. If the Partnership had gone
( : gone on no farther than A ar. d B, then A had got, ans B had lost i1001. if it had stopt at C, A had got, and C had lost zoo !. and B had been as he was before; But D also coming in, A gains 400 1. and B 100 1. and C neither gains nor loses, but D loses tfoo 1. indeed if A cou'd shew that the said Capital V . s intriniically worth 44001- there would be no Harm done t J D, and B and C would have been much obliges to him. Buc if the Capital at first was worth but 100 !. and increased only by the subsequent Partnerships; it must then be acknow- ledged, that B and C have been imposed, on in their Turns, and that unfortunate,
thoughtless D pays the Piper. Your Friend and Servant, T. Daylight. On Monday Night several Gentlemen concern'd in South- Sea Stock, met to consider Expedients for redressing the pre- sent unhappy State of their Affairs ; but, like Men made _ de- sperate by Misfortunes, instead of coming to any Resolution for the general Good, they gave a Loose to their Passions, aad let fly such warm Expressions, that a Person vested with Au- thority broke up the Assembly, by declaring, that unless they departed, he would read the King's Proclamation against Tu- mults and Riots. The same Day the Earl of Sunderland arrived from Hol land, and waited on th » Lords Justiccs at the Cockpit, co whom he gave in Account, that his Majesty might be expected very soon, for that he designed to be in Holland by the time the Squadron of Men of War and Yachts should arrive 0n tha Coast ; whereupon Orders were gven for airing the Rooms belonging to the King's Appartment at Sr James's, and for getting every thing else ready for his Reception. the same Day the Yachts and Servants belonging to the HoushOld sail'd for tha Downs to join the Squadron of men of War designed to convoy his Majesty, as did likewise Sir John Jennings, to take upon him the Command
of the said Squadron. • And on Tuesday we had an Account from the Downs, that they had all actually let sail from thence for Holland. OrderS are sent to the Magistrates of all Sea- Ports, to take particular Care that they suffer no Ships coming from the Streights, & c. to come into their Harbours, without perfor- ming due Quarentine, pursuant to the Proclamation published last Week for that Purpose. We have an Account, that in rhe late tempestuous Wea- ther several Ships perished on the Coast between Dunkirk and Calais. They write from Radnor and Brecknock in Wales, that they have had such excessive Rains of late as
had caused the River Wye to overflow its Banks, insomuch that abundance of sheep and other Cattle were drown'd; and that the Works which were made at Glaseby- Bridge to repair that Part that was broken down by a former Flood, were carried away, and some Work- men drowned. The Hudson- Bay Company ars daily in Expectation of the Arrival of two or three of their Ships from thence, by whom they hope to be inform'd, that Captain Knight has met with desir d Success, in discovering Gold Mines some Leagues be- yond the Bay, of which from time to time he received Intel- ligence from the Indians whilst Governour
there. The East- India Company have appointed the Ships lately hired into their Service to sail for the following Places, ( viz ) the Morris, Capt. Peacock; the Francis, Capt. Newsham ; the Cadogan, Capt. Hill, and a new Ship not yet launched, Capt. Hudson, for China : A new Ship, Capt. Kemish ; the Stretham, Capt. Westcot; the Marlborough, Capt. Micklefield, and an- other, Cape. Tolson, for the Coast and Bay : The Dawson, Capt. Benfield ; the King George, Capt. Norton ; the Stanhope, Capt. Pill, and the Grantham, Capt. Field, for Bombay : The Middlesex, Capt. Collet, and the James and Mary, Capt. Au- bourn, for Bengal :
A new Ship, Cape. Whitaker, for St. He- lens : The Sunderland, Capt. Hunter, and a new Ship not yet launched, Cape. Wilson, for Mocha. On Tuesday, at the Pay- Office in Broad- Street, were paid the Men belonging to his Majesty's Ship the Royal Oak, who were absent when that Ship's Crew were paid off at the Nore. Letters from Cadiz this Week tell us, that the Spanish Ex- pedition which was thought to be laid aside, is now talk'd of more than ever; and, they assure us, that 2o Field- Pieces, some Mortars, Bombs, Carcasses, Powder and Ball, are actually im- barked ; and that they were preparing to imbark 5ooo Horse and
