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The Police Gazette


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Volume Number: XVI    Issue Number: 1631
No Pages: 6
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The Police Gazette
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The Police Gazette

Date of Article: 15/08/1899
Printer / Publisher: J.J. Keliher & Co 
Address: 22 Charing Cross S.W.; 33, King William E.C.; and Marshalsea Works, S.E. [for Her Majesty's Stationery Office]
Volume Number: XVI    Issue Number: 1631
No Pages: 6
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X X X £ 2 POLICE GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. NEW SERIES. TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1899. VOL. XVI., No. 1631. It is requested that the Admiralty and War Office Forms giving descriptions of Deserters, & c., from Hrr Majesty's Naval and Military Services, for insertion in the POLICE GAZETTE, and all communications in connection therewith, shall be addressed to THE EDITOR of the POLICE GAZETTE, New Scotland Yard, London, S. W. R. ANDERSON, Editor. WAR OFFICE, AUGUST 15, 1899. DESERTERS AND ABSENTEES FROM HER MAJESTYS SERVICE. REG. | NO. ENLISTMENT. PARISH AND COUNTY IN WHICH BORN. DESERTION OR ABSBNCE. MARKS AND REMARKS. Adams, T. Allen, James Anstruther. Dominic Aspin, John Austin, F. S. Ayres, Albert E. Bakewell, Ernest V. Bernard, Leo Percy Bince, H. L. Binns. Arthur Boyd, William Bradshaw, Herbert Branch, R. S. Brewer, H. D. Brittle, C. Broadhurst, John Brown, J. W. Brown, Patrick Burns, John Callow, Edward Cameron, William Carson, William Chandler, T. H. Clegg, J. Clifford, Ernest Coleman, James Collingridge, R. T. Coppell, William Cornthwaite, F. Cottam, Joseph Crispin, Benjamin Crooke, P. Crossland, Henry Culverwell. Geo.' C. Cunningham, A. Dagnall, Francis Daly, J. Daly, Thomas Darey, Henry Darrell. John Dean, Wm. Thos. Dewhurst, Josiah Dickson. Richard Dilworth, R. Donovan, Worley Dornan, John Duckworth, Wm. Duckworth, Wm. Dunce, W. G. Edmundson. John Eggerty, J. English, Joseph Ernst, George Wm. Fellows, Frederic M. Fisher, Charles Fowler, Ernest C. Foy, Thomas Fruin, S. Gallacher, Patrick George. Fredk. C. Gilbert, John Gilraour, J. Godfrey, Charles Godfrey, George Gray, James Green, Edward G. Hagan, Hugh W. Hall, James Hall, John Halpin. Michael musician cartei- labourer plumber barman labourer ship's stwd hatter vanman miner labourer Iprintr's lbr barman Igroom shoemaker jhawker labourer labourer box maker labourer shoemaker collier butcher coachman clerk j labourer j groom bck& tle mk stoker labourer labourer labourer labourer labourer carman tailor titter labourer boatman labourer labourer spinner carman butcher labourer labourer labourer labourer labourer shoemaker printer clerk acrobat tailor labourer carman labourer labourer clerk collier labourer mill worker paintr's lbr labourer tur& plmbr labourer driller Liverpool, Lanes Han well, Middlesex St. Mary's, Luston HookNorton, Oxford Riverhead, Kent W. Bromwich, Staffs Merton, Wimbledon Middlesex Denton, Lanes Newry, Armagh Tenbury, Worcester Hackney, London Clerkenwell, Middsx Battersea, Surrey New Mills, Derbyshr Bowden, Shropshire St. Albans, Manchstr Glasgow, Lanark S. Betherton, Somrst Old Monkland. Lnrk Bally macarett* Clerkenwell, Middsx Burnley Cricklade, Wiltshire Kensington. Middsx Isleworth, Middlesx Liverpool, Lanes Burnley, Lanes Emmanuel, Preston Bethnal Grn, London St. Mary's. Leeds Woodhouse, Yorks Southwark, Surrey St. Cuthbert's, Edin. Liverpool, Lanes Whitechapel, Middx St. Andrew's, Dublin Dublin Coppenhall, Crewe Burnley, Lanes Dukinfield, Lanes South port, Lanes Preston, Lanes Shadwell, London Barony, Lanark Blackburn, Lanes Blackburn, Lanes West Ham Bolton. Lancashire St. James's, Bradford] Liverpool Streatham, Surrey 1 Birminghm, Wrwck Hackney, London 1 Han well, Middlesex St. Andrew's, Dublin St. Pancras, Londonj Barony, Glasgow Tottenham. London! Southport, Lanes. Cheetham, Lanes, Ilford, Essex Liverpool, Lanes Dundee, Forfar Greenwich, Kent Liverpool Keighley, Yorks Lancashire Clifford. Yorkshire scs head k chin dots frm sc rt groin sc rt knee sc back It hand scs on head sc above rt & It eyebrows sml cross 3 dots rt frm 5 dots It frm moles It thigh dots It frm freckls rick chst blly & c eyebrows meet HP rt frm x flgs It sc It side abdomen k It side forehd I* Devon x flags cross star It frm anc rt frm grl 2 prcd hrt- s rt frm 1A0 & c It frm small moles neck & chest small mole between shoulders sc inside It leg mole back rt shldr | cro* s « S: c It frm anchor D G front It frm bust woman rt frm NFAD It frm anchr bck It hnd dot rt hnd ' Antrim mole It arm & chest sc forehead both knees & It shin ' Westmoreland, Ireland sc It groin 2 scars nape neck mole ovr rt bttck sc It arm tto It frra scs rt knee shldr chest It abdomen mole base neck sc rt bttck k It shin sc It cheek It side frhd bk rt thigh P C It frra sc rt side head sc outside It knee dots It frm sc chest & rt