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The Colchester Gazette, And General Advertiser for Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, and Herts


Printer / Publisher: E. Lancaster 
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 136
No Pages: 4
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The Colchester Gazette, And General Advertiser for Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, and Herts
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The Colchester Gazette, And General Advertiser for Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, and Herts

Date of Article: 03/08/1816
Printer / Publisher: E. Lancaster 
Address: No.30, Head-Street, Colchester
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 136
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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THE COLCHESTER GAZETTE, And General Advertiser for Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire9 and Herts. No. 136. Printed and Published ( for the Proprietors) by E. LANCASTER, No. 30, Head- Street, Colchester. Price 7d. Price 7d. or in Quarterly } Payments, at 8s. per Quarter. > SATURDAY, August 3, 1816. < This Paper is filed at Garraway's, Peele's, and Johns Coffee- houses; at Newton anil CoSl I Warwick- Square : Mr. Whites, 33, Fleet- Street; and at the A art on Mart. ANNIVERSARY OF THE NATIONAL SCHOOLS, COLCHESTER ASERMON will be preached, for the BENEFIT of the above SCHOOLS, On Thursday, August 8, 181 « , at St. James's Church, in this Town, by the Right Honourable and Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of London. Divine Service will begin at Eleven o'clock; during • which the Children will sing several Psalms, and will afterwards dine in the Cattle Bailey, when Mrs. Round's Garden ( by Permission) will be opened for the accommo- dation of the Company By Permission of Lieutenant- Colonel Muttlebury, the Band of the 60th Regiment will attend. N. B. It is requested that no Dogs be taken into the Garden. _ '• TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, AVery desirable small compact FARM, situate in the Parish of Layer- de- la- Haye, in the County of Essex; consisting of a comfortable FARM- HOUSE, Barn, Stable, and other suitable Out- buildings, all in good r » - pair: and Twenty- three Acres of very excellent Arable Land: now in the occupation of Nathaniel Whielay, agood and responsible tenant, under Lease, of which five years will be unexpired at Michaelmas next, at the clear yearly rent of 401.— The whole is Freehold, except three Acres, holden of the Manor of Layer- de- la- Haye. Apply to Messrs. Daniell and Sewell, Solicitors, Head- pate, Colchester. TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. Valuable Lease, at a reduced Rent, and Growing Crops. TO BE DISPOSED OF BY PRIVATE CONTRACT AVery valuable FARM of 100 ACRES of very good ARABLE LAND, and about 20 ACRES of MARSH, situate in Little Wigborough. The Growing Crops and Stock to be taken by fair valuation. The Farm is in a high stale of cultivation. For further particulars enquire of Mr. Samuel Tracey, at Buckingham ; Mr. Daniel Radkin. of Copford ; Mr. Pettican, of Layer- de- la- Haye; or of Messrs. Daniell and Sewell. Solicitors, Colchester. Farming Live and Dead Stock, Household Furniture, & c. Horkesley, Essex. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By WILLIAM JACKSON, On Tuesday, the 6th Day of August, 1816, ALL the FARMING STOCK, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, and other Effects, of Mr. Jacob Stow, late of Horkesley, deceased; comprising two useful young cart horses, a bay riding ditto, four years old, and a black year- old colt; two good shoats; a strong tumbrel, quite new; light ton cart; a food built and handsome rail- back cart, on springs; plough and cart harness, cow cribs, ladders, and various Farming Implements. The HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, which is mostly modern and good, comprises four- post bedsteads, various furnitures; excellent goose feather- beds, bolsters, and pillows; superfine blankets and counterpanes; mahogany single and double chests of drawers; a set of excellent mahogany dining tables with elliptical ends, fine wood; mahogany Pembroke, card, and pillar tables; handsome mahogany sideboard cellaret; six mahogany urn- back chairs; two elbow ditto- six Windsor chairs, and eight chamber ditto; pier and dressing glares; barometer and thermometer; some good glass and china, iu decanters, goblets, wines, bowls, plates, & c. eleven pair of good Russia and hemp sheets, nearly new; good table- cloths, pillow cases, and other linen; a piece of new hemp sheet- ing, ditto of towelling, ditto of shirting, and two pieces of printed calico; good Bath range, Rath stoves, washing and brewing coppers, mash and guile tubs; thirteen table and tea- spoons, and a variety of other articles; as w ill be expressed in Catalogues, to be had at the White Hart, Nayland; Crown, Horkesley; Place of Sale; and of the Auctioneer, Colchester. Sale to begin at Ten o'clock in the Forenoon. FREEHOLD ESTATE, BEAUMONT, ESSEX. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY WILLIAM JACKSON, On Friday, August 0, lMlti. at Two o'clock in the After- noon, ai the Horseshoes, Beaumont, Essex, 4 Very desirably FREEHOLD ESTATE, com- J\. prising a DOUBLE COTTAGE, with a large Piece of Garden- Ground to each, pleasantly situated by the road side, near Oakley Street, now iu the occupations of Francis Hill and Giles Bacon. Further particulars and Conditions of Sale may be had of Mr Dennis, at the Oak. Beaumont; of Mr. D. Sutton, Solicitor. Colchester; and of the Auctioneer. A valuable small Farm, at Fingringhoe, Essex. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY WILLIAM JACKSON, On Saturday, August 1( T, lxlli, at the Red Lion, Col- chester, at Twelve o'clock at Noon, VVery desirable COPYHOLD ESTATE, com- L rising a FARM- HOUSE. Barn, Stable, and other Out- buildings- a good Garden, and about Twenty Acres ( more or less) of most excellent Arable Land, now in the occupation or Mr. Thomas Sibborn, of Fingringhoe, who will give Possession at Michaelmas next. This Estate is Copyhold of the Manor of Fingringhoe, Fine ," certain , is well watered and timbered, and is very pleasantl! y situated. Further particulars and Conditions of Sale may be had in due time of Messrs. Sparling and Wittey, Solicitors, Col- chester; and of the Auctioneer DELIGHTFUL MARINE VILLA, Commanding most extensive Sea, River, and Land Vines, with Fifteen Aires ofPaddock or Park, Lawn, Plan tations, and Shrubberies; Manor abounding with Came, ! fc. within Six Hours Ride of the Metropolis. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY WILLIAM JACKSON, At the Three Cups Inn, in Colchester, in the County of E- « cx, on Monday, the 12th Day of August, 1816, at One o'clock in the Afternoon, THE unexpired TERM of EIGHT YEARS, from Michaelmas- day next, of and in all that capital MESSUAGE, or MANSION- HOUSE, called BRIGHT- LINGSEA PARK, situate on an eminence, in the most delightful part of Brightlingsea, near Colchester; com- ma. ullug the most rich and extensive Laud and Sea Views. The MANSION HOUSE is extremely dry and well built, and adapted to the accommodation of a large and genteel Family. Large Dove- house, a capital Kitchen Garden, partly walled in, and planted with the choicest young fruit- trees The Lawn and Shrubberies are laid out and planted with taste; the Park or Paddock about the House contains about Fifteen Acres of excellent Land, and there are two good Fish- Ponds. The Purchaser ( if approved) may be accommodated, at a moderate Rent, with one of the most desirable Manors in the County for rearing and preserving Game, contain- ing upwards of 2000 Acres, in the centre of which the Mansion- House is situated, and which is now well stocked • with Game. There is good wild- fowl shotting on the neighbouring rivers in the winter It is respectfully submitted that these Premises arc particularly worthy of the attention of any Family Gen- tleman attached to country sports and aquatic amuse- ments; sea- bathing may be had most conveniently, as a machine is kept within half a mile of the Mansion. The FIXTURES on the Premises to be taken at a fair valuation ; and the Purchaser will have an opportunity of accommodating himself with such articles of Furniture, now on the Premises, as he may choose to purchase by Auction on the 13th and 14th days of August. Further particulars and Conditions of Sale may be had by application to Mr. Welsh, Solicitor, Nicholas- lane. Lombard- street, London; at the Place of Sale; and of the Auctioneer, Colchester. Elegant Household Furniture, Brightlingsea, Essex. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY WILLIAM JACKSON, On Tuesday, August 13,1^ 16, and following Day, on the Premises, ALL the neat and modern HOUSEHOLD FUR- NITURE, Plate, Linen, Glass, China, scarce and valuable Paintings, a fine- toned Piano- forte, in handsome mahogany case ( by Broadwood and Sou), Brewing and Dairy Utensils, & c. at Brightlingsea Lodge, in the County of Essex, late the Residence of Daniel Sutton, Esq.; comprising lofty four- post, tent, and other bedsteads, goose feather- beds and bedding, wool and other mattresses, wardrobes, mahogany double and single chests of drawers, Kidderminster carpets and floor- cloths, mahogany side- board, mahogany japanned, Windsor, and kitchen chairs, set " of four- feet mahogany dining tables, a fine- toned piano- forte in mahogany case ; scarce and valuable paint- ings; copper boilers and saucepans, fire- irons, a, fenders, & e— Four young cows, two calves, nag mare, two young sows, four shoats, and five pigs ; quantity of stover and hay ; light loading cart and harness, saddles, bridles, beer- casks and brewing tubs, & c. as will appear in Cata- logues, to be had at the Ship, Brightlingsea, and of the Auctioneer, Colchester. Sale to begin each Day at Ten o'Clock. Anchors, Ship's Stores, Long Boat, Hulls of two Vessels, large Mast, and Ship's Materials; 1,600 Duchess Slates, & c. ' TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY WILLIAM JACKSON, At Wivenhoe, in the County of Essex, on Friday the 10th Day of August, 1816, a: Eleven o'Clock iu the Fore- noon, SEVERAL ANCHORS, from 7 to 11 Cwt. sundry Ship's Stores and Materials; the greatest part of a Brig's Mast, of large dimensions ; a quantity of Cut Rigging, a Long Boat ( well calculated to make a Dredging Yawl), Yard and Cot Rigging, saved from the wreck of the Ship Gunson, lost on the Gunfleet Sand. The Hull of a fast- sailing Sloop, called " The Harriet," of about ISO tons burthen, capable of being made into a con- venient and useful little Coaster. Also the Hull of a Dutch built Vessel, of about 40 tons. Several Spars of different dimensions, a quantity of Old Copper, some Bolts of ca- pital Russia Canvass, quantity of Blocks, Purchase Ditto, Water Casks, and a variety of other articles. Also, about 1,600 capital Duchess Slates, for roofing. Further particulars may be known by application to the Auctioneer. Colchester Neat and desirable Freehold Cottage, on the Banks of the River Colne, at the delightful Village of Wiven- hoe, and sundry Copyhold Estates. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY WILLIAM JACKSON, At the Anchor, at Wivenhoe, in the County of Essex, on Friday, the 16th Day of August, 1816, at Three o'clock in the Afternoon, npHE following most desirable FREEHOLD and JL COPYHOLD ESTATES, situate in Wivenhoe aforesaid:— Lot 1. Consists of a neat and most desirable FREE HOLD COTTAGE, or TENEMENT, fitted up in the modern style, and at a considerable expence, situate on the northern bank of the River Colne, and commanding extensive and picturesque views on that river, and tut- well- wooded, fertile, and well- cultivated Parishes of East Donyland, Fingringhoe, and Brightlingsea. The Cottage has a Quay in front, formed for the reception of a pleasure yacht against it, and is well worth the attention of ama- teurs in sailing and sea- fowl shooting; or of a gentleman who may wish for a summer retirement, in a situation where sea- bathing is an object. Lof 2. A COPYHOLD MESSUAGE, now divided into TWO TENEMENTS, together with a very convenient WAREHOUSE, built on part of the Premises, situate near the above Cottage, and holden of the Manor of Wivenhoe, by Copy of Court- Roll. The Messuage was for several years in the occupation of Mr- Frederick Nicholson, but the Premises are now in the tenure or occupation of Mr. John Howard, aud John Blackwell, as tenants at will. Lot 3 FOUR MESSUAGES, divided into FIVE TENEMENTS, with Yards, Gardens, and Appurtenances thereunto belonging, called COOPER'S situate in Wiven- hoe aforesaid, and holden of the said Manor by Copy of Court- Roll, and now in the several occupations of the Widow James, Phillis Blyth, Richard Seaman, William Gardner, and Robert Shead. Further particulars may be had by application to Mr. Welsh, Solicitor, Nicholas- lane, Lombard- street, London; and the Auctioneer, Colchester. VALUABLE GRAZING FARM. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY ROBERT GOODWIN, On Tuesday, the 27th Day of August, 1M6, at the Marl- borough's Head Inn, in Dedham, between the Hours of Five and Seven o'clock in the Afternoon, in One or more Lots, as may be arranged previously to or on the Day of Sale, ALL that desirable ESTATE, called DEDHAM VALLEY FARM, situate in Dedham, in the county of Essex; consisting of a good FARM- HOUSE, Barn, Stables, and other suitable Out- buildings, contain- ing, by a recent admeasurement, 72A. 3R. 38P. of ex- tremely rich and fertile Arabic and Pasture Land, in a high state of cultivation, now in the occupation of Mr. Samuel Cooper, tenant at will, who will shew the Pre- mises. The above Estate is Copyhold of the Manor of Dedham Hall, and is subject to a Fine arbitrary for a part of the Laud, and 2s. in the pound upon one year's estimated value per acre for another part thereof, and Four Acres are Co- pyhold of the Manor of Old Hall, in East Bergholt, Fine arbitrary. Dedham is distant seven miles from Colchester; seven from Hadleigh; eleven from Ipswich; and three from Manningtreef all excellent Market Towns. There is also a navigable river adjoining the Estate, by which chalk and manure may be landed.— Possession may be had on com- pletion of the Purchase. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Hitchcock, Soli,- citor, Manningtree, Essex, at whose Office a Plan of the Instate may be seen; or to the Auctioneer, Manningtree. EVERY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR, BY THE USE OF DR. BOERHAAVE'S RED PILLS; a Medi- cine famous throughout Europe for the Cure of every Stage and Symptom of a certain Complaint It is a melancholy fact, that thousands fall victims to this horrid Disease, owing to the unskilfulness of illiterate men, who, by an improper treatment of this direful cala- mity, not unfrequently cause those foul Ulcerations and Blotches which so often appear on the head, face, Slid body, with dimness in the sight, noise in the ears, deaf- ness, Strictures, obstinate Gleets, nodes on the shin- bones, ulcerated sore- throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, ( frequently mistaken for other dis- orders) till at length a general debility and decay of the constitution ensues, and a melancholy death puts a period to suffering mortality. %* With each box is given a copious bill of directions, by which all persons are enabled speedily to cure them- selves with safety and secrecy, without the least confine- ment or hindrance of business. Its amazing sale, within the last fifty years, though seldom advertised, is a certain criterion of its immense utility. Price only 4s. ( 3d. per box. Another Supply is just received from London, and for sale by Swinborue and Walter, Colchester; Harris and Firmin, ditto ; Keymer, ditto; Rose, ditto; Meggy and Chalk, Chelmsford; Guy, ditto ; Kelham, ditto ; Young- man, Witham and Maldon; Holroyd, Maldon; Smith, Braintree; Seager, Harwich; Hardacre, Hadleigh ; Hill, Ballingdon; and maybe had of most respectable Medi- cine Venders. This Medicine is a sovereign remedy in Chronic Rheu- matism, Glandular Obstructions, and Poverty of Blood ; it also removes all Scorbutic Eruptions; in short, it has ex- celled when salivation and other means have failed. TO BE LET, With Possession at Michaelmas next, AFARM, consisting of a substantial and com- modious DWELLING- HOUSE, with Two Barns, Stable, Cow house, and other necessary Out- buildings, and about Two Hundred Acres of Arable and Pasture Land, within four miles of a Sea- port and Market Town, in the County of Essex — A Term of Years will be granted, as may be agreed upon. For particulars ( it by letter, post- paid) apply to Messrs. Ireland and Sawyer, Solicitors, Staple Inn, London. SCIENTIFIC INSTRUCTION FOR YOUTH. The following valuable BOOKS of scientific Education are published by Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, Paternoster- row and sold by Swinborne and Walter, Colchester; and all BOokseller. taroughoat the Country. 1. USEFUL KNOWLEDGE; or, a Familiar and Explanatory Account of the various Produc- tions of Nature, Mineral, vegetable, and Animal, which are chiefly employed for the are of Man Illustrated with numerous Figures , and intended as a Work both of In- struction a id Reference- ; by the Rev. WILLIAM BINGLEY, A. M. Autho. r of " Animal Biography." In Three Vols. I2. no. with Sixteen Plates, Price 11*. Is. 2. DIALOGUES on CHEMISTRY, intended for the Instruction and Entertainment of Young People; in which the First Principles of that Science are fully explained. Villi Questions for the Examination of Pupils. By the Rev. J JOYCE The Third Edition, considerably en- larged, in Three Vols. Price half bound. 3 SCIENTIFIC DIALOGUES; intended for the In- struction and Entertainment of Young People ; in which the First Principles of Natural and Experimental Philo- sophy are fully explained; by the same Author; com- prising Mechanics, Astronomy, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, Optics, Magnetism. Electricity, and Galviuism. In Six Vols, price 15s. half- hound. 