10000 Foot in open Boats, with 15 Days Provisions ; all which are to be convoy'd by two Genoese Ships of 60 Guns each, a Spanish Man of War of 70, and some other Ships of less Force ; out the Design is still Secret. On Tuesday the Painters Company held a Feast at their Hall in Trinity- Lane, and chose Sir James Thornhill, Serjeant- Painter to the King, their Master for the Year ensuing. 94 ) , The Payment on the first Subscription of the South- Sea, due the 14th Day of this Instant October, is put off, to the 14th Day of November next, allowing five per Cent. Interest for the same Yesterday was se'nnight the Sessions ended
at the Old Baily, where nine Malefactors received Sentence of Death, v z Wil- liam Wichall, Richard Cecil, and John Harris, for Burglaries : William Fletcher, alias Fellows, tor Robbery on the High- way in the Streets of London: Anna Tompion, Mary Gran- ger, and Martha Pardue, for picking Pockets : Elizabeth Eves, for stealing above forty Shillings ouc of a Dwelling- house, and Stephen Delfosse, for returning from Transportation, contrary to the late Act, who are all ordered for Execution, excep; Mary Tompion, who pleading her Belly, was found pregnant. Joseph Jackson, convicted 0n two Indictments, for assaulting John
Chrettenham, Thomas Career, and James Innocent, on the Highway, with Intent to rob them, was fined 20 I. on each Indictment, to be imprison'd for three Years, and till the Fine be paid. Two were burnt in the Hand, and twenty ordered for Transportation ; since which, another of those sent away in the last Transportation, has been apprehended and committed to Prison. A Ship from Barbadoes has brought some Gentlemen with fresh Complaints against Robert Lowther, Esq; the Go- vernour. We hear the Lord Carteret designs to take his Lady with him to the Congress at Cambray. There are twenty two Merchant Ships lye
Quarantain in the Downs. On Wednesday last an Express arrived from Spain with Let- ters from Collonel Stanhope, the British Resident at that. Court. The Dutchess of Richmond continues very ill. Last Week the Russian Resident delivered in a Memorial to the Government. Last Wednesday the Prince and Princess came to their House in Leicester- Fields from Richmond. Next Sunday the Cathedral at St. Paul's, which has been shut some time, will be opened, when a new Anthem will be sung ; there has been such Improvements made to the Organ, that it is now reckoned the best in Europe. We hear that Henry Cunningham,
Esq; Representative of the Burghs of Innerkithen, Dunfermline, & c. in Scotland, will b « appointed Governour of Barbadoes, in the room of Robert Lowther, Esq; The Western Mail, coming to London, was robbed on Tues- day Morning by three Highwaymen, at a Place called the Foot of Toomer- Hill, about three Miles from Sherborn, and several Letters taken out of the Exeter, Taunton, St. Columb, and Crewkorn Bags. A Patent has passed the Seals to constitute Sir John Jennings Master or Governour of Greenwich Hospital. 1 On the 6th Instant a laden Collier, being forced from her Anchors in Sould- Bay, and having lost her
Rudder, had the Misfortune to sink on the South East End of Lowestoft ; since which, on the 9th Instant, a loaden Pink struck on the before- mention'd Wreck, and sunk about three Quarters of a Mile to the Southward. We hear that the Crew of che Milford Frigate, Convoy to the Jamaica Fleet, which was cast away and lost, with several other Ships of the said Fleet, on the Rocks on the Isle of Cuba, will suddenly be paid their Wages. Yesterday the Guards marched to lye on the Road, to guard his Majesty to Town after he is landed. The Dutchess of Bolton lies dangerously ill of a Fever at the Bath. Last Thursday Morning the
King's Coaches and Horses went to lye on the Essex and Kentish Roads., to receive his Majesty at his Landing. Wednesday Morning died the Lady Hallet in Bloomssbury- Square. She was Wife to Sir James Haller, formerly a Gold- smith in Cheapside, who was knighted by the late Queen, her Corpse is to be carried down to be interred near Chelmsford in Essex. The beginning of the next Week 92 Convict Malefactors in Newgate are ordered to be transported to his Majesty's Plan- tations in America, the Treasury having contracted with the Merchants for that Purpose. A Ship is brought into long- Reach Co take them on board,
and Covered- Lighters are ordered to be brought to Black- Fryars Stairs to receive them there. At the same Time several Convict Criminals are also to be sent from the MArshalsea, to be transported. This Day a new Ship for the East- India Company's Service of 400 Turns, will be launched in Mr. Kirby's Dock at Shad- well ; and two great Ships for the French Missisippi Company are in great Forwardness at Limehouse- Dock, in Order for their being launched ; as are also 14 or 15 Ships in several Docks in the River for the Royal Fishery Company. On
