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The Glocester Herald


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The Glocester Herald

Date of Article: 09/03/1811
Printer / Publisher: G.F. Harris 
Address: Herald Office, St John's Lane
Volume Number: X    Issue Number: 493
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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v." Ul>- - V Tiff ft r^.- xv - j*- PRINTED AND PUBLISHED, FOR tH^ B<?; V8fET0RS, JJV C. F. HARRIS. VOI. X. No. 493. SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1811. PRICE SIX- PENCE HALFPENNY WEDNESDAY'S POST. LONDON, TL'ESPW, MARCH 5. IT was strongly reported on Saturday evening and yesterday, oil the authority of a transport vessel arrived at Plymouth from Lisbon, that Masscna had quitted llis positions at Santarem, and had commenced Ids retreat. It was added, that he had left behind liim 3000 sick, and that the allied army was in full pursuit. Accounts, however, have since been received from the Tagus of a later date by three days, which arc entirely silent as to any such occurrences as are above alluded to, and which merely go to say, that the armies continue in the same positions as before. According to the reports brought in by deserters, and received through other channels, provisions had become very scarce in the French camp, but it was not expected that. Massena would retreat. It was - supposed, on the contrary, that after being joined by all the reinforcements which were approaching from the Spanish frontiers, he would attempt to cross the Tagus, and establish himself in the Alentejo. It w as also believed, that as soon as the reinforcements ex- - pected by onr army should arrive, Lord Wellington would, on bis part, make some movements, which would tend to bring on a general action. A body of 4000 Portuguese had joined the division of the army under Marshal Bercsford at Cliamusca, where tlie force amounted to 16,000 men. Letters received in tow n in the course of the week from Portugal, agree in the accounts which have at various times been stated, of the destitute situation of the French army for want of provisions. We give the following extract from one of them:—" LISDON, FEB. 15.— Having so frequently misled you on the subject of the miserable situation of the French army for want of provisions, ( having myself been deceived by the fale statement of French prisoners and desert- ers,) it is with considerable hesitation I again resume the subject, although on more certain grounds. We have almost daily skirmishes with the enemy, which usually terminate in our taking a number of prisoners, who, together with the deserters of all nations, de- clare to a man, that the enemy had nearly consumed the last bullocks; and as for bread, it was a stranger to the palate of the soldiers. However cautious we ought to be in trusting to the word of a French pri- soner when the honor of his country is concerned, " it is impossible" ( writes my friend from the army) " to doubt the living evidence before us. The ap- pearances of tlie poor wretches exhibit such strong proofs in favor of their testimony, that we canuot withhold our belief." Besides this, the poor French- men are sadly cast down: they have not been accus- tomed to be impeded so long in their career. Not « ne iri twenty of them brought in have a shoe to their foot, and what remains of their cloathing can scarcely be called uniform.— The army is also totally destitute of medicine. This forlorn situation of the French ar- inv accounts for many things in the conduct of Lord Wellington hitherto inexplicable. It lias long been the opinion of the British Officers, that his Lordship ought to Have Mgiwied the client;' previous to the ar- rival of their reinforcements, and indeed the most favourable opportunity to do so was after the battle of Bosaco; but the most obstinate of them now admit that the British Commander in Chief pursued the true line of policy, in suffering the French army to fritter itself away, man by man, as it lias been doing for some time past. A few heavy showers of rain would nearly complete its ruin without the aid of the British army. Sickness prevails throughout the army of the enemy, and which ever way Massena turns, he has ail awful precipice before him." French papers to the 25tli ult. have arrived in town. With the exception of some uninteresting articles of Cadiz and Lisbon news, taken from tlie London jour- nals, they contain noting relative to the affairs of Spain and Portugal. The approaching accouchement of the Empress occupies much of tlie public mind at Paris; and the report of a journey of the Arrjnluke Charles to Tal is, accompanied by one of the sons of the Emperor of Austria,- is, again spoken of. The surrender of the Isle of France has been communi- cated to the public, in the shape of a translation of Admiral Bertie's dispatches; but the article of capi- tulation which relates to tlie French ships of war is altered, so as to give room to suppose that they were not considered as prizes. The failures in Paris, which have recently taken place amount to forty, among which are some houses of the first respectability. A house is said to have stopped for six millions of franks, which had upwards of double that sum in good bills, for which no dis- count could be obtained. Advices have been received from the north of En- rope, which state, that a meeting was to take place towards the end of last month, at Koningsbnrgli, be- tween the Emperor of Russia and the King of Prussia, ope of the objects of which is said to relate to a mar- riage between the latter and a sister of the Emperor Alexander. The base of the Carpathian mountains, near Makon- itza, fell on the 6th of November, with a report so loud that it was heard at the distauce of twelve miles. Six villages have been destroyed, and 34 lives lost. By the Pacific, Captain Stentou, arrived at Liver- pool from New York in 27 days, American papers have been received to the 2d ult. The question tor the Renewal of the Bank Charter in America has been lost by ONE. EXTRACTS.—" A letter is said to have been receiv- ed in town this morning from a Member of Congress, stating, that the Non- ImportatiOn Act had been amended in Committee, so as to permit all goods shipped in Great Britain previous to the second of February to an entry at our Custom- House*. The Bill thus amended was to have been reported to the House on Tuesday last."— A't'io York Evening Post, • 31 st Jan. " Mr. Madison, it is to be regretted, has had too much faith in the- assurance of Chartipagny, the French Minister of Foreign Relations, for, it will be seen by this same Ministers report to Bonaparte in this day's' Gazette, that on the 8th of last month he says,— " Sire, as long as England shall persist in her Orders in Council, your Majesty will persist iu your decrees." This report too was adopted at an extra Session of the French Conservative Senate, held on the 13th nit. We have this difficulty to be settled at Wash- ington. Something must he immediately done. The President's proclamation now is a non- entitv, and no seizure of Briti- I. goods can be made under it."— &:' w York Gazette. Captain Stciitqii's owners informed him, just as lie was leasing, that accounts had that day been received from Washington, which stated that al! vessels with their cargoes would be admitted to an enrrv, wiiicii Irft England fte'. orr tlit second ot Ftbruaiy.. It is stated, in a letter from Washington, that Mr. W. Alston was violently opposed to Mr. Randolph's motion of adjournment one evening in Congress; and as soon as the motion was carried, and they were going out of the House, Mr. Alston kicked Mr. Randolph's dog, and observed, that " puppies would sometimes carry their point." This being said i'n Mr. Randolph's hearing, he immediately gave Mr. Alston a caning. In the month of January last, several shocks of an earthquake were felt in the island of St. Michael's. On the 31st a tremendous explosion of smoke and flames issued from the sea, about two miles from the shore, in the western direction of the island. The scene was awful beyond all description, and from the bowels of the iufl imniatory substance, forming its passage upwards of 80 fathoms deep in the ocean, issued smoke, fire, cinders, ashes, and stones of an immense size. Innumerable quantities of different kinds offish, sOhir witrly i > i, « .!„ t . « ; f Uroiled floated On the surface of the sea towards the shore!" It is the intention .> f Ministers to send one of the largest British fleets to the Baltic, in the ensuing spring, ever seen ill that quarter of the world. Tiie yellow fever has lately been very destructive among the ships stationed in the West Indies. The Nyaden frigate, Captain Cotterell, has lost 47 offi- cers and men; the Thetis, seven midshipmen, the Captain's Clerk, and 73 men. One of the cases relative to the seizure of ships in the Baltic came on Saturday before Sir J. Mansfield. The action was brought by the assured, against the underwriters. The vessel was bound to Wismer; and, within seven miles of her port of discharge, she was taken possession of by an enemy's gun- boat, carried in, and condemned. The underwriters refused to pay, because the policy contained a warranty freeing the vessel from capture in port. Many witnesses were examined, and the jury found for the plaintiff. A new trial will be applied for. Tiie Gazette of Saturday evening contains the ap- pointment, by llis Royal Highness the Prince Regent, of Robert Townscnd Farquhar, Esq. to be Governor of the Islands of Mauritius ami Bourbon, and their dependencies. On Tuesday last Lady Charlotte Finch completed her 86th year, when her Ladyship, according to an- nual custom, received presents from all the branches of the Royal Family. Mr. Ryder lias enjoyed but an indifferent state of health for some time past. On Saturday he was con- fined. Mr. Perceval, Mr. Long, and several other official gentlemen, called to see him. A general court- martial is ordered to assemble at Chelsea, for the trial of an Assistant Uuarter- Master- General. ' The Mercury, of Hull, was attacked on Thursday night off' Dimgcncss by three French privateers ; she beat them off, and carried away one of their masts. They attempted to board the Mercury four times, but each time were gallantly repulsed. • His Majesty's ship Marlborough, arrived at Ply- mouth, passed two vessels bottom up, a ftw miles westward of that port; upwards of 3HO Jio£ » tir « . l » o f. French white w ine have been met with by the fishing- boats, and are supposed to have been part of the car- goes of the above. The city of Edinburgh has been for some time past abundantly supplied with fine herrings, caught in the Forth, which have been sold at six and seven a penny. In consequence of a trifling quarrel, a duel took place at Barbadoes on the 15th of January, between Capt. Boardman, of the 2d battalion of the 60th regi- ment, and Ensign De Bettou, of the Royal West In- dia Rangers, in which, at the first fire, the former was shot through the heart, and instantly expired. The survivor immediately escaped lYom the island. It has been mentioned in some of the papers, that the British Government has agreed to take the Earl of Beverley ( a brother, we believe, to the Duke of Northumberland) in exchange for General Le Febvrc, who, it will be recollected, was made prisoner in a skirmish of cavalry, during General Moore's retreat. With every sentiment of compassion forthe situation of those Engish subjects who were unjustly and bar- barously detained by Bonaparte in Fiance at the be- ginning of this war, of whom Lord Beverley is one, we still hope that this exchange w ill not take place : for, if it does, the maxims upon which we have hi therto acted in support of the law of nations, being infringed in one instance, we do not see why they should not be relinquished in all; and Bonaparte be suffered to drive us into a virtual acknowledgement of the legality of his conduct in seizing the- persons of Englishmen, travelling on the faith of his own pass- ports, How he will do this, is obvious, if we sanc- tion the original capture, by admitting of an exchange between our subjects thus dishonourably detained, and French soldiers fairly taken in war. The most philanthropic course, however it may pressnpon indi- viduals, is to support the general principles by which civilized nations have acted towards each other; be- cause, from general principles only can result general good; whilst particular infractions of them, however productive of partial convenience, open the way to general evil. The Estimates of Army Services for the year 1811, presented to the House of Commons on the 20th nit. have been printed. The total number of men for Great Britain is 340,321, including 31,650 in the East In- dies; and the expence is 12,083,5031. 4s. LOD; and 3,23.'}, 42ll. 19s. 5d. for Ireland— making a grand total of 15,316,9251. 4s. 3d. The Bank had advanced to Government, oil the 5th Jan. last, on malt duty, supply, aud loan, in all 8,670,7391. There have been issued by the Bank between the 8 th of February, } 810, and the 19th February, 1811, stamped dollars No. 1,970,274. Last week two prisoners, who had been confined ill the county ganl of Cork, effected their cscape from that prison under the most hazardous circumstances. They succeeded by some means in getting to the top of the outer wall, which is 30 feet high, when they made an effort to jump into a tree in Mr. Walker's de- mesne, at tlie west end of the prison, iu which one of them succeeded, hut the other was unable to effect his object, and had his back broken from the violence of the shock. The other prisoner, who escaped With- out any injury, very humanely took the disabled man on his back, until he lodged him in a cabin at a village at some distance, where he was discovered the next morning and brought back to tlie prison, but in such a dangerous state that he is not expected to recover; the other effected his escape, and has not since been apprehended. The unfortunate man who lias been in- jured was confined on a charge of a rape ; the other, who has escape!, was charged with stealingginipow- i dcr fi'wiii tiie pumifactory ofBallingelljg. , FASHIONS FOR MARCH. Evening Full Dress.— A gown of plain white India muslin, made loose in the neck, with long sleeves, and a short train trimmed with a fancy border of stamped leaves in satin. A white satin cap, ornamented with crimson or niorone coloured flossed silk trimming. A short Persian scarf, of morone coloured silk, with rich binder and tassels, is fancifully worn over the shoulders. Amber necklace and ear- rings. Hair in full curls, divided rather towards the leftside. Gloves and shoes of white or moroiie kid.— Morning Carriage Press.— A bias corded muslin dress, a walking length, with long sleeves, made high in the neck, with collar buttoned down the front of the waist with narrow lilac ribband. Sash tied iu a bow in front; a border of plain muslin, or lace, round the bottom. A square of lilac satin, with richly embroidered border in white silk, and tassels to cotrespond, is thrown over the shoulders in the form of a shawl, and is cut down the back lo give it a more easy and. graceful ap- pearance about the figure. A * lr.*> l « - , ihe (. llip hat, ticj round rne crown In a b. iwiir l.' ont » f" iuac suiin- ribband. The hair in full curls over the forehead. Pearl ear- rings. Gloves and shoes of pale lemon, or lilac coloured kid. The following article may perhaps he found interesting to many of our readers:— DESCRIPTION OF THE PUBLIC FUNDS. Navy Five per Vent. Annuities, produced from about 50 millions of stock, partly formed out of navy bills, converted ill 1784, into stock bearing interest at 5 per cent, whence the name. Four per Cent. Consolidated Annuities, produced from about the same quantity of stock as the last, bearing interest at 4 per cent, as the title indicates ; these. an- nuities are called consols, or consolidated, from the stock having been formed by the consolidation of seve- ral debts of Government. Three per Cent. Reduced Annuities, produced by about 170 millions of stock, formed from several debts, that originally bore a higher rate of interest; but which on varibus conditions, has been reduced to- the rate ivhioil the name of the stockcxpiesses. ' Ihree per Cent. Consolidated Annuities, produced by above 400 millions of stock, in part formed by the con- solidation of several stock*, bearing interest at 3 per cent.— N. R. When the wordobrisolsis indefinitely used, it is always understood to mean these annuities, ThreCptr Vent. Imperial Annuities, produced by shout 8 millions of stock, created by loam to the Kmperor of Germany, with the security of the interest being paid bv the Government of this country, whenever the Emperor should fail in his engagement. live per Vent. Irish Annuities, produced by about 2 millions of stock, formed by loans for the use of Ire- land, before the union. Hank Stock, is a capital of nearly 12 millions, with Which the company of the bank has accommodated Go- j rernment with various loans, and with which they i carry on the banking business, purchase bullion, Kc. | The dividends on bank stoi- k are now 10 pei cent; so | that the profit* of the company are near 12 hwidred thousand pounds per annum. India Slock, forms the trading aapitalof the I'. ast In- dia company ; this stock ( consisting of six millions) produces an annual dividend of lt! j per cent. South Sea Stock and Annuities consist of, or are pro- duced from, a capital of nearly 20 millions. The greatest part of this is lent to Government, for which the South Sea company receive 3 per cenl.; hut from/ the increase of other profits, the dividend to the pro-' pri- tnrs is ."^ jjerccut. , jt The terminable anoaffi.'-'. ii', a Hank Ltmsi mmiti", so called from thr u'nur.' pa' merit being from their origin made payabli at tl Hank, and fioin their being granted for a greater length of time than other terminable annuities. These annuities extend to the beginning of llir. year 1860, and the annual payments arc about 11 hundred thou- sand pounds. Imperial Sho- t Annuities, formed in the same man- ner, and upon the same conditions, as the Imperial 3 per cent, annuities; they extend to May 1819, aud arnouotto two hundred and thirty pounds per annum. Besides the permanent loans to Government, which have created the perpetual and terminable annuities various sums have been raised from time to time, as temporary loans, on what are called exchequer bills, from their being made pavabie at the treasury of the exchequer. Exchequer Pills are issued for different hundreds or thousands of pounds, and bear an interest ofSjd. per. cent, per diem, from the day of their date to the time when they are advertised to be paid off. A any Bill: are merely bills of exchange, drawn at 90 days date, and are given by the commissions! s of the navy for tlie amouutof supplies, for the use. of that de- partment, and the interest upon those amounts to 3d. per cent, per diem. ; India Bonds are issued by the East India Company, and bear interest at 5 percent, per annum. Omnium is a term denoting the different stocks form- ed by a loan, while any part of the loan remains un- paid. For example, suppose 20 millions of money are to be raised, and for every 1001. iu money, are to be given 1001. stock in the 3 per cents. 