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The Courier


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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 8879
No Pages: 4
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The Courier
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The Courier

Date of Article: 17/08/1819
Printer / Publisher: B. M'Swyny 
Address: 348, Strand
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 8879
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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N°- 8,379- P& tc* 1°. AT a G E N E R A L MEETING of the Community at large of RUNCORN and the adjoining TOWNSHIPS, in the County Palatine of CHESTER, convened by public Notice, and held at the National School Room, in Runcorn. on Thursday, the 5th day of August, 1819, for the purpose oi" adopting such precautionary Measures as may be judged expedient, ia support pf the Laws and Constitution of our Country, against the Designs and Practices of the Disaffected, which were they to succeed, would entirely put a stop to. Trade, Manufactures, and Labour; . Sir R I C H A R D BROOKE, Bart, in the Chair j . Resolved lst, That this Meeting- is unanimously of opinion tjiat every well affected Subject should come forward at the present.' Crisis, and declare his firm determination to support, to the utmost of his power, the Civil Authorities, in the maintenance of the Laws and Constitution of our Country, as at present cstaoitshed, against the evil designs and practices of Seditious and Traitorous Conspirators, who though few in number, nevertheless, - whose objects! by factious publications, and inflammatory language, o r t f u% disseminated among the Labouring Class of Society, tends to delude, and lead them into the commission of violent aud unlawful acts, by no means calculated to obtain a redress of grievance* or to remove the temporary distresses of the Country, hut, which, if not ehocked by the firm arm of the Law, may be productive of greater evils, and worse times. Resolved fidlr, That a Declaration to this effect be drawn up, and signed by the Meeting, and that a Copy of our Proceedings be transmitted bv the Chairman, through the acting Magistrates of the Hundred- of BuckJow, to the Lord Lieutenant of this Countr, and that the same be inserted in the Chester Chronicle, filanctester Advertiser, and' in the Courier London Newspaper, and likewise that Printed Copies be pasted up, and circulated in this part of the Country. That the following Declaration be agreed t o :— We whose Names are undersigned, icing seriously impressed with a sense of the danger which threatens the Community, from the Designs and Practices of the Disaffected, and which, were they succeed, would entirely put a stop to Trade, Manufac - tures, and Labour, deem it indispensably necessary to declare our determination to support the Laws and Constitution of our Country, and'to co- oporate with the. Legal Authorities for the preservation of the Public Peace, for which purpose we do hereby further declare our readiness to be sworn in, and to act as Special - Constables, or otherwise, arid do call; upon our Neighbours and others, to join us in taking every necessary measure which the urgency of the . case may require, to accomplish these . most important objects. R I C H A R D B R O O K E , Chairman. The Chairman having left the Chair, and General Heron being called to it, Resolved unanimously, That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to Sir Richard Brooke, Bart, for his cordial co- operation, and able and judicious conduct In the Chair. P E T E R HERON, Chairman. The above Declaration is signed by near J1000 Persons, and comprise almost the whok of the Effective part of the Population oIf VthTe STEowTn- aBnEd NNeEigVhbOouLrEhoNodC. E Never was the Bounty of a British Public solicited towards a case of deeper grief and more unmerited suffering, than that of an unfortunate Clergyman of cultivated intellect, who has no Preferment. no Pol- tune, and a large Family of' Seven young Children 10 support, struggling with the very worst species of Poverty, Distress and Embarrassment, and yet preserving an irreproachable character, though shorn of every worldly comfort ( having been forccd'to , part with every thing he possessed to procure the spanty means of sustaining life) aud solely depending for present subsistence cn the casual gratuities of pure benevolence. Subscriptions will be thankfully received at Mr. Tbos. Coutts, and Co.,' Strand; Sir John Lubbock's, Matision- house- street; and Mr. Hatchard's, 190. Piccadilly. OHO HARMONIC INSTITUTION, for the Sale of the choicest U P R I G H T GRAND, HORIZONTAL, CABINET, AND SQUARE PIANO FORTES at G o y L D I N G and Co.' s, No. 20, SohO- square— This spacious ' Saloon displays anassortmeat of the most superior Instruments, fitted up in the most modern style of elegance, and carefully selected from the manufactories of Messrs. Broadwood, dementi and Co., Stodart.' and Tomkinson, by Professors of the first eminence in the Metropolis, sit whose suggestion the Establishment has been opened. This concentration of Instruments of the most distinguished makers, chosen by Gentlemen of the • highest musical talent, offers advantages which can nowhere else be found, in combination with such tm extensive assortment of Vocal and Instrumental Music. Judicious selections yf . Classical Works by the most esteemed Authors, ( including also, all Modern Works) published by Ulementi and Co. Cheapside ; Goulding and Co. as above ; Preston, Strand ; and Birehall, . Bond- street; are always ready for inspection and sale at either of the above Warehouses.— A liberal discount will be made accordifig to the extent of purchase. SUPERB INDIA and BRITISH S H A W L S— The admirers of British ingenuity, modelled upon Oriental skill, are invited to inspect the improved texture of Imitation Shawls, manufactured from Cachemere Wool. This beautiful qiaterial nearly possesses the admired softness, ease and elegance • of real Caofcemere. The Designs are strikingly magnificent, and the extensive Selection of superior Shawls displayed at this Establishment, will enable purchasers to select from the greatest Assortment ever offered to the Public, to be met with exclusively at HOWES, HART and H A L L ' S INDIA WAREHOUSE, No. 60, Fleet- street, with a select variety of superb India Shawls, just impijjjted, which will be disposed of on very reasonable terms, in consequence of the recent depression in the Indian markets.— N. JTI. The utmost value given for Cachemere Shawls.' MR. WEST'S EXHIBITION— The Great Pic ture, D E A T H ON T H E P A L E * H O R S E , C H R I ST - R E J E C T E D , ST. P E T E R ' S F I R S T SERMON, P A UL and B A R N A B A S receiving the G E N T I L E S , the B R A Z EN S E R P E N T , the CRUC1 F I X I O N of our S A V I O y | t , with other Pictures and . Sketches are now exhibiting under the immediate pauonage of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, at No 125, Pail- Mall, near Carlton House, every day, from ten till five. By order. CHARLES S M A R T , Secretary. TU R T L E — B L E A D E N , King's Head, Poultry, has just landed another Cargo of fine lively T U R T L E for sale, of aH sizes, from one pound to four hundred weight each. Turtle dressed every day in tho highest perfection, and sent to any part of Town or Country. DRESDEN, FIIENCH ANA BRITISH PORCEI. A IN E.