The Daily Gazetter
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The Daily Gazetter
Date of Article: 28/04/1718
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The Daily Gazetteer. NuMB 261 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28 1736. Bastia, March 25. OS. HE French Consul here is so much alarmed at the Arrival of the Foreigner mentioned in my last, that he has, this Day, wrote the following Letter to M. de Maurepas, Intendant of the Navy at Paris. SIR, YOU have already been informed of the Arrival of an English Ship in the Port of Aleria. ' Tis said the Vessel belongs to the Consul of England resid- ing at Tunis. It has put a Personage ashore who wears a long Scarlet Vest, lin'd with Fur, after the Turkish Mode, a Cane, a Sword, a Peruke, and a Hat of the French Fashion. His Retinue
consists of 12 Persons, viz. an Officer, who has the Title of Lieutenant Colonel, a Secretary, a Steward, a Major- domo, a Chaplain, a Cook, 3 Negro Slaves, and 4 other Domesticks. He has put 1 o Cannon ashore, 6 of which are the largest Bore, and the other 4 smaller, besides 1000 Musquet Barrels not mounted, and 2000 mounted, 2000 Pair of Shoes, a Number of Coffres, Casks of Butter, and other Provisions, and a great Number of little Trunks full of Gold and Silver Species; another larger Trunk plated with Iron, which is full of Quarter Chequins, Half Che- quins, and whole Chequins of Barbary Money. I have seen some
of them, and shewed them to a French Captain, who assured me that they are really the Coin of Barbary. ' Tis reckoned, that the whole Sum amounts to 2 Milions of Pieces of Eight. The Gentleman assumes the Name of Theodore. Some make him to be the Son of a King, others an English Lord, and some say he is Prince Ragotski; but this however is certain, that he goes to Mass, and fre- quents the Sacraments of the Church. ' The Leaders of the Rebels, when informed of his Arrival, went to the Coast to receive him, and gave him the Titles of Excellency and Vice Roy of the Island. He has made 4 of them Colonels, with an
Appoint- ment to each of 100 Pieces of Eight per Month. He is raising 24 Companies, and gives to each of the Gaptains i1 Pieces of Eight for this Month, but when it is expired, and their Companies completed, he will give them 25. ' He has established his Residence in the Palace of Bishop Mari, in the Country of Cervione, at a Place called Campo l'Oro. Two Pieces of Cannon are planted before his Palace, and he has 400 Men posted in the Bishop' s Cloysters for his Guard. His Service for the Table is all of Plate. He gives to the Corsi- cans who have no Fire Arms, a Musket Barrel, a Chequin to get it mounted, and a Pair of
Shoes. They say, that, about the 4th of next Month, he expects 6, of not 10 Men of War more, and that he will shortly change his Residence, and remove to the Country of Penta, in the Neighbourhood of San' Pellegrino, which is but 1 8 Miles from hence. It looks as if he had a Design upon one of thefe two Towns i but which he will begin with, God knows. We fear it will be this, and that he will besiege it both by Land and Sea. In short, the Affairs of the Genoese are in a very bad Plight; and if the Men of War arrive which are expected by this incognito Gentleman, ' tis to be feared that the whole Kingdom will throw off the Yoke of
the Republick. Send me Word, Sir, what is proper to be done in case of any Revolution. A Rumor is spread abroad, that he has Letters Patent from the most Christian King, the Emperor, and the King of Spain ; but they who think they can fee farther than the common People, mistrust that this is only a Mask for concealing some Potentate who does not think proper as yet to ap- pear.' I am, & c. Hague, April 23. O. S. The Corpse of the Princess Dowager of Hesse- Philipsdahl was pompously interred the Night before last in the great Church at the Hague, near that of the late Prince her Husband, several foreign Ministers, and
other Perfons of Distinction attending her Funeral. — King Stanislaus continues at Angers- bourg ; and ' tis said something has fallen out which will oblige him to defer his Return to France. The last Letters from Warsaw mention a remarkable Declaration made lately by King Augustus. viz. ' That • having BO longer a Quarrel with King Stanislaus, any ' of the Polish Lords who were desirous to correfpond * with that Prince, might be very free to do it, and ' that he should never take Umbrage at it.' Those from Petersburg say, they have Advice that Count Munich was arrived at Czerkossoy near Asoph, with a numerous Artillery, and
an Army of 200,000 fighting Men, and that he has actually commenced Hostilities against the Tartars. Edinburgh, April 19. By Order of the Magistrates of Edinburgh. VArious Accounts having been given of the melan- choly Event that happened at the Execution of Andrew Wilson, upon Wednesday last the 14th of April Instant : In order to satisfy the World as far as we can, we thought proper to publish the following Account of it; Part of which we had Accefs to witnefs, and- partly what clearly appears by Declarations emitted before us. When the Criminal was thrown over, the Magistrates ( according to Custom) retired to a
Publick House near the Place of Execution. Hitherto there was no Ap- pearance of any Tumult, nor till the Executioner was about to cut him down, when some idle Persons threw a few Stones at him, some of which falling among the City Guard, that Day commanded by Captain Porteous; whereupon he, in an unwarrantable and barbarous Man- ner, first discharged his own Piece among the Spectators, and at the same time ordered his Guard to fire in like manner, using these Words, Fire! Buggars, and be damn'd ! without the least Orders from the Magistrates, who were then attending, and from whom he should have received
his Orders. The Magistrates, Ministers, and Constables, being stationed in the first Story of a House to the Street, were themselves in Danger of being killed, a Ball having grazed on the Side of the Window where they stood ( but this was not known till some Time after.) A dropping Fire continued for some time, but the Firing being over, the Magistrates were put into a great Consternation, upon some Persons coming to them, and informing that several dead Bodies lay on the Streets: Upon this, one of the Magistrates flying to the Window, found the Information but too true, and instantly calling for his Officers, ( to give the
necessary Orders for immediate Assistance) to his great Surprize, they were all removed; and the Guard was now march- ing off. One of the Magistrates immediately repaired to a Tavern in the Lawn- market, where the Lord Provost and some of the Council were attending, to give proper Orders to the Detachment of the Royal ' Welsh Fuziliers posted before them; to whom he gave Account of this dismal Scene. Hereupon Captain Por- teous was ordered forthwith to attend the Magistrates in the Borough- Room, when they proceeded to an Ex- amination of what had parted, and have ever since been closely employ'd in taking
the Precognition, in order to do all Justice to the Injur'd, so far as is in their Power. That Night, upon the Declarations emitted before them, the Lord Provost committed the Captain to close Prison ( tho' he denied he had either fired himself, or given Orders to his Guard to fire) until his Trial for Life in due Courfe of Law. Next Day 15 Centinels of the Guard were committed, to the same Effect, it ap- pearing clearly, after a careful Examination of all the Firelocks of the Party, that they were the Persons who discharged their Pieces. The above Narration is at- tested by, T. CROCKAT, B. GAVIN hAMILTOn, B. Brussels, April 19. 0. S.
