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The Aberdeen Chronicle


Printer / Publisher: J. Booth, jun. 
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 833
No Pages: 4
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The Aberdeen Chronicle
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The Aberdeen Chronicle

Date of Article: 21/09/1822
Printer / Publisher: J. Booth, jun. 
Address: Chronicle Lane, Aberdeen
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 833
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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JYo. 833.] Printed for J. BOOTH, Jttiii Chronicle Lane. SATURDAY, 8EPTE3IBER 21, 1822: [ PKce DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. FJ^ IlE SUBSCRIBERS beg leave to intimate, that the is this day finally by Neil discharge Firm of NEIL SMITH & COMPANY DISSOLVED by mutual consent. All debts due by the'Company will be settled Smith, who is likewise authorised to receive and all debts due to them. NEIL SMITH. JAMES R. E1D. . TOHN MFSTOX, Witness. KIEL SMITH, jr. Witness. VIEW or ABERDEEN, BY GEO. SMITH, ARCHITECT. IN reference to the above, NEIL SMITH begs leave to inform, that tbe general assortment of Goods still on hand, along with several article" of machinery, two Cast Iron boilers, and twenty Pair Dyers' Shears, wilt be sold on very moderate terms.— and the D& TSALTEHY Businiss carried on as usual. A( above, JAMES REID begs JLleave to intimate to t ." friends of the Compat:'" that as Mr. Smith retires from that line of business, by It... he above stock is sold off, which will be in the j - hv. tl JUST PUBLISHED, BY SMITH & EL DEN, EENCHURCH STREET, LONDON, COLOURED VIEW OF ABERDEEN, from a Drawing by GEO. SMITH, taken at Tarry Farm, mea- suring bv 14 inches, and to be had only at the ARTIST'S. REPOSITO& T, Union. Street. Sept. 20, 1822. BOYS WANTED FOR THE HECKLE. WANTED, a number of Stout BOY'S, to work at the heckle. Apply to the Overseer of Hecklers, at these Works. BROADFORD Woitsts, 7 1822. $ TEAS, WINES, time, . he will have the pleasure ot « w » » - SiA . « U « ui, '* « h 4 complete ami new assortment of g A VESSEL IS expected here from Bourdeaux, the end of this month, wi'h a Cargo of WINES ami FRUITS. Apply to THOs. BANNEHMAN & Co. Aberdeen' Sej> t. IS. 1822. PUBLIC SALE OF HOPS, CASSIA, AND BARLEY. On Monday the 30th curt, there will be solo by public roup, at Mr. VACFA HI. A NF.' S WAREHOUSES, Frederick Street, ( on CONSIGNMENT.) I30CKETS ESSEX HOPS, in excellent JL condition— a quantity of CASSIA in bundles— and about two tons of superior PEARL BARLEY. To be put up in Lots to accommodate purchasers. Sale to begin at 11 o'clock forenoon. JAMES ROSS, AUCTIONEER. SALE BY AUCTION, OF BOOKS AND STATIONERY, In the Exchange Court Sale- Room, Union Street. On Thursday the 26th September cuit. at 6 o'clock in the evening, RFMIERE will commence selling by Auction, the X Whole Stock of BOOKS and STATIONERY, which belonging to Wm. Vilsli, Bookseller. The Books consist of a general assortment of Works in Divi. nity. History, Voyages, and Travels; Novels, Plays, Poetry, and a variety of Class Books. latest editions. The Stationery consists of Super Royal, Royal, Demy. Post, and other Writing Papers; Mathematical Instruments ; best PjUck Lead Pencils; Japan Ii; k ; Indian Rubber ; Swan and Goose Quills; Paper Hooks; Rocket Books; Ladies' Do. and Thread Cases, with Instruments; Work Boxes, and a variety of other articles ill the line. Catalogues will he ready fur delivery at the Sale- Room, on Tuesday the 24th inst. The Books. & e. may be seen on the forenoon of each day of Sale, from It to 2 o'clock ; and commissions from those who cannot attend during the sale, may be left, which will be punctually attended to. Exchange Court, Sept. IS, 1822. Aberdeen, Sept. 19, 1822. Aberdeen, Sept. 20, WILLIAM ALLARDYCFI CONTINUES to keep R Stock of die following TEAS, for the purpose of supplying families, winch will be found of excellent qualitv, vis. : — CONGOU, SOUCHONG, CAPER, PADRJE, HYSON, Sc. W. A. would at the same lime recommend his Stock of FOREIGN WINES, both in Ca » k and Bottles, as being worthy of attention. Some Hogsheads of very fine SHERRY, at present land- ing, direct from Cadiz. Union Street, Sr. pt. ) 8, 1822. MR. A*.,..' V, FOR SIX SUCCESSIVE NIGHTS, WHICH WILL TERMINATE THE I'ttlfSENT ViSir. flr& eatn iUoniil, ^ bntrrat. The Nobility, Gentry, and Public in general, are respectfully informed, that the above great Actor is engaged to perform Six of his most distinguished Characters, ( none of which will be repeated,) commencing Oil MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, when wi'l be acted the Tragedy of KING RICHARD III. Duke of Glostcr, ( afterwards King Richard III.) By ... Mr. KEAN. On TUESDAY 24. the Comedy of A NEW WAY TO PAY OLD DEBTS. Sir Giles Overreach, by Mr. KEAN. Oil WEDNESDAY, Sept 25, the Tragedy of KING LEAR. Tlie Part of Lear, by Mr. KEAN. Oil THURSDAY 2G, Colmfyi's interesting Play of THE IRON CHEST. The Part, of Sir Edward Mortimer, by Mr. KEAN. On FRIDAY 27, the celebrated Tragedy of MACBETH. The Part of Macbeth, by Mr. KEAN. And on SATURDAY 28, ( Being the last Night of Performance,) MR. KEAN'S BENEFIT TAKES PLACE; Oil which occasion he will sustain the Character of Othello. JfJ- Farces aud other Entertainments will be announced in the hand- bills. SAL E OF CLOTHIERY & HABERDASHERY GOODS, AT THE AGENCY OFFICE, UNION STUEET, ON TUESDAY the 2* tbtrurt. and following dave— consisting of Broad a.<\ i Narrow Cloths— line Pelisse Cloths— Bombazeens and Ooif& iEatf*— Satins and Subnets — . Prints and Muslins— Silk S'- > i .- iUalds. and Scarls--. Para- sols— Gloves— Stockiiiii'S - . -- i.'^ Os, SaU - to- be^ iu at lYtTcloek fen noon. MONEY REGISTER. WANTED, XT MAKTINM ASS FIRST, AGARDENER, who is also to have the principal charge of a small Farm. He must understand tho- roughly, common Gardening ill every department, as well as Green- house Plants. None need apply whose characters are not amply certified for Honesty. Diligence, and Sobiiety, as well as experience and abilities iu the above lines. Enquiries may be addressed to Charles Donaldson, Advo- cate, Adelphi, Aberdeen. ( Letters must be post- paid.) BY AUTHORITY OF TIIE COMMISSIONERS OF POLICE. "* T| THEREAS, repeated Complaints have been made TV ( o the Board of Police, on the danger arising to the Public, from many of the Houses, and other Buildings, in the tine of the Fool- pavements, having the Spouts or Pipes in a decayed condition; anil also several without any at all. The Commissioners hereby give notice, that if, after this Public In- timation, any Houses, or other Buildings, in the line ofthe Foot- print ments, are found without proper Conductors for the Water falling from the House Tops, the Owner or Owners of such House or Houses, will he prosecuted in terms of the Statute'; and proper Spouts or Pipes placed upon the Houses, at lite trans- pressor's erpence. By Appointment of the Board, JOHN CHALMERS, CLERK. POLICE OFFICE, AUERDEEN; Sept. 17, 1822. The very heavy, yet just Expence, incurred hv the Engage- ment of this great Actor, must necessarily advance the Terms of Admission— and the Manager trusts, that adopting tbe regular Prices of the Theatre- P. oyal, Edinburgh, will give Public satisfaction.— They are as follows : BOXES, 5s.— PIT, 3s.— GALLERY, 2s. And Younger Branches of Families under Twelve Years pf Age, fvillbe admitted ** the Raxes at IIALF- PKICE.— No Second Price taken. The Box Plan will lie at Mr. ROBERTSON'S Library. It ill be open a day previous to each Performance, from Ten in the Morning until Five in the Afternoon. No Places can be secured unless Tickets are purchased at the same time. Places cannot be kept after the first Art. A Lady or Gentleman taking a Box. will of course take the number of Tickets to fill the same. Head Establishment, No. 15, Prince's Street, Edinburgh, 3OGN MUIR, MANAGER. IT is well known to many individuals, and particularly to the Members ofthe Profession, of the Law, that great difficulties are frequently experienced in procuring . and in- vesting MONEY, in the purchase and sale of Amiinties, Feu- duties, Contingent and Reversionary rights ; and, in short, that before any money transition . can be properly ar- ranged, much unnecessary, and often fruitless enquiry and'In- vestigation rs frequently made, and a great expence of adver- tising, & c. is incurred. It is also well known that these diffi- culties most frequently aHse, not from the scarcity of Money or the want of those who are willing to take it on proper securi- ty, but that it almost entirely originates in the want of some concentrated medium, or channel through which the necessities of the borrower may be made known 16 those who have money to lend, but with less publicity and at less expence than tire ordinary recourse of an advertising newspaper affords; To remove these difficulties, an Establishment has been opened^ where an exact and regular Register is kept of all money trans- actions, under the various modifications in which they occur. The Register at present contains numerous insertions of money to be lent and wanted to borrow, on heritable and per- sonal seenrity, at different rates of interest, and in every va- riety of amount, to the extent of about three hundred thousand pounds; various notices of Banks, Water, Gas, Insurance, and Shipping Company Stock ; and, likewise, Annuities, Feu- duties, Ground Rents, and Reversionary Rights for sale; and various sums from £ 1000 to £\ 20,000 wanted on Redeem- able Annuity, iti several instances atlbrdiug a clear return ( after Insurance) of 6. 6\, and 7 percent. This institution ( the Hrst and only public one of the kind in Scotland) is, from its nature and simplicity, calculated to be of much advantage to the public in general, and in particular to the members of the law profession, and it has accordingly met with the most encouraging support. | t is a fundamental regulation in the Establishment that the province of the mem- bers of the profession in no respect to be interfered with. To make the Register more extensively useful, Agents are appointed at the principal towns in Scotland, to Whom du- plicates of the entries in the Register are sent periodically, and from whom duplicates of the entries in the subsidiary Regis ters kept at the respective agencies, are regularly received. JOHN GILL, Advocate, Agent at Aberdeen. To the EDITOR of the ABERDEEN CHRONICLE. SIH, I am a plain mat) sn a humble situation, and of all things nevar meddled with politics so as to give ofienc'*; and yet k so happens, that I am under the necessity of vindicating myself and. my boy before the public, from a charge of having wilfully attacked constituted Authorities, a charge that has given me gteat uneasiness. The . story is simply this ; -~ tny Boy is at the Grammar School, and I entertain hopes of being able to send him to College. lie has One book of Latin versions from En. glish themes, and another of translations from the Latin.— About a fortnight ago, a Gentleman in office called upon nie, and wishing to know what proficiency my son had made, lie wished to see his bot- ks, and f could observe that lie examined the English With mote attention than the Latin. I obsert& d him colour while reading, and On throwing down the book rather abruptly, be said, " ami so. Sir, von expect the Magistrates to interest themselves about Vouf son's education ?" I answered, that} provided he turned out. a g# od scholar, X hoped they would be khid enough to do any thing for him iu their power— that is>, as much a!> they would for any indifferent Burgess, not a relation or .< connection, " In that cise, replied he, he had better not write radical trash agiiinst them, or jrfsult them by shewing it." I was, - ifcwy - bMfevr/ totft ft'lml^- aStonitilr* ed, and bvg* gt? d to be informed of the cause of his displeasure; when, hastily ruhnlng over the leaves of the Book,, lie put his finger upon the following sentence : " The Magistrates hastened to the spectacle, and, hy their jourhei) and stay, the public Finances already in a very* so so state, \ were still farther misted." I own I was a little struck with a very obvious coincidence ; but said, that were my young man present, I had no doubt be could explain from what an- tient author the passage was translated, I suggested also, that no mention being made of a. Trust Deed, the probability was, that Aberdeen was not at all alluded to ; but in vain, for the Gentleman left me in anger, and I fear - ny boy will haVe but little chance of a Book at the. Visitation. Anxious to obtain information upon this subject," I applied to a learned friend to knoWj whether he could inform me from what author the ex- i; ej) tio. fi: ible passage had beejl taken ; and he, after proper investigation, told me, that the passage occurs in the Sod Epistle of the 9th Book of the Epistles of PJiny the Younger. He told me, that niy son's translation was not altogether cor- rect ; but advised me to send the original to you for publication, that the learned may judge for themselves— and here it is, word for word as I received it. Confluebant ad spectaculum omnes Magistratus, quortim adventu et mora, modica respublica, no vis suinptibus, attere- batur." Now, I submit to all the world, whether it is not a hard case, that my boy should be called a Radical, for a slight mis. translation of what this young gentleman Pliny wrote so long ago as the time of the Empeiot- Trajan ? At this rate, it may become dangerous to quote certain texts of Scripture ; but I look upon my son's vindication as complete, whom I have educated in as much reverence for Magistracy as an aspirant for Churc, h preferment professes for Majesty, and the Bench of Bishops— enjoining him, should he ever- be admitted to the Council Chamber, to conform with the established etiquette— to speak laigh— and look fey* d. Your obedient servant, MURDOCH M ACT A VIS II. Windy 1Jrynd, Sept. 19, 1822. - I CONTRACTORS. WANTED at PARK, for the execution of a va riety of work, such as cutting Drains— making Roads cutting and reducing by the solid Ell— Carting Stones for and building a considerable extent of double Stone Dykes, ac- cording to a specimen, & c. Partic ulars may be learnt, by application to George Straehan, at Park Inn, on Tuesday ihe lst of October, at 10 o'clock iu the morning, when tenders will be received, and the Contracts concluded. WANTED also to contract for the carriage of 3() 0 to 400 BOLLS of LIME from Aberdeen. Apply as above. SEED WHEAT. RPHE SUBSCRIBERS have for sale, about SO JL Bolls SEED WHEAT, of excellent ipialitv. WM. PIRIE & Co. Adelphi, Sept. 20, 1822. ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. THOSE insured at this Ollice, whose Premi- ums become due on the 25th inst. are requested to order payment of the same within fifteen days from that date, otherwise all risk on their Policies will cease. All BUILDINGS, GOODS, FARM STOCK,. & c. continue to be insured at this Otiice on the usual terms. INSURANCES are also done ON LIVES at this Office, either for ONE OR SEVEN YEARS, ot for the whole ' INSURANCE of the LIFE. Printed Proposals may bo had, upon applying to j ANDREW JOPP, Advocate in Aberdeen, the Company's j AGENT. 120 CAPITALS, ALL MONEY! J. & J. SIVEWRIGHT Requests the attention of their Friends and the Public to the in- proved Scheme of the present Lottery, Tickets and Shares of which are now on Sale at their fortunate London Oflices, 37, CoKNHii. t; I 38. HAYMAKKET, It, HOEHOKH ; I Corner of Coventry St. The Scheme is forced by themselves and their Brother Con- tractors, in obedience to the Public Wi-. h, on the plan ofthe popular old Lotteries. £ VER Y TICKET will be DECIDED SINGL Y, AND ALL THE PRIZES ARE FLOATING! All the Tickets will be in one Wheel, and all the Prizes in the other, the whole to be drawn as chance uiav direct. THERE ARE 12 0 CAPITALS, INCLUDING 3 .... of £ 20.000 o ; ... 10,000 SALE OF THE OUSTANDING DEBTS, DUE TO THE SEQUESTRATED ESTATE ALEX. KEL MAN, Baker in Aberdeen. There will be exposed to sale, THE whole OUTSTANDING DEBTS due to the Sequestrated Estate of the said ALEX. KM, MAN, within the Lemon Tree Tavern, on 25th November next, at 2 o'cloik. A List of these Debts may he seen, and other information given, by applying to James M'Hardy, Advocate. SALE OF FARM STOCK, AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. ' fliat upon Monday the 30th day of September curt, there will be sold by public roup, at Newtonhill, parish of Fettere'sso, RPILE whole STOCKING of that' FARM— con- - X sisting of Four excellent voung WORK HORSES, and a RID- INC. PONEY, , Eight MILCH COWS. Ten two- year old STOTS. '. - Ten One- year- old Ditto; and Ten CAI. VBS. . The Cattle are all of the most approved breed, and well worth the attention of dealers. At same time there wilt be sold, tlie whole LABOURING UTENSILS, consisting of Carts, Ploughs. Horse Harness, Sc.— with a large quantity of HOUSEHOLD, FURNI- TURE, consisting of Feather Beds and Blankets, and a quantity of Servants' Bedding, Dairy Utensils, & c. There w ill also be sold, about four thousand Stones of ex cellent OLD HAY. As the subject is large, the roup will begin exactly at ten o clock forenoon ; and 6 months credit w ill be given. DAVID FAIltWKATHER, Auctioneer. 9th September, 1822. JUDICIAL SALE OF LANDS IN ABERDEENSHIRE, ANO SUBJECTS IN THE TOWN OF ABERDEEN. To be exposed to sale by public roup, within the Parliament or New Session House of Edinburgh, in presence of ihe Lord Ordinary on the Bills, upon Wednesday tbe 13th day of November next, 1822, belwixt the h » urs of one and three o'clock afternoon, RIMIE following LANDS, and other. 11ERITABLE SUBJECTS, belonging to ABEXATIKHR SHANB of Tan- tickl, Advocate ill Aberdeen, common debtor, in tbe Lots after- mentioned, at the respective upset prices put thereon, by the Lords of Council and Session, viz. I. OT I. Those parts and portions of the Lands and Estate of Cotton called TAN FIELD, comprehending, inter alia, the House. Garden, and Grounds called Bairnshall, and the Man sion House, Otlices, and Garden of Tanfleld, with the mul- tures, sequels, and ki. aveships of the said Lands, lying in ihe parish of Old Macharor Oid Aberdeen, and County of Aber- deen. These lands lie in the Immediate vicinity of the town of Aberdeen ; lire intersected by the Canal, and by the turnpike road from Aberdeen to Inverury, & c. and from their local si. tuation might Ire feued out in lots to advantage. The property holds of a subject superior, for payment of a feu duty of One Penny ; and tl> e entry of heirs aud singular successors is taxed at a double of that slim. The Teinds, which have been lately valued, are included the sum deducted in naino of public burdens, and the Land Tax is redeemed. * The proven rental of these lands, including those parts Which have been already feued out, and let in building leases, mounts to » - - . a6216 6 8 The teinds and public burdens amount to 13 17 113 7ths CIRCUIT INTELLIGENCE. < 2 S 10... ' 20 ... 5,000 .. 2,000 .. 1,000 500 With 80 of £ 300 & £ 200. The Drawing will commence On the 30th of NEXT MONTH. Schemcs may be had gratis at SIVEWRIGHTS' Offices, with the particulars of the great Prizes sold by them in the last and late Lotteries. - Tickets and Shares are aUo Selling by SIVEWRIGIITS' Agents, IV. ROBERTSON, Bookseller, Public Library, Aberdeen. W. DAVIDSON, Annuity Office, Hunlty. V. WILSON, Bookseller,' r— Aibroalh. FOR CORNS, BUNIONS, & C. MORRIS'S ROYAL BRUNSWICK CORN PI. ASTER, prepared from a Recipe belonging to her late Majesty. It is an excellent1 Remedy for eradicating Corns, and giving relief to those who bate hard fleshy substances at the bottom of their feet, without the least pain or inconvenience, and will prove a very useful Family Plaster for fresh Wounds and Scalds, likewise for Bunions. Prepared by G. MG ItRIS, Chemist to. the Royal Family, Kensington. • Sold in Boxes at Is. 1- Jd. and 2s. Sd. by Butlers'. Chemists, No. £ 0, Waterloo- Place! Edinburgh ; 34, SackvilSe Street. Dublin ; 4, Cheapside. and 22CT. Regent Street, London; aud by the principal Medicine Venders throughout the United Kingdom. N. B. Purchasers are requested to aslifor MoRlifs's Brims-' wick Corn Plaster, and l/ i observe the name and address of '• Butler. 