side sailor A C dot It frm sc It elbow indistinct tto both frms linear se 3rd flngr It hnd moleab- lnm sc rt shin " to London mole 14 inches inside It nipple J hrt It" frm sc It thumb dot rt hnd brn staiu rt thigh bust man It frm hrt clspd hmls True Love See rt frm sc It side neck sc rt elbow sc front rt shin sc It shin sc It cheek k rt shin dts It arm k It frm sc bek k side of hd dot base It thumb ring 2nd It linger indistinct tto marks It frm * Yorks sc back 11 ear A J E D H P A B It inn sc from top of forehead to top rt ear mole rt jaw sc back It calf 2 hrts clspd hands JLTW bk It frm scs from operations varicose vns It lg . sc under It eye hi t claspd hnds rt frm hnd dts It frra [ birthmark rt shoulder | tto F C It frra tto frms brthrark It gluteal region • Isleof Wight 5 vac It sc It hand mole It calf G G It frra 2 molos rt heart sc head JCJB JPB It frm cross rt frm E ti x swrds sc It frm sc It eye 2 small scs back head 4: neck J Smith k anchor It frra R Ii rt frra sc rt eyebrw 1 forehd 1 crown head 4 T H E POLICE GAZETTE. TUESDAY, SepTember 348, 1899. DESERTERS AND ABSENTEES FROM HER MAJESTY'S SERVICE— continued. COM- 1' J. XN ENLISTMENT. DESERTION OR' ABSENCE. MARKS AND REMARKS. Large sc below It, knee sc It forefinger ahip It frin ( JH hrt arrow back It frm eyebrows meet sc rt loin & It bttck sc It temple It jaw It buttock HI- forehead E t rt frm A X It frm sc between eyebrows sc It groin & back It frm * Lanark M It It frm anch pred hrt rt frm JHDW It frm c\ I'l. i'.', - IMI'I'I KS ll I'nil SC bk of Iicild pierced heart [ LAW rt frm man & heart front rt frm hcb f ngr anchr 11, frm crsscl hnds rt frm dancing girl rt frm anchr 2 sen k mrks It frm sc It hud small HC 011 check dots It arm " Burgoyne, Dover tomb x swrds VR rt, frm girl It frm vac It arm sword dots It frm white spots all over small back woman It frm sc rt frm sc shldr bid W M bend rt elbow jnt piper It frm sc above It eyebrow heart F Mills It frm dot rt frm 2 mks It frm 1 like hrse shoe mole near navel eyebrows meet scar on nose moles rt shoulder blade and loins [ blue dots It arm k base It thumb mole below It nipple scar centre fhd ' scar on rt knee sailor and cross on It frm sc It side bead sears centre back H back It hand faint tto marks outside It arm anchor rt frm sc rt cheek sc above It eyebrow k forehead 3 figrs dancing girls prcd hrt It frm small mole back neck round shldrd anch dots rtfrm x AHC It frm & hnd 2 scs It frm sc bck It thigh sc It elbw sc side It frm E R on It frm tto It frm ILFR cicatrix rt mid fingr scs It temple & nk W G S rt arm sc rt thmb sc 3rd fingr rt hnd ttohighlndr & c. lt frm tto 3 hds rtarm scrt thumb LOVErtfrmHLOltarm sc frnt It arm sc index finger It hnd 2 scs It hand sc rt side forehead sc under It knee clasped hands k heart rt frm HC rt nostril & It eyebrw stain rt bttck [ heart bck rt frm wmn frnt It frm A L heart dggr k True Love It frm small scar cut back head F L It frm isc rt frm I eyebrows meet. sc It knee sc middle back x & .1 N rt frm Annie back It wrist scs It check rt eybrw fhd both knees sc rt check sc on frhd clasped hands heart back rt wrist sc rt knee & It brst loss 2 upr teeth scs It jw& nk tto solder It frm Aden ch moles back neck k abdomen sc forefinger It hand scar rt thumb J W S R & c. It frm star rt frm sc It breast L 0 V E rt arm sc forehead hrt & true E S It frm ldy tlve rt arm A S It frm x figs frnt It frm man bck rt frm tto m irks on rt and It frms blue dots base of each thumb hrt arnv II wr in pot It frm sc It hnd sc frhd & It. elbow dimple in chin brn spot outer side It thigh sc front of rt wrist 2 scare It knee sc base 1st fngr 1 hud dot web r thmb mil's hd fc str rt frm acrbt & wmn It small varicocele sc back head heart & anc rt frm L C A T It frm 2 dots back It frm scar back of rt frm 2 J in. long mole behind rt shoulder blade sc rt eyebrow •!. of W. .1 Walker anchor J W & c It frm slight pigeon breast small sc rt breast , i w orasflgs B Brt J WW K LU frm " 1 L R W dots ace. it frm k hand T R rt frm J It frni True Love rt frm sc It check mole rt loin In Memory of My Mother rt frni fusilier sailor anclir clspd hndrt frm H W It frm scs head neck It check sc It side of head trphy figs ors shp clspd hnds rt frm se above rt eye dots back* It hand anchor It wrist small pit rt angle mouth xllgsrt frni Harris, George Hartley, Walter Hy. Harvey, G. Haynes, William Henderson, Charles Hewson, Richard Hiscocks, Harry Hone, Francis Hopkins, John Inker, J. Inwood, F. J. James, John Johnson, T. Jones, Alfred Jordan, George Kane, Hugh Keep, W. G. Kelly, John Kingston, Benjamin Kirk, Thomas Lambeth, W. A. Lamont, Ronald Lawes, Sidney Leslie, James Lill, John Lippitt, J. H. Long, Mark Love, Frederick Magee, Benjamin Margetts, Thos. Wm. Marsh, W. Martin, John Marvel, T. I Mason, Henry Mason, Rbt. Andrew Maund, Thomas May, James Wm. May, John McCormick, John McGrath, P. | McIver, P. McKenzie, William McRorie, Peter Miller. Henry Wm. Mills, Frank Moon, George Moore, Fred. James Morris, Samuel