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Supplement to the Falmouth & Penryn Weekly Times and General Advertiser


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Supplement to the Falmouth & Penryn Weekly Times and General Advertiser
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Supplement to the Falmouth & Penryn Weekly Times and General Advertiser

Date of Article: 31/08/1872
Printer / Publisher: Fred. H. Earle 
Address: On the Quay, Falmouth
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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S TT IE3 IF3 n. E IMC IE 3ST T TO T ZE3I IE SMmtffr / c, Ernnpi IMIij SEFran AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. PUBLISHED, EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, BY FRED. H. EARLE, OFFICES ON THE QUAY, FALMOUTH. % FALMOUTH: SATURDAY, AUGUST 31 1872. © rarral. The House for Tea. THE ( inapcwder Tea Warehouse. REGISTERED MASK. , Green or Mixed the Finest Spring Crop. | J. H. HEAD, ) ealer & Grocer, Street, Falmouth. GRATION. [ minion of Canada. ISSISTLD PASSAGES nted by the Government to Agri- | ral Labourerw, Navvies, Ploughmen, omestic Servants, and Country [ s, in the Allan Boyal Mail, and other gteam Ships. Jrairie or Meadow Lands. Ints of 160 Acres are offered to settlers Kivince of Manitoba. Free Grants of ) Acres of Wood Land are offered in ts of the Dominion, • lent Farms can be purchased with the V Building, at from £ 4 to £ 10 an acre. ISHERlES are the most extensive lorld. tHT TAXKS, FREE SCHOOLS, Vie utmost fteedom of Religious and [ eal opiniou. """ Ui- are established at various places Option of Emigrants, where Govern- nts assist in finding immediate em- land homes, ^ information required, apply to the [ Government Agent, WILLIAM DIXON, 11, Adam St., Adelphi, London. IPH LOADERS. SECOND HAND. 3H- LOADEI1S. PROM £ 10 10s. ^ HEKCH- LOADEltS. BOUGHT FOB CASH. 0ATALOOUE AND PBICB LIST 3 STAMPS. [ JSTLEK, 11, STRAND, LONDON. © ntttal lood! The Blood!! The Blood!! EtKB'S BLOOE) MIXTURE, J. EANSING anil CLEARINQ the BLOOD ALL IMI'l KHIKs, whether arising Ihfill indiscretion or any other cause can- highly recommended. It lies Old Sores | res Ulcoratod Sores in the Neck b Ulcerated Sore Legs s Blackheads, or Pimples on Face Cures Scurvey Sores Cures Cancerous Ulcers Cures Blood and Skin Diseases tore j Glandular Swellings lleuis tliu Blood from all Impure Matter^ I from whatever cause arising. | Mixture is pleasant tu the taste, and war- from mercury— which a/ I pill* and most ( old for the above diseases contain— tho solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test » . inds of Testimonials from all Parts. V '- ties 2a. each, and in Cases containing * t'.< 10s • i. ii. - nih.- ient t. » .- il'.-. t a permanent in long standiuK cases, by all Chemists and it Medicine Vendora ; or! sent to any address i- oipt of 24 stamps or 120 stamps, by 5 J. CLARKE. Chemist, High Bridge. LINCOLN. Wholesale Ayrnta :— n . ICLAY & SON'S, LONDON, AND ALL THE WHOLESALE HOUSES. 0 L ENFIELD STARCIl,,^^ If there arc any ladies who have not j vet used the GLEN FI ELD STARCH I they are respectfully solicited to give iit a trial, and carefully follow out the directions printed on every package, and if this is done, Thrv will say. like the Queen's Laundress, ft is the finest Starch they ever u* ed. When you ask for Glenfield Starch see that you get it, A-< inferior lands arc often substituted for the sake of extra profits, ieware therefore of spurious imitation*. N Y C A KU1 AG ESAVic toriaB roa g hama. jjten « •* •'^•• i'i' X alioilkcioi I l) Mi V C U » tea, -- 1 OSS cf HAIR, Ac.