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The Worcester Guardian


Printer / Publisher: Francis Parsons 
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 628
No Pages: 4
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The Worcester Guardian
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The Worcester Guardian

Date of Article: 26/12/1846
Printer / Publisher: Francis Parsons 
Address: No 5, Avenue, Cross, Parish of Saint Nicholas, Worcester
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 628
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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umM THE ALTAR, THRONE, AND LAND WE LIVE IN. Na 628. WORCESTER, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1846. PRICE 5d. EXTRAORDJNARY CURES BY HOLLOWAY'S OINTM E N T. A Wonderful Cure of dreadful Ulcerous Sores in the Face and Leg, in Prince Edward Island. The Truth of this Statement was duly attested before a Magistrate. IHUGH MACDONAT. D, of Lot 55, in King's County, do • hereby declare that a most wonderful preservation of my life has been effected by the use of Holloway's Pills and Oint- ment ; and I furthermore declare that I was very much afflicted • with Ulcerous Sores in my Face and Leg; so severe was my complaint, that the greater part of my nose and the roof of my mouth was eaten away, and my leg had three large ulcers on it, and that I applied to several medical gentlemen, who prescribed for me, but I found no relief. My strength was rapidly failing every day, and the malady on the increase; when I was induced to try Holloway's Medicines. After taking two or three boxes, I experienced so much relief, and found the progress of the disease was so much arrested, that I was enabled to resume my ordinary labours in the field. The sores which were so disagreeable and repulsive to behold are now nearly all healed. Having received such truly beneficial aid, I feel myself bound to express my gratitude to the person by whose means I have thus been restored from the pitiable and miserable state I was in ; and for the sake of humanity make known my case, that others similarly situated might be believed. ( Signed) HUGH MACDONALD. This declaration made before me, at Bay Fortune, the 3rd day of September, 1845. JOSEPH COFFIN, Justice of the Peace. The above case of Hugh Macdonald, of Lot 55, came person, ally under my observation; and when he first applied to me to X get some of the medicines I thought his case utterly hopeless, and told him that his malady had got such hold that it was only throwing his money away to use them. He however persisted in trying them, and to my astonishment, I find what he has aforesaid stated to be perfectly correct, and consider the case to be a most wonderful cure. ( Signed) WILLIAM UNDERHAY, Bay Fortune. A Cure of Ringivorm of Four Years Standing. Copy of a Letter from Mrs. Grace Moro, 6, Hemlock Court, Carey Street, London, 6th November, 1845. To Professor HOLLOWAY. SIR,— About four years ago my little girl caught the Ring- worm, and although I have ever since had advice from many doctors, and tried every means to get rid of it, yet I was unable to do so. About three weeks ago I was induced to try some of your Pills and Ointment, and I am most happy to say the result has been a perfect cure. ( Signed) GRACE MORO. *„* Skin Diseases, peculiar to any part of the Globe, may be effectually Cured by the use of these celebrated Medicines. Cure of a Desperate Case of Erysipelas. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Joseph Gildon, jun., a Farmer, East Kent, near Spilsby, Lincolnshire, 8th April, 1846. To Professor HOLLOWAY. SIR,— I have the gratification to announce to you a most wonderful cure wrought upon myself, by the use of your Oint- ment and Pills. I had a severe attack of Erysipelas in my right foot, which extended along my ankle, and was attended with swelling and inflammation to an alarming degree, insomuch that I was unable to move without the use of crutches. I con- sulted a very eminent Physician, besides other medical men, but to no purpose. At last I tried your Ointment and Pills, when, strange to say, in less than two weeks the swelling and inflammation gradually subsided to such a degree that I was enabled to pursue my daily avocation, to the utter surprise and amazement of those who were acquainted with my case, seeing that I was cured so quickly. I and my family are well known here, as my father holds his farm under the Rev. J. Spencer, Rector of our parish. ( Signed) JOSEPH GILDON. The Testimony of Dr. Bright, of Ely Place, Holborn, as to the Extraordinary Power of Holloway's Ointment in the Cure of Ulcerated Sores. Extract of a Letter from the above celebrated Physician. To Professor HOLLOWAY. SIR,— I think it but an act of justice to inform you that I have tried your Ointment in several old cases of Ulcerated Sore Legs, which for a considerable time had resisted every kind of treatment, but which were afterwards effectually cured by its use. In the treatment of Bad Breasts I have also found your Ointment of the greatest service. Indeed, from my practical knowledge, I conceive it to be a most invaluable remedy. ( Signed) RICHARD BRIGHT, M. D. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT will Cure any cases of Bad Legs, Ulcerous Sores, Bad Breasts, Sore Nipples, Cancers, Tumours, Swellings, Contracted or Stiff Joints, Goat, Rheu- matism, Lumbago, Burns, Scalds, Chilblains, Chapped Hands and Lips, Bunions, Soft Corns, Piles, the bite of Moschettoes, Sand Flies, Chiego Foot, Yaws, Coco Bay, and all Skin Diseases common to Europe, or to the East and West Indies, or other tropical climes. HOLLOWAY'S PILL'S should be taken in most instances when using the Ointment, in order to purify the blood and invigorate the system. N. B. Directions for the guidance of Patients in every Disorder are affixed to each Pot. AND ART; PRICE FOUBFENCE OF ANY BOOKSELLER, PERMANENTLY ENLARGED TO TWENTY- FOUR LARGE QUARTO PAGES, THE ATHENAEUM JOURNAL OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE, ( Stamped to go free by post, 5d.) contains REVIEWS, with copious extracts, of every important New Engiish Book, and of the more important Foreign Works. REPORTS of the Proceedings of the Learned and Scientific Societies, with Abstracts of all Papers of Interest. AUTHENTIC ACCOUNTS of all Scientific Voyages and Expeditions. CRITICISMS ON ART, with Critical'Notices of Exhibitions, Picture Collections, New Prints, & c. MUSIC AND DRAMA, including Reports on the Opera, Concerts, Theatres, New Music, & c. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES of Men distinguished in Literature, Science and Art. ORIGINAL PAPERS AND POEMS. MISCELLANEA, including all that is likely to interest the informed and intelligent. THE ATHENAEUM is so conducted that the reader, however far distant, is, in respect to Literature, Science, and the Arts, on an equality in point of information, with the best- informed circles of the Metropolis. The ATHENAEUM is published every SATURDAY, but is re- issued each Month stitched in a wrapper. Wholesale Agents: for Scotland, Messrs. Bell and Bradfute, Edinburgh; for Ireland, Messrs. Cumming and Ferguson, Dublin ; for France, M. Baudry, 3, Quai Malaquais, Paris. ON THE CONCEALED CAUSE OF CONSTITUTIONAL OR ACQUIRED DEBILITIES OF THE GENERATIVE SYSTEM. " T H E SI LE N X HIE £ D," NINETEENTH EDITION. Price 2s. 6d„ and sent free to any part of the United Kingdom, in a fcealed Envelope, from the Establishment, on receipt of 3s. 6d. in Postage Stamps. AMEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES OF THE GENERATIVE SYSTEM, in both sexes . being an Enquiry into the concealed cause that destroys physical energy, and the ability of manhood, ere vigour has established ber empire; with observations on the baneful effects of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION; Local and Constitutional WEAKNESS, NERVOUS IRRITATION, CONSUMPTION and on the partial or total EXTINCTION OF THE REPRO DUCTIVE POWERS; WITH MEANS OF IIESTORATION; the ties tructive effects of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Strictures, and Secondary Symptoms are explained in a familiar manner; the Work is EMBELLISHED WITH TEN FINE COLOCREI) ENGRAV- INGS, on Steel, representing the deleterious influence of Mercury on the skin, by eruptions on tile head, face, and body; with APPROVED MODE OF CURB for both sexes ; followed by Observations on the Obligations of MARRIAGE, and healthy perpetuity; with directions tor the removal of certain Disqualifications; the whole Sointed out to suffering humanity as a " SILENT FRIEND," to e consulted without exposure, and with assured confidence of success BY R.'& L. PERRY-& CO., CONSULTING SURGEONS Published by the Authors, and sold by Strange, 21, Paternoster Row; Hannay & Co., 63, Oxford- street; Gordon, 146, Leadenhall street, London; Newton, 16and 19, Church- street, Rawl, Church street, Liverpool; Ingram, Market- street, Manchester; 1). Camp, bell, lo6, Argyle- street, Glasgow; R. Lindsay, 11, Elms row Edinburgh; Powell, 10, Westmoreland- street. Dublin; Deighton Worcester.- Pennell, Kidderminster; Bromley, Kidderminster; and by all Booksellers and Patent Medicine Venders in town and country. Part I. of this Work is particularly addressed to those who are prevented from forming a Matrimonial Alliance, through fear of ccrtain disqualifications for the discharge of the sacrtd obligations of marriage, and to the thoughtless youth, whose follies, ( to speak mildly; have entailed upon him debility; and disfiguring disease in their worst forms; therefore the Silent Friend will be found an available introduction to the means of perfect and secret restora tion to Mauliood. Part II. treats perspicuously upon those forms of diseases either in their primary or secondary state, arising from infection, showing how numbers who through temporary remissness or fastidious feeling, neglect to obtain competent medical aid, entail upon themselves years of misery and suffering, and of which ulti- mately those clearest to them, are innocent but equal participators THE CORDIAL BALM OF SY11IACUM Is a gentle stimulant and renovator of the impaired functions of life, and is exclusively directed to the course of such complaints as arise from a disorganization of the Generative System, whether constitutional or acquired, Joss of sexual power, and debility arising from syphilis; and is calculated to afford decided relief to those who by early indulgence in solitary habits have weakened the powers of their system, and fallen into a state of chronic debility, by which the constitution is left in a deplorable state, and that nervous mentality kept up which places the individual in a state of anxiety for the remainder of life. Constitutional weak liess, sexual debility, otsstinale gleets, excesses, irregularity obstructions of certain evacuations, total impotency and barren liess, are effectually removed by this invaluable medicine. Price lis., or four at Us. in one iiottle for 33s. by which lis. are saved. The £ 5 cases of Syriacuni or Concentrated Detersive Essence can only be had at 19, Berners Street, Oxford Street, London ; whereby there itf- a saving of £ 1. 12s., and the Patient is entitled to receive advice without a fee, which advantage is applicable only to those who remit J. 5 for a packet. A minute detail of the case is necessary. THE CONCENTRATED DETERSIVE ESSENCE AN ANTI- SYPHIIITIC REMEDY for searching out and purifying the diseased humours of the bluod; conveying its active principles throughout the body, even penetrating the minutest vessels, removing all corruptions and contaminations, and impurities from the vital stream— eradicating the morbid virus; and radically expelling it through the skin, Privje I Is , or four bottles in one for 33s., by which lis. is saved also in £ b cases, to be had only at the London Establishment. VBNEREAL CONTAMINATION, if not at first eradicated, will often remain secretly lurking in the system for vears, and, although for a while undiscovered, at length break out upon the unhappy indi- vidual in its most dreadful forms; or else, unseen, internally endanger the vital organs of existence. To those suffering from the consequences which this disease may have left behind in the form of SECONDARY SYMPTOMS, eruptions of the skin, blotches on the head and face, ulcerations and enlargement of the throat tonsils, and threatened destruction of the nose, palate, & c., nodes on the shin bones, or any of those painful affections arising from the dangerous effects of the indiscriminate use of mercury, or the evils ot an imperfect cure, the CONCENTKATED DETERSIVE ESSENCE will be found to be attended with the most astonishing effects in checking the ravages of the disorder, removing all scorbutic com- plaints, and effectually re- establishing the health of the constitu- tion, To persons entering on the responsibilities of matrimony, and who ever had the misfortune during their more youthful days to be affected with any form of these diseases, a previous course of this medicine is highly essential and of the greatest importance, as more serious affections are visited upon an innocent wife and offspring, for a want of these simple precautions, than perhaps half i he world is aware of; for, it must be remembered, where the fountain is polluted, the streams that flow from it cannot be pure. Messrs, PERRY expect, when consulted by letter, the usual Fee of One Pound, addressed to the London Establishment, with- out which no notice whatever can be taken of the communication. Persons are requested to be as minute as possible in the detail of their cases, as to the duration of the complaint, the symptoms, age, habits of living, and general occupation. Medicines can be forwarded to any part of the world ; no difficulty can occur, as they will be securely packed, and carefully protected from observation. PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS, Price 2s. 9d., 4s. 6tf., and 11,?. per Box. The most certain and effectual cure ever discovered for eveTy stage and symptom of the Venereal disease, in both sexes, including Gonorrhoea, Gleets, Secondary Symptoms, and Strictures. Medicine Venders can be supplied by most of the Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses in London. Messrs. R. & L. Perry & Co.. Surgeons, may be consulted as usual at No. 19, Berners Street, Oxford Street, London, daily, punctually from Eleven in the Morning until Eight in the Evening, and on Sundays from Eleven till Oiie. Only one personal visit is required from a country patient, to enable Messrs. PERRY & Co,, to give such advice as will be the means of effecting a permanent and effectual cure, after all other means have proved ineffectual. Agent for Worcester A. DEIGHTON, Journal Office. Kidderminster... TIIOS. PENNELL, Bookseller. Where may be had the " SILENT FRIEND." j- iltUtmn in iParfco. fie eleetric telegraph on the Great Western Railway, which is only available at present as far as Slough, is to be completed as far as An° inundation of the country in the province of Messina took THE CHEAPEST JOURNAL IN EUROPE. On SATURDAY, JANUARY 2nd, the 1 st No. of the FIFTH VOLUME of THE CRITIC, WEEKLY JOURNAL OF BRITISH AND FOREIGN LITERATURE AND ART, GUIDE TO THE LIBRARY AND BOOK CLUB, AND BOOKSELLERS' CIRCULAR, PRICE REDUCED TO TWOPENCE OR STAMPED FOR POST, THREEPENCE. HE CRITIC having completed its FOURTH Volume, is now an established Journal, and new subscribers may begin a new volume with the new year. It has some peculiar features to which its popularity is due. No portion of its columns is occupied with uninteresting matter, but all is selected with a view to be read by everybody. More new books are noticed, and at more length, than by either of the other literary journals. It pays special attention to foreign publications. Distinct departments are devoted to Mental Philosophy, Natural History, Inventions and Discoveries. A complete list of the HEIRS- ATOLAW AND NEXT OF KIN advertised for during the present century is in course of publication weekly, and has already conferred great benefits upon many persons whose properties have been by its means discovered. The contents are carefully classified as follows :— Journal of English Literature, Notices and Analyses VIII. Journal of Art. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. of, and extracts from, all the new publications. Journal of French Literature. Journal of German Literature. Journal of American Literature. Journal of Natural History. Journal of Mental Philosophy. Journal of Inventions and Discoveries. IX. Journal of Music. X. Journal of the Drama. XI. List of Heirs- at- Law and Next of Kin. XII. Booksellers' Circular and Literary Intelligence. XI11. Advertisements connected with Literature, Art, Science, Inventions, & c- aniiquitv The official assi » neesliip, vacant by the death of the late Mr. Aliager, has just been filled by Mr. Cannan, son of the official assignee of that name. It is said that the rent- roll of the late Sir Charles Morgan, Baronet, was little short of ninety thousand pound* per annum. Eleven thousand barrels of oats were exported from Limerick last week to England and Scotland. It is said that Government hive determined to shorten the term of the soldier's enlistment to ten years. Several samples of East India rice have been exhibited for sale at the Liverpool Corn Exchange, thus introducing quite a new feature in the market. last week, Mr. Thomas Buttle got his release from Lancaster Castle, after having been confined there, as a debtor . fifteen years and two months. The Archbishop of York has just entered his 90th year. The Rev. Lord Charles Thy nne has heen appointed Vice- Dean of Canterbury Cathedral. The Bath Journal states, on authority, that Lord Ashley declines offering himself for thatcity. The Limerick Chronicle says, that in the ensuing year, the entire British army, infantry as well as cavalry aud artillery, will assume the moustache. A Liverpool eating- house keeper stated in the police- office, that in the last four years he had lost si* ty- one dozen of knives and forks, about fifteen dozen yearly 1 At a meeting of the Governors of the Hull Infirmary it was deter, mined, by a very large majority, that dissenting Ministers shall continue to be excluded, as at present, from the pulpit of the chapel. The Vice- Chancellor of Oxford has issued a notice forbidding the expensive and dangerous practice of shooting at various animals provided for the purpose in traps and cages." The Earl of Lonsdale has given orders th. it 34 of his deer are to be killed arid distributed amongst the labourers iu Lj ther, arid the adjacent villages. The Mayor of Clonmel has interdicted the performance of " Jack SheppiiW1'" The favourite violin of Beethoven is to be so'. d at Uubteldorf, near Vienna; it is an Araati of 1687. The sums allowed to M. Guizotby Royal ordinance in the hist two months amount to 2,317,000f, In Mayo there are 470,000 acres of reclaimab- e waste ; in Galway, 0,000; in Donegal, 400,000; Kerry, 400,009; Clare, 180,000 ; Sligo, A Stamped Number as a specimen sent to any person inclosing two postage stamps to the publisher. Vols. 1 to 4 may be had, handsomely bound, price only 10s. each. The list of Heirs- at- Law commences in Vol. 4, which con- tains more than 500 of these advertisements. THE CRITIC may be obtained through all booksellers and newsmen, or sent direct from the office stamped for post on pre. payment of 6s. Od. for the half year. Advertisements and books, & c., for review to be sent to the ' CIUTIC Office, 29, Essex- street, Strand, London. NEWSPAPER FOR THE FARMING AND GARDENING INTEREST. January will he published, price Sixpence, free by Post, each Volume complete in itself, ENLARGED TO TWENTY- FOUR FOLIO PAGES, TIIK FIRST NUMBER FOR 1 84 7, OF THE GARDENERS CHRONICIJ AND AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE; A WEEKLY RECORD OF RURAL ECONOMY AND GENERAL NEWS. THE HORTICULTURAL PART EDITED BY PROFESSOR LINDLEY. rpHE FARMING PART ( under the Editorship of a practical Farmer) treats of— The Practice of Agriculture, Agricultural Science, Animal and Vegetable Physiology, Improvements in Implements, described by Woodcuts whenever requisite, Better modes of Husbandry, Foresting, Road- making, Farm- Buildings, Labourers, Agricultural Publications, & c. & c. Results of well- conducted Experimental Farming, Growth and Rotation of Crops, Stock, Drainage, Irrigation, In short, whatever affects the beneficial employment of capital in land. Reports are regularly given of the English, Scotch, and Irish Agricultural Societies and Farmers' Clubs— London Market Prices of Corn, Hay, Cattle, Seeds, Hops, Potatoes, Wool, & c., and the Weekly Averages. AS REGARDS THE GARDENING PART ( under the Editorship of Dr. Lindley), the principle is to make it a weekly record of everything that bears upon Horticulture, Floriculture, Arboriculture, or Garden Botany, and such Natural History as. has a relation to Gardening, with Notices and Criticisms of all Works on such subjects. Connected with this part are WEEKLY CALENDARS OF GARDENING OPERATIONS, f Given in detail, and adapted to the objects of persons in every station of life; so that the Cottager, with a few roods of ground before his door, the Amateur who has only a Greenhouse, and the Manager of Extensive Gardens, are alike infonned of the routine of Operations which the varying seasons render necessary. It moreover contains Reports or Horticultural Exhibitions and proceedings— Notices of Novelties and Improvements— in fact, everything that can tend to advance the Profession, benefit rhe condition of the Workman, or conduce to the pleasure of his Employer; Woodcuts are given whenever the matter treated of equires that mode of illustration. REPLIES TO QUESTIONS connected with the object of the Paper are also furnisded weekly Lastly, that description of DOMESTIC and POLITICAL NEWS is introduced which is usually found in a Weekly Newspaper, Jt is unnecessary to dwell on this head further than tp say, that the Proprietors do not range themselves under the banners of a'nyHpMtfpWet*- earnest endearonm to make THE GARDENERS' CHRONICLE and AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE a full and comprehensive Record of Facts ~< nrty== g- NewapBpcr vtmWieftvij. g th& Reener to form his own opinions : their object being the elucidation of the Laws of Nature, not of Man. The Reader is thus furnished, IN ADDITION TO THE PECULIAR FEATURES OF THE JOURNAL, with such information concerning the events of the day, as supersedes the necessity of his providing himself with any other Weekly Paper. A PROSPECTUS, WITH LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS, may be had on application, or by letter, at the Office 5, Upper Wellington Street, Covent Garden London. Parlies intending to Commence with the . New Volume had better give their Orders at once to any Newsvender WEBB'S AFRICAN POMATUM, FOR RINGWORM & c. THIS simple but effectual remedy has raised itself into an extensive sale, solely by its extraordinary powers of rapidly destroying the Impetigo or Ringworm, which appears on the head and other parts of the body. It is perfectly safe in its use, and has constantly cured where all Medical means have failed. This Pomatum has also been found most efficacious in the cure of Scald Head, Shingles, and in removing Warts, Pimples, and other diseases caused from worms, or insects in the human skin; it will also extirpate those disfigure- ments to the face called Grubs or Black Worms. Sold in Pots, 2s. 9d. each. And HARRISON'S PILE LOZENGES, ( an internal applica- tion). This cheap and easy Remedy has had the sanction of so many years' experience, that it is needless to enlarge on its superior efficacy. It may be proper, however, to mention, that it is perfectly harmless to the most tender constitution; and pregnant women may take it with the utmost safety, as it has never yet been known to fail of success. Sold at 2s. Od. per Packet. Also THOMAS'S UNGUENTUM, or Ointment for the Piles, An external application.) May l » e used where the Piles are more external; it has been long used with unvarying success, and never fails in allaying all inllammation and pain, quickly dispersing the Hcemorroids. Sold in Pots at 13^ d. Wholesale agent, Mr. J. SANGER, 150, Oxford Street, " and may be procured of Mrs. Deighton, High Street, Worcester, and all rc- spectable Medicine Vendeis throughout the country. ON NERVOUS AND GENERATIVE DISEASES. M Just published, A MEDICAL WORK, in a sealed Envelope, at 3g., and sent, post paid, for 3s. ( id. A N H O O D ; the Causes of its Premature Decline, with plain direc- tions for its perfect restoration, addressed to those suffering from nervous debility or mental irritation, followed by observa* tions on MARRIAGE, NERVOUSNESS, and the treatment of Diseases of the generative system, illustrated with cases, & c. By J. L. CURTIS and Co., Consulting Surgeons, 7, FRITH STREET, SOHO SQUARE, London. TWENTY- NINTH THOUSAND. Published by the Authors, and may be had at their Residence, also sold by Strange, 21, Paternoster- ro w; Hannay, ( » 3, Oxford- street; Mann, 39, Cornhill, London; Guest, 51, Bull- street, Birmingham; Allen, Long- row, Nottingham; T. Sowler, 4, St. Anne's- square, Manchester ; G. Phillip, South Castle- street, Liverpool; Cooke, Chronicle Office, OXFORD; Smith, Rose Crescent, and at the Office of the Independent Press, CAMBRIDGE; Clancv, 6, Bedford- row, Dublin; and sold in A SEALED ENVELOPE, by all Booksellers. REVIEWS OF THE WORK. MANHOOD. By J. L. CURTIS and CO. ( Strange )— In ( his age of pretension, when the privileges of the true are constantly usurped by the false and the ignorant, it is difficult to afford the sufferer from nervous debility, the unerring means of judg- ment where to seek relief. The authors of this work have obviated the difficulty. Their long experience and reputation in the treatment of these painful diseases is the patent's guarantee, and well deserves for the work its immense circulation— Era. The numberless instances daily occurring wherein affection of the lungs, putting on all the Outward appearances of con- sumption— which, however, when traced to their source, are found to result from certain baneful habits— fully prove that the principle of the division of labour is nowhere more applicable than in medical practice; and we feel no hesitation in saying, that there is no member of society by whom the book will not be found useful, whether such person hold the relation of a parent, a preceptor, or a clergyman.— Sun, evening paper. To the married, as well as the unmarried, this little work affords consolation and cure in peculiar cases, and we are doing a service to society in recommending it to general notice.— Essex and Herts Mercury. CURTIS ON MANHOOD. ( Strange.)— A perusal of this work will easily distinguish its talented authors from the host of medical writers whose pretensions to cure all diseases are daily so indecently thrust before the public. Having for many years been the standard work on these diseases, its originality is apparent, and its perusal breathes consolation and hope to the mind of the patient.— Naval and Military Gazette. CURTIS ON MANHOOD should be in the hands of youth and old age. It is a medical publication, ably written, and developes the treatment of a class of painful maladies which has too long been the prey of the illiterate and designing— United Service Gazette. Messrs. CURTIS and Co. are to be consulted daily at their residence, No. 7, FllITH STREET, SOHO SQUARE, LONDON. Country Patients are requested fo be as minute as possible in the detail* of their cases. The communication must be accom- panied by the usual consultation l'ee of and in all cases the most inviolable secrecy may he relied on. WORCESTER TURNPIKE ROADS FOWICK AND HENTVICK DISTRICTS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at the GENERAL MEETING of the TRUSTEES of the said TURNPIKE ROADS, to be holden at the SHIRE HALL in the City of Worcester, on WEDNESDAY, the 6th day of JANUARY NEXT, at the hour of Twelve at Noon, the Trustees then present will proceed to determine by lot to which, one or more of the Mortgagees of the Tolls of the POWICK DISTRICT the sum of One Thousand Pounds shall be paid in reduction of his, her, or their principal Monies ; and the said Trustees will at the same Meeting proceed to determine by lot to which one or more of the Mortgagees of the Tolls of the HENWICK DISTRICT the sum of Five Hundred Pounds shall be paid in reduction of his, her, or their principal Monies on that District, pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided. By order of the Trustees, J. B. HYDE, Clerk. Worcester, 2nd December, 1840. WORCESTER TURNPIKE ROADS. BROADWAS DISTRICT. TO ROAD CONTRACTORS. ERSONS willing to CONTRACT for the perform ance of that part of the MANUAL LABOUR which is now done by the day, for keeping in Repair the surface of the Roads forming the said BROADWAS DISTRICT, and which said Roads are of the length of Ten Miles and Two Furlongs, or thereabouts, may see the specifications of the work to be performed, and other particulars, at the Offices of Messrs. Hydes and Tymbs, Solicitors, Worcester. Tenders are requested to be sent under seal ( free of postage) addressed to " The Committee of the Broadwas Roads," at the Offices of the said Messrs. Hydes and Tymbs, on or before TUESDAY, the 29th day of DECEMBER Instant. The Trustees will not be bound to accept the lowest Tender, or to make any compensation to those persons whose Tenders shall not be accepted. By order of the Trustees, J. B. HYDE, Clerk, Worcester, 15th December, 1846. AWFUL DISCOVERY. THE SALT TRADE TO INDIA. 90,$ 00; Cork, 250,000; and Tipperary, 90,000 acres ! The directors of the Mechanics' Institute of Drogheda, have excluded the writings of Curletou, on the ground that they reflect on popery. A young Esquimaux, brought home by one of the Kirkaldy whale- ships, is receiviug considerable attention from the gentry of Fife. His name is Kookie Elite. The Bishop of Oxford ha a consecrated ; i chapel in his palace, under the title of Cuddesden Palace Chapel, and dedicated it to St. Peter arid St. Paul. The French and Russian authorities have prohibited the manufac- ture or the use of gun- cotton, Don Enrique arrived iu Madrid on the 6th instant, and was imme- diately visited by the King, his brother. Upwards of 40,600 persons visited the late Smithfield Club Cattle Show during four days. The Bentinck. Benevolent Fund, for the benefit of reduced trainers, jockeys, and tlieir families, now amounts to .