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The Edinburgh Evening Courant


Printer / Publisher: David Ramsay and Son 
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 19100
No Pages: 4
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The Edinburgh Evening Courant
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The Edinburgh Evening Courant

Date of Article: 14/04/1834
Printer / Publisher: David Ramsay and Son 
Address: No 190, High Street, Edinburgh
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 19100
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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• 0 Ter Cent mJ. m% NUMBER 19,100.] MONDAY, APRIL B R I T I S H ASSOCIATION FOR T H E ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. P H E MEETING of the A S S O C I A T I ON GRAND ORRERY, NOW EXHIBITING, At 12, PRINCE'S STREET, First Door up Stairs. Will positively Close on Wednesday Evening the llith inst. for this year will takeplacein EDINBURGH, i Y Q H N . FULTON, with feelings of gratitude, reft? turns his sincere thanks for the liberal patronage he has received since his arrival in town, and begs to beyond tlie above date. Open from 11 to 4 ; and from 7 to 9 evening. Ladies and Gentlemen, I s . ; Children, Od, Lithographic impressions ofthe Orrery, 6d. each. H E I N E B R O T H E R S , - I N H A M I H H U L, CO N T R A C T O R S for the G R E A T LOTTERY, Published and Drawn by Authority of the Government and under guarantee of tbe Ho. houtable Board of Treasury of Hamburg, beg to injuring the week commencing on Monday, 8th September. i , . . , • Members of the Association, and persons desirous ! say his stay cannot be prolonged of joining it, will receive every information regarding the Meeting by applying at the Apartments of the Royal Society, in Prince's Street, where a Committee ( will attend on aud after Thursday, 4th September, to ; receive them, and to deliver Tickets of Admission. i Members who propose to submit Communications to tbe Meeting, are requested to intimate the nature and probable extent of them as early as possible, and to , transmit copies of their papers to the nearest local Sec- j letary, on or before the 20th of August. Members desirous of compai' the Standards in the possession will be furnished with an opportunity of doing so. Among the instruments there is a thermometer which lias been carefully compared with the Standard in tbe Paris Observatory. J O H N ROBISON, ( Secretaries for JAMES D. FORBES, 1 Edinburgh. ( Rev. J . Yates, 49, L'p- "* 1 per Bedford Place. ( Professor Llovd, or Rev. Dublin -{ T. Luby, Trinity Coll lege. f Dr Daubeny, or Profes- ' f sor Powell. „ ., f Rev. W. Whewell, or Cambridge | P r o f e s s 9 r Henslow. York John Phillips, Esq. E N G L I S H L I T E R A T U R E. comparing Instruments with i tomr t > e Public, W. at the Odd Lottery w l be draw session of the Royal Society, i < ! e « , h ° f ™ d Eckels are now selling at 140 an onnortunitv of doinff so I Marks. Hambro' Banco, or £ 10, 10s. sterling. Ihe ' Published this day, Price. 7s. T R E A T I S E ON T UP P R O G R E S S O F L I T E R A T U R E, / AND I T S E F F E C T S ON. SOCIETY, Including A SKETCH OF T H E PROGRESS OF ENGLISH AND SCOTCH L I T E R A T U R E. A', and C. BLACK, E d i n b u r g h ; LONGMAN and Co. London. ' DR J A M E S J O H N S O N ' S TOUR TO T H E HEBRIDES. ( Sequel to his " Change of Air.") Price 7s. ( id. THE R E C E S S , o r AUTUMNAL R E L A X A - T I O N in the HIGHLANDS and LOW- i t ! , c l t purchases for the Spring Trade, which have been P E T E R SCOTT, , W O O L L E N DRAPER, N o . 249, H I G H S T R E E T, I L L REMOVE, in a few weeks to that more commodious Shop, No. 9, SOUTH BRIDGE ; and he is Selling oft tile CLOTHS, & c. on band at unusually low prices, in order to make room for a splendid assortment of Summer Goods, with which lie intends to open his new premises. Edinburgh, 9th April, 1834. E X T E N S I V E ARRIVALS AT W A T S O N ' S , of Piain Shawls, Printed Muslins, Fancy Gingjiams, Veils, Laces, Nets, Sewed Collars, Habits, Canazous,. Trimmings, Plain and Fancy Muslins, Cotton Shirtings, Linens, Diapers, Long Lawns, French Cambrics, Handkerchiefs, Flannels, Merinos, I'ombazeens, & c. E. and W. beg to solicit attention to the above list of T r e L P H I N S T O N E &' J L i snd F. igured Silks, COWAN & S T R A C H AN respectfully intimate the arrival of a SPLENDID VARIETY of FRENCH BROCADE, F I G U R E D SILKS, ANI) RICH GROS DE NAPLES, in all the new colours introduced for the Spring Trade in London and Paris ; Also, a beautiful assortment of LONDON. CHINTZES, comprising the most novel Parisian Styles ; LACES, LACE VEILS AND SQUARES, AYRSHIRE N E E D L E WORK, FANCY RIBBONS, HANDKERCHIEFS, & c. Ready Money. 15, Prince's Street, April 14, 1834. Secretaries for London.., Oxford There will be Ordinaries daily, during the Meeting, and arrangements will be made to secure Lodgings, on reasonable terms, for the use of Members , , „,. , . , . £ . •-. » ,, i LANDS, being The Home Circuit versus Foreign cost of the lickets is balanced by the amount of the T t a v e , ^ T o u r o f Health and Pleasure- to the He- Prizes, from which a deduction takes place of 111 per Ujjdeg EEN^ ro? t h e , s m a 1 1 ° ne?> a l l d " per cent, from those ; ^ . LONGMAN & Co. Paternoster Row, and of 10,000 marks and above. The Lottery contains . g_ H IGH LE v, Fleet Street r a n d MACLAUCIILAN and ] 12,000 tickets,— 2979 of which become entitled to two ; y T E W VR/ I. I'dlnburgh I free tickets each, and 1300 get prizes exceeding the „ Q ' e trlaTs his subject with freshness and earnestcost of the ticket. 1 hese 1300 Prizes, ( the smallest of and succeeds in creatin ' ' which leaves net 180 marks Banco, or about ± 13, 10s. | t , ) e je a ( j'e r >> Alias > a r e ^'^'. F,:? 0 ® ' 2?> L' 00, '" Avery, c l em and entertaining volume." - L i t e r a ry 20 of 5000, 09 of 1000 marks; and the! Gazelle. a strong sensation in . 10,000, tickets coming up one of these 1300 prizes may be < r£ ! e " ; s n 0 v u ] 3 r e y e r y day traveller; he enjoys cashed every where, as well as any Bil of Exctenge jfature in every variety, whether of beauty or terror, » *>•*" H' ™ f c » ' " No upon Hamburg, tickets of this Lottery be in » ' • • • • •• • • * on sale at purchase, are requested to direct for full schemes with all the particulars, and for tickets, to the above named Contractors, Heine Brothers,, in Hamburg, who have no objection ta receive payment for the cost of i £ 10, 10si sterling per ticket, in Bank of England, Scotland, or Ireland notes, or they can draw » t any tinieon any place- in Great' Britain whatever. It is re- Fellows and Members of char'ered Societies are en- [ commended to address tliem as early as possible . . . and communicates his feelings with- great vivacity and . ny aMgeionetslc l m( r t^ Elin. og^ lat nd, ttnh'ol se desitoaws iftho I, * .. i t » » o f d, e, s. crip,, t• i on." i-, , lfo• ™ » » V. Pott. n • J t " Here s lood for reflection, a banquet of mind I ( Worth half the old books in the Brera J; I, A feast for the African palate, combin'd With . a snica-. lrom tho wit of''. Abdera /' '': titled to become Members of the Association. Office- bearers, Members of the Councils, or Managing Committees of Philosophical Institutions, or Members of suoli Institutions, if recommended by their Councils,, are entitled to become Members of the Association. Other persons are eligible, on the recommendation of the General tJbuncil. Annual Subscription, One Pound, or, in lieu'thereof, a Composition of Five Pounds. . T 6500 Sterling WANTED at Whitsunday, on Heritable Security, at 3J per cent. Apply to Air Sinclair,- W. S. 4, Walker Street. Edinburgh, 14th April, 1834. ALADY of French extraction is anxious to enter1 the Family of a Nobleman or Gentleman as COMPANION or GOVERNESS, where she would meet with kindness and regard. She is thoroughly acquainted with the English and French Languages, • Geography, Arithmetic, and the Piano- Forte. She has also a knowledge of Italian and Drawing, which, however, she would rather superintend than teach, unless her pupils were very young. The emolument required is eighty guineas a year. Inquiries to be addressed to A. J . Courant Office. the cost of tbe tickets will rise very soon. Authentic printed lists of drawing appear, as well daily, during the drawing, as a general list of all the Numbers and Prices after ihe last day of drawing F. S In the 61st Lottery, a prize of 60,000 marks came up to the ticket, No. 9395, with the motto, " Heine Brothers, remit to Edinburgh ; " and in the 62d Lottery just ended, a prize of 60,000 marks came up to the ticket, No. 5959, with tbe motto, " Heine Brothers, remit to Beverley." With .4 spice. from the wit o f A b d e r a / ' " f - A. : A ulhdr of the Heliotrope * Democritus. all personally selected in the manufacturing districts, and paiel with cash, the sure method of obtaining tbe best goods at a low price ; and they will be sole! on that principle of small profit, by which they have already received such decided public support. Ready Money Warehouse, 3, Hanover Street. T H E F I R S T TOOTH POWDER EXTANT, Both as to cleanliness in usinq and effectually . realizing BEAUTIFUL TEETH. R O W L A N D ' S ODONTO, OR, . , P E A R L D E N T I F R I C E, ~| E| ECOMMENDF. D by the most eminent of the F a - culty, as the mildest, yet the most efficacious O ' R E I L L Y , 30, COLLEGE GREEN, DUBLIN, Irish Poplin Mercer to her Most Gracious Majesty the QUEEN, the ROYAL FAMILY, and VICE- ROY of IRELAND, MO S T respectfully informs the- Nobility and Gentry, that he has a variety of N EW F I G U R E D and PLAIN TABB1NETS, I R I SH POPLINS, & c. & c. of tlie same quality that has heretofore given such satisfaction. Any commands sent to him shall have his earliest attention. Parcels or patterns sent by the quickest conveyance lo Edinburgh or any part ot Great Britain. Dentifrice that was. ever discovered, forming an efti- FOR SALE, At Mr THOMAS KING'S Sale Stables, Rose Street, AG R E Y PONY, with G I G and HARNESS, the property of a gentleman leaving the country, ami must be sold. The Pony is such a one as seldom or ever offered for sale. The above will be sold together or separate. A number of different Horses, fitting for all purposes, for sale at tbe above stables. NOTICE. THE H E I R S of ENTAIL, and all other persons concerned in the entail of the ESTATES I of DUNAIORE, CARRICK, and others, under a Deed of Entail, dated 16th July 1783, executed by David Lord Viscount Stonnont, William Earl ol Mansfield, and George Ross of Cromarty, Esquire, " Trustees acting under the last will of John Earl of Dunmore, are hereby required to appear before Lord Craigie and Lord Mackenzie-, or any two of the Judges of the Court of Session in Scotland who may be appointed, within the house of Lord Craigie, No. 90, George Street, Edinburgh, on Saturday the 19th day of April current, at twelve o'clock noon, when they will be heard for their interest on any objections they may have to a bill to be proposed to Parliament, for enabling George Earl of Dunmore to exchange the lands of Carrick and others, for lands lying contiguous to ' the bulk of fhe entailed estate. NOTICE. THE H E I R S of ENTAIL in the LANDS, BARONIES, and EARLDOM of EG LINTON, and others, in the Counties of Ayr, Renfrew, Lanark, Bute, Linlithgow, and Edinburgh, who are named and entitled to succeed under a Deed of Nomination and Taillie executed by Hugh Montgomerie of Skelmorlie, Earl of Eglinion, deceased, dated the 7th March, 1814. and registered in tbe Books ofC- oun- ' cil and Session, on 27th December 1819; and all parties interested under a Trust- Disposition and Deed of Settlement, executed by the said Earl on tbe said 7th . March 1814, and also registered in-' the Books of Council and Session the said 27th December 1819, and various Codicils thereto ; and all other parties who may be concerned, are hereby required to appear before Lord Craigie in Scotland, and Lord Mackenzie in Scotland, or in their absence, or the absence of either of them, before Lord Gillies in Scotland, and Lord ' Meadowbank in Scotland, or any other of the Judges of tbe Court of Session in Scotland, who may be hereafter appointed, within tbe House of Lord Craigie, No. 90, George Street, Edinburgh, on Friday the 18th day of April 1834, at 12 o'clock uoon, when they will be heard for their interests upon a petition presented to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, on behalf of Richartl Alexander Oswald of Auchincruive, Esquire, Sir David Hunter Blair of Brownhill, Baronet, Alexander Wrest Hamilton of Pinmore, Esquire, Colonel William Blair of Blair, and Archibald Campbell of Blythswood, Esquire, Trustees under the said Trust- Disposition and Deetl of Settlement, and of Archibald Montgomerie Hamil ton ofSkelmorlie and Bourtreehill, Earl of Eglinton, the Heir first entitled to succeed to the Lands and Estates of the said deceased Earl, under tbe Deed of Entail directed to be executed by the said Trustees, for leave to bring in a Bill to enable the said Trustees to sell a part ofthe Trust- Estates, in order to pay off and extinguish the Debts left by the said deceased Earl which affect, or may be made to affect, the said Estates, and soastoenable the Trustees to denudeoftlie said Trust, and convey the said Estates to the said Earl, and tbe other Heirs of Entail entitled to succeed thereto. NOTICE. HORSES & c. TO BE SOLD, A t H i s MAJESTY'S REPOSITORY, N o t t i n g h am Place, on ' Wednesday 16th April 1834. ABAY GELDING, a capital Hutuer with 11 stone, would make a beautiful charger, or lady's horse, being very handsome and temperate. A BROWN GELDING, a capital hunter for 14 stone, and has been driven in single harness by a lady. A BROWN MARE, up to 14 stone with any hounds; also a capital roadster. A BAY MARE, a first rate roadster, and would make a beautiful mare for either double or single harness. A BAY MARE, a first rate hackney. A ROAN GELDING, very handsome, a good roadster, and would make a beautiful stanhope or charriot horse. A P A I R of GREY COB GALLOWAYS, match well, good liacknies, and steady in harness, one of them has regularly carried a lady. ALSO, A LADY'S SADDLE and BRIDLE, almost new, several Gentlemen's Ditto, Bridles, . Horse Sheets; & c., the property of a gentleman leaving the country. A great number of other horses of various descriptions, will also be sold at that day's sale. P R I Z E BOOKS Oil PRESENTS. RS HOFLAND'S WORKS, NEW EDI TIONS, in handsome embossed binding, gilt edges, and lettered, with Plates, price 5s. 1. A F R I C A DESCRIBED, in its Ancient and Modern State. 2. DECISION, a Tale. 3. I N T E G R I T Y , a Tale. 4. MODERATION, a Tale. 5. PATIENCE, a Tale. 6. R E F L E C T I O N , a Tale. 7. SELF. DENIAL, a Talc. Half bound, roan, and lettered, with Plates, price 2s. 6d. 8. A F F E C T I O N A T E BROTHERS. 9. A L I C I A and her AUNT. 10. BAR BADGES GIRL. 11. B L I N D FARMER and bis CHILDREN, 12. CLERGYMAN'S W I D O W and YOUNG FAMILY. 13. DAUGHTER- IN- LAW, her F A T H E R and FAMILY. 14. E L I Z A B E T H and her T H R E E BEGGAR BOYS. 15 GOOD GRANDMOTHER and her OFFSPRING. 16. MERCHANT'S W I D O W and her YOUNG FAMILY. 17. PANORAMA of EUROPE. 18. RICH BOYS and POOR BOYS. 19. SISTERS, a Domestic Tale. 20. STOLEN BOY, an Indian Tale. 21. W I L L I AM and his UNCLE BEN. 22. YOUNG N O R T H E R N TRAVELLER. 23. YOUNG CRUSOE, or S H I P W R E C K ED BOY. Prinled for A. K. NEWMAN and Co. London ; and sold by all Booksellers in the kingdom. ~ GRASS NEAR EDINBURGH. C" ^ R A S S P A R K at B R O U G H T O N HALL, iJT opposite Claremont Crescent, to be L E T . It is well sheltered and watered, and being so near town, it will be found very convenient for Cowfeeders or Fleshers. Apply as above. cient VEGETABLE W H I T E POWDER, com- ... posed- of ingredients the most pure and rare, selected from Eastern soil, is a never- failing remedy for every disease to which tile Teeth and Gums are liable, and may be used with perfect confidence from infancy to old age; it comjiletely eradicates all deleterious ihatter from tbe Teeth, firmly fixing them in their Sockets, and ultimately realizing A BEAUTIFUL SET OF PEARLY TEETH! and operates on the Gums as an Anti- Scprbutie, restoring and sustaining their healthy appearance, and imparts FRAGRANCY TO T H E BREATH In Boxes at 2s. 9d. each. Each Genuine Box has the Name and Address on the Government Stamp. R O W L A N D ' S ALSANA EXTRACT, For immediately relieving the most V I O L E N T TOOTH- ACHE, GUM BOILS, S W E L L E D FACE, & c. It is also an excellent stomachic, in cases of FLATULENCY, SPASMODIC AFFECTIONS, etc., and gives Instantaneous Relief. Price 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and 10s. 6d. per Bottle. Tbe GENUINE has. thename and address engraved on the Government Stamp, " A. Rowland & Son, 20, Hatton Garden," Sold by them, and by all their Agents who vend the Macassar Oil, Kalydor, & c. N. B.— SHAWL WAREROOM. C. & S. also intimate, that they are now exhibiting splendid stock of N E W SHAWLS, and have made arrangements for a regular supply of every '" novelty of British and French Manufacture. CARL). R S WALKER, Successor to Mrs ROGERS, respectfillly intimates to the. Ladies of Edinburgh, Leith, and vicinity, that she has just returned from London with a choice and splendid selection of M I L L I N E R Y and DRESSES suitable for the season, FANCY SILKS, R I CH FRENCH BLONDS, and RI11 " O N 3 of the most novel patterns. Mrs W. lias also received a very superior assortment of TUSCAN and FANCY STRAW BONNETS, and will- be glad to be favoured Vith a call from bet friends as early as possible. 10, Greenside Place, lltli Aptij 1834. R O X B U R G H S H I R E . To be SOLD by private bargain, THE LANDS and S U P E R f O l i l T I E S of MAXPOFFLE, lyingin the parishes of Saint Boswell's and Bdwden, consisting of about 100 acres, of which 16 are in wood, and the remainder chiefly in pasture, some of which is 20 years old. The mansioii- house is modern, and suited for the occupation of a genteel family, and the offices and garden are suitable. The woods around the bouse, and on the banks of . the Bowden Burn, ate well arranged, both for shelter and ornament, and from its situation and other local advantages, a more desirable little property is not to be met with in the county. There is daily communication to and from Edinburgh and Newcastle by coaches, which pass within a mile and a half of the house, anil the Duke of Buccleuch's kennel is in the immediate vicinity. The gardener will show the property. For particulars apply to Messrs Brodies and Kennedy, YV". S. 59, Northumberland Street, Edinburgh. LANDS IN THE COUNTY OF CAITHNESS FOR SALE. To be exposed to SALE, within the Royal Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, by public auction, on Wednesday' the 14tli day of May 1834, at Two o'clock afternoon, by virtue of the powers contained in a bond anil disposition in security, granted by Benjamin Lord Duffus, n p t l E LANDS of W E S T E R SEAT, as de- - iL scribed in the said bond and disposition in security, viz.:— ALL and W H O L E the LANDS of W E S T ER SEAT, including the LANDS of KNOCKDRY and S M A L L Q U O Y S, KETTLEBURNTOFT, ROBBS CROFT, S K I N N E R ' S CROFT, WATERSIDE CROFT, ACKERNES « , BURN YARDS, QUOY HEADS, and ROADSIDE CROFT. These lands lie within a short distance of the town of Wick. For farther particulars application may be made to Messrs Walker, Richardson, and Melville, W. S., 110, George Street, Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 3d March, 1834. TO" BITSOT7D, E L I G I B L E HOUSE P R O P E R T Y IN R A N K E I L L O R S T R E E T AND GAYFIELD S Q U A R E, E D IN B C R G H, By Public Roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffeehouse, on Wednesday tbe 7th of May 1834, at two o'clock afternoon, if not previously disposed of by private bargain, 1st, f t p H A T HOUSE, No. 4b', of ' said street, consisting of the street flat and under storey, and containing six rooms, kitchen, water- closet, and other conveniences, with flower plot in front.— Price £ 500. Rent £ 34. Feu duty £ 6. I 2d, That HOUSE) being the eastmost half of. the i first flat above the street, entering from the comVnon j stair, No. 44, of said street, and consisting of four rooms, kitchen, and closets, with right to back green along with other proprietors. Price £ 33b. Rent £ 25. Feu duty £ 3, ! 0.<. 3d, That HOUSE, being the eastmost half of the third qr upper fiat above the ground, entering from tile common stair, No. 38, of said street, and consisting of four rooms, kitchen, and closets, with right to back green in common with other proprietors. Price £ 230. Rent £ 20. Feu duty £ 2, 18s. 4th, That HOUSE, being the fourth or upper flat . A , . No. consisting of five rooms, kitchen, closets, & c. with use of the ground in centre of the area. Price £ 350. Rent £ 25. Feu duty £ 4, 4s. THE H E I R S , and all Parties interested under a Trust Disposition and deed of Settlement executed by the deceased GEORGE KEITH ELPH1NSTONE Viscount KEITH, dated 9th July, >[ 1817, and registered ii. the Books of Council and Ses- i sion on tbe 5th of April 1823, and the Heirs of Entail in the Lands and Estate of Burnbrae, lying within j the parish of Tullyatlan and shire of Perth, who are ftom"^; ground^ enter'ing^ from^' ihe'ennmon smfr" named and are entitled to succeed under a Disposition : 2 5 , east site of GAY F I E L D SQUARE, and and a Deed of Taillie executed by the deceased ' • - -- ••' • - - . ' . .. EDWARD PRIMROSE, Esq. of Burnbrae, dated 10th of August 1770, and registered in tbe Register of Taillie the 7ih of March 1780, and in the Books of Council anil Session the 28th of the same month and year; and all other parties who may be concerned are hereby required to appear before Lord Craigie, in Scotland, and Lord Mackenzie, in Scotland, Lord Gillies, in Scotland, and Lord Fullerton, in Scotland, and any other of the Judges in Scotland who may be hereafter appointed, or any two of their Lordships, within the Ilou- e of Lord Craigie, Nu. 90, George Street, . Edinburgh, on Friday the 18th of April 1834, at one o'clock afternoon, when they will be heard for their interests and of the Jane Prinftose, heiress in possession of the said estate LANDS IN KINROSS- SHIRE FOR SALE. To be peremptorily SOLD bv public roup, at Kinnesswood, four miles east from Kinross, within the house of William Beath, vintner there, upon Monday " the 12th day of May next, at two o'clock afternoon, if not previously disposed of by private bargain, of which notice will be given, I. 4 LL and W H O L E the LANDS o f ' K I N - i i L NESSWOOD, belonging to tbe heirs ofthe late John Arnot, Esquire, consisting of 106 Scots acres of arable land of first- rate quality, and capable of carrying every kind of crop; together with about a third. share of the Comiponty of the Lemond Hill, belonging to the several proprietors of Kinnesswood, and which Commonly is now in the course of being divided under a regular process of division. These lands are beautifully situated on the southwest side of the Lomonels, sloping gently towards Lochleven, and are presently possessed by Mr James Wylie, on a lease for 19 years after Martinmas 11131, at a rent of £ 250. The turnpike road from Glasgow to Cupar of Fife, by Kinross and Leslie, and the road from Kinross anil Milnathort to Ivirkaldy, pass through the property in one common line, tbe former of which is distant 10 miles, aud the latter four miles. i II. The FARM called tbe MUIRSof KINNESSi WOOD, ( on wltich a good steading and dweliing- 1 house have lately been erected), consisting of about j 23 Scots acres, nine of which are under thriving plan- I tatioti, and the arable land is possessed by Mr An I drew Wliyte, under a lease for 14 years after Martin ! mas 1832, at a rent of £ 13, Lis. I I I . A SEVENTH PART or SHARE of the I L I M E KILNS and L I M E QUARRIES in the LOMOND HILLS, possessed in common by seven ; of the proprietors of Kianesswood, and for which £ 100 | of yearly rent lias been offered. The lime stone is ! known to- be of superior quality, and the rock consi dered inexhaustible, while the demand for the lime is constantly increasing. There has lately been erected in the parish of Port- I moak, where the lands lie, a new church and manse, and the public buidens amount to only £ 31, 9s. l i d. i The properLy will be sold in whole or in lots to suit purchasers, and will be pointed out by the tenants. For farther particulars application may be made to Mr Wi liam Spalding, S. S. C., 85, Great King Street, Edinburgh; Ol' to Mr William Brown, writer in Kinross, who is in possession of the title- deeds, plans, valuation, and articles, of sale. C O A L W O R KS IN THE B A R O N Y O F C A L L E N D A R , IN THE P A R I S H O F F A L K I R K , A N D C O U N TY O F S T I R L I N G , To be LET on lease, for such a number of years as may be agreed upon, and entered to at Whitsunday first. n a M l E C O A L F I E L D S are continuous to and ly- - IL ing immediately south of the Union Canal, and tbe seams working by two pits are level free, and of approved thickness for working conveniently. The excellent quality of the coal is so indisputable, that an enterprising tenant will find a ready market in the populous neighbourhood of Falkiik, as well as in Edinburgh, where the demand has always been greater than the supply ; and into that city the importation is effected with great facility by means of the Edinburgh and Glasgow Union Canal. Twenty houses for the colliers, overseer's two storey house, smith and carpenters shop, all conveniently situated, will form a subject of the lease. The machinery, apparatus, &. c , in use at tbe works will be made over to Hie tacksman on a valuation. N. B— The ironstone generally, or found in contact with the coal in couise of working,, will also be let. The boundaries and farther particulars may be learned of the Landsteward, at his office at Callendar, or of Air Forbes, W. S., 121, Prince's Street, Edinburgh, to whom written offers, stating lordship and fixed rents for the coal, and distinct rents fbr the ironstone and bouses, may be delivered. Ill the matter of JOHN ANDERSON, a Bankrupt. To be SOLD by Private Contract, ' ! p H E F E E and I N H E R I T A N C E o f t l i e F E R - J L MOY ESTATE, situate in the County of Cork, consisting of the Town , and Manor of I'ermoy, containing 1038 a. 0 r. 16 p. of land, English acres, ( tithe free), nett yearly rental, £ 5319, 4s. 5d. British. Fermoy is a thriving, populous,, and handsome inland town on the river Blackwater, ten miles distant from Water Carriage, and eighteen miles north of Cork on the high road to Dublin ; it is a constant military station, and a good market for ajl kind of- grain. For further particulars" apply to Robert L Appleyard, Esq. Lincoln's Inn, London ; Cranstoun, Anderson, and Trotter, Esqrs. W. S. Edinburgh ; William Rose Robinson, Esq. Glasgow ; Thomas Richard Needham, Esq. Dublin ; Mathias Hendley, Esq. the Receiver, Fermoy ; or to William Baily Wallace and Son, Solicitors to the Commission and Assignee, No. 12, North Great George Street, Dublin, who will furnish rent- rolls, and give every information as to the title and other particulars. October 1- 833. COMPACT E S T A T E IN F I F E FOR SALE. To be re- expbsed for SALE, by Public Auction, al a lieduccd Upset Price, within the Old Signet Hall, Royal Exchange, Edinburgh, on Wednesday the 14th day of May 1834, at two o'clock, afternoon, m i l l i LANDS and E S T A T E of E A S T ER J L BALLO, lying in the parish of Falkland and county of Fife, as advertised weekly in this paper, from the 23d January lo the 31st March last inclusive. For further particulars application may be made to James Miller, S. S. C., 21, Nelson Street; or to John Young, S. S. C., 8, Bclievue Crescent, Edinburgh, by whom private offers will in the mean time be received. 