— All defect* of the hair, oral ifiuivAT niaiama'•>• To Tourist and Travellers, Visitors to the Sea- Side. And those who enjoy the Promenade, the Ride, and Drive, In all cases fervid heat and its concomitant dust materially injure the skin, producing Sunburn, Tan^ Freckles, and Discolouration* of an almost indelible character. To obviate and eradicate these baneful results, recourse may with confidence be had to ROWLAND'S KALY'DOR, An Oriental Botanical Pre] B Whether resorted to in its specific character as a thorough purifier of existing delects Li an eruptive ture, and discolouration* of the skin/ or as a preserver and promoter of its already bright if glowing tints, this ELEGANT TOILET REQUISITE ha « in every instance maintained " tub unfailinu au! During summer and refreshing properties cd will be found singularly agree; . LAVIKS TRAVl The effects of claim to the title of FEMALE GRACE." i invigorating and DS KALYDOR the Face. Neck, and the cloud indu\ pd by re] solar heat upon ^ neutralised, langour dis- pelled by its powerVpUinijIg a perfect elasticity of the skin, without which certain deterioration takes place ; thus in the usual periodical visits made to the coast, ROWLAND S KAJLYDQR is indispensable as a preservative to the s/ ix after sea / bathing from the irritation causeA by the chemical action of salihe vapour. I The heat of summer frequently communicates a dryness to the hair andju tendency to fall off, which may be completely obviated by the use of HOW JjAflJJ'tf wACASdAR OIL, adelightfully fragrant/ and transparant preparation, and as an invigorator ancy beautitier of the hair beyond all precedent. For Children it is especially recommend- ed as forming the /> asis of a bilvutifcl head of hair, while it* introduction into the nurseries of Royalty, and the Numerous testimonials constantly received of its efficacy, afford the best and surest proof of its merits. Price 3s. Gd. ; / s. ; 10s. Gd., equal to four small; and 21b. per botf WHTDfc AND SOUND TEETH are iudispeusiUle to personal attraction and to health and longevity, by the proper mastication of ROWLAND'S 0D0NT0, Or Pearl Dentifrice, a white Powder, composed of Oriental Ingredients, is of inestimable value in preserving and beautifying the teeth, strengthening the gums, ami in giving a pleas- ing fragrance to tho breath, it eradicates tartar from the teeth, removing spots of incipient decay, and polishes and preserves the enamel, to which it imparts a I'EARL- LIKE WHITENESS. Price 2s. IkL per box. Sold by Chemists and Perfumers. • « - ASK FOR " ROWLAND'S ARTICLES." IMPORTANT CAUTION. The high and universal reputation of these articles induces some shopkeepers to offer spurious imitations under the lure of being cheap. It Ls highly necessary on purchasing, to see that the word " ROWLANDS" is on the wrapper of each, and their signature, in red nk, " A. ROWLAND & SONS." PEBPABFD O? THOMAS 0. PkanmiauliaU Chemist YEOVIL' Solt Ageut fur I F. i'u. oulh : MR. W. H. S 6 L O M O N, Dispensing ChernUt. M Gnttral gixiimmcfiitfirts. _ SAFE & PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. THE General Mutual Permanent Land, Itnildiug and Investment Society, CHIRP OPFICB :— U, BEDFORD ROW, LONDON, W. C. trustees :— EGBERT NICHOLAS FOWuER, Esq., M. P., Cornhill, E. C. JOhn FREEMAN Esq., J. P., WooJlane House, Falmouth. ALDERMAN THOMAS S. OWDEN, Bishopsgate, E. C. r 7J per cent, for 1871 ( including Bonus, 2i per cent.) paid to holders of completed Shares of twelve months' standing, and placed jto the credit of Subscription Shares. 