The Government has sent Circular Letters to all the Abbots in this Country, en- joining them to shew what Right they have to be ex- empted from the Taxes imposed on. other Subjects. w Declaration of the Reverend Ministers. wE subscribing Ministers, who attended Andrew wilson to the Place of excecution the 14th Inst. being desir'd to testify what we know of the melan- choly Scene there ; do declare, that on the Way to the Grass market we saw no Disorder, nor any, while we stood on the Scaffold, which we did till he was thrown over; and then removing with the Magistrates to a Fore- room in Mr. Orr's House opposite to the
Scaffold, we saw no Disturbance, until the Hangman went up in order to cut him down ; then a few Stones were thrown at him : Soon after his being cut down, we saw Guns fired by the Guard, but did not imagine the Guns were loaded ; nor were we apprehensive of our own Danger, till, upon the Multitude's retiring, we perceived several Persons lying dead on the Streets, which exceedingly surprized and affected both us and the Magistrates, who had given no Orders for Firing. PATRICK CUMINg. JOHN GLEN. The following Persons of this City were wounded on that Occasion, besides those in our last. 12. John Millar, Taylor
in Niddery's Wynd, the Bone of his Right Arm broke with a Ball. 13. William Philp, Wheelwright in Cowgate, shot in the Legs. 14. John Ferrier, Indweller in Grange- gate- Side, shot in the Arm. 15. David Ogilvie, Writer, shot in the Foot. 16. George Ballantine, Servant to Andrew Orrcck, Cutler in Leith- wynd, shot in the Hand. And it being Market- day, many People who were in Town about Business, had the Curiosity to go to see the Execution, several of whom having shar'd in the un- lucky Fate, retir'd, or were carried off by Friends, and we are informed two or three of them have died in. the Country. There are also others in
Town wounded, who rather incline to put up with their Misfortunes, than, by publishing the same, alarm their Friend's. The Names of those of the City Guard committed, are, in the City Gaol, Matthew Buckles, John Lesly, Robert Brown, John Kettle, David Gilchrist, Andrew Tod, and John Paterson for Prevarication, sentto the Cannongate Tolbooth, Frank Williams, William Hun- ter, James Allan, Andrew Macklefreish, George Ro- bison, Archibald Campbell, William Gun. Most of whom we hear have declared, they had not the Word of Command to Fire: And, indeed, if upon dis- proof it should come out that the Word was G d — ,
why don't ye fire ! it might be pled for them, that their Declaration is in some Measure true, there being 110 such Word of Command authorised by the Martial Law ; and it will at the same time serve to shew what vast Improvements our Captain had made in that Discipline. What Excess of brotherly Love have we here ! These Creatures, it seems, to screen their Cap- tain, will expose themselves to the Punishment he justly deserves. ; And, indeed, from what has been said on this dismal, Subject, there is but too good Ground to affirm thar » Captain Porteous did nothing on this Occasion but what he had premeditated : For to
what good Purpose else was this so early Precaution in ordering his Detachment to load with Ball and Slug Shot, before they marched from the Guard. This was unprecedented, and for which he will not pretend Orders. At the same time" the Body of General Sabine's Regiment had no such Orders ; nor was one of their Pieces loaded till after-: hearing repeated Firings, and that aeveral dead Bodies lay on the Spot; then indeed their Officers ordered them to load, which they did in Sight of some thousand Spectators. - K None of the wounded Persons, as in our last, were dead last Night; tho' most of them are in such Agony, that
their Death would be great Satisfaction to their' Relations. ,) i P. S. Mr. Ballantine died this Morning; he had left . T the School of Dalkeith some time, andwas about to be bound Apprentice to a Joiner; nor were any of that Seminary at the Execution. K. Robert Dundas of Arniston, Esq; Representative J Parliament for this Shire, arrived at his Seat on Friday last from London. Edinburgh, April 20. This Morning died Margaret Gordon, Servant to David Ogilvie, Taylor in st. Mary Wynd, of the Wounds she received last W and Jean Peat, Servant to Mr. M'Doual,
Point of Death. Others are lying in great Torment. We hear likewife. that several that live at a consider- ab'e Distance, and who were carried home, have since died of their Wounds. The Magistrates have committed Mr. Porteous Pri- soner to the strong Room, being apprehensive of his making his Escape. This, we are told, affects him most sensibly. Two more of the Soldiers are committed Prisoners since our last. Dublin, April 20. Yesterday the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, Sheriffs, Common Council, and Merchants of this City, had a Post Assembly at the Tholsel, to appoint a Committee to draw a Remon- strance
against any Alterations in the Coin. Last Saturday his Grace the Duke of Dorset laid the first Stone of the Obelisk that is now building at the River Boyne, where King William III. of immortal Memory, fought the Battle which gave Liberty and Property to all the Protestants of this Kingdom. His Grace was pleased to give twenty Guineas to the Work- men to drink their Majesties Healths. By a Letter from Corke of the 1 3th Instant we hear, that the Grand Juries of the City and County at the Assizes there, are drawing up Remonstrances to be laid before our Privy Council, against any Alterations in the Coin of this Kingdom ; and also
that the Mayor, She- riffs, and Commonality of this Kingdom will do the same. On Sunday last a melancholy Accident happened at Cavan, viz. one Hugh Brady, with other Company, was drinking in the House ot Mr. Smith, and George M'NeeLy, with other Company in the next Room to Brady, there being only a thin Partition between them. Brady drank Damnation to all Whigs, Presbyterians, and Tories. Upon which M'Neely came out of his Room, and asked who drank that Health ? Brady said it was him. M'Neely said it was a foolish Health, a d he ought not to drink it. He said he would drink it again. Several Words passed