4 By the same Author, a COMPANION to the SCI- ENTIFIC DIALOGUES or, the Tutor's Assistant and Pupil's Manual in Natural and Experimental Philosophy; containing a complete Set of Questions, and other Ex- ercises, for the Examination of Pupils, in the Scientific Dialogues, and forming a Seventh Volume of that Work. To which is aided, a Compendium of the principal Facts under each Departm; ut of Science. Half- bound, 2s. 6d. !>. By the same • Author, DIALOGUES on the MICRO- SCOPE, intended for the Instruction and Entertainment of Young Persons, desirous of investigating the Wonders of the mi inter Parts of the Creation containing an Account of the Principles of Vision; and of the Construc- tion and Management of the most improved and generally useful Microscopes, illustrated with Ten Plates, in Two Vols. l2mo. Price 7s. half- bound 6. LETTERS on Natural and Experimental Philosophy, Chemistry, Anatomy, Physiology, and other Branches of Science pertaining to the Material World. By the same Author. In One Volume, l2iuo. with Plates by Lowry — A new and greatly improved Edition of this Work is in the Press 7 ELEMENTS of PLANE and SPHERICAL TRI- GONOMETRY; with their Application to Heights and Distances, Projections of the Sphere, Dialling, Astro- nomy, the Solution of Equations, and Geodesic Opera- tions; intended for the use of Mathematical Seminaries, and of first- year Men at College. By OLINTHUS GRE- GORY, L. L. D. of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich; Author of Letters on the Evli'- nces, Doctrines, and Duties of the Christian Religion-. a Treatise of Me- chanics, and other Works. 12mo. Price bs bound. 8 A Comprehensive, Astronomical, and Geographical CLASS BOOK, for the Use of Schools and Private Fami- lies. By MARGARET BRYAN. In Svo. illustrated with elegant Copper plates, 7s. 6d. hoards. 9. HARMONIES of NATURE. By J. B. H. DE ST. PIERRE. Author of Studies of Nature, Paul and Virginia, & c. translated from the French by W. MESTON, A. M. In Three Vols. 8vo. Price II. 16s. with a Portrait of the Author. 10. The WOODLAND COMPANION; or, a Brief Description of British Trees, with some Account of their Uses, illustrated by Twenty- eight Plates, Price 9s. neatly half- bound. By Dr. AIKIN. 11. ARTS of LIFE:— I. Of providing Food; 2. Of pro- viding Clothing; 3. Of providing Shelter:— described in a Series of Letters, for the Instruction of Young Persons. Half- bound, Price 2s. 6d By the same Author. 12. NATURAL HISTORY of the YEAR, being an Enlargement of the Calendar of Nature. By Mr. ARTHUR AIKIN 12mo. 3s 6d bound. 13. The WORLD DISPLAYED; or, the Characteristic Features of Nature and Art exhibited on a new Plan. By JOHN GREIG, Author of the Lady's Guide to Arithmetic, & c. In a large Volume, 12mo Price 8s. 6d. bound; or on large Paper, Price 12s. 6d boards. 14. An INTRODUCTION to the USE of the GLOBES; Containing Definitions and Problems in Geometry, the Stereography Projection of the Sphere, the Rise and Pro- gress of Geography and Astronomy. By the same Author. 12mo. Price 3s. boards. GENERAL MEETING FOR THE RELIEF OF THE, MANUFACTURING AND LABOURING POOR. On Monday, pursuant to public notice, a most numerous Meeting was held at the City of London Tavern, for the purpose of considering the most bene- ficial mode of giving assistance to the Association already formed, and to those that may hereafter be formed throughout the country, for relieving the distresses of the Manufacturing and Labouring Poor. A little after one o'clock, the great room of the tavern was entirely filled; and a little before two the Duke of York entered and look the Chair. He was ac- companied by the Duke of Kent, the Duke of Cam- bridge, the Duke of Rutland, the Archbishop of Can- terbury, Earl Manvers, the Bishop of Loudon, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, & c. See. The Duke of YORK having taken the Chair, his Royal Highness said, as they had done him the honour to place him in the Chair, it was his duly to state the object of the present Meeting, which was, to consider of the best means of alleviating the distresses now felt by the labouring poor of the country. Every man was so well acquainted with the distresses of the present times, that it would be unnecessary for him to enter into them there. He should only call the attention of the present Meeting to them; and, when he did so, he was sure the same liberality which on all former occasions had excited their benevolence, even towards foreigners, would now induce them to contribute to the relief of their own countrymen. The Duke of KENT, after some prefatory observa- tions, relative to the objects the Society had in view, and the opposition some respectable characters had evinced towards it, from a mistaken idea that it was merely political, declared bis opinion, that if, in the year 1812, there was a necessity for forming associa- tions to relieve the distresses of the people, thai ne- cessity existed in a greater degree now than ever. It now became absolutely necessary that all persons who possessed the means should give their assistance to those who were in want and could find no em- ployment. The distress of the people was never so great as at the present moment. He should not now enter into discussion respecting the causes of that distress; it was sufficient, for him to say,, that it actually existed, and that the only object, which Gentlemen could now have was, to give what relief they could. Their object must be, to subscribe to a fund, not for the relief of the whole of the distress, but a fund to begin with ; to call on every man who had it in his power to contribute something towards al- leviating the hardships of his poorer neighbours. In the former proceedings that took place, means bad been taken to extend the operations of the Society through tie different districts of the country; and these had been attended with the greatest success; and he now proposed that the same should be renewed. His Royal Highness, in conclusion, moved the first Res » ( tion—" That the transition from a state of ex- tens. M >-:, re to a system of peace, has occasioned a stagnation of employment, and a revulsion of trade, deeply affecting the situation of many parts of the community, and producing many instances of great local distress;"— which having been seconded, Mr. FREND said, it must be evident to every person, that a gloom and despondency had already spread over the nation ; but when he considered the great and terrible struggle from which we had so lately escaped, he conceived that this gloom was unworthy of Englishmen, He was persuaded we should be able, by slight exertions, to overcome all the diffi- culties that now seemed to press upon us; they might all be removed with facility. It would, however, be necessary in some degree to view the causes of this state of distress. They appeared to him to arise from nothing more than what might have been appre- hended and expected at the end of a long war. It must have been foreseen and expected that on the arrival of peace, after such a war, a Quantity of cir- culating medium must have been removed from the country; and that there must have been sonic dif- ficulty in replacing it. The country, notwithstanding, was fully in possession of the means of relieving itself. No exertion of charity or benevolence, however, could be too much employed in alleviating present distresses. He hoped the Meeting would be fully impressed with the object they had in view, which was, that of re- moving individual distress; and he hoped that even something more than that might hereafter be done. Lord COCHRANE rose amidst a loud volley of hisses and applauses. He assured the Royal and Illustrious Personage in the Chair, that he should not have thought of addressing the Meeting on this occasion, had he not received a circular notice from the Com- mittee which appeared to be a kind of summons for him to attend. He could not, without a dereliction of his duty, avoid attending the Meeting ; nor would lie now address them if any other person more competent than himself was inclined 10 do> so. It appeared to him that the Resolution which had been justread, was founded entirely in a fallacy. There it was slated that a sudden transition from war to peace was the cause of the distresses that prevailed in the country. But no circumstance of that kind could ever of itself produce such an effect. The true reason why our manufac- tures bad ceased to exist, why our agriculture was overwhelmed with distress, and why poverty pervaded the whole country, was the prodigal expenditure that had to .^ Kc > ' ' e during so many years, and the enor- mous loa?. of taxation by which the people were op- pres- ed.—( Lond shouts of applause and disapprobation!.) — He should be able to prove that no relief whatever could be afforded to the distresses of the country, from any proceedings that might take place that day. He then read, from papers he held in his hand, several statements, setting forth the actual produce of there- venue, and the real amount of the expenditure of the country, for the purpose of shewing that the latter far exceeded the former. The Noble Lord then pro- ceeded to state the amount of the interest of the Na- tional Debt. It was the interest of that debt which bore down the nation; that debt was the origin of all the mischief under which the country suffered; as well as the lavish expenditure that was occasioned by the compliance of men who derived large advantages from it.—( Loud cries of Question, arid Go on, go on.'"— His Lordship then proceeded to state the deficiencies that had taken place in the revenue ; this constituted a radical disease, without the cure of which all other measures would be useless. Independent of sinecure places, there was a deficiency iu the revenue of eleven millions, and even should the army and navy he re- duced, the revenue would still be deficient. Was the country prepared to meet all this? He contended, nothing would do to make the revenue available, but putting down the whole of our army and navy, or Ihe extinction of one half of the National Debt. Indeed, he believed the deficiency next year would be above twelve millions, which was more than the whole of the Sinking Fund. There was, therefore, no difficulty in ascertaining the real cause of our distresses; and it would be Worse than useless to apply to them any other than a radical cure. He had already estimated the deficiencies of the revenue on a supposition that many reductions would be made in our establishment; but with the establishment so kept up, be believed the deficiencies this year would be twenty millions. He would ask if the landholders who were then pre- sent, were prepared to meet such a deficiency as that ? If the present establishment was kept up, they must meet it, or they must give up a part of their interest. These were incontrovertible truths, and if any one supposed they were not, the Chancellor of the Exche- quer, who was then present, might get up and deny them.—( Loud applauses and hisses.)— It was not in the House of Commons that the King's Ministers could ascertain what were the real sentiments of the people.—( Applauses.) — And therefore he trusted they would hear from that Meeting the truths that were necessary to impress them with a proper sense of their duty. If no other person present would move an Amendment to the Resolution, he would do it. It was absurd to think of men who held great sinecures com- ing there to give a small portion of the same towards the relief of millions, whose distresses could only be relieved by the removal of those causes from which they originated. If a man held a sinecure of 10,0001. a year, it was useless, it was a fraud upon the public for him to come and offer half a crown in the pound for the removal of distresses which he was instrumental in creating.—( Lund tumult, applauses, and hisses.)— He should, therefore, move an Amendment, which he hoped would be carried ; it was, that instead of stating that the transition from a state of war to a system of peace had occasioned a stagnation of employment, & c. these words should be inserted—" That the enor- mous load of the National Debt, together with the present great Military Establishment, and the profuse expenditure of public money, are the real causes of the present distresses of the country."—( Loud shouts of applause, mixed with disapprobation.) A Gentleman, who said his name was LOWE, se- conded the Amendment; He declared it to be his opinion, that the sufferings of the people were exactly- such as they_ had been described by the Noble Lord ; and they were felt as such by all the lower and trading classes. He had himself just come from the country, and he knew the misfortunes that prevailed there arose from excessive taxation, which brought every thing to so high a price, that nothing could find a market in foreign countries; and affected the price of labour so much, that thousands of industrious manu- facturers were totally divested of employment. Mr. WILBERFORCE said, lie was loo much of an Englishman; and had been loo long engaged iu the bustle Of political life, to feel any surprise when an Englishman stated his sentiments in public, whatever they might be. But at the same lime lie hoped the Noble Lord who moved the Amendment, and the Gentleman who seconded the same, would reflect whether it would not answer their purpose much better to con- fine themselves to the business of the day, for which the Meeting was assembled. If any individual should lie suffering under agony from a particular disease, and lie were called on to " afford relief, would it not be more consistent with humanity to mitigate his suffer- ings at once, than to enter into a dissertation respect- ing the nature of his complaint. He knew that the Noble Lord could neither be so unmanly or uncha- • ritable, as to try to draw off the attention of that Meet- ing from the necessary and pressing object for which .. it was convened, by bringing forward subjects of an irrelevant nature. A Gentleman declared his full concurrence in all the sentiments uttered by the Noble Lord; lie be- lieved the time in which we lived required that the eyes of the nation should be opened to its real situ- ation.—( Shouts of applause and hisses.) The Duke of KENT felt it necessary to state, that the Resolution in question had been put into his hands when he came into that room, and that was alt he knew about it. Had he thought it would have pro- duced any debate, he would have been the last man to propose it. He should, however, now suggest, that the words of the Resolution which staled the cause of the public distress should be omitted alto- gether; and then the cause of the present unfortunate difference of opinion would be wholly removed. The object of the Meeting was to relieve present distress, without entering into any discussion respecting the cause of it. He should omit the objectionable words of the Resolution, and then he hoped the Noble Lord would withdraw his Amendment. Lord COCHRANE had no motive or object in attend- ing the present Meeting but that which was connected with what he conceived to be his public duty. It was very far from being his wish or purpose to obstruct at embarrass the proceedings of the Meeting ; and after the handsome explanation which had been made by the illustrious Duke, he should have no objection to withdraw the Amendment he had moved: The illustrious Chairman then lose and moved the first Resolution, omitting the leading words relative to the imputed cause of the public distress, and it passed unanimously; The Duke of CAMBRIDGE could not but thank the Noble Lord for the polite manner in which he had withdrawn his Amendment. He was sure the Noble Lord had no object but that of participation with himself and the rest of the Meeting in tin earnest wish and endeavour to assist and contribute, as far as they could, to the removal or alleviation of a great evil, which was known and acknowledged positively to exist. The question, in his conception of it, and he was persuaded in that of the great majority of that numerous assembly, was entirely separate from patty or politics. It was the cause of charity, a cause in which he might, without undue assumption, offer himself as a zealous advocate. The Archbishop of CANTERBURY observed that the object of the Meeting was to mitigate the distress Under which it was universally known the industrious and laborious part of the people existed. A doubt, however, had prevailed, that, from the magnitude and extent of the evil, nothing effectual could be done, and either trifling aid or utter failure was anticipated. But if, under these cold and discouraging apprehen- sions, no attempt were made to soothe or relieve the public distress, if they were to wait until the meant of full and complete relief should be at hand, the disease Would daily increase, and become at length incurable. Whatever was at present to be effected, was by a general connection and concurrence of the whole country, and by a cordial consent and co- ope- ration among the various districts. All, indeed, that was to be wished could not possibly be done, but much that was useful, much that was Soothing and beneficial, might be effected. A Gentleman here recommended, as a means of promoting the declared object of the Meeting, that the Waste Lands and Royal Forests should be appropri- ated to the purpose. Another Gentleman expressed a hope, that when the men of influence and power went borne from Lon- don and that Meeting, they would recommend the abolition of Pensions and Sinecure Places, as the most hopeful remedy for the evil complained of. The Duke of KENT observed, that the suggestions of these Gentlemen might be sent to the Committee, who, of course, would consider them. Thanks having been moved to the illustrious Chair- man, Lord COCHRANE again stepped forward, and gained the attention of the room. He said nobody could dif- fer with regard to the nature of the object which they had now in contemplation ; and if was a consoling thought that there were still some individuals in the country who had the means of extending relief to their suffering countrymen ; but the great bulk of the peo- ple themselves stood in need of relief, and had not the means of affording it He should submit another Re- solution to the following import:—" That the Right Hon. the Chancellor of the Exchequer and his Ma- jesty's Ministers are the only persons able to afford effectual relief to the distresses of the country."