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The Bristolian


Printer / Publisher: James Ackland 
Volume Number: IV    Issue Number: III
No Pages: 4
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The Bristolian
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The Bristolian

Date of Article: 16/10/1830
Printer / Publisher: James Ackland 
Address: Bristolian Office, Bristolian Court, Bridewell Lane
Volume Number: IV    Issue Number: III
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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£ UT? 3 » tit i<'. TO*! ^ AiSSfi MEMOIRS and CfrnnfcSiPnyDENCFj of j.- rim's ACL AM). Proprietor and Editor— written by Himself. I LIKE BfOXGSrr IN ALL PLACES:— Judge Bavley. Printed and Published by JAMES \<: LAND fSof. it PBOMIKTOR AN D EOITOK) at ihe ERISTOLIAN OPIMCF, Kristolian . Court, Bridewell Lane* GATIA^ HJ.- IJITGWRJ.' ITINIJ.- T^ WITBUB— BBW VoL. IV— No III. S AT U R D A Y j' O C T O P> EI {' IG, 1S30 [ PCrce Hrf » i shall have the honor, In a few day*, of originating a BRISTOL POLITICAL UNION, on the model of that of R I R M I X G hi A M, and I hereby cordially invite ail HONKS!' REFORMERS who. drsire, . to co- operate with me lo snch end, to ( i » r"* « r I trie their nanus immediately. The object of the Political Unions now in course of formation throughout the County, is, ihe Reform of all abuses in Church and State— the cons, qjient a. oielior, a* ion of the People, and restoration of the British Constitution to its , oiigina! puiity. .1 \ M F, S AC LAND. Max.— A poor Irish Woman has applied to me for my assistance, ill recovering her stolen child, by giv- ing publicity to the circ umstanres attending her most distressing case. Her name is Alary Callaghan ; she is the » ife of John Callaghan, and states their resi- dence to be at No. I, Greville- Street. The child iu question is a fine boy, with blun eyes, anil about si* weeks old. The mother had it in her arms in Queen Square, between Eight and Nine o'clock on the night of this day week. Nancy, the wife of Dennis Lyues, ( lately lodging at a house in Marsh- street, kept by a person named Jenkins,) was with her. This woman was in the last month of pregnancy with hsr first ohild. The mother of the little boy gave it into the arms cf this Nancy Lynes for a moment, and having stooped to arrange some part of her dress, when she raised herself, found that neither ihe child' nor the woman were m sight; nor has she seeu the infant since. The Chilift § tea1er and her husband lefttheir lodgings that night, shirlly prior to the r. irrnmstatiee above narrated ; and it appi- ars, that the woman had is the course of the dm, told another lodger in the house • where she and her htwhand resided, thru if ^ he had a child, she could make a mint ot moifey with it iu \ Y-: iVs, by begging. I trust this notice may lead to a knowledge of th0 route taken by the heartless wretch, and. he inslu mental to the restoration of the poor iufaut to its be reaved pareuts. The parties applied to me 011 Wednesday, ( after my publication bad gone to press) and T recommended them to proceed to Mr. Mills of the " Gazette,'' in order to ob; ain his humane interference, by the be- stowal of publicity on the case, in his paper of that evening. 1 am however, informed, that such assis. tancc was refused, because the parents of the stolen child cuu'd not pay for the article as an advertisement; I hope this statement is incorrect ; if not, it were ele sirable that ihe Editor's next babe might be purloiued by cadgers, were it but to give him the fel'ow- feel- iug for a parent under similar circumstances, J. A. To the COLLECTOR.