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The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain


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The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain

Date of Article: 27/12/1716
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' Nottingham Mercury: A General View of the Affairs of EUROPE, but more particularly OF GREAT BRITAIN. To be Continued Weekly. Thursday, December the. 27th, 1716. NOTTINGHAM: 4 Printed by J. COLLYER in the Long- row, and Sold by Hen- Allestry in Derby, P. Davy in Leicester, John Slater in Co- ventry, Jos. Kemp in Hinkley. D. Watson in Ashby delazouch, B. Farnworth in Newark, T. Dixon in Mansfield, Mrs. Singleton in Redford, Jos. Hoyland in Sheffield, T. Carver in Melton. A. Swain Salter in Bradford, S. Gunter in Chesterfield. Where Adver- tisements we taken in at 2 s eacH. Peice 3 half Pence.', The Nottingham Mercury, & c. H A G U E, December 2. TIS assured that the Treaty of Alliance, concluded between Great Britain and France, will be sent signed to England by the first Express. Altho' the City ot Rotterdam con- forms it self to the rest of the Cities of Holland, which agree to en- ter into that Alliance ; ' tis observed that Part of the City of Leiden, which has the Manufactory of Cloath, demanded that France do, beforehand, agree to the Tarriff of 1664. in its full Extent, which the Traders demand to be insisted upon, as a Preliminary, that they may be secure of carrying on their Trade with France profitably Besides which, the States General insist very much, that in the Let- ters written to them by the. King of France, he shall give them the Title of High and Mighty, which France will not consent to; but agrees, that that Title shall be given them in the Memorials given in by their Ministers, and in all other publick Acts. The Czar is at Amsterdam, where he takes Pleasure in seeing all fort ef Mana- factories; ' tis said he will go also for that purpose to Haerlem and Leiden, as well as to Laerdam, and will net come hither this Week or more ; ' tis believed, when he comes, he will tarry but a few Days, having a Design to go to Paris. Baron Gortz has lately been with the Emperors Envoy, to tell him, that the King of Sweden has caused a Memorial to be present- ed to the Imperial Coart, whereby that Prince accepts the Mediati-. on of the Emperour, as Chief of the Empire, to treat of a Peace with his Enemies ; not only for the Affairs of the Empire, but gene- rally for all his other Dominions, to see if his Enemies will do the same. Paris, Dec. 26. They talk of suppressing the Grand Council, as useless, and that the Affairs that were then treated on, will be sent to the Parliament. They Talk also of reducing the Number of Ge- neral Farmers to 12 instead of 40, as they have been, and likewise of suppressing all the Sub- Farmers : But the Talk formerly mention'd of making Alterations in the Company of Musketeers, is laid aside. me Days ago the Archbp, Rehims sent a Mandate to Monsson the ' Dean Dean of the Church, to make him receive the Bull Unigenitus; the Dean assembled the Curates in his jurisdiction, to read to them this Mandate ; but one among them, while it was reading, cry'd out that he had received Orders from the King, not to receive that Bull, and went out; the rest followed his Example, and with- drew, and went home: The Archbp. hearing of it, and having learnt who that" Curate was, sent to take him ; but he being advertised of it, fled from Curate to Curate and at last came to Mousson, to the Deans House, and told him, that he was pursued by the Archers, who in effect, came in presently after him ; the Dean came out to them, and while he talked, the Curate slipt out at a back Door. The Archers not know- ing the Curate, and finding no other Clergyman in the House, took the Dean for him, and were carrying him off, but the Troops that are there in Garrison, would not permit it; and upon the Archers refusing to release him, they fir'd. upon them, and wounded the Commander, which obliged them to relinquish their Prisoner. This Affair makes a great Noise - And Orders are given by the Re- gent to make a strict Enquiry into it. VIENNA, Dec. 12 WE have Letters from Transilvania with Confirmation of' the ta- king Prisoner the Hospodar of Wallachia, Nicholas Mauro Cor- daro, with all his Family,' in his Capital of Buchoreft, with these Circumstances, That it was done by a Body of Rascian Militia, and some Hussars, under the Katzian chief Commander