6 per cent, per annum paid on Deposit Loans of £ 100 and upwards, for sums deposited for not less than twelve months. 6 per cent, per annum paid on ordinary Deposits, withdrawable on short notice. Interest paid by Dividend Warrants half- yearly. Profits divided annually, and paid by Bonus Warrants. % SHARES, value £ 10, £ 25 and £ 50, hearing interest at tho rate of £ 5 per cent., and participa- ting in profits declared, may be re dized by single payments or monthly subscriptions extending over a term of years. ENDOWMENTS for Children not forfeitable in event of death. Females and Married Women can join tho Society as Depositors or Members, and their Investments are specially protected under the " Married Women's Property Act, 1870.'" For Prospectuses and Report of Annual Meeting, apply to THOMAS CORFIELD, the Coauty Surveyor, Arwenack Street, Falmouth. CHARLES PHILLIPS, the Ageut, Killigrcw Street, Falmouth. Or to the Secretary, CHARLES BINYON, 41, Bedford Row, London. ADVANCES promptly made upon security of Freehold or Leasehold Property, repayable by monthly or quarterly instalment^ for fifteen years or less, by which means property may bo acquired by payments slightly exceeding tho rental value. NO BALLOT or Sale of Appropriations. The Monthly Repayments include all Law Charges of Mortgage. Interest, aud Expenses. No deductions at time of making the Advance or heavy Fines on Redemption. Survey Fee and registration, £ 1 3s. 6d. on applications of £ 500 and under. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. ^^^^•^ ODYNE is admitted by the Profession to be tho moat wonderful and valuable remedy over discovered. LllLUlvL/ lJlKE is the best remedy known for Coughs, Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma. CHLORODYNE effectually checks and arc- eats thoso too often fetal diseases— Dipthoria, Fovcr, Group, Ague. CHLORODYNE acts like a charm in Diarrhoea, and is the only spociflo In Cholera and Dysentery. CHLORODYNE effectually cuts short all attacks of Bpilepsy, Hysteria, Palpitation and Spasms. CHLORODYNE is the only palliative in Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Cancer, Toothache, Menkigitis, 4c. From Lord Franrcis CoirrwoHiir, Mount Charles, Donegal, 11th December 18& 9. " Lord Francis Conyngham, who this time lost yonr bought some of Dr. J. Collis BrownoV Chlorodyno from Mr. Davenport, and has found it a most wonderful medicino, will be glad to havo half- a- dozen bottles sent at ODOO to the above address." " Earl Russell oommunioated to the Collogo of Physicians that he received a dispatch from hor Majesty's Consul at Manilla, to the effect that Cholera has boon raginj? fearfully, and that the ONLY remedy of any service was CHLORODYNE."— See lancet, ls- t December 1964. CAUTION.— BEWARE of PIRACY and IMITATIONS. Oaxjtio*.—^ Vice- Chancellor Sir W. Pagb Wood stated that Dr. J Colli* Browvb was, un lonbtcdly, tho Inventor of OHLORODYNE; that tho story of tho Defendant, Fbbexax, was deliberately untruo, which, ho regretted to say, had been sworn to.