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A Weekly Journal With fresh Advices, Foreign and Domestick


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A Weekly Journal With fresh Advices, Foreign and Domestick

Date of Article: 01/01/1714
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< 73) Weekly Journal With fresh Advices, Foreign and Domestick. From SatUrday December 25 to satUrday January 1st. 1714. TURKEY. Constantinople Nov. 24 H E grand Vizier who is a Ve- netian Renegio, has actually order'd the Troops in and a- bout Negropont to begin the Attack of the Morea, and tho' the Residents of the Emperor of Germany and Poland have in a joint Au- dience remonstrated against it. and declared that their Principals are oblig'd by Virtue of the Treaty of Garlovitz to Assist them of- fensively and defensively ; that Minister. is going to put himfelf at the Head of the Forces in and near this Place, in order to join those that are to make the said Invasion. We have already taken six of the Ships of that Republick. , ., Smirna, 0ct. The 14th of this Month arrived Sig. Bonaventura Minelli, who is ap- pointed to reside here as Consul from the Republick of Venice: But being justly ap- prehensive that there will soon be a Rupture between the TUrks and the Venetians, he judged it behoved him to use the best Pre- cautions he could, for preventing his being seized and imprisoned as a Minister of his Republick when the War shall actually break out: He therefore waited privately on the other Foreign consuls here, and desired them not to own or treat him as a Consul: And then he notified to the cady, and other chief Magistrates of this City, on the 15th, that being come hither, not in the Quality of Consul, but to tranfact Affairs relating to the Consulate only as an Agent till the Senate should dispose of that Employment, he could not take on him a Publick Character, nor consequently offer to make Visits of Cere- mony. The Cady and the other principal Officers in the Government of this Place made Answer, that it was indifferent to them in what manner he should act, provided he would take Care to make them such Presents as they held themselves intituled to by Cust om from the Venetian Consulate : And to stop their Mouths, he has thought it safest for him to comply with that Custom. The last Letters from Constantinople, which are of the 20th instant confirm that great Prepa- rations for War by Sea and Land are making there; and that it was not in the least doubt- ed the Port will attempt next Spring the Re- duction of the Morea ( of which the present Grand Vizier is a Native) tho' a Rumour is likewise spread, that the Design is against the Island of Sicily. The Naval Forces of Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli are expected to join the Ottoman, Fleet, being obliged al- ways to attend chose Expeditions in time of War. These Letters add, that Vessels were continually imployed in transporting Janisa- nes and others in the Military Service, with Stores of Ammunition, to the Islands of Ne- gropont and Candia, and the Parts adjacent. The 10th of this Month, being the first day of the Turkish Festival called Baitam, the Janisaries appeared, at the Seraglio, to re- ceive the Sultan s Bounty, which is usually bestowed upon them on Occasion of that Feast : It being also the Cuftom at that time to distribute among them Rice ready dressed they refused to touch it, crying out that it was musty and not fit to be eaten : The Grand Visier dreading the Consequencas of the mu- tinous Disposition he saw them in, sent for the chief Officer of the Grand Signior's Kitchen called Assi Bassi, and after having caused a hundred Blows to be given him on the Soles of his Feet, he condemned him to serve at the Oar in the Gallies; he likewise sent for the Steward of the Kitchen, Mamet Aga, and committed him to Prison; which Proceeding appeased the Janisaries. Malta, Dec. 24. The Grand Master omits nothing to put himself into a State of De- fence. He has bought up Fire Arms sufficient M to { C 74 ) to arm the Inhabitants of the Island, as well as the Soldiers, he has caused to be levied in several Countries. He has the more lively Apprehension of being attacked by the Turks upon account of an Ingenier who put himself into his Service, and after he had been there two Months, in which time ' tis known he took a Plan of the Island, has deserted, and is gone to Constantinople, where we doubt not he will give Information to the Turks of the Fortifications and Posture of the Island. DENMARK. Hamburgh, . Dec, 28. The Landgrave of Hesse Cassel arrived here on Tuesday In- cognito, and upon the arrival of an Express from the Hereditary Prince, he