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The Aberdeen Chronicle


Printer / Publisher: J. Booth, jun. 
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 781
No Pages: 4
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The Aberdeen Chronicle
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The Aberdeen Chronicle

Date of Article: 22/09/1821
Printer / Publisher: J. Booth, jun. 
Address: Chronicle Street, Aberdeen
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 781
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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- SrrCea- f V -. 5 T A » * ? !£ • ^• jaatwjv' ; r < f r, NlJ 318 Eli 781.] SA TUimA F, SEPTET [ Pr ice ( ifL Printed for J. BOOTH, Jun. CHRONICLE STREET, ABERDEEN; ; where, and bv NEWTON & Co. No. 5. Warwick Square, Newgate Strsetj L WHITE, 33, Eleot. Street; E. JOHNSTON & Co. No. 1, Sackville Street, DUBLIN: and J. T. SMITH & Co, Hunter's Square, EDINUURGH, Advertisement: H V PH WAY, N.- J- I, Catherine and Orders are taken iu. Street, Strand, LONDON ; J. K. Price of a single Paper, 6| d. -£ i 8s ( id. per Annum, delivered in Town—— and £ i. 10s. per Annum, when sent bj Post. COMMERCIAL HANK, ? Aberdeen, September 12. 1821. S ItJOTICE is hereby given, thntjrnm and . after the lit - t T of November next, JOTKIUSS* FL< the < tf I'HR** per CENT, per Annum will be allowed,- on Money de- posited with the Commercial Ban/ ring Company in Aber- deen. By Order ofthe Directors. A I.. CIIIV. AS, Cashier. THE FIRST EXHIBITION OF DRAWINGS AND PAINTINGS IN ABERDEEN, Under the Patronage- of the Right Honourable the EARL of FIFE, IS now OPEN in Mr. MASSIE'S Hall, Union Street. Admission, Is.— Catalogues 6( 1. Tickets and Catalogues to lie had at the Room ; and at the Shop of Mr. Hay, " Carver and Gilder, St. Nicholas' Street. TQ- The Exhibition ml! positively Close an Saturday the t'ju current. *„* Open from ten till dusk. N A It RO W- W YND SOCIETY. On Wednesday the 26th cu rent, will be held, within Anderson's New Inn, at 6o'cloi. k evening. rilH E Animal General Meeting of this SOCIE- - 1- TY, for the purpose of collecting the Contributions, auditing the Treasurer's Accounts, admiting New Mem- bers. and transacting such other business as the interest of the Society may require. JOHN CHALMERS, P. SejHanlcrlS, 1821. SALE BY AUCTION OF AN EXCELLENT COLLECTION OF BOOKS, Tn { he Exchange Courl Sale Boon, Union Street. On Wednesday the 26th Sept. curt, and Nine following evenings, commencing precisely at 6 o'clock, there will l, esold by public Auction, in the above Room. AMOST excellent assortment of BOOKS, in thedifferent BRANCHES of LITERATURE, amongst which are— Dr. Chalmers' Evidences. Discour- ses and Sermons— Smollet's, Fielding's, Robertson's, Burns', Palev's, Goldsmith's. Sl. akespear's, and Hervey's Works— Bell's Law Dictionary— Spectator— Beattie's Moral Science — a variety of Walker's and Suttaby's Edi- tions of the Classics in fine Bindings— Brown's and other Family Bibles— Pocket ditto, and Psalm Books— and many other Standard Works of Merit. Also, Math » ma- tical Instruments, Boxes of Colours, Perspective Glas- ses. & c. Stc, ' Die above being the genuine Stock of a Bookseller in London giving up the Retail Business, are in the most per- fect order. and the greater part of which are in elegant Bindings, have beeu consigned for the purpose of Sale, without any reserve. A printed Catalogue will be ready for delivery, and may be had at the S. de Room, on Monday the 24th curt, when die Books may be seen. Exchange Court, Sept. 14, 1821. Extracts from the Returns of the Stamp Office, shewing the increase and decrease of duly paid during thq last three years, by the different Fire Offices, and exemplifying the preference given by the public to the PLAN and management af the COUNTY FIRE OFFICE COUNTY FIRE OFFICE, PROVIDENT I. IFE OFFICE, REGENT STREET. LONDON. TRUSTEES, The DUKE of NORFOLK, The DUKE of RUTLAND. The M A RQUIS of NO RTIIAMPTON, LORD BRAYBROOKE, LORD KING. & c. & c. AND SIXTY DIRECTORS. Managing Director, J. T. Barber Beaumont, Esq. FAS. HE distinguishing Principle of these Offices is, -*. that they combine the stability of Companies having a large Capital with the minor Advantage of sharing Pro- Jits as in Union Societies. Permanent Capitals amounting to £ G50,000 have been fonned in Addition to the fcuctuating Cnjntal arising from the Premiums ; and it is exprest^ y provided, that these Funds alone shall be answeiahle for Losses, whence Per sons insured tire effectually securedfrom Liability for the Losses of others. In the Finis Orrics, Returns of 20 and 25 per Cent, have been invariably paid to all Persons who have conti- nued insured Seven Years, whether their Policies were taken out for Seven Years, or were renewed annually, which Returns during the last Seven Years have exceeded £ 30.000. In the LIFE OFFICE, BONUSES of 131. Ss. and 26/. 12s. per cent, have been divided during the last fourteen years. Mr. ROBERT RAMSAY, Agent at Aberdeen. Mr, ANDREW LAWR1E, ... Edinburgh. Mr. WILLIAM A1UIR, ... Leith. Mr. THOMAS FAIRLEY, ... Glasgow. NOTICE. rpiIE COMMISSIONERS of POLICE, for JL the City of Aberdeen, hereby give Notice to all Persons within the City and Liberties, who have Signs, or other Emblems, used to denote their Trade, Occupation. or Calling, or any Sign Post. Show Hoard, Stfiout. or Glit- ter, PROJECTING into any of the Streets, Lanes, and Passages of the said City, that the same must be immedi- ately Removed, or placed flat upon the Walls of the Houses, Shops, Warehouses, or other Buildings, to which they respectively belong ; and that all those who delay to comply with this intimation will be prosecuted, and the full penalty exacted, in terms ofthe 56th Section ofthe Police Act. By appointment of the Board. JOHN CHALMERS, CLERK. POI. ICE OFFICE, Tuesday, Sept. 18, 1821. SALE OF SHIPPING, & c. UPSET PRICES REDUCED. Upon Friday, the Sib day of October next, betwixt the hours of G and 7 o'clock afternoon, there will be expos- ed to sale by public roup, within the Lemon Tree Ta- vern, here, npiIE following SHARES of SHIPPING, l. e- JL longing to the Sequestrated Estate of ANTHONY WILSON, Merchant in Aberdeen, viz: J- 12th of the Brig WILLIAMINA, at ,£ 100 5- 48tlis of the Brig KA It B A It A, ... 80 1- Sth of tl. e Brig DUNCAN FORBES, 90 3- 2 Ith of the Brig MORNING FIELD, 10 196 of the Brig LOUISA, ... ... 15 At same time, there will be exposed to Sale the Right to v Debt due by Messrs. EDWARD MORTIMEUE ami Co. « > f Pictoti, in consequence of a consignment made by the Bank: upt to them of Goods, to the value of about £ 150 sterling. Upset Price £ 50 ; of which twelve months cre- dit will be allowed. The Articles of Roup, and Conditions of Sale, will be shewn bv Alex. Webster, Advocate in Aberdeen, Trustee un the Estate. SALE OF FINE ENGRAVINGS, Ac. On Monday the 14th inst. there will be sold by Auction, at the AGENCY OFFICE, Union Street, AVALUABLE COLLECTION of PRINTS, executed by the most reputed Artists, and compris- ing a seiies of very interesting Subjects— such as, the Descent from the Cross— Visitation— Presentation— Last Supper Saviour Virgin. Likewise, a number of Drawing Books, Pejtcils, and various other articles. They may be seen at the Office on the forenoon, and the Sale will begin on Monday evening, at 6 / i'clock. ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. ffMlOSE insured at this Office, whose Premi- urns bcC'ime due on the 35th inst. are requested to order payment of the same within f. fteen days from that date, otherwise all risk on their Policies will cease. All BUILDINGS, GOODS, FARM STOCK, etc. continue to he insured at this Office on the usual terms. INSURANCES are also done ON LIVES at this Office, either for ONE OR SEVEN TEARS, or for the whole INSURANCE of the LIFE. Printed Proposals may be had, upon applying to ANDREW JOPP, Advocate in Aberdeen, the Com- pany's AGENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, RR, IIAT a COMPETITION will beheld at - FL- CHARLESTON of ABOYNE, on Thursday the 4th of October, for the PREMIUMS given by the HIGHLAND SOCIETY of SCOTLAND, this year, for the TWO BEST BULLS, and TWO BEST QUEYS, in the Parishes of Braemar, Crathie, Glengairn, Glenmvielc. Tullich, Coldstone. I. ogie. Migvie, Turland, Coull. Aboyne, Glen- tanner. Eirse, Strachun, Kincardine U'Niel, Lumpha- nan, and Banchory. Those intending to compete, will please observe that the Bulls must be Ibe actual Property of the Competitors, and have been 011 their Farms from lstof June ; and that the Q, ucys most be bred by the Competitors. The EARL of ABOYNE, Convener. September 12, 1821, AI) JO UliXED SALE or OUTSTANDING DEBTS. There will he exposed to Sale, within the Lemon Tree Tavern of Aberdeen, on Thursday the 27th day of September curt, at 6 o'clock afternoon, r] PHE OUTSTANDING DEBTS appearing JL to be Due on the Sequestrated Estate of CHARLES Fvrn ft Co. Merchants in Aberdeen, and specified in a List to be produced at the Sale. They amount to 31S5I. 4s. Sd. 77, c Upset Price is nore reduced to £ ZCi. The Articles of Roup may be seen in the handsof John F. wing, Advocate, the Trustee, from wboni farther par- ticulars may be learned. Aberdeen. 181/ 1 Sept. 1821. HOUSE TO BE SOLD OH LET. HPHE HOUSE in Correction Wynd, belor. g- JL itig to and possessed by A. ROBERTSON. Advocate, is to be Sold or Let, with entry either on the 1st Novem- ber next, or at Whitsunday following. It contains on the sunk Floor— Kitchen, Scullery, Pantry, and abun- dance of Cellarage. On the first Floor— Dining Room and two Business Rooms. Oo the second Floor— Draw- ing lto im and three Bed Rooms. On the attic Floor— a large Nursery, a Store Room, and two Bed Rooms, with a Garret above. There is a Back Area, with Wash- ing House, Hen House, and other conveniences The Property is I'ree from feu- duty, anu the price or rent will be moderate. Apply to the' Proprietor. GARIOCLI FARMER CLUB. RPHE next MEETING of the CLUB holds at - S. Cooper's Inn, Pitmachie, on Saturday the 29th current, at half past 11 o'clock. Dinner at 3. Major TAYLOR. Rothiemay. PRESES. ROBERT HARVEY, Esq. of Braco, V. P. Captain MACPHERSON, Gibstone.? , r _ „„,, ... f Stewarils. Sir. WALKER, Fin tray, } J. SHAND, See. £ Trea. HOUSE IN CASTLE STREET, FOR SALE. Upon Friday the 5th day of October next, at G o'clock in the evening, there will be sold by public roup, mil AT DWELLING HOUSE, on the north - a. side of Castle Street of Aberdeen, belonging to Patrick Booth, Shoemaker in Aberdeen, presently pos- sessed by him and others. The House is in a central si- tuation, substantially built, is always well let, and will be sold on such terms as to afford a good return for the mo- ney invested. The sale will be held within it. Patrick Booth will shew the property to intending pur- chasers ; and farther particulars may be had from James M'Hardy. Advocate. FOR MONTEGO BAY, JAMAICA, The Fine Coppered Brig E X P E D I T 1 O iV, Of 300 Tons, Burthen, GEORGE WATSON, MASTER, Will commence loading for the above Port 1st September, and will sail early in October. Goods, in quantity, will be forwarded to the adjacent Ports, betwixt Falmouth and Lucca, at the Ship's expence, but Shipper's risk. The Expedition is intended as a Regular Trader to Montego Bay, and will be laid on there as a general ship for this port.* For Freight or Passage, with elegant, accommodation, Apply to DAVID MILNE. Aberdeen, Aug. 24, 1821. FOR VAN DfEMAiVS LAND, and NEW SOUTH IVALES, The MINERVA, CHARLES SUA UP, COMMANDER, A. 1. 400 TOUR Burthen, To succeed the CASTLE FOBBKS, and to sail from Leith in October. The MINERVA is a very fine Vessel— Copper- fastened, and Coppered— height between Dt/ cks, seven feet— is ad- mirably adapted for Passengers, and the number will be limited so as to ensure their comfortable accommodation. As several Births are positively engaged, her sailing may be depended upon. There will be an experienced Surgeon on boaid. The Rates of Freight and Passage are moderate. Apply to Messrs. ROBT. GIBBON and SONS, Aberdeen ; Messrs. Wn. GIBBON and Co. Old City Chambers, Lon- don ; or Mr. JOHN BROADFOOT. Quality Street, Leith. The fine Coppered Brig OCEAN— 400 Tons— JAMES STRHTHERS, Commander, will Sail frotn ABERDEEN for JAMAICA, on or about the 20th instant ; and has. superior accommodation for Passengers. Apply to ROBERT GIBBON and SONS. ( One Concern.) ABERDEEN, MONTH'SE. DUNDEE. EDIN- BURGH, and GLASGOW, EXCHANGE AND DEPOSIT BANKS r| ^ H E public are respectfully informed, that the Rate of Exchange upon London at the. above Banks is TEN DAYS : and that/ hey continue to allow FOUR PER CENT, on all Sums~ depo* ited, repaying the same as at present whenever demanded without any previous notice whatever. J. BLYTH. Agent, Edinburgh. Edinburgh, Sept. 7, 1821. SALE OF SHIPPING. Upon Friday the 5th day of October next, betwixt the hours of G and 7 o'clock afternoon, there will be expos- ed to sale by public roup, within the Lemon Tree Tavern, Aberdeen, r « T" l- V r jPHE following SHARES of SHIPPING, which belonged to JIFFIEISP *', E ' ATT' L'ETEI1 RITCHIE. Merchant, Alier- dcen, at the upset Prices undernoted : One- half of the Brig HI BE UN 1 A, £ 350 3- 16ths of the Brig HOPE, - 140 l- 16th of the Brig LOUIS V, - 80 The articles of roup and conditions of sale will be shown by Alex. Webster, Advocate, Aberdeen. HOUSES FOR SALE. Upon Friday. 28th September curt at 6 o'clock in the evening, there will be sold, by public roup, within the New Ten of Aberdeen, I. £ \ NE just and equal Half of all and whole that U DWELLING HOUSE in Littlejohn Street of Aberdeen, presently possessed by Francis Shaw, Black- smith, and others ; and bounded on the west by the House lately occupied by Mr. James Gordon, Merchant— and on the east, by the House presently possessed by Alex. Ir vine, Tailor. As also one just and equal half of the small SHOP, opposite said House, presently occupied by Johr. Booth, Blacksmith. II. One just and equal Half of all and whole that TE- NEMENT of FORELAND and BACK LAND front- in.' Justice Street, and adjacent to Castle Street of Aber- deen, and above the entry to Justice Lane— consisting of » Dwui. t JM; HOUSE AND Suov. presently possessed by Mr. Alex. Brown, Hosier in Aberdeen, The situation of these Properties is such as always to rnsure their being well Let. They are burdened with no Feii- duty ; but are affected with the Life- rent right of a Lady aged 76. Thepresent Rental oftliem is £ 41. The Title Deeds, and Articles of Roup, are iu the hands of Jaule= M Bardy, Advocate. LANDS and ESTATE of CR A BESTONE, In the vicinity of Aberdeen, and parish of Newhills. To be exposed to sale by public Roup, within Dempster's Hotel, Union Sireet. on Friday 28th September curt, at two o'clock p. M. ( if not previously disposed of by private bargain), rpiIESE LANDS consist of 583 Scotch A Acres, of which 257 are Arable ; 30 Water Meadow and valuable Pasture; 245 Planted; and the remainder Moss, and Iaiproveable Moor. The greatest part of the Arable Land is in a high state of cultivation, substantially enclosed, and every field well supplied w ith water. The Plantations, of which a considerable proportion consists of Hard Wood, are of different ages, and partly lit for being cut. There are on the Premises, a commodious Mansion- bouse and Gardens; with an extensive Steading of Farm Offices, and an excellent Corn Mill, commanding an abundant supply of water, having a Drying Kiln at- tached. The Property is situated five miles west of Aberdeen, the turnpike road from thence to Inverury passing through it. The Plantations, Clumps, and Hedge Rows, not only embellish, but also afford good shelter to the grounds; tile varied surface and exposure of which render the whole singularly beautiful. The roads and walks are laid out in the best style, every thing having been done within these few years, in the way both of solid and ornamental improvement, to make this Estate one of the most desi- rable places of residence in the County, and to which its vicinity to the city of Aberdeen materially contributes. The Title Deeds and Plan are to be seen in the hands of Andrew Jopp, Advocate in Aberdeen, who will treat with intending purchasers. Alex. Watt at Ciabestuuc • will shew the grounds and boundaries. SHARES OF VESSELS, FOR SALE. There will be exposed to sale, by public roup, within the house of Mrs. Srewart, Vintner in- Thurso, upon Thursday the 4th October next, at 12 o'clock noon, F" , FIVE- EIGHTHS OF THE SMACK SOPHIA of Thurso, Belonging to the Trust Estate of JOSEPH FORSYTH MACKID, Merchant in Thurso. This Vessel admeasures 43 Tons, and- was built in 2 819 ofthe best materials; and the Shares will be sold either singly, or together, as may suit the conveni'ency of pur- chasers. Also. THREE original SHAKES of the SMACK JOH N O'GLLO AT, of Thurso, admeasuring about 80 Tons, belonging to the said Trust Estate. Both vessels are in a st.^ te of complete repair, and are engaged in an advantage. HIS trade . the former between Aberdeen, Thurso, and Wick ; and the latter between Thurso and Leith. For farther particulars, application may be made to the Rev. Thomas Jolly, at. Dunnet; Mr. Mackid. Writer in Thurso; or to James Forrest, Writer in Wick. A Discovery has lately been introduced, which bids fair to SUPERSEDE the necessity of a DENTIST. OIJDSON'S BOTANIC TOOTH POW- a DER is a certain remedy and preventive for all disorders of the mouth ; it not merely cleanses and beauti- fies the Teeth, but preserves them from decay to the latest period of life ; it makes them white, fastens such as are loose, prevents those decayed growing worse, re- moves the Tartar, and cures the Scurvy in the Gums, leaving them firm and of a healthy redness; it is an article for Gum Boils, swelled Face, and that excruciating pain the Tooth Ache; and so certain and undeviatiug is its effects, that there never was an instance of any person who regularly used it ever having the Tooth Ache, or a Tooth decay — and though so efficacious an antiseptic, it is so innocent, that the contents of a Box may be taken by all infant. Price, 2s. 9d. per 111, HUDSON'S HUILE DIVINE, or CUL- PEPER'S Sl'ECIFIC; recommended by the late Doctor HUNTER, and other eminent Physicians, for re- storing the Growth of ( be Hair where it has fallen oil' from illness, perspiration, change of elinntte, or any cause occasioning premature decay. Price, 3s 6d. per Bottle- Sold in London, by appointment, by Mr. Atkinson, ( Wholesale Agent). 