£ 3,400 consols. The Town Council of Hawick, by a majority of 14 to 4, resolved to memorialise the directors of the Edinburgh and Glasgow railway company in favour of the resumption of the Sunday trains. Mehemet Ali has erected at Cairo a new mosque, of Egyptian marble, said to be the most splendid in the world. Gallis Bey, the director of the fortifications at Alexandria, has covered the prostrate Cleopatra's needle with a mound of earth- work. Oswego is the only county in Ne> v York that gave a majority in favour of extending" the right of suffrage to free people of colour. It is said that another Astley's will be erected on the plan of the Cirque National, Champs Elysees, in Paris, at an estimated expense of £ 20,000— one- half of which is offered to be paid down by Mr. Hughes, of the Mammoth Equestrian Circus, Birmingham, The rite of suttee has been prohibited in the Kajpoot state of Jeypore, by an unanimous vote of Regency. Since 1817 there have been fifteen revolutions in Portugal— rather more than one every other year. A subscription has been opened at Paisley, the birthplace of Wilson, the ornithologist, for the purpose of erecting a monument to him. Within a circle of a few miles round Manchester, there are not less than a million people directly dependent upon the cotton manufacture. The Manchester Courier states that a cheap omnibus company, with a capital of £^ 50,000 is to be established in that town. The cultivation of the hop plant U about to be attempted on a large scale in the neighbourhood of Hobart Town, Van Dieman's Land." An Ame. ican has invented and patented a mode of using cast- iron plates for covering roofs They are about one foot square, and are made to fit into one another, so as to rentier the roof water- tight, by applying white lead to the joints, By the will of the late William Bovill, M. D., no less a sum than £ 10,000 has been left to various hospitals and other public charities in London. The amounts of the bequests vary from £ 100 to £ 500. The pianist, Liszt, has recently married, at Prague, the daughter of a wealthy jeweller, who is said to have brought her husband a dowry of three millions of francs. Matthew Culley, Esq., of Fowberry Tower, near tVooller, ha's given each of his hinus twenty- four bushels of oats, aud three bushels of wheat, in addition to their usual conditions, for the loss sustained by the failure of their potato crops. Anoblegothic building Intended to be used as a " Temperance Hall," and for other public purposes, has just been erected at Cirencester, by Mr. Christopher Bowly, at a cust of some £ t, 50J. A curious experiment with gun- cotton is reported by the Morning Post. Thirty poun ts of the explosive substance was plaaed in a barrel, and buried in the grounds of Messrs. iiali, the powUer- manu - facturers at - Faveish& m. Several days a iter wards, an explosion occurred, tearing up the earth over aud around the barrel. The whole of the London estates of the Marquis of Exeter recently advertised to be sold by auction, have been disposed of by private The officers, non- commissioned officers, and privates of the 7th Hussars and 70th Foot, stationed in the Athlone district, have sub- scribed a day's pay for the relief of tile Irish poor. ( From the Westminster Review.) One serene evening in the middle of August, 1775, Captain Warrens, the master of the Greenland, whale- ship, found him- self becalmed among an immense number of icebergs, in about 77 degrees of north latitude. On one side, and within a mile of his vessel, these were of immense height and closely wedged together, and a succession of snow- covered peaks appeared beyond each other as far as the eye could reach, showing that the ocean was completely blocked up in that quarter, and that it had probably been so for a long period of time. Captain Warrens did not feel altogether satistied with his situation ;- but there being no wind he could not move either one way or the other, and he therefore kept a strict watch, knowing that he would be safe as long as the icebergs continued in their respec- tive places. About midnight the wind rose to a gale, accompanied by thick showers of snow, while a succession of tremendous thun- dering, grinding, and crashing noises, gave fearful evidence that the ice was in motion. The vessel received violent shocks every moment; for the haziness of the atmosphere prevented those on board from discovering in what direction the open water lay, or if there actually was any at all on either side of them. The night was spent in tacking as often as any cause of danger happened to present itself, and in the morning the storm abated, and Captain Warrens found, to his great joy, that his ship had not sustained any serious injury. He remarked with surprise that the accumulated icebergs, which had on the preceding evening formed an impenetrable barrier, had been separated and disarranged by the wind, and that in one place a canal of open sea wound its course among them as far as the eye could discern. It was two miles beyond the entrance of this canal that a ship made its appearance about noon. The sun shone brightly at the time, and a gentle breeze blew from the north. At first some intervening icebergs prevented Captain Warrens from distinctly seeing anything but her masts; but he was struck with the strange manner in which her sails were disposed, and with the dismantled aspect of her yards and rigging. She continued to go before the wind for a few furlongs, and then grounding upon the low iceberg, remained motionless. Captain Warrens' curiosity was so much excited that he immediately leaped into his boat with several seamen, and rowed towards her. On approaching he observed that her hull was miserably w'eather- beaten, and not a soul appeared on the deck, which was covered with snow to a considerable depth. He hailed her crew several times, but no answer was returned. Previous to stepping on board, an open port- hole near the main chains caught his eye, and, on looking into it, he perceived a man reclining back in a chair, with writing materials on a table before him, but the feebleness of the light made everything very indistinct. The party went upon deck, and having removed the hatchway, which they found closed, they descended to the cabin. They first came to the apartment which Captain War- rens viewed through the port- hole. A tremor seized him as he entered it. Its inmate retained his former position, and seemed to be insensible to strangers. He was found to be a corpse, and a green damp mould had covered his cheeks and forehead, and veiled his open eye- balls. He had a pen in his hand, and a log- book lay before him, the last sentence in whose unfinished page ran thus:—" Nov. 14, 17t> 2. We have now been enclosed in the ice 17 days. The fire went out yesterday, and our master has been trying ever since to kindle it again without success. His wife died this morning. There is no relief—" Captain Warrens and his seamen hurried from the spot with- out uttering a word. On entering the principal cabin the first object that attracted their attention was the dead body of a female reclining on a bed in an altitude of deep interest and attention. Her countenance retained the freshness of life, and a contraction of the limb showed that her form was inanimate. Seated on the floor was the corpseof an apparently young man, holding a steel in one hand and a flint in the other, as if in the act of striking fire upon some tinder which lay beside him. In the fore part of the vessel several sailors were found lying dead in their berths, and the body of a boy was crouched at the bottom of the gangway stairs. Neither provisions nor fuel could be discovered anywhere; but Captain Warrens was prevented, by the superstitious prejudices of his seamen,^ from examining the vessel as minutely as he wished to have done. He therefore carried away the log- book already mentioned, and returned to his own ship, and immediately steered to the southward, deeply impressed with the awful example which he had just witnessed of the danger of navigating the Polar seas in high northern latitudes. On returning to England he made various inquiries respecting vessels that had disappeared in an unknown way, and, by com- paring the results of those with the information which was afforded by the written documents in his possession, he ascer- tained the name and history of the imprisoned ship and of her unfortunate master, and found that she had been frozen thirteen years previous to the time of his discovering her among the ice. WORCESTER TURNPIKEROADS. HA ULJNG OF MA TERIALS. PERSONS willing to CONTRACT for one yenr, commence on the 1st day of January next, to HAl to HAUL THE MATERIALS required for the repairs of the Roads in the following Districts of the Worcester Turnpike Trust, namely, the LONDON AND STONEBOW, UPTON, POWICK, BRANSFORD, BROADWAS, HENWICK and M ARTLEY, and BARBOURNE DISTRICTS, are requested to send Tenders, free of postage, addressed " for the Trustees of the Worcester Turnpike Roads," at the Offices of Messrs. Hydes and Tj mbs, Solicitors, Worcester, on or before WED- NESDAY, the 30th day of DECEMBER instant. The estimated quantities of Materials to be hauled, the distance and manner of hauling, the names and situations of the Stone and Gravel Pits, and o. her Particulars may be seen at the Offices of the said Messrs. Hydes and Tymbs. Persons may Tender for Districts or parts of Districts. By order of the Trustees, J. B. HYDE, Clerk. Worcester, 11th December, 184G. CHIPPING CAMPDEN DISTRICT OF ROADS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the TRUS- TEES of the Turnpike Roads leading from the Cross- Hands on the Worcester and Oxford Turnpike Road to Halford Bridge, and other Roads, in the Counties of Gloucester, Worcester, and Warwick, will meet at the NOEL ARMS INN, in CHIPPING CAMPDEN, in the County of Glouces- ter, on THURSDAY, the 14th day of JANUARY next, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, to Audit the Annual Accounts for 184K, and LET BY AUCTION, in two Lots, to the best Bidder, for One Year, from the First day of February next, the TOLLS arising from the Tilt- jp- End and Westington Hill Gates, and White Cross Way Gate ( which are at present collected by the Trustees), and also the TOLLS arising from the Armscot Meadow and Broughton Lane Gates, the present Rent of which is £ 80. Whoever shall happen to be the best Bidder for either of the Lots must, at the time of being declared the taker, pay one month's Rent in advance, and give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the satisfaction of the Trustees, for payment of the remainder of the Rent, by even monthly instalments, so that one month's Rent may at all times be paid in advance. And at the sf. id Meeting Trustees already appointed will qualify. By order of the Trustees, J. R. GRIFFITHS, Clerk, Cbipping Campden, December JOth. 18it » , BILL DISCOUNT SWINDLING.— For some time past a gang of swindlers have been carrying on in London a system of fraud by offering to discount bills, and to advance money in other ways. Circulars have been freely sent to country tradesmen, who have been duped in many instances. In their prospectuses the swindlers have given various names and addresses, and have pretended to be actuated to the highest motives, with a desire to act secretly— for the advantage of their customers. Persons who have been cheated, or on whom attempts have been made, have applied to the city magistrates ; aud shoals of letters have been received from the country respecting the proceedings of the gang ; but as yet the knaves have keptclear of the meshes of the law. A clergyman attended at the London Mansion- house, a few days since, to complain of a trick which had been played upon him. Induced by a circular from Messrs. Bosanquet and Co., factors and com- mission brokers, John- street, London Fields, he had waited on that firm with a bill for £ 100, which he wished to have discounted : ho left the bill, and on calling next day received £ 5: every application since had proved fruitless— he had not got a shilling more. All the consolation the Lord Mayor could impart to the applicant was an intimation that when the bill became due, if he did not pay it, it would doubtless be placed in the hands of some solicitor employed by the swindlers, and the clergyman would be sued. EXPERIMENTS IN GUN COTTON.— Since the experiments recorded in a recent publication of our paper we have received the following information from Mr. Halliday, of experiments made with a superior gun cotton to that used previously : Fifteen grains in a common fowling- piece projected a ball at fifty yards through three boards, each 1 £ inch thick, the latter board being covered with copper 1- 16 inch thick. Between the first and second board there was a space of 36 inches ; between the second and third 44 inches; the latter resting against a gate from which a portion of the spars were broken, the ball projeciing it to some distance : the ball could not be found, Eight grains at the same distance, and with the same boards situated as before, sent a ball through the first board into the second, which had a cross- bar of the same thickness as the board, making 4j inches altogether, and was stopped by an iron bar : the ball when taken out was found slightly injured. Three grains in one of Edge's rook- rifles, sent a ball at a distance of 25 yards through inch plank. Experiments were also tried in the Ardwick lime pits, when it was found, after several trials, that 222 grains of gun cotton produced a better effect than four ounces or 1750 grains of the usual gunpowder employed in mining operations. So we may safely estimate the power of the gun cotton as eight times stronger than gunpowder. Another remarkable fact with regard to this interesting body is, that when exposed to a temperature from 200 to 300 ( legs,, or, if kept at the latter temperature for a short time, the cotton becomes brown, and loses its property of explosion ; but if thrown into a vessel heated to 350aegs., it immediately explodes. Steaming it, as calico printers steam tlieir cloth, has no effect upon it; if any, its efficacy is increased. The acids used ( equal mixtures of nitric and sulphuric acids) were as strong r. s they could be made, and used only in such proportions- as would wet the cotton employed. This is the most difficult part of the operation, and requires dexterity in the management, as the cotton is apt to take fire unless it is speedily saturated with the acid. This circumstance, we fear, will prove a practical difficulty in the manufacture of this article on a large scale.— Manchester Times. SPUANGK FREAIC OF A POINTER.— A few days ago a party of gentlemen were shooting with Mr. It. Parker, of Bestwood Park, when one of them winged a pheasant, part of which was shot off", and, of course, disabled the bird from flying ; it succeeded, however, between flying and running, to reach a fir- tree, the bottom boughs of which nearly touched the ground. From hence the bird rapidly ascended from one bough to another, until it reached the top of the tree. The poiuter, anxious to retrieve his game, immediately commenced ascending the tree likewise, and very soon reached the bird, which he seized in his mouth. Iu endeavouring to descend, however, not being quite so sure- footed in such a situation as one of the feline tribe, tumbled from the top to the ground, and althongh much stunned with the fall, yet the faithful dog kept the bird secure in his mouth.— Nottingham Mercury. GREAT WESTERN Many of our readers will be glad to know that, with regard to return tickets, all the privileges of Sunday will be extended to Christmas- day ; that is, Christmas- day will not be counted. AN EXTRAORDINARY OTTER.— An otter of unusual sizo and weight was shot in the Thames on Friday, near Clewer, by Mr. Chapman, surgeon, of Windsor. The animal was making for the bank, with a large jack alive in its jaws, when Mr. Chapman fired and killed it close to the shore. It measured, from its nose to the tip of its tail, between four and five feet, and weighed nearly 30 pounds. None need be sick.— Read the following case of cure by Holloway's Pills.— Mrs. Jessie Anderson, living near the Fountain Bridge, Edinburgh, suffered from lowness of spirits, sick head- aches, dimness of sight, together with a want of strength and appetite. These symptoms were accompanied with a cough and a spitting of phlegm, and likewise much windy spasms. No medicines had been of any service to her, until a lady advised her to try " Holloway's Pills," which gave her immediate relief, and in a fortnight made her as well as evet she was in her life, REFORM IN THE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM.— The truly horrible state of society in Van Dieman's Land has at length forced upon the Government a full conviction of the necessity of taking comprehensive steps for amending the existing con- dition of things in that country, whero crimes of the blackest enormity are of daily commission. Some of these crimes are of a nature not to be discussed. It seems that for two years the transportation of male convicts to that island is to be sus- pended, the settlement at Norfolk Island is to be abandoned and transferred to Tusinan's Peninsula; an improved system of supervision is to be adopted, and various reformatory modifications are to be introduced into the ticket of leave and employment of system. Female transports are still to be sent there, for a time, in order to bring the sexes to a nearer approach to equalization, but this is objected to, as totally destroying ail cnance of these poor creatures e » er becoming reformed characters. Full details of the proposed measures have not yet been made known. NEW SWINDON.— At the Swindon station we observe a change in progress, which, in its development, will mark a social transformation in the entire locality. Around the station is fast rising a little town : the railway company and private speculators are building upwards of three hundred houses; the principal inhabitants of the place being already the men employed about the engines, persons of a superior class, both in intelligence and conduct. A library, reading- room, and mechanics' institution, have been established for this commu- nity. A large church, with 800 sittings, aud a spire 140 feet high, have been built at a cost of between five and six thousand pounds; and a parsonage and school- house, at seventeen hundred pounds. A piece of laud has been laid out as a park. To this judicious improvement the directors have liberally contributed; they employ here from 300 to 400 mechanics, pay to their servants about £ 180,000 half- yearly, and have expended upon their establishment here nearly £ 600,000. Hence, they have a vast interest at stake, and in these provi- sions for the comforts of their servants they have shown a wise and liberal policy. The rising town takes the name of New Swindon, and though it may excite special wonder for a moment, we must remember that the change corresponds with what took place in this country upon the roads formed here by the Romans some sixteen centuries ago, when stations rose rapidly to be villages and towns, and the termini were cities and places of importance. These roads have lasted, in some places, to our times, and portions of railways are actually laid upon some old ltoman ways. AWKWARD OMNIBUS ACCIDENT.— A few days ago an omnibus which runs between Deal and Rainsgate, was upset in a sncw storm about a mile from Sandwich. The driver missed the road, and got on a heap of stones, which caused the vehicle to turn over, and left it standing on the end, block- ing up the doorway, throwing together, at the further end, the passengers, consisting of three ladies, a child, and two gentle- men; fortunately no life was lost. One of the passengers was bruised and cut over the left temple. He extricated him- self by breaking the window and getting through the aperture, and the other passengers followed. Shortly after, another omnibus coming up, conveyed the passengers to Ramsgate. DARING ATTEJIPT AT ROBBERY.— A very audacious and deeply designed attempt to commit a robbery was made by three men at the Bathurst Hotel, Bristol, on Thursday evening last. It was about seven o'clock when they came in, and requested Miss Salmon ( the daughter of the proprietor), who was in the bar, to change a 51. note for them. She complied, and went up stairs for the purpose of procuring the change, and returned with it; in doing which, it is thought they must have watched her very closely, so as to become acquainted with the situation of the room in which the money was kept. Shortly afterwards two of them went into the tap- room, the third as it was afterwards ascertained, having gone up stairs for the purpose of proceeding with his business of plunder. Fortunately, however, only a few minutes ( too few to allow the thief to carry out his design) had elapsed, when a party called for some money which he had left in Miss Salmon's custody on the previous night, and which she again went up stairs with the intention of fetching. On going to her father's room, however, she perceived alight in it, and on trying to open the door her attempt was resisted by some one inside; thinking it was Mr. Salmon, she desisted, and was returning down stairs, when she observed the latter come out of another apartment, and the fact of robbers striking her at the moment, she criedout, " Father, there is some one inyourroom." Upon this Mr. Salmon rushed to his roam, bat on reaching it he found the intended robber had just disappeared through the window— a fall of some 14 or 15 feet; he was disturbed in good time, for the keys of a glass case, in which a quantity of plate was kept, and which was left hanging up, was all he was able to carry away. Alarm was instantly given, but the thieves had decamped so suddenly that no trace of them could be discovered. It was evidently the intention of the thief up stairs to have handed his booty though the window to another of his com- panions, for one of the two who entered the tap. room inquired the way soon after to the yard, to which he was shown, and into which Mr. Salmon's room looked. As it was thought the fellows would make another attempt, strict watch was kept during the evening for them by a stout sailor from one of the vessels, and who, about 10 o'clock, noticed a fellow with a short stick in his hand, prowling about the place. " Let me look at the slick," said the sailor, and the fellow gave it up at oncc ; " I think," continued the sailor, " yon are one of the fellows who tried to rob the Bathurst Hotel this evening ;" and there could be no doubt of the sailor's discrimination, for before Jack could lay hold of his man, the latter had taken to his heels, not relishing the accuracy of the sailor's surmise Rath Chronicle. THE LIFE OF THE POPE— A letter in the Algemaine Zeitung says ;—" His Holiness have received many warning, and must make a virtue of necessity. His dinner is served at 11 o'clock, and remains standing till one, till it is cold; it is then examined by a chemist, and warmed on the dinner- tables over a spirit- lamp. His cup of chocolate, for breakfast, is pre- pared by the camerario, in his own immediate presence. When he goes to mass, he takes the host, the wine, and the water with him. At a certain convent where he lately intended to admin- ister the sacrament, he neither performed the ceremony, nor took the usual refreshments. Such is the life of Pius the Ninth, the greatest benefactor of the Roman States. A deputation of the merchants, manufacturers, shipowners,, and others, interested in the salt trade to India, and the aboli- tion of the East India Company's power to manufacture salt in^ India, waited on Sir John Cam Hobhouse, the President of the board of Controul, yesterday week. The deputation, which was headed by Sir Denis Le Mar- chant, M. P. for Worcester, consisted of the following gentle- men:— Mr. W. Worthington, Mr. H. Ashton, Mr. D. C. Aylwin, and Mr. R. Falk, representing the Committee of the Cheshire Salt Chamber of Commerce; Mr. Alderman E. Evans and Mr. J. W. Lea, Commissioners of the Severn Navigation Improvement, representing the Worcester Chamber of Commerce and Town Council; Mr. Shawcross, Mr. W. Peel, and Mr. H. Fleming, on behalf of the city of Manchester; Mr. T. Greenshields and Mr. Rufford, representing the Wor- cester section of the Salt Chamber of Commerce; Mr. Shipton, of the Gloucester Chamber of Commerce; Mr. A. Ridley and Mr. W. C. Harnett, representing the London Shipowners" Association; Mr. Montague Feilden, on behalf of the mer- chants and manufacturers of Blackburn and vicinity ; Mr. Enthoven, Mr. Morrell, Mr. Westail, and Mr. Bumpstead., representing the London Salt Trade; and Mr. J. H. Stocqueler, the secretary to the Committee of the Cheshire and Worcester- shire Salt Chamber. The deputation being seated Sir Denis Le Marchant opened the case, and read ( o the President of the Board of Control a memorial of a meeting of the merchants, manufacturers, See., represented by the deputa- tion, in which the great evils of the India Company's monopoly f the manufacture of salt, and the opressive method in which the duty is levied on imported salt, were fully set forth. Sir Denis likewise handed in the resolutions passed at a recent public meeting at Manchester, declaratory of the determination of the manufacturers of that town to appeal to Parliament against the monopoly. Mr. T. Greenshields followed Sir Denis le Marchant with an exposition of the ( so called) bonding system in force in the principal Indian ports, showing how completely it operated to check the exportation of salt from this country, and to give to the East India Company, extensive command of this market. Mr. D. C. Aylwin ( of the firm of Aylwin and Co. Calcutta),, entered into a complete detail of the various wstys in which the virtual possession of the monopoly affected the commerce, the manufactures, and the shipping of this country, and the health, comfort, and advancement in civilization of the natives of India. Mr. Aylwin likewise illustrated the absurdity and inconsistency of the bonding process, by describing a case of recent occurrence at Madras. Mr. Montague Feilden, on behalf ot the merchants and manufacturers of Blackburn and its vicinity, protested against: the monopoly, upon the broad ground of its inconsistency with the welfare of the people of India. He cast aside all minor considerations, and maintained that, upon the great principle of right of the meanest subject to participate in the blessings of free trade, the East India Company should be altogether pro- hibited from manufacturing salt, or imposing a duty upon so essential an article of food. Mr. Ruff'ordshowed how deeply concerned the Worcestershire salt trude was in the alteration of the system under which a duty was now levied upon salt sent from- this country. Mr. Ridley, of the London Shipowners' Association, met the allegation cr'the company, ( advanced on some former occasion), thaf there was not available tonnage for ail the salt that would be required from this country for the supply of India, by declar- ing that there was a superabundance, and that the enterprise and ingenuity of the shipowner would always discover means of meeting a deficiency, could such a contingency by any possibility arise. Mr. Shipton explained that the port of Gloucester, which, in its comparative infancy, stood much in need of fostering assistance would be largely benefitted by becoming one of the channels for ths export of Worcestershire salt, Mr. Shawcross, while sympathizing with the merchants who confined their present prayer to the enforcement of a bonding system analgous to that in operation in Great Britain, stated it to be the arm impression of the Manchester merchants, manu- facturers & c., that the only adequate remedy for the evils of the monopoly was its total extinction. Manchester regarded the tax upon salt as a cruel impost, for which the necessity of raising revenue afforded no kind of reasonable excuse. Sir J. Hobhouse having asked how, in the face of such a bond- ing system a3 that complained of, large exportation of salt had been made during the last year. Mr. Greenshields, Mr. Rufford, and Mr. R. Falk, answered, that the exports had been made experimentally, in^ the hope that the late Govenment would have caused the East Indu* Company to alter their regulations; but that all those exports had ended in loss, and not another ounce of salt would be sent until the trade was placed upon a fair footing. Sir J. Hobhouse then intimated that he would lay the wholu matter before his colleagues in the Cabinet, for their early con- sideration. He could not hold out any immediate expectation that the East India Company would be induced readily to surrender 1,300,000/. of annual revenue, but he would see that the bonding system was immediately inquired into. The India Board being a concurrcnt rather than a directly controling power, he could not issue peremptory instructions, as was supposed ; but everything should be done which the case, on consideration seemed to demand. The East India Company had already sent out a dispatch to their government in India upon the subject, but he was not at liberty to disclose the nature oftlie communication. Mr. Stocqueler having asked when the salt merchants might hope for a decision on the question, Sir J. Hobhouse answered that no time should be lost, con* sistent with the ordinary claims upon the time of the cabinet in coming to a conclusion ; and meanwhile he would be very happy to see and confer with any members of the deputation who might wish to see him. The deputation then retired. ALMANACK FOR 1847. CHRONOLOGICAL NOTES. Shrove Tuesday Feb. 16 | Holy Thursday May 13 Ash Wednesday „ 17 Easter Sunday April 4 Low Sunday „ 11 WhitSunday „ 23 Trinity Sunday „ 39 Advent Sunday Nov. 23 1847. January February M arch April. H £! 5 £ 5 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 26 27 28 17 18 24 25 311 1| 2| 31 4 7 8! 9 1011 14151617 18 2122 2324 25 28 I 112 7 8 29 14 15 36 21 22 3 28 29 0 May June. 3! 4 1011 17 18 24 25 3 , 7 8 14( 15 4 5 16 11 12 23 18 19' 0 21122 25 2627: 28 29 2 34 9 1011112 16171819 23 24 25126 30 31; I | If 2 6 7 8! 9 1314 15,16 20 21 22 23 2728 29 30 1 8 1516 22 23 2vi 30 5! 6 1213 1920| 2627 5 1213 1920 2627 2 9 10 1617 23 24 301 I 1 7 8 1415 20 21 22, 2728 29 3 4 1011 17 18 24 25 1847- July ... August September. October November. December. sj, T3 tj, a C3 • a u S G O < J 3 H - a o ss 3 JS H 1 5 6 7 8 1213 14 15 2 3 911) 18 19 20 21122 23 24 2526 27 28 29 30 3 L 1 21 3 4 8 91011 15 161718 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 29 30 31! 111 51 6 7 8 12 13141516 17 13 19 20 2122 23 24 25 262728,29 30 5 6 7 121314 19 2021 2 3 4 910 11 4 5 6! 7 11 12 1314 18192021 25 26 2223 2930 6 13 20 26S27 27128 3| 4 1011 1718 24 1 8 15 22 7 14 21 28129 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19.29 25 26,27 16 3| 4 1011 17! 18 2312425 3031j BOILING PONDS IN NEW ZEALAND On the edge of a great swampy flat I met with a number of boiling ponds; some of them of very large dimensions. We forded a river flowing swiftly towards the lake, which is fed by the snows melting in the valleys of the Tongariro. In many places in the bed of this river the water boils up from the subterranean springs beneath, suddenly changing the temperature of the stream, to the imminent risk of the individual who may be crossing. Along whole tracts of ground I heard the water boiling violently beneath the crust over which I was treading. It is very dangerous travelling ; for if the crust should break, scalding to death must ensue. I am told that the Roturua natives, who build their houses over the hot springs in that district for the sake of constant warmth at night, frequently meet with fatal accidents of this kind : it has happened that when a party have been dancing on the fioor, the crust has given way, antl the convivial assembly have been suddenly swallowed in the boiling caldron beneath. Some of the ponds are ninety feet in circumference, filled with transparent pale blue boiling water, sending up columns of steam. Channels of boiling water run along the ground in every direction, and the surface of this calcareous flat around the margin of the boiling ponds is covered with beautiful incrustations of lime and alum, in some parts forming flat saucer- like figures. Husks of maize, moss, and branches of vegetable substance, were incrusled in the same manner. I also observed small deep holes or wells here and there amongst the grass and rushes, from two inches to as many feet in diameter, filled with boiling mud, that rises, up in large bubbles, as thick as hasty pudding ; these mud- pits send up a strong sulphurous smell. Although the ponds boiled violently, I noticed small flies walking swiftly, or rather running, on their surface. The steam that rises from these boiling springs is visible at a distance of many miles, appearing like the jets from a number of steam- engines Angas's Life and Scenes in Australia and New Zealand. FIRE AT A NEEDLB MANUFACTORY.— One evening1 last week a fire broke out in the needle manufactory of Mr, Rimmer, Evesham- street, Alcester. The District Fire Office engine and brigade were quickly on the spot, and soon succeeded in extinguishing the flames, but not before a considerable amount of damage was done to the stock of needles, which was very large, as Mr. R. was just completing an - extensive order for America, and they were nearly all rendered useless by me heat and water. Mr. R. was partially insured. We understand, says the Gloucester Chronicle, that two estates in this neighbourhood have lately changed hands. Prinknash Park— one of the most picturesque places in the county, and once a country seat of the Abbots of Gloucester—. has been purchased by Mr. Ackers, M. P, for Ludlow, a staunch Conservative, who means, we believe, to chiefly reside there. Lypiatt Park, with a portion of the land attached lo it, has been purchased by J, E, Dorington, Esq., of the House of Commons. RCESTEttSKIHE GTJAtlBIAH, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1846. IRELAND. Further public meetings have taken place in Longford, Wex- ford, and other parts of the country, at which resolutions strongly condemnatory of the present mode of employing the people on the public roads have been passed. At the usual weekly meeting of the Repeal Association, held on Monday last, Mr. O'Connell formally proclaimed that there is an end to all hope of a reconciliation with Young Ireland— for the whole party he does not now care a twopenny ticket, he says. Of the £' 88 of rent acknowledged on that day, about sCven- eighths were sent up from the most distressed parts of the country, by priests, who wrote despondingly of the famine, • which prevented the remittances from being larger. The accounts from the Cork workhouse are in such a con- fused and complicated state that the guardians have applied to the commissioners to send down an accountant to investigate the whole interior economy of the house, which now contains 4,900 paupers ! One of the board asserts there is a defalcation of £ 6,000. ANOTHER FIELD DAY.— On Sunday last, thejfowlers " had a field day at Newcastle. A company paraded after prayers, and immediately had a cabbage leaf placed up as a target, at which aim was taken from behind a bush. The firing was very creditable, no less than six balls out of seven having penetrated the leaf. The Government which provides arms ought surely to provide targets, and not have vegetables wasted in these times of distress.— Tipperary Constitution. DREADFUL MURDER.