4, Clieapsi. de," arc engraved on Ihe stump attached to each box. to distinguish the Genuine fiom IMITATIONS under similar fains,. Which leaves of free rental, j - ^ 202 8 8 4- 7llis The upset price put upon this lot, by the said Lords, is j£ 59G4 1 3s. 7d. LOT II. That TENEMENT of INLAND, lying in the Upperkirkgate of Aberdeen, consisting of a Dwelling House, Writing Chambers, and Garden, possessed by Mr. Robert Reid, teacher. The proven rental of this Lot is, - - £ C0 0 O The public burdens aulount to, * 0 2 0 Leaving of free rental, .... £ 53 18 O The upset price, put thereon hy the Cottrt, Is £ B60. LOT III. That TENEMENT of FORELAND, in the Upperkiikgate of Aberdeen, which sometime belonged to George Craig, Shoemaker, and occupied by sundry tenants, partly as Shops and partly as Dwelling Houses. The proven rental of this Lot is, - - £.' C 14 0 The public burdens ainouut to, ^ - 0 2 0 Leaving of free rental, - - - - £ 56 12 0 And the upset prici, put thereon by the said Lords, is £ 440. LOT IV. That TENEMENT of FORELAND in the Upperkirkgate of Aberdeen, partof which is possessed by Jas. Ross, as a Dwelling House, and the remainder as Shops, by feavid Thom and James" Pirie. The proven rental of this Lot amounts to, £ 55 10 0 And the public burdens of this aiid the next Lot amount to, - - ' J j - » 02; o saw something in the hill ; it war. a child ; 3' iciVed il to her fa- ther, Site saw it. 011 Wednesday morning, shewed it to her fa- ther 011 Wednesday night. It w.^ s covered Willi sods and stones; her sister Isafietla was with her. Took off the stoucr,, and al- lowed ttie sods to remain ; left the child lying as die found It, till she saw her father. Gee. Diilgarho, io Tflndhill. knew Alex. Forbes ; went to' the spot Oil Wednesday afternoon, about half a mile from witness and a quarter of a mile- from Forbes' house. Child Was lying oli its back, side of tbe head pressed to. the faanit. It was quite naked ; satv a mark on the brea- t, and another on the shoulder. Forbts's is the nearest hoUsg, Houses arc visible from the spot, about balf- a mile ^ i., tanf. Accompanied the body to the church of Old Deer ; it was delivered to Dis. Christie, Gray, and Will. Child li. id ; dusky hair, Mr. James Christie, surgeon, Old Deer, identified the body of a child at Old Deer, on the evening ol' Wednesday ifiiii June; made a report; read the same, and identified it. Mr. William Cray, surgeon. Old Deer, ideiiuKej the re- port shewn biln. j- PJlhaheth Barclay in Bitlie knows tlie pri « oner; she called at witnesa' house on the Saturday ; her son, John Hall, liver. at Ptlrkhouse of Blttie; patmvl called at house, wi: h her child. • iHi" Ut lSoMVji. f> a » her child, it ivas a hoy ; ptiiinel saiilTt Was a month old ; said she staid below Feiterangus. and h ul been at Barnik. seei'ng friends ; said she was married, and iliac her husband was a wrtght. She Writ away in the direction of the Bridge of Botiwalls ; could have got a passage to V. indhill, but ihCrp is no regular, road; he,- ird of paniiel's being apprehend- ed 01: the Wednesday. lifter the Saturday witness saw her ; ca.:. not say how the child Was dressed, but it had clothes 011. Christian Ilall, in Biflie, lives with her brother Jo( iu Ti . il - saw panne! iji her brother's house 011 Saturd. iv, 22 I June, an t had a male child with her ; child appeared ill good health then; It had on clothes, hilt she did tint particularly observe the dress - thinks it had 011 a daik petticoat ; child had on a froVk resCto- blit: g what is shewn to her, but slie cannot say it is the one tin- child had ; said fict child was a niOntli oh;. Her brother's hous: « is about half a mile fr'Om Wibdiiill. It is not the deafest « * y W Windhill bv Bridge of Bemvall'i. Pannef was halfin hour in her bftfifier. s H< KM>; was called on by Alex. Forbes to go to Windhill. On the Wednesday evening thereafter went and saw a child's body ;, '.'.' hen witness saw it, a woman was wtuHItig it; its hair was dark ; did not see the colour of itr. hair befdrfe Ma- rpiret Ironside, Little Elrick ; lives at Little ElKck, in the parish of Old Deer; this is, between Windhill aid Nether- muir ; Farmhouse of Biflie is fdrtiier off from . her hniise than Windhilfi . Saw parinel pass her house on the Fridiy ; Imd IUT child and i bundle; saw her 011 the Saturday, about .5 o'clock; she had no child with her ; bjid a red bundle iu her hand j did not appear it nil agitated ; did not strike witness ihat any- thing was the matter with her ; did riot appear ataii downcasf. Knows Drymuir, ( M u- kie's residence) it. is about 3 miles front Windhill ; paniiel did not say what she bail done with fl. g child. Helen Iiobii lives In Little Elrick ; knows the prisoner.; knows Windhill ; Little Elrick is between Windhill aml NV thermtiir. Saw paojiel about 5 o'clock oii the Saturday ; met her in the mn'. s a little below Elrick ; moss between Neilurmnir anil Little F. lrick. Papiiel Was coining iii the direction froui Windhill ; she was going liomew; ard to Netheriouir, hill a bundle in her hand; but no rhiid. Panne! appeared very " wau" like ; she asked witness how she did, John Ft. fe, Messenger, was sent to the home' of Barbara Bowman, at Nethermuir, on 4th July last; found some linen, and a frock belonging to a voting child; they were taken from a client in Barbara Bow man's house. Witness affixed labels to them in. presence of his assistant. Alci. Tkoifison- t- is a Constable in Old Deer ; v. r.% present at pannel's examination in the country. She examined the child attentively j asked her if she was the ffrutlrer of tlfe child ; she said she believed the body shewn to her was the body ot ber child, but could riot svt- ear to it ; went with Fyfe to Ne- thcrmuir, and got some clothes out of < trtmk from Barbara Bowman. Prisoner's Declarations were therf read. In rfie last of which she stated, that she delivered the child on the Saturday, at onu o'clock, afternoon, to George Macfcie, vihom she there stateit to be its father," at a place abnut half a mile from Wi'miliill, Alexander Voting, Drymuir, knows George Mackie' in Drymuir,; recollects prisoner being apprehended abowt flic 2il or 3d of July. Saw G. Macliie on Saturday, in the rfioruin" ; was hoeing potatoes ; saw Mackie again about la o'clock ; saw him again about one. between one nnd_ tita'ml! jetween three' and four o'clock, hoeing potatoes. WindhiH alimt. 2$ or 3mile* off; does riot think thot jMackie could have been'at Wfndtiil'l and biick ; did not see Matkie's son, Jumes, hoeing potatoes with his father, 011 Saturday ; frfackie's sou wis driving peal* from the same moss as- tire witness, on the Saturday, up the sank* road ; Mackie'sson was occupied in driving peats, ami witness does not know that he was otherwise. employed. James Machie, in Drymuir, recollects Elspet Balfour bein^ taken by the officers, about i* rtth June ; recollects the Satur- day before she was apprehended; witness was employed iu driv- ing peats and hoeing potatoes ; began to drive peats at one o'clock, at which time his father was hoeiog. polatofs; when witness left off boeing, big father continued ;• his father was still hoeing potatoes when he pass ed him, in returning; bo required five hours for tivo drifts of peats; witness went to thtf moss at rule. Cross examined.— The place where he filled'the peats'is about a mile from his father's ; he would require about hour.* to the draught. Qjorge Macki• lives at Drymuir ; recollects pamiel being taken by the officers mi the Thursday. . Oil the Saturday, be- fore, witness was at home, hoeing potatoes; v.'. is hoeing, after breakfast; supposes he ate Iris dinner about 31 o'clock ; was hoeing from 12 to 3; was not at Windhill 011 the Satur- day, r. Or at Netheriniiir on the Monday night. Is the father of patinel's child— is a married man. By Jury. — Never saw the child while iii life; told pannel be would provide for the child; never ga've her any money; met pannel at Barbara B iwman's, gave her se:: ie meal. The Jury iHere ably addressed' oil the part ofthe Crown, by" Mr. 1 lope ; and for the pami'el; by Mr. Burnett ; after which.. Lord Sitccoth summed up the evidence at great length. The Jury, 011 retiring for about half an hour, returned an unani- mous verdict of Not 1' rovsn. Counsel for the Crown, John I Tope, Esq: Advocate De- pute— Agent, W. Simpson. Es< j. Procurator Fiscal, County of Aberdeen— Counsel for the Pannel, Ar. Burnett, and Alex. Thomson, Esqrs. Advocates— Agents, J. Ferguson, J. Thoin, at!:! J. Cadenhead, Esqrs. Advocates, Aberdeen. Margaret Grant, accused of three acts of theft, p1ea'd « . t Guilty, and received Sentence of i2 months fmprisutiraent io Bridewell The Court adjourned at eight o'clock, till Friday. Yesterday, the Court met at nine o'clock, and proceeded to the trial ot' James Kellus^ accused of assaulting Isaac G'illenders. far- mer at Mill of Din net, in the County of Aberdeen, to the effnsioit of his blood, and danger of his life. After a lon^ trial, the Jury returned an unanimous verdict, finding hitu Guilty of the assault, without tire aggravation charged, unil he received sentence of imprisonment for four months; James Ilarley, accused of two nc: s cf housebreaking anil theft, anil being habit and repute a thief, and Joint Sine, ac- cused of the same crime;;, were placed at the bar. llaviey' pleaded Guilty generally to the whole charge, and Sim to una On Thursday, the Circuit Court of justiciary was open- ed here, by " the Right Honourable Lord ' SUCCOTH, with the usual solemnities. The first trial was that of Elspet Balfour, residing in Nethermuir of New Deer. The indict- ment charged that the said Elspet Balfour did, " on or about the 22d June last, upon the farm of Windhill, in Ihe parish of Old Deer, in the county of Aberdeen, possessed by Alexander Foibes, farmer there, and at apart thereof about a quarter of a iliile in « south- west, % r in a s: o; thr>! y direction from the farm- house at Windhill aforesaid, wickedly and feloniously expose in a naked state a male child, of which she was the mother, and which she had brought forth about five or six weeks pre- viously, wi; h ihe intent to mUrder her said child, and did ciner up and conceal the said child w ith turf and stones, and did severely bruise and itijure ihe said child with the said stones " anil turf, and most cruelly and unnaturally desert the said child so exposed as aforesaid, while yet alive ; and the said child died shortly thereafter, in consequence ot the injuries it had received as aforesaid, or in Consequence of having been e* pos- ed by her ; and was thus cruelly and unnaturally murdered by Iter the said Elspet Balfour." & c. The Declarations of the pannel having been proved, the next witness examined Was Barbara Bowman— lives in Nethermuir ; knows the pri- soner, who has lived with her for the last 6 years. Prisoner was delivered of a boy in witness'house, about () or 7 week3 ago. Has seen the child often ; it was not a big child ; had darkish huir. Recollects pannel being apprehended. Pannel went away from witness' house on a Friday ; child was 5 weeks old ; this was the Friday immediately before she was appre- hended ; Went away betweitn 10 and 11. Saw pannel go away with the child in good health ; it was a healthy child. Said she was to give il to its Father ; James Keith said the child was to be baptised. Cannot say how the chil l was dressed. Panael returned on the Saturday afternoon ; she had not the chiUl. Witness observed, you are Come, Pannel said, she had not come as shewent; said the child had been baptized hy the Chapel Minister, mid that it had got a fine cradle, with brass knobs on it. Never saw the child again till dead. Child's body was shewn to her at Old Deer, On the Thursday following ; Could nrtt hate sworn that it was pannel's child ; coiild not have said it was pannel's child ; child was of the same size as Elspet Balfour's ; it had not the same appearance as pannel's child. Neither saw nor heard George Mackie at her house on the Monday. Asked pamiel how far away the child was ; pannel answered, 13 milas ; pannel said, James Keith hail Come out, when she was coming home, and desired her'not to be long in coming back to see it. Said she had left all the Clothes the Child had 011 • said she bad given the child to its father, hut that she had freedom to take it back. Crusi examined.— Did not see the child dressed ; child had oh clothes when taken away, but cannot say what clothes ; child bad two frocks, and but one suit ofclotliesj identifies the clothes except the frock ; cOu'hl not have sw- Oro that dead child was pou- nd's. Slept with punnet on Saturday night; slept quietly, and witness knei^ nt> odds on her, Pannel had three children ; treat- ed Uiem kindly and attentively; beheaved as attentively tit the dead child, as to auy ofthe others ; slept with pannel on Mon- day night; is dull t* f hearing ; heardnohody in the house. Geo. Mackie's first child, by panne!; was taken away by him. Margaret Muiiland, Nethermuir. knows pannel ; knows she was delivered of a male child before Whitsunday. Pannel lived with Barbara Bowman at N. ethei muir j witness lives Close by Bowman's. Pani. el brought her child to witness' house on the Friday, about 10 or 11 o'clock morning, child was then about 5 wieks old. Pannel brought Barbara Bowman ivith her, and asked her and the witness to look ai. the child ; saw pannel return 011 the Saturday after between 4 and 5. without the child ; did not see any thing in her hand ; had a cloak on ; did not Speuk to pannel. Paflnel was apprehended on the Wed- nesday. Alexander Forbes, in Wirtdirill, is a fafmer at W.' ndhill, Old Deer. Has a daughter Agnes, aged 10. In consequence of t , , , . . , - , .. , ,,• , 1., 11 1 .. . ,. : ot the two acts ot theft, but not to the housebreaking. ifio what his ( laughter to. d him, he went to a spot about a quarter ! „• , . ,, . , , , " , . ,.. ... , . . 1, Advocate- Depute restricted the pains of law to an' arbitrary o! a mile from [ lis house, and saw soinp whirl, lion,.' 1 . r " 7 Leaving of free'refral," - - - £ 55 8 0 The upset price, put thereon hy the Court, is £ 390. LOT t: Those SUBJECTS, situated at the back of Lot 4th, consisting of a House, Yard or Garden, and Sheds, pre- sently possessed HVMr. James Ross, jtui. Upholsterer. The proven rental amounts to, - - - j£ 1200 This Lot, subject to its proportion ofthe above sum of Ss. will be exposed at, the upset price put thereon, by the said Lords, being .£ 140. Lots 3d, 4th and 5th, are held Burgage, for service of Burglr us, d anil w- out. The articles of rotip, and primed copies of the Memorial and Abstract, are in the hands of Mi. John Pringle, I), p ite Clerk of Session, Clerk to the said process of sale. The Title Deeds with copies of ihe printed Memorial and Abstract, are in the hands of H. C>. Dickson, V/, S. 21, Thistle Street, Edinburgh, tbe common Agent ; to wfmiir, or to Charles and Alexaudet Goidoit, Advocates ill Abeideen, riho ate in pos- se- sion of the Plan of TaUlield, application may be nude for fuither particulars. Ed. tiluroi,, Sevt 3, 1822. " Of a mile from his. house, and saw some turfs which had been' lately moved ; put them past and found the child ; did not see the child before removing the turfs. The child was lying with" ' its face downwaids ; cheek afprar d to have been forced to the ground. There rs no regular foot path ar the spot, there is a j f,. ot path about one- eighth of a mile distant from thespot; none tieartr; the ground was rough and stouey, with whins; spot is in tb'e middle of a circle of whin bushes, space in the middle 1 open. No earth appeared to have bicn raised, ar. d the turfs j to have been newly removed with1 the hand ; oiVremoving the : j turfs', examined the child to see if it was a male or a female ; 1 ! there was a small red math on the shoulder, and another on the \ cheek ) that on the shoulder of a reddish blue colour ; supj o's-- ed it to have been some weeks born ; thinks its hair was lightish. Geo. Dalgarrio and his wife took the clriSd aivay, it was quite cold and stiff, the body had no bad smell ; child was found on i Wednesday the 26th of June; pannel was apprehended 2d or ! 3d day after. Netherrfiuir (. pannei's residence) is about 4 miles distant fiOmWiiwlhtll ; knows D. ymuir, it is about tbe same dis- tance from witness' house. From the spot where the child watf fouod. theie are some houses visible, within about a qiiarter of a iniie distant, a person standing at the spot would see about • lie doors child had a lieoh appearance ; did not look fallen away.. Agnes Fol- ber,, aged 10, daughter of - he preceding witness, punishment as to Ilarley, and passed from the charge of housebreaking as to Sim.; Harley was sentenced to 1' 4 year* transportation beyond seas, and iSiin to- 8 months imprison- ment in Bridewell. This boy Harley, about 12 years of age,' is tire last of an infamous family of that name, origin illy, we believe, from Glasgow ; all the members of which, about that time of life, have been repeatedly convicted' of the crirte of theft, in' that commission of which" they have been' so incorrigibly hardened, as to despise every chastening or punishment their- tend'er years* would allow the law to inflict, from the early habits of • ice ia which they appear to have been initiated, if not eiluea' ed, to' thff great annoyance of this town- Jmd neighbourhood, for a con- siderable period. William and N. il M- icleml, charge.!- witlt r- hi- pTtreakiug and tlieft. Owing to ihe i. hsence of two material witnesses on the' pan of ihe CroWn', die diet w « Jvicttii pro 1< KO- et tempore, and the prisoners wterjt rccotuiniTte. d, This cone u, led the cr^ Bn'oal t.- u- rness ; tire 0oufrt after- wards determined some s; a- e » of Appeal, aod proceeds to In-* Tei'BT'SS. The Jury Court meets on INtontT- Vv next, and we learn tlu^ tf are several causes to come before tne Ljrd Cni-' i Uunniu^ KiyiwC AoA. it. Pin titulars iif « iur next c Do Article's, tvr. formerly ' Emitted On Monday, An sr. the 5 « hf was he} d the Annual General Meeting of the Thistle am! Rose Lbdgt hf Free Gardeners, Aberdeen. wheVi, after settling their usual business and examin- ing the funtts. which were fonn< H © be in a very flourishing State, they proceeded to elect Office- bearers for the ensuing vear, wb£ o the following were dulv elected, viz. JAM ES . SI 1 El till FFS, M- ASTKR; Ale'*, tlannie, depute- master ; Alex. Turriff, past- master ; James Hae, secretary ; AleXv Taylor, treasurer; John Walker and William ttrownie, wardens; Duncan MTntosh,,.! ohn Foibcs, sen. and John Forbes, jun. key- bearers; James Mackie, George Burr, and John Turriff, stewards'; James Coutts, Alex. Murray, John Allan, and William Sang, councillors; Robert Smith, clerk ; and James Smith, officer. The Treasurer of the Aberdeen Society for the Benefit of tri Children of the Clergy, received last week a Donation of Ten Guineas, from Tiros. Mouisox, Ef- q. of Elsick. On ihe right of the. 9th inst. a landing of smuggled goods, consisting of Brandy Gin. Tobacco, . and Silks, was effected at a small creek called 1' ort Long, to the eastward of Culten. We are happy to learn, however, that the Ban^ and Buckie Coast Guard have succeeded in discovering, part of the goods, and have already brought in above 1' 20 tubs of Brandy and Gin ; eight casks, and several small bale's of manufactured tobacco. We are informed that the Caledonian Canal will be opened from sea to sea early in the ensuing month. ' On Wednesday-; a woman was - fined 20s. in the Justice Court of Bre^ liin, for engaging with two harvest masters.-— Since the thveaving system was introduced, the conduct of many persons in this respect has been really shameful ; it is Certainly very hard whvn Ihe farmer cannot. depend upon ev- erv hand he has engaged. The gentleman who has made an ex- ample < of the individual in question, is ranch to be- commended. On Sa'urday last, at Seaside, parish of Errol, a boy, be- longing to David Lyall, about, ten years of age, was herding a cow, when he imprudently tied the end of the cow's tether round his waist ; w hile in this situation the aminal chanced to Ire frightened, and ran off, and dragging the boy along with her; and before tfelre'f could be afforded him. his head was so frac- tured as tovause his death in a few hours after. Mr. Willliam Barrio, Depute Clerk of Dundee, and Mr. Christopher Kerr, writer there, have been elected Conjunct Town Clerks of ill at Burgh, in r<* o* n - of * he late Mr> Small. We are sorry to learn, that in the course of last week, a voung man was crushed to death by getting entangled between the wheel and body of a cart which he was driving from Kiu- loclnirn to Glengary, On Friday last, the Red castle pinnace was upset by a squall, in Polentroait. and font men belonging to Ctarfona- hatry, narrowly escaped a watery grave; the mast becoming j itxed in the mud, pre vein red the boat from rightfatg, and it j was so unsteady that the men Could not hold by it ; when nearly exhausted, they were picked up by a stone boat. sure to meet 700 ci £ 00 persons in one of the school rooms ; 400 of these were chiidrvn of the most interesting appearance, the rest, were adults. Oh Monday we were invited to meet the King, Queen. Chic fa, communicants, & c. in the chapel. There were about 1000 persons present, and when each of us had spoken to thvm. our speeches being interpreted, we were addressed by fo- Vr of their orators, one of whom was the king ( Maliine). We cannot conceive countenances expressive of MISCELLANEOUS. THE NEW CONGRESS. PA UTS Sept. ll.