The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain Being a Weekly Account of News
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The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain Being a Weekly Account of News
Date of Article: 16/07/1719
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NOTTINGHAM- Printed by JOHN COLLYER. at the Sheep- PeNS, and Sold By Tho. Hammond, jun. Bookseller in York ; William head em. Bookseller in Pontefract, John Penrose Bookseller in Leeds ; Abr. swarn Sal- ter, in Bradford; Josh. Hoyland in Sheffield,; Hen. Allestree and W. Cantrel , in Derby Pet. Davie in Leicester; D. Watson in Ashbydelazouch ; B. Farnworth in Newark ; T. Dixon in Mansfield ;. Mrs. Singleton in Red ford; S. Gunter in Chesterfield ; and T. Carver in Melton : Where Adver- tisements are taken in at Two Shillings each. [ Price Three Half PENCE The Nottingham Mercury : OR, A GENERAL VIEW; OF
THE. Affairs of Europe, But more particularly of GREAT- BRITAIN BEING A Weekly Account News. Thursday, July 16 1719.
( 2) . "-- J Goods Imported at London, from June 27 to July 2.; 795, Tons of Iron, from Konisbro, and Norway, & c. 446 I Cocheneal, Jamacia C . Mellet,, Holland' & c Capivia, Berbadoes C Brimston, Leghorn, 600 Keggs Stur- geon. 27 Bales rjw Silk, Leghorn, 3473 1 Thrown, ditto 374 G Rosin, Dantzick. 88 C Metal Prepird, Holland: C Battery, 6350 Buck and Doe Skins Virginia & c. 58 Barrels Tar,. K<> nisbro. 2q6i 1 Sisters Thread, Holland 26 Buss Thrown bilk, Sinirna. 28 Kegs Spruce Beer, Konisbro. 35- 89 ; Ells: German Linnen, Bre- men, 58 Tons Tallow, Dublin. 327 P, Hemp, Holland 3k>* Tons Courants, Zant. 3- 2 Barrels
OyJ, New England. 36. Jar3, Oil, ditto. 7358 Reams Paper, Holland 66 C Whale Fins, ditto, Great Quantities of Deals, and round Wood, from Norway. Goods Exported the same- Date * 3068 Ounces of Forei Gold, to Holland. 187 Qrs. Rye, Ja- maica. C84 C Shot. New- England. ? 9 Fodder Lead, Flanders," 200 G- Logwood, Hambro. 59 C wr Iron, Pensilvania. 42 C Al lum, Dublin. 422 C Turpentine, Holland. 38 Leather Streights. 84 G Gauls, Hambro. 174 C Tin, Constantinople. 13 Brass Brides. 58 Pennistones.. 95& S74' Yards Flannel- 981 Serges 7996 Yards Perpers 99 Says. 727 doz Hats 62667 Spanish Cloths 777 Stuffs.
818 D z Hose. 78 Bays Minikin. 79 Goads Cottons and Mains. 971 Short Cloths. 78 double and single Dozens. 93? Long Cloths 244 White Cloths. Christened 205 Buried .... .464. Dccreased in the Burials this, week 41. CASUALTIES. . Bruised 1. Drowned 4, one wilfully Excessive Drinking 1 Hanged, himself ( being Lunatick at St. Martin in the Fields 1. Kill'd 2, one bv a Cart at St. Catharine Chreedchurch, and one by ' a Fall down Stairs at St. Margaret in Westminster. Shot accident- tally at St. Giles Cripplegate I. Overlaid 1.
