The Weekly Courant Containing a Faithful Account of All Publick Transactions both Foreign and Domestick together with Remarks on Trade
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The Weekly Courant Containing a Faithful Account of All Publick Transactions both Foreign and Domestick together with Remarks on Trade
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The Weekly Courant Containing a Faithful Account of All Publick Transactions both Foreign and Domestick together with Remarks on Trade
Date of Article: 01/05/1715
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Issue Number: 44
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THE Weekly Courant Containing a Faithful Account of All Publick Transactions BOTH- FOREIGN and DOMESTICK. TOGETHER WITH Remarks on TRADE. May, 1715. Vol. III. Numb. 44. To be continual WEEKLY, NOTTINGHAM : Printed and sold by William Ayscough, in Bridlesmithgate, and by Mr. Hodges and Mr. Allestree Booksellers in Derby. Mr. Hoyle Brascaster in York, Mr. Bradley iu Chesterfield. Mr. Carlton in Gainsborough. Mr. Dixon in Mawfield. Mr. Unwin in Ashby- de la- Zouch. Mr. Farnsworth in Newark, William Green is Sheffield and Mrs. Taylor in Doncaster. At all which Places Advertisments are taken in at
two Shillings a Piece. ~~ —"" " Price Three Half Pence.
[ 1 ] Goods Imported 3t London from May 5. to May 12. 22 Bags Sage, from East- India. 108 Bales Coffee, ditto. 10 Bales Bettelles, ditto. .308 Hhds. Tobacco, Virginia. 3400 1. Pimento, Jamaica. 362 c. Rice, Carolina. 935 casks Sugar, Berbadoes, & c. 1387 case Wine, Pottngal, Spain and France. 6877 Reams Paper, Ge- noa. 47 Tons Logwood, Carolina 21 Tons Fustick, Jamaica. 650l. Cortex Peru, ditto. 2500 1. Sassaparilla, ditto. 83 Chests Oranges, Lisbon. 15 c. Cork, Leghorn. 850 1. Alloes Berbadoes. 140 Barrels Pitch. Virginia. 25 c. Algol, ditto. 7 Tons Brazeletto, Jamaica. Goods Exported the same Date. 41 Tons
Lead to the Straits. 80 c: Shot, Bilboa. 600 Qts. Rye. 86 Firkins Butter, Roan. 258 yards Lace, Portu- gal. 9 Clockwork, Petersburg. 164 C. Leather, Straits, Ri- ga and Sound. 49 c. Nails, New- England. 1442 J. Cotton Wool. Amsterdam. 40 c. wro. Iron, Maderes. IOOOO Rape Cakes, Holland. 46 C. Cordage New England. 18532 Perpets and Serges. 10447 Yards Flannel. 14729 Goads Cotton. 946 Dozen Hoze. 465 Long Cloths. 978 Double Bays. 655 Single Bays. 634 Minikin Bays. 3578 Yards Frieze. Goods Exported by Certificate, 765986 1. Virginia Tobacco. 699 c. Brown Sugar. 118 C. Corrants. I- 15 Canes. 2J c. Hogs
Bristles. 15494 Chints. 95 c. Turpentine. London, May 17. Yesterday Beef was sold in Smithfield Market for 2 s. per Stone ( 8 Pounds to the Stone) Mutton at 2s. 4d, Lamb at 4 d. a Pound. * Lon
t J] London. May 12. Bills of Mortality from Miy 3. to May 10. ABortive Aged - Apoplexy Bursten Cancer Childbed Chrisoms Consumption — Convulsion Dropsie Evil 51 • 2 - r 1 2 1 — 50 — I2r 3 Fever 74 French Pox 2 Grief I Griping in the Guts 9 Headmouldshot 2 Jaundies Imposthume — Looseness Mortification Palsie Rickets Small- Pox Spotted- Fever Stilborn Stone Strangury Suddenly - Teeth Thrush Tissick 7 4 9 1 1 t z4 S Water in the Head I CASUALTIES. Drown'd accidentally 2. One in the River of Thames, at St. Olave in South- wark; and One at St. Dunstan at Stepney, buried at St. John Wapping, Found dead in the
New River Head, at St. James at Clarkenwell . Kill'd by the Wheel of a Cart, at St. Stephen in Colemanstreet 1. Over- laid 1. Christen'd ?; 6 Buried, Increas'd in the Burials this Week .19. Prices of Corn, & c. Wheat for Shipping, 24 s. per Quarter. The best, 28 s- Rye i8s. to 15. s. Bailey 22 s. Male 25s. to 27 s. Beans 23 s. to 24 s. Pcaie 30 s. to 33 s. Oats 12 s. to 13 s. Hops 7/. to 10 /. Hay 16 d. to 18 d. per Truss. Straw 6 d. Col- chester Crown Bays, i4. d.- per Ell. Cochineel, 28 s. per Pd, Coals, in the Pool, 2 s. 6d. to 24s per Chaldron. China O- rang. s 3 to 10 • per Hundred. Lisbon Limons, 4 s. ro i2s. Malaga Limons 3 s. to 9
