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The Weekly Pacquet of Advice from Rome : or The History of Popery


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The Weekly Pacquet of Advice from Rome : or The History of Popery

Date of Article: 13/04/1683
Printer / Publisher: J. Astwood 
Volume Number: 5    Issue Number: 34
No Pages: 8
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C 2 6 5 j ? 4 The Weekly Pacquet O F ^ UtJtct from Home: O R, The Hiftory of P O P E R Y, ^ Cije f i f t h volume, F R I D A Y , April 13. 1 5 8 3 . Religio nullius rei pretextu crudelius i mttndo Oppugnatur, ipfius Religionis. The Total yearly Value o/ Monafteries computed. The Crowns accepting their Lands Jufiifsd. Good Works done out of their Revenues. That a Curie follows thoje E ( tales, is a foolifi Popifi Conceit. / p~ Tfi"~ 1His DifTolution of Monasteries was a vaft attempt, but in many refpetts juft and necefTary ; For befides thofe other Reafons, which might Sway with the King, as the punifhing their lewd Lry^ and obitinate oppofing his Divorce, and the Profpeft of Encreafing hisotp « Revenues, & c. Archbifhop Cranmer and fome other of his Principal Minifters of State, ( at lead in Ecelefiafticnl Affairs, ) who heartily favour'd the Ciofpel, and endeavour'd a true and Intire Reformation., could not but forefee, that their Foundations and whole State were Diametrically oppofite unto, and inconfiftent with any luch Amendment, and would remain perpetual Barrs and Remora? s in it's way. Foramongfl: the Prime things to be Reformed, werethofe very Abufcs which were Eflential to their Conftiturion ( such as the Belief of Purgatory, and Releafing Souls from thence by M f f l s , the Worfhip of Saints and Imave; FiUrimaees, & c. ) And therefore thofe Rich and Names£> i C> o " ' T . L i - rous [ 2 6 6 ] reus Societies, whofe main Intereft it was with their whole force? to oppofeali fleps to wards a fincere Pegu, nan-, we re in the firft place to be Attacqifd and fuppreiVd; And then-, they hoped by their Revenues, not only to [ up fly the b z' » g-, and put him in a Condition to Defend himielf againtt the Pope, and luch other Enemies as he fhould Excite; but alio, out of the beft part of the fame, to have Railed, upon New Endowments and Foundations, many new BtJhoprickj ( where the old DiocefTes were too large ) and fuch Schools, Colledges, Seminaries, and fupports of Learning and true Divinity, as might ferve for continual. Nurftries fufficient for each Dioce'e, which ( with Gods blefling ) would eafily have promoted and fecured fincere Religion throughout the Land. This was the Scheme, which thargreat and ^ o^ Preiare, Cranmer had laid, for this Defign •, which in feme part was effected ( as you fh- all hear by and by ) tho nothing fo fully as by him intendtd. Concerning the Immenfe Wealth and Incomes of thefe ( pretended ) Religions Houfes, it will be as hard for trie to Albertan the Quantum thereof, as difficult for the. Vulgar Reader to believe them poffeft of lo much-. It being affirmed by divers credible Authors, that the - dead hands ( as the Law calls them, becaufe they- never willingly part with what they get into their Clutches ) had engrols'd no lefs than one full third part of the whole Land; Nay the fame is exprefly aflgrted ( Tempore Rich. 2.) by a Record in Parliament ; ( than which 1 icarce know a greater humane Auhority :) See Coke 2. Jufttt. fol. 584. Yet I find, by. an account Stated at tbetime of their Suppreffion, their clear yearly value throughout England appears to have been, bur, One hundred thirty one thoufand fix hundred and feven Pounds, f x Shillings and four pence, Per Annum. But this is to be underftood of old ft. anding Rents, as they were commonly let at in tho'e dayesv upon taking of great Fines on the Renewal of every Demile ; For the true Intrinfick Value of their Lands wis abundantly greater ; at leaf Ten tunes as mticb ( ( ayes the Learned, luduftr. ious and Judicious Doctor Burnet, Hi ft • Reform, pare 1. fol. 269,) Tis well known what loud Clamours the RoroaniHs have railed againf! King Htnry- fwi che'Engjim Reformation in genarali as if thi^ accepting of the Abbeyv Lauds, which were ge 2 6 7 . J nerally furrtnd- ed by thofe in Poflefllon ) were open Sacriledge, and a Robbing of God of what was dedicated to him ; but as we have formerly fhown, that thofe Donations were founded in Superftition, and dire& ed to unlawful Ends, fuch as the praying for the