has resolved to set out this Day or to Morrow with the Dutcheas Dowager of Mecklenburg Swerin his Siater, for Mecklenburg, and from thence to proceed to Stralsund,. to confer with the King of Sweden. Others say, that that Conference is to be held at Rostock, and that several other Princes are to assist therein ; but of this we shall have a better account by the next Advices. The Swedes having given Orders to open all Letters that are written from Stralsund, we have but imperfect Ac- counts of what is transacted in that Place. Letters from Wismar say, that the King of Sweden has alter'd his Resolution to march into Holstein, and that he has sent Orders to fit out his Fleet with all possible speed, and get together all the Transports that shall be found in his Harbours, designing to imbark all his Forces in Sweden and Pomerania, to attack the. Danes in the Heart of their Coun- try, and make a Descent in Zealand to be- siege Copenhagen. The Danes laugh at this Project as a Chymera, and pretend that their Fleet will be at Sea before that of Sweden, and not only in a Condition to prevent the Design aforesaid, but also to hinder the Com- munication between Sweden and Pomerania, and the Transportation of any Troops from those respective Countries. 1 Whatever it be, the Swedes continue their Levies with all the desired Success, and seem to be in no want of Money. The States of Pomerania have granted to the King of Sweden a free Gift of ioood Crowns, besides the ordinary Taxes; which is a great Sum, considering how much that Country has been ravaged; and that Prince has sent Orders to Stockholm to re- mit to him the Revenues for the Year 1715-. and to allow one half per Cent, per Month to such as shall advance the Payment of the Taxes. The Sieur Anderson, Syndick of this City, and the Sieur Faber, Councellor there- of, have been nominated by our Magistrates to compliment the King of Sweden on his happy Arrival. Lieutenant General Slippen- back arrived at Stralsund the 15th instant, and on the 17th had an Audience of the King of Sweden, whom he congratulated on his re- turn into his Dominions, in the Name of the King of Prussia. The Sieur Grumkow, Mi- . nister of the same Prince, is arrived there sinCe that time, and both have had several Conferences with the King of Sweden and his Ministers; and all our Advices confirm, that the. Swedes have agreed that the Prussians shall remain in possession of Stetin, accord- ing to the Treaty concluded thereupon. ' Tis certain, that the Prussian Troops which were ordered, to march, are countermanded. They write from Berlin, that Count Fleming is ar- rived there from Saxony, and intends to pro- ceed to Brunswick. The Danes make a great Magazine at Rendsburg, and their King is shortly expected in Holstein Mean time his Generals are reviewing his Forces, and taking such Precautions for the Security of the Passes along the Trave, that if the Swedes design to march that way, they must have a much greater Army than they have, to expect to make any Progress. The Swedes give out, that an Ambassador of France to the King their Master, is suddenly to be expected here, with very large Remittances for the Service of that Prince. I T A L Y. Genoa, Dec. 16. By a Ship arrived here this Morning, we have Advice that an Action has happen'd near Leghorn, between some Maltese Ships and some Corsairs of Algiers and Tunis, but the Success is not yet known Venice, Dec. 12. The Master of a Ship arrived here from Thessalonica reports, that he was commanded to sail out of that Har- bour in 24 Hours, and that he was informed that a great Body of Troops from Asia were daily expected there by Sea. Upon their Ad- vices the Senate has ordered to hasten the fit- ting out of their Fleet with all possible speed, and they intend shortly to have at Sea 24 Men of War, 4 Galleasses and 2 i Gallies, besides several small Frigots. The Troops from Ter- ra Firma, which are to be transported into Morea, begin to arrive at the Lido, and we are told the Republick has concluded a Treaty with the King of Poland for taking into their Service 75oo Saxons, besides 5000 Men of the Troops of Wirtemberg and 2000 Swit- zers. The new Levies they are making in I- taly will consist of ; ooo Men, and they are actually recruiting their old Regiments. GERMANY. Vienna, Dec. 22. Mr Secretary Stanhope having finished his Negociations at this Court, intends to set out to Morrow or the Day after ( 1 for the Hague, by the way of Bohemia, Sax- ony and Hannover. ' Tis said, that the Affair of the Barrier in the Netherlands has been re- gulated with that Minister, and that the E- quivalent to be given to the Elector Palantine is also adjusted. The Ambassador of