— The Public are respectfully informed, that China, Glass, aud Earthenware, may be purchased at 58, Parkstreet, Grosvenor- square, at less than half price. INDIA SHAWLS W A N T E D — W A I T H M AN and SONS continue to give the full value for I N D IA SHAWLS, on application at their Shawl and Linen Warehouse, No. 104, Fleet- street, oorner of New Bridge- street, where an extensive Assortmeat is at present on Sale. INTENDED to clear out on the 20th inst. for the C A P E of G O O D HOPE, I S L E of F R A N C E , and B O M B A Y , the Ship OROMOCTO, Burden 600 Tons, Coppered and A. L, R I C H A R D S T R I C K L A N D , Commander. Lying in the City Canal. Has excellent Accommodation for Passengers— For Freight or Passage apply to Joseph Pinsent, Broker, at the . Jerusalem, and Lloyd's Coffee Housse, or 24, Birchin- lane. r p o he SOLD, a very extensive C A R R I A G E CONJL CERN, employing more than 100 Horses.— It has been established for above two- thirds of a century, and possesses the first connections. Applications from Principals only will be attended to, which must be made by . letter, post- paid, to Mr. Layton Cooke, 2, Dean- street, Soho, London. A L L P E R S O N S having any Claims or Demands I x . against the late Rev. T H O M A S K I L G O U R , of Longstowe, in the County of Cambridge, are requested to send tbe particulars to William Dundee, Esq. No. 3, Northumberlandstreet, Strand, the Administrator of his Estate and Effects. And all Persons indebted to the said late Rev, Thomas Kilgour, are requested to pay the amount of their respective Debts forthwith to his said Administrator. N. ATCHESON, Solicitor to the Administrator. Great Winchester- street, London, Aug. 12. 1819. JN D I A W A N T E D - VVAREHOUSE-.— INDIA SHAWLS E V E R I N G T O N begs to inform his Friendaan^ tlie Public, that lie is giving eXtraoHiinary prices for everydi^ criptiou of I N D I A SHAWLS. Tllpse Ladies and Gentlemen who may wish t o obtain their fullest valtw, will find themselves liberally treated by an early application at it), Ludgate- street, near St. Paul's.— Note, Ladies wishing to exchange their Shawls, may be accommodated on the most advantageous term*. ISLE of WIGHT. at Michaelmas next, To be LET and entered upon a W A T E R CORN MILL and FARM, of about 100 Acres, with Farm- house, Cottages, and all requisite Outbuildings, in the neighbourhood of Ityde and Newport, or it may conveniently be divided if desired. For particulars apply to Messrs. Desse, Dendy, and Murphett, Solicitors, Breams- buildings, Chancery- lane, London, yr to Mr, Pinnex, " answorth, H,.*: s. O be L E T ( FURNISHED), at Michaelmas next, an elegant modern C O U N T R Y R E S I D E N C E , commanding a beautiful View of the River Trent, and a Variety of distant and interesting Objects, from an elevated sloping Lawn and Pleasure Walks. T, he dining and drawing- rooms are spacious; a book room and a breakfast room, eight lodging- rooms, and all requisite offices; coach house, excellent stables, a good garden, grapery and green- house, and eight acres of laud adjoining. The Premises are situated near a Farming village, through which the road runs between Newark and Nottingham, and in tEe neighbourhood of four fox hauts. For further particulars, apply to Mr. Stretton, Printer, Nottingham. D LADIES or GENTLEMEN having Commissions to purchase elegant carriage and other Millinery Dresses, elegant Muslin and Gros de Napie Pelisses, Spencers," Leghorn Straw and Chip Hats, & c. are respectfully informed, that Wellington Rooms, the corner of Chancery- lane, F'leet- street,- is the only place in London where an Assortment is kept in all sizes, ready for immediate Use, in each of the above branches, composed of every fashionable colour and material. Foreign orders, or parties about to take country excursions, may be instantly equipoed at the most reasonable prices. ^> N. B. It often happens that purchasers of unmade up materials ^ r e inucii disappointed in the effect when formed into garments, his disadvantage may be completely avoided, by a selection from he largest Stock in the kingdom. MEURICE, of the HOTEL MEURICE, Rue de llivoli, facing the Thuilleries and Rue St. Honore, at Paris, begs to express his gratitude to the English who have kindly frequented his house. He begs to observe, with a wish to accommodate them on their arrival, lie receives them by the day, week, or month, and notwithstanding the established rules hung up in each apartment, which fix the price of the most minute article furnished by the house, for tea, breakfast, table d'hote, and particularly for the servants, he proposes to make economical arrangement's for families who remain, especially during the winter, by suiting the daily expense according to the wish of tlie guest, Mr. Meurice's plan and wish being to accommodate every body. . His apartments conjist of one, two, three, even to twenty rooms under one key. The most particular attention will t> e paid by the female servants to Ladies and their chirlden. Tile rooms are'froin 2 and 3 francs to 40 francs per day ; arrangements may be made according to the number of rooms occupied ar. d ihe time for which they are Engaged. Every thing being included in the bill, even the gratuity to the servants, nothing jaore will be required on stepping into the carriage. There is an office for the general information of travellers for their journeys, & c. The clerks speak English, and are most attentive iu every respect, as well as in settling every thing relating to the passports, Sic. Mr. Meurice entreats that the English traveller will not be misled by the postillions, or others, who are interested in inducing them to go to other hotels, by whom they are paid, and often very extravagantly for so doing. Mr. Meuriee lays no stress on the reputation of his hotels inasmuch as < t is well known to be the only one of the kind in all • Pa'ris. That whieh he occupied formerlyin the Ruel'Echiquier, ho has no concern in whatever. G E N E R A L L A N D A G E N C Y OFFICE, York, Upper Canada, lst June, 1819. MESSRS. BENJAMIN GEALE, AND JAMES FJTZGIBBON, having established a Land Office at the Seat of the Government of Upper Canada, offer their services to the Proprietors of Lands in the Province, who are residing in Great Britain or Ireland, as also to persons desirous of becomin: Purchasers of Land, or of settling i n Upper Canada. Every requisite information, relative to the vutue, situation, soil, & c.'.