— When bigots and despots who traffic upon the narrow intellectual capital they acquired fifty years ago, and cannot, or will not, see all the subsequent changes and . vants of society, have unfortunately got the direction ofthe world, the past becomes the history of the future, and to de- velope th « ir . plains we have only to read, as they wouSd have < us march— backwards. By perusing, in this Hebrew fashion, it is easy to predict that the diplomatic jugglery of a'hundred years ago will be rf- en. icted by a set - of sol disant. Statesmen whose minds are of the same sera, with this special and im- portant novelty, that instead of directing their Maehiavelism against one another, or the Kings of any particular country, it will be levelled against their own subjects and the peopdeof all countries. The Congress is strictly and essentially a con- spiracy of crowded heads, leaguing their powers m the great cause of perpetuating the slavery of the many for the ' benefit of the few. Stripped of alt its regal and sanctimonious disguises, such is the naked object of this trconarchsial plot ; and while rulers publicly assemble for sweh iniqwtous piirposes", we must not be surprised if the governed form secret cabals to - counteract them. These are accordingly in full activity throughout Europe. The brotherhood of virtue, which the King of Prussia denounced as traitorous, after he had encouraged and availed himself of- it for the expulsion ofthe French, and violated his own pledge of a Constitution, exists and flourishes in spite, or rather in consequence of his fulminations 1 France is under- mined with innumerable trains of this inflammable matter, some of which occasionaily break forth in little premature ex- plosions. preparatory to the grand one which may be expected in the diiection of the Cordon Sanitaire ; in Italy, Carbonari Societies spring up even faster than hatchets and halters can put them down ; the snows of the North canuot check this moral fermentation ; the Emperor of Russia has issued a decree against secret bands assuming to be freemasons ; and among the most remarkable signs of the times, especially Tiow that, armies are the pivots of revolution, it may be noted that a plot has be.' ii discovered in one of the Piussian regiments for the purpose of procuring a Constitution, the participators iu which have been degraded aud dispersed into other battalions, where they will probably disseminate their audacious doctrines. If pious titles and high- sounding hypocrisy could putthem down, these associations of t he oppressed against the oppressors would stand little chance, for they are opposed to the Holy Alliance, the Father of the Church, his Most Christian Majesty, his Most Apostolical Majesty, the English defender of the Faith, the Spanish Army ofthe Faith, and the bigots of all countries; but the enlightened politician, who is aware that iu the pre- sent age people look to sense more than sound, to religious deeds rather than professions, and that nothing can permanently control public opinion, will not expect any enduring tranquil- lity in Europe until institutions are placed more upon a par with the existing state of knowledge, and the common people, whose lives and property are held to be at the disposal ofthe Constitution, are allowed to have some share in its formation. itlvr 11- Chron. Wc think it right to give publicity to the following Project, which M. de Montmorency is charged by the Government of France to propose to the Congress at Vienna, as the authenticity of the statement may be relied upon.— Ibid. 1. A uniform measure of compression to be adopted against the present popular feeling so alarmingly prevalent in Europe ; for which purpose the contracting parties are to provide a mi- litary contingent, to be employed at the request of any one of the parties, the internal tranquillity of whose State may be menaced ; and the employment of this contingent not to he considered as in any way interferring with the general relations of amity existing between the countries. 2. A general law for the regulation of the Press, which is to suspend all local laws now authorising a greater latitude of publication than may be thought consistent with the new European arrangements. 3. The erection of a Tribunal, upon the principle of the Mayence Tribunal established at Troppau for the punishment of offences against the German Confederacy, for the trial and punishment of offenders against the order of things now ex- isting in Europe. The authority of this Tribunal is to extend over all Representative Governments, to the extent of bring- ing under its action individuals who may, from the Tribune of their Naiional Assemblies, hold language and inculcate doctrines deemed subversive of the present system of legiti- macy. 4. A measure which may induce or compel Spain to enter into the views ofthe Holy Alliance, by the establishment ofa Chamber of Peers. SOUTH SEA ISLANDS. The Directors of the London Missionary Society have lately more benevolence, even in our own favoured ' Country, than those of two of these speakers. What they uttered was so evidently from the heart, that we fett moved by their speeches, even before they were interpreted to us ; and wjieil they Were j explained, we fount! they were highly creditable both to their heads ami hearts.' 1 I. IABILITY OF SEAMEN. George Fowler, a seaman, was on Thursdaybrought before the Lord Mayor, upon a warrant, for violation of tin agreement made with tlie master of a merchantman called the Britannia, trading to Jamaica, which viola- tion subjected him to very heavy penalties by the provi- sions of a statute of his late Majesty. The Captain of the Britannia stated, that the defen- dant had some time ago entered into a regular engage- ment with him to act as seaman in a voyage to Jamaica and home. Witness had taken with him a crew just ade- quate to the labours of the voyage, aud expected that his men would adhere to their engagements, the conse- quences of departing from which at such a distance from England as the Colonics were, might be attended with the most serious mischief to the owners. Upon landing at Jamaica, however, the witness found that he had the disadvantage of a desertion by three of his men to con- tend with, and that the defendant was one of those who had left itini in the almost insurmountable extremity.— Ashe was in the habit of going voyages to the West Indies, he was determined to do all he could to prevent a repetition of such acts as had so greatlv inconvenienced him, and he accordingly applied to the Lord Mayor for a warrant to apprehend the defendant, Upon the 37th of Geo. III. cap. 73. entitled, " An act to prevent the desertion of seamen from British merchants' ships trad- ing to the British Colonies in the West Indies." The act states, that any seaman who shall desert from his ship during his voyage wit or homewards, shall, over and above all other existing penalties and forfeitures, for- feit all wages due to him by the vessel from which he shall desert 4 that one- third of the forfeiture shall go to Greenwich Hospital, one third to the Merchant Sea- men's Fund, and one- third to the informer; and if the wages due under such circumstances be under the sum ol £ 20 the same shall be recoverable before one magistrate. The defendant said, the cause of his desertion was an insult which he had received on board. He, however, thought fit to request, that in consideration ofhis wife and children, he miolit be forgiven, and to declare that he should never subject any other person who should en- gage him for a voyage to the inconvenience complained of. The complainant said, his object was to put an end to a practice the most mischievous, and not to punish an individual who might think, from the frequency of the practice, that it was a venial offence; and added, that in • consideration of the claims of a wife and children upon his compassion, he should forego die present charge. The Lord Mavor expressed his readiness, upon aJ!** c- casionsto put in effect, against any offender of die kind, the very salutary statute of the 37th Geo. III. NAVIGATION OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC. The following will be found important to masters of vessels in the Newfoundland, Quebec, aud British America trades :— Extract from a Letter from Dartmouth, dated September 2, addressed to the Committee of Lloyd's. " On peVusing the public prints a day or two since, my attention was particularly attracted to an account ofthe loss of the brig Spence Michael Wilson, master, at St. Short's, in the Island of Newfoundland, on the 16 th of July last; and from the late melancholy loss ofhis Majesty's brig Drake, at the same place. I am induced tooiier a few observations on the reasons why those losses have so frequently occurred at that place within a few years, and without the survivors being able to account for them, and ( also to point 0ut the means of avoid- ing them in future, if those means which are in the possession of ail Commanders of vessels are duly attended to. Being a native of the Island, having been nearly twenty years engaged in its tishery, and the greatest part of that time having been spent in close attention to its duties, will, I trust, entitle my observations to some consideration, particularly when I state, that they are the result of information derived from the oldest and most experienced boat- masters who have been employed in fishing from the centre of the eastern to the western coast of the Island, and more particularly at Cape St. Mary's. Those men, though . unlearned, 1 have found entitled to considera- tion ; and their practice has proved their conclusions to have been correct. " It is well understood 1> y those boat- masters, that there is in genera! a strong current setting in from the eastward, along the western coast, which, after passing Cape Pine, tends more towards St. Mary's and Placentia Bays. This current in my opinion is sensibly felt, at least twenty leagues SW. of Cape Pine, and becomes more rapid as you approach the land, its velocity increasing as the wind favours it, but at all times of sufficient magnitude to endanger the safety of any ship approach- ing from the south and west in foggy weather, and being ig- norant of its existence. In order to avoid the danger arising from this current, the fishermen, in foggy weather, and when returning from the western coast to their homes on the eastern coast, invariably use the lead, depending more on their depth of water than their compass, and never approaching nearer the land than 35 fathoms of water. The ground being more of an inclined plane 011 the west coast than on the east, you will find that depth of water a considerable distance from the land ; in fact, sufficient to insure the safety of any ship passing the coast. On passing to the eastward of Cape Race, the ground becomes more broken, and the depth of water increases so very- fast, that in your course from Cape St. Mary s to avoid Cape Race, you will, when to the eastward of it, find yourself in 50 fathoms, and when advanced a very short distance farther, in 60 and 70 fathoms of water ; consequently, you are then clear of any land, and at liberty to pursue your course to the east- ward, or run along the eastern coast,- as circumstances may re- quire. I do not perceive that any advantage would arise by Government establishing a post at St. Shott's to fire fog guns, as we have at tunes known vessels lost in the neighbour hood of St. John's, where that practice is invariably followed. A due attention to the lead and line should be enforced ; for it- men will not take care of themselves, it is hard to expect others to do so for them." BOXING VERSUS DUELLING. An unexpected and severe boxing match took place on Old Oak Common, arising out of a due! challenge, when both felt bound in honour to appear. The parties, Mr. R— t— d, a medical student, and Mr. C— r— m, a clothier. The former challenged, and thev met armed, in consequence ofa dispute about a mastiff dog. One of the seconds proposed an appeal to the Jlst rather than a bullet, and there being no disparagement in weight, Chester, plaved Lis finger was so rapid that old Snetzler, the organ- builder, rati about the church, exclaiming, " he run Over de KOV like one cat ; lie will not give my pipe's time to speak." During Mr. Wainwridit's per- formance, I) r. Miller, the friend of Herschell, inquired of him what chance he had of following him ? " 1 dot! t know," sait! Hersehell, " but I am sure fingers will not do." When it came to his turn, Herschell, ascended the organ loft and produced so uncommon a richness, such a volume of slow harmony, as astonished all present ; and after this extemporaneous effusion he finished with the old hundredth psalm, which he played better than his opponent. " Ave, aye," cries old Snetzler, " ' tish is very goot, very goot inteet ; I will lttftis man, he gives my pipes room for to speak." Herschell being asked bv what means hevprodueed so astonishing an effect, replied, " I told you fingers would not do ;" and pro-, ducitig two pieces of lead from his waistcoat pocket, said, " one of these I laid on the lowest key ofthe organ, and the other upon the octave above ; and thus, by accom- modating the harmony, I produced the effect of four hands instead of two." This superiority of skill obtained Herschell the situation ; but he had other and higher objects in view, to suffer him long to retain it. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. FROM FRENCH PAPERS. PARIS, Sept. 7.— The German papers announce that the Emperor Alexander set out for Warsaw the 16th of August. It is stated that the Porte has been invited to send a Plenipotentiary to the Congress— butthat nower refused. The latest news from Constantinople announced the birth of a third son to the Sultan. The French jxipers are still occupied with the trials for the late conspiracy. In that at Poitiers the advo- cate appointed bv the " Court to plead for Mr. Herton, against his own declared wishes, now refuses to defend him. General Berton himself read to the Court a written defence, which occupied nearly two hours. The trial is not vet concluded. VIENNA, Aug. 27-— What is certain is, that great activity prevails iu the Aulic Chancellory ; that Gentz, the soul and the torch of all the former Congresses, the intimate confident of Prince Metternicb, labours dav and night. Since the month of . July, long diplomatic con- ferences have repeatedly taken place at the hotel of the Prince Chancellor, Count Golowkin ; the ordinary Russian Ambassador icing absent, Count Tatischeff supplies his place. ' Hie Marquis de Caraman attends tire conferences ; am! in the absence of Lord Stewart, Mr. Gordon, the British Change des Affaires, has been called to them. The Prussian Minister, Baron de Krusimark, having died, the Prince of Ilafsfield lias ar- rived for the conference oftlve 17th of July. All the preparatory measures for opening the ministerial confe- rences which are to lie held at Vienna are already adopt- ed. Count de Tatischeff has declared that he is furnish- ed with sufficient pawers, and Mr. Gordon has intimat- ed that his Court will act in concert with that of Vienna. The Prince of Hatsfield has just signified that the King his master intends to proceed directly from Berlin to Verona, in the month of September. It is reported that our Minister of Finance, Count Stadion, intends to contract for a considerable loan. MADRID, AUJ. 29.— Tranquillity continues to pre- vail here. The new Ministry efijovs great esteem, though some evil minded persons already complain of its apathy. Vadillo, the new Minister of the Colonics, has just arrived, and immediately entered on his office. The Minister of War and Grace and Justice, seems to act frankly, in agreement with public opinion. Yet 3 cer- tain reserve and silent stupor is observed, which seems the precursor of great events, amidst the obstacles which the new Ministry have to surmount. Besides the mili- tary measures, great praise is given to those of police, and the banishment of several ecclesiastics ofthe highest rank. It is thought the Government will not stop here, being resolved not only to combat to the utmost the ene- mies of the new system, but still further to consolidate it. Tlie Espectndor and other Journals state, that the Minister of Marine has given orders to fit out several ships of war, to cruise from the Straits of Gibraltar to Cape de Cruz on one side, and on the other from Cape Finisterreto Passages. The measures of the Minister of Finance do not give so much satisfaction. Ill fact, unless a stable and solid system is established, and means found to raise the taxes regularly, every thing will be embarrassed. It is not only the revolted provinces, which have long since ceas- ed to contribute to the public treasury, but almost all tiie others show a backwardness in this respect, which threatens to lead the Government to its total ruin. Preparations are making here to receive the Infanta of Portugal, who will arrive 011 Sunday. This morning the Commander of the Halberdiers drew out this corps, consisting of above 120 individuals, and made 6- l< quit the ranks, whom he ordered to lay aside their uniform and arms, and to present themselves to the Captain- General, where they would receive their passports, to repair to the pltices which would be signi- fied to them, and where they may settle as retired from the service. The guard of the King, as our readers know, was chiefly composed of Nobles, and did duty in the apartments of the Boval Family. Bv this means the guard of the King is confided wholly to the troops of the line and the National Militia; so that all the pomp ofthe Guards, and the splendour which surround the Palace, have vanished. CONSTANTINOPLE, Aug. 10.— Lord Strangford had a conference a week ago with the Rets Effendi, with a view to induce the Porte— 1st, To acquaint Russia, bv a Note, with the nomination ofthe Hospodars.— 2d, To send a Negotiator to Kminiec, to treat, as Russia desired, with M. de Tatischeff. The Porte refused, and it is feared that it will not be brought to consent. Yet some hope that fanaticism and pride will yield to a spirit of conciliation. Co\ TSTA%' rtMGl? LE, Aug. 10.— Perfect tranquillity stiil prevails here. We have nothing new from the Morea. The Egyptian flotilla having joined the Tur- kish fleet, the latter sailed for the Motet ou the 23d July. Lord Strangford had a conference a week ago with the Reis Effendi, with a view to induce the Porte— 1st, to acquaint Russia, bv a note, with the nomina- tion of the Ilospodars— 2d, to send a negOciator to Kaminee, to treat, as Russia desired, with M. de Tatis- cheff. The Porte refused, and it is feared that it will will not be brought to consent ; yet some hope that fa- naticism and pride will yield to a spirit of conciliation. Most of the Genoese vessels which were bound for the Black Sea have returned in ballast to the Mediter- ranean. Two of them, having received their papers from Odessa, hoisted the Russian flag. Genoese ships that arc here with Russian papers will not meet witli any difficulties. The number of rioters and mutineers who were exe- cuted, imprisoned, or banished during the disturbances in July, is estimated at between 4 and 5000. It was made known, that if the five Ortas did not expel from among them the author of these terrible disorders, the Sultan would make use of the power given him by the Sultan Soliman, and disband those regiments. The Greek Patriarch died 011 the 8th of this month, after a long and painful disease ( dropsy). His obsequies were performed to- day with much order and dignity ; many thousands ( Greeks) followed to the tomb. Ac- cording to ancient custom the body had been previously exposed 011 the Patriarchal throne in the cathedral ; and more than 8000 persons had been there to kiss the hands and feet of the Chief of their church. On the evening of the same day the Grant! Seignor permitted the choice of a successor to be proceeded in. At tlie same, six Greek Bishops were set at liberty, who had been detain- ed as hostages for snipe months in the Seraglio. The Porte has informed tlie Synod that, if'its choice fall on any one of these Bishops, it will be approved of with- out difficulty, provided tlie candidate possesses the five following qualities— experience, prudence, skilfulness, learning, and fidelity to the Government. The names of sixty- three Bisho[ is were afterwards read in the Synod, of whom three were designed as can- didates, uniting the necessary qualities. The Repre- sentatives of the Greeks at Constantinople, amounting to 600 voters, proceeded then to the election, and their choice fell 011 one of tlie six Bishops, viz. tlie Bishop of CHalcedonin, who was formerly Bishop of Smyrna. The Synod confirmed his election immediately, which it is hoped will meet the approbation of the Sultan, and that | to- morrow the new Patriarch will be clothed with the Caftan. Some days before his death, the Patriarch wrote an affecting letter to the Sultan, in which he recommended the Greeks to his favour. In particular he requested the abolition of a heavy tax, which the Greeks of the capital, as well as the Jews and Armenians, were oblig- ed to pay every month to the arsenal. The Grand Seignor received this letter very graciously, and even before the death of the Patriarch the tax was abolished by a Firman. . ZANTE, Aug. 2.