501. stock in the 4 per cents, and 6s, 3d. per cent, in the long annuities; then if any person engage to advance 10,0001. in mo- ney, upon paying the first instalment, ( for the money is usually advanced at the rate of about 10 per cent, per month, until the whole is paid), he will receive three receipts, which separately contain an engage- ment to transfer to the person possessing them, 10,0001. stock in the 3 per cents. 5,0001. stock in the 4 per cents, and 311. 10s. stock in the long annuities, upon the whole of the instalments being paid, ator before the appointed time. While these three receipts are sold together, and before the whole of the instalments has been paid, they are called Omnium, as they are made up of all, or of several of the stocks. Scrip is a term given to each of the receipts of the Omnium, when they are sold separatley ; thus in the foregoing supoosition, if the receipt containing the engagement to transfer the 10,0001. in the 3 per cents, be sold without the other two receipts, this would be called a sale of Scrip. Immediately the whole of the instalments upon any scrip is paid, the transfer of the stock is made to the person who holds it, and there is usually a discount allowed for any prompt payment.— N. B. when the stock created by any loan is formed iu only one sort of stock, there is properly speaking no Omnium; though, then by a misnomer, the Scrip re- ceipt is called by thai name, The prices of the stocks, & e. are exhibited in the lists that, are published iu this manner. The value of anv perpetual annuity, thus; Three per Vent, t o'nsols 6 ' J J. Signifies that the value of tool, stock of these annui- ties sold on the day this price is given, for 631. 2s. 6( 1, iu money at the beginning of the market, that this stock rose to 611. 15s. and left ott' at 641. 10s. The value ofany terminable annuity, thus: Bank t on? Annuities 16$ 1— 16. Signifying that any annual payment of these annui- ties Was worth 16J years purchase'at the beginning, and left off at 161— Hi years purchase at the end of the market. The value of either the Exchequer Bills, or India bonds thus: Exchequer Bills 2 4 premium, or India Bonds, 1 premium, 2 discount. This signifies, that every 1001. in Exchequer Bills bore a premium of r.' s. at the beginning, which ad- vanced to 4s. in the end of that day ; and that every It ml. in India bonds, sold at first at Is. premium, and afterwards at 2*. discount. The va'ne of Omnium is expressed thus: Omnium ' 3% uitnninm ; And signifies that every 1001. of Omnium, sold at a premium of 31. IDs. The value of Lottery Tickets is expressed thus. lottery ' Pickets, 161.5s. Signifying that every ticket sold for that price. SWEDISH SOAP. M1LFORD- HAVEN, SOUTH WALES. THIS NEW ' SOAP will be found beyond all comparison the best preparation known for the MILLING, txc. of WOOLLEN CLOTH, and to be a most important improvement. Made only as ordered, and sold in ( jurists, Price Fifteen Pounds sterling each, containing in general about Three Hundred Weight, bur regulated always by the current value of London Curd Soap, it bearing the same price. Orders for any quantity not less than a Chest in post- paid Letters ( enclosing- Remittances m liankers' Paper, or they will not be attended to,) addressed to the sole Manufacturers, " THE MILFORI>- HAV hi. SOAP AND ALKALI COMPVNY," Pembroke, will be executed within three weeks' notice, and delivered free of expence at any of the principal ports in the united kingdom. % » XO CREDIT WHATEVER. J/ HEREAS a Comuii-. iuii of ttajiKrnpt is uw- ar^ VV ed and issued forth against THOMAS DIX POOLE, of Arlington, in the county of Giocester, miller, dealer and chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to the Coiwuis- ioners in the said Commission named, or the major part of them, on Monday, the eighteenth day of March instant, at two o'clock in the afternoon, and oil Tuesday, the nineteenth day of March instant, it eleven o'clock in the forenoon, and on Saturday, the twentieth day of April next, at the same hour, at the dwelling- house of Thomas Lediard, being the Fleece Inn, in Cirencester, in the said county of Giocester. and make a full discovery and disclosure of his Estate and Effects; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove tlieir Debts, and at the serond sit- ting to chuse assignees, and at the last sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish his examination, and the Creditors arc to assent to, or disscnt from tlie al- lowance of his certificate,— All Pel- sons indebted 11 the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects, ere not to pay or deliver the same but to whom the Com- missioners shall appoint, hut give. notice to Messrs. Meredith, Bobbins, and Tomkyns, Solicitors, Lin- colu's- Inn, London; or to George Berir, Solicitor, Cirencester aforesaid. T. WEBB DYKE. , WILL. THOMPSON. THOS^ JOaES , Tlis day is published, A'o. I. price Siipeitce, The following Numbers to be published weekly, of Cooke's Modern and Complete System of UNIVERSAL GEOGRAPHY; BF. ING an accurate and general DESCRIP- TION' of the WHOLE WORLD, and its inhabi- tants: including authentic Narratives from all the dis- tinguished Navigatorswho have made new Discoveries. Among whom are the following:— Mutgrave, Funie'aux, Wilson, Man- band, II v ion, Clerke, 1' ortlock, Perouse, Wallis, King, Dixon, Vancouver, Cart- ret, Forrest, Bligb, Eutrecasteaux, Cooke, Maurelle, Edwards, Missionaries,& e. Likewise interesting and entertaining accounts from the most MODERN TRAVELLERS: — Railway, Shaw,, Itrissot, ' Hruce, I MungoParke, I Macartney, | Sotmini, ) Hearne, Mackenzie, Weld, Barrow, nrovvi Render, Pallas, Denon, Collins, dec. Forming a/ complete Collection of VOYAGES and TRAVELS; By GEORGE ALEXANDER COOKE, Esq. Plan of the Work. 1. The work is decorated with 75 engravings, ami illustrated with 25 maps, which form a Complete Atlas. 2. The Cheap Edition is printed on a demv quarto, and comprised iu 134 numbers, price only sixpence each. This edition contains more letter- press than any contemporary publication ot the same charge. 3. The Superior Edition is printed on a large me- dium quarto, wove vellum paper; it is comprised in one hundred numbers, price one shilling each, and contains coloured maps, additional plates, and first impressions. 4. The work being complete iu two volumes, may be purchased collectively, or by one or more numbers at a time. The price of binding is as follows : in calf lettered; seven shillings each volume ; calf gilt, eight shillings ; and super extra, eleven shilling;. London: Printed for C. Cooke, 17, Paternoster- row ; and may be procured of all the Booksellers. Of whom may be had Cooke's Pocket Edition of the TOPOGRAPHY OP GREAT BRITAIN; Or, British Tourist's rocket Directory: anil Travelling Companion. Being an accurate and comprehensive description of all the counties in England, Scotland, and Wales ; By GEORGE ALEXANDER COOKE, Esq. Each county is illustrated with a map. The following comities are published, and may be had separate from the General Topography, at the pricc attached to each. Cornwall Devon Somci set Dorset Hants Wilts Berks Oxford Gloucester 1 Worcester 1 Hereford 1 Norfolk, 1 Monmouth 1 ls. 6d. NorthWaleslsfid SouthWalesl Cheshire 1 Derby I Lancaster 3 Cumberland t Nortliuiliberl Durham 1 York 3 Lincoln I Leicester 1 Northampt. 1 Middlesex 3s. Od. Essex 1 Hertford 1 Cambridge 1 Rutland,*. ) . Huutingd. i • Bedford 1 Bucking!). 1 Surry 1 Sussex 1 Kent 3 Westmorla. 1 The succeeding counties will be published at the same cheap rate, on the first day ot every mouth. A Superior Edition is printed on a large wove ve- lum paper, and contains coloured maps, price 2s. 6d. each county, except Middlesex, Yorkshire, Lanca- shire, 3iid Kent, which are 5s. each. London : printed for C. Cooke, 17, Paternoster- row ; and may be procured of all the Booksellers iu Great Britain. Dr. SOLOMOS's ANTI- IMPEIIGINES PROVES of the highest utility in all cases of " depraved habit with affections of the skin," hence its efficacy in cases of scurvy, scrofula or le- prosy, as Well as in the confirmed lues; and hence by its sanative power it expels the virus out of the system, and restores it to Convalescence. In scorbutic com- plaints, lues venerea, He. mercury, antimony, and aqua- fortis have been recommended and tried, but they have reduced the patients who have made use of them to the most deplorable state, and have left com- plaints which the skill and abilities of the first phy- sicians have been unable to cope with. These disor- ders fly before the effects of the Anti- fmpetigines. Price haif- a- guiuea a bottle, and the family bottles with the quantity of four, thirty- three shillings only, yb which tliere isasaving of nine shillings, with copious folio bills of directions, and with the security of having the proprietor's name iu the stamp, " Saml. Solorhon, Liverpool," which secures to the purchaser the genuine medicine. Sold by Washhourn, Ingram, ( successor to C. Jones, Southgate- street,) and I). Walker, Giocester; Selden, and Henuey, Cheltenham; Stevensand Watkins, Ciren- cester ; Peaice, llartlebury ; lteddell, Tewkesbury; Wilson, Stroud; Goodwyn, Tetbury ; Itickaids, Uurs. ley; Meaijham, Ledbury; and by every reputable Vepd'T. ; STRATFORD'S FOLIO EDITION UF Henry's Commentary, Printed verbatim from the best London Edition, w ithout any abridgement whatever. This Day is published, price only Tight- pi nee, ( Each number containing three w hole sheets of large demv letter- press, and many of them four sheet:., i Number I. embellished with an elegant portrait » tne Hev, MATTHEW HENRT, ( to be coutiniel weekly) of AN EXPOSITION on the- OLD a£ d NEW TESTAMENT, wherein each chapter is sum- med up in its contents; the Sacred Text inserted ." I large in distinct paragraphs; each paragraph reduced. ' to its proper heads, the s^ nst given, and largely frus trated with practical remarks ancVobservatious, form- ing a most complete FAMILY BIRLE. fly MA TTIlEiV HENRY, late Minister ofth Gospel j • With a pi'effi ' Tii, thrtMe Rets. WILLIAM UOMAJNE, M. A. Thii work is embellished . vi'l upward - • font hun- dred beautiful ( Tiijrivings, which" arc self frt - qj soon passages ofrnoly wr- t, n* not only >•< i v i sen' a complete History oi'the Life and Sufferings of our Blessed Redeemer, but the most remarkable Miracles and Transactions of the Patriarchs, Prophets, Evange- lists, Apostles, Ice. These engravings are lat Ji; r and superior to any given in works of double the price. To which is added, a copious account cf the author's life, and extracts from his other celebrated writing- . The proprietor having experienced the pi iilic patios nage, to an extent unprecedented, for upivatds' of fourteen years, during which period he has been ho, noured with the names of above ttvelve ihomat. d ^ srrioers, begs leave in gratitude to state the foftv. ii. g facts: That notwithstanding the great advance iu the- price of paper, printing, and engravings, he continues to give three whole sheets ot large folio demy paper, printed to the full extent of the margin for eight pence; -. id, in the course of the work upwards of onehuhdrrif engravings, of superlative magnitude and beauty, form- ing the most perfect copy of Matthex llen- i/' s Exposi- tion on the Holy Scriptures ever presented to the public. This work may be bad bv one or more numbers weekly, or. iu three volumes neatly bound. Subscribers are requested to be particular in giving orders for l . e foho edition. Piinted and published for J. Stratford, No,-. 112, Hotborn- Hill, London, and sotd by all other booltSel- lers aud newscai riers in the kingdom. - WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth against RICLLARD PHELPS and THOM AS pRESDEE, of Newnbain, iu the County of Giocester, Linen- Djapcrs, and they being declared Bankrupts, are hereby requited to sur- render themselves to the Commissioners in the sunt Commission named, or the major part of them, on the eighth day of March next, at six o'clock in the after- noon, on the ninth day of the same month ; and on the second of April following, at ten o'clock in th « fore' noon; at the White Halt, in Giocester, and make a full discovery and disclosure of their Estate and Ef- fects ; when and where tiie Creditors lire to. come pre- pared to prove their Debts, and at the Second Sitting to chose Assignees, and at the last sitting the said Bank- rupts are required to finish their examination, and the Creditors are to assent to nr dissent from the allowance of their Certificate. All persons indebted to the said Bankrupts, or that have any of tlieir Effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to whom tiie Commis- sioners shall appoint, but give t oticr. ro Mr, Ororge Chilton, Exchequer Otfice, LincohiVlnn, London, or Mr. W. C. Ward, Solicitor, Gloccster. To Mr. Daniel Roberts, I'ainsroick, Gtncestershire, WEST BUCKLAND, near BARNSTAPLE, DEVON, SIR, I0M August, 1809. WITH pleasure I write you these few lines, conceiving it my duly to do so, for the henelit ot others. For 3 y ears I w as afflicted with the King's evil in my throat: I procured the assistance of most of the apotheca- ries aud eminent surgeons in this neighbourhood, who, I am convinced, endeavoured to their utmost to relieve my complaint, . but all their efforts were unavailing, Monti, alter month I grew worse, until I had four lin e, in my throat St once. I scarcely enjoyed a moment's rest day or night. In this deplorable stjte 1 continued lor three years, as aforesaid, desparing of ever receiving a cure, until, by the advice ota friend, I was induced to try your invaluable Medicated Vegetable Water, and by taking about half a dozen of the small boitles, I am happy to inform you, I. have received a perfect cure. My sister, w ho had an ul- cerated sore leg of 19 years'standing, was also perfectly cured, by taking four small bottles, A niece of mine being now afdicted with the evil in her bri- ast, occasions my requesting you to forward four small bottles by tho first convesance. lam, Sir, your humble servant, MARY VICARY. P. S. Mitpy oilier cures have been effected in this neigh. boUrhood by. your truly valuable medicine, This celebrated restorative in cases of cancer, scrophula, seprosv, scurvy, and all inferior complaints arising from Icorbutic affections ;' such as ulcerated sore legs, flushings, pimpled faces, & c. is sold in half- pint bottles at 6s, each, and in large bottles containing five half- pints at II, 2s. each, duty included, with cases ol' cute, and directions signed by the proprietor, hy appointment by D. Walker, C. Jones, and J, Waslibourn, Giocester; Stevens and Watkins, Cirencester; Redded, Tewkesbury; Rati', Smith, Gyde, ,' Uiil Henney, Cheltenham ; Jeoner, and Wilson, Stroud ; Goodu- yll, Telbory ; Clarke, Wood- chcsier; Bence, Wolton- under- Edi; e; Eccles, Nortlileach j Wilinot, and Roberts, Rn, s; Wright, Hereford ; T> nibs and Son, Worcester; Sharpe, Warwick; Tudor, Mon- mouth ; Dicey and Button, London ; anil most respect* ante venders ot medicines ill the United Kingdom, Remarks on the Scrophula, price Is, piinted by Phillips, London, may he had as above. For pimples, blotches, freckles, ring- worms,' black, worms, carbuncles, & c. . See. the greatest clearer and beautifier of the face, is undoubtedly SOLOMON'S ABStERGENT LOTION, WHICH removes all disorders of the skin, pints 4s. 6( 1. half pints ',' s. 9d, It is the most elegant, fragrant, mild, safe, aiid va liable liquid or wasti, for scorbutic and other eruptions o » i the face and skin. It gently restores the skin to n degree of fairness and purity, beyond the powers of description. Ladies may rely that it renders the skin fa r, delicate, aud removes- every kind of stain, tan, sunburn, and- all those freckles which long illness and fatigue generally produce: In short, it is the only cosmetic a Lady can use at her toilette, with ease, comfort, and safety, or a Gentleman have recourse to when shaving is be- come a dreadful operation by mi eruptive disease on the face. Sold by Washbourn, Ingram, ( Successor toC. Jones, Soutllgate- street,) and 1)- Walker, Giocester; Sol, den, and Henney, Cheltenham; Stevens and Watkins- Cirencester; Pearce, Hartlcbury ; Redden, Tewkes. bury; Wilson, Stroud; Goodwyu, Tetbury; Richards, Dursley ; Meacham, Ledbury, and by all Venders of Patent Medicines in the United Kingdom. IVher, may be had, SOLOMON'S DETERGENT OINTMENT, Pric,". 4s. fid. a box, for the cure of old w( lipids, sore or scald heads, ulcers, chilblains, sore legs, scorbutic or scrofulous humours, chapped hands, burns or scalds, gangrene or mortifica- tion, erysipela, or St. Anthony's fiie, futuia, pile* Xvitig's eyili & c. i » a, RM> A\' s post. LONDON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6. IT wiis reported with considerable confidence 011 Sunday, that Massena had commenced his retreat from Satitarem, and that the allied army were in per- mit of him. Accounts, however, are said to have been subsequently received to the date of the 23d, which state, that up t, o that period nothing of impor- tance had taken place. The Eliza brig, from Lisbon, after a short passage, uraived at Ply n'Oiith, 011 Monday; she brings the im- portant intelligence that as she was leaving Lisbon, Rear- Adm. Sir J! Yorke was standing in tor the Ta- gus, with" 7 sail of the line, and 6,500 British troops on board, destiued to join Lord Wellington's army. 1/ etter. s from the coast of France state, that the re- cent embargo had produced a stagnation of trade which was. attended with very mischievous conse- quent s. Money was extremely scarce, anil a list has been transmitted of no fewer than 4- 6 houses iu Paris and Flanders which have tailed. A proclamation has been issued at Stralsund, dated Feb. ad, as follows:—" All merchandize of English manufacture found in the public deposits, the w are- houses of merchants, and similar places, or which may be 011 route, are declared confiscated from this period." The Elizabeth cartel arrived yesterday at Dover, from off Calais, whither she proceeded from Chatham with the French prisoners of war, in lieu of thosesent from Dunkirk belonging to the Elizabeth Eastrlmfia- inan, but was not permitted to approach the harbour, as the batteries fired at her, aud an 18- pound shot struck, and went quite through the cartel, without doing any harm. . It is reported that Government ha*' received infer, luation that Ilernailotte has avowed his intention of maintaining the independence of Sweden against every tbreign influence whatever ; and that at Ihis moment, negot iations arc carrying on between Sweden and Russia, for the purpose of securing the political and commercial rights oi' the Northern Powers. The Catholic Committee met again ill Dublin on Saturday ; and the petition was ordered to be com- mitted to Lord Filial, who is to deliver it to the Earl of Donoughniore and Mr. Grattan. A meeting ofthe Catholics of Ireland is to be called next Friday to address the Prince of Wajes. Major Bryan declared, that at that meeting he would move an address to the Regent, to remove the Duke of Richmond from the Government of Ireland, forhav-' ing endeavoured to impede the Catholics in exercising their right of petition. We hear it 13 the intention if what is called Mr. Keogh's Party, to move at the meet- ing on Friday lhat the Catholic Committee be dis- solved. The follow ing is an extract of a letter lately re- ceived from France by a Catholic of distinction. 