Venice has communicated to the Ministers of this Court the Copy of a Letter written by the Grand Signior to the Republick, in a very hard stile. That Prince declares therein, that the late Hospodar of Walachia having lodged great Sums of Money in the Bank of Venice, he demands that the same be delivered to him. He declares further, that the Republick have- ing in the Year 1688. declared War against the Porte, before the Truce was expired, and conquered the Morea with its Dependencies, which produced a Yearly Income of o mil- lion of Ducats, he demands, that the Veneti- ans restore that Country to him, together with Revenue thereof since that time. The Venetian Ambassador has thereupon made In- stances to this Court to interpose their Offices for preventing the Storm they are threatned with, and accordingly a Courier has been dispatched to the Imperial Resident at Con- stantinople, with Orders to make the necessa- ry Representations to the Port, and declare, that if the Grand Signior breaks the Peace of Carlowitz with the Venetians, his Imperial Majesty will be obliged to execute the Gua- ranty thereof, and the other ingagements he is under by virtue of his perpetual Alliance with that Republick. As the Turks make great Preparations in Walachia and Moldavia, as well as in the Provinces bordering on the Venetian Territories, ; the Minister of the King of Poland seems apprehensive that this Letter of the Grand Signior is but an Artifice to cover his Designs against Poland, and suspects that a Treaty has been concluded in relation thereunto between the Port and the King of Sweden. Whatever it be, the Emperor has sent fresh Orders to put our Frontier Places in Hungary and Transilvania, in a good Posture of Defence, and the Impe- rial Troops on that side are considerably to be reinforced in the beginning of the Spring. S P A I N. Pampeluna, Dec. 11. The Queen of Spain having parted with the Queen Dowager her Aunt at St. John de Pied de Port on the 12th Instant which Place she had accompained her, happily crossed the Pyrennees, and arrived in the Evening at Roncevaux, where the Marquis de los Balbases gave up his Charge to the Marquis de Santa Cruz her Majesty's Major- Domo, who there attended her. Af terwards the Duke de Medina Celi presented to the Queen the Jewels which the King had 75 sent her. She went thence the 10th and lay at Zubaly, from whence she reached this Place the next Day, and will set out from hence the 15th to pursue her Journey. The Queen Dowager of Spain made her very fine Presents in Jewels and precious Stones. PORTUGAL Lisbon, Dec. 20. The Corsairs of Sally do much infest these Seas and having taken divers Portuguese Merchantmen, 14 Men of War were sent out the 1st Instant to give them Chase and those Ships have been dispersed by Tempest, but one of the least of them having 40 Guns and 121 Men, met with the Admiral of Sally near the Streights, which was a Ship of 44 Guns and 180 Men, and attacked and fought him for two Hours, in which time he so ply'd him with his Shot, that the Sallyman sunk tO the bottom, with- out saving more than one Man; but the Com- mander of the Portuguese Ship lost 136 Men either killed or wounded. FRANCE. Paris, Jan. 5. On the 19th of last Month the Abbot Massieu and the Sieur Mallet were received into the French Academy, the for- mer in Place of the Abbot de Clerambaut de- ceafed, and the latter in the room of the late . Sieur de Tourreil. Some Days ago the Knts. of Malta who are in this City assembled at the Temple, to the Number of above 50 Bailles, Commandeurs, and Knights, to deli- berate upon the Advices they receive from all Quarters of the, powerful Armament of the Turks; and the resolved all to engage, as well Professed as Novices, for the Repayment of a considerable Sum of Money which they, hare taken up, and employed in buying a good Quantity of Arms and Ammunition to be sent to Malta. The ambassadors from Persia will arrive the 15 that this City, and will be lodged at the Hotel of Ambassadors extraordinary. The King of Prussia appears inclinable to come into the Interests of the King of Sweden. NETHERLANDS. Brussels, Jan. 1. They write from Luxem- burgh and Namur, that there was almost a general Grief in those Towns, when they received the Letters the Elector of Bavaria wrote to them, to discharge them of the Oaths of Fidelity they had taken to him, and that a great number of People at Brussels,, and other Parts, could not forbear to express the same Sentiments; which shews how much that Prince was beloved in those Provinces, and that they had till that time flatter'd them- selves, that the so much talk'd of Exchange of those Countries with the Dukedom of Bavaria would at last be concluded. The ( 7 6) • The Marquis de Croissy arrived here some Assurances of His firm and inviolable Friend- Days ago in his way to Stralsund, being ap- ship for this Republick. which- He gave you- pointed by the Most Christian King to com- himself, as He pass'd thro' this Country, and pliment the King of Sweden on his return which I have had an Opportunity of repeating to his Dominions, and reside at his Court with to you more than once, since the Death of; the Character of Ambassador Extraordinary that most Excellent, most Pious, and most of France. 