s. Butter 25 s. to 28 s. per Firkin. Cheese Cheshire 32 s. per c. weight. Ditto, Gloucestershire, 29 s. ro 32 s. Town Tallow, 37 s. Ditto Stuff, 32 s. Gin- ger 4/. Starch 37 s. Raisins of the Sun 38s. Malaga Rai- fins 30 s. Coffee, Roasted, 5s. 4d. per pound. Coffee Raw, 221. 10 s. per c. wt. Currants 2 1.6 s. to 2 I. 12s. Super one Loaf Sugar 13d. per Pound. The
( 4) The Weekly Courant, & c. From the Evening Post. Prague, May 11. AGreat Number of the Inhabitants, of 2 Villages in Mo- ravia, dying of an unknown Distemper, strong Guards are posted round them to prevent the spreading the Contagion. Amsterdam May 22. Letters from Gottenburg import, that on the first Inst. 9 English and 4 Dutch Ships were Brought in- to that Port by the Swedish Privateers: That the Swedish Men of War Were retir'd to their Harbours, and conceal'd them- selves behind the Cliffs, for fear of the Danish Squadron ; and that only 2 ot 3 of their Privateers kept our at Sea, the rest of of them running out
every Morning and retiring in the Even- ing to their Ports. Paris, May 25. Two Days ago, the Persian Ambassador went to exercise his Men after his Country Manner, in a Place call'd the Elisian Fields, in Queen's Court: They were 30 in Number ; and the Place being greatly crowded with Spectators, one of his Domesticks was oblig'd to make Room with his Battoon. Among others whom he struck, a Knight of the Or- der of St. Lazarus, not being able to retire fast enough, the Domestick gave him such a Blow on the Forehead, that a great Quantity of Blood gush'd out. The Chevalier, to avenge himself, clap'd his Hand to his
Sword, but fainting, was not able to draw. Many Officers and others taking Part with the wounded Gentleman, the Persians immediately mounted their Horses, pull'd out their Sabres and drew up in Order. The Ambassador informing himself of what had pass'd, sent his Interpreter, to ask of the Chevalier, what Satisfaction he demanded, adding, that if he pleas'd he would cut off his Head before his Face. The Knight not agreeing to this, the Ambassador promis'd to do him Justice; but we do not yet know what kind of Satisfaction it will be. Paris
Paris, May 29. Two of the richest Merchants at Marseilles'" are broke for two Millions at least, and made their Eicape to Genoa, in so crafty a manner, that they hare neither left Mo- ney nor Effects behind them. Several others are gone off at Tonlon, but not for such large Sums. Frequent Bankrupcks have likewise happen'd at Bourdeaux, and in many other Towns, throughout the Kingdom ; which are imputed by fome to the lowering ot the Coin, and others to the Decteafe of Trade. From the Camp at Stetin, May 20. We expect the Return of the Marquis de Croissy in 3 or 4 Days, and then it will be - known, whether we shall have
Peace or War: In the mean time, the Swedes continue to fortify the Passages to prevent our penetrating to Stralsund. We have Forage till the End of this Month, but if we march for Stralsund, we must be supply'd by the Danish Fleet, the Country being so exhausted, that ir can afford us no Subsistance. The Swedes themselves begin to want several things: But their King shewing such an Exam- ple of Parsimony and Patience ; that all his Troops are more animated and contented, than some would be in the midst of Plenty. We hear his Swedish Majesty is advanc'd within 3 Leagues of our Camp, to view the Country. Two
Battallions having join'd us from Koningsburg, our Army is increas'd to 30000 Men, including the Saxons-, be- sides a separate Body near Wollin. Hamburgh May 14. They write from Stralsund, That the Marquis de Croissy declared to the King of Sweden, the French King not being able at this Juncture to assist him with his Troops, advis'd him to make Peace at any Rate. Letters from the Prussian Camp say, the Marq de Croissy was return'd thither with his Swedish Majesty's Answer, which seems only calculated for gaining Time that Prince desiring the King of Prussia to forbear Hostilities till the 26th Instant, by which time- he