14 Decrees, oppressive ofthe church, constantly issue from the Thuillerics. The sulpiciaus, latterly the bul- wark of orthodoxy and discipline in France, are sup- pressed. Seven hundred priests, taken in the ditt'e- rcnt parts of Spain, have been banished to the moun- tains in Valais, and allow ed only three sols per day tor their support. The cardinals, natives ol the ec- clesiastical States, are in separate prisons in France, and prohibited to appear in any part of their costume dress, for refusing to swear allegiance to Bonaparte, as their rightful sovereign. Twenty- three Bishops ' are in like manner imprisoned." The Cnrnwallis, Captain Tucker; Samarang, Cap- tain Spencer; and Rambang Dutch brig, from Am- boyna, arrived at Prince of Wales's Island 22d June, having called at Batavia, and landed the Dutch pri- soners. By that opportunity the Dutch Government received the first intelligence of the capture of the Moluccas ; and great was their astonishment, 011 be- ing informed ofthe force that had attacked Amboyna. The Cornwallis and Samarang were deeply laden with spice; and the Rambang had cloves stowed iu bulk. O11 board tlie West- Indiaman lately cut out from under the batteries 011 the coast of France by the boats of the Theban and Skylark, were Capt. Wal- ker and Lieut. Geo. W. Brown, both of tin royal navy, who were passengers from Antigua. Unfor- tunately the Frenchmen had succeeded iu conveying them 011 shore at Dieppe before the British seamen could gel possession. Capt. Walker commanded the Thetis ; and Lieut. Brown had been out in the West Indies with the hope of promotion, but was dis appointed : they are both active and promising offi- cers. The Theban trigate is arrived in the Downs, from « cruise, in which she sunk La Foitiinee privateer. The Tweed sloop of war has made five small Danish captures; two of them have arrived at Yarmouth. No hopes remain of getting off that beautiful fri- gate the Amethyst, of38 guns, Capt Walter, wrecked the 1st ult. as tlie tides tall she settles steady, and it is supposed, her decks w ill very soon blow up by the pressure of the tides. She was one of the prettiest fri- gates in the service; her crew used to say she was so complete a ship in every respect, that she could do every tiling but speak. We'look anxiously for the Jamaica packet, which has now been out nine weeks, and 011 which an insur- ance was done this afternoon at 25 guineas premium. Letters were this morning received from New Or- leans, dated the end of September. Trade was in a state of activity, and very flattering expectations were formed of the prosperity of that settlement. A requisition to the High- Bailiff of Westminster is signed by Sir F. Burden, Major Cartwright, and a number of other gentlemen, for a meeting of the inha- bitants, to consider of an address to the Prince Regent. A banking- house in the city was defrauded, on Sa- turday, of Bank of England notes, nearly to the amount of 3,0o01. by a forged check, supposed to be the draft of a principal customer. It is calculated that there are near 500,000 Irish- men in this country, 250,000 of whom are in London. Bonaparte lately placed 1,200,000 francs at the dis- posal of the proprietors of tbe magnificent series of engravings called tbe Milage Napoleon, to enable them to finish it in the style in which it has been commenced. — It is nola little singular that men of letters, che- mists, and mathematicians arc preferred aud employ- ed in every department of the French Imperial goyrrn- jnent; and that the Institute, and every thiinpipper- tainiug to art and science-, is described as being emi- nently distinguished aud encouraged; at the same time, th. it au inquisitorial police strikes terror into every family, and a general distrust and w ant of con- fidence paralyzes eveiy private energy of the people -. and commcrciid credit and trade are even in a worse state in France than they arc in England. The smugglers on the roast of Kent have lately been making large imports of contraband spirits. It is a fact, that at one small village they lately run, as it is quaintly called, in two successive nights, 2,500 casks of geneva and brandy; 1700 of which were actually landed in one night, and instantly dispersed. The loss the revenue will sustain 011 this adventure, is up- wards of 80,0001. Thursday rimming, in a house near the barracks, Glasgow, a Servant girl pnt up « folding bed, in which a fi T child of about 18 months old was sleepiny, with- out knowing the circumstance, and although the ac- cident was soon afterwards discovered, yet unfortu- nately tlie little innocent was smothered. Tuesday, Charles Diifi'cn, Esq. late Inspector- Ge- nrral of the Linen- Hall Establishment, Dublin, was tried at the Commission, and found guilty, upon an in- dictment for receiving money'upon false pretences, and for a fraud upon the Linen- Hall fund, in hav- ing made fak([: returns of money ^ aboat '.>- 01.) paid by him. EXTRAORDINARY SALE.— A few days since a most extraordinary sale took place, at the White II art, Sittiiigbourne :— A woman, of the name of Coveney, was led by a halter into one of the rooms, and sold to the highest bidder, together w ith five chil- dren, a horse and cart, and all her household furni- ture. A man at Newington was Ihe purchaser, for the sum of ten pounds. THE CONDOR.— Of this enormous bird, discordant and exaggerated descriptions have been exhibited, which among various other feats of prowess is said, like the roc of the Arabian Nights Entertainments, to have lifted an elephant into the air high enough to be killed by its fall. A modern traveller, Humboldt, lias given a more correct and temperate account of it. According to this intrepid traveller, tilt condor usu- ally resides among lofty Tocks, in the region of the Andes, on the verge of perpetual snow. When seated 011 the point of a rock, and viewed from below, es- pecially when contrasted with a clear sky, it appears considerably larger than it really is. It feeds oil both dead and living animals, and will perceive the Scent ofitsprey ata great distance. Two birds will seize 011 a heifer, and begin their work of destruction by pick- ing the eyes and tearing out the tongue. ' A method of taking condors alive is often practised iu Peru and Quito, aud is as follows, viz. a cow or horse is killed; and in a little time the scent of the carcase attracts the condors, which arc suddenly seen in numbers in places where 110 one would suppose they existed. They always begin with the eyes and tongue, and then proceed to devour the intestines. When they are well sated, they are too heavy anil indolent to fly, and the Indians take them easily with nooses. When thus taken alive the condor is dull and timid for the first hour, mid then becomes cx- titemclv. fcroclotl* Monsieur Humboldt had one in Ills possession for some days, which if was ilangerous to approach. The condor i « extremely tenacious of life; and will survive for a long time such wounds as might be supposed to prove immediately fatal; and such is the fulness of its plumage that it has the power of resisting or repelling the force of a ball fired at it from a gun.' HOUSE OF LORDS.— MONDAY. BERKELEY PEERAGE.— A Committee of Privileges sal th s day upon the Berkeley Peerage, but strangers were not admitted. LORD WALSINGHAM, in consequence of the re- commendation of the Committee moved, " That an htimhle address be presented to his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, requesting lie would appoint one of the Law Officers of the Crown to appear before their Lordships, in behalf of the claim of the second son of tbe late Earl of Berkeley." F. UIL GROSVENOH thought there was no necessity for addressing the Regent. In respect to the present claimant, they had only to ascertain whether it was a real marriage, which was said to have occurred in 1785, for upon that depended the succession to the Peerage. Tht Noble and Learned Lmdmithe wool sack had slated on a former occasion the delicacy which made it difficult for Lady Berkeley to act upon this occasion, and had suggested this mode for the ascertaining the claim of the second son. The LORD CHANCELLOR shortly observed, as lie had done 011 a former day, that under the circum- stances of the claimant, it Was desirable that not only a right, but a satisfactory decision should be come to on the claim to this Peerage. He had suggested the propriety of engaging the Law Officers of the Crown for both the parties, one for the claimant, and the other for the second soil.— The motion was agreed to. The DUKE of CLARENCE moved, " That the order for tbe consideration of the claim to this Peerage in the Committee, fixed for to- morrow, lie discharged, and that the same be appointed for Thursday, on which day he moved that the Lords be summoned."— Ordered. LORD HOLLAND, in a speech of considerable length aud ability, brought forward his motion on the sub jeet of informations filed ex officio, by the Attorney- General. The arguments which his Loidship niade use of 011 this occasion tended to shew that the power which the Attoruey- tJerieial possessed of Kiing infor- mations for libels," had been abused by pie present Attorney- General, which he said he would prove by shewing that upwards of40 informations had been prosecuted 110 farther, but had been held ill teirorem over tlie heads of the accused, with the view of pre- venting them from speaking with that freedom and decision on the government ot the country w hich they had been accustomed to do. He thought therefore that some alteration iu the law on this point was ab- solutely necessary, and 111 order to elucidate tbe sub- ject, lie should move for a list of such informations fin- the last lOyoars. LORDS ELLENBOROUGH, EL- DON, and LIVERPOOL, opposed the motion, contend- ing that the Attorney- General had fulfilled the duties of his office with great moderation. The motion was Subsequently lost by 24 to 12. TUESDAY.— TIE EARL of AYLESFORD reported the answer of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, to their Lordships' Address of yesterday, respecting the Berkeley Peerage, importing that directions w ould be given accordingly. HOUSE OF COMMONS.— MONDAY. Mr. WHITB'REAO said he had understood from the CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER 011 a former night, that tlie discussions between America and this country were not broken off, for that a Minister Plenipoten- tiary had been appointed from this country, and that the American Minister had left a Charge d'Affaifes behind him, with power to continue the discussions. He was induced again to mention this subject, be- cause it was understood out of doors, and ( he had ascertained) was the opinion of Sir, I'inckney himself, that no discussions were pending, and that the Charge d'Affaires was not instructed by his Government to continue the discussions. The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER said, he was pretty sure that when he. meuiioned that an Ameri- can Charge d'Affaires was to be left 111 this country, he stated that it was for carrying on tlie accustomed political relations between the two countries: but that he never stated or implied that he was to carry ou the discussion of the particular points in dispute between the two countries. There was a great deal of difference, however, between the cessation of the discussion, and the discussion being broken off'. His Majesty's Ministers did not conceive the discussion to be closedi On the contrary, the Minister who was going to America, would take over propositions which Government conceived to be entitled to a favourable reception in America. In a Committee of Supply, Lono PALMERSTON moved the animal Army Estimates, which varied little from those of some years past. He stated that the whole landed force of the country amounted to 349,321 men, the expence of which was 15,316,9251. The casualties he estimated at 24,000, and as the recruiting did not afford a sufficient number to supply the de- ficiencies thus occasioned, and as the militia establish- ment ( 92,000) was greater than necessary, it was pro- posed to reduce that establishment, by allowing 10,000 to volunteer into the line: no new ballot, how- ever, would be necessary before 1812. In the course of his speech, his Lordship said, that the number of training days for the local militia w ould he reduced to 14, which would save 110,0001. annually. After some debate, the various resolutions were agreed to. Mr. MARTIN presented a petition from certain booksellers, praying a repeal of that part of the Act of the 39th of the King, which inflict* a penally 011 persons selling books, and not having tlie printer's name inserted at the beginning and end thereof. Ordered to he on the table.— Mr. Martin then gave notice, ( hat he should, ou that day fortnight, move for the repeal. TUESDAY.— Mr. BROUGHAM brought in a Bill relating to the Abolition of the Slave Trade, which was reada first, and ordeied to be read a secoud time to morrow. [ The object of the three Bills now in the House of Commons, introduced by Sir Samuel Roujilly, is to substitute transportation or imprisonment, or impri- sonment and hard labour, at the discretion of the Court, for any term not exceeding 7 years, for tiie puinshmeiit of death, in cases of stealing 111 ilwelling- liouses, ships, barges, ire. to the value of 40s. and stealing privately in shops to the value of 5s.] Mr. Pratt, of Grantham, it is e'pfcted, will under- take his task of riding from York to London, a dis- tance of 180 miles, in nine hours, an the 19tli mstant: he is to stiu t at Yolk at eight o'riock in the morning, and will have 40 horses 011 the mad. Odds are 5 to 4 against the performance, but Mr. Pratt is confident of success. SOMERSET COCNTY MEETING.— At a very numer- ous and highly respectable meeting of freeholders and other ii habitants of the county at Wells on Monday, il by the High Sheriff pursuant to a requisition, Mr. H. Hiiut prpposedaa Address to his R. H. the Prince Regent, ' which, WBri ari expression of grateful thanks for his acceptance of the office, and of un- bounded confidence in his talents and virtues, censured the restrictions imposed upon him; lamented the heavy and increasing burthen of taxation; and recom- mended a Reform of Pailialneiit as the only effectual check to corruption, aud surest relief under the peril- ous situation of the country. Mr. Jones Burdeft seconded the motion— Another Address, of more temper, was moved by Colonel Horner, seconded by the Rev. Canon Trevelyan, and ably supported by Sir J. C. Hippesley, wiio replied very fully and par- ticularly to Mr. Hunt. Sir T. Aelaud, and Mr, Stevens ( of Stowey,) followed on the same side.— Dr. Waddington, and Mr. Power, spoke for the iginal address; the latter vindicated Mr. Waithman, whose, name had been mentioned witli severity by Mr. Stevens.— Mr. Goodford, a magistrate, who bad signed the requisition, disclaimed all concurrence in the Address of Mr. Hunt, or 111 the sentiments with which it was introduced. Ou a shew of bands, the amended Address was carried by a majority of at least 8 to I ; and is to be presented by the High Sheriff, accompanied by tiie County Members, aud such other Noblemen and Gentlemen as may find it convenient to accompany him. Tbe ntmvst decorum was observed throughout; and the very correct and impartial conduct of tlie ShermVteeiveO tile mmm- iiioiiB approbation of the meeting. SHROVE TUESDAY.— The following account of the origin of frying pancakes on this day, is copied from Mr. Gale's Recreations:— One Simon Eyre, a shoemaker, being chosen Lord Mayor of London, instituted a pancake- feast 011 Shrove Tuesday, for all the apprentices iu London; and from that it be- came a custom. He ordered that, upon the ringing of a bell in every parish, the apprentices should leave oft' work, and shut up their shops for that day; which being ever since yearly observed, is called the Pancake Bell. In that same year he built Lcadcnhall, viz. 1400. OBSERVATIONS ON THE REGENT'S SPEECH. ( From tlie Mon/ tcw.) The Moniteur of the 27th ult. contains some obser- vations upon tlie Prince Regent's speech on the open- ing ( if Parliament, 111 which the writer endeavours to shew that there is no foundation for those passages in the Regent's speech which speak of our successes. This laboured commentary furnishes itself its best refu- tation. When he confesses that our naval superiority necessarily place* his colonies at our disposal, aud adds, that tbe loss of them is rather a benefit than an injury, we may ask him, why he expressed such anger at the fall of Martinique? Why he exulted over the prospect of the long and successful resistance which the Isle of France w ould make ? or why he told 11s with such triumph, in the war with Austria, that it was on the Danube he would conquer '•' Ships, Colo- nies, and Commerce," ( since which war he has lost them all ?) But his colonies cost him Vast sums, and these sums may now be applied to building ships of the line! But the colonies and the commerce poured more wealth into France than they cost in maintaining them, and if he has neither colonies nor commerce, whence is the money to come to build those 120 sail of the line and 200 frigates ? " In Sicily wc could not repulse the enemy, because he made no at tack upon us 11!" But it is upon the subject of the campaign in Por- tugal that the writer displays the most ingenious rea- soning, and the greatest geographical knowledge " It is absurd," he says, " till' 11s to talk of having defended Portugal, when we constantly retreated before the French, lui^ il vn^ ot nitiva position » o strong that we efulil not l » e forced out df jt. • Suppose, ( says he) the French ha ® landed at Edinburgh, and had taken pos- session of all Scotland ( by marching to tiie southward, as it should seem)— Suppose also that the English ar- my had constantly retreated before them with a torch in one hand anil steel in the other, destroying every thing in their way, until they reached the heights of London, aud there, posted 011 desert and inaccessible mountains, with one wing upon the Thames ai d tiie other 011 the sea, fortified with 1500 pieces of heavy artillery, it maintained its ground, would you call that a defence of England? and what would the inhabitants of Essex and Middlesex say to yon for destroying their country?" We candidly confess ourselves unable to answer sreat part of this question. In the first place, we really are unacquainted with those desart and inac- cessible mountains in the vicinity of London to which he ailndes, unless perhaps he means High gate, Hamp- stead, andPiimrose Hills, nor can we conceive how an army situated upon t: ose heights could have one of its wings upon the Thames and the other upon the sea. Having favoured us with this happy illustration ofthe campaign in Portugal, the writer proceeds to give ns some information which, we believe, will astonish some people 111 this country, particularly the Oppo- sition speakers and writers'. While they were daily terrifying us with their predictions about Lord Wel- lington being driven into tlie sea, and expressing their patriotic,, hopes, that lie might be lucky enough to embark before tee French caught him, little did they think, good easy souls, that Bonaparte was playing a much deeper game. - Nothing, he assures us, could lie farther from his intentions, or more contrary to his interest, than that the English sir utd be driven out of Portugal, at least for Sor e years. The writer, professing to know nothing about the intentions of Bonaparte, expresses lus hope that Massena will not attack ns, but tha lie will munceurre for two or three years to come!!! If the English attack Massena, says the Moniteur, aud beat liiin, why they will meet another French army before they have made two marches ; but if the English are defeated, they are ruined, because the loss of 60,000 men is more to them than tiie loss of 5' H), 000 to the French, and for tins very good arithmetical reason, that the population of England is only equal to one- third of that of France I GLOC EST f R SHI Ft E. TO BE ISOLD BY AUCTION, by' EDl\ A1W KOHT. EY, ( On the Premises.) 