North Wiltshire Muster printed 1834
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North Wiltshire Muster printed 1834
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North Wiltshire Muster printed 1834
Date of Article: 01/01/1539
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Volume Number: Issue Number:
No Pages: 1
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r MUSTERS IN WILTSHIRE, 30 HENRY VII— SELKELEY, H. 27 The Tythyng of Abery. Henry Pynpett John Brunesdon John Pagge Edward Russell Rayffe Baldewyn John Grene Thos. Ducke John Pynnell Androwe Smyth John Poppe Willyam Frankeleyn Nicholas Brokewood John Blyth Richard Clyfford Richard Smyth John Smyth Richard Davys Rvchard Phyllypps Richard Glyne John Brynke John Showter Archers. )• Bills. a horse, a harnes, and i a bill Thos. Trusloo. A horse a harnes and a bill Androwe Smyth John Poppe Nicholas Broncur Thomas Smyth John Chester, senr. Richard Smyth Thos. Browne Richard Felyppes
John Carter Davy Glyme Richard Bromesdon John Cowper 1 a harnes and a bill a bill and a dagger a harnes a salett and a bill a payre of splynts a bill a brese plate a bowe a scheffe of arrowes ) S Archers The Tythyng of Kennett. Richard Hewes Richard Smyth George Croke Thos. Chamber Richard Scull John Swallowe Nicholas Arnold Richard Brymesdon George Brayn Wyllyam Pentegrasse Thos. Wotton Richard Tokey Robte. Edwards John Monke Robte. Palmer John Shepford George Baylle James Hewse Androwe Mortymer Willyam Pyntygrace Richard Smyth Thomas Trebolde Robte. Sewarde John Toppe Thos. Bayle
Bills. a harnes a salatt & splynts a bill a harnes fornysche a bill a bill a harnes halfe a harnes Overton. Thomas Cutts John Barker John Fassell Androwe Marche Edward Pyle Edmund Wylmat Robte. Carpenter John Maxsey Roger Hartysdew John Myles John Clerke Edward Pylke ,' Archers. - Bills \ a horse & harnes, bow With all the same ( & scheffe of arrowes, ' i Thomas Lewes, senr. Tythyng Brose sorde & dagger Clateford. John Stammers Water Miles John Miles John Stammers, senr. Thomas Stammers With all the Tythyng | Archers, a bill } one harnes, a Bowe i & Scheffe of Arrowes. Elcatt. John Crome Willyam Butteler
John Ketyn Jefferey Dannyell and the Tythyng'alone Androwe Potter John Heldowne Wyllyam Potter Thomas Amlen Thomas Paynter John Frankeleyn Thomas Perkyns Archers. bill . iij harnes, ij bowes, ij > scheffe of arrowes ' syx bills. ' Archers. bilman • Archers. Aldebourn. Thomas Compten Thomas Waldron Henry Colley John Mausby Henry Glasyer John Yatte Umfrey Munteyn Thomas Peers Willyam Schepperd Edward Barnys Ricliar Hobbys Richard Brynde John Tempelour ). Archers.