— On Monday week Mr. William Lloyd was shot at his own hall door, in the midst of the populous town of Birr. The murderer stealthily approached him, fired the contents of a pistol at his heart; the ball pene- trated that vital organ, and he fell a lifeless corpse immediately. It was not dark at the time. The assassin, in making off, stumbled against Mr. Lloyd's son, a lad of about seventeen years of age, who was returning from the street to his house, unconscious of the murder of his father, and that his father's murderer had just passed him. A tenant, who was behind paying the rent has been arrested on suspicion ; several other tenants have also been arrested. Mr. Lloyd was a Roman Catholic, and a liberal in politics. DREADFUL DESTITUTION IN SKIBBEREEN The Cork Examiner of Wednesday last, published the following harrowing account of the effects of famine and disease at Skibbereen, on the authority of its own special reporter, and the Dublin Evening Herald, which quotes it, " sees no reason to doubt of its truth or accuracy :"—'' In a private note, our reporter called our most earnest attention to the horrifying facts which he said his correspondence truthfully detailed, and summed up the con- dition of the poor in the ill- fated town from which he wrote, by saying that ' they were dying oil' like rotten sheep.' Struck by the earnestness of the private note, we took up the corres- pondence, and went through its agonising details, line by line ; and our readers who will peruse it through will say that before - we had come to the close we had supped full of horrors. There is disease, famine, death, in every paragraph. A terrible apathy, like that which oppresses a plague- stricken people, L ems to hang over the poor of Skibbereen. No sight of horror, no tale that in other times would make the warm blood chill in the veins, can now excite even a passing observation. Starva- tion has destroyed every generous sympathy— despair has made them hardened and insensible. They sullenly await their doom, to which they look forward with ind'ifference, and without fear. Death is in every wretched hovel. Disease and famine, its dread precursors, have fastened on the young and old, the strong man and the female child, the mother in the prime of life, and the infant on the breast. Whole families lie down together on the damp floor, or on a scanty sop of rotten straw, devoured by fever, without a human being near to wet their burning lips, or raise their languid heads. The husband dies by the side of his wife, and the wife knows not that her husband is beyond the reach of earthly suffering. The same rag covers the festering remains of mortality and the skeleton forms of the living, who are unconscious of the horrible contiguity. Rats devour the corpse, and there is living no energy to scare them from their horrid banquet. Fathers bury their children without a sigh, and cover them in shallow graves round which no weeping mother, no sympathising friends are grouped. One scanty funeral is fast followed by another. When work on the public roads is offered, it in many instances cannot be availed of; the strong man is wasted to a pithless skeleton, and he drops dead on his way to the scene of labour. The labourer has pawned his last rag, and when his turn is come, and he has a chance of employment, he must remain in his hovel to famish, not having clothes to cover his wasted limbs. Without food or fuel, bed or bedding, whole families are shut up in naked hovels, dropping one by one into the arms of death— death, more merciful than this world or its rulers." FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. THE INSURRECTION IN PORTUGAL. By the Peninsular and Oriental Company's steam- ship Queen, Captain Weeks, which arrived at South- ampton on Friday evening, we have advices from Gibraltar of the Gth instant, Cadiz of the 7th, Lisbon of the 10th, Oporto of the 11th, and Vigo of the 13th. As if to prolong the miseries of civil war, each party has gained an advantage and has sustained a reverse. The Queen's forces have, by a coup de main, taken the fortress of Valenca on the river Minho, opposite to the Spanish town of Tuy. On the other hand, the insurgents have routed a body of their adversaries at Ourem, in the province of Beira. The Queen's troops found at Valenca a large quantity of arms and muni- tions of war, viz.:— 98 pieces of heavy ordnance, 25 field pieces or howitzers, 6 mortars, 5,600 canon- balls, 2,872 shells, 180,000 ball cartridges, and 400 barrels of gunpowder. The main body of the insurgents occupies Santarem, whilst that of the Queen's troops is at Cartaxo, watching its movements. Another arm of the insurgent force was at Torres Vedras. Mean while, Count das Antas, having deceived the Duke of Salclanha, by making a feint of preparing to march out of the city, and give him battle before Santarem, suc- ceeded in sending off 2,000 men, including 180 cavalry, under the command of Count Bomfim, for the purpose of occupying the bridge of Murcella, so as to intercept the troops under Colonel Ferreira, which Saldanha had sent to the rear of Santarem, for the purpose ol cutting off the supplies of the garrison. Finding, however, that the Commander of Saldanha's force, Ferreira, had joined Lapa, Bornfim went in pursuit of him, and subsequently assisted in routing both Generals with great slaughter. The whole of the provinces of Alemtejo and Algarve, with the exception of Elvas and the south of the Tagus, is now in posses- sion of the insurgents, whose head- quarters are at Evora. THE WEATHER.— Since our last publication the weather has undergone a change, which will enable thousands of our out- door labourers, many of w hom were for a time thrown out oi work, to resume their avocatious. The severe frost suddenly gave way on Friday night, aud was succeeded by a rapid thaw. A good deal of rain and snow has fallen since. The thaw was universal throughout the country on Friday night and was equally sudden all over the kingdom. Yesterday we had a slight frost, and to- day ( Christmas Day) it is more severe. RAILWAY ACCIDENT A dreadful collision took place on the ManchesW arid Bolton Railway, on Tuesday, the 15th instant, by which one man lost his life, and a number of others were more or less injured. The following extract from a seaond edition of the Manchester Guardian, published this evening, gives the detatls:—" The express train for Man- chester, which should leave Bolton 10 minutes before 11, but which to- day started at 11, had reached a part of the line a little on this side of the Clifton station, near Clifton- hall, at a place called Fepper- hill, probably about five miles from Man- chester, and near the junction with the East Lancashire line, when the passengers became sensible of a series of unusually violent jerks and jolts, caused, it appeared, by the engine having in some strange and inexplicable manner got off the rails, and the jolts were caused by the wheels on one side running over the wooden sleepers between the rails. After running in the way described for a short distance, and when within 50 yards of the steep embankment at the junction of the East Derby line, the engine run up a small embankment on the near ( or north- east) side of the . line, and then came down again in a curve upon the line, and was there over- turned across the rails. Apparently, on its being overturned, the tender was violently detached from it, and hurled quite over it, in a sort of somersault, falling upon the axles of one side quite across the inner rail of the up and the inner rail of the down lines of rails, from 40 to 50 yards in advance of where the engine was found. The carriages were also separated, and some were thrown one way, some another. The last carriage kept on its wheels, but a third- class carriage was overturned, and the passengers were taken out through the window. On the passengers getting liberated from the car- riages, some of them walked back to the spot where the jerking was first felt, in order to examine the rails, as it was found that the wheels and axle of the engine were all right. On their way they discovered the engineer lying on the road, quite dead, and in the rear of the carriages the stoker or fireman sitting on the other line of rail, holding his leg ; and it was found that his right foot was cut off by a wheel, and his left leg fractured in two places. Several of the passengers sustained less material injuries— one gentleman had his nose broken by the concussion, but we could not learn his name." GLOUCESTER BOOTH IIALL In a report of the pro- ceedings at a meeting of the British Archasological Association, held on 11th instant, we find the following paragraph : " After several other exhibitions and the reading of some papers, the secretary brought before the notice of the meeting two acts of Vandalism which had been reported to the Association. One, the destruction of Crewkerne Abbey, Somersetshire, by the proprietor; and the other, the resolution of the Corporation of Gloucester to pull down the Old Booth- hall, which at the late congress they had affected to take so much interest in, and through some of the members had promised to preserve. It was stated that the citizens of Gloucester were profoundly ignorant of the antiquities of their ancient city, aud took 110 interest in saving them from destruction." A ROBBER SHOT.— A distressing affair occurred on Mon- day night last at Forncett St. Peter's, a small village in Norfolk, near New Buckingham, and about 12 miles from Norwich. This is an agricultural village, and the name of one of the farmers residing there is Robert Bailey. Mr. Bailey has two sons living at home with him, and about the middle of Monday night one of these observed some men enter his father's barn. He had no doubt but their object was to rob it, and he awoke his brother and father, and these, being dressed, all three pro- ceeded to the barn. Here they found three men in the act of filling sacks with wheat, having already filled three when Mr. Bailey surprised them and demanded them to surrender. One immediately struck him a severe blow with a large bludgeon, with which he was armed. One of the sons had taken the pre- caution to arm himself with a gun, and the moment he found the blow struck he fired at the man who struck it, and the con- tents entered one of his eyes, and were chiefly lodged in his head. The others were so frightened that a second was secured, while a third fled. Messrs. Bailey recognized them all as their own labourers, and one of them the thrasher. The man that was shot, whose name is Brown, arrived at the Norwich Hospital about three o'clock on Tuesday morning, and we have not heard that he is at present dead. The other, v. ho was appre- hended, has been examined, but had not arrived at Norwich Castle in the early part of this afternoon. He will no doubt be committed for trial— Globe. IMMENSE INFLUX OF SHIPPING INTO LIVERPOOL.— For some time past, owing to the prevalence of easterly winds, some of our docks have been almost emptied, and the labourers usually employed in thein have been driven to serious straits; and many, doubtless, to actual want. A favourable change of the wind, however, has happily taken place. Early on Saturday a vast fleet of vessels began lo pour into the river; and by Sunday afternoon not less than 128 sail, many of them large American and Cauadian vessels, with cargoes of bread- stuffs, cottoD, timber, & c., had come up, and, with the excep- tion of 17, were safely docked. Of the vessels docked 22 are from the Uuited States, with an aggregate registered tonnage amounting to 11,054 tons; 19 are from Canadian ports, aggregate burthen 10.019 tous ; 3 are East ludiamen, tonnage 1187, and the remainder other foreign and coasting vessels, tonuage 6280. Of the 17 vessels in the river, 7 are Canadian, 5 American, 2 East Indies, aud 3 foreign, the tonnage of which we ; nay average at 500 each, or 37,000 tons in all arrived from the Saturday morning's tide to the Sunday's mid- day tide. We had fifteen foreign arrivals yesterday, American, Cauadian, & c., which, with another fleet of coasters, will probably make up the whole to above 10,000 tous.— Liverpool Standard, Tuesday. SHOCKING ACCIDENTS ON THE BOLTON RAILWAY.— The express train, which leaves Fleetwood at niue o'clock, got off the rails about five miles from Manchester, on Wed- nesday, and the engine, after runuiug about 40 yards along the side of the cutting in which the accident happened, fell over on to the line, and a first- class carriage was thrown over and smashed. All the passengers escaped without any material injury, but the engine driver was killed, and the stoker had one leg cut off. and a portion of the foot of the other leg.— On Thursday, another train of carriages got off the same line, but the engine was stopped before it got fifty yards, and no injury was sustained. THE NEW BISHOPRIC OF MANCHESTER.— It has been definitively settled that early in the next session the Ministers will propose to Parliament the immediate erection of Lan- cashire into a separate see, under the title of the " Diocese of Manchester." The new diocese will consist of the archdea- conry of Manchester, including the deaneries of Blackburn, Leyland, Manchester, aud Warrington, and also the indepen- dent deanery of Andrew's, or Amounderness, comprising in the whole 405 benefices. In fact, the whole of Lancashire, except the deanery of Cartmel and Furness, comprising 31 incumbencies, which will still appertain to the diocese of Chester. TIIE REPUBLIC or ANDORRE.— In a deep and retired valley of the Pyrenees exists the small independent state of Andorre, under the joint protection of France and Spain. It has laws by prescription, which are administered by two judges, one French, and the other Spanish. This little Republic com- prises fifty- four villages, with a population of about 12,000 inhabitants, living on the produce of the flocks and herds, their chief wealth. When Napoleon crossed the Pyrenees, on his way into Spain, he stopped at Andorre, the capital, and promised to confer on the Republic a written code of laws. But this promise concurrent political events prevented him from perform- ing. The inhabitants have at length framed a code for themselves, and it was promulgated last month at the chief town. It is of the" greatest simplicity, comprising all its enactments, civil and criminal, in 100 articles only. Murder is a crime extremely rare in this little state, and, when sentence of death is pronounced, it cannot be executed until it is confirmed by a general Assembly of representatives of the villages convoked at Andorre. The mode of execution is consistent with the nature of the people. At a short distance from the road into Catalonia is a tremendous precipice, the bottom of which no eye of man can discover. The criminal, with his eyes bound, is led to the edge, and, in the presence of all who wish to attend, is thrown over by the executioner Democratic Pacifique. THE ARCTIC EXPEDITION.— We have inquired into the reports that Sir John Franklin had landed in the Macken- zie river, and shaped his course to return through the terri- tories of the Hudson's Bay Company, and found, as we suspected, that they are altogether groundless, and the Hudson's Bay people know nothing of any such movement. It is possible that the expedition may have got through last summer, and Sir John be on his way from Kamschatka to Petersburgh; and in that case we would not give up tho hope of seeing him to the close of the year. But it is more than probable that they have not been able to get through last season, which appears to have been unfavourable to icy navigation, and that they are again shut up for tho winter so far to the north as to prevent their communicating with tho establishments of the Hudson's Bay Company on the furthest shores of the continent of America. If so, we have no reason to entertain any fears for their safety or ultimate success; but, should we not hear of them by the end of 1817, it would be time to take measures to send after them, which, however, we feel confident will not bo necessary, but that we shall have good accounts of them long before that date..— Literary Gazelle. THE TEA TAX.— Tea has, from the rich man's luxury, become the poor mail's diet. From the 1001b. which the East India Company ordered their factor at Bantam to pro- cure as a curiosity in 1GG7, its importation has now grown to 40,000,0001b. Yet, great as this amount is, it is evident that it fails to meet the wauts of a population which exceeds 25,000,000. Not that the natural price of tea is high ; on the contrary, the ordinary bohea— such as more than two- thirds of its consumers would be well content with— may be bought, exclusively of duty, at less than Is. per lb. But to the lOd. or Is.—- which is its natural price— is superadded a tax of 2s. Id. ! So that every man and woman throughout England pays 200 per cent, on the original cost of the commoner tea. As a matter of fairness to different classes of consumers, the old system of differential duties was preferable to this ; for before the Act 5 and 6 William IV., c. 32. Is. 6d. only would have been paid on the inferior kind. But now, while the poor man pays 200, the rich min only pays 50 per cent, ou his hyson aud pekoe. The fault, howover, rests not so much on the change from differential to fixed duties, as iu the amount of the latter. It is absurd and unjust to impose a tax of 2s. Id. upon an article of universal necessity, of which the natural price varies from 8d. to Is, But if it be contended that it would bo impossible to meet fiscal obliga- tions without the revenue derived from this duty, then we say, revert to the differential scale. Reduce the price paid by the mass of consumers to 2s. a- pound, even if you increase that which the richer ones pay by Is. a pound. Surely, no greater difficulty would be found in discriminating between hyson and bohea, that an Exciseman has in distinguishing ale from small beer. It is said that such diflicuhies were felt during the period of ad valorem duties. But was that system ever tried fairly ? It was introduced in April, 1834, and abrogated iu July, 1836. Whatever difficulties may have existed at the outset— aud that some did exist is likely enough,— there does not seem to have been any resolute effort made to combat or conquer them. DESTRUCTIVE FIHF. About three o'clock on Saturday morning a fire broke out on the premises of Mr. Noblett, a currier and leather dresser, in Drury Lane, which in a few moments spread with fearful rapidity. It originated in the warehouse and workshops in the rear, which were soon entirely consumed, extending thence to the house and shop in front of Drurv Lane. From the light materials with which the ware- house was stocked, and a strong wind blowing at the time, the burning particles rose to a great height in the air, descending in complete showers of fire, to such an extent as considerably to impede the exertions of the firemen. The next house was also much damaged. The fire- escape was promptly in attendance, but fortunately it was not required, except to save the property. There was no lack of engines or water, and the service of the firemen was very efficient. SCANDALOUS CONDUCT IN CHURCH.— Sunday after- noon last the Vicar of Lancing, Sussex, ( the Rev. Fisher Watson,) and his congregation, were much disturbed in their devotions by the disgraceful conduct of two men, entire strangers, dressed as sailors, who entered the church a short time previous to the commencement of the service, and were about to intrude themselves into the pew assigned for the singers, when they were informed that they could not be allowed to sit there, and were at the samo lime directed to the free sittings. However, they refused to occupy those seats, but sat themselves down on one of the forms usually occupied by the National School children. As soon as the Rev, Gentleman came into his reading desk, some rude observa- tions were made by one of these persons and responded to by his companion, on the minister appearing in his surplice, & c. Notwithstanding, the service was continued till the reading of the Psalms, when they became so disgusting in their conduct, and so revolting to the feelings of the minister, that he was obliged to cease from continuing the service until the men were removed out of tho church. At this part of the service one man had actually taken out of his pocket a tobacco box and pipe, apparently fully intending to have a smoke. They were, however, removed from the church, after which tho service proceeded uninterruptedly ; but although the two fellows Avere removod from the church, they remained in the churchyard until the congregation was dismissed, when they also left and took their route in tho direction of Shore- ham.— Brighton Herald. Just Published, in small 8vo., cloth, price 5s., IRISH DIAMONDS; OR, THEORY OF IRISH WIT AND BLUNDERS, Combined with other kindred subjects. By JOHN SMITH, One of the Editors of The Liverpool Mercury, late Lecturer on Education and Geographical Science, & c. WITH SIX ILLUSTRATIONS BY " PHIZ." CONTENTS: INTRODUCTION, a short one, because intended to be read— Chapter I. The English, the Scotch, and the Irish.— II. Definitions of Wit and Blunders III. The Author's Theory of Irish Wit, & c— IV. Gcnuiue Irish Bulls. — V. Genuine Irish Wit.— VI. A few English Specimens.— — VII. Genuine Irish Wit continued.— VIII. Wit of all Nations— X. Irish H umour.— XI. English Humour.— Con- clusion : The Theory submitted to a Vjerdict. Published by Chapman and Hall, 186, Strand, London; and sold by all Booksellers. SNOOK'S APERIENT FAMILY PILLS. A MOST EXCELLENT MEDICINE FOR BILIOUS AND LLVER COMPLAINTS, INDIGESTION, GIDDINESS, Loss OF APPETITE, HEAD ACHE, HEARTBURN, FLATULENCE, SPASMS, COSTIVENESS, & c. THEIR Composition is truly excellent ; they do not contain any Antimonial or Mercurial Preparation what- ever, and do not require the least confinement or alteration of diet ( moderate exercise promotes their good effects); they seldom operate until ten or twelve hours after taken, and then very gently ; they destroy worms, purify the humours, restore the tone of the stomach, and remove most complaints occasioned by irregularity of the Bowels, becoming a restorative and preservative of health to both sexes, and to those of a costive habit, a truly valuable treasure. The Pills are now prepared by Messrs. BARCLAY and SONS, ( who have purchased the Receipt from Mr. Snook), whose Names are engraved on the Government Stamp affixed to each Box ; without which they cannot be genuine.— Sold in Boxes, at Is, l^ d. and 2s. 9d. each. COUNTY OF WORCESTER. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the next GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS of the PEACE for this County will be held at the SHIREHALL, Worcester, on MONDAY, the 4th day of JANUARY next, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon, when the County Business will be proceeded with in the order prescribed by the Rules of the Sessions. At Half- past Eleven o'Clock the business relating to the Assessment, Application, and Management of the County Stock and Rate, including the Police Rate, will commence; and all Persons having Accounts to pass, aud whose attendance at Court is necessary, are required to be present at that hour. The Court will then receive the Reports of the Visiting Justices— the Finance Committee, who will also make their Report upon " the rights of this County in the Funds left by the late Mr. Hall for the repairs of Upton- on- Sevem Bridge and other purposes"— the Hall and House Committee— the Police Committee— and the County Lunatic Asylum Committee, under 8 and 9 Vic., ch. 120. To receive any Report the Committee appointed to Revise the Table of Fees to Justices' Clerks may be prepared to make. To receive the Return of Expenses of Criminal Prosecutions and Conveyance of Convicts for the half- year ending 31st day of December instant, and will next consider the following Motions:— The Hon. and Rev. W. W. C. Talbot—'" That a Committee be appointed to inquire into the expediency of dividing this County into Districts for Police purposes, as authorized by 3 and 4 Vic., ch. 88, sees. 27 and 28." T. G. Curlier, Esq.—" For an alteration of those Rules of the Court which apply to examination and allowances of County Accounts and to the office of High Constable." When the County Business has been disposed of the Court will hear Appeals and Motions. On TUESDAY Morning, JANUARY 5th, at Nine o'Clock a. m., the Grand and Petit Jurors are required to be in attend ance ; and the Court, after disposing of any Appeals^ and Motions that may remain, will proceed to the Trial of the Prisoners. All Persons bound by Recognizances will be called upon to appear, and all instructions to the Clerk of the Indict- ment must be given at his Office by Eight o'Clock, a. m., on that Morning. A]) peals to be tried at these Sessions must be entered with me, at my Office, in the COLLEGE YARD, before Nine o'Clock on the Monday. The Clerks of the Petty Sessions are to forward all Deposi- tions, Informations, Recognizances, and Records of Convictions, with a correct list of such respective Documents, to me, at the Clerk of the Peace's Office, Shirehall, on or before Saturday, the 26th day of December instant. C. A. HELM, D. C. P. Clerk of the Peace's Office, Shirehall, Worcester, Dec. loth, 1846. N. B.— The Oaths of Qualification, & c., must be taken before Twelve o'Clock. DEIGHTON'S PUBLIC NEWS ROOM, PIEllPOINT STREET, WORCESTER. MRS. DEIGHTON I> ESPECTFULLY informs the Subscribers, and V the Nobility, Clergy, and Gentry of the City and County, that it is her intention to make a GREAT REDUCTION IN THE TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION to this Establishment, which, from the FIRST of JANUARY next, will be upon the following Scale :— ONE YEAR ONE GUINEA, SIX MONTHS... FOURTEEN SHILLINGS, THREE MONTHS EIGHT SHILLINGS. It is hoped that this great decrease in the price of Subscription will be met by a large and corresponding increase of Sub- scribers, to ensure which a very liberal supply of London Daily, Weekly, and Provincial Papers will be kept up, and every effort made to secure a priority of intelligence. It is particularly submitted to the notice of the Gentlemn of the Neighbourhood that the Room is large, well warmed, and so conveniently situated, as to render it a most agreeable place of resort; and their patronage is earnestly solicited. NEWBOLD- UPON- STOUR INCLOSURE. WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Act passed in the 8th and 9th years of the reign of Her present Majesty, c. 118, in the matter of the Inclosure of New. bold Common Field, Commons of Pasture and Waste Land, situate in the Parish of NEWBOLD- UPON- STOUR, in the County of Worcester, Persons, the aggregate amount of whose interests in the Land proposed to be inclosed exceeds in value two- thirds of the whole interest in such Land, and also the Right Reverend Henry Lord Bishop of Worcester, Lord of the Manor of Newbold upon- Stour, have consented to such Inclo- sure upon the terms and conditions of the Provisional Order under the Seal of the Inclosure Commissioners for England and Wales, dated the Eleventh day of July, 1846. We, the said Commissioners, hereby give notice, that it is our intention ( except as regards the Waste of the said Manor of Newbold- upon- Stour) to proceed with such Inclosure under the provisions of the said Act. Witness our hands, this 26th day of November, 1846. WM. BLAMIRE. G. DARBY. BIRMINGHAM FIRE OFFICE- UNION- STREET, BIRMINGHAM, ESTABLISHED 1805. INSURANCES Against Fire are effected by this old Established Office, on the Lowest Terms. Worcester Committee of Superintendence. Mr. Robt. Allies, Hill House I J. P. Sheppard, Esq., Fore- Mr. Thos. Hughes, Old Bank I gate- street J. P. Lavender, Esq., Bank 1 G. J. A- Walker, Esq., Nor- J p mob Nash, M. D., High- st. j ton Villa. ENGINE STATION— POWICK- LANE. RECEIPTS for Renewal of Insurances due this pre- sent Quarter may be had at the Head Officc, Union Street, or of the under- mentioned Agents :— Engine Stations in Worcestershire. Worcester STANLEY PUMPHREY, Agent Kidderminster James Batham Stourbridge G. W. Prescott Dudley J. Brown & J. Leadbetter " Halesowen Matthew Grainger Craclley Heath W. H. Nock Redditch W. T. Heming AGENTS. Worcester and Malvern— STANLEY PUMPHREY, No. 25, CROSS. Gloucester— John Fowler Hereford— Thomas A'Court Kidderminster— Jas. Batham Ledbury— John Burdon Pershore— Wm. Goodall Redditch— W. T. Heming Stourport— John Lane Stourbridge— G. W. Prescott Studley— John Richards By Order of the Court of Directors, EDWARD ALLPORT, Secretary. Alccster— W. H. Mascall Bewdley— G. Griffith Bromsgrove— John Cordell Bromyard— James Davies Cheltenham— Benj. Thomas Droitwich— C. Witheford Dudley— James Brown and John Leadbetter Evesham— H. Burlingham ROBINSON'S PATENT BARLEY AND PATENT GROATS, RECOMMENDED BY THE FACULTY, Patronised by the Queen aud Royal Family. rpHE attention of Families and Invalids is particus 1. larly called to the inestimable qualities of the above Patent Articles, being the purest Farinse of the Bailey and Oat ever produced, deprived of their fermentative properties by a steam process, whereby all crudities are removed and impurities rejected, ROBINSON'S PATENT BARLEY Is the only genuine article by which pure Barley Water can be made in ten minutes. It produces an excellent mucilaginou- beverage, more palitable than that made from Pearl Barle . Mothers, during the anxious period of suckling, will find if cooling and nutritious. In constitutions when stimulant! and fermented liquors are inadmissable, it is an ample and pro- ductive source of comfort both to the parent and infant. It is also strongly recommended for light suppers, food for infants, and makes a most delicious custard pudding, for which purpose it has been used by families of the first distinction, and would be found suitable for the invalid or healthy, the infant or aged. It is also highly esteemed as an adjunct with new milk for the breakfast table. ROBINSON'S PATENT GROATS possess the same advantage of purity as the Patent Barley. The delicate gruel made by this article very far surpasses any other. It is deprived of those unpleasant qualities which common gruel generally contains, and which produce heartburn and acidity in the stomach. Children and those labouring under difficult digestion will be found highly benefitted by its use, and the short time required for its preparation, makes it a more valuable acquisition for the sick chamber. CAUTION. As many spurious imitations, with similar wrappers both in size, colour, and appearance, are being offered to the Public, the Patentees deem it necessary to call the attention of Families, and especially servants, to the circumstance ; and to request they will observe that on each Genuine Packet are placed the Royal Arms, with the words, " By Royal Letters Patent," and the Signature of " MATTS. ROBINSON." Sold by all respectable Grocers, Druggists, and Oilmen in Town and Country, in Packets of 6d„ Is., and in Family Canisters at 2s. 5s. and 10s. each. ROBINSON AND BELLVILLE, Purveyors to her Majesty, 04, Red Lion Street, Holborn, London. RAMAGE'S CONCENTRATED COMPOUND SOLUTION OF IRON. r | HE well- known tonic properties of Iton have made 1 it a medicine of daily application in all cases of debility produced by a poor and impoverished state of the blood. THE SYMPTOMS by which the state of the system is known are the following :— General weakness, languor, inapti- ude to exertion, loss of appetite, imperfect digestion, flatulence, after taking food, a feeble action of the heart, palpitation on the slightest exertion, cold hands and feet, irregular action of the bowels, and severe headaches. THE EFFECT of this Preparation of Iron is to act as a permanent Tonic, By strengthening and invigorating the stomach and digestive organs, the appetite is not only increased, but the food taken is properly digested, the blood is made in better quality and larger quantity, thereby the action of the heart is increased, rendering the pulse fuller and stronger, augmenting the temperature of the body, and improving the tone of the muscular fibre. This Medicine is much assisted by using RAMAGE'S LAXATIVE PILLS at the same time. Sold in Bottles, at 4s. 6d. each, Wholesale and Retail, by the Proprietor's appointment, at JOHN SANGER'S, 150, Oxford Street, and may be procured of Mrs. Deighton, High Street, Worcester, and all respectable Medicine Venders throughout the country. ( CIRCULAR.) TO THE SUBSCRIBERS & FRIENDS TO THE WORCESTERSHIRE GUARDIAN. GENTLEMEN, E beg most respectfully to inform you, that we some time since purchased the Copyright, Types, and Business of the WORCESTERSHIRE GUARDIAN, and that we have determined to stop the publication of that Paper after this date. We take this opportunity of thanking you for the patronage you have bestowed upon it; and as the circula- tion and Business of the GUARDIAN will be added to that of the JOURNAL, we trust that your favours may be continued to us, assuring you that the same independency of principle, which has guided the conduct of the WORCESTER JOURNAL for years past, the same firm and sincere attach- ment to our Institutions in Church and Stale, will still distinguish its columns; and that all our energies will be exerted to render the JOURNAL a faithful Local and Family Newspaper, in the hope of a continuance of that extended patronage which the JOURNAL has so long enjoyed, and which we are most desirous to maintain and preserve. We are, Gentlemen, Your most obedient Servants, DEIGHTON & CO. Berrow's Worcester Journal Office, Christmas, 1846. P. S All Debts owing from and to the GUARDIAN will be settled as heretofore at the Office, Avenue, Cross, where the publication of the PROVINCIAL MEDICAL AND SUR- GICAL JOURNAL, and A L L DESCRIPTIONS of PRINTING will be continued. TO THE GOVERNORS OF THE WORCESTER INFIRMARY. My Lords, Ladies, and Gentlemen^ AS the time for the consideration of the Motion for an increase in the number of Medical Officers to the Wor- cester Infirmary, notice of which was given by Mr. Williams at the Quarterly Board, is now approaching, I beg leave to inform you that, in the event of that Motion being carried, it is my intention to offer myself as a Candidate for the appointment of Physician to your excellent Institution. I have the honour to be, My Lords, Ladies, and Gentlemen, Your most obedient Servant, ROBERT J. N. STREETEN, M. D. Foregate Street, Dec. 23, 1846. TO THE GOVERNORS OF THE WORCESTER INFIRMARY. My Lords, Ladies, and Gentlemen, AS an addition to the existing xMedical Staff of the Worcester Infirmary is about to be proposed, I beg most respectfully to assure you that the highest professional honour to which I aspire is the appointment of Physician to your Hospital. But as my excellent friend, Dr. Streeten, has been a resident Practitioner in this city for seventeen years longer than myself, I cannot but feel that, upon every principle of rectitude, he is entitled to precede me; and, with this con- viction, it is my intention not to trouble him with the slightest opposition. Trusting that my motives will be rightly interpreted ; and that, at some future time, I may have the distinguished privi- lege of soliciting and obtaining your support. I remain, My Lords, Ladies, and Gentlemen, Verv respectfully yours, PHILIP HENRY WILLIAMS, M. D., Edin. Worcester, Dec. 24, 1846. C O N C E R T. THE Nobility, Gentry, and Public of the City and Neighbourhood are respectfully informed that a Concert will be given at the Guildhall, on Wednesday Evening next, Dec. 30th, under the especial patronage of the MAYOR and other DISTINGUISHED GENTLEMEN, for the benefit of the Widow and Orphans of the late MR. GEORGE NORMAN, who are left wholly unprovided for. principal Focaltsts: THE GENTLEMEN OF THE CATHEDRAL CHOIR. LEADER MR. J. H. D'EGVILLE. PIANO FOKTE MR. J. BOULCOTT, JUN. CONDUCTOR ......... MR. W. DONE. Tickets, ?