Souls of the Donors, and for an Expiation of their Sins, & c. So to this Objection, I { hall only here further Subjoin two Anfwers thereunto, given by two Eminent men of our Church. The firft is of that pious, Learned and Reverend Jewel, Bi- ( hop of Salt/ bury, who m his Defence, pag. 639. Thus expreffes his Sentiments on this occafion. '' If our Kings in that dark- " nefs and blindnefs of the former times, gave them thefe things " of their own Accord and Liberality, for Religions fake ; now " when the Ignorance and Error is e< pied out, may the Kings " their Succeifors take them away again, feeing they have the " fame Authority the Kings their Anceftors had before. For " the Gift is void, except it be allowed by the Will of the < c Giver, and that cannot leem a perfeft Will, which is dimmed " and hindered by Error. The other is of the before cited Doftor Burnet, who in the F.' eface to the Second part of his incomparable Hiftory of the Preformation, fpeaks fomewhat to the fame purpofe, but more largely, thus. 41 The Light of Nature teaches, that thofe who are Dedica^ " t e d to the Service of God, and for inftrufting rhe People, t c ought to be well provided for, that they may be delivered ••' from the Diftraftions oifecul. tr Cares, and fecured from the 41 Contempt that follows Poverty, be furnifht with fuch means " a s may both Enable them to know that well, wherein they are to inftruft others, and to gain fuch an Intereft in the Affe- " ftions of thofe amongft whom they Labour, as modeft Hofpic< tality, and Liberal Almfcivwg may procure. Had Church- men < c been contented with this meafure, it is very probable things " had never run to the other extream, fo much as they have done. " But as the Pope got to himfelf a great Principality, fo the reft " of the Clergy defigned to Imitate him in that, as much as was <•<• pofTible they fpared no Pains, nor thought any Methods too " bad, that could Jet forwards thefe Projects: The Belief of " Purgatory, ancf the Redeeming of Souls out of it by M^ ffes, with many other Publicise heats impofedon the World, had L I 2 " " brought [ 27° ] Pending the Crown,( rom whence the others derive a title to them, for taking them away from Holy Church. Bur as we afe allured by Divine Oracles, that the C « r/ e cunfile fit fhall not'come, fo to all their Inftances of Decayed Families on whom fome of thefe Poffe. Tions were beftow'd, tt will J> e enough to fay with the wife Solomon, That all things come to pafs ( in this refpeft ) alike to all; as depart Abbey- Lands, fo depart other Lands when in the hands of a riotous perfon, or by that continu-' al viciffitude which attends all fublunary things ; for Lands as well as Goods and Chattels are Moveables, though not from their Centre, yet from their Owners : And yet utterly to worm out this Conceit from any Confederate Head, ( if into any fuch it ever enter'd ) there are abundance of Inftances to be given at this day, wherein thefe Lands have continued in the fame flourifhing Families ever fince King Henry % firft Donation of them, of whom divers are named by Dr. Fuller in his Hiftory of Abbeys, fo. 367, & 368. And long may they jeiceably and profperoufly enjoy them, Et naii natorum, & qui nafcuntur ab ipfis ; of which there is no doubt, uule's God in Judgment for our fins, and negled of his Gofpel in the power and practice of it, aud lukewarmneis in the efifential parts of the Proteftant Religion, and Contentions for Trifles, { hould once more fuffer the Innundation ofPopifh Idolatries and Superftitions to overwhelm thefe Nations 5 ( Quod prohtbeat Dcus) and then, as thofe fwarms of Cloifierd Locufh daily expect, it, cannot rationally be hoped, but ail thefe Lands muft be parted with, either rei'umed by an Aft of State, or at leaft wheadled from the Pofleil'ors by the Craft of thofe Spiritual Jugglers, who will then have the Condud of Souls, as we fhall make it more probably appear, if God permit us to extend this work to the Reign of Queen Mary, when the fame Arts to the fame purpofe began to be • pradiied. T H E [ 27" 3 The C O U R A N T . HArk you, Sir Saducees! You Atheifts that are, you Papifij that wo'd be, you that laugh at Angels and Sprites, have you not feen the Ghojl of Her acta us walk ? have you not met with his Apparition abroad of late, in a white Sheer, and the fhape of an Obfervator ? Behold ! The Guide to the Inferior, has got a Curate, and now Scribbles ( as fome men Preach and Pray ) by Proxy and Deputation. Can you be fo dull, as not to perceive how the Stile varies ? There's as much difference as between a Mountebank. and his Zany-, or Bays the Play- wright, and Durjy the Baiiad- maker. Roger was wont to have his lucid Intervals, his fage Sentences fometimes, and a Spice of the Politicks j but this Monkey is all over Tricks and Gambols. Ceafe your Contributions, Gentlemen! You are Sham'd with" an Author, Joan has chang'd her CockL; this ifc no more L'Eflranges Writing, than Fitz.