4th April, 1834. E L I G I B L E HOUSE P R O P E R TY IN P O R T O B E L LO AND HUNTER SQUARE, EDINBURGH, FOR SALE. To be SOLD by public roup, within tbe Royal Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, on W ednesday the 7th day of May next, at two o'clock afternoon, if not previously disposed of by private bargain, I. A L A R G E S E L F - C O N T A I N E D DWELl l L IJNG- HOIJSE and GROUND, near the bottom of W E L L I N G T O N STREET, PORTOBELLO, presently possessed by Mr Doig, and last by Sir James Foulis, Baronet. The hause is one of the best in Portobello, and consists of dining- room and drawing- room flats, and sunk or kitchen flat, wdth a back court and pump- well, and various conveniences. Tbe ground is well laid out, and the premises are . ill the best condition, and pleasantly situated. 2. A spacious WAREROOM, No. 10, HUNTER SQUARE, EDINBURGH, containing two apartments and cellar, & c. presently possessed by Air Hold way, tailor and clothier. This property possesses peculiar advantages in point of situation, access, accommodation, & c. and as an established saleroom. Apply to Mr H. Graham, W . S . 14, A tholl Crescent, in whose bands are the title- deeds and articles of roup. Edinburgh, 11th April 1834. A D J O U R N E D SALE. Upset Prices Reduced. To be SOLD by public roup, if not previously disposed of by private bargain, within the Royal Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, on Wednesday the 16ih day of April 1834, at Two o'clock after- noon, ihe following HOUSE P R O P E R T I E S in EDINBURGH, which belonged to thelate John Al'Kindlay, Flsq. of Condorat:— 1. T T O U S E , No. 16, S T A F F O R D S T R E E T , i n » - being the Street and Sunk Flats, lately occupied by Air AI'Kindlay, consisting of dining room, drawing- room, six bed- rooms, kitchen, 4cc. Feuduty, £ 6. Reduced upset price, £ 560. AND, 2. HOUSE, No. 7, UNION STREET, Top Flat, lately occupied by Aliss Watson, consisting of five rooms and a kitchen. Feu- duty, £ 3, 10s. ' Reduced upset price, £ 220. Application to be made to Alessrs Hunter, Campbell, and Catbcart, W. S., 5, North St David Street, who are in possession of thetitle- deeds and articles of roup ; or to Air Boyd, wright, 22, Duncan Street. ADJOURNED SALE. " To be SOLD, by Public Roup, within the Old Signet Hall, Edinbuigh, upon Tuesday the 15th of April, 1834, at two o'clock afternoon, HE following parts of the beautiful Estate of LANGLEY PARK, in the County of Forfar, lying on the north side of the Basin, and in the immediate vicinity of Alontrose, viz Lot 1st. Comprehending the Lands of NEWI5IGGING, in the Parish of" Alontrose, measuring 196J acres or thereby. Lot 2d. Comprehending the Lands of NORTH and SOUTH TAYOCK, with the Crofts, Houses, and Yards thereon, in the parish of Dun, measuring 136i acres or thereby. The whole property is intersected by tbe turnpike road from Montrose to Brechin, has a southern exposure, and is occupied by industrious and respectable tenants. The dwelling houses and farm- houses are substantial. The soil for the most part is rich and productive, and suited for every kind of crop ; and the lands being within a mile of ihe town of Alontrose, green crops and other farm produce are sold to the best account. The public burdens are of small amount. A plan and rental of the lands will be seen in the hands of Alessrs . Mackenzie and Sharpe, W. S. Edinburgh; or Air James Leighton, town clerk of Alontrose; and to either of them application may be made for further information. SALE OF "" HOUSES AND SHOPS IN L E I TH P R O P E R T Y IN F I F E FOR SALE. 1. A AIOST VALUABLE AND CERTAIN AIEDICINE. R B O E R H A A V F . ' s RED P I L L , No. 2. famous throughout Europe for the Cure of every stage and symptom of a Certain Comvlaint. These Pills are mild but powerful, and speedily efficacious in recent as well as the most obstinate cases. The directions are full and explicit, being rendered These houses are all substantially built, and in ex- 1 t0 every capacity, by which all persons, of either eellent repair, and will yield an advantageous return to a purchaser. Apply to Jardine, Stodart, and Fraser, W. S. Chambers, 204, High Street, in whose hands are the title deeds and articles of roup. Edinburgh, 7th April 1834. VALUABLE FARA1S IN THE COUNTY OF FIFE. of Burnbrae, for leave to bring in a Bill to enable the said Trustees to sell a part of the said Viscount's To be LET, for such a number of years as may be " agreed upon, and entered to at Alichaeltnas next, l s t , r f j p H E FARM of KINNAlRD, US pre. sex, are enabled to cure themselves with . safety and secrecy in a few days, without confinement cr hindrance of business. Where an early application is made for the cure of a certain disorder, frequently contracted in a moment of inebriety, the eradication is generally completed in a few days ; and in the more advanced and inveterate stages of venereal infection, characterised by a variety of painful and distressing symptoms, a perseverance in these Pills ( without restraint in diet or exercise), will insure to the patient a permanent and radical cure. TO BE SOLD, THAT T E N E M E N T IN F R E D E R I CK STREET, north- west corner of Thistle Street, consisting of two Houses. The principal House, entering from No. 51, contains two stories and sunk fiat, having dining- room, library, bed- room, closets, & c. on the first flat; drawing- room, two large bed- rooms, and bgbt bed- closet, & c. on the second flat; with kitchen, housekeeper's room, and all the usual accommodation for servants, in the sunk flat; with watercloset on each flat. The House immediately above No. 51, entering from common stair, No. 53, contains two flats, having dining- room, drawing- ioom, light . bed- closet, kitchen, water- closet, and other presses, on the first flat.; and three good bed- rooms, light closets, and other conveniences, on the upper flat. This property might very easily and advantageously be converted into shops or warehouses, as it commands a large front, on a leyel with the street, both to Frederick and Thistle Streets. The back area might also be advantageously built on, being on a level anil having also a considerable front to Thistle Street. Feu duty o f t h e whole, £ 3, 5s. Apply to William Keitli, accomptant, 74, George Street. Edinburgh, Alarcli 1. 1834. TH A T D W E L L I N G - H O U S E at the East End of Kingliorn, containing ten rooms and other accommodations, with stables, coach- houses, other outhouses and shrubbery, the site occupying about half an acre of land. 2. An ENCLOSURE of Four Acres, on the North side ofthe road, at tbe east end of Kinghorn ; and a Small House and Piece of Ground adjoining. 3. A PARK of Eight Acies, also on the north side of the same road. 4. The S I T E of a ruinous Salmon House, near the Old Harbour of Kinghorn. 5. The SUNNY SIDE of the Lands of GLAMAIIS T O W E R , bounded on the north bv the Alill Burn of Kinghorti. 6. The FARA1 of C A I R N I I I L L , in the parish of Cameron, possessed by Air Berry, extending to 82 acres, with the Coe- 1 in it. 7. The S U P E R I O R I T Y and F E U - D U T I E S of the following possessions :— Wester Abden, parish of Kinghorn. Havrowar's Radernie, parish of Cameron. Walker's Lands, part of Balsisney, parish of Kirkaldy. The AI id- superiority and Yearly Feu- Duties, amounting to £ 54, of Prinlaws, parish of Leslie. If not sold, the dwelling- house will be Let on a a lease. The property at and near Kingborn will be shown on application to Air Henry Robertson, carpenter. F'pr farther particulars application may be made to Alessrs Walker, Richardson, and Melville, W. S., 110, George Street, Edinburgh. Alarch 1834. TO BE SOLD By public auction, within the Old Signet Hall, Royal Exchange, Edinburgh, on Wednesday the 23d day of April next, at two o'clock afternoon, in virtue of powers contained in a Bond and Disposition in Security, granted by the. late John Hutchison, wood merchant in'Leith, 1. ^ l ^ H A T commodious T E N E M E N T , No. 64, J L on t h e S H O R E of L E I T H , with extensive' Buck Premises, presently occupied by Air Thomas Galium. Besides an excellent Dwelling- bouse above, there are two Shops in the first flat. 2. The CORNER SHOP, situated at the first WET DOCK of L E I T H , occupied by Air John Watt. 3. Tha SHOP immediately adjoining the above, and Pertinents, as presently possessed by Air John Hislop. - 4. The SHOP or COUNTING- HOUSE adjoining. the above- two Shops, possessed by the Aberdeen Shipping Company. . . 5. The D W E L L I N G - H O U S E i n W A T E R L OO BUILDINGS, BERNARD STREET, LEITH, being the second flat or storey, consisting of five rooms and kitchen, with cellar and other conveniences, let to Air William Loriiner, solicitor. 6. The SHOP anil CELLAR in BRIDGE S T R E E T , under the Seaman's Academy. Farther information will be given by applying to Robert Roy, W. S. 16, Northumberland Street. Edinburgh, Uth Alarch, 1834. LONDON AND EDINBURGH STEAM- SHIPS. The New Steam- Ship MONARCH, AND T H E SOHO, Will sail from N E W H A V E N for LONDON as follows :— AlONARCH, on Saturday, 19th April. SOHO, on Saturday, 26th April. AlONARCH, on Saturday, 3d Alay. At FIVE o'clock afternoon. A n d f r om LONDON for NEW- HAVEN, AIONARCH, on Saturdays 12th and 26th April. SOHO, on Saturdays 19th April and 3d Alay. R . W . H A A 1 1 L T O N. O F F I C E , 8 , WATERLOO PLACE, EDINBURGH. DUNDEE AND LONDON STEAA1- SH 1 PS. T H E DUNDEE, P E R T H , AND LONDON S H I P P I NG CO. MPANY'S splendid and powerful Steam- ship DUNDEE, B E A U T I F U L E S T A T E F O R S A L E. Upset Price £ 21,000. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, on Wednesday the 14th day Of Alay next, at two o'clock afternoon, r g p H E ' E S T A T E oi C A R O L S I D E and _ « L CLACKAIAE, situated upon Leader Water, in the Counties of Berwick and Roxburgh, 30 miles south- east from Edinburgh, and twelve from Kelso, Containing about 1122 English acres, whereof about 840 are arable, 160 pasture, and 118 in plantations, exJ L sently possessed by John Dickson, con- clusive of the lawli trees. ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS. Trust Estates, and to purchase with the price thereof the Said Lands of Burnbrae, and to enable the said sisting of about 200 acres. I 2d, The . MILL and M I L L LANDS of KEAIMiss Jane Primrose'to lay out the price to be obtain". J ^ j f f o ' S o n a n t " 1 ^ f u l U n S m i l 1' ed, in the purchase of other lauds, to be entailed in t h e , ' " b 0 U t 1 0 - c r " s o t l a r K t' same maimer as directed by the Deed of Entail o f t he said Edward Primrose, Esquire. NOTICE. ALL Persons having Claims against the deceased Air W A L T E R SCOTT, Tenant of Alountbengerburn, are requested to transmit tlieili immediately to Air Francis Scott, Eldinhope, or Air George Dobson, saddler, Selkirk. Selkirk, 9th Apiil 1834. Day of Sale Postponed at thc Request of intending Purchasers. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC ROUP, Within the Royal Exchange Sale Rooms, Glasgow, en Wednesday the tfitli day of April 1834, instead of the 12th day of March 1834, as formerly advertised, rgM- IE ESTATE of GLENS11IEL, R O S S - J l SHIRE. The Manager at Rat- agan will show the estate, and Teferenci is made to the advertisement which appeared in this paper on the 27th day of January last, and printed particulars may be bad on application to Alcssis Finlay, Hodgson, and Co. merchants, London ; George Gordon, solicitor, Edinburgh; David Sandeman, W. S. Edinburgh ; Robert Al'Cunn, merchant, Glasgow, or Mitchell, Grahame, and Mitchell, v. riiers, Glasgow, the last of whom are in possession These two will be let together or separately as . offerers may incline; they are situate in the parish of Kcmback ; the whole lands are of superior quality, calculated fir every kind of crop, and Keiiiback Alill is well employed. 3d, The FA 11 Al of LUCKLAW, as presently possessed by James Landles, lying in the parish of Leuchars, and consisting of 135 acres or thereby. Almost the whole of this farm is of good quality, and produces excellent crops. 4th, The F A R M S of BRACKAIONT and BllACKAlONT MILL, as presently possessed by John Patrick, lying in the parish of Leuchars, and consisting of 263 acres or thereby. These farms are also fine land, of a rich friable soil, and much calculated for sheep husbandry. Thc whole Farms lie within two miles of the Guard 1 oo mucn cannot De saiu in praise ot this metucine ; its amazing sale is a certain criterion of its immense utility— many thousand persons of both sexes having been perfectly cured, after severe and injurious methods bad been persevered in to no purpose. A supply is just received, and for Sale by Alessrs SCOTT and ORR, 67, Prince's Street, DR ALLISON, 100, South Bridge; AND BAXTER'S I T A L I A N " WAREHOUSES, 4, South Bridge, and 34, Hanover Street, Edinburgh; R. NELSON, Surgeon, and ISAAC BAXTER, Confectioner, Glasgow ; W. BISSET, Druggist, Perth ; J . ANDERSON, Perfumer, Aberdeen; W. BISSET, Druggist, Dundee; Alnwick,— Weddell Alloa, J ames J ohnston Anstruther, W. Cockburn | Arbroath, Vamiet, and D. | ( 3 roll ! Ayr. David Auld, and P. Whiteside o f t h e ritle- Uce:! I s, plan, and articles of rqup. Bridge, and are within six miles of St Andrew's and Banff Dr White the shipping ports on the ' I'ay, where the produce may j j ^ ^ j j . Marshall be sent o. f to any market, particularly Dundee, wheie ' there is at all times a ready sale. They are likewise within five miles of Cupar, the county town, where a weekly market is held, and to all which places there is access by good roads. For farther particulars apply to Air Storie, W . S 1 O u n f e J a i n e , Alexander 12, Uroughtoti Place, Edinburgh ; or, Air Horsbrugh, m • T_ rfumer Cupar, in whose hands will be seen the articles or Greenock, A l e x . i l ' L e od lease, and with either of whom oilers may be lodged : 0 i r v 8 n - ft. Crawford betwixt and the 20th day of April next. ! Inverness, ' f a i t , perfumer , Alexander Paterson, gardener, at Kcmback, will , j, r i- ce 4 , , M . ' ' „ o x c r a n io point out thc lands. 1 * ' Cupar Angus, G. Ander- ] son Dumfries, Dickson, and AI ' Cracken Dunbar, Wilson f_ rvine, W. Young Kirkaldy, T. Credie Kirkcudbright, A. Al'AIil. Ian Kirkwall, . Tames Erskine Leith, Reid Leven, T . Blyth Montrose, P. Craigie Newt. Douglas, A. Carson Paisley, G. Browning Peterhead, Ogilvie, Will, and Co. Stirling, W. Anderson Stornoway, T. Al'Kenzie Stranraer, P. Taylor Stromness, Adam Isbestci Thurso, Millar & Levacli Wick, . Miller, Bain,& Co. genuine. There is a suitable Alansion- house, offices, and garden on Carolside, with a small vinery. The mansionhouse is situated on the banks of the Leader, in an extensive lawn of fine haugh land, well sheltered and highly ornamented with a profusion of full grown trees of various kinds. Tbe Leader runs through the property for about three quarters of a mile; and walkj are laid out along both sides of it, which are connected ; by a stone anil suspension bridge. Upon the opposite side of the Leader from the house of Carolside, and completely screened from it, is the handsome modern Villa of Leader Vale, situated upon the Lands of Clackinae, anel commanding a beautiful prospect down ! the Strath of the Leader, with enclosed garden, and suitable offices. This part of the Vale of the Leader and adjoining banks of the Tweed are remarkable for beauty and variety of scenery ; the famed Abbeys of j Melrose and Dryourgh are within easy distances ; and ; the Eildon Hills and the distant Cheviots, form promi- 1 nent objects in the landscape. At the Village of ' Earlston, within a mile ofthe property, there is a daily ! post and good markets; and Coaches to and from Edinburgh pass the Lodges every lawful day. The lands abound with game. The Leader affords excellent trout fishing; and the Duke of Buccleuch's fox- hounds are in the neighbourhood. In short, a re- | si'ilence at once so convenient and delightful is seldom ' t. o be met with. F'or farther particulars application may be made to Robert Christie, accountant, Edinburgh; to David Speni- e, banker, Melrose; to Cunningham and Wal- : ker, W. S. ; or Gibson Craigs, Watdlaw, and Dalziel, [ W. S. 1 Edinburgh, 7th April 1331. Stouibridge, 28th Sept. 1830. G E N T L E M E N , l i ' l l great pleasure I send you the following account of a cure performed by your A N T I - SCORBUTIC DROPS upon my son, aged ten years, l i e was dreadfully afflicted with a violent dry Scorbutic Eruption, almost coveting the whole body ; upon his neck there was a place as large as the back of bis hand, covered with scurf the eighth of an inch in thickness. I almost despaired of a cure, it was so bad, when a gentleman called at my house, and seeing the little boy in so hopeless a condition, recommended me t o t r y LIGNUM'S ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, p r e p a r ed by Air Lignum, Surgeon, Alanchester. I purchased one l i s . per bottle, and gave them to him according to your directions ; he was much better before lie had finished i t ; 1 persevered, purchased another bottle, and have now the gratification to inform you he is quite cured, and never was so hearty since lie was born, for which I return you my sincere thanks, and wish you to make this case public, for the good of others. I am, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, THOMAS PAGETT, Brazier and Tinman, High Street, Stourbridge. Witness to this cure : JOHN KNOCK, Plumber and Glazier, Stourbridge. To Alessrs J . L1GNUA1 & SON, Surgeons, Alanchester. P . S All applications by letter to be post- paid. These Drops are sold in moulded square bottles at 2s. 9d., 4s. 0d., and lis. each, by John Lignum and Son, Surgeons, & c. 28, ( late 63), Bridge Street, Alanchester; Scott and Orr, Baxter, Butler, Edinburgh ; Nelson, Baxter, G. Macleod, Glasgow; Kerr, 103, Hamilton Street, Greenock ; Barr, Apothecaries' Hall, Paisley; Rankin and Son, Hendry, Kilmarnock ; Whiteside, Edgar, Ayr ; Eraser, Dumfries; R. Carr, W. G. Carr, Berwick; Davison, Alnwick; Exr. of E. Walker, Hodgson, Newcastle; Barnes and Co., North Shields; Bray, Reed and Son, Sunderland; Webster, Fewstor, Durham; Lodge and Co., Jennett, Stockton; Pease, Darlington ; Tour, nam, Cocltburn, Carlisle; Ramsay, Allison, Penrith; Brantliwaite, Kendal; Alinshull, Jackson, Lancas. ter ; and all respectable Aledicine Venders. Of whom also may be bad, Air Lignum's Improved V E G E T A B L E LOTION, for ail Scorbutic Erup- I tions, price 2s. 9d. duty included. 1 Air Lignum's SCURVY O I N T M E N T may now be had of t he above Agents, price Is. ' Jd. each Pet, J duty included. JOHN W I S H ART, C o m m a n d e r, TI- IOMAS EWINO, S a i l i n g - m a s t e r, 300 Horse Power, Is appointed to sail From DUNDEE, on Wednesday the 16th April, at J past 6 P. M. From LONDON, on Wednesday the 23d April. From DUNDEE, on Wednesday tbe 30th April, at ' From LONDON, Do. 7th Alay. I t is expected that the Company's other Steam- ship the P E R T H , John Spink, Commander, James Kidd, sailing- master— of equal size and power— wiil join tha DUNDEE about the end of this month ; after which, one of them will sail from Dundee, and one from London, every Wednesday. These vessels have been built and fitted out expressly for tbe trade between Dundee and London; and no exertion nor expense has been spared in making them as deserving as possible of the support of merchants, agriculturists, and passengers. The cabins are airy, commodious, and elegant; there is excellent accommodation for horses, live stock, carriages, & c. ; and the holds for goods are of great capacity. The vessels will be navigated by steady, experienced seamen, well acquainted with the coast,— the commanders and masters having had long experience as masters, and the mates and crew as mates and seamen of the Company's sniacks in the London trade ; and ths comfort of passengers will be attended to by careful anil active male and female stewards. One of tbe Company's Smacks will sail from Dundee, and one from London, every Saturday and the Wednesdays on which one of the Steam- ships does not sail. Goods for shipment to or from London by the Cpmpany's vessels must be directed or ordered " by Steam" or " Smack," otherwise they will be shipped by the first vessel on tbe berth, whether Steam- ship or Smack, and charged accordingly. Plans of the cabins will be shown, and every information as to freight and passage afforded, by Alatthew and Nicoll, . Managers, Dundee; Alatthew and Garie, Agents, Perth; Elizabeth Hore, Agent ( for upward cargoes) Hore's \\" n.-. rf, London ; C. R. Colman, Agent ( for downward do.) Downe's Wharf, London ; or At the Company's Offices, 61, Charing Cross, and 6, King Street, Cheapside, London. Dundee, April 11, 1834. AT L E 1 T U FOR QUEBEC, The fine first- class Ship A L F R E D , of Alloa, 550 tons burden, WATSON THOMSON, C o m m a n d e r, Will be on tbe berth at Leith in about ten days, and sail on the 15th Alay. She is high anil roomy in tbe " twixt decks, and wil be fitted up in a most com tor table manner lot passeu. gers. Apply to WM. ALLAN & SON, B o': e: » . Leith, 28th March, 1UJ4. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE. FRIDAY,' APRIL II. WHITEHALL, APRIL 9. The- Kins has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, constituting and appointing Charles Earl Grey, K. G.; the Right Hon. John Charles Spencer ( commonly called Viscount Althorp); Robert Vernon Smith, Esq.; " Francis Thornhil! Baring, Esq.; the Honourable George Ponsonby ; and Robert Graham, Esq., to be Commissioners for executing the offices of Treasurer of the Exchequer of Great Britain and Lord High Treasurer © f Ireland. WHITEHALL, APRIL 9. The Kinghasbeen pleased to appoint Rear- Admiral Sir Thomas Masterman Hardy, Bart., G. C. B., to be Master of his Majesty's Hospital at Greenwich, in the county of Kent, and also one of the Commissioners or Governors thereof, in the room of Admiral Sir Richard Goodwin Keats, deceased. WAR- OFFICE, A r R l I . I I. - 9th Light Dragoons— Cornet J . N. Macartney to be Lieutenant, by'purchase, vice Sir J . Hawley, who retires. 16th Ditto— G. Harriott to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Peacock, who retires. 1st or Grenadier Foot Guards— Lieutenant- Colonel B- de Voeux, from the half pay unattached, to be Captain and Lieutenant- Colonel, vice G. Higgins, who exchanges. 14th Foot— Lieutenant C. A. Wilson, from the 39th regiment, to be Lieutenant, vice Campbell, who exchanges. 16th Ditto— E. Brabazon tobe Ensign, by purchase, vice Cassan, who retires. 39th Ditto— Lieutenant C. Campbell, from the 14th regiment of foot, to be Lieutenant, vice Wilson, who exchanges. 60th Ditto— J. S. Robinson to be Second Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Rooke, who retires. 66th Ditto— Lieutenant W. J . Crompton to be Captain, by purchase, vice Warren, who retires. Ensign J . Parker to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Crompton. R. A. C. Daniel to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Parker. 78th Ditto— Lieutenant C. Cameron, from the half • pay of the 14th regiment of foot, to be Lieutenant, vice J . Ker, who returns to his former half pay. ( 13d Ditto— Lieutenant T. C. White, from the half pay ofthe 79th regiment of foot, to be Lieutenant, vice Ooghlan, deceased. lst West India Regiment— M. W. Beckner to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Donovan, deceased. BREVET.— The under- mentioned Cadets of the Honourable the East India Company's Service, to have the temporary rank as Ensigns during the period of their being placed under the command of Colonel Pasley, of tbe Royal Engineers, at Chatham, for field : astructions in the art of sapping and mining :— Cadets — James Allardyce, F. Pollock, C. F. North, W. S. Stuart, G. C. Collyer, C. Unwin, F. Wemyss. UNATTACHED.— To be Captains by purchase— LiCut. C. F. IJ. Jones, from the 61st regiment of foot, • ice Cunynghame, whose promotion bas not taken ilace. Lieutenant J. Agar, from the 16th Light Dragoons. MEMORANDUM Captain J . B. Monk, upon half- > ay ofthe 97th foot, has been permitted to retire from the service, by the sale of an unattached company, laving become a settler in Upper Canada. Erratum in the Gazette of the 21st ult.