— The English nt present hold out a helping hand to the Greeks ; and since the departure of Sir Thomas Maithind, it lias been observed that the rigorous measures have ceased with his presence. At Zante, an asylum lias been granted to the family of Papa- Dtamanto- Pouios, Member of the Senate of Co- rinth, and to several other persons, who fled from the Continent at the approach ofthe Infidels. Sir Frederick Adam, Governor of Corfu, ad interim, who is reamed to a divorced Greek ladv, gives assistance to the unfor- tunate. Thus there is a change of policy on this side ; but unless God assist tlie ( Ire ks it is feared that the ap- proaching Congress will have to deliberate only on ruins and tombs. , I. V L. II tviuin VI III.- UJI. ll.' il ... - . 1W1 i (. . y MULICl, • O I O a ' I received letters from the deputation sent by them last summer '• about twelve stone, the water bottle and a lemon were j : * .1... .. . r,„ :, 1 t.. t-. 1 r. u.. i 1 , - 1 1" .1 1 _ '." . , to inspect the missions in the above islands, which fully con- firm the favourable reports before transmitted. Referring to these, the gentlemen say, " The half was not told us. The people here exhibit as liberal and pleasing a proof of being * turned frotn darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God,' as can he conceived. A nation of pilferers has become trust- worthy. A people formerly universally addicted to lasciviousness have become modest'and virtuous in the highest degree. Those who, a few years ago, despised all forms of religion, except their own horrid superstitions, have universally declared their approbation of Christianity— study diligently those parts of Christian Scriptures which have been translated for them— ask earnestly for more, and appear conscientiously to regulate themselves by those sacred oracles, under the direction of their kind teachers, whose self- denying zeal and perseverance have been almost as remarkable as the success with which God has been pleased to honour them. " We are gratified in observing, almost every where, many marks of improvement. Better houses and chapels having been built ; rapid improvement in reading and writing ; Eu- ropean dresses partially superseding the Taheitan ; the chiefs ingeniously and diligently building their own boats in the Eu- ropean form, European tools ; many cultivating tobacco and sugar, and nearly all manufacturing cocoa- nut oil. Among other marks of improvement we must mention a road, which is in'ellded to go round the island. *' his is formed bv persons who are punished, according to the new laws, for their crimes. " We spent," say the Deputies. " whilst at Hwaheirie, a delightful Sabbath here ; there were nut fewer than I 2tX> pre- s. nt at each ofthe public services. At neon we had the plea- substituted for the surgeon, who, if report speakes true, acted as umpire. At all events a gallant battle of twen- tv- six minutes duration took place, and the parties left the ground satisfied. Mr. R. won it ; for want of fuller information, we can only state that both displayed genuine courage. C— led in the first part ofthe battle ; but in about the fourth round he v/ as floored by a tie up in the wind, which took off his fastness, and, as a tar would say ofa landsman, he was squeamish all through the fight. Both had severe punishment, but they parted good friends, and have only to use cooling washes and black- briar root to take away contusions and black eyes. DR. HERSCHELL, DR. HERSCEI. R,, the celebrated astronomer, ( whose death is announced 111 another part of this paper) was originally brought up to his father's profession, that of a musician, and accompanied a German regiment to England, as one of the band, performing 011 the haut- boy. While acting in this humble capacity in the north of England, a new organ was built for the parish church of Halifax, by Snetzler, which was opened with an oratorio by the well- known Joab Bates. Mr. Hersehell, and six other persons, became candidates for the orga- nist's situation. A day was fixed oil which each was to perform in rotation ; when Mr. Wainwright, of 3Ian- FR0M QE11MAN PAPERS. BRUSSEL S, Sept. 9.— A report is spread nt Frank- fort, that a courier has brought the news of the march of a part of ^ be* Austrian troops which occupy Italy, and which are to pass through the south of France, to rein- force the Sanitary Cordon. This news has caused a fall in the funds. A letter from Madrid, of the 26th in theevening, says, that on the same dav there bad been at the Palace a consultation of the principal physicians, the result of which gives but little hope of saving the young and in- teresting Queen of Spain. The Princess of Saxony is the third wife of Ferdinand VII. the first was a Princess of Naples ; the second a Princess of Portugal ; and the third is she who now shares a throne enveloped in storms and dangers. ST. PETERSBUHGH, Aug. 21 The closing of the Freemasons' Lodges excites extraordinary sensation here, and is the subject of general conversation. BERLIN, Aug. 31.— The State Gazette says that the Kings of Naples and Sardinia are also expected to be present at the Congress at Verona, where preparations are making for the reception of a great coucourse of strangers. SEMLIN, Aug. 24.— Letters from Bitoglia, Veloso, and Berlepi, dated August 9th, not only confirm the intelligence of the defeat of Chottrschid Pacha, near Larissa, on the 20th of July, but also inform us that the first check was followed by another equally severe. Threatened by tlie Divan, he assembled all his re- serves, and led them to the theatre of his defeat. But the Greeks again intercepted hjmr and 011 August 1st he lost as many lives as 011 July 20th. It is said he is among the prisoners. ^ GREECE. FRANKFORT, September 2.— Scio contained about 120,000 individuals. By the census lately made by the the Pacha, there remains iu tlie whole island only about 900 persons, and the contagion threatens to carry them all off. On the 23d July, there remained ] .50 persons in the Consulate of France, but twenty of them died daily. The dead were no longer buried in the city, but thrown pell- mell into a ruined Greek church, near the French Consulate. Almost the whole population of tlie mastic villages lias emigrated ; iu some there remain oniv a lew old women. A firman of the Sultan has been received at S; io, which formally declares that all the Greeks who are at Scio, and those who shall return thither, are not only free, but are f'uHy authorised to take immediate possession of their lands and property. Alas! Scio will soon be only a sepulchre, and in this field of death the Imperial bounty will hardly find a few wretches to whom it can lend a supporting hand. The epidemic seems daily to become more malignant. Ten piastres must lie ( Mid for removing a dead bodv ; for the man who consents to perform this office is generally seized with the disorder the following day. The Pacha himself is at present ilL The crop of tnastic, corn, and grapes was never more abundant. It has been necessary to send 600 Greeks from Chesme to labour in these deserted fields, where nature has been as liberal aud bountiful as man lias been barbarous. The Egyptian and Barbary flotilla has captured eleven small Greek vessels, and brought thctn into the port of Scio. The Captains only have been put to death ; the crews are prisoners, and have been put in irons. A part of the Greeks of Athens have fled to Salamis and Zea ; the others have shut themselves up in the citadel. O11 the 18th of July it was said that the Turks were onlv four leagues from Athens. SEPT. 3.— LeSpectatcur Oriental gives the follow- ing intelligence concerning Greece* :— When the Ottoman fleet put to sea, it was accofnpa- nied bv forty transports, and had nearly 40,000 inen on board of the whole one hundred and forty vessels of which it consisted. It is probable that it is destine- d for the Peloponnessus. Towards the end of June f the following was tin; state ofthe Peloponnessus :— There were in the country between 30,000 and 40,000 men under arms, but they were in a very undisciplined state, of which we will give an example. At Argos there were 10,000 troops. The Supreme Senate re- solved to send an expedition to F. pirtts, and all the Greeks refused unanimously to march. All the shops and cofice- houses, except that called foreigners, were or- dered to be shut. At the end of a fortnight Prince Maurocordato succeeded iu persuading the Greeks to obey. He sent them to Patras, and from that neighbourhood they were transported by sea to Misso- longo, the head- quarters. Thev marched from thence to succour the Snliots, who had revolted, and against whom Chourschid Pacha was advancing. About 6000 Suliots joined Prince Maurocordato. The first engagement was animated, but not at all de- cisive. The Greeks were not forced to repass into the Peninsula, because th= y found a great ileal of determi- nation among the Suliots, whose women rivalled the men in valour; on the other hand, independent of the troops commanded by Chourschid, the Turks are mas- ters of Suli, a very strong place, which Ali Pacha could not take till after a siege of four years. It is not above a month since the Senate resolved in in its wisdom to send a Greek Captain, who had served in the Italian armies, to Odysseus, to whom the Senate had confided the passage of Thermopylae, that he might aid the Chief with his counsel. Arrived at Ther- mopylae, he presented himself to Odysseus, and explain- ed the object of his mission. Odysseus gave him no other answer ttian to blow Ins brains out with a pistol. Modou,, a strong place, and well provided, is tlefended by 403 Turks, 50 of whom are cavalry. There are 500 Greeks, commanded by General Auoustora, before this place. They have never prevented'the Turks from sorties and returning with booty, because when they make a sortie the Greeks never wait for them, but take to the fields. We oive the following as authentic :— Two months and a half ago, the 50 cavalry having made a sortie, went rather too far, and entered the inclosures round a house to repose themselves. In this situation they found themselves intercepted by a strong party of Greeks, whom they bad hot perceived, and who had been hid by ; a plantation of olive trees. Eleven foreigners, whom their unlucky stars had conducted amongst the Greeks, encouraged them to profit by this occasion to carry off the 50 cavalry ; lint as soon as these latter disappeared, the Greeks took to flight, and the eleven foreigners, t left to themselves, abandoned, where also obliged to I fi- v' i Patras, a strong place, is defended by 3000 Turks, ; About 5000 Greeks, commanded bv General Colco- ; troni, are near tins city, of which the harbour is blacktt- 1 ded bv eisjdit vessels. The citadel is strong and well ' provisioned. Coron is defended by two or three hundred Turi. s, • and is also well provided. ' Ihe number of Greeks be- fore this place varies from day to dav ; but when the Turks make a sortie, the Greeks retreat, j At Tripohzza there are about 800 Mussel in an slaves, ; men and women. Among them are some rich individ- ! tials to whom the Senate allows a piastre a dav, 111 liie , hope of being reimbursed at some future time. The 1 Greeks employ the other slaves to burn the dead bodies, | of which some are vet left. Will it be believed ?— I after the dreadful fate which overtook this city 011 ; bei ng taken, it now contains more than 30,000 Greeks. Navafin is in the power of the Greeks, who amount ! there to alput 10,000. There are some bastions tor I wards the harbour, and a citadel which commands it, tiie ; the work of the Venetians. There are about .30 piqfes S of cannon, 18, 24, and 36 , pounders, but the grcat- ! est part of them are in a bad condition. A Turkish ! fleet of 63 vessel* appeared before Navarin about three . months ago, and appeared as if it would enter , tl* e liar- 1 bour. The Greeks terrified were immediately ready tor | run away. Some foreign ofltcers placed themselves at the gates with swords and pistols iu their hands to pre- vent the Greeks from leaving tlie place. The fleet re- maiuedtwo days before the to. vp, arid their going away allowed the terror of the Greeks to ^ nljside. In the middle of the harbour of Navarin, there is a small island about 60 puces long and 3<> wide.—* There is the bones of 700 Mahometans remain ever since this town surrendered last vear by capitulation— an eternal monument of horror and infamy. At five or six leagues from Tripolizza there is a manufactory of powder, but it is said that the jtowdtT is not of a srood quality. I11 the same town also they cast cannon, which carry balls of two to three pounds. It is intended at present to form a guard of a hun- dred to a hundred and fifty horse, for the Senate The horsemen receive eighty piastres per month, an< l must equip themselves ; but in the Morea the horses are' too small to be employed in war. The country is* however, well provided with cattle, such as oxen and goats. There is in fact, no discipline but in the PhiMielle- man corps composed at present of aixiut 200 u « en, and in the regiment of 400 men, commanded by the Greek Tarda, who has served in Italy. Ifthe Ttirksseriously attack the Pelojwinessus ; if thev send an armv of from 20,000 to 25,000 chosen men ; if a corps of Mttsselmeii after forcing the passage of Thermopylae, traversing Livadia, attacks Corinth, and compels the Greeks to send a part of their forces to that point ; and if the disposable troops at Kpirus move ti> Patras, and act on tlie offensive, and the squadron ef- fects at Modon the debarkation of 20,000 men, we re- peat what we have before s lid, that wc believe the Pe- ninsula could not hold out one month. NOT KS BV THE KlJlTOtl Oi Til* MIS UTtftTa. Our readers are informed that the S;> ect ite « r Oriental is putw llsheil at Smyrna, under the inspection of the M* gistrwa-# and is not a pure and authentic source of news from Greece. It is, however less bitter against the unfortunate Greeks than a certain official journal of Germany : it sometimes gives irfi a glimpse of facts which make us doubt of the ultimate success ofthe oppressors of Greece, and it gives ciretimstawti: il de tails which appear gathered on the spot. Prom this cir- cumstance it is our duty to conmmnicate these extracts f- roi. a this journal to our readers, though they are contrary to our wishes. f We must request our readers to observe this date. Tli « state of things . has changed considerably since then. The capture of Napoli de ltoitiani, coufirmed by the SpectateiYr, has given the Peloponnesians a military point of smpport very important, and which corresponds with the citadel of Ctfrinth. naturally very strong. Master of these two positions, an armj might maintain itself for a long time in the ittbinus « yf Co- rinth. But a vigorous resistance on the part of the Greeks in the mountains of Thessaly, Etolla, ami Phocida, would evetj prevent the Turks frotn approaching » ! ie entrv to die Pelopon- nesus. Neither the reported victories of ' Chmirschid Pacha, nor of the Greeks being confirmed, seem to prove that they are still fighting in small detachments, and with balanced suc- cess, in tliese mountainous countries, so favourable to an army like that of the Greeks, composed of riflemen and purtiaans In such a situation courage may dispense with discijiline. \ V « may hope, therefore, 10 see the MahorwetiHi army stopped lie- fore it can reach Livadia. The warlike Albanians, however, keep the passes ot ihe mountains in their hands ; if more en- lightened it would seise this moment to en « ure its own inde- pendence, in taking part with the Greeks; but corrupted aiii greedy of gold, the Albanians, will probably endeav.- mr tr>' betray both the Turks and the Greeks to gain subsidies and booty. If the Albanians continue the system which they have hitherto pursued, the campaign will bu tejiou* and slcr. ly brought to a conclusion. AMERICA, Jjj- c. The Camden Packet has arrived, bringing very late news from the Spanish Main. The dates from St. Thomas' are to the 9th ult. By the present conveyance, the agents ofthe independent government of New Co- lumbia have received the official account ofthe capture ! of Quito, and the subsequent proceedings of the Patriots, who have repulsed the Rovalistsiu several engagements J ' The leading particulars of the capture of Quito have al- ready been made public through other channels. The be st understanding subsisted between the rroycrn- ments of New Columbia, Chili, and Peru, and it was tile determination of each to assist the cause of libcrtr bv all possible means, whether in the west or north of South America. Should General Bolivar succeed earliest in expelling the remainder of the Royalists, lie will immedi- ately co- operate with the Chilian forces to obtain ti. e same objects in the South. A Decree has been published to prohibit the importa- tion of foreign brandies into the islands of Madeira and Porto Santo, regulating the duties to be paid 011 national brandies. In the Sitting of the Cortes, on the 23d ult. there was a long and animated debate on the affairs ofMonta ^ nleo. ' The precise points under discussion were. 1. Whether an Army of Occupation should evacuate, wholly or in part, Monte Video? 2. Whether the Act of Union oV July St, 1851, should lie recognised as valid and legal, and if it was proper for the Por- tuguese nation to accept of this Union 011 the twenty- one con- ditions proposed in that Act. and accepted hy Baron do La- u- tnua 011 the 2d of August of that year ? With respect to the first, it was decided that the Go- vernment should remove from Monte Video the division of Royal Volunteers and the Staff ofthe Army, dispos- ing of those troops as might be most advantageous ami honourable for the public service. No decision, was adopted upon the second, and furtiii- r consideration of it • being adjourned. The following official explanation of the reason whv the sailing of the expedition had been de laved had been given bv Govern nerit, by superior orders :—" It is made known that every thing relating to the expedition and in the department of Government, is ready, as well tiie ships of war as the transports, troops, & ci and that the motive that has hitherto impeded the Sailing of the'squa- dron has been the non- compliance on the part of the contractors, notwithstanding the urgent remonstrances of the Ministers, publicly posted tip in the arsenal, with that part of the engagements they took upon themselves, and as stipulated in their contract, in due time. This circumstance, notwithstanding all the activity displayed, will prevent the squadron from sailing till the beginning of next week."— August 28. From the LONDON GAZETTE, Sept. 10. Carlton- House, Sept. 7. This day his Excellency the Viscount de Chateau- briand, Ambassador from the King of France, had an audience of his Majesty to deliver a letter from his So- vereign ; to which he was introduced by Earl Bathurst, one of his Majesty's principal Secretaries of State. Foreign- Office, Sept. 9. The King has been pleased to appoint M. ijor- General tiie Right Hon. Sir Benjamin Bloom field, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Military Order ofthe Bath, and of the Itoval Hanoverian Guelphie Order, to be His Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court at Stockholm. From the LONDON GAZETTE, Sept. 1- 1. WHITEHALL, Sept. 14. The King has been pleased to nominate and appoint the under- mentioned Knights Commanders ofthe . Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath, to be Knights Grand Crosses of the said Most Honourable Military Order:— Vice- Admiral Sir Thomas Bonlden Thompson, Bart, vice Admiral Sir John Colpovs, deceased. Vice- Admiral Sir Harry Neale, Baronet, vice Ad- miral Sir William Young, deceased. The King has lieen pleased to appoint Thomas Light- foot, E § q. Accountant and Comptroller- General of Stamp Duties. War- Office Sept. 13. 17th Regiment, of Light Dragoons. Major- General Lord Robert Ell waul Henry Somerset, Iv. C. 13. to be Colonel, vice. General Delancy, deceased. 52d Regiment of Foot, Lieut.- General Sir George Towns- lietid Walker, K. C. B. from the 84th Foot, to be Colonel, vice Lieut.- General Sir Hildebrand Oakes, deceased. 84th Ditto, Major- General Sir Dennis Pack, K. C. B. to lie Colonel, vice Sir George Townshend Walker, appointed to the command of the 52d Foot. BREVET.— Major Edward Hay. Commandant of the Hon. JEast India Company's depot at Chatham, to have Ihe tem- porary rank of Lieut.