- Harris's Confeffion was of his own Penning, but fome Journey- man1?, handy- work, fome Hackney that writes for ten Groats a Week, and it looks as like the Splitter, theSplutterer, the Things the What'd'ye'call- him, the Frefentment- maker, yonder on the Turkey- fhore, as if ' twere fpit out o'th' mouth of him. But what a dreadful Clutter does this Jack; pudding of an Obfervator keep with T he Conformifts Plea for the Nonconformifts ! How he fumbles it, and mumbles it, toffes it?> and touzes if, makes it now Treafon, then Sedition, fbmetimes Herefy, fometimes Scandal, and by and by nothing in the World but Nonfenfe, juft as the Toy takes him j and yet after all, the Book remains an honeft, Loyal Bool^ and writ with as mocteft, charitable and Chrtfiian a temper, as mod that have paffed the Prefs thefe feven years: I wonder he does not fall foul too on that other moft excellent healing Difcourfe, Intituled " the Reconciler, zvA I believe ' tis for the fame Reafon that the Italian Epitaph excufes Aretine from lpeaking evil of God, viz.--- Becaule - be did not know him. To anfwer this Buffoons infigjnificaat prattle, were to fyllogize to a Wild Goofe —- He picks our here and there a few ' words that he thinks will beft ferve hi?. turn, fuppreiTmg. the" Context, forges odious, and iiiconfequent Comments on she rocftt mrjicmi. i r . V . 1 [ 272 ] « innocent Exprefllons, apparently wrefis the fenfe quite contrary to the Authors plain meaning, and then fets up an Out- cry-- Sfditton! Sedition Scandal! Treafen ! What Book in the World can efcape Ccnfure, if fuch uiage be allow'd ? Have we not leeti the Creed, the Lords Prayer, and the Commandments, Wrote with the finger of the Almighty, ( thofe precious Summaries of our moft Holy Religion ) turn'd into Blafphemy and Rebellion by iuch another wry- mouth'd Obfervator ? But his Malice and Impertinence where he pretends to Argument or Conftrudion, will ( I doubt not,) of it felf fufficienrly appear j only there is one matter of Fact which he feems much to Crow upon, and may ftartle fome unwary Readers, asifhe had found out a Contradiction, when in truth nothing is more eafily fol vable. Tis Obf. N°. 3 12. He recites a paflage in the Author of the Pleas Letter to the Book- leller, calling him a ftranger-, and faying, that he does not know him ; yet by an Atteftation ( afterwards ) in Jdneway's Intelligence, the Bookieller allures the World, an the word of a Chnfiian, that the Author is a real Qonfortnij& c. Whence he inferrs— HerPs confounded Daubing fan; en here, Jonathan vouches upon his Chrifliartity for a man that he never faw with his eyes, & c. As if when the Author ( without a name; fent up the Copy, the Bookfeller mightnot be a Stranger to him, and yec after the Book was Printed and publijht, he might not become well acquainted with him and his Circumftatices: ( for ' twas long after upon the Obfervators ( falfly) fuggefting that the alleadging the Authors being a Conformilt, was a Cheat; that the Bookieller made that Certificate.)— By this Inftance you may pretty well guefs ar the Candor and Ingenuity, the Logick and defign of our Obfervator, and mealure the reft of his Reflexions accordingly. A D V E R T I S E M E N T . Tile Romifh Mafs- Book 7>( inflated into Englifh, with Notes and Obfetyaticns thereupon, & c. ( a pipeful piece : ) Sold by Tho- Malthas at the Sun in the Poultry. London, Printed by J. Aflwaod, and Entred according to Order, 1623. • * * Numb, i j The EXAMINER. F r o m C l j U C 0 O a p November 1 6 , t o C l j t t t 0 D a p November 23. 