may condescend 0n the Preliminary Articles of Peace: Notwithwanding this, his Prussian Majesty having sent Count Dona
Dona to the King of Sweden, tis hop'd the Negotiations will have a good Issue. From Dormer's Letter May 19. It is worth Observation to those that are curious in publick Affairs, how there seems at this Time to be a gene- ral Intricacy and Uncertainty upon all the great Transactions of the World, and Europe seems to be in Suspence concerning what shall be entered upon in every Nation. All our News in every Quarter ends in telling us only that this or that is expected, and this or that is believed, but nothing of Action any where yet entred upon. We shall give the Sum of our last Post's Intelligence as in Illustration of this Remark.
The Turks have been many Months making Preparations of War, but no Man knows yet where it will break out, and whether they will fall first upon the Venetians, the Malt hops, the King of Sicily, the Pole, the Musco- vite, or the Emperor, all of them are uncertain and in Suspense about it, making Preparations to defend themselves. The Spaniards and French have been a long time amusing the World with Preparations, Fleets failing and Armys marching to fall upon Majorca, and tho' Majorcans have been making as Vigorous Preparations to defend themselves, and yet to this Hour, none knows whether Majorca will be at tacked, or will submit, or will obtain their Demands, or how it will be, all hangs in suspence. The King of Sweden has been 5 Months at Stralsund, arming and threat- ning his Enemies to break out upon them, and the Pole, Saxon, Prussian, Dean and Muscovite have been all Jealous of his Motions ; but there he is still, they are no wiser now, than they were before, all is uncertain which Way he does, or everdid intend to turn himself, so that they are obliged to attempt to surround him that he may not get out any Way. The Landgrave of Hesse Cassel, and the French King has been drawing Forces together, and hovering aboat on
that side with their Armys, and e- very Day for some Time we have been told, that they will march to assist the King of Sweden, but all in suspence still, and to this Day no Man knows whether they intend to concern themselves in the Northren War, Yea, or No. The British and Dutch are sending strong Fleets to the Baltick, it had been long uncertain, whether they would sail at all, and now that it is Known, it is yet unknown whether they are to meddle in the matter of Peace or War, or whether they only go to secure Commerce and protect their Merchants, The Treaty of Barrier in Flanders, has been these several Months in Agi tation, and every Post for a long Time has brought us an Account that all the most difficult Articles were adjusted, and that this Time and the other Time, they were to meet to put the last Hand to that Affair, and yet to this Day notwithstanding 21 Conferences, two extraordinary Embassys to Vien- na, and all the other Steps which have been taken in that matter, it hangs still in suspence, and the Worlds as uncertain about the Conclusion of it as ever they were. The Affair of Mardyke has been upon the Anvill, and long the British Nobleman, the Earl of Stairs has been at Paris, the two Courts have been hammering
Memorials upon that Affair pro and con for some Months, and yet it is hard for the World without Doors to say whether it is to be a Port or not a Port, a Canal, or not a Canal, whether the Works are stopt, or whether they go on, whether they are finished already, or not to be finished at all, whether the French will submit quietly to the Demands of his British Ma- jesty, and whether if they will not, any Measures further than by Words will be taken to oblige to it, or not, all is uncertain and in suspence. Even the Affair of Dunkirk it self lies in the same uncertainty, and the Nations concerned cannot satisfie the World about it, some say