— This motion was received with a mixture of applause and disapprobation; but was not put from the Chair.—• Much tumult ensued, during which the Duke of York abruptly quitted the room. The Resolutions agreed to were in substance as fol- low :— I. That there docs exist a stagnation of employment, producing many instances of great local distress. • 2. That it may be confidently expected, that those who are able to afford the means of relief will contribute their utmost endeavours to alleviate the difficulties and suffer- ings of those on whom the pressure of calamity particu- larly has fallen. 3. That though it be impossible for any Association to attempt the general relief of difficulties so extensive, yet that it has been proved by experience, that important be- nefits may be derived from the co- operation and corres- pondence of a Society in the Metropolis, encouraging the efforts of individuals associating in different districts, for the relief of their several neighbourhoods. 4. That a Subscription be immediately opened, and Con- tributions generally solicited. 5. That Sub cribers of one hundred pounds and upwards be added to the Committee. A subscription was immediately opened, at the head of which is the Prince Regent, with a donation of flOOl, followed by the Queen, Dukes of York arid Cam- bridge, 3001. each; and in a short time nearly 10,0001. were subscribed. ' mmm ( a — FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. RIO JANEIRO, May 21. —{ EXTRACT OF A LETTER.]— IN Consequence of Artigas having burnt some villages belonging to the Portuguese, they have been making every exertion to fit out an expedition against him, AND on the 28th will be ready to sail, and great confusion must be the con- sequence in the River Plate. Buenos Ayres hav- ing made peace with Artigas, by the last accounts, they will also take a part in the campaign. The expedition that goes from hence consists of two ships of the line, two frigates, two sloops of war, two brigs, and about seventeen transports of if- ferent sizes, having on board 3,500 troops, ex- tremely well disciplined, and in every respect in the highest order. Their destination is not quite certain, as one party here wish them to be lauded at Maldonado,, while others are afraid of meeting with bud weather, and wish them to be landed about Rio Grande, and to enter the Spanish territories at the same time as the troops from St. Catharine's, St. Paul's, & c. What the whole army will amount to, when assembled; it is difficult to say, but pro- bably about 7,001) men. Artigas has, to oppose them, about 2,000 regular and 4,000 irregular but well- armed cavalry, all accustomed to the climate and mode of fighting, and able to bear every priva- tion. That they will lake possession of Monte Video there can be little doubt; but that they will succeed in keeping quiet possession of the country i think very doubtful; and they have great reason to be afraid of desertion, when the troops begin to feel the hardships of the climate and mode of living, so different from what they were accustomed to in the Peninsula. i NAPLES, June 24.— The harvest promises well, but unhappily the roads and communications are no where sate ; bauds of robbers extort money from the landholders, by threatening to set tire to their corn Unless their demands are satisfied. The Aus- trians do all they ran to prevent such excesses, but they are not numerous enough, particularly in ca- valry, and are not always properly supported by the troops. Thus eighteen robbers of the notorious band of the brothers Varderelli lately appeared near Apresina. Ihe Hungarian cavalry at Ripalto has- tened to attack them ; they tired for four hours at each other; but the robbers being in a wood, and the Hungarians on the plain, they could not use their sabres. They, therefore, sent for some Nea- politan infantry to surround the wood, but they never came, and the robbers escaped. The same Vardarelli, with fourteen horsemen, lately attacked sixty Neapolitan foot, under a Captain, who was sent against them. They took twenty- five, with a Lieutenant and Serjeant, prisoners, shut them up in a country- house, gave them a good supper, and made them drink, " Long live the King— Death to the Ministers!'' and then let them go on their word of honour. The soldiers excuse themselves by say- ing they had no cartridges. A kind of convention is made with the robber Giuseppe de Furia, who infested the bridge at Bovino, where the roads to Apulia and Calabria divide. The Government gives him 300 ducats per month to protect the neighbourhood which he before alarmed by his rob- beries. General Cancelliere is sent out with a corps to scour the country.—( Allgemeine Zeitung, July 13.) GHENT, July 24.— The political and commer- cial Journal of this city has the following article to- day:—" The day before yesterday, the work- nun employed in our manufactories, made, on the corn- market, an auto da fe of English merchandize. It seems that the articles burnt, consisting of shawls and handkerchiefs, were, furnished voluntarily. It is however added, that most of these were demanded from those passing by, who were paid for them. While we praise the motive, we cannot but blame the manner by which individual liberty is violated. The moral force of opinion ought to proscribe the Anglomania, and come to the aid of our industry with all the energy of the national sentiments. The proscription ought to be made by all, because all are interested in it. But measures which in- fringe the liberty of the consumer are blameable. He should be convinced, not compelled. The scene, however, caused no tumult; there was order amidst this disorder." LONDON. The alarm at Algiers, caused by the threatened attack of our expedition, lias led to the adoption not so much of measures of defence as of preserva- tion of the properly belonging to the inhabitants. Accounts from Saint Tropes, a French port in the Mediterranean, state that the Algerines had burnt the woods behind the town, and proposed to carry off all their valuable effects when the British ar- mament approached.— An auxiliary to the Barbary pirates has unexpectedly started into activity in another quarter of the African shores. This new aggressor is, however, more distinguished by a high- sounding name, than by the extensive means of destruction which characterise the atrocities of the Algerines, Tunisians, and Tripolitans. The Emperor of Morocco has fitted out a squadron to cruise against the Russian, Prussian, and Austrian shipping. With the cause of this mighty naval Potentate's resentment against these three Powers we are completely unacquainted, but of the fact no doubt can be entertained, as it has been officially announced by the Prussian Minister at Paris, in a circular addressed to the Consuls of that nation in the different ports of France. A letter from Genoa, dated the 8th inst. says— " His Sardinian Majesty's galley Falcon, Captain Scotter, has brought here in chains five Sardinian subjects, belonging to the crew of a tartan, under English colours, which sailed upwards of twelve months ago from Gibraltar for Malta ; but the crew revolted on the passage, threw overboard the Master and Supercargo, and ran away with the vessel, which was arrested by a French frigate, and the above delinquents delivered up by the Government." An article from Cagliari, in Sardinia, mentions the chace of two Spanish brigs, richly laden, by five Tunisian vessels ; but the former luckily escaped and found refuge in the pert of Cagliari. Vessels are stated to be continually met with by the French cruisers off the Island of Corsica, en- tirely abandoned, the crews of which had been made slaves by the pirates, and the vessels, alter being plundered, turned adrift. The King of France rides out in a carriage every day, attended by a very strong guard, amounting i i near a hundred men; it looks like a guard of • security as well as of honour; it is composed of mounted grenadiers, and cuirassiers of the Royal Guard, and Garde du Corps. The English are, i s usual, admitted with marked courtesy, to see the interior of the Palace and the Royal Family when at chapel. The more extended and permanent establishment of the Portuguese empire in South America, ap- pears to be a measure concerted between the.; Spanish and Portuguese Governments. The fol- lowing particulars are extracted from letters from Rio Janeiro to the 22d of May :—" In six or eight days, an expedition is to sail composed of 4,000 men, belonging to the troops lately arrived from Lisbon, and commanded by General Lecor. The destination of these troops is Maldonado and Mon- tevideo. We also learn, that on the frontiers a quantity of troops are in cantonments, whose num- ber is not less than 6,000 men, part of whom have already made an hostile movement in the quarter of Missiones. Every thing indicates that the plan is to get possession of at least the east side of the River Plate. Opposition against so formidable a force cannot take place, particularly if the army of Pezuela is stationed in the neighbourhood of Salta, as is expected to be the case. This crisis will not last long. After it is over, the western shore will remain uninhabitable ; and, on the contrary, the eastern side, occupied by the Portuguese, will shortly be the most interesting point of their whole monarchy." It is stated in these letters, that the Portuguese Princesses were to sail in June. The marriages of King Ferdinand V! l.. and his Brother with the Portuguse Princesses of the House of Braganza, were on the 11th May proclaimed in the capital of the Brazils, as having been solemnized by proxies in Spain. As this was the chief motive of the delay that has occurred, it was expected the Brides would soon set sail for Europe. . The King of Wurtemberg, as well as his Queen, has for some time been indisposed. This fact gave rise to a report of the death of the former, which is however contradicted, though both the King and Queen continued indisposed at the date of the last advices. French papers to the 24th inform us, that Lieut.- General Mouton Duvernet was condemned on the 19th, at Lyons, to suffer death. The sentence was appealed against, and his wife immediately set out for Paris, where she arrived on Monday morning. The unfortunate woman presented herself in the Hall of the Marshals, at the moment when the King- was going to Mass. She had petitions which she handed to the Duke de Berri. She afterwards threw herself at the feet of the King, imploring his Royal mercy for her husband, but his Majesty an- swered, that he could not comply with her request. Upwards of twenty persons have been tried at Nismes, for having, in the year 1815, at the period immediately subsequent to the Duke of Angouleme's unfortunate enterprize in the south of France, mur- dered, with circumstances of great barbarity, in the village of Arpaillarges, some volunteers who had followed the fortunes of his Royal Highness. Eight persons were condemned to death, and a ninth sentenced to perpetual hard labour, and to be branded with a hot iron. We lament to state, that two women were, particularly active in the perpetration of these murders. Armed with iron forks, they delighted in mangling and stabbing the dead bodies of their victims. A detachment of the 3d regiment of the Garde Royale, passing lately through Joigny, some of the soldiers went into the church, where they were shocked at seeing the pulpit supported by an eagle, and, through a mistaken zeal, no doubt, very im- properly demolished it. It is said to have been with great difficulty that the philosophical Ministry could be persuaded that these poor Vendeans ( for of them is this regiment principally composed), ought not to he considered as sacrilegious and wanton destroyers of the property of the church. Private letters from Barbadoes state, that a brown man, Joseph Pitt Washington Franklin, the principal ringleader of the insurgents, had been apprehended, and was in confinement, and it was generally supposed that he would be the last that would be tried, that he might witness the execution of all those deluded people, whom he had seduced from their duty to the commission of the horrid crimes, . for which they were justly suffering the sentence of the law. The last accounts from Jamaica state the amount of British manufactures now in that island without the chance of a market at. six millions sterling, caused by the total stoppage of intercourse with the Spanish settlements. Jamaica is also de- scribed as suffering severely by the extinction of her trade with the American continent. Letters from Curacoa, of 20th May, mention, that the Spanish squadron having collected in Puerto Cavallo, & c.' consisting of two brigs and five schooners, attacked Bolivar's naval forces, near the island of Margarita, when, after a severe conflict, the Independents, commanded by Brion, captured the whole of the Spanish flotilla, and took them into the principal port of the said island. The troops Bolivar had landed in Margarita, attacked 800 Spaniards, who had intrenched themselves in Pampatar, took their position by assault, and put them all to the sword. Advices have been received from the East Indies, dated the 3d of March, announcing the commence- ment of hostilities by General Ochterlony, who had passed three strong places of defence, intending to possess himself of the Capital of Napaul. Some skirmishing had taken place; one officer had been wounded, and some soldiers killed and wounded, but no formidable resistance had been opposed. The gas- light system is adoped in several parts of the United States. About the end of last month, the Museum at Baltimore was lighted up, and at- tracted the admiration of all who witnessed the sight. The Mayor and Common Council imme- diately proposed a contract for lighting the streets. Advices from the Continent concur in describ- ing the productiveness of the harvest, which has generally commenced ; a universal change of wea- ther having been experienced, attended with the most favourable consequences. The harvest in France is more than usually promising. The last accounts from the Mediterranean state, that the harvest has been very abundant on the northern shores of the Black Sea; and a great number of vessels, laden with grain, have arrived at Malta from Odessa, to look out for the markets in the Mediterranean for the disposal of their car- goes. The apprehension of scarcity is now in a great degree diminished by the exuberance of the southern territories of the Russian empire. The vineyards, in France, are expected to yield but very little this year, owing to the late rains. A person who arrived from Bourdeaux, declares that the vineyards are in a poor condition, and that ( it must, be a miracle indeed that would render their produce in any way proportionate to even one of their worst years. This draws forth many a bitter exclamation against the English, as the French, laughably enough, say, that " Milord Anglois has brought bis country's bad weather with him!" The weather is now changed from a raw, cold, and dark atmosphere, to the most intense heat ever known there. LAVALETTE IN AMERICA.--- From the Boston' ' paper it appears, by letters from Philadelphia, re- ceived at New York, that Lavalette had. safely ar- rived in the former city. " How exquisite ( says the American Editor) must be the sensation of his wife and of his noble- minded enemies, Wilson, Hutchinson, and Bruce, when this news shall reach their ears. Their united exertions have rescued from the fangs of mondrchial barbarity, one whose only crime was difference of opinion from his oppressors. Again shall this worthy man press to bis bosom that wife to whom he owes his life; again shall his daughter receive a parent's benediction. In contemplating a scene like this, the souls of Hutchinson, Wilson, and Bruce, will expand beyond the narrow confines in which their bodies are inclosed, and triumphantly riot over the puny efforts of despotism to enchain them." The German papers state that Madame Lava- lette is now at Munich. On Sunday Lord Exmouth sailed with his fleet for the Mediterranean. The expedition is altoge- ther very formidable, and in every respect calcu- lated to insure success. The Dey of Algiers is pre- paring for the expected attack by removing every thing of value from the town. Algiers, though strong, is more exposed to a British squadron than Tunis. It contains about 100,000 inhabitants. Tunis, though by no means so populous, is stronger, its fortifications being three miles in circumference, and standing nearly six miles from the sea, but communicates with it by means of a large lake, navigable tor boats. It is commanded, however, by the surrounding hills; and though large sums have lately been laid out upon its works, yet the Citadel, begun by Charles V. is but weak, and is exposed to batteries from a rising ground near it. the first place of attack would, incited, be the Port of Goletta, which is strongly fortified against a naval assault, and openly exposed to bombardment from a hill close by the ruins of ancient Carthage; but if this place is de- stroyed, it will be many years before their piratical shipping can be secured from an enemy. A private letter received on Friday morning from Paris, dated on Monday evening, says, that Sir Robert Wilson, Captain Hutchinson, and Mr. Bruce, were released that morning. It is said, that besides the reduction of two troops in every regiment of cavalry, and two companies in every regiment of infantry, two brigades of the royal artillery are to be disbanded. A reduction of 1201. a year has been made in the pay of the Com- manders of revenue cutters ; and, in future, they are to be allowed 5d. each per day less for victualling their crews. The vessels are likewise to be reduced ten men in their usual complement. It is ordered, as a measure of economy, that pilots shall not in future be placed on board King's ships, for Chan- nel or any other service. The office of Army Store- keeper General at Plymouth, and of Transport Store- keeper at Portsmouth, have been abolished. The Sea Telegraph which has lately been in- vented. has been tilted, by order of the Lords of the Admiralty, on board the Queen Charlotte, the Min- den, Leander and other ships, and has been tried before several Officers of rank. It was universally admired for its simplicity, and the quickness with which it communicates messages, especially under circumstances where it would be impossible to make use of bunitin flags) without some difficulty. The Admiralty has adopted this instrument which a view of economizing ih « use of buntin, which is a most expensive article, and it is calculated that it is likely to consume only one half of the quantity formerly used in the navy. An unfortunate accident happened on Friday night at Vauxhall Gardens to Madame Saqui. As she was dancing on the tight rope, which is sub- stituted for the cascade, she fell, and was very materially hurt. The small- pox has lately proved very fatal in some parts of Staffordshire, in consequence of the ignorance and obstinacy of the people, who refused to their children the benefit of vaccination. On Friday night, Westbrook, one of the patrole belonging to Bow- street Office, apprehended a tradesman in Kingston, who had, till lately, been considered of the highest respectability. A great portion of the broad- cloths, which were lately stolen from the warehouse of Messrs. Royd and Brock- bank, in Bucklersbury, to the amount of upwards of 700i. was traced to the premises of this person in Kingston, lie is, in consequence, suspected of being one of the robbers, or to have received the cloth knowing it to have been stolen. He is also suspected of being concerned in the first robbery of Messrs. Royd and Brockbank's premises, when broad- cloths to a similar amount were stolen, and in a similar daring manner.