Stephen Detin, and the Captains Isaac and Dragri, who divided their Men into 3 Parties, one whereof under Dragni, set upon some Tartars that were encamp'd without the Town, defeated and kill'd many of them, and the other two fell upon, and defeated the Prince's Life- Guard; that about 500 Turks and Tartars were killed, with the Loss of but 20 on our side ; and that 17 Pieces of very fine Brass Cannon were taken, but could not be brought away for want of Horses. ' Tis added, that Mauro Cordato, that Grand Enemy of the Imperialists, and great maintainer of the Turk, has offer'd 300, some say 500 Thousand Crown for his Ransome ; but it is denyed, and he is brought forward into Transilvania. Hamburgh, Dec. 18. We hear from Hannover, that his Britan- nick Majesty has put off his Journey to Holland to the beginning of January. The Court is very numerous at Hanover, and more Fo- A 2 reign reign Ministers and Lords are expected there, to deliberate upon im- portant Affairs. Basil, Dec. 11. Letters from Rome say, That the Cardinal Gualtieri has sent an Express. to Avignon, to let the Pretender know, That the last Money the Pope remitted him, was spar'd from his own Table, and that, for the future, he is not to expect any- more. Eight Wagon Loads of Goods, which the late King of France gave to the Queen Dowager of England, are come to Avignon from St. Germains. Hague, Dec: 25. We don't hear that the Day for signing the Tri- ple Alliance, is yet fixed, but ' tis generally thought it will be done the 18th. Letters from the North speak considently of the prospect of an approaching Peace: And those from Denmark say, that their King is determined to take a journey to Hannover, and that he takes his Son the Crown Prince, with him. And give an Account likewise that the Transports which sailed with Forces to- wards Norway, have been forctd back by a violent Storm. Paris, Dec. 20. On Thursday last the Earl of Stairs received Ad- vice by Express, that the King of Great Britain has ratifyed several important Articles which his Lordship has Negotiated with respect to Trade betwixt. the two Nations. Edinburgh, Dec. 14. On Wednesday last General Carpenter returded here from the North. Yesterday the Duke of Hamilton, and the Dutches his Mother, set out hence for England. Carlifle, Dec. 17. This Day a Bill of Indictment was preferr'd and found against Brigadier Camphel; and the following Persons were arraigned and pleaded Guilty, viz. Mr. Carstairs, Mr. Alex. Mackenzie of Frazerdale, James Carnegie, Surgeon, James Rollo, Alex. Forbes, Walter Graham, and Mr. Thomas Drummond, Mr. Thomas Tulloch was arraigned, and pleaded not Guilty, and upon Motion by his Council that he had some Witnesses, which he daily expects from Scotland, his Tryal is defer'd till Friday next. Mr- William Hay appeared and put in a Demurrer to the Jurisdiction of the Court, and the King's Council joining in Demurrer, the Council for the Prifoners,. 2 Scotch Advocates, viz. Mr. Graham and Mr. Hay, made long Arguments, assigning for Cause of Demurrer, That by the Articles of Union, the Courts of Justiciary in Scotland were to remain as formerly: and that no Scotchman for a Treason Com- mitted in Scotland, could be carried out of Scotland and be try'd in England ; but the Demurrer was over- ruled by the Judges; upon which which the Council for the Prisoner mov'd for time to Consult with' the Prisoner, whether or no he would withdraw his Plea to the Juris- diction ; upon which the Court granted them till to Morrow. Carlisle, Dec. 15 I can now tell you, that about twenty of the Rebel Prisoners have pleaded Guilty, and that ' tis very probable, most or all of the rest will follow their Example: They have been spoken kindly to by the Judgdes, and begin to shew themselves wor- thy of that Mercy which his Majesties Goodness and their Behavi- our may entitle them to ; particularly. Col. Urquhart. who, in a very handsome manner, express'd his Sorrow for being guilty of so gross an Error as drawing his Sword against so good a Prince as King GEORGE ; and begg'd the Judges would recommend him to his Majesties Clemency, which if he obtain'd? he assur'd them in the most moving Words, that he would apply the Remainder of his Life, with the utmost of his Endeavours, to do his Majesty Service- The rest seem in a good Disposition to save the Court abundance of Trouble; so that matters are likely to be over sooner than was ex- pected. Thsre are, besides, 17 or 18 which have pleaded Guilty, and 3 discharged by Ignoramus, about 14 others, who will soon be done with. The two Companies of Invalids here, are order'd to Berwick and Tinmonth, and two Companies of Gen. Wills's Foot are expected here next Monday to replace them. LONDON, December 22. A SPEECH by Dr. Bently, Arch- deacon of Ely, to the Clergy of that Diocess, at his Visitation held in Cambridge, De- cember, 13. 