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The Evening Post


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The Evening Post

Date of Article: 01/11/1715
Printer / Publisher: E. Berington 
Address: Silver-street, Bloomsbury
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 973
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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The Evening Poft. Numb. 973. From Saturday Oftober 29 to Tuefday November 1. 1715. Since our laft arriv'd two Mails from Flanders and one from France. From thi Paris A- la- main. Paris, Nov. 6. fcHE Regent is examining the Books of M. Bernard, to fee how much Money he has fent abroad, and by whole Order. His Royal Highnefs has alfo fent to the Senate of Venice, to demand an Extraft of the Names of fuch Frenchmen as have ________ Money in their Bank. There is much Talk here of a Jefiiite call'd Father des Mottes, who preach'd lately at Rouan in Defence of the Pope's Bull, and againft' the Regent; whom he accufes of be- ing a Favourer of Janfenifm. The Governor of Rouan has fent to his Highnefs the Informations, and the Decree, which • was pad againft that Preacher, by the Official and the Lieu- tenant de Police. The Populace were going to fet fire to the • Jefuites College, but were hinder'd by the Lieutenant de Police, who told them, it did not belong to them to revenge . an Aftion of that Nature. Berwick, OA. 25. Two Letters from the Earl of Mar have been intercepted : One of them is written tothe Lord of Kenmuir, the other to Mr. Forfter: Copies of which are as follows.) My Lord, ILong extreamly to hear from you, you may be fure, fince I have not had the leaft Accounts almoft ol your Motions, iince I lent the Detachment over. I hope all is pretty right again, but it was an unlucky Miftake in Brigadier Metolh, in marching from Haddingtoun to Leith. I cannot but fay though, that it was odd your Lord/ hip fent no Orders or In- telligence to him, whsnyou had Reafon to expert that Par- ty's coming over every Day. His Retreat he made from Leith, and now from Seatoun, with the Help of the Move- ment I made from this, makes fome Amends for that Mi- flake; and I - hope that Party of Men with him will be of great Ufe to you and the Caufe. I wilh you may find a Way of fending the inclos'd to Mr. Forrefter, which I leave open .. for your Lordfhip to read ; and I have little further to fay to you th.-. i: what you will find in it. I know fo little of the Situat<%' cf your Affairs, that I muft leave to your felfwhat is fit for yau to do, as will moft conduce to the Service, and I know you will take good Advice. My humble Service to all Friends with you, particularly Brigadier Metolh, Lord Nairn, Lord Charles Murray and . Metolh, who I hope are joyn'd you long e're now ; and in- deed the)- all deferve Praife for their gallant Behaviour. I muft not forget Kinackin, who I hear ipoke fo refolutely to the Duke of" Argyle from the Citadel; and I hope Innercall and all my Men with him are well, and their Countrymen long to beat them, which I hope they and we all fliall foon. I have fent another Copy of the inclofed to Mr. Forrefter by Sea, fo it will be hard if none of them come to his Hand. I know your Lordfhip will endeavour to let me hear fron » you afToon as poffible, which I long impatiently for; and I hope you will find a Way of fending it fate. In one of my former, either to your Lordlhip or to fome body to fliew yeu I told that a Part ofthe Army would be about Dumbartoun ; but now you will not rely on that, for till I hear from Gene- ral Gordon, I am uncertain if they hold that way. I hare fent your Lordlhip a Copy of my new Commiffioh, - which perhaps you have not feen before. I have named the General Officers, and your Lordlhip has the Rank of a Brigadier of the Horfe. I am told E. Wintoun has been very ufeful to our Men W5 fent over. I fuppofe he is now with your Lordfiiip, and I beg you may make my Compliment to his Lordfhip, and I hop: the King will foon thank him himfelf. I will trouble your Lordfhip no further now, but all Suc- cefs attend you, and may we foon have a merry Meeting. L am with all Refpejft, My Lord, Your moil: Obedient and From the Camp at moft Humble Servant, . Perth, Oct. 21.1715. MAR. From the Camp at Perth, OH. lift. 1715. SIR, IWrote to you of the 17th from Auchtera- rdice, which I hope you got. I marched the fame Night the Horfe to Dumbkine within 4 Miles of Stirling, and the Foot fome Miles fhort of that Place. Next Morning I bad certain Intelligence of the Duke of Argyle's returning from Edin- burgh with moft of the Troops he had carried there, and was on their March towards Sterling : I alfo had Account of Evan's Regiment landing in the Weft of Scotland from