Mott, E. Mullen, James M. Murphy, James Murray, Michael Newbould, James Newell, George Newton, Frank Nicholls, Fredk. C. Owens, William R. Paton, Matthew Pitt, Charles Henry Porter, Rich. Henry Prudham, Parker Quick, T. Ralph, J. Redican, Myles Reid, James Rice, James Roberts, Charles Roberts, David J. Robertson, James Robinson, Henry Rodgers, J. Romer, J. Rothwell, John Russell, H. Russell, Harry Rutherwood, Samuel Sendall, A. Serais, John Sheller, Richard C. Shepherd, Thos. H. Simmonds, William Simmons, A. Slater, John Wm. Smith, Arthur Smith, Charles Smith, E. Smith, Edward Smith, George Smith, John smith, Robert Snett, H. J. Speed, William Spink, William C. Stafford, Harry Stewart, Thos. Jas. Stuad, J. H. Stuart, James Sullivan, Dennis Sutcliffe, Willie Swinburn, George Turner, A. Turner, A. Turner, Harry Turner, Henry T. Thompson, Samuel Waldron, John Walker, John Walker, Thomas Walsh, James Ward, Joseph Warner, James Warren, John Watkins, James Watson, George Westcott, George Weston, Geo. Henry Whitchelo, — White, Thomas Whitehead, James Williams. George Williams, John Willis, A. G. Wright, Cornelius clerk labourer labourer engine drvr driver labourer labourer labourer labourer carman carpenter paper stnr labourer collier labourer labourer fitter hawker labourer iron planer labourer labourer farm labr draper labourer turner labourer labourer mill ham I shop asstnl collier bootmaker waterman gardener labourer turner carman labourer labourer labourer labourer I labourer . miner labourer labourer labourer blksnihasst carman labourer labourer tailor labourer farm labr strapper baker labourer labourer carter clerk carman labourer bklyr'slabr labourer la bourer moulder moulder tailor saddler labourer gymnast ' tlgrph clrlc labourer collier groom labourer butcher tailor seaman la bourer Icoal porter coach pntr Icollier | labourer ' labourer turner tailor labourer labourer farm labr striker [ labourer labourer labourer , labourer cellarman labourer wood carvr i labourer barman polisher labourer bkmth'slbr blacksmith gardener labouror collier labourer bottle blwi labourer labourer labourer i carpenter dock labr labourer hammcrnin labourer moulder labourer collier musician footman Croydon, Surrey Hackney, London West Ham Aston, Warwick Hulmc, Manchester Grimsby, Lincoln Honiton, Devon iNewinorikland* 8, Wilfred's, Mnchrtr Islington, Middlesex St. Pancras, London Islington, Lindon si. ( Jhad . Manch 11 All Saints', Hereford N. Shields, Nrthm bid Barony, Glasgow ! Islington, Middlesex New Cross, Manchstr Birr, King's County SI. John's, Manehst r West. Ham, Essex Dunfermline, Fife Betftriondsey, Loud n. Kirriemuir, Forfar Greenwich, Kent Nottingham, Notts Paisley. Renfrew S. Paul's, Wlvhmptn Shipley, Yorkshire I Acton. Middlesex Sutton, Lanes Northampton Highgite, London I Chatham, Kent Battersea, Loudon Aston, Warwick Camber well, Surrey Lambeth, Surrey j Shankhill, Antrim Bolton. Lanes [ Keighley, Yorks Is. Nicholas, Abrdeen Crieff, Perth Limehouse, Middsx Brighton, Sussex St. Paul's, Plymouth I Harwich Bermondsey, Surrey Southwark, Surrey II iestownard. Down St. Andrew's, I Jublin Ballen I, co. Mayo Snaith, Yorkshire jNcwington, Ednbgh ; London Staines, Middlesex Liverpool, Lanes I illocksha w, lienf rw Malvern, Hereford I St. George's. London Carlisle, Cumbrlaud Bow, Middlesex Pluckley, Kent Slvornecliffe, Kent Falkirk, Stirling Kirkintullock jBrighton, Sussex j Llangefni, Anglesea Govan, Glasgow I Birminghm, Wrwck Linlil ligow, LUHILCW Stratford, Essex I Pendleton, Lanes Balham iSt. John's, Sussex | Deptford, Kent Kennington, Surrey Liverpool, Lanes. St. Mary's, Kent iMarylebone, Middx. (' ambcrlcy, Surrey Brighton, Sussex Rawtenstall, Lanes. Ardwick, Lanes. ITarpurhey, Lanes Birmingham Birminghm, Wrwck Fulham, Middlesex Liverpool, Lanes. Linlithgow Evert oil, Lanes King's 11 ill, Darlastn Camberwell, Surrey Liverpool, Lanes. Bangor, Down Greenwich, Kent Melrose, Roxburgh Bermondsey, Surrey Huddersfiold, Yorks. Liverpool. Lanes II aiiimi-- siui h,,\ l idd'x ' Birmingham iHulmc, Lanes jHackney, Middlesex Ballinderry, Antrim Baydon, Wiltshire I Armagh Blackburn, Lanes. Bradford, Yorks I Liverpool, Lanes. Paddington, Middsx Dundee, Forfarshire! Lambeth, Surrey Old Ford, Middsx West I- Iani Studley, Wrcstrshrei Clapton, Middlesex ! Hulme, Lanes. Manchester, Lanes [ Glasgow, Lanark I Aberdare, Glam. | West Hani,! Essex j Darlington. Durham I TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 2 , 1 8 9 9. T H E POLICE GAZETTE. 