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North Wiltshire Muster printed 1834


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North Wiltshire Muster printed 1834
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North Wiltshire Muster printed 1834

Date of Article: 01/01/1539
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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28 MUSTERS IN WILTSHIRE, 30 HENRY VTI.— SELKELEY, H. Willyam Boxwell Thomas Rychard John Davys Thomas Norrys Thomas Olyver Richard Bacon John Mutte Henry Sheppere Willyam Gardyner Thomas Colman John Lawrens Willm. Burche I Thomas Collesham Bllls' Peter Aleyn John Wylmet Richard Rogers Stokkys Heywood Thomas Munter Thomas Hatte Nicholas Gardyner George Cryspy Edward Askeley Edward Barbour J Thomas Cockes. With all the rest of the ( iij harnes same Tythyng J John Goddard, gentylman, three harnes Thomas Waldron a harnes Rychard Yatte a harnes. John Trogant a bill John Hyatt a harnes Sum total of the Archers. clxx. Sum total of the Bilmen. clx. Sum total of the Harnes. lxiii. Sum total of the Horses. x. The Tythyng of Rammesbery. Edward Peers Thomas Smyth Thomas Treberd Thomas Shepereve VArchers John Peers, junr. John Whytewey Stephen Brown Willm. Androwe Willm. Saunders Robte. Webbe Richard Pyttehouse John Quaryngdon Stephen Androwes John Grene Thomas Freman John Mery John Kyng John Sawyer John Pye Gregory Roche John Hyddell J- Bills. Wyllyam Porter Roger ap Thomas Richard Treyberd Hewe Hodgys John Pykeman Richard Mundy Willyam West John Plotte Thomas Halle Thomas Loveley Thomas Wake Edmund Goldyng John Goldyn John Cryppes Willyam Reynold John Perkyns Thomas Wytwey Water Smyth John Prese John Goldney Wyllyam Banks Alesaunder Newe ) s ' one Harnes halfe a harnes a payre of splynts The Ty thing of Bey don. Robte. Collas Roger Gybbens John Colles John Neell Wyllyam Neell Thomas Strotton James Neelle Thomas Stephens Richard Gybbyns Thomas Strotton James Neell > Bills a harnes a salett & a bill abyll a payre of sph nts The Tything of Bysschoppyston. Roger Maddeley 1 ^^ John Gregory j John Mottorde Wyllyam Skatysby Willyam Lovelay Thomas Kempe Thomas Horton Wm. Spense Wyke Willyam Hall John Lacy ^ Bills. John Precy John Palmer Robte. Tuctar Robte. Smyth Thomas Horton Wyllyam Hardyng Wyllyam Kechen Wyllyam Hull Thomas Vycars Willyam Blakegrove Wm. Walter Wm. Cheppeman a harnes a payre of splynts a harnes halfe a harnes a bill a salett and gorgett a sorde & a dagger » the body of the harnes a bill a harnes Servants to oure Lady Dorrell. Myles Atkyns Edward Crystofer Peter John Brynkelowe John Curr Richard Smyth John Baker John Cocke ^ Archers. ten harnes
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