44, Gerrard Street, S'ibo Square; and in Aberdeen, by Mrs. J. LAING, Perfumer, Union Sweet, next door to the Royal Hotel. ' lathe EDITOR of the ABERDEEN CHRONICLE. SIR., I some time ago sent you { he Substance of Mr. HOBHOUSE'S Speech, in the House of Commons, on Mr. LAMBTON'S motion for Parliamentary Re- form, of which you were so good as to promise to take notice in some of your future numbers." The importance of the subject, and . the absolute neces- sity of its being soon duly considered and called for, not only by every Merchant and FARMER, but in fact, by every man, ( unless Sinecurists, Placemen, and Pensioners) from one end of the country to the other, cannot be more forcibly explained, than in the following announcement, froni the ' f. The Traveller," one of the most respectable London Journals. " The astonishing revolutions, moral as well as politi- cal, which have taken place during the last half century ; those which it requires no spirit of divination to foretel wit! happen ; and the circumstances in which the whole of the civilised world are placed, make the present one. of the most interesting, as well as one of the most important, periods which have ever occurred. The vast accession of knowledge, its universal diffusion, and the eager desire for further information on all subjects of public utility, have given a new character to British So- ciety. There has at length been formed what, though often spoken of, never really before existed in this country, a political public The Aristocracy of wealth and rank is counterbalanced by the Democracy of intellect. In every town, in every village, men possessing just and en- larged views are found, who give a tone to opinion and direct the movements of the. people ; and thus the know ledge of the science of politics, and the desire for politi- cal eminence, formerly confined to the rich and the great, pervade the whole mass of the cmnmitni'v. In a state of Society, such as has been here described, it is not in the nature of things that the middle and indus- trious classes of the community should be attached to a narrow and imperfect system of Representation, even though the persons returned to Parliament under such a system were the best informed and most virituous indi- viduals of the age. Increased as are the competitors for political distinction, capable and ambitious as are the people of thinking and acting for themselves, they will be satisfied wiih nothing short of such a Reform in the House of Common,, as shall secure to them a full and adequate participation in ' he power of the state " The circumstances of the country afford a complete, but melancholy proof, that when the representative system is narrow and corrupt, the persons to whom it secures a monopoly of power, instead of acquiring su- perior intelligence and virtue, will be behind the age in knowledge, and will pursue their individual advantage at the public cost. A profligate and excessive expendi- ture has produced its natural effects. TAXATION, w ith its thousand mouths, swallows up thej'ruits of our industry, makes the labourer a pauper, the capitalist a bankrupt, and the land proprietor a receiver for the pub- lic creditor. Even the most blind and selfish adherents of the system of misrule begin to view with consternation the ruin they have produced. In this state of universal depression, measures for the relief of the poor, for the re- lief of trade, and for the relief of agriculture, must be continually pressed upon the Legislature. To ascertain the tendency of such measures, however, and to discover whether the relief which is claimed by one class, may not increase the pressure upon the others, it is necessary to have an adequate acquaintance with those general laws respecting the production and distribution of wealth, which constitutes that branch of knowledge denominated Political Economy. And it is equally necessary, that those who, as the Representatives of the People, legislate for them on the subject, should act, not from selfish or interested motives, but for the general good of the whole community. " Those who profit bv the mis- government of the country seem determined to resist all Reform, and to adopt theonly means by which their resistance can be ef- fectual. To attain their object they must endeavour to destroy the Liberty of the Press to interdict the inter change of thought— in short to unedueate the People, and, by a long and frightful reign of terror, to force them back to ignorance and barbarism. Nothing short of this can uphold their System, and we may rest assured, that nothing short of this will be attempted. Already ( heir machinery is at work. Already a new Inquisition has been established in England, and, iu its secret sittings, plots the destruction of intelligence and freedom. Against a free Press, the novum organum of Knowledge, the foster- mother of Liberty, the self- styled Constitutional Association, dirccls its preliminary attacks. Those however, who have volunteered tiie management of the Press, must not. in the time of trial, betray their sacred trust. They occupy the post of honourable danger, and * England expects that they will do their duty* " As the daily London Journals are, no doubt, beyond the reach of many of tho3e most interested I think you cannot do a greater service to vour Readers, than to publish any thing likely to for- ward the great and important cause of PAHLIA- MESTARY REFORM, no-. v the grand and leading object to be obtained. For, without it, AGRI- CULTURE, - and Trade of every kind, instead of improving; most sink to a more frightful depth than has yet taken place, or can be even contemplated. If the House of Commons were the real Represen- tatives of the People, the interests and comforts of the people would be attended to. And, instead of devising every means to draw upon the resources of an impoverished country, to support the idle and the rich ; or, of passing G igging Bills, to inflict the pains of Banishment, for thinking or speaking of manifest injuries and distress; or, of Taxing the Nation for the expence of a Standing Army, in time of peace, to crush, or at least endeavour to crush, the complaints of the people by the sword— every means would be adopted with a view to re- store plenty, prosperity, and happiness, to a suf- fering and industrious community. With a Mouse of Commons properly constituted, an er. d would be put to " Hole and Corner Ad- dresses," accusing a loyal and religious people of Blasphemy and Sedition ; and no Ministry would be allowed to carry their most obnoxious and in- jurious measures, merely by means of the votes of Placemc n and Pensioners, o'r to outrage the feel- ings of the country with a deluge of obscenity and hired ptrjury; nor, would any set of be allowed to hunt down and destroy a poor innocent and unprotected woman, whose only crimes appear to have lieeen patience, fortitude, and magnanimi- ty, und. r all her umuented sutllringS and persecu- tion. Z. 1 Aberdeen, July 23, 1821. SUBSTANCE OF THE SPEECH Of JOHN CAM HORHO USE, Esq:. In Vie HOUSE of JCOM. VIONS, April 17, 1S2J, ; ON MR. LAMBTON'S MOTION FOR " A Committee of tk< whole House to consider tk? present State of ( he Representation Mr. SPEAKER— If. Sir, my friend, the Honourable Mover, thought it necessary to make an excuse to this House for the details into which he" judged it necessary for him to enter, how much the more must I feel an apo- logy requisite for a person who has not his experience hi P- u Ijainent, and who has besides, on this occasion, the disadvantage of following his very able exposition of the great question now before us. I trust, however, that th3 P ouse will have the goodness to r^.' olleer, that there arrf some Members amongst then* whose constituents sent them here principally to advocate the cause of Parlia- mentary Reform ; and who, however unwilling or in- competent iiu* y may be, must therefore, upon these oc- casions, trespass'on the attention of the House. Stand- ing as I do in this predicament, I shall venture to enter somewhat at detail into the examination of the momen- tous subject now under discussion. In the first place, I would, remark upon what has fal- len from the Hon. Gentleman who has just sat down ( Mr., Wilmot). lie has warned us against any decisive experiments with Parliament, and has held out to us the example of those unfortunate states, who have lately made an attempt to " emerge from slavery to freedom."' Those were his words, and I own I heard them with surprise, as coming from one of those who are in the habift of eulogizing things as they are. For, supposing that the talians have found how difficult it is to " emergefrom slavery to freedom." what lesson does their example teach us ?• Does the Hon. Gentleman mean to say, that we are endeavouring to emerge from slavery — does he mean that we are in slavery, and therefore should not attempt to be free?— I think not. Sir, we are not in sla very as yet, nor is it from slavery thai it is the project of Reformers to attempt to emerge: but we know not bow soon we may be in slavery if our present system Continues ; and it. is to prevent such, a consummation that we strive to. if reform this House — it is to retain what freedom we have, as well as to recover what we have lost, that, my Hon. Fnend, the Member for the county of Durham, has made his proposition on this night. 1 would also remark upon another observation of the Honourable' Member for Newcastle under Lvne. He tells us that public opinion is a sufficient corrective for the abuses of Government, and would therefore ap. ly nn> other remedy to these abuses— this is a favorite argument th the enemies of Reform.. But in the first place, with all my respect for popular opinion, I do not think pufj'ic opinion is inevitably light, or always does discover the errors or vices of Government. Supposing however that it was always right, and always applied a future remedy to a past, evil, I would ask. whether the scheme upon whicU a great nation 19 to be ruled, should be only so contrived as to, find a remedy for a disease when and where it may. occur ? Surely the wiser plan would be to manage so as* to give a tendency towards what is good, rather than to provide for the correction of evil. Surely to allow of that evil when the causes of it may be removed, merely be- cause we think we have a method of counteracting th © effects of that evil, is a. strange mode of providing for the happiness and well- being of mankind. It is a scheme by Which we must encourage & perpetual struggle between the governors and the governed, instead of uniting the whole community in one bond of interest by a system which secures, upon incontrovertible principles, a general tendency towards good government. Public opinion* when it does come, comes often too late— indeed it is often charged by the Hon. Gentleman opposite with being too late ; and we hear of the people having supported wars at the beginning, and calling out against them only wheri the clamour was of no use. . Sir, I own I am. surprised at hearing the Hon. Member on this occasion, as I have been at others, on other occa- sions, assert, that « e have no right to this or that change in our representative system. As ifour system, as it now stands, were the fabric of ages, unchanged, and un- changeable ; as if it had always been such as we now see it. ; and as if immutability were the most certain principle of our constitution. Let us look at this assertion. Mr. Hume tells us that the history of our country is a history of perpetual change ; and Mr. Fox, in a speech made in this House in 1702, April odrh, made use of this ex- pression :— that the greatest innovation that could be in- troduced into the constitution would be to conic to a vote that there should be no innovation at all. If this be true of the history of the' country, it is more peculiarly true ofthe history of Parliament. We do not know much of the origin of the House of Commons. Probably Sir Robert Cotton and others, who assign the date of the 4£ Kh of Henry the Third to the first formation of the II » use of Commons, have no good grounds for their conjectures ; for there seems always t<> have been some way of collecting the opinions and wishes of the commonalty in the earliest periods of our history.—. This, however, we may safely say, that the House of Commons, since it has been known, has been perpetually^ varying. This is true, of the number of representatives-— of the elective franchise— and of the duration of parlia- ments. In the first parliament of Henry VI11. the num- ber of representatives was only 298. In that reign 31 members were added to the representation ; numerous ad- ditions were made in the successive reigns of Edward VT. Mary, Elizabeth, James I. and Charles J. At the Res* to ration 56 boroughs, and towns, and. cities, were restor- ed to their priviUge of sending members ; and in the same reign of Charles the Second occurred tire enfranchise- ment of Newark by charter, and of Durham, town and county, by Act of Parliament, a circumstance to which the Member for Durham has so forcibly alluded. Yet there are, I believe, still sixty- nine towns, boroughs, and cities, that formerly sent Members to Parliament, and that now send none. As far then as the number of Mem- b - rs are concerned, and the places sending Members, w « shall,- I trust, conclude that nothing can have been niore variable than the cous'. ituiioh of thfcj House. The elective frahci ise has been so changeable, that, to say nothing of the many sorts of franchise, there are se- veral places in England where the right of voting has varied according to the decision of election committees ;• and where, indeed, that right is not decisively known at this day. Such is the case ofthe great city of West- minster: an election committee, after the examination of* many months, decla- ed that it had come lc> no determina- tion on that right, and that Parliament would probably' end before it could come to any resolution. As to the duration of Parliaments, every novice knows that they were at first sessional by praciice, then annual at the very* least, by Aet of Parliament, then triennial, and lastlyr septennial. The general character of Parliament has been much subject to change. Who will say that ft was the same in the divs ofthe Plantagenets as in those ofthe Tudors — or that the House of Common's, in the reigns of the Stuarts resembled that of the Piantagenets or Tud'ors— or that the House since the Revolution has been at all- like the Parliaments previously to that great < Vent. The change since the latter period is remarkably sti iking; not- withstanding the Hon. Member ( Mr. Wilmot) would per- suade us there has been none at all. It appears that, m the same proportion as the public revenue 1m increased, so the corruption of Parliament has augmented. This may be deduced, as I find it from a table drawn out by the society of the Friends of the People. At the Revo- lution the public revenue amounted to £% 100 000. The The Statutes against bribery and corruption amounted to 3 4. In 1792 the revenue was £\ b, 000.000, and the statutes to proiecttiee el « ; ii » ns dp. The ' is incontestable, namely, that as tbe means of corrup- » ion increases the body to be corrupted must necessarily ose some of its original character ahd constitution. But the great change. I think; must have taken place during the l » « t forty, or fifty years. Since 1792, the gross pro- duce of pribllc reveniie has increased from 16 to LS 1,500.000, and the collection of the taxes at the pre- sent day is greater than lite annual interest of the national debt, and cither charges payable for the same, at the be- ginning of the feign of George 11T- The collecting of the taxes costs the United Kingdoms more than four millions annually. Now though the crown has the ap- pointment to these collectorships. I need not say. that, in fact, the patronage is applied to Parliament. We heard the other itight, an Hon. Member ( Mr. S.' Wortley) cam- plain of the eagerness with which some of those collector- ships are solicited, as being notoriously attached to county representation. But add to this the enormous India pa- tronage, which since 1 i84. has been turned into the same Channel add the new Board of Controul. since 1794 — add the Droits of Admiralty— add the Bank of England interest - add £ 156,000 djvidcdatinually between seventy- six parliamentary pensioners— add the Leeward island duties' fund— add other streams of wealth pouring into the lap of Parliament, professedly for the purposes of in- fluence, and for the support of the minister of the day ; and we shall be obliged to confess that the nature of an assembly subject to such new modes of attack, and to such hew influences, must of necessity have taken a new cha- racter. It cannot be the same as before it was subject to Such perpetual temptations against the purity of its Mem- bers. In fait, we may safely declare, that this House, instead of being that venerable plant which has required the lapse of ages to mature, is nothing but a mere mush- room, the grow th almost of a single night of corruption. I know that since the Revolution, as well as a little be- fore that period, complaints were made, and with justice, • gainst the venality of some Members in this House.—. But was that venality so diffused ? Can it be at all com. •/. red to the notorious profligacy of the present day ? We jtten hear of the purity of the public men of the present iav. It is true a man does not now sell his vote for 10001. ,11 the lobby, as in Walpole's days. No— no— things are better managed now : we are not such bunglers— we want something less showy and more stable : 50l. per annum would tempt no one now. Let us see how many Members were commanded by the court in the pensioned parliament— I mentioned the other night how compara- tively few they were. In 1679 a rigorous inquiry was made of their number, which was found to amount only to thirty- two ; so, at feast, we are told by Mr. Echard. The speeches against the septennial bill, particularly Mr Hutcheson's. put down ministerial influence at thirty or forty. By Mr. Henry l'ox's accounts it appeared that only thirty or forty were in the habit of being on the Regular parliamentary place, pension, and gift list. What the number of those Members is. who in our present House of Commons rcceive fee or reward, either in esse or posse, for their votes, need not be stated. Array them against the thirty and forty of former days, and the corruption of our ancestors will appear like virtue. It is enough to assert the undeniable fact, that the most sale- able ' of all articles— the most profitable of all commodi- ties is a parliamentary vote. To that recommendation the navy, the army, the church, the treasury, in short, ' jtie temple of promotion itself, opens all its doors. The consequence has been that which was foretold by Mr. Hutcheson at the passing of the septennial act. This House has " SET UP A Tinun ESTATE ENTIRELY INDEFEND- ENT OF THF. l'EotLE." 