1716. My Reverend Brethren of the Clergy. IN a Season so very severe, and on the shortest Days of the Year, when it wants an Apology for even calling you together, it would be a double Fault to detain you with a long and tedious Charge. I shall only, therefore in few Words? ' congratulate you and my self upon the happy Change in publick Affairs, since my last Visitation. The Face of Things was at that time very- cloudy and melancholy ; an open Rebellion broke out in the Bowels of the Land : But at present, by the Blessing of God, it has recover'd its former Countenance and Air. So that henceforth, un- der the Fortitude, Wisdom, and Clemency of our most gracions So- reign A ( 6 ) 9 vereign King GEORGE, by his mild Victories at Home, and his prudent Alliances Abread, we may surely presage and promise, as now commenced and flowing on, a most prosperous Age to Great Britain. And in this pleasing Prospect, we of the Clergy have particular reason to rejoyce above our fellow Subjects of the Laity, when we patiently consider the deplorable Condition of the Ministers of our Church, had the Fortune of tha Sword fallen out contrary, and had a Popish Pretender been plac'd on the Throne. I need not new paint to you what horrid Scenes were prepared for us, had we oncc lain at the Feet of our Popish Enemies abroad: A Church ( as it has long been managed) whose very Mercies, are cruel, whole Promises are all Deceits, whose Riches and Power ( the two grand . Aims ef their Polity} are our certain Beggery and Slavery.' On this, I lay, I need not now expatiate, having already dona it in a Sermon, which, since our last Meeting, I had the Honour to Preach before this Learned University. But what I would now remark to you, is the Usage that was in- tended us by the once pretended Members of our own Church, who ( in the Apostles Stile) went out From us, but were not Of us: For if thsy had been Of us, they would, no doubt, have continued With it '. These, by the hasty Publication of some Posthumous Writings of their Superiors, have discover'd how kindly they would have used their Brethren of the Clergy, even those, that were most tender to them, and perhaps contributed to their Subsistance; had the pre- tended Prince been once settled secure in the Monarchy. Every one of us Clergymen present, whose Age does not date his Orders before the Revolution, and, except a small handful, tbe whole Complex of the English Clergy ( for even our Seniors were to be brought in guilty of a secondary Fetch) must have disclaim'd and renounced his present Orders, and the younger and major Part of us their very Baptism; unless we chuse to incur the nominal Crime of Schism, and the real Penalty of Deprivation. We rtiuft have own- ed, and publickly profess'd, that the highest Exercises of our minist- erial Function have been all along invalid and null, nay sinful and abominable to God : That consequently all Church Preferment, pos- fessed by any of us under such incapacity, were usurp'd, forfeited, and actually void not dignities only and Parochial Livings, but all those Masterships and fellowships of both Universities, which sta- tutably ( as most of them do) require holy Orders. These Preferments if continued to any of us, whether by Favour or Neglect, must have. been humbly accepted by us as a new Presentation and Gift ; and whom of us they would have continued in the Priestly Office, by Absolution, Confirmation, or Re- ordination ( Words equivalent in re- al Effect) would have lain intirely at their Judgment and Good Will ; That is, If our Preferment was of good Value, and an agreeable Mor- sel to our Masters, we must either have descended to some poorer Be- nefice in the Church, or to the common. Condition of a Lay- man. This pious and charitable Scheme was ready prepar'd for us all, whenever they should have power to put it in Execution And to justify or colour it, such new Doctrines, such absur'd Positions were hammer'd and forg d, as sap and undermine the main Foundations of Christianity; as make the vary Charter of Man's Salvation precari- ous and uncertain ; as would render the whole visible Church a meer Office of Heraldry •, as were all adapted to secular