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The British Weekly Mercury


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The British Weekly Mercury
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The British Weekly Mercury

Date of Article: 15/01/1715
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Address: For the Company of the Sun-Fire-Office, Threadneedle-Street, behind the Royal Exchange, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 498
No Pages: 6
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Numb. 498 The British Weekly Mercury Printed for the Company of the Sun- Fire- Office, in Threadneedle- Street, behind the Royal Exchange, London. From Wednesday Jan. 1 2. to Saturday Jan. 15. 1714- 15 This Geography drawing to a Conclusion, will be followed by Variety of entertaining Pieces. The Abridgment of GEOGRAPHY continu'd. America, in the; Ecclesiastical Order, is divided into two principal Religions, viz. The Christian, introduced by the Europeans in Canada, in the English Plantations, in Mexico, in the Firm Land, in Peru, in Chile, on the Coasts of Brasil. and in Paraguay. The Pagan, which some Savages profess in the Countries the Europeans have not yet conquer'd. America, consider'd in the Political Order, is possess'd by two Sorts of People, viz. f The Spanish), The Europeans, who have esta- \ The Portuguese, blish'd five principal Domi- The French, nions, which are —— « ) The English), ( The Dutch. The Savages, or Natives of the Country, who have scarce any Towns, but live di- spers'd in divers Parts of America, but chiefly the Inlands. The SPANIARDS AVE vast Dominions in America, viz. In North America, Mexico, or New Spain, divided into four Chanceries, which H are, The Chancery of Santo Domingo, comprehending the Iflands, the three principal whereof are Hispaniola, where is Cuba, Santo Domingo. San Christopher ( de Havana. Borriquen, Part of Florida, San Juan de Pu- erto Rico. S. Augustin. The Chancery of Mexico contains the following Countries, viz. New Spain, where is mexico. Tlascala, — '— Los Angeles. Mechoachan, Valladolid, or Guaxaca, — Antequera. ( Mecboacan. Tavasco, — Nuestra Senora Panuco, S. Estevan del ( Puerto. Yucatan, ( de la Vitoria. Merida. The Chancery of Guadalajara, or of New Galicia, contains the Provinces of Guadalajara, where is Xalisco, — Chiametlan, Culiacan, - Guadalajara. Compostela. San Sebastian. San Michael Cinaloa, Los Zacatecas, New Biscay, - San John. Los Zacatecas. Endes. The guatimala, where is 2) The Chancery of Guatemala, in which are the Provinces of SoCanuscOl Chiapa, — Vera Paz, Santiago de ( Guatemala. Guevetlav. Cuidad Real Vera Paz. Honduras, Nicaragua., Costarica, Veragua, Valladolid, or ( Comayagua. Leon $ eNiiara- Cartago. ( gila. La Trinidad. In the South Part of America, the Spaniards have the Governments, or Countries following. The Firm Land, or the new Kingdom of Granada, which contains Portebello, Panama, Rio is la Hacha, Venesuela, Paria, or NEW Andalusia, quito, where is los Guixos, Pacamoros, liMa, or the true Peru Rio de la Plata, — Nuestra Senora ( de los Remedios. — Venesuela, or fCoro. — Comar. a. Peru, whic •— & m Francifco ( de ghiito. — Baeca. — S. Juan de las ( Salinas. { Lima, or los Cuzco. ( Reyes. Paraguay, whic { Buenos Ayres, r - . Cartagena, Santa Martha, Popayan, he ne nada. Popayan, Caly. . The new Kingdom of Gra--\ Santa Fe de Bogota. l contains, Los Charcas, La Sierra, - La Plata, Chile, in which are 1 comprehends, Potosi. Santa Cruz de ( la Sierra. { Santiago de Chile. Imperial. Tucuman, Santiago del Estero, Cordova de Tucuman. ; La Assumpcion. And towards the Southern Countries, the Spaniards have possess'd themselves of the Islands of Chiloe, the principal Town whereof is CASTRO. The PORTUGUESE possess in South America the greatest Part of the Coast of Brasil, viz. the Govern- ments of San Vicente, Maraguan, - Ciara, Para, the Capital is - Seregippe, Bay a de todos los Santos, Los Isleos, —- Porto Seguro, ' Spiritu Santo, Rio de Janeiro, Para. Seregippe. San Salvador. Los Isleos. Porto Seguro. Spiritu Santo. San Sebastian. Rio Grande, Paraiba, — Tamaraca, — Pernanbuco, Los Santos. Maraguan. Ciara. Potengi. Paraiba. Tamaraca. Olinda. The FRENCH HAVE also