( 3) The Nottingham Mercury, & c. From St. James's Evening Post. HANNOVER, June 29. O. S. TH E Reverend Mr. Arch- deacon Boulter, one of his Majesties Chaplains, arrived from England, > May 25, O S. and was by Earl Stanhope introduc'd to his Majesty and Prince Frederick. Orders were immediately given to fit up a convenient Room in the - the Pallace for Divine Service, which was done in a very decent manner against the next Sunday, when the English Liturgy was read ' there, and a Sermon Preach'd ; as has been done every Sunday since, with a regular Attendance of the English here, and a pritty nume- rous
Appearance of Quality and others, since his Majesties Return from Pyrmont. Dublin, July 2. Ressolutions of the House of Lords for an Address to his Majesty upon the Ld. Lieutenants Speech ' Resolved, that an Humble Address be presented to his Majesty, to congratulate his Majesty on the Success or his Councils and Arms in suppressing and disappointing the Designs and At- tempts of his Foreign Enemies and Rebellious Subjects in North Britain. And to thank his Majesty for his tender Care of the Security, and Welfare of his People, and for his indefatigible Endeavours to preserve Us from the Calamities of an intestine
Rebellion or Foreign Invasion. And for his Resolution to support and maintain the Church by Law Eablish'd. and his having the Welfare of it under his peculiar Care; and to assure his Majesties, that as this House will always use A 2 its
its utmost endeavours to support the Church as by Law Establish'd so it will take into timely and serious Consideration- what may be the most proper Method not inconsistent with the Security of the Constitution in Church and State) to render all Protestants more life-, ful and more, capable or supporting the Protestant Interest than they now are. Resolutions of the House of Commons for an Address to his Majes- ty upon the Lord Lieutenants Speech. RESOLVED, Nemine Contradicente, that an Humble Address be presented to his Majesty, congratulating him on the Disappointment ot his Enemies in the late intended Invasion,
which, under God, is owing to the Wisdom of his Councils, and his indefatigable Endeavours for the Happiness and Security of his Subjects ; assuring his Majesty that this House will use their utmost Care to continue this Kingdom in the Peace and Tranquility it now enjoys, and render such Attempts ineffectual for. the future ; thanking his Majesty for his peculiar Care of the Church as by Law Establish'd, AND assuring him, that this House will enter into such Methods as may render the Protestant Dissenters more use- ful and capable of supporting the Protestant Interest of this King- dom, as far as may be consistent witn the
Peace and Security of our present happy Constitution in Church and State.. LONDON, July 8. From the Camp before Sr. Sebastian, July 4. On the 29th, upon Advice, that Prince Pio was at Tollosetta with 800 Horse, and aa many Grenadiers or chosen Soldiers, the Marquis de Cilly was de- tach'd thither ; He met in his March 300 of the Enemy s Dragoons led by a Lieutenant Collonel, whom he charged and defeated. Their Commander and some Dragoons were, kill'd, two Captains and several Men were made Prisoners Coming. near Tolosetta, the Kings Troops fell upon a Detachment of the Enemies Infantry, whereof 30 were
slain, and 60 taken with three Officers, twn of which were of the Spanish Guards, and the 2d of the Walloon Guards, Prince Pio had retired by five in the. Morning, towards- Pampelona. The 30th the Marshal de Berwick passed the Astrira- gua,
gua, and encamp'd before St Sebastian, having his Right to the Sea; and his Left to the Astiarague, over- against the Camp. The Mar- quis de Fimmarcon writes on the 30th, that the Sieur de la Trinche. rie and his Brother, both of them considerable Men in the Country having advanc'd to Aulot to animate Mountainiers to take up Arms' the Sieur de Berwick, Commandant of a Battallion ot Arquebusiers' by Order of the, said Marquis, had brought of thete two Brothers' together with a Captain of Dragoons, four other Officers, several Fusileers of the Mountains, and 50 Horses. The Siege is push'd on with Vigour, and we hope to be
Master's of the Town, and of the Forts, too in a very short Time, tho' the Heats are very excessive. Tuesday arrived Letters from Italy by the way of France ; which bring several Accounts of an Action in Sicily between the Imperia- lists commanded by Count Mercy and the Spaniards by the Mar- quis de Lede. The most Authentick are these following. Copy of a Letter from the Marquis de Lede, written the 20th of June from the Camp at Villa Franca to the Coaut de Montemar at Palermo. IHave the Honour to acquaint your Excellency, with all, the Joy you can imagine, that the Enemy having to Day attacked his Majesties Army in