it is demolish- ed, and some say it is not, some say the Port will yet receive large Ships', and others say, that nothing bigger than a fishing Boat dares go into it, all uncertain and in suspence. Nay even at Home, we are no more certain than they are abroad, nor has the News from Man's Coffee House told us, who are to be hang'd, and who are to be beheaded, or who if any can be cut off shall be used so tenderly, shall be spared, but all is yet uncertain and in suspence. Even the secret Committee have not yet made their Report. London May, 21. Dr. Clavering is made Hebrew Professor at Oxford, in the Room of Dr. Roger
Altham deceas'd. Mr. Marmaduke Alford, Serjeant of his Majesty's Royal Chappel at St, James's, is dead, and is succceded by Mr. Jona- than Smith. Sir Henry Monson, Bart. is dangerously ill at his Seat call'd Baron, near the City of LincoIn, insomuch that his Life is dispair'd of. This Week the Election of Kings Scholars at Westminster, Was made in that College, by the Bishops of Rochester and Bristol, assisted by Dr. Bentley, Master of Trinity College in Cambridge, and Dr. Terry, Cannon of Christ- Church, Oxon ; wherein several of the best Proficients in Learning Were made Choice of as a Supply to those two famous
Universities. On Wednesday last, the Lord John Drummond, was, com- mitted to Newgate, upon the Oath of one Eliz Gallway, for committing a Rape upon her very unchaste Body ; so that the Ladies of Pleasure, encouraged by the Success one of their Sis- terhood, has had in prosecuting Mr. Leeson for the said pretend- ed Crime, are in hopes of carrying on the Trade of Perjury very glibly. The said Noble Person's Case, wherein the Causes of this infamous Woman's Treatment of him, will see the Light very speedily. In the same Week, another well- practic'd Lady of the hun- dreds of Drury, endeavour'd to do as much by
another Man «
[ 8] Quality, who coming into one of their Houses of Resort, was cajol'd up Stairs, where he was no sooner enter'd, but Madam lock'd the Door, and flung the Key under the Bed, after which she very religiously fell a tearing the Gentleman's Peruge, scratching his Face, and crying out a Rape ; which made the People planted below Stairs for that Purpose, break open the Door to seize the imaginary Ravisher but he escape from ' em at the Price of a very good Hat and Peruge, which he was forc'd to leave behind him in the hurry, On Friday last, Mr. Parkhurst was executed at Tyburn, having been carryed in a Mourning Coach to
the fatal Tree, where he seem'd very Penitent. He had two Ministers to per- form the last Offices but before he went out of Prison, shew'd very little Concern, and notwithstanding DissWasion to the contrary, had so good a Stomach as to eat a whole Chicken. Our Merchants have an Account, that the Swedes have late- ly taken above 20 Ships Of this Nation in the Baltick. From Foxes Letter May 19. Yesterday the Commons went into a Com- mittee upon the Pentions granted by Q Anne, and continued by K. George ta great People in Places at Court, and some Gentlemen called for Mr. Tho. Onslow to the Chair, but not being in
the Way, Mr. Freeman was placed in it, an'd the Debate fell upon this Head, whether 50000 1. a Year be allowed by the King to People out of the civil List, altho' most of those Persons have places of profit at the same Time, and whether this was not a Burthen to the Subjects, and then they instanc'd a Duke, that had 4000 1. j Year, an Earl that had 12000l. a Year in Pentions, and Places to his Family, and it was objected, that the 15000 1. per Annum to the French Re- fugees could not be call'd a Pention, it being a Charity, and that 7000l. per Annum added to the Judges Salaries was n0 Petition but necessary ; about 6 a Clock
