North Wiltshire Muster printed 1834
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North Wiltshire Muster printed 1834
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North Wiltshire Muster printed 1834
Date of Article: 01/01/1539
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No Pages: 1
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18 MUSTERS IN WILTSHIRE, 30 HENRY VIII.— KYNWORTHSTONE, H. The Towne of Buttermere. Wyllyam Dowse Archer. John Pecoke Wyllyam Pryse Robtus. Jennwey j Bills. Buttermere afforsaid. Wm. Baker With all one Harnes the reste of the Tythyng } The Towne of Est Bedwyn k Weste Bedwyn | Archers. Willra. Stokdale Robtus. Rycalle y Bills. Robtus. Smyth Willm. Bysschoppe Richard Hytchyns Willm. Parkyns Robtus. Parkyns Thomas Isode Thomas Morlande John Abyngton John Russche Emery Wynterbourne Thomas Wyllyams Edmund Wyn. Willm. Slegge John Baker Richard Colman Thomas Iles Est Bedwyn
& Weste Bedwyn aforsayde. Willm. Pecke ) Mother Myller j Thomas Wyllyams • one Harnes. one Harnes. And all the reste of the Parische, one harnes. Richard Bygges ^ John Dobson. With all > one harnes. the reste ) The Towne of Frokefelde and Okelle. Richard Whytechurche Willm. Grene John Osmonde Rayffe Harolde John Grenewey Robtus. Stawler ^ Archers. | Bills The Towne of Frokefelde and Okelle nforesrtyd Wm. Cowdrey. With all i the reste of the Tything f one Harnes Rayffe Harrolde one Harnes. John Grenewey Thomas Arnold Willm. Harrold £ 0, le Harnes. Richard Whytechurch ) I > Archers. > Bills. Frokefelde
and Okell afforsayd. John Hyll one Harnes. Robtus. Chaundeler one Harnes. The Towne of Chytte and Conney. John Corderey Willm. Hapgood Richard Mundy Willm. Stotewell ( sic) Henry Savery John Chylde Robtus. Hordon Thomas Asscheredgge Rayffe Murnoo Thomas Upgood John Savery Chytte and Conney afforsayde. John Munday. With all the reste of the same [ one harnes. Tything. > Thomas Cordrey, Gentylman, Horse & Harnes, Willm. Swette Wyllyams, Horse & Harnes. John Chylde a Horse Robtus. Jurdeyn 1 Richard Mundey j one Harnes. The Towne of Fosbery. Willm. Dall John Smyth Robtus. Dowsey
Robtus. Edyngton Thomas Mynar Rychard Jennewey Edmond Paty Willm. Emmens John Poppe Willm. Dale Robtus. Deewke Archers Bills. a Horse and harnes. one harnes. Fosbery aforsayd. Wm. Goslyng, the elder j Willm. Goslyng, junr. [ a harnes. John Goslyng * The Towne of Wotton Ilyvers. Nycholas Vavyn Willm. Halme Roger Lyson Etlmund Ade Willm. Pylle Thomas Tarraunte Roger Hyller John Browne Archers. Bills. Wotton Ryvers offorsayde. Wyllyam Cummyn i Nicholas Vavyn. With ' a Bowe and Scheffe of all the reste of the same 4 Arrowes. Tytby ng, V