— The robbery having been committed in the city of London, the pri- soner was sent before the Lord Mayor for exami- nation. About two o'clock on the morning of Thursday se'nnight, as William Hawks, of Lower Rainham, was returning to that place from Stroud, whither he had been in a barge belonging to Mr. Smart, to convey some persons on a party of pleasure to wit- ness the ceremony of opening the oyster- beds, he fell overboard, and notwithstanding every exertion was made to save him, was unfortunately drowned. His wife was on board, and witnessed the afflicting accident. The deceased, who has left four children to lament his loss-, was brother to Mr. Hawks, of the Three Mariners, Lower Rainham. THE TOWER GHOST— Tuesday night gave birth to a most important discovery, the detection of no less than the Tower Ghost. It will, doubtless, be in the recollection of most of our Readers, that considerable anxiety, not unmixed with alarm, had a few months since been excited among the inha- bitants of the Tower, by a singular appearance, which for some nights was observed near the north- east bastion, assuming a variety of forms of the most terrific and appalling nature, and in one or two instances had nearly proved fatal, from extreme fright, to the sentinel stationed on the spot. The strictest inquiry at the time was instituted, but nothing could be elicited that would in any degree contribute to the elucidation of this mysterious circumstance, or lead to the detection of the noc- turnal disturber. What has disturbed and puzzled the heads of Officers, both military and civil, has been discovered by the sentinel on duty, on its re- appearance on the night above alluded to, to be nothing more than the reflection of a figure from the window of a house adjoining, effected by a magic lantern— Some credit is certainly due to the soldier in question, for his comparative personal courage with that of his predecessors, and, we trust, the repose of the garrison will not be again broken in upon, by an exploit which, however amusing to its thoughtless perpetrator, might pos- sibly have been productive of the most serious consequences, EXTENTS IN AID. THE KING « ,;. PHILPOT On Saturday the 13th ult. in the Court of Exchequer, . a most important cause was tried, as to the legality of this pernicious process. The extent issued at the instance of Messrs. Mortlock and Co. Bankers, Cambridge, against the effects of the defendant, who is a respect able farmer and maltster at Thaxted, in the county of Essex.— Mr. Dauncey put in a joint and several note of hand of the defen- dant, and his father for 60ol. payable on demand to Messrs. Mortlock, and this WHS the debt, together with some interest, which was sought to be recovered. — Mr. Serjeant Copley, on the part of the defendant, proved that subsequently to the defendant and his father giving the note of hand, defendant had granted a mortgage of his estate at Thaxted, and also a bond and warrant of attorney for the sum of 6001. payable on the a9lh of July, which, at the time of the date of the securities, appeared to be all that was due on the note, it having been reduced to that sum by inter- mediate payments made by defendant to Messrs. Mortlock, and upon the execution of these several securities there was an express stipulation on the part of the Mortlocks to deliver up the note to defendant in a week or ten days; this, ho wever, it appeared was neglected to be done, and advantage had been taken of the retention of the note whereon the present light of extent was founded. The Serjeant therefore con- tended, that as the defendant had been induced to grant the mortgage, the bond, and the warrant of attorney, the note of hand ought not to have been acted on, but should have. been given up as promised ; and that, in any event, it could not be used against the defendant, for that the instant the defendant sub- scribed the specialty securities, the lesser security merged iu the greater; and that the greater securities not being due till the 29th July, there could have been no debt owing from defendant to Messrs. Mortlock at the time of issuing the extent in April last.— Mr. Dauncey, in reply, endeavoured to impress oil the Court, that the mortgage, the bond, and the warrant of attorney, bad been taken from defendant, as a further and additional security to his Clients', and as collateral to the note, which was never meant to be delivered up, and that it might be proceeded on at the pleasure of Messrs. Mortlock.— After a most able and unbiassed charge from Mr. Baron Richards to the Jury, the latter were of opinion, that the bond, & c. included all that was clue to Messrs. Mortlock at the execution of them, and that the note ought to have been given up, and that defendant was entitled to bis verdict. On hearing which, the Learned Judge was pleased to express to the Jury, that their decision met his entire approbation, and was the same he should have given himself had lie been placed in their si- tuation. BANKRUPTS. John Habbis, Aston, Warwick, iron- forger, August 27, 28, at the Northwick Arms, Evesham, and Sept 7, at the Rein- Deer Inn, Worcester. Attorney, Mr. Blandford, Temple, London. George Bennett, Bedminster, Somerset, woollen- cord- manufacturer, August 3. • , Sept. 7, at the Commercial Rooms, Bristol. Attornies,- Messrs. Vizard and Blower, Lincoln's Inn- fields. London ; and Messrs. Leman, Bristol Richard Turk, Clement's- lane, Loudon, iron- monster, July- 2a, August 10, Sept. 7, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Allen, New Inn. Augustus Biston, Finch- lane, Cornhill, London, mer- chant. July 30, August 10, Sept. 7, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Leigh, Poultry. Henry Robert Plaw, Riches- court, Lime- street, Lon- don, merchant, July 30, August IS, Sept 7, at Guildhall. Attornies, Messrs. Hillyard and King, Copthall- court. THE COLCHESTER GAZETTE. The most pleasing duty of the journalist is to be able to applaud where he esteems, and to unite with his expressions of regard excitements to those feelings past the influence of rank or the obligations of duty— moral worth and disinterested patriotism. We are led into the execution of this grateful task from the manly and princely conduct of the Duke of Gloucester, in refusing, as it is stated, any application to Parlia- ment for a pecuniary grant on bis late marriage. We are not desirous of drawing any uncourtly parallel, or of subjecting ourselves to the censure of being ad- verse to the real dignity of the State ; but we should not, as faithful subjects to the illustrious House which governs us, discharge the fealty we owe, if we did not gratefully and joyously mark this generous spirit in one of its branches; evinced by a self- denial the more praise- worthy, at a time of private distress and public difficulty. It may, perhaps, be observed, that the mere performance of right is a negative claim to esteem; and that although its neglect would call for censure, its observance demands not the expressions of praise. It may be so; and if we lived in those happy days when folly and extravagance generally had given place to prudence and temperate economy, we should pass over the particular instances of their exhibition, as we do of some other excellencies which have been long triumphant among us. As it is, we felt called on to notice the patriotic resolution of this truly dignified Prince ; and we are confident that an expression of the public estimation of the act, would effect more for the preservation of the almost ship- wrecked bark,— finance,— than the united efforts of a million of charitable associations. It was some time ago the boast of some of the daily prints, how much the public had been relieved by the remission of taxes. We thought at that period the congratulations rather premature, when no solitary payment had been spared from the purses of indi- viduals. We were aware that a relief was meditated in the current demand of the property tax. We con- sidered the indulgence of a delay in the collection as an admission of the general necessities, and a wise determination to afford every possible assistance. We had not seen the Bill, and judged only of its extent by the sentiments which introduced it. Our surprise and regret have been therefore excited by the regulations which are officially annexed to the enjoyment of the boon that was offered. That Go- vernment should receive the whole, if persons were willing to pay, was naturally looked for; but that those who are necessitated to claim the privilege should stand, after the expectation of parliamentary favour, among the degrading list of defaulters, and be called on to explain the grounds of their inability, is to apply the badge of almost pauperism on all who ask, and thereby to do an injury, in many cases, ten- fold greater than the advantage tendered them.— Government knew that agriculture was distressed; and that the demand for a tax, unjust in its very name, after the acknowledgment that agriculturists, for the period for which it is levied, had no income whatever, could not be paid at the end of a disastrous year, and immediately preceding harvest, and therefore time was given them; not time to A. and B. but to every one who would accept it. But instead of that creditable privilege, a man is to state the why and the wherefore of his poverty ; and even then be is to be left at the mercy of the Commissioners. There is but one possible excuse— an excuse which, though it does honour to the gentle- men executing the trust, but little exculpatory to those who reposed it, viz. that the Commissioners are liberal, and will not be so minute and inquisitorial as their office designates them.— The order Can, however, boast consistency ; it is in perfect concord with the measure itself, and will make the monster expire as it has lived— a disgrace among a free people. We notice, with that heartfelt pleasure which, as Englishmen, we experience at any new manifestation of those benign principles of universal charity which have so long pre- eminently distinguished our country- men, the revival, under the most splendid auspices, of the association for the relief of the manufacturing and labouring poor. To prove bow much such humane exertions and contributions are needed, no particular instances require to be adduced: the slender veil which has So long skreened The extent of private distress so that a Combined picture of all its parts could not be viewed, is withdrawn, and we at length hear both Prince and Ministers avow the calamities which assail the " humble and the poor ; and liberally as individuals come forward to alleviate their wants, we are afraid that no radical redress can result from such beneficent intentions. But we are not the less gratified by the attempt; and hope, from the vast collections made to' aid the unfortunate of other countries, that the tale of woe at home will meet the increase of consideration which the love Of soil inspires; and if it has not suf- ficient power totally to remove the ill,, that it will at least soften its rigours. We regret that a Meeting, convened for so noble a work, should not have been distinguished by that spirit of peace and unanimity which can alone make the objects of charity successful. It was an assembly to. relieve the distressed, not to arraign Ministers; nor was the cause of those dis- tresses in the least connected with the question. The truth, therefore, of the political statements set forth does not, on such an occasion, excuse their introduc- tion. Are those Who suffer, and who are to be re- lieved, in fault? If not, shall we withhold the arm of help, and permit the hour of succour to escape, while we cavil about the reasons which have rendered such benevolent efforts necessary ? A surgeon, with a bleeding man, would not delay assistance till he had ascertained the cause of the injury: he sees the wound, and its danger determines the necessity of instant action. Let us give to the starving bread ; and during the continuance of such temporary relief, let us labour to discover and remove the causes of their distresses— The cases of the Portuguese, the German, and the Russian sufferers were not confined to the. munificent spirit of the metropolis, but spread to every corner of the empire ; and we feel the confidence o£ experience that the same universality will distinguish this more noble, because the more private and natural act— charity at home to our necessitous countrymen. The French Government proceeds with vigour and prompitude in completing its military esta- blishment. General Mouton Duvernet, condemned to death by the Council of War held at Lyon, and of whose pardon some hopes were entertained, barf been executed. We lament to observe the strong prejudice which prevails in the Netherlands against all articles of British manufacture, as will appear by the follow- ing article, dated Ghent, July 20:—" The English, who desire to clothe us, pretend also to shoe us. The tanners and shoe- makers will learn with gra- titude, that our friends have just sent to Antwerp a cargo of shoes at fourteen sous per pair. It is probable that these shoes are one of the miracles of the steam- engine, which the English have con- trived to apply to mechanic arts and trades. The steam- engire makes a shoe in three strokes— the first cylinder, provided with a bit ( emporte piece), cuts out the soal and upper leather, another makes the holes, into which a third drives the little nails which are prepared, and which it immediately clinches, and the shoe is made. There wants only a fool to buy it."—( Journal de Gand.) Letters received from Leghorn of the 13th ult. mention, that the Ex- King of Holland was living retired at the Baths of Lucca. He was without either retinue or equipage. The Ex- Empress Maria Louisa was expected at the same place about the 14th, for the benefit of sea- bathing. Her uncle, the Grand Duke, was expected to accompany1 her. The Paris papers of Sunday give an account of the execution of Pleignier, Carbonneau, and Tol- leron, the three leaders of the conspiracy. Pleig- nier persisted to the last moment, in wishing to speak to the King. He had been admitted to an interview of the Chancellor of France on Thursday, but made, no disclosure of the slightest moment. His communications were vague, inconsistent, and altogether uninteresting. He betrayed the most alarming apprehensions of death, and force was necessarily used to make him undergo his sentence. Carbonneau preserved a mournful silence, and met his fate with resignation ; and Tolleron was cool, calm, and collected to the last moment. The exe- cution took place about eight o'clock on Saturday. La Gazelle de France says, " Having reached the place of execution, the criminals were conducted to the scaffold, while the sentence passed upon them by the Court of Assize was read aloud by a crier on the steps of the Hotel de Ville. Tolleron suffered first; his right hand was cut off', and he was in- stantly beheaded. Carbonneau was the next vic- tim, and Pleignier perished last. The punishment was accompanied by loud and enthusiastic shouts i of Vive le Roi! Vivent les Bourbons ! from an im- mense assembly." 