between them, and Brady and he fell a boxing ; but Brady having a Stick, struck him two or three Times ; but the Company that was in the Room parted them. Brady having an Op- portunity, pulled out his Penknife, and stuck it in the Table, and he took it out again, and came up with a Stick in his Right Hand, and his Penknife in his Left, and getting near him, stick him with his Penknife, which wns about 5 Inches in the Blade, of which Wound he died on the Spot. Brady was that Mi- nute taken up ; and the next Day being the Assize Time, was tried, and found guilty of Murder, and was sentenced to die for the same on Tuesday
the 27th Instant. LONDON. We hear that the Dutchess of Beauford lies blind of the Small- Pox j but there are great Hopes of her Re- covery. Last Monday William Jackson of Brook- street, Esq; was married at Grosvenor Chapel, to Miss Barker, Daughter and sole Heiress of William Barker, of Ipswich, Esq; a very agreeable young Lady, with a Fortune of 1 5,000 1. Yesterday Morning the Right Hon. the Countess of Effingham entered upon her Place as first Lady of the Bedchamber to the Princess of Saxe- Gotha. Monday Morning about 4 o'Clock, Mr. John Darn- ley, Farrier to her Majesty, was found dead in the King's Road
near Chelsea College. ' Tis supposed that his Horse on which he was coming to Town, either fell, or throw'd him, his Neck being broke, and his Skull fractured. The Coroner's Inquest having sat on his Body, brought in their Verdict, Accidental Death. To the AUTHOR, SIR, PLEASE to insert the following Account of two late Instances of the Success of Dr. Taylor's new Ope- ration for the Cataract, which I have been Eye- Witness of. and you will oblige, & c. h. S. One Alexander Donnelson, from St. Olive's Work- house, Southwark, had Cataracts on each Eye, which had entirely depriv'd him of Sight for some Years past ; applied
for Relief, and had the common Operation made cn his right Eye, which was fo far from being attended with Success, that his Sight was irrecoverably lost by it. On Saturday last Dr. Taylor made his new Ope- ration on the left Eye, which fo happily answer'd Ex- peflaiion, that he is now able to see Objects distinctly. Likewise the Wife of Mr. Richard Barnes, in Brick- Lane, over against Church- street, in Spittlefields, who, th0' the same Operation was made but on Tuesday last, can now see perfectly well, without having suffer'd any Pain either during the Operation, or succeeding it. I am well inform'd, the Doctor can produce
several Examples of Perfons lately recover'd by his Opera- tion, and I think it just to conclude, such uncommon Success will justfy his Method of Practice against all Opposers, recommend him to the World as the greatest Man in his Profession, and draw upon him the Thanks of the candid and unprejudiced Part, for a Discovery so truly useful to Mankind. Will's Coffee- House, Covent- Garden, April 22, 1736. BANKRUPT. Joseph Bezley, late of Limehouse, in the County of Middlesex, Merchant. Yesterday Bank Stock was 147 3- 4ths to 148. India 174 3 4ths. South Sea 97 3- 4^ 3. Old Annuity 112 i- 4th to 3 8ths for the Opening.
New ditto, 110 7- 8ths to 111. Three per Cent. 103 7- 8ths. Emperor's Loan 116 i- 8th. Royal- Assurance 108. London- Assurance 14 to 1- 8th. York Buildings 2. African 10. India Bonds 61. 3s. to 5 s. Prem. Three per Cent, ditto 5 1. 7 s. Prem. South Sea Bonds 5 1. 17 s. Premium. New Bank Circulation 61. 17 s. 6d. Prem. Salt Tallies 4 to 5 3> 4ths Premium. English Copper 2I. 3 s. Welfh ditto, no Price. Three i- half per Cent. Exchequer Orders 6 1- half per Cent. Prem. Million Bank 113 without the Dividend. This Day is publshed, THE Modern history ot AMERICA, No. 168 By Mr. SALMON. Printed. for the Author, and sold by J.
Roberts in War- wick- lane, London. Where may be had, The History of England, the Modern history of Africa, and other Parts o Modern History. by the same Author. N B The Reign of Queen Anne, contained in 1 Volt. 8vo. may be had Separately. , ACOLLECTION of severa! TRACTS of the Right Hon. EDWARD earl of CLARENDON, Autojr of the History of the rebellion and Civil Wars in ENGLAND, begun in the Year 1641, viz. I. A Discourse by way of Vindication of himself from the Charge of High treason, brought against him by ihe House of commons. II. refleCtions upon several Christian Duties, Divine and Moral, b, way of
essays. 1. Of Human Nature. » . Of Life. j. Of Reflections upon Happiness, which we may enjoy in and from ourselves. 4. Or impudent Delight in Wicked- nes. j. Of Drunkenessi. 6. Of envy. 7. Of Pride. 8. Of Anger. SI Ot Patience in Adveisity. 10. Of Contempt of Death, and the best Providing for it. 11. Of Friendship. ii. Of Counsel and Conversation. 13. Of Promises. 14 Of Liberty. 15 Ot Industry. 16. Of Sickness. 17. Of Re- pentance. 18. Of Conscience. 19. Of an Active and a Contemplative Life ; and when and why the one ougat to be preferred to the other. 10.' Of War. 11. Of peace. ii. Of Sacriledge. X 1. A Discourse of the
Reverence due to Antiquity. IV. A Discourse against the Multiplying Controveisies, by insisting upon Particulars not necessary to the Point in Debate. V. A Dialogue concerning the Want of Respect due to Age. VI. A Dialogue concerning Education, & c. V 11. Contemplations and Reflections upon the Psalms of David. With Devotions applicable to the ' 1 roubles ot the Times. N. B. None of these Pieces were ever printed before, and the Original Manuscripts in his Lordship's Hand- writing be may seen at T. Woodward's. Printed for T. Woodward, ar the Half- Moon over- against Sr. dunstan's Church in fleet- street; and J Peele at
Lock's- Hcad in Amen Corner. Of whom may be had, A. de la MOTRAYE'S TRAVELS through Europe, Afia, and into Part ot Africa : Containing a great Variety of Geo- graphical, Topographical, and Political Observations on those parts ot the World ; especially on Italy, England, Turkey, Greece, Crim and Nognaian Tartarics, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Lapland, Denmark, and Holstein ; on their Produc- tions, Trades, Manufactures, cities, Colonies, and on what is most curious in Nature, Art, and Antiquities in these Countries ; and on the Genius, Manners, and Customs of the Inhabitants; with an historical Account of the most