three different Places, we had the good Fortune to break them, and to repulse them . with very considerable Loss on their Side, but we do not yet know the Number. This Victory is owing to the Valour ot the Troops, to that of the Generals and and to their Experience. The General Officers among the wounded are the Chevalier e Lede, and Don Juan Caracciolo whose Wound is dangerous. Among the kill'd is Brigadier Don Pedro de Tan- queux. Your Excellency will be pleas'd to communicate this News to the Pieror and the Senate to whom I do not write, not having a Secretary with me ; but I will not fail to do it to Morrows I
desire - you will order that in Thanksgiving for the View with which God has blessed our Arms, Te Deum be sung. I am, & c The, Maiquis de Lede, A Coppy of a letter from Count Mercy the Camp at Villa Franca the 22nd June,. Sir
6 SIR, « IHave the Honour to inform your Excellency that Yesterday took Post above the Enemies Camp, and am possessed of all the ' Eminences of it, having beaten them from several, but Night coming on, and I being dangerously wounded'in the Reins, the Ball remain- ing Hill in my Body, I have been oblig'd to leave this Affair to M, Zumjungen, who on Account of the Difficulties which he and the other Generals equally find, is of Opinion they cannot be attack'd all at once without great Loss, and that the surer way is to endea- vour to settle our Communication with the Sea in order to starve them which is what they are now
prepairing to do, I ' will assist them with my Advice, being unable to act, which is a mortal Affliction to me. We have a great many Officers kill'd and wounded, as well as the Enemy, but nothing decisive has past yet. The Enemy are in- ' trenching and securing themselVes as well as they can, this is all I am able to tell you except the bad News of your Sons being wound- ed. who behav'd himself with all possible Bravery ; I keep him near me, and cause turn to be taken all imaginable Care ot, having the Honour to be most perfectly, & c. - The Count de Mercy, ' , From the Camp at Franca- Villa, June 23. ' SIR, iHave written this
Moment to M de Furstembust, Col. Comman- dant at Melazz to send me two Battallions and the Recruits which may have arrived ; and as he will want a Convoy, I desire your excellency to furnish him with a Man of War tor that purpose. I hope you will forthwith send it to him having the Honour to be & c. ' ' The Count de Mercy. Extract of a Letter from Captain Saunders, dated from Naples the • ' 30th of June. ON the 20th Instant the Imperial Army under Gen. Mercy at- tacked the Spaniards in, their Camp at Franca Villa, and forc- ed them from several heights and advantageous posts, tho' with considerable Loss. As soon as Sir
George Bing received an Account what had passed, from Gen. Mercy he sent me to Melazzo to dispatch two battal- lions
'•. which being immediately shipp'd, were put un- .. is Majesties Ship Captain, with Orders to proceed Faro to the Southward near Tavermina ; where His Majesties Ship Rupert, with the Victuallers for the Army lie. Sir George Byng imbarked on the Neapolitan Galley the 26th 111 the EVening, and passed through the Faro, designing to'proceed to Syracusa, to propose to Count Massei the finding from thence, by Transports now lying there, four Battallions to reinforce Gen. Mer- cy. i am order'd to continue here some Days with his Majesties Ship the Oxford. P S It is advised, that Gen. Zumjungen was not without Hopes of
attacking a Post near the Enemies Camp before the Succours ar- rived ; in which if he should succeed, it will intirely cut off the. Comunication of the Spanish Army with Catenea. Upon the whole, it appears to me, that, the late Battle was to the Advantage of the Imperial Army, though the Spainards made very great Re- joicings on their Side; which I believe was rather to spirt up the People, than from any Advantage they had obtain'd.' Relation of the Battle between the Emperors and the Spanish Army, Which came from a wounded Officer to Capt. Saunders. Tavermina, June 1719 N. S." THE 20th of this Month. the Emperors
Army came up with the Spanish Army at Franca Villa. At four a Clock after Dinner the fire began on both sides, the Enemies'were. posted on the' other side or the River called Roselino, and Were behind their Trench- es which were so strong, that they seem'd to have been made a long- Time. Our Troops attacked them even open. for Which it hath cost us much Blood ; the Night oblig'd us to leave off Firing. On our Side are kill'd Col. Odyer and the Prince of Holstein; and wounded Col. Bandrrat. Col. Beaufort Col. Odyer, Gen. Secken- dorf Gen. Lantizy, Gen. Rhor, Adm. Bings Son a Danish Volun~ teer. The Prince Of Hesse
Cassel, and Gen. Mercy; We have lost in the action betWeen 3 and 4000 Men, but tis said the Number kill'd on the Enemies side is far greater ; among their Dead are the Marquis de Lede's Brother, Gen. Armadatts, and a Prince whose Name is not yet known Jackson, : - S