> s. Gd. each, to be had at the usual places, and of Mrs. Norman, Edgar Street. SILVER- STREET CLASSICAL COMMERCIAL, AND MATHEMATICAL ACADEMY, CONDUCTED I? Y THE REV. J. COLVILLE, M. A., WITH ASSISTANTS, 11/ ILL be RE- OPENED, after the present Vacation, VV on SATURDAY, the 23rd of January next. The Terms may be known on personal application, or by letter. MOSES JONES, IRONMONGER, RESPECTFU LLY tenders his most grateful thanks to his friends and the Public for their very liberal and increasing support since his commencement in Business, and begs to inform them that he has entered into PARTNER- SHIP with Mr. W. B. ROWE, who has been for several years at the Worcestershire Iron Company, in conjunction with whom he Has REMOVED- ftww— Mealcheapea Street, to more extensive premises, No. 13, BROAD STREET, where he hopes, by combined efforts and practical experience, together with moderate charges, to be favoured with a con- tinuance of their kind patronage. JONES AND ROWE, 13, BROAD STREET, WORCESTER. ( OPPOSITE THE UNICORN HOTEL,) GENERAL # FURNISHING IRONMONGERS, CUTLERS, BKAZIERS, BELLHANGERS, & c. & c., BEG most respectfully to invite the attention of their Friends and the Public to their well- selected Stock of Grates, Fenders, best Sheffield Cutlery, Electro- plated and Britannia Metal Goods, and their superior Stock of Papier Machee and; Japanned Trays, Coal Vases, and Block Tin and Japan Wares, and all kinds of ironmongery. J. and R. having just returned from the Manufacturing Districts, where they have made extensive Purchases, includ- ing many of the latest novelties and improvements, solicit an early inspection of the same, trusting that the QUALITY and LOW PRICES will ensure the patronage of those Friends who may favour them with a call. BATHS of every description. Conservatories and Buildings heated on the most approved principle. Smoky Chimneys effectually cured. Experienced Smiths, Locksmiths, Bellhangers, Tinmen, and Braziers at work on the Premises, and sent to any part of the Country on the shortest notice. Orders personally attended to. PUBLIC NOTICE. WORCESTER MARKET. IT having been represented to me that it is the general wish of the Tradesmen of this City to give their Assitants, & c., AN EXTRA DAY'S RECREATION, by CLOSING THEIR RESPECTIVE ESTABLISHMENTS on SATUR- DAY, the 26th DECEMBER, I beg to express my concur- rence in the arrangement, and do HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, that the MARKET- HOUSE will be OPEN for the Sale of Poultry, Butter, Eggs, & c., for the accommodation of the Public on the MONDAY FOLLOWING, December 28th. F. T. ELGIE, Mayor. Guildhall, December 18,1846. POWER LOOM CARPET MANUFACTORY. A T a Meeting, by adjournment, held on Monday last, the 21st instant, at the Star and Garter Hotel, in this City, to take into consideration the Establishment of a CARPET MANUFACTORY by means of Steam Power, J. WHITMORE ISAAC, ESQ., IN THE CHAIR, Proposed by F. ST. JOHN, ESQ., seconded by W. STALI. ARD, ESQ., and unanimously resolved, That Messrs. Edward Webb, Thomas Lucy, and John Rowlands, Jun., be solicited to form a deputation to go to Manchester and inspect the Power Loom at work there under Ward's patents, andj report thereon to the next Meeting; and that they be empowered to obtain the assistance of any other practical man they may think advisable. Proposed by MR. JOSEPH BENNETT, seconded by MR W. BARNES, and unanimously resolved, That this MEETING stands adjourned to MONDAY, the llth JANUARY next, to be then held at the Star and Garter Hotel, in this City, at Eleven o'Clock in the Morning. Thanks were then voted to the Chairman, and the Meeting separated. INFANT ORPHAN ASYLUM, WANSTEAD. UNDER THE IMMEDIATE PATRONAGE OF HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN DOWAGER. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE ALBERT. HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF THE BELGIANS. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE. HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTER. HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUCHESS OF KENT. ONE HUNDRED CHILDREN will be admitted at the Elections in 1847, i. e., FIFTY on the 26th April, and FIFTY on the 1st November.— Forms for nominating Candi- dates, together with every information relative to the Charity, may be obtained by addressing the Secretaries, at the Office, 46, Ludgate- hill, London. C. B. LOWE, M. A. ) c , . JOHN BUCKLER. } Secretaries. The INFANT ORPHAN ASYLUM is delightfully situated at Wanstead ( six miles from London). Its purpose is to board, clothe, nurse, and educate children left fatherless or motherless, or fatherless only; cases in which the father is the subject of confirmed lunacy or paralysis are also eligible. They are received from the earliest period of life and from all parts of the Empire. There are now two hundred and thirty- five children 011 the Establishment, which is open to public inspection ( by ticket only) every Monday throughout the year. Office, 46, Ludgate Hill, London. ALL Persons having any Claims or Demands upon the late JOHN HILTON SHEKELL, ( Son of Thomas Shekell, Esquire, of PEBWORTH, in the County of Glou- cester,) who died at Havannah, in the month of September last, are requested to send in their respective Accounts to Messrs. Oldaker, Woodward, and Ball, Solicitors, Pershore, in order that the same may be examined, and, if found correct, discharged. „ Pershore, 22nd December, 1846. To the CONSERVATIVE ELECTORS of EAST WORCESTERSHIRE. BROTHER ELECTORS,— NO authentic account of the recent Electioneering arrangements having appeared, I deem it my duty thus to address you. I attended the Conservative Meeting at Droitwich, on Friday, December the llth, expecting to meet a large assembly ; but this once enthusiastically Conservative Division did not, on that important occasion, muster five and twenty. For this apathy at such a moment a heavy penalty will be paid, no less than the loss of one Conservative Member at the General Election. Had you, Brother Electors, attended as you should have done on this important occasion of a vacancy, I believe that you would have given that confidence in the cause which might have induced some of those highly influential Gentlemen present to have taken a different course from that which, I lament to say, they thought proper to pursue. Those Gentle- men were of that great weight in the County that their opposi- tion or neutrality at an Election would be inevitably fatal to the Conservative cause. Their decision and pledge not to oppose the return of one Candidate at the General Election has already been made public. My own faith in the energies and number of the East Worcestershire Conservative Electors, and my objection to our hands being tied at the General Election, induced me to oppose such an arrangement, but being supported by only four Gentle - men, my opposition was vain. Finding myself outvoted; the arrangement made; and the pledges given; and knowing well that the step taken could not be recalled, 1 thought it politic to assent; because it is evident that if our party split, its powers are gone. Brother Electors, the day will come when this treaty shall expire : till then let us save and increase our strength, and woe to the unlucky Whig who may be persuaded then to venture on our ground. I am, Gentlemen, Your former, your present, and your future Friend, HORACE ST. PAUL. Carlton Club, Pall Mall, Dec. 21st, 1846. P. S.— I have written the above without any personal views as a future Candidate; not wishing again to be in Parliament. To the FREEHOLDERS and ELECTORS of the EASTERN DIVISION of the County of WOR- CESTER. GENTLEMEN, HAVING been favoured by the Secretary of the East Worcestershire Conservative Association with a Report of the Arrangement approved of at their Meeting on the llth Instant, and finally settled with the Whig party at Worcester, on the following day, to the effect, that Captain Rushout shall come in now, but that at the ensuing General Election, neither of the great Parties shall propose more than one Candidate, and that this arrangement was agreed to in consequence of the repeated intimations which were reported to have been received from my son, Mr. James Arthur Taylor, of his determination to retire from the honour of Representing you in the next Parliament— I feel myself, under the circumstance of my being so very near a connexion of your retiring Member, obliged to state to you, that though I am content to acquiesce in his reasons for so doing, I cannot agree, or in any way subscribe to become a party to any arrangement now, which shall deprive me of the exercise of my free elective right at the next General Election. I highly value, and have always exercised that right in the way that has at the time of using it appeared to me the most likely to promote the best interests of the Community. It is, however, some satisfaction to me to have learnt, that a unanimity of opinion did not prevail between the parties to the proposed ( I am compelled to say) compromise of prin- ciple. And I hope that I may yet find an opportunity of uniting with those persons, and with very many other Electors. I will hold myself, ( as an humble individual,) at full liberty to give rny vote and interest at the next General Election to that Candidate, whosoever he may be, whose opinions and principles may be most in accordance with my own; and who will be willing, with zeal and diligence, to devote his attention to the arduous duties of a Member of Parliament. I ever am, Gentlemen, Your very faithful Servant, . JAMES TAYLOR. Moseley, December 18, 1846. To the Independent ELECTORS of the EASTERN DIVISION of the County of Worcester. GENTLEMEN, ACOMPROMISE having been entered into at a Meeting held at Droitwich, on the llth Instant, respect- ing the Representation of this Division of the County, which appears to me to be unfair towards its independent Electors, I think it right to inform you, that I was no party to it, and that I do not, in the slightest degree, deem it binding upon me. I have for some time ( for private reasons) contemplated retiring from Parliament, and I have mentioned in more than one quarter my intention to do so, in case those reasons still remain in force at the next General Election; but I did not feel called upon to make that announcement public, because, should cir- cumstances alter, and should my constituents desire it, I had determined again to solicit their suffrages. This, my intention, remains the same, being anxious, after the confidence with which you have honoured me, to leave open till the last moment any chance of being again able fo represent you in Parliament. In any event, J shall ever remember with the deepest feel- ngs of gratitude the favours you have conferred upon me i I remain, Gentlemen, Your very faithful and obedient Servant, JAMES ARTHUR TAYLOR. Moseley Hall, Dec. 23rd, 1846. To the FREEHOLDERS and ELECTORS of the EASTERN DIVISION of the County of WOR CESTER. GENTLEMEN,— AVacancy having occurred in the Representation of the Eastern Division of the County, through the lamented death of your late respected Member, MR. BARNERY, I have been requested by an influential body of your C Jnstituency, to offer myself as a Candidate for your suffrages. The principles upon which I ask your support are those ever fondly cherished and nobly supported in your County, a perfect freedom of Religious Opinion, with a warm attachment to the Established Protestant Religion, the true Palladium of English Liberty, the Safeguard of our happy Land. Anxious to remove all oppressive and unnecessary burdens from every class of the community, and to extend our Com- merce and Manufactures, I cannot overlook existing interests, the sacred rights of humanity, and the encouragement due to native industry, which have, under the blessing of Providence, raised our Country to its present high position among the nations of the earth. Should you do me the honour to elect me one of your Representatives, it will ever be my earnest aim to attend, as far as in my power lies, to the Interests of this important County. I remain, Gentlemen, Your obedient Servant, GEORGE RUSHOUT. Burford, Tenbury, December 4th, 1846. EAST WORCESTERSHIRE ELECTION To the Editor of the Worcestershire Guardian SIR, 19th December, 1846. PRAY who are these( f elected judges who impudently dictate to the Conservative Electors of the Eastern Division who they are to have for a Member ? Are they Coventrys ? are they Lygons ? arc they Wards ? or are they any of our old and influential families ? I do not think they are : pray, if you know, let the Electors generally know to whom they are indebted for being sold and turned over like serfs in Russia, or pigs in Smithfield. Such indecency wa unknown to this county before, thank God: such trickery unheard of. The idea is amusing', of a knot of small people, like Canning's Tailors of Tooley Street, fancying they are the people of England. More unblushing effrontery was never heard of;— the bare notion of offering the county to a gentleman, if he would accede to their terms. Punch next week will have t " Promoted— Captain Foley to the East Worcestershire Independents, vice Taylor dismissed." " I'd rather live With cheese and garliok, in a windmill, far, Than feed 011 cates, and have them talk to me In any summer house in Christendom."— Henry IV. " But scarcely the jolly echoes they wake Have well begun To take up the fun Ere the boobies have cause to quake ; And begin to feel that the deed they have done, Instead of being a pleasant one, Was a very great error, and no mistake."— T. Ilood. Yours obediently, AN ELECTOR. WORCESTER OPHTHALMIC INSTITUTION. AMEETING of the SUBSCRIBERS and FRIENDS of the above- named Charity will be held at the GUILDHALL, on THURSDAY, the llth of JANUARY, 1847, at Twelve o'Clock. Those to whom the Institution is indebted, are requested to send in their Accounts to either of the Honorary Secretaries before the day of the Meeting, oMhey will be liable to remain unpaid until the following year. EDWARD CORLES, ? Honorary MAURICE DAVIS, $ Secretaries. 20 Acres of Excellent COPPICE WOOD, in Croome Perry lVood, Ham Brake, and in the Lodge Wood, Broughton, near Pershore ; also a considerable quantity of LARCH, BEECH, SYCAMORE, and BIRCH Poles, the thinnings of various Plantations on the Croome Estate. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY HOBBS & SON, AT the COVENTRY ARMS INN, HIGH GREEN, CROOME D'ABITOT, on FRIDAY, the 1st January, at 3 o'Clock. N. B. The situation of this valuable Coppice Wood for delivery is singularly good, being close to a Railway Station, and only about one Mile from the New Worcester and Oxford Railroad. The Larch Poles are large and lengthy, and deserve especial attention, and the delivery to Water or Railroads can- not be surpassed, and are Lotted to accommodate Dealers and Private Buyers. May be viewed by applying to Mr. Bradley, at Wadborough, or Croome Timber Yard, Woodman to the Earl of Coventry, of whom descriptive Catalogues may be had; of John Herbert, Esq., Powick ; or of Messrs. Hobbs, Worcester, ELM AND OAK TIMBER, and about EIGHT ACRES of COPPICE WOOD, with an unusual number of large and lengthy BLACK POLES, of a superior description, with heavy Bark, Lops, and Tops ; ALSO a very large quantity of small ELM TREES, suitable for Posts and Rails, now growing in Hedge Rows, all on the WALC021 ESTATE and in WALCOT COPPICE, two miles from Pershore and close to the intended Oxford and Worcester Railroad, the Property of J. AND W. DENT, ESQRS. ; TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY HOBBS & SON, ON the Spot, the latter part of JANUARY next, of which notice will be given. EXTENSIVE AND VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY, ADMIRABLY SITUATED FOR BUSINESS, IN BROAD STREET, WORCESTER; TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY HOBBS & SON, At the Crown Inn, Broad Street, Worcester, on Monday, the 18th day of January, 1847, at four for five o'Clock, by direc- tion of the Worcestershire Iron Company, who have deter- mined upon a dissolution," Hf^ HAT singularly commodious and substantially built X FREEHOLD PREMISES, now occupied by the Worcestershire Iron Company, consisting of a LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE DOUBLE FRONTED SHOP, with uted ornamental Pillars and Iron Railing in front, having a depth of 55 feet, and a frontage of 22 feet 6 inches; A LOFTY AND EXCELLENT SHOW ROOM, 38 feet long, approached from the Shop by a handsome flight of Stairs, and a capital STORE ROOM adjoining, 58 feet long, with a flight of Stairs to Yard, a long range of WARE- ROOMS on second floor, and MILL ROOM adjoining, with Lofts over- The large Open Yard is entered from the Street by a good Driving Way, with large Folding Doors and orna- mental Iron Gates, in which are Nail Warehouse, Tool Ware- Room Coach House, Saddle Room and Dormitory, with a coveud flight of Stairs, a Two- stall Stable, Piggeries, Garden, and Coal Yard, A CAPITAL LONG BAR IRON WAREHOUSE, a commodious FOUNDRY with extensive SHOPPING over, occupied as Pattern Maker's Shop, Fitter's Ditto, and Store- Rooms, Tinman's Shop with room over, a Smith's Shop, which accommodates six hearths, a Counting House and Closet; there is also a liack Communication with Friar's Alley through two pair of large Folding Doors. The DWELLING- HOUSE has the convenience of a private Entrance, and consists of a well- proportioned Drawing Room, and comfortable Sitting Room, three Bed Rooms, with Closets and Water Closet, on the first floor; and five Bed Rooms over, with Closets, Cupboards, & c. The Ceilings are expensively moulded, and the Rooms well fitted up. On the ground floor r Kitchen, Pantry, Back Kitchen, good Beer and Wine Cellars* The entire DEPTH OF THESE PREMISES IS 227 FEET. The HOUSE ADJOINING, in the occupation of Mr. Heming, Chemist, consisting of a good- sized SHOP, and a snug Room behind, a front Sitting Room, and back ditto, on first floor, and two Bed Rooms over; a paved Yard, Kitchen, Brewhouse, Cellar, Parlour, and four Rooms over, with other conveniences. The PROPERTY is one that claims the ESPECIAL ATTENTION OF CAPITALISTS and Persons desirous of acquiring a Situation where, in addition to the many manifest advantages of a GREAT PUBLIC THOROUGHFARE, are united the indispensable requisite of good frontage, A NOBLE SHOP, VAST AND SPACIOUS SHOW ROOMS, extensive and well arranged Shopping, and large open Yard! altogether affording ACCOMMODATION RARELY TO BE MET WITH in any City. For its present business it is unequalled, for a Coach Builder, admirable, as an Hotel it would be complete, and is ALL THAT CAN BE DESIRED for carrying on an extensive and PROFITABLE BUSINESS OR MANUFACTORY of any description requiring room. The Tenure is perfectly undeniable, being all Freehold• The Purchaser may, at his option, have tire privilege of taking to the extensive and valuable Stock of Ironmongery Goods, costly Grates, Lathes, Punching Apparatus, & c , at a valuation, or the same will be immediately Sold by Public Auction. May be viewed any time prior to the Sale, and Particulars^ with any further information, may be obtained of Messrs^ Bedford and Pidcock, Solicitors, or of Messrs. Hobbs and Son., both of Worcester. We copy the following singular Advertisement from the Worcester Journal of this week as a literary curiosity. The Lynn Advertiser and West Suffolk Herald, Dec. 12, 1846:— VINCENT COOKE AVING been solicited by a Lady to write an H Advertisement, TO LET, a RURAL COTTAGE, Ready Furnished, and finding himself, like Schcenbein's Gun Cotton, irresistibly ignited with the explosive necessity of obedience, or as by the fairy- like touch of magic invocation, he, with that saccharine, plastic elasticity, naturally attendant on a susceptible nervous sensibility, instantaneously gave life to the following " soul stirring" and merry mode of communicating to his Friends and the Public the pleasing information that he was in the possession of the honour of a Lady's commission:—. TO LET, A Posy- clad Cottage, of modern erection, With comforts replete, no scope for objection, All " in prinV the interior! so cleanly and airy, Must have sprung from the touch of some file fingered Fairy ; With Lawn, and good Garden, producing fine Fruit, ' Twould be a dull soul this place failed to suit. With Bed Chambers four, and others for dressing; With Closets for stores, when your appetite's pressing ; A Drawing Room spacious, another to dine in, According to taste, to take water or wine in ; With Pump, Pantry, Cellar, Back Kitchen and Front, With Coach House aud Stable, if you're nerved for the Hunt The distance from Worcester ' twixt two and three miles, And Ladies may get there unannoyed by rude stiles I Locality pleasing in high state of tillage, Salubrious air, close to Powick, that sweet village. The Church a short distance from this winning spot, No excuse for your absence, whether frosty or hot. Now to finish its picture and illumine its looks, It is Furnished in style ! from the Famed Vincent Cooke's!: For Terms and Particulars apply to VINCENT COOKE, ( POET AND) GENERAL FURNITURE DEALER, 27, LOWESMOOll, WORCESTER, Who affectionately and respectfully invites the whole Family of Man, in every Season, to PARTAKE of his Festival of FURNITURE, at which Festival the most luxurious and fastidious appetites may be gratified, dull tastes animated, and elevated tastes enchanted ! every department of this Banquet of EMBELLISHMENT and UTILITY having in their com- pound an infusion of living Poetic Fire! which, in due Seasons, will blaze forth to receive the applauding nods and smiles of the refined, the brilliant, and the beautiful! And to close this Flourish with a dash, There's nothing like the Heady Cash! ! FARMERS'ANDGRAZIERS'MUTUAL CATTLE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, Strand, London. Certain calumnious misrepresentations having been propagated respecting this Association, the Directors do not deem it neces- sary to notice them further than by stating, that since the 8th of August last the sum of 6,212/. 8s, 2d. has been paid to parties insured for losses alone. All claims are settled imme- diately upon their being ascertained and adjusted. Dec. 18th, 1846. WM. SHAW, Chairman. RELIEF OF THE POOR. £. s. d. A MOUNT already advertised 186 15 O L\ Joseph Bailey, Esq., M. P 50 0 0 Sir Dennis Le Marchant, M. P 50 0 0 H. Aldrich, jun., Esq 5 0 0 Chalk and IIoll, Herald Office 4 4 0 Miss Mary Parker 1 1 0 Messrs. Berwick and Co 25 0 0 Dr. James Nash 3 3 0 J. Goldingham, Esq 3 3 0 Messrs. Kinder and Co 1 0 0 G. H. St. Pattrick, iisq 2 2 0 Mrs. Pattrick, Mcrriman's Hill 1 1 0 Mr. John Hughes 2 0 0 Mr. Edward Brewin 2 0 0 William Fritchett, Esq 1 1 0 Mrs. Mould 1 0 0 J. B. Hyde, Esq, 2 2 0 31 r. George Oldnall 2 0 0 Miss Goodman 1 1 0 Mrs. Pennethorne 2 2 0 Mrs. Kivert 2 2 0 Air. George Spencer 110 Mr. F. H. Needham 1 1 0 Mrs. Elizabeth Sparkes 2 2 0 R. Evans, Esq 5 0 0 Rev. W. H. Havergal 3 3 0 The Misses Mence, Stephenson Terrace 2 0 0 Messrs Farley, Lavender, and Co 15 15 0 Kniglu and Arrowsmith, Chronicle Office 3 3 0 Subscriptions will be received at the several Banks. T TJtE WORCESTERSHIRE GUARDIAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1846. STOCKS.— At 3 o'cl. Bank Stock 3 per Cent. Red Ann. 3 per Cent Cons Cons, for Account.... 3j per Cent. 1818 3 per Cent. Red New 3J per Cent 3 per Cent. 1826 Hank Long Ann India Stoclv India Bonus ........ Kxclieq. Bills FRI. 20G 91 934 95i SAT. 207 93 § MUX. 20( 5 91 Tens. j j WED. 207 9 Ij 93$ 931 931 93 i 95| 95| " ii'l 95J 93 12 I' 12 p 23 15 r 11 13 r' 207 91 9 J J 933 22 P 13 r> FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 25, 1846. LAST WORDS OP LOUD RUSSEL ON THH SCAFFOLD. "/ did believe, and do still, that Popery is breaking in upon " this nation, and those who advance it will stop at nothing " to carry on their designs; and I a> n heartily sorry that " so many Protestants give their helping hand LO WE have this day to discharge a duty, more painful than any which lias devolved upon us during tlie whole period of our connection with the press of this county ; the dutv of bidding farewell to those kind friends and generous patrons whose encouragement, approbation, and support has cheered our exertions and lightened our labours during the twelve years in which we have played our humble part upon the public stage of journalism. Our readers will, we are sure, give us credit for honest sincerity when we say that the task before us is a heavy and an unpleasant one ; and we trust, therefore, that they will bear with us if our parting words should appear somewhat brief and abrupt. We hope that it will not be thought obtrusive or out of place if, in taking our final leave of our kind friends, we offer them a few words upon the subject of the history of the Worcestershire Guardian, whose closing number is now before them ; and if we briefly endeavour to show that this journal has faithfully and zealously, albeit per- haps feebly and imperfectly, endeavoured to carry out the objects for the promotion of which it was originally established. In 1835, when the Guardian entered the then stormy arena of political warfare, the Conservatives of Worcestershire were represented, so far as the press may be considered in the light of a representative, by one paper only, namely, tha Journal; and as the Con- servative party was even then, as it has since triumphantly shown itself to be, by far the strongest in the county, both in numbers and irvfiuence, it was considered that there was " ample room and verge enough" in the district for an organ which should fearlessly advocate the cause of Conservatism, <? f Protection to British Industry, and of the due ascendency of that pure Protestantism which we believe to be the great bulwark of the State — the great guarantee of our national liberty. Having these objects prominently in view, and regarding Protestantism especially as the loadstar of its course, our little vessel was launched upon its career, having then an able and skilful pilot on board, who has since reached that harbour to which the close of the year forcibly reminds us that we are all hastening. At that period, of the twelve Members returned to Parliament by this county and its boroughs, all were Whigs or Radicals save one ; but in less than two years afterwards, at the general election of 1837, the county alone returned three Conservatives, Worcester city returned one, and the boroughs of Droitwich, Dudley, Evesham, and Kidderminster, eacli returned one Conservative Member ; so that, instead of one Conservative and eleven Liberals, Worcestershire was represented by eight Conservatives and four Liberals. That this was a great and gratifying change no Conserva- tive will for a moment dispute; but we do net presume to arrogate to ourselves the merit of having produced the change, which was attributable only to the patriotic exertions of the Conservative electors; but we do claim for this paper some small share of credit for having, in the face of apparently almost insuperable obstacles, fearlessly adhered to the line of duty laid down for it, and for having steadily and constantly urged upon the con- stituency the adoption of that course which led to so glorious a result. Lest we should appear egotistical, will not further dilate upon the exertions of the Guardian previous to and during the general election of 1841, and will dismiss this part of our subject with merely stating that through- out its whole term of existence, the humble abilities and judgment of the conductors aof the Guardian have been sedulously and diligently applied, with the view of _ xsndering it what it was designed to be, the faithful and impf*? 1'" 1 < IN I'f llin II p.- iimi| ilnf I'm- tlm pinpign tion and support of which it was established; and if we have failed in the attainment of that high object, we trust that our Lindulgent readers will attribute our short- comings to error of the judgment, not of the heart. It is due to our readers that we should, in concluding these our brief valedictory remarks, explain to them the circumstances which have determined the proprietors of the Guardian to discontinue its publication. Some time since the copyright and whole property of the Guardian were purchased by the proprietors of the Journal, who, after mature consideration, have decided upon concen- trating the business of the two offices, and closing the publication of the Guardian. We have no right to enquire into their reasons for the adoption of this step ; but we may express a hope that our kind patrons will transfer their favours for the future to that veteran Con- servative paper, the Journal, which, we are assured, will continue to be conducted in a spirit and on principles which will render it acceptable to the Conservative reader. It now only remains for us to tender our warmest and most heartfelt thanks to our friends and patrons for the liberal measure of support which has been accorded to us during our public career, and to assure them that we shall ever entertain and cherish the liveliest sentiments of gratitude for the kindness we have experienced at their hands. To our kind correspondents also our grate- ful thanks are due; and if we are not trespassing too far upon their kindness, we would venture to solicit from them, as a token that we occasionally still live in their remembrance, the favour of their considering that the Guardian yet exists in the Journal, and of their address- ing their future communications to the office of that paper. With these few words, and with renewed assurances of our enduring gratitude, we now humbly take our leave, earnestly hoping that not only the happiness of this festive season, but whatever of good this world can afford, may fall to the lot of those whose kindness has accompanied and whose approbation has cheered us along the path of our labours. MRETING OF PARLIAMENT.— A Cabinet Council was hold on Friday, at ' which the critical state of Ireland was taken into consideration, and it wa- i thought that Parlia- ment would be called together at an earlier dale than the one fixed. It was, however, resolved that the original date be adhered to, and that the Legislature should assemble " lor dispatch of business," on the 19th of January. It is rumoured that a scale of measures adapted to the present state of Ireland has been agreed upon. TIIF, NEAV HOUSE OF LORDS IT was generally expected that their Lordships would meet in their new house on the assembling of Parliament, but it is now ascertained that the decorations and embellishments, which are of the most magnifi- cent description, cannot be completed in sufficient time. Con- sequently the peers will for a short period continue to sit in the present house. The Queen has been pleased to appoint die Reverend Robert Lee, D. D., to be one of her Majesty's Chaplains in Ordinary in Scotland. PREFERMENTS.— The Rev. Thomas Jones, M. A., has been licensed by the Lord Bishop of Worcester to the Perpetual Curacy of Bearley, in this county, void by the death of the Rev. P. S. Ward ; patron, the liev. John Ellis, M. A., Yicar of Wooton Wawcn.— The Rev. Thomas Jones, M. A., Incumbent of Henley- in- Arden, has been appointed a Surrogate for the Diocese of Worcester.— Lord Ward has presented the Ilev. C. Girdlestone, now Vicar of Aldersley, to the valuable living of Kingswinford, vacant by the death of Dr. Penfold.