1 defy any man, here or out of tloors, to deny this fact. We are still called the House Of Commons— but all our countrymen— all Europe, sees, • what Mr. Fox said is too true : we have a House of Com- mons in which the power of the people is nothing. It would indeed, be strange to deny this, seeing that for the most part, this House conducts itself, as it were, syste- matically against public opinion. It makes a boast of so doing ; and some of our most flourishing young orators found their fame upon despising the great body of their fellow countrymen. The more moderate are contented with saying that they would bow to public opinion, did they but find it. How to find it, 1 confess, I do not know. If a million of people petition for any object, we are told that a million and a half ought to have petitioned or that there are two millions the other way of think- ing : some how or the other, the sound pnrt of the pub- lic. as they are called, are always somewhere beyond the petitioners against any alleged grievance. Advance, far as we please, this public opinion still recedes before us, like the imaginary pole : — " Ask where's the north— at York, ' tis on the Tweed ; In Scotland, at the Orcades— and there At Greenland, Zembla, or the Lord knows where." We always admit its existence, but never admit its pre- sence ; and this, by the way, is an unanswerable argu- ment in favour of agreeing to some system by which we mav be certain of collecting the wants and wishes of the people, by which we may be sure we are acting in con- formity to their sentiments and interests, without wait- ng for that expression of opinion which is either not re- ..! .. .1 „„ !. ,.. t/ i>- i< i> nt/ irl < ir » rvv f I! n / r try ( ho kumollCU and but the oligarchy has been left without defenders. Yet I would remark, that an oMgarchy, composed of'individuals of great estates, and of illustrious names, may find their interest in good government, and njay therefore act con- formably to that conviction. But our oligarchy is not an oligarchy of the legitimate sort. Their power and cha- racter are not founded on great estates, nor on great, names, but on the possession of certain commodities for which, having either bought them, or being obliged to preserve them at great expence, they are obliged to reimburse themselves. These commodities are the bor- oughs, and alsi> the properties influencing elections for members of parliament. The reimbursement which they seek is from the minister of the day ; the fund from which they are indemnified is the public purse. It. is, therefore, impossible, that the o'igarchy should not, as borough hold- ers, have aninterest directly opposite to that of the nation. The English Oligarchy are in fact, holders of a mono- poly, which, as it is constructed, enables them to get more by taxation than by good government. Human nature operates with them as she does with others. The plan is systematically vicious and ruinous. The private interest of the few is incompatible with the public interest of the many. I need not enter at large into the detail, but merely repeat what I have before said, of the noto- rious value of a vote in Parliament. Those who have bought that vote think they have a right to sell it. I know there are exceptions ; I know that some few gentle- men purchase their seats, with a view to forward the pub- lic interest, or with the hope of indulging an honourable ambition : but this is not the way that the system works generally, and it is only of the general working of the system that we now have to enquire. Those who lay out large sums in coming into Parliament, whether for bor- oughs, or in order to preserve interests, as they are called, for the most part, do so in order either now. or one day or the other, to be partners in the monopol}— to share in the government and the good things of government. Many of them are not without their attachment to the people, and to the soil, and to the glory of their, country, but this attachment rs so far from their ruling passion, that their first duty directs them to themselves, to their family, and to their friends. If any feeling is left for their country, after these cr& vings are satisfied, so much the better; but this feeling is not a necessary consequence of their hav- ing a place in this assembly ; no one will dare to say th'at it is— no one will dare to say that it ought not to be. We have then nothing to do but to follow the example of the illustrious author of modern science, and going at once to the basis of the vicious system, resolve to recon- struct the fabric upon principles conformable to the recog- nized experience of mankind, rejecting as spurious all those systems which suppose men will act otherwise than as their interests guide them. Let us own, at List, that we can only be saved by a House of Commons so chosen as to give each of its members the least possible interest in misgovernment. This can only be done by connecting the legislative body wholly andtfully with the people at large. Nor can this object be attained but by the fre- quent recurrence of the representative to his constituent ; by the diffusion of the elective franchise amongst so large a body as shall be a fair sample of the community ; and by securing the complete independence of the vote given at elections. [ To be continued ] him.% clf lo deny any thing.— Mr. Adoiphus, And you, Sir. have shown by what has passed, that you are ready to Affirm any thing. W. O. Jones said he could not identify Lieut. Gore as the person whom he saw firei The officer be saw had reddish whiskers and hair ; he could identify him. Lieutenant Gore was now examined. He said he thought it an insult to the regiment to be asked whether he or any other officer had been disguised by paint on the day of inspection at the barracks : no such thing bad oc- curred, to his knowledge. He had no pistols on the 14th. He did no see Capt. Oakes or Lieut. Storey fire on the people. Bartholomew Cooney said he saw the officer who shot Honey ; but ( looking at Lieut. Gore,) he observed that he did not know that gentleman. The officer who was with Sir It. Baker was a thinnish man : he wore a Water- loo medal ; he should know him any where ; he should know him in coloured clothes. ( Lieut. Gore having retired, he soon after returned into the inquest room, having beeen followed and hissed by the populace ; at which the Jury expressed their strong disapprobation, and offered to go out with and protect him.) George Avis, a tailor and police officer, deposed that he saw stones thrown at the soldiers before they offered any violence to the people. He was hit and stunned by a stone or brick. The soldiers were cruelly used. He was the man who first pushed open Cumberland- gate. He saw no officer fire. In the course of this day's proceedings, Mr. Adolpbus, in answer to a question from a juryman, stated, that he meant to prove, 1st, That the aggression was totally on the part of the mob ; that the military acted in self- defence. 3d, That Lieut. Gore was not one of the two officers before whom the witness ( Soralt) stopped at the barracks at Knightsbridge, 3d, That none of the officers were painted or disguised : and 4th, That Lieut. Gore was not at the Horse Guards on the Sunday after the funeral of the Queen. Mr. Gore,, on quitting the inquest, seemed to wish to go on foot, and in the same dress in which he had come to the house ; but Mr. Ilapson jun. persuaded him to put on a great coat. Wrapped up in this, and accompanied by half a dozen gentlemen, he left the inn, and got into a coach." As he was getting in, some persons cried out, 44 That's Go re," which was followed by a slight hissing, but it was only for an instant. The carriage then drove off, and the crowd dispersed. TWELFTH DAY. Mr. Bowman, a surgeon in Harlev Street, deposed that the soldiers at Cumberland Gate showed great patience and forbearance ; they were pelted as they were going through the gate. lie saw no peace officers, lie observed about twenty brickbats flying at one time. He did not know what passed between the people and the soldiers before the latter drew their swords. ( During this exami - nation, there was much wrangling between the Jurors , and Mr. Adoiphus. The Counsellor having observed, lhat Dir. Broun would deny the provocation given to the | soldiers by his verdict— several of the Jury cried " Shame, i shame !" and the Foreman remarked, that it was scandalous in any man toanticipate their verdict— Mr. Blaikie thought they should not notice any thing that dropt from Mr. Adoiphus : they knew well the nature of the beast. Mr. Adoiphus said, he should not reply to such remarks : they who made them were— Gentlemen— of the Jury here : what they were elsewhere, he would not say The Fore- man said, at any rate they were not Jew- Gentlemen ; neither had they been sent to Coventry ; nor would they tion 115 respect fo the number of persons employed, and of their respective emoluments, in which it stood in 1797, unless some adequate cause continued to exist which rendered some alteration necessary in future, and that the mode of regulation which seems in all respects most eligible, is, to require that, the individuals themselves who may hereafter enjoy the benefit of superannuation al- lowances, should be called upon to contribute to a super- annuation fund, to be administered under the direction of their Lordships, and according to the following Re- gulations, videlicet 1st, , AU persons holding offices, the salaries or pecuni- ary emoluments of which, after revision, amount together to LOOL. a- year, or upwards, and who are entitled to su- perannuation, under the Act 50 Geo. III. c. 11.7, to contribute 5 per cent, of such salaries or emoluments, to a fund to be called " The General Superannuation Fund"—( My Lords will have under further considera- tion what directions shall be given with respect to offices not amounting to 1001. a- year.) 2d, My Lords are of opinion that in addition to the above rate, which may be considered as a fair contribu- tion to be required from the individuals who may be en- titled to superannuation under the Act of the 50ih Geo. III. c. 117, in aid of the charge incurred by the public in respect thereof, a further contribution may justly be re- quired from those who are in possession of emoluments, which have been increased since 1797, and which are greater than it is intended hereafter permanently to at- tach to their respective situations. They therefore think that persons holding offices, the salaries of which are hereafter to be reduced, should be called upon to pay an additional contribution of two- and- a half per cent, upon all offices exceeding 1001. a- year, and not exceeding 5001. Five per cent, from 5001. and not exceeding 1,0001 And ten per cent, exceeding 1,0001. Provided that the in- crease of such respective salaries since 1797 shall have been not less than double the amount of the additional contribution hereby required. Such additional contribu- tions respectively to cease whenever the parties paying the same shall be promoted to a situation entitled, under the new regulations, to a salary equal to that which they now possess. 5d, This contribution to be collected as often as the salaries are payable, and to bo paid ' within seven days after such collec'ion into the National Debt Office, by which the amount shall he forthwith vested in Exchequer Bills, or such other security as their Lordships may from ; time to time direct. • 4th, The annual amount of superannuation payable to retired servants of the public who may contribute to this Fund, at no time to exceed ten per cent, of the aggregate amount of the salaries and pecuniary emoluments of a!) the officers so contributing. 5th, One- haifof every superannuation allowance grant- ed to such contributors to he assigned upon this Fund, : and the other half to he paid by the Public, and to be • charged to the contingent Fund of the Department to i which the contributor belonged prior to his superannna- , tion. | 6th, No superannuation to be granted to any such contributor, except by the Treasury, and by that Board only, at four periods to be fixed in each year ( except in cases of immediate urgency), " ben a Special Board or Boards shall be held for the purpose of considering all applications received in the preceding quarter; notice of which Board shall be given to the Heads of the Depait- ments recommending such applications, from each of which some proper officer shall, if required, attend to answer all such questions as the Board of Treasury may cognised, or is interpreted according to the humours and inclinations of the prevailing party ill the state. We say that a reform in Parliament would secure such a system. A Parliament emanating from the body of the people must necessarily do so. This seems to me as ine- vitable as that a Parliament emanating from a few pro- prietors must necessarily speak the wishes and provide for the wants only of those proprietors ; at least, its first and thief object must be to do this ; and if public interest be consulted, it is consulted only accidentally or incidentally. Mv Hon. Friend, the Member for Durham, has told us what the petition of the Friends of the People offered to prove at the bar of the House— that one hundred and fifty- four patrons return a majority of the Members of this House. The anti reformers are bold men, but they w- ill not venture to affirm that one hundred and fifty- four in- dividuals are the people of England. Or that for any of the purposes of government or legislation, they can possi- bly be identified with the people of England. The ad- mirers of that virtual representation, which Sir William jones called " actual, folly," must, at least, allow that the commons of England do not return the House of pounnons of England. They must, I think, also allow that the government, whether good or bad, is in the hands of an Oligarchy ; and, ( w hen compared with the wealth, the numbers, and the intelligence of the remainder of this great nation)— of a very insignificant oligarchy. The object of the Reformers is confessedly to give to the Com- mons their share in legislation— that share w hich the very name of this House shews they were meant to possess.— The Reformers in pursuing this great object are taunted with the differences existing amongst themselves— so were the religious reformers of other days ; they were ridicul- ed, with an appearance of justice, on account of their feuds. With their feuds and differences were triumph- antly contrasted the uniformity and simplicity of the Koman Catholic faith ; and the English heretics were asked, to which of the fifteen or sixteen confessions which distracted the reformed Church, even in one town, Stras- bur^ h, tbey finally intended to conform ? But did those fctids, unfortunate as they were, prevent the triumph of the rre-. e faith ? Did they prevent the overthrow of the ancient superstition in this aud other countries ? By 110 means- they rathet* sharpened tbe wits and invigorated the zeal of the proselytes; and. perhaps, contributed to the glorious issue which criVwned their labours. Such, I trust, I believe will be the case with the Re- formers, now, who, whatever shades of difference may exist between them— wliateteV may be their various plans have, let it be recollected, only one object, namely, that which was stated by Mf. Pitt, in 1785, as being his end and aim to make the popuh. r branch of the legislature an assembly freely elected, between whom aud the mass of the people there should be the closest union and the most per- fect sympathy. This is the sole object of all the Reformers we' wi5h for nothing more— lM ought to be content with nothing less. This is'the object of my Hon. Friend, the Member for Durham ; and I may truly say, differing from him, as I venture to do, on some parts of this plan, this alone is my object, namely, to procure an effectual representation of the people, in place of that representa- tion of certain proprietors, which new composes the ma- jority of this House, atld catrat any timecarry any measure. Of the three forms of government: by one— liy the few — and by the many, almost all politicians have given up that of the./ ™ as being the most prejudicial to general haopiness, A monarch governing despotically, often has been, and may be, the delight and the happiness of his subjects ; and he may be also tlieir virtual representative, as Mr. Burke has observed, to be full as much as this House is virtual representative of the people of England. The advantages resulting from a democratic- form of govcrumeut, have also been acknowledged on all hands,, INQUEST ON RICHARD HONEY. TENTH DAY. This day the Jury met at the Hop- poles public- house, on account of its greater convenience. It was proposed by Mr. Adolphus, that the three wit- nesses, King, Spratt, and Green, who had spoken so po- sitively to Lieut Gore on Friday, should now be confront- ed with him. to see if they should identify him in a hold and manly way. The Foreman said it was very odd that Mr. Adolphus should now be proposing the very thing he had so vehemently protested against before ; but as tlie Lear tied Gentleman had changed his mind, it was fit that time should be given for all the witnesses to attend who could speak to the officer who shot Honey. Wednesday was then fixed upon lor the inspection ; and in the course of conversation, Mr. Adolphus prai> ed Lieutenant Gore's courage, and said he did not go out at a hack door on Friday but faced his enemies boldly, and shewed he was not un- willing to be seen by the people. Mr. Hanson said, he and I. ieut. Gore did go out the back way— There was imminent danger in leaving the house. The people called out " There goes the butcher." Several soldiers were examined with a view to find out the name of the trumpeter at Cumberland gate, who had j hitherto been 30 difficult to discover ; but they all denied t any knowledge of him. At length a trumpeter, named 1 William Bishop, appeared, and acknowledged himself to i he the man. Nothing new appeared in his evidence.