the Question was started that the Chairman leave the Chair, Yeas 191, Noes 188, to they came to no Resolution. Yesterday came in a Dutch Post, advising from the North, that the French Envoy is gone from the King of Sweden to the King of Prussia to endea- vour to get a further Cessation of Arms for fourteen Days, that the Turks and Tartars encrease on the Frontiers of Poland, and that King Augustus was coming to the Prussian Camp to act in Concert with that King. London, May 19. This Afternoon at out one, died the Rt. Hon. Charles Montague Earl of Halifax, at his House at Westminster. He was by his late Majesty King
William 3d the Year 1691, made one of the Commissioners of the Treasury, and afterwards Chancellor of the Exchequer, In 1700 he was created a Baron of this Realm, by the Title of lord Halifax in the County of York the same year was Made Auditor of the Exchequer, ( which
Place in October Last he resign'd to his Nephew George Montague, Esq was twice constituted one of the Lords Justices of England in the Absence of King William ; was afterwards impeach'd by the House of Commons for the Partition treaty, but that Impeachment was dismiss'd by the Lords. In 1606, he was sent to Hanover, to carry the Succession Act. He was by the present King made one of the Lords Justices of Gieat Britain, until his Majesty's Arrival. Soon after which he was sworn of the Privy Council, made first Commissioner of the Treasury, created Earl of Hallifax, and ap- pointed Lord Lieutenant of the Bounty of
Surry. He married Anne Widow of the late Earl of Manchester, since deceas'd, but no Issue. From Roper's Letter, May 19. Alderman Chambers, Mayor of Cambridge, whon was sent for in Custody of the Serjeant at Arms, was upon his return home, met by 3. or 400 Gentlemen of the College, and others on Horseback, to welcome him, and upon his Arrival there was Bonefires, and other Illuminations throughout the Town Also that severaI Lampoons having been lately dispers'd there, upon the several Col- ledges in the University, particularly Trinity, the Rev. Dr. Sherlock Vice- Chancellor of the University, has forbid the
Alehouses, Coffee Houses, & c. to receive any Pub- lick Papers, or Written News- Letters, if they do their Licenses will be taken from them- From Foxes Letter, May, 21. Thursday a French Post came in with Advice, that Mon. Leblanc the Intendant if gone back to Dunkirk with full Instructions abut Mardyke, and Orders to make a new Reform among the French Troops in Flanders. from Spain that the Majorcans are treating for their Liberties so that the Expedition against that Isle will be laid aside. From Antwerp that the Conferences continue a- bout the Barrier, and like to continue a Fortnight lonqer by Reason the Dutch Insist
upon a free Trade in all the Pro- vinces. This Day, came in a Dutch Post, with Advice from Vienna, that the Turkish Envoy had an Audience of Pr- Eugene, and way afterwards entertain'd very splendidly. From Saxony} that the States have given a to the King of Poland, who is gone to command the Saxons in the Prussian Camp, which is augmented to 30000 Men. From Holland, that the Emperor has declar'd, that he was not grant the Dutch any more for their Barrier, than what he granted to Caddogan. The Arch Bishop of Canterbury if given over by his Physitians. ' London
[ 10 ] London, May 21. Sir John Norris, Admiral of the Blue, with a Squadron of 20 Men of War, and a Fleet of Merchant Ships under his Convoy, sailed from the Nore the 18th Instant in the Morning for the Baltick, to protect the Trade of his Ma- jesty's Subjects in that Sea. His Majesty has been pleas'd to appoint the Earl of Burling- ton, to be Lord Lieutenant of the West Riding of the County of York, and ot the City of York, and County of the same and Ansty of York., His Majesty has been pleased to direct Letters Patents to pass the Seals for granting the Dignity of Boronet of the Kingdom of Great Britain to George Warrender of