consi- derable Events, which happened during the Space of above Twenty- five Years spent in those Travels; such as a great Revolution in the Ottoman Empire, by which the Sultan was deposed; the engaging of the Russian and Turkish Ar- mies on the Pruth; the late King of Sweden's Flight from Pultowa to Bender j his Death, and the Princess Ulrica's Accession to the Throne; her generous Resignation of it to her Consort the present King; and in fine, all the chief Trans- attions of the Senate and the State, of Sweden, till the Peace with Russia. Illustrated with fifty proper Cuts, represent- ing a great many rare and valuable
Pieces of Curiosity, both ancient and modern, as Pontifical and Patriarchal Crowns, Eastern and Northern Dresses, most precious Vessels, Idols, Altars, Sacrifices, Medals, & c. Plans of Towns, Camps, Bat- tles, and Mines} new and accurate Mapsof the mediterranean Black, Caspian, and Baltick Seas, with the Countiies adja cent. Revised by the Author, with the Addition of two new Cuts. In Two Volumes in Folio. To which is pre- fixed, an Answer to Innuendoes and Imputations of an unfair Critick. THE Plates for the Map of Somersetshire, suvey'd by Mr. Strachey, are engraven; but the Maiginal Plate cannot be finished till the
Subscribers for it have sent in their Coats of Arms. Therefore such are de- sired to send in their Names and Arms before the End 0f May at farthest, or they cannot be inserted, till which Time, and no longer, Subscriptions will be taken in by Mr. Cosely in Bristol, Mr. Leake in Bath, Mr. Brown in Wells, mr Cod- rington in Bridgwater, Mr Norris in Taunton, BookselletS} Mr. Thomas Postmaster in crukhorn, Mr Wickham, Attor- ney in Frome, Mr Stagg in westminster Hull, and Mr. Senex ever- against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet- street, where the Work may besecn. This Day is publisheD, ( Price bound 3s. od. ) ( Being the cheapest
and most useful Book of the Kind ever yet printed.) THE Complete Family- Piece: And Country Gentleman, and Farmer's BEST GUIDE. In • Thrce Parts. PART I Containing, A very choice and valuable Collection of near Eight Hun- dred well- experienced Practical Family Receipts in physick anid Surgery ; Cookery, ' Pastry and Confectionary, with a complete Bill of Fare tor every Month in the Year, and Instruction 1 for placing the Dishes on a Table ; for Pickling and Preserving all sorts of Fruits, Tongues, Hams, & c tor Distilling and Fer- menting of all Compound, Simple Waters and Spirits ; fir making Mum, Cyder and perry,
Mead and Metheglin ; and for maKing and preserving all Soets of excellent english Wines -, with good and useful Instructions for Brewing fine, strong, good, wholesome and palatable Drirks-, as Beers, Ales, & c. in small Quantities, and at easy Rates, f r the Use of all private Familes-, with divers other ufeful and- valuable Receipts in- terspersed through the Whole, particularly Dr. mead'' s the t! ie Cute of the Bite of a Mad Dog: Many of which were never before printed, and the others experimentally taken from the latest and very best Authorities ; and being all re- gularly digested under their proper Heads, are divided into six
different Chapters. PART II. Containirg, 1. Full instructions to be observed in Hunting, Coursing, Setting and Shooting ; with an account of the several Kinds of Dogs nessessary for those Diversions, and Receipts for the Cure of all common Distempers to which they are liable; as also Receipts ter the Cleaning and Preserving of Boots, Fire- Arms, & c. i. Cautions, Rules and Direstions to be taken and observed in Fishing ; with th- Manner of making and preserving of Rods, Lines, Floats, Artificial Flies, & c. and for chusing and preserving several Sorts of curious Baits. A full and compleat Kalender of all Work necessary to be"
done in the Fruit, Flower, and Kitchen Gardens, Green- House, & c. with the Produce of each, In every Month through- out the whole Year. PART III. Containing, Practical Rules, and methods, for the Improving of Land, and Managing a Farm in all its Branches ; with several curious Receipts for Brining, Liming and preparing Wheat, barley, Oats, & c. for Sowing ; excellent Receipts tor destroying ot" Rats and Mice; a great Number cf choice Receipts for the Cure of all common Distempers incident to all Sorts of cattle j and a complete Kalend r ot all Bufinefs neceffiry to be done in the Field, Yard, & c. by the Farmer, in every
Month through- out tne Year. With a complete Alphabetical INDEX to each PART. The above being faithfully Collected by several very emi- nent and ingenious Gentlemen, is now first published, at their earnest Desire, for the general Benefit of Mankind. Printed and sold by J. ROBERTS in Warwick- lane. The Incomparable POWDER for Clean- ing the TEETH, Has withstood, by its most excellent and known Virtues, the Attempts of many repeated Counterfeits; some imitating it by the Name of Powder, others under several other Names j therefore pray take Notice, that the only true effectual, and original Powder, is sold no
where else, but as mention'd below : It is sent for in large Quantities to the Plantations beyond the Seas, to whom good Allowance is given; and is as effectual in the East or West Indies as at London. whiC H has givenso great Satisfaction to most of the Nobility and Gentry in England, for above to Years that it hath been published, and vast Quantities of the same still continue to be sold. It is sold only at mrs. King's Toyshop, the Blue- coat- Boy, against the Cross- Keys Tavern in Cornhill ; and at Mrs. Mark- ham's Toy- shop, the Seven Stars under St. Durstan's Church in Fleet- street, and no - where else in London ; but in the
Country, at Mr. Rogert's a Linnen- Draper in Warwick, at 1 /. each Box. At once using it makes the Teeth at white as Ivory, tho' never so black or yellow, and effectually preserves them from rotting or decaying, continuing them found to exceeding old Age. It wonderfully cures the Scurvy in the Gums, prevents Rheum or Destruction, kills Worms at the Roots of the Teeth, and thereby hinders the Tooth- ach. It admirably fastens loose Teeth, being a neat cleanly Medicine, of a pleasant and grateful Scent, and tn Virtue far exceeds any Thing ever yet found out for those Purposes. All the Nobility, Gentry, & c who send to Mrs.
