The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain
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The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain
Date of Article: 31/01/1717
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T H E Nottingham Mercury: O R A General View of the Affairs of EUROPE, but more particularly OF GREAT BRITAIN: To be Continued Weekly. Thursday, January the 31st, 1717. NOTTINGHAM: Printed by J. COLLYER in the Long- row, and Sold by Henf Allestry in Derby, P. Davy in Leicester, John Slater in Co- ventry, Jos. Kemp in Hinkley. D. Watson in Ashbydelazouch, B.' Farnworth in Newark, T. Dixon in Mansfield, Mrs. Singleton in Redford, Jos. Hoyland in Sheffield, T. Carver in Melton. A. Swain Salter in Bradford, S. Gunter in Chesterfield. Where Adver- tisements are taken in at 2s. each, Price 3 half Pence,
GOODS Exported: and LOng Cloaths Short Cloaths Spanish Cloaths Stuffs Bays Minikin 8c sing. Bays double Perpets 8c Says Kersys Pennistones Serges Double & Angle Doz. White Cloaths Flannel Frize Wool Cloaths Wrought Silks- Pewter Brass Copper Tin Iron wrought Nails Lead Imported from the Exported, 17th to the 24th- Leather wr. 51 doz. Blankets & Rugs Hose Castors & Felts Cottons & Plains Silver Plate Gold Meal Wheat Beans & Pease Oats. Rye Barley Goods Imported. LAwns & Cambricks t 146 Ps. Cheques Irish Linen Buckrams German Linnen Holland Ducks Damask and Diaper Wine Brandy Sugar Oyl
Pitch & Tar Tobacco Logwood Lignum Vitae Fustick Rum Citron Water Raw Silk Thrown Cotton Yarn 00 Sks 00 Bles Cotton Wool Spanish Wool Salt Petre Grogram Yarn Linnen Yarn Paper Rice Coffee Iron and Steel Safflower Double and single Plates Turpentine Hemp and Flax Ginger Whale Fins Elephants Teeth Cocheneal Indigo Piemento Incle 91 Wrought Silks Kid Skins 1 Plate Dos
( 3 ) 9 The Nottingham Mercury, & c LONDON, January 24. ON Tuesday last was try'd Francis Francia, frequently call'd the Jew, for High- Treason, in carrying on a traiterous Correspon- dence with one Dalmoy and others in France, and soliciting Assist- ance from thence, to excite and carry on a Rebellion, in order to fix the Pretender on the Throne ; which Correspondence he carried on by Letters betwixt him and the said Dalmoy, the Copies of which were seiz'd in his Custody when he was taken, in September last, cnter'd in his Copy- Book of Letters. This was prov'd, and that he ' own'd them to be Copies of his Letters when
examin'd, and sign'd his Examination at what time he seem'd in a promising Disposition to discover all he knew, but afterwards chang'd his Note, and faii in a Letter, which accidentally fell into the Governments Hands; That he was got into good Company, and hop'd he had faid no- thing to hurt Mr. Harvey, & c. thoJ he had gone so far before as to decypher one of his Letters. The Several Letters were read in Court, after an Objection had been over- rul'd, which his Council started to the contrary, infering, That nothing ought to be given in Evidence in cases of Treason, to justify an Overt- Act, unless specified in the ' Indictment.