Lockhend, in the Shire of Hadington, Esq, Lord Provost of the City of Edinburg. His Majesty has been pleas'd to appoint Major Thomas Tal- mash to be Lieutenant Governor of Moneserrat, and, William Wynne, Esq, to be Standard- bearer to his Majesty's Band of Pensioners. We hear that Jefferey Gilbert, Esq; one of the Judges of the King's Bench in Ireland, will be made Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer there, in the room of the Lord Chief Baron Deane, deceas'd. And William Caulfield, Esq; a Judge in that King- dom. Mr. William Baresby, who was in Custody of the Searjeant at Arms, was brought to the Bar, where he (
upon his Knees) receiv'd a reprimand from Mr. Speaker, and was discharged out of Custody paying his Fees. Paris, May 19. The East India ship, being arriv'd lately at Port Louis, is valu'd at more than 1 Millions of Livres, and the Cargo of the z others from which she was separated by a Tempest, is computed to be above 6 Millions; Five Men, said to be Bankrupts taken 0n the side of Angouleme, are brought hither in Fetters, and put into the Chatelet. The Chevalier of the Order of St. Lazarus, who was wounded by one of the Persians in the Elesian Fields on the 23d. Inst. dyed next Day, He was an Officer of the Mousquetairs,
for which Reason the other Officers of that Body make a great Noise, and insist on having Satisfaction. M. de S. Olon went last Saturday to the Persian Ambassador and told him that the King judg'd it necessary to give satisfaction to the Monsquetaires; The Ambassador answer'd, he had done it already, by inflicting the Basti- nado on his slave, and that he had offer'd the deceas'd to cut of the said slave's head, which being refus'd, it was not reasonable to punish him a se- cond time. We know not what Conference this Affair will have, nor what the
V 11) the Court will determine about it. The 9th Instant, the Lord Bolingbroke set out from hence, and we are inform'd he is to go and reside for some time, at a Country seat, near Vienne in Dauphiny. The Courier, who was dispatch'd to Vienna, about the Affair of Mojoica, being return'd, we Hear it is reported, that a suspension of Arms is agreed on. Vienna, May 15. The Elector of Triars continues his Conferences with the Emperor, and we hear, he is endeavouiing to obtain one of the Arch- dutchesses, Daughters of the late Emperor Joseph, for the eldest Son of the Duke of Lorrain. But that Affair will meet with great Difficulties.
The Eldest Princess is as good as promised to the Electoral Prince of Bavaria 5 and the Elector Palatine uses all his Interest at this Court, which is very great, to obtain the youngest for the young Prince of Sultbach, who is to succeed him in his Electorate. From Fox's Letter, London May 14. Sunday last died the Lord Peirpoint a Peer of Britain, made by this King, and having no Issue his Estate worth 150000 I. falls to the Marquiss of Dorchester. This Afternoon the secret Committee meets to hear the Report real over, it being now ready to be laid before the Parliament. Thursday the Earl of Hallifax is to be interred in
Westminster- Abbey, he died ve- ry rich in Money, Jewels and Plate, and has left his House near Hampton Court, called Bushy, to a Lady he design'd to marry, and about 60ol. a year, the rest goes to his Heir Mr. Montague Letters fiom France, say, That the French Envoy in Sweden, has assur'd that King, that his most Chistian Majesty will get him the best Terms he can, and that he will prevail with the King of Prussia to get the Cessation enlarged to the 16th Inst. by which time a Treaty of Peace may begin. Last Night the Princess Carolina of Hanover arrived at Gravesend, and this dAy the Guards were sent to fetch her up