1 7 1 0. Qui f u n t boni cries ? qui belli, gwz t/ om* c/ e patria bene merentesi niji qui patriae benefiaa memmerunt ? I Will etnploy this prefent Paper upon a Subjedf, which of late hath very much affe& ed me, which I have confider'd with a good deal of Application, and made feveral Enquiries about, among thofe Perfons who I thought were belt able to inform me ; and if 1 deliver my Sentiments with fome Freedom, J hope it will be forgiven, while I accompany it with that Tendernefs which fo nice a Point requires. I faid in a former Paper ( Numb. 14.) that one fpecious © bjedtion to the late removals a: Courr, was the fear of giving Uneafinefs to a General, who has been long fuccefsful abroad: And accordingly, the common Clamour of Tongues and Pens for fome Months paft, has run againft the Bafenefs, the Inconftancy and Ingratitude of the whole Kingdom to the Duke of JW in return of the moft eminent Services that ever were perform'd by a Subjedl to his Country ; not to be equal'd in Hiftory. And then to be fure fome bitter ftroak of Detra& ion againft Alexander and Cxfar, who never did us the leaft Injury. Betides, the People that read Plutarch come upon us with Parallels drawn from the Greeks and Romans, who ungratefully dealt with I know not how many of their molt deferving Generals: While the profounder Politicians, have feen Pamphlets, where Tacitus and Michiavel have been quoted to ftiew the danger of too refplendent a Merit. Should a Stranger hear thefe furious Out- cries of Ingratitude againft our General, without knowing the particulars, he would be apt to enquire where was his Tomb, or whether he were allow'd Chriftian Burial ? Not doubting but wc had put him to fome ignominious Death. Or, has he been tried for his Life, and very narrowly efcap'd ? Has he been accus'd of High Crimes and Mifdemeanors ? Has the Prince feiz'd on his Eftate, and left him to itarve ? Has he been hooted at as he palled the Streets. by an ungrateful Mob ? Have neither Honours, Offices nor Grants, been confer'd on Him or his Family ? . Have not he and they been barbaroufly ftript of them all ? Have not he and his Forces been ill pay'd abroad ? And does not the Prince by a fcanty, limited CommilTion, hinder him from puffuing his own Methods in thecondudl of the War? Has he no Power at all of difpofing Ccmmiflions as he pleafes ? Is he not feverely us'd by the Miniftry or Parliament, who yearly call him to a ftri( 5b Account? Has the Senate ever tbank'd him for good Succafs, and have they not always publickly cenfur'd him for the leaft Mifcarriage ? Will the Accufers of the Nation join iflue upon atiy of chefe Particulars, or tell us in what Poinr, our damnable Sin of Ingratitude lies ? Why, ' tis plain and clear; For while he is Commanding abroad, the Queen DitTolves her Parliament, and changes HerMintftry at home: In which uninerf. il Calamity, no lefs than tvpd Poforts allied by Marriage to the General, have loft their Places. Whence came this wonderful Simpathy between the Civil and Military Powers ? Will the Troops in Flanders refufe to Fight, unlefs they can have their own Lord Keeper, their own Lord Prefident of the Council, their own chief Governor of Ireland, and their own Parliament ? In a Kingdom where the People are free, how came they to be fo fond of having their Councils under the Influence of their Army, or thofe that lead it ? who in all well inftituted States, had no Commerce with the civil Power, further than rd rcand obey t^ em without Referve, When a General is not fo Popular, either in his Army or at Home, as one might expetft f r tm a long courfe of Succefs ; it may perhaps be afcribed to his PVifdom, or perhaps to his Complexion. The pofleflion of fome one Quality, or a defedt in fome other, will extremely damp the Peoples Favour, as well as the Love of the Souldiers, Befides, this is not an Age to produce Favourites of the People^ while we live under a Queen who engroffes all our Love, and all our Veneration ; and where, the only way for a great General or Minifter, to acquire any degree of fubordinate Affedtion from the Publick,' muft be by all Marks of the moft entire Submijfon and Refpeft, to Her Sacred Perfon and Commaods; otherwtfe, no pretence of great Services, either in the Field or the Cabinet, will be able to skreen them from univerfal Hatred. But the late Miniftry was clofely join'd to the General, by Friendfhip, Intereft, Alliance, Inclination and Opinion, which cannot be affirm'd of the prefent j and the Ingratitude of the Nation, lies in the People's joining as one Man, to wi( h, that fuch a Miniftry fhould be changed. Is it not at the fame time notorious to the whole Kingdom, that nothing but a tender regard to the Genera], was able to preferve that Miniftry fo long, ' till neither God nor Man could fuffer their continuance ? Yet in the higheft Ferment of