^ of Subscriptions tor opposing the return of James Evan Baillie, Esq. as member for this City— 011 the ground 1 of Treating and Bribery. Gentlemen, Pursuant to my firmer notice, you are re. quested to close and delivtr 10 the Cashier of the Ci'y Bank, this day, your several books, with the balances you may respectively hold. Do net imagine, that because yoa hear less about the proceedings in this matter, that the friends of Purity of Election are one whit the less sanguine than they were, or that Mr. BaiJiie has a chance of retaining his seat vvi hout a constitutionally vigorous opposition. Yours truly, JAMES ACLAND. T H £ PETITION TO THE KING, FOR VOTE BY HALLO T, ~ Lies at the following places for Signatures— Bristolian Printing Office, Bridewell Lane, Gallery of Arts, opoosite the Dravs bridge, No. 18, Lower Maudlin Lane, No. 99, Temple- Street, No. 17, Uedcliff Hill, No. 93 Old Market- Street, No. 21, Limekiln Lane. No 9, West- Street, Mr. Challacombe's, Lawrence Mill. Bristolians, If you desire Cheap Bread— Cheap Justice; — Cheap Government— and Real Repre- sentation, SIGN this Petition. If you would have \ ourSovereign informed of the lamentable distress of the People, and the real State of the Country, in the honest language of truth, SIG N this Petition. mm LiRiSTOLiAN II yGa £;£ 3jIC zn effectual reform, SIGN You are about to apply to Parliament for j I beg to recal your attention to the recen( shis Petition. further powers. You contemplate the ex. j r„ bbery of Mr. Jlalsall's . premises, . of.* large would have a Bloody Revolution, penditure of Forty or Fifty Lhuusund Pounds,' number of watches, of considerable value. The If you ' DO NOT SIGN this Petition. TARSOSKF ? f you would preserve any proportion of » t our present income, SIGN this Petition. If you would relinquish your Government % patronage, and risk all your Clerical perqui- site ® , DO NOT SIGN this Petition. LAWYERS! If you would retain any one of your pro 5 te « si « » Bil privilege*? SIGN this Petition If iyoli areambitioes of an elevation to the i • ianp. fasts, DO- m& T SIGN this Petition. COR RORATORS! If you would continue to he worshipful, • £ 1GN this Petition, If - yam would sec your Council House and - yovr Mansiwn House in flames, DO NOJ SIGN this Petition. • E4! — 6' iR3Nthis Petition. Rs wlhtso » * « !— DO WOT SIGN this :- ffetiuan. JAMES ACLAND. Subscriptions towards tke. esxptncis. £ a. o t ^ ueen'Squave, A. J. C. .............. .1 , 3 Friend in w •• ................... _ . . — Pauper ................. j, 0 lo "^ JStXe « . ftO. » (|. l! » 00 » C » « O.' O O• « « O 0.0 ' M l ! Ifsr MaadHa Lane ...... Bffiff^ fi ® . I, ......... on Building Speculations. You expect that the Poor- rate. Payers will stand " Tom Fool" for your amusement and aggrandisement. We shall see. Youi'a vigilantly, JAMES ACLAND. manner in which this burglary was effected dis- played much ingemii. y, and noless promptitude. The detection of the offender, was, therefore, of especial importance— for one who- was a stranger to the premises of Mr. llalsali,. and who could so admirably exfroc! his- propcrty, might, some morning, intrude upon my breakfast table, Mem.— in ine Mercury ot this Ween, land extract the sugar from my ( hut dish of Box. & rist£> iian. Office. . 0 0 1 o I 0 0 O 1 . C I . 0 0 . 0 2 2 € < 0 0 1 J'O 6 theie appears a Letter signed fjilo, and ad- dressed to I hemanintheuioon— one of Mr, Wellington Gulch's (.' tuny- a- line. Lunarians. In the said Crilo's letter there appears the following paragraph: — " Equally unfortunate in alt your criticism*, you say, * Air. Acluinl uus the ouly speaker sagacious etwuyh to discover, that " forlitude ' twas an incorrect expression.' He was sagacious enough to admit, ufier- uurds, that it not a correct expression." Now, vx iih all my sagacity, I cannot com prc. hend the motive for this glaring falsehood — this wilful lie— this outrageous foolleiy, in attempting to dub me an ass, in order to conceal the ignorance of othets. I