& e. of any particular Lot, or Tract of Land enquired for, will be communicated to persons applying for the same, by letter or in person. ' The Subscribers pledge themselves, that no description of Land shall be given from their Office, before its correctness he fully ascertained, so that tlie public may with confidence rely upon their reports. All descriptions of Land Agency Business is un • dertaken. Persons requiring further information are referred to Mr. W. F. Price, Army Agent, 34, Craven- street; or 33, Villiers- street, Strand, London. ANDALU6IAN V E G E T A B L E BALSAM for ahanging the colour of Red ir Grey Hair to a bc- atitiful ' Brown or Black; warranted perfectly innoxious; does not stain the skill, or the finest linen; answer's the desired purposes, in a most eminent degree; superior to all others, and in the least space of time. The Nobility and Public are respectfully informed, that the Proprietor has established the Wholesale and Retail Sale of ' this Article, with Mr. J. T. RIGGE, No. 65, Cheapside; and No. 52, Park- street, Grosvenor- square; also, with Mr. C. Sloiban, Engraver and Printer, Yarmouth. Persons desirous to become Venders, will apply a s above. Sold in Bottles at 10s. Cd. and One Guinea ea » h. IEXHIBITION R O O M — A very elegant Room has - i been just finished in jWaterloon- place, oil the north side, next the Great Arch of the Regent's Bridge, purposely for the E X H I B I T I O N of P I C T U R E S , See. entering by an elegant stair. There is a very convenient side- room, water- closet, & c. The great room is entirely lighted from, the roof, which is 25 feet 9 inches high, the length is 46 feet, and the breadth 22 feet. The above premises are^ iow ready to be L E T . F'or particulars apply to Messrs. Cuningham and Bell, W. S, Heriot Row, Edinburgh, to new, shop not to be excelled Also Square Piano CABINET PIANO FORTE, equal, price 60 Guineas, for 38 Guineas; it is n< either in touch, tone, or keeping in tune, Fortes at 18, 24, and 30 Guineas; Pedal Harps from 15 to 60 Guineas, late the property of a Lady; Barrel Organ, with Drum and Triangle, 36 Guineas; Ditto tor the Chure- h or'Chapel, 30 Guineas. May be seen at Mr. Watleu's, 13, Leicester- place. The above Instruments are all warranted. Packing Cases lent or sold, and carefully packed. A capital Finger Organ for a large Room or Chapel. BRAMAH'S PATENT LOCKS— The increasing demand for this Article ( which has becii for upwards of thirty years before the public), having occasioned the introduction" of inferior imitations from various parts ef the country, J. B R A M A H and SONS are induced to give this notice, that all such Lockras are of their manufacture, have the name and address, J. BRAMAH, 14, Piccadilly, stumped upon them.— J. B. and Sons avail themselves of this opportunity to inform their FriendS and Employers in geheral, that they have lately introditcedan importantimprovement, which has considerably increased the advantages arising from the use of the Original Patent Lock} N. B. A reduction in the prices has been recently made. AWELL- CUT COAT, a Saving of One Guinea in Three. Gentlemen of F'ashion are informed, that K L O T H E S of every description, and also CHILDREN'S C L O T H E S , are made to fit in a superior manner; the quality and workmanship quite equal to the first houses at the west end ; the charges are for ready money, for little more than half the regular prices, viz.: English Superfine Coats, from 21. 10s. to 3/. 3s. ; best Superfine Spanish, from 3/. 6s. to 3/. 10s.; fashionable Waistcoats, from 5s. 6d. to 14s.; Jean, Drill, and Nankeen Trovvsers, from 10s. to " 14s. Trade supplied as u, fial. Those wanting large quantities will find a most surprising advantage, at 119, Cheapside, three doors east c f Weod- street. FOR R E A D Y MONEY ONLY.— IMPROVED P L A Y I N G C A R D S — T h e white colour and superior polish of the Playing Cards, warranted without Cotton iu their composition, made entirely of English paper, invented by THOMAS TJRESW1CK, 16, Skinner- street, Snow- hill, London, is now far beyond the " principal Superfine of the Old School" made from Foreign paper. The Public are respectfully informed, that a Sample of the Cards is constantly' to be seen hv any one who will take the trouble to bring with them a pack of the best town- made for comparison. The prices of these Cards are much less than those ( if other Makers.— Extra- superfine Moguls, white backs, 44s. per dozen ; coloured, 46s. Superfine Harrys, white, 42s. ; coloured, 44s. Fine Highlanders, while, 39s.; coloured, 42- s. Cards for Exportation, Duty free. The sole Inventor and Maker of Rough and Smooth Rolled Drawing Paper. SUSSEX— Complete Gentleman's RESIDENCE, with 215 Acres of Land, and the exclusive right of Shooting ovar more than 1000 Acres To be Let for a terw of six years, a a modern- built S T O N E MANSION, containing two drawingrooms, a dining- rsom and library; large kitchen, butler's pantry, store- room, Stc. with all requisite offices and outbuildings; together with handsome pleasure grounds and plantations, orchard, garden, and 215 acres of Land, which is principally ill pasture, distant thirty- three miles from London, about four from East Grinstead, and within little more than a mile of the parish church, in which there is a handsome pew. Further particulars and tickets for viewing may bo had of Mr. Squibb and Son, Saville- row All applications by letter, must be post- paid. HAMPSHIRE.— To be SOLD by P R I V A TE C O N T R A C T , or L E T on L E A S E for a Term of Years, Furnished, an excellent roomy and cheerful HOUSE, in perfect repair, with good stables, coach houses, out offices, walled garden, and pleasure grounds, with a few acres of meadow land. The Property is freehold, commands beautiful views of the sea, Isle of Wight, and Needle Rocks, and is indeed so favourably situated in all respects as to make it a most desirable residence for a Family of the first respectability. If sold, part of the purchase money may remain on mortgage. Early possession may be had. . For particulars apply to Mr.. West, Banker, Lymington, if by letter, post paid. • O R T R A 1 T of MR. CANNING.— The Public are , respectfully informed, that the First Number of a New Volume of the N EW M O N T H L Y M A G A Z I N E , and L I T E - R A R Y P A N O R A M A , was published on the lst of August, embellished with a Portrait of Mr. Canning, aud comprising upwards of fifty interesting articles, in general Literature, Art, Science, Criticism, Politics, Manners* attd Amusements '; and those pe'rsdns who may wish to avail themselves of the present opportunity for commencing it, are requested to transmit their orders, without delay, to their respective booksellers or newtmen. Published bv Hehfy Colbtirn, Conduit- street, to whom Ccn> munications for the Editor are requested to be addressed free of postage. HAIR, EYE- BllOWS, and WHISKERS changed. from Red or Grey to Brown or Black, by the G R E C1 AN W A T E R , which produces the desired effect by one application ; it neither stains the skin nor linen, arid is'entirely free from that purpleshade that renders the user the subject of ridicule; if not approved after trial, money returned Sold at 41, Corubill;. 6,' Tavistock- street, Covent- garden'; 330, Strand; 150, Oxford- street, and 829-, Su- and; in Bottles- at 3s. 6d. double Bottles Cs. > ; Or two six- shilling bottles for 10s. fid; i ItTIFICIAL T E E T H and P A L A T E S FIXED JL without T Y I N G or T W I S T I N G W I R E S rouri'd the adjoining owes— Mr. D E l. AFON'S, Dentist, No. 17, Rathboue- place, Oxford- street, has, from a general knowledge HA mechanics, added to an experience of 16 years in making : « KI fixing Artificial Teeth, succeeded in constructing tfienl so as to be perfectly secure without any ligature whatever f besides b£ ing a support to the remaining teeth, they are more durable than any of the usual methods, and are so contrived that the wearer may, with the greatest facility, take them out to clean and replace them without the assistance of a Dentist, thereby avoiding au exponco and inconvenience of the greatest importance to persons residing at a distance. As Mr. D. executes every branch of the profession himself, he is enabled to offer his services in alt the most difficult and complicated eases requiring mechanical epi * trivance— Attendance front ten till four. ROEHAMPTON— TO be SOLD bv P R I V A TE C O N T R A C T , a compact R E S I D E N C E , neatly Fur. liisbed, and agreeably situated in a paddock of about nine Acres, together with four Acres of Leasehold Land ( at a nominal rent) for about 43 years, and a small productive Garden. The House has four rooms and a hall ou the ground floor, and five rooms on the first floor. The Offices are good, the property is well timbered. . For further particulars apply to Messrs. Brundrett, Spinks, and Reddish, Temple. OEHAMP'l'ON— To be S O L D hv P R I V A TE C O N T R A C T . E L M GROVE, the property and residence of the late Lord Ellenborough, with about 19 Acres of' ' Pasture Land, - veil timbered, and about sixyAcres of lofty walled Garden, with Hot- houses, & c. The House is handsomely furnished, in complete repair, and fit tor the immediate reception of a large family. More land may be had if required. For further particulars inquire uf Messrs. Brundrett, Spinks, aud Reddish, Temple. n p o bo L E T or SOLD.