- Colonel, during the period of his being do employed. LONDON, Sept. 1- 1-. The new Ministerial arrangements were finally deter- mined vesterdav. Mr. Canning has accepted the Seals for the Foreign Office. We believe, too, we can state that Mr. Canning went to the India- house yesterday afternoon, upon the arrangements being completed, to communicate the fact personally to the Directors. We farther understand, that a Privy Council will be held on .' Monday at Carlton Palace, for the purpose of swearing " Mr. Canning into office— Courier of Saturday. We have authority to assert positively, that Mr. Canning is appointed to succeed the late Lord London- derry at the Foreign Office. Mr. Canning attended yesterday at the India House, for the purpose, as it was understood, of tendering liis resignation of the ap- pointment of Governor General of India.— Sun. The new Ministerial arrangements are not yet com- pleted, notwithstanding Mr. Canning is arrived. What- ever The Courier may sav, an unexpected demur has arisen in a certain quarter, which occasioned an inter- change of messengers during the whole of yesterday, and so much secrecy was observed on the occasion, that the Messengers made their entrances and their exits from the private door in the Park. His Majesty had proposed to cleave town this day, but in consequence of these little occurrences, it is now thought his journey will be pro- tracted until next week, when he goes to his Cottage.— Morn. Chron. Saturday, Sept. 14. It is now understood that Lieutenant- General Lord Combermere, G. C. B. is appointed to succeed the late Sir S. Auchmuty, as Commander of the Forces in Ire- land. Major- General Sir Edward Barnes, K. C. B. is ap- pointed Colonel of the 87th ( Highland) or Ross- shire Buffi, in the room of Sir Samuel Anchmuty, deceased. The Underwriters at Lloyd's, in consequence of heavy losses, have raised their premiums £ l per cent, on in- surances to India and New South Wales. ECCLESIASTICAL PROMOTIONS.— An Irish Paper says, " The following promotions are spoken of in the highest circles, as those likely to take place :— The Bishop of Down to be translated to Clogher ; the Dean of St. Patrick's to be the new Bishop ; the Hon. and Ilev. Mr. Pomerov to be Dean of St. Patrick's. We learn from a gentleman who was present at the review bv the Emperor Alexander at Moscow, that above 80 petitions were then presented to him by officers and soldiers, who stepped out of the ranks, calling on liim to commence hostilities against the Turks. A priest of consideration had, at the same time, loudly denounc- ed Alexander for his insensibility to the sufferings of his fellow religionists, and that in very unpalatable language. Aforre. Chron. The Kent Herald gives the following account ofthe attempt to assasinate Captain Owen :—" On Thursday 28th tilt. Captain Owen, of the Bellerophon, convict bulk, at Sheerness, received a severe stab in the left side from a convict, whom he was reprimanding for his bad behaviour. The convict had been received on board only on the preceding Monday, and had continually evinced symptoms of insubordination ; on the day above mentioned he was sent on shore to work, but would not, and was of course sent on board again, and whilst re- ceiving a reprimand from Captain Owen he drew his hand from his bosom, where he had kept it all the time, at a moment when Captain Owen turned his head to look at some object, and gave him a back- handed blow with a sharp pointed knife, which passed between his ribs and touched the lungs. Symptoms of convalescence appeared on Friday and Saturday last, but the life of the worthy Captain is now despaired of, it being feared that a mortification has taken place. Mr. Capper arriv- ed on board on Saturday, and gave orders for the future disposing of the miscreant, till the pleasure of the Se- cretary for the Home Department is known. AFFRAY AT CHIPPENHAM. T"> V0 MEN KILLED 1 T1IIKTY- ONE MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN, WOUNDED ! Scenes equal in atrocity to the one wc are about to describe may have taken place during the late commo- tions in Ireland, but we believe it to be nearly unparal- leled in English record. At the last Kington- Langley revel, which took place several weeks ago, some offence, it appears, was taken by a few individuals of Langlev, at the conduct of some young men of Chippenham ; since which time a desire for revenue has been brooding, and during many a Sa- turday night there has been slight skirmishes at Chippen- ham between a few of the parties. It was resolved, however, by the Langley people, that the grand attempt should be made on Saturday evening last, when a most barbarous and blood thirsty conflict took place. For this purpose, it is supjiosed that thirty or forty men must have assembled during the evening— many it is con- jectured, even hired for the occasion ! At about 9 o'clock a poor fellow fell down in a fit near the Bear Inn ; several of the wretches here endeavoured to excite confusion, but no collision took place ; they did not go far enotigli to provoke a Quarrel—! t was too early per- haps for their diabolical scheme. At about half- past ten, however, they cohimenceil in an ob'eure part of the town, called Tunber- street, where, armed with bludgeons, they spared neither man, woman, nor child 1 but indiscriminately attacked all who came in their way. The cry of Murder ! called many from their beds, who, on coming out and inquiring what was the matter, were immediately knocked down, beaten with sticks, and tramp- led upon. The alarm becoming extended, and larger . numbers arriving, the assailants retreated to the lower ' part of the town. By this time, Mr. Moore, of the j Duke of Cumberland, ( the respectable High Constable) arrived, with a view to appease the strife, but before he could well speak, he was felled to the ground, most un- mercifully beat, and soon after carried home senseless ; one eve was nearly knocked out, and his body dreadfully cut and brused. He now lies in a very distressing state, through free from danger. His brother was also several times knocked down, but received no serious injury.—— Mr. Hull, saddler, was called from his bed by the horrid cries of murder I which now proceeded from all parts ; and without waiting to put on his stockings or his hat, he hastened almost naked, to render, as he thought, a fellow- creature assistance ; but, poor man, little did he expect to what he was doomed I Within an hour and a half, after he went out, he was found near the Ivy- house in a most deplorable state, bleeding to death !— scarcely an inch of his head free from cut or bruise. He was taken home and expired within four hours. His remains were yesterday interred in the chusch- yard at Chippenham.— Miss Wastefield, who keeps a ladies boarding school near the bridge, hearing a great noise, o O ' O o opened her bed- room window to ascertain the cause, when a large stone was immediately thrown at her, and she was knocked backwards. Mr. Reynolds, a brazier, was carried home soon after twelve, bruised from head to foot. He was heard praying most piteously for his life. " Don't kill me ! Don't kill me, Mountjoy I ( he said) and I'll give thee a guinea ;" but no mercy was shown him— lie died on Tuesday evening. Unfortu- nately he was insensible from the time he was wounded to the moment of lii3 death, so that his deposition, which might have been important, could not be taken. The wife of Pound, the carrier in Timber- street, where the fiend-- commenced the affray, hearing her husband knock- ed down at the door, ran out and was instantly felled ; and her blow, and the alarm for her husband who was scarcely risen before he was beat down again, has had such an effect on her ( she being pregnant), that serious apprehensions are entertained for her life. Mr. Blan- chard, the constable, was knocked down during the affray, and received a severe contusion on his head, and a blow on one of his eyes. James Ruby was cut in a shocking manner about the mouth and eyes— one eve is closed. In short, there are one- and thirty men, women, and children, more or less wounded ! The Magistrates ( Mr. Fuller, Mr. Grosett, and Mr. Coleman, with Messrs. Atherton and Gabriel, solicitors of Calne) assembled at 11 o'clock dfi Sunday morning, and had been sitting early and late, at the White Hart Inn, up to last evening, when they adjourned until Friday. They have been indefatigable in their exertions to get at the perpetrators ofthe above horrid murders.— Immense numbers of witnesses have been, and a great number more remain to be, examined. Wm. Clare, Esq. our respected Coroner, arrived at Chippenham, on Monday about noon, and immediately impanelled a Jury from the most respectable inhabitants of Chipping- liam, and its neighbourhood, on the body of Mr. Hull ; they have sat at the Town- hall, until 10 o'clock each night, and have not yet come to a conclusion; each vitness undergoes the closest examination ; no pains or trouble are spared to sift the affair to the bottom. The same Jury will be sworn on the body of Mr. Reynolds. A number of persons are already in custody, and warrants have been issued against several others They all appeared careless of their situation when first taken into custody, but there was a visible alteration in their countenances after they heard of the death of poor Reynolds. The Governor of the New House of Correction, Devizes, is oil the spot, rendering his as- sistance. A Coroner's Inquest on the body of . Mr. Joseph Hull, Saddler, has been held ; and from present appearances, it is not unlikely that the Inquest will last dusing the week. ANCIENT CITY IN AMERICA.— The ruins of an extensive city, said to have been discovered a few years since in Guatimala, in Mexico, have been surveyed by a learned Spaniard, and drawings made of its curiosities, which have been sent to London, and will soon be pre- sented to the world. The city had been covered for ages with herbage and underwood. NA VAL REGISTER. FROM LLOYtTS MARINE LIST, Sept 10. Smyrna, Aug. 2.— The Egyptian and main Turkish fleet have formed a junction offScio. Constantinople, Aug. 9.-— A Maltese vessel, under Eng- lish colours, bound from this place for the Turkish fortress at Negroponte, has been taken posssession of by the Greek naval force off Latada, on the N. W. point of Negroponte, and her i cargo ( wheat) being suspected to belong to the Turkish Go. \ vernment, was taken out and condemned, and the vessel al- j lowed to depart. | Leghorn, Aug. 27.— The combined Ottoman fleet, consist- j ing of six sail of the line, many frigates and transports, have i landed a number of troops in the Morea. Lisbon, Aug. 24.— The Lesette, Aimer, bound to Peters- burg!], which put back 17th inst leaky, has discharged her cargo, in order to repair. The Happy Return, Munro, from Flint to Nantes, was stranded at Penmon, near Beaumaris; on Sunday morning, and it was feared would go to pieces. The cargo ( lead) ex- pected to be saved. Anhabella, M Donnell, from Liverpool to Tobermory, sprung a leak off the Isle of Man 28th olt. and sunk oil tile 30th, off the South Rock Light, in 14 fathoms water. VESSELS St- OKEN WITH. Oxford, Clyde, to St. John's New Brunswick, 30tb tilt, lat. 49. long. 40. Sarah of Maryport, for Quebec, 1st inst. lat. 50. Ion. 21. by the Eggington, Wilson, arrived at Liver- pool. Ann. Clyde to Quebec, 31 st ult. lat. 49. loft. 25i by the Gales, Dawson, arrived at Liverpool. SEPT. 13.— The Lautel. M'Donald, from London to Valparaiso, put into Monte Video 19th June, to repair da- mages sustained in a heavy gale of wind. Hull, Sept. 11.— The Virginia, Burt, from Dominica to Antigua, with a party of officers and soldiers belonging to the 35th regiment, was wrecked 20tb July on the Saintes. The crew and passengers saved. Gibraltar, Aug. 21. — A ship of the line, and two brigs, under French colours, were seen cruizing oil Cape St. Mary's two days ago. — 22d, The French squadron was seen from Cadiz yesterday. The Edward Duwnes, Russell, from Belfast,' has arrived at St. Andrews. N. B. with considerable damage, having been on shore on Hope Island. The Nelson, Brown, from London, arrived at the Cape of Good Hope 23d June, was driven on shore 29th, but got off on 1st July, with loss of anchors and cables. Bengal, March 5.— The Ajax, Scott, bound to Gibraltar, put back leaky on the 3d inst. and : mi t he docked. PLYMOUTH, Sept. ( j.— Sailed the Nimrod, 18, Captain Rochefort, for the Leith station The Pandora, for Newfoundland, will sail in a day or two. Remain the Jupiter for India, aud Ariadne, for the Cape, wait- ing orders. On Monday the armed transport Dasher, Lieut. C. Wolrige, arrived at Portsmouth, from the Leeward Islands, bringing several Officers ( passengers) about thirty army and navv invalids, and returned stores.—- She left Barbadoes on the 25th July, when all the Islands were in tolerably good health ; but the 4- th, 5th, - , 9th, and 21st Regiments, which garrison them, were anxiously expecting a speedy return to their native coun- try. The ships stationed there were healthy, consisting of the Pyramus, Captain F. Newcombe, C. B ; Surinam, Captain Crowle ; Icarus, Captain Herbert; and Esk, Captain L. Warner. Commodore Sir Robert Mends passed Barbadoes on the 18th July, in the Iphigenia, for Jamaica and England. His arrival may be daily ex- pected. The Officers who came home in the Dasher arg Captain M'Kenzie, 3th Regiment; Captain KnoX, Ist West India Regiment; Captain Cameron, and Mr. Whitelaw. Royal Artillery ; Deputy Commissary- Ge- neral Dance; Mr. Wilson, Medical Staff. On « Mondav tile Phillyra transport arrived at Ports- mouth from Gilirdltar ( 33 days passage) with invalids from the corps of artillery and sappers and miners, and from the 21th; 64th, and 75th Regiments, under CaptSi Frazer-, Royal Artillery, and Richardson, 75th Regi- ment. There was no British ship of war lying at the Rock, but the Lame was daily expected from Malta on her way to England. By an act passed the last Session of Parliament, viz. 2 Geo. IV. ch. 110. all and every of his Majesty's subjects, are forbidden to hoist, carry, or wear, on board any private vessel or boat whatever, the Union Jack, or any pendant colours usually worn by his Majesty's ships, or any jack, flag, or pendant colours, whatever, made in imitation of or resem- bling those of his Majesty; and every person offending against such interdiction is liable to a penalty of £ 500, to be recover, ed, with costs of suit, either in the High Court of Admiral- ty, or ill any of his Majesty's Courts of King's Bench or Ex- chequer. And it further authorizes any officer of his Majes- ty's navy, customs or excise, to enter on board any ship, ves- sel, or boat, hoisting or wearing, or carrying any such jack, fla^-, ensign, pendant, or colours, contrary to law, to seize and take away the same, and the same thereby to be forfeited.— The ensign and colours allowed to be borne by merchant ships, private vessels, and boats, are described in his late Majesty's Royal Proclamation, bearing date the 1st of January^ 1821. MARKETS, Sfc. AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. The following is the General Average which governs Im- portation, taken from the Weekly Returns of the quanti- ties and Price of British Corn, Winchester measure, in England and Wales, for the week ended 7th Sept. Wheat, - 38 » 8d Beans, - 23s 2d Rye, - - 19; Sri Peas, - 24s , 3d Barley, - 21s 2d Oatmeal, - 00s Od Oats, - 17s 8d Bear or Big, - 00s OOd The Average Price of Brown or Muscovado Sugar, com- puted from the Returns made in the week ended the 1 ltli Sept. is 29s. Jd per cwt. duty exclusive. CORN EXCHANGE, Sept. 1G. The supply of Grain continues moderate, and sales are un- commonly brisk this day. Wheat fully maintains our former quotations; the finest new Wheat maybe quoted at 50s.— In Barley there is an advance in the new Grain of from 3s. to 4s. per quarter ; and old Barley is also Is. to 2s. above our last statement.— Oats are also in advance about Is. to 2s. of our last day's price, and brisk of sale at that rise.— Beans and Pease also effect ready sales at an advance of' 2s. per quarter. In other Grain there is no material alteration. — The market is evidently much improving, occasioned by the smallness of the supply. CURRENT PRICES OP GRAIN. Wheat s. s. d. White ( new) 3G to 50 0 Do. Fine Do. Old Red Do. Fine Do. Old Rye Barley ... Do. Old Malt Do. Fine Pease Hog Fh — to — 0 34 to 48 0 — to — 0 — to — O — to — 0 18 to 20 O 2fi to 3G 0 20 ro 24 0 36 to 50 O — to — O 20 to 28 0 Pease, Maple . Do. White Do. Boilers Small Beans , Do. Old Do. Tick Do. Fine Oats Feed Fine ... Do. Poland Do. Potatoe , Do. Fine s. s. d. 20 to 26 0 20 to 27 0 26 to 31 0 26 to 32 O — to — O 20 to 25 0 — to — O 16 to 21 0 — to — O 1 S to 24 O 1 8 to 25 0 — to — 0 or, 45s. — Country do. 32s. to 36s. HADDINGTON CORN MARKET, Sept. 13. A large supply of Wheat in market, which met with a dull sale. Top price of old 6d. and top price of new 1 s. 6d. higher, but current prices of both rather lower than last day— Top price of old Barley 23s. 6' d.— Top price of old Oats 17s. Wheat. First 24s Second - 21s Third 18s llarletj. Od | 23s 6d Od I 21s Od Od I 18s Od Oats. 17s Od | 15s Od 13s Ocl Pease j / leans. 15s 6d | 15s Od 1- ls Od I 12s Od 14s 12s This day there were 380 bolls of Oatmeal in Edinburgh Market— Retail price per peck of best oatmeal. Is. Id. FAI SEPTEMBER Kingusie, 1st Tuesday Aberlour, 1st Thursday Falkirk, 2d Tuesday Bervie, 2d Thursday Perth, 9th day Dundee, 19th day Inverness, Wednesday after 18th Falkland, 4th Tuesday Trinitymuir, Tuesday preced- ing last Wednesday Durris, last Wednesday Forfar, do. Nairn, 29th day, and Friday fortnight after ( Old Stile.) Coldstone, 1st Tuesday Inverury, 1st do St.- Rufus, Keith, Ist Tues. Wed.- ami l'hurs. RS. —( New Stile.) Rhynie, Friday after do. Hutitjy, . Charles Fair, 2dTues- day and Wednesday Tarves, do. St. Cuthbert's, Cornhill, 2d Thursday Alford, Friday after do. Ballatar, 2d Mond. and Tues. Fraserburgh, 2d Friday Grantown, 3d Tuesday Braemar, do. Hawkhall, Michael Fair, do. Greenburn, do. and Wed. Cullen, last Tuesday Kiukell, Michael Fair, ditt » and Wednesday Broadstraik, last Thursday Newmills, do. New Pitsligo, do. EDINBURGH CATTLE MARKET, Sept. 11 In the market, this morning, there were 5632 Sheep and Lambs. White- faced sheep sold from 13s. 6d. to 23s. 6d. ; black- faced sheep sold from 9s. to 20s.; lambs sold from 2s. 6( 1. to 8s. 6d. In the Grassmarket, there were 163 fat cattle, which sold from 5s. to 6s. per stone, sinking offals. DALKEITH, Sept. 5-— The quantity of Wheat at mar- ket is much larger than the demand, and sales very flat; best old 27s. new ditto 21s. — Barley, a small supply, and the quality much inferior to last year's growth, best 21s.— Oats a large supply, best old, 17s. 6d. ditto new 16s; 6d. current 15s.— Pease and Beans, also a short supply, from l is*, to 16s. per bolt. MORPETH. Sept. 12. — At our market fhis day there was a great supply of Cattle, there being many inferior, fat met with ready sale, at last week's prices. There was a full market of Sheep and Lambs ; both met dull sale— Beef 4s. 3d. to 5s.— Mutton 4s. 3d. to 5s. 3d.— Lamb 4s. to 5s. per stone, sinking offals. GLASGOW CATTLE MARKET.— There were about 230 fat beasts in Glasgow on Monday. Slots, of which there were 130, bad a quick sale, and brought 8s. and 8s, 6d. a stone. Cows were not in such great request; but they were finally all sold off at about 7s. a- stone. Sheep and Lambs were plentiful, and sold at last day's prices. The Cattle Fair of Mullingar, on Thursday se'ennight, was very thinly attended, when compared with crowded fairs of past times. The graziers are completely harrassed, driving their stock from fair to fair, in various and distant parts of the country, endeavouring, if possible, to dispose of them at first cost. A remunerating price is no longer thought of; feeders of cattle now consider themselves well off when they can save the first cost, never dreaming of a comptnisaiioh for grazing, housing, or other incidental expences. Good store pigs ex- perienced a smart rise; they brought from 25s. to 32s. each ; this is no more than a feather in the scale of agricultural dis- tress. A speedy and considerable reduction on lands is the last and only hope ofthe country. As a palliative, consolatory, indeed, but temporary, we are Happy to state that the prospect of harvest in the surrounding country is one of the most cheer- ill" we have ever witnessed, ( ioi n of every description is near- ly reaped, stacked, and in some instances, at home in the haggard. Hay harvest mostly at an end, off the best quality, and quantity not inferior to that of any season in the memory of man, Potatoe digging lias not, properly speaking, yet commenced, but from the acknowledged goodness of what has been already dug, and the fine appearance of the extensive crops yet in the ground, we conftdenily anticipate, with God's blessing, one of the most abundant harvests ever known. FALKIRK TRYST. The aggregate of the cattle at the Tryst was under that of the last year. There were about 11,000 lean, and 1000 fat beasts, about 12,000 iu whole, A good number of drovers and extensive south country buyers attended, and their attention was chiifly directed towards the west Highland cattle, of which they made large purchases. The cattle were as usual purchas- ed iu lots, numbering from ten to a hundred aud upward-..