No. 99 ( 593 ; OS. . Yesterday at Noon South- Sea Stock Was no. 1st Subscriptinn 10. 2d sub. 10. } d Sub. nj Price. Bank 150. India iSo- Old African New ADVERTISEMENTS. This- Day is published, The Hasty Wedding ; or the St. Giles's Fortune. An Heroi- Comical Poem. In six Canto's. Beauty to no Complexion is confin'd, She's only beautiful, who's truly kind. Printed for T. Warner at the Black- Boy in Pater- noster- row. Price I 5. WILLIAM bYARD, Mercer, removed from the Boar's- Head in Ludgate street, to the Queen's Arms over against the Crown Tavern, Ludgate- Hill, will open Shop in ten Days, with a fresh Stock of all
sorts of Mercery Goods. IDo radically cure the Gout and Stone, with as much Certainty as any Mechanick is at doing any thing at his Trade, and all other distempers, whether internal or external that ever afflict Mankind, and this by Medicines wholesomer than any thing that's eat or drank. I live in Wardrobe- Court, in Great- Carter- Lane, by Doctor's Com- mons, the Honourable Robert Boyle's- Head being over the Door. This Day is published, * 4-' Mercurius Politicus ; being Monthly Observations, 8cc. for the Month of September. Containing, l. All the Foreign News. z. Domestick Occurrences, 3. A Letter to the Author,
concerning the lndepenciant Whig. 4- Extract of a Letter to a Merchant in London, concerning the Barbarity of the Sallee Rovers f. Several facetious Articles concerning the South Sea, extractcd from the Free- Thinker. 6. The South Sea Ballad. 7. Proceedings of the South Sea Company at a General Court on the 30th of September, with ' the Speeches of Sir John Fellows, Sub- Governour, Sir Gilbert Heathcote, Mr. Craggs, Sir john Blount, the Earl of Ila, Mr. Budgel, & c. i. Promotions and Preferments, Deaths, Burials, Robberies, and the price ot Stocks- y. The Free- Thinker's Remarks on the South Sea. 10. A Letter from a
Merchant to one of the Directors of the South sea Company, concerning the Value of Lands. Sold by T. bickerton at the Crown in Pater- noster- row, Price 1 s. where may be had the preceding Months, Price 1 s. each. Jull published, * t* I. Pious Thoughts concerning the Knowledge and Love of and other holy Exercise:, by the late Archbishop of Cambray. Together with a Letter of Christian Instruction by a Lady; done out of French, 8vo. .... ij. A perswasive to a holy Life, from the Happiness which at- tends it both in this World, and in the World to come. By John Ray, Late Fellow of the Royal Society, Svo. • iji Practical
Observations Upon the Miracles of our Blessed Sa- viour in two Volumes : By Francis Bragge, B. D. Vicar of hit- chin Hertfordshire. The Third Edition, 8vo. iV An Enquiry of Happiness; in three Parts. 1. Ot the Possi- bility of obtaining Happiness. 2. Of the true Notion of human Life 3- Of religious Perfection: By Richard Lucas, D. D. late prebendary of Westminster. The jth Edition, two. printed for William and John Innys at the Prince's Arms at the west End of st Paul's Church- yard. A T the Hungary Water Ware- house at the Black Boy and Comb A in Fleet street, neat the Bridge, is sold right . French Hungary Water lately
imported in large half Pint Flint Bottles, at one Shil- ling Three pence each ; the same Sort that has been sold at the said Place some Years, or rather better, being a fresh Parcel. And that the publick may no longer be imposed upon by the spurious Coun- terfeits of the Town, their are denied to try the very Bottle they putting a Spoonful into a Glass of Water; if it turns the Wa- ter white, it's good, if a sky Colour, or bluish,' tis naught. Note, '.'. lirs, Merchants, and Others, may be supply'd by Wholesale at tO BE SOLD WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at the brandy Warehouste in Queen- street, near Cheapside, over- Against the