Jackson.) We have an Account from Norwich, vers rose there on Monday last, as they did lately ii committed some Insults, but were soon made quiet By ' Company, who seiz'd several of them. The Weavers Company ( at London) have ; promis'd the Journey- men to apply to the Parliament next Sessions for Redress of their Grievances. ' London, July 9 We hear some of the Houshould Cooks are ordered to go to Han- nover, where the Comptroller of the Houshould keeps a splendid Table for the Entertainment of English, and other Strangers. This Day came in Letters from New England. Boston, May 18. The 19th of March
appear'd in the Air a strange Meteor, which darken d the Light of the Moon, and made a great Noise as if a great Number of Artilliry had been fir'd. This Week a Carpenter was Executed for counterfeting Pieces of Eight. We hear from South Carolina, that the Spanish Privateers swarm in those Seas. Schafhausen, July 6. The late Lord Mar continues under Con- finement at Geneva, but is allowed more Liberty than at first, for he may walk any where about Town, accompanied by the Captain of the Guard : He is kindly Entertained, and has been told, that - by arresting him they intended to do him good, and that they would make
no Difficulty to use their Intercession in his Favour with the King of Great Britain to obtain his Pardon, in case he was willing to abandon the bad Cause he had been engag'd in, to the Prejudice of his native Country, his Family, and his Religion, and be faith- ful to King George. Amsterdam, July 15. Letters from Smirna advise, that the Plague rages there so violently, that the French have shut up them- selves in their Houses, not daring to retire into the Country for fear of Robbers, who have even plunder'd several Caravans. , We hear the Czar has granted a free Trade in the East Sea only to the Dutch. Hague, July 18. Letter's
from Augsburgh, and likewise from Hannover say, that they have, receiVed Couriers with Advice of the Action in Sicily, which they relate to the Advantage of the Impe- rialists. These Advices mention a second Action to have happen'd three Days after, by which the Spaniards were forced to quit their Intrench
for our next Letters to give a Advice that the Pretender, and the at Lugos, not far from Coruna, _ Dublin, July 1. ving voted Loyal Addresses to His Majesty an Address of Thanks to the Lord Lieuetenant excellent Speech to both Houses; then they proceeded to the Sitting of Committees, that for Religion, for Grievances. w Trade, for Privilidges and Elections Ordered likewise, the Speaker to issue his warrant, to Issue out Writs for electing new Mem- bers in the room of several who since the last Session. are dead, or called by Writt to the House of peers. __ July 2. Mr. Secretary Webster reported from the Committee ap- pointed
to his Grace the Lord Lieutenant with the Vote of an Ad- dress of Thank's for his Excellent Speech to both Houses; that they had acquainted. his Grace accordingly. Order d, a Committee to in- spect the state ot the Hempen and Flaxen Manufactures; and the call of the House to be that Day Sevennight. A Petition of Michael Cuff Esq ; complaining of an undue election and Return for the County of Mayo; refer'd, to be heard at the Bar of the House on Monday three Weeks. Portsmouth, July, His Majesty's Ships at Spithead are the Prince Frederick, Admiral Mighells; Suffolk, Mary, Mermaid, Dursley- Galley, Monk, Falmouth,
Advice, Norwich, and Tryal- Sloop. The Guernsey is sailed into the Harbour. Wind E. Deal, July, 9. , The 7th. came in his Majesty's Ship the Lyme, CARGOE of the Heathcote from the Bay of Bengal; the Darby from fort St. George Carnarvan and the Hertford from China. For the Account of the United Company of Merchants of Eng- land, trading to; the East Indies? viz < tyectg Allibannies , Allibannies Bastaes Bed Damalks Bed damasks: Shallbasts * Sallempores Seerbertees Seersuckers Sooseys
Carriclarries - Cherconnaes — Chillaes * 1999 Tanj Chints Partana 3750 ; rditto Coopees — r — ^ 6 9 3 1 Tepoys Cossaes — — 16178 Terrindams Cuthtaes •—> 3£ 53 < ^^ Chucklaes J; ' Cuttanees ——— r.— r jco • 43600: Cowries, ^^ Lioicas - — ' 3924 166000 Pepper, ^ P Dungarees-.. 73o 21900 raw Silk Bengal gr t, 1 Hatches 117000. Redwood; Gjnghams Cojour'd 205: 4 21000 Sago. G{ g rons — 983 379000 Salt petre. Gillies — 1679 26000 Shellack, < 5. G. uriahs 757° 142000 Tea Bohea,- jHumhums. 38° 3tooo ditto Bing, Jamwari 599 67000 ditto Congou Longcloth — 31890 39000 ditto Peko, Lungees 2026 235000
ditto Singlo. • R a n e e s — « « - — 1630 - 24000 Tatenague. - f Mulaiuls .- 8081 Ditto flowtr'd 520 China Ware ~ 239 Chests, Miilaes 34- 34 ' ditto TUbs. PeffialcOiS 2276 ditto - 303 Bundles. Pi oracs , 32 ' 2 • . Poises • • 2543 Besides several Parcels of Goods, Honifiils T i- 13109 the Particulars whereof are not yet known, They advise that they left the Benjamin ( whose Commander Daniel Bradley is dead on this side the line. Homeward bound from Bencoolen tho' not fully laden most of the Pepper in the Country being Destroyed by the late Disturbances that have happened there, to the great prejudice of the Pepper Trade, to