— 24th Foot Den- BANKRUPTS. William Hardcastle, ironmonger, Beaufort Place, Chelseh. Thomas Askcy, jeweller, Leadenhall Street. David Hadden, iron- manufacturer, Liverpool. Thomas Charles Davies, grocer, Wrexham high. Thomas Barnett, butcher, Barford, Warwick. William Philpot, shopkeeper, Penmain, Monythusloyue, Monmouth. Thomas Harding, glove manufacturer, Blockhouse, Worcester, CORN AVERAGES— APRIL 4. General Weekly Average ' Wheat, 47s. 3d.; Bar- Icy, 27s. 7d.; Oats, 18s. Od.; Rye, 31s. 2d.; Beans, : 11k. 3d.; Pease, 34s. 9d. Aggregate Average of the Six IVeeles, ivhich regittales Duty— Wheat, 47s. 8: 1. ; Barley, 27s. 2d. ; ') ats, 18s. Od.; Rye, 32s. 0.1.; Beans, 31s. 6.1.; Pease, 34s. 5d. Duty on Foreign Corn Wheat, 39s. 8d.: Barl - v, 21s. 4d.; Oats, 19s. 9d.; Rye, 21s. 3.1.; Beans, 22s. 9d.; Pease, 18s. 3d. set out for the scone of action immediately on receiving the news. On the following day, General Quesada completely routed the Carlists at Balcarlos, and shot on the field all the prisoners he took, without sparing even the wounded or sick." The letters from Madrid, o f t h e lst, state that the decree for a loan was received in that capital with unanimous approbation, and it was expected the great capitalists of the kingdom would come forward and contend with each other for the honour of supplying the Royal Treasury. They remark that this decree contains the first positive promise of convoking the Cortes. They also announce that all difficulties have been settled between the Council of Regency and the Ministry, as to the tenor of the Royor Statute for convoking the Chambers, and lhat this act will appear in the Gazette of the 15th instant. ( From the Journal de Paris of Wednesday.) A disturbance took place al Lyons on the oth instant. The members of the associations, who were arrested during the late riots arising from the coalition of the silk weavers, were put on their trial. The Tribunal de Premiere Instance, not wishing to be surrounded during its sitting by a too considerable armed force, desired that there should not be stationed in the environs of the Court more than 50 soldiers. A numerous body of agitators arrived, and a tumult arose in the court yard of the Tribunal. The Procureur du Roi, having hastened to the scene, was ill- treated. The rioters were too strong in numbers to be immediately dispersed by only fifty men ; but a stronger force was soon assembled, and they were compelled to withdraw. The trial was postponed till Wednesday ( this day). Every precaution has been taken that the proceedings may not be again interrupted ; and the law will be enforced against those who have incurred its rigour. The town has not since been disturbed. ( From Galignani's Messenger.) The Lyons papers of the 6th inst. furnishes us with the following details of the disturbance in that1 town on the preceding day, in addition to those we had before received:—" A witness for the prosecution having quitted Court, a group rushed upon him, and his life would probably have been sacrificed, but for the interposition of some counsellors and other persons, who rescued him from their hands. At that moment, the Procureur du Roi advanced, and seized one of the agitators, but no sooner was he recognised, than he was attacked and beaten, and it was only by the assistance of some friends that he escaped the danger which threatened him. A detachment of sixty men came up, but this reinforcement was ineffectual. Nevertheless, the Procureur du Rai, having invested himself with the scarf of the Central Commissary of Folice, again approached, and read the legal summons to disperse. The soldiers advanced to drive back the crowd out of the Court, but finding Ihemselves overpowered by numbers, they were compelled to unfix their bayonets and fall back. A gendarme, who still maintained liis ground, was at length forced to take flight. He sought refuge in a neighbouring house, whither he was pursued ; he succeeded in escaping, but the mob entered the house, and completely devastated it. His sabre and his cross of the Legion of Honour, that had been taken from him, were carried about in triumph by the rioters, and at length thrown into the Saone by the multitude. The magistrates, to escape the peril, had been obliged to save themselves by a secret door. Since tbe beginning of last week, the society o f t h e Mutuellistes had constantly remained in permanent sitting. The Precurseur states, that when the reinforcement of troops came up, they were well received hy the crowd, who took them by the hand. They then unfixed their bayonets, the officers sheathed their swords, and a perfect good understanding prevailed among them. Tables, it adds, were placed at the doors of the wine- houses, antl the soldiers and tlie rioters went there and drank together. Another company afterwards joined them. The crowd afterwards dispersed quietly, and in the evening all was tranquil." bhtTRY- LA'SfE TH^ Ainfe Last night, after repeated disappointments, Lord Byron's tragedy of Sardanapalus was produced at this theatre. The noble author always declared that it was not written for the stage, and, notwithstanding its most triumphant success last night, we still incline to think that it is fitter for the closet than the theatre. The part of Sardanapalus was undeitaken by Mr Macready, and, taking it as a whole, was, undoubtedly, a performance ofthe highest merit. Mr Macready's greatest triumph, undoubtedly, consisted in his relation of his dream, at the opening of the fourth act. No person who reads it only, although it must be admitted that it is written with great force, can have the slightest idea of the soul- harrowing effect of it as delivered by the performer ; it embodied all the dreadful shapes, so powerfully described, and exhibited the mysteries of the grave in such a state of frightful reality, as to produce the most painful feelings, mingled with admiration of the art of the performer. The exertions of Mr Macready in this scene produced one of the loudest bursts of applause we ever heard within the walls of a theatre, and it was most amply deserved. Miss E. Tree personated Myrrha, and the applause she received on her first appearance must have convinced her that the public warmly approved of the manner in which, at so short a notice, she showed her readiness to assume the part originally allotted to her. Mr Cooper, as Salemenes, played and looked the character well; his representation of the honest, blunt, and brave soldier, was one of his happiest efforts. At the conclusion, in obedience to the call of the house, Mr Macready appeared, leading in Miss Tree, and they were received with merited shouts of applause, as was Cooper on announcing Sardanapalus for representation this evening. DEATH OF LORD BLAYNF. Y.— This noble Lord, who was known so generally, expired on Wednesday at Bilton Hotel, Sackville Street, Dublin. A vacancy has occurred in consequence in the representation of Monaghan, on the elevation of Mr Blayney to the Peerage. Westenra, they say, will be the man. Lieutenant. Colonel Brookes, of Stafford, late of the East India Company's establishment, put a period lo his existence on Saturday morning last by shooting himself. BELGIUM. Brussels, April 8. Tranquillity is re- established at Brussels. The night, of Sunday passed over quietly. The troops bivouacked in the squares. Numerous patrols of infantry and cavalry paraded the streets. Yesterday there were no further attempts to commit disorder. There is every reason to believe that vo excesses have been committed in the provinces. The most strict and precise orders were sent early on Sunday to several provincial authorities, to prevent, or repress if necessary, the afflicting scenes which may be apprehended— 104a persons were arrested on Sunday.— Moniteur Beige. ( The Moniteur defends the Government against the imputations of supineness, want of foresight, an I incapacity, alleged by the Conrrier Beige.) Brussels, April 8. The following is a correct list of the houses that liove been pillaged. These scenes far exceed those which took place in 1831 : — The hotels of the Duke d'Ursel, the Prince de Ligne, Marquis do Trazegnies, Count d'Oultremont, Count de Bethune, Count deMarnex; the houses of M. Dewasme Pletinckx, Mr Jones, M. Tilmont, M. Welmaels, M. Hoorickx, M. Vinck de Westwezel; the inn of the Quatre Vents, the lodgings of the Count d'Overchies, the office o f t he Lynx, the meeting- house of the club of the Rue de I'Eveque— in all sixteen houses. The Union mentions two other houses, those of M. Coenas and M. Messel Blissett; making tbe total ) R houses. It is fortunate that none of the proprietors of those houses were at home. The Duke of Ursel alone attempted to address the people when his ho- > el was attacked, but he was invited to retire, ivhich he did. The office of the Lynx was attacked a second time oil Sunday, the journal was at press, the forms and the presses were broken to pieces, and the types were thrown into the street. The Court of Appeal has, by a decree, to- day decided to try the causes arising from the troubles, and has appointed Messrs des Brouekere and Corbisier to proceed lo the investigation. Domiciliary visits have been ordered to be made in the houses of individuals accused of carrying off property from the houses that have been pillaged. We are informed that some members of the Cham her of representatives now at Brussels will call on t i e Ministers speedily to convoke the Chambers Numerous emigrations are spoken of. We are able to uffirm that several of the persons whose far— iiiturc was destroyed on Sunday, were walking about Brussels yesterday, without being at all molested, and that none of those whose names are on the lists of subscribers, have ntthis moment any fear of being insulted. The two theatres wore closed yesterday, and will be so to- day also. P A R I S P A P E R S. ( From Galignani's Messenger.) Paris, April 9. The Government is said to have received yesterday a telegraphic dispatch from Lyons, announcing that some members of the Society of Mutuellistes hail raised some murmurs in the Palais de Justice, and seriously threatened the Procureur du Roi; but it is added, that according to the tenor of the dispatch no important consequences ensued. » The Indicateur of Bordeaux, of the 5th instant, says:—" We have received, by express letters from ' Madrid, dated the lst instant. Up to that day ; every thing remained quiet. Two couriers, who the'i left Madrid, fell in on their road with only some very small bands, to two of which they gave " atew pieces of money, which procured them a free passage, and thev passed al! the way to Bayonne without their dispatches or their persons being touched. A letter of the 3d, from Bayonne says— V On the 30th tilt, a most sanguinary conflict took • placo - at Estclla, between the troops of General Lorenzo anil the rebels of Alava, and a portion of ' those from Navarre, but we are not yet in possession of the details. We are, however, led to believe that General Lorenzo sustained the greater loss, from his having sent in all haste to Pampeluna for reinforcements, and that G. tteral Q'tesrh LONDON, APRIL 11. A Cabinet Council was held yesterday at the residence of Viscount Althorp. It was attended by the Lord Chancellor, Lords Lansdown, Ripon, Grey, Melbourne, and Palmerston; Mr Stanley, the Duke of Richmond, Earl Carlisle, Sir J. Graham, Lord Holland, and Lord J . Russell. The Council sat in deliberation about three hours. Prince George of Cambridge, accompanied by his preceptor the Rev. Mr Wood, arrived in town yesterday afternoon from Dover. About an hour after his'arrival his Royal Highness, accompanied by the Rev. Mr Wood, left Cambridge House for Windsor. The Duke of Wellington has received an invitation from the Vice- Chancellor of Oxford University to reside with him when the Duke visits Oxford to be installed; which invitation, it is said, has been accepted. It is generally believed that Admiral Parker, now commanding at Lisbon, will be the new Lord ofthe Admiralty in the place of Sir T. Hardy, and that Sir R. King, commanding at Sheerness, will replace Admiral Parker at Lisbon. Another report gives the latter post to Admiral Gage. There is no improbability in these statements, but we have reason to believe that with respect to the appointments nothing decisive has yet taken place.— Globe. Wednesday a Court of Directors was held at the East India House, when the thanks of the Court were voted unanimously to John Loch, Esq., and Henry St George Tucker, Esq., Chairman and Deputy Chairman, for their zeal and attention to the Company's interest. Wednesday a ballot was taken at the East India House, for the election of six Directors in the room of William Wigtam, John Petty Muspratt, James Rivett Carnac, James Law Lushington, George Lyall, and Patrick Vans Agnew, Esqis. At six o'clock the glasses were closed and delivered to the scrutineers, who reported that the election had fallen on Josias Du Pre Alexander, Esq., Sir Robert Campbell, Bart., Neil Benjamin Edmonstone, Esq., the Hon. Hugh Lindsay, John Morris, Esq., and John Goldsbotough Ravenshaw, Esq. Yesterday a Court of Directors was held at the East India House, when the Directors elected on Wednesday took the oath and their seats. Henry St George Tucker, Esq., and William Stanley Clarke, Esq., were chosen chairman aud deputychairman for the year ensuing. Belvoir Castle still continues the scene of much splendid hospitality. Sir Montague and the Lady Georgiana Cholmondeley, the Drummonds, Lord Forrester, Lord Delamere, and Lord Manners, have been among the latesl guests. The season will not close until Croxteth Park races, during which period a very distinguished circle will be assembled there. Major- General Sir Colin and Lady Campbell, and suite, have left town for Portsmouth, to embark in the President, 50, Captain M'Kirlie, for Halifax, there to assume the Government ot' Nova Scotia. The honourable Captain Norton, brother to Lord Grantley, son- in- law to the General, lias heen appointed Assistant Military Secretary to the new Governor. The wheat every where has a healthy appearance, and the late cold winds not having altered the colour at all, or but very little, the season for sowing oats and barley has been very favourable. In most places the ground has worked well, and the fallows for Swedes are more forward, and in a better state, than they have been for some years at the beginning of April. The young seeds look well; and where the peas and beans show themselves they also look well. The lambing season is drawing to a close. Il has been very successful, though there are very few twins any where ; feed is very plentiful, and lean stock very ( lear— Brighton Gazette. A superior sort of ryegrass, the lolium perenne Italica, or Italian ryegrass, has just been introduced into this neighbourhood. It differs from the common, having larger leaves, darker green, grows to a greater height, is eaten greedily by the cattlegreen or dry, and yields 50 per cent, more of hay, is softer, more juicy, and of a richer foliage, and more hartlv than all other ryegrass. An eminent agriculturist in the vicinity of Plymouth, who sowed a three- acre field with it on the 29th Oct. last, stales in a letter of Feb. 22, that " it has been eaten by sheen twice, and is now stocked with sheep again.' k— Plymouth Journal. The Augsburg Gazette of the 4th instant contains extracts of letters from Frankfort, dated the 31st ultimo, and from Vienna the 29th ultimo, stating that the Ministers of the Congress now pursue their deliberations daily, their attention at this moment being devoted to the press, the liberty of which will only be restricted so far as is necessary to prevent its degeneration into licentiousness. In order to lighten the labours of the Congress, the bookseller Gremium, of Frankfort, has sent in of his own accord a memorandum relative to the publications of Germany, and to the best mode of regulating the press in future. It appears that the Congress awakens a general satisfaction throughout Germany, now that ihe numerous misrepresentations as to its views, spread in all directions, are no longer attended to. STEAM NAVIGATION IN R U S S I A . — T h i s colossal power is extending itself over tha whole world. The St Petersburg paper of the 25th of March contains an official tabular account of the days on which the steam- boats will respectively sail from Riga and Lubeck, from the 23d of April to the 5th of November, with the proviso that passengers should offer so late in the year. The trips are to be about twice per month, and the passage money 30 silver roubles in the second cabin, and 45 silver roubles in the best cabin. The cabins are represented as very commodious, and the freights of carriages and dogs are specified. The distance is about GOO miles by sea, and between 800 and 900 by land. DINNER OF POZZO M B O R G O . — A d i s c u s s i o n has arisen between several journals, to ascertain whether a certain toast was proposed at the end of the grand diplomatic dinner, given a few days ago, in honour of Lord Durham, by M. Pozzo di Borgo. Some will have it that the Amphitryon proposed drinking to the " very sincere" union of the European Governments; others that M. Dupin replied to the proposal in a very sharp manner, and that he was congratulated by Marshal Soult on the appropos of his remarks. Some of the guests assure us that no toast whatever took place, and that the Marshal could not have applauded M. Dupin, for a very simple reason, which is, that be was not at the dinner. M. Pozzo di Borgo, on purpose, or by the effect of chance, had invited the Duke di Broglie, who was out of office, and had sent no invitation to the Minister at War, who had remained in the Ministry. Moreover, there were but four Ministers present. We have already mentioned the ex- Minister for Foreign Affairs; the other three were MM. Giiizot, Thiers, and De Rigny. Almost all: the olher persons invited belonged to the diplomatic body, with the exception of MM. Dupin, De Cazes, and Mole. The dinner party consisted of 30 persons, consequently a general conversation was impossible ; every one talked to the persons seated next to him, as is customary at these dinners, and every thing passed according to the rules of the strictest etiquette— that is to say, in a manner deficient neither in coldness nor in ennui.— Courrier Francais. Letters from Naples state that, during the visit of the King of the Two Sicilies to Turin and Paris, the Duke of Salerno, his Majesty's brother, will exercise the regency. S T A T E OF TRADE AT L E E D S The woollen cloth markets at Leeds, during the past week, have exhibited the appearance of improvement, but the quantity of business done is far short of what is usual at this season of the year, and it is anticipated that the spring trade will prove very dull unless there be a speedy amendment. At Huddersfield, on Tuesday, business was flat, hut prices were steady. The price of wool prevents any speculative supply, so that there is no apparent increase in the bulk of the stocks on hand. At Halifax, on Saturday, there was no great improvement in the market. A larger quantity of goods were disposed of than has been the case for some weeks past, but prices were not so firm, and in some cases a decline was submitted to. ROCHDALE FLANNEL MARKET.— At t h i s market, on Monday, little business was done, except in lower sorts, and those were rather at a reduced rate. The reduction was, however, only trifling. Some of the woollen weavers and spinners have embarked in the cotton trade. THE COTTON TRADE.— The cotton trade in Lancashire is very brisk; the factories are all working full time. Twist is in great demand, and cotton hand- loom weavers are much wanted, but wages are very low. THE WOOL TRADE The attention of the manufacturers and others interested in the wool trade, has been drawn within the last few days to several public sales of Spanish, Colonial, Tuscany, and other wools, the result of which, in the present state of the trade, was looked for with some interest. The sales were fully attended, having commenced on Thursday, and continued until a late hour on Saturday evening. The quantity offered altogether was 3080 bales. The Spanish wools went off at a decline of about 3d. per lb. on the prices realised at the last November sales. The wool was, however, pressed upon the market contrary to the wishes of the trade. The finer sorts of Spanish wools sold at from 2s. to 2s. 8d. per lb., and the low • wools at from Is. to Is. lid. per lb. For the Tuscany yjools there was a better demand, and the prices realised were equal to previous rates ; the best sold at 2s. to 2s. 4d., and the inferior sorts at from Is. 3d. to Is. 9d. per lb. Of Cape wools the best sold at Is. lid. to 2s. 7d., and the inferior descriptions from Is. ld. to Is. lOd. per lb. The German wools offered sold at from Is. lOd. to 2s. 3: 1. per lb., but a portion of the quantity put up was bought in, as was the case with the Spanish and some of the other wools. Three bags of wool from the new colony on the Swan River, and forming the second importation from thence, were put up and sold at Is. 6d. per lb. They were sent over in better condition than the last, and sold at improved prices. The Russian and other wools offered were low in quality, and the prices they obtained cannot be considered as material as regards an opinion of the present state of the wool market. A few bales of Australian wool of fine quality fetched 2s. ld. to 2s. 4d. per lb. The result of these sales is decidedly to establish a heavy market for wools. CLEANING FURNITURE The many accidents arising from the dangerous practice of boiling turpentine and wax for cleaning furniture induces me to send you, from my common- place book, a receipt for the mixture of these articles, which will piove a much superior and more effectual plan than lhat usually adopted, and by which so many individuals have lost their lives :— Put the quantity of turpentine required into a vessel, then scrape the bees wax into it with a knife, which stir about till the liquid assumes the consistency of cream. When prepared in this manner it will be good for months, if kept clean; and it will be found thai the furniture cleaned with the liquor manufactured in this way will not stain with the hand so readily as when the boiling process is adopted. But if some people must have heat in the mixture, it. can easily be got, by placing the vessel containing the turpentine and wax into another containing boiling water, which will do the business as well as any ( ire whatever. — Architectural Magazine. HEUNE BAV STEEPLE CHASE. This race came off on Thursday afternoon, between Blean Bottom and Heme Bay, for a sweepstakes of 5 sovs. each and 50 added. The direction which the horses were to take was marked out by red flags, extending from Blean Bottom to Mr Tassell's land ; thence to Bullockstone Bottom, over tbe rise to the common bearing that name; thence bearing off in the direction of Eddington, to the 18- acre field belonging to Mr Collard, at Heme Bay. At four the following horses started from Blean Bottom :— Mr Hodges' Fair Ellen, Mr Darrell's ch. g. the Swerver, Mr Hemsley's b. g. Nimrod by Figaro, Mr Fyfe's br. g. Lucifer, Mr Singleton's br. g. Kentish Pippin, Mr II. Jennings' br. g. Election, and Blr Fullager's bay g. Thunder. Lucifer took the lead, followed close by E'llen, Nimrod, and Election ; Swerver, Kentish Pippin, and Thunder well up, the whole clearing the fences in admirable style. Nimrod, however, received a check by falling in a rough shaw. It was the work of a moment, as Mr Palmer recovered him immediately, and bore away gaily to the flag on Mr Tassell's land ; there he topped a rough hedge as though nothing had occurred, and bearing to the right of Johnny's hill, leaped another hedge which divides two fields, the one arable, the other pasture, and made for Bullockstone Bottom. Lucifer's rider failed to make him up in time, as at the moment the animal was preparing for a leap, his near fore foot slipped, and he fell with his head doubled under his fore legs, describing as complete a summer- set as the most expert vaulter could pitch. Poor Mason fell on the near side over the wattle, the horse falling with his whole weight upon him. It appeared upon examination that no bones were broken, and in about a quarter of an hour he was removed to Heme Bay. After a run, the most difficult that could have been selected, the horses arrived in the 18- acre field as follow :— The Swerver, Election, Kentish Pippin, Nimrod, Thunder, and Fair Ellen, the Swerver of course winning the match, but not without great labour and difficulty. Mr Mason, who was the winner at St Alban's, would uo doubt have been successful in this instance, but for the check he received previous to making Bullockstone Shaw. Not a horse in the field was able to cope with Lucifer. Altogether there were twenty one leaps. The termination of this race completely disappointed the knowing ones. On the course being viewed in the morning by one who had witnessed the St Alban's races, he called it a " course of straws"— nothing to do. , j -—, COLONIAL MARKETS, APRIL 11. B R I T I S H PLANTATION SUGAR The m a r k e t is more active, and prices are fully maintained. The sales of the week are about 2500 hogsheads. EAST INDIA SUGARS.— The sale of Mauritius is heavy; the arrivals are about 20,000 bags. East India sugars have gone off heavily. Siams have advanced 6d. to Is. per cwt. Manillas are in demand at 24s. per cwt. Refined sugars are rather lower. COFFEE.— Fine Jamaicas are 2s. to 3s. per cwt. cheaper than last week. The continental markets coiltinue flat for foreign and East India coffees, which makes the prices here heavy. Samarang and Sumatras are Is. to 2s. per cwt. lower. There has been a demand for East India and foreign sorts, ami if a slight reduction was submitted to, a good deal of business might be done. Fine Ilavannahs are rather lower. RUM— In this market there is but little doing. COTTON— By public sales this morning, about 1300 bales have been offered, and the greater part of them were sold at full market prices. The qualities were generally inferior. Independently of these sales, 800 bales have been disposed of this week. TEAS— The clearances continue large, and much business is doing in black teas at fully l i d . per lb. profit. WOOL— The private transactions in wool have rather increased since the late public sales. The arrivals have been pretty considerable recently. TALLOW— The market continues steady, at 44s. per SOCIETIES IN FRANCE The Ami d e l a Charte o Nantes has the following account of a dinner given by' the workmen of that town, on Sunday, the 30th ult. : —" The room was decorated with tri- coloured flags, mixed with inscriptions alluding to reform, and a design representing a globe, surmounted by the legend —' A l'Association fraternelle des Peuples.' There was also a statue of Liberty. The guests assembled about seven o'clock, to the number of 100, and after delivering several violent revolutionary and republican speeches and giving toasts of the same character, they came out about nine o'clock, and many of them joined another party of workmen at the Cafe National. When the theatre broke up, they all came out together, amounting to about 150, ' singing the ' Marseillaise.' On reaching the Rue Crebillon, they were received by those who had been at the play with shouts o f ' A bas Louis Philippe I' ' A bas la Loi sur les Associations!' ' A bas les Deputes ver. dus !' ' A bas les Ministres !' By eleven o'clock, there were not less than 500 in the Place Royale, who spread through the town uttering the same cries. One of the groups went to the Mayory, and enquired of the officer at the Guard House, whether any of their companions were confined there, but on being informed that there was no one in custody, they retired. No attempt was made to attack either of the posts, or to disarm the National Guards. The effervescence not having been increased by opposition, after some time expired of itselfj and happily without producing any serious consequences, though at one time it was sufficient to alarm the peaceful inhabitants." The Paris horticulturists have been busy lately trying experiments on the culture of the potatoe— the English root, as it was called only a few years ago pretty generally throughout France, and which the gourmands of the French provinces are only now beginning to consider ( it for any thing but for feeding pigs. The Parisians know better ; and so many potatoes are eaten in Paris, that some years ago a market was established expressly for this root; and this market is now one of the largest, if not the very largest, of the vegetable markets in Paris. A correspondent of the Birmingham Gazette sap, " Permit me to communicate a fact exemplifying the efficiency of the immediate opplication of cotton wool in cases of burns and scalds. One of my men had the misfortune, whilst engaged over a hot fire, to fall on a heated cylinder, by which the skin of the fleshy part of one of his arms was entirely destroyed, and presented the appearance of a severe wound. In the course of half an hour from ihe time of ihe accident he bound cotton wool tightly round the arm, and the pain, which was so severe as to occasion a feeling of sickness for several hours after, at the expiration of that time entirely ceased. Nine days elapsed before the cotton wool was removed, when an entire cure presented itself." At tbe Liverpool Sessions, opened on Monday last, Joseph Gregg, junr., was indicted for stealing money to the amount of L. 845, on the 30th Dec. last, from the desk of the cashier of Cropper, Benson, and Co., and Joseph Gregg, senior, for resetting the same. Mr Stubbs, ihe cashier, deponed that on the day libelled he deposited L. 845 in his desk, an operation which could be observed by Gregg while at his seat in the office; that he went out for a quarter of an hour, and when he returned the money was gone; one of the partners and another of the clerks had the same opportunity of seeing as Gregg had. The young man confessed his guilt and pointed out where the money was to be got, which was searched for accordingly and fount! in the father's possession. They were both j sentenced to l t y e a c j transportation. T H E A R M Y . PROPOSED CHANGE OF HEAD- QUARTERS OF CA VALRY.