2jco Men of German Troops Glorious Princess, the late Queen, having presented themselves before Luxem- The King my Master, is so sensible of the burg to take possession of that Fortress, the Proofs your High Mightinesses have given [ Governour who is a Dutchman having no Him, of your Affection and Attachment to Orders to admit them, shut the Gates and His Interest, that His Majesty. will never be threatened to fire his Cannon if they did not wanting in point of a just acknowledgment, retire. " ' His Majesty's illustrious and shining Quali- ' HOLLAND. ties, join'd to His Power, will serve you as a Hague Jan. 4. When the Treaty of Bar Security, That having once that Prince's rier was generally thought here, to be gal- Good Will and Royal Word, your Repubiick loping towards its Conclusion, we were sur- may rely upon it, as upon the most solid Sup- priz'd to lee Messieurs Vander Duffen and port. Geldermalsen return hither some Days ago It is not of This Day, but from the very from Antwerp, with an Account that it is First of my Embassy to your High Mighti- stopt short all on asudden, like a testy Horse, nesses, that I have endeavour'd to confirm which taking Fright at some Shadow, can- you in the Opinion, That a strict Union with not be made to go forward. Moreover, the Crown of Great Britain, could not but Count Conningseck who is otherwise a most be very, advantageous and even necessary to v affable & courteous Gent, is grown exceeding- you. . Your Republick has too often reap'd ly close & silent; so that at present we see no the good Effects thereof, to leave any room to End of that Affair. Neither can we promise doubt of this Truth.. . ourselves any Relief herein, from what Ge- Your High Mightinesses will easily con- neral Stanhope has been able to do at the ceive, That after about Thirteen Years em- Court of Vienna,' for we are under a pro- ploy' in. Embassies, which I began in the found Ignorance in that point. We only hear Reign of the late King William, of Glorious by our last Advices | from thence, That his Memory, it must be a great Pleasure to me Excellency design'd to set out the 23d past, ( having always met with the entire ApprO- and to take Saxony, Prussia and some other bation of my Sovereigns) that I can now re- Courts of Germany in his way home Yester- turn home., and enjoy the present Happiness day, the Baron de Heems . . the Emperor's of my Country. But I return with so much Minister here, made a splendid Eutertainment the more Satisfaction, because I have that of for Monsieur Chateauneuf. Ambassador of seeing the successful Issue of my Negotiati- France, and divers other Foreign Ministers. ons. It is true there yet remains the Sign- On the 31st past, Messieurs Renswoud and ing of the Peace between Spain and Portu- Du Tour, their High- Mightinesses Deputies, gal, to make the Peace altogether complete : went to the Earl of Strafford's Palace, & from Which obliges me to inform your High mighti- thence conduded his Excellency, with a pro- nesses, That it is brought so near,, that in a digious Train of Coaches with » , 6, 4, and i Conference lately held at my House, between horses each, thro' the Houtstraet, Voorhout, the Plenipotentiaries of both those Crowns, Vyverberg, the Square, Hoogstraet, Vene- there was no other Difference, than of about straet, Spuystraet, Hofstraet, and so to the 130000 Crowns, without which that Treaty Court where their High- Mightinesses were had been then sign'd; which it, certainly assembled: And being seated in an Elbow- will be, upon the Return of the Expresses, chair, opposite to the President Velters, his which those Ministers then thought them- Excellency first deliver'd the King his Ma- selves obliged to send about it to their respe- sters Letter, which was immediately read ; ctive Courts ; for the Sum is too inconsidera.