1 Jerome Bonaparte seems to be the most fortu- nate of the late Imperial family. He has been 1 created Duke of Montfort, by his father- in- law, the , King of Wirtemburg. This is certainly a falling . off in the scale of dignities, but the legitimate duke- > dom of Montfort is every way preferable to the i revolutionary kingdom of Westphalia. The Duke of Wellington returns to France on Tuesday next. This information he gave to a deputation from the Corporation of Bath, who waited on him on Tuesday at Cheltenham, with an invitation to honour the city with his company to dinner. The Duke regretted his inability to accept it on account of his leaving Cheltenham on Thursday, and England on the 8th inst. It is said, that in addition to the reduction in the number of troops in each regiment of cavalry and of companies in each regiment of foot, it is intended entirely to abolish the barrack establishment; The Gazette of Tuesday announces the appoint- ment of the Earl of Dalhousie to be Lieutenant- Governor of Nova Scotia; and also contains an abstract of the Acts of Parliament relative to the emigration of artificers and manufacturers, and to the liabilities incurred both by themselves and by those who entice them out of the kingdom. We are requested by a correspondent to insert the following remarks, copied from an article en- titled " Women less courted than formerly," which appeared in a recent popular periodical publication: " A few centuries ago, women v ere scarcely accessible, but, shut up in houses and castles, lived retired from the bustle of the world. When they deigned to show them- selves, they were approached as divinities; a transient view of them often set the heart oil fire; and their smiles conferred a happiness, and raised an enthusiastic ardour, of which, at this period, we can hardly form any idea By degrees, as manners became more free, and the sexes mixed together with less ceremony, women began to be seen with less trepidation, approached with less deference, and sunk in their value as they became objects of greater familiarity. Nor was this peculiar to the times we are delineating; the same effect always has, and always will happen from the same cause; let the ether sex, therefore, learn this instructive lesson from it, that half the esteem and veneration we show them, is owing to their modesty and reserve; and . that a contrary conduct may make the most enchanting goddess degenerate in our eyes to a mere woman, with all the faculties of mortality about her. The forward beauty,- whose face is known In every walk and in every public place, may be given as a toast, and have her name inscribed on the windows of a tavern, but she rarely ever becomes an object of esteem, or is solicited to be a companion for life." AGRICULTURAL REPORT, FOR JULY. The long continuance of cold rainy weather through the month, will have retarded the harvest to a later season than almost ever known. The Wheat crops, however, carry, in general, a pro- mising appearance, although there is some appre- hension in the Eastern Counties of mildew, from the unusual succulence of the straw, which more warm and genial weather, it is hoped, may correct. — The Barleys are fine in most counties.— Oats, in general, are not so good.— The Beans, which are too full of growth, are not found to set so well as their bloom promised.— Potatoes, except on light soils, have run too much to haulm for a very pro- ductive crop.— Turnips are a genial plant, but want drier weather for setting out.—- The young Clovers have planted kindly. The Fallows on heavy soils are backward, from their wet state not admitting of being cased about.— The Clover crops, with other hay, have suffered in most counties from the incessant rains, and, in consequence, the pro- duce of last year is rising considerably in value. In some districts, large tracts of meadow land are still unmowed.— The Hop plantations never varied more in their appearance than at this season : some of them round Canterbury, Maidstone, and Farnham, look promisingly, except where they have run too strong to bine; in Worcestershire the general appearance is unkindly.— The latter- math Grass is abundant, and the price of Lean Stock of most kinds has got up in consequence.— In Wool there is but little variation for the better. SUDDEN DEATH.— Wednesday evening, as Mr. Brown, a respectable jeweller and pendant- maker, living in St. John- street, Clerkenwell, was sitting in his shop at work, he suddenly clapped his hand to his forehead, saying," Good God, what ails me!" and almost immediately expired. The servant was instantly dispatched to inform his daughter, who lived in Faulkner's- square, and on her return, in her hurry, she stumbled over a loose stone in the street, broke her arm and dislocated her collar bone. She was carried to St. Bartholomew Hos- pital. I The same ' day, Mr. T. Kirby, a respectable tradesman, who had retired from business twenty years ago, to live on his fortune in Hounslow, and had come to town for the purpose of receiving a dividend at the Bank, when going along Chancery- lane, was taken with a fit, and expired almost im- mediately. Same day an inquest was held at the Green Man, | in Green- street, Grosvenor- square, on the body of Mr. J. Cox, who, on the preceding evening, at the end of Portman- street, suddenly dropped down, and expired in a short time. Oil Wednesday, a woman, who had stolen a sieve of cherries from Covent Garden Market, for which she was apprehended, hung herself in St. Giles's watch- house. The body was removed to the bone- house for the Coroner's inspection. i Wednesday afternoon, between the hours of two and three o'clock, the following melancholy acci- dent occurred in St. James's Church- yard, Clerken- well. TWO men who were employed as assistants to the sexton, were ordered to make a grave of twenty- one feet in depth; and just as they had completed their work, upon viewing the funeral procession make its appearance in the church- yard, in hastily endeavouring to quit the grave, the I earth suddenly gave way, and both the men were instantly buried alive. Every exertion was made to extricate the unhappy sufferers, when after three hours had elapsed, one of them was got out alive. The body of the other unfortunate man was not dug out till ten o'clock; he was quite dead. The corpse intended to be interred was deposited in the church, and the mourners returned home without the object in view being accomplished. COLCHESTER, SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1816. The Assizes for this County commenced at Chelmsford, on Thursday morning, before Lord Ellenborough and the Hon. Mr. Justice Burrough. About forty causes were entered on the Civil Side, and the calendar contains a list of fifty- nine pri- soners charged with criminal offences— A report of the most important cases in both Courts will be given in our next. Sir John Barrington, whose tithes, great and small, in the parish of Hatfield Broad- Oak, in this county, were charged from 5s. to 8s. per acre, has lately made the liberal reduction of twenty per cent. SCHOOL JUBILEE. — The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of London is, we are informed, to preach at tin- parish church of Thorpe- le- Soken on Friday next, the 9th instant, for the benefit of the National Schools of the Deanery of Tendring ; on which day it is proposed, for his Lordship's satisfaction, to assemble all the Schools in the Deanery, containing, by the last report, upwards of two thousand children. Booths are to be erected on the lawn at Thorpe- Hall, for the reception of the company and the children, and a cold collation to be provided from the inns for the ladies and gentlemen, at the mo- derate charge of a dollar each person, wineincluded. A dinner will also be furnished for the children, from a general and distinct fund, without any expence to the parishes ; and it may be expected, that the whole arrangement will afford one of the most inte- resting and gratifying scenes that these inestimable institutions have yet exhibited in the country.— Various pieces of sacred music will be sung by a • elect portion of the children, and a military band will attend on the occasion.— We understand his Lordship will confirm at Harwich on the day fol- lowing-. The superiority of the Swedish turnip over the common one is so well ascertained, that its culture, within these last few years, has been greatly in- creased amongst the best agriculturists in Norfolk and Suffolk ; but as it is very slow in growth ill its early state, it is particularly subject to the attacks of the fly; but from those it has frequently been observed to recover, and produce a most abundant crop, after its appearance has been so unpromising, that the cultivator had nearly resolved to plough them up. Thursday se'nnigbt a fine West Indiaman, the Georgiana, was launched from Mr. Bailey's ship- yard in Ipswich. On Sunday evening a man named Game, a bas- ket- maker by trade, and an inhabitant of this town, was found dead on the road between Polsted and Stoke. He was far advanced in years, and in a state of extreme poverty. When overtaken by the hand of death, he was on the return from his parish, where he had been for the purpose of obtaining relief. A labouring man of the name of Clarke dropped down in the street at Hadleigh, on Tuesday last, end instantly expired. A few days since a shark, 5 feel 4 inches long, was caught in Ipswich river. At the Quarter Sessions for Suffolk, Thomas Meers, George Farrant, sen. Stephen Clarke, Mary Jackson, and Richard Rogers, for breaking c thrashing machine, at Stoke by Clare, the property of Mr. J. Wales, were sentenced to twelve months imprisonment each; George Farrant, jun. and W. Jackson, six months; George Frost, three months; and C. Meers, T. Swallow, Win. Turner, John Deeks, Sarah Jackson, and J. Angel, were dis- charged on their own recognizances. Jonas Taylor, Win. Seeley, and Jeremiah Osborn, for destroying two thrashing machines, the property of Mr. Tho- mas Kemp, thirteen months imprisonment; and James Seeley, James Howard, and James Burroughs, were acquitted.— William Edwards, for conspiring with several others with a view of inducing la- bourers to form themselves into a society for rais- ing their wages, & c. at Wattisham, and elsewhere, to nine months imprisonment, and to find sureties for his good behaviour for one year.— Robert Leader, Henry Poole, Robert Durham, John Smith, John Abbott, William Howe, and William Halls, for riotously assembling at Rattlesden and breaking a mole plough, the property of Mr. Benjamin Morgan, of Gedding; the said Robert Leader, ( styled commander,) two years imprisonment in one of his Majesty's gaols, and the other six twelve months each ; J. Button, B. Buxton, J. Chinery, T. Durham, B. Steggles, R. Osborn, M. Moore, R. Baxter, C. and R. Cobble, Ezekiel Buxton, Meshach Moore, James Southgate, J. Bird, G. King, J. Folkerd, J. Steggles, T. Mattock, and J. Clover, three months each, or until they find sureties to keep the peace for one year, which they all pro- cured in Court, and were discharged ; W. Richer, W. Nunn, R. Folkerd, and R. Gladwell, pleaded guilty, and were allowed to be at large on their own recognizances; and J. Golding was acquitted.— James Gale, for stealing a great- coat, the property of William Winlock, from an inn at Newmarket, six weeks imprisonment.— John Whittle, for steal- ing six pecks of wheat, the property of John Hud- son, of Hadleigh, three mouths imprisonment.— Samuel Plumb, for stealing certain pieces of wood felled, the property of James Last, of Wickham- brook, fourteen days imprisonment. -— Francis Nunn, for stealing several articles off a waggon in Hargrave, the property of Mr. Samuel Payne, twelve months imprisonment.— W. Baker, foi stealing a quantity of wooden ware from a cart at Newmaket, the property of Mr. Lee, of Hawstead, six weeks imprisonment.— George Fitch, for steal- ing a sack from Benjamin Fuller, of Wickham- brook, one week's imprisonment. At the Quarter Sessions for the Borough of Ips- wich, Sarah Pinner, convicted of stealing a piece of pork, and a woollen blanket, was sentenced to be imprisoned one month in the House of Direc- tion at Ipswich. John Eaton, convicted of an assault, was ordered to be imprisoned two months in the County Gaol. At the Quarter Sessions for the County of Cam- bridge; William Ullyer, James Thompson, John Stick wood, Joseph Flack, John Fordham, and William Clements, were indicted for riotously as- sembling at Swaffham Bulbeck, in May last, and also for assaulting Wm. Manning. It appeared that about fifty labouring men, among whom were the prisoners, assembled together for the purpose of demanding an increase of wages, and that they en- deavoured to persuade Manning to accompany them ; on his refusal, they violently assaulted hi 111. The evidence of the riotous conduct of the prisoners was not sufficient for conviction, but they were all found guilty of the assault, and the three former sentenced to be imprisoned six months, and the lat- ter three months, in the County Gaol. The Bench of Magistrates of the County of Cain- bridge, assembled at the late General Quarter Ses- sions of the Peace, desirous of expressing publicly their unanimous opinion of the exemplary conduct of the Rev. Sir Henry B. Dudley, Bart, during the late disturbances in the Isle of Ely, resolved that he is entitled to their thanks for his very active, firm, and judicious conduct in the exercise of his duty as a Magistrate, during the violent outrages lately committed by a misguided and ungovernable mob in the Isle of Ely, which materially tended to the early suppression of the riots therein. At Hertford Assizes, on Tuesday, Peter Peacock and Richard Peacock were indicted for robbing Solo- mon Green, on the King's highway, on the 2d of July.— The prosecutor, who was a poor labouring man, stated that he was going with his master's cart, near Mot's Hole, in the parish of Ridge, about eleven o'clock at night, when he was stopped by two men, resembling the prisoners at the bar. One of them stood at the horse's head, and the other got into the cart, demanding his money with dreadful impreca- tions, at the same time giving him a blow on the head with a hand- bill. They took from him a few shillings, his bag of victuals, and his smock- frock, leaving him nearly blinded with the blood which flowed over his eyes from the wound on his head.— The prisoners were apprehended by a constable and two other per- sons, in a little shaw or wood. Peter Peacock had a bill- book in his hand, which, upon examination, ap- peared to be stained with blood, and the other had on a bloody smock- frock, which the prosecutor iden- tified as the one taken from him.— The Jury found them both Guilty. Richard Howes was indicted for stealing a brown horse, the property of R. Cook, of Norwich.— It was brought by the prisoner, together with another horse, to the Cock, at Bishop's Stortford, who said he was going to sell the two at Chesterford Fair ; but as there had been some hand- bills published, describing the horses, he was stopped In his defence be said, be was a little horse- dealer, and that he bought the horses of a man on the road ; but had no witness to prove the fact.— Guilty. Thomas Patterson and Jane Patterson, bis mother, were indicted for breaking into Shenley Church, and stealing two surplices, four bibles, and several prayer- books.— Three bibles and five prayer- books were of- fered for sale to a bookseller in East Smith field by the male prisoner, who, suspecting he had stolen them, had him taken into custody, and carried to the Police- office. The prisoner told his name, and gave bis place of abode at his mother's. Her apartments were searched, and three more prayer- books were found and the fragments of the surplices. Three of the parishioners proved the books to be their pro- perty, and to have been left in their respective pews iu the church.— Guilty. Peter and Richard Peacock, John Newberry, for killing a sheep, with intent to steal the same; Michael Connor, Peter Gaynor, and John Doulan, for highway robbery ; John Clarke and G. Carter, for sheep- steal- ing; and Richard Howes, were capitally convicted, and received sentence of death.— Robert Jordan and John Brown, for house- breaking, were sentenced to seven years transportation.— Thomas Patterson and Jane Patterson, for sacrilege; James Styles and George Pechell, for stealing beds and bedding from the Lodge House in Hatfield Park, the property of the Marquis of. Salisbury, were sentenced to six months imprison- ment.— Peter Peacock is the only prisoner left for exe- cution.— There were twenty- seven prisoners on the calendar; but the other cases were trivial. In consequence of the Lord Mayor arriving at South- End, on Tuesday se'nnight, on his way to Rochester, a grand Ball and' supper were given at the Royal Hotel, to about ' 200 ladies and gentlemen of respectability. — His Lordship and the Lady Mayoress, with the Sheriffs, Aldermen, and City Officers, arrived at Rochester, on Wednesday even- ing. A public breakfast was given by his Lord- ship next day, at the Crown Inn, and the same day a dinner to the Mayor and Corporation of Rochester, the Duke of Sussex, Earl Darnley, Lord Clifton, the Members for Rochester, Admiral Rowley, Ge- neral Winter, and several other distinguished per- sonages.