hope 1 am correct in toy,.. present expressions; i am sute I am honest in oy denunciation of * o grc ss a perversion ef fact. J. A. JdEMs. IN REPLY. ' Ihe ChanibcrUm'i Saiary was raised iu 1801, from J. 2M Uo J. 5U0 p<> annum. As It his Jecs, furquisius, . fyc. 1 am not svffunutly injiiimeri. The erection of our Exchange was completed wt the 21if of & tptimber, 4743— the, first stunt haiwg Iktii laid on the hfSth of 1741. JSht iG* jmeiM/ i, Lu pt'ty GtJi\ rtn. t, ma Gum dissm • dfahciCowpMation of the Pour. CPKTiElitll, 3c atre yerj desirable-, that you should be Souchong, withoutoy observation. See ihe, mischief of your gw> y? neglect. Mr. Hal sail is compelled. to write a let er, and lo p. o- cure its publication in a Bristol New- paper, in order loconiradict s rumour, which, if I correctly understand bim. threw upon him ibe suspicion of havirg committed a 4) Ufglary on himself. Now, if you had' hung the tlnuf— or if you had only appit tended a supposed thief, n » : H) « - would have had the curioM'y to enquue " who is ibe ihiel ?" - You can have no - idea ( if the many culling things that have been said to the fortu- nate wai « htnaker. Rfad his own le,!< er. ,' rli - ie realiy yflt- ciing. Indeed the suspicion seems to have impaired his reasoning powers, for. I never heard of such illogical argument, as that by which poor Mr.' Halsal! attempts to rttmove the unreasonable - suspicion your uraccountable neglect ol eiuty has engendered. ' I did Commit the robbery,'" sajs he; ( and ihen comes ihe prool ) " bt- cause il i » my intention to pay iny creditors ' 203. in the pour. d if they will give me tiinel " • This method of - reasoning one's character beyond reach of suspicion, is by n<> means 1 u . their Itie AiAk* ist K. llhs, - original. J remember ibat when the notorious arid , their VIGILANCES ihe PlilV'. A 1 ES, Abraham Hawkins was had up at. Bow- Street j PuliceOffice, for picking agentleman's | K> cketof a - blue silk handkerchief— be asked ( he complain- of the Bristol Police. • Sir-, I " iveyou credit for ihegetieiaHy prompt ex- ant if he did not himself return him his haivllter- *• < Cimt& » m of the Ei^ its « « n< J-' P » « tectors t> f ern » :• wi< ti « whidi y- « u,^ « eiw| t to obtain the chief, after having picked it up from ibe grourd. "^ ht'Wm^ e^ y- of the Inhabitants of this City, restitution of stohn ptoprrty, and the appre- fYes! " was the reply, but you would not As you disdain - susch office ® , I propose that hension of Moi:>. WUetr Jherefore, a criminal'. have done so if you had not seen the impossibility r Pavers should protect themselves escapes from juttrt*. twit) a u spectabh tiatiesman <> « pocketing it with impunity." The Magistrate 1 f « ws-< 5Wur « * perii » eitta! attempts at once on rotted with impuw. ty, I view such circum- laughed, and Hawkins was walked off to tha i'j0m. t fHssetsttd their cvedtiH^. s'ance wiii su-^ M^. tvmitd i^ iaiin). New Prison at Chrkenncll. THE BRISTOL! At* U I am told that Mr. Halsall Juspects the robbery to have been perpet. ated b- some of the Corps Dramatiqae at the Pantheon, and that it was only because deficient in the proof, that he contented him- elf with the effort to incarcerate two of that unfortunate body for the high crime of misdemeanor of amusing poor ipeopte al a low price ! Pray Gentlemen, mav I enquire if you ha- ve made duf search behind the scenery for the stray watches? Have \ ou unripped the cornpo rent pices of the r Theatrical wardiobe ' Have you ascertained, whether anv of those children of Thespis have drank haif a pinf of ale over their usual cuanti'y, or borrow ed in larger amounts than customary at the odd* - of two to one by way of intsscst ? Have you done this— or aryy of this— or any thing else ? - If not,. wt> ll may Mr. Halsali fume and fret, and write and advertise— and