- and then he took his Leave of them,. by the ble to give any considerable Delay to an Af- fellow ing Speech, which he made in French, fair of so much Importance the rather, be- viz. cause the Most Christian King is pleas'd to High and Mighty Lords, interpose. BEsides what you have just heard, in the K. It was my Duty also, as you very well* my Master's Letter, I have Orders from know, pursuant to my Instructions from thev His Majesty, now that I am taking my Leave late Queen, in order to render this Peace, of your High Mightinesses, to repeat the lasting) to reconcile the Differences between the the Emperor and this Republick, touching the Barrier and likewise to renew our Trea- ties of Alliance, and to settle mutual Guaran- ties between the Powers interested in the ' Balance and Tranquillity of Europe: With t! which it has sfince pleas'd the King my Ma- ster principally to entrust one of his Secreta- . ries of State, who, among other Advantages, enjoying that of a Personal acquaintance with the Emperor, will not fail, I hope, of settling them, very speedily, to the Satisfacti- * on of all Parties. Mean while, I see with Pleasure, That ' your State begins already to feel the good Effects or the Peace; and, That it is entirely safe, and free from the Apprehensi- ons wherein I found it upon my arrival here, of the Events of along, a bloody, and a bur- k dcnsome War. As I have always very fincerely wish'd the Prosperity and Safety of this Republick, I cannot silently pass over the Satisfaction I reap, from the many Opportunities I have had, during the Course of my Negotiations, of giving very essential Proofs thereof, and , « of having done this Republick very considera- ble Services ; which is more particularly * known to some worthy Members of this State, who have honour'd me with their Friendship, , and will not be backward in doing me Ju- stice upon that score I have Nothing more to do, only to thank your High Mightinesses for the Favour you have shewn me, during my stay here and to * assure you, that I shall always retain a very grateful Remembrance of it ; and never fail, i when I am in my own Country, as I have e- ver done elsewhere, to all that lies in my Power to cherish the good Harmony and U- nion between our two Nations, which I look upon as the best and firmest Support of the , Balance and Liberty of Europe, as well as the i Protestant Religion. , The President having return'd a very civil Answer to his Lordship's Speech, the Earl of Strafford was conducted back to his own Pa- lace with the same Ceremonies where he enterrain'd the Deputies who had conduced t him to his Audience, and feveral other Per- sons of Distinction, at Dinner. His Lord- ship made a great Entertainment yefterday k too, for the Minifters of France, Sweden, Prussia, and some other Powers ; and having v receiv'd the usual Present of a Gold Chain and Medal worth 6ooo Livres, ( which this State always makes to Ambassadors on their ' departure) his Lordship designs to embarque in a few Days time., at Rotterdam, for Eng- land. ( 77 ) GREAT- BRITAIN. Falmouth, Dec. 27. This Day put in the Susanah, of and from Rotterdam with Fruit ; and the Morning Star, of and from Guernsey for this Place. . Plimouth, Dec. 28. Sailed 5 Ships for Leverpool and Chester ; and Yesterday sailed the Royal Africa from Guiney; came in the Port Mahone from the Westward ; the Eliza- beth and Ruth of Topsham from Barbadoes for London. , Harwich, Dec. 30. This Morning sailed the Dolphin with 3 Mails for Holland. Deal, t) ec. 30. Some of the Outward- bound sailed Yesterday; as also came down the Mary for Barbadoes, and Charles for Ve- nice, but sailed directly. This Day sailed his Majesty's Ship Fowy for the River. On Thursday they began to Pay his Maje- sty's Ship Fox in Broadstreet. A List of the Gentlemen in the new Commission of the Peace for the County of Middlesex. The Right Hon. the Earl of Clare Lord Lieute- nant of the County. tH E Rt. Hon. the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury. The Rt Hon. the Lords Commissioners of the Admi- ralty. The Right Honourable the three Principal Secretaries of State. The Hon. Hen. Paget. The Hon. Rob. Cecil Sir Robert Masham Cornelius Kennedy Sir Henry Dutton Colt Charles Stanhope Sir John Rushout Robert Pringle Sir Tho. Robert Bos. Johnson Sir Berkley Lucy Tho. West. Sir John Austin HUgb Raymond Sir Olando Bridgman Lancast. St. Loo Sir Charles Hotham W. Munson Sir Justus Beck, Baroneti T. Michelwait Sir Charles Wager Jeremy Sambrock Sir W. Colt R. Reeling Sir Rob. Child Nicholas Lechmere Sir Lambert Blackwell Kts E. Hawk Str Harry Bendish R. Gardiner Sir John Cope T. D'Aeth Sir Hen. Fetherston Barts. G. Paul Sir John Elwil Fisher Tench Sir W. Dodwel F. Alexander Sir Edward Lawrence Richard Steel Sir David Hecksletter J. Whitfield Sir Harcourt Masters Rupert Brown Sir Matthew Dudley, Kts. W. Watkins Sir Joseph Hodges, Bart. J. Wilson T. Ansley J. Crookshanks Horatio Walpole J. Cole Geo. Tilson Esqrs J. Bennet Esqrs. Rob. Rob. Douglas