— A very desirable RESIA. D E N C E , in the most sporting part of Dorsetshire, between Salisbury and Blandford; it consists of a substantial House, containing entrance hall, dining and drawing- rooms,- boudoir ar. d gentleman's room, all of good dimensions, with Freuch windows opening to a spacious veranda; five best bedchambers, servants; apartments, water closets, detached kitchen, laundry, brew- house, & c.; excellent stabling, coach- houses, granary. and all offices for a genteel family; standing on an eminence, fronting the south, in a small paddock, ornamented with shrubs and full- grown timber trees; a kitchen and small flower gardens. The mail and other coaches pass daily: London letters delivered every morning at half- past nine Two packs of fox- heunds- in the neighbouriiood, and'the country abounding with game. For particulars, apply to William Arney, Esq. Close, Salisbury ; if by letter, postage to be paid. B" U T T E R I I E L D ' S E X T R A C T of LEMON PEEL.— This article possesses the agreeable flavour of fresh Lemon Peel in the greatest perfection, aud may be used Ou every occasion where Lemon Peel is required, amongst others, for Jetties, Custards, Pium I'uidings, Apple Puddings, Stuffing, Negus, Punch, Lemonade, Imperial, Ginger Beer, & c;— Sold by W. Butterfield, 173. Strand, London, in bottles; 3s. 6d. and 6s. each; Fortnum and Mason, Piccadilly; Plumb, 115, Holbornbill; Tutt, ^ loval Exchange; Edwards, 66, St. Paul's Churchyard ; and by all principal shopkeepers in the country. MR. H E N R \ W I L S O N respectfully informs the Public, that the S A L E of the E S T A I ' E S , situate in Kent, Sufi'ulk, and Rotherhithe, advertised by him to take place at the Mart, ou Wednesday, the instant, is unavoidably P O S T P O N E D to THURSU'AY, September 2d, on which * iy thev will be peremptorily Sold. Ilatton- Garden, 14th'August, 1819. Freehold Estates near SittingboUrne and at Meopham, Kent.— By Mr. F 1 E N A Y WILSON, at the Mart, on THURSDAY. September 2, at Twelve, in I.' v , VA L U A B L E FREEHOLD ESTATES, In the County of Kent, consisting of L O W E R B I N N EY FARM, situate ill the Parish of Tong and Mu. rston, about two miles from Sittingbourne, on the north side of the road, leading from thence to Elinlcy Ferry; it contains S5 Acres, and upwards. anil is in the occupation of Mr. W. Elev, oil lease, at the low rent of 100/. per annum. Also. G R E G O R Y ' S FARM, situate neat the Church, at Eastliug, about five miles from feevcr. sham, and seven from Sittingbourne, comprising a large F'arm House, and about 38 Acres of fine fertile Land, le't to Mr. Iieese, at an oL\ lowrent- of 40/. Alsd, a Small E S T A T E , situate at Meiiphntn, about live miles from Wrotham, and five from Gravesend, consisting of a Dwelling, with slaughter- house, and eight Acres ot' Land, in the occupation of Mr. Townsend, at 25/. per annum. The Estates may be viewed, by leave of tbe tenants, and Particulars had at the Rose Inn, atulof Mr. Bathuist, Solicitor, Sittingbourne; Carpenter's Arms, ICastling; . Ship, Fever. shitm; George. Meopham; White Hart. Gravesenil; Bull, Dartford; Crown. Rochester; Fountain, Canterbury; of Messrs. Goodeve and Rankin, Solicitors, Ilolborn- court, Gray'.- s- Inn; of Messrs. Clark, Richards, aud Metcalf, Solicitors, Chancery- lane;, at the place of Sale; and of Mr. Henry Wilson, 103, Hattou- garden, where plans of the Estates may be seen. C . T A I N S of RED PORT WINE, Tea, Fruit, U Mildew, and every Vegetable Matter, are entirely removed from Table Linen, Leather Breeches, Cottons, Muslins, Laces, and other Articles of Dress, by HUDSON'S C H E M I C AL B L E A C H I N G L I Q U I D - it also removes the above Stains from Ladies' Buff Dresses, without injuring the Buff Colour, and restores all kinds of Linen to their original Whiteness, when discoloured by bad washing, disuse, or long sea voyages, without any injury to the texture of the cloth. Prepared and sold by " Hudson and Co. her Majesty's Chemists, 27, Haytnarket, London; sold also by most Medicine Venders, Perfumers and Stationers in the United Kingdom, in Bottles at 5s. 3s. and 2s. each. C I D U L A T E D ESSENCE ot ANCHOVIES,— The decided Preference this N EW S A U C E has experienced during the short period it has been before the Public, having already occasioned some spurious and paltry imitations, E. L A Z E N B Y and SON respectfully inform the Nobility and Gentry, the original article is prepared only at his Warehouse, No. 6, Edward- street, Portman- square; the' label of each bottle signed " Elizabeth Lazenby." One trial will prove its superiority, as, from its peculiar . preparation, it will ( besides its excellence as a F'ish Sauce) prove a valuable addition for enriching Hashes, Soups, Gravies, & c. N. B. It is presumed this new Anchovy Sauce will claim a decided preference for exportation, as it is warranted to keep any length of time, and is not liable to turn rancid when opened. T7< LEGANCE and ECONOMY COMBINED— S. 1 - i E S T C O U K T ' S r e a i refined I N D I A N BLUE, for beautifying Muslins, Lawns, Laces, and Family Linen in general, is most respectfully offered to the attention of the Public, as well deserving of universal estimation- It may indeed be said to impart to the above articles a delicacy of appearance most truly elegant, and which is otherwise unattainable; while with respect to ' Economy- it is infinitely cheaper than ally other Blue, since one threepenny cake, will give to 120 gallons of water, the beautiful transparent colour necessary to accomplish the desired object, which Ladies may rest perfectly satisfied will be attained in the most eminent degree ; entirely preventing all appearance of that muddy grey or dirty yellow which is too olteu the result of compositions of a similar nature.— N. B. To be used in a flannel bag, observing not to make the water too blue. Sold in packets of 12 cakes, price Si.— Good allowance to Shopkeeoers, & c.