— 1st dragoon guards, from Brighton to Dorchester; 2d do. from Nottingham to Ipswich ; 3d do. from Birmingham to Ireland ; Cth do. from Dublin to Manchester; Oth do. from Leeds to Glasgow, lst dragoons, from Dorchester to Brighton; 2d do. from York to Edinburgh; Oth do. from Piershill to Nottingham. 3tl light dragoons, from Ipswich to Hounslow. 7th hussars, from Glasgow to Y'ork ; 8th do. from Gloucester to Birmingham. 17th lancers, from Hounslow to Leeds and Sheffield. YEOMANRY CAVALRY { Circular.)— Whitehall, March 25, 1834.— My Lord,— Referring your Lordship to my circular letter of the 10th ult., I have the honour to inform you that the subject of training and exercise having undergone some further consideration, it has been deemed expedient, under the circumstances of the intended suspension of permanent duty for the present year, to allow an increased rate of pay for training and exercise to such corps of yeomanry cavalry, consisting of not less than three troops, as may choose to assemble for this purpose. Under the proposed arrangement, the period of assembling will be limited to tive days, and it will be required that these five days be taken all at once, without an interval, and that each corps assemble in one entire body, and not in separate parts. Five shillings per day to each man, for himself and horse, is the late to which the pay is intended to be increased on this occasion ; and this same rate of pay will be extended to the officers. Such corps, of three troops and upwards, as may not be willing to assemble upon the conditions of the above arrangements, will still be at liberty to assemble by detachments and at intervals for any period not exceeding eight days, as will also all corps of less than three troops; but none of these corps will be entitled to more than the ordinary remuneration of 3s. 4d. per day for each man. I have, & c. MELBOURNE. II. M.' s Lieutenant for the County of NAVAL INTELLIGENCE. PORTSMOUTH, April 10.— N. E. Blowing hard. Arrived from London, Royal William, for Madras. DARTMOUTH, April 9 A boat 16 feet long, marked on the stern, Burgess of London, has been picked up near the Start Point, and brought here. NAVAL PROMOTIONS To be C a p t a i n s — C h a r l es Crowdy, T. Mansell, Wm. Burnet. Commanders— Lord 1". C. P. Beauclerk, T. Henderson, W. H. II. Carew, Sir Peter Parker. Retired Commanders— J . Stokes, W. Chivers. Lieutenants— G. Harrison, J . Harvey, It. A. Cartwright, J. Elwiu, G. Smythe, H. Harvey, G. Skipwith, W. R. Payne, Thomas Edwards, Thomas Stephens ( late of the Favourite), and C. De Courcy Ross ( son of Captain Superintendent Charles Ross, C. B.) Master— D. Pinder. Surgeons— J. Wallace, P. Toms, J. E. Clarke. J. Coulter. Pursers— W. Wallis, J . S. Pope, J . Marsh, C. II illy er, W. Cotsell, W. Young, J . Harden, D. J . Simpson, N. B. Lash, R. P. Bedclek. Chaplain- It. Wilson. ROYAL MARINES Tobe Captains— T. Scott, H. Brown, C. Scott. First Lieutenants— J. Miller, G. J. Hayes, R. Johns, P. B. Nolloth. Second Lieutenants— R. S. Bunce, T. A. F. Annesley, G. F. Phillips, E. T. P. Shewen, G. Lambrick, F. E. Daniel, Sherwin, and Kennedy ; Captain Charles Scott, to the recruiting service at Wolverhampton, vice Welshman. CORN EXCHANGE, April 11.— There was scarcely any thing doing in our market this morning, the sale of every article being extremely dull at Monday's prices. SMITIIFIELD, April 11.— Beef is dull sale, and the finest oxen do not fetch more than 3s. 6d. to 3s. lOd. per stone ; and the coarser oxen sell at 2s. 6d. to 3s. per stone. In mutton, prime Downs are 4s. 6d. to 4s. lOd. per stone ; and in veal, the finest calves fetch 5s. to 5s. ( id. per stone. Dairy- fed porkers are 4s. to 4s. 4tl. per stone; and large hogs 2s. lOd. to 3s. 4d. The finest lamb is worth 6s. to ( is. 4d. per stone. Beef, 3s. to 3s. lOd.; mutton, 3s. lOd. to 4s. lOd. ; veal, 4s. 6d. to 5s. fid.; pork, 3s. 4d. to 4s. 4d. ; lamb, 5s. 61. to 6i. 4d. Hay, £ 2, 15s. to £ 4 ; clover, £ 3 to £ 4, 10s.; straw, £ 1, 10s. to £ 1, 16s. Bank S t o c k . . 214 13} e x . d l v. 3 p e r C e n t . Red- - 90 0!) j do. 3 p e r . C t . Cons noj 90i 3) p e r C t . Now . . . . 98} i j STOCK EXCHANGE. India Stock. • • • India Bonds-•• Ex. Bills Com. for acct.- . . . . 259 • • 30 32 ••• 53 52 . 91} 01 COURSE OF EXCHANGE. A m s t e r d am CF- - 12 4} l i i l i o a - •••' 36 D i t t o a t s i g h t 12 2}| Baicelona 30 R o t t e r d a m 12 4} S e v i l l e 3t> A n t w e r p - H a m b u r g h , m c s . hco A l t o n a P a r i s , 3 d a y s » i g h t - . . D i t to B o u r d e a u x - 12 5 • 13 12 • 13 12 . 25 50 25 80 25 85 F r a n k f o r t o n Maine-- 152 P e t e r s b u r g , p e r rble. IOJ 3 U B e r l i n - - - C u r . D o l - . - . 7 V i e n n a 9 59 T r i e s t e 10 Madrid ..... 3< ii Cadiz 37i G i b r a l t a r L e g h o r n - , Genoa • Milan Venice Naples P a l e r m o , per oz. • - Lisbon O p o r to Rio J a n e i r o Bahia Dublin 2Id. slghtli. Madras 47 . . . . 48} . . 2 5 75 31 . . . 4 7 . . . . 4it} .... 12- 4 — S2i .... 37 31 Cork 1} E D I N B U R G H E V E N I N G C O U R A N T . M u t m t i . M O N D A Y , A P R I L 14. The Paris papers mention that some disturbances had broken out in Lyons, which had been put down without any serious consequences. The discussion on the association law had heen brought to a close in the Chamber of Peers. Three ofthe articles were voted, and it was supposed that the whole would be agreed to. SPORTING. TATTERSALL'S, YESTERDAY. THE RIDDLESWORTH, ( Monday next).— 2 to 1 against Mr Gully's Viator, ( taken). Nothing else mentioned. RIDDLESWORTH, ( Tuesday next)— 3 to 1 against Sit S,- Graham's Zulima, ( offers to take 7 to 2).— Even between her and Lord Burlington's Barrossa filly. THE OATLANDS, ( Tuesdsy next).— 5 lo 1 against the Duke of Cleveland's Trustee, ( taken); 7 to 1 against Lord Exeter's Sir Robert, ( taken); 8 to 1 against Lord Chesterfield's Quartetto, ( taken). THE PORT STAKES, ( Friday next)— 3 to 1 against Mr Rawlinson's Revenge, ( taken at 7 to 2) ; 6 to 4 on him against Lord Exeter's Sir Robert, ( laken). TIIE DERBY.— Very little doing. Bubastes and Bentley were not in any demand, and so little desire was evinced to back Shelalah, that at one part ofthe afternoon Plenipo was backed even against him ; at the close, however, he was a point a- head of him. Plenipo in great request at 9 and 9 | to 1; he has fresh backers every day, and those who have betted against him are trying to get out of it. Olympic and Harum- Scarum have advanced on . Monday's prices. EXTRAORDINARY FEAT.— Monday morning a feat of a very extraordinary character was attempted. A gentleman bet fifty sovereigns that he would walk blindfolded from the Crescent at Clontarf to tbe Pigeon- house— that is, from one side of Dublin to the other— having to cross in his course six bridges, one of them a drawbridge, and undefended by any wall— The time given for the performance was three hours and a half. The gentleman started at five, and walked the entire distance, about 6 miles, in an hour and 56 minutes. Bets of two to one were readily given that he would not be able to accomplish the undertaking. Crowds of the poorer classes collected around the gentleman when he reached the Pigeon- house, and wanted to chair him into Dublin for the honour of old Ireland. The above we have received from a gentleman on whose veracity we repose the greatest confidence, but we suspect that the blindfolding cannot have been effected by a very expert liandn- DwWin Mt/ rning Register. From the Brussels papers we learn that tranquillity has been restored in that city ; large bodies of troops have been poured into llie place; and measures have been laken to secure and punish the ringleaders. About eighteen houses have been pillaged ill this disgraceful riot, including several of the most splendid hotels in Brussels. No personal violence was offered to any of the Orange party. But emigrations are notwithstanding contemplated lo a considerable extent. From Ihe German papers we learn that the Con gress of Vienna sits daily. Little is known of its proceedings, which are said lo relate entirely to the internal affairs of Germany. Several arrests are said to have taken place in Berlin, where a conspiracy among the disaffected had been detected. Accounts from Constantinople of the lltli ult. say, that the armaments, both by sea antl land, are continued with greal activity, especially for the equipment of the fleet. Some think that the Dardanelles, others that Samos, is the object of these armaments. There has been another fire at the Fanal, which, according to all the circumstances, seems to have been the work of on incendiary. was wisely and humanely considered to be proper, first, to try the experiment of lenity; but if the unionists should still continue to defy the law, and to trample upon the principles of liberty and justice, that, then, it was time enough to resort to ad. ditional severity. In every civilized community the power of the law must be maintained, and those who will not submit to ils obligations must be made to feel its severity. Judges and magistrates have no other course to pursue; they cannot allow society to be overrun with violence; they must punish bold and determined offenders. It is not denied that all those unions resort to violence in order to carry their ends ; that any workman who refuses to join in their schemes, is annoyed in every possible way, is threatened with bodily harm, which threats have been iu many cases executed on those who have consented to work for wages which the unionists have refused. There have been examples of men having been assailed and actually murdered on this account, and violence is daily resorted to by every combination of workmen, and is indeed the principle on which it is formed. They not only refuse to work themselves, but they deter others from working by threats and actual assaults. They refuse to others the privilege which they claim for themselves, of working or not working as they judge expedient and this, which we consider to be the height of injustice, and the grossest tyranny, it is the business of the law to put down. This is the heavy charge against those unions, which stamps a character of illegality on their whole proceedings ; and until they are cleared of this charge, it is va:- n to indulge in absurd invectives about the cruelty of Judges or of the laws, the vengeance of which, in every well ordered community, will ever fall on the lawless and disobedient. He is the tyrant who threatens violence ta his neighboui for merely exercising his natural rights, and it is the duty of Magistrates to bring this tyrant to justice. His previous character may have been good ; he may not have been a thief or a housebreaker; but still, as an enemy to the peace of society, and to the first principles of justice, which he sets at defiance in pursuit of his selfish ends, he must be dealt with as a malefactor. The conservators of the public peace have no other alternative ; they are driven to severity by the obstinacy of those offenders. In this country, though the greatest lenity has been hitherto observed in punishing the offences which have sprung out o combinations, yet, if the evil continue unabated, and if innocent individuals be exposed to violence, means must be adopted for their proteclion ; and if the guilty suffer there is no help. There is no occasion for any clamout on this subject, seeing that Lhey only incur the penalty of their own misdeeds. P R I V A T E C O R R E S P O N D E N C E. Royal Exchange, London, Friday Night. There are no arrivals in the city to- day from the Continent of the least importance, the adverse winds keeping out intelligence from Portugal, from whence additional information is most anxiously expected. No farther advices have been received from Spain today. This was pay- day at the Stock Exchange, and it has past off without any event of the least interest, the differences having been paid without apparent difficulty. Consols for account have not been quite so firm to- day as they were yesterday. They opened at 91] ; fell to 90|, but left off this afternoon about \ per centhigher, namely, at 91£, and for money at90|, the continuation now amounting to g per cent. Money, in consequence of the payment of the dividends, has become more plentiful in the city, and discounts can be obtained on moderate terms. In most of the staple articles of trade, however, languor continues to prevail, there being a heavy market for wools, silks, & c. particularly in raw silks, but this has arisen in a great measure from the large arrivals that have come in from China. The heavy stocks have been sold at lower prices today, the new per cents, having fallen from 98^ to 98], and the 4 per cents, of 1826 to 102 ; but at'the close of the day a slight rally took place. Exchequer bills and India bonds maintained the premiums of yesterday, the former closing at 53s. and the latter at 32s. Speculation has been much less active to- day in the foreign stock market than we have had occasion to notice lately. Closing prices:— Bank Stock, 213J, ex. div. Red. Ann. 89J, ex. div. Consols, 90|. 31 per Cents. Red. 97± ex. div. New 3J per Cents. 98jj. 4 per Cents., 1826, 102], ex. div". India Stock, 259. Do. Bonds, 32s. prem. Exchequer Bills, 53s. prem. Consols for acct. 91 J. India Stock for acct. 260. Foreign— Belgian, 99j. Brazilian, 7U. Danish, 74. Portuguese new, 67j. Russian, 104.5 Spanish, 31. Do. 1823, 274. Dutch, S0i. Do. 5" per Cents. 95^. " __ SCOTCH PARLIAMENTARY PROCEEDINGS. House of Lords, April 9. Dame Jane Jobson or Scott v. Kerr and Greig . Adjourned sine die. The Magistrates, & c. of Dunbar v. the Duchess Dowager of Roxburghe.— Set down for hearing. April 10. T h e MAGISTRATES of DINGWALL v. MACKENZIE, el e con. LORD DENMAN s a t as S p e a k e r. This appeal was argued the whole day by the Lord Advocate and Sir Murray for the appellants, and the Attorney- General and Mr Robertson for the respondents. This case respects the right of fishing in t'ne river Conan, which run3 through the Cromarty estate. The appeal is against the judgment of the Court of Session. The question is not of any public interest; but we shall notice the final judgment when it comes to be delivered. Morehead v. Dr Morehead.— The petition to revive the appeal on the part of the appellant was read, and referred to the appeal Committee. April 11. T h e MAGISTRATES of DINGWALL V. MACKENZIE el e con. , This appeal was again argued the whole day Judgment adjourned. There are two English cases set down for to- morrow Numerous petitions have lately been presented, chiefly from the working classes, in favour of the six Dorchester labourers, condemned to seven years transportation for administering unlawful oaths ; and a meeting was lately held in this city, at which it was agreed to present a petition to the King, and to both Houses of Parliament, pray - ing for a mitigation of their punishment. But the violent language used on this occasion, and the sentiments expressed, rather afford an argument in favour of the sentence pronounced against those unhappy men than against i t ; because we there see the determined spirit which actuates those unionists, and their resolution to stand or fall with their own mischievous contrivances. The malignity which they evince against all who oppose their projects of tyranny, and their cant about liberty, present an amusing contrast. Their idea of liberty seems to be, that they shall be free themselves, antl that they shall tyrannize over all others. We are certainly no advocates of severe punishments. But in general those unionists have been treated with lenity. In this country their punishment has never exceeded imprisonment. It On the 12th April, at the Dean of Faculty's, Grant o n , M r s H O P E , of a s o n. At his house, 28, Ann Street, on the 11th April, the Jjadyof ALEXANDER CRAWFORD, E s q . of a daughter. AtDuddingston House, on the 12tb April, Mrs HAY, of a daughter. At the Manse jaf . North Berwick, on. the 10th April, M r s BALFOUR GRAHAM, of a s o n. Died, at 7, Rankeillor Street, on the 7th April, THOMAS SAMUEL HARDIE, M . D . youngest son of t h e late Dr Hardie, minister of Ashkirk. Died, at 19, Charlotte Street, Leith, on the 4th April, Mrs ELIZABETH CAMPBELL, wife of George Gibson, Esq. Died, at Morningside, on the 6th April, Mrs BONAR of Larbert. Died, at Mount Pleasant, ou the 4th April, WILHELMINA CAMPBELL, fourth surviving daughter of David Kemp, Esq. LEITH.— The Royal Adelaide, steam- ship, sailed from Leith harbour for London on Saturday afternoon with a great nnmber of passengers, among whom we observed the honourable Sir Charles Colville, Sir James G. Craig, Generals Sir George Elder and Sir Dougal Gilmour, the Lord Provost, and Lord Dean of Guild of Edinburgh, & c. & c. There was a numerous assemblage of spectators to see this fine steam- ship dcpait from the quay, and she proceeded rapidly down the Frith in face o f t he strong north- easterly breeze. We are happy to find that steps are in the course of being taken by the Dock and Harbour Commissioners, by which the Pier will soon be so much further extended as to enable all the larger steam- vessels to sail direct from this lurbour. The parochial tcachers of Dumbartonshire have petitioned Parliament for an augmeniat; on oi salary. CONCERT or Miss YANIEWICZ— This " young lady's concert, which took place on Saturday in the Assembly Rooms, was attended by a numerous and fashionable audience. The selection of music, both vocal and instrumental, was judicious ; and Miss Yaniewicz distinguished herself by the spirit and bril. liancy of her performances. The duet which she played with Miss P. Yaniewicz was extremely light and fanciful, and in the Fall of Paris, she evinced all herjusual taste. Mr Murray on the violin displayed powerful execution and brilliancy, as well as richness of tone, and was much applauded ; and Miss Byfeld exhibited her vocal powers with great effect, but in " Savourneen Deelish," she exceeded herself, and delighted her audience by the exquisite taste and feeling with which she gave that beautiful and affecting song. L E I T H PHILHARMONIC S O C I E T Y — T h e members of this institution gave a concert in the Leith Assembly Rooms on Friday evening, which was numerously attended, from six to seven hundred persons being present, two- thirds of whom were ladies. The performances comprised some of the finest music of Haydn, Weber, Auher, and other masters of the art. Of the instrumental pieces the finest were Mendelssohn's overture to the " Midsummer Night's Dream'," a composition of great brilliancy, Haydn's grand symphony No. 8, and the overture to " Zampa," by Herold ; the latter performed, we believe, for the second time in Scotland. Mr A. Murray's violin Ari con Tariazioni, in the style of Paganini, was performed with great skill. The Harmonics were brought out with much taste, and the shifts managed with a tact and delicacy that showed a complete mastery over the instrument. Mr M. was frequently interrupted during the performance by hursts of applause. Of the vocal pieces, the solo and chorus o f A u b e r ' s " Barcarole" was beautifully sung by Messrs Keiward, Gleadhill, Jackson, and several amateurs. The same praise may be bestowed on Webbe's glee ( four voices), " Come live with me." Mr Kenward sung with taste and feeling the Scotch ballad, " I hear that parting wotd, adieu ! " The music of this piece, which has just been published, is by a i r M'Carroll, leader of the Inniskilling Dragoon hand; the words are by Mr Gilfillan. Miss Byfeld and Mrs M'Millan also sung two Scotch songs with their usual brilliancy ; the former, " A health to bonny Scotland," and the latter Smith's beautiful ballad, " Softly sleep my baby boy." Mr Ebsworth gave with much spirit and in excellent style " Napoleon's Midnight Review." There is a grandeur and originality % bout the words and music of this speVtral canta'ta, that almost present to the view " the thronging dead on their airy steeds," led by " the mighty spirit that toils on earth no more." The music is Neukomm's, and it is in his best style; it was rapturously encored. The whole o f t h e performances were skilfully arranged and admirably conducted. F U L T O N ' S GRAND ORRERY We o b s e r v e f r om an advertisement in another column, that Mr Fulton has fixed Wednesday the 18th inst. for closing t h e exhibition of his Orrery, For two months past this instrument has been submitted to the inspection of the most eminent in our city for scientific knowledge, who have admired and approved of the Orrery, as calculated to give at once a comprehensive view of the solar system. Those who have . adopted this branch of science as a favourite study, and have not inspected the Orrery, should speedily do so, and those whose other avocations prevent a minute study of the celestial bodies, may at one view form a generally correct understanding of the position and movements of the different planetary bodies round the sun. To teachers of geography and astronomy, we would strongly recommend a visit to the Orrery along with their pupils. STAMP RECEIPTS.— The merchants, traders, & c. of this city, who some time ago forwarded a memorial to the Loids Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury, praying for a repeal of the stamp receipt tax, have received an answer from the Treasury Chambers, dated 8th April, stating that, " by the repeal of the twopenny receipt tax in the last Session, my Lords have shewn their disposition to recommend to Parliament the reduction of the tax, when the same can be properly made; but ( hey do not conceive that the present state of the finances, and the claims of other classes of persons, would warrant them in complying with the prayer of the memorial." POTATOES We understand that complaints have often been made to the inspector of weights and measures, by those who have provision shops, that the potatoes brought to town for sale from a distance of ten miles and upwards, are generally found to be the old measure of 418 lb. to the boll, in place of the two imperial bolls, which ought to weigh 552 l b . ; although there is always a difference in the price, yet carriers and others bringing potatoes should always bring them hy the imperial measure, otherwise their not conforming to the act of Parliament will be apt to be called in question. GOLFING.— MUSSELBURGH.— The prize Cup annually given by the Golf Club, which has been long established in the " Honest Town," was on Friday last competed for, and after a well contested game, gained by Mr Robert Wilson, surgeon. The members afterwards adjourned to the Musselburgh Arms Inn, where after electing office- bearers, they partook of an excellent dinner. Sir John Hope, Bait., as Preses of the club, took the chair, which he filled with his usual urbanity and spirit. Principal Macfarlan set off from Glasgow on Wednesday, for London, to be examined by the Committee of the House of Commons sitting on Scotch Church patronage. Independently of the reverend Doctor's accurate and extensive knowledge on all matters connected with the Church, his local acquaintance with the workings of popular election in this quarter will enable him to enlighten the Committee with respect to the merits of this question, a great deal more than the theorists from those parts of the country where individual patronage exclusively prevails. The presentation of Rutherglen is vested in the magistrates, elders, and heritors, and they have not had a clergyman for these six years, and they may want one for some time to come. The parish of Cadder, where the patronage is vested in the heritors, the smallest one having as efficient o vote as the largest, yields on every vacancy a rich harvest to the gentlemen of the law. The frequent appearance of this parish before the bar of the Court of Session gave rise to the remark among the Edinburgh lawyers, that if Parliament would only abolish church patronage, they would not wish for any other business.— Glasgow Herald. A large and most tumultuous meeting took place in Glasgow on Tuesday evening. Mr Colquhoun's new church bill formed the subject of discussion, and resolutions opposed to it were carried by a great majority; the supporters of the measure consisting principally or solely of that party in the Established Church who nre now agitating for the abolition of patronage. The opposition was based on two grounds, the provisions in the bill, which are deemed objectionable, and the hurried and secret manner in wbich it had been carried through the House of Commons.