— ! Joseph Hitcliman, a private of the party at Cumberland < gate, were obligated to ride over the people and amongst ' them, when they did not go away. We were obliged to j use our swords; I cannot tell you exactly how. We cut about a good deal, on purpose to have" the people get out of the way, so as to let the hearse pass. The people got out of the way of the soldiers, who were 1 cutting and slashing. During these examinations, a gentleman was observed taking something like a legal part in the proceedings.— A Juror asked who he was ; he replied, his name was Crowther, and he was a Barrister. He attended there by the same right, he conceived, as Mr. Adolphus attended. ( Mr. Crowther's whole conduct, indeed, looked like a practical joke upon his I. earned Friend.) He was asked, " for whom ?" He answered, that as long as Mr. Adol- phus kept his clients a secret, he should be equally reserv- ed. Mr. Adolphus here started up, exclaiming, that this was the acme of impertinence; and a long squabble ensued among all parties, in the course of which tbe poor old Coroner was fain to say, " he thought they should have gone oil better, if all had been left to himselfand the Jury !" Mr. Crowther finally said, he chose to act on be bullied by an Old Bailey Counsel. Mr. II. B. Test, of Bristol, ( now residing at Hyde- Park Coffee- house) and John Lloyd ( who keeps Lord Bagot's house in Great Cumberland Sireet, is also a door- keeper at the Coburg Theatre, and a trumpeter in the Household Troops) made similar depositions. Mr. Este, surgeon to the 1st Regt. of Life Guards, deposed, that there were 36 soldiers who received wounds and hurts on the 14th of August, five had broken bones. Mr. Bloxam, Veterinary Surgeon in tbe 1st Life Guards, said, that a number of the horses were hurt, one of them cut with some sharp instrument. Capt. Brenton, II. N. living at No. 4. Park- lane, saw what took place at Grosvenor- gate ; the soldiers were attacked by the people, and fairly driven from their posi- tion at the side of the funeral. He observed at the time, the Guards can stand it no longer; they behaved , with coolness and humanity. Lieut. Col. Cavendish was at the inspection of the Guards. A person named Spratt was at the inspection. He stopped and looked at Suh- Lieutenant Walrond, pass- ed. and returned again and looked at Lieutenant Lock, lie made a motion with his head as if uncertain. He took not the slightest notice of Lieutenant Gore. None of the officers in his regiment were painted ; he should be ashamed of it if any officer condescended to use paint. Lieutenants Lock. Gore, and Walrond, have all fresh complexions, Lieutenants Lock and Walrond are not in t ! e least like Lieutenant Gore, who is more sallow than either of them ; nor is Lieutenant Hall like him : he is much shorter. Adjutant Emans, of the 1st Life Guards, was again examined, and deposed to the same effect. Sub- Lieutenant Lock of the 1st Guards, said that he had not used paint or any other art to disguise himself. He had received a blow from a brickbat that had confined him for some time. Sub Lieut. Walrond deposed to the same effect. It was observed by Mr. Gall, that on looking at Lieut. Lock, he thought it not impossible for Spratt to have mistaken him for Lieut. Gore. FOURTEENTH DAY, Wednesday. Sept. 12. The Jury met soon after 1 I, in pursuance of the deter- mination of yesterday, and their names' were called over as usual. The Coroner being present, the Foreman addressed him, and expressed the strong sense of trie Jury of his obliging conduct in the course of the inquest. The investigation the part of the deceased's relatives. A person present j being now concluded, it only remained to decide upon the put, in order to enable them to decide upon the fitness, or relative urgency of each application ; and to distribute the disposable amount of the fund, or so much of it, as may be requisite, in such manner as, upon an examina- tion of all the cases before them, may appear most con- ducive to justice and the public interest. 7th, The interest accruing upon the contributions to be applied in the first instance to the expense of manage- ment of the Fund, and the remainder to accumulate for | the benefit of it. 8th, If the aggregate sum now paid in superannuation allowances to public servants who hold offices coming with in the description of the first article, shall be found to exceed one. tenth of the aggregate amount of the salaries and pecuniary emoluments of all the said offices, the new superannuations to he granted in any one year shall not exceed one- half of the saving arising from such of those allowances as may have lapsed in the preceding year, until the whole sum so granted shall be reduccd to ten per cent, or under that amount, in conformity to the 4th article. My L rds are further of opinion, that it will be proper to propose to Parliament to repeal the several rates of al- lowance enacted by the 50nh Geo. III. cap. 117, and to substitute the following in lieu thereof, videlicet : Above 10 years service, and not exceeding 15, 4 12ths of the salary; above 15, and not exceeding 20, 5- l2ths; above 20. and not exceeding 25, 6- 12ths; above 25. and not exceeding 30, 7- 12' hs; above 50. and not exceeding 35, 8- 12ths; above 35, and not exceeding 40, 9- 12ths; above 40, and not exceeding 45, 10- 12ths; above 45. and not exceeding 50, ll- 12ths; and exceeding 50. the whole. Such respective allowances to be calculated upon the s: dary and pecuniary emoluments of the office, as charged to the payment made to the Contribution Fund ; and in no case to exceed the net sum received by the officer after the deduction of such payment. My Lords are aware that notwithstanding the extreme importance of adhering to this scale as much as possible, there may arise special cases which it would he difficult to foresee or enumerate, with respect to which some depar- ture from this scale may become indispensable, and that authority to provide accordingly should be reserved to their Lordships; they are of opinion, however, that it should he enacted, that in all such instances the cases should be laid before Parliament, together with a report of the circumstances which have led their Lordships to make the exc< ption. the invasion would be powerless, it concludes by stating, that the departure of Baron de Strogonolf had wholly changed the face of things. SEPT. 9.— Letters have been received from Odessa, dated the 1.5th of August, which confirm the newS of the arrival of the Baron de Strogonoffj at Odessa, and that of the departure of three couri- ers, which' were dispatched to the chief of the army in Bessarabia, to the Admiral of the fleet at Sevas- topol, and to his Majesty the Emperor, at St Petersburg!!. They add that MM. the oflUers com- prising tire Staff of the French frigate, which con- veyed M. StrofgonofFto Odesssa, were received with eager gratitude by the authorities and the most dis- tinguished inhabitants.— Gazette de France. AUGSBURGII, Sept. 2.— The Russian Minister, Baron de StrogonofF, refused to receive the last note which the Porte addressed to him through the Reis- Effendi ; he declared that it ought to be sent direct to St Petersburg)). . Tt appears that the English Ambassador tool; upon himself'to forward the said note to its destination, by addressing it to the Englislf' Minister at St Petersburg)). On its side the Porta dispatched a duplicate copy to the Russian Cabinet, accompanying it with fresh complaints against Baron de Strogonoff. FRANKFORT, Sept. 4.— It is affirmed, that the Emperor Alexander, faithful to the principle which forms the basis of the Holy Alliance, will take no de cisive step without the previous consent of his high allies ; it was ou this account that General Scliowa- loff was sent to Berlin, and other personages were sent en mission, to Paris, Vienna, and even London, although England is no party to the IIolv Alliance, Russia, it is said, wilt not act decisively, until, an- swers from the different Courts shall have reached St. Petersburg)). At this time, the Emperor may have received the answer of the Porte, and have learned the arrival of the Baron de StrogonofF at Odessa.— Moniteur. BERLIN, Aug. SO.— It is confirmed that the mission of Lientenant- General Count de SchowalotT to our Court has had for its object the differences which have arisen between the Porte and Russia, and the intention which the latter power seems to have to take part in the affairs of the Greeks. Tire Emperor Alexander, faithful to the principles of the Holy Alliance, forbears taking any decisive step without first informing himself of the opinion of his allies ; similar communications have in consequence, been made to the Courts of Vienna, Pari?, and Loiv- don. Although England has not formally accetfeil to the Holy Alliance, the Emperor is also desirous that this matter should be discussed by that Cabinet. 1 hen only will the resolutions of the Emperor be carried into execution ; for his Majesty is especially desirous to maintain the amicable and fraternal sys- tem happily established between the great European Sovereigns. stated, that the deceased's relatives bad not instructed any legal gentleman ; upon which Mr. Crowther explained, that he did not mean to say he was employed, but only that he should act so, w hich intention he thwught gave him a right to proceed. The Coroner however decided against Mr. Crowther's claim to take part in the proceed- ings. Nothing of the slightest importance was elicited by the further examinations. ELEVENTH DAY. Wm. King beinw confronted with Lieut Gore, and, looking steadfastly at him, he said, in answer to a ques- tion from Mr. Adolphus.— I swear that ( pointing at Lieut. Gore) is the gentleman who fired the pistol, the contents of which I did not know whether they were intended for me or Mr. Honey. Honey fell at the time of the dis- charge of that pistol. During this identification the wit. nessappeared to be perfectly collected and positive. Lieut, Gore also appeared quite collected. lie was dressed in plain clothes. Wm. Spratt was the next witness.— Being asked whe- ther Lieut. Gore was the gentleman he had alluded to on a previous examination, as having shot Mr. Honey, here- plied, Yes, Sir. And he is one of two gentlemen I saw at tbe inspection, both of whom I stopped. Tt was not this gentleman, but the other who had his cheeks stained. By the inspection, I mean the day I went with tbe Coroner's tiekct to the barracks, and was kept a prisoner there. 1 was starved almost to death : I was without victuals from eight in the morning till ten at night. It was the day tile Jury were shoved out there. Samuel Green also ( pointing to Lieut. Gore) said, he is the man who shot Richard Honey in my presence ; add- ing, when quitting the room, that he understood he was to be transported; but if so, he hoped it would be to a better place. Brook Page, looking at Lieut. Gore, said he could not swear to him in coloured clothes, but he thought he was the man who fired off a pistol when Honey was shot, but he did not see him fall. During the examination of this witness, much angry discussion took place between Mr. Adolphus and tbe Jurymen, of which the following is a specimen : Mr. Brown and another Juror remarked, that though the sort of proceeding, which Mr. Adolphus seemed anxious to adopt, was well enough where twenty guineas a- day were paid to an advocate, or at the Old Bailey, it would not do here.— Mr. Adolphus, As for twenty gui- neas a- day, I can tell that person that to pass my time in such company, I would not accept tweuty guineas a mi- nute.— The Foreman, The fact is, Mr. Adolphus knows very well that his abuse has suceee led with some people, and supposes that it w- ill do with us.— Air. Adolphus, Talk of people, indeed ! I can only say that in the com- pany of such people I never found myfelf before.— The Foreman, It is evident that Mr. Adilphus will take ayoa evidence. In deliberating, it was the wish of the Jury to be private, and they therefore put it to the Coroner whether he would have tlie politeness to retire, or to order that another room should. be prepared for the Jury. The Coroner observed, that it had not been his inten- tion to be present, as it was by no means usual that he should be. He should withdraw no further than the Hyde Park Hotel, that the Jury might be able to send for him in case any difficulty should arise, or they might wish to refer to part of the evidence he had read lo them. He trusted the Jury would be able to arrive at an early deci- sion. ' Die Coroner then withdrew and left the Jury to them- selves. They continued iu discussion, and at 4 o'clock sent tellers to their families, staling that they were likely to be long detained. THE VERDICT. At six o'clock the Jury sent for the Coroner, and on his entrance into the room, they declared that they had agreed on their verdict. Strangers were then admitted, and the Coroner, sittitig at tlie head of the table at which the Jury were placid and holding a paper in his hand, said, The Jury l ave unanimously agreed in their verdict?" A Juror—" Yes, we are unanimous." The Coroner then read the following verdict : — 41 Verdict of Manslaughter against the officers and men of the 1st Regiment of Life Guards, who were on duty between Tyburn gale and Park lane, at the time Richard Ilonev wasshot, on Tuesday the 14th August, 1821." The Jury then signed the Inquisition, and the Coroner having thanked them for their attendance, they were dis- charged in the usual form. RETRENCH ME NT. EXTRACT OF TREASURY MINUTE, DATED ADO. 10. 1821. REDUCTION AND ALTERATION IN THE ESTABLISHMENT. My Lords, in calling upon the Heads of the other De- partments of his Majesty's Civil Government to enter upon a revision of their respective Establishments, with a view to such Economical Reductions as may fulfil the intentions of his Majesty, expressed in his Answers to the Addresses of both Houses of Parliament, think it right to state the principles upon which they have pro- ceeded, and the course they have followed in the revision of the Establishment of the Treasury under their imme- diate direction. They have thought that they should best carry into execution the intentions expressed in the Addresses of Parliament, by keeping in view the following general Rules : 1st, r at every office was to be tutored to tl e situa- FOREIG N IN TEL LIGENCE. • FROM FRENCH PAPERS. PARIS, Sept 8.— The vonng Duchess of Bruns- wick will not admit to their presence any of the English who have put on mourning for the late Queen Caroline, their aunt Gazette de France. A great number of artists and workmen are ac- tively employed in the interior of the Palace Elvsce Bourbon, and the belief entertained that the King of England will lodge thereon his passage through Paris. ( FROM THIS CONSTTTUTIONNEL,) Extract of a private letter from Frankfort :— " It appears certain," says our correspondent, " that at the same time that Russia dispatched an ulti- matum to the Porte, she also addressed a diploma- tic note to the Great Powers, which explained and developed the causes and motives of her conduct towards the Turkish Government, and it was not concealed that, in the event of the said ultimatum being rejected bv the Divan, Rnssia was prepared to maintain it bv force of arms. " Russia supported the negociations of her Am- bassador, the Baron de Strogonoffi bv preparing for a campaign. It was with this view that the al ready numerous corps of Generals Wittgenstein and and Yermaloff, stationed on the frontiers of Bessa- rabia and Moldavia, were considerably reinforced. " Commercial letters, however, from Odessa, Brody, Lemberg, and Warsaw, which have recent- ly been received in Frankfort, state that, up to the j time at which they were written, no change had taken place in the array or positions of the other corps of the Russian arm}-, which are, nevertheless, almost completely upon a war footing. " It is affirmed that the Emperor of Austria has invited the Emperor of Russia to meet him at Pres- burg, In the beginning of September. If facts should not destroy conjectures, it may thence be in- ferred that Austria has not re noticed all hope of au accommodation of the affairs of Turkey," The letter goes on to review the immensemilitary resources of Russia, and the inadequacy of her finan- ces to maintain her vast army on a war footing After observing that the opposition of England to FROM GERMAN PAPERS. AUGSBURG, Aug. ' 29.