Feathers Tavern at the Sign of the Golden Gallon, the stock of Goods of a Distiller whs hath left off Trade, viz. nv nri and Other Foreign Brandies, all Sorts of English Brandies and c ; , Rum, Double and Single Distill'd Geneva Spirits of wine, cherry Brandy, Cordial Waters. & c. being the Remainder of the several Sorts of Goods so often published in this Paper and are continued to be sold at lowest Prices, till the whole be disposed of. Likewise best White Wine Vinegar at 12d. per Gallon. This is to give Notices H AT at the Glass- Lanthorn in Plough- Court in Grays- Inn- lane still lives Susanna Kirleus, the only Original Daugh ter of Dr tho. kirleus, a College Physician ot London, sworn Physi- cian in ordinary to King Charles II. who with- his famous Pills and drink cures all Ulcers, Sores. Scurfs, Scurvies, Leprosies, and all Scor- butick and the Venereal Disease. be it never so bad, at all TIMES theYear without Confinement, or the Use of Mercury, which destroys many by raising the Malignity in the Head. She hath cured fluxed by others. The Drink is 3 s. a Quart, Impurities, Which cause Dropsies, Gouts, Scurveys and Gravel, giddiness and Pains in the Head, and other Parts. , She gives , her Advice to all that write or come to her gratis; and can cure
any that and their Grief and Age, without seeing them. for the Good of the Publick, . TT hereas several Gentlewomen and others of that Sex in this King- W dom have contracted an evil Habit of Body, wherein the vici- at first dispersed thro' the whole, come at length to be Part or another, and many Times, for Causes too long are thrown down upon the Womb, occasioning Weakness in the Part, which being neglected at last t and often proves fatal . This is to acquaint all fuch as have occasion, that a speedy Relief is to be had from an expen- Midwife , dwelling at the Sign ot the Queen s A rms, « « Doo- to Tin shop near Exeter-
Exchange the Strand, Lon- : ' X peformed a Cure upon a Lady at the Bath, after she was given over by the Physicians; and since has cured several Gentlewo- suburbs of London. I should not ^ $ in publick Print, but to satisfy the afflicted, where lOSt the 19th instant Boomsbury square a large yellow and white Spaniel dog, a little daubed with Pitch, wtth a tanned leather cOllar about his Neck : Whoever brings him to the Red- Lion House in King- Street, Bloomsbury, shall receive half a Guinea reward, and no Questions asked. To prevent the pernicious Effccts of Coffee and Tea on the Nerves Tinctura Nervoda Cardiaca, or the
Cordial Tincture for the Nerves being an approv'd experienc'd, and never- failing Medicimen, n Sinking, Languidhing, and Lowneds of Spirits, Palpitation, or Trembling of the Heart, in all Paralitick, Soporose, and Convulsive Distempers, and in all Affections of the Head and Nerves, it infalli- bly prevents the bad effeCts of Coffee and Tea on the Nerves, which occasions in most People the above- mention'd Disorders ( with many more which you'll see at large in the printed Book of Directionsj' but yet by taking a few Drops ot this most pleasant, dehcatc Cordial,- in the first Dish of Coffee or Tea, you may then drink at Liberty, for
this great Medicine penetrates two' the whole nervous System,- and so recruits the Brain and Praecordia with a full Influx of exul- ting Spirits, which perform the Business ot vital Function with fresh Alacrity and new Briskness, so that the Pulse which lay feeble and Wavering, now falls a beating vigorously and with great Exact neds; moreover it wonderfully didperdes Fear, Sadneds, confus'd Thoughts, Twitchings of the Legs and Arms, disturb'd Sleep, and all the dismal Train of Vapours and Melancholy. It likewise stops Vomiting, puts off Nauseousness, procures a good Appetite, and is now in great Esteem amongst Quality of
the first Rank. Sold at Mr. G. Strahan's Bookseller at the Golden Ball in Cornhill, over against the Royal Exchange, and at no other Place. Pr. zs. rtd Tinctura Amara Stomatica ; or, Dr. Andrew's most fa- mous, bitter, Stomach Tincture, WHICH is a most grateful, bitter, and pleasant Flavour, and is found by long Experience to exceed all the Stomach Elixirs and Tinctures in the whole World, by reason it keeps tlie Body soluble, by giving two or three Stools a Day ; yctany Person that takes it may eat, drink, and go abroad as if They had taken nothing. Moreover this noble Cordial repairs the Tone of the Sto- mach, restores its
natural Heat recalls lost Appetite, helps Concoction, takes off Nauseousness, Heart- burnings, and the most violent Pain of the Stomach miraculoully stops the labouriou ( Morning) Strain- ings and Reachings to vomit of hard Drinkers, sfor which no Medi- cine equals it, by reason it dtrengthens the Stomach, and at the dame Time carries off by Stool and Urine the Rclicks of bad Wine, Beer, Ale, or other Liquors. It has many more Excellencies too tedious tu mention here, for which I refer you to the printed Book of Directi- ons; where you will likewise find Observations on the Gout, worth Notice of any Pcrion therewith afflicted .