—- There was a ball and supper at the As- sembly Rooms in the evening. The Lord Mayor and party went next day to Cobham Hall, the Earl of Darnley's, to meet the Duke of Sussex and a large party, to whom Lord Darnley gave a public breakfast. His Lordship and suite afterwards re- turned to London. Yesterday se'nnight an inquisition was taken at Thurston, Suffolk, on the body of Mary Stiff, who, on the preceding day, dropped down and immedi- ately expired; and on Tuesday another inquest was taken at Polsted, in the same county, on the body of John Gurney, who also, on the Sunday preceding, dropped down and immediately expired. Verdicts— Died, by the Visitation of God. A woman of wretched appearance implored cha- rity lately at Maidstone, complaining of extreme anguish . from a cancer in her breast. Being sus- pected as an impostor, she was compelled to un- dergo examination, when the supposed wound was discovered to be a thin skin completely covering the breast, and to which adhered some slices of liver, in a state of putrefaction. After a severe lecture, she was permitted to depart. Yesterday se'nnight Mr, James Fry, baker, of Strood, Kent, was found hanging in a hay- loft, ad- joining his house. He had been some time in a desponding way. Mr. Myers, a respectable tradesman of Chatham, was recently found hanging in his wash- house. The body was immediately cut down, and a slight pulsa- tion of the heart was perceived, but every effort to restore animation proved ineffectual. The evidence adduced on the inquest sufficiently enabled the Jury to bring in a verdict of— Lunacy. We are glad to hear that, notwithstanding the late inclement weather, the Corn looks promising, and we may hope for an abundant Harvest. The inhabitants' of Colchester seem, however, to be looking forward with interest to another kind of Harvest, towards which, though not a plough- share, a Share will be the most productive agent, and, assisted by a Wheel, turn up ( instead of earth) sterling treasure. We allude to the large demand for Tickets and Shares of favourite Numbers in the present Lottery, said to be made here on U. W. MATTACKS, Agent to the Contractors, Richardson, Goodluck, and Co. who sold lately Three Grand Capitals of £ 50,000and 25,000 Guineas; and we sincerely wish a full average crop may repay the good taste of our Colchester speculators, as the Scheme contains, in Stock, Six Grand Prizes of £ 40,000, £ 30,000, and £ 10.000. MARRIED. On Tuesday, John Spurgin, Esq. of Cains College, Cam- bridge, and son of William Spurgin Esq. of Bradwell, in this county, to Eliza Walshman, only daughter of Thomas Dax, Esq. of Acton, Middlsex Thursday se'nnight, at All Saints Church, in this town, Mr. William Neville, linen- draper, of Mile End, London, to Miss Ann, only daughter, of Mr. Lamberth Tettrell. of thin town. \ t • Tuesday, Mr. Samuel Gooday,, grocer and draper, of Clare, to Elizabeth, second daughter of Mr. John Fenton, of Hargrave. On Tuesday se'nnight, at Wicks, in this county, Mr. John Deane, to Miss Constable, only daughter of J. M. Constable, Esq. of the same place. On Tuesday se'nnight, at Colney, near Norwich, John Bawtree, jun Esq. of this town, to Mary, second daughter of Jehosaphat Postle, Esq. of the former place. Sunday last, Mr Bollon, boot and shoemaker, to Miss Beunell, both of this town. Wednesday se'nnight, at Twickenham, the Rev. Benja- min Philpot, Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge, to Miss L. T. Philpot, of Hunting field, Suffolk. DIED. On Monday, Mr. Nicholas Bam, of this town.— He was walking in Magdalen- street, not far from his house, when he was seized with a fit, and being carried home, expired in about two hours. Monday se'nnight, aged 80, Mr. George Aris, of Galley- wood Common, near Chelmsford. Thursday se'nnight, aged twelve years, Hannah, the youngest and only remaining daughter of Mr. Thomas Smith, Blue Boar Inn, Hadleigh. Tuesday se'nnight, Mrs. Harvey, wife of Mr. Robert Harvey, of the Bull Inn, Epping, who was accidently killed by falling down stairs. Yesterday se'nnight, much respected, in his 72d year, Mr. William Steel, of Buoklesham- Hall, Suffolk. Ship News HARWICH, AUGUST 2. ARRIVLD— Packets.— Monday, Beaufoy, Capt. Norris; Prince of Orange, Captain Bridge, Helvoetsluys— Wed- nesday, Henry Freeling, Captain Mason, Cuxhaven. SAILED.— Packets.— Saturday, Castlereagh, Capt. Mac- donough, Cuxhaven; Lord Nelson, Captain Deane, Hel- voesluys; Charlotte, Captain May, Gottenburgh— Tues- day, Lark, Captain Sherlock, Helvoetsluys— Wednesday, Earl of Leicester, Captain Hammond, Helvoetsluys; Beau- foy, Captain Norris, Cuxhaven. WANTED, ACURACY, within a few miles of Colchester.— Apply to Swinburne and Walter, Booksellers. WANTED, In or near Colchester, by a young Man, { who has for several Years suyerinteaded the English Department of a rep table Seminary,) ASITUATION, as TEACHER in a private Family, but would most willingly yield to any inferior Employ to procure the privileges of a Gospel Ministry, without which Salary will not be considered an equivalent.— Satisfactory reference will be given, by ap- plying to R. A Post- Office. Colchester. SARACEN'S HEAD INN, ALDGATE, LONDON. J. GODFREY, ( From the White Hart Inn, Colchester,) RESPECTFULLY begs leave to apprize his Friends and the Public, that he has taken that old- established House, the SARACEN'S HEAD INN, which he entered on the ' 24th ult. and assures them, thai the utmost attention will be evinced in every department con- nected with their accommodation and comfort, to ensure the Patronage and Support he now has the honour to solicit, and which he confidently hopes will entitle him to further recommendation in the respective circles of their acquaintance. COACHES To Witham, Coggeshall, Colchester, Ipswich, Stowmarket, Yarmouth, and Harwich, daily. July, 181( 5. N ENLARGEMENT of the OCTAGON CHAPEL, in the Lion Walk, Colchester, being intended, Architects, Builders, and others, are invited to deliver in PLANS for lire same. TEN GUINEAS will he given to the Person who shall deliver in the Plan which shall be finally approved and adopted by the Subscribers. All necessary information respecting the nature and extent of the required alteration, may be had upon appli- cation to Mr. Robert Tabor, or Mr. Joseph Wallis. The Plans ( sealed up) are to be sent to Mr. Joseph Wallis, on or before Thursday, the 8th of August next, and it is expected that an Estimate of the Expence should be sent with each Plan. Colchester) July 30,1816. WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth against NATHANIEL ROGERS, of Rowhedge, in the Parish of East Donyland, in the County of Essex, Oyster Dredger and . Dealer, in Fish, and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby re- quired to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major part of them, on the 9th and 10th days of August inst. and on the Nth day of September next, at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon on each day, at the House of Robert Keymer, called the Griffin Inn, in Colchester, in the Comity of Essex, and make a full discovery, and disclosure of his Estate and Effects; when and where the Creditors are to come pre- pared to prove their Debts, and at the second Silting to choose Assignees, and at the last Sitting the said Bank- rupt is required to finish his Examination, and the Cre- ditors are to assent to or dissent from the Allowance of his Certificate. All Persons indebted to the said Bank- rupt, or that have any of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give Notice to Mr. Neville, of Colchester aforesaid, Solicitor; or to Messrs. Ballachey ad Bridges, Angel- court, Throgmorton- street, London, Solicitors. TO COPPERSMITHS AND TIN PLATE WORKERS. TO BE DISPOSED OF, And Possession may be had immediately, AGood- established SHOP in the above Branches at Manningtree, Essex. The present Proprietor residing at a distance, finds his attention too much re- quired, is the reason of parting with it. Stock from six to 8001. to be taken by valuation. Further particulars may be known, by letters, post- paitl, to Mr. Isaac Stribling, Mistley, Essex. L Cabinet and Upholstery Stock in Trade, at Ipswich. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION; On Monday, August 12,1816, and Seven following- Days, ( Saturday and Sunday excepted,) THE entire STOCK IN TRADE, HOUSE- HOLD FURNITURE, and Effects, of Mr. Wil- liam Buckingham, jun. under Writ of Execution from the Sheriff of Suffolk, and free from Auction Duty ; comprising a very large Stock of every description of modern Cabinet Goods, of the best manufacture; also all the stock of dry seasoned mahogany, in boards of various thicknesses; the unfinished work and work- benches; a very large stock of painted floor- cloths, carpeting, paper- hangings, chintz and other bed furnitures, ironmongery and brass- work, & c. & c. Further particulars, and arrangement of each day's Sale in next Week's Papers. Catalogues in due time, at 6d. each. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY HAWES AND FENTON, By Order of the Devisees, in trust, of the late James Blatch, Esq. at the Rose Inn, in Peldon, on Wednesday, the 7th of August, 181b, ( unless sooner disposed of by Private Contract,) at Twelve o'clock, VALUABLE FREEHOLD and COPYHOLD ESTATES, situate in East Mersea, West Mersea, aud Peldon ; iu the following Lots:— Lotl. Consists of a substantial Brick- fronted MES- SUAGE, lately erected, with Garden, Barns, Stables, and all convenient Oat- houses, called Martell's and North House, with the Lands thereto belonging. And also divers other Parcels of Laud, called Blythe's, Nash's, Grey Goose, Crabb's, and Pudney's, containing, in the whole, by ad- measurement, 138 Acres, little more or less, all situate in East Mersea, and now in the occupation of Charles Tiffin, who is under Notice to quit at Michaelmas, 1818. And also an exclusive Right of Common for Twenty Sheep, on the Lord's Marsh, Called Middle Marsh, and which Marsh is held by the Proprietors, under Lease, for an unexpired Term of Ten Years. Ninety- three Acres, or thereabouts, of this Lot are Copyhold of the Manor of East Hall, in East Mersea, subject to a Fine at the will of the Lord. Nine Acres, or thereabouts, are Copyhold of the Manor of Reeves Hull, subject to a like Fine; and the remaining Thirty- five Acres are Freehold. These Copyhold Lands in East Mersea are heriotable, and the Quit- Rents for the whole amount to ' 21.17s. 4d. per annum. Lota. Consists of a good FARM- HOUSE, with a Barn, Stables, and other suitable and convenient Out- houses, with the Lands thereto belonging; containing, by ad- measurement, Eighty Acres, little more or less, of excel- lent quality, situate in Peldon and West Mersea; and also in the occupation of the said Charles Tiffin, under the like Notice. Eighteen Acres of this Lot are Copyhold of the Manor of Peet Hall, subject to a Fine certain, and a Quit- Rent of ll. 5s. 6d. per annum. Seven Acres are Copyhold of the Manor of Peldon Rectory, subject to a Fine at the will of the Lord, One Heriot, and a Quit- Relit of ' 2s. per annum; and the remaining Fifty- five Acres are Freehold. Lot 3. Consists of TWENTY- SEVEN ACRES of very superior LAND, with a Barn, Stable, and other conve- nient Out- houses, situate in Peldon, and in the occupation of the said Charles Tiffin, under Notice to quit at Mi- chaelmas next, and called the Rose Farm. This Lot is all Copyhold of the Manor of Peet Hall, subject to a Fine certain, and a Quit- Rent of per annum. N. B. The Land- Tax is redeemed on all the Estates. MALDON BARRACKS. TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY R. H. KELHAM, Under the Authority of the Commissioners for the Affairs of Barracks, On Monday, the 26th Day of August, 1816, and Five follow- ing Days, without Reserve, on the Premises, THE FURNITURE, UTENSILS, and FIX- TURES, belonging to the BARRACKS at Maldon, in the County of Essex ; comprising many valuable and useful articles to the Public in general, but particularly to Builders; with about Sixty Chaldrons of good Coals. On Monday, the 2d Day of September, and Three fol- lowing Days, The whole of the BUILDINGS composing Maldon Barracks, the Materials of which, Will be found, on in- spection, in the best possible state of preservation — The above are substantial timber buildings, on brick footings, | covered with slates, lead, and tiles. And on Friday, the 6th Day of September, 1816, Lot 110. All that PIECE or PARCEL of FREEHOLD GROUND, situated at Maldon, Essex, in the Parish of All Saints, now the seite of the Barracks, containing, by admeasurement, 6 J Acres, more or less, and possessing four very deep Ground Spring Wells, of the finest Water, which ( from the scarcity of that necessary of life in the neighbourhood) greatly enhances the value of this Pro- perty. Likewise, with the said Freehold, a substantial well- built TIMBER BUILDING, with brick footings, and covered with slates and lead, in the best state of re- pair throughout, and fitted with closets, shelves, kitchen dresser, & c. This Building ( lately used as a Messhouse, and for Field Officers Quarters) consists of one room, 35 feet by 16, and 10 feet 3 inches high, with paved cellar under ; a kitchen, 20 feet by 18, and larder 18 feet by 8; six rooms 16 feet by 14, one room 13 feet by 12, and six rooms 12 feet by 12. This very eligible. Freehold, so well adapted for the residence of a gentleman's family, is situated at the en- trance to Maldon from Chelmsford, upon a very com- manding eminence, affording extensive prospects of a most beautiful and well- cultivated country, interspersed with wood and water, the River Chelmer ( which is navigable to the Blackwater, and from thence to the sea) winding through the vale below. Lot 111. Also a PIECE of LAND, on Noak- Hill Com- mon, near Romford, containing 3lt. 5P. more or less, being an allotment under the Haverhill Inclosure Act, No. 64, on the map referred to by the award, bounded on the north- east by land allotted to John Ray, No. 63; on the south- east by old inclosures of Sir Thomas Neave; on the south- west by land allotted to Colonel Toone, No. 68; and on the north- west by the public road leading from Romford to Navestock and Ongar. N. B This Lot will be sold at Maldon, on Friday, Sep- tember 6, 1816, subject to the liability on the part of the purchaser, to make and maintain the fences on the south- west and north- west sides thereof, in conformity to the award of the Commissioners for executing the Act. Catalogues of the Buildings and Freehold, and of the Moveables, with the Conditions of Sale, may be had at the Auctioneer's, Chelmsford, one week prior to the Sale; at the Auction Mart, London ; and at one of the principal Inns in each of the neighbouring towns. The Sale will commence each Day at Eleven o'clock punctually. LONDON MARKETS. MARK- LANE, MONDAY, JULY 29, 1816. There being but a moderate supply of Wheat at Market to- day, a brisk sale was the consequence, at an advance of about - 2s. per quarter, for that of good quality, but for in- ferior their was little demand — Barley, also, was some- what dearer ; and Malt obtained an increase of 2s. — Oats tolerably brisk, and from Is. to. 2s. dearer.— Hog Pease were rather scarce, and at higher prices.— New Tick Beans fetched about 2s. more than on the preceding Monday. WEDNESDAY, JULY 31. The prices for Wheat, which was rather scantily sup- plied, remained nearly the same as on Monday.— Barley and Oats were about Is. lower.— In other articles there was no variation. FRIDAY, AUGUST 2. Our Market since Monday has experienced no material alteration; sales were, however, nearly enected at the quotations then given. PRICE OF GRAIN, PER QUARTER. Monday. s. s. Wednesday. s. s. Wheat, mealing Red, 50 a 61 Wheat, mealing Red, 50 a 64 Fine 70 a >- 2 Fine 76 a 82 White- 0.) a 70 White t> 3 a 70 Fine 78 a DO Fine...., 78 a P0 Foreign Red 50 a 78 Foreign Red 50 u Dantzic — a — Dantzic — a — Black. 62 a 78 Black ...'..'...., 62 a 78 Rivets 5 « a 74 Rivets 58 a 74 Rye 36 a 44 Rye 3t> a 44 White Pease 32 a 30 White Pease 32 a : irt Boilers — a as Boilers — a Grey Pease 84 a 42 Grey Pease 34 a 42 Horse Beans, new, 80 a':, « Horse Beans, new, 30 u 39 Fine Old — a — Fine Old — a — Tick Beans, new .. 28 a 35 Tick Beans, new .. 28 a 3c> Fine Old ; — a — Fine Old.... — j — Broad Beans — a — Broad Beans — a — Superfine — a — Superfine — a —' Long Pods — a — Long Pods — a — Barley :.. 30 a 35 Barley 2y a 34 Superfine....'. — a — Superfine — a — Oats, long feed... .. 17 a 2a Oats, long teed lti a 22 — Short 21 8.20 Short 23 a 2£ » Poland & Brew 29 a 33 Polaud& Brew, is a 32 Malt 48 a 56 Malt....'. 48 a 5t » Tares — a — Tares — a —- PRICE OF SEEl^ S, s. s. s. s. Turnip, White, p. bl. 20 a 2.) Clover, red, p. cwt. — a — Red it Green ditto 46 a 54 white — a — Mustard, blown ... 12 a llj Foreign, red — a — i white 8 u 12 Trefoil — a — Canary, per quarter 48 a 5- 2 Carraway lit! a t>"> Rape Seed, per last 31>' a34l Coriander ( I a 10 Linseed, — a— Rye Grass, per qr.. 16 a 40 PRICE OF FLOUR. Fine English Flour 70s. a 75s.— Second ditto flu*. a( i5s AVERAGE PRICE OF CORN PER QUARli. il, For the Week ending July 21. England and Wales. . England and Wales, s. d. s. d. Wheat 73 7 Beans 84 0 Rye 411 G Pease 34 4 Barley 29 8 Oatmeal 25 7 Oats 22 5 Big 0u PRICE OF HOPS IN THE BOROUGH. New Bags. £. » —. s. New Pockets £. s. — £. n. . Kent 3 10 10 6 111! Kent ; 6 0 to 9 9 Sussex 3 0 to 6 li I Sussex 5 1 to 8 0 Farnham 10 1) to Hi tl | Essex 6 10 to 9 0 PRICE OF HAY AND STRAW . Smith field. Jt. s.—£. s. £. s.— £. s. Hay 4 0 to 6 t> Straw 2 14 10 3 9 Clover 6 0 to 7 10 White chapel Straw 1 IB to 2 15 Hay 4 18 to 6 10 St. James. Clover.... t> I'ltaS 10 Hay 3 13 to 5 18 Straw .. 2 18 to 3 4 NEWGATE AND LEADEN HALL Per Stone of Mb. by the Carcase. s. d. — s. d. s. d — s. d. Beef 3 0 lo 4 4 1 Veal ' 3 0 10 5 O Mutton ... 3 6 to 4 6 | Pork ...... .... 3 K lo - 1 t » AVERAGE PRICE OF BROW N St GAu. t' 2.3s. 3J. il. per cwt Exclusive of the Duties of Customs paid or payable thereon on Importatiou there of into Great Britain. PRICE OF MEAT AT SMITH FIELD, Exclusive of the Onal, which consists of Head, Eutrails,& Hide, and is worth about Id. per lb.— Per Stone o. hit,. Monday, July 29. Friday, Aug. 2. s. d. — s. d s. u. — w. d. Beef. 3 8 to 4 10 Beef. 4 0 to 5 2 Mutton 4 0 to 5 0 Mutton 4 0 to o 2 Veal 4 4 to 5 4 Pork 4 0 to 5 6 Pork 3 6 to 4 0 Veal 4 0 to 5 6 Head of Cattle at Smith field. MONDAY Beasts l, n9u...... Sheep... 21 193 Pigs 390 Calves... 240 FRIDAY Beasts l.& n. .. Sheep.... 8 460 Pigs 300 Calves .. .90 PRICES OF SUGAR, COFFEE, COCOA, fc OLNutft SUGAR, s. s. s. 9 Raw ( Barbad.; 70 a t- 6 Triage 49 a 5B Do. very fiue........ DO a 93 Mocha 100a 10o Powder Loaves... 107 a 124 bouroon... 70 a 80 Single do. Br 106 a 108 St. Loiuii^ go OS a 70 Molasses.. 24s.( id. a— s. Ou. Java ,... 66 a 78 COFFEE. COCOA. Dominica and Surinam. Trinidad 115 a 125 Fine 95 a 103 Carraicas 134 a 145 Good 84 a 93 Maraunain — a — Ordinary 66 a 75 GINGER. Jamaica, fine ..... 96a 105 Jamaica while — a — Good 83 a 92 — black H0 ^ — Ordinary 56 a 74 Barbadoes — a 170 CURRENT PRICES OF SPIRITS AND WENES SPIRITS,' per Gallon. WINE, Dealers' Price. Excl. of Duly. s. d. s. d. £. £. Brandy Cognac 4 Oat 3 Claret, per H 60 a — Bordeaux 3 3a 3 6 Lisbon, per P :. 