— Though it is not yet known wliethcr war will break out between the Porto anil Russia, it is not doubted that the Powers wilt interfere in the affairs of Greece. It is asserted, that with the consent of the other Cabinets, Russia wili have the execution of the measures which wili be taken inconcert. Most of the Ottoman troops that were stationed in Wallaehia have left it to proceed by forccd marches to Moldavia. Other troops have passed th& Danube, near Silistria, for the same destination. IIANOVPR, Aug. 29— To- day the workmen have begun to build the triumphal arch through which. the King will male his entry into this city. The Guard of Honour on horseback exercises. every day. Guards of Honour on horseback are in like manner forming ill all the towns of the kingdom through which the King will pass. At Gottingen it- part of the students are p actising to perform a Carousel. The horsemen, eight in number, who will perform in this kind of tournament, are to be habited in the Spanish costume. The Journals of Piedmont contain the most afflic- ting details of losses and injury occasioned bv storms w hich have spread devastation throughout sever .1 provinces of that kingdom. At CarignSn, Piohesi, and particularly sit Pigncrol, there has beeu a fall oi' hailstones as large as eggs. A great many persons have been severely wounded, the lands ravaged, the roofs of houses broken, and trees torn up; added to which a great number of oxen, which constitute a portion of the riches of that country, have perished in the storms. It has been mentioned that a slight shock o? earthquake was felt at Naples. It appears the shock was more violent in Calabria. Houses were thrown down in the; environs of Cotanzaro, aud se- veral persons perished in the ruins. CONSTANTINOPLE, August 10 It was ap- prehended here that a tumultuous movement would have been made on the departure of the Russian Ambassador; but the rigorous measures adopted by the Government have at lean for the moment res- trained the fury of the popu acc. Public ei t ance into Pera is prohibited, and 22 Turks, who at- tempted to force their way in defiance of the guard, have had their heads struck offl A dispatch from the Turkish Governor of the Morea, gives an account of the capture ofLivadia and the destruction of the greater part of that town, after a desperate engagement, in which 3900 Greeks are represented to have been cut to pieces, or to have been burnt iu the houses. Of the loss of the Turks on this occasion not a word is mentioned ; but the effect of the victory is said to have been the entire submission of the district. By the Path i'a dispatch, however, the capture of LiVadia took place in June, and the advantages gained bv the Greeks in the Pelopanesus are of'a later date. They remain, therefore, still unsubdued, notwithstaadinc* the ferocity of their assailants. S PA I A. MADRID, Aug. 29— A disagreeable occur- rence, which took place this evening in the street of Jacometrezo, has troubled for a moment the tranquillity of the neighbours of that quarter. It appears that Don Ignacio Ordobas, Colonel of Engineers, and Officer of the War Department, who had just returned from the Esctirial, had a dis- pute in his habitation with the porter who had tin-* loaded his effects, respecting the payment of his, labour. We do. not venture to bay what passed be- tween them, but the persons in the street saw the. porter come out with his arm wounded, and com- plaining that Signor Ordobas had ill- used bim with his sabre, because he asked him for the payment which they had agreed upon. The neighbours, without making any further in- quiry, immediately declared themselves in favour of the wounded man, and began loudly to demand that this crime should be punished. Troops came up. One of the Constitutional Alcaldes immediately presented himself on the spot. At last, General Quiroga came up, who ad dressed the people, and took Ordobas I> v tlie arm, conducting liim, with others of his friends, to the quarter of the street of Fuencarrel, between two guards of infantry. Tlie people, as on all similar occasions, as soon as the measure was taken of ar- resting the person whom they supposed to be guilty, behaved with the greatest propriety, and dispersed quietly. We have heard various statements of what pasted in the house of Signor Ordobas, between him and the porter. Some have suffered themselves to be carried away by the first impression excited by the sight of the wounded man and affirm that the right was wholly on his side ; others give more credit to o the declaration of M. Ordobas, and think that the porter demanded w hat was not reasonable and gross- ly insulted the Colonel. We. shall suspend our opi- nion till time, and the authorities who have the af- fair before them, shall inform us of the particulars of the affair; though we find it very difficult to be- lieve that Colonel Ordobas should have so far forgot- ten the rights which an unarmed man has, in the eve of a soldier, into whose bands the country has not put arms to outrage the citizens, but to them El Universal. Pray how old arc you ? asked the Magistrate. " I am ua yet iu my saxty- first year." she replied, " and I'm plated in a very aukward predeecament, your Worship kens, as I canna marry agen, or tak ony ither step Cor my particular comfort or respectabeelity." The Magistrate asked with some'liftle surprize, " Per- haps. then, you wish to marry again." All, na ! I dinna ken, . your worship, hut J might. Not that I want a husband, God forgi'eine; but ye s^ e, as it is, I canna have my leeberty in ony way." After some farther interrogation she was furnished with a warrant for the, apprehension of the " gay deceiver," and she trudged off with it to the Constable of Tngatestone, ( Essex.) at which place it seems the " false loon" is at piesent residing. The paper which first gave the letter from Paris, stating the challenge sent by the son of the late Marshal Key to the Duke of Wellington, has pub- lished the following contradiction :— We hasten to give publicity to the following contradic- tion, from the highest authority, of a statement contained in a letter received from Parts by a mercantile house in the City, and inserted in our Paper of Friday last: — " Strathfieldsay, Sept. 9, 1821. " SIB— T see that in the fifth column of the second page of your Paper of the 7th instant, there is a paragraph respecting myself in a supposed letter without date, slated to be from Paris. " The whole statement in this paragraph is false ; and as it relates to the conduct of another individual as well as to myself, 1 b.- g you w ill take the earliest opportu- Start, ditto; and Lady Melville off the Isle of Wight, 2th inst. The Dunira and Marquis of Htintlv passed through the Downs on Sunday for the River. The Dutiira left; China on the 10th of March. The Marquis of Huntly and Lady Mel- ville left China on the 23th of March, and St. He- lena on the 29th of July. . A11 unlucky circumstance occurred off Kerry Head, on Friday evening last. His Majesty's sloop of war, Redwing, fell in with the Harriet Re venue Cruizer, Captain Tandy, and, supposing it to be a smuggler, fired several shots into her, and continued to do so for a considerable time ; it was not until the boats of the Redwing were preparing to board the Harriet, that the mistake was disco- vered. One of the crew was killed. The Harriet - FAIRS. SEPTEMBER—( New. Slilc.) Kingusie, 1st Tuesday Aberlour, 1st Thursday Falkirk, 2d Tuesday Her vie, £ d Thursday Perth, 9tli day Dundee, 1' Jthday Inverness, Wed iies, afterl Stli Falkland, 4th Tuesday Trinitymuir, Tuesday pre- ceding last Wednesday Durris, last Wednesday Forfar, ditto Nairn, 29th day, and Fri- day fortnight after ( Old Stile. J ; Coldstone. 1st Tuesday has been but very lately commissioned, only on her | gt. Rufus, Keith, IstTues. Wednes. and Thursday Ilhynie, Friday after ditto CADIZ, Aug. 17.— Last night a circumstance occurred here, which seems impossible to have hap- pened in the cradle oflibcrty. A citizen, officer in the national militia, whose name we have no mmd to publish, came to the office of this paper, in his uniform, and with his sword, accompanied by other citizens, one of them with his sabre, abusing and threatening us to make us tell him who was the au- thor of the article " Plaza de la Constitution," in our Number of the 15th hist. We answered that be was not authorised by the law to desire this in- formation to be given him, and that the only method of obtaining it was pointed out by the law, which he was violating in a scandalous manner, bv his violence, & c. Seeing that all our representations availed nothing, we gave notice to the patrole, and, accompanied bv it, one of us went with the officer before the Alcalde, who, bv the influence of his authority, at length convinced him of the impro- priety of his conduct. repeatedly bowing in the most dignified manner. Pre- cisely at a quarter past five the King entered the lloyal carriage, and commenced his journey, preceded by the escort of gentlemen from this place, who were joined by a troop of Yeomanry Cavalry under the commandof Capt. Ackland. His Majejfty passed through Cheltenham in the after- noon of Friday w it bout alighting, and proceeded to Chapel House, in Oxfordshire, where he slept, and on Siturday would arri. ve at Carlton Palace, Iu reply to an address presented by a deputation of the inhabitants of Cheltenham, his Majesty complained of great fatigue, no doubt w ith much truth. Not the slightest particular of his journey through South Wales has transpired, and at Cheltenham Iiis arrival was quite unexpected. A Court of Common Council was held on Tues- day bvk the Lord Mayor, for the dispatch of gene- ral business. Mr W. Kerl, of the Ward of Crip- plegate, was appointed a Governor of Bridewell and Bethlem Hospital, in the room ofD. Kave, Esq. deceased. The Committee appointed to consider in respect to the invitation of his Majesty to dine at the next Lord Mayor's Day, presented a Report, recommending that his Majesty be humbly requested to honour them with is Royal presence at dinner at Guildhall, on the ensuing Lord Mayor's Day, which was read and agreed to unanimously. The Committee, appointed to make arrangements for the attendance of the Court at the funeral of her late Majesty, delivered in a Report of their proceedings which was ordered to be entered on the journal. A motion was made for a Vote of Thanks to Mr. Sheriff Waithman, for his conduct on the day of the I funeral procession on the burial of Honey and Fran- I cis which, altera long debate, was agreed to, upon a division 55 to 25, and ordered to be fairly trans- cribed, presented to Mr. Sheriff Waithuian, and pub- lished. Sir Robert Baker resigned his situation as Chief Magistrate of the Police on Wednesday last; and Mr. Birnic was yesterday appointed bv Lord Sid- mouth to succeed him. It is said that the friends of Sir Robert Baker complain very much of the treat- ment he has received from Government. uity of contradicting it. I have the honour to be. Sir, ' Your inostobedient humble servan% " To the Editor. " WELLINGTON." IM POIIT ANT !—( From a Scots Paper. J— An ass of Sir Walter Scott's was marched through Lanark last Sun- day. on its way home to Abbotsford. CLERICAL MODESTY. Tire Clergyman who I first cruise, and was formerly a French lugger, in i which craft she is retained, and which confirmed the ; Captain of the Redwing in his belief of her being ; a smuggler, having never before seen her on the coast. Saturday afternoon arrived at Portsmouth the Confi • ance sloop of war, Captain Gordon, from Port Royal, Jamaica, whence she sailed on the ,30th of July, in com- pany with the Tartar frigate. Commodore Sir George Ralph Collier. Hart. K. C. B. which ship had on board his Grace the Duke of Manchester, Governor of Jamaica, and t Major- General Sir John Keane, Governor of St. Lucie, who are on their passage to England... The Tartar in- tended to call at the Havatmah. We are informed that two days previous to the departure of the Confiance, a packet arrived at Port R > yal from Curacoa, with ac- counts ofthe successful operations of the Independents on the Spanish Main, win, had. in a desperate battle, fought on the plains of Carabozo, totally defeated, the Royalist forces ; the consequence, of which had been, that the Royalists were obliged to abandon Puerto Cahello and I. a Guira, and the inhabitants were flying front Caraccas, iu apprehension that the Independents would soon make an attack on that place. The Confiance left our squadron on the station, under Sir Charles Rowley, healthy.; the Nautilus, Captain Isham Chapman ; Bann. Captain Blois ; Parthian. Captain Lloyd ; and Tamar Sir Win. Wiseman. Bait were lying at Port Royal ; the Tribune, Captain Willoughby. was gone to Pjrto Hello ; the 11 a- Icigh, Capt lllackman, at Maracavbo; the Sybille, Capt. Josias Rowley, and Surinam, Captain Goderey, in the Gulf of Mexico.— Lieut. John Hudson, Flag- Lieut, to Iluntly, Charles Fair,. Tues. and Wednesday Tarves, ditto St. Cuthbert's, Coruhill, 2d Thursday Alford, Friday after ditto > Ballater, 2d Monday and Tuesday Fraserburgh. 2d Friday Grantown, 3d Tuesday Brarinar,- ditto Hawkhall, Michael Fafl( Crcenburn, do. it Wednes. Culferi',; last Tuesday Kinkell, Michael Fair, do. and Wednesday Broadstraik, last Thursday Newmillst ditto New I'itsligo, ditto NEWGATE AND LEADENIIALL MARKETS, Sept. 15. ;| j i Beef,,. 2s - id to 5s 4d I Veal, 3s 4d to 5s Oil Mutton, 2s 8d to Ss 4d | Pork, 2s Od to 4s Od To vn Tallow Yellow Russia, White ditto, Soap ditto, Melting Sttifr, Ditto rough, PRICE OF TALLOW, Sept. 15. 49s to — s 47s to —- s 45s to — s 45s to — s • 57s. to —- s 24s to.— s Graves, Good Dregs, Yellow Soap, Mottled, Curd,. Palm,' — s to 20s — s to 7s 80s to — 9 90s to — s 94s to — s OOCfcto — s Price of Candles, per doz. 10s Od— Moulds, 1 Is Gs, ylMERIC. 1, rjc. JAMAICA, July 23— We have received letters and Gazettes from Santa Martha of the 17th cur- rent. They confirm the account of the fall of Bo- chia. JULY 27 His Majesty's frigate Tribune, of 42 guns, Capt. W. Mochlev, K. C B. sailed yes- terday morning for Porto Bello ant! Rio Chagres. LORD COCHRANE.— A letter from Buenos Avres, dated the 7th of July states, that intelligence had arrived from Valparaiso, announcing that the blockade of the coasts of Peru by Lord Cochrane had been declared by Sir Thomas Hardy not to be in conforraitv with the law regulating similar opera- tions, and that therefore it could not be recognized bv the British squadron. This declaration of Sir Thomas Hardy is in the form ofa verbal communi- cation, made to a deputation of British merchants at Valparaiso, on board his Majesty ship Creole. He states to them— ! " 1st, That he had just returned from CuHao, where he had gone in the hope of redressing several grievances, which the masters of vessels, and several other individuals, had sustained from the Commanders in Chief and Cap- tains of the Blockading Squadron before Callao not only in the unjust detention of several vessels, but in the un- warrantable power assumed by the Chili squadron, in pressing seamen of said detained vessels, and other Bri- tish subjects; which individuals, on being demanded by Captain Spencer personally, and Sir T. Hardy by letter, were refund by the Captain O'Higgins to be given up ; by which act insulting the officers of his Majesty, and the British Hag. " 2d, That the declaration of blockade by the Chili Government in August last, comprehends and includes the whole coast of Peru ; and as the Chili squadron have only vessels to blockade 10 or 12 leagues of said coast, their persisting to declare ihe whole under blockade viti- ates their declaration ; therefore lie is determined not to allow any blockade ever existed." Bv the last intelligence from Peru, Lord Coch- rane had taken possession of A rica. where he had captured and detained several Spanish and English vessels. On the 30th April General San Martin embark- ed Muacho, with about 1000 of his army, on an expedition, the object of which was supposed to be Panama. As we have been every day looking for this event, ! the news of it did not surprise us. From the ran- corous manner in which Sir Robert was assailed by the tools of corruption, it was pretty evident, that he had been guilty of an unpardonable oftence in the eyes of Ministers. Sir Robert said, on his recent examination, " I allowed the intended line of the procession to be altered, in obedience to a force which, in my opi- nion, I could not resist, without serious mischief to • the soldiers, to the crowd, and to the persons at- tending in the procession, many of whom were fe- males, who had been shut up for hours in the carriages in a statu of alarm " But the safety of either fe- males or males, was the last subject which, in the opinion of Ministers, he ought then to have consi- dered. The ridicule cast on them by the defeat of their magnanimous scheme to defraud the remains of her late Majesty ofthe honours intended for thein, was, no doubt, of far more importance in their eyes than the lives of the people, and the glory of the triumph which they promised themselves would have been deemed a cheap purchase with the lives of LONDON, Sept. 15. THE KI\ G. PEMBROKE, Sept. 9 I hasten to inform you of the arrival iu this haven of our Most Gracious Sovereign King George the Fourth, on board his beautiful yacht the Royal George, accompanied by the Royal Sovereign yacht, the ^ Active and I. it lev frigates, Hind corvette. Wolf sloop rf war. Sabrina and Emerald private yachts, and ' fline Revenue cruizers, which joined the royal squad, ron on the passage. The squadron left Dunleary on Fri- day, at. two. A. M. and after a most rough and boisterous passage, came safe into this haven about eleven o'clock this forenoon. You may form some idea of the gale which the royal squadron encountered, from this circumstance, that the forecastles of the two frigates were completely underwater, from the pressure of canvas they were ob- liged to carry, in order to keep up with the Royal George, vhich has proved itself to be a most complete sea boat. The Lee corvette, and Cameleon brig of war, parted company on the passage. Milford is partially illuminat- « * d this evening, and, no doubt, will he generally so to- morrow. His Majesty has not been seen on deck the wliule of this day, although a vast number of boats were plying round tlie yacht, tilled with all the beauty and fashion of the neighbourhood. His Majesty is, in all probability, exhausted by the fatigue of the preceding day. but it is hoped that he is not seriously indisposed. MONDAY AFTERNOON — The squadron are still atanchor, and the wiod appears quite changeable ; should it shift to the N. N. W. or bordering on that point, the fleet will, no doubt, immediately proceed round land. It was expected that the very boisterous weather which the King had cxpetienccd. and the continuance ofthe gales, would have induced his Majesty to disembark at Milford and travel by land, up to town, but our letters . if to- day seem tocontradict this supposition. Our Milford correspondent says, that the King is not merely so good a sailor himself, but is so pleased with the zeal and activity ofthe whole of his squadron, that he has determined to give the naval service the additional proof of his confidence . liid favmir by adhering to the intention of making the passage by sea, as long as any hope lemains of the ships being able to beat round — Courier. HAVERFORD WEST, Sept. 13.