North Wiltshire Muster printed 1834
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North Wiltshire Muster printed 1834
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North Wiltshire Muster printed 1834
Date of Article: 01/01/1539
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Volume Number: Issue Number:
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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MUSTERS IN WILTSHIRE, 30 HENRY VIII.- KYNWORTHSTONE, H. 31 Robte Kelowe Robte. Wenyng Thomas Wake Thomas Woodward John Knyght I harnes, bill, swerd, and daggar Eysye and Eton. John Parsons John Goddard Willyam Sherley John Blakewell John Barrett John Cusse George Pratour Robte. Wayn Richard Warr George Pratour Robte. Wayn Thomas Lane Thomas Heyward Richard Stone Walter Toms Thos. Heyward John Symmyns Richard Ware Thomas Portlake Thomas Tryndar John Doun John Amary Thomas Pedylton | a harnes with bow & j arrowes fowerpayre of harnes a harnes 1 a harnes.
Latton. Archer, j Bills. ^ a horse, a harnes, ^ swerde & daggar swerd & i > harnes, bill, I daggar ^ halfe a harnes horse & harnes a harnes | harnes, bill, swerde, j and daggar Merslon Mesye. Richard Toms Richard Toms . Wyllyam Brodebroke / bills Thomas Nycholas Thomas Archard a Harnes Robte. Watts Richard Toms John Cocks Richard Toms . a harnes, bill, swerde, and daggar Willyam Colls Robte. Archar t i Edmund Skynner ' Wm. Bradbroke" a bill harnes Pulton. Wm. Molder Thomas Robs Richard Haylle Robte. Burges Edward Barbour Archer | Bills John Hyll John Ferybe Willyam Browne Thomas Roberts Richard
Hayle Robte. Burges William Molder Edward Barbour William Redbourn Thomas Lomley Thomas Kemble Willyam Yorke I s \ • a harnes, bill, swerde and daggar scheffe of arrowes Wedhyll. iij payre of harnes, bowe, arrowes, toobills Richard Pateschall Robte. Strange Somerford Keyns. too harnes, a bowe, a y . J bill, ij swerds 5 a harnes, bowe, and arrowes too harnes a bowe ij The holle township of ( bi|, Sj jj swer( js, ij Somerford 3 daggars Shernecott. Thomas Bulton Humfrey Hayley Robte. Weschebourn Thomas Haskyns ' a harnes, bowe, ar- rowes, swerde and daggar Pyrton. John Senior Willyam Iles John Hyman John
Pavnell Thos. Iles John Messynger Robte. Cleter John Precys Willyam Robyns John Phyllypps John Glade John Paynell Thomas Ykys Thomas Dytton Thomas Browne Richard Elborowe John Tyrbyn Willyam Manby John Messynger Robte. Cleter John Senger John Calffe Wyllyam Syer Thomas Seyr Archers > Bills. harnes, bowe, scheffe of arrowes, swerde, & dagger a harnes & a bill } harnes, bill, soward, and dagger a harnes a harnes a harnes, bowe & arrowes a harnes a harnes a harnes