— The Itev. George Noale Barrow, M. A., Honorary Canon of Bristol Cathedral, has been appointed by the Lord Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, Rural Dean of the Rural Deanery of Bristol.— The Rev. Charles B. Calley, M. A., has been appointed to the Rectory of Chisledon, near Swindon, Wilts, vacant by the death of the Rev. Thomas Bullock, on the nomination of Thomas Calley, Esq. GRATIFYING TESTIMONIAL TO A CLERGYMAN.— The pew holders and other inhabitants of Dudley have raised and are about to present the Rev. John Davies, minister of the unendowed churcli of St. Edmunds, a purse of £ 200 and upwards, in testimony of their respect, and of their sense of the inadequacy of the income he derives from the pew rents of the church. To this liberal and generous expression of esteem to a gentleman so generally respected. Lord Ward, with his accustomed munificence, also lent his countenance, having made an augmentation to the living of £ 100 per annum, as recently stated in this paper. THE ATIIEN/ EUM.— Mr. McMillan delivered his second and concluding lecture " On the Fishes of the Severn," on Monday evening-, to the members of the Literary und Scientific Institution at the Athenaeum. The lecturer having taken a review of his former address, proceeded to observe that he did not undervalue the science of Ichthyology, but he aimed no higher in these lectures than to suggest the means by which a better supply of nutritive food might be supplied lo the market stall and the cooking kitchen. No doubt some kinds of fishing furnished much amusement to sportsmen ; the finny race were likewise capable of supplying interesting objects of study to the naturalist; these tilings, however, lie regarded as incidents ; the main consideration lie had to present to them was the fisheries as a prolific source of food. He then described the various means of capturing the salmon, stigmatising the use of fixed engines as a fixed evi'j in consequence of their taking and inevi- tably killing the salmon in all its stages while it was in the breeding state, or when it was foul, and so positively poisonous after depositing its ova, as well as when it was clean and fit for food. The other modes of fishing by nets and angling were described, and in the latter two very beautiful specimens of artificial minnows were exhibited; the one was of a flexible composition, and was a fair likeness of the natural, and is the production of Mr. Win. Flinn, of this city, and the other is by Mr. F. Allies, of St. John's. The peculiarity in the latter is the application of the Archimedean screw to its tail, which, on its being dragged through the water, causes it to spin with much greater facility than those of the ordinary construction. Mr. Allies has registered the invention, which is one of con- siderable ingenuity. Before leaving the tidal portion of the river, Mr. Mc Millan detailed the proceedings in obtaining two convictions against Aaron Taylor, of Oldbury, as mentioned elsewhere. The lecturer then described the other species of fishes that inhabit the Severn, and briefly glanced at the natural enemies with which fishes have to contend from the ova upwards, but which seem to be necessary to restore the balance between the extraordinary amount of production and the means of subsistence. It had been demonstrated that whole breeds of fishes had been utterly destroyed and fruitful rivers depopulated by the reckless modes of fishing adopted. It was necessary, therefore, to aid production by preserving the fisheries, and a little of the extreme attention and care taken to keep up fat upon enormous cows and over- swollen sheep would not be thrown away upon the rearing and breeding of fishes.— The customary vote of thanks was passed at the close of the lecture. LIBERTY OF CONSCIENCE.— An interesting lecturc on this subject was delivered at the lecture room of the Natural History Society, by the Rev. Dr. Massie, of Man- chester, on Friday evening, in the course of which he exhibited a picture of the " Westminster Assembly of Divines," held in the reign of Charles I, containing portraits of Cronnvell, Seidell, Sir Harry Vane, Philip Nye, and other eminent men. OPHTHALMIC INSTITUTION.— It will be seen by announcement in our advertising columns, that the annual meeting of the subscribers lo this institution will be held at the Guildhall on the 11th January. THE INFIRMARY.— The Infirmary quarterly meeting ii to be held on Friday next, at which the subject of an increase of the medical staff is to be considered. Dr. Streeten announces himself as a candidate, and Dr. Williams gives place to his senior, Dr. Streeten. The other candidates recently announced have not again declared themselves. THE REVENUE.— With reference to the present state of the revenue, the Globe makes the following admission :— " It so happens that there is not only no present surplus to meet such a reduction, but the revenue is at this moment, so far as can be conjectured, actually insufficient lo meet the e ependiht\; r* jyfjthe_ stalc." RAILWAY ACCIDENT.— A " few 3aVS since HID " Brisrrt CHRISTMAS BENEFACTIONS TO THE POOR. SEARCH THE KALENDAR.— The Chronicle of Wednes- day, referring to the East Worcestershire compromise, says the Guardian has not been " in such a taking" since the election of Sir DENIS LE MARCHANT. Will our con- temporary state for the information of tlie electors when this occurred ? For ourselves we can say that we have a faint recollection of a strange gentleman arriving one night at Worcester, when nearly all the citizens had retired to their slumbers, and that about breakfast time the following morning there was a rumour afloat that Sir Thomas WILDF, had recommended a nominee to " my dear Mr. MAYOR," and two or three Aldermen; and that to the chagrin of all the Liberal electors, except the independent and city- mending Chronicle, and tlie two or three engaged in the bargain, his nominee was smuggled into the seat. - Like the oft- repeated tale becoming a seeming tact to him who relates it, so this hocus- pocus business is at last ventured to be called an election. Oh! What liberalism ! What purity of elec- tion! aud suppression of Boroughmongering !' THE LATE CASE OF STARVATION IN THIS CITY.— We have authority for stating that it has been communicated to the Rev. Robert Serjeant, Chairman of the Guardians of the Worcester Union that an official enquiry will be immediately made with . regard to the late case of death of an infant from cold and starvation in this city. The case has called down the animadversions of the Times and Morning Advertiser on the j- elievinj? officer. HER MAJESTY AND THE COURT.— The Queen and Prince Albert, accompanied by the juvenile branches of the Royal family, arrived at Windsor Castle on Friday, from • Osborne House. The Royal suite consisted of the Mar- chioness of Douro, Lady Lytetlton, Baron Stockmar, the Hon Colonel Phipps, and Colonel Bouveiie. It is expected that the King and Queen of the Belgians will arrive in the course of a few days, upon a visit to the Queen during the Christmas holidays. We are rejoiced lo have it in our power to announce the distribution of benefactions to the poor on the part of their more favoured fellow creatures at this season, when the demands upon Christian charity become more urgent. Among the foremost of our local benefactors, we ought to notice our esteemed member Joseph Bailey, Esq., whose annual donations of bread and beef to the poor have this week been made to no less than 3,000 families in this city benefitting thereby. Mr. Bailey has also contributed a sum of £ 50, and Sir Denis Le Marchant a similar sum to the general fund for the relief of the poor, which we are glad to observe is swelling in amount, though we trust to see many important additions made to it in the courso of the ensuing fortnight. Lieutenant.- General Henry Pyndar Lygon has, with his accustomed benevolence, forwarded a sum of £' 5 for the relief of the poor at Blockley. The prisoners of the city gaol return thanks to Edward Webb, Esq., Sheriff, for an excellent dinner of roast beef, ale, plum pudding, & c., on Christmas Day. On Monday last, ( being St. Thomas's day,) the trustees of the Worcester Charities distributed 66 excellent coats, and likewise the sum of £ 132. in tickets of 2s. each to the pcor. £ 20 5s. was also paid to the churchwardens of the city parishes for bread to the poor. The Guardians of the poor of the Worcester Union Work- house regale the inmates with roast beef and plum pudding to- day ( Christmas day.) In our last week's Guardian wc stated that measures were about to be taken in Bewdley for the relief of the poor. Since that time James Cole and George Masetield, Esqrs., two of the Borough Magistrates., have canvassed the town for subscriptions, and the result has been that more than £' 170 has been collected for this benevolent object. A distribution of coal has been made to many hundreds of the poor, and has been most gtate- fully received. The Rev. S. S. Parriss, of Castlemorton, has, with his usual generosity commenced the distributions of soup to the poor of his parish, which have been thankfully received at this inclement season. At a public meeting held in the vestry of St. Mary's church, Tenbury, a committee was formed for raising subscriptions for supplying the poor with coal at a reduced rate during the winter months. J. H. H. Foley, Esq., of Prestwood, has placed the sum of £ 10 in the hands of the Rev. J. Bromley and George Wood, Esq., to be by them distributed among the widows residing at the Lye Waste and neighbourhood. On Saturday last, the wish of the worthy donor was complied with ; all the poor widows being summoned by the bellman, and the gift was thankfully received. The Rev. E. W. Ingram, of ltibbesford, has given an excel- lent fat cow to his workmen and parishioners. Collections are appointed to be made to- day ( Christmas day) in the several churches of Kidderminster, for the relief of the destitute poor. At Ludford, on St. Thomas's day, the late Col. Charlton's charity was distributed in beef and bread to the poor. On this occasion Frederick Wood, Esq., of the Sheet, and the Rev. C. Kent, the Vicar, added a liberal sum to the amount left, which enabled the above gentlemen ( aided by a subscription of the resident parishioners) to supply the wants of upwards of two hundred recipients. VENISON FOR THE POOH.— Two hundred fat does are, by order of the Duke of Marlborough, to be killed in Blenheim Park this week, and the venison given to the poor. NOBLE CHAIIITV. — The Duke of Rutland is now causing to be distributed, sheeting, blankets, shawls, and flannel, to the deserving poor of forty villages around Belvoir Castle. EAST WORCESTERSHIRE ELECTION. TENBURY MEAT SHOW. The show of those dainties and delicacies so much in request at this festive season took place on Tuesday last, and the judg- ment and liberality which the purveyors displayed in catering for their customers fully sustained their reputation. Here, as at other places, the production of immense masses of fat, enveloping a small portion of lean, is giving place to more agreeable and useful qualities, as this year's show proved, and which met with the highest encomiums by competent judges. Our correspondent has supplied us with a detailed report of the show, but the late hour at which we received it precludes the possibility of giving it. EVESHAM SHOW OF CHRISTMAS MEAT. and Birmingham train ran into a flock of sheep near Char- field,- which had strayed on the line ; four were killed and several others much injured. FIRE AT EVESHAM.— About five o'clock on Tuesday morning last the bakehouse in the occupation of Mrs. Irons, at Evesham, was discovered to be on fire, and so rapid was the progress of the devouring element that in a quarter of an hour the roof fell in, and the advancing flames threatened the houses adjoining. The inmates lost no time in removing their goods to places of greater security. The district engine was quickly on the spot, and after a short lapse of time an abundant supply of water was procured, and the exertions of the firemen and the populace were successful in arresting its further progress. The premises were insured. Mrs. Irons ( who is a widow, with a family) was uninsured. FATAL ACCIDENT— An inquest was held last week before Mr. Best, Coroner, at Persliore, on the body of Betsy Rieketts, an aged woman, who, on the 12th inst, was knocked down on the turnpike- road between Pershore and. Worcester by a horse ridden by Jeremiah Faulkner, a lad in the employment of Mr. Abel, of Comberton. Deceased was, with assistance, able to get home to her daughter's house at Pershore, where she had medical aid, but died on the morning of the 15th. On a post mortem examination being made, it was discovered that she had died of con- cussion of the brain. There not being any evidence to show criminality on the part of the boy, who appeared very sorry for what had occurred, the jury returned a verdict of " Accidental death." J. H. H. Foley, Esq., of Prestwood, has presented, through Captain Bennitt, the liberal sum of £' 20 in aid of the subscription for the relief of the wives and families of the unfortunate men killed by the late awful explosion at Oldbury. ADVICE ro GAS- CONSUMERS.— The consumers of gas, who have their meters in exposed situations, and whose supply of gas has been stopped in previous winters, would do well to have their meters properly protected from the frost by having them carefully covered with woollen wrappers, straw, or other suitable materials. Prompt attention to the above will prevent much trouble and inconvenience to all parties; but where practicable the most effectual preventive, especially in those places where a number of lights are required, is to have a small light always burning near the meter, which by keeping the works in motion, prevent the water from being frozen. The gas company would no doubt recommend the latter as the best alternative. FIRE AT PENTONVILLE CHAPEL On Sunday after- noon, between four and five o'clock, Pentonville Chapel was discoverered to be on fire. It appears that one of the pew- openers going into the building, he found the place so filled with smoke that lie was obliged to make a retreat. Upon the firemen entering, ihey found the flooring of the communion burning fiercely. By tearing up the boards and by cutting away the joistings, the firemen happily succeeded in extinguishing the flames. The fire originated from the overheating of the furnace used for warming the building, which is immediatly under the communion table. ALARMING FIRE AT THE MANSION OF WYNN ELLIS, ESU. On Sunday last a fire was discovered burning in ( he mansion of Wynn Ellis, Esq., Cadogan Place, Chelsea. The fire lad made considerable progress in the second floor, and on the bond timber and joisting. The window- frame was also burned out, and the valuable furniture in the room con- siderablydamaged by water and smoke. The joists and flooring on the tlird floor were also much injured. Upon an examina- tion it wis discovered that the fire had originated from a skeleton stove witi stone at the back, which was fixed in the adjoining house, aid thai this, becoming overheated, had set on fire the mansion of Mr. Ellis. AWFULLY SUDDEN DEATH.— On Thursday evening last a man, aged about 50 years, named Thomas Davis, a We' 3' 1 drover, came to this city from London with some other drovers, and put up at the Lamb Inn, in the New Market. Davis, who had suffered from a cough for two years past, immediately after entering the house complained of his breath, and the landlady made him some broth, but he was unable to eat it. He, however, drank a little beer, and some wine and water, and about half- past nine o'clock retired to bed, with a man named Evans, who slept with him. Davis appeared to be very tranquil during the night, and on Evans rising about six o'clock said that he felt no worse. Evans then left the room to get a candle, leaving Davis in bed lying on bis left side, but on returning soon after found that he had turned on his face and was quite dead. An inquest was held on the body yesterday evening, by Joseph Lovegrove, Esq., and a respectable jury, when the facts having been detailed in evidence, a verdict of " Died by the visitation of God" was given. The deceased and his companions were returning home ; he belonged toTregarron, Cardiganshire, and has left a family.— Gloucester Chronicle. SHOCKING DEATH FROM SCALDING.— On Tuesday Mr. Hyde held an inquest at the Rising Sun, St. Clements, in this city, on the body of William Hunt, a child aged about three years, who had lived with its grandmother in St Clement Street, and who, being left near to the lire, whereon was a kettle placed for tea, was induced by its thirst, occasioned by fever, to [ put its mouth to the spout, and was so scalded with the hot water as to occasion its death. Verdict, " Died from inflammation of the chest." Monday last being Old Market, the usual display of good things was made, and it is hardly too much to say that it could not be surpassed for excellence. At Mr. Humphris's, Bridge- street, was a splendid ox, bred and fed by James Richards, Esq., of Dumbleton ; some fine beef, from the herd of M r. Ward, of Saintbury, and some of his own feeding. The sheep were of the pure southdown breed, from the flock of Edward Holland, Esq., and were particularly admired; indeed, it might be said of the whole exhibition that it was excellent. The sheep at Mr. Morris's, Market Place, were of the Leicester and mixed breeds, from the respective flocks of Messrs. Hall, John Gibbs, and John Marshall, and were of their kind remarkably fine, and were good samples of what can. be done in fattening sheep, and adding to their weight; but we are of opinion that Mr. Humphris's were the most choice and useful. Mr. Pratt, Port Street, bad some remarkably fine beef, fed by Mr. Woodward, and the mutton here also was very fine. Mr. Merrctt slaughtered a very large Cotswold, from the flock of Mr. Beman, which was certainly the largest and fattest sheep in the town ; and he had other very line meat in bis shop. At the other shops, the display was very good, but the above seem most deserving of especial notice. Mr. Saunders, poulterer, had a tine display of poultry, very neatly and cleanly dressed. BROADWAY.— A housewarming dinner took place at the Swan Inn, Broadway, on Friday last, the object being to pay a tribute of respect and esteem to Mr. Joseph Wheatley, the landlord and occupier of the inn, who is about to change his residence. A substantial and bountiful supply of good things was provided for the occasion by Mr. and Mrs. Wheatly, and after the cheerful guests had partaken of the same to their hearts;* c0trtcn+ r th^ clailLniaji withdrawn, and the loyal toasts drunk ; next Came lilt; uiim- l^ al loaot of tho v » liich, nfTor waic appropriate and suitable remarks from the chairman in reference to the character of the individulal alluded to, and the merit due to him as an honest, upright, and industrious man, proposed, " Our worthy host," which was drunk with enthusiasm, and succeeded by musical honours, onu afterwards responded to by Mr. Wheatley in an appropriate manner. The rest of the evening was spent with the utmost conviviality. DEATH BY DROWNING.— A melancholy case of death by drowning occurred in the neighbourhood of Alcester on yesterday se'nnight. It appears that a girl, named Smith, servant to Mr. Henley, residing at Bidford, about four miles from Alcester, was engaged during the morning cleaning the house, and finding the pump frozen, she went down the yard to obtain a supply of water, the Avon flowing past the bottom of the premises; but the banks of the river being covered with ice, she slipped into the water, and before assistance could be pro- cured, was drowned. The poor girl, who, we are informed, was a native of Birmingham, had been only a month iu Mr. Henley's service, and bare an excellent character. INFANT ORPHAN ASYLUM, WANSTKAD.— We are requested to call the attention of our readers to an advertisement in another column, relative to this national charity, which receives bereaved children from the earliest period of life, and from all parts of the kingdom; it already maintains 235 of these infants, and one hundred more are to be admitted in the year 1847. The rate of subscription, it will be found, is very low, and it enables the contributors to assist any bereaved family in whose behalf they may feel interested, by placing one or more of the younger children under the protection of this asylum. The charity is intended principally, although with some excep- tions not exclusively, for the more respectable classes, and it has now many orphans of clergymen and of officers in the army and navy, besides those of once opulent tradesmen within its walls. It is most desirable that such an institution should be universally known, and we are glad to find the conductors are taking means to this end,' and we trust that many a bereaved family in our own county may share its benefits. BOILER EXPLOSION AT BRISTOL.— On Saturday morn~ ing a steam- engine boiler exploded at the factory of Stothert, Hayter, and Co., civil engineers, St. Philip's, Bristol, by which two men were killed, and several others were seriously injured. The workpeople were out at breakfast, except those belonging to the engine- house, and two men who had gone thither ( contrary to rule) to take their morning repast. The explosion blew away the brickwork around the fire- boxes, scattering the boiliug water and steam in all directions. Escape was impossible, and all present were covered with the scalding fluid, and received the most serious injuries. One poor young man, named John Thatcher, was scalded from head to foot, and that not only externally, but the boiling water and steam forced their way into his lungs and injured the air tubes. In the case of Thatcher, the coroner's jury returned a verdict of " Acci- dental dead)." SUPPOSED MURDER NEAR WOLVERHAMPTON On Wednesday morning the village of Rushbury was thrown into a state of great excitement by the discovery of the body of a man named Harris, who was gardener to Mr. Briscoe, a county magistrate, under circumstances which lead to the belief that lie was brutally murdered. It appears that the deceased left his house on i uesday morning, and not returning as usual in the evening, on Wednesday his wife sent her daughter to look after him. She accordingly proceeded to the greenhouse, in the garden, and finding the door on the latch, with the key inside, she opened it, and saw her father's hat upon the ground, near a pool of blood. Being greatly alarmed, she ran foi the coachman, who accompanied her to the place, and on entering he found the body of the unfortunate man lying on the right side, with his legs in the ash- hole connected with a flue which was used for warming the greenhouse. The coachman did not tell the girl what he had seen, but took her back to the hall, and in com- pany with other servants returned to the spot where the body lay.^ The body of the man was not quite cold, and Mr. Briscoe having been apprized of the circumstances, immediately sent for Messrs. Coleman and Edwards, surgeons, who had the body removed, and on examination discovered several marks of violence on the head and face, the ear and part of one eye having been gnawed away by the rats. The deceased's necker- chief was saturated with blood, and his clothes bore evidence of his having been engaged in a violent struggle. Information having been conveyed to the police station, Colonel Hogg imme- diately repaired to the spot, and made every inquiry likely to lead to the elucidation of the mystery, but up to the present time no clue has been obtained to its unravelment. In the Green- house was found a hatchet, which had upon its handle marks of blood, as if grasped by a hand, and marks of blood were also on the ironwork. A pikel was also found on ( he spot, with marks of blood on it, and both instruments are now in possession of the police. What leads to the supposition that a foul murder has been perpetrated, is the fact that there was no blood whatever upon the hands of the deceased when found, and therefore that the hatchet must have been used by another party, who committed the deed. On Thursday an inquest was held before Mr. T. M. Phillips, coroner, at the Royal Oak Inn, and, after examining the daughter of the deceased and the coachman as to the finding of the body, it was adjourned. A post mortem examination of the body took place on Thursday evening. The greatest excitement prevails in the neighbour- hood, and various rumours are afloat in reference to this extraordinary and mysterious affair. We continue to report the progress of events in the matter of the election for East Worcestershire since our last. The dis- satisfaction at the " unholy alliance" entered into between the East Worcestershire Conservative Association and the Liberal party continues to increase, if wemay judge from the communi- cations received, some of which appear in our advertising columns. The following letter has been published in the Morning Herald on this subject :— Sir,— As an elector of the county of Worcester I have felt humbled by the paragraphs which have appeared in the public papers, stating, as the result of a compromise, that the Eastern Division of that county is to be divided between a Whig and a Conservative at the next general election. Some members of a so- called Conservative association may have been frightened into such an arrangement, but I am con- vinced that the gentry and farmers of the Eastern Division of Worcestershire will not feel themselves bound by such an egregious desertion of principle. If ever there was a time when it behoved every Englishman to do his duty it is the present time; and let me tell all those who have been accustomed to rally under the Conservative banner, and who are disposed to quaU because their leader has treacherously betrayed them, that if once the Protectionists are betrayed into a compromise for the return of one Whig in a division, the sure issue will be the ousting of the Conservative member at the next general election. To compromise with a Whig of the present school, however amiable his aspect, is very much like holding a parley with a certain unmentionable per- sonage, who, when he once succeeds in producing hesitation in the path of duty, is certain to produce his ultimate and wicked ends, and resistance becomes hopeless. I am quite confident that the electors of East Worcestershire will not be misled by the present illusive state of things ; they will not conclude that, because, from extraordinary and provi- dential circumstances, the operation of the Whig and Free- trade measure of last session is at present completely innoxious, that it will be so after the next harvest, if so long. Should a general election be delayed until this time next year, the farmers of Great Britain, from bitter experience, will unite as one man in every county, and exclude all candidates, whoever they may be, who will not pledge themselves to a reconsideration of the destructive Free- trade legislation of last session; and I much mistake if even before that the manufacturers will not be found foremost in the same resolve. I am, Sir, vour obedient servant, AGllICOLA. London, Dec. 14, 1846. It will be seen from our advertising columns, that besides the letter of Mr. Taylor, ( father of the present member for East Worcestershire) which we published exclusively in our last GUARDIAN, the electors are addressed by the member, Mr. Taylor himself, and by Sir Horace St- Paul, their late respected representative, on the same subject. Mr. Taylor, it will be seen, has not finally given up all intention of soliciting the support of theielectors at jjie_ general election for, lie says, should present circumstances alter, and should fits constituents desire it he will again solicit their suffrages.. Sir Horace St. Paul, it will be seen, addresses the electors in explanation of " the manner how" the famous " arrangement" of the 11th and 12th December, was completed. It was opposed by him, but without effect. The Hon. Bart, says— " My own faith in the energies and number of the Erst Wor- cestershire Conservative electors, and my objection to our hands being tied at the general election, induced me to oppose this arrangement; but being supported by only four gentlemen my opposition was vain. u Finding myself outvoted— the arrangements made and the pledges given— and knowing well that the step taken could not be recalled, I thought it politic to assent, because it is evident that if our party split its powers are gone." Sir Horace observes, that he has no intention of again sitting in Parliament himself. WORCESTER COUNTY PETTY SESSIONS. SIIIREHALL, TUESDAY, DEC. 22. Magistrates present:— Rev. J. Pearson ( Chairman), J. Williams, F. * E. Williams, Esqrs., and Capt Hastings. GAME CASE.— William Parker, labourer, was charged with snaring a bare on a piece of land called the Ash lied, the property of the liev. Mr. Berkeley, of Cotheridaje. James Kinnaird, under- keeper to Mr. Berkeley, deposed that he was killing rabbits in the before- mentioned coppice, and there saw a hare caught in a gin. ITf watched the snare, aiul shortly after saw the prisoner come up ami take out the hare and cover it over with grass and leaves. He then went up to him and asked him what he wanted there, and he replied that he was cutting a " whip stock," and said " please to forgive me." Mr. Wulcot appeared to support the charge. The Magistrates considered the case fully proved, und lined the defendant i-' l. 7s. ( id., and 14s. expenses or a month's imprisonment. The money was paid. WAGES.— James Jones, labourer, summoned R. It. Lucas, Esq., of Grimley, for 7s. due for wages, for mowing in the month of Juue last, Mr. Lucas admitted the debt, but had refused to pay on the ground that the complainant was indebted to him lor tithes. The money was ordeied to be paid, and Mr. Lucas was informed that he could recover the tithe, if due, by a summary process. CITY POLICE. MONDAY. AN IMPUDENT THIEF.— Solomon Cooper, ( remanded from Saturday) a " navie," with a face like a full moon, and a most luxuriant crop of red hair, was charged by William Thomas, of Lowesmoor, blacksmith, with stealing a shovel. The prisoner occasionally slept at the Boat Inn, Lowesmoor, which is kept by prosecutor, and on Friday last he there sold a shovel to prosecutor for Is. fid. and the " price of a pint." The prosecutor shortly afterwards went to place the shovel in his loft with two others which he had previously purchased, when he discovered that one had been taken, and found that he had been repurchasing his own shovel. The evidence being incomplete the prisoner was discharged. John Morton, a respectable looking mechanic, was charged by policeman Workman with being drunk and creating a disturbance about twelve o'clock on Saturday night, near the Bridge. It appears that Workman was attracted to the spot by a light in Paine's Meadow, near the Bridge. He secured Morton, w ho was holding the coat of one of the combatants, upon which the rest of the party made off. Prisoner was very drunk and abusive at the time. Fined 5s. Mr. Holmes, of Boughton Fields, summoned Mr. E. Wall, his next door neighbour, for having his chimney on fire, on Friday last, whereby his ( Mr. Holmes'J premises had been endangered. It appeared from the evidence of Mr. Holmes and several witnesses, that Mr. Wall's chimney was on fire on the day named, and some of the sparks fell down Mr. Holmes' chimney, setting on lire the chimney- board in the room, and a bed: wiiiwh him it,..- and n. hich was pjirtly con- sumed before the fire was discovered. Mr. Wall was excused the fine on paying the expenses, amounting to 8s. fid. WEDNESDAY. FELONY.