possess'd themselves of some Countries in America, lately of that they call Louisiana, being a vast Extent of Land, stretching from the Gulph of Mexico Northward, as far as Canada, and lying between New Spain and other Spanish Dominions on the west, and Florida, and the English Plantations on the East. There are no Towns of Note in it as yet. Their ancient Possessions there, are, in North America, Canada, or New france, In which are — Quebec, Montroyal. In ( 3 ) The Islands of the Holy Cross, Guadalupe, In the torrid Zone I Granada, and Part of Hispaniola. And on the Coast of Guiana, or of the Caribees, the Isle of Cayana. The ENGLIsH HAVE several Countries in America, viz. Towards Canada, Boston. Annapolis. New Plymouth. The DUTCH hAVE in America, towards the Coast of Venesuela, the Islands of Curazao and Tabago. 1 ^ ro, which pafles by -{ j^ tofa^ Guadalguivir, - Guadiana, • Of the principal Rivers of the Earth. And firft of thofe in Europe. The principal Rivers of Spazw, are, Tagus, { Cordova, Sevil. { Merida, Badajoz. Duero, Minbo, ( Toledo, Lijbon. r Miranda, ~< LamegOy {- Porto ^ Orenfe, The four greateft Rivers of France, and into which others fall, are, fGeneva, Lyons, The Rofne, which partes! Vienne, by — j Valence, ' Avignon, Aries. The Garonne, { Toulonfe, Agfn, Bourdeaux. The £ om?, The Seine, • I Never s^ J Orleans, [ Blois, I Tours, tNantes: { Troyes, Paris, Rouen. The New England, —— Accadia, Virginia, Maryland. carolina. Pensilvania. And the Islands Bermudas. The islands of Jamaica, Port Royal, James Town, St. Christopher, Barbadoes. And in the Torrid Zone, ( 4 ) no other Mails ate yet arriv'd, but two from France. From the Paris Gazette, dated January 19. Madrid, January I. tHE King has appointed the Prince de Campo Flotido, a Sicilian, Governor of the Province of Guipuscoa, and Don John de Acunha, a Lieutenant General of the Kingdom of Aragon. His Majesty has consented to the Cardinal del Giudice's resigning the Place of Inquisitor- General, and his Servants have receiv'd Orders to embark at Alicant for Italy. F. Francis Macannas, of the Order of St. Dominick and Prior of the Monastery of Murcia, is made Councilor in the supreme Council of the Inquisition, in the Room of F. Froylan, deceas'd ; and another vacant Place in the said Tribunal has been conferr'd on F. Robinet, a Jesuit, his Majesty's Confessor. Publick Notice has been lately given in this Place, that the Fleet design'd for new Spain is to sail within two Months; and a Ship just arriv'd at Cadiz from that Couutry, brings Advice, that the Fleet under the Command of Admiral Ubella, which sail'd thither laft Year, was laden and ready to sail upon the first Orders. We are inform'd, that the Queen, before she left Pamplona, sent back the Retinue she brought from Parma, excepting only the Princess de Piombino. She set out the 15th of the last Month, taking very long Journies, without staying to see the Re- ioycings made upon her Arrival. At her setting out, the Bilhop of Pamplona prefented her with 2000 Crowns, to distribute among the Poor on her Way. The Princess Ursini went on the 19th, to expect her at Xadraque. Upon these Advices, the King, on the 22d in the Even- ing, went with the Prince, but in two different Coaches, to our Lady of Atocha. The Prince being there first, alighted and open'd the Coach for the King, and when they had both pray'd in the Tribune, the Prince went away to the Palace of Buen Retiro, to take leave of the In- fantss Don Philip and Don Ferdinand, his Brothers. The 23th the King and Prince set out in two Coaches for Alcala, notwithstanding the Weather was very cold, and abundance of Snow fell. The 24th, his Majesty and his Highnes's continn'd their Journey, and arriv'd at Guadalaxara about Noon, whither the Queen came at four in the Evening, and some Time after, the Patri- arch of the Indies perform'd the Marriage- Ceremonies, in the Presence of all the Grandees of Spain, who had repair'd thither. The 25th in the Evening they kifs'd the Queen's Hand, and then drew up in two Lines, whilst the Magistrates of the Town, and other Persons of Distinction who had resorted thither, also kiss'd her Majefty's Hand. The 26th, the King and Queen came to Alcala, and the 27th arriv'd