C. Medlicot Wm. Poultny, jun. Wm Bellamy J. Venner Richard Woolaston Cha. Heneage . Henry Barker R. nightingal J. Busby T. Liddal ' John Ellis w. Priestly, R. Savage Wm Churchil Fr. Negus Daniel Dolins isaac Tilliard Mich. Crake W. Billers J. Williamson R. Gough Ed. Mirshul George Montague t. Woodcock T. Sewed E. Johnson, J. Reybardson W. Covey C. Greenwood S. Web J. Powel W. Dauson R. merriwether William Benson w. Kingfort P. Bing Jeff. Saunders T. Reynolds w. Wallis W. Sloper Arthur Ingram D'Oyly Michel W. Hucks R Wallis T. Lane Jos. Goddard J. Baber A. Marriot John Purnel Pet. le Kux J. Clerk Jeremy Totnam John Crew Josiah Diston Crew Offley Rob Russel T. Kempthorn Sam. Jones George Rogers James Misson J. Alexander Tho. Heath Jos. Jory Ed. Peck Alex. Pitfield J. Saunders T. Johnson Ch. May Tho. Savory Ed. Grace : Lawrence Hoablon W. Daviss S. Perry law. Hatsel Ambrose Page Nat. Brook J. Powel, Esqrs. Yesterday India 133. Mill. Bank 1714. 111. 6 d Bank Stock was 130. East, South- Sea 9f and a 91. African 23. Lot. quartet Ticket', f ) John Hanger, Esqrs. On Wednesday last Mr. John Wine was car- ried before- the Secretary at State, for being the Author of a Seditious Libel, call'd, Rea- sons humbly offer'd to the Parliament for abrogating the Observation of the Thirtieth of January • where he was oblig'd to give 5oo /. Bail for his Ap- pearance at the King's Bench- Bar at West- minster. the 1st day of the next Term. Last Week their Royal Highnesses the Prince ' and Princess of Wales stood Godfather and Godmother to a Daughter of Henry Har- court Esq; in Park- Place, being represented by the Lord Finch and the Countess of Dor- chester. Christned Male's 168. Females r48 In all 334. Buried Males 246 Females 249. In Decreased in the Burials this Week 69. Yesterday arrived a Mail from Holland tha!:„ brought the following Advices,' viz < That the Swedes who are on their March from Turkey into Pomerania, are advanced} as far as Baden in Austria : That the Em- peror has presented General Stanhope, who is arrived at the Hague, well satisfied wich his Negotiations at Vienna with his Picture set' with Diamonds: That there has been a Vio- lent Storm in the Bay of Cadiz, whereby 13' or 14 Ships of several Nations have been, stranded and lost : That General Meyerfield' is arrived at Stralsund With 300000 Rixdol-, lars, and a great number of Cavalry from Sweden ; where also the Landgrave of Hesse t Cassel is come to confer with the King of that Country ; as likewise King Stanislaus from Deux Pont in order to return into Po- land at the Invitation of the Discontented Nobility and Gentry of that Kingdom ; that' 13000 Men are expected from Catalonia at ; Badajox, in order to make in Irruption under' the Marquiss de Bay, at the Conclusion of the Suspension of Arms: That the Spaniards* in Garrison at Barcelona have plunder'd the House of an English Merchant there, and ex- ( ad great Contributions on the Natives of the' same Country at Alicant and elsewhere on pain of Military Execution : That the King ' of Prussia and Court of Hanover continue fix'd in their Resolutions, not to suffer any of the Troops of Hesse & c. to pass through their Territories into Pomerania. That the Electorate Prince of Bavaria is to be Espoused ' at his Arrival in Vienna to the eldest Daugh- ter of the Emperor Joseph, and that the Se- . cond Prince has refused the Rich Abby of St.' Germains, said to be worth 60000 Louis d' Or's per Annum, because it will dissable him from Marrying the Sister of the said Prin- cess : ' Tis likewise discoursed that the Em- peror upon the Preparations for War made by the Turks, has demanded that all Monasteri- es and Cloysters in the Empire, furnish him with as much Money as will maintain 40000 Horse and Foot: That the Departure of Mr. d' Allegre for England is put off for 6 Weeks ' longer, till the Success of General Stanhopes Journey to Vienna be fully known, and that j all the French Cavalry on the Frontiers of the Netherlands are actually remounted. - Printed by JOHN APPLEBEE, over against Bridewell Bridge, Black- LONDON. nntcuFryars where Advertiements are taken in. bookbinder and writer of the sham Weekly Journal, that used to be Publi- Whereas Robert Mawson the, has villainouslyinsinuated, that John Applebee the Printer shed at the Whitewhen a Person lost a Gold Ring. which that infamous of this Paper, was in Company with a cerntain wh . may concern, that when that fact was pre- lyat charges one Morris With as know the said Morris, * ho has been bafely accus'd tended to be committed, Johnn's journals ( with' which his Customers were in no manner satisfiedj t Name to it. ;
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