— Sarah Rest was charged by Mr. Lewis, of the Apple Tree Inn, Turkey- street, with stealing 18s. from his house on Tuesday last, under the following circumstances. It appears that the accused was servant at the Apple Tree, and that the prosecutor having missed the money from a box in his bed room, where he had left it the night before with other money, sent for policeman Fudger, and accused the prisoner ( in his presence) of taking it. The girl thereupon called Mr. Lewis aside privately, and admitted that she had taken the money, and produced it from her shoes, where she had secreted it. She then fell on her knees and asked his forgiveness. Fudger then took her to the Station- house. Committed to the Sessions. THURSDAY, Three men named Phillips, Hardwick, and Allen were charged with stealing a coat and waistcoat from the shop of Mr. Parsons, clothes dealer, Friar- street, on Monday last. It appears that about six o'clock on Monday evening the prisoners were seen by a boy named Sayer to appropriate the coat and waist- coat, which were hung up at the shop- door, and run towards the Corn- market. The prosecutor followed them, and in the Corn- market found the sticks on which the coat and waistcoat had been stretched out. The prisoners, Phillips and Hardwick, were apprehended the next day at the Red Cow, Birdport, by Fudger and Powell, and Allen was apprehended by Sergeant Chipp, in the Corn- market on the same day. Hardwick and Allen were. committed to the Sessions, but there not being suffi- cient evidence against Phillips, he was discharged. A DESERTER— James Aust was brought up charged with deserting from the 28th Regiment of Foot. It appears that in the course of Wednesday the prisoner's wife went to the Station- house, and complained that her husband had been beating her, and asked the advice of the Inspector. She was told there that she must get a summons for him, to which she leplied, " Oh ! a summons won't do ; I must have something more than that; besides, he is a deserter." Just as this conversation was finished, the prisoner came after his wife, and he was taken into custody by policeman Hall, charged with deserting from his regiment. It appears the prisoner deserted between seven and eight years ago. He was remanded in order to communicate with the Horse Guards. To the Editor of the Worcestershire Guardian. Sir,— My attention has been but this moment drawn to the perusal of your police report in your last number in which my name is most unwarrantably introduced. A more malignant insinuation than the one to which I allude could not have been made as regards myself or my knowledge of the lady whose name so prominently stands forward in the report alluded to. I am totally at a loss to imagine any circumstanee of my life which could give the slightest colour to the aspersion; and, although my name should have been so untruthfully mentioned that you should have given currency to the calumny, is deserving of the gravest condemnation, as it is not for " a journalist to give publicity to every filthy lie elicited at a Petty Sessions squabble, especially to an unsupported assertion calculated to embitter domestic happiness. Why should I have been less favoured than the " Rev. Gentleman," whoever he may be, who figures in the same report? why should my name be dragged forth and not his? he was fortunate enough, no doubt, to be known to Mr. Editor, whilst myself, not being equally lucky, am published to the world in connexion with a i quarrel which reflects disgrace upon all the parties concerned in it. All I can trust myself to say further on the subject is, that your report contains an atrocious slander, and is calculated to do me an injury which no apology or retraction can remedy or efface. Having put me in a false position with the public, I trust to your sense of justice to give insertion to this, and remain Your most obedient servant, GEORGE M. SADDS. Tewkesbury, 23rd Dec. I'OWER- LOOM CARPET MANUFACTORY.— A meeting to take into consideration the formation of an establishment for the manufacture of carpets in this city, by steam power, attended by an influential body of gentlemen connected with this city and neighbourhood, was held at the Star Hotel, on Monday, at 11 o'clock,— J. W. Isaac, Esq., in the chair Mr. Rising introduced the subject to the notice of the meeting, and in a lucid and clear manner explained the benefits to be derived from an establishment in this city, having for its object the provision of employment for a number of the poorer classes, and, by combining the advantages of steam power to the carpet loom, to supply carpets of the very best quality at a price considerably below that at which they can at present be pro- cured ; and, as these advantages are protected by patents, the investment could not fail of being a safe and profitable one. Various details and explanations of the nature of the machinery were then gone into, when the resolutions set forth in our advertising columns were adopted. We congratulate our readers upon the prospect now opening to us, that wc shall again, as in the time of good old King George III., have a flourishing carpet manufactory established in the " faithful city." Among the gentlemen and tradesmen present, we observed Messrs. J. W. Isaac, W. Lewis, Edward Webb, W. Barnes, Thomas Lucy, F. St. John, George Allies, W. S. P. Hughes, Joseph Bennett, J. F. Gillam, J. Tymbs, William Stallard, John Stallard, C. II. Birbeck, J. B. Read, J. Rowlands, G. Chamberlain, D, W. Nash, & c. Socal ilattujap Intelligence The subject of the proposed monopoly of carriage of goods by railway on the part of the London and Birmingham Com- pany, is occupying considerable attention. We find that the Birmingham deputation to the Government Board of Commis- sioners of Railways, has presented the memorial praying them to interpose the authority of Government to prevent the antici- pated injury. To the memorial were attached between 3,000 and 4,000 signatures, and included Derby, Nottingham, Man- chester, and the Chamber of Commerce of Worcester. Sir Denis Le Marchant, M. P. for Worcester, introduced the deputa- tion to the Commissioners, Mr. Strutt, Lord Granville, Sir F. Bruce, and Sir E. P. Ryan, who appeared to take much interest in the important representations made to them, and asked many questions with reference to the clauses of the memorial. The system of electric telegraphing has been brought into regular plav on the Midland Railway, a complete scale of charges being fixed for accommodation, communications may now be made from Leeds, Normanton, Masborough, Sheffield, Chesterfield, Derby, Leicester, Rugby, Burton, Tamwortb, Birmingham, Nottingham, Newark, and Lincoln, at the follow- ing rates:— Under 10 words, Id. per mile; above 10 aud under 20, at 1| J. per mile; above 20 and under 30, at 2J. per mile; above 40 and under 50, at 3d. per mile; and for every addi- tional 10 words, one £ d. per mile. Calls for Christmas are already announced iti connection with eight lines, to the extent of some £ 740,000. The Lancaster and Carlisle Railway was publicly opened throughout on Friday. Great rejoicings took place in all the townson the line. The directors of the Eastern Counties and Norfolk Railways, wilh a view to give the poorer classes greater facilities in ' ravellin'S have started " a fourth- class," train by which passen- gers are conveyed from Yarmouth to Norwich, and through to London for 7s. 6d.; and a return ticket, available from Monday, or anv other day, to the following Sunday, for 10s.; which is little more than one farthing per mile. The Ipswich and Bury St. Edmund's Railway was publicly opened on Monday, by an excursion of the directors along the line to the last town ; where there were great rejoicings of the people and a dinner. The line is about 26 miles long. There is but one tunnel, near the Ipswich terminus, which is a quarter of a mile in length; at Bury there is a very lofty and long embankment and viaduct; and about the centre an " almost unfathomable morass" has been crossed. The line has cost £ 17,090 a mile, and has been completed in a year. BIRMINGHAM AND OXFORD. — The following letter has been addressed by Mr. Glyn to Air. Muntz, the chairman of the Birmingham and Oxford Railway Company. It will be seen from this document, that Mr. Glyn reiterates the offer previously made by his Company, for the purchase of the Bir- mingham and Oxford line, and that he repeats the assumption that the Gauge Act has settled the question against the extension of a broad guage line beyond Fenny Compton :— " London and North- Western Railway Office, Euston Station, Dec. 15, 1846. « gjrj Having received certain memorials from shareholders in the Birmingham and Oxford Railway, I returned to them, on behalf of the London and North- Western Company, the reply of which I now enclose a copy, and I am requested by the directors of the London and North- Western Company, to repeat to you and your colleagues the views and opinions con- tained in that reply. " The Great Western Directors, to whom, as the proposal of a joint lease has involved their concurrence, I communicated in the first instance the answer given to the memorialists, have declined to meet the views which we entertain on that subject, and I am instructed, therefore, by the Directors of the London and North Western Company, to suggest that the Birmingham and Oxford Directors should use their influence with the Great Western Directors in favour of a proposal which would be so clearly for the benefit of all parties concerned. The gain to the public iu a reduction of fares on the Birmingham and Oxford line to the scale adopted in the London and North- Western Act— lower than that of the Birmingham and Oxford, and much lower than that of the Great Western— is equally evident. . . " In the event of the Great Western Company continuing to decline a joint lease, the London and North- Western Com- pany are prepared to treat with you alone for some arrange- ment by which they may participate in the use of the Birmingham and Oxford line, on terms advantageous to your Company, and I beg to say that we are ready at once to negociate with you for the purchase of the line ( if that course is deemed preferable) on a bas, s of 15/. premium on each share, payable, bl. on the obtaining the Act, 51, at the end of six months, and 5/. on the opening of the line. " 1 cannot but regret that you did not adopt the suggestion which we made to you through our solicitor to include the necessary further powers in your notices for the Act for which you are about to apply in the next Session, as it would have enabled the more immediate completion of any arrangements which both parties might consider desirable. " Wc understand that you propose to urge on Parliament an alteration in the Gauge Act of last Session, and the extension of the broad gauge to Birmingham. Considering, as we do, that the Gauge Act was a final settlement of the question, we shall be prepared to offer the most strenuous opposition to such a measure, but I beg to repeat the proposal we lately made to the Great Western Directors to abide by the decision of the Railway Commissioners on this point; satisfied that, while on the one hand, thev will give due weight to what has already taken place on the subject, they will make the real interest of the public their paramount consideration. " Allow me to request as early a reply as convenient to this communication. " I have the honour to be, Sir, " Your most obedient servant, " GEORGE CARR GLYN, Chairman. " P. H. Muntz, Esq., Birmingham and Oxford Railway, Birmingham." MAL- ArPR0PRiATi0N.— On Sunday last three persons, two men and a girl, were apprehended on a charge of felony by our city pOii'e under the following circumstances : It appears that one day last week a youth named Benjamin Davis, residing in Birmingham, went to pay a visit to his father, a millwright of Hereford, accompanied by a girl with whom he cohabited and also a male companion. They left Hereford on Sunday morning, and immediately afterwards it was discovered by Davis's father that he had been robbed of five £ 5 notes and other money, making in all £ 27 odd. The delinquents were followed by the Hereford police, who traced them on the road to Bromyard, where they were found to have changed one of the notes. The pursuing party then took a fly and came to Worcester, where they immediately gave information to the police. Sergeant Saunders and policeman Grubb ascertained that the girl had been at the railway office enquiring what time the mail train went to Birmingham, and on being told at half- past nine, she said she would come at that time. In the mean time the police succeeded in apprehending all the three parties, and found on Davis a £ 5 note, three sovereigns, a half- sovereign, 4s. Gd. in silver, a table knife, an ancient tobacco- box, and other articles. On the other man ( who gave his name as Morgan, but whose real name is Williams, & well- known horse- clipper in Hereford,) a £ 5 note, one sovereign and some silver, were found; and the girl, who calls herself Ann Britton, acknowledged, on being searched, that she had two £ 5 notes in her hand at the time she was apprehended, and that she dropped them in the street. These notes have not been recovered, and indeed there is some reason to doubt the truth of the woman's tale. The whole party were on Monday morning taken before J. Williams, Esq., at the County Magistrates' Office, Palace- yard, but in consequence of the father declining to prosecute, they were discharged. This youth, it seems, some time ago robbed his father of £ 70 or £ 80. MR. GLADSTONE'S RISE AS A STATESMAN Sir Robt. Peel, amongst his many qualifications for the mastership of the nation, has a faculty which will often be found in men who are born to command— that of choosing their agents with sagacity. He had not been unobservant of Mr. Gladstone's parliamentary talents, or of the ability he had shown in the year 1834 as Colonial Under- Secretary. He had probably seen, with admir- tion, the union of such opposite qualifications in one man. As soon as he was again in power, he seized the opportunity to avail himself of Mr. Gladstone's services. But he did not content himself wilh merely making him the offer of such an appoint- ment as his previous official statement would justify: lie went much further, and constituted Mr. Gladstone his chief adviser and coadjutor in all the difficult debates which arose out of his proposed modifications of our commercial laws. He made him, in fact, his right- hand man, much to the astonishment of those who had been accustomed to regard the new vice- president of the board of trade as a sort of dreamy enthusiast, and who pre- dicted that he would utterly fail to grapple with the laborious calculations and the multitudinous varieties of information required in a discussion embracing so many hundreds of minute subjects, with each of which there were some or more members of Parliament intimately acquainted. That period, however, in our modern political history was a series of surprise. Sir Robert Peel himself furnished the greatest* surprise of all. He developed powers of mind for which those who had attributed to him mediocrity were utterly unprepared ; and it was remarkable that, although lie selected for posts in his government, young or comparatively unknown men, they all seemed animated by a spirit similar to that which had metamorphosed their patron, and each achieved, in his several sphere, some unlooked- for suc- cess. Mr. Gladstone's triumph was more signal than any. He astonished the House of Commons by his unwearied assiduity, the perseverence with which he pursued the business of his new office into its minutest details, the readiness of his mind, the fertility of his resources, the extraordinary informa- tion, so minute yet so accurate, Which he had amassed in con. nection with that under- current of commerce which flows in warehouses and counting- houses, but of which the cabinet and the library know scarcely the existence; while in the discharge of the still more laborious duties of his office, in the reception of deputations, the negotiation with important interests, the arbitration of conflicting claims, and the accom- modation of multifarious details to a general and comprehensive plan, he sustained, with honour to himself, a competition of mind with those to whom such subjects were their daily busi- ness, if not their only thought: a competition from which, from the test being so much more severe and so much more readily brought home to him, success reflected still greater credit than the casual victories in the House of Commons. Nor was it merely in the laborious handling of minute details that Mr. Gladstone proved himself fit to hold the important post to which he had been appointed. Throughout the discussions in question, and also in subsequent sessions, when he was at the head of the Board of Trade, he showed himself familiar, to an unexpected extent, with the great principles of commercial legislation, whether those which were about to be abandoned, or those new ones, which, it is probable, Sir Robert Peel had even then determined to adopt: and, in his speeches on the corn question, as well as on those connected with the tariff, he infused a high philosophic tone, which was not to be found in the more laboured dissertations of Sir Robert Peel or Sir James Graham. In fact, whether upon these questions, or on others of more general policy, he already impressed the house and the public with that same idea of the elevation of his mind and the superiority of his intellectual powers'which, it has already been stated, was one of the characteristic consequences of his earlier orations on more abstract subjects,— uvaser's Magazine. IMPORTANT CONVICTIONS FOR ILLEGAL SALMON FISHING. On Saturday last two very important cases of this description were heard before the following Magistrates sitting in Petty Sessions at Thornbury, in the adjoining ccanty of Gloucester— Rev. Dr. Davies ( Chairman), and Revs. John Charlton and M. F. Townsend. Mr. Aaron Taylor, farmer, and occupier of salmon fisheries on the Severn at Oldbury, in the same county, was summoned at the instance of the United Association for the Protection of the Fisheries of the Severn and its Tributaries, for having in his possession in a certain' putt or putcher in the Severn, a salmon, during the fence season or close time of the said river, viz., on the 7th of December instant. Mr. II. T. Rea, of this city, solicitor to the Association, attended with a member of the Central Committee, to conduct the prosecution. There was present at the hearing a large attendance of the gentry, farmers, and fishermen of the surround- ing district, amongst whom the case appeared to excite the most lively interest. Mr. Rea stated the case against the accused, and observed that the information was laid under the 6th and 7th Victoria, chap. 33, commonly known as Bailey's Act. The defendant had been repeatedly cautioned by the Society's officers that unless he removed his putts from the river during the fence time he would be prosecuted, but failing to do so, the Association had deemed it their duty to institute the present prosecution as much with the object of protecting those fishermen who had com- plied with the law, and removed their traps from the river, as of punishing the defendant. Evidence was then given to prove that the defendant's putts had been left in the Severn, and were still there taking salmon. The informant, Mr. Sharp, one of the conservators of the Association, produced a witness named Bowen, ( one of his assistants,) who proved the case by producing in Court a salmon weighing no less than 33 lbs., which had been found by him ia one of the defendant's putts. The Record of the fence time for the county of Gloucester, which was from September 14 to January 1, having been put in, the Magistrates immediately convicted the defendant in the full penalty of £ 10. A second information was then heard against the defendant for a similar offence committed on another day, and a second salmon— an old fish unfit for human food— was produced ill Court, and the necessary depositions having been taken, the defendant was mulcted in a second penalty of £ 10, the Magis- trates expressing their determination to assist the laudable efforts of the Severn Association to the utmost of their power. The decision of the Bench appeared to afford the public great satis- faction. The defendant after some grumbling paid the £ 20. It was stated in the course of the investigation by parties who had watched the progress of the salmon fisheries of this district, that within the last two or three years the fish had increased very considerably : at some of the draughts the increase had been tenfold ! The greater part of these fish are sent to the Bath aud Bristol markets, but it appears that neither of those towns contribute towards the protection of the river. gportmg. THE LEAMINGTON STEEPLE CHASES.— The continuance of the frost last week, prevented this adjourned meeting taking place. We understand that the stakes are to be re- opened— the fixture to be at Warwick about the beginning of February. HUNTING APPOINTMENTS. ( fVeather permitting. J THE WORCESTERSHIRE ROUNDS.- At half- past ten. Monday Wednesday Friday Monday .. Wednesday Friday .... Mouday .... Wednesday Friday Dec Jan. Crowlt*. The Lickey. .... Boars Head, Severn Stoke. Cotheridge. Upton Snodubury. Bishop's Wood. Broekridge Common Witley. ........ The Kennels. LORD UEDESDALE'S HOUNDS.— At half- past ten, Saturday Dec. 26 Barringtoiil'ark. Monday — 28 Boulter's Barn. Wednesday — 30 Bradwell Grove. Friday Jan. 1 Eyford. Saturday — 2 Blenheim. THE LEDBURY HOUNDS.— At half- past ten. Monday Dec. 28 Hethel Fit Turnpike, Staunton Friday Jan. 1 Newent Wood. THE WARWICKSHIRE HOUNDS.— At half- past ten. Saturday Dec. 2( i Wimpstone Bridge; THE ALBRIGHTON HOUNDS— At half- past ten. Saturday Dec. 26 ........ Burnal Green: THE ATI1ERSTONE HOUNDS,—^ Eleven. Saturday Dec. 26 Three Pots. THE SHROPSHIRE HOUNDS— At a quarter before Eleven. Saturday Dec. 26 Shawbury. Monday Ilawkstoue. ... Child's Ercall. ... Berrington Village. Wednesday Friday — 28 . — 30 Jan. 1 BARGEMEN ON THE SEVERN.— We are glad to leara that measures are in progress for providing a place of Divine worship for the use of the Severn bargemen and their families, whose avocations bring them to this city. The scheme, we believe, has originated amongst the merchants of this port. The Bishop of the diocese has been consulted upon the subject, and he has given his cordial support to the undertaking; and the Gloucester and Berkeley Canal Company have provided a sito for the proposed chapei contiguous to the basin.— Gloucester Chronicle. IMPROVEMENT OF THE TOWN OF ALCESTER.— A public cemetery and gas works are projected for the thriving town of Alcester. The Marquis of Hertford, lord of the manor, is to be solicited for the necessary sites of lands. Dr. A. Purton has been chosen low bailiff, in the place of W. Hobbes, Esq., who now fills the office of high bailiff. THE LONDON BAKERS, AND THE PRICE OF BREAD.— A correspondent of Douglas J err old's Newspaper addresses to that journal the following remarks:— The London bakers are divided into two classes, having little in common but the name, tliose who manufacture cheap bread, and their men; and those who manufacture full priced bread, and their men. The difference in price is generally three half- pence on the four pound loaf, sometimes more. I will give one reason for its being so, viz., that there is in the price of a sack of flour ( 280 lbs.), a difference of 5s. Gd. and 7s. I contend however that there is another and more serious cause, which is contained in a statement made a few weeks since, in your paper, to this effect— that they the ( bakers) commence work on Thursday evening, at 7 or 8 o'clock, and do not leave off until Saturday evening about the same time. No doubt this is true of many, but I truly believe, that within modern London, there is not one full- priced baker who carries on such a practice. Look at its evil effects. The baker is enabled by this extra labour to undersell the one who does not chose to exact it, and for this to effect a small saving in giving an inferior quality, the operative bakers are cruelly oppressed — their bodies debilitated, and their minds reduced almost to fatuity. BIRTH. Dec. 22, the wife of Mr. W. S. P. Hughes, of Sansomo Fields House, in this city, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. Dec. 14, at Bloxham, by the Rev. G. Saunder, Mr. John Lee Merry, corn dealer, of Banbury, to Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. J, Bennett, of Newbold. Dec. 14, at Broadway, by the Rev. Mr. Armitage, Mr. H. Keen, to Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. E. Stephens, coach proprietor, of the same place. Dec. 17, at St. Mary's Bathwick, Bath, John Augustus Wood Esq., eldest son of General John Sulivan Wood, D. C. L., Lieut.- Governor of the Tower, and late of the 8th Hussars, to Louisa only daughter of the late Rev. Wm. Liddiard, of Sydney Place* Bath. ' Dec. 17, at Llangattock, Breconshire, by the Venerabla Archdeacon Ormerod, James Stuart Menteath, Esq., eldest sou and heir- at- law of Sir Charles Granville Stuart Menteath of Closeburn Hall, Dumfries, to Jane, third daughter of Joseph Bailey, Esq., M. P., Glanusk Park. Dec. 17, at the parish church, Cheltenham, by the Rev. Thomas Arden, N. B. Acworth, Esq., of No. 8, Chesham Placej and of Lincoln's Inn, barrister- at- law, late Registrar of the Supreme Court, Madras, lo Anna Diana, eldest daughter of the Rev. F. Close, Iucumbent of Cheltenham. Dec. 17, at Feckenham, by the Rev. J. Beesley, Vicar, Mr. H. B. Hemming, of Beehive House, Astwood, to Sarah, fourth daughter of Mr. Pratt, of Henley- in- Arden. DEATHS. Dec. 14, suddenly, at Martley, Mr. John Footman, aged 68. Dec. 16, at Bristol, Miss Beatrice, Daniell, sister to Mr. S. Daniell, of Angel Street, in this city, aged 76. Dec. 16, aged 26, Edward James, second son of Mr. Edward Davies, of High Street, in this city. Dec. 16, at the house of her son- in- law, Mr. John Howell, of Banbury, Oxon, Mrs. Elizabeth Knight, aged 73, late of Merriman's Hill Cottage, near this city. Dec. 17, aged 42, Mr. Josiah Lawrence, of St. John's, in this city. Dec. 17, at OJdington House, Gloucestershire, aged 90, Lady Reade, widow of the late Sir John Reade, Bart., of Shipton Court, Oxfordshire, and Oddington House, and sister of the late Sir Hungerford Hoskyns, Bart., of Harewood, Herefordshire. Dec. 18, at Brighton, to the inexpressible affliction of his parents and friends, to whom his amiable disposition had so greatly endeared him, Valentine Antoine, second son of the Baron de Thoren, of Underdown, Ledbury, aged eight years. Dec. 18, at Grimley, after a short illness, Jane, wife of Mr. Joseph Sheffield, brick- maker, aged 73. Dec. 18, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Edwards, wife of Mr. William Edwards, of the Old Star Inn, Coventry Street, Stour- bridge. Dec. 19, after a very short but severe illness, Anne, youngest daughter of Mr. Samuel Barnes, of this city. Dec. 20, at his residence, Broad Street, Leominster, in the 67tli year of his age, Mr. Win. Cartwright, wine merchant. His loss will be long and deeply felt by his family and friends. Dec. 20, aged 50, Mrs. Emmunds, for eleven years sextoness of St. Andrew's Church, in this city. Dec. 20, Mr. Harding, of the City Arms, St. Swithin's, in this city. Dec. 20, aged 71 years, Mr. John Roberts, grocer, of Hereford. Dec. 20, at her residence, Hereford, aged 50, Jane, widow of the late Mr. John Charles Reynolds, of the Herefordshire Brewery, much esteemed and regretted. Dec. 20, at Kidderminster, William, infant son of Mr. J. Rogers. Dec. 21, at Hilton, near Wolverhampton, Mary, widow of John Hale, Esq., of the Hollies, near Stourbridge, in the 74th year of her age. Dec. 21, after a lingering illness, Mr. Brothers, of Easy Row » ~ in this city. Dec. 21, deservedly respected and sincerely regretted by her family, in the 76th year of her age, Mrs. Ann Phillips, relict of Mr. John Phillips, late of Bromyard. Dec. 22, aged 65, Mr. George Wormington, of the Cross Keys, Friar Street, in this city. Dec. 22, Lucy Ada, the infant daughter of Mr. John Pumphrey, of Droitwich, THE WORCESTERSHIRE GUARDIAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1846. A CHRISTMAS CANTICLE. Hail! Father Christmas, hail to thee, Season of mirth and jofity, Second to none— for frolic and fun, Juveniles jumping— vacation's begun, Gala and rout— grand goings out, Wine cup and wassail— convivial bout, Then merrily, lustily, let us all shout. Huzza for the " Misletoe bough" and " the Holly," ' Neath whose shadow combined, we'll be jolly, be jolly. " Prodigious Polkers, in very white chokers, ''( That's a dance now, that all are expected to know, Sirs,) " For it won't do at all, at party, or ball, *' Not to respond, when ' la Polka' they call, " The ' Cellarius' too, and the 1 False a deux « ' '• Temps' ( an enormous bore ' twixt me and you,) 41 Then twirling about, still let us shout, " Huzza for the < Misletoe bough' and ' the Holly,' " ' Neath whose shadows combined, we'll be jolly, be jolly." C£ What another invitation ! oh ! what shocking dissipation, " My head alas ! is aching now, beyond all calculation, " It is more than I can bear, still it comes but once a year, So, • Augusta' write a note, my love, and say that we'll be there. " Music books are in request, and you can't get any rest, " Till' Benedict,'' Balfe,'' Bunn Co.,' become a perfect pest. " Young ladies they are squalling, that they dwelt a ' marble hall1 in, "( Which in weather, such as this,/ shouldn't like to live at all in,) " So thus racketting about, we'll vociferously shout, " Huzza for the ' Misletoe bough' and ' the Holly,' 41 ' Neath whose shadows combined, we'll be jolly, be jolly." " Everywhere, and all around, family parties do abound, " And ' you'll dine with me, on Christmas day,' ' s a very welcome sound. " Poor relations tumble in, and a dreadful fright they're in, " Afraid lest their arrival should be looked on as a sin ; Uncles, Aunts, and Nephews, Nieces, now the party much increases, " And to pass away the time, they each other pick to pieces, With < oh! how well you look to- night, '( the abominable fright !) " Your cold I find is better ( ah ! I feared it was but slight,) " Conversation goes about, and still gaily let us shout, " Huzza for the ' Misletoe bough' and ' the Holly,' •'/ Neath whose shadows combined, we'll be jolly, be jolly." Tho' a moral to a tale, is considered " rather stale," I've one to mine, and trust that it may prove of some avail; Midst profusion ne'er forget, you've a higher duty yet, Than the " soirees," " balls," and " parties," where that season you have met- You must poverty relieve, turn to joy those now who grieve, ( The noblest task, ' tis possible, for any to achieve,) Your riches thus employ, let the poor man share your joy, And with heart and voice unanimous together you will cry, ( And this being brought about, loud, loud, will be the shout,) Huzza for the Misletoe bow and the Holly, ' Neath whose shadows combined, we'll be jolly be jolly. T. P. VARIETIES. There is an old joke respecting a poor attorney, which is to the purport, that " having lived without causes, ho died without effects." An Irish doctor, we are told, advertised that persons afflicted with deafness might hear of him at his house in LifFey- street, where also blind patients might see him daily, from leu till three. Another Irishman, an aurist was so remarkably clever, that having exercised his skill on a deaf ladv, who had been hitherto insensible to the nearest and loudest noises, she had the happiness next day of hearing from her husband— in South Australia. PAT'S READINESS.— Pat called on a lady and gentleman in whose employ he was engaged, for the purpose of getting some tea and tobacco. " I had a dream yer honour, last night," said he to the gentleman. " What was it PatP " Why I dreampt that yer honour made me a present of a plug of tobacky, and her ladyship there ( Heaven bless her!) gave me some tay for the wife." " Ah, Pat, but dreams go by contraries, you know." " Faith, and they may be that," said Pat, without the least hesitation; " so it is her ladyship is to give me the tobacky, and yer honour the tay." AN ACCIDENT THAT BEFEL A YOUNG LADYT IN THE AGE OF MINUETS.— She was led out in a large assembly by a partner, the object of all eyes; and when the music began and the dance should have begun also, and he was in motion, she found herself unable to move from the spot; she remained motionless for a few seconds, her colour changed from rose to ruddy, presently she seemed about to faint, fell into the arms of those « vho ran to support her, and was carried out of the room. e fit may have been real, for though nothing ailed her, yei what had happened, was enough to make any young woman faint in such a place. It was something far more embarrassing than the mi sap against which Soame Jenyns cautions the ladies when he says:— ' No waving lappets should the dancing fair, Nor ruffles edged with dangling fringes wear; Oft will the cobweb ornaments catch hold On tho approaching button, rough with gold ; Nor force nor art can then the bonds divide When once th' entangled Gordian knot is tied, So the unhapy pair, by Hymen's power Together joined in some lil- l^ ted houiu The more they strive their freedom to regain, The faster binds th' indissoluble chain.' It was worse than this in the position in which she had placed herself according to rule, for, beginning the minute, shewasTastened, not by a spell, not by the influence of her malignant stars, but by the hooks and eyes of her garters. The Countess of Salisbury's misfortune was as much less embarrassing as it was more celebrated."— Southey's " Doctor." BORROWED FRIENDS,— There is a certain class of young gentlemen in society who are not unlike charwomen, who go out to help at parties; that is, they are invited without being personally known, by being included in the invitations of those who are. Thus a person who wishes to astonish every- body, by letting them sc'e what a host of good society he is intimate with, aud having more than he can accommodate, sends an invitation to a dancing friend, who is an indi- vidual supposed to do only that kind of work, and never invited to the more substantial dinner parties, but is perfectly content to come in smiling with the coffee and the muffins. At the bottom of the aforesaid note he writes, " Bring a quadrilling friend or two with you;" which is accordingly done, who, upon their entrance, are introduced to their friend's friend, the host, who smiles, & c., & c., but without the slightest MTstrto become more intimately acquainted with them; and, indeed, he never remembers one from the other of those borrowed friends; this may, perhaps, be excusable, as nothing is more difficult, as they are a most extraordinary stereotyped set. All wear polished boots, white waistcoats, white hand- kerchiefs, and very oily hair, without anything to say about any- thing, and are nothing without dancing. These kind of auto- mats, make upon an average, about one- third of all evening parties: they are very easily detected by the initiated, for directly they are. unmixed with a quadrille or a polka, they all run together in a lump like quicksilver, and are about as heavy. ANECDOTE OF A BLACKBIRD.