— Glasgow Herald. DREADFUL ACCIDENT On T h u r s d a y forenoon as Francis Jenkins, engine- man in Mr James Brown's spinning- mill, Kilmarnock, was in the act ot sweeping some dust off a part of the machinery, called tbe fly- cover of the teaser, the besom he was using suddenly became entangled with the cylinder, which drawing in his hand ere he was aware, the teeth of the machine caught his arm, when it be. came lacerated in tbe most dreadful manner. Fortunately, at the moment, the belt of the cylinder, by some means or other, slipped off, otherwise, the evolutions of the machinery, the poor man must inevitably have been torn to pieces. Assist ance being at hand, he was carried home, and sur gical assistance immediately procured. On exami nation, amputation of the member, a little above the elbow, was found to be necessary; which operation was performed successfully in a few hours after the accident happened, and the patient is expected to do well. At 11 P. M. on the night of the 8th of March last t h e schooner l'Etoile, Benjamin Everaist, belonging to Dunkirk, and on her way from that port to the Iceland fishing, drove from her anchorage in t h e sound of Valey, ill Shetland, during a gale, and stranded on the Isle of Linga. The vessel is con • demned and is to be sold. Crew saved. DUNDEE— The steam- ship Dundee, which sailed for London on Wednesday se'ennight, at a quarter past nine in the morning, arrived there on Friday morning, about half- past ten. A letter, announcing her arrival, says, " M a k i n g allowance for the time the vessel lay at anchor in tbe Swinne, in consequence of the night having been so thick and daik that the . beacons could not be seen, and it was consequently deemed unsafe to run through it till day- light, she acc mplished tbe distance from Dundee to Blackwall in 38 hours of fair steaming, with a head wind the greater part of the way." THE LATE DR JAMES UUCHAN. In our obituary we had recently to record the lamented death of Dr James Buchan, a native of Edinburgh. He was the youngest son of the late Hugh Buchan, Esq. Chamberlain of the City, who during life acted as a disinterested public officer, ever desirous to merit the approbation of his employers, by the zealous and faithful discharge of his duty in managing the revenue committed to his care. After Dr Buchan had experienced in Edinburgh all the advantages of an enlightened education, he repaired to London, where he resided for two years improving himself in science and in medical knowledge, under the patronage of Sir Lucas Pepys. He was subsequently appointed Physician to the Forces, through the recommendation of Sir Lucas, and sent to Egypt under Sir Ralph Abercromby. We cannot pay a higher and juster tribute to the memory of the deceased than by extracting the following passage from a letter, which was addressed ( and published in the year 1805) by the late celebrated James Gregory, M. D. : —" To the President and Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians It may be regarded rather as vanity and presumption in me, than as a just tribute to his merits, when I give my feeble and needless testimony to a character so well established. All of us, I trust, are sensible, and I am sure none of us can be more sensible than I am, that Dr James Buchan does honour to our College, to our profession, and to our country. 1 doubt much whether all of us would have had the virtue to do, but I am sure all of us would be proud to have done, what he did, when Physician to the British army in Egypt. When nature sickened, and each gale was death, he most honourably gave his voluntary services in the plague hospital. Two different seasons he did so, and both times caught the infection himself, and narrowly escaped with his life. Those precious services he did to his countrymen, when afflicted with that dreadful disease, purely from his own sense of what was his duty, refusing the proffered pecuniary reward; and at last when the contagion was at the worst, and had proved fatal to several of his young medical assistants, declining to receive any more assistants, who he thought would probably fall victims to the disease ; and with only one other gentleman ( whose name I believe is Mr Price), undertaking even the laborious, as well as the' dangerous part of the duly of the plague hospital." When the British army returned to Britain, and after a lapse of some years, Dr Buchan was appointed, and sent to the West Indies as deputy inspector of hospi tals, and put at the head of the medical staff in Jamai. ca. After returning fiom the West Indies, he was appointed physician to the Royal Infirmary in February 1824, which honourable situation he was under the necessity of resigning on account of his health in December 1827, and he then retired from public life, at that time residing in his liousa in Picardy Place, where he continued until his death. There modest anil unpretending, and no ways ostentatious of his high character and talents, he spent a peaceful and unobtrusive life, at the same time he was no recluse, but happy in social intercourse with his friends and acquaintances. On Sunday the 9th February last, after having attended divine service at church, as usual, he was about midnight seized with a sudden and dangerous illness, and he continued in that state, constantly attended by his attached sisters, and several of his most intimate medical friends, until Wednesday morning following, when he breathed his last. WILSONTOWN IRON W O R K S . — T h e s e works, which have for so many years been silent, to the great loss of a dense population, formerly dependent upon them, are j u s t about to commence in full operation, under the auspices of an English Company. The furnaces are heated, and every thing is in a state of great forwardness. Workmen are applying from all parts of the country ; and, indeed, there is a general joy diffused among brewers, distillers, butchers, & c. in all the neighbouring parishes. In the valleys the lambing season has been prosperous nnd prolific. To give only one example, a friend of our own had a return of eighteen from nine ewes. Seven of the number dropped doublets, an eighth triplets, and the ninth a solitary woolly nursling ; making in all the number above stated. From the hills, so far as we can learn, the accounts are favourable. Grass is abundant, and in many places is supplying the deficiencies of turnips.— Dumfries Courier. DISTRESSING OCCURRENCE.— Last week, John Macdonald, ground officer to Mr Fraser of Lovat, at Fort Augustus, met his death under very distressing circumstances. It appears that he had entered a smuggling hut in Glenmorrislon, and that either through design or accident, a great quantity of Iovvins were thrown on his body, by which lie was so dreadfully burned, that he died a short time thereafter. On tho circumstance being known at Inverness, Doctors Nicot and Macdonald proceeded to Fort Augustus to examine the body, accompanied by the Procurator Fiscal. The investigation is still in progress, but the facts elucidated does not appear to justify the apprehension of any person. The Jane, tender to H- M. revenue brig Piioce of Wales, arrived at Stornoway on the lst April from a cruize. During the gale of Friday last, when off Canna, she was struck with lightning, which knocked down four of her crew oti the deck. One of them is considerably injured, having lost the power of his arm, and others are hurt. THETI A I R . In the department of the toilet not a greater anxiety more generally or properly felt, than in reference to that beautiful ornament, the hair; the delightful, and felicitous, and fascinating charms incident to a fine head of hair, are absolutely essential to perfection of beauty in either sex. The feature of an individual may be irregular, ill- proportioned, or the eyes inexpressive, but with the possession of this attribute of excellence, no countenance can look absolutely plain. It is only to be regretted that like many things the most estimated, the hair from a vaiiety of causes is often the first attribute of decline in health and appearance ; when such is the case, the sufferer naturally ooks around for some tried invention, the result of long and toilsome study, to arrest Decay's effacing fingers. Of all the specifics ever yet invented for preserving and decorating the hair, long- tried public approbation has for many years awarded the palm to ROWLAND'S c e l e b r a t e d MACASSAR O I L . The singular efficacious virtues of this happy and successful invention in stopping and preventing all weakness anil decay of the hair, is too well known and appieciated by an intelligent public to need much comment; while its regular application subdues all relaxing tendencies, and promotes a quick and vigorous growth of beautiful and curly hair that lasts to the latest period of human life. I t must be a proud satisfaction to the Proprietors, on tbe increased numbers of high Testimonials they are daily receiving from all parts of Europe, of the wonderful efficacy of this Oil. If any thing, indeed, more than another be needed as an infallible proof of its celebrity, it is the fact, that no known specific in the world has so many spurious and base imitations, which a set of unprincipled venders endeavour to foist on the public, under the lure of cheap, to the great injury of those who are deceived by the cheat. The agents in Edinburgh just received a supply from the Proprietors of the original. SYNOD OF GLASGOW AND AYR. GLASGOW, THURSDAY'. Dr M'Farlane, seconded by Dr Begg, moved the adoption of an overture to the General Assembly, to take such steps as might be deemed necessary for the removal of the act 1706, requiring the consent of three parts of four of the valuation of a parish, to the disjunction of such parish and the erection of new parishes thereon. The motion also embodied a proposal to petition Parliament on the same subject.— Agreed. The petitions to Parliament were appointed to be transmitted for presentation to the Marquis of Bute and Mr Colquhoun Dr Begg said, reference had been repeatedly made in the conversation on the present measure to Mr Colquhoun, tbe member for Dumbartonshire, a gentleman of the highest respectability, and a most sincere friend to the Church of Scotland, who had exerted himself in behalf of its interests, and would yet do more in the same cause. The Church of Scotland was much indebted to Mr Colquhoun, and the least the Synod could do would be to instruct their Moderator to return him a vote of thanks, and to request a continuance of his very valuable services.— Agreed to unanimously. The Synod were afterwards long occupied with a reference from the Presbytery of Paisley, in a case connected with the Chapel of Ease, Port Glasgow, brought up for the opinion and advice of the Synod, ancl involving a great many extraordinary charges of eccentricity in the discharge of his pastoral duties, against the Rev. John Parker of that chapel, during a peiiod of between twenty and thirty years, which had been repeatedly before the Church Courts in the prcgress of that time. Mr Miller, writer, Paisley, appeared f'or the petitioners lo the presbytery of Paisley, the proprietors of the Chapel; Mr A. M'George for Mr Parker; and Dr Begg, Dr Burns, & c., for the Presbytery. At four o'clock, the Synod adjourned till six. AJ10I. ITI0N OF PATRONAGE. The Synod again met at six o'clock, and after a good deal of discussion as to whether they would proceed with the debate on the question of patronage, to be opened by Dr Burns of Paisley, in the Session- house, or adjourn to the church, as there seemed to be great anxiety on the part of the public to be present at the proceedings, it was put to the vote, and carried by a majority of 12 to 17, that no adjournment should take place. Dr Burns accordingly rose, and, in bringing under the consideration of the reverend Court an overture signed by 19 ministers, besides a considerable number of elders, urging on the Synod to petition Parliament for the abolition of patronage, and to request the General Assembly to do the same, spoke for nearly three hours. But the other day, he remarked, a great man and a learned judge had said, take away patronage, and, in less than twenty years, the Church of Scotland will go down ; but he ( Dr B.) would say, take it not away, and in twenty years it will be among the things that were. ( Cries of No, no.) The rev. speaker concluded by reading the draft of a petition to Parliament, which he had hurriedly scribbled during their discussion of the Port- Glasgow case ( a laugh), and which, he said, contained his own sentiments, and those of his way of thinking, on the question : they might adopt it as it stood— improve it by emendations, or, if they chose, by subtractions. As it was, lie would lay it on their table; and, in accordance with the overture, he moved its adoption. The motion having been seconded, Dr HILL of Dailly replied at considerable length, maintaining that unlimited patronage had never been known in the history of the Church of Scotland— nor should it be recognised by any Churchman. As to the first Book of Discipline, which had been dwelt so much upon by the eloquent Doctor, he respected its contents as exhibiting the minds of the founders of the Church ; but it ought to be borne in mind that it was framed in 1560, before the Church was in existence, when the benefices were held wholly by Catholics, and when Catholicism was the established religion of the land. It, therefore, could not be held to be of authority ; and, although he looked up to it with respect and ad. miration, he coulil not take its enactments as the standard of the Church. Dr Hill was followed by Mr M'Farlane of Renfrew, and Mr Forbes of the High Church, Glasgow, in support of the petition. Mr Campbell of Kilwinning spoke against it. Messrs Burns of Kilsyth, and Crosbie of F'enwick, supported the overture. Dr Smyth of St George's spoke against popular election, although he was in favour of the abolition of church patronage as it at present existed ; Mr M'Naughtan of Paisley supported the petition; and after Mr Wallace of Barr had delivered his sentiments against the motion, Dr P. M'Farlane of Greenock moved that the Synod do not petition. The vote was then put, when 28 voted for the petition, and 20 against it. It was afterwards agreed, that the petition to the House of Lords should be entrusted to Earl Grey ; while that to the House of Commons should be transmitted to the new member for Paisley, Sir D. K. Sandford. This closed the business of the Synod ; and it adjourned yesterday morning at half- past two o'clock. SYNOD OF ABERDEEN. TO T H E E D I T O R OF T H E COURANT. SIR,— Observing in your paper of Monday a letter from an ilast Lothian Farmer regarding Tile- draining, — for his government, I beg to inform him, that where springs are intended to be cut oft', the same depth ancl system practised by experienced agriculturists, who use stones, ought to be observed in laying out drains by tile. Upon stiff clay soils of a retentive bottom, where the surface is flat, and where surface- water only is to be removed, a drain of two and a half feet in . every intermediate furrow is most advisable; these to discharge themselves into main drains of sufficient capacity in the lowest parts of the land. In excavating these drains, it is of importance to procure a set of tools made expressly for the purpose, which can be obtained in the ironmongery shops in Edinburgh, as by the use of these much unnecessary expence is avoided, in consequence of the cuts requiring much less casting than by the common spade. The top soil ought to be laid on one side, and the subsoil on the other; and when the tiles are laid, turf, or if inconvenient to procure that, a quantity of straw should be laid above them, and the drain finished by fitting it up with top soil, which is most porous. This system has been practised in Ayrshire and Mid- Lothian with the greatest success. With regard to the question whether tiles or stones, in drains of two feet depth, answer the purpose best, it is conceived that tiles at that depth are least liable to be choked by mud, and in consequence to be preferred; but in deep draining, where stones can easily be procured, no other substitute can be so durable or effective. " Within the last few years, drainage, that first and greatest improvement, has been progressing rapidly in Scotland ; and yet it is greatly to be regretted, that while so much yet remains to be done, the owners of the soil, in most instances, leave the onus upon the shoulders of the already overburdened and suffering husbandman. Agriculture has made rapid strides in the present century, yet there still exists a vast field for improvement; and were the landowners of Great Britain and Ireland to foster and encourage the native energies of an industrious tenantry, by a judicious outlay in ameliorating and enriching the soil of these realms, the cry for foreign corn, which every day is becoming more deafening, would ere long cease to be beard amid the plenitude of our home productions. Mid Lothian, 8th April, J. M, Wednesday, April 9. The Synod met at half past ten. Mr PIRIE brought up the report of the committee on the erection of chapels of ease into parish churches, already mentioned. The report expressed an opinion that the object, was of itself desirable, but disapproved of its being carried into effect unless security were given for the permanent support of the minister, and tbat a sufficiently large circle should be given to the newlyerected parish. Mr Pirie supported the report at some length. Mr SMITH moved that it be rejected. The Synod divided, and the report was adopted by a majority of 25 to 17- An overture to the General Assembly, praying them to permit no alteration in the existing system of collations to churches, was laid on the table, signed by Dr Mearns. Another overture was laid on the table, praying the Assembly to take steps for preventing ministers from being intruded into churches contrary to the will of the congregations. The overture was signed by Dr Brown. I t had been agreed that the Synod should consider both overtures together. Dr MEARNS rose and spoke at great length in support of the first overture. F'rom the representations abroad, one would suppose that patrons had the sole power of collating pastors, and that, on the other hand, the people had no influence at all in the matter.— Such allegations, however, are wholly unfounded. The overture before you describes the system, under the operation of which the ministers of the Church of Scotland are appointed, as combining the exercise of three several rights of powers, vested in different parties. By far tile most important of those is that first mentioned, namely, the right of collation; and the overture particularly prays the Assembly not to listen to representations calling on the Church to yield up any part of that right— a right, the nature, extent, and limits of which, no less than it3 importance, must be well known to the members of this Court. The rev. Doctor gave a long historical detail of the practice and law of the Church in regard to collation to churches. There is not, in fact, he said, the least ground furnished, by law or usage, or by the history of the proceedings of the Church, for supposing that it was the intention of the Church to yield to the people the right, or any part of it, successfully vindicated from the grasp of the civil power, to judge exclusively in questions of qualification and induction. All propositions, therefore, to render the consent of the people necessary, or their dissent ail absolute bar— that is to say, without reasons shown and sustained by judgment of the Church Courts— to their induction of ministers, are innovations on the constitutional rights of the Church, in a matter of the highest magnitude. For if carried into effect, they amount to giving to the people, what they have never hitherto possessed— a coordinate jurisdiction with the Church in granting COIJ lation. From the moment that any individual or body of men whatever acquires a right to say— whatever nominees may be brought forward for parochial charges — you shall only induct such as are qualified to my liking, from that moment the whole character and asj pect of your Church is changed. Your clergy— I mean those who look forward to becoming your Clergy — must qualify themselves not solely according to the principles and constitutional usages of your Church, i but according to the views, interests, and prevailing' opinions of tbat body of men whose arbitrary will, without reasons shown or judged of by you, admits to or excludes them from the office of the ministry ; and all who, once inducted, look for higher preferment, must accommodate themselves to the same new standard of clerical principle and action. Here is a Church, therefore, ofcompletely different character from the Church of Scotland— a Church not animated by one uniform spirit of attachment to its ancient constitution and well known principles and usages ; but distracted by conflicting views arising out of the dependence of the clergy on a new power exercising partly the ancient rights of the Church.— Let this power be vested in the Government of the country, and who does not immediately perceive, that the independence of the Chuich is prostrated, h t r character destroyed, and she herself converted into a mere instrument in tbe hands of the civil government ? Let this power be vested in the people, and it is equally certain that popular opinion from that moment becomes the supreme law of the Church— that, in seasons of excitement, the courts become the mere organs of the popular voice, and composed, as her supreme court partly is, of influential laymen representing all classes of the community, they become organs of that voice not merely formidable as on former occasions they have often been to the Government o f t h e country, but incompatible with its existence. The issue of such a struggle it is easy to foresee. The times are long past when Presbyterian churchmen might hope that the paramount influence of their Church over the State J could be realized, and after expending its last violent energies in rendering popular delusion triumphant, the influence of that lawless and sovdid spirit which, under the attractive name of the " Voluntary principle," is daily making its formidable advances. I. cannot here, in confirmation of these views, resist making use of the words of Dr Chalmers, as they are given in his printed speech on this subject, as reported by himself. " We ( i. e. the Church) occupy a position between the nobles and the population of the land; and I will not say but that the Christian independence o f t h e Church is just in as much danger from the one quarter as from the other."—" It is our unscathed prerogative to sit in judgment on the qualifications of the presentee— not in the limited sense either of literary or moral qualifications, but on all qualifications, in the most general meaning affixed to the category." •—" There is no system, whether of patronage or of popular election, that will ever work prosperously without the pure and the righteous exercise of i t ; and, therefore, whatever changes the system of our patronage is to undergo, I trust the Church will never let down the function which belongs to her; and as on questions of principle she has often withstood the presentations signed by patrons, so, on the same questions, that she willcontinue to withstand presentations however signed by patrons, and however countersigned by the people; great in her virtuous opposition to the Princes and Potentates of the earth, and greater still if ever called to such a combat— greater still in her virtuous independence either of her frowns or the hosannas of the multitude." To opinions so just anil so eloquently expressed, I shall only add a very few words. The large and undivided powers possessed by the Church in the matter of collation, is especially important, in times of agitation, to the peace and edification of parishes, as " is abundantly proved by past history. By this means opportunity is afforded, by reasoning and persuasion, of allaying discontents, removing misconceptions, and defeating the schemes of agitators. Divide this power with the people, and you arm them against themselves— that is, you put it out of your own power to consult their interests, and when their passions are cooled, the wishes of the people, by delivering over to them the power of irretrievably injuring, by means of one rash movement made under the influence of demagogues, their own highest interest That the people should, notwithstanding, be favourable to the proposed change, surely is not to be wondered at. Hoiv much are the wisest of us apt to err in regard to what belongs to our highest interests, whereever desires of power, or honour, or selfish gratifications of any sort interpose to cloud our judgments ; and how often do we find cause for thankfulness that - our lo^- is cast for us. by a higher hand than our own. And if this be the case, acknowledged by themselves, with the wisest individuals of our race, how should it be otherwise than that the great body of men, as all history testifies, have ever been prone to mistake their own true interest, and to grasp at every sort of power, though far better exercised by other hands; to laud and support those who have flattered them by proposing measures suited to their wishes, and considered those as their enemies who tell tliem the truth, and persist in consulting their true interests, even against their will. But I trust there will always be found in this Church a band of men acting on principles not to be overcome by the opposition of those whose good they were promoting, nor by the maxims of those who knowingly support bad measures, because, in their apprehension, others decidedly worse will be forced upon the Church ; and although the voice of such men is in such seasons as the present easily overpowered, it is heard again when perhaps in their graves, after the usual progress of subversion, anarchy, and despotism has tamed the passions of men, and they begin to sigh for the return of order, liberty, and pure and undefiled religion. [ The Rev. Doctor sat down amidst loud applause, which had been frequently elicited in the course of his eloquent speech.] Dr BROWN said that, notwithstanding all the denunciations of weakness that might be brought against him and those who agreed with him by their opponents, he must still stand forth to advocate the views which he, along with a great body of the clergy, held on this subject, and which he held as independently, as conscientiously, and, he could lay his hand on his heart and say it, as purely, as the Rev. Doctor held his views. He ( Dr Brown) held those views in common with the founders and fathers of our Church ; and, doing so, he must cast back the illiberal reflections by which he and those who agreed with him had been outraged. If there was danger in conceding to popular opinion when it was wrong, there was greater danger and greater wrong in resisting popular opinion when it was right. With the Rev. Doctor he was quite ready to call on the Synod to maintain the policy of our Church. The Rev. Doctor had expressed much astonishment at what he considered a discrepancy between the speech of Dr Chalmers in the General Assembly and the motion which that speech introduced. He ( Dr Brown) could not help expressing equal astonishment at the strange inconsistency between the declaratory act of the last Assembly and the line of policy so long pursued by the party— that dominant party in the Church— with which the Rev. Dr. had uniformly acted. Dr Brown then referred to the declaratory act wbichhadbeen passed last year, and then proceeded. They were told that the object of the overture, if carried into effect, would ruin the respectability ofthe clergy. If it would do. so, it certainly would be an evil of the first magnitude; but he would ask if it was not indispensably necessary that the people and their pastor should he bound together by mutual affection ? Was it not true that, when the minister and his people Were not thus bound together, that all his ministry was ineffectual? It appeared to him that the Rev. Dr had confounded what was necessary to complete a nomination to a benefice with collation. Collation, as he understood it, was taking trial of the qualifications of a candidate and admitting him. Was it an