Markham't for the Powder for Teeth, are desired to give first Orders not to mistake the Shop, MARKHAM of length is under the Seven Stars) because most of the Toymen in her Neghbourhood, seeing Multitudes go to her Shop for it, have trumpt up Coun- terfeits and sell their Stuff in Imitation of our known and ap- proved powder, in Prejudice to the Public & c The LIPSALVe Which is so much esteemed, and of so many Years large Ex- perience, and whose Virtues vastly exceed ' any Counterfeits it sold at the same Places at \ s. each Box. ' For in two or three Hours time it heals them, tho'' never so rough or chopt ; prevents the
Skin from peeling, and makes them delicately soft and smooth, givng them a becoming rubicund Colour ; the Fragancy of its Odour also renders the Breath fine and sweet, and it may he eaten for its Safety n. b. Mrs. King is lately removed from the Blue- coat- Boy against He Royal- Exchange, to the Blue- coat- Boy against the Cross- Keys Tavern in Cornhill. 1U
f^ EJMB. 26\ The Daily Gazetteer. THURSDAY, APRIL 29. 1736. to the old- fashioned Whig, who made his Appearance in the Craftsman of Saturday last. SIR, yOUR professing yourself a Country Gentleman, a Whig, and zealously attached to the Royal Family, engaged my Attention to all that you had to say, and is the Reason of my troubling you with some short Observations on what you have published. WHEN you speak of your zealous Attachment to the present Royal Family, you style yourself an old fashion'd Whig, in Contradistinction, I would suppose, to some new fashion'd Whigs that you have lately met with, who
have no such Attachment. I cannot possibly conceive any other Reason you can have for assuming such an Epithet; but this is not the only Instance you give us of your having fallen among the Craftsmen since you left the Country. You tell us, that you came to. Town the Beginning of this Year, after a long Retirement from IT ; that while you were in the Country, you thought the Na- tion was really under the Influence of a Whig Administra- tion ; you rejoiced to hear that some Gentlemen were got into Court, whole Characters you were acquainted with, lows : Your Words, upon this Occasion, are as fol- ' I remembered the Names
and Characters of some ' Gentlemen, who, at the Time I left the Town, were * Whigs in Parliament, in Coffee- houses, in Taverns, nay, * even in the Tower, and, as such, have been toasted ' ever since by me and my Neighbours. These, I was told, * were now got into Court; and happy, thought I, * must be the Nation, when such worthy and approv'd * Friends to their King and Country have the Honour ' to advise the one, and serve the other ! Corruption ' will now receive its mortal Wound. The Influence * of the Crown will be retrained, and Limits set to * the Power of the Clergy ; so that neither may exceed ' its due Degree.'
THESE, Sir, you say, are the happy Fruits which you expected from a Whig Administration, and these the Benefits which you and your Country Neighbours really thought we had enjoyed, and for which they have ever since toasted the present Administration, till the Beginning of this Year, that you unfortunately, for your own Happiness, came to Town ; where, you tell us, to your great Surprize and Disappointment, you found every thing the Reverse of what you expected ; and that, ever since you have been here, you have been gainfully employed in endeavouring to reconcile what you saw in the World of Business, to the
Notions you had formed that we were under the Influence of a Whig Administration. I must own it moved my Compassion exceedingly to see you in this Condition. I thought your Casfe really deserved Pity, that a zealous Whig, who had lived great Part of his Life in a blissful Retirement, enjoying, with his Neighbours, all the Blessings of Peace, Plenty, and Liberty, with Contentment to himself, and Gratitude to his Governors, and who might have lived thus hap- pily all his Life, had he not quitted his rural Felicity, should, at once, have all his Comforts destroyed, and be thrown into Despair, by coming to Town, and dis- covering
here what he could never have found out in the Country. I had conceived good Wishes for you the first Moment I read that you were a Whig, and loved the Royal Family. I was therefore very sorry that you ever returned to Town ; or rather, that you should disturb your Brains with Politicks. When I came to these Words of your's, ' Full of Grief and Despair for the * Commonwealth, I was preparing to return into the * Country, and shut myself up intirely from the Sight * and Knowledge of the World ; just as Sailors, when * they think the Ship is sinking, run down into the * Hold and perish ;' 1 could not help crying out, Poor Man ! he
will certainly go and do as Architophel did ; or why should he lock himself up from the Sight and Knowledge of the World ? why should he instance the Example of Sailors in a sinking Ship? They, wretched Creatures, have no other Ship to fly to when they get into the Hold ; but is this the Case of this unhappy Whig ? Are there no other Countries to fly to ? Would it not be better for him to remove himself and his Effects into some freer and happier State ? Perhaps it will be said no such State is to be met with. But why still shut himself up ? Would it not be more brave and noble, more like a true Whig, if not an old- fashion'd Whig,
to assist his Cpuntry to the last, and rather perish in its Defence, than fly from its Support ? ALL these Reasonings occurred to me upon reading of the Despair that you were in, but Pity prevail'd over all, and I drew no harsh Conclusions; I set myself to find out what could be the Cause of your Melancholy, and here I was as painfully employ'd as you can be yourfelf, and as much puzzled ; all 1 could learn from your own Letter, was, that it arose from something you had seen in the World of Business, since the beginning of the Year. You say, you cannot reconcile, upon the Sup- position of our being under the Influence of a Whig
Administration, what you see in the World of Business. I wish you would be so good as to let us know what it is you do see, for I cannot find it out with any Certainty ; I have thought upon all the Business that has been done this Sessions, and I question whether 1 have hit upon the real Cause of your Uneasiness at last ; but I fancy it must be the Repealing of the Acts against Witches ; for notwithstanding those Acts were of Tory Extraction, and that they have always had their chief Support from that Party, yet I think it may be easily prov'd, that several Whigs also have been infested with this kind of Superstition, and for ought I