— See Timet, 13th July ls& l. Sold in Bottles at Is ltd. 2s 0d, 4s 6- 1 and lis each. None Ls irenuino without the words " Dr. J. COLLIS BROWN 2' S OHLORODYN'E " on the Government Stnmp. Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanics each bottlo. Sou MjjfciAcicaaa:— J. T. DAVENPORT, 83 Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, London. Sarieil's Hair Restorer Is totally different from any other kind, and I jhas been pronounced by tho Medical Pro- fession to be perfectly harmless. It will positively Restore Grey Hair to its Oriuinal Colour in a few days without dyeing it or leaving the disagreeable smell of other Restorers. It renders tho Hair beautifully soft, glossy and luxuriant. It will not onlv Restore Grey Hair to its Original Color, but will cause New Hair to grow in Bald Spot >, unless tho Hair Glands are decayed, rhen no stimulant can restore them. When the New Hair makes its appearance in. careful not to bursh t too much. Directions arc enclosed wit i each Bottle. In Bottles 2s. and 3s. 61, each. LY BT ANDELL, Examination j OF BB8T QUALITY. BERINGER & SONS, GOLDSMITHS, SILVERSMITHS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS, • OLE AND BIOLUlIVe . OCMTI, PALMOTTTH. Tha exact prlco. charged as at Mappir. and Webb's Show Booms and London and Sheffield Paetorlej. DINNER AND TEA SERVICE8. SPOONS AND FORKS. Moun to Leud. 11. £-> u to 1 KHAi ready to be advanc- to Gentlemen, Clergj; men, Merchants, and all respectable 1 niseis i male or lemale ), on their own Note of Hand aione, at Fite per cent, per annum, trom 1 : to 5 years, without security, bondsmen, bill at" sale, " or reference of any de * crij » tion. . Needless delay and heavy expen> e> avoided I no urn air profit being sought). Distance from the Utfice no object, as borrowers can repay by P. O. O.— All appli- cants, to save ULnece*? ary trouble, must state real and lull name, address, position, or trade; sum wanted, tor how lung, and how to be repaid, to Mr. A. K. VI o » , 51. lhe Plains of Waterloo, Rani- gate, Kent. Enclose a stamped directed envelope. TABLE CUTLERY OF THE FINEST QUALITY. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES POST FREE On application at the above address, ob to 7$, 77 & 78 OXFORD STREET, A1AO AJ MANSION HULISE BUILDINCS, LONDON. SHEFFIELD FUCTIMT - THE ( KJML OUTLEBT WORKS. U) « :: « FACTOBT - HflULfT STREET ELECTRO « 0US Jtotires. General Assnranrr Comp iin. LIFE— FIOK— LOANS. ESTABLISHED 1337. CipmL, £ 1,000,000. C\ it/ Ofice— 62, KINO WILLIAM STREET, LONDbx. BORWICK'S BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER ( Ml Msd » l, Hrw., ISM 1 Hold Medal, Paria smut J Arts, IMS | roa IB Hmioim OTO 1U MB mm rowDKSS. BAKING BORWICKS BAKING POWDER makes delicious Bread without Yeait. BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER makM Puddings, Pastry, ud Plo- cnirt. with Ims BalWr sod Uggs. wmmriXTm BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER sold ororywhere, In Id. and ' Id. Packota, ana atont Boxm onlv, and not ask for and aeo that you gol BORWICK'S q0ld medal BAKING POWDER. fld., Is., 2s. 6d. and 5a _ loote by wight. Be rare Jo ask for and see t! THE CHEAPEST PACKAGE OF TEA IN ENGLAND. ACHINK. SK CADDY, cintnlnlnjf 10 Ui « . of really Rood Ulnck Ten. font orriifco Troo to nn. v rntlway station or • inrkct town in KiiKlnntl, < Ji rocoipt of m. hy PHILLIPS CO. tAker/ iiahts, 81.. ' L- M T. City. Roally Good aifd Truly Clioap Tea. gTRONOto Fine BlnckfTea, Is - W. .