interference with this right to say that a manifestation of the will of the congregation, required before a man could ask admission, was any interference with the right of admission ? Was not the fullest right of trial and examination into life, doctrine, and fitness, still reserved to the Presbytery ? The Church hail herself constituted many churches, with the fullest right even of election or nomination, and not merely a right of approving or disapproving— he meant chapels of ease; hut surely the Church did not interfere with the Presbytery's right of admission or collation to these churches. This was a right which, as far as he was aware, had never been denied by nay member of the Church of Scotland. The Church was now called on to declare definitely what shall be a ground of objection to a presentation, and to secure the people for ever against therepetition of practices which were now declared to be unconstitutional. And as the constitutional privileges of every member of the Church of Scotland had been recognised over and over again, and yet had been set aside and violated, unquestionably something more was now necessary than a mere declaration of the law which had been thus violated. It was true, that a spirit of change in some quarters liad been manifesting itself in hostility to the religious institutions of our country— institutions which must command the respect of all the truly pious. He allowed that, to a certain extent, such a spirit did exist; but was he, on this account, to shut his eyes to those abuses which did exist ill the Church ? He was, he might say, hereditarily attached to that Church— those who had been dear to him had been attached to her, and some of them had suffered considerably in her cause, yet he could not conceal from himself the fact, that the constitution of the Church had been violated in certain respects, and that the rights of the people had been lost sight of. It was incumbent on every member of that Church to use every effort in his power for the removal of every thing that might cast a blot on tbe purity of the Church— that might render her less efficient— that might estrange the hearts of tile people from her— that might tend to make her less deeply rooted in their affections— that might lay her open to the influences that ought never to be exercised over a Christian community. He would make no reserve of his profession ; that every man ought to use his best endeavours to effect lier purification by every legal means— and happily the Church had the means of purification within her. If her ministers would be true to themselves—( hear, hear, from both sides)— they could resist all attacks from' without The Church would become more firmly fixed in the hearts of the people— over whom she would exercise a Christian influence, and she would still be blessed to the latest generations, as an instrument of spreading the great truths of the gospel among a people who would sit under her shade, anil feel that she was training them up for heaven: ( The conclusion of - Dr Brown's eloquent address was followed by a burst of applause from the audience— wliich was, however, repressed by the Moderator.) Mr PAUI. L supported Dr Mearns' overture, and opposed that of Dr Brown. He concluded by moving that the Synod adopt the first overture, and reject the second. Mr MURRAY supported Dr Brown's overture, and entered into an exposition of the evils of the present mode of settling ministers. He moved that the Synod reject the first overture and adopt the second. Mr BISSET of Bourtis, referred to the agitation which had taken place on this subject, and stated that the anti- patronage petitions sent to Parliament were got up by the most unfair means. Some had been signed by children of seven years of age. A most respectable schoolmaster in this place had told him that his boys had signed one under six or seven different names. What would tbe signatures at these petitions have amounted to but for dissenters aud schoolboys, and had not the people been deceived by clergymen of the Church of Scotland ? Mr SMITH called Mr Bisset to order. Mr PAULL defended Mr Bisset. Dr BROWN said it was of no consequence, and the best way would be to let Mr Bisset go on. ( A laugh.) Mr A. L. GORDON agreed, and said that what Mr Bisset had stated would be seen in its true light both in the Synod and out of doors. Mr BISSET concluded by earnestly recommending t i e adoption of Dr Mearns' overture. Dr FORBES argued on the same side. Mr FOOTE seconded Mr Murray's motion, and re Mr ROBERTSON or Ellon spoke in favour of Mr Paull's motion, after which the Synod divided, and Mr Paull's motion was carried by a majority of 41 to 9. An application from Mr Leslie of Fintray for forming the Presbytery of Aberdeen into two divisions, was remitted to the General Assembly. The Synod then adjourned, it being six o'clock. THURSDAY', APRIL 10. The Synod met at ten o'clock in the Synod House, to consider an appeal from the judgment of the Presbytery of Aberdeen, on a petition against a settlement in the case of tlie presentation of P, lr Paul to be assistant and successor to the Rev. Dr Morison in the parish of Banchory Devenick. After li earing parties it was moved by Mr PAULL that this Synod, after mature deliberation, agree, in respect that some points in the appeal unconnected with the merits of the case, have been brought under discussion, which points the Synod wish to submit to the Supreme Court, the Synod unanimously resolved to refer the whole case simpliciter, to the next General Assembly. The motion was unanimously adopted. Mr MILNE and Mr ALCOCK took instruments and craved extracts. The business next taken up was an appeal made by the Rev. Mr Murray against the decision o f t h e Presbytery, in the case of an application respecting certain Catechisms alleged to have been circulated in the pa. risli of Banchory Devenick. After considerable discussion, in which Dr Brown, Mr Smith, and Mr A. L. Gordon, supported the appeal, and Mr Pirie, Dr Mearns, Mr Gibbon, and Mr Paull, opposed it, the Synod on the motion of Mr Paull, confirmed the decision of the Presbytery, not to take the question into consideration, until after the case of the presentation to the parish of Banchory Devenick should have been finally disposed of. Mr MURRAY then appealed to the General Assembly, and took instruments. Correspondents to the neighbouring Synods were then appointed, and the business closed. KELSO, April 11— Wheat, 30s. lo 34s,; ditto, fine, 35s. to 37s. 6d. Barley, 17?. to 18s.; ditto, fine, 18s. Potato Oats, 13s.; ditto, fme, 14s. Common Oats, 13s. per boll of six imperial bushels. WIGTON LADY F A I R — T h i s fair was held cm Saturday last, and owing in some measure to its being Carlisle market day, it was not so fully attended as usual. There was a good show of cattle, of most kinds, and they realized very good prices, decidedlyindicating an advance. The show of horses was but inferior, many were sold, though not by any means at high prices. Upon the whole it was considered a vary good fair. M1 A CURE FOR THE RHEUMATISM.— On Monday last a much respected middle- aged yeoman of Dufton, who during the last five years has been sorely afflicted with the rheumatism, so as to require the aid of walking sticks, made a wager of five pounds wiih some individuals of the same place, to walk three times from Dufton to Martonpark- tarn, and back again, within an hour, a distance of three miles and a furlong, without his walking sticks, which he accomplished in three quarters of an hour, a quarter within the given time. During the first mile his limping much resembled a hotse in a canter, but before lie had ended his task no appearance of lameness was perceptible, and since that time he has had no occasion for his usual supporters. I t is with pleasure we refer our readers to an advertisement in another column, detailing a remarkable cure lately performed by Mr Lignum's Antiscorbutic Drops, which have been very successful in eradicating all the forms of Scrofulous ancl Scorbutic Complaints. Such, indeed, is the high [ reputation they have deservedly attained in this neighbourhood at least, that no other medicine is scarce ever thought of for these complaints. T h e POETICAL WORKS o f t h e R e v . GEORGE CRABBE, w i t h h i s L E T T E R S a n d JOURNALS. We already expressed our opinion at some length on the poetical merits of Crabbe, and also of his life, written by his son, contained in the first volume. Two other volumes have now been published of his poetical works ; the first containing " The Library"— The Village"—" The Newspaper," & c. The third volume contains the first eighteen cantos of " The Borough." These volumes are distinguished by extreme neatness of typography, and by their embellishments, wbich are very tasteful, and finished in the first style of art. The frontispiece to the second volume contains a view of Beaconsfield, the seat of Mr Burke, and Slaughden, the gloomy village so strikingly described by Crabbe. The engraving is delicately executed, and exhibits a lively picture of a petty sea- port. The third volume is ornamented with a view of Parham Hall, the residence of the old English yeoman mentioned in Crabbe's life, of which the antique aspect is extremely striking; also with a view of Orford, and of the adjoining picturesque scenery. Besides these decorations, which add greatly to the beauty of these volumes, they are illustrated ' with judicious annotations by the editor, in which he evinces all that sagacity and good taste, by which the biographical sketch in the first volume is distinguished. This edition of Crabbe's poetry will form a pleasing addition to English literature. C T t e a t r i u - i i f f i j a ! . I S S B Y F E L D respectfully announces that, her B E N E F I T will take place on W E D - NESDA Y Evening, the 16th of April, when will be performed the Opera of T H E SPANISH LOVERS. Don Almanza, Mr BALLS— Scipio, Mr MURRAY, Rosa, ( with songs) Miss BYFELD. After which, A CONCERT of VOCAL and I N S T R U M E N T A L MUSIC. To conclude with, by particular desire, OLYMPIC DEVILS. Orpheus, Miss BYFEXD— Eurydice, Miss NEWTON. Tickets to be liad at the Box- Office, at the Music Shops, and of Miss Byfeld, at 18, Nelson Street. SALE OF PICTURES, DRAWINGS, AND PRINTS, BOOK- CASES, GUNS, & c. & c. MR C. B. T A l T begs to intimate, that the Sale of T O - M O R R OW ( TUESDAY) consists of a small but choice Collection of PICTURES, DRAWINGS, anil P R I N T S , by the ancient anil modern masters; also three very handsome and commodious BOOK- CASES, two first- rate GUNS, bv" EggandManton ( warranted), LIBRARY, MUSICAL CLOCK, & c. & c. & c. I I , Hanover Street, April 14, 1834. HE SALE of MUSIC, at ONE- SIXTH of tho marked price, that is a Piece or Song sold for a shilling, will be given for twopenee, in Mr ROB E R T S O N ' S Premises, No. 39, PRINCE'S STREET, having been found to interfere too much with the sale of the Piano- F'orfes there, as well as with the ordinarybusiness of the Establishment here, it will CLOSE on WEDNESDAY ; but the I N S T R U M E N T S will remain on Sale a very few days longer. The lowest ready money price will continue to bs asked, and from that no abatement will be made. 47, Prince's Street, Edinburgh, April 14, 1834. SALE GOING ON ' AT No. 88, P R I N C E ' S STREET. THE WHOLE STOCK DASHERY belonging to of HABERw .. the sequestrated estate of Mr William Milson, late from London, consisting of a large assortment of Merinoes, Furriery, Silk Cloaks, and Merino Shawls, In great variety, & c- & c. See. A great quantity of Silks in pieces and small lengths,' which are now selling uncommonly cheap, and every other article ill the Haberdashery line. The Subscriber begs to remind the public that th* whole Stock must be sold off immediately, and that aft such prices as can be obtained without any regard to what the articles cost. J O H N HAY. 14, St Andrew's Street, 9th April 1834. HOUSEHOLD F U R N I T U R E , PIANOFORTE, & c. To be SOLD by auction, on Wednesday tbe 16th and Thursday the 17th current, at No. 73, George Street, & N excellent assortment of Dining and Drawi . ing- room, Bed- room, and Kitchen Furniture, comprising Mahogany Sideboard, Chairs, Dining, Breakfast, and other Tables, Window Curtains, Carpets, Mirrors, Piano- Forte, Four- Post and Tent Bedsteads, with Curtains anil Bedding, Chests of Drawers, Grates, Fenders, and Irons, Eight- day Clock, China, Crystal, Stoneware, and Kitchen requisites. Sale to commence each day at 11 o'clock. E. D. & W. ROBERTSON. W h e a t . Barley. O a t s . P e a s e . Beans. .. r. Cs Od 31s 6: 1 21s Od 30s Od S9s Od .. 52s od 28s Od 20s Od S7s Oil 27s Od • 50s Od 2fis Od 10s Od 23s Od 20s Od H A D D I N G T O N C O R N M A R K E T . A P R I L 11. Wheat, best, 56s. Od ; current, 52s. to 50s. Barley best, 31s. 6d.; current, 28s. to 26s. Oats, best, 21s. fid. current, 20s. Oil. to 19s. Peas, 30s. to 26s. Beans 29s. to 26s. F i r s t , - - " Second,* T h i r d , - • • 338 quarters of wheat in market, whereof 310 quarters sold as under :— i n . L. 2 l( i 0 5 5 " " L. 2 12 0 6 - - L . 2 7 0 75 2 15 n 18 2 11 0 5 2 4 0 45 2 14 0 13 2 10 0 3 1 I) 0 62 2 13 0 0 2 11 0 Averages per imperial quarter. Wheat, . £ 2 12 9 6- 12ths. Barley, . . 1 8 3 6.12ths. Oats, . . 10 1 1 l- 12ths. Pease, . . 1 7 2 7- 12ths. Beans, 1 7 19 ll- 12ths. KIRKALDY, April 12 A very small supply of all kinds of grain, particularly barley and oats. Wheat sold at about last week's rates, and also barley, but oats are again 6d. per quarter dearer. No fine parcels of this grain in stock. Top. Current. Inferior. Wheat. Barley. Oats .. GLASGOW CATTLE 54s Oil 28s 6d I 00s Oil I MARKET, 50s Od 26s Gil 18s 6d April 46s Od 25s Od 00s 6d 10 There were about 400 black cattle in to- day's market, which met with a ready sale. Prices were a shade lower than last market day. Best ox beef 8s. 9 d . ; inferior sorts 8s. to 8s. 6d. Cow do. 7s. ( id. to 8s. There were about 600 sheep. Best black- faced wedders sold at from 28s. to 32s. All sold off at an early hour. EYEMOUTH, April 10.— At our market to- day we hail a short supply of grain excepting barley, of which there was a large supply. Wheat, 40s. 8tl. Barley, 21s. 4d. to 26s. 8d. Uats, 16s. 8d. Beans and pease, 25s. 4d. WAKEFIELD, April 11 We have a tolerable supply of wheat this week. The trade is far from brisk ; still upon a few parcels of fine fresh qualities, an advance of ls. per quarter is obtained. Barley maintains the rates of this day se'ennight, and the best descriptions of Yorkshire and Lincolnshire in request. Oats and shelling rather dearer. Beans in good demand, at an advance of ls. per quarter. Malt is ls. per load higher. No alteration in other articles. ( Per quarter of 8 bus. of 601b. per bus.) Wheat, Essex and Kent, red, 48s. to 50s White, 54s.! to 56s. Norfolk and Suffolk, red, 43s. to 43s.— White, 48s. to 54s. Boston and Wisbech, red, 40s. to 47s.— White, 47s. to 54s. Yorkshire, red, 40s. to 46s White, 47s. to 53s. Old, red, 36s. to 46s White, 44s. to 48s. Barley per quarter Imperial. Norfolk and Suffolk, 25s. to 27s— Fine, 29s. to 31s. Yorkshire anil Lincolnshire, 24s. to 26s.— Fine, 27s. to 29s. Grinding, 00s. to 00s Fine, 24s. to 25s. Beans, Old, 34s. to 35s Fine, 00s. to 38s. New, 33s. to 35s Fine, 35s. to 00s. Oats, Potato and Poland, 20s. to 21s— Fine, 36s. to 00s. Mealing, 9d. to lOd. per stone of 14Ibs. Shelling, per load of 261 lbs., Old, 23s. to 24s— New, 25s. to 00s. Malt, per load of 6 bushels, 35s. to 36s.— New, 38s. to 40s. DONCASTER APRIL FAIII This fair took place on Saturday the 5th inst., the market day— a circumstance which is attended with some degree of inconvenience, as the business connected with the respective occasions is calculated to clash together. The attendance was very numerous. The show of cattle early in the morning, in the Parsonage Yard, was very considerable ; and there appeared to be plenty of purchasers. The lean stock was slow of sale, and the small- sized beasts sold decidedly the best Beef, 6s., 6s. 6J., and SALE OF FARM STOCKING, EAST LOTHIAN. To be SOLD by public roup, at Monkrig, in the parish of Haddington, on Saturday the 26t! i April 1834, at eleven o'clock forenoon, THE WHOLE S T O C K I N G of W O RK HORSES, C A T T L E , and I M P L E M E N TS of HUSBANDRY on this Farm ; consisting of seven Work Horses, one two year old Colt, two Cows, st number of Swine and Pigs, six Fat Cattle, in excellent condition for the butcher, six smaller Cattle, most-' of them fit for killing, Ploughs, Harrows, Grubbers, Turnip Drill Barrow, Rollers, and other Implement* of Husbandry. The Horses are confidently recommended as excellent workers. Tbe principal part of them are young, and all arc of a hardy breed. The whole will be exposed in lots to accommodate, purchasers ; and credit for three months will be given oil good security, or sixpence per pound of discount for ready money. Haddington, 10th April, 1834. TO LET, Entry at Whitsunday first, A Y F I E L D HOUSE, of two stories and garret- rooms, with offices, grass enclosures, and garden, lying immediately to tho west of Kinross Manse ; a southern exposure, and a fine stream ia front. The coaches passing tliTough Kinross and its vicinity to and from Edinburgh, Glasgow, Perth, and tho cheapness of provisions, the healthiness of the climate, and Lochleven, the trouting streams, and interesting scenery in the neighbourhood, make Ilayfield a. very desirable residence. Rent moderate. Apply to Dr Buchanan, Kinross. 11 th April 1834. T O BE SOLD, ' THE P R O P E R T Y of M I D D L E F I E I . D , at Leith Walk Toll, consisting of the Dwellinghouse and Garden, possessed by Mr Marshall; tha Shop possessed by J . Simpson ; a variety of Houses entering from Moray Street; antl a large Yard and Counting- room. The ground is in a good situation; for Feuing ; or it is well fitted for a Coach Work, or a similar work requiring extensive accommodation. Apply to Messrs A. Tawse and J . Bonar, W. S., 15, York Place. RESIDENCE ON GALA WATER. T o L E T , FURNISHED, THE MANSION- HOUSE, O F F I C E S , and GARDEN of BURN HOUSE, as formerly occupied by the deceased proprietor, and lately by- Charles Gordon, Esquire, with liberty of Shooting and Coursing over the whole Estate, are to be LET, and entered to at Whitsunday. This resilience lies 21 miles from Edinburgh, on the great Carlisle road, where a variety of coaches travel daily. The house was built not many years ago, is in the modern style, and very comfortable and commodious. The garden is well walled and in full bearing. Further particulars may be learnt by applying to Messrs Cranstoun, Anderson, and Trotter, No. 50, Castle Street, Edinburgh; and the servant, William Forrest, at the Mansion- house, will show the premises. E L I G I B L E S M A L L P R O P E R TY IN THE V I C I N I T Y OF HA WICK, FOR SALE. To be SOLD by Public Roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffeehouse, on Wednesday the 2lst day of Slay next, at 2 o'clock afternoon, if not previously disposed of privately, THE LANDS of F L E X and B R O O M H I L L , in the- parish, and two mile3 distant from tha town of Hawick. These lands are beautifully situated near the river Slitrig, and are ornamented with a considerable quantity of fine old wood. • The house and offices are suitable for the property, the lease of which expires at. Whitsunday next. The lands hold of the Crown, and the public burdens are moderate. The'tenant will show the boundaries; and offers for private sale may be given in to the proprietor, at Borthwickbrae, by Hawick ; or to Messrs Tod and Romanes, W. S., Edinburgh, where the titles will be seen, and by whom offers will be received up to the day of sale. C A P I T A L F A R M I N F I F E S H I R E. To be LET, for suclinumber of years as may be agreed on, and entered to at Martinmas next 1834, r j ^ pHi . E' FUAARPMM „ off IKfIlNNNNIINNMMOf iUnNNTT , nconnnssiics tingof about 365 Scots acres, lying within three miles of Cupar, the county town, where there is a weekly com market, distant about six miles from the shipping 7s. per stone; wool'sheep, 7d. per pound'; clipped do. j ports of. St Andrews and Largo; at the former is fc 5 id., with heavy sale for tile latter. The show of | weekly corn market; and from t h e l a U e r a g r e i t deal horses was very numerous, in consequence partly of a large supply from Durham, which occasioned considerable transactions among the dealers. One dealer alone purchased upwards of forty horses. Superior nags were in demand at remarkably high prices, for there is an evident deficiency in the breed of good horses; those of an inferior quality were bad to dispose of, and if sales were submitted to, they were effected at low prices. In the pleasure fair, as it is termed, several the Churoli of Scotland wouW forthwith siftk wnd? r agai < st Dr Brown's overture. plied to some of the objections that had been urged j attention ; but there was an : of grain is shipped, so that very few farms are so conveniently situated for the disposal of produce, there being good roads to all these places. The whole of the lands are inclosed, and well kn ® ivn to be of a most excellent soil, either for tillage or pasture ; and as about two- thirds of tbe Farm have been in a regular rotation of pasture for many yearn past, there cannot be a more favourable entry for a tenant. itinerant bazaars were opened, which attracted some | Written offers iu money may be lodged with W al- at. i. e i. l. l. i. u.. i. l. , LU U-. i . m » -• c- i e mils au etvviiudcetnit inudi. s, pjious, iitiiounu tiuo 1. - t- e- r Co" o — k, , W-•. • S ., D— ru - m- moud Place, Edinburgh, till | j urchase the articles which were exposed to notice. I the end of n: xt May. L O N D O N . T H E TONNABE DUTY IN THE PORT OF LONDON. — On the lst of J u n e a very important reduction is, we understand, to take place in the tonnage dutv. A fhort time ago a deputation from theJ Thames Navigation Committee, consisting of Mr Hunter, the Chairman of the Committee, Mr Fisher, and Mr Bridges, accompanied by Mr Tyrrell, the Remembrancer; Mr Scott, the Chief Clerk in the Chamberlain's office; the four members for tbe City of London; Mr Young, M- P- for Shields; and Mr Wigram, from the shipowners, waited on Lord Althorp, Lord Auckland, and the Hon. C. P. Thomson, to confer with the Government on the tonnage duty in tbe port of London ; and it is calculated, from what transpired at that interview, that on the ( lay above mentioned that duty will be reduced from about L. 48,000 to L. 8000 per annum, the original debt being nearly all paid off, and the harbour and port of London service, under the management of the corporation, requiring no more than L. 8000 a year to defray the expenditure under that head of taxation— Times. Don Pedro's Government having received information that the revenue suffered considerably by the introduction of foreign wines into Oporto withcu. t payment of duty, the Finance Minister ( Carvalho)" wrote to the' Administrator- General of the Customs at that port on the subject, desiring him to take measures to prevent the alleged smuggling. The Administrator in his reply, dated March the 6tb, asserts that no such contraband trade exists ; but he reminds the Minister that, in virtue of a decree of the 3d of April 1833, still unrepealed, he is obliged to admit all foreign wines at a duty of 20 per cent, ad valorem. He also gives a return of the foreign wines imported into Oporto from April last until the end of February in the present year, exhibiting the different kinds of casks, viz. pipes, 586; half pipes, 72; quartolas, 96; bariels, 339; garrafas, 2C3G. It is curious to see among these importations, champagne and sherry Irom Hamburgh and London. M. Duchatel, the new Minister of Commerce, was one of the Commissioners appointed by the . French Government to examine, with Dr Bowring and Mr Villiers, the tariffs of the two nations, with a view to their liberal modification. He was formerlv the Secretary of the Commission of Winegrowers ; and wrote, in 1828, the celehrated Address to the Chambers, in which the principles of free trade are so emphatically and so eloquently advocated. He is an intimate friend of Dr Bowring, and we have reason to lelieve their sentiments are reciprocal and unanimous as to the necessity of giving to the commercial legislation of France and Sngland a large and extensive development. Compromised as M. Thiers was by his unfortunate Loi ile Douanes, which, whatever his intention may l a v e been, was deemed as hostile to the emancipation of trade, as it was friendly to the narrow interests of monopoly, M. Duchatei's connection with t h e Government is the surest pledge that important changes will take place under his auspices. M. Duchatel i s an able, enlightened, and laborious statesman, and he has'before him a long futurity of usefulness Ga'Agnani. The Berlin State Gazette of the 1st instant announces that a patent of Russian nobility had been conferred on Prince Paskewitsch of Warsaw. SINGULAR APPREHENSION OF A F U G I T I V E SHOPWAN On Sunday evening, policeman Collier, 94 N, observing a young man walking in the rain up and down the path before the Angel Inn, Islington, made inquiries, and having ascertained that he had paid four sovereigns for a place in the Liverpool mail, suspected all was not right. On taking him into custody, he attempted to throw something from his hand, but Collier seized it, and found eleven sovereigns. The prisoner, on being taken to the station- house, gave up the residence of his father, and Collier, on proceeding there, was informed that t h e prisoner had lived as shopman to Miss Heath, pawnbroker, of Powis Street, Woolwich. Collier went there, and found that the prisoner had been only a few months ill her service ; that a quantity of property having been missed, his boxes were searched, and a variety of watches, brooches, chains, Spectacles, & c. were discovered ; and that the foreman was sent with the prisoner to London, that seal ch might be made ill his father's house. The prisoner, however, escaped from tile Woolwich coach on the road to town. FORTUNATE RECOVERY OF A LARGE AMOUNT OF SOVEREIGNS.— On Saturday last, MrLaxton. an extensive ale- brewer and overseer of St Mary- lebonne, left a bag, containing 200 sovereigns, belonging to the parish, in a hackney- coach. He did not know the number, but he recollected the driver had only one eye. Immediate pursuit was commenced, and information given of the circumstance at Mary- le- bomie police office. No tidings were heard of the money until Sunday, when the coachman ( no doubt from pure honesty) look the bag, containing tlife mcney, to Somerset House, but there was no one to receive it at the office, it being . Sunday. On Monday, to the great satisfaction of Mr L. the whole amount was restored to him. INCREASE AND DECREASE IN THE PUBLIC OFFICES By a Parliamentary return of the increase and diminution in the year 1L! 33, in the number of persons employed, and in the salaries, emoluments, and allowances, in the public offices, it appears that in the Admiralty there has been an increase of four THE POLES.