Price zs. 6d. the half pint Bottle. Sold only by Mr. Colston at the Flower- de- Luce over against the Royal- Exchange; Mr. Raw's the North Entrance of the Royal- Exchange against Bartholomew- lane; and at the Black Boy and Comb in Fleet- street. near Fleet- bridge. Hose- Insurance- Office by. the Rose- Inn in Smithfield. THE Proprietors do hereby give Notice to all Persons that have or shall insure their Horses, that they will ( twenty one Days after such Insurance) pay the Value they are insured at, if in case they should die, be stoln, or so disabled as never to be fit for any Service ; and whereas all Horses fo insured are
marked under the Main with the Letter G, and a printed Ticket given with them, done from a Co p- per Plate, wherein the Age and Description of the Horse is inserted in Writing, signed by three of the Managers ; therefore all Persons are desired to take Notice, that no Person has any Right to sell- or dis- pose of such Horse, without producing the said Ticket, and ' tjiofs that shall be instrumental in discovering such Offender, giving lni- ' mediate Information to the Managers of the said Office, shall receive half a Guinea Reward; and reasonable Charges. Note, if any Perfon wants good Grass for Horses, and Hay when needful,
from, this time to Lady Day next, at as. per Week, may be furnished there- with at the f'id Office. SUN- FIRE OFFICE, London, Oct. 14 1720. WE, whose Names are hereunto subscribed, being insured by this Office, and Sufferers by late Fires, do hereby ce tifj,( in Justice to the said Office that we have received our full Claims for Losses and Damages, we have thereby sustained. Thomas Stevenson, Vintner, of James- street, Covent- Garden. Samuel Carter, Distiller, of Love- Lanc, near Billinsgate. John Buckingham, Gent. of Crediton in Devon. John Wilkinson, Haberdasher of Ipswich in Suffolk. William Ford, Gent, of
Thatcham in Berks. Constant Attendance is given at the said Office in Threadneedle- street, behind the Royal- Exchange, for insuring houses, Goods, and Merchandise, from Loss by Fire, in any Part of the Kingdom, at the easy Rates of is. 6 d. a Quarter, with a Book intitled, The Histori- cal register, and 2 s._ a Quarter without it, not exceeding 500 1. for each Policy, the Subscribcrs being liable to no farther contribution. AHorse and Chaise to be Sold a Penny- worth, at the Mermaid- Inn in Great- Carter- Lane. THIS is to give Notice to all Persons of Quality, and others, that they nuy be furnished with all Sorts of fine Hardy EVEr
GREENS, all Sorts of Fruit and Forest TREES, and all Sorts or Buibus and Flowering ROOTS; and likewise a great Quantity of . HEDGE- YEWS of all Sizes, which were the Goods of JOSEPH SAVAGE de- ceased, and are to be sold at reasonable Rates by J. ORAM at my Nur- sery in Brompton Lane, near Hide- Park Corner, London. MARKHAM'S INFALLIBLE CORDIAL HORSE BALLS, _ BEing the best experienced Remedy for any Cough or Cold, giving immediate Relief, by opening all Obstructions in ths Lungs, and carrying off all fainting Sicknesss, Surfeits, Loss of Appetite by hard working, or any other Distemper
incident to Horses. This Medicine which has been many Years succcssfully practifed and known to be the best thing for leaving a fine smooth Coat, and preventing the Grease settling in the Hee'S; and if fallen there ( though of a long Continu- ance) proves an effectual Cure, Is only, rightly, and truly prepared and sold by G. Markham at the seven Stars under St. Dunstan's Church in Flect- street, at Mr. Raw's' at the North Entrance of the Royal Exchange, London, Mr. Hytch at the Rose and Crown- Inn in Coventry, and at Field's Coffee- House in Church- street, Warwick, at j s. per Pound, with Encouragement to thofe who take a
Quantity. N. B. These Cordial Horse Balls will keep good many Years, and proper to be given at all Seasons, but especially in the Months of A- pril and October, in order to keep their Bodies from those Humours that attend the Spring and Fall, and necessary to be recommended to all Gentlemen, Stage- Coachmen, Carriers, & c. as the only thing to keep ' by them, in Case of any hidden illness; to prevent Countefeits the Markhams Arms are under printed Directions. just