4o a — Spanish 0 0 a 0 0 Port 52 a — Geneva Holland 2 4a' 2 8 Madeira 60 a — Hum, Jamaica 2 In a 4 0 Sherry, per Bt 60 a — L. Islands 2 3 a 2 ' 8 PRICE OF LEATHER AT LEADEN HALL. Butts, to 56lbs. each 19 to 22 Crop Hides to501 bs. 17 to 20 Ditto, to 66lbs. each — to - 26 Call Skins to 40lbs. 20 10 23 Merchants' Backs — to 18 Ditto . to 701bs 22 to 27 Dressing Hides ... 13. to 15 , Ditto , to 80lbs. 21 to 24 Fine Coach 11 id « s 15 to 16^ Smalrecals( Greeud.) 27 tooO Crop Hides, 35 to40lbs. ~ Large do. p. doz. 80s to 95s for cutting 15 to. 16^ Tunned H . Hides — to — PRICE OF TALLOW IN LONDON, JULY 26 s. d I • s. d, White chapel Market... 3 0 Town Tallow p. cwt. 53 O. St. James's Market 3 0 Russia ditto Candle... — O Clare Market '. 0 0 While ditto — 0 — Soi » p ditto...., — O 6 0 Melted stuff........... 43 O Hough ditto;.... 27 11 Average 3 0 ' Greaves 12 0 ' Good Dregs 8 0 Curd Soap 98 O Mottled 94 O Yellow ditto...;.... » .. 86 0 COURSE OF EXCHANGE. Amsterdam 40 6 B. 2Us. Bilboa344— Barcelona — Ditto, at Sight. 40 0 St. Sebastian's — Amsterdam 12 7 C. F. Seville 33 Ditto, at Sight. 12 4 Gibraltar 31 Rotterdam 12 8 2 Us. Leghorn..;. 47 Hamburgh 36 10 2| Us. Genoa 43J2— Vcuice ' 26 90 Altona 36 9 2J Us. Malta 47— Naples. 38 Paris, 3 day's sight ' 25 80 Us. Palermo.—... 113 per Oz. Ditto. 26 0 2 Us Lisbon 56— Oporto 56 Bourdeaux ditto 26 0 Rio Janeiro ( 10 Madrid 34 Effective. Dublin 14 Cork 14£ per ct. Cadiz 334 Effective.[ Agio of the Bank cn Holl. PRICE OF STOCKS, AUGUST 2. Bank Stock 218 I 4 per Ceut 7flJ 3 per Cent." Red. 63| 5 per Cent. Navy 03 3 per Cent. C. 63 Long Ann. lb | Omnium— I Cons, for Ace. 03| Ditto for Payt. South Sea — Exchequer Bills 4 5 p. I Old Annuities EFFECT OF PARSIMONY. the American papers contain the following ac- count of an extraordinary Instance of tire effect of avarice: — Account of MICHAEL, BAIRD.— Mr. Baird Was of German extraction. His father left him a valuable farm of 500 acres in the vicinity of York ( Pennsylvania), with some farming and household articles. He kept a tavern a number of years, married a wife, and reared four children. He ac- cumulated an immense estate, which he preserved so tenaciously, that he afforded not a dollar for the education of his family. He was never known to Jay out one dollar in cash for arty article he might be in want of; he would do without it, or find some person who would barter with him for some- thing: he could not sell for cash. He farmed largely, and kept a large distillery, which he sup- plied entirely with his own grain. He kept a team for the conveyance of his whiskey and flour to Baltimore, which, when he could not sell for the money at a price that would suit him, he bartered for necessaries for his family and tavern. In this way he amassed an estate of 400,000 dollars.— Such was his attachment to money, that he was never known to lend or credit a single dollar to any man. Upon the best mortgage or other security that " Could be given, he would not lend a cent. He never invested one dollar in any of the public funds; neither would he keep the notes of any bank longer than till he could get them changed. He deposited his specie in a large iron chest, until it would hold no more. He then provided a strong iron- hooped barrel, which he also filled. After death his strong boxes," from whose bourn no traveller had ever re- turned," yielded 230,000 dollars in gold and silver. The cause of his death was as remarkable as the course of his life A gentlemen from Virginia Offered him 12 dollars per bushel for 100 bushels of clover seed; but he would not sell it for less than 13 dollars, and they did not agree. The seed was afterwards sent to Philadelphia, where it sold for seven dollars per bushel, and brought in the whole 550 dollars less than the Virginian offered for it. On receiving an account of this sale, he walked through his farm, went to hit distillery, and gave various directions to his people. He then went to his waggon- house and hanged himself. The Journal de Paris makes the following re- marks, suggested ( it says) by the account of Mr. Sheridan's death in the London papers:—" England forever! that country of letters and of arts. How talents are recompensed there ! The finest genius in Great Britain ban just died at Loudon, and in a Condition bordering on wretchedness; and his fellow- countrymen allowed that his last moments should be disturbed by the dread of a personal arrest. But as soon as he is dead, what honours are paid him ! the most distinguished personages followed him to the grave, and disputed the honour of tearing the pall. In France we make less fuss; men here live quietly, and die so too. If I had the misfortune, says the Parisian Editor, to be a man of genius, I should choose to live in Paris, and die in London." A kind of joint stock company has been for some time forming to set up coaches on the English plan, all over France. The vehicles are to be called Celeriferes, and some of them were to begin running on the 15th ult. The Pope has issued a Decree for abolishing Mendicity in Rome. This is one way of deciding the matter; but until poverty and want are at an end, begging will continue. The only true policy is to take away the causes of crime, of profligacy which leads to destitution, and of idleness the source of distress, and to legislate for the fruits of the tree planted— for the evil suffered to grow. The effects of the late inclemency of the season in Switzerland, are described in a letter dated Lau sanne, July 16.—" In the environs of Nidau the inundations continue. The total amount of the pastures destroyed is estimated at about 17,00flfr.; the loss in potatoes and other produce at 6,000 fr. The streets of the town of Nidau are filled with water by the rise of the Aar, and many families have been obliged to quit their houses. In the Oberland, near Frutigen, the country was covered with snow in the early part of July. Numbers of cattle have been brought down from the mountains into the valleys, where great want of forage pre- vails, and in consequence some of them have perished. All the districts bordering on the lakes of Bienne, Morat, and Neufchatel, have suffered equal lasses. The low grounds are under water, and the course of the rivers is scarcely perceived. The village of Landeron alone estimates its losses at 24.000 fr. The earth- fall which took place on the 3d inst. in the commune of Kappel, canton of St. Gall, overwhelmed three houses and three barns; the earth giving way, the precipice above was ex- tended over a space of almost a quarter of a mile, and stopped a river in its course, which soon formed a small lake, covering the banks. Eighteen persons were either killed or severely hurt, and forty cattle perished." The following description of a method employed for the Preservation of turnips from the fly is given by an eminent practical agriculturist:—" Dissolve camphor in twice its weight in alcohol, and add to this mixture about 150 or 200 times its quantity of cold water; the mixture thus prepared is to be sprinkled over the plants as they are coming out of the ground; and I have employed a machine which may be conceived from the following de- scription. A frame and two small wheels re- sembling the Northumberland Turnip Drill, but instead of the hopper, & r. a tin vessel capable of containing about two gallons of the camphorated water ; this is confined on the frame, underneath a small circular brush, which by a cog is turned with considerable velocity ; the water drops on this brush from a small perforation in the bottom of the tin ; and when the whole is wheeled along together, it will be perceived that the turnip under is certain of receiving some part of the liquid. This mode is not so expensive as may be expected, as one ounce of camphor is sufficient for an acre • of land, and a labourer can with ease do over two acres per day; the whole, therefore, cannot be more than 2s. per acre. Its efficacy I have not the least doubt of, but it is applicable to no other plants but those drilled after the Scotch manner; those which I have sown broadcast are entirely destroyed, but those done in the way above de- scribed, appear to flourish with the greatest luxu- riance." Mr. James Stewart, of Pintle, has published in ! the Transactions of the Caledonian Horticultural Societ^, the following method of . preserving apples and pears. The best time for gathering fruit is when it begins to drop off spontaneously. The best rule is to take what appears ripest in your hand, and raise it level with the foot- stalk ; if it parts from the tree, lay it carefully into the basket. The fruit is to be laid in heaps, and covered with clean cloths and mats above, or good natural hay, in order to its sweating, This is generally effected in three or four days; and the fruit may be allowed to lie in the sweat for three or four days more.— They are then to be wiped, one by one, with clean cloths. Some glazed earthern jars must be then provided, with tops or covers ; and also a quantity of pure pit- sand, free from any mixture : this is to be thoroughly dried on a flue. Then put a layer of sand, an inch thick, ton the bottom of the jar; above this a layer of fruit, a quarter of an inch free from each other. Cover the whole with sand, to the depth of an inch ; then lay a second stratum of fruit, covering again with an inch of sand, « nd pro- ceed in this way till the whole be finished. An inch and a half of sand may be placed over the upper- most row of fruit. The jar is now to be closed, and placed in a dry airy situation, as cool as possible, but free from frost. Some kind of apples managed in this way will keep till July. Pears will keep till April; and the Terling till June. It must be in the recollection of most Of our readers, that Bonaparte's Generals used, at the siege of Cadiz, mortars of a larger size than were ever before seen. Being unfit for the purpose of throwing shells, they were filled with lead; when it was found they Carried a distance of three miles over the bay into Fort St. Mary. One of these mortars, which weighs 1,300 tons, was brought to England, and lodged in the arsenal at Woolwich, where a model of it was made and sent to the Prince Regent. It is now in the gardens at Carlton House. The exhibition of this extraordinary in- strument of war has been delayed till a suitable bed of brass was made for it to be placed in ; this has recently been completed, with appropriate military and national devices. After due consideration, it has been resolved to place this extraordinary in- strument of war on the Parade in St. James's Park. The workmen, in consequence, commenced digging the foundation on Thursday, near the iron railing, exactly opposite the centre arch or carriage- way of the Horse Guards. They continued at work till last Saturday evening, when they had finished a wooden foundation, consisting of five elm planks of about four inches thick, measuring in length eleven feet nine inches, and six feet ten inches in width, and crossed planks under them of similar dimensions. On the top of this foundation it is to be paved, for the reception of both the heavy pres- sures. A petition has been addressed to the Prince Regent from the manufacturers of cotton goods and workmen of Stockport, the Object of which is to obtain a prohibition of the exportation of cotton yarn, on the idea that if foreigners could not get the yarn which they weave into cloth, they would be obliged to buy the cloth from us. It is stated, that the most wealthy of the manufacturers have either altogether, or partly, declined the manufac- ture, while others have been rendered insolvent by depreciated prices; that thousands of weavers are without employment; and that those who have it, cannot, on an average, earn more than four shil- lings per week. This is affirmed to be the condi- tion of what is considered one of the staple manu- factures of England. Most melancholy and distressing accounts are received of the situation of the labouring classes in Staffordshire, thrown out of employ by the de- cline of the coal and iron trades. There are said to be no less than 717 families in the township of Bilston destitute of subsistence, excepting what is given by the hand of charity; and that in five parishes alone 15,000 are deprived of employment! Though reduced to starvation, they are yet patient and honest, in the midst of their suffering's.— The following extract of a letter from Coseley, near Bilston, July 26, speaks most emphatically on this distressing subject:—" My heart bleeds lor the poor helpless children, pale as death, crawling about like walking skeletons— to recite the suffer- ings of individuals would fill a volume. A few days ago a woman was found about sixty yards from my brother's house ; she had a young child in her arms;— exhausted by hunger, and unable to proceed, she was found on the ground, with the child at her breast, in a senseless, and, to every appearance, in a dying condition;— she however revived, and we administered such food as was considered most suitable for her. When she could speak, she told us her husband had got no work ; that she had several children at home, to whom she had given all she could beg the two preceding days; that she had had nothing during that time, and had famished herself sooner than they should die for want; she had walked to where she was found, and being unable to proceed further, had resigned herself to her fate, and would have perished for want within a little more than a mile of her home, had we not happened to have found her." A few days ago a curious circumstance happened at a place between Gainsborough and Bawtry. A gentleman residing near the road, for the conve- nience of the postman, has had his letters both from and to him, deposited in a hole cut out of a post, to which a door was formed, locked up, and a cre- vice- mode for putting them in.— The gentleman's servant went, as usual, to fetch the letters, and found the whole laid in a ditch near the post. Upon examination the servant found that a woodpecker had taken possession of the post, drawn out the letters, dropped them into the ditch, and made her nest in the aperture. Fortunately, however, no loss had been sustained through the mischievous bird. In consequence of information received of the place of Vaughan's concealment, Limbrick and Read, belonging to Hatton- Garden Office, proceeded to a house in Whitechapel Road, kept by Vaughan's uncle, where they found their man, with two loaded pistols upon him, which were produced on his exa- mination, together with a pocket- book, also in his possession, containing papers and memorandums, said to throw considerable light on, and tending to confirm the charges against him.— Vaughan was committed as an accessary before the fact in break- ing open the house of Mrs. Macdonald, in Hoxton, which was the origin of discovering these nefarious transactions. A DOUBLE CONSCIOUSNESS; OR DUALITY OF PERSON IN THE SAME INDIVIDUAL. The Medical Repository of America furnishes the following singular article, communicated by Dr. Mitchell to the Rev. Dr. Nott; dated Jan. 1816: " Miss R— possessed naturally a very good constitution, and arrived at adult age without hav- ing it impaired by disease. She possessed an ex- cellent capacity, and enjoyed fair opportunities to acquire knowledge. Besides the domestic arts and social attainments, she had improved her mind by leading and conversation, and was well versed in penmanship. Her memory was capacious, and stored with a copious stock of ideas. Unex- pectedly, and without any forewarning, she fell into a profound sleep, which continued several hours beyond the ordinary term. On waking, she was discovered to have lost every trait of ac- quired knowledge. Her memory was tabula rasa — all vestiges, both of words and things, were obli- terated and gone. It was Found necessary for her to learn every thing again. She even acquired, by new efforts, the arts of Spelling, reading, writing, and calculating; and gradually became acquainted with the persons and objects around, like a being for the hist time brought into the world. In these exercises she made considerable proficiency. But, after- a few months another fit of somnolency in- vaded her. On rousing from it she found herself restored to the state she was before the first pa- roxysm; but was wholly ignorant of every event and occurrence that had befallen her afterwards. The former condition of her existence she now calls the old state, and the latter the new state ; and she is as unconscious of her double character, as two distinct persons are of their respective natures. For example, in her old state she pos- sesses all her original knowledge; in her new state only what she acquired since. If a gentleman or lady be introduced to her in the old state, and rice versa, and so of all other matters, to know them - satisfactorily she must learn them in both states. In the old slate she possesses fine powers of pen- manship..; while in the new she writes a poor and awkward hand, having not had time or means to become expert. During lour years and upwards she has undergone periodical transitions from one of these stales to the other. The alterations are always consequent upon a long and sound sleep. Both the lady and her family are now capable of conducting the affair without embarrassment. By simply knowing whether she is in the old or new state, they regulate the intercourse, and govern themselves accordingly. A history of her curious case is drawing up by the Rev. Timothy Aldin, of Meadville.