— Mr. Layland, who resides at Maisemore bridge, near this city, is in possession of a cock blackbird, whose docile sagacity deserves mention amongst some of the rare and extraordinary anecdotes which naturalists love to treasure up. This blackbird, for the last three summer seasons, has been allowed its liberty— a luxury which he appears gratefully disposed to enjoy so long as the genial season continues; but immediately that the leaves begin to fall, and " trees to wither at the north winds breath," then he returns to his cage, and remains contented and happy in confinement during the winter. He has just returned, after four months' absence, and may be heard warbling as jocund in his cage as if he had ne\ er known and never aspired to liberty. We understand also that the sage bird knows enemies as well as friends, and that amongst the former he has an especial aversion to Mr. Lay laud's cat. He, therefore, exhibits much caution in returning lo his winter residence, hovering about the house at a secui distance from puss's claws, until he has attracted the attention of his owner, who thereupon takes the cage to a neighbouring tree, where the blackbird quietly hops into it, and is then brought safely into the house.— Gloucester paper. CHRISTMAS TIME. sound of trumpet. The children long to shout, the grown guests rejoice in their way ; and thus the day is passsd. The following is a pleasiug description of the celebration of— CHRISTMAS- DAY IN A VILLAGE. Christmas eve brought the childish choir and the antique song, and the joy- bells were pealing when the morning sun peeped through the misty curtains of the East, and greeted us with a " fair good morrow," and presently we heard the pattering of feet— light buoyant footsteps, cheerily ringing on the path, and ever and anon a hearty salutation " A merry Christmas !"—" I thank you, kindly ; and to you, and you; and there was such a fervid warmth and earnestness of utterance in those brief seasonable greetings, that it abso- lutely made our hearts leap as we listened. Up clomb the sun above the vapoury barrier piled against the horizon iu tho East: not with a dull and watery light, as we had seen him rise for many a morning past, but with a clear, a jocund, laughing light, as though his godship were intent to do especial honour to the day. Nor was he singular in this respect, as every house bore witness. Window- panes, lucid as crystal, flowing draperies of spotless white, rooms garnished and dight with super- zealous care, paths swept, and withered leaves removed, levies on cellars, and forays in the store- room, slaughter in the farm- yard, and a miscellaneous savour in the kitchen, evinced how universal was the wish to meet " Old Gregory Christmas" in a holiday and hospitable spirit. Mprning wore on; the old church bells jingled again, and matin- chimes summoned the villagers to prayer. From far and near, from lonely crofts and way side cottages, from huts that nestle in the sheltered hollows of the breezy common, and from lowly alms- houses huddled together in neighbourly cohesion, from the venerable hall begirt about with solemn woods, and primitive farm- houses almost co- eval with tho hall, they trooped in cheerful companies of three or four. Yeomen, with faces glowing like sun set ; labourers, with each a body- guard of ruddy children; grey- headed men, the patriarchs of the poor, long since past toil, tottering along, and propped on slaves of choice and curious fabrication— the heir- looms of the family; even the spare and withered gran- dames— those ancient eleemosynaries who used to sit outside their cottage doors, on summer evenings, winking and dozing in the sun— crawled forth from their warm chimney- corner nooks, and swelled the gathering throng. Under the church- yard yew they met, some were asleep beneath their feet, who bore them company on that same spot, at this same festival, last year, while garrulous talkers, whose memories yet retained the impressions stamped upon them in their youth discoursed lamentably of bygone times and festive celebra- tions, customs disused, and homely notions utterly exploded. This animated talk subsided into scattered whispers, as a stately lady, leading by the hand two graceful children, advanced towards the porch. Lining the path, they made a living avenue, through which that stately lady,— the mistress of the venerable hall, passed on with measured step and many a pause. There was a gracious word for each, kindly inquiries for absent invalids, and soothing speeches for cripples and the blind, a smile of recognition for the old pensioners, and delicate mention of substantial charities to follow; and then the " bidding- bell" tinkled its final sum- mons, and the stately lady with her humble retinue swept through the porch. How brave a look that rural temple wore, with its rich garniture of evergreens! How rarely did the cold, grey, stony sculpture, the quaint, fantastic masks, corbels grotesque and grim, and monumental effigies, contrast with the dark shining ivy leaves, and the crimson clustering berries of the holly, which wreathed the pillars, garlanded the arches, wound around the font, and even dccked the rusty helms and tattered surcoats depending from the chancel walls. Old familiar faces, some of them missed for many a weary month, shone on us once again; children from school, maidens from service, " smug ' prentices" from neighbouring towns, and sturdy hinds from distant farms ; with here aud there a melancholy gap, a void in some small circle, scarcely marked before, yet painfully obvious, when we recalled the muster- roll of those who shared with us the fire- side mirth of many a Christmas passed. But memories of the dead, come like shadows, so depart," and regret for those whose places shall know them no more, wholesome and salutary as that regret may be in chastening and subduing the uproarious tendencies of our enjoyment, soon yielded to thankiulness for those who were yet spared, even though change was written on the features and the forms of all ; though rosy children were gradually losing their early grace and childish beauty, and expanding into awkward hoydens ; though awkward hoydens were putting on the gartf and gravity of men and women, and those who had lately seemed to be in the very flush and prime of life were waning sensibly, and hoary elders day by day drew visibly nearer to the tomb. But while we moralized, the high and solemn religious services of the day were pro- ceeding in their devout and beautiful progression, and the repetition of the sublimely simple story of the Saviour's birth, the declaration of the stupendous object of His great mission, the exposition of the duties He enjoins, were delivered with an impressive earnestness, and received with a peculiar reverence appertinent to a glorious anniversary. Anon, the old church- tower throbbed like a living creature with the rocking of the clamorous bells, and a motley multi- tude streamed from the vaulted porch,— all but the poor recipients of the Christmas dole, to whose necessities a sum, bequeathed originally for masses to be snng on this high festival, and twelve days after, ministers most seasonably. Emerging from the church, the neighbour air smelled wooingly," as, through the thin clear element, the grateful steam of hot and savoury dishes rose upon all sides, like fragrant incense. What saith the old ballad ?- All you that to feasting and mirth are inclined, Come, here is good news for to pleasure your mind, Old Christmas is come for to keep open house, He scorns to be guilty of starving a mouse. Then come, boys, and welcome, for diet the chief, Plum pudding, goose, capon, minced- pies, and roast beef. Although the cold weather dolli hunger provoke, ' Tis a comfort to see how the chimneys do smoke ; Provision is making for beer, ale, and wine, For all that are willing or ready to dine : Then haste to the kitchen for diet the chief, Plum pudding, goose, capon, minced pies, and roast beef ! ORDINATIONS. Our paper this day will reach many of our readers while assembled in cheerful and happy family gatherings, enjoying the comforts of home and the delights of social fellowship by their own firesides : a few remarks, therefore, on the observances of this festive season may not bo amiss. In ancient times the ceremonies and customs of this season bore a somewhat heathenish impress: in this respect a great improvement and moral reform has been effected in modern times, and the Christmas celebrations of the present day are of a character which, while they exhilirate the spirits and cheer the heart, tend also to develope the better feelings of our nature. With reference to the modern public Christmas exhibitions provided for the holiday, people a writer in Sharpe's Magazine has justly observed that they are worth a century of the shows of old; that is, if rational delight be superior to boisterous mirth and " misrule." The church bells right merrily ring in Christmas, as heretofore. At length the morning breaks, and those " windpipes of hospitality," countless chimneys, smoke with the preparatory cheer; the pudding ( upon which the grave Johnson meditated profoundly) requires long boiling, and the fires must be lighted early. The church bells proclaim the hour of service, though not until the distribution of gifts has taken place at the church; where may be seen the minister of our holy religion dispensing gifts and goods placed at his disposal, recorded in letters of gpld upon the church walls; or from a fund raised for the season, and headed by his own benevolence; such being old Fuller's third hospitality— for the poore; this is charity." How many thousands of pounds are thus annually distributed through the length aud breadth of the land, at each returning Christmas, it were vain to attempt to tell; and long may the amount thus baffle calculation. Abroad there is a heathy stir: faces are brighter than usual, and those of the poor beam with gladness; the church, too, is dight with festivity; " the psalms and hymns, and spiritual ' songs," tell of the day ; the sermon discourses of its duties and its pleasures; the blessing suc- ceeds, then the Holy Communion , and all depart to carry the precepts, the good seed, to homes and bosoms. The dinner follows; perchance the landscape is clothed with snow, or the " eager" air reminds those about to partake of the feast, of the privations of others; the blessing is asked, the repast proceeds; the frosted pudding is brought iu with a sort of iriuinpli, as the saucy boar's heed was in days of old, with On Sunday last, Ordinations were held in most of the d4oceses of the kingdom. DIOCESE OF WORCESTER The Lord Bishop of Worcester held an Ordination at the cathedral, in this city. The candidates were examined on Saturday, by the examining chaplain, the Rev. H. J. Stevenson, Vicar of Hallow, and Honorary Canon of ' Worcester, and the following charge was delivered by the Lord Bishop of the diocese, at the conclusion of the evening service at Hallow church : — My dear young Friends,— It has been justly observed by one of the most distinguished prelates of our Church, I mean the present Archbishop of Dublin, that there are peculiar dangers and difficulties attending the different pofessions in which young men at the entrance of life embark. That each branch of study and each kind of busings has a tendency to influence the character, and that therefore nothing can be more useful than for those who are just about to enter upon any given profession to pause on the threshold, as it were, of a new course of life, and ask themselves what are the peculiar dangers, moral as well as intellectual, against which they should be more especially on their guard. The sacred profession, on which you are about to enter, may be perhaps justly considered as more exempt from such dangers than any other. Separated from the world by your holy calling, you are less likely to be corrupted by its vices or enervated by its pleasures. Still, however, even this is not exempt from that wholesome law of Providence which, by stamping imperfection on every pursuit, has rendered life what it was intended to be, t. state of trial and not of enjoyment. Such, then, being the case, it has struck me that I could not turn the present occasion to greater prolit than by endeavouring to point out the peculiar dangers which belong to the profession into which you are about to enter ; the habits of mind which it has a natural tendency to form, and against which, therefore, you ought to be more especially on your guard. Now the first danger to which I shall direct your attention is that of being by your profession necessarily so much engaged about the/ orwwof religion as to lose sight of its spirit. It is difficult for any one who is constantly in the habit of administering that Sacrament, by which you will be required to graft into the body of Christ's church such as are not ashamed to confess the faith of Christ crucified, and manfully to fight under his banner against sin, the world, and the devil, without acquiring the habit of performing this office mechanically and without a just feeling of the solemn act which he is performing, who thus places in a state of salvation a responsible and immortal being. So again, especially if your lot should be cast in large and populous towns, the multiplicity of interments is apt to produce indifference, and hence we sometimes hear that beautiful service appropriated by our Church to the burial of the dead, hurried over without effect, evincing a callous indifference to such frequent instances of mortality on the part of the minister, equally prejudicial to the best feelings of his own mind, and offensive to those of the afflicted survivors who surround him. Nor is this indifference, which results from constant familiarity with sacred things, confined to the performance of rites and ceremonies. It will likewise, if you be not on your guard, frequently be the result of your pulpit exhortations. It has been well observed by Bishop Butler that '' going over the theory of virtue in one's thoughts, talking well, and drawing fine pictures of it, is so far from necessaxily or certainly conducing to form a habit of it in him who thus employs himself, that it may harden his mind in a contrary course and form a habit of insensibility to all moral considerations, for passive impressions by being repeated grow weaker, and thoughts by often passing through the mind are felt less sensibly. Being accustomed to danger begets intrepidity— to distress lessens pity— to instances of other's mortality the sensible apprehension of our own." Nothing can be more true than these observations of Bishop Butler. Indifference is the natural result of familiarity, and hence there is a danger that we may discourse on sacred subjects till we do so almost by rote, and may endeavour to enforce religious considerations on the minds of others, till they lose almost all effect upon our own. There is another danger, common indeed to all the professions, but which perhaps may be considered as more particularly belonging to the clerical profession. Those whose minds are incessantly employed in the contemplation of a certain set of ideas are apt to exaggerate their importance beyond due bounds, and hence to acquire a narrow- minded contempt for those who may not adopt our con- victions, or agree in ail our conclusions; and this state of mind is apt more especially to be produced in proportion' to the importance of those subjects upon which our minds have been thus exclusively conversant. Now, as it is certainly difficult to exaggerate the importance of those subjects upon which life and death, eternal happiness or eternal misery, depend, divines are perhaps a little too much disposed, from this natural tendency of the'human mind, to dwell too much those points of distinction by which they are separated from ou^' s who enter- tain the like iiopes and fears, than upon those vital principles which are common, or nearly common, to all. It is very much j the fashion of the present day to reprobate what is styled Lati- tudinarianism, and most cordially do I join in such reprobation, if by Latitudinarianism be meant an indifference to truth— a carelessness about the convictions at which we arrive, in the vain hope that a man shall be saved by the religion which he happens to profess, be that religion founded in truth oi in falsehood; but I cannot bring myself to reprobate as Lati- tudinarian that liberal spirit, which, while it humbly rests its own hopes on those doctrines which it believes may be proved by the sure warrant of Scripture, believeth all things, hopetb all things, with regard to the ultimate fate of others, whose minds have conscientiously arrived at different conclu- sions. To* use a fashionable ' erm it surely is not a Catholic feeling which shuts the gates of mercy on all, who do not exactly coincide with us in our explanation of the mysterious doings of Providence, or in our interpretation of certain dark passages of Scripture; but such a narrow- minded view of the divine dispen- sations will sometimes result from an exclusive contemplation of those points in whiph, as Churchmen, we differ from other Christians, instead of more especially dwelling upon, those in which we agree. When we reflect upon the mistaken views of duty which have frequently resulted from attaching undue importance to the profession of particular opinions, and that this is an infirmity of the human mind, more especially belonging to the clerical profession, it is scarcely possible to exaggerate the importance of your endeavouring to view with more liberal feelings the vast variety of denominations into which the Church of Christ is now unhappily divided. Much as we may reprobate the cruel and bigotted zeal, which in former years doomed to the stake so many of our Protestant ancestors, who can doubt that the perpetrators of these cruelties were in many instances deceived by this narrow- minded spirit, against which I have been endeavouring to caution you, and imagined that they were doing God service when they endeavoured to prevent the spread of what they considered heretical opinions by dooming to the flames the bodies of those who professed them ? Such atrocities have indeed been more frequent in the history of the Roman Catholic Church than in that of Protestantism, but we must not forget that Calvin, when he sanctioned the burning of Servetus, and our own Cranmer, when he doomed to the stake the Maid of Kent, are likewise melancholy proofs that the greatest crimes may sometimes be perpetrated under the influence of a mistaken sense of duty. Thanks be to God, the time is now gone by, when, under any circumstances, such violations of his laws can be sanctioned by the plea of zeal for his church, but the spirit may yet remain, although such results from it are no longer possible, and, indeed, no careful observer of passing events can doubt that individuals exist, who are indebted to the accident of having been born in the nineteenth rather than the sixteenth century, for exemption from that spirit of persecution and intolerance which disgraced the former period. Against such a spirit. I venture to caution you. In your zeal for your own church, forget not that you are Christians, and remember that the spirit of Christianity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, beareth all tilings, believeth all things, hopeth all things. There is yet another danger attending, the profes- sion which you have chosen, which may be supposed to have been present to the mind of St. Paul, when he wrote the above sentence to the Corinthians. He there states that Christian charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, and, undoubtedly, some caution is necessary, particularly in these times, that you do not much magnify your office, and, boasting of yourselves as the ambassadors of Christ, assume no unseemly dignity and haughty superiority in your intercourse with others. Undoubt- edly, the privileges which belong to your order are considerable. You will to- morrow receive authority from me, as the humble successor of the apostles, to preach the word of God and to minister the holy sacraments in the congregation where you shall be lawfully appointed thereunto. _ As thus commissioned to this holy office, as coadjutors, as it were, of your Saviour who first preached those glad tidings of salvation, the further promulgation and enforcement of which will now rest upon you, you are entitled to every possible respect from your people; but, believe me, you will be much more likely to obtain this respect if you do oot offend them by the assumption of superiority, and a declared neglect of their reasonable wishes or even of their prejudices. I have been led to make these remarks because I have observed the haughty spirit — against which I venture to caution you— to have prevailed of late years among many of mV brethren in the ministry, and to have borne its natural fruit in unseemly contentions between the minister and his parishioners. This extreme jealousy of our dignity, as the ambassadors of Christ, may be considered as no slight symptom of a tendency towards those Romish opi- nions which has of late led to . such frequent instances of seces- sion from our apostolical Church, to the corruptions and the almost blasphemy of the Roman Catholic Church. One of the most distinguished writers of that Chuich, the Jesuit Bourda- loue, speaking of the dignity of the priesthood, lias the follow- ing observation :—" Although the priest is only the representa- tive of Jesus Christ, still it is certain that Jesus Christ submits himself to him, that he is ready to offer him the most prompt and exact obedience. If faith did not teach us such a truth, could we have believed that man could ever arrive at such a dignity, or be endued with such a high calling as to be able to issue his commands to his o"' n Lord, and compel him at his bidding to descend from Heaven, and be borne about in his hands." With such notions of the dignity and power of the priest in the administration of the Lord's Supper, it is uot surprising that an unbending and haughty demeanour should have characterised the priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church, and that it should even have convulsed kingdoms by leading to a perpetual conflict between the spiritual and civil authority in a state. Such a spirit, however, is very foreign from that which should characterize you, as Protestant ministers of the gospel of Christ— as servants of the meek and lowly Jesus, " who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not. but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously," When the Apostle Paul assembled the elders of the Church of Lphesus at Miletus, he made this appeal to them—" Ve know, from the first day that I came into Asia, after what manner I have been with you at a'li seasons, serving the Lord with all humility of mind." If, then, this humility of mind was the legitimate boast of one who was not a whit behind the chiefest Apostles, can we doubt that it must be a becoming disposition in those who, like you, at a respectful distance, tread in his steps ? In the above observa- tions I have considered chiefly those dangers, affecting your moral condition, which may be supposed incident to the holy profession upon which you are about to enter. Before I con- clude, I must briefly touch upon one of an intellectual cha- racter, against which I recommend you to be on your guard. Among the questions to which you will on the morrow be required to answer in the affirmative, the following occurs :— " Will you be diligent in prayers and in reading of the holy scriptures, and in such studies as help to the knowledge of the same, laying aside the study of the world and of the flesh ?"— When you reply to this question that you will endeavour so to do— the Lord being your helper, nothing more is, I apprehend, intended than that you will undertake, as every one engaged in the service of the Saviour ought to do, to make the knowledge of the scriptures, and of such books as illustrate their true meaning, thz predominant object of your studies, but I am far from recommending that thene should be followed to the exclu- sion of all other literary pursuits. For, such is the constitu- tion of the human mind, that no good, but rather evil, will be sure to result from an exclusive direction of it to any one object of research, however excellent this may be. Far be it from me to depreciate the importance of theological studies in those who are ministers in th * tC h urd^ whose tenets and whose it may be doubted whether ( lie devotion of the mind to such studies, to the exclusion of all others, may not have a tendency to impair the soundness of its conclusions and render it less open to the perception of truth: Thus he whose mind is exclusively intent on the theological writings of the early fathers, will be apt to acquire an undue regard for the practices of antiquity, and to become tinctured with the narrow views and often bigotted opinions whichcouW not fail to prevail in that age of intellectual darkness. Those on the other hand who unite with their strictly professional duties a certain degree of general literature, will be more likely to take enlightened and liberal views of such controversial questions as may be brought under their consideration. Upon this subject, I feel that I cannot do better than quote the following beautiful passage from a work by the present learned Bishop of Llandaff:—" In the cultivation of literature is found that common link, which among the higher and middle departments of life unites the sects and subdivisions in one interest; which supplies common topics and kindles common feelings, unmixed with those narrow prejudices with which all professions are more or less infected. The knowledge, too, which is thus acquired expands and enlarges the mind, excites its faculties, and calls those limbs and muscles into freer exercise, which by a too constant use in one direction not only acquire an illiberal air, but are apt to lose somewhat of their native play and energy. And thus, without directly qualifying a man for any of the employments of life, it enriches and ennobles all; without teaching the peculiar benefits of any one office or calling; ^ enables him to act his part in each of them with better ji'ace and more elevated carriage." I have thus gone through pome of the dangers, moral and intellectual, which may be supposed to belong more especially to the profession on which you & re about to enter— but here let me not be misunderstood. Wheu I have described these dangers as those which your profession has a tendency to produce, I am far from meaning to say that they necessarily belong to it. All schoolmasters , are not pedantic, though no one can deny that the profession of a schoolmaster has a tendency to produce pedantry. All lawyers are nPt unpleasantly argumentative and contradictory in discourse, though it may perhaps with truth be alleged that it is the tendency of their profession to produce that effect. Irx like manner when I venture to point out the errors into which those who have adopted the holy profession of the church are most apt to fall, I am far from meaning that such errors necessarily or even usually attend upon that profession. In my own diocese, and within my own knowledge, there are too many instances of clergymen who never allow themselves to lose sight of spiritual religion in the performance of rites and cere- monies ; who, while they attach due importance to the maintenance of what they believe to be truth in the doctrines of their own church, regard with charitable hope the future prospects of those who differ from them, and who, instead of vaunting themselves on theirsupposed privileges, are content, like St. Paul, to serve the Lord with all humility of mind, forme not to be fully sensible that, however the tendency of the clerical profession may be such as I have ventured to describe, that tendency is in a vast majority of instances more than counteracted by the piety, the Christian charity, and the humility of the clergy, over whom it is my good fortune to preside; but still, as a particular mode of life may have a tendency to produce certain effects without actually producing them, I have thought it my duty on the present occasion to point out to your attention some of those against which it may be expedient that you should be more especially on your guard. And now, brethren, in conclusion, " I charge you before God at » d the Lord Jesus Christ— preach theword; be instantin season and out of season ; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long- suffering and doctrine ; do the work of an evangelist; make full proof of your ministry: and may the blessing of God and his Christ attend upon your labours.'' The Ordination was solemnised at the Cathedral, on Sunday morning, when an eloquent, impressive, and most appropriate sermon on the duties, difficulties, responsibilities, and encourage- ments attendant upon the ministerial office, was preached by the Rev. Richard Seymour, M- A., Rector of Kinwarton, and Honorary Canon of the Cathedral, from the text, ii. Cor. 2. v. 16—" Who is sufficient for these things?" The following are the names of the gentlemen ordained :— PRIESTS, Of Oxford: Dawson, Jonathan, B. A., of Fxeter College. Farebrother, Charles, S. C. L., of New inn Hall. Frith, James, B. A., of Christ's College. Lowe, Julius Conran, B. A-. of Queen's College. Spooner, Charles, S. C. L., of Magdalen Hall.. W alsh, Francis Clarke, B. A-, of University College. Whately, Henry Thomas, B. A., of Christ's Church. Of Cambridge: Beddow, George, of Catherine Hall. Davenport, George, Queen's Coiiege. Peart, William Fiddian, B. A., of St. Catherine's Hall. Plow, Anthony Henry, M. A., of Queen's College. Rudd, John England, B. A., of Trinity College. Rugg, Lewis, B. A., of Saint John's College. Skipwith, Randolph, S. C. L., of Trinity College. Of Dublin : Dreaper, John, B. A., of Trinity College. Harie. Joseph William, B. A., of Trinity College. Knight, James William, of Trinity College. DEACONS, Of Oxford: Austin, Edward, of Queen"* CoJ1 ® Se. Churchill, Benjamin, S. C. 1-, f New Inn Hall. Davison, John Robert, B. A •> ot Corprs Chnsti College. Downward, Peter, 13. A., of Queen s < College. How, William Walsham, tf. A., of VV adham College. Jovce, James Gerald, B. A , ot Magdalen Hall. Lacon, Frederick, B. A., of Worcester Col ege. Lawley, The Honourable Stephen V lllougllby, B. A., of Balliol College. Pardoe, George, B. A., of St, John's College. Of Cambridge: Fullerton, George Main, of Downing College. Gibbon, William Wynter, B. A., of Christ's College. Hastings, John Parsons, B. A., of Trinity College. Holmes, Richard, B. A., of St. Peter's College. Moore, Josiah Samuel, B. A., of Trinity College. Skipwith, Humberstone, S. C. L., of Trinity College. Snepp, Charles Busbridge, S. C. L., of Gonville' and Caius College. Valpy, John Montagu, B. A., of Trinity College. Of Dublin: Fisher, William, B. A., of Trinity College. Hill, Francis Thomas, M. A., of Trinity College. Macaulay, Daniel, B. A., of Trinity College. Robinson, William Augustus, B. A., of Trinity College. Of St. Bees: Usher, Henry, of the Clerical College. DIOCESE OF HEREFORD At the Ordination by the Bishop of Hereford on Sunday last, the following were admitted into holy orders: — DEACONS: William Henry Boscawen, B. A., Magdalene Hall, Oxford. John Fortescue, B. A., St. Edmund's Hall, Oxford. Vernon George Guise, B. A., Balliol College, Oxford. Edmund Baskerville Mynors, B. A., St. Mary Hall, Oxford. David Price, B A,, Jesus College, Oxford. Vernon George Younge, B. A., late Scholar of St. John's College, Cambridge. PRIESTS: Henry Browne, B. A., Trinity College, Oxford. John Peter Carey, A. B., Trinity College, Dublin. John Cawood, B. A., St. Edmund Hall, Oxford. Charles Harris, B. A., Wadham College, Oxford. Josiah Turner Lea, B. A., University College, Oxford. Edward Wilton, B. A., St. Mary Hall, Oxford. MARRIAGE OF MISS BAILEY, We have to record this week the marriage of Miss Bailey, daughter of our respected member, Joseph Bailey, Esq., with James Stuart Menteath, Esq., of Closeburn Hall, N B., eldest son and heir of Sir Charles Granville Stuart Menteath, Bart. The event took place yesterday se'nnight at Crickhowell, and was the occasion of great rejoicing in that town and neigh- bourhood. The usually quiet inhabitants of the town and its environs, bestirred themselves right early to testify on this occasion the esteem and respect which is universally entertained for the Glanusk family throughout the neighbourhood. The morning was ushered in with rounds of firing from cannon— twelve of which were fixed on an eminence near the town, and from the incessant din one would have almost fancied himself not to be in the peaceful vale of Crickhowell, but amongst the Sikhs, or some other warlike race. The merry bells of Llangattock, as well as those of this town, were, during the intervals of firing, heard to send forth their merry peals. The bridal party left Glanusk Park for the church at half- past ten, in fifteen car-, riages. On their way they were cheered by an immense con- course of people, who were assembled on an eminence, where also was placed a fine hand of music. On their arrival at the church porch, seven bridesmaids preceded the bride, followed by twelve little girls, dressed in blue, and bearing flowers before her. She was robed in a magnificent white silk dress, covered with Honiton lace, with a splendid white lace veil reaching from her head to the ground. Archdeacon Ormerod received them at the altar- table, and performed the ceremony in a very impressive manner. After the service was concluded the bridal party returned to Glanusk, where an elegant dejeuner awaited them. Among the delicacies on the table we must not omit to notice the principal one, viz., the bridal cake. It was one of the most splendid we ever saw, and great credit is due to the person who made it for the taste he had evinced thereon. It stood full five feet high from the base to the top. Mr. Bailey, with his usual liberality, opened all the houses of entertainment, in Crickhowell and Llangattock for the public. Four sheep were also given by him to the poor, and were roasted whole in the Market- square— thus verifying the words of the song, " the Old English Gentleman"— " And while he feasted with the rich He ne'er forgot the poor." A dinner took place the same evening at the Bear Hotel, which was attended by a large concourse of people. Fireworks closed the proceedings of the day. After the dejeuner the happy pair set off in a carriage and four for Closeburn Hall, Scotland. On Friday night the servants at Glanusk Park had a ball, at which 300 were present. Mr. Bailey, and his wife, and several friends attended for a short time, and joined in the dance. Mr. Bailey then addressed the company and expressed his particular wish that they should enjoy themselves in every rational way. A splendid supper was provided for the occasion, and all returned home highly gratified with the kind manner in which they were entertained. FESTIVITIES AT MONMOUTH.