North Wiltshire Muster printed 1834
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North Wiltshire Muster printed 1834
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North Wiltshire Muster printed 1834
Date of Article: 01/01/1539
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Volume Number: Issue Number:
No Pages: 1
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Wtlteslure, THIS is the boke and retourne of the Musteryng of the Hundreds within wrytten in the Countie of Wilschere of Men abble, and of ther harnes. THIS is the Sertyfycath of Sir William Essex, Sir Antony Hungerforde, Sir John a Brygges, Knyghts, and Willm. Stompe, Comyssyoners for the Musters before them taken of the Hundredys and Townes ; That is to say, the Hundred of KYNGBRYDGE, the Hundred of SELKELEY, the Hundred of KYNWORTHSTONE, the Hundred of RAMMESBURY, the Hundred of HYGHTHWORTH, CRYKELADE, and STAPLE, and the Borough of MARLBOROUGH for the vewyng of men
able within the said Hundreds. THE HUNDRED OF KYNWORTHSTONE. The Towne of Burbage Savage. Willyam Hunt Thomas Crystofer Thomas Stevynson Wyllyam Kelmett ^ Archers George Kynston John Gylberd Walter Storye Thomas Stevynson Edmund Somersett Robert Tarraunte Willyam Shadwell John Ryves Willyam Colles Robert Heth Thomas Renolds Richard Goffe y Bills. Francys Herrys Thomas Grene William Ball Willyam Rakbourn John Moore Willyam Saunders John Stylle John Upton J Burbage Savage afforsayd. Willyam Hunt Thomas Crystofer, with all the reste of the same Tythyng. three Harnes The
Towne of Pewsey. John Benger, Gentylman a Horse and harnes Richard Hardyng a Horse and harnes Thomas Hardyng and i Harry Glase ^ a Harnes John Hay Robte. Pulton Richard Jones Henry Bath Willyam Hardyng Edward Cooke Thomas Smyth John Predye Willyam Talbott $ H arnes a Harnes a Bill a Bowe a Bill a Bill Thomas Whytehedde John Reve John Browne Carpenter { Robte. Kelme J The ' Towne of Eston. I Archers John Cotterell Edmund Tylour Richard Tryndall The said Towne of Eston. } Bills John Barrwyke Thomas Whythede John Ryme John Browne a Horse and Harncs a Harnes a Harnes a Harnes The
Towne of Tytcombe. Hewe Pollynton John Trendall Robte. Cruche Thomas Pollynton Robte. Neweman Willyam Vynsey John Home Henry Kempe, with all the reste of the same Tythyng | Archers. i a Ilanies. Est Bedivyn