— Foreign Orders executed on the shortest notice. " ' ° W. SMITH, Sole Agent, 45, King- street, Show- trill, London. III CH FI SH S A U C E S — J . COC K S , the Inventor and Proprietor of the Celebrated R E A D I NG SAUCE, begs most respectfully td caution the Nobility, Families, and the Public, against fhe daily frauds and impositidns practised by many London and Country Oilmen and Fish Sauoe Venders, to deceive and deprive thein'of the Genuine Reading Sauce. None are genuine but those which have the corks sealed with tbe impression " J. Cocks, Reading," and also the following NEW FRENCH and E N G L I SH LAMPS, LUSTRES, & c— T. G R E E N S I L L , 4tt>. Strand, the real manufacturer and improver of the new French Lamps, which have given such universal satisfaction, respectfully offers to the inspection of the Nobility and Gentry at his extensive Show Rooms, the largest and must splendid assortment in London, consisting of several hundred of new French Lamps from the commonest Japan to tbe most superb Bronze, Ormolu, and Silver, Grecftm, Roman, and every description of Lamps ( one burner of any of the abtfve giving a light equal to six candles, and at less ex. pense than one), Lustres, Chimney, Side, and Decorative Lights, and on lower terms than goods of the same quality by any other house in London, 110 Sauce ever met with such general approbation " and extensive sale.; it is patronised and recommended by most of the first families in the kingdom, and it is retailed in London bv 250 of the most respectable Oilmen and F'ish Sauce Venders;" in Bath by 30; Bristol 20; Edinburgh and Glasgow 30, and b\- all the principal Fish Sauce dealers in the United Kingdom; most of whom sell Cocks' Genuine and Superior- Essence of Anchovies made with prime Gorg'ona Fish, rich as possible. The' trial ot a small bottle will ensure it the preference. GENTLEMEN who try the R A Z O R STROPS, manufactured by W. A D D I S , 9S. Fleet- street, ( successor to G. Packwood) will soon be convinced of their superiority, in giving a keen edge to Razors, Penknives, and Surgeons' Instruments, from the surprising effect upon Steel, of a composition discovered by Packwood, and the Receipts given to W. Addis alone; and the Strops being made elastic, yet firm, are not liable to injure the edge as flat strops are, which soon sink m the middle, and curl at the side ; and likewise being elastic, are n preventive to injuring the edge with those Gentlemen who bear too hard Please to observe, no Strop is the real, unless the label is printed on yellow paper, with a Print of the late Packwood on the handle, and unless the Vender give one of W. Addis's printed bills with each, and his signature is to the bill with each box of Composition to renew them.— Sold wholesale and retail by W. Addis, 93, Fleetstreet, London; and retail, by the principal Perfumers and Cutlers throughout the United Kingdom— A liberal allowance to Merchants who export. R. ROBERTSON'S V E G E T A B L E DROPS. — This Distillation ranks superior to any thing ever offered, its cures ( never failing) even astonish the Faculty, where they have dtyie their utmost; it acts particularly in nervous, bilious, and weak insides, obstructions and impurities of blood, & c. To be had at the Vender's, No. 7, Bloomsburv- square; and in most market towns, price the quart bottle,, 20s. ; the smaller, for children, wounds. & c. 6 s — A l l letters must be post- paid, ami remittances with orders. To be the peremptorily R E - S O L D , pursuant to several Orders of High Court of Chancery, made in a Cause in which Fran- : i£ D ' Arcy Bacon and others are Plaintiffs, and John William Bacon and Charles Bicknell, Defendants, before Jons SSRIXciiTf HARVEY, Esq. one of the Masters of tbe said Court, iu , the Pu'Jlic Sale- room of the Court, in Southampton- buildings, London, on THURSDAY, the i^ tb day. pt'. August at ' fen. o'Clock in the Forenoon, in distinct I.' sts, SUNDRY FREEHOLD ESTATES in the Parishes of Finchley and ft- iern Barnet, in the County of Middlesex, and East Ba met, iti the County of Hertford, bein - part. of the Estates. of John Bacon, late of Friern- hotise, in the Comity of Middlesex, Esq. deceased; consisting! of several Houses, Cottages, Buildings, and Pieces of Arabic, Meadow ami ' pasture Land, With the Timber standing oil several cf the Lots, Part pf tbe Property is in hand, and tho remainder is, or lately was, in the several occupations of Thomas Collins, Esq., Joseph Jellicoe, Esquire, Ladv Anne Tempest, Mr. Richard1 Attfield, Mr. Joshua East, Mri Joseph Spencer, avid Mrs. King. Particulars may be had ( gratis) at the said Master's Chambers, in SeJuthamptou- buildings; of Messrs, White and Bostock, solicitors, George- street, Mansion- house: Messrs. Attfield and Son, surveyors, at Hadley ( who will show the Property) ; at the fled Lion Inn, at Barnet; the King's Head Inn, at' Watford,; the Angel Inn, at Edmonton; the Queen's Head Inn, at Finchley : the Cherry Tree, at. Southgate ; the Greyhound, at Ilendon . and the principal Inns in Uxbridge, St. Alton's, Hertford,. Hat-' field. Stantnore, Harrow, Edgeware, Enfield, and Tottenham ; and the Estates may be Viewed on application to the respective Occupiers. White and Bostock, Solicitors,, George- street, Mansion- House. BR I T I S H P A I N T M A N U F A C T 0 R 63, Queen- street, Cheapside. Genuine Ground White Turpenti Linseed Oil . .. Per C- ail. 5s. Lead, of the finest quality PeH- ' Cwt. 46s. UrtoH and Co. in ad dressing the Public, most respectfully inform then! that their White Lead is of the finest quality. >< i this article it may justly be said,— the best is the cheapest. The genuine is the most durable, as well as the most ornamental; while the inferior kinds, having hail their metallic powers reduced, soon, become discoloured) and are unequal to constant exposure to ti e atmosphere. Upton and Co. sell White Leads at prices from 40s. per cwt. to 44s.; although for the reasons before named thev only recommend the first quality ; these will be found superior to'mnr. v kinds that are offered to the Public as the best, at much higher pri ces. The undermentioned Anti- corrosive Paints are very neat in appearance, are very preserving, and are easily applied, i- equiriui?- onlv to be thinned with oil; they are suited for Park Pa'ir< » s and all ' Out- door Work. A N T I - C O R R O S I V E PAINTS. Per Cwt. Per Cwt. Invisible Green 40s. Olive ditto., 76s. Bright Green 112s, Bright Red Dark ditto Black Yellow Wfiite : 48s. 36s. 44s. Lead Colour ..., 48s. Stone ditto... 48.-:, Chocolate... 40s. Prepared Oil, 4S. 6d. per Gallon—- Refined Coal Tar Brown, 20s. per Cwt. N. 1!. Merchants and Dealers supplied wish every description of Colours 011 very advantageous terms. R R O P E R F U M E R S and O T H E R S — T o be S O LD JL the R E C E I P T for'making S T I R ' A C I A ' S I T A L I AN OILS— Mrs. JOHNSON, finding her tiifte so much occupied w i t h t f i American Soothing Syrup,, has been obliged to neglect the above Oils for several years. At- present long hau- be: n<? so universally worn, they are the only article which have ever been discovered Co accelerate its growth, being acquired by only rubbing the Oils in the. hair twice a- weeii; they also rende*^ he hardest hair as soft as silk, ar. d completely eradicate tlie dry scurf, and wiil keep the hair beautifully in curl." Young gentlemen at school, who have generally coarse or harsh fair, attended with a quantity of dry scurf, would find considerable benefit from the use of these Oils, not only, bv the present comfort thev afford, but by their wonderful effect's in preventing baldness or* grey hairs, when old age approaches. A more astonishing property of these Oils is, that of their b.' inga certain remedy for the loss of hair 0: 1 the knees or other parts or' horses, as they infallibly restore it to its former natural coioilr; a great number- of sporting gentlemen ' in this and. the sister kingdom, have recently found this to be an undoubted fact. The virtue's and efficacy of these Oils, it is presumed, are sufficiently established, as they have beell'in universal use foi upwards ofthelaSt thirty years. To be had as usual, until the Receipt is disposed of, at Mrs. Johnson's,* 94, Newman- street, Oxford- street, at 5s. per pot. To prevent unnecessary trouble, the terms will be Two Thousand Pounds. AH letters must be postpaid; 110 personal application will be attended to at first Mrs. Johnson wiU guarantee to the purchaser, that 110 person knows the Receipt but herself. The virtues of these Oils are well known to all the principal Perfumers in town. " AMERICA* PAPERS, - ( FWRTHEtt EXTRACTS. 