that they were oblig'd to send the Queen, and Princess E m e l i a ( that were sent but last Year to be loaded there with Pepper Home) to other Ports in India to get other Cargoes'. They write from Dublin of the 4th, that on the 1st. Instant, when the Parliament met, the Ld. Viscount Nettervile, a Roman- Catholick, took the Oaths, and was admitted to his Seat in Persia
died some time Before a Clerk in Chancary Office, convict _ eiting Stampt Paper, pleaded His Majesty's ON at the Old Baily, and was discharged ac- that Sir Robert Jenkinson, Bart. Knight of the Shire for ity of Oxford, died the beginning of this week, after a long position. ' Yesterday ended the Sessions at the Old Baily; six Men and four omen received Sentance of Death for several Crimes. Several of the late tumultuous Weavers Were Accquited of the Indictments a- ' gainst them; and others were found Guilty of Misdemeanors. One John Humfreys who is m Weaver, but spiriting them up to proceed in their Riot and utter many
Treasonable Expressions, is to be Im- prissoned six Months, and to be Pillor'd twice; which we hear is to be in Spittlefields. : Vienna, July 8. Tis said that the Czar has declared his Grand fori born of the Defunct Princess of Wolfembuttle, Sister to the Reigning Empress, Hereditary Prince of Russia, IN the room of the Czarowitz lately deceas'd Basil, July 13. The King of Great Britain has sent a Letter to the Republick of Geneva to this EfFect. GEORGE, R. To the magnificent Sy lies and Senators of the Republick of Ge- . vi •'' our well beloved Friends, - Greeting. s ' inform'd by the C0unt de Marsay our Resident, that at his in
traces your Republick immediately Arrested two of our Re- bellious Subjects, Viz the late Earl of Mar, and M. Stuart, we would not neglect to aCqUaint you: that this eminent Proof of your Zeal for my Service has been very acceptable to us ; and we are confident your Republick will readily and carefully continue the two Prisoners under Confinement in the Places assign'd for that pur- pose, and USE them civily, till w- : HI farther agree with you about affair assuring you that upon all Occasion we will, give your Republick Proofs of our particular Favour. We wish you and your Republick all manner of Prosperity Signed, yoUr Good
Friend, GEORGE, R and underneath A ' L Stanhope, Secretary: at State • 1
- Auction, before States, and bought by the Prince for his Royal Highness, so that ' til thought Yesterday one of his Majesties Messengers rom Hannover. By Letters which came at the Account that two of his Majesties Pages, one of the and one of the Duke of Holstein's, going to Swim, or W selves, were all drown'd in the River a little below Herein - The same Advices add, that abundance of People of Quality lately arrived there; among the rest the Earls of Albemarle March, from Holland . The King will be going about the lat .- End of August to Gohre, to hunt the Stag. On Sunday Morning about one a Clock a fire broke out in a
Publick House new built, over against Nibs's Pound, in Tyburn Road, to the Ground, with two Hay stucks in a Neighbouring Yard. A Person was also hurt by Leaping from Leaping from a Window. Jacksons Letter. the Paris Letter by a Mail from France arriv'd on Sunday last mentions that Admirial Bing had defeated a Spanish Sqna- dron on the Coast of Sicilly near Messina, but without giving any Particu- lars. They Write from Hamburgh, that the Congress at Aland was a- gain open'd, and that a cessasion of Arms between Sweden and Muscovy was like to take effect. By a Mail this Day from France we learn, that Cardinal
Serotenbach had receiv'd an Express at Rome, advising that the Spaniards had been defeated in the Action of the 20th past with great Loss, as also on two other. Actions which happen'd 20th and and that the Imperialists had taken Franca Villa Termina, and secur'd the Communication, with the sea, Dutchess of Bery subsisted near 3000 Persons which before her Death she recommended to the Care of the D. Regent. By a. Mail this Day from Ireland, we learn that the House of Commons haVe ordered in a Bill for making the Milita more useful , another, for preventing Riots and Tumults and a Third for ten- dering the
Protestant Dissenters more useful and capable of Supporting the Protestant rest of Island . AT Hacknal Targuet in the County of Nottingham, is£ grfid Farm house, with Barns, stables, and Cow houses and other Conveniencies, with about 36 or 37 Acres of land most of it inclos'd) Common Right, & c to be Sold a Pennyworth. Enquire of joseph Lane in Newthorpe, at the Printer of this Paper and know further.