at this Place, being met by a Multitude of Coaches, great Thrones of People on the Way, and yet no Diforder happen'd, notwithstanding the Badnels ot the Wiys/ auu the deep . snow. Their Majesties made their Entry at the Gate of Alcala, amidst the Acclamations of the People, and went to our Lady of Atocha, where Te Deum was sung by the Musick of the Chappel, after which they came to the Palace. The 28th and 29th, the King, Queen, and Prince were at the Palace of Buen Retiro, to visit the two Infantes, and return'd the 30th, when the Queen admitted the Court Ladies to kiss her Hand. The fame was perform'd by the Councils, the Ministers, and the Magistrates of the Town.. Yesterday the King and Prince went again to the Palace of Buen Retiro, and there have been" Illuminations throughout the Town for four Days. His Majesty has nominated Don Francisco. Valero & Lossa, Bishop of Badajoz, to be Arch- Bishop of Toledo. We have receiv'd Advice that when the Queen arriv'd at Xadraque, she there found the Princefs Ursini expecting her who came down some Steps to meet and kiss her Hand. The Queen went into her Bed- cham- ber, and was follow'd by the Princess, where they conferr'd together, and then the Princeds withdrew to her own Apartment. Soon after the Queen came out and dent for Lieutenant- General Amezaga, Commander of the Life- Guards attending her, to whom she deliver'd an Order in Writing, to caufe the Piincefs Ursini to depart, with two Officers, and 50 of the Guards, to conduct her to France. Rome, December 25. Last Week an Express from the Governer of Civitavecchia brought Ad- vice, that a Vessel from Dulcigno had confirm'd the Advices we have receiv'd frcm several Places of the extraordinary warlike Preparations made by the Turks both by Sea and Land. The Pope is considering of Means to raise Funds for the Defence of Christendom, in Case the Infidels attack Malta, or the Morea. The Cardinal de St. Vitale dy'd the 17th Instant, so that there are now 8 vacant Places in the sacred College. Venice, Decemb. 29. We have receiv'd Advice from Constantinople, that the Turks push on their naval Preparations with extraordinary Vigour ; and it is positively reported, that their Fleet will be compos'd of 50 Men of War, 20 Galleys, and several other Vessels, including those of Algier, Tunis, and Tripoly, which are order'd to be at Constantinople in March; but we are assur'd, that the Infidels want Officers and able Sea- men. The European Bassas are com- manded to keep their Troops in a Readiness to march upon the first Orders. The main Motive for the War, is thought to be the Employment of the Janizaries, for fear they should mutiny. Six large Vessels have been of late caus'd to advance to the Point of the Seraglio, for the Security of the Grand Seignior's Person. We continue to work with the utmost Diligence at fitting out of Men of War and Galleys ; as also in raising Forces and considerable Sums of Money, in order to oppose the Infidels. From the Gazette a- la- main. Paris, Jan 19. We have Letters from Roses, dated the 2d of this Month, which bring Ad- vice, that they heard there by a Ship arriv'd two Days before from Barcelona, that they work wtih extream Diligence in that City upon the Preparations for the Expedition upon Majorca ; ( 5 ) that many Ships are arriv'd, as well from the Ports of France as those of Spain, which are laden - with all sorts of Ammunition and Provisions; and that they are beginning to make a Review of the Troops that are in that Principality, in Order to their being put into a State for march- ing whither they shall be commanded. These Letters add, that they continue to say, that the 15th of Feb. is appointed to be the Day whereon this Expedition will begin, there being al- - ready a prodigious Stock of all sorts of Utensils for War, Ammunition and Provifions, brought together to Barcelona for that Purpose. All Things are preparing at the Hotel, des Ambafiadeurs for the Reception of the persian Embassador, who will arrive here next Week. ' Tis said an Order will be publish'd to prohibit - the wearing of Gold upon the Cloaths of any but the Princes of the Blood. The Elector of Bavari gave on Sunday last a Ball at St. Clou, which lasted ' till the next Morning. The