1 prr>; ras of the Russian Empire— ts Arnenca, The Si. Louis Enquirer, in the subjoined article, calls our attention to a subject of considerable interest, and to fact? which. it is as well nntto overlook, With rcsfxtU to the source of the fresh information imparted i- i the conclusion of, the article below, we confess' we are disposed to place somewhat more reliance on " diplomatic correspondence" than on the sage speculations of Russian traders. We presume the Emperor of Russia does not select his confidants - frtttil among that class of people; and that we art more likely to be iuformed of his liews directly from our agents at St, Petersburgh, tl-. an round about the North Pole through the agencv of straggling adventurers. Nevertheless, there is nothing impossible, nor yet improbable, in the rieWs ascribed to the Emperor Alexander, who appears to 1M wisely and warily adopting measures calculated to aggrandize, the . nation over which he presides, . .. ...( Ffomihe Skfaukjfinguxfir.^ .; Looliing. to the east for evetj th log, { hp people ' of the United States have cuiitemplatid with, astonishment the progress of tlic Russian empire in Europe and Asia; they nave not thought of looking to tli, q xye'st to, sec this giant p6$ W already mounting upon thiiir own backs. Expept . Mr. Walsh, we do not kn. ow an American w ho has even epolxof the Russian establishment on our continent. lie has- mentioned them in his. Sketch pfthe Military and Poljtical Power of Russia " where lis savs— Their establishments. extend fiptB Kamchatka to the N. W. coast of America—- tlmt jjtey, have a fort mounting nn hundred picees. of artillery at Nurfolk iSound.,' lat. north iTTdeg,; that. since tH({} iey . ba. v£ deseendeil the coast, passed the month yf Columbia Tiv; ejiupflrt'd miles, and established tliemselyes at Bofjada it), 38 deg. 50 min. njid oife thirty miks from Spanish settlements in California, revere they are not only trading with great advantage, but profiting by a fitic climate and fruitful soil to feed ' their uvire uortheni possessions."— rPage. 1^ 7. t. This encroachment upon the Apicrican Contincn^ is not the transient effect of the, present gigantic growth of the Russian empire. It is the rcsulf _ qf system and of settled police followed by every great man, and great woman, who has sat upon the 11 ussiau throne. . Peter the Great began it; tlie Empress Catherine the Second followed un his- plan ; the present Emperor js only executing die designs of the empire. In the pourse qf these t h r t s p reigns, the - Russian power has been firmly spread over Northern Asia; the. straights of Ik- hring hav, c been passed ; and a solid foot- hold acquired in North America. A rqad over land is , opeued from St. Petersburg, to Katnschatka : and Russian sltips, loaded with American fur, annually sail frum- riteNiWycoast of America, doitble the C; i|> e qf Good Hoj> 4> . traverse ! 10,00,0 niife^ <) f aea, and land their rich Oftfftimi* the- Gulfof I'mland., And.) " while the public 1$ nmiiiedwithltlie pwject of a , treaty for some islands in the:. Meditcrmnoai>, the modern Alcicaqiler. is occupied with a. stlliamfi! worthy of Jjitj y^ st.- ajJibition— The acquisition of t& e. gkffinud jpriivvid* ftf- Uffifi/ ntyHi tmA Spanish claim f j f i W ® , E A RN tli « , irv(> t: fro. avdti( Joii; at^ « N$^ l> flt » lc*> ce, but from Amer'tean- fur., trailers, lyijo. learn^ t from ./ the Russiay traders « W protected by - tks ki^> e, W) r,, it) cfr>' rjnH oil' our furs. . ' ,:;; v, y' yoRK, JULY 19. A V O J H J i / R f } t p y > : Q> l f J H l - VIAItDK , Lxti- adt of- a. letter fnfin • Gentleman'in tWPatriot SerS- i « ' tct liis Friciid iii laTOWMre, dated •'£ » > - I'- Ktm ' "- ' 10lATeHll' 0Cll. Ktl,' J^ KB/ f, ISl- feii " Some trcajp*. < « > JWJV- number of, ^( XJ,) wlucl^ mved tier* yesterday, will ( T- o » » the Jjjbtni: to morrow, ami raise flic itandartf of independence. Vfhcn'tlio wljMft tire ussBm'Mcil, they wllvbfeitflt} der the tmiriedi/ rti ctflWnjnd- W General Bewiajidm wlvj is. dtiily eK| wcted fmiii Proeon'Point, ..^| th bJie'tli. ou « i|), 4, ut(; n. , • Ww'haie . iust received ' from Qi< ner$ t T f f l i f j and instead pf liw hfivjrtp; lWn' fiebur. dci}, and'hfs* urtliy' 4i » - twtrded, iie" has ' Vfe( ai > « , ry kbcce^ rul,.;^ ^'' « oi « . i% y| mf| PRINCE LEOPOLD, . Yesterday, about halt- past ten o'clock, his Royal Highness Prince Leopold, widower of our ever- to- belamented Princes Charlotte, arrived at the I'latk Swan Hotel, in this citv, accompanied bv Sir Robert G'aTdiner, Baron Hardenbrock, and Dr. Sto'ckmar. His Bovaj,' Highness was immediately attended by fiis Grace the Archbishop of this p. ovince, Ivtrl Fitzwilliam, and other distinguished personages. The band of the - tth Royal Irish Dragoon Guards paraded in front of the Hotel, and played several military airs. The Prince was repeatedly cheered by the loud huzzas of the populace, on shewing himself at the windows of tlie Hotel, and i; was with tile greatest difficulty Ids Royal Highness approached to his carriage, as the hall and passages,. leading from the Prince's apartments, in this spacious and commodious Hotel, were crowded to excess with gentlemen, and clcgantlv dressed females, all anxious to testifytheir reijiect and affection. At one o'clock, his lloval Highness, attended by the Archbishop, went in his carriage to view our magnificent Cathedral, His Royal Highness on entering the great west door, was Saluted by the organ striking up " God tftve the King " and passed through a thronged line of anxious spectators to the inspection of the choir, cllapter- house, and other parts of that noble structure, :-— After viewing the Cathedral, the Prince and suite partook of a cold collation at the Dertnerv. That active and intelligent Magistrate, 1 Hall Plunier, Esq. h id the honour of being introduced to the. Prince, and, accompanied hy the Archbishop and Earl Fitzwilliam, proceeded to shew to his Royal Highness and his suite, our County Gaol; with the cleanliness, comfort, and general appearance of which, his Royal Highness and the whole of the company expressed their pnqualitied approbation. At a quarter past two, the Lord Mayor, and other members of the Corporation, waited upon his Royal Highness to congratulate him upon his arrival in this ancient city. His Royal Highness was upon the Course in the afternoon during the running of the horses; and afterwards dined with his Grace the Archbishop, at hi3 Palace, at Bishopthorpe. His Royal Highness slept at the Black Swan Hotel last night, and a- e understand proceeds this morning on his road to Alnwick Castle, the seat of the Duke of Northumberland.