— Tieaty betvv. en the Emperors of Russia and Austria and King of Prussia: — GROWTH OF TOWN AND CITY INTERESTS. The following table and accompanying remarks, are " We Frederick Wrilliam, & c. in order to consoli- from a paper in the April number of Blackwood, on date still'better the intimate relations of friendship and the progress of social disorganization. Its object is good neighbourhood subsisting between us and their Majesties the F. mperor of Austria and Emperor of Russia, King of Poland, and for the common interest o f t h e three powers, to maintain tranquillity and legal order in the Polish provinces submitted to their sovereignty, we have rgreed with their Majesties in the following arrangements:— " Any person, in either the Prussian, Austrian, or Russian provinces, who shall be guilty of high treason, leze- majesty, or rebellion by arms, or has been an accessary in any plan against the safety ofthe throne or government, shall find in neither ofthe three countries protection or an asylum. These three Courts, on the contrary, pledge themselves to order the immediate extradition of each person, accused ofthe said crimes, if he be reclaimed by the Government, of which he is a subject. But it is to be understood, that these arrangements are not retrospective. " Agreeing with the Emperor of Austria and the Emperor of Russia. King of Poland, that these arrangements should be put forth for the information o f t h e public in the three countries, we do so, by these presents, enjoining on all the authorities, both civil and military, to see that they are executed in all their extent and tenor. " Dated 1st April 1834. " In testimony of which, we, tbe undersigned, give our signature and seal. " Done at Berlin, 15th March 1834. " F R E D E R I C K GU1LLAUME. " Baron de BRENN. " DE KAMPTZ. " MUHLEI ANCILLON." to show the increasing influence of town and city interests over those of the country, and to show the dangers to which the nation, as a whole, is thereby exposed :— A B O L I T I O N OF IMPRESSMENT. After all, the proposal about to be submitted by the Ministers seems to be the mcst feasable, though it may London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Manchester, Salford, Lancashire, West Riding, York, Warwickshire, Staffordshire, Nottinghamsh Chester, Durham, Lanarkshire, Stirlingshire, Renfiewshire, Norfolk, Dumbartonsh. Edinburghsh. Berwickshire, Haddington, 1801. 720,000 77,800 82,000 76,000 18,000 672,000 563,000 208,000 239,000 140,101' 191,000 160,000 116,000 50,000 78,000 273,000 20,000 122,000 30,620 29,900 1811. 930,000 110,000 107,000 91,000 24,000 828,000 655,000 228,000 295,000 162,000 227,000 177,000 191,000 58,000 92,000 291,0> 0 24,000 148,000 30,779 31,164 1821. 1,125,000 162,000 134,000 129,000 32,000 1,052,000 801,000 274,000 341,000 186,000 270,000 207,000 244,000 65,000 112,000 344,000 27,000 191,000 33,000 35,137 1831. ,475,000 203,000 164,000 187,000 50,000 1,336,000 976,000 336,000 410,000 225,000 334,000 253,000 316,000 72,000 133,000 390,000 33,000 219,000 34,000 36,135 From this interesting table, it appears that the population in the great cities of the empire has in general tripled, and that of manufacturing counties doubled since 1801, while the increase in the agricultural districts has in general not been more than 20 or 30 per cent. The result of the whole has been, that while in 1700 it was calculated by the statistical writers of the day that the urban was to the rural population as one to two nearly, it is now so far altered that the proportion is as two to one, there being in England not wholly obviate the necessity of retaining the power I a n d yp aigS yys, 000 families employed in agriculture, of impressment. The system of registration will be « . « ... LU tb .. . . - . />-<- . if f Kit? lr in(? nnm which at f. i ve ip e• ri son• s to a f/ amily, give. 3s .3.., K86 .5 ,000 in- conformable with the ancient usages of this kingdom, as may be gathered from the Black Book of the Admiralty. The- sea- coasts of England were divided into Vice- Admiralties, with power to hold sessions at will, where all the sea- faring men of the district were obliged to enrol their names and places of abode; and if such were not obedient to the Vice- Admiral's summons, the latter was empowered to use coercion. For the " register" to work well, it must be fair and impartial, enrolling as well masters and mates of ships, as seamen, watermen, lightermen, lumpers, shipwrights, caulkers, sail- makers, rope- makers, and other useful maritime artijans. If a restrictive law could be passed to prevent the possibility of the merchant sailor's wages reaching to more than a third of that of a King's man, both in war and peace, the known advantages of the latter in prize- money, victualling, medical treatment, labour, preferment, and pensions, might create abundance of volunteers from the " register." To such men a partial exemption from parish duties and taxes might be extended, and ihe benefit of such privilege might be exclusively given to those who had voluntarily enrolled themselves; and, as we formeily pointed out, men of good service and excellent characters ought to be provided for as lighthouse- keepers, Admiralty servants, and dock- yard attendants. The dirly and vicious rendezvous system should never be re- established ; nor can there be any substantial reason why, instead of the hole- and- corner system of smuggling seamen into the service, recruiting parties should not cruise in triumph through the streets, preceded by the Union Jack, and accompanied with flags, recording the principal victories. But none of these projects can possibly prove effectual, or obviate the necessity of appealing to force, unless the Parliament assume a kindlier tone towards the united service than that in which it has lately indulged. It is both absurd and wicked in our mob orators to rhapsodize on the abolition of impressment, while they begrudge a decent support to those who are employed, and, by a mean and dishonest parsimony, traitorously render the service of the public the most unthankless and unpopular of all services. Let the " collective wisdom," and the " gentlemen of the press," direct their inspirations to rail- roads, game laws, beer shops, turnpike trusts, and Irish agitations, till they render confusion worse confounded ; but let them beware how they throw the British navy as a tub to the blubbery whale.— United Service Journal. Depariment there has been a diminution of 2. in the M'ar- oftice 4, in the Army Medical Board 6, in the Paymaster- Geneial's- office 4, in the Commissariat ( Ireland) 1, ill the Ordnance 37, Chelsea Hospital 4, Royal Military College 1, Royal Military Asylum 16, Navy Pay- office 1, Navy and Victualling- yards abroad 5, Customs ( United Kingdom) 113, Stamps and Taxes 10, Audit office in Ireland 15, Tellers of the Exchequer 1, Barons of Exchequer ( Scotland) 1.— Total 221. The total amount of the increase of sa'aries in the various departments, £ 5650, 16s. 7d., Emoluments £ 405, 2s. 9d., retired allowances £ 16,602, 17s. 9( 1., expenses £ 5980, lis. 4d Grand total of increase £ 25,699, Its. 5d. The total amount of the diminution of the salaries in the various depaitments is £ 44,800, 19s. 9jd., emoluments £ 2136, 3s. 10} d., retired allowances £ 7736, 0s. 7d., expenses £ 55.927, 14s. Hd— Grand totsl of diminution £ 110,006, 17s. 4d. Account of the gross receipt of Customs Duty collected at each Custom House of ihe United Kingdom in the year ending 5th January 1830 : £ 10,221,093 3,308,347 1,182,936 740,868 669,499 444,411 431,689 373,733 259,899 248,693 191,286 140,144 116,033 96,377 London Liverpool Bristol Hull . Dublin . Leith Greenock N ew . abtle Belfast . Port Glasgow Cork - . Plymouth " Waterford Whitehaven Yarmouth Lyme Regis Limerick Southampton Londonderry Portsmouth Dover Dundee Exeter Lancaster Glasgow . Sunderland Rochester Gloucester Newry Aberdeen Poole , , Galway Sligo , , Ipswich Stockton Shoreham Truro Grangemouth . Chester Colchester Grimsby , Boston . Falmouth St Ives Maiden and Leigh Newhaven W eymouth Rye Ramsgate Wisbeach Barnstaple Faversham jJuiulalk . 91,201 88,745 85,707 82,536 74,369 74,115 69,396 68,017 67,653 58,889 58,830 58,363 58,113 57,334 55,202 52,407 55,033 48,400 46,150 43,854 38,430 28,105 25,072 25,037 24,820 23,877 23,043 21,657 20,405 19,507 19,429 16,763 16,553 14.126 14,105 13,979 12,963 12,416 12,378 Drogheda Fowey Penzance Montrose and Arbroath . Dartmouth Beaumaris . Berwick Harwich Bridge* ater . Newport Arundel Chichester Kirkaldy . Cardiff Milford Lyme Bideford Blackney and Clay Dumfries - . Borrrowstounness Cowes Woodbridge Padstow . „ Wexford , Swansea Scarborough Irving Whitby Wells Carlisle Llanelly , Coleraine Southwold Cardigan Bridlington , Chepstow Aldborough Inverness , Aberystwith . Deal Thurso . , Kirkwall . . Banff , Stranraer , , Minehead Baltimore Ilfracombe . Westport Lerwick , Campbeltown Storuoway Scilly . , £ 12,130 12,014 11,521 9,802 9,630 9,044 8,139 7,916 7,584 7,430 7,182 7.001 6) 885 6,364 6,350 6,272 5.925 5,792 5,676 5.476 5,354 5,308 5,074 4,891 5,739 4,533 4,432 3,770 3,509 3,386 3,315 3,173 2,947 2,301 2,327 2,173 2,102 2,072 1, » 13 1,732 1,368 1,512 1,333 1,114 9118 . 982 . 940 . 868 804 711 . 449 322 U N I V E R S I T Y OF CAMBRIDGE. Professor Sedgwick has addressed a letter to the Times in defence of the petitioners from the University of Cambridge, the discussion of whose petition engaged no less than three morning sittings in the House of Commons. After a consideration of the arguments of the protestors against the allegations of the petition, the learned Professor proceeds to notice the protest against its principles in the following able and conclusive manner :— " The declaration states, that ' in the event of tbe prayer of the petition being granted, it would be impossible to maintain in the several colleges any uniform system of sound religious instruction, or of wholesome discipline, or to prevent the introduction and diffusion of principles tending to the subversion of the Church established in these realms.' It is hardly necessary to state, that those who signed the petition entertained an opinion diametrically opposed to this. With which party the truth rests time alone can determine. In justification of our views, I may, however, affirm that Dissenters have repeatedly passed through their terms as under- graduates without creating any difficulties in the mode of administering discipline ' n the several colleges. With this discipline the petitioners expressly disclaim any intention of interfering. I wish also to remind the members of the Senate, that no under- graduate is compelled to attend a lecture delivered by any of the Professors of Theology, and that, to the best of my belief, no college lectures cn Divinity have ever, within the last thirty years, been delivered, which a Dissenter of any denomination would have scrupled to attend ; such lectures being studiously confined to a critical examination of various parts o f t h e New Testament, to discussions on the evidence of Christianity, and so on. In confirmation of this, I may point out, that Paley's Evidences, Butler's Analogy, and Doddridge's Evidences, have been for many years the subjects of College Divinity lectures, in addition to the Greek Text of the New Testament. The subjects of controversial theology ha\ e been carefully avoided, as entirely unfitted for the ordinary course of academic competition. The best proof of what I am now stating, and one least open to cavil, will be found in the printed papers of different college examinations, which have been in general circulation for more llian thirty years. " On the strength of these facts I venture to repeat, in the name of the petitioners, that the concession of their prayer would not, in any way whatsoever, interfere with the ordinary religious instruction of the University." In his own behalf the Professor then proceeds to1 disprove several assertions with respect to the manner of getting up, and the time selecttd for the prosecution and presentation of the petition, and then refers to the state of the University, and the groundlessness of the rears which had been expressed for the safety o f t he Established Church :— " I congratulate the members of the Senate who signed the petition to Parliament on the favourable hearing their prayer has met with, and on the sure grounds of hope that before many months are over their wishes will be accomplished. They have asked for nothing but what the present condition of the country imperiously demands, and what is at once compatible with the honour of the University and the safety of our ecclesiastical establishments. Under the contemplated change, none but well educated men, iu a good condition of life, can come among us from the dissenting body ; and from such men what cause have we of fear ? 1 repeat, that no change whatever is necessary in our general system of instruction ; I speak advisedly, and after several years' experience as assistant tutor and college examiner. Each college is master of its own peculiar rules of discipline, and the college endowments are, with very limited exceptions, secured to the members of the Established Church. " The spoliation of church property cannot begin at Cambridge. If such a calamity be in reserve for us ( which God forbid I) it will either commence suddenly in some brutal acts of democratic violence, fatal to all property, or be brought about gradually by the progressive alienation of those who, from their property and intelligence, have a natural weight in the councils of the State. Against the former kind of spoliation academic regulations offer no defence ; from the latter, we must be base ch urchmen, and no better than moral cowards, if we think we have aught to fear, provided only we be true to ourselves, and waste not foolishly our strength in defending untenable positions, and maintaining a system of exclusion opposed to the temper of the age in which we live, and the present tolerant spirit of English law. We affirm that Cambridge is a University in the proper sense of the word— a place of national education, not for the church merely, but for all the learned faculties, a great scientific body, and a lay corporation. Continue the restrictions, and the faculty of medicine, perhaps also that oflaw, will soon be lopped off from us; the University cannot bear this mutilation, and ought, by every honourable means, to avoid the risk of it. Of those who, as Professots, are employed in carrying on the scientific work of the University, three- fourths at the least are favourable to the prayer of the petition. A few men, very distinguished in literature anil science, are neutral; but, if I do not greatly deceive myself, their hearts are more with us than against us. Of those who occupy the places of highest dignity in the University, a large majority arc unfortunately against us; and among those who have signed thfc counter- declaration are many whose names it is impossible to read without sentiments of honour and respect. Both parties have done what they thought for the best; and they are acting during times of no ordi. nary excitement, and under very difficult and trying circumstances, when an honest man may surely hope to record his opinions, without calling forth a single bitter feeling in the breasts of those lyho differ from him," dividuals; while in manufactures and other employments there are no less than 1,572,000 families, or at the same rate 7,860,000 individuals. The individuals employed in agriculture, therefore, are, in England, to the urban population, as four millions to eight millions nearly, that is, as one to two, a proportion unparalleled in any State of similar dimensions in an cient or modern times, and fraught with a degree of danger to our political institutions, and very existence as a nation, of which we are far at present from appreciating the magnitude. According tothe latest statistical returns, the proportion in France is just the reverse, there being 21,000,000 of persons in that king, dom engaged in agriculture, and 10,000,000 in all other pursuits. This extraordinary proportion in the British empire is fraught with the most important in terferences. What Comes, inter alia, of the tendency of the human race to increase faster than food can be provided for them, and go on in a geometrical ratio, when, in England, old in years, teeming with wealth, and abounding in inhabitants, four millions of cultivators can feed eight millions of the other classes, while amidst the virgin soil and infant energy of America, the Ukraine and Poland, 19- 20ths of the population are engaged in agricultural pursuits. Nothing can be clearer, therefore, now that the result is beginning to manifest itself, than both the causes which led to a general desire for a change in the representation, and the dreadful aggravation of the existing dangers of our situation, which the Whigs occasioned by forcing through, with the whole force of the Executive, the reform bill. It was the vast in crease of towns during the last forty years which first influenced the measures of a conceding Government, threw the Whigs into the arms of the city democracies and produced the constant support, by popular writers, of urban interests, which so generally and fatally affected the acts of the Legislature. The adoption of these measures by Government speedily brought gene ral distress and suffering on the industrious; and more especially the country part of the community and the old hereditary feelings of English loyalty by degrees melted away in a numerous and estimable class, under the combined influence of free trade, free navigation, and a contracted currency. General dis. content at the existing state of the representation arose from this singular combination of circumstances, in both the great divisions of society ; in the towns because excessive prosperity had filled them with tbe lust of power; in the country, because excessive misery had rendered them desperate and solicitous for any change, Still the means of salvation existed, by a concession of reform to the higher classes in the great towns, the ferment might have been lessened; and by such allies the Conservative party in the country materially strengthened. The Tories missed it, from confounding reform in Parliament with increase of democratic power, and refusing to grant it even on principles which would have diminished that formidable force; but after they abandoned the helm, the Constitution remained, and by a cor dial union of the holders of property, the advance of revolution might even at the eleventh hour have been checked. But, in an evil ARSON.— At the Ely Assizes, on Monday, I- lenry Brigstock, aged 19, and Thomas Storey, aged 19, were indicted for setting fire to some corn stacks and buildings, the property of Thomas Vawser. Mr Vawser, the prosecutor, is a large farmer at March, in the Isle of Ely, and the prisoners were agricultural labourers in that parish. In November last the prisoner Brigstock was employed to dig up a large quantity of potatoes for the prosecutor, who, being dissatisfied with the manner in which he had performed his work, refused to pay him his whole wages, and was summoned by the prisoner before the Magistrates for his money. The Magistrates dismissed the case, upon which Brigstock said " Y'ou shall rue the day, for I'll have double the worth of it before the winter's over." About half- past three o'clock on the morning of Sunday, the 8th of December, the prosecutor was awoke by a very bright blaze in his bed- room, and instantly getting up, he found, that his corn stocks were on fire, and very soon the flames communicated to some buildings, and the whole were ultimately consumed. In order to connect the prisoners with the fire, it was proved that they were drinking with several other persons, at a beer- house in Maich, kept by one Ogden, till past midnight on the night of the fire, and that they left that and went to another beer- house, which they left in company of one Stapleton about half- past two. After walking about for nearly an hour Stapleton quitted the prisoners and went home. It also appeared that a few minutes after Storey had let himself into his house, his brother- in- law and sister were alarmed by the ringing of the parish bells for the fire. On the following morning Mrs Hartley, his sister, awoke him, and observing that his hands and face were unusually black, and that his cap was singed and had several pieces of burnt straw upon it, she told him she was afraid he knew too much of Mr Vawser's fire ; but he merely answered " Pooh, pooh— nonsense," and laughed. In searching the neighbourhood of the fire a broken shovel was found in a ditch, having some turf ashes in it, and this was proved to have belonged to Brigstock's father, with whom he lived ; and near a shed, which lay between the fire and his house, his footsteps were observed in a direction leading from the fire. Over a field and several gardens opposite to the premises of the prosecutor the footsteps of the prisoner Storey were traced, in a direction from the fire to his own home; and it appeared that he must have been running very fast, when he went across these fields and gardens, inasmuch as the strides were unusually long and the prints very deep. The prisoners were apprehended, and Storey then confessed that Brigstock had got some hot ashes, and set fire to the stacks ; but, that he persuaded him to desist, and that after the light was put to the stacks, he had done all in his power to put out the flatre. Brigstock, on the other hand, declared that Storey first proposed the firing of the stacks The prisoners were found guilty, and the learned Judge immediately proceeded to pass on the unhappy men the awful sentence of death, holding out no hope o f t h e least mitigation of that sentence. They heard the solemn and affecting address of the learned Chief Justice with the most extraordinary indifference, and indeed seemed to feel less than most of the auditory. L I M E R I C K ASSIZES— APRIL 5. hour, the Whigs succeeded to power, through the fatal divisions of the Tories, consequent on Catholic Emancipation ; and, in an instant, the Constitution was scattered to the winds. With a culpable rashness, an inconceivable recklessness, a blindness to the real state of the country, which has no parallel in history, they quadrupled by the £ 10 clause the forces of the towns, already too considerable, diminished by one half the forces of the country, already too small; gave 346 seats to English boroughs, and only 146 to English counties ; and installed the urban democracies in such unbridled sovereignty, as has utterly prostrated the respectable classes in cities, overwhelmed in its ultimate effects the rural interests, totally changed the character of the Legislature, and exposed the nation to a deluge of changes, of which no human prescience can foresee the termination. A most remarkable receding of the tide was witnessed at Selsea at the time of low water on Wednesday la- t. A large party of the inhabitants took advantage o f t h e ciicumstance, and proceeded to a distance of two miles and a half from the usual low water mark. They traversed over the spot where his Majesty's frigate Undaunted was lately embayed, which was at this time covered with about 18 inches of water only, They terminated their perambulation at the oyster beds, when some of the party brought away some extraordinary large fi* h. Several curiosities were also picked up which are highly prized, and will be preserved to commemorate litis singular occurrence.— Portsmouth Herald. At the Warwick Assizes, on Monday, an action was brought against Joseph Allday, proprietor of the Birmingham Argus, for a libel on Mr West, a dissenting minister in that town, imputing to him dishonourable conduct in some transactions, alleged to have taken place at a former period of his life. The defendant read a long written defence. The jury returned a verdict of guilty, and the Judge sentenced him to pay a fine of £ 60. The same individual was sentenced to pay a fine of £ 30, a few days previous, for a libel on another party. At the Chester Assizes, on Monday, William Nailor was found guilty of having shot at Mr James Wilkinson, of Staley, a manufacturer, with intent to murder him. The Judge passed sentence of death upon the prisoner, and assured him, that it would be carried into effect.— George Whitehurst and Thomas Birtles were found guilty, and sentenced to death, for having broken into the premises of John Shaw, near Congleton, and stealing watches and money to the amount of twenty pounds. The prisoners appeared quite unaffected, during the time the Judge was passing sentence upon them.-— James Walker, aged forty- seven, was indicted for killing Sarah Stubbs, at Macclesfield. From the evidence it appeared, that the deceased, who was only eleven years of age, was, in November, a piercer in Mr Thorpe's factory, at Macclesfield; the prisoner, a steward in the factory, called out to the girl twice to pierce her ends of silk, and, on her not answering him, he took a strap and struck her four times over the back part o f t h e head ; in a short time afterwards, the girl appeared very unwell; some tea was brought to her, and she drank it, but, in a few minutes afterwards, she threw it up and became much worse; the prisoner was told of her being ill, and he informed his master, Mr Thorpe, who ordered her to go home; she died in two days afterwards. The prisoner received an excellent character for humanity. The jury found the prisoner guilty, but recommended him to mercy. He was sentenced to be imprisoned two months. INDIA OR DACCA MUSLINS.