Things, we heard few or no Reflexions upon this great Commander, but all feem'd unanimous in wifhing he might ( till be at the Head of the Confederate Forces; only at the fame time, in cafe he were refolv'd to refign, they chofe rather to turn their Thoughts fomewhere elfe, than throw up all in Defpair. And this I cannot but add, in defence of the People, with regard to the Perfon we are fpeaking of, that in the high Station he has been for many Years paft, his real Defeats ( as nothing Human is without them) have in a detrading Age been very fparingly mention'd, either in Libels or Converfation, and all his Succejfes very freely and univerfally applauded. There is an a& ive and a paflive Ingratitude ; applying both to this Occafion, we may fay, the firft is,' when a Prince or People returns good Services with Cruelty or ill CJfage : The other is, when good Services are not at all, or very meanly rewarded. We have already fpoke of the former ; let 11s therefore in the fecond place, examine how the Services of our General have been rewarded j and whether upon that Article, either Prince or People have been guilty of Ingratitude ? Thofe are the moft valuable Rewards which are given to us from the certain Knowledge of the Doner, that they fit our Temper befi : I Ihall therefore fay nothing of the Title of Duke, or the Gartcrt which the Queen beftow'd the General in the begining of her Reign ; but I fhall cbme to more - Subftantial Inftances, and mention nothing which has not been given in the Face of the World. The Lands of iVoodftockj may, I believe, be reckoned worth 40000 /. On the building of Blenheim Caftlc 210000 /. have been already expended, tho' it be not yet near finifh'd. The Grant of 5000/. per Anon the Poft- Office, is richly worth 100000/. His Principality in Germany may be computed at ^ cooo /. Pi& ures Jewels, and other Gifts from Foreign Princes, 6oooo/. lhe Gi ant at the Pall- mall, the Rangedhip,££ c. for want of . more certain Knowledge, may be call'd 10000 U His own, and his D u t c h e s Employments at five Years Valuej reckoning only the known and avow'd Sallaries, are very low- rated at icOooo/. Here is a good deal above half a Million of Money, and I dare fay,- inofe who are loudeft with the Clamor of Ingratitude, will readily own, that all this is bat a Trifle in comparifon with what is untold. The reafon of my ftating this Account is only to convince the World, that we are not quite fo ungrateful either as the Greeks or the Remans. And in order to adjuft this matter with all Fairnefs, I fhall confine my felf to the latter, who were much the more generous of the two. A Victorious General of Rome in the Height of that Empire, having entirely fubdued - his Enemy, was rewarded with the larger Triumph; and perhaps a Statue in the Forum, a Bull for a Sacrifice, an embroidred Garment to appear in : A Crown of Lawrel, a Monumental Trophy with Infcriptions, fometimes five hundred or a thoufand Copper Coins were ftrack on occafion of the Vi& ory, which doing Honour to the General, we will place to his Account ; And laftly, fometimes, tho' not very frequently, a Triumphal Arch. Thefe are all the Rewards that I can call to mind, which a vuSorious General received after his return from the moft glorious Expedition, conquered fome great Kingdom, brought the King himfelf, his Family and Nobles to a'dorn the Triumph in Chains, and made the Kingdom either a Roman Province, or at beft a poor depending State, in humble Alliance to that Empire- Now of all thefe Rewards, I find but two which were of real Profit to the General; The Lawrel Crown, made and fent him at the Charge of the Publick, and the Embroidred Garment; but I cannot find whether this laft were paid for by the Senate or the General: However, we will take the more favourable Opinion, and in all the reft, admit the whole Expence as if it were ready Money in the Geral's Pocker. Now according to thefe Computations on both fides, we will draw up two fair Accounts, the one of Roman Gratitude, and the other of Britifh Ingratitude, and fet them together in ballance. A Bill of Roman Gratitude Imprimis, For"' Franckincenfe ( and Earthen Pots to burn' /. s. d. 4 i o o it in A Bull for Sa- 1 crifice J o o An Embroi- 1 dred Garment - T A Crown of Lawrel — A Statue- 50 o o } o 1 100 o A Trophy — 80 o A thouland Copper Medals value halfpence a piece A T r i u m p h a l } ^ A Triumphal ^ Carr, valu'd as a Modern Coach Cafual Charges at