King of Sicily is making new Levies in Savoy and Piedmont, to augment his Troops against any event that may happen. London, January 15. On Tuesday last it was order'd in Council, that the Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Townshend, and James Stanhope, Esq; Principal Secretaries of State, shou'd repair to the Right Hon. the Earl of Strafford, and receive from his Lordlhip the Original In- structions and Orders, and all Letters be had receiv'd from any Ministers of the late Queen, or any foreign Prince or Minister, and Copies of all Instructions of which he had not the Origi- nals ; and also of all Letters writ by him to any Persons whatsoever, relating to the Negocia- - tions from his first being at the Hague, seal'd up with his Lordship's Sea', and to transmit them to the Council- Office. Accordingly, the two Secretaries aforesaid went immediately to the Earl v of Strafford's, and receiv'd from him two Trunks, said by him to contain what was de- manded. On Thursday a Proclamation Was publish'd for discovering the Author, Printer, and Pub- - lishers of a Libel, entitul'd English Advice to the Freeholders of England, and promising a Reward of iooo 1. to any Person who shall discover the Author, and 5001. for discovering the Printer . thereof; and commanding all Magistrates to take effectual Care to prevent and suppress all Riots and Tumults at the ensuing Elections of Members of Parliament, & c. The Quarter Sessions of the Peace began at Guild- Hall last Wednesday, where many Persons in publick Offices took the Oaths, and the Session was adjourn'd from thence to the Old Baily, _ as ufual, from whence a further Adjournment will be made to Tuesday the 18th Instant, in Guild- Hall, in order to administer the Oaths to the Commissioners of the Lieutenancy, and others who shall appear there to that Purpose. His Majesty has been pleas'd to appoint the Right Hon. the Earl of Forfar, his Envoy Ex- traordinary to the King of PrUssia. Mongo Graham, Esq, is made Comptroller of the Customs and Salt, and John Parson, Esq; Comptroller of the Excise in Scotland. * Henry Wife, Efq; is continu'd Gardiner to his Majesty, as he was to the late Queen ; as a To Sir William Read is continu'd Oculist and Operator for the Eyes to his Majesty ; William Gar- - diner, Esq; Surgeon to the Houshould ; and Thomas Hewet, Esq; Surveyor of the Forests, & c. on the North Side of Trent, and not of the South Side, as was mention'd by Mistake in our last. Sir Roger Mostyn, Bart, one of the Tellers of the Exchequer, has appointed Samuel Edwards, Esq; his Deputy. Last Wednesday, the Embassador from Tripoli had Audience of his Majesty. General Douglas is admitted to Bail. | _ On Thursday last the celebrated Te Deum and Jubiate, coinpos'd by Dr. Croft, Organist and Composer to his Majesty, ( which is to be perform'd before the King at St. Paul's, on the Thanksgiving- Day) was practis'd the first Time at the Chapel Royal at St. James's, as it is to * be again this Day about Noon at the same Place. We are inform'd, the Practice will be re- peated once or twice at St. Paul's before the Performance. i - On Thursday last about 5 a- Clock in the Evening, some Gun- Powder unfortunately blew up i the House of Mr. Walker at Bear- Key, which kill'd all the People in it, and two Men, as they were passing by ; and set Fire to the Houses on each Side. The Wind blowing strong S. W. I * carry'd it with such Fury, that all the Houses from thence to the Cuftom- House, and also thro' Harp- lane and Water- lane, quite to Tower- street, were burnt down by 10 a- Clock Yefterday Morning, at which Time, the Fire was with great Difficulty brought under. Bakers- hall, Trinity- House, the Vine- Tavern, and above 100 Dwelling- Houses and Warehouses were de- stroy'd by this Accident, and a great many People kill'd. The Damage is greater than any - since the Conflagration of the City in 1666. N. B. Whereas in our last, by Mistake, it was said, that Avertisements not exceeding 10 • Lines, should be taken in at 2s. 6d. and 2d. per Line for all above the said 10 Lines, this is to give Notice, that the said Advertisements not exceeding 10 Lines, will be taken in at 2 s. each, including the King's Duty, and one Penny for every