and political Views, with a Spirit truely Machiavilian and Jesuitical. This Last will clearly appear, if we recollect the Progress of their Artifices for the space of some Years past. The first Step was a pre- tended attacque upon the Dissenters, the Invalidity of Lay Baptism : Though in this Point the Dissenters were of all Men the least con- cerned ; the Calvinian Doctrine being more strict and rigorous a- gainst Lay- Baptism, than either the Primitive Churches or our own. Why then, Against the Dissenters? But the Hook lay hid and out - of sight, in the Inference or second Proposition ? Lay- Baptism is In- valid : But the Dissenting Ministers are mere Laymen, for want of Episopal Orders Therefore they cannot efficaciouHy Baptize. Thus a Calvinian Position, untaught by our Church, was craftily assum'd, asserted, and espoused, on purpose - to unchristen all the Calvinists themselves, and with them the greater Part of the whole Reforma- tion. Horrible to speak or think! But the Authors and first Broachers of it, had a Politick Aim in't. Twas directly level'd at the Prota- stant Succession ; against the Illustrious House of Hanover, which by this wonderful Doctrine was to be wholly excluded out of the Church of Christ; and their tacit Consequence was ready and plain, That, of two evils, ' twas better to have a Papist on the Throne than a Pa- gan. This unchristian Assertion, so false, so injurious to God and Man, quite contrary to the good old Doctrine of our Reformed Ancestors in England, and calculated by its Contrivers merely for Worldly Ends, and the Pretender's Service, was delivered out and retail'd with Zeal 8) Zeal, as a most important Point of Faith and Salvation. And too many of our younger Clergy, well- meaning Men, and quite ig- norant of the Drift of it, preach'd strenuously the New Opinion; drawn in by the specious Bait of adding Dignity and Pre- rogative to their own Episcopal Orders. But see now the second Step of our Politick Theologues. They kept in reserve a Distinction, to be produced at a proper Juncture, that reduced and sunk us all, even those that had labour'd for them, and proclaimed the highest Necessity of Episcopal Orders and Cleri- cal Baptism, to as low a Condition as the very Calvinists themselves. For, Episcopal Orders, which we thought our selves possess'd of, were in their secret Sense, within a very narrow Compass, being pro- per to such only as had received their Ordination from the Hands of the deprived Bishops, or their clandestine Successors. So that every . one of us were in an Instant to be voted mere Laymen; and the Ju- nior Part of Us, to be on the self- same Level with the unbaptiz'd In- dians, to be left ( without some kind Help) to the Uncovenanted Mer- cies of God. Thus the first Position was minted to restore their Pre- tended Princes and the second, when that Restoration was got, to get into their Hands all the rich Preferments of England. Without doubt, this last Doctrine was to be carefully suppress'd and conceal'd, till the Occasion was ripe for it; and in the mean time their deluded Assistants were to be sooth'd and cajol'd with am- biguous Words about the promised Grandeur and Splendor of the En- glish Church. But the Modellers and Projectors of this Scheme hap- ning to die ; their Inferiors, out of a blind Veneration for their inva- luable Remains, were so providentially infatuated, as to print and publish them quite out of Season while they still wanted the Help of those whom they design'd to make Dupes of, while their Preten der's Affairs were in the utmost Desperation. This certainly, or Nothing can, will open the Eyes of every Cler- gyman amongst us; even of those whom these Managers had decoy- ed, either into a Companionate Sense of their Sufferings, or a kind Opinion of their Cause, or an Indifference about the great Event. And from henceforth every one of us must needs esteem and congra- tulate the Establishment of the Monarchy in the same Royal Race thar now possesses it ( the only Protestant Blood of the Renown'd Fa- mily of the Stuarts) as the sole Security of his Religion, his Christian Liberty, his Preferment, his very Profession : Since he finds that on both Hands he was marked but for a Sacrifice ; on the One to his implacable implacable Adversaries the Romans abroad, on the Other to his Am- bitious and prevaricating Brethren at Home. The following Letter is said to be writ by Mr. Lesley to the Non- jurors. IT is with the utmost Concern that I hear the Subject of Schism is again reviv'd among