— Yorkthiri Gazette. 16. • a- sian < j£ . several j ^ i g g t ^ pjsts, .' I uufc ' jus^ wcrjed wjtli <^ e; y^ i) uj{, jMiiilei^ aii vyhubrought this iyifonuatior..':, I K ^ i l a i ® . , « i ju> the uetilchiiieiit commanded l\ v Ccdoiii. d!, 4Urv, ti18' V » - s] t^ ltva jTrtsdWfr, Wiim'that detachment mtt. wiiJr. t^ j^ ijjsfJtu^. I Mat sMitiKfesbtfyere*,' where hi saw an oBicer pf Mjnij'f ' itlifeogave Mm the. above int'orpiation." * T f ow { his VytAijff niati escajKid frbiu' I'aD'tij- ere, i h i lalt « f- does tint statu. - ''<* "•'•- ' ••' t ' n o X ' ,' at^ J^ i"} riJIL t i l E t f J I I A . J U i V l y. ' ExpB& trtos TT? TIIE Tt'. xASiT-^ Tlie intelligence of. an exi. ieditioti having recently been fitted, Q » ) tS' in tlic; Misstwirppi, lw some of our citizens, f, br,- it^,' jVvflsi< jp., of tljp province of T e x a s , is . wfirnfathiri^ paper of t h e ' 20tlj ult. The plaq was d. Srise^ i M l i t t \ < & > V » '?.<} at) unsuccessful attempt wi^ s. made;, by. t^^ i awthgritjes to- arrest tli. e ringleader, wliose- pajrteUsd'^ if'i'WlSlhed, It h stated that tfcerj! are net iuore:, t] iitBv^ QQ!(&. p3sjsh troops in - Tsxas for its defence, and thatf^ tSi^ IJnqii^ jtvwiH be W * easy. However anxiously . vve. nJftjjifbtjl/^ jr vh. ftj( iile- |> endence of the Spaui? h . Jifoyiiiccs, and whatever right our cjtizens mav iiujjyjditally possess to enter foreign service, all expeditions fitted p u t witluii ihtj United States, t o attack any territory belonging to a nation with whom ^ are. at pcfa. cje, are illegal and rcprelicujible, and ought E'SKt^ jftO^'^ H IIUOAUBENT. - Ou PVi- io*' / iiorliicgj Ki- s tint Br<) autK'i; t, ivho wasron AV'ednes- Cl- Hj- cnpv'.(, fl.; L(^ t ( Htt,. of, tilt! wilful murder of", Seijeai) t U'atwm, of frit . JKHIv' Uerjirnerit;' tiy shooting hiiu wilflu nniAc|, :> t" UWjffitiitf, tlie dreadful setiteueu irfVths. iliijv « t. JI ' '. fciaifaiiiK "• ' ..' ...., » lAmfflasJ , ' l « e linfortju^ ta ( Cjiipj- it left tl. c prison at t( jn minutos aftpr. t'. vx- he, in a cart, accntiinanied by the cxcciitiotler, fdlloSvcdby tif: Oj Under aK- riti; ( K'^ initli, Ksq.' thc Hey. Mr.' Noise, ot-, Kif » | » jr} 1 ( tlrt Rev, Mr. Marshall, the Chaftitm'of Uijs priM!|,.) tejH$ U| tatye. ui attend from iuditrajsitioii) a; id the 0 ® cers ijfthe'Sherilt','" By some misunderstaodinf;, tlira Con ( tables ai) d lJeaftb( U- l « V « gH » | of llorsham weroliot suuftiioiied ti> attend', until after, tAe.^ itwoejisibu, itfil l LAW REPORT. C O U R T OF CTTANCKIIY, AUG. GORDON V. GORDON. The l l t t n OitANcki. i. on gave his final judgment in this important and- jong litigated case this day. For the benefit of our readers we shall just recapitulate the circumstances. The plaintitTMr. Harry Gordon, and the defendant, Mr. James Gordon, who is a barrister at tlie Chancery Bar, are the sons of iVlr.. Henry- Gordon, a gentleman of vast property in Scotland., and the island of Grenada, and a long time deceased. At his demise, in 178?, he left the greater part of his property to his eldest soil, Peter, tile brother ot the parties, with remainder to Harry, the second eldest brother. Peter, however, died without the knowledge of liis father, before the wilt was made, and leaving iig- i » ue, the property devolved to Harrv. This gentleman, " who had been an officer in the East India service, returned to England in 1790, without anticipating- that there wbuld be any obstacle to his immediate possession of the property do rised to him. Tiie^ defeiidant, however, informed him that there was pretty strong ground for believing that lie ( Ilarry) was an illegitimate child, and that, therefore, tlie property reverted to him ( James) as the eldest legitimate child. Focorroborate this statement, he produced several documents, and, among the rest, a will of their late father, executed at a much earlier period tlian that under which Harry was recognized as the legitimate child of his father. In this will it was specitled ihat Peter and Harry were both illegitimate, the testator declaring that he was not married until immediately before the birth of his third cliild, the defendant, James, at which time their marriage was publicly sylcmnized. The blotters upon consulting with each other, and being liatwrally jealous of the reputation ot the family, resolved upon this expedient, that I Tarry, notwithstanding his illegitimacy, should still hold the property bequeathed to him. hut securing to James certain annual payments out of it, as a consideration for the sacrificewhich he had made to the character of his family All agreement, to this effect had been made in 17B0, and another" ilftso:;.' lri' the-' year 1809, the plaintiff came tothe • knowledge ^ fffpf^ Uff^ i* fU that a private ccreinqny took - place between his parents* ill th'e vear 1756. a term of seven years " tiel'dfe the ptibfrc^ reWUlty; and as the registry at Philadelphia ' declared : hi, m, tcj. have been bofii'in 1761, there could be no longer any doiibt o'f'hfslegitSWaiejJ: ' lie'accordingly filed a bill in 1809, ;, iti ' bhl< S- W:* iutiul:' tbe, 3gfe( jrtpiU « : between liiro aud his brother, and to. compel James to refund the several payments wliicll had ' beenmade hiin- by'virtue of these agreements. The plaintiff rested his case upon the gromi^ liat at tlm tjnie the agreements had been entered into, James was acquainted with the circumstance c f a aide the coitvict, fohmieiieed Iu. i pious iilli. ee bjttoaiHi'lltoiqtgjr thd ^ th'/ j • • • • • i i M H H H H M ^ H H i jwu mmmmm clrcuinstancc whether Rallies was acquainted or qt* with the fact of a private ceremony having taken place. Pending' the liti gation, littriy- was Cnnirnitted for a breach of contract, iithaving refused tficomply - wjtfi the. agreement up to a certain time, Tbe case was fre< iuehfly argued before the Court, and Mr. IH< A* ii> havitlgibdsini finally heard a short time since on the part, ot' , the plaintiff, | iis E. ordstlip gave nptice. tl'iit he would declare lasjud- j- j iiiewt on an early day. His Eord^ hipr a| iec going overall the facts of the case, which have been already detailed, said his view of the case was this; thai he was fully persuaded Sir. Jafncs Gordon knew quite well that U » ure was a. private marriage, aud yet he dpalt with his brother a$ if the public' niirriage had been'die only- ohb iii- question.' Mr. Gordon swears he knew- not anv such private . njiprrupe had taken place, but Jie ( Lord Chancellor) would not lie justified in believing that such was the fact, and he Was s « i> ry;:; t « lay; SOJ " I may Le justified( aiid . his ^ irdship). in believing Mr. J. Gordon, to be correct, but the natural coiistquenee is, that I niuSt impute the most gross atuTlinfciitpcijury. to the other;- w^ nessits: whereas I liave not . tin! Wast plausible pretext to do so. 1 have ilotXhfc slightest cv^ raeficc'TOSiSfeVrj-? w'as awiire actlifidirst agreempiiit thajt iherewas , T" P » ivnty ra^ aob.. I must fay more, and 1 do ray iHvith fegmt,, that if J aim's knew it, and did not tliscloseit t] o TRIALS f r SELLING PROFANE cm SEDITIOUS WRITINGS. y^ ARWICR Atftcsfg.' ' REX 0. ' RUSSELL, ' fills was a prosecution for publishing one- of Hone's Parodies about IS months ago, and was put off from the last assize to the present. ( It will be recollected bv our readers that Hone hftd beeu tried for throe dilfere'nt parodies of the same nature in London, and acquitted). At defendant's request, before the trial Commenced, the witnesses were withdrawn from the Codrt. Mr. Pearson, of London, was defendant's solicitor. Wooler and Carlisle were also stated to !