the! umph— o o 100 o o 150 o A Bill of Briti/ h Ingratitude. Xdftt'k} 40000 o t Blenheim 100000 o o Poll- office? Grant 5 Mildenheim— 30000 o o Pictures, 7 , Jewels, h t c . f 6 0 0 0 0 ° ° 10000 o o IOOOOO o o Pall- mull- I grant, & c. EmP'' oy- 1100000 00 tnents Sum Tot. j 40000 o o Sum Total 994 u 10 This is an Account of the vifible Profits on both fides; and if the Roman General had any private Perquifites, they may be eafily difcounted, and by more probable Computations, and differ yet more upon the Ballance. If we confider, that all the Gold and Silver for Saufguards and Contributions, alfo all valuable Prices taken in the War were openly expos'd in the Triumph, and then lodged in the Capicol for the Publick Service. So that upon the whole, we are not yet quite fo bad at worft, as the Romans were at beft. And I doubt, thofe who raife this hideous Cry of Ingratitude, may be mightily miftaken in the Confequence they propofe from fuch Complaintf. I remember a faying of Senaca, Multos ingratos inventmus, phtres facimus; We find many ungrateful Perfons in the World, bu: we make more, by fetting too high a Rate upon our Pretenfions, and undervaluing the Rewards we receive. When unreafonable Bills are brought in, they ought to be Taxed, or cut off in the middle. Where there have been long Accounts between two Perfons, I have known one of them perpetually making large Demands and preffing for Payments, who when the Accounts were caft up on both fides, was found to be Creditor for fome Hundreds. I am thinking if a Proclamation were iffued out for every Man to fend in his Bill of Merits, and the loweft Price he fet them at, what a pretty Sum it would amount to, and how many fuch I/ lands as this muft be fold to pay them. I form my Judgment from the Pradtice of thofe who fometimes happen to pay tbemfelves, and I dare affirm, would not be fo unjuft to take a farthing more than they think is due to their Deferts. I will inftance only in one Article. A Lady of my Acquaintance, appropriated twenty fix Pounds a Year out of her Allowance, for certain ufes, which her Woman received, and was to pay to the Lady or her Order, as it was called for. But after eight Years, it appeared upon the ftritSeft Calculation, that the Woman had paid but four Pound aYear, and funk two and twenty for her own Pocket j ' tis but fuppofing inftead of twenty fix Pound, twenty fix thoufand, and by that you may judge what the Pretenfions of Modern Merit are, where it happens to be its own Paymafter. CX/ fOming Gowns for Men and Women, of all fcrts v ^ / r l ' of rich Brocaded Silks, tfapan'd Sattins, and great variety of other rich Silks, Stuffs and Calicoe's, ( being a frefh Parcel of choice Goods of Sam. Edwards and Richard Hocbett, Mercers, who left of Trade) are to be fold at very low Rates, at the Golden Sugar- Loaf up one pair of Stairs, over aginftthe Horfe at Charing- Croft, the Price being fet on each Gown• Catalogues of the above- faid Gowns to be had at the place of Sale. ADVERTISEMENTS. Juft Publifll'd, TH E Second Volume of M E M O I R S of E U R O P E , rewards the Clofe of the Eighth Century. Written by Eginardus, Secretary and Favorite to Charlemagne : And Done into Englifh by the Author of the N E W A T A L A N T I S . Printed for John Morphew near Stationers- Hill: Where may be hid the Second Edition Corre& ed, of the F I R ST V O L U M E of the faid MEMOIRS. C I R THOMAS DO VBLE at Court, and in ^ High Preferments. In T w o Dialogues, between Sir T H O M A S D'OVBL E and Sir R^ ICHAR^ D CO MOVE R, alias Mr. WHIGLOVE: On the 17 th of September, 1710. Written by the Author of Tom Double, or the True Pidture of a Modern Whig. Price 1 s. Speedily will be Publifh'd, Ch/ f OS T Faults on one Side : Or, the fhallow ^ y y ^ Politicks, foolifh Arguing, and Villanous Defigns of the Author of a late Pamphlet, entituled Faults on both Sides, Confider'd and Expos'd, in an Anfwer to that Pamphlet: Shewing that the many Truths in Modern Hiftory related by the Author of it, do not make amends for his many Falfhoods in Fad, and Fallacies in Reafoning- A Letter out of the Country, to the Author of the Managers Pro and Con, in Anfwer to his Account of what is faid at Child's and Tom's in the Cafe of Dr. Sacheverell, Article by Article. All Sold by John Morphew, near Stationers- Hall. L O N D O N : P r i n t e d f o r J O H N M O R P H E W , near Stationers- Hall, 1710.
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