011 Friday and Saturday, the 15th and 16th davs " of March, 1811, ( and not im the day before- mentioned, being the Vast- day;)— Part of tiie VALUABLE LIVE AND DEAD S'l OCK ; Also part of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, C ASKS, and other Effects, of Mr. Humphry Cooper, at Pvton, in the parish ef Dyinnck, in this county, who is going to leave the Farm: comprising four very good and useful cart horses, a very fine two- year- eld horse colt, of the cart kind ; and a very active Welch poney; seven barren cows in very good condition, and two cows in calf; seven tnps, 1* 8 wether sheep, 81 ewes with lambs and in lamb, in lots; and six good sized store pigs; a large wheat rick, a quantity of barley in the mow; also a quantity of threshed barley • three packs of wool; two waggons and fh ripples, two broad- wheel carts; three ploughs, five pair of harrows, bar ey roll, three foddering cubs, five sets of geering, 120 hurdles in lots, winnowing fan, & c. & c. ; a good clock and case; dining tables, pillar and claw tables, four- post bedstead and furniture, stump bedsteads, iron stove, pewter dishes and plates, steel fender, beam and settles, scales and weights, large bucking and other tubs, also 55 good and well- seasoned casks of different sizes, in lots, fie. & c. The sale to begin each morning precisely at ten o'clock. The stock to be sold the first day. White Horse Inn, Cains- Cross. TO HE SOLD BY AUCTION, by C. BUDDING, On the above- mentioned premises, on Wednesday, the 13th day of March, 1611, and continue tlie follow- ing davs, till the whole is disposed of ;— All the GENUINE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, China, Glass, and other Effects, of Mr. George Brooke, ( who is going to decline busi- ness in favour of Mr. Brown,) comprising eleven four- post and tester bedsteads, with rich chintz, copper- plate, and other furniture ; six stump bedsteads, seven- teen feather and flock beds, ofthe very first quality ; flock mattrasses ; very valuable bed and table linen ; also quilts, counterpanes, Witney and other blankets ; floor and bedside carpets; mahogany and oak bureaus, and chests of drawers* mahogany dining and other ta- bles ; ditto aud other bason- stands; pier and dressi g- glasses; handsome clock, in mahogany case ; maho- gany parlour ami other chairs; a collection of curious pruits, in gilt frames; a very large assortment of china and glass; about 60 dozen of old wine bottles; with a variety of other domestic articles. Also, a rick of prime HAY, and two fatting pigs, which will he put up for sale on the first day. N. B. The Auctioneer, to oblige the company, will put up the whole of the furniture of any particular room in lots, on request. The sale to begin each day at ten o'clock. xc T° by SALE AT PRESTON- COURT, IVithin three miles of Ledbury, in thf county of Hereford, XO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, bv 1 C11ARLES SHARE, O11 Friday and Saturday, the 22nd and 23d days of March, 1011;— All that much- admired and celebrated LIVE STOCK, OF THE GENUINE HEREFORDSHIRE BREED, the property of Mr. CHARLES WOOD, of Preston- Court; coniprising4feedingoxeu 6 yearsold, 38 work- ing oxen and steeis, 25 very choice cows and calvesj 1 tat cow, 5 two- year- old heifers, 4 yearling heifers, 1 Very capital four- year old bull, and a fine yearling bull.— This Stock of Cattle w ill be found worthy tbe attention of the public, being one of the best ever of- fered for sale; for beauty and symmetry, none can ex ceed them in the county of Hereford. The Horses consist of 7 very stout, young and heal thy cart geldings, and 9 suits of geejuig; 1 blood mare 5 yearsold, 1 very useful hackney gelding 4 years old, an excellent poncy six years old, i blood biooit mare with a fi . ley by Ratler, 2 biood brood mares 111- foal by Sublimate, 1 yearling colt bv Ratter, and two yearling fillies by rtie ^ amv horse; 186 store sheep of the Rye- laud breed, and .', « > good store pigs ; with about 800 bushels of wheat thrashed and uuthrashed, and 400 bnshe'sof beans. Upwardsof 100 seasoned cider hogs heads in excellent repair, with various implements of husbandry, dairy utensils, and " other effects, which will be particularised in catalogues to be had in due time at the Hi tel, Hereford; Kng'sHead, Glocester ; Unicom, Worcester; Feathers Inn, Ledbury ; King's Head, Ross.; Lion, Upton; and other principal Inns in the towns adjacent. Tiie sale will commence each morning precisely at ten o'clock. All the cattle and horses to be old the first day; the sheep, pigs, and dead stock, on the second iiav, T WORCF. STF: RSHIRE. O BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by IV. MOORE and SOS, Oil Monday aud Tuesday, March 18 and 19, 1811;— ALL THE CAPITAL LIVE STOCK, Hay, Corn, Implements of Husbandry, Dairv Uten- sils, Cider Casks, part of the HOUSEHOLD FUR- NITURE, and other Effects, on the premises of tbe late Mr. FRANCIS HATCH, at QUEENHILL, within a short distance of the Turnpike- road leading from Upton- iipon- Severn to Glncoster, and of the Bridle- Road leading from Upton to Tewkesbury ; consisting of 11 prime dairy cows aud calves, or to calve, 1 three- year- old heifer and calf, 5 barren cows, 3 two- year- old heifers, and 3 yearling heifers ; 6 very capital young full- tailed cart geldings and mares; 46 ewes and lambs, 24 wethers, 27 tegs, and 1 ram, 1 sow, and 11 hilt in- farrow; 1 rick of beans, 3 ricks of hay, and 1 rick of clover ; 3 narrow- wheeled waggons, 1 broad- wheeled cart, drill, long and hammock ploughs, 4 sets of long and 2 of ( kilters' geering, drags, harrows, dray, I'nrley- r II, milk eai riage, hair cloths, winnowing fans, sieves, ladders, staddles, stones, and other implements of husbandry, cheese- presses, churns, skeels, milk- lead, cowls, vats, and dairy utensils ; 3 hogshead . of perry, 2 store casks, and 1 U « Rsh. ead of cider; 35 empty hogsheads, and 3 store casks-, bedsteads with and without hangings, well- seasoned featw and flock beds, blankets and bed quilts; dining, dressing, and tea tables, bureau, chests of drawers, linen cheats, « n excellent clock, and a general assortment < f parlour, chamber, and kitchen requisites; mash tubs, sheds, and brewing utensils: about 15 cvvt. of best- making and two- meal cheese ; a quantity of bacon, and many other useful articles ; the whole of which is expressed iu catalogues, that may be had at the Maidenhead, Gloccster; Feathers, Ledbury ; King's- Head, and Star, Upton; at the place of sale ; and of the Auc- tioneers, Tewkesbury. " ELEGANT AND MODERN FURNITURE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by W. MOORE and SOX, On Monday, Tuesdays and Wednesday, the 2Sth 26th, and 27th days of March, 1811, beginning pre- cisely at ten o'clock each morning;-- All the MODERN AND ELEGANT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Books, China, Glass, Brewing Utensils, Casks, and other Effects, at the RECTORY HOUSE, in the parish of UPTON- UPON- SEVERN; Mr. Baines meaning in future to re- serve only a small part of the Rectory House to him- self. The Effects comprise mahogany fluted four- post, tent, and tester bedsteads, with rich chintz, cotton, dimity, and harrateen hangings and window- curtains to match ; ten prime seasoned feather beds, hair and wool mattresses, straw palliases, Witney blankets, Marseilles quilts and cotton counterpanes ; an elegant issortiiieiit of mahogany furniture, in Cumberland, dining, Pembroke, card, library, dressing, and night tables, a very handsome sideboard, double and single chests of drawers, and wash- hand- stands; mahogany, fancy- painted, and stained chairs, neat pier and dres- sing glasses, a beautiful convex mirror, in rich gold frame, Wilton and Scotch floor, bedside, and stair- case carpeting, paintfd floor- cloth, a pair of sofas, with elegant chinz covers, and draw window- curtains, with modern drapery heads to correspond ; an excel- lent mouth clock, and a general collection of drawing- rooin, parlour, chamber, and kitchen furnitures, dai- ry and culinary utensils; an assortment of china and earthenware, in breakfast, dinner, tea, and supper services, a variety of cut glass, in decanters, trifle- dishes, castors, salts, jelly, wine, tumbler, iimimer, custard, and finger glasses, together with japan tea- urns, tea- trays, waiters, and other japan ware; a mash- tub, working- tubs, skeels, and brewing requisites, i and about 20 well- seasoned casks of various sizes. A prime dairy cow, useful ponev, rick of hay, cart, i set of geerii. g, hurdles, ladders, wheelbarrows, gar- | den- roll, cueninber- fraine, and a variety of fanning j aud garden tools. Catalogues may he had a week previous to the ' sale, - at the Hop- pole, Worcester ; Feathers, Ledbu- ry: King's Head, Glocester; White Lion, Upton ; at the place of sale; and of the Auctioneers, Tewkesbury. Capital Oak and 1 Im 1 imher • TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, G) J) 1 Prime l . LM f I VI BER TREES, with I their Lop and Top, now standing on the Manor of Pool, near. Cirencester, all marked and numbered with white paint. Also, Two Hundred and Seventy- eight OAK TIMBER TREES, standing on the aforesaid Manor, also numbered with white paint, with their Lop, Top, and Bark. The above timber is of the best quality, the Elm particularly sound, lengthy, and of large dimensions, for the most part affording capital keel- pieces, and Timber adapted to Canal, Wharf, anil Pipe- work. The Oak will be found well worth the attention of Ship- builders and Timber- merchants. To treat for this Timber, which will be sold ill two Separate lots, apply to Mr. Ilayward, Kenible, near Cirencester, w ho will shew the Timber, and prolin e Conditions of Contract. N. 15 The Thames and Severn Canal adjoins the Manor of Pool, within a mile and a lialf; the best markets aie therefore by its means attainable. GLOCi'- STl-. RSKIRE. A lent desirable Estat:. ii ! .. O BE SOLD BY AUCTION, b" Mr. tVHITE, At the Ange! Inn, in Colford, r. n Friday, the 22 I of March inst. at four o'clock in the afternoon, agroeahiy to condition* that will then t> e produced : — LOT 1. A " nbstantial Barn, Beast- house, Fold, and FOUR PIECES of ex'cuiviit ARABLE LAND, containing about 44 acres; together with aboiitTWO ACHES of COPPICE W() Oi>. LOT 2. A substantial aud convenient STONE- BUILT HOUSE, large walled Garden, Barn, Stable, Beast- bouse, Granary, anil other useful Out- biiilil- uus, in good repair; and sundry Inclosares rf rtr- fr ARABLE, MEADOW, PASTURE, and OR, CHARDING, containing about 40acres, 20 whereof are Water- meadow, of the very first quality. LOT 3. THREE PIECES of prime AR ABLE LAND, containing about 24 antes, and a COPPICE WOOD, ten acres, with a great number of ( 1 ue thriv- ing young OAKS growing therein. The above Lands are of very superior qualities, and in a high state of cultivation, having been many years in the occupation of the Proprietor, are situate at Stow, in the parish of St. Briavels, distant seven miles from Chepstow, six from Monmouth, three from Col- ford, aifd about one from ihe navigable River Wye. LOT 4. A Cottage, Garden, Orchard, and small Coppice, in the occupation of Rd. Price, a yearly te- nant, situate near the other lots. LOT 5. Two Tenements, and Gardens, situate in the parish of Clearwell, in the. occupation of James Rnilge, and John Wilinot, yearly tenants Mr. John Howell, the proprietor, wil shew t ie property ; of whom any furtherparticulars may be had, or of the Auctioneer, Colford. N. B. Immediate po- session may he had of llif three first Lots. VALUABLE FARMING SI'OCK, Dairy Utensils, ft*. BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Mr. WHITE, On Tuesday, the? Cth day of March, 1SI1, and tha following days;— The entire LIVE STOCK, Consisting of C ' ws, Oxen, Horses, Sheep, P gs. Fir •• ing Implements, Dairv Utensils, and part of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, at the Gra-. ee Farm, in the parish of W . stlinry upon- Severn, in the county of Glocester, the property of Mrs. MARY BIRT, who is going to leave the Farms Comprising thirteen Very useful dairy cows, with calves, or to calve; two fat cows, two three- year- old heifers in- calf, four two- year- old heifers, six tur e- vear- ohi steers, six two- year- old ditto, eignt yearling beasts, eight capital worMng oxeu ; six useful eart horses, one nag horse; 80 ewes aud lambs, and to vean j two rams, 25 wether sheep, 55 yearling sheep, crossed with Ihe Ryeland breed ; nine capital store pigs, one sow in- pig ; two broad- wheel wafigons, two nairow ditto, two broad- wheel ox- wains, one broail- wtieel cart, one roller, three pair of liarr ws one draL', four ploughs, five sets of long cecrs, tw 1 sets of tuilier's ditto, ox- yokes and chains, all 111 good condition; 15 cow cribs, one rick of clover, a quantity of hay, a num- ber of excellent casks well bound, and several other articles, which will be expressed 111 catalogues previous- to the sale. HFREFORDSHIRE. * TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, W. HANDY, At the George Inn, in the town of Ledbury, on Tues- day, the 12th day of March inst. at thri e o'ciotk in ti. e afternoon, subject to conditions of sale then to be produced, in Fourteen Lots;- The following FREEHOLD EST'A I KS AND PREMISES, Cexcept a small part, which is Copyhold of Inh ritanee,) situate in the several parishes of Ledbury, Munsley, Aylton, and Pixlev, in the cou . t\ ef Hereford, viz ~ LOT 1 Q V ATS FO R D- HOUSE, with stable, barn, Imp kilns, cyder house, garden, fish poi ds, shrubbery, lire, and about 110 Aerts of rich Meadow, Pasture, and Arable Land, also a Grirve of 5 Aeri- s, full of very thriving Maiden Oaks, situate in ti. e parish of Ledbury. The House as la'ely been , ular « ed and completely repaired, and is fit for the imme iiafe re- ception of a Gentleman's Family ; it consists of a very good dining parlour, drawing room, butler's p tn, servant's hall, kitchen, back kitchen, dairy, and e e other pantry, 011 the ground floor, with good cdlar under part ofthe house, a lime breakfast loom, c - mandmj a fine view of the Malvern ami otlier - in the neighbourhood; fi * e good bed chambers, ar. d ' wo closets or dressing rooms, a store room and - HI a an- trv, on the first floor; with three comfortable . em over part of Ihe first floor, and two large rooms for men servants over t e back kitchen. The Plantation is, pel- naps, f-. r 11s extent, the host in the county, and capable ot bearing m one year some hundred hogsheads of perry and cyder, of the first quality. LOT 2. MA RLE Y HALL; consisting of a good Farm House, barns, stables, hop kilns, cyder house ISL- C, conveniently situate, and abonl 140 Acres of rich Meadow, Pasture, and \ rable Land, Willi a pretty good Plantation of Fruit Trt ' 6s, ami Two Cottages on * also situate in the parish of Ledbury. N. B. There is a Modus for Hay and Flint oil thesa two Lots. LIT 3 CALLOW HILLS; consists of a very commodious and convenient Mansion House, with barns, stables,. a very large cyder house, ISJC. with about 150 Veres of fine Meadow aud Xrable Lind, situate in the parishes of Ledbury and Mtilisiey; with a large Plantation of Fruit Trees, capable of bearuij; some hundred hogsheads of cyder and perry in a year, aud about 9 Acres of Coppice or Wood Land. There is a Modus for Hay and Fruit on that part lying in the/ parish of Ledburv. LOT 4. Two Pieces of PASTURE LAND, called the Uppir and Lower Oldlaiuls, containing about 16 Acres, also lying in the parish of Ledbury; covered bv a Modus for- Hay and Fruit. . LOT 5, A COTTAGE, with Garden and Orchard, called I Yatlis Green, containing rather more than an Acre. LOT 6. Another COTTAGE, and Blacksmith's Shop, with Garden and Orchard, containing about half an Acre. LOT 7. BRICK- HOUSE FARM; consisting of a House, with bam, stable, fee. and about 68 Aercs of good Meadow, Pasture, and Arable Land, situate in the parishes of Aylton and Pixley, with a good Plantation of Fruit Trees upon it; a fine stream runs through this Estate, aud the fall of water is sufficient for a Corn Mill, which it is conceived would answer to the Purchaser to erect. LOT 8. A COPPICE called Short Croft, situate in the parish of Aylton, containing about 6 acres. LOT 9. \ Piece of ARABLE LAND, lying in a common field called I'vrse field, 111 the parish of Munsley, containing about I acre. LOT 10. A Piece of ARABLE I AND, lying in a common field called Ode, iu the said parish, contain- ing about ail acre, well planted with Fruit Trees. LOT 11. Another Piece of inclosed ARABLE LAND, lying in a common field called Longden, in the said parish, containing about au acre, well plant- ed with Fruit frees. LOT 12. A, Piece of GARDEN GROUND, con- taining about 20 perches, lying 111 a Pasture Ground opposite the Cottage called Brockanton, otherwise the School House, IN the said parish. Lot 13. A COTTAGE, Garijen, arid Orchard of Pasture Land, called Brockanton's, otheiwisc the School House, in the said parish of Munsley, contain- ing about an Acre and a quarter. LOT 14. Tiie MANOR of NETHER MUNSLEY, with the ChiefRents, & c thereunto belonging, N. B. Half the Purchase Money of Lots I, » '. 3, and 7, may remain on Mortgage of the respective Lots, tor 3 years certain, aud as most of the Land is in the occupation of tiie Proprietor, actual possession may be had of most ofthe Lots upon the completion ofthe Contract. * For further particulars apply ( if by letter, post paid,) to the Auctioneer, Worcester; al the Office ol Messrs. Rickards and 1 luikins, in Ledbury; or at Quatsford House, where ja person is in attendance ti> shew the Lots. » f SATURDAY'S POST. LONDON, THURSDAY, MAR. 7. PRICE OF STOCKS THIS HAY. 5? - per Out. Cons, money, 65$$-' for account, 66}. Navy 5 per Cent. 9Til— Omnium 5|- dis. IRerfieed 4 per Cent. — lRx. Bills 7s. to lis. prem.