— New York Paper. Portuguese GRATPIUDE- ltie ship Philippa, Captain G. Nicholls, bound to Calcutta, touched at Praya, iu the Isle of St. Jago, on the 18th of May, with a view of obtaining a supply of water and re- freshments. They found lying in the harbour the ship Mulgrave Castle, Captain Ralph, put in there in distress, having struck on the rocks that run off the north- east point of Bonavista; and the Captain of the Philippa being solicited by her commander to take part of the Mulgrave Castle's cargo on board to the Cape, he agreed to the proposition for a certain sum, in order that the damaged ship might proceed to Rio Janeiro for repairs. The Commander of the Philippa, in agreeing to the accommodation proposed, highly incensed against him the Portuguese Governor Don Antonio de Continto de Laneastie. Although the British paid him every respect due to his authority, he persecuted them to the utmost of his power, and for no other reason than because the Philippa was likely to be the means of wresting out of his hands a valuable British properly, which he had calcu- lated on getting into his possession. The Com- mander of the Philippa and Captain Ralph were treated by the Governor, on their first landing, with marked disrespect They were immediately summoned before him, and alter being obliged to hear the most violent language used in expressing his detestation of the English nation in general, he placed both the officers under arrest, and then ordered a survey of the Mulgrave Castle, with the full intention of detaining her, as incapable of pro- secuting her voyage. The Governor beat to arms as soon as the surveying officer landed, fired two shots at the British ships, and it was with much difficulty he was prevailed on by an officer under him, to alter his determination of sinking them. The two officers of the Philippa were next confined in a common gaol, without a hearing, and had for a companion a criminal for murder. The Philippa was put in possession of filly soldiers; and Captain Harrington, who was passenger in the Philippa, was forced on shore, and with the Commander were considered to be prisoners on parole. After this, the Governor weighing, it was supposed, the con- sequence of his conduct, thought proper to be more moderate, and granted permission for the vessels to proceed on their destinations.— The fol- lowing is a ropy of a protest sent to the Governor by the officers and passengers, of the two vessels:— TO HIS EXCELLENCY DON ANTONIO DE CONTINTRO DE LANCASTIE SIR— Having received your Excellency's permission for the British ships Philippa and Mulgrave Castle to pro- ceed on their voyage, we whose names are undersigned' feel it to be a duty that we owe to the owners of those ships, and the valuable property on board of them, to the underwriters both on snips and property, and to the Go- vernment whose subjects we are, to protest, and we do hereby most solemnly protest against all the violent mea- sures which your Excellency has thought proper to adopt towards us during our stay at Praya, a port which was sought by the commander of the Mulgrave Castle, when that vessel was in distress, and when he naturally ex- pected to receive every degree of protection, support, and1 assistance his situation required. How far his expecta- tions have been fulfilled by the circumstances detailed in Captain Harrington's second letter to your Excellency, under date May 20, or how far the relations of peace and amity between two friendly powers have been preserved by your Excellency towards us generally, it is not out purpose here to inquire; but we shall draw up a full and correct statement of the whole of those violent measures which are the subject of this protect, and lay the same as soon as possible before his Excellency the Right Hot. Viscount Strangford, the British Ambassador at the Court of Brazils, to be by him submitted to the Prince Regent of Portugal, and to the British Government.— We have the honour to be, [ Signed by the Officers and Passengers,] In the Insolvent Debtors' Court several petitions have been dismissed, in consequence of the in- solvents not having inserted in them, that they were ready to be examined touching the Circumstances under which they incurred their respective debts, according to Sir C. Monk's clause in the new Act. which remands an insolvent for five years, if his debt shall appear to have been dishonestly con- tracted. The late rains have been very favourable to the crops in the North of England. The wheats have come forward and improved in a manner that no farmer believed possible. The grass, which before was short and stunted, is now grown into a very productive crop, and the crops of turnips pro- mise well. The blights, particularly on the sea- coast, have nearly destroyed all the fruit, especially those on the wall, but apple and pear- trees do not as yet seem to have suffered. The Annandale Farmers' Society state, that clay- ashes have been found a sufficient and advantageous manure for turnips ; and that the same ashes afford a good top- dressing for grass- land, whereby a great saving is made of animal manure for the arable lands. Mrs. R. Heathcote, who was a few years ago the fascinating Columbine at Covent Garden Theatre, when Miss Serle, died the beginning of last week, near Havre, in France. Mrs. Heath- cote was in the twenty- sixth year of her age, and has left three children. At the time of her death Mr. Heathcote, was confined with a violent fit of the gout. A most singular phenomenon, attended by some alarming circumstances, took place lately at Carig- nano, in Piedmont. A land water- spout appeared at a short distance from that city ; its form was that of an inverted cone; frightful noises appeared to issue from its sides. Suddenly a powerful gale of wind arose and scattered the waters about in various directions. The exalted element was of a blackish colour, and attended with dense vapours; large quantities fell down the chimneys, and overflowed the roofs of the houses. The inhabitants fled in all directions to avoid the immersion. However, the danger was but of short duration, for in less than half an hour the atmosphere resumed its wonted serenity. Extraordinary Pigeon.— There is a pigeon in the possession of a landlord at Cheltenham, twelve years old, which a few years ago was deserted by his faithless partner, alter having had many young ones by her. he old pigeon took it much to heart— she went off with a strange pigeon. Two years after this event, she returned, but the old pigeon beat her most severely, and at first, would not receive her. However, in the evening she made good her quarters, but not without a second chastisement. She died a few days ago ; immedi- ately after which the old pigeon took wing, and in an hour or two returned with a new partner. Some pigeon- fanciers at Antwerp having united to send several pigeons to London, they were let fly from thence on Sunday, the 14th, at nine o'clock ; and on the 16th, at half past nine in the morning, the first pigeon arrived at Antwerp, with a billet round his neck, mentioning the time of his depar- ture from London, duly certified, and so gained the first of the four prizes to be given. None of the others had returned. It is supposed the stormy weather had made them deviate from their course. On Wednesday se'nnight an inquisition was held at the Rose and Crown, Park- lane, on the body of Mr. Edward Pitman, saddler, in that street. Richard Hart, journeyman to the deceased, deposed, that on the night of the 17th instant, the deceased re- quested he would sit up with him, which be com- plied with, and remained in a room underneath his, frequently going into his room, and the deceased also came frequently into witness's room undressed. About eight o'clock next morning, he came in dressed, saying he must go to the cottage at Old Bromptom to see his children, that that soldier was killing them. At the request of his wife witness accompanied him, and when they arrived opposite the Hoop and Tye public- house, the deceased, without speaking a word, laid hold of him, and in- stantly fell. Witness became very much alarmed, and called to a waggoner who was passing at the time, and immediately gave information at the cot- tage— Two of the deceased's children came and saw the body conveyed to the public- house. Doctor Anderson, of Old Brompton, was called, and he declared him quite dead. The body was then con- veyed in a hackney- coach to his residence, in Park- lane. He had been drinking for three days previ- ously, but he was in the practice of drinking freely, and used to be often intoxicated.— Mr. Fuller, sur- geon, of Piccadilly, stated, that a few days before the fatal event, the deceased laboured under violent nervous irritation; and from his observations of the body after his decease, he had no doubt his death was occasioned by the rupture of a blood- vessel.— Verdict— Died by the visitation of Cod. Attempted Suicide,— Saturday morning a coach- smith in Long Acre, and bis wife, while walking on the bank of the Regent's Canal, were disputing about some family affairs; when the wife, in a fit of passion, rushed into the basin. The husband, endeavouring to save her, followed, and grasped her in the water; but both would inevitably have perished had not some persons at the Jew's Harp public- house, on perceiving the transaction, hurried to their assistance, got them both safe out, and sent them home in a hackney- coach. Desperate Suicide.— Monday morning, Capt. T. G. Murray, of the East India Company's service, put a period to his existence by blowing his brains out with a double- barrelled pistol. The report of the pistol, it being only four o'clock in the morning, alarmed some of the domestics, who immediately hastened to the room, and found him lying on the floor, weltering in his blood. It appeared that he had previously attempted to end his life by cutting his throat with a razor, which lay open and bloody near the body ; his throat being cut in a shocking manner. A surgeon was sent for; but he arrived only to see him expire. The Celebrated Sacro Catino, or the Holy Vessel, which Christ is said to have used at the L. st Sup- per, and which was taken to Genoa in 101, has been carried back from France to Genoa, with other curiosities. The King designed to give it back to the Church of St. Lorenzo, where it was always kept. on the 15th of June, the case in which it was packed was opened in the presence of the Magistrates and the Clergy; when, to the grief of all the persons present, the vessel was found to be broken. On this occasion, Genoa has recovered several valuable MSS. and the celebrated painting by Julio Romano, representing the martyrdom of St. Stephen. An Irish paper states the following extraordinary occurrence;—" A young Gentleman of the Bar has been converted to the principles and tenets of the Jewish religion. He underwent the usual ceremony of circumcision, in the presence of two Rabbis, with great fortitude. This proceeding is said to have been in consequence of his having espoused a woman of that persuasion, some time since, with a tolerable fortune." The recent fashion of ladies learning to make shoes is not altogether injurious to trade, though it may be to the shoemakers in some small de- gree ; for while they save part of the expence of a pair of shoes, they are provided with a silver awl, with a handle of ivory, polished steel pincers, and other necessary and useful articles. An industri- ous spirit among our distinguished females cannot be too much encouraged, and has many high examples, particularly that of Queen Mary, the Queen of William III. who, when her eyes were endangered by reading too much, found an amuse- ment in work, and this with as constant a diligence as if she had had to earn her bread by it. Her example soon influenced the whole town, and it became, says Bishop Burnet, " as much a fashion to work as it had been to be idle," and while she worked herself, some one of the ladies of the Court read to her. This practice became habitual, and very soon spread its example from the palace into the families of the nobility, and in many of them served to entirely change the manners of the higher circles, in which a more active turn of both mind and practice was very soon effectually esta- blished. Among other instances of credulity in our own country in respect to the predieted end of tile world, may be mentioned an instance of an old woman at Hackney, who, having to attend a family as washer- woman 011 the 18th, refused to go; and on being asked why, said—" It is no use throwing my labour away, I shall never get paid."- It is said, that in a chapel at Deptford prayers were offered up to avert the calamity. The present extraordinary weather is not without a parallel. In 1798, there was 184 rainy days. 15 snowy, and 166fair. In July, there was only five fair days; and in October and November seven days each; 17 are marked frosty; the rain was very light on many of the days. On the 5th of August, there was a hail storm, with thunder and light- ning. A woman, named Elizabeth Wiling, of Kirton, near Boston, is in custody on a charge of having, on the Kith ult. murdered a female child, of which she was then delivered, by forcing it to swallow a quantity of butter of antimony in Bateman's drops, of which she had possessed herself a few days pre- vious to her confinement. At Marlborough- street Office, on Saturday, a poor hard- working- man, named Humsworth, complained to the Magistrate, with ( ears in his eyes, of the pro- fligacy of his son, a boy under twelve years of age. He stated that his son had become acquainted with a gang of thieves, and frequently ran away from home for several days together. On Friday night, finding he had again absconded, he went in search of him, and found him in the gallery of a theatre, in company with several abandoned and profligate wretches, who were regaling themselves with bot- tles of gin, which they had taken with them. He then took him home to his lodgings in Tottenham- court- road, and on searching him, he found a one- pound note and some silver. Being confident he could not have come by it honestly, he made in- quiry of the persons in the house where he lodged, and found that a young man of the name of Half had had his box broken open, and a two- pound note and some silver stolen out of it. Upon his charging the boy with it, he confessed having done so, and the next morning one of his associates brought back another note. The distressed parent begged that the Magistrate would send him to sea, as it would be the only means of saving him from an un- timely end. The Magistrate lamented that he had no power to do so ; but said, that he would commit him for the felony, and that the Court would deal with him as should be thought most proper. EXECUTION— Saturday morning an immense concourse assembled in the Old Bailey, to win ess the execution of J. Boyce, an aged man, for having forged a power of attorney for the transfer of 7811. 3s. lid. with intent to defraud the Bank; W. Gregory, a genteel young man, for forging a transfer of 251. in the five per cent, annuities; and G. Maycock, for forging and uttering a 21. note.— Gregory maintained his innocence to the last, and Elizabeth Coward, the chief witness against him on the trial, made affidavit after his being ordered for execution, that although she had given Gregory no instructions to sell out the stock in question, yet she believes he must have understood that she did, having directed him to raise money upon the said stock.— Maycock also maintained his innocence, denying that he knew the note to be a forgery. The Bank, previous to his trial, offered to abandon the capital part of the charge, if he would plead guilty to having forged notes in his possession, which would have subjected him to fourteen years transportation; with this proposition, however, he refused to comply.— They conducted themselves with the most exemplary propriety, particularly Gregory, who suffered on his birth- day. About half past eight they were launched into eternity. One circumstance excited painful feelings among the spectators: the rope with which Gregory's hands were tied gave way just as the drop fell, and he raised them for a moment or two to his head. There was an universal scream among the spec- tators, especially the women. Boyce appeared considerably convulsed; but Maycock expired Without a struggle or sigh. It was the anniversary of Boyce's wedding- day.— Esther Sampson, con- demned for arson, who was to have suffered along with the above unfortunate men, was respited on Friday night. Jdiertisements, Jrliclcs of Intelligence, and Orders for this Paper, are received by the following Agents.— LONDON, Messrs. Nf. wton and Co. 5, Warwick- Square, Newgate- Street, find Mr. White, 33, Fleet- Street. BKAINTRF. 1- BAM INGDON .... R It FATWt IOD nruiis Bl'KV KKRWHOL. T Mr . loseELYNE Mr. Him. • Mr. E. Finch Mr. Dei pont Mr Kackiiam Mr. Harvard It FCCI. ES Mr. S. CATTlRMOLE BOTF. SDAl. E Mr. JI. F. nw uuis BRANDON Mr. Ct. MtKf HI t. l. F. RICAY.. THE Postmaster C IIEDINGHAM... The Postmaster CHELMSF01tl). 3.... Mr.' G. Wiffen COOCESHAI. I Mr S. Frost C<) I , NF., EA R LS Mr J Catchpooi. CAMBRIDGE :... Mr. Thorpe DEDHAM MV. C. RICE DT'NMOW Mr. Dodd EYE ,,. Mr. BARBER HARWICH Mr. Seager HAVER HI IX Mr T Flack HADI. F. 1GH Mr. HardacM HAI. STF. D Mr. Church INGATESTONF. MR DawsqM IPSWICH Mr. Pipe k KELVEDON Mr. Impey YIALDONand DENGlE> Mr p HUNDRED S r OLLEY MANN1NGTBEE Mr. SlzER MI LDENHALL Mr. Willet NEWMARKET Mr. Rogers NAYI. AND ROMFORD ROCHFORD STRATFORD STOKE STOWMARKET ... .... Mr. Parsons .... Mr. Barlow .... Mr. White .... Mr. Hutton ... Mr. Bare ... Mr. Woolby TF. RUNG Mr. H. BAKER THORPE Mr. UPCHER W1X Mr. Southgate WITH AM Mr. CoTTis WOODBR1DGE Mr. Simpson YARMOUTH Mr. BKART The REVENUE— A statement of the produce of the Revenue, and an account of the payments into the Exchequer, for the last four years, ending 5th July, 15th July,| 6th July, [ 5th July, 1813. | 1814. j 1815. j 1810. Customs 9,689.232 9,940,590 1< » , H> 3,' 768 9,821,998 Excise 22,065,529 2t, 130,4*> 26,176,108 25,343,872 Stamps 5,168,942 5,475,872 5,528,906 6,223,843 Post Office 1,378,060 1,409,000, 1,567,000 1,472,00 ) Assessed Taxes 6,022.227 6,470,390 6,289,026 6,020,302 Property Tax ... 13,065,436 14,317,127 14,174.1m 14,226,442 Land Tax 1,162,562 1,106,342 1,129,098 1,087,428 Miscellaneous... 415,936 ] 406,356 345,452, 371,850 ±' 58,967,864 62,956,097 67,403,791 04,567,583 From this table it appears that the produce of the year ending the 5th ult. upon a comparison with the same period in 1815, is lessened about 2,800,0001. but exceeds the produce of the year 1813 by 5,599,6091. and that of 16l4by 1,611,4301.
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