you, which hath been so exhausted, that I know nothing new can be said upon it. I have taken all the Pains I could to keep it quiet, ever since I came on this side the Water, and put the Cause of our Separation upon the Immorality of the Prayers. Would it be any Service to the Church of England, to let her mortal Enemy know, that she is Schismatical, all her Bishops, Clergy, and Body of People, except a few, a very few Nonjurors, whole private Consecrations, the Consecrator consecrated and Wit- nesses being all dead, and no publick Record to appeal to, which only could silence the Calumny of the Nagg's Head Ordination, started about Thirty Years after the Consecration of Archbishop Par- ker in Lambeth- Chappel, and which Record is still in Being; for which Reason, you know, I refused to be consecrated, unlels tbey would agree to own it publickly to the World, that the Notoriety of the Thing might be an Evidence whilst there were living Witnes- ses to prove it, if questioned, and that if continuing the Succession was of that Consequence they made it, which I did not think, or that ever the Schism could be healed that Way, but rather increased, - and made impracticable to adjust ; but that if it was absolutely ne- cessary for the Preservation of the Church, then it was worth sufFer- ing for, whatever the Consequence might be, of which I was willing to take my Share, upon the Terms I have mentioned, but that I thought it more eligible to depend upon Providence opening a Way for the making up our Breaches among our selves, than to expose our Succession to the Batteries of the Church of Rome on one Hand, and the Dissenters on the other, without being provided with such a clear and evident Proof of it, as should leave no Suspicion or Cavil behind if. Suppose our Master should say to you, or to me, Are you inviting me into a Church, which you your selves contend to be Schismatical ? Or would you have me make new Church of England, and turn out all the present Bishops and Clergy in her, and join my self to the few of the Nonjurjng Clergy that are left ? Are there so many as B could 10 ) could make Two Houses of Convocation, or any thing that could be- called a Synod ? You complained of Lay Deprivation, and would you have me to do it ? And how otherwise would you make up a Sy- nodical Deprivation ? Would they deprive themselves ? Would you have me disgust the whole Church of England, and all her Friends, upon whom is all my Dependance, under GOD, for the Recovery ot my Right; and to whom I have made solemn Promises for their Safety and Establishment ? And shall these look upon my Restaura- tion as their utter Ruin ? Are they my Friends who would make them think so ? If these Queries cannot be answer'd, consider, I pray you, what you are doing ? You are destroying that Cause, for which you have labour'd, and suffer'd these Twenty Eight Years, and for which your Matter has a due and just Regard, and will, no doubt, reward, when it shall be in his Power : And would you, after all, be count- ed as his Enemies, as the great Obstruction of his Affairs, by endea- vouring to alienate the Affections of the Church of England from him Which is not your Intention, I am sure ; but it must be the Consequence, and is the Joy of Whiggs and Dissenters, and the best Card they have now to play : You please your Enemies, and grieve your Friends; you put Jealousies in their Heads, and weaken the Hands of those who would return to their Duty. Cease then your unseasonable Strife ; this is not the Time to talk of Schism: It is like bringing National Disputes into as Army com- posed of different Nations, to make them fall by the Ears among themselves, instead of marching jointly against the Enemy. When the Battle is over, put in your Plea, and then ! dare promise your Schism will soon be over, therefore make it not irreconcilable; there have been Schisms in all Churches, which have been suffered to die away in the softest manner that could be, which was always thought the most charitable, as well as prudent Way; We must be one again, with whom else would you join ? And this Schism must have an End, unless God has determined to remove our Candlestick quite from us Therefore let us be not over bitter Enemies against those, to whom to Morrow we shall be Friends. I hope you will take in good Part this Advice from him, who al- ways is, and intends to be in your Interest. * Your most affectionate Brother, and faithful Servant, C. Lesley. 