— Bonds 25s. prem. THE KING. * jf^ M'Efollowing are the bulletins issued from Wind- X sor Castle, of bis Majesty's health, since our MARCH ' l.— Tlic King remains in the same state which he was yesterday. V. THTH 2.— His Majesty goes on well. M ARCH 3.— His Majesty remains in the same state i.'. i which he has been during the last few days. MARCH 4.— His Majesty is going on well. M ARCW 5.*— His Majesty is nearly in the same state *•'. slay in which he was yesterday. M ARCH 6.— His Majesty continues to go on w ell. MARCH 7.— His Majesty is going on favourably. '{' lie Speculation cutter. Captain Dyer, arrived at F. dinOutli on Monday, from Lisbon, after a passage « t * ix days. From the accounts brought by this ves- > i l it appears that Massena has sent off all his heavy Midi lie ry and baggage, from which it is conjectured ill Lisbon that he either meditates on a battle, or a It treat into Spain. The French army is described * being still in great w ant of provisions, while the British troops are almmlaiitly supplied with every tiling, and eager for an engagement. We are happy to udd, Oil the authority of the Captain of'TbeSpeeu- l. it'io; , tint the tioops under the Command of Sir Joseph Yurke, had arrived in the Tagus. Few of I'm men had been sick on the passage— and the whole, lii high health artd spirits, were disembarking when tie- Speculation came away. We received at a late hour this morning Moniteurs *! id other Paris pajiers to the 28th nit. Caulaincourt i certainly about to leave Petersburgh. \ letter from Washington says, thit the subject of it. bate in the House of Representatives with closed doors, is a bitl reported to the House bv Montgomery, » elliorisiilg the President to take possession of the Florida!. This bill, involving the question of peaCe fir war with Great Britain, ( as it is said Mr. Morier h is declared that England would take part with Spain) il was thought more expedient to debate with closed doors. The discussion was Confined exclusively to tile' democratic members; anil it was supposed would Weitpy several days longer.— New York Evening Post. . Mexico Gazettes to tlic 16th of December reached ns yesterday. They contain a full report ofthe state of that colony; by which it appears that a second conspiracy, after the former was crushed by General Venegas, was formed to overturn the whole govern- ment, which tile same General frustrated by bis vigilant and prompt condnet. Sir James Sauniarez is arrived front Guernsey, for the purpose oftakitig thecommand ofthe Baltic Fleet. Lord William Bentinck is appointed Commander in Chief of the British forces, as well as Minister Pleni- potentiary in Sicily. Major- General Frederick Mait- luild is fo be Second id command, and both with the r. ttik of Lieutenant- General. The Hon. Frederick Laipbe goes out as Secretary offiegatiotf, ( Jfir John Cradnck is appointed Governor, as well Rs Commander ill Chief at the Cape of Good Hope. Yesterday the Committee appointed by the House if Commons fo enquire into the commercial situation of the country, met, when Sir Robert Peel., under- went a long examination as to the situation of the ex- tensive district of Yorkshire, Cheshire, atidLaneashire, respecting the state of the manufactures. Mr. Mait- land gave information to the Committee lis to the * lnte of the woollen niaiiiifhctlires in the We't of England, aud Mr. Cowley as to the state ofthe linen manufactures in the North of England and in Scot- tiiid. Mr. Keymer also gave information as to the quantity of West India produce now loading the warehouses, for which at present there is no market. The Committee of Irish Catholics having termi- nated the necessary arrangements for the presentation of their petition to both Houses of Parliament, have adjourned to the third Tuesday in April. Hie House of Commons yesterday , in a Committee of Supply, voted the following sums:— 9.280i. for dissenting ministers in England and Ire- land. 78. TO 01, for the confining and employ mailt of convicts at borne. 1,32< M. St. VA for the poorof the parishof St. Martin. [ A resolution fur granting 101"/, 11s. fid. to make rood the deficiency ofthe grant for prosecutions, was postponed till Friday next.} 4000/. for prosecutions relative to the coin. 5000/. for fees on passing- public accounts. 175,000/. for foreign and other secret service money. 20,000?. tor law cha rges. 12,00( 1/. for expences of the Bow- street Office. 21,000'. for pfi. nfMig the Lords' Journals. 80002. for incidental printing expellees. 16nlV. for salaries to certain officers of both Houses. John Span, late of Bristol,' was unfortunately kil- led in a duel, in January last, with an officer of the garrison ofTrinidad. Lord SomCrvitle's Spring Shew of Cattle.— Monday a vrty lai^ e concourse of agriculturists assembled In Mr. Sadler's yard, in Gosw ell- street, to examine the niany fine animals which were exhibited for liis Lord- ship's prize cups and implements of agriculture, Arc. A great nuniber of animals were shewn, and several implements, & c. About five o'clock on Tuesday near 40O persons sat down to a most excellent dinner, given bv Lord Soniervil! e,' in Freemasons' Hall. His Lord- » hip in the chair, supported by the Duke of Bedford, and a numerous body of noblenieu and gentlemen. EXECUTION.— This morning N. Hepburn, late an Ensign iu the army, and T. White, a drummer kov, w ere executed in frdlit of Newgate, for an abo- minable crime. White appeared to be about 17 or 18 years of age, and stared wildly round when brought out upon the scaffold.— Hepburn was a miserable aud squalid looking wretch, about 50 yeart of age, with nothing ofthe appearance of an officer or » gentleman, and seemed extremely anxious to con- ceal himself from public view. They were both Hunched into eternity after spending a few seconds in prayer with the clergyman. GLOCESTERSHIRE. ALL Persons who stand indebted to the Estate and Effects of WILLIAM, ROBERTS, late • f A^ heiworth, Gentleman, deceased, are hereby re- quested to pay the saint immediately, to Mr. Gardner, " solicitor, ( Wcce& ter, wlio is duly authorised to receive die same; atul oi! persons who have any Claim or Demands on the Estate and Effects of the said deceas- ed, are requested lo send their accounts immediately * o tiie said Mr. Gardner, in order that they may be ^ tdjiisted and discharged. GILES ROBERTS, Administrator of the said tieceased. Asl. elwr rt! i, Feb 13, 1811. '" I^ O lie SOLD by Private Contract, a roomy 1 a ltd substantial" FREEHOLD MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, or INN, called the GEORGE INN, with extrusive cellars, and a convenient, brew- hoiuje nn which is an excellent pump of water) and other out- building*, and u stniili Garden attached, eligibly iituated in the town of Hmlev, and iftxv in die pos- f eiision iff Mr. Giles Frank lin, Tiie it bote is we I accustomed, and in go nl repair, the purchaser may have immediate possession. The slock ofvpniu, bu t, casks, ir. to be taken at ~ fair valuation. For further particulars, and to tiest, apply to Mr. ( rues Fiiinklin, the proprietor ; or to Ml. George Mason, I ulicitur, Mmtumlaiiipton. < § locestet\ SATURDAY, MARCH 9. His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales has been pleased to appoint the Rev. Kyrle Ernie Money, A. B. of Oriel College, Oxford, Vicar of Much Marcle, in the county of Hereford, to he one of liis Chaplains in Ordinary. The Rev. Whittiugdon Landou, D. D. Provost of Worcester College, Oxford, is appointed to the place or dignity of Prebend in the cathedral church of Norwich. The Lord Chancellor has appointed the Rev. Dr. Griffith, Master of University College, to the living of Rawmarsh, in Yorkshire, void by the resignation ofthe Rev. C. A. Stewart, who succeeds to the rec- tory of ljwhurst, Surry. Monday . se'nnight was married, at Montgomery, Mr. Maddy, of Madly, Herefordshire, to Mrs. Her- bert, of tiie former place. Monday se'nnight was married, Mr. S. Kinsey, So- licitor, of Evesham, to Miss Selkirk, daughter of Mr. W. Selkirk, of Aston, hear Birmingham. Oil the 27th nit. died, at Clifton, the Countess Dowager of Cavan. On Monday last died, R. Aiken, Esq. of St, George's Place, Cheltenham. A few days since died, sincerely regretted, in the 80th year ofhis age, Mr. Samuel Harman, a respect- able farmer, of Slinrdington, in this county. Ou Saturday died, at an advanced age, at West- hide, Mr. George Jenkins. We believe that there is a very general intention to devote the pulpit, on the Fast- Day, to the furtherance of the Subscription for the Relief of the British Prisoners in France. * On the 26tli illt. the Mayor of Bristol, attended by several members of that Corporation, presented an Address to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, on his being appointed Regent, and had the honour of kissing his hand. The Prince Regent was gracious- ly pleased to desire the Mayor to express his warmest acknowledgments for the attention of the citizens of Bristol.— Lord Grenville, the High Steward, accom- panied the deputation to the levee, and afterwards gave them a sumptuous entertainment at Camelford House, at which were present the Dukes of Norfolk and Somerset, Lords Hardwicke, Dononghuiore, Grosvcnor, Fortescue, Darnley, Lauderdale, Rosslyu, and Erskine, the Vice- Chancellor of Oxford, & c .& c. Oh Wednesday last, a few ofthe friends of Sir B. Wm. Giiise, Bart, residing at Dymock, in this coun- ty, gaVe a dinner to their brother freeholders, to celebrate the return of that gentleman as one of the representatives of the county, at which about 80 resi- dent freeholders, With other friends of the worthy Baronet, in the whole nearly 100, were regjdedin the good old English style of hospitality. After dinner, the health of Sir B. W. Guise, the firm supporter of the elective franchise, was drank with unbounded applause, and the evening was spent w ith the greatest conviviality. His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, has been graciously pleased to grant unto A. P. Wilson, ofthe city of Worcester, Doctor of Physic, only sou of A. Wilson, late of Shield- Hall, in the county ofRenfrew, in North Britain, deceased, and grandson of A. Wil- son, late of Glanders tim, in the Said county, by Su- sannah his wife, only child and iidir of John Phillip, of Almcl iecloss, in the county bf Angus, Esq. some- time Governor of the Dutch West India Island of St. Martin, also deceased, his Majesty's royal licence and authority, that lie and his issue may assume and take the surname of Phillip, in addition to and afler his present name of Wilson, On Saturday evening last, a little before ten o'clock, qs Mr. James White, a respectable farmer of Corse, and his brother- in- law, were on their return home from our market on horseback, wlmu V. itliin a - e" 11 dis- tance of the ham- gate at M'aisemore, they put out into a brisk pace, but, from some unknown accident, Mr. White's horse ran against the wall on the upptr side of the bridge, and precipitated him into the ri- ver, where he unfortunately perished; leaving a widow far advanced in pregnancy arid two infant children. rStie unhappy man was, for some time, heard imploring help, and efforts w ere made for his rescue; but. at that time of night there was not suffi- cient assistance at hand to effect it. He had consi- derable property about him, and was perfectly sober when he left his inn. Tjie most diligent search has been made for the body, but we have not heard that it has been attended with success. This day, the commission of assize will be opened here. The calendar for the county contains the names of 38 prisoners. A soldier of the 89th regt. was on Monday commit- ted to our city gaol, for robbing the ostler, at the Bell Inn. On Tuesday, Thomas Simmons was convicted, by Sir Wm. Hicks, Bart, in the mitigated penalty of 10s, for driving a cart along the pavement in the High- street, Cheltenham. Thomas Fowler, a weaver, of Berkeley, hung him- self, last week, from the staircase of the shop where he worked, and was soon afterquite dead. The cause ofthe rash act is supposed to have been some trifling quarrel with his shopmates. He has ieft a wife and seven children. Saturday evening last, between 7 and 8 o'clock, as Mr. Welsh; bricklayer, w as on his return from this city to Quedgley, he was stopped by two foot- pads, who presented a pistol, and robbed him ofhis pocket book, containing two guinea bills, and two one pound notes. It is said that Lucien Bonaparte is about to remove to Ludford Park, the seat of Lechtnere Charlton, Esq. The female equestrian, Miss Saunders, died lately, in consequence of injuries sustained by a fall from a horse during one of her exhibitions. Bristol March fair commenced on Friday, at which the show of cattle was poor in the extreme, and sales of course did!. The supply of leather was small, and sales not brisk; prices as follow :— Light crops, and middling ditto, 18d. toSOd.— hettvy do. 21d. to 22 § d.— best light shoe hides,- 21( 1. to S2d.~ best saddlers' do.. 20( 1. to 21d.— bull's, 16d. tn 17( 1.— prime heavy do. 16< l. to 17iJ.— light rounded do. ICd. to 18d.— horse hides, 17d. to 19d.— Spanish do. I6d. to I9d.— best skins, 3s. 5d. to3s. 7d.— second pattern do. 3*. to 3s. 3d.— heavy do. 2s. 8d. to 3s.— Welch do. 2s. 6d. to 2s. 9d.— kips 2s. tp2s. 6( 1.— RAW Goons: Buenos Ayres hides, fid. to " 7 jd.— light Irish hides, 35s. to 57s. per evvt.— heavy ox and cow, 36s. to38s.— Brazils, 4- Jd. to 5d.— Rio hides, 4$ d. to 6( 1. Mr. Corbett's valuable stud of hunters, twelve in number, were disposed of. at Stratford, on Thursday, by public auction ; two of them sold for 250 guiiicas each, and the whole brought upwards of 1220 guineas. IMPORTANT CAUTION.— On Tuesday two servants, ( the huntsman and whipper- in,) were found dead in their beds, ut the hunting- seat of Sir John Dashwood King, Bart, at Bourton- on- tlie- IIill, in this county. It appears, that on retiring to bed the preceding evening, conceiving the room where they slept ( over • one ofthe out- buildings) rather damp, they had taken up with them, from under a furnace, some live coals m an open coal- scuttle, which they left ill the middle of the room; but the place having no chimney or vent of any kind, and being closely shut up during the night, they must have been suffocated from the effect of the sulphuric gas. One of tliefn was'found in a sitting posture in bed, as if he had been aw oke by the oppression of his breath ; but ' doubtless at a moment when he was too much overcome, either to effect Ills escape, or create alarm. The pernicious influence of charcoal has often been experienced ; and w e trust, that the above melancholy catastrophe will operate equally as a warning against the use even of com- mon coal in similar confined situations, where there i » no draft or current of nir. Lawsoc. who was conceret- d with Robertson and Swan, in robbing the Falmoutii Bank, is committed to Ek< t, r goal, he has made a voluntary and full con fession of the various robberies committed in that neighbourhood, in which l; e had any knowledge or concern. He acknowledges partaking of the booty stolen from Sir Edward Pcllcw; the plate, he says, being carried to a public- Write kept by one Miles, was afterwards ( except a fish- slice found in the land- lord's possession) melted into bars. He own* himself accessary to various robberies on the premise of Mr. Welch, Miss Fox, Mr. Billing, and Mr. Disting, of Plymouth; and Mr. Phelps, Miss SaVery, Mr. M. Thomas, & c. Dock. Robertson, alias Thornley, who has been tried at the Old- Builey, and Swan, alias Lindsay, have hitherto escaped the vigilance of the officers. Robertson is by trade a whitesmith, and made the keys for the Falmouth Bank, and the Cus- tom- house ; it being his intention to visit the latter place, and afterwards Mr. Adams, the silversmith, at Exeter: they bad keys made-, and had twice entered the bank of Mr. Husbands in the town, but found no booty. From this discovery, Arnold and Swan, part of another gaiig, have been taken, and com- mitted to Exeter goal for robbing the Plymouth market of a quantity of cloth, & c. at the last fair. THE EAHL OF BERKELEY'S HOUNDS, Throw off Tuesday, March 12th, at Cliedworth Wood Thursday, 14th, — Guiting Wood. LORD FOLEY'S HOUNDS Meet on Monday, Marcji lltl), at Oakley Wood. Wednesday, the 13th, at O - koridge. Friday, the 15th, at Croome Perry Wood. <; toe ESTER INFIRMARY. Nuniber of Patients in the house. Men, - 69 Beds, - 72 Women, - 39 , - 45 CARMARTHEN CIRCUIT. Samuel Ifeywood, Serjeant at Law, ( hief Justice.— John Ralguy, F. sq. second Justice Cardigan. - Tuesday, April 2. Haverfordwest.— Monday, April 8. Carmarthen.