know, it may still remain in some Part? of the Country : It is then, I apprehend, most probable that the Repeal of the Acts against Witches, is the Cause of your Despair; I think it is a thousand Times more likely that you should shut your- self up entirely from the Knowledge and Sight of the World, for fear of being bewitch'd, than from Pa- triotism, from a Concern for your Country; but if I am mistaken in this Point, I desire that you would set me right, and explain what it is that destroys your Peace : Is it the Unanimity and Harmony which reigns among the Members of the Legislature ? Is it the Candour and Justice with which the
Affairs of the Publick are conducted, that gives you Disturbance ? Is it the happy Agreement between his Majesty and his Parliament, that is so grievous in the Eyes of one zealously attach'd to the Royal Family ? Is it the Re- duction of the Army, or the Support of the Navy, that has thrown you into this political Hyp ? You tell us, you expected, that under a Whig Administration, the influence of the Crown would be restrain'd. and Limits set to the Power of the Clergy, and that Cor- ruption would receive its mortal Wound : You expected, very justly expected, these Benefits from a Whig Admi- stration; and while you were in the
Country, you thought we enjoyed them. You knew your Person was safe, your Property secure, and your Conscience free ; you was a Stranger, as were your Neighbours, to all Oppression, Ecclesiastical or Civil ; you sat under your own Vine, and under your own Fig- tree, and there was none to make you afraid. Is then the Case altered because you are come to Town; or have you found out that we do not possess these Privileges ? Is not the Power of the Crown restlrained as far as it ought to be restrained ? Are not its Limits exactly fix'd ? Is it not bound by the People's Rights ? Do not the most inve- terate Enemies of his
Majestys Government acknowledge this ? Does not B ke himself confess, that a King of Great Britain is now strictly and properly what Kings should always be, possess'd of no Prerogative that is injurious to his People's Liberties, able only to pro- test and not to oppress f Is not then a mortal Wound given to Corruption, when the Governors can have no Interest against the Governed ; when the King and the People stand upon the same Foundation ; when their Happiness is reciprocal, and depends upon the inviolable Preservation of each other's Rights f With regard to the Clergy, let me ask you, if ever any Legislature was better
disposed to restrain their Power, where it is reasonable to restrain itt Is it the just Treatment that the Bill for the Relief of the Quakers has met with ; or is it from the Alienation Bill, that you cannot reconcile what you see in the World of Business, to the Prin- ciples of Whigism, which are to set Limits to the Power of the Clergy ? If you refer us to the Repeal of the Test Acts, will you say, what the Dissenters will not think, that there were not many against it from Principle, who were sincerely Whigs f will you say that you were for it ? For God's Sake then, shew us some better Reason for your extraordinary Change within these three
Months, for your terrible Melancholy, and dreadful Resolution, to go and hide yourself from the Face of Men : But perhaps you will answer, why so much F. x- postulation of this Kind, after you have confess'd that you were recovered from your Despair ? that the last New's Paper which you ever intended to read, had re- viv'd your sinking Hopes, and dispelled the Gloom which hung upon your Spirits. This, Sir, was one Occasion of my writing to you ; I thought that you were in a better Condition to be reason'd with ; Argu- ment is of no avail in the Depths of the Hyp ; but in the least Interval of Reason, it is proper to apply In struction : I was therefore induced to take this Pains to shew you, that you have been '^ ily seized with a Fit of the Spleen ; that those Spectres with which you have been harrass'd, are merely imaginary, and have no Existence but in distemper'd Brains; and I have done this to guard you against a Relapse, which in Political Distempers is too often fatal ; but if after all, you think I have not hit your Disease, I must repeat my Request, that you will tell us plainly what you saw in the World of Business to discompose you ; whether it was the Alienation Bill, the Westminster Bridge Bill, or the Gin Bill; if it be, as I imagine,- the Witchcraft
Bill, be in no more Pain about it, 1 can give you a Specifick against all the Incantations of old Witches, and will upon your first Application to me. IN the mean while, I beg you only to consider what a ridiculous Figure it will make in your History, when it shall be read, that a grave, old Whig, who had liv'd in happy Tranquility most of his Days, seeing no Marks of a Tory Administration, no Violence, no Op- pression, and rejoicing with his Neighbours, under the Influence of a Whig Government, should, upon his coming to Town, be so frighted with a Craftsman's Tale, as to shut himself up from the Face of Men or . FOR. the rest, I do
assure you, Sir, I sincerely rejoice with you, that you have been prevented from carrying your ResoIves into Execution. 1 do not indeed think your Intellects are yet perfectly sound from the base and dirty Insinuations with which you dash and defile the Relation of your Recovery ; but I congratulate you that they are on the mending Hand. I did, at first, imagine, from your being so suddenly and easily frighted into political Vapours, that you had never been told any Truth about the Royal Family. How very fortunate was it for you, that you had not made your Resolution never to read another News Paper be- fore you took up that
which informed you of his Royal Highness excellent Answer to the Deputy of the Qua- kers. You had then been shut up from-- the Sight of Men, mourning, while all the World were rejoicing ; but since this happy Event has, in some Measure, re- stored you to your Senses, we may hope, that you are now well enough to share in the Transports of your Countrymen on the present glorious and joyful Occa- fion. Let us hope that you will still join with your Whig Neighbours, and all honest Britons in their Prayers, that his Royal Highness Marriage with a Princess of such superlative Merit and Excellence, may be attended with every
Felicity ; that their genial Bed may be fruitful ; that Britain may have Cause to bless it in Ge- nerations to come, and latest Pofterity be happy under the Increase thereof; that After- ages may be able to distinguish between the Clamour of Faction and the Voice of Liberty, between an Unanimity from Senti- ments and the Bands of Corruption ; that the Peace and Liberty of our Days may be transmitted down to our Children's Children, to remotest Ages; and the happy Agreement between the present Royal Family and their People never have end. I am, SIR, your humble Servant, bRITANNUS.