3 Discharged for Misconduct. Dowling, John Ed. Gilmartin, Patrick Heath. Alfred Kelshaw, Samuel McGuinness, Michl. Ross, Thomas * Ryan, W. A. ShaW, Thomas* confectionr labourer labourer labourer labourer belt maker medicl stdt seaman Llandrindowd* Dundee. Forfar C imberwell, Surrey Liverpool, Lanes Wisham, Lanark S. Mary's, Nottinghm O'Brien's Bridge* Hookfield. Bedford cicatrix top forlri rt chic rt hnd ' Radnor dot web It thumb blue inks rt frra x flgs anchor & c It frra sc under chin drmmrtmbstn & M McGss It harp & crt frm x flgs & c It frm • nli'is Rose 2 false teeth upper jaw " Limerick crcifixn bRt grl See *, ilia* John Esbern Bunn. George Chas. Chisholm, Daniel Ferryman. Samuel Hale, Harry Hartnett, Lawrence Ogley, Harry groom sailor sweep cabint mkr porter collier Dickleburgh. Norflk Antigonish* Bethnal Green Market Lavington* Woolwich, Kent Osberton. Notts I moles 011 bk rt . shldr • Nova Scotia x tto It frni SI It wrst ring rt & It hnd scs frhd rt frra mle It elbw * Glo'stcr sc rt thigh Aikenhead. William Allardice, William Allen. James* Assinder, Albert Avery, William Ayeres, Arthur Bailey, William Bailey. William Ballard, Albert Balmer. Thomas Bannister, Charles Bateman, Harry Batty. James Beckett, George E. Beckett. William G. Bell. John H. D. Bennett, Ernest Bishop, Arthur Blackburn, Alfred Boland, Joseph Boot, Samuel Booth, Thomas Bowen, Jas. John Boyle, John Brady, James Brady, John Breen, John Brennan, Thomas Brett, Frank Bromley. Samuel Brown, George Brown, James Buckley, John Burke, Edmund Bush, Henry Butler, Henry Buxton, James Byrne. Thomas Caldwell. James Callaghan. Michael Carpenter, John Carroll, Thomas Casey. Thomas Chaplin, George Chapman, Thomas Cheer, Frank Clancy, Henry Cleary, Daniel Clarke, Ralph Clarkson, Charles Collins, Thomas Collins, Wm. James Connell, John Connor. Edward Connor, Timothy Connors, Frank Connors, Timothy Conroy, Matthew Constantine, Joseph Cook, William Cooper, George Cooper, William Cotton, Thomas Cox, George Cox, George Cox, James Crawley, John Crawley, John Crawley, John Creamar, Thomas Croker, Lewis Cummins, Henry Currie, William Curtin, Daniel Curtis, Alex. S. Dadd. Robert Daly. John Daly, John Davis, Charles Deith, Henry Dempsey, James Denizon, James Dennehy, Patrick Donovan, Daniel Donovan, John Donovan, Thomas Dowling, John Doyle, James Dunlop, John Dunlop, Robert Dunn, William Edge, John striker polisher labourer carpenter filer labourer labourer collier moulder labourer [ bootmaker labourer labourer labourer clerk news vendr labourer labourer cook collier labourer barber labourer fshmgr asst labourer coster labourer brick setter scavenger labourer labourer labourer boat maker printr's lbi| moulder labourer labourer fireman labourer | frnch plshrl labourer labourer I [ labourer I labourer } labourer baker labourer moulder i cane scaterj farmer | carman labourer dealer labourer dyer iron wrkr slater labourer labourer [ labourer ; Icabint mkr labourer labourer labourer carman labourer carman collier labourer lalxmrcr dyer labourer | wire workr labourer i printer labourer I horsckecprI baker painter groom labourer hawker [ coal porter . labourer labourer labourer carter labourer painter Labourer Chorltn- on- Medlck* St. Cuthbert's, Edin. St. Mary's, Rochdle* BethnaiGrn., Mdllx, Birminghm, Wrwck St. Paul's, London,* London, Middlesex St. Mark's. Ashtn- u-* St. Philip's,* Manchester. I ancs Hoxton Shoreditch, London St. Peter's. Ashton* Hacknej', Middlesex Whitefield, Lanes Mauritius Islington, London Great Haseley, Oxon Gorton, Lanes Whitechapel Chase town, Staffs Manchester, Lanes Islington, London Barony, Lanark Mile End. Middlesx Rhayader, Radnorsh Hoxton St. Chads, Manchstr Rochdale, Lanes Ashton Spitalfields, London B rough ton, Lanes Kanturk, co. Cork Spitalfields, London Bermondsey, Surrey St. Phillip's* St. Clement's* Star of Sea, Dublin Irvine, Ayr Sligo, co. Sligo Spitalfields, London] Sale. Lancashire Balli nasloe, Gal way Limehousc London New Hinksey, Oxon St. George's. East Whitechapel Bradford. Lanes Manchester, Lanes I Shanagarry, <' lovnc* Aldgate, London Kanturk, co. Cork St. Luke's, liondon Han ley, Staffs Salford, Manchester Mallow, co. Cork [ Tunstall, Staffs jSt. Joseph's, Birknhd Buckingham Si. Albans Newcastle, Staffs St. Augustine's, Lncs Wantage, Berks Gunnerslake, Devon Dunsden, Berks St. Olave's St. George's, Londn Dublin W. Bromwieh, Staffs Hoxton, London Killarney, co. Kerry St. Phillip's, Mnchstr Doneraile, co. Cork Shoreditch Bethnal Green Lambeth, Surrey Lyre, co. Cork Clerkenwell St. George's, East Hulme, Manchester St. Michael's, Castle*] Monaminy, co. Cork Aldgate, London Si. George's, East Whiteehurch.* St. George's, East St. Ann's. Brail ford* Irvine. Ayr Shankhill. Antrim Hulme. . Manchester St. Wilfred's,* | W A back It frm * Manchester sc below It elbw Sc rt elbw * Lancs jsc It shoulder 13 dots back It frm ( small se ovr It evebrw ' Middlesex |* Lyne, Lanes. [ slight knock- kneed ' Manchester 1 J. Jones bk It hand | sc It shoulder large sc It of neck ' Lanes sc rt head prt anch dot rt frm flag It arm [ J It frm heart It arc sc It arm indistinct spots both arms slightly knock- kneed sc It forefinger 2 scs small back • lots frra sc front It thigh sc of operation inner side each leg tto anchor rt frm sc It side forehead vac 4 It sc It chcek T F back It hand sc outside rt buttock mole It thigh W Knight It frm mole over It buttock E B & dots It frm ring lttle fngr It hn dots It arm Sc frm sc It knee mis nek sc back It hand * Blackburn ' Manchester sc back head Sc centre forehead sc over rt, patella large burn rt hand T M rt frm faint tto It frra sc rt shoulder faint tto mark rt frm ballet girl It frra slightly fiat- footed lost 2nd incisor blue mark 3rd finger rt hand * l ' ork sc bk rt hand wmn's lid anc It frra scar inside rt knee man's head bk It hand ttd bth frms small mole It shoulder blade woman's hd rt arm FL bk It hand Ittd both frms [ several scs back & It side isc rt side injury tip It index fingr sc It eybrw 3 scs It side neck Sc lower jaw j vac both arms scs head [ scs rt eyebrow Ittd rt wrist star LC rl frm sc chest sc It frm several scs back head scs frhd rt side belly anchor It frm se 1st finger It hand vac It arm -<• by It eye rt litl finger & bk neck I to rt x It frm * Comer, Kilkenny R F arm " co. Cork sc forehead slightly flat- footed * Vorks anchor 11 D rt frni [ star See It frra Iheart rt frin ' Manchester 4 THE POLICE GAZETTE. FriDAY, SepTember 350, 1899. Edwards, James Ellis, Thomas Elliott, George Elms, Charles Empson, Alfred Erzard, William Evans, Henry Fagan. Thomas Fay. Thomas Fielden. Benjamin Finan, William Fitton, Charles FitzGerald, James Fitzgerald. William Fitzpatrick, John Fitzpatrick, Michael Fleet, Charles Foster, Charles Foster, John James Franklin. William Frith, George E. Garrity, Peter George, Thomas Gigg Wm. Thomas Gilley, William Glancey, John Glasgow, Arthur Glass, Thomas Golden, Thomas Gollins. Henry Goodman. Samuel Graham, William Grant. Herbert Green, Frank Green, John Henry Greenwood, James , Griffin, Charles Groom, Thomas Grundy, Silas Guy, Thomas Hall, Charles Henry Hall. Harry Halladey. Alfred Hands, Wm. Henry Hayden. George Hegarty, Joseph Hensher. Walter Hickey, James Hillson, George Hinchcliffe. George | Hobday, Thomas Hogan. Thomas Holmes, Joseph T. Horne, John Horton. Stanley Hough, Jas. Alfred Howard, George Howarth. William Hughes, Wally Hughes. William Hushon, James Jackson, John Jackson, Martin Jenkins, William Johnson, Arthur Johnson. Henry Johnson. John Jones. Alfred Jones, Alfred Jones, Joseph Jones, Joseph Jones, Owen Jones. William Jones, William Keith, James Kelleher, Cornelius Kelly, James Kelly, John Kelly, John Kennedy. Dennis Kennedy, Thomas Kenyon, Samuel Kerrison, Samuel Kidd, Thomas Kilbey, Walter F. King, Charles Kinsella, Edward Knapp, Frederick Knight, George Hy. Knight, Harry C. J. Knott, Edward Knox, George Knox, Henry Lamb, Thomas Lamb, William Learey, James Lee, George Lee, George Henry Lee, Henry Lee, Richard Lewis, Frederick Lewis, Harry Lewis, Henry Lidbury, Albert E. Lomas, James Wm. Lord, Henry Lovell, Samuel Mally. James Marshall, James W. Marshall, John Martin, Joseph Mason, John Mayforth, Henry Mayhew, George Maynard, Frederick McCarthy, Justin McCarthy. Patrick McDermott, Joseph McDonald. Roderick McGowan, James McGrail, John McKenzie, Geo. F. McNally, Thomas McNamara, S. Meehan, John labourer labourer labourer labourer printer labourer labourer labourer labourer finisher labourer carter labourer baker labourer smth's stkr labourer labourer labourer labourer labourer labourer labourer polisher labourer labourer frnch plshr farrier sawyer labourer labourer labourer plasterer nickel plter cabint mkr dyer polisher carman butcher labourer labourer labourer labourer carman news vendr labourer pipemaker sawyer van guard labourer labourer labourer labourer potter labourer traveller labourer collier brewer labourer labourer lalxnirer I labourer labourer labourer labourer moulder boat wright Spring mkr I labourer dealer painter labourer porter labourer labourer shoemaker collier labourer labourer I i bricklayer 1 packer iabourer 1 carman house dcrtrj [ labourer i ( labourer labourer ^ labourer Icarman wood turnr labourer i labourer tailor carpt beat- r greengrocr j moulder j noulder engn- r's lbr i out Idler hawker tailor labourer bookbinder hawker labourer fishmonger labourer lisherman footman labourer labourer i labourer ( waiter labourer j labourer labourer labourer m ill worker shoemaker labourer labourer labourer , tailor clerk Kingsland Whitchurch, Salop j St. John's, Manchstr Shore< litch, Middlsx Marylebone, Mddlsx; St.. James', York St. George's, East* Town Hill,* St. Luke's, London St. Chad's, Manchstr Ashton- undr- Lyne* Sc. Mary's, Leeds Bromley, London Stoke- on- Trent, Stffs St. Patrick s, Oldham All Saints', Derby Nwcstle- u- L., Staffs St. Luke's, London Greengate, Salford St. John. Salford Si. Luke s, M iddlesx Manchester, Lanes , Mi 11 wall Shoreditch Holborn. London Holy Trinity* Kingsland, Middlsx Islington. London Newry, co. Down j St. Clement's* St. John's, Salford Bootle, Lanes Birmingham S. Patrick's, Mnchstr St. Joseph's, Mnchstr Spitalfields Stepney Denton. Lanes Bromley. London St. Pefer s, Stoukprt Bromley. London Holborn, London St. George's, Lndon St. Luke's, E. G. Mallow, co. Cork Whitechapel Bethnal Green Holborn, London St. Matthew's. Salfrd Banbury, Oxon St. Johu's, Salford Limehouse Burslem. Staff; Bermondsey St. Saviour. Mnchstr