all lo no good purpose. - By ibe way—[ it may be we!) lhat 1 give you a hint— a gratuitous hiiit— tbii is, without view v loanv proportion *> f ti e reward you may recover from Mr. : H. en the successful issue of my sug- gestion. I remember recently to have read in tbe daily papeis, an arcour. t vf t'Kt tecov- ery ( I s'ios; diamond, ( logethei with a piece of iron} by the administration of a ilraatic purge Jo & - dog who had been Wt nightly in charge of the premises. Now miglit it not be as, well to resort to the said dtastic remedy in this case, with respect to all the dogs, pups, cats, and kittens appertaining to the premises i f Mr. Jlaisall, in the hopes that at least some of the lost watch, s may thus be recovered. You might, reasonably, i think, extend your drastic favors to- the. imiue- neighbourhood— for instance, as tar es Mr. Jackson's, where, 1 am told, there is both a cat and dog a* pa ients whereupon to experimentalise. Two queries here present themselves to my rtimd, and as 1 am perfectly disinterested in ibis matter. 1 shall give you the lull benefit of their commu- cnianon. 1. Is it not possible that to some one of the ejected articles, there might be attached in this case, as in that I have quoted, a piece of iron, in the shape of i master » key for opening curiously constructed locks, such as that of which Mr. Halsall spesks ? 2. Might it not have happened, that after a dog had swallowed the watches, he ran with the box in his mouth to Dighton street, and there dropped it ? Advising you to be imore diligent for the future, I subscribe myself, as I alyyais do. wfoen I writq any.^ aroes in full, JAM. ES ACLAND. P. S. Since- w*) ting this letter, I have re- ceived a communication informing rr. e, that the chronometer has been found in the stomach of . a ftm cock pheasant, shot by one of Lord de Clifford's Gamekeepers, in the neighbourhood of bhirehampton.' S< ould thei< e not be a sea ch warrant issued in this case b fore his Lotdship's pieserwes have been emptied by the daring poachers of that neighbourhood ? , AT A GENERAL M E E TIN G or THIS RATE PAYERS, OF St. MARY RKDCLIF/ F PARISH, duly convened at the: Hope and Anchor Inn, Rede! iff Hill, on Wednesday, the 18th of - October, 1830. • Mr, T. F. GIL BERT,- in the Chair. The • follvwHg Resolutions . mere unanimously agrttd tn"— Moved toyMr. R. Mercer, and seconded by fSr • Frost, That the Report of Mr. Taunton, appear, ing - to this Meeting peifectlv satisfactory, a Committee £> e immediately' formtd, to carry into full effect an application to the Court of King's P) ench. for relief from the Rate illfgaily imposed on the Inhabitants, and also, that a Sutscription be entered into, and i Monies collected to pav the costs therjeaf; astwell as those of a defence to be- made in the Eccle. siastical Court, against the payment of any such- Rate Moved by Mr. Cooksley, and seconded by- Mr Lloyd, ' That ihe following, Gentlemen fo- rm . the Committee, with power to add to tljrir n'imber. That a Protest be forthwith gven to the Churchwardens and Ve. st>\ against the col- lection of the Rate until by tiie decision of a Court of law, such i; ate shad nave been decided to be legal, and that our Attorney be requested to give the earliest possible notice' to the Mayor and Magistrates of this City, that the Rate imposed is disputed, in order that their Worships may not in ignorance of • hat fact authorise the issue of Warrants for execution against a. iy of the Parishioner* to enforce its payment Moved by Mr John Acraman, Jun. and seconded bv Mr Nines, , . - iTfcat notice be immediately given to the Chuna wardens, of the < bjectors intention to resist and quash the Rate & c and demand inspection ftf the Books Accounts.. ,4tc. Moved by Mr James Ac land, arid seconded by M" i. Carter, That all Monies collec ed