Ireknd, and were on their Way to Stirling I had come away from Perth before our Provifions were ready to go with us, and I found all the Country about Stirling, where we were to pafs Forth, wasintirely exhaufted by the Enemy, fo that there was nothing for us to fubfift on there. I had no Account from General Gordon, aslexpe& ed, and the fooneft I could expeft him at the Heads of Forth was two Days after that, and I could not think of paffing Forth rill I was joined by him. Under thofe Difficulties, and having got one of the things I defigned by my March, the Duke of Argyle's withdrawing from our Friends in Lothian, I thought it lit to march back to Auchterardice, which was a better Quarter, tho' not a good one neither. Next Morning, I got Intelligence of the Duke of Argyle's bring come to Stirling the Night before, and that he had fent Exprpfs upon Exprefs to Evans Dragoons to haften up. I hacC. a. Eetter alfo that Morning from General Gordon, telling me that fome things had kept him up longer then he expefted; that it • would be that Day ere lie could be at Inverary, and that he could not poffibly join, me this Week : Upon this I thought it better to return here, which is a good Quarter and wait his coming up, and th: Lord Seaforth's, than con- tinue at Auchterardice, fince it would not a bit retard rriy palling the Forth when I fhould be in a Condition to do it, and in the mean time I could be getting Provifions ready- to carry along with me in my March, which as I have told arc ab- folutely neceffary about the? Heads of forth : So I cams home laft Night, I very I very much regret my being obliged to this for many Reafcns, particularly becaufeof its keeping me fo much tbe longer from joinisg you ; but you eafily fee it was not in my power to help it. However,' I hops my Stay here ftiall be very fhort, and you may depend upon its being no 1 anger than it neceffaril v muft. The Paffage over tbe Forth is now fo extreamly difficult, that it is f.- arce poflible to fend any letters fthat way; and within thefe two Days there was two Boats coming over with Letters to me, that were fo hard purfued, that they were obliged to throw the Letter into the Sea ; fo that I know very little ofour Friends on that Side, and lefs of you, whi: h is no fmall Lofstome. I heard to Day by word of Mouth, that the Detachment I fent over are marched and joined our Friends in the South of Scotland, fo I hope they may be yet ufefui ; but I hope you know more of them than I do. I have now writ to Lord Kenmure, but it. is ten to one if it comes to his Hands. I. know not what he is- doing, where he is, or what way he intends to difpofe of his People; whether he is to march into England, or towards Stirling, to wait my paffing Forth; and in the Ignorance lam in of your Affairs befouth the River, I fcarce know what to advife him. If you be in need of- his Afnlianie in England, I doubt not but you have called hi;- n there ; but if not, cer- tainly his being in the Rear of tbe Enemy, when 1 pais Forth, or now that the Duke of Argyle is reinforced, fhould he • march towards me before I am, it would be of great Service. I am forced in a great meafure to leave it to himfelfto do as • he finds moft expedient. I am afraid the Duke of Ormond is not as yet come to England, elfe I fhould have had the certainty of it one way or other before now. I caBnot conceive what detains him nor the King from coming here. However I am fure it is none of their Fault; and I. hops they will both furprize us agreeably very foon. I believe 1 told you in my Eft of the Lord Strathmore and 200 of ths Detachment that were going over Forth, and drove into the Illand of May by 3 Men of War, being got fate ailiore on this Side, and are now join'd us again. There were but two of all the Boats taken; and; I hear fome ofthe Men that were in them, who were made Prifoners in Leith, were relieved hy our N'en when they canv there, but tliat their Officers were fent to Edinburgh Caftle ; fo I want fome Reprizals for, them, which I tx> pe to have^ re long. Tho' Brigadier Metofh's Mrftake- in going to Leith, was like to be unlucky to us and them, yet it has given the Duke of Argyle no little trouble; and our March obliging him to let them flip, has, I am apt to believe, vext him. I beg ycu will find ibme Way to let me hear from you. Ever fir. es my Detachment were in Fyfe, all the Men of. War that cruiz'donthe North Coaii, betwixt Peterhead and ths Firth, have been in ths Firth, and I believe will continue there, to prevent my lending more over that Way; fo all that Coaft is clear, which I wilh to God the Ring knew ; and you may eafily fend a Boat hers any where with Letters from England. 