St. George's, Londn S. Michael's, Mnchstr Shoreditch. L mdon St. George's, Lon In Salford, Lanes Ardwick, Lanes. St. Patrick. Bolton I St. George's, Londn Harpurliey. Lanes. St. Pancras. London M i lesPlat t i ng, Lanes Hampstead, Middsx. Shoreditch, Middsx ( S. Thoms's. S. Helens! Shoreditch Cardiff, Glamorgan Holborn Shoreditch St. George's, East St. Ann's, Cork St. Luke's, Middlsx Daubhill, Lanes. St, William. Mnchstr St. George's, East St, Patrick's. Belfast( Hulme, Lancashire Poplar St. Luke's Shoreditch Waterstratford,* Sim's Cross, Lanes Bethnal Green Brentford City of London Christctiurch, Lanes Shoreditch, Middx Mile End S. Mary's, Ashtn- u- L Salford, Lanes Clerkenwell S. Petr'sicPaul, Boltn Bolton, Lanes Canning Town Etruria. Staffs [ St. Pancras, Middx Spitalfields Oxford St. Bride's, London Manchestcr, I , ancs Waterhead, Lanes Hishopsgate, Londn St. James', Burnley I Topcroft. Norfolk | > t. Finbarr's, Cork Sallord, Lanes Shored itch Islington, Middlesex Ipswich Bethnal Green Lisgoold, Midleton.* Douglas, Cork 3. Wilfred's, Mnchstr I Dundee, Forfar Oldham, Lanes Newcastle, Staffs St. George, Mnchstr All Saints', Wlvrhmp Cork, Ireland | Burslem, Staffs. birthmk ( purple) rt thigh knee leg sc It buttock sc under chin sc rt knee sc back It hand sc back head A E cross It frm small sc It side back sc It cheek * London sc k bubo It thigh * Warngtn, Lncs ring 3rd fingr rt hnd HTFH It frm 2 anchors dot It frm isc rt side neck ' Lanes | sc rt leg 12 scs on forehead ring upper part rt arm J D back It hand dot back It frni mole front chest [ sc rt head cicatrix below It knee vac 5 It sc bk head man tto k spots on either frm PWEBC It frm * Manchestcr indistinct tto marks sc rt cheek blue dots both frms small mole above It nipple letters It frm mks rt frra ' Salford LBW rt frm CB pierced heart It frm sc rt groin tto marks It frm flag indistinct tto mark It frm vac 3 rt sc rt side rt ear J. G. tto rt frm * sc head frhd rt thmb I love R k Adah sc back It hand T B rt frra anchor frnt rt frm C H Hall It frm 4 vac It arm sc It breast J rt frm I LP W It frm ring 2nd fgr It sc rt arm dots It arm ttd It frm and outside It calf sc It breast sc rt thumb M J K anchor S B back rt frm moles bk sc It ribs vac 2 It Sd rt f rno crss flgs sc rt knee sc centre frhd sc It eye coal mark rt shoulder K C & dots It frm sc It rump mole shldr blade M dot It frm W T rt frm anchor It arm M A 1) It arm vac It arm tto spots It wrist lost several teeth slightly flat- footed ring on finger It hand sc rt knee Ismail scar rt buttock vacc 3 It C rt frm anc dots sc It frm sc bk hd iscar rt cheek scar nnder It eye C and dot It " frm vac 3 It scar rt wrist indistinct tto L F A scar It shoulder vac It arm T J It frra T P rt frm mole rt hipsc front chest scar of burn on back sc It side head dots It frin and scar flag on It frm scar on rt wrist tto mark It frm 2 flgs & shp It arm flwr k Emily rt scar It shoulder blade I L L K J anchor • Buckingham, Bucks lost several teeth vac .") It L F A faint tto scar frhd vac 3 rt dots It frm am- ers clots It frni A K bk It hnd dot It frra mle mdlc bk k rt shldr Thomas and dot It frm ere star rt frm tto ink bass It thmb W L It frm scs forehead It wrist It knee bk fhd large scar of burn back of neck sc forehead vac 3 It sc It eyebrow man rt frm female & flag It frni tto marks both frms clasped hands rt wrist dots It frm sc rt side chin dots It arm slightly flat- footed sc It axilla sc It foreleg vac 4 rt • Cork bald patch bk head smlpox mkface 5 dots back It frm I L E It frm dots rt frm TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1899. THE POLICE GAZETTE. 5 Meredith, William Monks, Wm. Henry Moore, Thomas Moran, John Joseph Moran, William Morris, Frank Mortimer, John Moynihan. John Munro, George Murphy, John Murphy, John Nelson, James Nicholson, T. North, Arthur E. O'Brien, John O'Connor, John O'Donovan, James Osborn, John Page, Henry Panton, Joseph Parker, John Partington, John Paton, William Pearce, G. Perkins, Thomas Perrin, Matthew Phelan, Janes Philias, Emanuel J. Pigott. Edward Pitt. Thomas Alfred Platt, John Platt, Samuel Potter, Daniel Powell. William Preece, John Preston, John Priestley, James Prior, Charles Quigley, James Quinlan, John Radford, Charles Rawson, Richard Reynolds, Stephen Richards, Samuel Riley, Charles Riley, James Wm. Riley, John Riley, Thomas Ring, Michael Ring. Thomas Robertson, Thomas Robeson, Agustas Robins, Wiiliam H. Rodgers. George Rogers, William Ross, Frederick Rothery. A. Clarke Ruddy, James Rugg, T. J. Ryan, John Samson, Charles Sanders, James Sandy. Robert Scott, Edward Scragg, Albert Jas. Sear, George Selby, Cieorge Sharp. Arthur Chas. Shaughnessy, E. Sheel. Robert Sheppard, Wm. Geo. Shevlin, Joseph Short, William Sidey, John Siffard, James F. skelhorn, John Slark, John Smith. Charles Hy. Smith, Frederick Smith, Frederick Smith, John Smith, Thomas Smith, Thomas Smith. Thomas Smith, William Soulby, Matthew Spencer. James W. Spicer. William Spikesley, William