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North Wiltshire Muster printed 1834


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North Wiltshire Muster printed 1834
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North Wiltshire Muster printed 1834

Date of Article: 01/01/1539
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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14 MUSTERS IN WILTSHIRE, II. 30 HENRY VII.- MALMSBURY, H. Henric. Pounde Ricus. Adye Clemens Turke Titliing of Segre. X, s Archars iij. Wyllyam Adye Johes. Hole Wyllyam Turke Johes. Wickeley Nichus. Sturrege $ Byllmen v. The whole Tythyng hath in a redynes i horse, and a harnes with other small wepyns. Tithyng of Burton Hyll. Henric. Cannoppe Henric. Tanner Thomas Raynold Johes. Mills Johes. Midelton Archars iiij, Byllman. The whole Tythyng hath in a redynes ij Horses and ij harnes, with other small wepyns. Tithyng of Garysdon. Wyllyam Flemyng Wyllyam Watts Ricus. Whyte > Archars vj. Wyllyam Berryman ' Johes. Brode Johes. Jacks Johes. Pountyng ^ Byllmen iij. Nichus Pratt. ( Ricus. Pert J The whole Tything hath in a redynes i horse and a harnes, with other small wepyns. Tithing of Brokenborowh. Johes. Kyng Thomas Davys Johes. Knolls Thomas Longe Alldellmus. Watts Ricus. Speke Ricus. Sparrowe Edus, Tertell Johes. Hyllars Thorn. Halyer . Archars iv. Byllmen v. The whole Tithyng hath in'a redynes ii j horse and iij harnes, with other small wepyns. Tithing of Sutton Beynger. Willms. Edmonds Ricus. Lovel, senr. Ricus. Lovell, junr. Willms. Coler Henric. Taylor Edus. Taylor Ilobtus. Pallmer I Archars vij. Edus. Mylle Johes. Coler Edw. Barnard Ricus Boxe Ricus. Coler Johes. Crey Johes. Gele Thomas Boxe Thomas Gele \ \ Archers ix. The whole Tything hath in a redynes, i Horse and a Harnes, with other small Wepyns. Tithyng of Brynkeworth. Thom. Wallrond, Gene- rosus ! Wyllyam Frye Robtus. Bele Johes. Bele Walterus Whayte Walterus Norban Rads. Norban Robtus. At. Williams Willms. Bele Walterus Pynnell Robtus Ode Willms. Wayte [ Archars xxv. Michis. Barun Rogerus Pen Richardus Webbe Johes. Warne Johes. Michell Edw. Wayte Georgius Wever Nichus. Hele Henry Boxe Johes. Warne, junr. Thomas Pynnell Robtus. Wayte Henric. Cossenar Ricus. Sherer Wyllyam Norbansell Wyllyam Clarke Thomas Henley Andr. Barun Wyllyam Collyns Robtus Wyllmer Johes. Richeman Thomas Jonys Thomas Brown Johes. Spencer Johes. Pynnell . Byllmen The whole Tything hathyn a redynes i Horse, and iij harnes, with other small Wepyns. The Boroughe of Mallmesbury. Renoldus Clarke Simon Adye Johes. Smyth Johes Hodges Thomas Fortye Thomas Corbett Matthew Haryson Johes. Wylliams Georgius Kyngton
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