LONDON. Yesterday a French Mail arrived, with Advice, that he second Convoy which sailed from Leghorn for Bar- celona, met with so violent a Storm, that above 800 Spaniards were cast away ; that the Stranger lately arrived on the Island of Corsica from the Barbary Coast, was proclaimed King by the Malecontents, by the Name of THEODORE THE FIRST ; - and that Thurs- day last died M. Portail, first Prefident of the Parlia- ment of Paris. Last Tuesday Morning: bout Eight o'clock the King's Leading Coach, followed by the Body Coach, drawn by his Majesty's Cream- coloured Horses, and a Party of the Horse Guards went
from St. James's 10 Green- wich ; and about 11 o'Clock. her Highness the Prin- cess Augusta was conducted by the Right Hon. the Lord Delawar into the Coach, accompanied by the Right Hon. the Lady Irwin, and one of the German Ladies; and arrived at Lambeth a Quarter after One, where her Highness was received with the loudest Acclamations by several Thousands of People who waited there to see her Highness. Her Highness was carried from thence in the King's Barge over to Whitehall ; where she went into the King's own Chair, and was carried through the Park, into Saint James's, where her Highness arrived a
Quarter after Two o'clock, and was immediately presented to their Majesties by his Grace the Duke of Grafton and the Lord Delawar, and was received with the greatest Demonstrations of Joy and Tenderness. Soon after her Highness went into the Drawing- Room, where she was complimented by the Nobility, Foreign Ministers, and Gentry, who made a most splendid and magnificent Appearance : Most of the Ladies were dressed in rich White Silks finely em- broidered, and adorned with so many Brilliants, and other Jewels, that they far surpassed the Lustre and Splendor of the Court of Vienna at the Marriage of the Duke of
Lorain with the Emperor's Eldest Daugh- ter, according to the Accounts we received from thence. When her Highness came to St. James's, she was dressed in a Suit of a rich Silk, deep ground, trimmed with Gold, and embroidered with Green, Scarlet, and Purple Flowers: In which Manner her Highness was so condescending, that she shewed herself in several of the Windows of the Prince of Wales's Appartments, to gratify the Curiosity of the People, who expressed their Joy and Satisfaction with the loudest Acclama- tions. About Four o'clock her Highness dined with the Prince of Wales and the Princesses Amelia and Caro line, in his Royal highness's Appartment. Between Six and Seven o'Clock her Highness, dressed in her Wedding Cloaths, which were of Sil- ver Tissue, and all over White, with her Hair curled and stuck with Jewels, after the German Fashion, was presented to her Majesty, who presented her to the Prince ; whose Cloaths were of Silver Tissue, with White Shoes and Stockings. In the Evening the Ceremony of the Marriage was performed , and the Procession, as we hear, from the King's Appartments down the Great Stairs, under the Piazza, to the Chapel Royal, was as follows; viz. four Drums. Drum Major. Eight Trumpets, four
and four. Kettle- Drum. Serjeant Trumpeter in his Collar of SS. bearing his Mace. The Master of the Ceremonies, with the Rt. Hon, the Lord Carnarvon. Gentleman Usher, between the two senior Heralds. The Prince of Wales in his Nuptial Apparel, in- vested with the Collar of the Garter, conducted by the Lord Chamberlain and Vice- chamberlain, and supported by two Lords Batchelors. The Officers attendant upon the Prince followed by Pairs. Upon the Entry into the Chapel, the Master of the Ceremonies, with the Gentleman Usher, went to the Seats assigned them, and the Bridegroom was brought to the Stool placed for his
Highnefs, fronting his Ma- jesty's Throne. The Lord Chamberlain and Vice- chamberlain re- turned to conduct the Bride, and the two Heralds re- turned with them to perform other Functions, as did the Drums and Trumpets. Procession of the Bride. Gentleman Usher to the Bride, between two Pro- vincial Kings at Arms. The Bride, in her Nuptial Habit, with a Coroner, conduced by the Lord Chamberlain and Vice- cham- berlain, and supported by the Duke of Cumberland ; her Train born by ten young Ladies. Upon the Entry, the Bride was conducted to her Stool, below her Majesty's Chair of State, opposite to the Prince ; the Duke
sat on a Stool near the Altar ; and the Ladies who bore the Train, stood near the Bride, to perform their Duties while the Marriage Was solemmizing. The Lord Chamberlain and Vice chamberlain re- turned with the Provincial Kings to wait upon his Majesty.' . His Majesty proceeded in this Manner. Knight Marshal. Pursuivants. Heralds. Sir Robert Walpole, Knight of the Garter, with his Collar. The Comptroller of the Houshold. The Bishop of London, & c. Two Provincial Kings at Arms. Lord Privy Seal. Lord Chancellor. Garter Principal King at Arras, between two Gen- tlemen Ushers. The Earl Marshal with his Gold Staff. The Sword
of S: ate, carried by the Duke of Port- land. His Majesty in the Great Collar of the Garter. The Lord of the Bedchamber in Watting. Her Majesty, preceded by Lord Robert Montagu, Vice Chamberlain, and supported by the Earl of Gran- tham, her Lord Chamberlain, and the Earl of Pom- fret, her Master of the Horse. The Princesses Amelia, Carolina, Mary, and Louisa, supported severally by two Gentlemen Ushers. The Ladies of her Majesty's Bed- Chamber, Maids of Honour, and Women of the Bed- Chamber. Upon the Entry into the Chapel, none of the Per- fons in this Procession remained upon the Hautpas, except the Lord of
the Bed- Chamber in Waiting be- hind the King, the Lord who bore the Sword, who continued holding it ercct upon his Majesty's Right Hand, and the Lord Chamberlain, who stood upon the Left Hand of his Majefty, having the Vice- cham- berlain next to him. His Majesty was seated in his Chair of State in the upper Angle of the Hautpas, on the Right Side. Her Majesty was seated in her Chair of State, on the other Side sf the Hautpas. And the four Princesses on Stools placed next the Duke at the Side of the Altar. Her Majesty's Lord Chamberlain, Master of the Horse, and Vice- chamberlain, stood upon the Hautpas behind her.