— ' Two years old West Highland queys brought from £ 2 10s. to a head. Two years old s ots from the same quarter sold from L. 2 to L. 5, according to their size and condition. One lot of 40 of the best three year old quejs sold at L. 6 6s. a head, and a number of other lots, same age, and tioui the same neighbourhood, sold trom L. 5 to L. 6 a head. One lot of four scores best three years old stots brought L. 6 10s. a bead, and a number of othei lots same age sold from L.- l 10s. to L. 5 a head, One lot, containing one hundred thiee y. ars old stots, chiefly from lslay, which in twelve months hence, with good keeping, will on an average weigh from forlv- five to fifty stones, sold at L. 4 19s. a head. A lot of 80 four year old sfots, belonging to the Lofti'tWnaco Company Iri Argyllshire, were much admired. They- were considered supei- iof to any lot ( if the same number ever stkni itt Falkirk, and they sold for the English market, from L. 9 tij I,.') 9s. a head. The best ofthe cattle were nearly all sold off on Wednesday afternoon: — Those that remained unsold were mostly soft beasts from1 the north country. The cattle market upon the whole did Weil, and prices'- fdil^ equalled the expectation of both buyers and sellers. The fat cattle sold from 6s. to 7s, a ' stone, beef and tallow. The horses were mostly in inferior condition.— Draught horses were iu request, and the best ' in'the market, runnmg from five to six years old, sold from I, 11 to L. 28.— A few saddle horses of a middling sort brought about tiie same prices. Besides these there were a motely group of hacks, roadsters, bid cart horses, and, in shdrt, all tile varieties of the ipecies at all ages, which sold according to their vaioe, at one'Sovereign each and upwards. There were about- 200 Highland ponies in the market, which were- chiefiy bought by English dealers. One lot of forty went off at L.- 2 10s. a head, and the others brought from L. 5 to L. 8. The fate ofthe cattle purchased at'this market will be regarded with great anxiety. Whether they sell well or ill in England, it will have a proportional effect oil the next tryst, which, besides being the largest of the three, - generally fixeS the prices of the cattle till the return of the suiumer fairs. 3 per C. Red. 3 per Ct. C. 3j Cents. . 4 per Cents. PRICE OF STOCKS. shut. J India Bonds, 81" j Ex. B. I Lottery Tickets, shut I Cs. for Ac. • 48 pr. 5 3 4 pr. 221. 15s. 8.1 S EDINBRUGH, Sept. 17. It is perhaps not generally known that, bv the afct authorising jury trials in Scotland, it is provided, if the Jury cannot agree in the verdict in twelve hours after they are inclosed, they must separate and a new Jury he chosen to trv the case. In consequence of the dispute between the farmer of the post horse duties and the hacknev conch masters of Edinburgh, the latter have resigned their licences, and Tie was charged with hnvmg forged the acceptance of two bills,- of which he Was himself drawer, ane of which was for 83h' tffe other 941.— and having caused them to be offered for discount at the offices of the Pefth Banking Company, and of the Pertll Union Bank, about the month of January IK17. The prisoner pleaded guiltj— and the Jury found htm guilty accordingly," Mr. Hope, in restricting the libel in this case, remarked, that ( Here we're very few, if any, cases' of this nature, wherein the libel had fo' 6' eiv restricted, but he assured the Court he hail good reasons fcf; doing so. Mr. Thomson spoke in mitigation of piirtishrdent, the pri- soner having formerly borne a good character, and having been employed as an overseer to several gentleirien of great, respectability, which office he had Hi led to the satisfaction of bis employers, and credit to bimseifi lie had also, inconse- quence of the crime of which he had been convicted, lived nearly six years in exile- > ' The Court, on the suggestion of Lord Succoth, sentenced the panne! to be transported for 14 years. ' John Miller and William Stonier, accused of the crime of an assault, with an intent to conlmit a rape on a girl about 1 i years of age, in the neighbourhood of Glamnm, on the 5th of May last, w ere placed at the bar. The Court was then order- ed to be cleared-— but we understand that thfey pleaded not guilty. y A'considerable number of witnesses were exattfiried for tlid prosecution, as were likewise a number in exculpation on be- half of ( he pannefs. Mr. Hope addressed the Court for the prosecution, arid Mr; Thomsdrrfor Miller and Storrier, after, which the evidence w as summed up by one of their Lordships— and the Jury, after having been enclosed for nearly an hour, returned a verdict by a plurality of voices finding the pannels guilty of the as- sault, with an intent to couitfm rape. Sentence delayed until to- morrow. - William Smith, alias Stewart, stood accused of theft, lie pleaded guilty, and received sentence of four months imprison* merit in the gaol of Forfar, Saturday the Court met at nine o'clock, find proceeded td the consideration of the case of David Liddle & enitedy and Janet Douglas, who were sentenced to transportation for 7 year*! Miller and Storrier \ tere then put to tiie bar. Mr. Hope not a hackney coach is nOvv to be seen on any ofthe • moved the judgment of the Court.; and Mr. Thomson ad- stands. " | dressed the Court at considerable length, iu mitigation of Yesterdav the price of the quartern loaf m this city fell | Pu » 5sh ™ J?- , . , . , on* 4 half " * . Lord Hermaridj in a speech of great energy, pointed wL " I, d » ' ^ * . } the, aggravated nature cf the crime of which the pannels ffiu FCXTRAORDINTARY ! ACT.— The quartern loaf sells j been Convicted, and proposed that they should, in addition t , in Torres at 7d. and in Elgin the price charged for it is i the punishment of transportation, be whipped through the lOd ; in consequence of this considerable quantities of] t0v*" I^ mdee. bread are taken from Forres to the latter place, the dis- \ , L,°" d SlJCCOtH- ih t{ ie eourse of , m observations dn the crime . , _ i • i - t /) •> , • , > , . . I of which the pannels h id been convicted, remarked, thatitwa- j tance being only 1CZ miles, and is there boUii it with f t! i , >. . ... • » • , • • ; .. ° J ' o w f clear that they had been both aiding an< l assisting in the perpi' - avidity. ^ | tration of this most atrocious crime; that, it was indeed a very The price of the quartern loaf last week fell a penny j rare occurrence for two men to be concerned irt stich an of- in Glasgow. It is now sold, fine 8d. ; coarse, 6d. ; at fence> 0, ie holding the feet of their victim, while tht? other was attempting to commit the bfutal act. There had lieeii cases in which greater marks of violence & ere exhibited, but that would not, fn any wat, militate ill tlieir favour. It WasJ not neCessdrjr for the pannels to knock down the girl, because1* from her tender ye^ rs, she was finable to resist the' strerigth of two men. It was also proved, that they had gone deliberately about their criminal purpose, by dragging the girl into n wood ; this shows, that they were determined to effect their which rate the loaf of the quality in general used in Edinburgh would be 7d. This has been the money price of the quartern loaf in Leith for some months. A few days ago two vessels, partly laden with apples, arrived at Leith from the Continent ; but the shippers finding that the selling price of that commodity was less w ^ than the duty charged at the Custom- house, they re- ^"" IV : , » , , • M . » , , . ' . » . . .' ' I object— the girl crying out and making all the resistance she solved ori throwing tnis part of their cargoes into the sea* This uncommon occurrence gave rise to a scene truly ludicrous, in which many a good ducking was voluntarily submitted to by the multitudes engaged in the scramble. In the recollection of any person living the crops of fruit of all Idnds were never so abundant as this season. On Wednesday his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex passed through Alnwick, on his way to Earl Grey's seat at Ilowick. A great concourse of people assembled to receive the Royal Visitor, and liis carriage was drawn throiigh the town by the populate, amid en- thusiastic cheers, the waving of handkerchiefs, and the firing of cannon. His Royal Highness politely bowed to the ladies and gentlemen who cheered him. Sunday his Royal Highness was expected at Blagdon on his way to Raby Castle from Howick. could. Jt appeared in evidence, that the girl, who was only J4 years of age, continued in a state of fever for some daya after. Undi'f all the circumstances of the case,? therefof'tf, fits agreed with the suggestions df I. nrd ITermand, as to the ex- pediency of the pannels beirig publicly w hipped, in addition to the punishment of transportation. His Lordship concluded* by addressing the pannels in a most impressive rrtailuer; to what ought id 1 re the line ( if conduct pursued by them after they should leave this country. . The sentence of the Court was read, ordaining Miller and Storrier to bfe ptililicly whipped through the town of Dundee, on the 4tli day of October next, aiiJ, thereafter, to be biiiiiih- ed beyond seas for 1- 1 years. William Bobertsdri, accused of a similar act, was tlicn put to the bar, and the Court cleared, arl liad been done in the former trial, during the examination of the evidence, fisc, and ihe CouH continued shut from 11 to past 7 o'clock at night. In the course of that time a great number of witnesses, both . , , for the prosecution and in exculpation, wete examined. Tha 1 lie 13lii Regiment will soon remove from here ( pro- general outline ofthe evidence was understood td be, that tha bably by sea) to Chatham, where it will prepare for its I female; who lived near Cupar Fife, had been violently as- voyage to India, from which destination it will most sau, te'i. severely wounded, and actually lavished by the likclv embark in December next. ! , ... , , , „ r< , r . . „. , „ i After some pleading by the counsel for the Crown and the Un uesday, seven hairdressers ( King s Freemen) J prisonef;, and the false beitig summed up by one of their Lord- were fined 5s. at the Police Court, Glasgow, for haying | ships, the jury retired, and were eitclosi; d for about an hour, their shops open and shavincr on Sunday. I W « « » returned with a verdict, finding, by a plurality oi' Mr. Kean commenced an engagement at Glasgow on j voices' the panuel guilty of rape; but unanimously and strong- Tuesday evening in the character of Richard; tliere !"'" <°'"'/ ft. ...... , .„ „ , ' „ . ° ,. I Mr. Hope having moved the judgment of the Court, W! l C nn .. I, if. 11,1.,, — . nrl^ nnn S _ , ' •,' ,,' ,, Lord ouccoth addressed Kobertson in a short but mos$ energetic speech, stating that the Court had no alternative but to pass the last sentence of tiie law. Lord Hermand also made a few observation? oti tiie nature and enormity of tiie offence, and concluded by sentencing: Robertson to be hanged at Cupar Fife, oil the 31st October next. The prisoner heard the awful doom pronounced with great: was an overflowing audience, Mr. Kean lias been prevented from completing his engagement at the Glasgow Theatre by tin attack of in- disposition, so severe as to call for the attendance of two ofthe most eminent Physicians, He lids been in danger, and is still unable to leave his bed. A gentleman present at the Civic Banquet assures us, that immediately after the Provost was invested with his ( composure and firmness. He was a good- looking middle blushing honours, and had his health proposed by Ma- jesty, the band played three airs, one of which was, " A Man's a Man for a' that." In this song the well- known terse occurs, The King can mak a belted Knight, A Marrjuis, Duke, and a' that ; But an honest mdh's aboon his might, Gude faith hemauna fa' that. It is a singular circumstance that a person in the Gal- lowgate, ofthe name of Scotland, lately had two ser- vants whose names were England and Ireland. CIRCUIT INTELLIGENCE. The Circuit Court of Justieiarv was opened at Stir- ling oil Thursday, the 12th inst. bv Lord Succoth, in the room of I jOrd Meadowbanli, who, we reoret to un- derstand, was prevented from attending by the dangerous illness of a near relative In the morning, previous to liis Lordship entering the town, he was met by the Provost and Magistrates, in their elegant coach arid four, with livery attendants. There was no business before the Court. The onlv indictment on the roll was that of Peter Moffiit, jun. charged with the murder of his father at Milsyth, who, after the usual formalities of'Iaw, was declared an out- law for non- appearance. His Lordship Here took an oppor- tunity of alluding to the foul deed with which this un- happy man stood charged, trusting it was scarcely neces - sary for him to say how much it was the duty of all to use tlieir exertions for his apprehension, should he again make his appearance in this country. The Jury being- discharged from further attendance,- his Lordship took an opportunity of congratulating, them on not having any ofthe usual tasks of a Jury to perform— a circumstance which reflected highly on those in whose hands the peace of the country had been placed, and the best proof that the moral condition of the whole community was that which leads to good order and individual prosperity. The Sheriffs of Stirlingshire, and of Kinross and Clackmannan- shires, being called up'cfir, in the usual way, to answer any charges against them, his Lordship com- plimented them On the manner in which their important duties had been discharged, as was amply shewn by the state of crime on the roll, not only that day, but on a former occasion, lie trusted they would continue zeal- ous in repressing crime, and maintaining the present gratifying state of the country. Mis Lordship also re- marked, that althongh a few years ago'there were daring attempts to outrage the laws, and to disturb the state of society, it was gratifying now to reflect that those dispo- sitions had given way to better feelings, and that the country was not likely again to be visited with similar at- tempts against the peace and security of the people. On Friday the 13th inst. the Circuit Court of Justiciary was opened at, Perth, by Lord Succoth and Lord Hermaud.— After prayers by the Kcv. Mr. Thomson, David Liddle Kennedy, and Janet Douglas were placed at the bar, accused of vending forged notes J they having, on tile filth July last, passed a note, purporting to be a one pound note of Sir VV. Forbes & Co. bankers in Edinburgh, at the Lcatham toll- house, Fifeshire; and also with vending a note wf a similar description in Auchtermuchty. The prisoners pleaded guilty. aged inaii, and has, as We Were informed, A family^ Terrence Flemingham or Flannigan, accused of an as- sault oil a fellbw- workman, near the IJridge of Larn, was. after the examination of several witnesses, found guilty, and sentenced, to twelve months imprisonment in the jail of Perth. BIRTHS. At Laverock Bank, on the 6th inst. the Lady of Jolm Street, Esq. ofthe Royal Artillery, of a son. At. Hollies, Staffordshire, on tile 18th ult. the Lcdy of H. Montgomery Campbell, Esq. of a sou aud heir. At Barjarg. on the 27ih ult. tlie Lady of William F. Hunter, ofa daughter. The child only survived a few hours. At the Rectory, Warkton, Northamptonshire, on the 5th inst. Mrs. Waochope, ofa daughter. In Charlotte Square, on the 10th inst. the Lady of War- ren Hastings Anderson. Esq. ofa daughter, MARRIAGES. At St.. Mildred's Church, Canterbury. cntheTflth ulr. Mr. James Porter, stilt, to Mrs. Catherine liange, being his sixth Wife. At the Chapel of the British Ambassador, Paris, Williarri John Llalzell, Esq. of the Royal ArtiMery, second son of thd late Professor Dala'eU, of Edinburghy to Eliza Margaretta, only daughter of Samuel Blyth, E-< q. of London. At Wootton, in SUrr ey^ on the 31st ult. Charles, eldest sort of Rear- Admiral Sir Charles Rowley, K C. B. artel K. T M. to Frances, only daughter of John Evelyn, Esq. of Wotton, At Drummond Place, Edinburgh, on the 9th iust. A ley, Scott Broo « nfield, Esq; 4th Dragoon Guards, to Sarah* eldest daughter of the tete Alex. Campbell, Esq. of Hull- yards.! At Dumbarton1 Castle, on the 9th inst. T. Y. I> ester, Esq. 7th Royal Fuzileers, to JMary, youngest daughter of Major- General Islav Ferrier. At Kirkaldy, on the 10th inst. Mr. James Balling*!!, factor at CharletOn, to Agnes, third daughter of the late ilr. John Stocks. DEATHS. At Shooter's Tlifl, Kent, on the 2^ fh Instant, General Sir Thomas Bfomfield, Bart, in his? 9tb year. At Comely Bank, on the 50th ult. James, third son of tii<? late James Campbell, E » q younger of Craignish, and formerly Captain in the 7- yd Regiment of Foot. At IVfubselburgh, on the 11th inst. Martin Kilgour, Esq, M. U. At Dundee, on the 9th instant, William Small, Esq. Town Clerk of Dundee. At Cheltenham, on the 2< Hh ult; Lieut,- General John Haynes, ofthe Hon. East India Company's service. At sea, on the 25th July, Captain Alex. Lindsay, Com- mander ofthe Hon. East India Company's ship Kellie Casfle. At Shandwick fMace, on the 23th ult. Alexander, the eldest son of Colin Mackenzie, Esq of Portmore. At her house in Park Street, Gro& Venor Square, London, en the 3ist ult. after a short illness, Lady Penh, mother of the Right Hon. Lady Gvvydyr. At Slough. B » cks, on 25ill ult. in his 86th year, Sir Win. Herschell, Km. Guelph, Fellow of the Royal Societies of London and Edinburgh, President of the Astronomical So- ciety of London, and a Member of nearly all the principal Scientific Societies of Europe and America. On the 23d ult. of apoplexy, aged 67, Dr. Robert Wright, Physician of Greenwich Hospital, late of Haslar. In Windsor Castle, on the 26th ult. aged 32, Mr. J, M'Lean, one of the Poor Knights of Windsor. He had been 40 year* in the 29th Regiment, many years in the Life Guards, audi lately an Ensign in the 2d Battalion of Royal Veterans, mak- ing a total of 6Q years' service. At Rothesay, on the 24th Hilt. David Urquhart, Esq. ship- owner there. At Beech wood, on the 3d in « * t. General Oliver Delancy, Mr. Hope restricted She libel to an arbitrary punishment.-^- j Colonel of the 1 7th Regiment, of Dragoons. Lord Hermaud shortly addressed the Jury, who1 found the prisoners guilty in terms of their own confession.— Sentence delayed. John Thomson, from Dundee, also'accused of forgery, was sentenced to be transported for 7 ye » ri. Wi ilium Scoit, accused of forgery, was next put to the har* At his father's hctise, on the 3d inst. aged 9.>, after a lin- gering Hhiess, which he bore with much Christian resignat ion, James, eldest son of Mr. Si me Ruthven, Scotsman Office. At- Edinburgh, on the 9ih instant, Elizabeth, daughter of the late James BaTird. E- q. Ueputy Kind's Hvuiiemfcu^ ucer of Exchequer, To the EDITOR of the ABERDEEN CHRONICLE. SIR, t have a story For you which, I helieVe. The T. C, knows about. The Town's Books and Papers, which were ordered up to the TWh Committee, were ttoxed up and sent to Lon- don per Mail, and as all expense*, were allowed, that was among the rest and also the expense of their conning hack again T- K R MAP.— foriit wat TRO ( tern in ike hole of expenses claimed. Will you as ® the proper Officers if the boxes tra- BAKING. fyacketing bv the transaction- enjoy under Government, in a mild administration of ihe j JOHN SMITH, BAKER IN NORTH STREET, I" J EG S to inform his Friends and the Public, that he J has taken and entered into that SHOP iu Dee Street, i lately occupied by GltRKitT Con jr. and now catties ou the BA KING EUSIN ESS there in all its branches. J. S. may confidently state, that he will supply his Cus- tomers with Bread ofthe very first quality; he learned his busi, , „,„ ,„„ ness ill London, where the art of Baking is carried to the vi ed to Aberdeen * KR WAGOON. and tl there was any . > , . . , • • . d f What blessings we { utmost perfection, and be has entered into arrangements to ' receive a constant supply ofthe finest English • flour. He j therefore humbly solicits the Patronage of the Public, and '* ' . JL .. , ,. , . . n ,„ e 1 begs to add, that nothing shall be w anting on his port to give Tier" is a T'wn Serjeant » birth vacant at ptescnt. One of " ... , , , ,, , , - , V ; ,. , , . V , ... , , ,,,,. every satisfaction to those who shall honour him with ibeir the candidates for it, is a person who, if he has studied thu , - ... . - , , • if ,. ! cC'tumanrl- doctrine of vested rights, must think himself sure of success, j I do not know- that he isone of the " Looking to" men, but he has been a Councillor, and alas!