( $ 94 5 just published, * » * A new Pack of Bubble Cards, containing fifty two Copper Cuts, Wherein are represented as many several Bubbles, with a satyrical epi- gram - upon each Card applicable thereunto; the Lines by the Author of the South- Sea Ballad and Tippling Philosophers; the Cards made of superfine Paper, and engraved by an able Artis . spotted with their proper Colours, so that they may be played with as well as common Cards. Price J s. At Cards and Dice Men fairly may contend; And Friend, without Deceit, engage with Friend ; But tricking Bubbles are the Nation's Spoil, From L— b— rts Projct down to
Redish Oil. Printed for Tho. Bowles Printseller, in Sc. Paul's Church- yard, Eman. Bowcn, next to the King of Spain's Head, St. Catherine's, where such as take a Quantity may have a considerable Allowance; sold likewise by Mrs. Guy at the Archimedes and Globe, at the Corner of Exchange Alley, Cornhill ; Mr. Heard's, a Toy- shop, at the King's Arms over against St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet- street; Mr. Hannekin's, a Print- shop at the Corner of Heming's. Row. St. Martin's- Lane, and Mr. Mar- tin's, a Toy- shop the Corner of Spring- Gardens, Charing Cross. Tuft published in a neat Pocket Volume, Mr. Shadwell's five new
Plays, acted at the Theatre Royal, viz I. The hasty Wedding, or the intriguing Squire. A Comedy. II. Th Sham Prince, or News from Passau. A Comedy. 111. Rotherick C Connor, King of Connaught; or the distressed Princefs. A Tragedy IV. Irish Hospitality, or Virtue rewarded. A Comedy. V. The Plot- ting Lovers, or the dismal Squire. A Farce. Printed for A. Bettesworth at the Red Lion in Pater noster- row; and sold by J. Graves in St. James's street. tHE famous Italian Bolus has so great Success in the cure of the venereal Disease, Scurvy and Rheumatism, that not one of the great Numbers that daily take it miss of a perfect
cure, and tho' so very cheap as is. 6d. each, yet four Bolusses never fail to root oUt and carry off the most malignant, virulent, and obstinate kind of the Venereal Disease, without confinement, or making your case known > to any; which if it fails to do the Money is returned. This great ^ Medicine like wise deftroys Mercury, and carries it out of the Body, and thereby relieves thoae unfortunate Persons who have fallen into bad hands in former cures. Is to be had at Mrs. Raws, at the North En- trance of the Royal Exchange, over against Bartholomew- lane, and at the Flaming Sword, the Corner of Russel street, over against Will's
Coffee- House, Covent- Garden, with printed Directions. THt best Water in the World, soc alled by many who have experi- enced it to be so, for the Itch or any itching Humours. It hath been takes, inwardly for the King's Evil; It's good to cure sore Eyes, or any other Sores, Ulcers, or Fistula's; it has preserved several from having their Llmbs cut off, when all other Means have failed. Sold by Mr. Goudge at thc Castle in Westminster- Hall; Mr. Radford's Toy- shop, at the street Golden Spectacles against St. Clement's Church- yard near Arundel Street in the Strand; Mr. Garraway's at the Royal- Exchange Gate- Cornhill; Mr. Adam
Raw's, at the North Entrance of the Royal Exchange, over- against Bartholomew Lane, and by the Per- son that makes it, ab the Sign of the Canister, next to the Dog and Bear Inn at London- Wall. \ Note, it has no Smell. Price i s. 6 d. each Bot- tle, with printed Directions how to use it. ™ Ielizabeth Quinn, at the London CofFee- housee, against Somerset- house in the Strand, being —.- quite blind of one Eye, and very near dark of the other, and having had the Advice of several Oculists, and laid out great Sums of Money in order for Cure, could receive no Benefit, but being advised to Mrs. Cater at the Hand and Eye in Castle court in Birchin- Lane, Cornhill, who in a short Time brought me to my Sight, and I can now see as well as ever ; witness my Hand, E. Quinn. Note, She has an infallible Medicine that cures the Ague at four Times taking, at s s. A ViaL be it of ever so long standing. She gives Advice Gratis, and cures without the Help of an instrument. rUptures cured of all sorts( if curable) whether of the Navel, Cod or groin, & c. where you may have a new invented Truss that Is lighter, easier, and more cer- tain in keeping up the falling down Parts, than any hi- therto known. It hath no troublesome Iron Hoop about the Waste, as the common