for the purDO. se aforesaid, be placed in the Bank of Mesiri. ELTON & Co in the names of Christopher Geoige, Esq. and others and by w'hom all Payments thereout shall be managed, and that at least - I'-' OO be collected, to be at the dis- posal of the Committee of Management. Moved by Mr. R. Moore, and seconded by Mr Jeffries, I hat Mr. John 41 Haberfield, be appointed the Attorney, to conduct the Apphcaiion to the ( ouri of King's Bench, and such other legal proceedings as may Le necessary. ( Signed,) T. F. GiLBERl, Chairman. The Chairman having quitted the Chair, the thanks of the Meeting were given hirns for his impartial conduct therein, < « £>. Subscriptions will be. tAfmty4i& reetiifM' at Messrs EI/ 10JS! Sf. Co « > Bwik^ vr; by nuy of tilt Committee. MEM.— I am happi; to be enabled to state, that tl/ t. Subscriptions already amount to about £' i50. A bitter piU this for the Aristocruts af the Parish. Eh! Mr. Whish ? J. A. Mr. Koger Moore, Mr. Joseph Biain^ Mr. r. F Gilbert, Mr. J Acraman, Jun. Mr. John Frost, Mr. James Carter, Mr. James Nojes, Mr. T. Chatnbeilain, Mr. Robert Mercer, Mr. William Harris. Moved by Mr. Brain, and seconded by Mr. tooksley, MBM— In Wednesday's Paper I shgll make a ecM 0" the PariskiFtXtAiSoi**: James's. J. A. IP IHE EDITOR OF 1 HE BM1S. T0L1AS. Si. it, The warmth of my feelings as a free born, b'lt degraded Englishman musi be my apology for again iroub ing ynii; l> ut the wrongs so heavily pressing upon' all o) us, wmlst tuey cause me to view with indignation the present state of our beloved country, likewise prompt me lo attempi to a\ v: ik•.•':. others to a due sense of the nianv ills under which jSsey labour, hat they may endeavour, by every sjaejns within their power, to cause iheir removal. iyg^ uld, witii the noble Byron, " Teach, if possible, the stones To rise againut earth's tyrants." The torch of liberty * bjch so jflpri ® irdy Franee, whose poweitu! beams have exianded theim- seives 10 Belgium— ihis t « r(, l » will foe rekindled w Britain. Alicadjt has its pieiciog burst tlirujifi IN N< KRHIHR<> U \ 4lnWlt- ruv s » t tfii- WWofts" c iiiiM; * • > ti : tMTy ' V wrt. CTH 1,11 '. hrc iVc of every true I'm i t p Mtjt'r of fir -. i . I . put - v( n' the'tr Uro'ti^' wit'- kflow s1 • r* < f re ift- m Oecl'Hra'ion'of yu'ur R ; Kvlres- ni votir A r it:'?, -< » ihi Chimp'on of the l> eii. ej,!] . J- n .... NEG FCI ilijs ias' oppbriuuity, , VI '. I outto J- krt p his I ob- aih V. ur '. HiilVs. assured, tt,* t e Kins. fwHed he shall see so many s ^ ua ufci if' ; ' ' 1 t"' Ito it . ritmu o,) wi'l not ' oe w>- nnii, Hi o < l<( iiy your rets n thle requ sts. I' must . lie. evj ley i a 1 > t t yp. u, ibarr I '. fiiiitjv ami Cuirupt'mu reigns" in die f > ep ' p to ' Lusunder ilifi-.^ tJns' N ® HN « » * rib HTKC • t.- fljyuet;, . ift." ,. , • W'>• W t -' A'ti'Hie irat)'; baHwAh • fOV' 0 0 ' UjVp'?'- ic, tjii i)>. u. i) ' M. iM — III the fitut place tch- n tt'tn'tn iubii pait/ h> t> writ) tiis in, fan, mtik} s hi,- .] t" he; nt >•*;>< » • w' » < vntnr\ » *• » smh siihs'ih/' i'iii.' - hniil l attest i' toi'V > i name ' mi I'n 11resi— H t'inii'itif'Y iiMifit il trJl » uV'l- 4v.'; in / hi ^ npvtt- •/ e'witi* a ( irr. ww kti « cunfft fcri'e />*• !!'!> » $, J « ; » '. V: » » « '.' 7 » r the cflict ' it \' iuht Constable flip - dots he P S. I Jiave A R'ltf Patter, the vciifl ; IJ> i--< all „ nd- V< I I i sbArtiv'Betproskd, by the very ii. divui irtl. il" bivbijpsel f referred ta In n f- rence t > til- sia'euii n about MeS rs. Slope, r and'ON H'ner,'- H « ( Vf < » • Iv l< « » t'V 1 hut the VfSsPPs freight " i'; b> m alnoun'eiHo £ 90 Is. IOth and hai we never ajipiied in ' Kpm fun one sixpence of Ihis sum. but allowed him I< » rtre've it, atjd ! at he lime he s H'es he pail £ 16 l: 3s* 5' l. out of his own- pmktt, he had ' the gl'ftiter part of this sum brlfixin* to as. in s. vassnsitir)— b it ii'ii that he u'il/ fOrwttrd me *<) J c'. meiii wi h ' the cash lie" received aiid dreiv at received in'vna'i'm from Gnverimien <) T l1Ve t ' i> llii! rv; » ; « v ti and dinni- Deeiiii" influence emends tlir n « li verv earl nt fh- Kin^' hAn— rtie" pn?