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North Wiltshire Muster printed 1834


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North Wiltshire Muster printed 1834
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North Wiltshire Muster printed 1834

Date of Article: 01/01/1539
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Full (unformatted) newspaper text

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25 MUSTERS IN WILTSHIRE, 30 HENRY VIII.— KYNWORTHSTONE, H. The Towne of Mylton. John Whytehard George Muddell Thomas Hyde Jefferey Gunter Richard Chaundeler. Robtus. Chere Wyllyam Randall Wyllyam Ponter John Bouke Thomas Pyell Robtus. Morterys Willm. Gudley Willm. Russe Henry Symmes Richard Pydman • Archers. Bills. Mylton aforesayd. Jefferey Gunter Willm. Banke Willm. Browne John Wythard Richard Chaundeler. Robtus. Kare Henry Care Willm. Panter Thomas Pyle a horse and harnes. }> one harnes. J a Bill, a harnes. a bowe & scheffe of arrowes. a Bill. a swerd & a dagger. Charnamestrette. Rayffe Hanley Robte. Brambam Willyam Cocks Willyam Wreyn Edward Robynson John Rychardson Robte. Reynolde Rayffe Hanley Willm. Cocks Willm. Wren Richard Taylour Robte. Reynolde Robte. Brambam Willyam Curre | An Archers. • Bills. a Bowe & scheffe of arrowes. a harnes. a harnes. a Bowe. a bill, a harnes. halfe a harnes & a swerd. The Town of Schalbourn. • Archers John Daunsey Willyam Wynterbourn Richard Burton Thomas Bromeham Robte. Potter Richard Gregory Phelyppe Sweteapple Willyam Osbourne John Peers Richard Baker Thomas Emmons Thomas Schangelton, Gentylman, a harnes. > BilU Schabourn aforesaid. John Witte John Jennewey John Peers, and the Widowe. John Chocke • too harnes. iiij harnes. The Towne of Collynybourn. Willyam Pyle John Mower John Andrewe Richard Pyle John Charleton Richard Bacon Thomas Thresschere John Waterman Thomas Downton Lawrens Dyper Edmund Pycke John Hubborde Wyllyam Makegood Willyam Thresscher John Mundy Edmund Mundy John Waterman Willyam Androwe John Wyse Edmund Luendon Richard Yong Richard Stephyns Richard Walker Wyllyam Thurman Thomas Osmond Robte. Burges John Gybbes Willyam Strette Robte. Gewge Thomas Thresscher Thomas Kyett Thomas Fulwey Robte. Amery Frenche- man John Barthelmewe John a Dean John Batte John Bremenam Robte. Mundey George Smyth Richard Grene Willyam Syntou John Hardyng Willyam Errell Willyam Blakemour Willyam Morres John Hapegood Richard Pynton • Archers. Bills. Bills. Collyngbowrn aforesaid. Thomas Druntun Davyd Peke Water Coke John Ernlle Thomas Fulwey Horse & harnes. I a harnes.
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