Pretenders make them, nor any troublesome Straps to go between the Legs, as others have. All Persons, old or young, of either Sex, may wear them with the least Trouble of any yet town. Made by inventer. A. Harman, Surgeon, at the Golden- ball and Acorn in Colchester- street, White- chappel. Note, Whereas some base Men have pretended to vend my new invented Trusses; to pre- vent People's being abused, I do declare they are all not only igorant of the Invention, but also of the Method of Cure. LAtely imported from Montpelier, in the Ship Betty, a Cargoe of the best flavour'd Hungary Water that ever came from thence;
the ve- ry Sight, Smell, and Operations of it, in smoothing the Skin, car- rying off all outward Defilements, and removing all Obstrucions in the fair Sex, will distinguish it from Counterfeits. It is likewise of excellent Use for strengthening the Nerves, and not to be parallel'd. if taken according to the Directions given with it in scrophulous and scorbuitick Distempers. It is imported from the Chevalier d'Aubig- ni, the most noted Chymist in all France his Laboratory, and sold only by Mr. Thomas Jauncy at the Angel without Temple- Bar, Mr. John Cluer at the Printing- Office in Bow Churchyard, Mr. Thomas Heath, Mathematical
Inftrument- maker, next DOOR to the Fountain in the Strand, and at the Printing- House in Northampton, in Pint and half Pint Bottles, the first Price ? s. each, the lasft i8 d. At the same Places is likewise to be sold, a fresh Parcel of right Barbadoes Citron Water, prepared by the same Person, who has' distilled it for the late Govenrnours, at 8 s. per Quart. Allowance for thofe that take • a Quantity. des Robbes de Chambre. . gOwns for Men and Women of Brocades, Garden Sattins, rich T flower'd Silks, fine Callicoe and Stuffs, being the Goods ol K* persons that sailed; which must be sold at very low Rates, the Pnces being
fixed, with quilted canvas Petticoats for Ladies, at the Gol don sugai- Loaf right against the horfe at Charing- crods. london Printed byN. Mist in Great- Carter- lane JUlipium Asthmaticticum or the Ashmatick julep, which is known by many Years Experience to be a never- failing Medicine in old obsti- nate Asthma's, whole suffocatiting Fit it puts off in a Moment; . it gives a perfect Relief in draining laborious Coughx, that are unmerctifully troublesome Night and Morning:, ' Tis a most excellent Remedy tor Shortness of Breath upon any Motion, and in breathing with Difficul- ty, Streightness of the Breast with Hoarseness and
Wheezing. No thing exceeds this admirable Julep for opening the Breathing Ducts and Pneumonic Passages; it penetrates into the inmost Recess of the Lungs, and there meeting with tough, thick, cold, clammy, slimy Phlegm, so attenuates, divides, moves, and works it, that by coughing and spitting, it expectorates. and throws up all such Matter with the greatest Ease and Pleasure, thereby cleansing and freeing the Breast and LUngs, when stuffed up and clogged with a heavy Load, and in pre- vents Consumptions, Ulcers of the Lungs, fie. Note, It is a safe and pleasant Medicine; to be taken by Spoonfuls, according to the
prin- ted Directions, without the least Confinement; or Danger of catching Cold. To be had at Mr. George Strahan's at the Golden Ball over a- gainst the Exchange, Cornhill, and at no other Place, 26 d. AN infallible Remedy for broken- windcd HorieS, published above if Years last past, highly commended from one Friend to ano- ther, the vast quantities that have been sold doth. also Verify the Truth of its Efficacy and Virtues, which most possibly cures them, after many Things premis'd have been ineffectual,. a Wonder ini a small Time,_ without Confinement, by and opening the Globules of the Lungs dried up, and all passagws
obstructed by Hu- mours dripping thereon, occasioned by, hard riding, colds.-& cj It causes presently a free Perspiration, renewing its force, Vigour, and Length, as well as ever; those only a little touch'd it cures immedi- ately, as also Coughs, Colds, Wheesings, & c. being also excellent in preventing many other Distempers, by maintaining a' good Breath. Sold at Mr. Lockton's Toyshop at the Griffin the Corner or Bucklers- bury in the Poultry, at 4.5, e d. a Bo'tte. T- H E Volatile Cleanser and Strengthener of the Reins, an Elixir, which brings away visibly by the Urine all relicks of secrct 1. ju- ries ; scowring the Reins of all