11 LONDON, Dec. 20. A Sheriff appointed for Derbyshire. John Bradshaw, Esq; Tuesday and Yesterday Pitts Regiment of Horse march'd for Kent, some of his Majesties Horse are likewise gone that way, to wait his Majesties arrival. Yesterday 9 Malefactors, lately mention'd, were Executed at Tyburn. 5Tis said his Royal Highness, the Prince will soon appoint one to succeed the Duke of Argyle, as groom of the Stole. They talk of the Duke of Portland or the Earl of Dorset. By the last Mail it is advised, his Majesty' design'd to continne a Fortnight longer at Hannover. Paris, Dec. 14. O. S. We see here a sort of Prophecy, printed at Avignon, and written by a Fryar Reccollect there, who therein foretells the Restoration of the Pretender, which he says shall be accomplish'd in the Year 1721. Among other strange Notions which that piece is fraught with, he asserts, That the Prayers of the Father ( meaning King James) after his Death prevail'd with Heaven to grant Repentance to his Daugh- ter, and Conversion to the holy Catholick Church, so that she became re- solved to fix her pretended Brother, ( whom he stiles King James) upon the British Throne. This Piece is in Esteem with some here, to whom it affords a good deal of Mirth. Carlise, Dec. 20. No Bills of Indictment have been preferred this Week, and, ' tis thought, the Tryal of the rest of the Prisoners will be put off till another Assizes. On Tuesday Wm. Hay, Patrick Gordon, Sylvester Douglas, and John Lindsey came to the Bar the two latter pleaded Guilty. Hay withdrew his Demurer and pleaded Guilty. Gordon pleads not guilty, and is to be tryd on Saturday. Yesterday John Robertson, John Kinleck, John Carnagy, John Hamilton, and George Taylor, pleaded Guilty, except Robartson, who pleads Lunacy. This Day Gordon withdrew his Plea of not Guilty, and pleaded Guilty as also did Patrick Robertson, alias Robinson; John stuart of Glenbucket, and John Stuart of Fosse, plead- ed not Guilty, and are to be tryed on Saturday. There only now re- mains Brigadier Campbel to plead. , Godwin,) From Paris, That that the Pope's Brief to the Regent was moderate, that to Cardinal Noailles outragious, that to the Bishops was, that those of them who had received the Constitution, must seperate from Communion with the Cardinal, and by the 4th. He puts the Sor- bourn and all the University under a Suspension, but all those Briefs are gone back to Rome , And from Lorrain, That a Barchellor of Divinity being to make an Academical Discourse, undertook to prove ' twas just to insist on the Pope's Constitution and Infallibility, and had inserted in his i; ' intended Harangue all he could in its Favour, without sparing those of a contrary Opinion, bragging he had whetted his Tongue ; but the Night before he was to make his Speech, was seized with an Appoplexy and dyed. The Parliament is Prorogued from the 8th to the 17th of January. Within the Bills of Mortality, containing 135 Parishes, there has been, the last Year, Christen'd, Males, 9076. Females, — 8347. In all, 17421. Bury'd, Males, 123 Females, --- 12080. In all, 24436. Increased in the Burials this Year, 2204. Dead of the following Diseases. Abortive, 133. Fever, 3178. Aged, 1979. Small- Pox, 2427 Cancer, 68. Spotted Fever, 100: Child Bed, 229. Still- born, 542 Consumption, 3189. Suddenly, 94. Convulsions, 7114. Teeth, 1313 Dropsy, 166. Ptisick, 421. CASUALTIES. Drown'd, 47. Kill'd with a Sword, 5. Found Dead, 38. Made away with themselves, 28. Kill'd accidentally, 52. Murder'd, 5 Yesterday dy'd the Dutchess Dow r of Newcastle j 200o 1 per Annum of her Joynture falls to the , esent Duke : The other 2000 1. per Annum, with all her Personal Estate, to her Daughter, the Lady Harriot Harley. ' * From a private Letter of December 25. Some People, tho' they are such as have no great Reputation for their Affection to the Government, harp mightily on great Changes at Court 5 and some of em go so far, as to insinuate at least, a Dis- solution of the Parliament, tho' ' tis thought without any ground for either. Fox says, The Lord Townshend, Duke of Devonshire, Mr. Wal- pole, & c. have sent, a Dutiful Letter to his Majesty, by a Special Messenger, the return of whom is impatiently expected. Page 6. Line 11. from the bottom, read by instead of of. NOTTINGHAM, Dec. 24. Last Thursday Mr. Jervas Pilkington was chosen a Sen. Counsellor of this Corporation, in the room of Mr Theod Fo ke, remov'd from that Office on Account of his incapacity to attend the Business of it, living at a Distance in the Country.
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