Stack. Charles Stead, Thomas Stedman, Henry Stevens, William Stevens, William J. Steward, William Sullivan, D. Sullivan, John Sweeney, John Sweeney, William Tape, Frederick Taylor, Albert Taylor, Charles Taylor, Henry Taylor, Joseph Taylor, Thomas Tether, Frederick Thompson, John Thompson, Joseph Thompson, Joseph Toomey. John Tuck, William Tuill, John Tully, Mark Turner, Harry Turner, John Walker. Samuel Walker, William Wall, George Wallis, John Walton. John E. Webb, James West, George Whelding, Thomas White, Thomas Wm. Whitehead. George labourer collier potter Labourer finisher miner seaman labourer labourer labourer labourer labourer labourer labourer labourer carpenter labourer boot trade Labourer labourer labourer labourer barman rope maker tailor labourer musician barber labourer labourer Labourer collier labourer labourer brickmkr labourer labourer polisher labourer labourer labourer isign writer groom eottn spinr | tinplate wk collier hawker labourer labourer labourer labourer labourer cook groom dock labr • labourer [ labourer Labourer ilabourer plumber labourer labourer labourer brassmlder plmbrs mte labourer labourer labourer waiter shoemaker labourer jiecer lawker glass blowr aistian cttr greengrocr abourer > olisher lawker hawker labourer labourer labourer ( labourer ; tailor weaver gas stoker labourer carman labourer barman dyer labourer newsvendr labourer labourer bibourer baker labourer piecer potter labourer engine clnr labourer labourer shoemaker labourer hawker groom labourer i printer labourer labourer j Labourer labourer labourer labourer labourer shop asstntj hawker joiner labourer labourer labourer St. George's, Man. Bury, Lancashire Lougton, Staffs Huline, Manchester Hulme, Manchester Motherwell, Lanark Adelaide, Australia Middle Parish, Cork St. Albans, Manch. Liverpool. Lanes South Parish, Cork Ardwick, Mnchstr. Clerkenwell St. Clement's, Oxon St Patrick's, Cork Millstreet, Cork St. Mary's, Bandon* Bethnal Green Stepney St. Thomas. Oxford Bermondsey St. James, Mnchstr Glasgow St. George's, East St. George's. East St. Wilfrid's, Mnchtr St. James', Dublin Stonehouse. Plymtfc St. Ann's, Cork St. Pancras St. Helen's. Lanes. Sedgeley Bilston* St. Peter and Paul's* Haggerston, Middx. Bethnal Green Bethnal Green St. John's, Oldham St. Luke's, E. C. Ferns, Wexford* Ivanturk, co. Cork Chelsea Islington, Middx. St. Mary's, Tralee* Bethnal Green, Mdx Shorcditch Bank Top, Oldham St. Luke's. London Hackney, London Mallow, co. Cork Whitechapel Hnlme. Lanes Whitechapel Hereford Chinnor, Thame,* Belfast Holborn, Middlesex Bayswater, Middlsx Chaterton, Lanes Limehouse Salford, Lancashire West Ham, London Gorton, Lanes Normanton Kingsland, London Burslem, Staffs Hoxton, London Quebec, Canada St. Luke's, Middlsx Mallow, co. Cork Everton. Lanes Shoreditch Hulme, Lanes St. James, Oldham Ipswich, Suffolk Whitechapel, Londn Hollo way, Middlesx St. John's, Ashtu- u- L Islington St. Mary's. Oldham Cork. Cork Anco its, Lanes St. Martin's, Londn St. Peter's, Salford Manchester, Lanes Ardwick, Lanes St. Peter's, Liverpool Bow Barnct, Middlesex St. James' St. James, Mnchstr Stepney, E. Salford. Lanes Holy Trinity, Oxon Whitechapel Donoughmore,* Sliadwell, London, E. Doneraile, co. Cork Kanturk. co. Cork Stepney S. Peter's, Ashtn- u- L Bromley, London Hackney St. John's, Preston S. Clement's, Salford Lambeth. London S. Thomas, Accrngtn St. Joseph's, Salford Pendleton, Lanes St. Michael's.* Poplar, Middlesex . St. Luke's, L mdon St. Patrick's, Oldham I S. Thomas, Manchstr Barony, Lanark I Enfield St. George's, East St. Ann's, Cork ( Greengate, Lanes. Milliiurton. Cheshire Manchester, Lanes. St. Mary's, Liverpool Hauley, Staffs Bethnal Green St.. ke- o- Trent, Staffs jraole It umbilicus tto dots It frm coal scs over both eyebrows jsc inside rt eye ( blue dot back It arm [ tree snake rt frm E W anc It mk rt j w J J two lines It frm sc rt eyebrow heart 4: dagger It frm E P rt frm E P B P It frm W bk hand anchor It frm sc It side of head * Cork W k dot rt frm 0 J Y It frm sc rt frm fig womn rt frm brc hndscrs It frm 1 O C T It frm tombstone It frm sc back of head vac both arms x BWH heart in red ink 5 dots It frm sc scald over breach bone * Staffs * Cork sc It cheek & It side head • r) dots It frm anchor back It hand anchor dots rt frm J Q rt arm * Irelamd moles chest vac 4 It slight abnormal curvature spine heart pierced sword It arm * Kenny tto It frm mole back sc back head & back vac 5 It star rt frm 2 scs outer side It frm rt eye myopic palm tree . Sc snake It frm Queen rt T It frm vac 2 rt 2 It MAC cross & marks It frm man anchor rt frm x flgs ship rose rt frm star bck It hnd ' Oxon sc burn inner side both frms sc It eye ILFS It frm FR rt frm moles face scs chest cicatrix of abscess each side nock sc back head vac 3 It x flags inside It frm blue mrks It frm mole rt abdomen" hnds & hrt rt frni femle figrelt frm 2 scs front of chest ILHK anchor kz It frm sc It hand sc rt shoulder blade vac both arms ships CL kc brst flowers