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The Weekly Courant Containing a Faithful Account of All Publick Transactions both Foreign and Domestick together with Remarks on Trade


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The Weekly Courant Containing a Faithful Account of All Publick Transactions both Foreign and Domestick together with Remarks on Trade
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The Weekly Courant Containing a Faithful Account of All Publick Transactions both Foreign and Domestick together with Remarks on Trade

Date of Article: 01/07/1716
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 2
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The Weekly Courant, Sr. - London, July 26. AGed 21 Broken- Leg — Cancer - Childbed - — Cholick i Consumption • Convulsions - Dropsie —— Evil Fever Bills of Mortality from July 17. to July 24. Gangrene Gout — Griping in the Guts Headmoldshot Imposthume Measles- Mortification Purples ——— Rickets Small- Pox Spotted Fever • Stilborn Stoppage in Stomach Stoppage in Throat Surfeit Teeth Tissick Ulcers — Rising of the Lights CASUALTIES. Cut his Throat ( being Lunatick) at St. Mathew in Friday- street r. Drowned in a Tub of Water at St. Clement Danes 1. Executed i. Hang'd them- selves ( being Lunatick) . One at St. Stephen Coleman street and One at St Katherine Creed Church. Christend — buried — Increas'd in the Burials this Week id. An Abstract of the Act ( passed in the last Sessions of Parliament) to oblige Papists to register their Names, and real Estates. ENacted, That all Persons not having taken the Oaths before the Day of Trinity Term 1716, having any Estate in Lands, & c. in England or Wales, & c. who is a Popish Recusant or Papisft, or Educated in the Popish Religion, or whose Parent is a Papist, shall if they be, on 24 June, 1716. of the Age of 21, by 20 Jan. 1716. and if they be, 0n the said 24 June unborn, or under that Age within the space of six Months after they attain to that Age, and have an Estate, take the Oaths appointed by an Act of this Session, For the further Security of his Majesty's Person and Government, & c. and repeat and subscribe the Declaration 30 Car. 2. in the High Court of Chancery, King's- Bench Com- mon Pleas, or Exchequer, or at the General Quarter Sessions, where such Lands, & c. do lye, between 9 or ix in the Forenoon, or in default shall, with- in six Months next after the time hereby appointed for, them to take the Oaths, and so within six Months after they, or any Trustee for them, shall come into- the Possession of the Profits of any Lauds, & c. register their Names and Lands, and shall express in such register in what Place such Lands lye, A2 and and who are the Possessors thereof, and ef every Part thereof, and what In- terest they have in the same, and the yearly Rent reserved, if the same be Lett; and if Lett upon Lease, then by whom such Lease was made, what yearly Rent is reserved thereon, and what Fine was paid for such Lease, if the same was made by himself, or any in Trust for him, or that he was Par- ty thereto, and the Time when such Entry made, in a Parchment Book or Roil to be kept by the Clerk of the Peace where such Lands lye. Every Person whole Name and Estate ought to be registred, is to take care that his Name be, within the said six Months, subscribed to such Registry in the presence of two Justices of the Place, in open Sessions, eitner by him- self, or by his lawful Attorney, authorized, under his Hand and Seal, and executed in the presence of two or more Witnesses, two of which Witnesses shall make Proof of such Execution 011 Oath at the Quarter- Sessions where such Name shall be subscribed, or Registry produced , and the Justices at the Quarter- Sessions are to examine the Witnesses on Oath for that Purpose; and two Juftices shall subscribe their Names to every Entry, as Witnesses that the fame was duly made, on forfeiture of 20l. to the King. The Clerks of the Peace are to keep Parchment Books or Rolls at some notorious Place in the Country, & c. and shall, by themselves or Deputies, register the Christian and Surnames of all those who shall come in Person and desire to be registred, or shall send any Writing under their Hands to such Clerk, desiring him to register their Names; and shall register their Estates in such Manner and Words as they shall, by any Writing signed by them, desire such Clerk, & c. to register the same: Provided they who desire such Registry do tender the Fees hereby appointed, and do apply to him to enter such Registry, and deliver in Writing the Words they desire to have regi- stred, Ten Days at lead before the Quarter- Sessions when the entries are to be Subscribed ; and the Clerk, & c. shall enter their Names and Registry of their Estates before the Quarter Sessions, and carry the Books and Rolls to the next Quarter Sessions, till the time of Subscribing shall be expired, that all those whose Names shall be registred, or their Attornies, may come to the Quarter- Sessions, and subscribe their Names; and the- Clerk shall keep Alphabetical Tables of their Sirnames, and of the Place where the Lands lye, with Reference to the Books where such Names and Lands are registred; and shall carefully keep all Warrants of Attorney on a File, together with the Books at Rolls, and shall enter such Warrants 0n Record; and shall have for such Registry and Entry 0n Record Three- Pence for every 200 Words, to be paid by the Person Registring, and Four- Pence for every Search; and are to make Search on Request of any Person who shall pay fuch Fees, and to permit such Person to inspect the Tables, Books, and Rolls, and fuch Letters of Attorney ; and are to give Copies of such Registries, Subscribed by him- self or Deputy, to those who desire such Copies, and tender him tha Fees; and are to permit such persons to examine the same with the Rolls or Books, and to take a Fee of Three Pence for every 200 Words in such Copy, and no move. Clerks- refusing to do any thing hereby required, and convifted there- of, shall forfeit their Office. If any Person hereby required to take the Oaths, & c. or in default to re- gister his Name and Estate, shall not either take the Oaths, & c. or register his
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