— The division of labour was carried to a great extent in the manufacture of fine muslins; in spinning the very fine thread, more especially, a great degree of skill was attained. It was spun with the fingers on a lukwah or fine steel spindle, by young women, who could only work during the early part of the morning, while the ( lew was on the ground; for such was the extreme tenuity of the fibre, lhat it would not bear manipulation after the sun had risen. One mttee of cotton could thus be spun into a thread eighty cubits long, which was sold by the spinners at one rupee eight annas per sicca weight. The ruffooghurs, or darners, were also particularly skilfu'. They could remove an entire thread from a piece of muslin, and replace it by one of a finer texture. The cotton used for the finest thread was grown in the immediate neighbourhood of Dacca, more especially about Sunergong. Its fibre is too short, however, to admit of its being worked up by any except that most wonderful of all machines — the human hand. The art of making the verj" j fine muslin fabrics is now lost— and pity it is that [ it should be sp,— Mctrlin's British Colonies, A civil war on a small scale has been some months in progress in a part of the county of Limerick, arising out of a contention for the possession of a small and embarrassed property, which has terminated by the sentence of death being awarded against one of the rival leaders, a gentleman named Robert Cole Maxwell At these Assizes to- day, this individual was found guilty, under Lord Ellenborough's act, for firing with intent to kill. He hasbeen left for execution, without a hope of mercy having been held out by the Judge. The circumstances of this extraordinary affair are of a very novel character. The convict, Robert Cole Maxwell, and his prosecutor, Robert Lowe Holmes, were both relatives of a Major Samuel Maxwell, who died in May last, leaving a farm near Charleville, called Garxandirk, of which he had been lessee. Nowill appeared, and the Major's uncle, Robert Maxwell, Esq. of Charleville, came down on the lands for debts due to him by the deceased. Robert Cole Maxwell now appeared, and claimed the property, as nephew and heir- atlaw of the deceased. The uncle, however, refused to yield possession, and thus matters stood when Mr Robert Lowe Holmes came forward and stated, that he had a will made by the deceased, in which the property was devised to himself, and, on the strength of the document, he took forcible possession of the farm and dwelling- house. On that very night, possession was forcibly retaken by the followers of Robert Maxwell, senior, with th^ loss of one life, which a Coroner's Jury declared to be accidental death. Mr Maxwell, senior, however, finding that he could not legally retain possession, made a formal surrender of the property to Robert Lowe Holmes, as devisee under the alleged will. Holmes had not yet obtained actual possession of the place, when Robert Cole Maxwell, either distrusting the assertion of Holmes, as to the will, or resolved to enforce his claim as heir- at- law until it should be wholly nullified, anticipated Holmes by taking possession of the property, which he retained from the 12th to the 211th of July. He had even severed the growing crops. Holmes on the latter day collected a posse of followers, and marched to the scene of combat, Garrandirk. The engagement was a sharp one, but Holmes was the victor, and succeeded in carrying off the crops. On this occasion, as an indictment subsequently formed against Holmes alleged, Maxwell was fired at by one of Holmes's party. This occurred on the 29ih of July. On the 31st Maxwell and his party went armed to Holmes's residence, in order to retake the property of which the latter had possessed himself. It was in this last affray that the offence was committed for which Maxwell has received the sentence of death. It was stated in evidence that, in a kneeling posture, he took deliberate aim, and shot his rival and relative, Holmes, who was wounded, though not mortally. The J udge, in passing sentence, animadverted upon the conduct of Maxwell, who, his Lordship said, had been the cause of raising the country into a state very little short of rebellion, and of spilling the blood of one of his ill- fated followers. But ( continued his Lordship) you shall battle no mere ; your career is run ; the law has at last taken hold of you ; you shall no longer disgrace or injure this country ; you have been found guilty of a most foul deed, and you must suffer the penalty of death for it—( Here a cry was uttered, " O h God, who thought it would come to t h i s ! " ) His Lordship then put on the black cap, and in a very impressive manner pronounced sentence, directing that the prisoner should be executed on Wednesday the 16th instant. The unfortunate young gentleman heard this awful award with firmness, but on reaching the middle of the dock he became quite faint, and required the support of the jailor's assistants. There was a counter prosecution against Robert Lowe Holmes and his party, who were found guilty of riots on the 29th of July, but were acquitted o f t h e capital offence. Mr Holmes has been sentenced to nine months' imprisonment. After sentence of death was pronounced on . Mr Max. well, he became so sensibly affected, that immediate restoratives were found necessary to sustain him. On his way to the county prison, the guard by whom he K I L D A R E ASSIZES. Naas,. March 29. TRIAL OF PATRICK WATERS FOR THE MURDEROF CHRIS'IOPHER BROUGHILL, ON THE 9 T H OF JANUARY 1833. After the prisoner's agent bad challenged all that he was entitled to challenge, a highly respectable jury was sworn. There were 12 persons charged with this murder, but as they would not join in their challenges, and as the Crown was not prepared to prosecute the whole of them, the prisoner alone was tried; he was charged as a principal, being, with others, aiding and assisting in the murder. Pat. Broughill and Mary Broughill, brother and sister of the deceased, deposed to the same fact, namely, that on the 9th of January twelvemonth the deceased was in his own house, standing by the fire, between eight and nine o'clock at night, when the door was broken in and eight or nine persons entered, one of whom presented a gun at their brother, and shot him without a moment's notice ; did not know any of them. Lewis Fitzpatrick, an approver, examined.— Has been in jail since the 9th of March was twelve months. Was confined for demanding arms. Was a Whitefoot. Was sworn in about a month before Broughill was shot. Was one of the party who went to Brougliill's house. Broughill was an old school- fellow of his. A few nights before he was shot the Whitefeet had a meeting, eighteen or nineteen persons assembled, and their business was to draw lots to see who should shoot him. The lot fell on witness, but he refused to shoot him. Their reasons for shooting him was, because he was a Blackfoot, and had taken some ground which was held by a man of the name of Mealy. The party dispersed that night without shooting the man, but were all sworn by their captain to meet again in three nights, and draw lots again. They did meet, and the lot fell on a man named Grimes. They accordingly went to Broughill's house, and Grimes shot him. Was standing outside looking at the shot fired. Waters was one of the party ; he, with others, was posted outside as a sentinel. Cross- examined by Mr H. G. Curran— Could not tell where the money was got that purchased the handsome suit of clothes he had on. Gave the man no intimation that he was to be murdered, although he was his friend and schoolfellow. Was at six robberies of arms in the course of a month, before he was sent to jail. Did not rob for money, he used only to collect it for the captain. Did not see a man named Murray, nor a man named Keefe, the night that Broughill was shot; and was not in the house of the widow Bryan that night. Knows a Whitefoot named Cleary, who is also in j a i l ; told him last summer that he would inform ; is separated from him in the jail. Cleary was sworn to attend the second night of the meeting, but he did not. By the Court— What is meant by a Whitefoot ?— Why, to be a good fellow. Was Grimes, who shot the Oh, yes he was. What was tbe nature of tbe oath you took ?— We were sworn to take arms, to beat men out of land who would take i t ; to wade knee deep in Orangemen's blood. And what was meant by an Orangeman ?— A Protestant. Was the man who was murdered a Protestant ?— No, only a Blackfoot. What else were you sworn to ?— Not to keep a shilling whilst another wanted it, and to never divulge our secrets. What were the Blackfect ?— Could not rightly tell, only that they were paid bv the Government for going about and finding out tilings. Paid by the Government ?— Yes, that the Government let them go about kicking up disturbances. What age were you when you were sworn ?— Fifteen, my Lord. Were you sworn to rob?— No; but sworn not to rob, except fur arms. \ Yhat did you mean by collecting money ?— Just that we took it from any one that wished to give it. Joseph Cleary, an approver and accomplice, corroborated Fitzpatrick. He, too, was a young lad, of about twenty ; he acknowledged that he was at several robberies ot arms; that if the lot fell on him be would have shot Broughill, except that he was afraid of being known, and that the reason Fitzpatrick would not shoot him was, that he was afraid of being known. Daniel Acheson, the turnkey of Naas jail, deposed that when the prisoner, with others, was brought to tlie jail, he heard a conversation amongst them ; one of them said it was Fitzpatrick who was identifying; that although the lot fell on him he would not shoot the man. Mr Corbally submitted that there was nothing to go to the jury but the unsupported testimony of two approvers. Several persons were called for the defence, to prove an alibi. The jury found thc prisoner guilty, but recommended him to mercy. His Lordship said he would forward their recommendation to the Lord Lieutenant, but was sorry that he himself did not feel bound to second it. He was sentenced to be hanged on the 7th April. man, a good fellow ?— EXTRAORDINARY DEATH OF A R o i i B E i i . — Mr Goodshaw's flour mills at Leixlip were attacked on Friday night by four or five men, who belong to a daring gang of lobbers which has long infested that neighbourhood. By the merest chance, the mill wheel was set goin< r, and caught three of them within its shafts. One of the men was killed upon the spot, and another so much hurt that he was unable to get off wiih the others, who effected their escape, and was left in ihe hands of the workmen belonging to the place, who were awakened by the noise made by the wheel. In consequence of information obtained from ihis man, the remainder of the party have been arrested. — Dublin paper. OBSERVATIONS ON NEW ZEALAND L i e u t e n a nt M'Donnell, R. N. who resided four years in that country, says, that the Government of New Zealand approaches nearest to the feudal svstem. Landed, and even personal property, is held by hereditary tenure, which it would be imprudent to disturb. He deprecates in no measured terms the cruelties perpetrated by the English on the unoffending inhabitants, whom he characterises as naturally of a bold and daring character, and peaceably disposed to the whites. An instance of great bravery is related. A chief had been surprised and taken prisoner, with his wife and family, and part of his tribe. He begged hard to take leave of his wife and children before he was put to death. After some debate, his request was granted: the meeting was tender and (. fleeting in the extreme. He knew that he must die ; but the idea that his wife and children would become slaves appeared to absorb his every faculty, and wring his very soul. His fate was sealed, and escape utterly impossible : he embraced his wife antl children for the last time— stabbed her and them almost, in a moment— then smiled in derision on his enemies, as he exultingly told them, " My wife and my children are free ! " Mratagcm and cunning, however, are the weapons chiefly used in their wars with each other. The author in glowing language lauds NAVIGATION OF THE BLACK SEA The Empe-' rat of Russia, wishing to encourage the navigation of the Black Sea by merchant ships, by affording the means of making good sailors, has ordered the establishment for ten years of corporations of sailors on the cities of AleSchsky, in the gdvernment of Tauris, ani of Nicopolis, in the Government of Cathermoslaff— These corporations will enjoy an exemption from taxes and conscription, and are to be composed of citizens and freemen who may choose to enter them voluntarily, engaging to fulfil the obligations which their new state imposes on them. 11 will be their d uty, in order to acquire practical knowledge, to serve in turn for five years on board the imperial fleet in the Black Sea, wheie they wi'l be employed in preference on board small ships and transports, the duties in which ate more analogous to those in the merchant service. At the expiration of these five years they will receive from; the proper authorities a certificate as able seamen, by mean'' of which they may obtain from the chief officer of all the ports in the empire passports for foreign countries, and these passports may be changed by all the consulates and legations of the empire. Those who have not yet served on board the fleet, and have obtained their certificate, may receive from the civil governors of their respective governments foreign passports gratis, for two years at the most. In case of disputes between the sailors and their commanders or among themselves, in a port of the empire, the Captain of the port shall immediately appoint a tribunal of arbitrators, composed of a quarantine officer, a deputy of the captains present, and a sailor to be chosen by and from among themselves ; the decision of these arbitrators must be put into immediate execution, unless an appeal be made to the governor- general. Captain Salaun, of the ship Melayo, lately arrived from Sumatra, has brought with him a living tapir, a very curious animal, which bad never yet been seen alive in Europe. The height of the tapir is 3J feet, its size that of a cow. It has the head and snout of the hog. Its upper lip is elongated like the elephant's trunk, but it is much shorter. It uses this trunk to take up its food. Its legs are thick and short, and resemble those of the eiephant. Its fore feet have each four toes with nails. The hind feet have only three. It has the back curved, and is without a tail. lis colour, from the shoulders to the haunches, is white, and the rest of the body, that is the fore part and the hinder part, black, except the ears, which are tipped with white. Its hair is very short, and its eyes small, like those of a hog. Ill the day it sleeps and eats little; ill the night it is awike and continually eating. It is good- natured. It is not carnivorous, but feeds upon the bark and sprouts of trees, plants, and especially fruit that has fallen from trees.— Parit Paper. THE EYES— Many naturally good eyes have been permanently weakened by the apparently innocent custom of wearing a veil, the constant shifting of which affects the sight so prejudicially, in its ceaseless endeavours to adjust itself to the veil's vibrations, that I have known not a few young ladies, who have brought on great visual debility by this means alone. The ladies' bonnets now in fashion, from having such small fronts and being thrown so far back off the face, cannot but be injurious to the sight, and I have myself frequently remarked the effect produced on my own eyes, by wearing a hat with a narrower brim than usual. Rubbing the eyes, on waking, is a destructive habit, which many people have contracted, and, tho. igh healthy persons, whose sight is moderately used through the day, may not be sensible of receiving any injury from this custom, yet those, whose occupations demand close application of their visual organs, for any continued space of time, will soon be convinced, by painful experience, of the truth of this remark Curtis on the Eyes. GRAPES.— A variety of causes have been assigned for that disease in forced grapes which produces a shrivelled appearance in the footstalks of the bunches, and also a want of size and colour in the berries; more especially in the Frontignans and Muscats. Some consider that it proceeds from the roots being too deep in tbe ground; others think that it is occasioned by the temperature of ihe earth in which the root grows ( when planted outside the house) being so much lower than that of atmosphere within; and some attribute the disease lo a want of air. Having observed that early forced grapes are in genera! free from this disease, and ibat it never occurs to grapes grown in the open air, and having found that some bunches immediately over a steam pipe were free from it., I have come to the conclusion thai the cause is stagnation of cold moist air, and the remedy ihe application of heat to such an extent ( even in summer when the weather is cloudy) as to admit every warm day of opening the windows sufficiently to occasion a free circulation of air, This plan has been practised with complete success— Gardener's Magazine. T H E VALUE WHICH LABOUR AND SKILL GIVE TO RAW MATERIALS— A pound of flax, which costs from a shilling to fifteen pence, converted into French lace, becomes worth more than five thousand times its original value. It has been calculated, that a farthing's worth of pig- iron, converted into the delicately worked steel chains, once so much prized, rose to 163,600 times its original value; the main and hairsprings of watches are made of steel, first drawn into wire; in the former description of spring, the workman gives to the material its wonderful elasticity by hammering it out upon was surrounded had frequently to halt, that he might ; the climate of New Zealand ; its soil is highly produc be refreshed with water, and the prisoner to whom he ! tive, and ils riveis and creeks was chained had to support him by exhortation as well as by personal assistance. He wept bitterly. On reaching the jail, both patties, the Holmeses and Maxwells, who prosecuted each other, were locked in the same ward, in the condemned call, at the end of which Mr Maxwell, as is customary, was put into solitary confinement. Both parties wept bitterly at their fate, and each, the opposite as well as his own, seemed greatly affected at the awful sentence Mr Maxwell received. His prosecutor and opponent in the fray, Mr Holmes, entered Mr Maxwell's cell, but immediately rushed out, both patties being completely overcome, and having burst into tears on recognising each other. They stand in ks swarm with many varieties of excellent fish. Of the phormium, or New Zealand flax, lately introduced as an article of trade into this country, Lieutenant M'Donnell says that the plant grows in wild luxuriance throughout the three islands of New Zealand. It is indigenous to thc country, and perennial, the leaves averaging from six to ten feet in length ; the plant throws an abundance of seed. With attention to the cutting of the flax in an anvil; it is then ground, hardened, coiled, and tempered. The manufacture of the latter article has frequently been selected as an illustration o f t h e extent to which the value of a material of small intrinsic worth may be raised, by the application of industry and ingenuity. A pound of crude iron costs one halfpenny; it is converted into steel; that steel is made intowatchsprings, every one of which is sold for half- a- guinei, and weighs only the tenth of a grain, after deducting for waste ; there are in the pound weight seven hundred grains ; it therefore affords steel for seventy thousand watch- springs, the value of which, at half- a- guinea each, is thirty- five thousand guineas. There is value of another kind, given by genius and skill to rude materials, which it is pleasant to analyze; that, for example, which Shakspeare gavp to the wild tradition of Macbeth meeting the weird sisters on the moor of Forres, and to the story of King Lear found in the English chronicles. Instances of value increased in this way, are innumerable in English literature. A beautiful fragment of Dante forms the embryo of Leigh Hunt's Story of Rimini; the raw material of Parisina is yet more scanty. Very many of the scenes and characters of Sir Walter Scott, and all that are most striking, have been first found rudely blocked out, or indicated in nature and tradition, or in the writings of an earlier age. Many remarkable examples of this adaptation of labour and skill will occur to the reader. . Johnstone's Magazine. DEFENCE AGAINST INUNDATIONS In the autuinn of 1829 Galashiels had its share in the terrors of the floods so destructive at the same period in Morayshire. A large new Factory was in peril: and a multitude of hands were employed in collecting and piling up stones as a barrier against the inroads of the water. But, at every interval of a few minutes, large masses of the bank were falling down ; and the strong pile, losing its foundation, was but as chaff to the torrent— when a spectator of this toil and dismay suggested an expedient that was then, as it has since frequently the proper season, and common care paid to its culii- 1been, successful, viz. that of cutting down trees, makvation, he feels convinced of its superiority over that m g tnem tast by the trunk wiih long ropes and stakes, of Russ: a and Mani l l a ; it possesses' - al• l • th• e' - flexibility and tumbling them with all their branches into the of the former, and is free from the wiry biittleness of the latter. Thousands of tons of this valuable article the relationship of first and second cousins, and all: of commerce may be shipped annually from New Zea- . i ^ land to the mother country ; indeed, the whole of Europe might be supplied with ease from the same quarter Literary Gazette. NEW FORM OF RAILS FOR RAILWAYS.— Mr Thomas Livesey, of the film of . Messrs Thomas Livesey and Co., proprietors of the Alkrington colliery, near Manchester, , b, as lately invented a new form of raTl^ which he has applied to a rail- road from the above colliery to the Rochdale Canal, for the conveyance of a valuable bed of coal, called ihe Oldham Black M ine, to the Manchester market. The road which has been laid down during the winter, has been in operation two months, and answers the highest expectations [ formed of it. This new form of rail is exceedingly ap- I plicable to all kinds of public railways, where firmness j and stability are of the utmost importance, no change in the present system of blocks anil sleepers being requisite for applying it to railways already or hereafter I to be laid down. The great advantages of this new rail are . the simplicity of its form, ( rendering it easy ! to manufacture.) its solidity and immovability when ( laid down, and tbe facility with which it may be i disjointed and taken to pieces for repairs or other pur- | poses. The difference, from the form of the rolled ridge or swelling on the side cf the rail fitting into the hollow or cavity of the chairs as now in general use, the patties implicated are similarly allied in the tie of kindred. Mr Holmes is a very fine young man, most fashionably dressed. lie has, since Mr Maxwell's conviction, evinced the deepest concern for lhat un- \ fortunate gentleman. Mr Maxwell, since his committal, has had two attacks of apoplexy, and, from what must naturally be the present state of his mind, the persons in whose charge he is feel the strongest apprehensions of consequences that may anticipate the fate to which he has been sentenced. It is still hoped that Sir Maxwell will not be executed, as the Grand Jury arid a number of the county Magistrates have memorialed the Lord Lieutenant in his favour. R E S P I T E OF. MR ROBERT MAXWELL. The feeling which has so universally been evinced in favour of a mitigation of Mr Maxwell's sentence, has, we are happy to say, been at once responded to by the Government. It has been generally known that the grand jury, and the long panel, memorialed the Executive in his favour, and their prayer lias been supported by the recommendation of the law officers of the crown. Under such influence, aided by all the mitigatory circumstances of the case, the merciful ex- I ercise of the royal, prerogative was very generally relied on. The arrival, therefore, of a reprieve on Sun- j c o n s i s t s o f a # s i n ; 8 { d e d r a i l of the form of ajoinet's day morning accorded with he expectation of the d o v e t a i l i i t t i n / i n t 0 a c h a i r rf t h e s a m e f o r m J t h e t o p j public, and diffused very great satisfaction through- j m r t o f t h e 0 " i n [ r o f t h e c h a i r bein* wide enough for flood. The sight was g i i i n l ; the scheme was novel; a hundred people might be emp'oyed ir. hauling along full- grown trees through the more quiescent waters to the main stream, being themselves half immersed in the element with which they were contending. The effect was immediate, and the progress of destruction was arrested. Spiuce and Scotch firs of four to six inches in diameter are thc most suitable. They are so arranged that the bushy part of one tree over, laps that of another, forming a sort of thatch, along which the water smoothly glides and presses it against the bank ; and thus the loose grave], instead of being harried away, is upheld by the force of the stream This expedient is now uniformly adopted as soon as any encroachment is threatened ; and by the employment of a few trees that may be worth sixpence a piece, and the labour of a few minutes, highly improved fields and cosily embankments have been saved from incalculable damage. In this country of mountain and flood circumstances must frequently, and, in many places, be similar to those now described; and this will be deemed an apology for the above notice New Statistical Account. r".""'',' "".'.' " * — j "" o"" part of the opening of the chair being wide enough for out the city Mr Maxwell was aware, through the : fhebottom pirtof the rail easily topass through, ir. akfng, medium of the newspapers which he read very closely ! w h Aether, a firm and solid body, and whid oUf'J it « h ten pgrrpematr pe xriearrtfi ovn sn rpmnaukrpinn gr ntro fchhf> a nlngten vh. nistm fna te « r, hairn » dh I• c a . t m. 0 1 . J ° g et as. under,-: or come. l. oo. se. i. n . w. o. r kin « g » , S H I P P I N G I N T E L L I G E N C E. Dolphin, Moiitz, at Leith from Stettin L E I T H . Arrived, April 12. Refcrm, Gray, from SiromneSs, goods. Cleared out, April 11. Dalmarnock, M'Farlane, for New York, goods and passengers— Lord Wellington, Nicholson, London, goods— Earl Gower, Cormack, Wick, do. was therefore partly prepared for the intimation which I without tearin brought to liini the joy of liie. However, from the i c 0 m p 0 s e d ' j sudden character of the attacks to which he has been ' subject since his imprisonment, the greatest caution was observed in conveying to him the intelligence. It was gradually broken to him, but his feelings were, notwithstanding, strongly affected. He expressed himself in terms of gratitude to Providence, and to those who had interested themselves in his unexpected , e(, m ( i s u p e r i n t e m l e d t l ) e f o r m a t i o n 0f t h e a b o v e misfortunes. His spirits and health have since very > oac); ( 0 w l j i c h f] e , , a s a d a p t c d t h i s n e v / r a i l . I t i s u k e . ] J ^ t o supersede those in present use.— LeedsMertury. to pieces the material of which i Iii other forms of rail, tiie key used to pre. ! vent the rail from ' rising forces it on one side of ihe i chair, leaving the other unsupported. The key us? d j in this form is a flat bar of iron or wood, which, while • it fastens the rail to both sides of the chair, binds it ! down to the bottom. This new form of rail is, we bei lieve, solely the invention of Mr Livesey, who has II Kill WATKH AT LKl l H. j Tuesday, ... 47- n, past o Morn., Kim. past BKven. Wednesday, 49m., past B Morr., 2- orn. past 7 Kveti. ' ' i hursday, ... t), n. past M Morn., 52> n. past}} Kven. perceptibly improved.— Lijnerick Star, Printed and published by D A V I D RAMSAY ar. d SON for the Trustees of George Ramsay, at No. l'JO Hitfh Street, every Mcmdav, Thursday and SatuTday. Price per annum, £ 4, 17s. sent by P o s t . 1 3 s . deHvrred in town.— i' 4, l i s . called tor.
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