These contain'd Matters of a very high and heinous Nature, which the King's Council insisted did amount to Treason. He denied that he had own'd those Letters, and attempted to prove that he had been tamper'd with to swear against another Person, and had received some Money to that End ; and called two Women to swear that they had heard it. One of these said, she was hid under the Bed ; and the other behind the Curtain, and heard Mr. A 2 Buckley
Buckley say, If you won't swear against him, meaning Mr. Harvey, we'll hang you: But this the Court had little Regard to ; for, first, they did not seem Women of any Reputation ; and next, it was flatly contradicted by the unquestionable Testimony of Lord Towns- hend and Mr. Buckley, who disprov'd every particular of it. In- deed, as to the giving him Money, it was own'd, That when he was with him, he was a very miserable Man, and his Wife and he ready to starve, and had nothing to subsist on, whereupon, h. s Lordship, out of Compassion to his Mournful Circumstances, an d Complaints, gave him either 4, or 5 Guineas, but
could not ex- actly tell the Sum. It was likewise objected in his Favour, by his Council, That he was likewise born a Foreigner, and had never been Naturaliz'd, and therefore could not be Guilty, in this Kingdom, of Treason against his natural Liege Ld. But, whether the Jury laid any Stress upon this, which was left to them, or whether they did not ' believe he had carried on such a Correspondence, or that the said Correspondence did not amount to High- Treason, is not yet known ^ but after about 3 Quarters of an Hour's Stay, they brought him in not Guilty. The Tryal lasted from 11 in the Forenoon, till 11 at Night; and there were
few People who heard it, but thought it would have gone quite otherwise. Paris, January 27. Letters from Barcelona say, That they continue to work on the New Fortifications with Extraordinary Diligence, the Number of Workmen being augmented to 2000 Men, who are exactly paid; a Fort will be built besides that of Montjuick, and the Town, as foon as the Citadel is quite finished. Fourteen Spaniih Ships are arriv'd at Marseilles, and are expected at Thoulon, to lade Corn to Catalonia. We hear from Genoa, That the Motions of the Piedrnontese Troops in the Montserrat alarm not only the State of Milan, but also the Towns of
Savona and Final, where the Garrisons are augmented by the Senate of Genoa, and a great many Engineers and Miners, most French, are expected in those two Places. The Commandant at Mi- lan has sent an Officer to Vienna, to give the Emperor an Account of this Matter ; in the mean time, he has suspended the March of a Regiment of Germans, design'd for Hungary, M. Guerin, the Sur- geon, who cur'd the Pretender of a Fistula, Is made, by the Pope, Chevalier de Lepron. Paris, January, 18. We are perswaded, that the great Armaments of the King of Sici
] y has no other Ends than meerly Self- Defence ; if Being foreseen, that when the Great Duke of Tuscany dies, the Peace will not last long in Italy. Paris, January 20. The Affair of the Constitution much embarrasses the Court, who would have it received with the necessary Restrictions. They la- bour much to bring the Cardinal de Noailles into it; and because the Faculty of the Sorbonne will listen to no Accommodation, their Assemblies which have of late been held twick a Week, are forbid till the first of the Month, which is their ordinary time of Meeting this ' tis suppos'd, is done to hinder them from bringing new Obsta- cles.
The Duke de Noailles presses very much his Uncle the Cardi- nel, to agree to an Accommodation. The Politicks Temporizing with the Court of Rome, gives Offence to many well- meaning Peo- ple ; but it is judged that the chief Motive of it is, a View towards the Succession of the Dutchy of Tuscany. The Swedish Resident here has received large Remittances of Mo- ney for the Use of his Master, but ' tis not known from whence they come. Tis confirm'd that the King of Sweden has not only named Plenipotentiaries for the intended Treaty of Peace at Bruns- wick, but has already sent to the Imperial Court to obtain Passporte for