> r are trea'en iHie b ihau Slav. s liy ihe majority of ilieir Ma. ir s, w. ii » • o> « r- burdeii*' fl by ' axation, aipl ball s a- veil to ' een ilenr opp'res's'ori— they are chn inua ly lao.. li'- d at, their sufTe- in^ s-" diSre^ ariled, themselves neipive'l. I'. i'- T' lishmen will not much lon^^ r Con eir uienisejves under this ilisgrjeeful state of vassa ai; e ; the People, ( the true and only source of power,) the almsed, . de- spised, and insulted ' Peop'e. will at length hurst ( heir tramniels-^- they will at. letigth 1nnl dAfiauce at their « ippressor.< js a'nd Britons shall be able once more, to Vcast, ( in truth,) that tjipy are free. Let the Aristo- crats of, this Country take warning; from what, has • aken j/ Tace in other countries; let them restofe to the Pe iple ihnse privileges, Whieh have been so unjustly taken from them, or they will, - when too la e, repent that, folly and mad less, w uch, whilst ens'avtnj others, drew destruction on their own heads People of TSristol, I one* more call on you to stej forward, the foremost iu the ranks of Freedom; U- wot, by your silent e » mphtmce, saocti. ui any louger the condition to whtcii you have been reduced, bui let your names attached to the. t'eiitiou, s'leiv llfS' you are really Britons, that you are really desirous again becoming Ireeiueu ; tlieu ^ hall the cry oi bdierty which has been raised here, reach from county to county, from city to city, from town to town, trum village to village— it shall sound from hill lo hill; and echo through the vales, until this l- le with her united cry'of Liberty shall shake the chains " ol degrading fdavery from off her shoulders, and stand forih as; aui . is the guardian ot Freedom, as the protector oi the Kights and Liberties of Mankind, as a happy and jContepted People, » I am Sir, Your's, & c. HAMPDEN. . Tp THE EOl l't) K or tu i BR. I a tOL, AN Temple Wurd, Oct. XAth, 1830 Sir, Having seen a letter in your Paper of Oct. 2nd, , resipefting the Waul i. f Temple wherein there is « t deal of erroneous sUlemi- tils, 1 beg leave to » 4y that I Iwye been 2iS years Night Constable of that Ward, and during that time, I assure roil, the Wa cb have nevt rbeen mure regularl) puul than during the 2 yiars Mr. Howe served m Chief C' nstobie, by weikly payments at his own counter, and I do not recollect but one instance when there was one week left unpaid tintil the beginning of the n? jrr. 1'. v your inserting ihe simple facts above stated!, ! iie Public will arrive at the truth, and yoti will aWige, Si- t, Yuur « > be, j| em Servant, Tne tnatk 1 in time for P iihlicatitin. nm next J. A o Tint EDITOR ot THE BRISTOLIAN. Dock- Yard, tlotwells, Oct. 14th, 1830 Sir, As it is nut our intention to enter into any lengthened statement, or indulge in any flights if fancy, but to state the plain facts of the caso, n answer to Robert Anderson's second letter, we shall pp ree l to state those facts as briefly as the nature < f them will allow, - lie wishes to excite the risibility of yourself, and your readers, at the idea * if his being indebted to us in the sum of oflOi. " Pis. 6d. but we consider it to be no laughing mailer— be cannct tefu e it, ami there- fore has recourse to evasion. !: i support of our claim we have evidence which cannot be con- tradicted and the truth of which a jury will shortly determine. With respect to the '£' 37. clainlttl by us, for money paid 6n his account!, it he had referred to the particulars of our demand which he has received, and had no wish to pervert the