— Saturday, April 13. LUNATIC ASYLUM. THE Committee appointed to superintend the Establishment of a Lunatic Asyltim at or near Glocester, request.!! GENERAL MEE TING of the CONTRIBUTORS to the said Establishment, at the Glocester Infirmary, oil Tuesday, the 12th of March, 1811, at twelve o'clock ill the forenoon, when a Plan of the intended Building, anil an Estimate of the ex- pellee of erecting the same, will be submittal! to their consideration. GEORGE TALBOT, Chairman. Glocester Infirmary, Jan. 16, 181 J. COW PON. .. THE POOR may be VACCINATED, bv apply- ing at Mr. FLETCHER'S SURGERY, on MONDAY'S or FRIDAYS, between the hours of nine and ten in the morning. CITY OF GLOCESTER, MARCH 8, 1811. FRANCES HUTCHINGS, widow of JOHN HUTCHING*, late of this City, Cheese- factor, de- ceased, returns her best thanks and acknowledgments to the Friends of her late Husband, and to the Public in general, for the great encouragement which lie re- ceived from them in the line of bis business for more than two and twenty years last past ; and begs leave to inform those friends in particular, and the public in general, that she intends carrying on the same busi- ness for the benefit of her Infant Children, and hopes for a continuance of that patronage and those favours wliicli her late Husband experienced from them iu the Trade. All Persons who have any Claim or Demand upon the Estate and Effects of he r late Husband, are hereby requested to transmit, or deliver, Particulars thereof forthwith to her, in order that they may ite a yijtt^ l and do# iM* ed i—" It tftose Person's v-^ io stand in- debted to his Estane, are requested forthwith to pay the amount thereof to her, as the Executrix of his will. GLOCESTER AND BRISTOL SEVERN CONVEYANCE. WILLIAM WATTS, having been solicited by numerous Friends to embark in theJCARRY- ING BUSINESS to and from GLOCESTER and BRIS- TOL, begs leave respectfully to inform the Trade in ge- neral of the Citv of Glocester and its Vicinity, that lie has established regular ? PRINGand NEAP'TROWS for the Conveyance of Goods to and from the above Places; and as he is determined personally . to. attend to the Concern, and pay particular Regard to the im- mediate forwarding of all Goods entrusted"* ® hfet'frii, and, furthermore, to be regular and moderate in his Charge, hopes to meet with that Encouragement and Support liis Assiduity and Attention may deserve. Those Friends who wish to favour hini with their Support, are particularly requested to say in their Orders " PER WATTS' ® TROW. Glocester, March 1, 1811. MANSION, & c. TO BE LET\ IN GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO be LET, and entered upon immediatelv, BIBURY- HOUSE, SEC. and about 10 acres of very productive Meadow Land, with the MANOR and FISHERY of BIBURY. The Mansion is in complete repair, and calculated for a large Family. The Offices, Gardens, Sec. are complete, and the whole is a fit residence for a Noble. man or Gentlemai of distinction. More Land may be had at Michaelmas next, if required. The House is nearly furnished, and will be let with or without the Furniture. Bibury is 84 miles from town, 7 from Cirencester, 12 from Bnrford, and 4 from Fairford. The turnpike road, from Cirencester to Burford, goes through the village. The roads are guod, the neighbourhood is very desirable, the manor is well stocked with Game, and the Trout Fishery of Bibury stands almost un- rivalled. A Pack of Harriers is kept within 2 miles of Bibnry, and the country is hunted by the Dnke of Beaufort's Fox Hounds, Forfurther particulars apply to Richard Carter, Esq. Foxley, near Mahusbnry; or to Mr. Pitt, of Ci- rencester. MILITIA NOTICF. MILITIA OFFICE, 10, CORN- STREET, For the City of Bristol, and Counties ef Glocester, Somerset, Devon, Wilts, Perks, Oxford, Worcester, Hereford, and all Wales. Messrs. TUP FEN and PUGH, Bankers, Bristol, Treasurers. Mr. JOHN HELPS, 10, Coru- street, Bristol, Secretary. THOSE Subscribers who have been Ballotted and Enrolled, or found a Substitute, of paid the Fine, are requested to transmit their discharge ; or if serving, the Commanding Officer's Cerlifu ate of the same, FREE OF F. XPENCE, to the Secretary, within fifteen days from the date hereof, agreeably to the Rules of the Society, otherwise tbeir claims w ill not be allowed. Bristol, 10, Corn- street, March 7,1811. XTOTICE is hereby given, that, the Half- Yearly 1M Meeting of the GLOCESTER and BERKE- LEY CANAL COMPANY, will be liolden at the King's Head Inn, in the City of Glocester, on TUES- DAY, the 19tll instant, at Eleven o'clock iu the Fore- noon, pursuant to Act of Parliament. JOHN WHEELER, Clerk to the Company. Canal Office, Glocestei, March 8, 1811. TOLLS TO LET. AMEETING of the TRUSTEES of the DIS- TRICT of ROAD from Glocester towards Cheltenham, will beheld at the White Hart Inn, in ttiis City, on Friday, the 15th day of March, at n-' lve at noon, for the purpose of LETTING by AUCTION, the TOLLS arising at the TOLL GATE at Wootton, commonly called the CHELTEN- HAM GATE. IL WILTON, Clerk to the Trustees. Gloeester, Feb. 27, 1811. nplJ be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Fleece I Inn, in Glocester, on Tuesday, the 19th day of March, 1811, at four o'clock in the afternoon, by or- der of the assignees of John Stroud, a Bankrupt : — LOT I. Tiie UNDIVIDED MOlK'l Y or II \ LF PART of Three FREEHOLU MESSUAGES or DWELLING- HOUSES, With their Appurtenances, situate in Arehdeaeon Lane, in the Parish of Saint Mary- de- Lode, in, this City, and now in the several occupations of - LOT 2. The CONTINGENT INTEREST of the Bankrupt for Life, after the decease of a Person aged about 43 years,- of and in'a FREEHOLD . MESSU AGE or TENEMENT, Garden, Coach- house, Sta- ble, and Premises, at Hnccleeote, near Glocester, in the occupation of Mr. Daniel Coxi LOT 3. A MOIETY of a. principal Sum offidi. well secured, and payable at the decease of a Person aged 90 years. Lor 4. THREE SHARES in the Glpcester and Berkley Canal. LOT 5. TWO SHARES of 501. each, in the Glo-. cester Mill Company. For other particulars, apply to Messrs Wilton. Genteel Residence to be Let. MHO be LET, and entered upon at Michaelmas 1 next, a roomy and convenient DWELLING- HOUSE, with every necessary Office, good Walled Garden, well planted, situate in the Long Street, in the Town of DURSLEY, now in the occupation of Miss Jane Adey, and before her, of the Proprietor, Mr. Bloxsome. The several grates, furnaces, boilers, Sic. remain as standards. For further particulars, apply to Mr. Bloxsomc, Solicitor, Dursley. CHELTENHAM. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Plough Inn, on Thursday, the 14th day of March inst. at six o'clock in the evening, ( subject to such condi- tions as w ill be then and there produced,) in three lots:— LOT 1. All that newlv- erected MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE," pleasantly situated m Red Acre Piece, near Mr. Thompson's Spas, and bounded by his Public Rides, with the GARDEN lying behind the same. The House contains, in the basement story, a kitchen, scullery, housekeeper's room, butler's pantry, cellars, Sec. ike. Oil the ground floor two drawing- rooms, with folding doors between, a dining- parloiir, aud breakfast- rooui. On tiie first floor, foul' best bed- rooms. and a dressing- room. And iu the attics, six bed- rooms. Tiie whole is nearly completed, and might be ren- dered fit for occupation i a few weeks. Lo r All that PLOT or PARCEL of BUILD- ING LAND, situate in Yatnian's Terrace, near the High- street, at the top of the town, containing in wnilli 21 feel, and in depth 100 feet. LOT 3. Another PARCEL, of the same description, and adjoining the iast mentioned lot. The whole of the above Premises are Copyhold of Inheritance of the Manor of Cheltenham, arid imme- diate Possession may be had of all the Lots. For further particulars, apply at the Office of Mr. Pruen, Solicitor, iu Cheltenham. GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO be LET, for the Summer, and entered on the 1st of April, or sooner if required,— A conveni- ent HOUSlR, calculated for the residence of a genteel limit! v, completely furnished, with a well- stocked Garden: it is situated three miles from Stroud, and a short distance from Holding's Spa, For particulars, enquire of Mr. Tanner, Builder, Soiitfieafe- street, Gloeester; or Mr. R. Davies Leonard Stanlev. AN EXCELLENT SHEEP WALK. TO lie LET, a large Tract of Land, called PRIOR'S MEENE, co. rusting of tipivards of Two Hiindrt d Acres, lying together within a ring- fence of Stone* Wall, and situate i:, the Tithing of AILEBURTON, near the Village of Bream, in the couuty of Glocester. This Land has many advantages for a SHEEP WALK, it being in one . intensive Inclosure, lying remarkably dry and healthy, and having a constant supply offiesh Spring Water.— It is well worth the attention of any person having a number of Sheep or young Cattle. , Fee a view of the land, apply to Job Woodman, at the Warren House adjoining thereto; and for other particulars, to Mr Olive, Solicitor, Newnham. TO BE « ) L. D BY AUC1ION, by 4 Mr. READ, Attlie Talbot Inn, in the city of Glocester, oh Friday, the 22d day of March, 1811, at four o'clock in the afternoon, ; n such lots, and subject to such conditions of sale, ss will be then produced;- Ah tliat MESSUAGE OR TENEMENT, and Garden thereto adjoining and belonging, situate in the parish of Saint Mary- de- Lpcie, in the city of Glocester, in the occupation of John Way, and held by lease under the Dean and Chapter of G. ocester, for the term of 30 years, commencing at Lady- day, 1809, at the yearly rent . of 41. 6s. Id. in lieu of land- tax. Also, a!! those eight several MESSUAGES or TENEMENTS, with their appurtenances, situate near the Hospital ot St. Margaret's, near the city, but m the county of Glocester, and iu the several oc- cupations of Messrs. Arbery, Rich. Coates, Samuel Brown, Baylis, Hiscocks, Brimyard, Hatch, and Fisher; and which are held by lease under the Mayor and Burgesses of Glocester, for the term of 31 years, cominenemgat Michaelmas 1797. And all those five MESSUAGES or TENE- MENTS, together with the Garden, Stable, and Malt- house thereto belonging, situate in the Lower South- gate- street, in the parish of Saint Owen, in the city of Glocester, and now in the several occupations of Messrs. Abrahams, Townsend, Tidmarsh, Clark, H: wlett, and Bowley, and which are held by lease for the remainder of a term of 999 years; 849 of which are, unexpired; and discharged from the pay- ment of land- tax. For further particulars, apply to Mr, Okey, Solici- tor, Glocester. GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by MR. MELSOM, At the Lower George Inn, Glocester, on Friday the 15th day of March instant, at 6 o'clock in theafter- noon:— All those THREE RIDGES and ONE BUTT of ARABLE LAND, ( discharged from Land- tax,) situate and being in Rodley's Marsh, in the palish of Westhnry- on- Severn, in the county of Glocester,. and late in the several occupations of Messrs. William Jack- son, and John Wintle. Possession may be had imme- diately For further particular! apply to Thomas Okey, So- licitor, Glocester. Welt worth the attention of Cabinet- Makers, Choir- Makers, Carpenters, and others.— Underm Execution, aud must positively be sold without reserve. GLOCESTER. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. CREED, At the Yard ofMr. J. 1). Walker, Warfinger, on the Quay, on Friday, the 15th day of March, 1811, precisely at twelve o'clock at noon;— About 5000 I- eet of exceeding good Inch thick BEECH BOARDS, great part of tlieiii edged, and most of, it long lengths, which will be offered in one or more lots, as may be agreeable to the company. " To view the same ( previous to the sale,) apply at th* Counting House of Mr. Walker. TO BE SOLD In- AUCTION, h: I Mr. I'll 11 J. POTTS, OO Thursday, the 21st of March, at La^ singrmi Farm, two miles from Glocester;— All tin- remaining HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, - DATRV, AND BHBWIITLT. UTEN8I14, of Mrs. Newman, (' who is K< ing t< ' ieikve. & rni, V consisting of fea. ther and flock be bed eilds ami furniture, tables, chiefs,. giass, t* v. copper mdiron furnaces, a quantity of very goo > - nipty i. gsheUtlt and several slope water troughs for cattle, See, See, The sale ti begin .,. ten o'clock. 60' J Capital 7' IMBKH TR^ EsT*'""*' Viz. 4• tjpOAKS, 83 KLMS\ and 60 ASH, Now standing and growing upon lie-;: Court, arid Beui tliam Farms, in the Pa'rsh- cf Badewortli, being A miles fr mi Glocestrf. a d 4 from Cheite' ham, ' T^ O BE SOI... KY AUCTION, bv I Mr. PHH. EPO ITS,- At ( he Lower George I- in, in the city of Glocester, oit Friday the 92d day of March, 1811, at six o'clock in the evening, in the following lots:— ON HUNT COURT FARM, ! . . LOT t. One hundred and twenty () AKS, No. 1 id 120 inclusive. LOT 2. Fifty- five ditto. No. 121 to 175 ditto. LOT 3. SixtyMwo ditto, No, 176 to 237 ditto. LOT 4. Sixty- three ditto, No. 238 to ,3i! 0 ditto, LOT 5. Ninety ditto, No, 301 to 390 ditto. LOT 6. Sixty ASH, No. 1 to fip ditto; LOT 7. Fifty- two ELMS, No. I to 52 ditto. ON BENTHAM FARM. LOT 8. Seventy Oaks, No, 1 to ? t> ditto. LOT. 9. Thirty- one ELMS, NO. L to 3L ditio. , MAuj of the above Trees are of lurgo dimension*, ( particularly the Oak and Elm,) and are vcty desira* hie for the Navy. Richard Hughes, the Woodward; at Benffiain, will shew the timber: and tor further particulars, apply to Mr. Plnllpotts, - sen. in Gloeestei, — —,—,,,•.>,„„, ., Capital Vanning Stock. TO BK SOLD BY AUCTION, W J- 7. ACOCK, On Monday, the 1lth of March, 1811; on the pret uiises, at Upper Slaughter, near Stow, Olopeater* shire ;— The valuable LIVE STOCK, the property of Mr. Cooke, who is leaving the Fattii i comprising 120 ewes aud t eaves, in yean or., With lambs; Wfl ewe and wether tegs, and, 7 rains- Sj .. useful dairy cow* ill calf or with calves; 3 working oxen, and uile bud) one fat pig, and one hill in pig. The. sale to begin at elev en o'clock. Catalogues may be immediately had, at the nanaj places. ; - v- ... . v HEREFORDSHIRE. ' TO BE SOLD - BY AUCTION, by J. JO FIX,. Tit IS! RAM, , , On Tuesday and Wednesday, the 12th rtnd. l3th d/ iyi of March, tail, at Ihe Bollen, in the parish of Wai" find;- All the LIVE AND DEAD STOCK, House/ mid furnittite, and othc IJfeets, late the . propei : y of Mr. Wm, Trout, cer, deceased j comprising 10 capital fresh oxen, one yVei. ' Ired ij- year- i old bull, nine fat cows, one fat ox, two feeding cows ® ten cows iu calf and with calf, five 3- ye. ir- old steers, four 2- vear- old ditto, three ear- old heifers, tej » yearling calves; also three useful cart geldings,, twrt cart mares, two hackney mares in foal, three haeSriey colts, two 2- year- old cart colts, two well- brCd 1- year^ old hackney colts, eight store pigs, oneijow in. farrow^ one tat sow; also two wheat ricks, one y- a rick, one ton of ciover seed, one whole bed Waggon, two half bed ditto, two carts, two wains, . hafrows, ploughs; rollers, gearing, yokes, and chains, with a variety' of otherTim ' ments of Husbandry, , Alio a quantity ftf* Household Furniture, casks, Sec. Stc. The first day's sale will commence with Hie Liv<? stock, which will be found worthy the attention ofthe public, the cattle being of the best Herefordshire hreed. , .,: . _ ; •;.- « • GLOCEsi'ERSHIRE. . TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on Tuesday, the JL 19th day of March, 1811;- All the valuable LIVE STOCK, DAIRY UTENSILS, Some Household Fivrniture, and other Efects, , , Of Messrs. i Win. and James Trotjnan, '( who are leaving tbe Farm,) at the Aimsbury,- near the town and in the parish of Wmcticomb, within six miles of Cheltenham, 16 of O! ocettt> r, U of Tewkesbury, ll of Evesham," and ,11 of Stow, , The Live Stock consists of 16 dairy cows, dfld. i three- yeai'old heifers,- calved and to calve, ali qf. Mr; Fowler's breed, 1 three- year- old bull, of Mr, Wini Rogets's breed; and 100 ewes aud tl. eaVes of i! l § Cots wold arid Leicester breed. , , ,,, , The sale will begin precisely at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, 4 0l0^- ri.)? SHIKIi, '• TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on Thursday and Friday, tile 28th and 29th days of March, 1811 j beginning each morning at eleven o'clock;— ALL THE VALUABLE Live Stock and Implements of Husbandry, Of M: Win. Rogers, ( who is leaving the Farm,) at CORN DEAN, iear the town and in the parish of Wincbconib, within Smiles of Cheltenham, 15 of Glocester, 10 of Tewkesbury, and 11 of Evesham. . ,, The Live Stock consists of . 260 fat sheep, 20 dairy cows, calved r to calve; 8 three- year- old heifers, 9 two- year- old ditto, 20 cow* yearlings, l capital well- bred bull by a ton of SultanJ I two- year- old bull by ditto, 9 yeal- ling bulls by dittos 10 useful draught horses, and l i, agi The Implements of Husbandry comprise , » 4 stout narrow- wheeled waggons, 2 broad- wheeled carts, 1 narrow- wheeled ditto, geeririg for 12 borsesj and various other articles in husbandly. N, B. The cow- kind descended from Mr, FovvWj breed, and are well worth the attention of the public* g^ lp A person will attend with a cold collation, and great care wiil be taken of Gentlemctfs HorSes. —, CAPITAL STOCK! *"""'" TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, bv THOS. JARRETr, j " On Tuesday aud Wednesday, the ' 26th and 27 th day j of March, igll, on the premises of Mr. Win. Jack- sons, ofLaverton, near Broadway, iu the county of Glocester, who is leaving his farm;— All the capital LIVE AND DEAD STOCK, Implements in Husbandry, Dairy Utensils, and part of the Household Furniture, Consisting of fifteen. capital dairy cows in- calf, five cart horses, six sets of geers, two narrow- wheel w « g* gons, two ditto cartu, five' pair of harrows, barley i oj|, two staddles, quantity c f bags, six dozen of hurdles, sheaf- pike and rake9, Viintiowing fall, and variety of implement^, dairy and brewing utensils, with a quan- tity of well- seasoned casks. The live stock will be sold the first day. The sale to begin at ten o'clock in the morning, A person will attend with refreshments fOr the com- pany. Farther particulars may be had, by applying to the Auctioneer, in Evesham, CAPITAL STOCK. TO BE SOLD RY AUCTION, hy 1 THOS. JAJiRE'TI'; On Wednesday and Thursday,' the Sl- tl and 4H| days ot April, 1811, on tiie premises of Mn Mosely, of Doi- ington, near Bidtord, in ( lie Comily of Warwick, wh6 te leaving Iris ftrlri;— AHIthe LIVE AM) DEAD STOCK, Implements in tlusimdnj. Dairy Utensils, and pari of the liouselwld Furniture, ( fc, Consisting of nine capital dairy iows in- calf, eight <•*• pita) cart horses, . eight ' sets of ge- rs, two bows and tljic. es, six hend- stalls, three narrow- wheel wag- gons, tq. iee broad- wheel carts, two pan- of harrow S three ploughs, two barley rots, three nine stone stgil » dies with timber, winnow Ljj fan, five dozen of bags, quantity of btirtjlcs, bean- null, and a rjrk » ' f weti- etided hay, a variety of implement*', dairy and lire vy- ing utensils, and quantity of well seasoned casks. I he m,-> to begin at ten o'clock each . morning. , The stock and implements w ill be sold the first day. Further particulars may fce Imd, by app^ intf tP tl » » Auctioneer Evesham. parliament. HOUSE OF LORDS.— THURSDAY. THE LOUD CHANCELLOR quitted tho Woolsack, and shortly addressed their Lordships upon the ease of the Berkeley Peerage. He said it was one of extreme and equal delicacy and importance. It be- hoved tin dignity of their Lordships' llonse, that care should he taken that none but a competent anil pro- perly qualified person should sit therein, and that it should be known from evidence— not only from clear, but from satisfactory evidence, who the person was iu tins ra « e who had a Imal right to a seat in thai House. Lady Berkeley, with whom he had some commuuica- tion'on the subject, stood, he observed, in a very d< - lieateand extraordinary predicament, inasmuch as it appeared she was guardian to two ofher sons, one of whom, viz. the eldest by the first alleged marriage, or Vile eldest by the second marriage, was entitled to the Earldom. Her Ladyship's situation in this res- poet was such that, in his mind, it would be prefera- i,|, under these circumstances some other person had been so appointed guardian. Their Lordships should be aware that the second person w ho may be so enti- tled to this Peerage was still au infant, and therefore unable to take care of his own rights. Provision should be made in that respect. The House would judge what was best to be done; bnt in his opinion the most regular course would be to address his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, acting for the accession, in the name and ou behalf of his Majesty, to order that one of the Crown Law- Officers should appear at the bar 011 behalf of the interests of the said minor. Tile Noble and Learned Lord concluded by notifying liis intention, to- morrow, to move for tlie appoint- ment of a Committee to examine with respect to pre- cedents incases of this kind. LORD HOLLAND called the attention of their Lord ships to a circumstance which he considered of the greatest importance; lie alluded to the verdict of a Co- roner's Jury ill January last, on the body of a person deceased in the Marshalsea Prison. The unfortunate individual was immured in the Mavshalsca Prison in November last, for a debt of only seven pounds. It appeared that he was in the greatest distress, and had no other means of subsistence than the charity ofhis unhappy fellow- sufferers in the same prison. He was reduced even to kuaw the hones which were thrown info the yard; he had neither bed uor clothing— the miserable room which he inhabited had iicitltcr door nor window; and when the Jury viewed the body, it was in si state which it was impossible to describe. The Coroiier's Jury iiad actually returned a ver- dict of—" starved to death,"— but upon recou- sid ration, they finally returned the mitigated verd i. to? " we verity believe that the deceas- ed's death was caused by want of food and clothing, aud ot prone? attention iu his illness." He thought,! I right to mention, that two shillings were found upon t., t deceased, but from all the circumstances that had transpired, there was every reason to believe, that thes' tv.. shillings, if not conveyed into the pocket e' " V" deceased after his death, were at hast given to at. ip. H od when it was too late to be of any ser- vice .' o him. From the slow processor the Law, five mouths must elapse before tlie prisoner for debt could obtain from his creditor, who kept him in prison, ttie miserable pittance of 6d. per day, and this wretched iiidividu d had, in the mean time, been reduced to this dreadful slate of distress. If their Lordships had any wish to stand swell wi th the people, lie was certain tfiey could not adopt a course more likely to ensure the good- wil'i.