them to repair with Safety to that Town ; so that we have more Hopes than formerly of a speedy Conclusion of a War in the North. Letters from Revel, Petersburg, Riga, Koningsberg and Dantzic, say, That they have there such a great Frost, that the County Peo- ple and others pass over the Ice with loaded Waggons and Carts. ' Tis still uncertain, when the Muscovites will evacuate Mecklemberg and Travemunde, notwithstanding their Generals, as we are infor- med, have received Orders to march away; but they pretend a- mong other Things, that they cannot depart till they receive a new and more positive Order from the
Czar. The Danish Forces quarter'd in Holstein, are kept in constant Readiness to march to Zealand upon the first Alarm that shall be given by the Swedes. Hague, January 26. N. S. The Baron de Heems, Envoy of the Emperor, is return'd from Amsterdam, whither he went to execute an important Commission to the Czar, without having been able to obtain an Audience of that Prince, who being troubled with the Haemorhoids, is said to be fe- verish withal, and to keep his Bed. Wherefore, seeing no Probabi- lity of coming to the Speech of him, the Baron left what he had to
say, in Writing, in the Hands of the Chancellor Schaffirof, to be by him communicated to the Czar his Master. On Friday next, the States of Holland will be extraordinarily assembled, to give their Consent to the Ratification of the Treaty of Alliance sign'd the 4th instant with England and France. We hear the Exchanging of the said Treaty of Alliance lately con- cluded here, are arrived from London and Paris, but ' tis not yet known when they will be Exchanged, and they say, this will be de- fer d till there is certain Advice, that the Pretender is gone from Avignon, and imbark'd for Italy. Mr. Leathes, his Majesties Se- cretary at
Brussels from whence he arriv'd some Days ago, is ap- pointed to reside at the Hague during the Lord Cadogans Absence. Vienna, January 16. The Emperor has raised 15ooo Men in, and abcut the Dutchy of Wirtemberg, which will be n; ade use of to fill up the Regiments. Altho' there is Distrust of some Breach of the Peace in Italy, the Emperor will, however, draw off some of his Troops from thence, to serve in Hungary. It is by fresher Letters confirm'd, That the Turks were defeated in their Design against Bonzova, with this Ad- dition, that the pretended Rascians, who were Janizaries in Dis- guise, and about 6o in Number,
being discover'd by the Officer upon the Guard to have Arms under their Cloaths, were all seized, and the Turkish Party that lay not far off, were put to Flight. Some Letters from Turkey tell us, that there has been a great Insurrection at Constantinople, wherein the Grand Vizier was mur- thered, and that the Grand Signior had been obliged, at the Instan- ces of the People and Janissaries, to return thither from Adrianople; but this wants to be confirm'd. Venice, Jan 15. Yesterday Mr. Brown, the British Resident, had his first Audi- ence of the Doge, being attended with a great many Merchants of that Nation. He was receiv'd with
greater Marks of Honour than was ever shewn to any of his Predecessors. Hamburgh, January 26. M. Tolstoy and M. Schleinitz, the Muscovite Ministers signed the 16th Instant at Hanover, the Agreement for the Departure of the Prussian Troops from Mecklemburgh, but they left a Blank to be filled up by the Czar himself, to fix the precise time of their March. Count Flemming, General Felt- Marshal, and Minister of the King of Poland, is dead, The Swedes, according to our Letters from
from Copenhagen, finding that they cannot make prefent Money in their own Country of the Prizes they have taken, offer to fell thenr to the Spanyards, French and Portuguese. Copenhagen, January 23, The Advices from Norway say, That the Swedes continue very quiet along the Swinsund, and their other Quarters ; for the abun- dance of Snow which is lately fallen in those Parts have stop'd the Passes, and the Weather being so mild that the Rivers are not fro- zen, their intended Expedition into Norway proves impracticable ; whereupon the King of Sweden has recalled into Schonen some For- ces that were commanded for
that Service. Several Senators and 0- ther Perfons of Note being come to Lunden, to represent the ill Con- dition of the Kingdom, and humbly desire their Sovereign to pre- vent their irrecoverable Ruin by making Peace with his Enemies.. General Morner was sent to tell them, that such a Representation would highly displease his Majesty, but that he had Orders to tell them, That all possible means would be used to put an End to this War, and that the best way to obtain advantagious Terms, was to let the Enemies of Sweden see, that they were not only in a Posture to disappoint their so much boasted of Descent, but likewife