kc rt frm sc back It calf sc It thumb vac 5 it sc outer angle rt eye head 1LA rt frm H CJ anc It frm mole bk It elbow k blw It collar bn vac 4 It indistinct tto marks It frm scs back neck sc below chin cluster sml scs midway beside spine woman's head rt frm sc It arm sc back head TM flg rt frm indistinct mks It frm Star of India ttd front chest horseshoe bust woman inside rt frm sc It head rt forehead back head small sc beneath It half chin sc und chn & ov rt cllrbonc on neck dots It frm vac 4 It * co. Cork 3 vac rt arm Fred Tape It frm large se above rt knee very large ears vacc on It arm scar rt eyebrow scar back It frm mole It hip irregular tattooing back rt frm k It • co. Tipperr. xy scs It eybrw head Tuck dots It frm sc bk nk birds kc. It frm cross It frm scs eyebrows sc top head k forehead broken nose vac 4 K F rt arm scars rt hip and It buttock tto dot base It thumb vac 5 It 2 rt cicatrix of boil over It buttock 6 THE POLICE GAZETTE. TUESDAY, August 15' 1899. ABSENTEES FROM THE MILITIA— continued. Why brow, Chas. H i Wickens, James Wicks, James Wilby. Henry Wilde, John Williams, George Williams, Henry Williams, James Williams. James Willson. Alfred Wilson, Frederick Wilson, George C. Wilson, James Wilson, Thomas Windsor, Frederick Windridge, Alex. Winkle, John Winstanley, John Wood, George Wood. Richard Wood, William Woods, John Worsley, William Wr- ght, Richard W. Yates, Samuel Young. Thomas labourer labourer carman coster hooker groom carman hawker slater labourer frm- h plslil labourer costermngr shoemaker groom labourer clerk groom painter chmnv swp coster [ abourer seaman printer labourer Hackney, Middlsx St. George's East Notting Hill Islington Highton, Lanes. I'oole, Dorsetshire Limchouse St. John's* Ardwick, I* ancs. Bethnal Green Hoxton, Middlesex Wokingham, Berks Shoreditch, London St. Michael's* St. George's, East St. George's, Lanes. Shalton, Staffs. Miles Platting* Exeter, Devon Shudc Hill, Lanes St. Luke's St. Pancras Hoxton Edinburgh Tunstall, Staffs Beswick. Lanes I L L E It frm C R It arm sc bk head L FAHi sc It hnd It H vac- 4 It vac 5 It scar It eyebrow vac sc bk head scs bk nk sc nose small finger It hand fractured * Farnsworth, Lanes, sc: rt eyebrow vac 5 It mis It chk chst bk of rt btk -<• frelid i t i- yebrw mlcschst It arm " ttd Bengal lancer with lance It frm vac 1 extra Large It arm * Ashton, Lanes, vac mark both arms 3 small scs on stomach • Manchester sc It eyebrow dots It frm scvwral dots It wrist scar on It chest vac It frm sc rt knee mole rt of neck T P, It arm 3 cicatrices of wounds over It eybrw Gallagher, J. Page, Edward Woodcock, Charles groom m usician Labourer Robin Hood, Notts Maryleboue, Middsx Newport, Monmouth sc rt temple sailr's bust x flgs anchr x stripes & c rt frm sc rt leg tto rt frm Alderman, Ernest Bates, Sidney G. Blackwcll. Wm. J. Bladon. Gerald A. Brabbins, James Brown, Geo. Hy. Campbell, Patrick Cavanagh, Michael Cunningham. Alfred Forrester, Joseph Head, Wm. J. H. Hillyer, William 11. Holland, Thomas IreLand. Charles J. Liddle, Robert H. McMahon, John R. Mitchell. Henry G. NoveU, William Payne. Wm. P. Smith, William Trainor, John Watson, William Williams. Thomas ( reseenr, deserter I ' mum, st raggler Pembroke. deserter i Proserpine, deserter \ Edgar, deserter 1). of Wellington, deserter Pembroke, deserter D. of Wrllington, deserter I), of 11 ' elli ngton. deserter Much Prince, deserter I irid, deserter Pembrolte. deserter Pembrolte. deserter Mildum, deserter Pro- wrpine, deserter \ Pembroke, deserter J" son, straggler Lion, deserter I), of Wellington, deserter Jason, straggler Terrible, deserter J). of Wellington, deserter I). of Wellington. deserter Leekford. Hants Toddington, Luton Notting Hill St. Stephen's, Redditch Liverpool Barnes Glenties, Donegal Ballymore, Cork St. Pancras, London Walsall. Staffs Peckham, Surrey Sevenoaks, Kent Boston, Lines Plymouth Hoxton, London Cavan I Newton Poppleford Hull Woking London Cromlyn, Monaghan Kissling, Yarmouth Sheffield tto head of woman mole face neck breast and back scars on chin and It temple scar It wrist bust of woman It arm hands flags ko wrisli R L & 3 dots It arm mole near It nipnle heart arrow W R rt arm scar over rt eyebrow tto mks It hand scar over It eye Nelson, Charles Pulgphein us Cosburn, Albert E. Higgs, Arthur de G. Lawrence, A. Paton, Richard J. Stone. Richard R. M. A. R. M. A. „ li. M. L. I. R. M. A. R. M. A. Little Ilford Padd i ngton, Lond. Cambridge Clapham, Surrey Lechlade. Glos'ter stoucmasn clerk stableman carman labourer Ellis. William John| K. M. L. I. i Kdmonton. Middx butcher Cook, W. Day, A. Duggan, J. Gomer, W. Gover, W. Hilton, W. Jones. D. 3rd Lincoln Regt. Norfolk Regt. 2nd Middlesex Regt. Impregnable 3rd Dorset Regt. Norfolk Regt. I), of WelliJUftmi Murphy, n i . Ray worth, T. Symington, J. Toe knell, A. E. Watson. C. Watts, J. Surprise 3rd W. Riding R. Royal Artillery Impregnable 2nd Middlesex Regt. 2nd Middlesex Regt.
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