truth, be would have found the rem stand thus—" to money paid for you frf> m Bristol to Newport, and from Newport lo Roiien." We have never charged his account witn the whole of this money at Niut nrt. but tor the general voyage from Brisnd to Newjiort, and fr m Newport to Rouen. We indignantly repel the base assertion he has made, of our having sworn to this money being sent him at Newport, We have never, either directly or indirectly made such an averment. When he was about leaving Bristol for Newport and Rouen, he was asked by us if he had sufficient money to dis- burse the vessel, and he replied in the affirmative. New pew, he Wen lill. v F i m uith, aid there put us to much fuither espence. Two or three days af er the ciicumslanc" above allridd to, with Messrs. Si tper. and Gardner, the vessel being about to leave Bristol wt. ft a freight wh'i'h they had tirovidid fur'her, he applied to them for an advance on such fteight, but they retused to .( lo ' so unless « e would indorse a bill for the sum he wanted, being the sole owners of the vessel, resident in Bmtol. Anderson applied to us lo dt> so, and Mr. Banlett stated that he had already paid so much money on bis account, that he bad rather the vessel was sold, and have nothing more to do with him ; b it after Anderson had seen Mr, Williams, and by insinuation ( of which ' he is very capable) had misrepresented the facts fo him, he did sign the bill, winch in due courso was paid. Before ihis bill was signed, it wasour injentlon to have sold the vessel, and for this purpose the papers were handed ro a respec'able Merchant on - ihe Back, but fr . m the very plausible tale which Anderson tohl- Mr, Williams, ( and jvhtcb he had trumped up to suit bis ovyit purpose-) ve w re induced to alter our intentions, and the .£[&, 13s. 5d. was certainly paid out of his pocket, but itith the monltit rectivtd by him from Mtssrs. Sluper 4' Garth" fr, an our account. The sta'eiuent resptciing the 6s. ( ii. is a vile fabrieaiiitti, and too paltry to tii iit our attention. We humbly conceive that otir afiPience ha* nothing to do with the question a! i- sue, and ifce inference drawn respecting n, is no criterion by which ihe merits of this case are to be judged. We can only pity the man fr. im whom such ob- servations are found to proceed. We hate been put to great trouble and expence in collecting evidence to substantiate our case, which, at the suggestion of our 1 aal adviseis, has been laid before counsel, anil whatever proceedings he may advise to be adopted, whether criminal or other- wise, it is our intention to enforce, according to Previously to his leaving Bristol for Rouen, he received our instructions to go to our Broker,! the regular course of the law- Every statement Mr. Lovel Pllier, on ihe Gwvo, In thts Cry, j her(, n) iide we can prove by persons of respect- for all store and provisions he might want for the | abjlity am, character, which we shall legally do voyage, as he was ia man oi considerable expe- jwhe„ | he pr„ per season shall arrive, rience in matters of this sort, apd nobody knew , Wfi fee| ob] joed you for V0( ir impartjaJ better what an cles were necessary for this voyage I conihlc! in lhis transaction, and trust you will gne this insertion in your earliest pubiication. than himself. He- did not do so, but went to Newport, out of our sight, where we had no immediate controul over him, took in stores at an increased price, < tnd writes us in two days remittance, and this afier , : afterwards, for a 11- W, VVlLKlNSONi' stating that he had sufficient money to disburse We remain, Sir, Yours respeclfully, BARTLETT & WILLIAMS. tinted and Published by JAMF. S ACLAND, ( SOTB PSOPSIETOB * MD EDITBK) al the BK: STOUA!( OFFICE, Bristolian Court, Bridewell Lane.
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