to carry the War into the Enemies Territories : That in order thereunto, he had ordered all his Forces in the Kingdom to take the Field, and all his Ships to be fitted out, and taken besides into his Service a vast Number of Transports and other Vessels, for a certain Enter- prize, which it was not fit to discover; concluding, that provided they would not make any mention of War or Peace, his Majesty would be glad to admit them to his Presence, The King of Den- mark has been inform'd by General Meyer, his Envoy at Berlin,, that the Minifter of the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel had offer'd great Advantages to the King of Prussia,
provided he would make a se- perate Peace, but that that Prince had generously rejected the same; the said Minifter is order'd to return Thanks to his Prussian Majesty, for his Firmness, and assure him likewise, that no Offers whatever will be able to induce his Danish Majesty to make Peace, but in; concert with his Prussian Majesty, and his other Allies. Hague, January 29. There is Advice from Copenhagen, that the Descent on Schonen is entirely laid aside, and that the King of Denmark has sent to thank the Czar for the Succours he had promised him for that De- sign, and to acquaint him, that he is capable to defend his
own. Country
Country with his Danish Forces only. The States of Holland hav- ing been assembled this Day, gave their Consent to ratifying the late Treaty. The Chapter of Osnabrug having taken the Oath to their Bishop, the Duke of York, which they had before pretended to be exempted from. Paris, January ij1. The Minister of the King of Sicily, confers often with the Mar- shall d'Uxelles and other Ministers of our Court. The Minister of the Great Duke of Tuscany is often present at those Conferences, which without doubt relate to the present Situation of Affairs in Ita- ly, it being certain that the said Duke grows weaker and weaker. Several
French Ingeniers having without the Courts Leave, enter'd into the King of Spain's Service for fortifying Roses, Barcelona, and other Places in Catalonia, the Council ot Regency has thought fit to break them ; and ' tis also said, that it has been propos'd in the Council of State to dismiss out of the Service of this Crown all Per- sons who have any Places or Pensions under the King of Spain. Letters from Avignon of the 14th import, that the late Earl of Mar was arrived there unexpectedly from Rome, during his Stay at - that last Place he lodg'd at the House of Cardinal Gualtiery, and was often entertain'd by Cardinal Albany. The
Pope gave him se- veral Audiences and shew'd him abundance of Civility, but could not be prevail'd upon to grant him any Money. The Pope says he will never suffer the Court of France to prescribe Laws to him in Re- spect of the Chevalier de St. George's Departure from Avignon. The Day that the News of the Conclusion of the Treaty of the Tripple Alliance arrived here, Cardinal de la Tremouille, who manages the Affairs of France, Went out of Town to shun the Reproaches of the Pope's Ministers, who look upon that same Alliance as prejudicial to the Interest of the Church of Rome- It is confirmed that the Queen Dowager
of England is to go and spend the rest of her Days at Modena, her native Coun: try. Edinburgh, January 13. Yesterday arrived here an express, with leave to General Carpen- ter to return to London, and accordingly this Day he set out, lea- ving behind him a great Reputation, because of his Extraordinary Behaviour, and the Command of the Forces to Brigadier Preston, who is like wise very much belov'd, and is now the only General Officer here. Salisbury,
9 ) Extract of a Letter from Paris, Jan. 23. YOur Advices from Avignon must be Publish'd in England with more Caution for the future, or your Correspondents will be in no small Danger of faring as an Abbot there lately did. The Pretender's Friends in London having sent to him a Letter printed in the St. James's Evening- Post, of what pass'd in his little Court at Avignon, the late Earl of Mar was employed to discover the Author, who they were assured, must be some Body that had Admittance near the Pretender ; and suspecting an innocent Abbot, caus'd him to be assassinated ; and another Person has not only been threatned