Foulness, Filth, Slime, or Matter that obstruts the free Passage of the Urine, causes Sharpness of it; or too frequent Occasions to make it; Stranguries, Ulcers, is j. tl- o' of the longest Date, known by Pain and Weaknesss of the back, Thread Skins, Films, or Hairs flying about, or Matter settling at, the bottom of the Urine , its strong Smell, & c. than which nothing more com- mon after ill Cures. It nor only cleanses, but also after a partictular Manner, most powerfull strengthens the Reins, recovers their loft Tones and brings all those Parts and Passages into their right Order, in both Sexes. Price half a Guinea a Bottle, with
DireCtionS sealed up; which is generally enough to cure anyone person. To be hbad at Mr.' Lockton's Toy shop at the Griffin, thc Corner- Shop in BUcklersbury in the Poultry. just published, the fourth Edition of • A short Account of the VENEREAL DISEASE. With Obser- vations on the Nature, Symptoms, and Cure, and the bad Consequen- ces that attend by ill Management; with proprr Admonitions to such as do, or may labour under this Misfortune. Together with some Hints on the Practical Scheme, his Methods and Medicines exposed, and the gross Impositions therein detected. To which is added, a shortr Ac count of old
Gleets, and other Weaknesses, and the Reason Why they are so seldom cured, with the Author's Method of Cure. As also an Account of Specificks ; the Use and Abuse of the Name, arnd how it covers Ignorance and a Cheat. The whole designed for pubilick good. By Joseph Cam, M. D. Printed for and sold by G. Strahan against the Royal Exchange, W. Mears without Temple- Bar, C. King in. West-. minster- Hall, T. Norris on London- Bridge, C. Rivington at the bi- ble and Crown in St. Paul's ChurCh- yard, J. Baker against Hatton- Garden in Holborn, and by the Author at his House the Golden- Ball and Lamp in Bow Church yard in Cheapside. price stitched 6d. This is to give notice, ThAT the only true and original Royal Chymical wash- balls fof the Hands and Face, are removed fiom Mr. Lambert's the Glo- Vers, to prevent the Publick's being imposed on by Counterfeits, and are now sold only at Mr. Allcroft's Toyshop at the Blue- coat boy against the Royal exchange in Cornhill and at Mrs. Giles's, Miliner, next Hercules- Pillars- Alley by the Temple in Fleet strect, They have above these ij or 16 Years been largely experienced and highly commended by all that use them, for making the Skin so delicately soft and smooth, as not to be parallel'd by
either Wash, Powder, Cos- metick, & c. they being indeed real Beautiliers of the Skin by taking off all Deformities, Tetters, as Ring- worms, Morphew Sunburn, Scurf, Pimples, Pits, or Redness of the Small pox, and keeping it of a lasting and extream Whiteness. They soon after red or rough Hands^ are admirable in shaving the Head, they not only give a more exquisite Sharpness to the Razor, but so cOmfort the Brain and Nerves as to prevent catching cold. They are of a grateful - and pleasant Scent, without the least Grain of Mercury, sold only by Mr. Allcroft and Mrs. Giles, as above. Price 11. each, and nowhere elde in
London by Retail, therefore beware of Counterfeits, which are not only in- effectual. but may aldp prove dangerous. fSEVEN USEFUL DISCOURSES. I. An Account cf the common Distemper; by which to know infe- cted Persons from others, and whether a Secret IN- JURY is received, or not: If received, in what De- gree of Infection; and if well after former Cures, ' with Rules for its Cure. n. Of GLEETS, and other such Weaknesses. III. Of a broken Constitution. IV. More Particulars of these Disorders. V. Of the Gout and Rheumatifm. VI. Of Childrens TEETH. VII. A Dis- course to Shopkeepers: With an Appendix of Agues and
intermitting Fevers, these eeven Treatises ( in one Volume) are given GrATis, up one Pair of Stairs, at the Sign of the celebrated anodyne NECK- laCE recommended by Dr. Ghamberlen for Childrens TeeTH, 1 next to the Rose without Temple- Bar; at Mr. Garway's, the of this Book at the Royal- Exclunge Gate; and at Mr. Cooper's, the Corner of Charles Court in the Strand.