- nd affections of . the people than that of ketjrag a strict watch over the details ofthe adminis- tration ef justice. His Lordship concluded by moving * » that , rr cr officer do lay before the House, a copy of tiir proceed ™ ,:; before the Coroner, and « > f the verdict of the Coronet's Jury on the body of Wil- Iii. ii Cuttum, deceased, in the prison of tbe Marshal- ta: in January last." Ordered. r ti IN I v.— The Lam P CH AKCELLOR moved, " that instructions given to in Committee of Privileges, in order that ix- v may report v imt proceedings tbe Hots: ought to adopt iu behalf of auy son or sous of tlie bite Eiri of Beriieiey, boin after the 16th of May, 1796; sr.'! that the Committee do sit on Monday next, at tt-. r- o'clock."— Ordered. Eut Gaatvcioa ptettirted a Bill to prevent the granting of Places iu Reversion; which was ordered to hid on the table, and afterwards read the first tinse. HOUSE OF COMMONS.— THURSDAY. Mr. C. DIJVDAS presented several petitions iu faveor of tf « e Bath and Bristol Canal Bill. Sir J. NK'WHX moved the second reading of the Bill. He declared this to be not merely a local and speculative undertaking, but a subject of the greati'St national importance. Were it only to o| ien a free communication between London and Bristol, the ad- vantage would be great, but this Canal would also open a free communication between Ixindon and the West of England; and would render the intercourse between London and Ireland more secure. All the comities of South Wales would be materially bene- fited by Chi' Canal. During the last 40 years these comities had increased to a tenfold degree in popula- tion, agriculture, and manufactures, particularly iron and copper works. Their present sea- commu- nication was so perilous that the insurance was no less than .' i per cent.; but if this Canal were opened tbe manufacturers of those conntics, might convey their goods to the Severn, whence they might be brought safely and cheaply to the midland counties, and to the metropolis. Among the objections to the measure was one by the Corporation of Bath, who apprehended an injury to the hot springs. Now as the Canal was to proceed on the other side of the river, this was not likely to be the result. Besides there had been a counter petition presented on the subject, uml signed by a great number of respectable inhabi- tants of Bath. He allowed that some ofthe land- holders weve averse to the HI- - ore FROM some com- paratively trifling inconveniences which they might sustain from it; but he contended, that their ob- jections ( which might be renewed in the Committee) w i re far outw eighed by a consideration of the iin- 1411 use general importance of the undertaking. Mr. DICKINSON opposed the Bill, and stated the great local inconveniences both to the baths and ,1 vers of the City of Bath, aiid to the grounds of vaiions individual*, which it was calculated to occa- sion. It appeared to him to be very inexpedient at a moment when our commerce was so diminished, mid when the ordinary channels were inure than suf- ficient tor its conveyance, to originate any new 1 banncls. Mr. BATUMIsr supported the Bill. What! be- eause there was temporary embarrassment in out foreign commerce, were we to reject the means 01 availing ourselves of, a revival, of it when it should occur? The inconveniences attendant on tlie mea- sure had been exaggerated; but even were they not 40, as the most ample compensation might be given to individual* when the Bill went into the Committer, those inconveniences ought not to be put into coin- petition with the great natiouul objects which the Bill went to attain. Mr. S.. SMITH supported the Bill, aud Mr. LKTH- Bit'ilici! opposed it, Mr. CiRWEH was ofopinion that this Canal would IK productive of advantage still more extensive than those predicted by the Hou. Baronet. He was per- saaded that it would be tlie means of bringing to londw a great quantity of grain from theNoiuiof England and from Scotland— a consideration of the highest importune.". Mr. MOOD declared, that the whole of South J YVaXti was most materially interested in the success ( « ;" i.' he BUI.- iu thv event of tin- C* uj} taking place, t all the manufactures of those counties would be brought to London with ( Alt tiie necessity, that at present existed, of their being re- shipped. Mr. C. DONDAS warmly supported the Bill, to which lie asserted that nine- ten tits ofthe population of the city of Bath were favourable. The question being loudly called for, a division took place, when the numbers were,— For the mo- tion 86— against it 35.— Majority iu favour of the Bill 51. The Bill was then lead a second time, and ordered to be committed. FRIDAY.— Mr. DUND. VS brought up tbe Report of the Secret Commit tee appointed to inquire into the confinement and detention ofColville, which was read. The Report stated, that there appeared to the Com- mittee to be sufficient cause for tlie apprehension aud detention of that person ; it was also their opinion that he had suffered no inconveniences or privations, but such as were inseparable from confinement in such places, and that the prison of the Cold Bath Fields was not calculated for persons of his description, as it afforded facilities for external intercourse, in w hich it was not proper that theywhoold be indulged. It refrained from statiiig further particulars, with a view to the effect it might produce upon the public service. . LORD FOLKSTONE said, he thought it his duty to declare, that the Report was unanimously agreed to by the Committee. It was theu ordered to lie on the table and to be printed. Mr. CALCRAFT moved, " That there belaid before the House a Return of the Staff iu the several Dis- tricts of Oreat Britain; and also a Return ofthe Deserters iu the several Districts, from 180'.),"— Ordered. On the motion of Mr. Perceval, a Committee was appointed to take into consideration the present state of the Commercial Credit of the country. In stating the grounds ofthe motion, he mentioned that he made it rather in compliance with numerous so- licitations from merchants of the first respectability, than from any impression on his mind of its neces- sity. The existing commercial difficulties he as- cribed partly to the causes which occasioned the failures in 1 ?!>.'!; but he contended that they were in no degree owing to the state of our relations with America. There seemed to he an Unanimous disposi- tion in the House to afford tile Mercantile Interest all reasonable assistance. Mr. C. HUTCHINSON gave notice, that it was his intention to move for the repeal of the Couvcntion- Act, 011 the 12th of March, as being, he believed, the first open day. Mr. WARD, seing a Right Hon Gentleman ( Mr. Pole) in bis place, rose to inquire w hether it was the intention of His Majesty's Ministers to lay before the House, in consequence of that Gentleman's return, any additional information as to the putting the Convention Act into execution in Ireland. The CHANCELLOR of tile EXCHEQUER answered, that in the present state ot the question, he did not conceive that any information could be given on the subject. The following is the amount of the British naval force up to the first ofthis month: — At sea fit' ships of the line, 9 from 50 to 44 guns, 125 frigates, 102 sloops and yachts, 5 bombs aud fire- ships, 140 brigs, 32 cut- ters, 53 schooners, gnn- vessels, luggers, & c. Total 55.5.— In port and fitting, 32 of the line, 6 from 50 to 44 guns, 37 frigates, 47 sloops and yachts, 33 brigs, 7 cutters, 52 schooners,' & c. Total 184.— Guard Ships, 4 ef the line, 2 of 50 guns, 3 frigates, 4 sluops, 1 cut- ter. Total 14.— Hospital Ships, Prison Ships, & c. 3t of the line, 4 of 50 guns, 3 frigates, 1 schooner. Total3!).— Total in Commission, 71) 2.— Ordinary and repairing for service, 64 of the line, 11 from 50 to 44 gnjis, 63 frigates, 41 . loops, Oct:. S boui{> Sw « fcc. 17 brigs, 4 schooners, &('. Total 216.— Building, 35 of the line, 2 of 50 gnus, 27 frigates, 3 sloops. Total 57. — Grand total, 1065.. The erection of the new Theatre Royal, Cnvcnt- garden, cost, with its appropriate decorations, 230,0001. About a twelvemonth ago an incident extremely shocking happened at the Grand Opera House, in Paris, which was considered as a political augury: Mademoiselle Aubry, one ofthe corps de ballet, who represented the Goddess of Liberty in the time of Ro- bespierre, tell from a car and literally broke her neck. She remained in dreadful agony for three days before she expired. Thus the Goddess of Liberty made her exit from a stage. The magistrates oPBuiy St. Edmunds, Suffolk, 011 an appeal, determined that a taxed cart, with a cushion to lay on the scat, was subject only to the lower duty upon such vehicles, viz. ll. 6s. 6d. The Sur- veyor of the assessed taxes objected to the decision, and demanded a case to be submitted for the opinion of the Judges of the Courts at Westminster; who, on the 18th of last mouth, gave their decided opinion that the said taxed cart was liable to the higher rate of duty of 21. JOs. On Thursday a case was tried at tbe Court of Requests, Westminster, of some importance to house- keepers. The master of a house was summoned by his servant for a month', wages, when it was de- cided in favour of the master; 011 the ground that where servants misbehave, though they may have agreed for a month's notice, or wages, they are not entitled to recover tbe same. On Wednesday last a young girl about 16, iu boy's attire, went 011 board the Valiant in Cawsand Bay, to offer herself as a sailor, and requested to see the commanding- officer. On being introduced to the officers ill the wardroom, she unfortunately dropped a courtsey instead of making a bow, which causing a general laugh, so discomposed Iter that she was nearly fainting; but 011 being encouraged and assisted by the officers, she soon recovered herself, and in- formed them ofher desire to be a sailor. O11 learning her abode, a messenger was sent to her brother, who immediately came with her clothe?, thanked the offi. Ccisfor their polite treatment, and returned with her the same evening to her friends at Millbrook,— Plymuntji Telegraph. iantral of the Duke of Alhiupier. qve.— On Saturday the remains of the late Spanish Ambassador, the Duke of Albuquerque, were deposited in Westminster Abbey. At ten o'clock high mass was performed on the occasion at the Spanish Ambassador's Chapel, near Manchester- square. The ceremony being over, and the body of the Marquis removed front the chapel into the hearse, the procession moved on to West- minster Abbey, where the body was received at the; door by the Dgau, Prebendaries, Canons, tic., aud where a company of grenadiers of the foot guards were stationed; minute guns were tired during the procession. Lord Holland and many other noble- men and gentlemen attended. The private carriages were numerous, The body was deposited iu Or- monil's vault, the temporary repository of the re- mains of the great Duke of Marlborough, BRIBERY.— The Bill in the House of Commons " for the better discovery of bribery and corruption, in the election of Members to serve in Parliament," contains a clause for the purpose of compelling per- sons to give evidence before any election committee ofthe Honse of Commons, respecting acts of bribery, although implicated themselves in those acts, declar- ing, however, that such evidence shall not be made use of against the persons giving it. Another clause authorises the examination of persons before any such committee, as to acts of bribery, although such per- sons shall have signed any petition which the commit- tee is appointed to try aud determine. The last clause directs that petitions complaining of bribery may be proceeded in before any such committee, ai- tbougb the petitioner* do cut tialta a rijiit to vote. Friday the second State Lottery for 1810 was con- tracted for, by the houses of BLsli, Shewell, and Hensley, whose biddings were the same, viz. 151. IPs. 6d. per ticket. The Lottery is to consist of' 20,000 tickets, to be all drawn ou the King's birth day, the 1th of June next. [ from SKMPI. E'S Second Journey in Spain.} " 1 was surrounded at the village of Posadas by peo- ple of all classes, who, under various pietences, asked men hundred questions, and examined minutely iqy cloak, niydiess, and inv English saddle. On my ac- count a better sapper was prepared than I had met with since leaving Seville. Five or six rabbits were broiled upon the embers, then pulled to pieces, put into a large ivuodeu bowl, and all over was poured hot water, mixed with oil, vinegar, garlick, ciinento, and salt. As usual we all sat down together, a large lea- thern bottle holding about three quarts ivas tilled with tolerable wine, and being entrusted to one of the com- pany tOact asotir Ganymede, th « repast began. For some time hunger prevented ali conversation, but our cup bearer performed his office with such dexteritv, that before supper was finished our bottle was emptied, and the Andahtsiuti peasant began to sheiv himself in till his vivacity. It was voted unanimously that the bottle should lie replenished. They talked loud, they laughed, they sang, thev cursed the French, and swore that even Should all the rest of Spain be overrun, A tulal'isia was sufficient to protect itself from every in cader.. On a sudden a fierce quarrel arose: high woids passed, knives were drawn, and 1 expected to see our supper end in bloodshed; when the hostess, after various vain attempts to allay the storm, began to repeat the evening service to the Virgin. Immedi- ately all was calm, the knives were sheathed, all bats were off, anil at each pause the whole assembly mur- mured forth the response, and devoutelv made the sign of the cross. As often as the quarrel seemed like ly to be renewed, the good'woinan had recourse to the same expedient, and- always With the same success, until the anger of the parties being wearied out rattier than assuaited, we broke up in silence, if not iu friend- ship. These Aiidalusians are certainly a strange, good- natured, irascible, tickle, lively kind of a race. Ou the ensuing morning I expected to see some traces of a quarrel s6 violent and so recent; but far from it, the parties were now the best friends in the woild, and, although it was Sunday, were very busily engag- ed at a game of cards.— Our protracted stay at Posadas enabled me to wit- ness one of those'scenes which mark, as it were, the very outskirts of war, and affect us more than those of greater- horror. A poor woman of the place had been informed that her only son was killed in battle, and she of course had given herself up to grief; but this very morning a peasant arrived with certain intelli- gence, not only that her soil was living, but that he was actually approaching the village, and not above a league distant from it. The first shock of these good tidings overpowered the mother's feelings ; she ran out into the street, uttering screams of joy, and telling every one she met that he was not dead, that he was living, that he was approaching, that he would soon be in his dear mother's house. After some time she eVclainied, " But why do I stop here? come aivay, come aivav, and meet him," and so saying, attired as she ivas, she hurried into the road, and soon disap- peared.— Her son lived, but alas ! how changed since last she sa> y him! His arm had been carried au nv by a cannon- ball, the bandages of his ivoiind were dyed with blood, lie was pale and emaciated, aud so weak that he ivaa with difficulty supported on his ass, in a kind of cradle, by the help of accusant who walked by his side. On the other side walked his mother; now looking down oil the ground, now up to heaven, but chiefly on tier son, with anxious eyes, and a coun- tenance in which joy and grief, exultation and despon- dency, reigned by turns." COMMERCIAL CREDIT. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, in pursuance of the notice which he gave on Thursday evening, on Friday moved the appointment of a Committee to en- quire into the present state of the commercial ' credit of the nation. As we have always maintained, the Chancellor of the Exchequer was of opinion that the recent commercial embarrassments of the country have been produced uioie by over- speculation, than by any impediments that have been thrown in the w ay of our commerce by Bonaparte, or, indeed, that are in his pow er to throw in tbe way of it. Specu- lation and fictitious credit, fur the most part, have been the originating causes of all our late commercial failures; and so far from the trading world in general ring JMIV ( s^ use to despond under them, we believe that the com. nercial attaesphcie lias been purified by some of the explosions that have taken place, where a man has original assets upon which he trades, and he obtains ciedit upon the strength of those assets, it is a hard case for the creditor, w ho loses by his failure; but where a trader's capital consists only iu a parcel of stamps, which he signs with his name, aud negoci- ates any how he can, what can we feel lor the credi- tors of such a man ? Credit is a very excellent tiling, aud it is very necessary in a commercial country, but every man ought to ask, to whom does he give credit ? Was the man at the beginning a solvent trader? The commercial difficulties ofthe present day, we entirely agree with Mr. Perceval, have arisen from . speculation and over- trading, and neither the edicts of Bonaparte, nor the suspension of our mercantile relations with America, have brought our merchants into the diffi- culties of which they now complain. If they make out a clear case that they have been affected by the system of policy adopted cither by our eueuiy or the Government of the United States, we hope that Par- liament will afford them that liberal relief which the nation is at all fifties so generously disposed to grant to those who deserve its succour; but if they cannot make out such a case, then let not the public purse be applied to, t. q answer for the failure of their improvi- dent ' speculations. MONTHLY COMMERCIAL REPORT. franco..