Some Worthy Citizens, on this further Strengthen- ing the Protestant Succession, a truly Joyful Occasion, finely illuminated the monument ( as was indeed the whole City) to shew their Regard to his Majesty, and his most lllustrious Family, the Great Protectors of it. And Sir Henry Hickes of Deptford in Kent, enter- tained several Gentlemen at his Houfe, which was illu- minated with a vast Number of Candles, where all the Royal Healths were drank, and two Barrels of Beer given away to the Populace, attended with loud Accla- mations of Joy. Yesterday the Nobility, & c. paid their Compliments to their Majesties, and the Prince
and Princess of Wales, on their Marriage, and at Night there was a Ball. Last Week the Magistrates of Edinburgh unanimously dismissed Capt. Porteous from the Office of Captain Lieutenant of the City Guard, which he held only during their Pleasure: And the said Captain has been removed from the Apartment to which he was first con- fin'd where he had an Opportnnity of conversing with the Centinel at the Purses, at least by Signs and Tan- gents, and he is now committed to the Iron House on the Easter- side. They have also committed George Wilson, one of the City Guard, it appearing from his Examination, that he fir'd his
Piece among the Spectators at the Execu- tion on the 14th Instant. Mr. George Cunningham, Surgeon and Apothecary of that City, is appointed Apothecary to his Majesty, in the room of the late Mr. John M'Gill. Last Week the Marquis of Lothian arrived at his fine Seat at Newbattle : ' tis said he is to represent his Majesty in the ensuing General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, which is to meet at Edinburgh To- morrow Fortnight. They write from Argyleshire, that great Numbers of their Black Cattle have died there lately by the Severities of the Season. This Day Sen'nnight as Edward Fisher, a Farmer at Gretton in
Northamptonshire, was going to Kettering to pay the Land Tax to the General Receiver, he was stopped on the Road in Rockingham Forest by three Highwaymen , who knock'd him off his Horse, and beat and bruised him in the Head and Breast, and afterwards robbed him of 70 1. 3 s. 6 d. had given the Blessing, their Majesties removed to the Throne, erected on the Right Hand of the Altar, of Crimson Velvet richly laced with Gold. Then the Prince of Wales, leading the Princess Augusta, went up to the Altar, and kneeled there. When the Dean had finished the Divine Service, the married Pair rose and retired back to their
Stools upon the Hautpas; where they remained while an Anthem composed by Mr. Handel was sung by his Majesty's Band of Musick, which was placed in a Gallery over the Communion- Table. The Return was in the Manner following. ' The Drums, & c. as before. The Prince of Wales supported by two married Dukes, & c. The Princess supported, as before. Then their Majesties and the Princesses, in the same Manner as they went to the Chapel. As foon as the Procession came back to the Door o{ the latter Drawing Room, the Company stopped ; but their Majesties, the Prince and Princess of Wales, the Duke and the
Princesses went in, when the Prince and Princess received their Majesties Blessing. About half an Hour after Ten the Royal Family supped in Publick in the great State Ball- Room. Their Majesties were placed at the Upper End of the Table under a Canopy : On the Right Hand the Prince of Wales and the Duke ; and on the Left the Princess of Wales, and the Princesses Amelia, See. About half an Hour after Twelve the Prince and Princess of Wales retired ; and were afterwards seen by the Nobility, & c. sitting up in their Bedchamber in rich Undresses. The Nobility and Foreign Ministers who had Tickets sent them, saw the
Ceremony from the Ranges and Benches fitted up for that Purpose. Wind from the Stomach or Bowels { as it were) to a Miracle. For all wandering Pains in any Part soever, which are in some Persons the Forerunners of a fixed Rheumatism, in others the Gout ( mistaken many times under the Notion of Scorbu. tick Ailments) this famous Medicine has not its Fellow, ha- ving wrought Wonders in these Cases on great Numbers of People, who, before taking it, could neither sit, stand, nor lie at ease ; but were in intolerable Pain Night and Day, and in taking less than half a Bottle, were absolutely freed from their present Pain, and,
by a short Continuance of the Course, recovered to perfect Health again. As for any Belchings or Hiccups, proceeding from Wind j or, in short, in any Case of Wind, it may be depended on as the best, safest, most expeditious, and most sovereign Remedy ever yet known. It is sold only at Mr. King's Picture Shop in the Poultry, near the Royal Exchange, and at Mr. Harbin's ( jun.) Stati- oner, at the Sign of the Crown in the Strand, near Charing- cross, at 3 s. the Bottle. By the said Mr. King and Mr. Harbin is also sold for 3 s. the Bottle. The Princely beautifying LOTION. Whose INIMITABLE VIRTUES and TRANSCEN- DENT
EXCELLENCIES have gained it so much Reputa- tion, that envious Imitators endeavour, tho' in vain, to coun- terfeit it. It beautifies the Face, Neck, and Hands to the utmost Per- fection, and is in the greatest Esteem amongst Ladies, & c. of the first Quality. No Words can sufficiently express its Vir- tues ; for it is not of the Nature of Paint, which puts a false and unnatural Gloss on the Skin; but is a Remedy that, by its Use, really gives a Lustre to the most Beautiful, by shew- ing the fine Features of the Face, and is so safe, not having the least Grain of Mercury in it, that it may be taken inwardly, and if smelled to, is really good
against Vapours. It infallibly kills Worms in the Face, takes away Freckles, Spots, Wrinkles, Pits, or Marks of the Small- Pox, and assured- ly cures any Defects in the Face, giving a charming youthful Lustre and fine Air to the Features, to Admiration. As for such Persons as are of a swarthy Complexion, or trou- bled with any disagreeable Redness, Roughness, Morphew, Heats, or the like, it is not to be parallel'd for it immedi- ately smooths, clears, plumps, nourishes, and whitens the Skin to the last Degree, and makes those Perfons who before look'd hagged and old, to look young, beautiful, and fair; and, in short, it far exceeds
any thing that was ever yet known or made publick. for clearing and beautifying the Skin LONDON • Printed for T. COOPER, at the Globe in Pater- noster- Row, • WHereas Samuel Upton, a Shoemaker by Trade, run away on the 11th of this Instant April, from his Master Mr. Abia Daves, at Eltham in Kent. He is about 19 Years of Age, 5 Feet 6 Inches high, and had on when he went away an old blue Frock Whoever will secure and bring him to his said Master, shall have one Guinea Re- ward and reasonable Charges: And if he will return to his Master in one Month, he shall be kindly received. The Great Carminative. A most
famous Tincture for the Wind Cholick, IN what Part soever lodged ; for at once taking, and in five Minute's Time, It perfectly cures the severest Gripings in the Guts, and immediately expels the The Ladies of the Bed- Chamber, & c. went to the Places assigned them. During all this Time the Organ play'd, but as soon as the Persons were thus seated, the Organ ceased, and Divine Service began. After the Bishop of London and Dean of the Chapel