— would Carry a halberd. When Ihe Oee and tlie St. Andrew arrived, they made fast to a WoodelrPawl at the Jetty. At'night, there came a gale of wind, and the vessels were put in imminent danget, for smack went the Pawl— and the remains of its ROTTEN COR- PORATION are left standing there, as a memento to us of the great attention paitl to our Harbour matters— the length of our Pier and our Purses. H'ave you heard the story of the Edinburgh Barber, who was engaged to shave THE DEPUTATION ? The poor man stuck to his engagement, and asked £'> 2tC— but his services were dispensed with, and Ids demand refused, because Perth, and Aberdeen fratemieed, and Aberdeen to strengthen the friend- ship, allowed Perth's Barber to take our Deputation by. the nose. SI'RAP. tlie audience ; and tins, " snvs tbe Procurer General, could not possibly be true, becaus'e none of the other Journals ( all of them recollect in the pay of the Court) mention the circumstance. The Editors offered to prove the truth of their statements, lint a proof was not al- lowed, and M. GUISE, responsible Editor of the Con- ttiialionnei, and FAUCI CLOR, responsible Editor of the Journal tin Commerce, were each sentenced to be im- prisoned one vear, and pay a fine of JOOO francs.— Gft ACIEUX, Editorofthe Courier Franfois to six month's imprisonment, and a fine of' 3000 francs ; and CASSANO j many pcopie sccptieal in their belief of tlie bad motives ofa certain part of the press, and some of our readers among tiie nuriiber. Let the article be seen ! We need not describe what passions have been at work in its composition, but we fear there haS been more MON'KV than malice. But to the article—• " JOSEPH HUME, Esq. M. 1'. M. 0. and Sf.' T. as he is, has had a Dinner given him by the same town which gave him a diploma ; his talents in culling r. ji justify this partiality of Aberdeen for their fits) representative, on both occasions. Somebody once sent COHSETT a tin teapot, iMiich he fancied ,'- r I,-? , . i' • . i . ,. , was silver, and it pleased him iust as-- veil as the QUREN'S plate of . the I'dole to one month s imprisonment, and aline " ' • ' F J. , , - .- , ,,, - ' - . ,.. . '. . , , ( for which Alderman WOOD raised a subscription) w^ tuld have ofHlOQ francs, 1 he (, ohst< Mi< mne^ and Journal dtt • p| easod nka MA^ STV had she lived. the people of Aberdeen Commerce are forbidden to report judicial proceedings 1 „; ve [ IUME a feed," and it is just as flattering to him as the for- one vear—- and the Courier and Pilate for six months, j dinner given by Liverpool was to Mr. CARVING. O. tiers from the country will be carefully attended to, Jn sufcll proceedings against Editors of public Journals, ! The stuprd TIMES has actually this weekcompared these two -— — —• —— 1—•— .... , . , , p n 7 r . t it ^ c. i „ ' iiersont— Mr. CANNING and Doctor lit: ME—.- made parallel i the Judge be satisfied of the cnlpululitv ot tne accused, •- , . ,.;. - . '. ( Tflt O. n - ', . ii'ti . histories of their characters and pretensions. 1 lusls quite un- _____ : - M proof is deemed necessary ; and the Judge may, at , ans.,, crahIe ( ,) Ut aswe areufm ,' he subject of dinners, we will his discretion, suppress such Journals altogether if be j „, Ga « Bre tb « minds of ihe men by the respective entertainments think proper. No new Journal can now be established | given lotlii- m i one, the tribute of admiration from the. majority in France, without the permission of Ministers. These \ of two thousand five hundred independent electors of the se- proceedings must ultimately produce good effects— for it < « "< » mercantile town in the country, consist!^ of Tlmle. Veni- i -.,... b , - ; - ' , V , ,, sou. Champagne, and Burgundy; the other, the ottering of is evident, that those attached to the present order of , five Horo « gh » 6t MONTROSE, BRECHIN, ABER- things, believe the Bourbons cannot be supported on the t 1Rt) fixoci. and INVERBERVIE, the whole/ tie Borehghs contjun- throne of France unless by a pure despotism, to which ing five ele To t'-. e Eoiroii < sf the ABERDEEN CHROXICLE. SIR, . 1 shall lie glad. to learn, through your medium, or that of any of your Correspondents— What has been done, or is doing, by the Water Committee? The want of water, during the last three months, has been seveie on tlie inhabitants, but they have borne it with patience, in the belief.' that a remedy will be applied,, to prevent the sam^. distress occurring again next vear. In my opinion, - pmethittg ought to he- proposed speedily, • Wl. ich is what ihe inhabitants expect from their Committee. ..... ' cms. 19/ 4 Sefti 1S22. To the EDITOR of the AIIEKDEEN CHRONICLE. SIR. • EMmitk, Sept. 13, L » « 2. T beg leave to call the ottetl'tibn of the coitti.' ies situatetl on the moth and west coasts of Scotland K> the late measures . which Parliament have adopted in regard to Barilla, At the end of last Se> si » n a ftiit Was • itilroUuced and carried through in a ntanner cupr Cedented. and which had for its1 rl'ircr the reduction of the duty on Barilla to less than one half of what it has liven for. many years. Every one knows' tlvHt ihe reduction can only be of advantage to those engaged in ti'ie i'. npojtatrotl of tills article, and there can be little doubt that Government has. in this instance, yielded to the entrea- ties of Mictl speculators. At this period of universal distress in Scotland, the reduc- tion of the duty on Barilla aggravates the calamities of the north and west districts. In these the manufacture of Kelp forms one of die principal means of support of a great part of Ihe inhabitants, and what is to become of them if Government, should persist in the foregoing measures; it is easy to see they must either emigrate or starve— most of them cannot emigrate because they have no funds to carry them out of this country, and thousands aud tens of thousands must exist in abject misery ; a thriving population must be destroyed to gratify a tew individuals, and - when no remedy will be effectual, Go- vernifeept will feel the consequences that have been stated. The leductiori of the duty is not to lake place before Jan, next, and I would therefore recommend, that every county in- terested should, at the next Michaelmas meeting, agree to pe- tition against the reduction of the duty on Baiilla. The pro privtors and ' the- inhabitants already feel the loss of rents and capital in consequence of the reduction of the price of cattle, & c. told if iliey do not lake care in time, their distresses will be multiplied Mi u uih iliat drey w ill not be able to hear them. Lain, & c. X. Y. WILLI A M ROBERTSON, TAILOR, HABIT, AND PELISSE MAKf. Tl, GRATEFUL for former favours', begs t< X inform his Friends and the Public, that he is just returned from. LONDON, with the NEWEST and most APPROVED FASHIONS in his business. He trusts, by the strictest attention and promptitude in executing orders, to merit a continuance of that support anil patronage, which, he has so liberally experienced since lie commenced business. N'. B.— Orders from the couutry carefully attended" 10, and executed on the shortest notice. St.. Nicholas'Street,- Aberdeen, Sept. 14, - 1822. THE CHRONICLE. wgyg.' ji.*.— lagfarv^ r rr'M'- r nr. ,' iM-, M^ rt wm*~ r- ri W— i ABERDEEN .• SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1822. GERMAN APPLES ON SALE. nnHE remainder of the Hazard's Cargo, from Ham fi- burgh, is now selling off, at the WA REHOUSE of JOHN" STEWART, ( jeneral Agent, Crown Court, L'ni- , u Sfleet. The appearance arid quality of these Apples superior to any. nq-. v on sale in this place; and the'price ex- ceedingly low. A liberal discount to dealers, and others taking quantities ; and as the quantity remaining is very much reduced, an early application is recommended. Summary of politics. MR. CANNING and kit 11 EI) LION of REFORM. WHEN the great Statesman, now entrusted with the Sea's ol the Foreign Department, reasoned his ad- mirers into full conviction of the inexpediency of Reform, he made use of the following apt and happy illustration. There was once, said be, a Painter who could paint nothing except red Lions. He would paint a red Lion for a sign post, which might be sufficiently appropriate — but for the interior decoration of a gentleman's house,, he could paint nothing else, and he uniformly recommend- ed red Lions, great or small, as the surface to he painted would admit. Just so, said the close reasoning States- man, certain wrong- headed men bold forth Reform GARIOCH FARMER CLUB. THE next MEETING of the CLUB holds a Cooper's Inn. Pittnachie, on Saturday the 28th current at half past 11 o'clock. Dinner at 3. The Right Hon. The Earl of FIFE, TRESES. RODERICK MACKENZIE, Esq. of Gluck, V. P. Thomas E mslie, Esq. of Fingask, 7 Andrew Jopp, Esq. Aberdeen, $ Awards. J. SH AND, SEC. & Ta. Oyne, Sept. 0, 1S22. NARROW WYND SOCIETY, rpil E Annua) General Meeting of this'Society Will JL be held, within the Lemon Tree Tavern, on Wednesday next the/ 25tll curt, at G o'clock evening, for the purpose, of auditing the Treasurer's accounts, collecting contributions, admitting of new Members, electing a Committee of Manage- ment, au'd transacting such other business as the interest of the Society may require. JAS. JOHNSTON, P. Capt, rUST. lC SALE OF QUEBEC TIMBER AND STAVES. On Wednesday next, the 25th inst. at 11 o'clock forenoon, there will be exposed by public sale, rpHE Entire CARGO of the SPRIGHTLY - t Johnston, iust landing from Quebec, viz. • 17 Pieces WIITTE OAK ." 5 OA. ELM 74 Do. RED PINE 77 Do. YELLOW PINE. Ali of large Dimensions and long Lengths, ' The sale wil1 commence w ilh the Oak and Elm, near the vard lately possessed. by Nicol, Reid, & Co. The Cargo will he found to be of spperior quality, and being on ship's ac- count. must be sold. And, oil the following day, Thursday 2(> th, at same hour, the Whole of the S'FAV. ES by said vessel consisting of Pipe, Puncheon, Hogshead, and Heading, For particulars, apply to BO Br. CATTO. Aberdeen, Sept. IS, 1S22. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. AGeneral. Meeting of the Creditors of JAMES RITCHIE, some time Cattle Dealer, residing at Tillymair. is requested within the New Tnti, A ' fold, oil Fri- day the 27th curt, at 10 o'clock forelioon, for tfie purpose of hearing the proceedings had against Mr. Charles M- Combie of Tillyfcur, and instructing the Trustee as to farther pro- ceedings, CII. DONALDSON, TRUSTEE. September 16. IS22. GROUND TO FEU. There will V> e exposed to Feu, hy public roup, within the Trinity Hall, on Friday 27ib curt, at 6o'clock afternoon, ONE- HALF ACHE, on the Eastmost end of that Park of Cuparsfon, presently possessed by Mr. Patrick Still.— Upset Price. 5s. per Acre. At same time wWlhe exposed for FEUING, the remainder of said Park, and the two Parks westward, in sue!) Lots as of- ferers may incline, agreeably to a plan in the hands of WM, FYFE, Tailor. Long- acre, Box master of the Tailor Trade, who will inform as to farther particulars. The Ground is of a rich early soil— lying on the new line of tin1 Dee- side Turnpike Road, communicating with Holburu Street and its immediate vicinity ; and being at a short conve- nient distance irom town, renders it a most desirable purchase. A LEASE of the remainder ofthe Park occupied by Mr. STILL, will at same time be exposed for such number of years may be agreed on. Aberdeen, Sept, 17, 1822. HOUSE FOR SALE. There will be exposed to sale by public roup, wiihin the Le- mon Tree Tavern. Aberdeen, upon Monday the fourteenth day of October next, at tro o'clock afternoon, ( if not pre- riously disposed Of by private bargain.) f gHlAT HOUSE, at the top of Back- wvnd, belong- JL ingto the Trustees for the Creditorsof AGNES Hill.. Ii is in a very centtal situation of the town ; is well suited fcra stni, II family ;— and contains a Shop, where retail business has hi en carried on for many years. in the meantime, part of the House, which is unoccupied, is to be let till Whitsunday. Entry, immediately. For particulars, apply to Arthur Dingwall Fordyce, Advo- - ClUe. Si hi, oil, ill. Abetdei n, Sept 17, 18? A as an universal panacea, which is to cure all Our poli- tical1 maladies ; ergo, said he, I oppose reform in limine et in toio; for if once vou admit a small red Lion, you may depend upon it he will make way for the great red Lion, Who will brook no controul, and then there can be no doubt, that all our venerable Institutions would be swept awav, for such a reform in the Commons House as is contended for woxdd change the Thing altogether. ( laugh- ter and shouts of applause ) Mr. CANNING 110 doubt believes, that the British Constitution is the admiration of tbe world, the envy of surrounding nations, and we are curious to know at what period he holds that- it became so ? Was it while the Commons were fairfy chosen, and regulated and controul- ed the public expenditure, thereby holding the other branches of the legislature completely , in check ; or since Generosity 011 the one hand, and Gratitude on the Other, has rendered the ' Commons House the servile organ of Administration ? If be chuse the Conner period, it re- mains to be explained how a fair Representation ofthe people, which is all that any reformer contends for, could change the thing altogether : but the Right Hon. - Gen- tleman finds every thing working well under the present system, as far as he is concerned, and likes not theidea of such a Reform as would render such services as his not only unimportant, but altogether inadmissible in state affairs. It has been hitherto pretty generally agreed upon, that what is wrong ought to lie amended ; or, Ubi ig another term, reformed. The Ministers of Reli- gion have for ages enforced the necessity of amending our lives, yet wickedness prevails— our Courts of Law unceasingly labour for the purpose of preventing crime, a id doing justice between man and man, yet crimes are multiplied. Are then our Clergy and Judges to be held mere visionaries— painters of Red Lions—- engaged iu fuulish pursuits, useless if they were attainable ? Shall, we be told, that mankind are wicked and criminal because the Deity wills them to be so— that all endeavours - to correct what is wrong are vain, and that, according to the common saying, things ought to be left to find their own level. Not many years have elapsed since Mr. JOHN BOWLES was imprisoned for some months in Newgate,, for having published a pamphlet in which it was stated, that the business of the nation might be very well carried on without a House of Commons. Mr. CAKXING does not Si. y that, but he assures his Liverpool friends, that a reformed House of Commons would prove the destruc- tion of our enviable Constitution. The people are, how- ever, too much enlightened to be misled by his false state- ments, or influenced by his buffoonery. Thev know, that while the people were fairly represented in Parlia- ment, the country prospered; aud they experience at this moment, the aggravated evils arising from the venality of those who ought to have been the vigilant guardians of their interests. The task may prove not quite so easy as Mr. CANNING seems to imagine, to laugh the Landlords out of the conviction that, during a season of peace and more than usual abundance, their distresses, aiid the still deeper distress of their . tenants, do actually arise from misgovernuient; or . satisfy our Mer- chants, that the loSs of their foreign markets is not the necessary and immediate consequence of , over- taxation. Hitherto the Pitt System has been supported by bribery, and coercion, but it is now a question how long these supporters shall prove available; however, " as Mr. CANNING thinks there may vet be something done, and takes up a game which his friend and countryman thought desperate, let us await the event. The Ministerial Journals express fears, that the coun- try Gentlemen may next Session " join Opposition.-.-- They object to Lord HOLLAND that he has dedar- ed his opinion, that the claims of the owners of the soil are preferable to those of the Fundholder, and an- ticipate great national evils should the country Gentlemen join the ranks of those who oppose Administration. The country, we are well persuaded, . participates not in these fears ; for it is well understood, that Landholders must lose their estates, or the Fmidholders a considerable part of their property-: ami although the Stockholders arc a numerous body, iu extreme cases the public welfare must be the supreme law. despot the people of France will hot long submit. Let our readers suppose Britain reduced to that situation, that no report of judicial proceedings should issue from the Press, unless from Journals in the pay of Ministers— that the comments which necessarily suggest themselves to every honourable mind, concerning the Manchester massacre, should be held . good cause for the suppres- sion of all the independent Journals— and that the people should derive their knowledge of political events from The Courier, New Times, John Bull, or the Journals published in Scotland, undei the same auspices and upon the same principles— and a pretty accurate idea may be formed of the stale of degradation to which enlightened France is now reduced. From a private, letter lately received from Paris, we give the following extract: " For some time our Court has been aping the measures of'the Statesman now no more ( the Mar- quis of LoNDONDERRthind the purest despotism is the order of the day. Domiciliary visits, arbitrary arrest merits, imprisonment, and even torture, are of daily occurrence. Persons accused of plots against the pa-, terual Government of Louis, are refused the choice of council to defend them, and are frequently sent to be tried, in distant parts of the country, where they are unknown, and where the Government thinks the Juries will be subservient to the powers that be. In short, the wretBhed ultra faction, which has engrossed all the power, is driving belter skelter to destruction— The same causes which led to the former Revolution are strongly at work to bring about another ; the same obstinate'blindness on the part of the onc'unne noblesse, . the same tyrannical behaviour to their inferiors, the same bigotted conduct on the part of the clergy. In short, France from One end to the other is filled with discontent, and heaving, with the symptoms of some ter- rible convulsion. It may be years before it break out open- ly; and it may burst forth in a moment, when least expect- ed. I should not be at all surprized, if the spark which is to set all into flame were to come from the cordon seini- taire, as it must he impossible, to prevent the soldiers who compose it from reasoning, as to the motives that have caused them to be sent there ; and we know from experience lately, what risks old legitimacy rtu^ when Soldiers begin to reason," We believe the allusion made to accused, who are not permitted to choose their own counsel, refers to the case of ( jeneral BKKTON, who was refused the counsel of his choice, and appears from the following extract to be prepared heroically to die for his country. When the PRESIDENT hud asked whether the acctiscd had any thing to add tu what bad been s- iid by their Advocates? UEUTON remaiked, that he had been without an advocate, and consequently without defence, as his want of experience in judicial proceedings made him unable to collect and express his thoughts. He made, some observations 011 Ihe conduct of the Procureur General. " Gentlemen," he observed, " You. as well as we have been able to examine his, ferocious lpuk' , wl. ich in vain endeavoured 10 soften themselves when they turned to you for help. lie neglected nothing to breathe into your • souis the cruel feelings which animate his owr. The act of c- cusation, which has been read to you, would of itself suffice to render his name horribly notorious, and you have seen, I think, that lie admires himself in his work. I lidve already told you, if your conscience demands blood, I offer, ymi mine ; I abandon my life to you, but spare, I pray you in the name of humanity, in tbe name of your own glory, these men who marched with me ; they were deceived, they yielded to soli- citations, they were dragged on, restore them to their famries; For seven months tliey have suffered all tfie horrorsof a rigorous imprisonment; cast for the most part into dungeons, deprived of help which their poverty could not aH'ordtbem, their fami- lies, their children will bless you, your names will not l> e for- gotten intheir prayers; your sleep will be the more tranquil, and no remorse will shake your consciences." After relating some petty vexations to which he had been subjected in prison, and among others, that the gaoler was 111' the habit of insulting him by telling him that he ( lite General) was namesake to a turn key, he observed, I answered, " Go to him who tutored you, and tell him that Ihe uame of Berton ishall be honoured in France when the name of. Mangin ( the Procureur- General) shall be execrated. My children shall ever heat that name with pride. Remember that the family name of the brave Crillon was Berlou ! This is an honour which the Procureur Gene- ral wouid not dispute, hut aristocracy does not stand instead of courage. O11 that poii. it, I appeal to the testimony of ali my companions in arms and glory. An inward feeling. tells me, that the shades of the brave Crillon and so many other heroes who have died for their country, will not repulse mine. I- idler yon my breast; strike, - Gentlemen, arid I shall die without fear. Mv soul is bold— it will be content— I shall mount with joy towards my everlasting dwelling, if I can obtain ill favour of all these unfprtunate men your justice autl your indulgence, which I implore. Mauv Frenchmen wil! envy my fate, and I will'yield this honour to 110 one ; nry dealh will be useful to my fellow- citizens and to my country.'