hither. It's reported the Lord Carlton has kiss'd the King's Hand for the Privy- Seal. Last Night an Express arrived here from France, with Advice, that the King hat at last agreed that ihe Harbour of Mardyke shall be destoyed and filled up. Sir John Norris has positive Orders with the Dutch Fleet, to life, his utmost en- deavours to oblige the King of Sweden to make Peace with his Adversaries, and if he does not, to act Offensive against him by Sea, while the Prussiam attack him by Land. This Day the Commons Resolved that 120000 /. per Ann. be granted to his Ma- jesty for Life, which together with the great Produce of the Civil
Lift wakes up I! K SUM of 7000001, A year. London, May 22. His Majesty has been pleased to direct a Commission to pass the great seal, constituting the Archbishop of Canterbury for the time being, the Lord Chancellor of Great Britain, or Keeper of the Great seal of Great Britain for the time being, the Archbishop of York for the time be- ing, the Bishops of London, Winchester, Lincoln, Norwich Ely and GloU- cester for the time being, the Lord Mayor of London for the time being ; his Majesty's Attorney and solicitor General for the time being, sir Gilbert Heathcoat and sir Charles Piers Knts. and Aldermen, the Official Principal
sf the Arches and Judge of the prerogative Court of Canterbury for the time being
( 12 ) being, the Judge of his Majesty's high Court of Admiralty, and Chancellor of the Diocese of London for the time being, the Vicar General to the Archbishop of Canterbury for the time being, his Majesty's Advocate Ge- neral for the time being, James Johnson Doctor of Laws, master of the Faculties, and John Harwood Dr. of Laws, the Sheriffs of London for the time being, the Dean and Residentiaries of the Cathedral Church of it. Paul, London, for the time being, the surveyor General of his Majesty's Works for the time being, sir Henry st. George, sir Isaac Newton, Knights, William Falkner and Whitlock Bulstrode, Esqrs. to
be Commissioners for carrying on, finishing and adorning the Cathedral Church of st. Paul, Lond. The E. of Carlisle is appointed first Commissioner of the Treai'ury, in the Room of the E. of Hallifax, deceas'd. John Floyer, Esq; is appointed Se- Cretary of New- England, in the room of Isaac Addington, Esq; deceas'd. His Majesty has been pleas'd to appoint Will. Caufield, Esq.; to be one of the Justices of the Court of King's Bench in Ireland. Several Petitions have been presented to the House and read for poor distressed Prisoners for Debt for the County ar. d City of York, for Norfolk, for the Sheriffs Ward, of the Parish of Sr.
Thomas the Apostle in the County of Devon, for the County of Lincoln, for Marshalsea, and Ivelchester in the Coun- ty of Somerset. Praying that Leave may be given for the Petitioner's Relief. Sir Richard Onslow Bart, is appointed. Chancellor and Un- der Treasurer of the Exchequer. Sir William St. Quintin Bart. Edward Wortley, and Paul Methuen, Esqrs. to be Commissio- ners for the Execution of the Office of Treasurer of his Ma- jesty's Exchequer This Day South Sea Stock was 100 one half. Bank 132. India 142. ADVERTISEMENT. THere is a very good, strong, Grey Ston'd Horse, about 15 hands high, which is the Son of
Old Ho- boy, and is the Brother to Windham, the best in New- Market, and Brother to Wagtail and Cheater, to be Leap'd at 5s. per Leap, at Mr. Swift's Barber and Perry wig- maker in the Long- Row, Nottingham. In Whitson Week will be publish'd, ACollection of choice Psalm Tunes, in three and four Parts: With new and easie Psalm- Tunes, Hymns, Anthems, and spiritual Songs, com- posed by the best Masters; with the Contra and Treble in the same Cliff that the Tenor is in. By John and James Green. The Third Edition with large Additions. Nottingham: Printed by William Ayscough in Bridlesmithgate. for Joseph Turner
Bookseller in Sheffield, Yorkshire;' and sold by J. Sprint at the Bell in Little- Britain, London. 1715,