— The burning decree of Bonaparte is still executed with the greatest rigour, and large quantities of British manufactured goods have been destroyed in the public market- places at Bourdeaux, Antwerp, Marseilles, &" c. and, in order to prevent any kiud of commerce with this country, it has lately been de creed, that any person drawing, endorsing, or accept- ing, bills on or from this country, shall bu imprisoned for ten years, and their property confiscated. Not- withstanding, he altowes the export of brandies, fruit, wine, & c. to Great Britain. Spain and ' Portugal.— Spanish dollars sent to Lisbon; sell there from 5s. 6d. to 5s. lOd. each, and are the best remittances our merchants can make thither. West Indies.— A large fleet of merchantineii has lately departed for the islands, and a convoy for a second fleet is appointed by the Lords ofthe Admiral- ty, to lendezvous at the Cove of C'otk, about 15th of March. The produce of the islands comes to a very indifferent market, both at London and Liverpool, and the present prices of produce are as fotluws: , ta- maica sugar 67s. middling 70s. and fine 7Ss, ' to80s. per cwt.; Jamaica rum 4s. 6( 1. to Is. 10( 1. per gal. Leeward Island ditto ditto, 3s. lOd. to 4s. ( id. per do. Cotton is. Id. to Is. 4d. per lb.; Coffee, prices nomi- nal : Logwood 161. to 1* 71. per ton. South America.— By the last packet from the Brazils, some considerable remittances in dollars have been received by our merchants, but no encouragement is given to speculations to that country, the markets being overstocked with all kinds of British manu- factures. MONTHLY AGRICULTURAL REPORT. In the souud and dry grounds, bean- plr. nting is nearly finished, and some oats and pease got into the earth ; in less favoured situations, and wln- re tillage has been backward, this branch of Husbandry will not be complete until near the middle of next month. The wheats in general ham improved in their appear- ance, excepting upon wet and poachy soils, where they still look yellow and unhealthy. Mr. Kemp's practice of putting in spring corn, without the aid of the plough, has been tried by several experimental farmers with beans and oats, and report speaks well of the state of those lands. From the late rains, tillage has been difficult, aud is backward in low and tin- drained soils, a difficulty which will be felt on such throughout the spring. The common turnips have suffered from wet upon unfavourable soils, but the l'uta baga is a certain de- pendence, wdrerever cultivated, aud its culture, ax it ought, increases every year, throughout the island. From the nature of last year's crops, straw must be- come very seaiee towards the latter end of the season ; and from thedearness of hay, those stock fanners who have not provided themselves amply with green crops, iviil be reduced to great difficulty. Some lossesof sheep by the rot, in the midland Counties, were spoken of in the past months, bur nothing on thai head is repeated,, nor much yet respecting the hmbs. Little alteration in the country since last, month ill the cattle markets or the farm yards. The corn markets have had an ample supply, and never before wasiso great a breadth of wheat sow n in England aud Scotland, as during ihe last seed sea.- on, a d much land is yet reserved fur spi lug wheat, the culture of which has been abundant- ly successful for many years, and increases iu conse- quence. BANKRUPTS from SA WRl) A Y's GAZETTE. John Cooper, Chester, woollen- draper, March 21, 22, April 13, at the Hop- Pole, Chester. Att. Faulk- ner, Chester Anthony Sheriff, St. Mary Axe, mer- chant, d. c. March 9, 16, April 13, atGuildhall. Att. Mayhew, Symoiid's- Inn Samuel Savage and John Slack, Macclesfield, silk- ninnotactifrers, d. c. and part- ners, March 14, 15, April 13, at the Macclesfield Arms, Macclesfield. Atts. Bell and Co. Bow- lane; or Grimsditch, Macclesfield Richard'I aylor, Lei- cester- square, hosier, d. c. March 9, l'(>, April 13, at Guildhall. Att. Shepherd, B irtlett's- buildings John Goddard, lateof Kennett- Wharf, Upper Thames- street, factor, d. c. March 9, 16, April l. i, at Guild- hall. Atts. Kibblewhiteand Co. Gray's Inn- place John Stanton, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, miller, d. c. March 22, 23, April 13, at the Unicorn, Wor- cester. Atts. Bray and Co. Droitwich, Worcester- shire James Hyfield, Diival's- lane, Islington, d. c. March 9, 12, April 13, at Guildhall. Att. Shearman, Hart- street J'eter Stanford, Chester, tallow- chand- ler, d. c. March 21, 22, April 13, at the Hotel, Ches- ter. Atts. Potts and Co. Chester William and James Whiteicij, Leeds, Yorkshire, dyers, d. c. and copartners, March 27, 28, April 13, at the White Horse, Leeds. Atts. Granger, Leeds; nr Lake, Dow- gate- liill Richard ll ells, Fareham, Hants, uphols- terer, March 29,30, April 13, at tbe Red Linn, Fare- ham. Atts. Bleasdale and Co. New Inn; or Paddon, Fareham John Andras, Bath, haberdasher, d. c. March 22, 23, April 23, at the Greyhound, Bath. Atts. Webb, Bath; or Anstice and Co. Temple Grey Edward lioulton, Worcester, china- manufacturer, d. ci March 26, 27, April 13, at Diglis Greenhouse, Worcester. Atts. Cardale and Co. Gray's Inn; or Saunders, Worcester Horatio Smith, Henry C. hes- mcr, and John Down, Great Winchester- street, mer- chants and copartners, d. c. March 5, 19, April 13, at Guildhall. Att. Adams, Old Jewry fames Lee, John Scott Martincau, and James Wilkinson, Bread- street, copartners, factors, d. c. March 9, 13, April 13, at Guildhall. Atts. Meyrick and Co. Red Lion- square Jane and James Howes Smithson, Bishop- Wearmonth, Durham, coal- fitters, il. c. and copart- ners, March 15,26, April 13, at tlie Bridge Inn, Bisbop- Weeu'uiouth. Atts. Blakiston, Symond'slim; or Laws, Sunderland William Anderson, Kiiigstoii- upon- Hull, shoe- maker, d. c. March 7, 8, April 13, at the White Hart, Kingston- upon- Hiill. Atts. Ellis, Chancery- lane; or Galland, Hull Henry Sherrington, and George Cooper, Preston, Lancashire, cotton- spinners, d. c. and copartners, March 21, 22, April 13, at the Wiii'te Horse, Preston. Atts. Wigglesworth, Gray's Inn- square; or Ashdenand Co. Preston.. .. John Plow, Hertford, currier, leather- cutter, d. c. March 5, 16, April 13, at Guildhall. Atts. Higdenand Co. Cniner's- Hall John Greenhaigh, Tottington, Lancaster, cot- ton- spinner, d. c. March 16, 19, April 18, at the Dog, Manchester. Atts. Unwin, Manchester; or Millie and Co. Temple Joseph Tyndall, Birmingham, but- ton- maker, d. <. March 18, 19, April 13, at the Royal Hotel, Birmingham. Atts. Webb and Co. Birming- ham; or Tarrant and Co. Chancery- lane David Shand, Liverpool, March 21, 22, April 13, at the Globe, Liverpool. Att. Bird, Liverpool James Aitken, Burnley, Lancashire, manufacturer, d. c. March 13, 15, April 13, at the Bridge water Arms, Manchester. Atts. Hurd, Temple; or Messrs. Jack- sou, Manchester Joseph and Enoch Dixon, Liver- pool, merchants, March 16, 18, April 13, at the Globe, Liverpool. Atts. Greaves and Co. Liverpool; or Gregson and Co. Angel- court John Ilipwell, Hardman's- Fold, Prestwich, Lancashire, calico- print- er, d. c. March 13,19, April 13, at the Moseley Arms, Manchester. Atts. Hewitt and Co. Manchester; or Ellis, Chancery- lane Daniel Ferris, Oat- lane, Blackwell Hall factor, d. c. March 9,16, April 13, at Guildhall. Att. Stevens, Sion College Gardens John North, Chorlton- row, Manchester, merchant, d. c. March 20, 21, April 13, nt the Dog Tavern, Manchester. Atts. Ellis, Chancery- lane; or Johnson and Co, Manchester Joseph Romer, Old Bailey, watch- maker, March 5; 9, April 13, atGuildhall. Atts. Williams and Co. New I1111 '' hitficld llloorc, Half Moon Alley, Bishopsgate- street, timber- merchant, March 5, 28, April 13, at Guildhall. Att. Batsford, Horsleydown- lane. HAS- Kltrrtx J* m TUESDAY'S GAZE I'VE. Richard Tomlinson, I. rek, Staffordshire, shopkeeper, d. c. March 19, 20, April 16, at the Crown I1111, Stone. Atts. Barbor, Fetter- lane, London; 01 Wheatlev and Fowler, Stone John Webb, Bisiey, Glocestei shire, clothier, March 15, 16, April 16, at the Red Lion, Chalford. Atts. Constable, Syniond's- Inu; or Latn- buru, Stroud George Mcrryweather, Manchester, manufacturer, d. c. April 9, 10. 16, at the George, Manchester. Atts. Buckley, Manchester; or Milne and Parry, Temple James Millar, Liver- pool, merchant, d. c. March 15, April 8, 16, at the' Globe, Liverpool. Atts. Tarrant, Clarke, and Richards, Chancery- lane; or Massey and Cartwright, Liverpool. Mary Fletcher, Liverpool, earthenware- dealer, March 16, April 8, 16, at the George, Liverpool. Atts. Forrest, Liverpool; or Windle, Bedford- row, London Robirt Welsh and George Welsh, Liver- pool, brokers, d. c. March 18, 22, April 16, at the Globe, Liverpool. Atts. Atkinson, Wildes, and Mackarall, London; or Lace, Liverpool William Cameron, Liverpool, liquor- merchant, March 21, 22, April 16, at the Globe, Liverpool. Alls. Shephard and Aldington, Bedford- row; or Dawson, Liverpool. Henry Philipson, Cottingham, Yorkshire, nursery- man, d. c. March 25,26, April 1 (>, at the White Hart, Kingston- upon- HiilL Atts. Broadlev and Suanti, Hull; or Robarls, Clement's- Iuu, Joseph Rent ley, Smith- House, Halifax, cotton and woollen card- maker, d. c. March 25, 26, April 16, at the Union Cross, Halifax. Atts. Wigleswortli, Gray's- Inn; or Wiglesworthand Thompson^ Halifax Henry Birkby, Lower Rowfolds within Liversedge, Yorkshire, card- maker, d. c. March 28, 29, April 16, at the Nags- Head, Cleckheaton. Atts. Evans, Hatton- Garden; or Carr, Gomersal Thomas Lumlcy, Great Grimsby, Lincolnshire, grocer, d. c. March 22, 23, April 16, at the Granby Inn, Great Grimsby. Atts. Nicholson, Louth; or Leigh and Mason, New Bridge- street, Illackfriars John Striven and Joseph Scriven, Al- cester, Warwicksliire, needle- makers and copartners, March 20, 21, April 16, at the Apollo Inn, Alcestei\ Atts. Turner and Pike, Bloomsbury- square; or Guarduer, Redditrh, Worcestershire Benjamin Colericli, Globe- street, Mapping, needle- merchant, March 20, 21, April 16, at the Swan, Alcester. Atts. Turner and Pike, Bloonisbiiry- sqiiare; or Gnardner, Redditch, Worcestershire Thomas Martin, Castle- Street, Fiiisbiiry. square, Middlesex, builder, carpen- ter, d. c. March 13, 23, April 16, at Guildhall. Att. Shorland, Old- Bailey Thomas / l/ orris, Castle- street, Holborn, jeweller, d. c. March 9, 19, April 16, at Guildhall. Att. Lee, Castle- street........ Cornelius Peacock, Clement's- Inn, Middlesex, navy- agent, money- scrivener, d. c. March 12, S3, April 16, at Guildhall. Att. Briggs, Essex- street. Strand John Shaw, Rochdale, hatter, March 21,22, April 16, at. the house ofS. Searle, Middleton, Lancashire. Alts. Shuttleworth, Rochdale; or Chippendale, Serjeant's. Inn Richard Hack, Castle Hediiighain, Essex, butcher, d. c. March 28, 29, April 16, at the Augel; Colchester. Atts. Sparling, Colchester; or Cutting Bartleti's- bnildings, Holborn ' Thomas Judkins Chester, linen- draper, d. c. March 14, 15, April 16, at the Coach aud Horses, Chester. Atts. Philpot aud Stone, Temple; or I inchett, Chester Wm. If ebb, Mildenha)], Suffolk, nioney- sci'iv. ener, March 9, 19, April .6, at Guildhall. Att. Fallow, Bonverie- street, Fleet- street Thomas Palmer, New Road, White- cbapct, soap- maker, d. c, March 9, 16, April 16, at Guildhall. Att. Holloway, Chancery- lane John Steight, Richmond, Surrey, surgeon and apotltecary, d. c. March 12, 19, April itt, at Guildhall. Alts. J. and W, Richardson, New- Inn Thomas llarrcll, York- street, St. Jatnes's- sqtiaie, taylpr, March 9,16, April 16, at Guildhall. Att. Griffith, Featherstone- buildings, Holboru. BANKRUPTCY SUPERSEDED.- Wm. Pcarie, Liverpool, merchant, d. c. DIVIDENDS.— Apt A 30. John Tripp, Bristol, woollen- draper, salesman, d. c. at the White Lion, Bristol .. March 26. Charles Edward Rawlins, Bristol, wholesale grocer, d. c. at the Bush, Bristol. CERTIFICATES.-- March 26. Thomas Williams, Monynmsloyne, Monmouthshire, coal- merchant .. John Hume, Bath, bookseller. ... Isaac falser, WiHClieotnb, Gloccstersbire, engineer. BRISTOL SHIP NEWS: CAMi: IN.— The Matty, Hutchinson, r'ue Me . Power, and the Mary Alicia, Wageetf, from War, ford ; the Hibcrnia, Davis, aud the Henry and Jl. ry, Rumney, from Cork. ARRIYKD,— At Dublin, the Venus, Gardner; at Cork, the Thomas, Williams, the Martha Brie, Bul- lock, and the Neptune, Copple » tone. S m I. ED,— None. ENTERED OUT,—' The Harmony, Peakome, for Newfoundland ; ti. e Fame, Parfitt, for Dublin ; the. King George, Dm. gcv, for Cork; sail the Hercule, Skinner, for Malta. COASTERS ENTERED OUT,— The Pi- scilla. Clerk Plymouth; the Friends, Harding,, for Bridge water * the Providence, Low tiler, for Plymouth; the Grog,' Hardley, for Liverpool; the Haiti, t, Richards, foe Haverfordwest; the Mary, Goulii, forPadstow; the Betsey, Perkins, for Mineheud ; and the New Expe- dition, Hawkins, for Swansea. itolvcts. CORN EXCHANGE. LONDON, MARCH 4, mil. We had a middling supply of wheat from Essex and Kent this morning, but not much from any other district. Having very few samples of fine, they w ere taken off at the prices last quoted; but the ordinary ( of which the arrivals mostly consisted) were rather lower, and without anv avidity in the buyers to pur- ch ase.— Barley and malt have been rather on the de- cline, and the current price of the finest of the former not more than 38s. per quarter Boiling Pease re- main steady.— Grey pease rather lower.— New ticks were here in plenty, and in the sales of which, as well, as of the other kind of beans, tlicre was little vari- ation.— Oats have become scarce, and prices en- hanced generally Is. per quarter.— Flour, a sinking article, and 80s. per sack mostly named. s. s. , 50 to .33 to 44 Wheat 58 to 84 Fine ditto 90 to 94 Superfine ditto. 96 tolOO Rye 30 to 40 Barley.. 24 to 38 Malt 60 to 71 White Pease 40 to 48 Boilers Grey Pease.,., Beans Sa in Ticks 32 to 50 Oats 2a to 30 Poland ditto 32 t 3 » Potatoe ditto ...— i0 37 SEEDS, SeT PRICE Ol Carrawavp. cwt. 36 to 40; RytGrassp. quargO to 55 Coriander ditto.. 40 to 50. J Mustard, wh. biis. 8 lo to Red Clover dittoSO to! 20 ; D. tto. brown, do. lv to 14 White dittodittoSO tnl30 j Turnip, ditto.... 40 to 50 Rape, 461. to rill, perhist... Trefoil, 2tisl to 56s. p. c. wf. Oil- Cake. 161. 16s. pet- thousand. AVERAGE PRICE OF SUGAR, " Computed from the returns made in the week ending Feb. 2?, 1811, is 42s. 5Jd. per cwt. Exclusive ot the duties paid or payable thereon on im- poi tation thereof into Great Britain. PRICE OF FLOUR. ' Fine tills, to — s. per sack. Seconds ? os. tu 7Ss. ditto. Bran 14s. to 16s. Od. per quar. Fine Pollard 26s. to 30s. Od. ditto. n\ os. I. s. I. s. Kent 6 0 to 7 111 Sussex 5 12 to 6 6 Essex 5 12 to. 6 6 PRICE OF HOPS. POCKETS. I. s. I, Kent 6 6 to 9 Sussex 6 O to 7 Farrilmm... ll o tol4 Old Hops, 20s. to 45s. per cwt. PRICE OF TALLOW. TowiiTallowperevyt...? 5s. | MeltihgStuff, percwt. 56s. Yellow Russia 69s. White ditto 65s. Soap ditto 64s. Ditto rough .•; » ; » . Graves 16^ Good Dregs I f » Yellow Soap, SOs... Mottled, 90s.... Curd, 94s. Candles. 12s. Od Moulds. 13s. Od. MEA F A i PRICK OF I' I . VV11 I'HI'TELLI Sinking the offat... per stone of Bibs., Beef.... 5s. od. to 6s. Od. I Veal ... 6s. Od. to 7s. 6d. MllttonSs. 4d. to ( is. 4((, ! Pork-.. 5s. 4d. to 7s. Od. Limb Os. Od. to Os. Oil. NF. Wti. YTE AM) LEA DEN HALL, By the Caicuss. Beef... 4S. Oil. to 5s. Od. I Veal ... 5s. Od. to 7, s. Oil. Muttoii4s, 4d. to 5s. ad. | Pork.. 5s. 4tl. to 7s. Od. Lamb. Os. Od. to Os. Od. RAW HIDES. ~~ Best, heifers & steers, perstone 2s. 8d. to 3s. od. Middlings 2s. 4d. to 2s. ( id. Ordinary 2s. od. to 2s. gd. Market Calf teach). 15s. Od. to Os. Od. English Horse 12s. 0.1. tol4s. Od. Lamb Skins Os. Oil. to t) s. od. PRICE OF L Butts, 50 to 56lbs. each Ditto, 56 to 66lbs. each Merchants' backs Dressing hides Fine coach hides Crop hides, 35 to 40lb. to cut... Ditto 45 to 50lh CalfSkins, 30 to 40lb Ditto 50 to 70lb. Ditto 70 to 80lb Small Seals ( Greenland) Large ditto, 120s. to 160s. per Tanned Horse Hides, ISSd. to A'i'HER. .2051!. to .22d. perlb. .24( 1. to 26d. 11' d. to it) .18d. ( 0 19^ d. 19d. to 21 id. 193d. to 22d. 17d. to l9d. 27d. to 32d, 34( 1. to 42d. 36d. to 4tId. S6d. to 37 d. dozen. 20d. per lb. PRICES Ol HAY AND STRAW, Sr. JAMES'S. Hay... 61. Os. to 91. 10s, ( Straw.. 31. 12s. to 4l. 4s. WHITECHAPEL. Hay.., 61. 10s. to 91. 14s. j Cloveral. 8s. to 101, 10s. New.. 01. Os. to 01. OOs. | Straw.' il. 10s. to 41. 0s » SMITHFIEI. D. Hay... 81. 8s. to 91. 9s. | Clover9l. Os. to 91. tOs. New.. 01. Os. to 01 Os. I Straw. 31. Os. to 41. Os. CORN EXCHANGE, LONDON, MAKCH 6. To- day then: is but a short remaining supply of wheat, and this trade fully maintains last prices. Si. veral fresh ariivals of barley, and sales rather give way in price; malt heavy sale; net many white peas, grey, and beans of the tw o sorts little variation ; fur- ther arrivals of oats, with tolerable quantities on baud, aud this article somewhat lower; flour again in plenty, and sales as under, but tbe finest quoted no- minally at 85s. per sack. Wheat" . Fine ditto Kve , Barley Malt.,;.. .66 to 92 96 to mo ,. 36 ro 40 .. 27 to 37 ,. 62 to 70 White Peas 50 to 56 Beans....'. .48 to 5- i Tick Beans 44 to 49 Oats 22 to OS Polands 30 ro .' if I'otatueditto.... 34 to ( XV Fi le Flour 75 to Ho Grey Peas 38 to 44 | Seconds 70 to 75 • iloimtni ir. arficr^. GI. OCESTFII Wheat. 14s. Oil to 17s. Od Bar. ley, 5s. Od. to ps. Od.,. Beans,' f,.. od. to 7" s. 8d... Oat « , Ss 6d. to 4 » . Od. per customary bushel of nine gallons und a half. Ross Wheat, 17s. Od. to lfts. Oil. .. Barlev. 7s. 0d. to 7s. 6d.... Oats, 4s. 6it. to . is. Od.... Pease, 6s. 6d. lo 7s. od. Rve, 00s. per InuHet. WORCESTER.... Wheat, 12s. od. to 13s. 84 Bar- ley, 5s lid. to 5s 611 . . • Beans, 6s. Oil. to 7s. Od. .. Pease, lis. 0 1, to 7s Oil Oats, 3s. 9il. to 4s. I'd. per bushel. ... HOPS : 251 pockets weighed 011 Saturday current prices, from 51. 5s. to 81. 8s. pir act. BRISTOL.... Wheal, 98s to I OOs, per quarter Fine ditto, — 3 OiL*.. Malting Barley, 41s. to 44S. per quarter Grinding ditto, OOs. to OOs Oats 22s to go's.,. Fine Flour, SOs. to 94s Second Jo, 74s. to 78s.. .. Horse Beans, 48s. to 00s Clover, OOs. to OOs. .. Quarter Loaf: Whtiitcn, lljd.; Standard, lA'. il.; lL. usehold, 12', iL Hav, 80s. to 140s Straw, 33d; to 42d. WARMI. NSTBR... Wheat, 9ls, to 11 ? s... Barley, 36 » . to 421 ... Oats-, 26s. to30s.... Beans, 44s. 10 56s*. DEVIZES Wheat, 88S. to Lnils.... Barlov,, 33s. to 42s.... Oats, 25s. to30e.... Beans, 42s. to 50s. NEWBURY Wheat to 11 J. s... Barley | » 7s. to 35s. .. Beans 4 « s. to' 52s.... Pease40,. to47s... Oais 2,' u, to 30 r. Uii iULXO Wheat ins. to 11 is., .. Beans i!-? s, to 48s... Pease 4JJ, to 54>, .. Oats 24s. to SUs. ...' Barley tJ'Js, to 3U » . m
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