— On Thursday last the bells of St. Mary's Church struck out a merry peal to celebrate the auspicious event of the marriage of Miss Bailey, daughter of Joseph^ Bailey, Esq., M. P., Glanusk Park, to Charles Menteath, Esq., of Closeburn Hall, Scotland. The event was celebrated by the gentry and tradesmen of this town in a manner highly complimentary to Mr. Bailey. Several gentlemen dined together at the Bell Inn. Thomas Gratrex, Esq., presided, and was ably supported by James Powles, Esq., who officiated on the occasion as vice- chairman. Upon the removal of the cloth the worthy chairman proposed the health of the " Queen, ™ which was duly responded to, as well as the other customary and loyal toasts. The next toast proposed was that of Mr. and Mrs. Menteath, and in doing so the chairman dwelt with deserved commendation on the good qualities of the bride, a lady who was well and highly esteemed in the neighbourhood in which she dwelt. The toast was received with rapturous applause, and drunk with three times three. James Poowles, Esq., proposed the next toast, which was the health of the father of the bride, Joseph Bailey, Esq., and in doing so said, that whether as one of the largest iron masters in the kingdom; as the proprietor of a vast portion of land; as a Member of Parliament, and as a gentleman, both in his public and private capacity, he doubted whether he was surpassed by any one in the kingdom. The toast, pike the preceding, was received with the greatest enthusiasm and applause. ~ " —. p- i- J ii. M• THE LATE RIGHT HON. THOMAS GRENVILLE It is stated that the Hon, and Rev. George Neville Grenville, the Dean of Windsor, will come into possession of property, in con- sequence of the death of his late venerable relative, of the value of between 20,000/. and 30,000?. per annum. The Dean of Windsor took the arms and name of Grenville, in 1825, on succeeding to the property of his maternal kinsman, Lord Glastonbury. FIRE NEAR THE WEST INDIA DOCKS At a few minutes before six o'clock on Friday evening, a fire, which, while it raged occasioned much anxiety in the vicinity of the above docks, broke out on the premises in the occupation of Mr. Silvester, beer- shop proprietor and lodging- house keeper, situate adjacent to the West India Dock station of the Blackwall Rail- way. The house was wholly destroyed, and damage done to two of the adjaccnt houses. THE ALLOTMENT SYSTEM.— A Birmingham corres- pondent writes on this subject as follows:—" Much has, within these last few years, been said pro and con respecting the allotment system. I have no doubt but experimentalists in general are by this time convinced of its beneficial effects and utility. A portion has, within these last two years, been separated from the Birmingham Botanic Gardens; this portion is something more than 5 acres in extent ( the exact measurement I do not know), and is divided into compartments, each one containing 576 square yards, or, as the working class here call it, " 9 roods." Each 64 square yards lets at 3s. per year, making each compartment amount to 27s., returning to Lord Calthorpe, to whom the property belongs, something more than £ 11. 5s. per acre per annum. Does not this amount to extortion ? May we not reasonably wish for a reduction to half the amount? The system in itself is productive of great improvement iu the character of the working classes ; of this I am well convinced by observation. Not only does it cause them to breathe the pure air after so many hours in the foul and contaminated air of the manufactory; it also slimulates them to collect from every part of their premises the decomposing sub- stances ; the many small carts and barrows which go loaded daily to the Birmingham Allotment Gardens bear ample evidence of this. From this and other facts connected with the allotment system too obvious to need comment, we may fairly conclude that the health of large towns may be very materially improved by the more general adoption of the system. I hope that landowners will take this into con- sideration, and encourage the system, but not merely by allotting ground out to the working classes, but by letting it to them at a price that may enable tliem, for their labour, to receive some little pecuniary returns. StgrinUtural Snuiligaice. PR ACTIO A I. DRAINING.— On Wednesday last Mr. Bullock Webster gave his second lecture on practical draining, in the Theatre of the Royal Polytechnic Institution ; on which occasion he confined himself exclusively to the method of draining strong clay soils for surface water only— not where the subsoil itself was filled with water, but where the injury arose from the water restiug on an impervious bed of clay, lie urged that very deep draining on that kind of soil had been tried, and failed, years ago; and he mentioned the names of several persons who had proved this, amongst whom, we observed, was Lord Portman. He also said that, in the strong lands in the Weald of Kent, they were returning to the old system of 30- inch drains. There, however, were, he stated, circumstances under which deep draining may have answered— viz., where there had been a great deal of water under the subsoil which could not get away. He thought that drains at a depth of four or five feet in clays could certainly do no harm if filled in with a porous material; but he conceived that it would add much to the expeuse without adequate advantage, and he warned his hearers not to form conclusions too hastilv. Ia the course of last year, he said, he had travelled about 10,000 miles in search of the data upon which he had based his reasoning ; he had examined draining which had been done in various parts of the country within the last 30 or 40 years, and he found in all instances he was fully borne out in his own opinion on the subject. He then touched upon the subject of the di^ srent tiles with much sound philosophy, and concluded by expressing his belief that the cylindrical tile divided horizontally wis preferable to the flat sole aud tile, as giviug a more effective current, and consequently a greater capability for clearing the drain. CIRENCESTER AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE.— A letter appeared in the Times, signed " John Edwards, Brockford, Thwaite, Suffolk, December 9," a shareholder in the above college, strongly denouncing the mode of tuition as of a most " bungling," character, more especially with regard to practical cultivation of the soil, which is described as partaking of " the true old Gloucestershire leaven," wheat being put in in furrows " two inches deep, thickly matted together with couch grass," & c. & c ; and he calls upon his brother shareholders to demand an investigation into the management of the College. In reply to this, Edward Holland, Esq., as Chairman of the Council of the College, has invited Mr. Edwards to publish a letter he has received from Mr. Holland in answer to his complaints, and there the matter rests at present. ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY'S MEETING FOR 1847.— The annual country meeting of the Royal Agricultural Society, will be held next year at Northampton, the district comprising the counties of Bedford, Berks, Buckingham, Hertford, Huntingdon, Northampton, Oxford, and Warwick. The principal day of the show will be Thursday, the 15th of July, unless prevented by the appointment of the county assizes. The usual number of prizes will be awarded for cattle, horses, sheep, pigs, cheese, and agricultural imple- ments. The sum of £ 550 ( 30 prizes') will be expended in premiums for cattle; £ 125 for horses, in seven premiums ; £ 390 in eighteen prizes for sheep; £ 80 in eight prizes for pigs ; a £ 10 and a £ 5 prize for the best cvvt. of cheese; and a sum not to exceed £ 350 is to be apportioned in specific prizes for agricultural implements. Total amount to be expended in prizes, £ 1,510. ALCESIIUJ. AGKICULTKAL SOCIETY.— A meeting of the Bailey, made a well- merited eulogium on that gentleman, at the same time feeling grateful for the honour which had been con- ferred. The greatest object Mr. Bailey had in view was, to see all about him comfortable and happy. His situation in life was one of great responsibility, as he had about ten thousand per- sons in his employment; and although his anxious wish was retirement from the cares of a mercantile life, yet feeling the responsibility he did, with so many around him dependent on the capital he was enabled to invest in the iron establishments in Wales, he felt it a matter of duty to continue in his present position. All present were collectively or individually concerned in the well doing of the iron works in Wales, and the fact of such a man as Mr. Bailey continuing to persevere in the furtherance of that which was likely, and in fact did promote the prospects of the county, was honourable to that gentleman as well as beneficial to themselves. The Vice- Chairman then rose and proposed the health of Joseph Bailey, Jun., Esq., M. P., the heir of Glanusk, and in doing so stated that although when a candidate for the boroughs of Monmouthshire he was defeated, yet he, at that time, left the town of Monmouth with the greatest good feeling towards its inhabitants. He ( the Vice- Chairman) thought they would cheerfully respond to the toast he had given, as from the present politically independent position he held as the representative of one of the most independent counties in England, he felt assured he was deserving of their remembrance and respect. Mr. Powles, in conclusion, regretted he was not enabled to express thflse feelings which he could wish to enforce on the meeting. The toast was responded to enthusiastically, and drank with musical honours. The Chairman returned thanks for the honour conferred on Mr. Bailey, Jun. The health of Mrs. Bailey was next proposed, as was in suc- cession many other appropriate and suitable toasts, all of which were received with true English feeling and ardour. A number of excellent songs were likewise sung during the evening, which was spent with the greatest cordiality. POACHING AFFRAY NEAR LEDBURY. An investigation has just terminated before the magistrales sitting in Petty Sessions at Ledbury, into a case of this descrip- tion which has just occurred at Ashperton. The accused parties are William Robinson and Richard Phillips, who were charged with " unlawfully and maliciously wounding Joseph Aspey, with intent to do him some grievous bodily harm, and to prevent the lawful apprehension of them, the said William Robinson and Richard Phillips." The following evidence was adduced. John Marigold, gamekeeper to the Rev. John Hopton, of Canon Froome, deposed as follows :— Yesterday morning, the 16th of December, between two and three o'clock, I was near to a covert in the occupation of the Rev. John Hopton, in the parish of Ashperton, in company with Joseph Aspey, assistant gamekeeper, and night watch. 1 heard some persons going towards the covert, and one of the men said " let us go down here." I then went to Mr. Robert Lane's, and called him and two of his men up, and while there I heard the report of a gun. We all proceeded to the covert; Joseph Aspey and Mr. Lane went round the top of the covert, and I went inside. In a minute or two afterwards I heard Aspey and Mr. Lane call out for me to go on. I then heard blows, and when I got to the hedge I saw Aspey and Mr. Lane, tussling with two men, in a field adjoining the covert. I immediately saw Mr. Lane down upon his back. I then pursued the prisoner Robinson, who had been struggling with Mr. Lane, and overtook him, when he turned upon me, and attempted to strike me with his fist. I then struck him twice with my stick on the back part of his head, which brought him to the ground, and I then took him into custody, lie had in his possession a box, with caps for a gun. Joseph Aspey deposed— That on the morning in question he heard footsteps coming through the covert, and saw the prisoner Robinson, with a gun in his hand, coming out of the covert, over a hedge, into a field. Witness told him to stop, and ran towards him, when he struck witness on the back part of his head with his gun, which laid his head open. Witness then called out to the keeper to come. Prisoner then halloed out, " Come on Dick." The other prisoner, Phillips, came up, and attacked witness. Witness struck him with his stick. Between both, witness fell down, and as one of the prisoners attempted to escape, witness caught him by the leg, but was obliged to loose him. Witness's head was very much cut by the blow, and he had no recollection of what he did for som time afterwards. Mr, Lane corroborated this testimony, and stated that lie laid hold of the prisoner Robinson, whom Aspey was holding by the leg, Robinson was fighting Aspey with his fists. Wit- ness told him to desist from fighting, as he was a prisoner. Phillips then came, and immediately afterwards . came the keeper, and they all fought together. The prisoners were afterwards secured. Witness searched the prisoner Phillips, and found in his pocket a hen pheasant, which was warm, and a powder flask. Both prisoners have been fully committed to Hereford Gaol for trial. SHIFTING C? SANDBANKS IN THE BRISTOL CHANNEL. For a considerable time past, a material transposition of the sandbanks of the the upper part of the Bristol Channel has been observed to take place, and it is conjectured that the late gales have seriously assisted the progress of lapsing. The master of one of the steamers asserts that a change of a most serious character has occurred, and that recently where lie thought the track to be clear, he could only find eight feet of water upon a moderate ebb. The vessel upon that occasion took the bottom, and all the steamers have frequently felt the bottomwithin short space of time. This is a matter of the greatest moment, and requires prompt attention from the Trinity Board. members of tha ^ Alcfiitet— Agricultural Society, the Rev. R. Seymour in the chair, for rewarding honest and iudustrious labourers, was held at the Swan Hotel on Tuesday. Prizes were awarded to twenty- one labourers, and women of seven distinct classes, the whole amounting to £ 30. 10s., after which a dinner was provided for the subscribers, amongst whom were several of the clergy and gentlemen of the neighbourhood. An Agricultural Society is about to be established at Ludlow. THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE.— Mr. J. Edwards, of Brockford, Suffolk, having " written a letter to the Times complaining of the present state of the Agricultural College at Cirencester, Mr. Holland, of Dumbleton, has replied through the same medium as follows:— " Dumbleton. Evesham, Dec. 15. " Sir,— I have this morning read in yesterday's Times your letter of the 9th of December, relating to the Agricul- tural College at Cirencester. Therein you allude to a letter addressed by you to the council on the 17th of October last, and you say that ' you are still ignorant of any intention to correct such abuses,' vis., those to which you make reference in that letter. Will it not be fair after this statement for you to make public the letter I addressed to you on the 23rd of October last, in reference to the contents of yours of the 17th of that month addressed to the council ? " I am, sir, yours obediently, " E. HOLLAND. " J. Edwards, Esq., Brockford, Suffolk." Mr. Holland is Chairman of the Council of the College. CURE FOR THE POTATO DISEASE.— A correspondent of the Liverpool Standard under the signature of " Charon," makes the following communication on this subject:—" An agriculturist with whom I am acquainted tried last season, with great success, the following experiment on his potato fields:— The scouring of ditches, mixed with a considerable portion of lime, soapwaste, and soot, the component parts of which dressing contained a lar^ e proportion of the latter ingredieuts, the detersive quality of which is well known, as being most likely to counteract the putrescent tendency of this useful vegetable, and restore it to its pristine state." HOPS. WORCESTER, DEC. 24.— The frosty weather has rather ehecked the demand for hops, and altogether we have no alteration in prices. The quantity of pocket3 weighed from the planters ou last Saturday's market were— New, 178, and 10 old ; and in the week, new 40, and old 2* 2. Prices per cwt.:— Low and middling, from 60s. to 80s.; fine and choice, from 82s. to 90s.; yearlings, from 50s. to 75s. BOROUGH, DBC. 21.— The hop trade recently has been so inactive that it ia difficult to attach au exact value to all descriptions, particularly it occurring as it usually does at this season of the year, that persons do not feel inclined to increase their stocks. Faruhams, 120s. to 135s,; Kent, 76s. to 126s.; East Kent, 80s. to 130s.; Sussex, 72s. to 85s. ; Yearlings, 52s. to 96s. per pocket; Kent, 80s. to 105s. ; Old hops, 17s. to 75s. per bag. FAIR IN THE ENSUING WEEK. Warwickshire.— Rugby, Mon. &* ortieu! tuvi\ OPERATIONS FOR TUB W 15 E K. CONSERVATORIES, STOVE, & c.— The introduction of the Chinese Chrysanthemums having in one houso o- other caused a disarrangement of part of the stock, it becones a matter of importance at this time to get such back in ther places, or so to re- arrange matters, that groups or tribes, ma; occupy situa- tions according to their habits- Placing things for effect, should, if possible, be subordinate to this point insome degree ; for what is the use of placing plants where they will not thrive ? The Chrysanthemums, decaying, should be cut down, suffered to become somewhat dry, and removed to cold fraues. Those who cannot afford frame room, may secure them in some shed or outhouse for a few weeks, covering them over head with clean straw whilst the frost lasts. If they are slightly frozen here it will not signify ; only take care that they do not thaw too suddenly.— Stove and Orchids; Little can be said here at present. Use moderation in heat, ventilations, and atmos- pheric moisture. Beware of cxciting the buds of Orchids before tqeir time. Do this aud keep a somewhat drier atmos- pheric moisture. Beware of exciting the buds of Orchids bofore their time. Do this and keep a somewhat drier atmos- phere until the middle of January. KITCHEN GAROEN FORCING. — Early Vines, Peaches, 8fc. : Where forcing has commenced, and the roots are outside, every attention should be given to the borders. If room to spare in these structures, now is a good time to pot some Kidney Beans. The Fulmar's Dwarf is a very good early kind. Some early Ash- leaved Kidney Potatoes should be potted, to turn out with balls, in the first week of January, into a pit or frame. — Mushroom- house: This house, when sufficiently roomy, is one of tho most useful structures about a garden establishment. Seakale may be forced here in succession with as little trouble as raising a crop of small salad. The old plan of raising a bed of fermenting materials, over the crown out doors, is a process somewhat resembling the labours of Sisyphus, when compared with this. Chicory roots may be placed in a circle round roomy pots, and set on the flues of this house. The Lily of the Valley, too, may be plunged over- head in a fermenting body of 70 degrees here, until the blos- som spikes appear, when it must be inured to the IigTufBut in the most gradual and cautious way imaginable. The early potted Hyacinths and Narcissi may be served precisely the same as the Lilies, taking care not. to withdraw them until the pots are nearly full of roots. Many other uses may be found for this hotjse. FLOWER GARDEN AND SHRUBBERIES.— Have an eye to the protection of tender things here; aud in moderate weather, especially if dry, open the canopies or coverings a little for a few hours, mice a week or so, in order to dispel damp. Do not however suffer the sun to shine on things of this kind by any means. FLORISTS' FLOWERS.— If the florist can mend his own hand- glasses and shades, these ought now to be done, and the metallic wire which ha3 been used for attaching the stems of Carna- tions or Tulips to their support, should be made ready for. use, and stored away in its place till the returning season renders it available. KITCHEN GARDEN AND ORCHARD— The prime Celery beds should be immediately covered, when frozen, with clean straw six inches thick. Let all other vegetables have due attention. Let all manure be wheeled out, and procecd with pruning, nailing, & c. COTTAGERS' GARDENS.— The cottager must keep an eye on the Ice King, more especially as to his potato pit. If a good breadth of the Green Kale was planted in due time, a3 recom- mended, he will perceive the great value of this hardy green. The heads may be cut now successively. If he has Savoys in heart, they had better be used first, as frost may destroy them ; the same may be said of white- hearted Cabbage or Coleworts. ^ gruiiHiuai attfj otijer iicarfcete. CORN EXCHANGE, MARK- LANE, MONDAY, DEC. 21. The receipts of English wheat were moderate, though by no mean, large, the time of year considered. Still, however, the show o' samples of tliat article was fully equal to the wants of the dealer** The quantity of free foreign wheat ou ofl'er was not to say large. The demanil on Irish account having subsided for the present, that ni Hflp rillo/ l rl., 11 rtf n . w s... T? y... ,'. 11.. I quaiter, while the value of all other kinds was well supported. Haperfiiie mult was Is. per quarter higher, with a steady demand. In ail other kinds no variation was noticed, although the supply of such was smalt. Notwithstanding, the supply of oats was somewhat ou the increase, the oat trade, owing to many of the dealers being short of stock, was firm. Fine corn was Is., and the secondary qualities 6d per quarter higher. Theshow of beans being small, that descrip- tion of grain moved of steadily, at u rise of fully Is. per quarter. Gray and mupie peas were Is., aud boilers 2s. per quarter dearer, with a hrm inquiry. Fer qr. Wheat, Essex, Kent, & Suffolk Red . . 62 to G8 White - - - 68 71 Lincolnshire & York- shire Red - - 59 62 White . . .65 68 Scotch - - - 65 59 White - . .58 6u Irish - . . .53 58 White . - - 56 01 Barley, Esse t and Kent, Norfolk ami Suffolk Malting .. . .41 45 Distilling _ .39 42 Chevalier . .43 49 Grinding . _ .35 3s Irish, Distilling- - 36 38 Grinding . _ .30 35 Rye, Distilling . .41 46 Grinding - - .30 35 Malt, Norfolk & Suffolk 69 74 Brown . - - 61 Go: Per qr s. s Malt Kingston and Ware 71 76 Brown - - - 63 67 Oats, Lincolnshire and Yorkshire, Feed - 25 27 Pota. and Poland - 29 31 Scotch - - - 26 30 Devonshire and Welsh 24 26 Londonderry, Newry, and Cloniuel ditto - 26 28 Limerick and Sligo - 27 29 Cork and Waterl'ord Black - - 25 26 White- - - - 20 29 Galway - - - 21 23 Lxtra - - - 24 26 Beans, Tick - - - 42 45 Harrow and Small - 14 46 Peas, Essex, Boilers - 51 58 Blue - - - - 50 70 Grey, Maple, & Ilog - 42 45 Extra - - - - 45 47 WEDNESDAY, DEC. 23. At this day's market the supplies of foreign wheat or barley were very inconsiderable, and equally small the arrivals oi oats from Scotland and Ireland, this latter grain selling at higher juices than on Monday, but with the transactions only 011 a limited scale. The whole maiket was so deficient in supplies of grain of every description, that, without reference to more extended views of the future value, it is certain, that unless with full and early arrivals, higher prices must be soon established in Mark Lane. Average Wheat Barley Wheat Barley Wheat Barley IMPERIAL AVERAGES. Price of Com, per Imperial Quarter, for the Week ending December 5. 59s 7d j Oats .... 26s 7d I Beans .... 45s 4d 42s lid | Rye .... 42s 5d | Peas 48s 0d ^ regale Average of the Six / reeks which regulates the Duly. 6Us 7U j Oats .... 26s 5d | Beans .... 40s 3d 43s 2d I Rye . . 42s 4d | Peas 49s 6d Duty on Foreign Corn, 4s Od I Oats .... Is 6d I Beans .... 2s 0 2s Od j Rye .... 2s Od j Peas 2s 0d SEED MARKET, DEC. 21. There was u full average amouut of business done in linseed cakej, at fully last week's prices. In rape cakes very little done, yet pre- vious rates were well supported. Linseed in good request, and quite Is. per qr. higher. Odessa may me quoted at from 60s to 50s tid ; Archangel, 4„\ s to 45s; Petersburg, 45s to 48; Riga, 45s to 46s; aud Memel, 16s to 47s per qr. Rape seed moved off slowly, at late rates. In all other kinds of seeds, there were very few sales to report. WOOL MARKETS. LONDON, DEO. 21.— In the past week the imports of wool was chiefly composed of 1,195 bales from Sydney, and 159 ditto from Alexandria. Although exceedingly little business done either iu English, Colonial, or foreign wools, prices may be considered tolerably firm, LEEDS.— There was more firmness in the market for. English wool this week ; a greater amount of sales have therefore taken place,, but they are chiefly to supply the present wants of manufacturers, and not arising from any speculative excitement. In foreign wools there was a fair average business transacted, and prices were firmly supported. YVAKEFIELD.— The wool trade continues in the improved condition last reported, and any sales of long wool that were effected, were made on rather belter terms. Slioit wool continues firm at former rates. LIVERPOOL.— At a public sale of East India, about 650 bales were offered; there was a fair attendance, and ail sold at fully late rates. The trade by private contract was dull. A large speculative business done in Alpaca, but little in Scotch ; rates low. SMITHFiELD CATTLE MARKET. DEC. 21. At this day's market there were on show about 100 blasts, and 80 0 she. p from abroad, in very middling condition. The numbers of home- fed beasts on offer were, the time of year considered, tolerably extensive, and of full average quality. Not- withstanding the very unfavourable state of the weatherfor sl& mili^ teiiug, till.->) ecf Uade Wtto ouuicwhtu steady. I he Utasli" were derived in ahuut equal poitions from the northern, and western and midland districts. A fair supply of sheep, yet the mutton trade was firm. Prime old Downs readily produced 5s. 2d. per Slbs., and at which a good clearance was, effected. Calves— the supply of which was small— moved off slowly, at late rates. The pork trade was firm, at last week's currencies, PIUUHS PER STONE OF SLBS. TO SINK THE OFFAI.. Inferior Beasts 3 Second quality ditto 3 fri- e large Oxen Prime Scots, & c. ... inferior Sheep Second quality ditto Coarse- wooiled ditto Prime Southdown.. d s 4 3 a i 4 4 4 4 8 4 0 4 2 3 10 4 2 4 6 4 10 Prime Southdown in s d s d wool 0 0 0 0 Lamb 0 0 0 0 Large coarse Calves 3 8 4 2 Prime small ditto .... 4 4 4 8 Suckling Calves, eachl8 0 30 0 Large Hogs 3 8 4 4 Small Porkers 4 6 4 8 Qr. old store pigs, each 16s a 19 » SUPPLY AS PER CLERK'S STATEMENT. Beasts, 1,582 j Sheep 16,230 1 Calves, 51 j Pigs 210 WORCESTER, DEC. 25. Our market on Saturday was fairly supplied, and the sales made were at an improvement of 3s. to 4s. per qr. Barley, Is* to 2s. per quarter dearer. Oats sold slowly, at Od. to Is, per qr. advance ou the currency of this day se'nnight. Beans held for a rise of Is. per quaiter, but this was given very reluctantly. For peas we had little inquiry. The following are the averages ,— New Foreign .... Wheat, red.., New Foreign — Barley, grinding..,. Ditto new Mitifing , Malt Old Oats, English . New ditto 4 0 s d s d s ( 1 8 d tt 8 Old Oats, Iiish . 3 9 4 0 . 0 0 0 0 New Oats, Irish 3 6 4 0 . 0 0 0 0 Beans, old, English. . 6 0 6 6 .7 6 8 0 Ditto, Foreign i) 8 6 0 0 0 0 Ditto new, English . 5 8 6 4 . 0 ii 0 0 Peas, Feed Boilers, white . ft fi 5 8 . 4 C 5 0 8 0 8 6 .. 5 4 5 9 Vetches, Winter ... 6 6 0 0 . 9 0 9 3 ditto, Spring 0 0 0 0 .4 9 5 0 0 0 0 4 6 INSPECTOR'S WEEKLY RETURN OF CORN SOLD. Total quan. A v. per qr. I Wheat 864qu 0 5u. ±' 2 19 9J j Rye 1 6J I Beans Barley 398 Oats. . 0 8 0 0 0 I Peas Total quan. Av. per nr. . Oqr. 0 bu. Jt'O 0 0 19 4 2 5 0i . 0 0 0 0 0 COUNTRY MARKETS. BIRMINGHAM, DEC, 23.— During the present week, owing to the change iu the weather, and less activity in London and Livei- pool, there was no further advance in wheat but some large sales were made at last week's prices. Malting barley in short supply and good demand, at is. to 2s. per qr. more money. Grinding is. per qr. dearer. Beans held for an improvement of Is to 2s. per qr. GLOUCESTER, DEC. 19.— There was an animated demand fo r wheat, aud English samples realised an advance of is. to 2s. per q r. nd foreign 2s. to 3s. on last week's rates. Barley and beans firm,, but without alteration from last week's prices. There was very little enquiry for oats.— Averages . W heat, 359 qrs., 56s lOd; barley, 175 qi'S', 37* 2d ; oats, 217 qrs., 26s lid HEREFORD, DEC. 19.— Wheat Cold) 7s 3d to 8s Od ; barley, ( new) 5s Od to 5s 6d; beans ( oid) 6s to 6s Od ; peas, ( old) 6s Od ; outs, 3s 3d to 4s Od. SHREWSBURY, DEC. 19.— There was a good attendance, and the trade brisk .3 follows :— Wheat, 7s 0d to 8s 4d ; barley, 4s Od to 5s 2< 1; oats, 9d to 4s per imp. bushel. LIVERPOOL, DEC. 22.— At this day's market there was a large supply of wheat, Indian corn, aud flour from the United States, the imports front Ireland and coastwise were trifling, whilst the exports in both din lions continue large. There was a moderate demand for wheat at an advance of Id. to 2d. 011 last week's prices. Barley, beans, and peas, at a trifling advance. Etiaoltoent and Bankrupt lUgteter. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18. BANKRUPTS. Charles Robert Sauerbrey, Fenchurch- street, City, and York Grove, Peckhara- lane, Curaberwell, ship- broker. ThomasTappenden, Friendly- place, Old Kent- road, Surrey, tailor. Henry Faiiraii, Puiham Saint Mary Magdalen, Norfolk, baker. James Dixon, Providence- place, Willow- walk, and Spa- road, Bermondsey, millwright. George Combes Bignell, Leeds, stock- jobber. Henry Bryok, Longiey, Yorkshire, clothier. David Kees> Swansea, Glamorganshire, giocer. John Nev, by, Leicester, haberdasher. Edward Thomas Bradshaw, Manchester, stock- broker. Isaac Shaiiand, jun., Bath, woollen- draper. William Smith Dorsett, West Bromwich, Staiibrdshire, iron- dealer TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22. BANKRUPTS Neville D miell, Chatlotte- street, Fitzroy- square, dentist. William Dawson, Walworth, linen draper. Charles Turner, Lowestoff, Suffolk, grocer. John Mousley, Holland- terrace, M it brook- road, North Buxton, bunds'-. Edward r- nDings, Cromer, Norfolk, victualler, William Trice, High- street, Stepney, grocer. James Dale, jun., Southwark, cabman. William Rhodes, Saddle worth, Yorkshire, woollen cloth manu- facturer. John Gilliam, Frith- street, Soho- square, Jeweller. Charles Carpenter, Basingstoke, baker and grocer. George Wood, New Compton- street, Soho, musical instrument maker. Thomas Davis, Halifax, commission agent. William Robert Yaughan, Bristol, builder. Sidney ll^ nry Smith, Potterne,- Wilts, innkeeper. Joseph Hudson, Nottingham, lace manufacturer. William Tan turn, Nottingham, tobacco and cigar dealer. Benjamin Peter Mitchell, Liverpool, victualler & coach proprietor Printed anq Published J'or the Proprietor, at the Office No. 5, Avenue, Cross, in the Parish of Saint Nicholas, in the Borough0f Worcester, by FRANCIS PARSONS ENGLAND Printer, residing ai No 52, Toor Street, Tythvuj of WhistoncS) in the Borough of Worcester. Saturday, December 26, 1846.
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