— Soon after my letter of . Monday last was dispatched, the Royal squadron bad left Milford- haven, but. owing to stress of weather, was obliged to put back again in the afternoon of yesterday; and although the fact was not known here until late in the evening, numerous vehicles were immediately put in re- quisition, to convey persons who now hoped to have all their disappointirens atoned for. by getting a sight of their Sovereign. It was understood that the landing was to take place early this morning, and a great number of gentlemen of this town and neighbourhood, wearing blue favours, were on the alert at a very early hour, for the purpose of attending his Majesty as an escortfrom Milford. Exactly at five o'clock the first gun of the Royal salute was heard, and in a few minutes the barge, bearing the Royal standard, was seen approaching the shoie. The morning was delightful, and crowds of respectable persons covered the quays, most enthusiastically cheering his Ma- jesty » b fie passed, which his Majesty acknowledged by thousands— Morn. Chron. We understand his Majesty's displeasure was con- veyed to Sir Robert Baker through Lord Sidmouth in no very pleasant terms ; and that Sir Robert, with proper spirit, immediately tendered his resig- nation.— / hid. Saturday night, at half- past eleven o'clock, the Marquis of Londonderry arrived at his house in St. James's Square. The Marchioness, in the after- noon of the same day, arrived from North Cray, in order to meet his Lordship Sunday afternoon the Marquis and Marchioness left town for North Cray. Adviceswerc on Monday received at Marlborough House from his Roval Highness the Prince of Saxe Coburg, who is at present on a visit at Coburg to his mother, stating, that his return to this country may not be expected till next spring. His Roval Highness has sent orders for the whole of his esta- blishment in England going into deep mourning for her late Majesty. The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland is to continue a year longer in the Vice Roval Government, as a mark of the royal favour of the King. Ofthe thirty one Noblemen who have filled the station of Lord Lieutenant of Ireland for the last century, only six have had the honour of the regular period being prolonged by the Sovereign. Mr. Alderman Wood, and his son, the Rev. J. P. Wood, landed at Deal on Wednesday evening after a boisterous passage of four hours and a half from Calais. The sea ran so high that they found it impossible to reach Dover. Tuesday his Royal Highness the Duke of York held a levee at the Horse Guards, when Sir Hud- son Lowe was presented to the Commander- in- Chief, on his return from the Government of St. Helena. From a Correspondent.— A Gentleman just re- turned from France, thinks it a duty he owes to his countrymen, to acquaint them, by every possible means that, in consequence of a law passed very recently, no mare, once landed in France, under whatever circumstances, can he reimbarked. A similar law has long been in force respecting entire horses and still continues so. The above Gentle- man was detained at Calais nearly a fortnight, in the hope of obtaining some mitigation of this unjust act, by a petition addressed to the Director- General of the Customs, at Paris, but in this he was dis- appointed, his answer being that the law could not be infringed in his favour It may be superfluous to remark, that the law now existing has a particular prospect to the detention of English marcs, by which France is desirous of improving her breed of horses The English, generally, appear ignorant of this law ; and even at the Custom House at Dover, I he Gentleman who writes this was shewn the French tariff ofthe customs of 1814, to shew that the prohibition extended to stallions only. IHGAMY EXTRAORDINARY. BOW STREET— A fat, elderly, decently dressed country woman presented herself before Sir Robert Baker on Wednesday, and after having made a profound obeis- ance. addressed him as follows ; " I am sorry to inform your worship that I am married to a man wha has gotten anither wife. He's a Chelsea pensioner, your honour, and saxty years of age, forbye about sax months mair, and ought to have known better. to me, your honour, at Ingatestone. about syne ; anil as 1 was a lone widaw o' four years standing, or tbereaboot, I married him, and cherish- ed him, and maintained him, to the very best o'mv puir abeelity ; but when he found that I could no* weel do it ony langer he deserted me, and went afore a Magistrate o' the place, where he made oath that he had a lawfu' wife thirty years bygone, living elsewhere, and that I was naething at a' to him— the false loon." Here she paused and took out of her pocket a long huswife wouod about with a light blue ribbon, from which she produced the certificate of her marriage, and laid it before the Magistrate, at the same time observing she had " i » u « kle evidence to prove the first marriage." preaehed at Winterbournc, a village in the West of Eng- land, a few Sundays ago, had read the Liturgy, and was about IO ascend the pulpit, but he found he had left his sermon at home. He whispered the Clerk for an expe- dient, when, on recollecting himself, he addressed his parishioners in this manner : " 1 have not my sermon with me to- day. but I will read you a Chapter out of the Book of Job. which is worth two of my discourses !" He did so, and gave general satisfaction. THE ARMY.— Wednesday 400 men belonging to the Invalid Establishment, Fort Pitt, Chatham, marched for Chelsea, under the command of Cap- tain Bentlcv, Military Staff, Fort Pitt. The 3d regiment ( or Buffs), quartered in Mullin- gar about ten months, has received a route for Li- verpool, and then proceed to Chatham, from whence they take shipping for New South Wales. The first division marched on Monday last. The Buffs have got orders to retain the Officers ofthe 9th com- pany, in consequence of their being intended for fo- reign service. The 88th regiment ( or Connaught Rangers) are to occupy these quarters. The entire of the 5th dragoon guards have arrived at Donaghadee, from Scotland This distinguished corps is commanded by Prince Leopold of Saxe Co- burg. ARMY IN INDIA.— His Majesty's Royal Scots regiment, 2d battalion, is quartered at Triclnno- poly, Madras Establishment. The 73d regiment, quartered at Trincomalee, Ceylon, underthe command of Colonel O'Connel, is under orders to proceed immediately to England. The 45th regiment is now quartered in Kandv, Ceylon, and the 8Sd and 16th regiments are quar- tered at Colombo. The 1st Cevlon regiment is now stationed at Kandv and the 2d at Colombo. It is reported that the 2d Ceylon regiment, now stationed at Colombo, Ceylon, under the command of Lieutenant- Colonel Smelt, will relieve Ins Ma- jesty's 73d regiment at Trincomalee. THE FUNDS.— die Funds continue to vary with the alternate changes ofthe weather. The fluctua- tions of the last few davs have clearly demonstrated that the jobbers are apprehensive of the capitalists employing their money in corn speculations, which, should the bad weather continue, there is too much reason to fear they might do with considerable ad- vantage. Consols opened yesterday at 75/, for money, and 75^- tor the account. The contradic- tory reports relative to Russia and the Porte, added to the above named cause, produced a depression of nearly a half per cent. That the rise of grain has a sensible operation upon the Finds there can be no doubt, but do not entirely attribute the present de- pression to that account. There is a report in the City, which obtains credence among the well inform- ed, that should the Ports fie opened for the importa tion of grain, and the demands for specie ( as is like- ly in such case) increasj upon the Bank to a large extent, some protecting measure would be immedi- ately ajopted on the part of Government to prevent the money being thus sent out of the country. A discovery is said to have been made within the last few days at the Mint relative to the present issue of half sovereigns, and the Bank have in consequence declined to issue any more of that coin for the pre- sent. The market recovered a little at the close of the day, and Consols left offat 75£ sellers, and 75f for the account. Considerable sales ( compared to the business of the last week) were effected. Sir Charles Rowley, died lately at Port Royal, whilst acting in the command of ihe Baiirl.— It was apprehended that the crops at Jamaica would fail, from the want of rain, none having fallen during several months. On Friday the Integrity transport, from Gibraltar, came out of quarantine, at Portsmouth. She left the Rock on the 24th July, at which lime the 2( jth Regiment were mak- ing preparations to come to England. General Sir Tilos. Maitland has taken out counter- orders, therefore the 26th will remain at Gibraltar, and the 80th will go from that garrison to the Ionian Isles. The same day ar- rived the Londoji, transport, from Gibraltar ; she was immediately placed under quarantine. The London has brought home two companies of Artillery. The Lochness Steam Boat unfortunately caught fire between the night of Saturday and Sunday morning last while lying at. her station at the Muirtown Locks, 011 the Caledonian Canal. The fire was not discovered, till the deck - and the internal parts ofthe Yacht, from the main Cabin to the Stern, were almost entirely consumed. The men who were asleep on board, very narrowly escaped with their lives. I'wo Vessels were lying close by her, and much is owing to the exertions of the crews, who gave the most prompt asssistance to those on board the Boat, and succeeded in scuttling her, a few minutes after the fire was discovered. The cause ofthe fire, we have not been able distinctly to ascertain ; but it is supposed that there was a want of water in the Boilers, which heated to a de- gree which communicated with the wood of the vessel.— We are happy in having it in our power to say that no property was lost. The Boat which is completely strip- ped of her deck over the Boilers and Steerage, is now undergoing a repair at Clachnaharry Lock. Her Cabins are in a perfect state, the fire having only touched that di- vision of the vessel which separated the principal cabin from the Boilers— Inverness Courier. 3 per C. Con. 5 per Ct. N. per Cept. 4 per Cents. PRICE OF STOCKS. India Bonds, 62 pr. Ex. Bills, 2d. 3 2 pr. Lottery Tickets, 191. 13s Cs. for Ac. I;...... 75 ii 75: H 109 EDINBURGH, Sept. 18. Lord Lauderdale is confined to his bed at Dunbar Castle. His Lordship had been desired to leave London by his physicians,; and on his wav to Scot- land, was detained a week at Doncaster by severe indisposition. The Surveyor of Mail Coaches from the Gene- ral Post Office in London lias been for some days in consultation with the principal Officers of the Pos t Office here, on various intended arrangements, of the mail coaches to and from the sodth— and throughout Scotland— the general object being to accelerate the conveyance of letters, and to increase the coinfort and convenience to. travellers. The Synod of the United Secession Church met hereon Tuesday, and made choice of tlip Rev. Dr. Hall, Edinburgh, to be Moderator. On Wednes- day the Synod appointed Mr James Tait, preacher, to be minister of the congregation at Barrhead, near Glasgow Mr. Tait had also a call from Mavbole. In the case ofthe Rev. Hugh Ileugh, minister of one ofthe Associate congregations in Stirling, who had received a call from the congregation in Regent Place, Glasgow, and also from that in Nicolsou Street, Edinburgh, the Svnodon Thursday decided that Mr. Ileugh should be translated to Glasgow. Accounts were on Friday received in Glasgow, of a destructive fire, which had taken place in Mon- treal. Several stores and other property to the amount of L 45,000 were consumed. Only one half ofthe latter was covered by insurance. On Thusday evening last a most disgraceful out- rage took place at the entrance of the Tontine Hotel, Glasgow About ten o'clock a party of ladies and gentlemen arrived in two carriages, which were im- mediately surrounded by a great crowd, and it was with the utmost difficulty that the party could he escorted into the Hotel with safety. The mob shewed the most daring spirit, and continued to press upon, hiss, and hoot tlie unfortunate strangers. The audacity ofthe mob was such, that they went up to the carriage in which some ladies were seated, and opening the door, continued to insult them, while tliev endeavoured in vain to convince them of their mistake. It seems tire mob mistook the party, wdio, we understand, were from Edinburgh, for the Marquis of Londonderry — Glasgow Chronicle. STATE OF THE CROPS, fire.— In the Carse lands, at the close of last week, the crops were fully half cut, and the greater part of the wheat stacked. The dry fields are fully a week later. Wheat seems to be of fine quality, and fully an average crop. Several parcels of early barley have been found to weigh 18 to 18i stones, of 17^ lbs. to the stone ; but the greater part will require eight or ten days to bring it to the sickle and, from its present spotted appearance, - will be of very unequal quality, and nearly one- third short of an average crop. Beans and pease will turn out to be ot'ex- cellent quality, and considerably to excecd an average crop. Oats stand thin on the ground, and short of straw, but are found to turn well out in the bam floor ; and, from several parcels of the Flemish kind, 18 to 18, j pecks of meal have been returned from the mill. Potatoes are late, and on clav lands will be an indifferent crop, and on the whole will be short of an average The following intelligence fiom St. Petersburgh is given in the Glasgow . ouricr : Extract of a Letter from St. Petersburg!,, dated 5th ( 17th) August, received by a Mercantile House in Glasgow this morning. " Yesterday, some Y C. Tallow was sold at 110, not, however, of first sort; and this day, for Ame- rican account, 143 was given, at which we are much astonished, as we think at the first price it might have been obtained. We are inclined to be- lieve that the purchase was made with the idea, that, from the Turkish war ( which was yesterday declared) the Exchange would decline, but the re- verse has been the ca? e, and first rate direct Bills were 9J and afterwards 9-;." B! It I HS. In Bernard Street, Russel Square. London, on the 5th inst. the Lady of John Fraser, Esq. of a son. At Blackdown House, Sussex, the Lady of James Cowan, Esq. of London, of a son and heir. At No. 9..' Abercrdinby Place, on the 11th instant, the Lady of James Greig. Esq. of Eccles, of a daughter. At the Manse of Crawfordjohn, oil the 5th inst. Mrs. Goldie, of a son. On the 13th inst. the Ilight Hon. Lady Eleanor Bal- four of a daughter. At Drummond Place, on the 15th inst, the Lady of Sir William Millihen Napier, Bartofason. At Madras, on the 17ill March, the Lady of Captain Macqtieen, of a son. MARRIAGES. At Abinger. in Surrey, on the 8th inst. John Camp- bell. Esq. of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister- it. Law, to M . ry Elizabeth eldest daughter of James Scarlett, Esq. M. f. for Peterborough, Al Vogrie, on the 7th inst. John Cockbtirn Esq. to Eliza, youngest daughter of James Dew ar. Esq. of Vogrie. At Edinburgh, on the 10. hi - i. Colin Campbell, Esq. o'D- uerara. to Mary, eldest daughter of the 1 ue James Rose. Esq, Depute Clerk of Session On me 6th inst, the Rev. Mr. Anderson Minister i f Dunblirny, to Miss Thomson, daughter of David Thorn, son, Esq. of Neivburgh DEATHS. At Bonrdeaux. on the 31st ultimo, . Madame Morcau, widow of General Moreau. At Tunbridge, the Rev. Viccsiinus Knox, I), D. A'AVAL REGISTER. He came FROM LLOYD'S MARINE LIST, Sept. 14. The Four Sons. Dysart. from Liverpol to St. Andrew's, N. B. was lost upon the Kirkholm shore on the 1st inst. Crew saved. SMYRNA, Aug. 2.— The Romulus French 60 gun ship. Admiral Ilalgen. and two corvettes, iiave lately ar- rived, making seven French ships of war, now at anchor in this harbour. We have also a Dutch frigate here, and the Medina British sloop of war. The Turkish fleet, which was at Satnos, made sail on the approach of the Greek vessels, 110 in number they both proceeded to- wards the island of Stanchio, where they anchored in sight of each other, and there has been partial fighting be- tween them, but no general battle has taken place. Two Austrian vessels from Trieste, bound to this port, were boarded oil' Scio by a Turkish cruizer, from Constan- tinople, and carried into that Inland to have their papers examined, which were found perfectly in order by the Pacha of Scio, but the crew of the Turkish cruizer were CORN EXCHANGE, Sept 14. The weather now becoming very alarming for the un- housed crops, and having but little fine Wheat at market this morning, sales were readily effected at an advance of full 2s. per quarter on Wednesday's prices— Barley and Beans are considerably dearer— Oats went off readily at the same amendment. HADDINGTON CORN MARKET. Sept. 14. A small supply of Wheat in market, which met with a ready sale. Prices considerably higher than last day— Top price of Old Barley 4s. higher than last day— Top price of old Old O its 2s. higher than last day. Wl:<> at. I Barley. I Oats. I Pease j Deans. Mrst— 37s Gd j 26s bd | 20s Od | 18s Od j 18s Od Second- 36s Od I 22s Oit I 18s Od I — s 6d I — s Od Third— 32s Od j 18s Od | 16s Od | — s Od | — s Od This day there were 400 bolls of Oatmeal in Edin- burgh Market— Retail price per peck of best oatmeal, Is. 3d. second Is. 2d. MORPETH, Sept. 12.— Our market this day was well supplied with cattle, sheep, and lambs ; although a great de . iand, there was part left unsold, and prices much the same as last week - Beeffrom 5s to 5s. 6d — Mutton, from 4s. 6d. to 5s. 6d— Lamb from 4s. 3d. to 5s. 3d. per stone, sinking offals. The Falkiik Tryst begin last week. There was a very large supply of sheep, amounting in whole to about 20 000, and sales were dull, and prices on the decline. Black faced crock ewes sold from 5s. to 7s. 9d. and fat or yell ewes brought from 10s, to 12s. a head. Tops brought 12s. and 15s. each; and wedders sold from 9s. to J6s.; only one lot brought 17s. a bead ; a number of lots re- mained unsold yesterday morning. Of lean stock there was a large supply, and there wasalmost no demand ; two years old brought from £ 3 to £ 5 10s. and three years o d from £\ to £ 1 10s. a bead. The holders of lean stock were complaining loudly of the fall in the prices, One dealer lost on those he sold 26s. a head, beside t| ie cost of the grass since the Shandon market. The losses of prizes. They consequently began to pillage them, and attack also the crews, lour of whom were killed. This is the only instance we have heard of the European flag be- ing molested. MAURITIUS. May 25.