1 hear there is one of the Regiments of Foot from Ireland come to Stirling. When you write tome, if hy Sea,. pray fend me fbme News- Paper, that I may know what the World is a doing, for we know little of it here thefe 8 Days. Succels attend you ; and 1 am with all Truth and Efteem, Direftdd thus, To Mr Forrcfl r with ta: 1 tug's Fore. s in Kcunuuiberland. Sir, Your moft Obedient, Humble Servant, • AR^ R JR. From tbe Scots Corffmt, 0S. 54.^ Edinburgh, 03. 74. On Saturday the Earls of Rothes, Haddington, Lauderdale and feveral other Noblemen, with about 100 Gentlemen Voluntiers, all on Horfeback, fet out hence for Linlithgow, being to lie there for the Relief of Edinburgh, if Need be. Friday laft, Brigadier Grant's Regiment arriv'd here, which is to continue here for the further Security of this City We hear from all Places, that there is a great Defertitin in- Mar's Camp. Laft Night about 60 Deferters from the Rebels, who were taken at Calder, were committed Prifoners to our Caftle. Edinburgh, OR. 25. Hy an Exprifs come this Morning from Sterling we have tbe following Neves. UPon Sunday the 23d Inftant, the Duke of Argyle having Advice that a Party of the Rebels, confiding of 200 Foot and 100 Horfe, were marching by Caftle- Camobel to- wards Dunfermling, his Grace immediately fent off a D- taeh- mer. t of Dragoons, under the Command of Collonel' Cath- cart, who came up with the Rebels on Monday at Five a Clock in the Morning, at Dunfermling ; and after having kill'd and wounded feveral, he took 17 Prifoners, 11 whereof are Gentlemen, and are brought into Stirling. Ths Names whereof are as follows: Mr. Murray Brother to the Laird of Aberkernie, Mr. Hay Son to Arbath, Mr. Patrick Gordon Aherlour's eldeft Son, Alexander Forbes Son ta Buflie, William Robertfon Brother to DonfhiUs, Mr. Kinlocli a Phyfitian, Alexander " Smith of the Family of Mackintofh, Dr. Alexander Gordon, Francis Gtrdon of Craig, Mr. Hamilton of Gibiloun in Strabogie, George Gordon of the Mill of Kincardin, and fix ethers who are Servants. It's faid Capt. Graham is among ths Slain. In this A& ion there was only one Dregoon wounded in the Cheek, and one Horfe. Edinburgh, 01. 25. The Lord Provoft and Magiltrates continue to take all po£ fible Precautions and Me a fu res for the Secur ty and Defence of this City, and to baffle the Efforts and Projects of the Re- bels, by fortifying the moll acceffible Pofts and raifing Bat- teries and making Pallifadoes and Trenches about the Forts, fo that the Enemy will meet with a warm Receptiorr if they make any Attempt upon this Place. Edinburgh, Oil. 25. 4 tail Saturday in the Morning, the Rebels arriv'd at ' Kello from Seaton- Houfe, and were join'd by one thoufand < Englilh and Scots Gentlemen, well hors'd and good Accou- ' trements; they proclaim'd ths Pretender there in great < Pomp: The Number now lying in and about the Town, ' are twoT'noufand Fcot and one Thoufand Horfe. On Sunday ' they held a Council of War where to proceed to next : ' The Englifh were for going toNewcaflle, bat the Scots c for Edinburgh, but they could not agree; however in this ' they agreed, That an Exprefs fhould be fent off to my ' Lord War, to ask his Advice, which accordingly was done ; ' but this Defign'd fail'd, for he was apprehended in hts Way ' at Libertoun, a Place two Miles from Town; he is a Son ' of Dcuglafs of Glenberry; he is now inclofe Prifon, and ' promill- s to make a Difcdvery of the Rebels whole De- ' fighs. Deal, Oct. 30. Yefterday came in the Eagle- Galley Capt. Beckman, from the Ea( t-! ndies. London, Nov. i- We hear feveral Regiments are order'd to the North, and are to bs commanded by Major General Wells, who let oat tenae^-. fter Jay Morning early. I We hear that three Shlps'that" lay In Netvcaftle- Bay were Friends of ths Pretender, and gave them the Signal they c jpeited, and then went Northward. The Rebels on tbe Scots Borders about Kelfo, both Scots and Englifh, finee they join'd, are commanded bv Mr. For- fter, and are in all about 1400 Foot and 8co Horfe. There are three Scots Lords with them, belides Kenmure, viz, the Earls of NithfeUlc, Carmvath and Dumfennling. His Majefty has been pleas'd to dire ft Letters Patents to pafs the Seals, for granting the Dignity of Baronet of" the King ' 0111 of Great Britain to Sir George Bing, Kt. On Saturday Sir Charles Peers was Sworn Lord- Mayor of London at tbe Exch5< juer- Bar at Weftminfter, being attended by the feveral Liveries of the Companies of Citizens, the Al- dermen, Sheriffs, & c. as ufual, with the accuftomed Solem- nity. Laft Sunday being the Anniverfary of the Birth of his Roy- al Highnefs the 1- rince of Wales, the Solemnity thereof was referred to Yefterday, when there was a great Appearance of the Nobility at St. James's, where there was a Ball at Night. The Guns in the Park were