Line above the said 10 Lines, which is much cheaper than in any other Paper. There is another considerable Advantage in advertising in this Paper, which is its spreading so far, there being near 4000 printed every Time, and " those carefully distributed into all Parts, not only of this City, but of the whole Nation ; being deliver'd throughout London and the Parts adjacent, by Men employ'd for that Purpose by the - Office, and transmitted to remoter Parts by Post and Parcel ( 6 ) Christen'd last Week Within the Bills of Mortali- ty 3305 Bury'd 5 IO. Decreas'd in the latter 18. Bank South- Sea - the Price of Stocks, Jan. 14. East- India- Divide1 io • 8 6 • 6 • 6 3 • 4 Ditto Subscription Million- Bank African Bankers Assignments Orphans Chamber — South- Sea Bonds Premium- Bank Circulation Premium— East India Bonds Premium- Tickets undrawn — In the Exchequer. advanc'd 14th 4 Shilling Aid 1880000 15th 4 Shilling Aid 1880000 3d 2 Shilling Aid 940000 4th 1 Shilling Aid Hops 940000 — 180000 — 650000 — 650000 — 650000 — 700000 — 500000 — 636957 u14840 Classis 1711 Bl.& Pr. 26oizoo Classis 1712 2341990 Lottery 1711—-— 1928500 Malt 1712 Malt 17T3 Malt 1714 •• Low Wines 1705 Candle Act Subsidies 1705 Sale of Tin- Dir. 1713, Civ. List 633000 Dit. 1712, in 3 Lot. 2341740 Ditto 1714, Benefits 719040 Ditto 1714, Blanks 1157360 Subsidies 1709 645000 Blanks 1710, due Sept. 29, 1714, are paid to 124822 Tuesday. * 34 r * 33 96 A 22 i 9l 7 24 5i 80 32/. 21. 6 i. 32 /. 121. 7 /. Paid off to Number 1844000 1829420 873x68 196000 82700 508382 404270 18000" 632292 159980 636164 972094 76350 30045 4016 3229 1449 124 49 1572 877 1617 1510 347 1094 1944 65 6 251 150720 nth 11 14900 2 Pay. 6 6579 © 4P. 1L0t. i9 3 dit. 23 2 dit. 38 129451 484 Amsterdam Rotterdam Antwerpe- Hamburg Paris The Course of the Exchange, ** 8 I Airhnrn Lyons — bourdeaux- Madrid — Cadiz — — 36 8 — 36 10 —. 38 a i 35 a 1 — 43 7 — 43 , 42 I 50 — 49 i a Leghorn* Bilboa— Genoua- Venice - Lisbon • Porto 5i f 48 f - 52 I - 49 - 5 5 ® f r v* 29/. 6d. Dublin Cochineel -— Col. Bays 14d. * per EH, The Prices of Corn, & c. at Bear- Key. Wheat • 261. to 3Z1. per Qr. Barley lot. to 221. Rye 19s'. tO 21/. Fine pale Malt 26/. to 30/. Coarse Ditto 20/. to 25/. Beans 191. to 2r/< White Pease 28 /. to 33 /. Oats—— 12;. to 14/. Tares 20/. to 251. Brown Malt at Queen- Hithe 26/. to 271. 6d. Salt, * js. per Bufhel. Annuities. Tears Purch. 1693, 14per Cent. Excise 14 f. 1705, 3700 /. per Week Exeise 15 1706, I additional Customs and Excise 15 | 1707, Low Wines, Sweets, Pedlars,& Customs 15 $ 1708, 80000/. i Moiety of old Ton. & Poun. 15 f 1708, 40000/. Surplusses - 14 Ql. p. C. for 28 Y. Excise, Raisins, Spices, Snuff n i Prizes 1710, for 28 Years i, Coals & Wind, n £ Blanks i7io, of 14/. per Ann. for 29 Years, 8/, 4/. Coin'd from Jug. 1713, to Dec. 3, 1714, in Gold 1564796/. / The Bank discounts Foreign and Inland Bills, and lends 7 /. 10/. on each Ticket of the New Lottery, to be repaid at, or any Time before the End of the draw- ing the same, at 5 I. per Cent. Interest. Advertisements. This Day is publish'd, A compleat History of all the Empires, King- doms, and States of the World, from the Creation, to this present Time. Faithfully collected from the most approv'd Authors, by an Impartial Hand. Printed and sold by H. Meere, at the Black Fryer in Black Fryers. Where may be had in few Days, and proper to be bound with it, An Abridgment of Geography, containing a brief Account of all the sovereign States of the Earth, and of the Countries possess'd by each of them; as also the Titles of every Monarch, Prince, & c. At Hamlin's Coffee- house in Swithin's- Alley, near the Royal- Exchange, is kept an exact Nu- merical- Book of the present Lottery, by one who was Clerk to the Printers to the Honourable Commissioners for the two last Lotteries. And likewise a Register- Book, where any Persons may have the Numbers of their Tickets enter'd reasonably, and shall have a spee- dy Account sent them as soon as drawn, ( whether Blanks or Prizes) to any part of theTown, and by the first Post into the Country. London : Printed by H. Meere, at the Black- Fryer in Black- Fryers. Where Advertisements are taken in.
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