— The Lady Banks, Vallance, from Bengal to London, has been condemned and sold here. Part of her cargo was lately consumed by fire ; the remainder is advertised to be . sold at auction this day. I'ir. r. AU, Aug. 29.— The Garland, Downic, has been repaired, and taken on board her cargo, except about a last of seed, which is damaged, and will sail 10 day for Hull. The Expedition, Por'er, from Newcastle to Oporto, put into Scilly 7th inst. very leaky, and with loss of stern, boat, staunchions, and part of bulwarks. The Greenwich ( whaler) late Kmmett, of London, was at Amboyna in January ; the master, both males, and one of the crew, had been killed, and four w ounded, by a Malay man, who had been taken on board, but the ship bad been supplied with oilier men by the Mary. i'he following whalers were well in December, viz. Syren, Essex, Amelia Wilson, i'oxhound, Ocean, and Sir Charles Price. ! tion. Fat cattle sold well, and brought from £ 9 to £ 17 I ] Os. according to their weightand quality. Though there was a number of buyers from the south, they made but few purchases. | S'. John's Market was held in Perth on Tuesdsy the \ 11th curt. Cattle, although comparatively few in num- ber. were greatly above the demand ; a few were sold at reduced prices, the average rale might be about 7s. per stone. Almost nothing was done in lean stock The horses were pretty numerous, hut chiefly of the inferior sort; the sale was dull, and prices low. There were considerable quantities of chesse and butter, both of whi. h sold about the rates of last year. Cheese from 6s. to 8s. per stone; butter from 16s. to ISs. PRICE OF NFW BAGS. Kent, 1115s to 21 10s Sussex, ] I 1 Os to 21 Os Essex, 01 Os to Ol Os Farnham Ol Os to 01 Os HOPS, Sept. 15. NEW POCKETS. Kent, 21 Os to 3! 0S Sussex, 11 15s to 21 10s Essex. 01 Os to ill 0S Farnham Ol Os to 01 () s The undermentioned East India Company's ships arrived us follow, viz. Dunira, oft' the Isle of Wight, 8th instant ; Marquis of Iluntly off the j INSURANT:' COMPANY O/ SCOTLAND, No. 200, HIGH STREET, EDINBURGH. AGENTS, Messrs. ALF. JI. GIBBON, ADVOCATE. Aberdeen, WM. GAMACK, WRITER, Peterhead. rrilE Public are respectfully informed, that this . A.. Currency is now insuring properly of every descrip- tion against Fire, at their fcflice in Edinburgh, and by Hhk Ape. rtsin the Countfy. P^ KTIE ABUNDANT room that tliere is for a new Insurance flftptti'. v in Scotland, arising from the great amount of ^ MPERTY stilt altbgrher uninsured, and particularly the preTsk- nee atifl rapid increase, of Agencies for English In- surance C ompanies, is fully detailed in the Prospectus of the Company, to which the attention ofthe public is re- quested. In order to afford the most complete security to those who II sure their property with this Company, and at same time to extend the number of Partners, and consequent influence and business of the Company, the proposed Ca- pital Stock has been fixed at ONE MILLION STER- LING, divided into Shares of Ten Pounds each, the ( thole price of each Share being advanced by the bolder. A participation in the Profits of this Establishment is attainable, both by the Capitalist arid by persons who con- tribute to the profits by insuring with the Company. - Persons desirous of becoming Partners, or of effecting Insurances " in Aberdeen, Peterhead, and places adjacent, ARE requested to apply at the Office of the above Agents, where copies of the Prospectus and terms of Insurance fvaybchad, gra'isand every information respecting the Company oh aincd. PROPERTY XQ BE § OLD. TO RE SOLD BY riiir. lTE BARGAIN, riMIE FIVE FIELDS of GROUND at JL SPRINGFIELD. belonging to John Robert- son, containing about lo acres. Also, two other FIELDS, containing about six acres, adjoining to Granite Place. The ground is pleasantly situated, in good heart, all inclosed and subdivided, and presently in grass. It is veil watered, and is not more than 20 minutes walk f'ROM the Cross. Also, to be sold— ONE SHARE of the DEE WHALE IT- SUING COMPANY, with the profit* of the present season's { idling. The payment of the price will be made convenient to the purchaser. Apply to John Robertson, Glenburnie, the Proprietor, or to Andrew Robertson, Advocate. CAPITAL PAR VIS ON THE BUCIIAN COAST, A H EH D E E A S11 III E. ryUE SLA INS ESTATE, belonging to Lieut. 9. Colonel GORDON of Cluny. being C ut of Lease at Whitsunday ! 822, he gives notice, that he is ready to treat for a new term of Nineteen Years; and, to tenants of capital and skill, will afford every reasonable encou- ragement in the way of additional Houses and Enclosures, I, s well as Roads and Drains. The Estate comprehends, in the whole, upwards of Six Thousand Scotch Acres: and is divided into Farms of various sizes, from Twenty to Seven Hundred Acres each, including Kirktown < J Stains, Seafield, Whitem ss, Crawley, . Mains, Old C'/ nchlaw. New Clock! our, Ogston, Jtraadmuir, Broadlyhitl, Upper vj' Nether Brown- hilt, Kuapsleask, Nctherleask, Byreteaxk, Smiddyhifl, Avchnabo, Kuaperna, AbhousehiU, Miltown of Brogan, Upper Brogan, feu Farm, Mil/ own of Collieston, Cothi'. l, Mudhole, Midtown, l ittle Collusion, Haddo, Miltown of Forvie, I At lie Forvie, Waters'ule, 4- e. $ c. OAK TIMBER ROLL SALE. To be sold, by public roup, on Saturday 22d current, 11 o'clock forenoon, on that Piece of Ground in the J-' i. k:; of Aberdeen, lying to the North of Messrs. Nicol, Reid. & Co.' s Building Yard, * ABOUT 1700 Feet of Oooke<* Hamburgh O A K TI AJ BE It. fit for Building vessels of consi- derable dimensions; which will lx put up in Lots for th- ai- couirnodation oi purchasers. Credit will be given on see curity. Apply to . Tamos M'Hardy, Advocate. Aberdeen, Sep/. 4, 1821. DRESS- MAKING AND MILLINERY. jt/ TISSES SARAH and ANN MARR 1> eg 1-- JL. leave respectfully to intimate, that they have com meneed Business in STONEHAVEN, as DRESS- MAKERS and MILLINERS, in Mr. lleattie's house, Corner of the Market Square ; and / rust, from the Experience they have, had during their Apprentice- ship, in Two of the most respectable Houses in these Branches in Aberdeen, that they shall be able to give Sa- tisfaction to those w ho may favour them with their Em- ployment, Misses MARK will be regularly suppled with the newest Fashions from London ; and propose, for the Accommo- dation of their Frien Is, to have always on ILrrirl, a Va- riety of TRI M MI N GS- RIBBONS, SILK HANI). KERCHIEFS GLOVES and other Articles connected with their Business, w hich will be sold on the most mo. derate Terms. Misses M. will take in every Kind of WHITE WORK; and also make STAYS in the neatest Man- ner. Stonehaven. Sept. 12. 1821. 77/ E CHRONICLE. A B Eli DEE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1821. © ummarj) of politics. THE verdict of tlie Coroner's Jury in t! ie case of RICHARD HONEY is, as our readers will see, Manslaughter. Under very similar circumstances, another Jury found a verdict of " Wilful Murder, against some of the Life Guards to the jurors un- known." Both Janes may have acted very consci- entiously, but both verdicts cannot accord with the laws of the country. The Coroner, in the case of RICHARD HONEY, told the Jury, that the soldiers being ordered out at a moment's warning, could not possibly entertain malice against the people, and therefore a verdict of wilful murder could not be re- turned. BLACKSTONE, and the first law authorities, teach a doctrine very different; and hold that soldiers, under military array, arc in no ease to make use of j lethal weapons without the orders of the civil power. ! The soldiers, upon the 14- th August were not re- j quired by the civil power, nor had they its sanction to use their weapons against the people ; they were Versailles in illirito, when the lives of FRANCIS and HONEY were lost, interfering in violently turning from the King's highway a funeral procession, un- der the direction of the executors of the deceased, and without a shadow of lawful authority. In this case, the officers and soldiers employed must have known that the provisions of the riot act had not been observed, that the people had no legal warning to disperse, nor a full hour elapsed after that warn- ing had been given, for until then, not even the civil magistrate could authorize the - use of lethal wea- pons against the people. There is, however, every reason to believe, that the Life Guards think them selves safe from the usual consequences of viola- tion of the laws ; the officers think so, or Col. LY- c; ON would never have dared to return the answer he did to Mr. Sheriff WAITHMAN'S respectful mes- sage, and the soldiers soon learn to follow the ex- ample of their officers. The Coroner it seems, desir- ed the Jury to reconsider their verdict, and wished it softened down into " . Justifiable Homicide ;" but some of them told him, that the only ground on which they eould reconsider it was to know, whe- ther they might not fie warranted in pronouncing a verdict of more decided guilt; and, indeed, after the evidence they had heard, that Lieut. GORE was the as good subjects to jcaoirc their Sovereign with due respect; but their unmeaning professions of admi- ration, and their gross flattery, have produced im- pressions in the minds of their fellow- subjects of Bri- tain that cannot be soon effaced. The Irish knew the eventful history of their Queen, and they knew how much the English people had interested them- selves in her cause ; but say the Irish ultra loyalists, we had nothing to do with differences arising in O . B England, we are not bound to adopt English resent- ments. The time has been, when such a reply would not have been thought suitable to the charac- ter of Irishmen ; but passing that over— they knew that designs hostile to liberty had been formed'all over Europe, and in some instances executed: they knew that his Majesty's confidential advisers are said to hat'e been parties in forming the plans ofthe Holy Alliance, and that the people of England have loudly denounced the lawless employment of military force, upon several occasions, within these three years. Is there nothing in all this to interest a peo- ple aspiring to liberty? If there is not, the Irish are now in possession of as much Liberty as they deserve, and their complaints and grievances are merely imaginary. It was not to be expected thatthose who had syste- matically slandered the Queen during her life, would I scruple to use any means, however base, to injure her character after death had put an end to her per- ] seditious. She believed that this would be the case, j but confiding in the good sense of tlie English peo- I pie, she said, but a very short time before she ' breathed her last, of those who had ineffectually tried I to blast her reputation— I defied them always, and j I defy them now." Her confidence in the public ! was well placed, for although the basest falsehoods J are still circulated against her fame, the number of i believers in these slanders duilvdiminishes, and when j profit is 110 longer to be expected from their promul- j gation, they wit! only be remembered as a proof of ; the baseness of the present age. The London evening p ipers of the 17th contain at length, the Trial of one of her most impudent calumniators, the Rev. Mr. BLACOVV, of Liverpool, at the Lancaster Assizes, before Mr. Justice HOLROYD ; and this Minister of the Gospel of Truth, conduct- ing his own defence, afforded a genuine specimen of the veracity and regard to decency of her Majesty's slanderers. According to this reverend Libeller, her Majesty was a perfect Messalina, who had no right to participate in religious rites, all her friends trai- tors and reliefs. It was in his opinion quite enough to blast the character of Mr. BROUGHAM, that he was known to be a member ofthe Concentric So- ciety of Liverpool— an associate of such men as ROSCOE and SHEPHERD— and he complained, that the whole cf his defence would be cut up, when the learned Judge repressed his indiscriminate abuse, and gross obscenity. We shall take an early opportu- nity of submitting this trial to the perusal of our readers at length. That the Reverend Gentleman was convicted will be easily anticipated. It is still reported, that his Majesty will without delay proceed to Hanover, and a meeting of Sove- reigns, it is said, will be held in October, at which he is expected to attend. Lord LONDONDERRY, no doubt, will be in the Royal Suite, to assist in the important discussions that are to engage the at- tention of the Sovereigns. He is already known upon the Continent as a Diplomatist ; but when it is known that Britain can no longer afford subsidies, On Wednesday the 12th inst. a( Che MaftulSclory at Gordon's . Mills, in this neigl bourhood, a Boy. about 14 years of age, fell into a large boiler of boiling liquid from which he was soon girt out ; but, we regret to state, so severely scalded, that after lingering in the Hospital here until Sitorday following, he died in great distress. Unfortunate Occurrence.— On Monday last, two boys, at a Manufactory in the neighbourhood, quarrelled about some trivial matter, and in the heat of passion one of them let fly a metal roller at the other, which unfortunately struck a vital part, and caused instant death ! The following persons are indicted to stand trial before the ensuing Circuit Couit of Justiciary, to be held at Aberdeen, by die Right lion, the Lords Justice Clerk and Pitmilly, on 3d October next, viz.: — George Thorn, murder by poison— James . Simmers, culpable homicide— Grizel Samuel, housebreaking and, theft— Robert Fleming, alias Flemen, alias Loriiner and Robert Watt, housebreaking and thefr— Alex, Don- can and- Samuel Hippislej, theft— William Forbes Dun- can, thefr— George M- Queen, aiiiis Robertson, alias Robi- son, and Charles Ilarlev, theft— John and Robert Hut- cheson or Hutc'ueon, deforcement of a Messenger at Arms — YVm. Murray. Chas. Stewart, Alex, Farquharson, and Donald Farquharsori, assault and deforcement of Re- venue Officers. The above List does not include any cases from Banff- shire or Kincardineshire. On Saturday last, between nine and ten o'clock in the eve ning, a boy. ofiibout 12 or 1." years of age, went, into a shop iu the Gallowgate, and called for some sugar and tea ; but while the shopman v.- as occupied in serving him with the articles wanted, the youth suddenly snatched from the counter a bag with a few shillings of copper in it, and though pursued, effected his escape. The Treasurer r. f the Aberdeen Auxiliary Bible So- ciety has received from an unknown friend to that Insti- tution, a donation of Twenty Pounds sterling. PRICE OF PROVISIONS, & C. IN THE ABERDEEN MARKET, YESTERDAY. Earl Falconbcrg, Albion, Aurora, ... Andrew Marvel, Ariel, Brunswick, ... Cumbrian, ... Crrvantes, Eggington, ... Friendship, ... Gilder, Harmony, Ingria, ... John, Kirkella, ... Keira, Leviathan, Lee, Lord Wellington, Mary Frances, Margaret, Progress, Royal George, Symmetry, Thomas, . Zephyr, Ipswich, Neptune, Rookwood, Lidy Forbes, dhnrSSf-. Cooper, 2 fish. HULL. Humphrey, 5 fish, f. ih July. Thomas, 1 fi- h, 8th July. Orton, well fished. Hurst, clean, 8th July. Blyth, 11 fi » h, 130 tuns, Aug. Johnson, 23 fish, end oi July. Maddison, clean » Wilson, clean. Green, clean, Bruce, fished. Glen ton, lost, crew saved. M- Intosh, 21 fish, 170tuns, stove. Newham. lost, crew saved. Watson, fished. Colquboun, fished. Kitchiugman, 3 fish. Forstef, clean. Boydon, fished. v Wilkinson, clean. Crighton, clean. clean. 2 fish. lost, crew sf- ved. clean, 8th July. 1 ii, h. Mercer, Pickett, Knill, Brass, Unlhank LONDON. Gordon, 5 fish, S. W. 8t! Ausley, clean, 8th July. Lavvsou, 1 fish, IStii July. LIVERPOOL. . clean, Slh July. July, all of which will be let, with entry at the term mentioned, cither according to the present, or any other arrangement, that may be preferred by intending offerers. A great proportion of the Land is of the finest quality, and adapted to the successful cultivation of every kind of grain and green crop. It abounds with calcareous sand, which, as a stimulant, has been found so highly valuable ; pud in point of situation, its advantages are very rare, lnivingtlie Fishing Villa;; ® of Collieston near the centre of the Estate, and, immediately at the south west boundary, the Shipping Port of New burgh, w hich affords a really outlet for the produce, and an easy supply of Lime, Coal, and other necessaries. The Properly is fourteen miles distant from Aberdeen, and ten from Peterhead ; srr that it not only possesses, w ithin itself, the Convenience of an an excellent Fish- market, and exhaustless manure, but I es also w ithin a single stage of the best grain markets, and most cons iderable sea- ports upon the east coast. The Houses and Farm Steadings being all the property irf the Heritor, the new tenants will have to receive them, upon dead invente rv. without any payment iu the way of melioration ; and, as the outgoing tenants are bound, by the existing couditiens of lease, to leave one- third part of the arable land iu gress, three years old. and a proportion of the remainder in grass two, and one year old, the entry must be peculiarly favourable. The different Farms, and their present boundaries, will be pointed out by Alexander Fetch at Cuthill, Ground Officer on the Estate; and the Regulations as to cropping, and other particulars, may he learned by apply- ing to Duncan Davidson, Advocate in Aberdeen, to whom ill'ers may be addressed till the last day of October next, when the new Setting will take place at Collieston. Of- fers not accepted will be concealed, if desired. N. 15.