to be so us'd, but upon the Publication of another Letter from Avignon at London, his Lodgings were broke epen in the Night, all his Papers seiz'd, and if he had not found means by the Favour of the Night, to escape, ' tis more than probable he would have been serv'd as Mons. L'Abbie was. This is barbarous Usage, which would not be suffer'd any where but in the Pope's Territories, and is a Specimen of what the People of England must have expected, if God for their Sins had permitted the Pretender's Party to prevail. ' Tis hop'd however that it may be in the Power of the Court of Great Britain to make Reprisals for the
Sufferings of those who are suspected of being their Friends, and that the Pretender and his Bloody Adherents may one time or other feel the Vengeance due to their Cruelties. Salisbury, January 22. Yesterday Morning we received the certain News of the King's safe Arrival; upon which, Colonel Molesworth order'd all the Bells to be rung, and in the Evening made a large Bonefire in the Mar- ket Place, drew out the Squadron of his Dragoons quarter'd here, » and had a Hamper of Wine carry'd out to the Bonefire where he appear'd accompanied by several honest Gentlemen of the Town and adjacent Country. They first drank
his Majesties Health and welcome Home, then his Royal Highness the Prince, then her Royal High- ness the Princess, and her Issue : Each of these Healths were answer- ed by a noble Salvo from the Dragoons. After this the Colonel re- tired to his own Quarters with a good Company of the aforesaid honest Gentlemen, gave them a plentiful Supper, where the same Healths were repeated, and a great many more. The Dragoons B drank
( 10) drank the King's Health round the Bonefire in two Barrels of Ale, given them by their Colonel for that Purpose, and retired very re- gular to their several Quarters. It is remarkable, that Colonel Molesworth sent a Civil Invitation to the Mayor, to come and join with the other Gentlemen in the Celebration of the joyful Night, but his Worship thought fit flatly to refuse it. We all broke our Glasses at each of the Royal Healths-, and the Dragoons, to follow so Loyal an Example, broke all their Penny Muggs. We have Ad- vices of the like Nature from Thame, ( which will be inserted on Monday) and from several other Places in
England. LONDON, January 26. Yesterday a Council was held at St. James's, being the first since his Majesties Return. The Lord Viscount Townshend was the same Evening declared Lord Lieutenant ot Ireland, and kiss'd his Majesties Hand thereupon. On Tuesday Morning laft Mr. Redmayne the Printer, moved by his Council to be admitted to Bail, which was granted, himfelf being bound in 2000]. and his four Sureties in 1o00l. each. The Marquis of Wharton is ill of the small Pox. The Corpse of the Dutchess of Argyle, having lain in State in the Jerusalem Chamber, was interred in Weftminster- Abby on Saturday Night last.
His Majesty hath been pleased to confer the Honour of Knight- hood on Dr. William Boys, a Physician. We hear a Treaty of Marriage is on Foot between the Lord Har- borough, and Mrs. Susanna Noel, Sister to Mr. Noel, Knight of the. Shire for Rutland. We hear the Lord Molineux's Lady is dead of the Small- Pox. Yesterday Morning between 4 and 5 a Clock the Bristol Mail was robb'd between Turnham- Green and Brentford by 3 Highway- men, who bound the Post- Boy, put the Letters into Sacks, and rode away with them thro' Hammersmith towards London. Bristol Fair., beginning this Week, ' tis supposed they committed this
Fact in Ex- pectation of a Booty in Bank- Bills. This Morning 100 of the Rebel- Prisoners, who had been kept in- the Savoy, were carried on Board a Vessel at Deptford, bound for the West- Indies. " This
( 11) This Day the Parliament met at Westminster, and were furthet Prorogued to the 20th of February next; by which time ' tis thoughr the Tripple Alliance will be sign'd, and some other Potentates will be come into it, and also the Pretender remov'd from Avignon. Fox says, The Lord Townshends to have a Garter, and to Le made an Earl. Its said the Council have resolved to disband Four- teen Regiments. Goodwin says, Mr. Fortefcue Soliciter General is to be a Baron of the Exchequer, and its said Sir William Thompson Recorder of Lon- don will be Soliciter General. Count Tolstoy is expected here as Ambassador from the