* ctors, who. ( betau. se - hey cannot help it) return the Doctor to Parliament— the food being HAGGIS, SUEEE'S HEAD black puddings, anil cocky leeky soup. Both the men ". ve have mentioned are quite satisfied with the compliments paid to their public merits; and precisely in the, same proportion as I, ivr. itI'oni. excels In importance ABERDEEN, MONTROSE. BRECHIN, AHEHBHOTUOCK, and INVEUSEUVIE, as turtle transcends cocky leeky — as venison surpasses haggis— as champaigne beats cider— as claret ouiiloes small beet — and as two thousand five hundred are to five, in so much is Mr. CANN- ING superior to Doctor IIIIME. To notice the proceedings of a meeting where Dr. IIUMK was the Lion, aud - a Mr. BANNERMAN the President, would be to scrutinize the character of the Priest, where " a monkey was th/ E GOD." Twaddle, dul), and drivelling, and ail about him- self, made up JosEru HUME'S harangues ; and the perfor- mances were capital as a MEI. O- DUAMA, where ttie music w. as unaccountably well adapted to the words and actions. For instance— W'e perceive by Ihe details in tbe Aberdeen Chronicle, jhat the toast, ' Montrose, Aibroatb, and Brechin" bating been drank, the air considered applicable aud imme- diately performed, was— •• Whan 1 hae a saxpence under my thumb, I'D get credit in ilka town." To tills succeeded the Burghs of ABERDEEN and BERVIE. Tune—" Fee him Father, fee him !" Whether alluding to the practice of ihe boroughs in question, or to the practice or desires of Doctor HUME, w- e cannot say. The health of Mr. SKENE of Skene, a Whig', who, by his own account of himself, appears to be somebody in that part of the world, having been drank, the air of Old King Cole was a jolly old soul" was played, by which we infer that this im- portant and respeelab'e Mr. SKENE of" that ilk" is a sort of antiquated buffoon, nick named, for fun, " Old King Cole." To the fine sentiment of Impartial Justicesucceeded « ' Money in both pockets," and to that of real Retrenchment, Jenny's Bawbee." Bui when ihe '• Arts and Sciences" were toasted, it was in company with Mr, JOHN RAM. UIK, who returned thanks in a speech. Mr. JOIIN RAMAOE is, we have no doubt, a crony of HUME'S, and has made equally valuable discoveries in the learned and scientific world, wilh those brought to light by the indefatigable Doctor, in political economy. We confess we never had the advantage of healing M r. RAIIACF. name before. The last tune for the evening appears to have been We've aye been providedfor. and sue wiil we yet" This, however forefKly it expresses Mr. HUME'S real wants and wishes, is somewhat presumptuous, Mr. JOSEPH HUME was a silent Ministerial man. He " Consulted Sir James Montgomery 11 Who bid him do nothing but bo— 0— 00." —— but useless, dull, stupid and always wrong, if be did venture to open his mouth, nobody cared for him— lie was i found wanting, and wounded by neglect— he RATTED. But though lie has ratted, he is found wanting still, and the ex- pression of his wants, by the aid of a tune, harmonizes admi- rably with the tcnorr of his conduct. HUME w- ei, rt away sober from the dinner, which many of the natives as'. cioMetl did not. After bis departure, our friend SKENE. Old ivt- u- i Coie, " took the chair; and with a spirit pe~ culiar to himself," says ( lie AHEUDEEN CHRONICLE. kept up the harmony of the meeting till the company broke up," which was not until Old King Cole himself broke down. DOCTOR 11 UMl: is on a visit 10 his mother at Montrose, who. while lier hoy was trading in INDIA, was herself dealing in China. Joseph lias always been considered a most exemplary son, and the fondest of brothers, dead or alive, ill the known Wjrlit." Mn. If UNIT,— A superb fmit disb is to 1 e pre " tr3 to Mr. Hume bv the three burghs, Montrose, Brechin, and Arbroath. This elegsiit and tastefully finished piece < jf silver plate is supported by three ofthe graces, stand- ing upon a round pedestal, wearing crowns, and the dish resting upon their heads. Each ofthe female figures leans with one hand upon a shield, and the other ele- vated to the base Of the dish. The three graces being emblematical of the three burghs, their dilferent coats of arms are engraven ; each of them on one of the shields on which the graces lean. The pedestal is beautifully or- namenteil with a wreath of the thistle, the rose, and the shamrock entwined. A wreath of roses surrounds the brim of the dish, in which an elegant crystal plate, shap- ed like a common tea saucer, rests. The following ; S the inscription on the pedestal :— O Presented to JOSEPH HUME. Esq. M. P. By the Incorporations of Guild. Trades, and other Tnhabi- tardsot ifie burghs of Arbroath, Brechin, and Montrose ; in testimony of their gratitude for and admiration of, his services as their Representative in Parliament. They re- flect w ith pride lhat he has appeared conspicuous among t the advocates of civil and religious liberty; unwearied ill fceal and assiduity in expl. r ing and exposing the abuses and profusion of a wakeful expenditure, and the steady and constant friend of Parliamentary lt. eforui. The Marine Bible Society has received £ 3 ( is. sterling, from Captain Parker and crew of Ihe B011 Accord, for the use off that valuable institution. Our reader!, wiil recollect the seizure of the Dutch dogger, Nicuwe Hoop, iu our harbour, in ihe month of August la- t year. This vessel hud 011 board above 300 tubs of Ovnev:,, and other contraband goods, to a considerable Amount ; and had a crew of II Mariners, including die Master anil two lyiys; all of whom were marched to, pri- on, for breach of the revenue laws, which impose, a fine of L. 100 upon every person engaged in foreign smuggling. These poor uien were quite unable t > pay such a sum ; and their owners having cruelly ahandutie- l them to their fate, they might have lain in j iil for an indefinite period. We are happy to le » rn, however, that Government have at length consented to their libcraiion. Mr. John Stewart, the Consul for the Kingdom of the Netherlands at this por:, has been unremitting in his endeavours for Ibis purpose; at. , i sometime ago proeurtd the release of the two boys. He ha. since accomplished the liberation of the remainder of ihe crew ; who were set at large last week after suffering a coufinetiieol of 15 months. To Mr. Stewart they lime been indebted for ninny acts of kindness, during their imprisonment 1 and to bis hu- mane exenions, without any prospect of remuneration, they mainly owe their discharge, Notwithstanding the falsehoods published in the . Aus- trian official papers, no doubt remains that the Greeks have gained an important victory as was stated, at the Straits of Thermopylae, and another near Argos, the particulars we shall endeavour to give in our next num- ber. The ridiculous evidence adduced against those accused of hostile designs against the Bourbon Government, led every one to expect their full acquittal ; but to the great surprize of the public, General BEHTON anil- five others have been condemned to death at Poictiers, and there appears very little reason to expect a remission of the sentence, however insufficient the evidence against them may have been. A great Personage is said to have ex- pressed much impatience for tbe conclusion of the pro- ceedings, and dissatisfaction because the number of victims was not greater— and no doubt will be under the painful necessity of allowing the law to take its course. General BURTON complained that his Jury was composed ofthe old noblesse, emigres, and creatures of the ultra faction ; but perhaps other agents could not have been trusted for the discharge of the expected duty. And now too, we find in the proceedings against the only liberal and inde- pendent Journals published iu Paris, an illustration of the Liberty ofthe Press as enjoyed in France. The Editors were accused of having made use of language too favour- able to the accused, and noticing tbe couiiniscratioa of BIRTH.— At Boyle Farm, on Saturday the 7th, Lady CAROLINE MAIDUNAI- D. of Clanronald, of a daughter. MARRIAGES.— On the J2lh inst. at the ManseoFKirk- hiil, JOHN FRASER. E q. Banker, Inverness, to LIEUAS, eldest daughter of the Rev. D, Eraser, Minister of Kirkhill. At Aberdeen, or) the ISih instant, by the Reverend Dr. Ross, Lieut. WJLI. IAM ANDERSONO!' Woodbine Cotiace. Dee- side, and late Adjutant. 71st Highland Light Infantry, to ANN PATRICK, relict of the deceased Mr. PETER Ross, Jewel- ler, Aberdeen. At Rosskeen Vanse, Ross- shire, on the 6ih inst. by the Rev. David. Carment. Mr. DONVI. II MUNRO, sen. Merchant, Invergordon. to Miss HELEN ROSS, eidesi daughter of the. Rev. John Ross, Minister of that Parish. At Arbroath, on the 9th iost. GEORGE CANNING. Esq. late of his Majesty's Customs. Montrose, to JANE, youngest daugh- ter of Andrew Duncan, Esq. Merchant, Arbroath. DEATHS.— At Huiitly, 7th September, HENRY HANNAH, Esq. Collector'of Excise, Elgin, aged 5t>. At sea, on'his passage to India, on the 2od March, Mr. ALEXANDER STEWART, youngest sou of General Stewart of Lesmurdie. At Goshen, parish of St. Ann, Jamaica, on the 27th June, Mr. GEORGE CIIIKI. IV M'ANDUEW, late of the royal uavy, and son of James M; Andrew, Esq. of Elgin. At Inverness, on the 10th itisiant, HENRIETTA, youngest daughter of Colonel Baillie of Leys, aged 10 years. At Wick, 011 the 7th curt. Mrs. PirlN, wife of the Itcv. Robert Phiii, Minister of that Parish. Our comments must be short. Mr. HUME and Mr. CANNING.: let each have his admirers ; and if they are to argue by BILL of FAKE, the argument is likely to lie a long one. Of the personalities we need take 110 notice. By the . mistakes the writer has- fallen into about the Boroughs, he has most touchingfy satirized, without being aware of it, his good friends the Corpora- tions of AUUHDEEN and BEISVIE. UNITED MEETING. We are happy to learn, that the Members of the Meeting, sensible how m'PFCH they owe to Colonel RAMSAY'S indefatigable exertions, intend to request his acceptance of. a Piece of Plate, ofthe value of 300 Guineas, in testimony of their esteem ; and the Ladies, animated by the satne feeling, are eagerly pressing forward witii Subscriptions'in order to present the Colonel with a similar gift, and ofthe like amoutU. This is as it should be. THE DISCOVERY SHIPS are not yetmeard of, NOR could it be expected. Tlu- y are not at all in the rfafk of the whale ships, having entered by Hudson's Bay. which is to the southward of the fishing ground. Besides, if they had made any progress to the Westward last year, and were returning this year un- successful, there can be' no accounts of them for some time ; for the ice inland, ( as Capt. PARRY found on his last expedition) docs not break up till August, and then there is a tedious na- vigation before they can reach the » ? a. The following is a List of ths { TRESES and STEWARDS for next year, and we have the pleasure to add. that there is a pro- spect of abundance of sport, several plates and matches hav- ing been already subscribed. PP. F. SRS ; LORD AHIIURILNOT. STEWARDS. F'AHIi of FRROJL Aberdeenshire. Forfarsh ire. Kincardineshire. Banffshire, JAMES. UDNY of Udny, lion. WM. IVIAULE, Capt. A. DOUG'LASS, Lord KENNEDY, II M. Col. ARBUTHNOT, Hon ( general DUFF, JOHN RAMSAY of Barra, The LORD PROVOST of Aberdeen. Hon. Col RAMSAY, Secy. As u^ ual, a handsome sum was contributed at the meeting, for purposes of charity ; which, b^ direction ofthe Stewards, was bestowed as follows . Poor's ' Hospital* - - £ 10 0 Sick Man's Friend, - - - 4 0 Education Society, - - - 5 0 Female Society for Relief of Indigent Females 4 0 Clothing Society, - - - 4 0 Shipwrecked Seamen's Fund*, • 4 0 Marine Dispensary, . - - 3 0 Mrs. Shaw's School of Industry, - 5 0 Deaf and Dumb Institution, T - 5 0 Gratis Sabbath Evening Schools, » 3.0 Six Families in Distress, Private Charities, £ 4 0 G 6 8 14 £ Gl2 0 6* The Aberdeen Chronicle's report of the proceedings at the DINNER TO MR. HUME has been figuring' iu the London and Provincial Papers, and we consider ourselves much, honoured, by its having drawn upon this Paper the notice of the Government Press. F^ r the liberty we have taken to reprint ttie following article from ' I'he John Bull, there is some apology ne- cessary from us to the Gentlemen whose names are thits brought before the public. Mr. HUME is proof against I all " paper bujlcts." We reprint it, because there are JilNNKH TO MR. HUMP.. MONTROSE, SEI- T. 19— 44 The dinner given to our high- ly deserving representative took place in the Guild Hall here, on Friday last. Considerably more than one hunched gentle- men were present, including the most respectable inhabitants of the place :— WII. LIAM ANDERSON, Esq. Dean of Guild, in the chair. The dinner was excellent, and, together with the other arrangements, did great credit to Mr. Hill, who prepar- ed it. Nothing could exceed" the unfeigned glee expressed in the cheerful countenance of every one who'attended the meet- ing. It was, in fact, an assembly of friends, united and brought together by the principles of benevolence, justice, and goodwill to all men, which are included in the efforts of Mr. Hume, and all others who endeavour by a timely reform of abuses to avert that impending catastrophe which threatens to spread misery aud . ill the horrors of insubordination over the country, if persevered in fill, by its effects, society is solved into its first elements."— Montrose Review. On Thursday las?, a dinner was given to Lord Archibald Ha- milton and Mr. Hume, by the guildry, trades, & c. of Perth. Mr. Hume has fixed the 23d instant to visit Berwick, to take up his freedom? For the public dinner to b* given hhp on the occasion, Lord Ossulston has directed two fut bucks to be sent fryiu the park of Chillinghatn. NAVAL INTELLIGENCE. On Wednesday last, the welcome intelligence was nreived here, of all the ships which « ere he- et at the Davis* Straus Whale Fishery having got clear, about the 17th ult. as was an- ticipated. These accounts were brought by the Ythan, Crai^ ie, which arrived that day, with 7 fish, about £ 0 to 85 tuns of ot! ; and reported lhat the greater part of the vessels, which Imd been beset, had sailed ( fished as formerly stated) homewurtJ ; a few only, remaining with an. intention of persevering a sh^ rc time, keeping outside the ice, and running down several de- gress of latitude. Several Straits ships passed this places durij^ r the same day, io the southward; and the- ft blowing Peterheld vessels have arrived from that Fisheiv• : Hannibal, Robertsa , 4 fish, 55 tuns of oil ; Resolution, Philip. 8 fish, 115 to l£ o tuns ; Traveller, Hutchinson, 2 fish, about 22 tuns. The. violent gale of the 11th and 12th inst. appears to have been severely felt along this coast. The Perth, Berry, of this port. Sailed from Sunderland dtu the 11th inst. and vv, as ovettr. kvn by the violent gale of rliat day. The vessel became leaky, although not $ 0 much, so but that tin* crew had frequently got it quite under ; but having spent the greater part of their canvas,, and the ship drifting fo sea. they abandoned her, and got on board a collier bound for Shields* where they were all safely landed. The Captain schooner, Andrew Baxter, master, lime loaded, took fire at sea on Wednesday afternoon ; but got into Ar~ broath ; cargo discharged, with little damage. The Isabella of Inverness, the pioperty of Mr. James Camp- bell of the S'ar Inn. took in a cargo nf herrings' at Thur » < » r and was about ready for sailing, when she was driven from her anchors, and cast ashore a total wreck. The crew, and pan of the cargo, are saved. The ship Elizabeth, Rhoades, of Hull, from the Greenland Whale Fishery, drove from both anchors during- the gale, and was put ashore at Kirkwall, wheie thevessel liesgreatly damag- ed, but with hopes of her being got ofn On Sunday night last, it being very dark, with the win ! from the south eastward, the sloop George Ann, Davidson, of and for this place from Sunderland, ran ashore on the santU of Forvie, bevond the river Ythan; but has been got. oif, alter throwing o- rerhoard the greater part ol her cargo ot coals. Wilhelmiua, Reid. at St. Helena, 19th July, from the Cape of Good Hope. Leander, Middleton, at the Cape of Good Hope, from Lon- don. Catherine, Esson, at Monte Video, from Liverpool, 4tii Jure. Venu « , Nicol, at London, from Dominica. Mountaineer, Phillips, at White^ ooth roads, from Messina, 8th inst. Fame, Reid, at Dublin, from Smyrna, 9th inst. Brilliant, Beverly, at London, 10: 1s inst. from Quebec. Duncan Forbes, Lovie, off Falmouth, 13th iust. from Bahiar for Hamburgh. Berwickshire, Shepherd, at Bombay, 27th April, from London. Nymph, Hutchinson, and Jean, Smart, with grain, sailed from Deal, the former on the 12ih, and the latter on the 15tli inst. for Naples. Prince of Waterloo, Gray, sailed from Gravesend on the I/ Sih inst. for Ostend. And on the 16th, the Oak, Wynne.-', for Genoa. Hazard, Smith, at Cuxhavcn, 9th instant, from Aberdeen, whence she sailed the 7th. Marchioness of Huntly, Thomson, at St. John's, from Bel- fast. Flora, Work, at Memel, from Aberdeen, 25th ult. VESSELS SPOKEN WITH. Morningfteld, Melville, Archangel to Genoa. 7th inst. in lat. 51. long. 13. hy the Eliaa, arrived at Lancaster. Regret, We 11 bank, London to Batavia. lat. 5* 5. S. long. 1. W. TO CO R R ESPO . V/) E A' TS.. THE REFLECTOR, NO. II. in our next. We have received many favour's from Correspondents dur- ing the two last mpnths, which we haye not acknowledged*, and have now generally to make up our arretsrs. Letters of a folio sheet closely writ ten, and of these we have, received many , if written upon subjects not immediately interesting, are really unfit for a weekly Journal, and we would beg our Corres- pondents to express themselves as concisely as possible. A great superabundance of loyal Poetry we have had upon the rtceiH occasion, some of the productions not bad— as our young friend the School Boi/ s; but believing tlyit no poetic effusion, produced upon the occasion, can survive beyond a year or two, we declined printing them. Our Correspondent,, who proposes a IvJ'agdalen House for destitute prostitutes, is actuated evidentlyT> J? good motives ; but while our large manufacturing houses exist, vve fear the consequences cannot be remedied. POSTSCRIPT,; • LONDON, Sept.. 1- 7. " Yesterday, his Majesty held a Privv Council, at which 3IV, Canning kis. cd hands, and recnived the Seals of Office from lii- i Majesty, upon his being appointed Secretary of Statefur Foreign Affairs, in ihe room of tlie late Marijtiisuf Londonderry. Mr. Canning's instalment ye.. ti> rd., y a*. Minister fi> r Foreign A flairs may he considered rather the commencement than tlu conclusion of the present Ministerial arrangements, Tho Hight Hon. Gentleman tiui- t natural!; wish to posses* ihp in- fluence of his predecessor in ihe Cabinet as well as his office, and to strength himself boih by tbe removal of some of those whooppost'd his admission, and the intui luciioti of some of hi? friends. It is alleged to be on this principle that Mr, Cha-. Wynn has been so wurtnly recommended for the Government of India- a change « hiih. would, probably, be as little pre- judicial to tfie inteti'sis of Ministers in the [ louse uf Commons as unacceptable to the Grenvilles generally The same views w ill, it is said, govern the rest of the arrangements, and now that Mr. Canning has once more passed the ;; ateof his politic- iI Klysiuin, sooner or later we may expect to see him surrounded by some of his adherents. The accounts contained in tlie foreign journals respecting the affairs of Greece are siill contradictory. Acceuding to the information extracted from thu Austrian Observer, by the Paris papers, the Tuikish forces were making rapid pro. gress iu the reduction of Greece. They ifere said to amount to SO. OOO men. against whom the Greeks, who were divided among themselves, could ofl'er no effectual resistance. On ihe oilier hand, the last Paris papers contain anirle", dat- d Corfu, August lltli, and Zinie, the 12th. giving what' is said to be authentic particulars of the general defeat of ti e Tuiks. at the pass of Tliertoojiy'a;. on the ' JOtli July. A se- cond battle, ii is also stated, look plaeeou the 6' lh and 7th August, in the plains of St. George, between Argos and Co- rinth, when it is said oOOil . Turks were killed About 20.00 horses, i « 0 rwnris, and „ ll the baggage and ammunition, fell into the hands ofthe G- teks. After this hatlla the Turks re. lired upon Coiiniu, whither ihey weie jiuisucd by Colcotriill.
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