— There is abundance of Moss of excellent qua- lify, upon lire Estate, and it is the Proprietor's intention t/ givc off' from Fifty to a Hundred Crofts, of different sizes, to improving tenants. The Farm of Miltown of Forvie, consisting of nearly two hundred acres, is already open, and may be entered to immediately. pensions, and bribes, his influence may be some- what diminished. Russia, Austria, and Prussia, calling themselves the great Powers of Europe, may insist that its balance shall remain in their hands— to be adjusted just ns they please. It will be an auspicious commencement for the Spaniards, if FERDINAND shall receive imperial orders to attend this Congress, for business would then appear to be in regular train. MARRIAGES At Aberdeen, on Monday tbe 17th curt. AVILI. IAM KNIGHT. I. L. D. Professor of Natural Philosophy in the Institution of Belfast, to JEAN, eldest daughter of tbe llev. Dr. Glennie, Professor of Moral Philosophy and Logic in the MarLchal College, and one ofthe Ministers of Aberdeen. At Dornoch, or. the 7ih current, Mr- GEORGE RI. T. E, CHEAP AND EXPEDITIOUS TRAVELLING BETWEEN ABERDEEN AND LEI TIL person who deliberately shot RICHARD HONEY, the verdict is surely as lenient as the circumstances could possibly admit. Sir ROBERT BAKER, who advised the corn-| manding officer of the Life Guards to desist from the i attempt to prevent the funeral from passing through j the city, thereby gave great offence to Ministers ; j and the London papers of the 15th state, that his Majesty's displeasure was conveyed to him, through Lord SlDMoOTH, in no vert) jdeasant terms, when Sir ROBERT with proper spirit immediately tender- ed his resignation, and is no longer Chief Magistrate of Bow Street. Again we repeat, that the secret orders which Capt OAKES refused to disclose, must by some means be got at, that the people may know the terms on which they live under our Executive Government. It has occasioned surprize, that no meetings have been called, that the present extraor- dinary state of things may be taken into considera- tion, and what means may be best adapted to prevent the establishment of pure despotism on the one hand, or anarchy upon the other. 1 he Metropolis is evi- dentlv in that state of excitement, that any slight collision between the populace and the military might produce the most disastrous consequences. General distress but too surely predisposes men to acts of in- subordination and a desire of change ; but the point- lace ofthe Metropolis complain of grievous violations of the law— that the law in which they have so long confided appears to be no longer a security for their lives and properties ; and surely it would be prudent j in those who hold the largest stakes in the country to inquire into their grievances, and endeavour to sof- ten these angry feelings which exist between them and the soldiery. THE ABERDEEN, LEITII, & CLYDE SHIPPING CO.' S- STEAM YACHT. VELO C I T Y, WILLIAM STBPilEN, COMMANDER, SAILS for NEWHAVEN near LEITH, on MONDAY Morning, at 6 o'clock precisely, and will ca'l off' Stonehaven, Montrose, Aibroath, Crail. Anstrutlier, and Elie. The VELOCITY will continue to sail regularly from Aberdeen every MONDAY, WrBxissnAY. and FRIDAY; and from Newbaven, every TUESDAY, THURSDAY, ami SATUR- 11 \ y. receiving and discharging Passengers at the above Ports. N. B.— The VELOCITY does not receive or dis- charge Passengers at Liven or Dysarl. tfj* Light Goods and Parcels are carried at a moderate < har% e ? nwl if left nt the Company's OJJices in. Aberdeen and I„ nth, of at No. 5, Prince's Street, Edinburgh, will be dtth/ Jorwarded. Alerdeea, I. eith, and Clyde Shipp. Co.' s 0JJice, 1 Quay, 3d Aug. 1821. i The details of the Royal visit to Ireland, which for some weeks have filled the columns of many of our Journals, our limits did not permit us to copy had we been so inclined; but considering the proceed- ings as not only frivolous, but derogatory to the Irish character, we think no apology necessary to our readers for having very briefly stated a mere sketch of what took place. Ills Majesty, after a very unusually stormy passage, the time ofthe year considered, has safely returned, exchanging the tu- multuous expressions ol Irish adulation for the silence of Pall Mall. What good purpose is to be served by the visit to Ireland time will shew ; but at pre- sent, the Irish people aie exactly in the same sltua- as to political rights as when they considered insur- rection justifiable as the means of redressing their wrongs. His Majesty has recommended unanimi- ty, and has, in severe terms, rebuked the party spirit that bv emblems und toasts gave offence to the Ro- man Catholics ; but us far as we yet know, no hope of emancipation has been held out to these Catholics: and, indeed, a Coronation Oath may now be urg- ed as an insuperable impediment during the present ivi^ n. Unquestionably the Iriih people were bouud Cyderhall, Sutherlandshire, to JESSIE, second daughter of Wm. Taylor, Esq. writer there. AT St. John's Street, Edinburgh, the Rev. HECTOR ALLAN, minister Kincardine, Ross shire, to Catherine, e hi est daughter of the late Rev. i). Stewart, ofthe Can- oilgate, Edinburgh. DLATHS.— On Sunday, the 9th curt, ill the prime of life, Mr. JOHN MACKENZIE, Vintner, Elgin, most sin- cerely lamented by ail wholiad the pleasure of'his acquaint- ance. At Ivinnethmont, the 6th inst. in his 29th year, and in the bloom of youth, the Rev. JAMES THOMSON. School- master of the Parish of Kinnethmont, a young man of great piety and learning, greatly lamented by his friends and acquaintances ; indeed, his death is a public loss. At OldmelJrum, 011 Monday the loth of September, in the 70th year of his age, Baillie GEORGE CoorER, Parochial Schoolmaster of Meldrnni, for the long period of 41 years. lie was an able and successful teach ir, and his numerous pupils, who are now to be found in every rank and profession, aud in every quarter of the globe, will always remember with gratitude, the zeal and assidui- ty with which he laboured for their improvement. At Lisbon, on the 7th ult. Lady MARIA J. MACDONELL. widow of Lieut- General Alex. Macdonnelof Locbgarry. MONTROSE RACES. These races eotmncnced on Tuesday se'ennight, as stated in our last. The day day was very fine, and the number of elegant equipages and well mounted eques- trians 011 the ground was fully equal, if not greater, than ever recollected to have been assembled there on any similar occasion. The number of persons on foot was also very considerable. The result of the races was inserted in our last. Among those who attended the races were the follow- ing, many of whom were accompanied by their families : The Right Hon. Viscount Arbuthnott ; Hon. Lord Kennedy ; Hon. W. Maule, M. P.; Hon. Col. Ramsay ; Hon. W. Keith ; Sir D. Moncrieffe ; Sir A. Ramsay ; Sir Robert Burnett of Leys ; General Hunter ; Mr. Farqubarson of Finzean, M. P.; Captain Hawtavne, R. N ; Captain Farquhar, do. ; Captain Renny, do ; Colonel Renny ; Major Fyfl'e ; Captain Barclay Allardiceof Ury ; Captain Dowbiggen ; Captain Carnegy; G. F. Carnegy, Esq. of Pitarrow ; Captain Robert liamsay ; Capt. Thos. Ramsay ; Robert Taylor, Esq. of Kirktonbill ; James Scott, Esq. of Brotherton ; Captain Seott of Abbeilmne ; James Cruickshank, Esq. of Lnngleypark ; Jas. Cruiek. shank, jun. ofdo. ; Alexander Cruickshank of Keithock ; Mr. Innes of Durris ; Captain W. Hunter ; Mr. Gu- thrie of Guthrie ; David Carnegie, Esq. of Craigo ; Mr. Carnegy of Balnatnoon ; Mr. Knox ; Colonel Knox ; Mr Carnegy of Lawers ; Mr. Milne of Minefield ; John Brand, Esq. of I. aurieston ; Peter Arkley, Esq. of Dun. ninauld ; George Keith, Esq. of Usan ; Mr. Mudie of Pitmules ; Mr. Fotheringham of Powrie ; Mr. Gib of Maulesden ; James Lyall of Gallery; Mr. P. Orr ; Mr. John Orr; Colonel Watson ; Captain Thomson ; Mr. Cumming; W. Sinart, Esq. of Cjiionsyth, Capt. Wat- son, & c. & c. The ordinaries and balls were numerously attended. The entertainments were furnished by Mr. Hunter of tbe Star Inn, and were served up in the first style of elegance, abounding in every delicacy of the season. The choice of wines were varied and excellent in their kinds. The b ills in the evening exhibited a brilliant display of beauty aiid fashion. The dresses of the ladies were rich and ele- gant. A handsome sum has been subscribed for next year's races. The following noblemen and gentlemen are appointed stewards for the Montrose races, 1822: The Right Hon. the Earl of Airley, Preses. Lord Kennedy ; the Hon. William Matlle ; Sir Alexander liamsay ; Mr. Gutherie of Guthrie ; and the Provost cf Montrose— Stewards. The William, Laird, arrived in tins Bay on Saturday la- t, after a long passage of 44 days from Sliediach ; ami sailed on Tuesday for Dunbar. About the Sib July, spoke the Lis of Jersey, from Sic-' ly to Newfoundland, 011 the Banks, Cape Race bearing N. N. W. 15 leagues. On Tuesday, the Nautilus, Watson, passed through this Bay, eight weeks from Quebec ; spoke the William and Ann, Or William and Mary, Newcastle to New- Brutlswick : and about 15 days previous to her arrival here, a brig from Pool to St. John's, Newfoundland,— Both the e. i- iove vessels experienced strong easterly gales ; and the Nautilus was detained some days off the Lewis, by the wind blowing froai the eastward and souib east- ward. Lord Wellington, Thomson, at Belfast, 49 dars from St. John's, N H. Fortune, Blyth, at Cutfes, 13-. h instant, G8 days from New Orleans, Barbara, Smith, at Quebec, 18th Aug. from London, all well. The John, Allan, sailed from Plymouth on the ljlh inst. for St. John's, N. B. The Hibernia, Lamb, at Leith, from Rig- r. Aurora, Stevens, Aberdeen to New York, was spoken with, lat. 45. long. 49. out 35 days. Norval, Leslie, Aberdeen to Miramicbi. was spoken with. 2.1 inst. lat. 47. long. 38. by the I'lacidia, Fair- ! dough. arrived at Cowes. | TOBERMORY, Aug. 31.- The Rose of Peterhead. Robertson, bound to Liverpool, with kelp, iror upon a 1 rock in the Sound of Mull, 29th inst. She received con- j sideiable damage, and fiiled with water : about .30 or 4l> j tons of the kelp were thrown overboard to lighten her ; She has since been got oil', and was brought in here yes- terday. SOUND INTELLIGENCE. Sept. 5. Ruby, Bodie. from Memel, for London, tim! c. 8. Sprightly. Johnson. Grangemouth, Mcmel, ballast. ARIRVE1) AT ABERDEEN. Sept. 14— Lady Saltoun, Law Fraserburgh, g> ods ; Aberdeen Packet, Kerr, London, do 15. Diana Hut I cheon, Montrose, do; Velocity, Stephen, Leith. — 15. Two Friends. Brown, Wemyss, goods ; Edinburgh Packet, Hossack, Leith, do; Hazard, Wilkinson, Perth, j wine; Dispatch, Patterson, Inverness, goods; Sophia! Williamson, Thurso, do.— 17. Venus, White, Inverness] wool ; Angerona, Booth, Berwick, grain.- 13. Velocity, Stephen, I. eith.— 19. Bromhy, Middleton, Hull, goods- Lord Iluntly, Philips, and Expert, Leslie. London, do; Brilliant, Ramsay. Lcith.— 20. Mary, Gordon. Kirk* caldy, goods— 21. Brilliant, Ramsay, Leith. Six with coals, 2 with lime, and 2 in ballast. SAILED. Sept. 15.— Wellington, Gilbertson, Hull, goods 17. Velocity, Stephen, Leith ; Marquis of Huntly, David- son, ditto.— 18. Biilliant, liannie Leith ; Resolution Marr, Newcastle, goods ; Guthries, Kennedy. Dundee* do ; Liverpool Packet, Law, Liverpool, do ; Glasgow Packet, Campbell, Glasgow, do.— 20. Brilliant, Rannie. Leith,— 22. Brilliant, Raunie, Leith. Three with stones' and 15 in ballast. At LONDON. — Superior, Duncan. 13th; Cato, Davis and Search, Gilbert, 14; h ; Mansfield, Morlson, ij; h. NA VAL INTELLIGENCE. 12 8 0 10 0 4 8 14 4 13 0 3 12 baked, ASSIZE OF BREAD, Set by the Honourable the Magistrates of the City of Aberdeen, the 21st day of Sept. 1821 Years, for the said City and Liberties, to take place on the 24th of Sept. curt, and to be in force till altered by tlic said Magistrates, viz. AVERDUP0. IS. Lb. Or.. Dr. The Penny Loaf Wheafen is to weigh - 0 G 4 Do. Household is to weigh - 0 8 5 The Tw openny LoafWheaten is to weigh Do. Household is to weigh - The Foul- penny Loaf Wheaters is to weigh Do. Household is to weigh - The Sixpenny I, oaf Wheaten is to weigh Do. House- hold is to weigh The Nine- penny Loaf Wheaton is to weigh 3 8 Do. Household is to weigh - 4 10 The One Shilling Loaf Wbeaten is to weigh 4 11 Do. Household i* to weigh G 3 * ., * No Loaves of any other description to b. as provided by Act of Parliament. N. B.— All the above Loaves to be sufficiently baked, and marked according to the quality, viz. the Wheaten Bread with a large Roman W— the Household with a large Roman II— besides the initials of the Baker's name— and a copy of Assize to be posted up, and kept in some conspicuous place of the Bakehouse or Shop. Mr. ANDREW ROBERTSON. Advocate, has been ap- pointed Sheriff Substitute of Forfarshire, in the room of Mr. RANKIN, deceased. Mr. ALEX. THOMSON, Advocate, was on Thursday last elected, by the Society of Advocates, Lecturer on Scots Law and Conveyancing, in place of Mr. ANDREW RirnERTSON, who has resigned. The Lord Provost has paid in to the Treasurer of the Poor's Hospital £ 15 10s. sterling, being a Collection from the Servants employed at Hadden and Sons Manu- factory. We are sorry to announce the loss of fire ships at Davis' Straits— one of them, the Elizabeth of this port. We are informed, that most ofthe Insurance upon her has been done in this place, and w e fear this will damp the enterprising mercantile spirit of our Town aud County. DAVIS' STRAITS WHALE FISHERY. We have received the following accounts ol the Davis' Straits fishing from the Don, Brown, arrived in the Bay the 18th Sept— full. 21 fish, about 230 tuns. Made her fishing in lat. 74. or 75. alrouL the entrance of Lancaster Sound ; j: ot his List fish the 5th August, and left the com tr, t ie 10th, Five ships have been lost early in July ; and, with the exception of 7 or 8 which got to the westward along with him, there is not a vessel with more than 2 or 3 fish in the middle of July, and try fur the gr - ater number— clean. Bad weather in general, and more diflieu Ity in getting to the northward than has been known hitherto. Sixteen vessels got beset in endeavouring to penetrate west.— Saw no ships in coming out, but one still fishing at the Eastward, and some beset 10 the West. The Cove, of Newcastle, gave him the accounts of all the ships which are marked 8th July. She had been able to get to the We. t along with some others; but when spoke about the 1st of August had but one fish. ABERDEEN. Webster, clean, 8th July. Parker, 21 fish, 1st Aug. Brown, 21 fish, TIDE TABLE CALCULATED FOIt ABERDEEN BAR. ( Al'l'ARKNT TIME.) Mornine Tide. I fmi.. Sept. 22. Saturday, - 23. Sunday, - 24. Monday, 25. Tuesday, - 2G Wednesday, 27. Thursday, 28. Friday, ' - MOON'S AGE. ® New Moon, 26th Sept. at 6h. 57'. Mo - I 10IL 44 M. 11II. 7 M - 1 J' - 27 11 — 4S - 1 — 0 — 3 - 1 0 — 20 0 — 3 a - 1 0 — 52 1 — 7 - 1 — t> 0 1 — M - 1 — 55 2 — 1CX Alexander, Bon Accord,, Don Elizabeth, Lieiitia, Middleton, . Milldlelon, Princess of Wales, Woodward, St. Andrew, Ythan, Ilannibal, Resolution, Superior, Traveller, Ellen, ITero, Monarch, Achilles, Advice, Calypso, Dorothy, Estridge, Friendship, Horn, Valentine, lost, creiv saved. Clark. 4 fish, 8tli July. Cat- gill, clean. 8th July. Reid, clean, beset. 1 fish, beset. Newton, clean. 8th July, Craiaie, 2 fish, S. W. beset, PETERHEAD. Robertson, 1 fish, 8th July. Phillip, 3 fish, 8th July. Manson, 2 fish, 8th July. Hutchison, G fish, 8tii July. KIRKWALL. Spc- nce,- 1 fish, 8th July. MONTROSE- Young, 3 sb, 8th July. Young. clean, 8th July. D UND EE. Valentine, 1 fish, Webster, 2 fish, Thorns, 4 fish, Deuchars, 12 fi. li, 30th July. Deuchars, full. Ireland, 5 fish, 70 tuus. Jiffers, 1 fish, TO CORRESPONDENTS. The Favours of several Correspondents are to be ac- knowledged, some of which we shall attend to next week. Our Correspondent R. cannot conceive how the resump- tion of Cash Payments at the Bank, and tjte refusal of the Bank to prosecute foi forgeries of one pot » i*,, should ruin thousands of respectable farmers, and calls upon us for an explanation ofthe statement. Could Cash Pay- ments be resumed without withdrawing many millions from the circulating medium of the country, our Coires- pondent would justly consider such resumption as u blessing. But he may easily conceive, that the with, drawing many millions of Bank of England Notes from circulation, which immediately affects all Couutry Banks, must raise the value of money and depreciate all kinds of farm produce, so as to prove speedily ruinous to tho Farmer. The refusal of the Bank to prosecute for for- geries of one pounds, proceeds from the wish of the Di- rectors to withdraw all pound notes from circulation, by depriving them of credit, while there is no ach- quito quantity uf Gold or Silver in circulation to supply their place. Several Domestic Articles omitted shall apiear in our next. 2 li- h, 2 fish, 8th July. Princess Charlotte, Adamson, 2( 1 fish, 1- lOtuns, Aug. Three Brothers, Foreman, clean. KIRKCALDY. Earl Percy, ... Davidson, clean. Triad, ... Cleghorn, Caledonia, ... Oliphant, lEITH. Dexterity, ... Marr, 11 rrio Castle, Wallace, Larkins, ... Liston, North Pole, ... Duncan, llattler, .. Siodart, Success, ... Thomson, 8 fish, 95ih May. 1 fish, 8th July. lost, crew saved. clean, beset. 4 fish, early. clean, Slh July, PER WICK. Norfolk, ... Stevens. clean. 5th July. NEWCASTLE. British Queen, Warham, 5 fi h. Cove, .. Palmer. 1 fish, 1st Aug. WHITBY. . Tames. .. Quickfall, 10 fish. 130 tuns, Aug. Valiant, ... Agar, clean, 8th July. rOSTSCIl l l> r. LONDON, Sept. IS. The King, accompanied by Lord Graves, arrived at Carlton Palace at seven o'clock on Satuidny eveniu after an absence of 47 days, 24 of which have been spent in travelling by land and sea. This day Sir Benjamin Dloomfield, it is . aid, will leave town for the Continent, iu order to make the necessary ar rangements for the King at the different places where his Majesty will stop at on his way to Hanover. Yesterday the Lord Chancellor, the Marquis ofLon- donderry, and Earl Bathurst, had the honour of an audi- ence of his Majesty at Carlton Palace. The accounts from the country in. respect fo the harvest are contradictory ; it is clear that a great part ofthe present rise is speculative. Th « ... e people of Amsterdam, we are told, an- so satisfied of this, that a rise nearly of Is per quarter has taken place iu ilic- ir markets, so little do they look for the opening of our ports. Our Stock- jobbin.., upon the prosirect proves nothing— The Stocks ofthil morning remain as on Saturday. Wheat fell yesterday full 10s. the quarter in Mark- hne owing to the change iu the weather. It is said also, that more than 20,000 quarters of wheat, shipped off from tho northern counties, on hearing „ f the rise in tile London market, have arrived. We understand that, by the King's command, a com, munication has been made lo M, j,- General Sir Robert vv ' Ison, that his Majesty has no further occasion for his services, lo- morrow, probably, we shall have sonic thino- mote to say upon this subject,— Courier. " Yesterday, at two o'clock, his Maje- uy held a Privy Council at his Palace in Pall- mull, at which all the Ca- binet Ministers were present.
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