Czar, and a Negociation will be set on Foot for a Commerce with Perfla, by the way of Petersburg. A Dutch Ship laden with Wine, Paper, and other Merchandizes from Boordeaux, was lately lost on the coast of Cornwal, and only one Man sav'd. The Exeter, Bath, Windsor and some other Baggs of Letters of the Mail robb'd by three Highway- men, were found in an Alley in Threadneedlestreet on Thursday Morning, and brought to the Post- Office, but the Bristol and several other Baggs are not yet heard of. They write from Oxford, that the University being under some Anxiety for the burning in Effigy their late Chancellor Ormond,
the Pope, Pretender, and some other Figures lately sent down to be exposed in Triumph by the Soldiery thereon the Day of his Ma- jesties happy Arrival, they procur'd an Order from above, for respi- ting Judgment, and the same is like to pass into a general Pardon, to the unspeakable Regret of the honest Red Coats, who are almost inconsolable at being rob'd of so glorious an Occasion of fhewing_ their Love, Duty, and inviolable Respect to the Person and Cause of their Royal Master, as well as their utter Aversion to, and Contempt of, all who bear the Name of his Enemies. Upon the Welcome Re- ceit of the Order above mention'd, the Vice- Chancellor, and Heads, had a Meeting but their Gratitude for so signal an Obligation, did not rise so high as to make them concur in an Address to his Ma- jesty on his safe Arrival, and other signal Events of his Reign, which might have afforded an Opportunity of shewing their Duty and Es- teem for his Sacred Person and Government. This Addrefs was moved by Dr. Dunster, Warden of Wadham, supported by the Bp; of St Asaph, and the Warden of Merton ; but warmly oppos'd by ano- ther Rt. Reverend, and the Doctors, Charlett, Cob, and Gardiner,, and so it dropt.
12 Paris, February 1. Last Week the Earl of Stairs had a private Audience of his Royal Highness the Regent. A Rumour being spread by the jesuits and o- thers, that the Hugonots, or Protestants in Languedock, and the ad- jacent Parts, take the Freedom to meet again privately to worship God in their Way, several Companies of Dragoons are order'd to march thither, in order to seize the Chief of them, and to force their Conversion after the usual Method. This Court expects the 5th In- stant, an Answer from the Pope to the Letter the Regent sent to de- sire him to order the Removal of his Minion, the Pretender from Rome; and '
tis believed, that the Affair of the Constitution depends very much upon that Answer, whatever it be. Hamburgh, January 27. ' Tis said the Swedes ar preparing to attack by Sea, the Town and Habour of Revel, which is in the Czar's Possession, and is supposed to be in no Condition of Defence. LONDON, January 29. On Satureay last, the three Pesons who rob'd the Western Mail, were discover'd and apprehended, by means of their sending a Bank- Bill of 25 1. to the Bank, who paid the Money, and seiz'd the Mes- senger: This was the Wife of one of them, who discover'd where her Husband and the other 2 were : Their
Names are Holiday, Cheshire and Williams ; the former becomes Evidence against the other two, who are committed to Newgate. The same Day 25 Packets of Letters taken out of the said Mail, were found in Moorfields, and brought to the Port Office. A Squadron of Men of War are getting ready, in order to sail to the Baltick. Yesterday a Soldier ran the Gantlet in St. James's Park, for List- ing a Man in the Service, and after selling him to the West- Indies. This Day Sir John Cook, one of the present Sheriffs, was Chofen Alderman of Ballinshaw Ward, in the room of Sir John Parfons De- ceas'd. ts said the Earl 0f Sunderland will
be Groom of the Stole to the King, the Lord Cadogan Master of the Horse, and the Duke of Port- land to be Groom of the Stole to the Prince, in the room of the Duke of Argyle.. Judges appointed for the Lent Assizes Horns Circuit, Parker and Dormer, Norfolk, King and Tracy, the Northern, Bery and Fortescue, Midland, Powis and Pratt, Oxon, Blencow and Montague, western, Eyre and Price. A Dutch Post says, the Abbot du Bois was gone by Way of Brussels for Paris, from whence he goes to England, where the Ratifications of he New Treaty are to be exchanged.