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Postscript to the Flying Post


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Postscript to the Flying Post

Date of Article: 01/05/1712
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Address: William Hurt
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 3222
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Numb. 3222.. Postscript to the FLYING- POST. London, May 26. Late last Night arrived a Holland Mail with the following News, viz. Hague, June 4. The following Answer, in the Name of the Queen of Great Britain, to the late Memorial presented in the Name of the States to her Majesty, is publikc here. * THE Queen having maturely considered the Memorials of the 3d of April, ' which were presented to her Majeaty by the Sieur van Borselen Envoy Ex- * traordinary from the Lords the States General, and the Resolution of the said ' States of the 22d of the same Month, which was communicated to her Ma- ' jesty by the Earl of Strafford her Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary * in Holland, has order'd me to give this Answer in a few Words. ' That her Majesty is surprized to find that far from giving the deserved Praises ' to the Efforts which her Majesty has made in Spain and Portugal, Two Thea- ' rr s of the War that have been abandon'd by the States for so many Years, the ' said Efforts are look'd upon only as Quotas which the Queen was obliged to fur- nish according to the Rule of proportion, which has not the least Foundation. * Her Majesty agrees that according to the Principles laid down in the Resolution ' abovemention'd, Great Britain will never contribute enough, nor the United Provinces too little. ' There it is advanced as a Maxim, that the Power of each of the Allies is the only c Rule and Measure of the Efforts they are to make, and after this, the States set up ' for Judges as well of the Power of her Majesty's Kingdom as of that of their own State: ' Tis not difficult to perceive how far such a sort of Logick would carry us, but her Majesty far from being obliged by the Memorial mentioned in the Reso- lution of the 22d of April, to change her Sentiments, thinks fit to renew the De- clarations which the Earl of Strafford made by her Order, and in her Name. These are not Points which the Queen proposes as a Subject of Negociation, but a Com- munication to her Allies of a Resolution she has taken, and of a Rule laid down that they may thereupon concert their Measures. " The House of Commons, which is composed of Members sent from each ' County of the Kingdom, and who are competent Judges of what Burden the ' People are able to bear, have only granted Subsidys for the current Year, ac- 1 cording to the Proportions, and under the Conditions which have Imparted ' to the States General. ' Her Majesty has declared to the House, that she thought those Conditions reasonable, and has given her Orders according to that Plan, in which by Con- sequence there is not the least Alteration to be expected. 4 The Queen looks upon an Union betwixt Herself and the States to be the strongest Support ' of the Common Cause, and for that Reason has done all that She could to traverse the De- signs of those Factious Spirits which tended to break that Union. The Proposals which have been made by Her Majesty's Plenipotentiaries to tbe Ministers of the States General, do un- controversibly manifest the Queen's sincere Desire to entertain a good Correspondence and strici Union with the States. These are also all the Steps which Her Majesty could take for that End. Her Majesty flatters Herself, that they Will have the EfFect which She ought to expect from them, and that they will dissipate all those vain Fears and ill grounded Jealousies which have been dispers'd with so much Industry throughout the Seven Provinces: But however that be, Her Majesty will have this Comfort, that She has neglected nothing of what was in Her Power to contribute towards the Satisfaction of the States- General, Without aban- doning the Interest of Her own Kingdoms. Done at Whitehall, Sign'd, May 8— 19, 17112. H. St. JOHN. We are inform'd that the Barrier Treaty, and that about the Slaves with England, are not yet finish'd ; and that the States have declar'd they will make no separate Peace, nor never engage in any other, but what is General and Satisfactory, being still of Opinion, that no Safe Peace can be made while a Prince of the House of Bourbon continues in Possession of Spain and the West- Indies. Letters from the Camp of the 30th say, the Confederate Army had order'd all the Grena- diers to be in a Readiness, and had appointed their Hospitals for their wounded Men, being re- solv'd to attack the French, or speedily to undertake a Siege, in order to bring them to a Battle. P. S. Just now we have Advice, that wher the Allies in a manner resolv'd to attack the Enemy, one of the Generals preduc'd a Letter in a Council ot War, that he had no Orders either to Fight or undertake a Siege ; upon which the States have been extraordinary Assem bled, and the other Confederate Ministers made great Complaint', London Printed by William Hurt, in Great Carter lane, near Doctors Commons,
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