difcharged, with ringing of Bells, Bonfires, Illuminations, & c. We hear that an Exprefs to the King arrived laft Saturday from M. Cadogan, with Advice that the 6000 Men defign'd for England, were begun to be put on Board the Tranfport Ships, and that the whole Embarkation would be Jinilhed as that Day ( Saturday). The Count de Volckra, the Emperor's Ambaffador, arri- ved here on Sunday Night. On the 13 th of October the Rebels came to new Mills T 3 Miles South of Edinburgh, the fcftate of Colonel Francis Cbarteris, and took from thence 7 of his Coach Mares, 5 Saddle Horfes, feveral Saddles and Bridles, and fine Houfen Bags ; the faid Colonel Charteris hearing of it, endeavour'd to get home, but the Rebels prevented him. Yefterday South- Sea Stock was 91, 90, to 90 one half. Bank 119 one quarter. India 129. African 15. This Day at Noon South Sea Stock was 90 three Sths. Bank 119 and a half. India 129 and a half. Blanks ijio, 81. TO prevent the fcandalous and mifchievous Abjfes and Cheats in Play, it is thought proper to give pub- lick Notice of One or Two ufual Praiftices of' that. Kind : At Picket, the Dealer places the Stock near him, and whilff you are intent upon ordering your Game, lays down Eight Cards ( the Five worli upper- mod) and takes up the Stock inflead of them, and fo puts Five bad Cards out of his own Hand into yours, taking in the good ones be- long'd to you in the Stock j or a Sitter- by looks in your Hand, and bygiyingi, i, 3 or 4 Treads upon your Adverfaries Foot under the Table ( fignifying Clubs, Biamonds, Hearts or Spadej, according to the Alphabetical Order of the firlf Letter of thofe Words) gives him Notice what Suit to go in for, or to play. ADVERTISEMENTS. T OST October the nth, in Woofton- fields J / in Bucks, a TaflVl to a Fau'con, of Sir G. Wittewrongs; who- eier briigs the laid Taflel to Stanton in Bucks, near Newport- Pag- nel, or to'rhe Prince's CofFee- houfe near St. Jauiea's, or gives Intel- ligence, fo that theTaflel may be had again fafe and alive, fliall hare Five Pounds Reward j he had Warwels when he was loft. London, Printed by E. Btringtonin Stlvtr- JlrtttBloorr. sbury, and fold by J. Morfhtw ntarStationtri - Hall • this Day h pubtifrd, Tf Cicero's Second Oration againft Cataline, applied to the prefent Times, in a Congratulatory Addrefs to the good People of Auguffa, upon the Flight of Cataline and others. Printed tor J. Roberts, near the Oxford- Arms in Warwick- Lane. Price 3d. This Day is publijb'd, -| § -{- A Sermon preach'd at the Confecration of a Church in the Parifh of Caflle- Ton, near Sherborne, Dorfet, Sept._ 7. I7IJ. pfth 84. 1. How amkble are thy Tabernacles O Lord of Holis. Dedicated to the Right wionourable the Lord Digby, Founder of the faid Churth : By James Lacy, Vicar of Sherborne. Printed for W. Taylor, at the Ship in Pater- Nolier Row : Where may be had the Sick- Man vifiied and furnifhed with laftruftions, Meditations and Prayers, fuitable to his Condition, for putting him in Mind of tott. POSTSCRIPT. London, Nov. 1, This Day we had One Mail from Holland. tils Change, for Tupparfitig him under his Diftemjser, and for pre- paring him for, and carrying him through his laft Conflict with Death ( Boaft not of to Morrow, for thou knoweft not what a Day may bring forth.) By N. Spinckes, a Presbyter of theChurohof England. Juft fublijb'd the Second Edition of *| j* A Compendious Hiftory of the Church from the Beginning of the World to the prefent Time, with a trery com- pleat Chronological Table, in 4 vols. nmo. and indexes to each Vol. Written originally in Fresch bj| Lewis Ellis Du Pin, Doftor of Sorbonne, and Regius fTofelfor of Divinity at Paris. - Printed on a fine Paper and new Elziver letter, for Bernard Lintott between the Temple Gates ; alfo, * Preparative to the Lord's Supper, by the Reverend Mr. Fictis, who is now preparing for the Prefs a com pleat Body of Divinity in x Vols. Fal. Printed likewife for Bernard Lin- From the Amfteedam Courant, Nov. 7, Vienpa, Oft. 23. PRINCE Eugene is to go very fhortiy for Flan- ders. Hague, Nov. 5. We ^ re advisjd, that the Pretender is gone from Lorrain ; but to what Country, we cannot learn. From the Hague Couranti Novj- 8. h.- t Paris, Nov. 1. We urideiftand, that the late Duke of this Day thofe quarter, d on this Side, were order'd to march 3 Ormond is gone from hence. for- Oftend, to imbark there. From the Amfterdam Courant, Nov. 9. Hamburg, Nov. j. Letters from Pomerania fay, the Defcent upon Rugen is to bs made to Morrow, if the Wea- • ther permit and that the Allies have begun to cannonade and bombard StralfowL Maftricht, Nov. 5. Yefterday the Regiments defign'd for England, that lay inHuy, Namur and Cbarleroy, and m 1 t
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