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North Wiltshire Muster printed 1834


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North Wiltshire Muster printed 1834
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North Wiltshire Muster printed 1834

Date of Article: 01/01/1539
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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4 MUSTERS IN WILTSHIRE, 30 HENRY VIII. II Frauncys Spycer Thomas Nette Thomas Taylor Richard Barratt John Kyng John Specks Richard Rymer Robert Payne John Adys John Wheler Hughe Butt Wyllyam Vynar Wyllyani Pokyng John Myllman Richard Davys John Spycer j, Byilmen xviij. J The whole Lybertye hathe in Horse, iiij Harnes, iij bows, and owes, with other small wepyns. " J a redynes a sheff of Ar- The Libertye of Cossam. Truslon George Tomson Lewis Townysende John Holbrok Wyllyam Nett John Moxham Thomas West Wyllyam West Nicholas Woodman Robt. Pynchyn Willyara Eyton John Keynes Richard Bignell John Carrynton Thomas Danyell Thomas Walter John Nicholls Willyam Shepard Thomas Hyggyns John Dodymede. Wyllyam Snellyng Willm. Umfrey Willyam Angulf Willyam Woodeland John Holbard Thomas Gybbis John Hancok Willm. Gybbis John Holbard Henry Hullarde Wm. Pynchyn John Salwaye John Walker Edward Hulbarde John Snellyng Richard Balden John Heyward John Woodeland John Russe Henry West Richard Crede Willm. Puntley Willm Holbard " 1 j. Archers v. Archers v. Byllmen xxxiiij. f- Archers xij. George Stafford Ric. Adams Willm. Archard Water Jonys Robt. Sowreman Thomas Pert The whole Libertye hath in a redynes, iii Horses, ix Harnes, iij Bowes, iij Sheft of Arrowes with other small wepyns. The Libertye of Sherstone Magna. Robert Holborowe Thomas Noett Robt. Issegre Willm. Cruger Richard Issegre Willm. Issegre Nicholas Drewe John Chappe Nicholas Bayly Willm. Hackborn Nicholas Longe John Clarke John Horte John Gosye Jamys Paris Thomas Rodyford i / Vrchers viii Wyllyam Clark Richard Clark John Estmede Richard Bascafyld Willm. Plumer John Hybbard Nicholas Busshell Willyam Hort Nicholas Hobbis llobart Clarke Thomas Carter Robt. Drewe Edward Horte Thomas Shepparde Wyllyam Seymer Willm. Phylypps Byllmen xxij. James Walter Robt. Corke Wyllyani Chappe Edward Longe Rog. Elkoxe Edward Brynkeworth Thomas Cruger Philip Gye Robt. Lewis Willm. Walter J The whole Libertye hath in a redynes a horse, vj harnes, with other small wepyns. Tithyng of Shersto/ i Pynkeney. Thomas Rymell Thomas Kempe archer a byllman The whole Tything hath yn a redynes, horse and harnes with other small wepyns.
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