-- i 40s worth si Or market town in Englni PHILLIPS 4 CO. TEA ME Prime Co Quo Is 2.1, PHILLIPS * CO. hnv in^ ro froo to 11111 nor ll'iA il or Wftlos. ou ri'C » ipt of by ic; HMT8,8KiNn WiiuAU ST. E. O. 4d, ls Od. A Prlco LUl l'roo. ii^ euts, and no c^ nitcotitia vrilh any Houso In Wor x- alor, Swansea or Wltnoy. ECONOMY IN CRAPE MOURNING. ONK FOLD 6f KAY ft RICHAllTV. ON'B I NEW PATONT ALBERT CIlAI'E I IS AS THICK as TWO FOLDS of tho old make. I ota'. dard bank. british south africa, limited, u 10 Clfment- in- . I. ..' . . I.. n I n. i Di oa The amynterion.— Nature's remedy for Ihe enro of Gout, U| irnmnti^ in, Neuralgia, Lumlnigo, Belli". I'M, Bronchiti". Gdnenil Debility, Ar. Ac. pjip M u, eontftir. lntc'- full paiti•• nliji- i ( jKjst freo), from SCniVKNKR, avi; ti w.\ , v gii. i,, w. t , i i„ [.•,>„•, i.., i, i • i. St., li< . wich: City Depot, Cook's Tourist Olllcos. OS Flocl St. TWELVE CARTES do VISITE, 2b 8d: J. bix, la M- Ciiv ralAtW-' l to 1J L : lio, 8 » i ' i •>. B « nS JArto with » t* mp » . f rMfoo'. l OjpUy Mi l trrtglosl Ir » Ixmdou Pbcu>- 0op| lii » CAapw. i. K4 RsfiaV- it., wis**— « rjf- rnriirm vsd * e Ul* b Q v ri Loa4* a. 9. t. D. t'liUin. tuutm. IP Y0D" YACKB YOult HEALTH USE BRAGG'S PURE CJBON OR VEGETABLE CHARCOAL SOLD in Bottlos, 2b, ts and Ca each, by all Chomists, and by J. L. BBAGO, Bolo Hannfaetnrflr, 14 Wigscobs Sissst, Oatsmbish SqcAss, Lokx> OS, W. nsr o t i o is . Cheap and Good Printing at the Offices of this Pai * r. maon f. t i n i'. NEW CURATIVE APPLIAN : , A l: ' UKof illus- TBATIOXd. fit fr. -. on a to DAUI. OIV and CO. 63 NORTH WOOLWICH ROAD, LONDON, Or of any CLomist and Dru « „' iAt In Uio Ktnffdom. IMPORTANT TO FLOCKMASTTR9. THE " GLYCERINE" DIP ( Hardwioke, Uu'. rln and Oo.' s). T H I 8 NON POISONOUS DIP AS now jrroved itaolf unequalled in its valaabls JLX properties, well kno-. vn no cr itly to incr the growth and weir as v. ejl an •• r';"•' rve tho colour and nat-^ ! ln*' r - of the wool. It i * deadly to Ticks. Lieo and all Pun-. iu i. Maybe u • with safety at all scasona ; at injury to lainbi sacking): is v « tly h-.- i'.'- : to the Sb' or Dir,[, er. Tree from all ca t : ic j. i ; : tic ( . u, wuiua, which render the wool h- ii li n dry, th ;< y rtdurin% its w. i.' ht, growt!' i a . 1 value, it < •. and prevents Scab, and causes t..'- Sheep to re and thrive. Par,, r : of thy ;.:,; hwt order, ssnt f. on apj-. h • t TOMLI:; ::, H'AY-. VARD a I ,7,' L ™ c « v* t And their sppTiotcd AjenU in f. t- y Town. Price .-, v. : - in Tia » . ir. d Dnjms of ' 30, *)!::,! each. I T0MLIN30N & CJ/ 3 B'JTT£ R P0.73ER. WHY USL BECAUSE itmak- f. rzn and rveet BntUrLi th ® W hottest weathsT. Bec* nne It prerenU the Batter turn- 1 Beer. • ' i it ran , tiv. . - of sour Kf.-* s, b . . - m the ehiraiaf. Bccax'c it inertia t! ie valie of i; - v. r ; wM per lb. • • uj h* rb ifid BsJ^ r, when yoo tuiy aiws/ s LsrS St good, fine atd ivMt t by usia^ TOM LIN SON A OO. 8 6 UTTER POWDER. JXTDSON' 8 DYES.— 18 Colors, 0< 3. each. " dibbohs, wool, bilk, i EAT ii L Hi, It Oobv'- efMj Drtd In 10 mlmtes c 111 ! AP. gL'IC'K « n. J GOOD PKISTI. VO at lbs Otficei at this P « pa. GEORGE SCOTT FREEMAN, Secretary. Branch Oflico— Vrwonac : Street, Pnlraouth, ^^ JOHN ROB El TS, JUN., District unmoor for Cornwall.
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