> e in Court. Mr. CLARKE opened the case for the Crown, in which he observed that defendant was charged with intending to bring the holy Litany into contempt, and to ex; itc impiety and immorality, by ridiculing it in a certain parody, called the Political Litany, in whi<; h arc contained profane remarks on the divine service, & c. C, L. Barber, and a person named Harley proved that thoyhad bought the publication of the defendant. Mr, Mott, the Registrar of the Dean and Chapter of Lichfield, produced the Act of Uniformity from the Archives of the Chapter, in order to compare the Litany as by law established, with the Parodv, Some trivial objections vvero made. The Defendant then addressed the Court, in a speech occupying a considerable Space of time, and with great flue, icy, in extenuation of his conduct. He said that he otted the present persecution to the ingratitude of a man he had befriended, and that his arrest was founded in spiteful motives. The original Printer had been acquitted bv a London Jury ; and it could not be guilt in the accessary, which was not guilt in the principal. The publication was merely laughable ;— it was a popular way of shewing popular sentiments. His Lordship, in his chargc to the Jury, observed, that in his opinion the Parody was a Libel; and the Jury found a verdict— Guilty. The defendant will remain upon bail until next term, when he will lie brought tip for judgment in the Court of King's Bench. B O D M I N ( Coin, WALL) TCESBAV, AUG. 10. Thomas Ilyncs was put to the bar charged With uttering a seditious libel. He was a man of wretched appearance, who owned that he could scarcely read ; rather wild in his look and manner, and, en coming into Court, manifested a refractory disposition, like alf other seditionmongers and dealers in the Rights of Man. He said he | iad committed no crime and knew nothing about pleading. Being asked if he wished to put o f f his trial till next A s - sizes, he replied that he had no bail, and after some grumbling he consented t o I> c then tried rather than return to gaoi. Mr. SELVVYN, Counsel for the prosecution, then opened the pleadings it| a speech which rivctted the attention of the whole Court. He stated that this prosecution was instituted at the desire o f t h e Magistrates of Penryn, where the offence had been committed ; and they had acted with wisdom and becoming energy on the occasion. Wljilc other districts Of the kingdom were agitated by seditious publications,. w ithout number, the peace of the County of Cornwall had not been disturbed, perha[ « because those vile productions had not yet been circulated with impunity among its Ioval inhabitants ; and it was to protect thein from so impure a contagion, that the Magistrates deemed it a duty incuinbcnt on them to put a stop to the evil at once, by bringing the present delinquent to justice. It is not given tu man to loak into the course of time, aud to predict what events may happen at a future period: but if such proceeding* be toltrated, and sedition he allowed to stalk openly through the country iq the persons of such top| s as the prisoner at the bar— if Juries be not alive to the prescrration of ilic best interests of society, by upholding the li^ Ws anf exorcising a necessary severity upon these illiterate agepts of guilty authors, who keep in the back- grqund, reap the profits and leave them to their fate— there will be an end of all order and. government, and revolution must inevitably ensue. This Is'tne first case in the County of Corhwall that has been submitted tit a British Jury, and too imich prai^ ecanuot be given to the Magistrates of Penryn for setting so landiible an example, which will no doubt be followed, should ail Occasion offer, by those u( evefy town in the County. The pamptilct of which he had' thin day tq complain was not written in the free spirit of fair discussiqu, but was a malignant libel on the Church, the Clergy, the^ Go'. eminent, and even on the Koyal Family itself, and calculated to excite animosity against all that is gotfd br great in the Empire. John Ureu, the younger, saw the prisoner oil . Monday, the SSth of June last, in the streets of Penryn, crying various pamphlets for sale. He purchased one, paid a penny for it, marked it with his name and kept by him ever since. Here the copy was put in and read, but we forbear, for obvious reasons, to quote a singlet, sentence from so infamous a publication. The prisoner offered in his defence a licence signed by the Commissioners of Hawkers and Pedlars, which, as- be contended, authorised him to sell any kind of publication in towns and from house to house, iu any part of the kingdom, provided the primer's name were attached. .- The Learned Judge addressed the Jury in. a mewt eloquent speech, in which he explained the law of th£. c » sef: « lidj « tiiuhati. i caily touched upon the disorders which at this jtisjuieat distract various parts of the kingdom, and which he said, frad b> vn ed atid gfeatlT aggravated by such misehicw » t » l| i i> dpt$* ti_ u » l* aiid the mwtlisHflkPn to disseminate them Meeting Irk our List " Journal, and on tlie Bar of Fu'uiicr. tion, v.' c received from Mr. Hunt the following eoniKiit nication :—^ P R O C L A M A T I O N T H E T H t f t D. "• TO the ncroKMEHs or mascuestxh. axo xuoHc. p; t! utoor,. " Since 1 last addressed you 1 see by the - Ne vroul- cr. th- it tf->- j Ministers have published their Proclamation, In tbe nam-- of tb « Prince Regent, vowingvengear. ee against ail future \ lr* tinft Car Reform. 1 now see by this day's Courier, that tfit acting for the Counties' o f Lancaster and ( Jbe » ter have alio Jiu » - l is tied their Proclamation, denouncing our iUkietiug on tKa ixbt'oe Reform as an illegal Meeting, and they ctuition all pentMni tu abstain AT TiiEiit er. HiL from'ariending » . uch illegal iTloeting; as vtsj Chairman appointed '. u. pooa, de at Unit Alveuug, 1 Uo li « r « Uy publish this my Proclainatioij. " First, I shall attend lit ' tbe time appointed to preside at the said Meeting, under the full-' iinprvxiiuii that the aleeting ts not only legal but perfectly. constitutional, it being called ( or it> e py'r • pose of considering thy be^ t means ul promoting that great uUject, Reform of the Comiiionii' House of Parliament. " Second, If any pro| i( A. s( tvi) iK should be ollered wl-. kh ts ilWga.', as tbe Chairman ot that Meeting. I bold luyseU ri^ pun » d) i,, aii. i therefore I certainly shall not . submit it to the Meeting. " Third, There is no hiiv that empowers a Ma^ i. trate tp < ti* • perse a Meeting convened for such purjutse, UUK- K the trates of Manchester intead to act upon the- la *. v that ixi July, 1818. '- Fourth, The Magistrates having ordered ail persons ' t o abstain at their peril,' w hich means in plain ijn^ lish, that those wbo stay away from the . Meeting will do it at their peril, of course ait those who are Under the innuene* ofthe said Magistrates, will ceitaitily attend under pain of their high displeasure. " Fifth, If any thing seditious or illegal fcbould take place a* the said Meeting, surely the law, iq the bands of ihe present Attorney- General, aided by a packed Lancashire Special Jury, it quite strong enough to meet such au offence, unless tbe Magistrates mean to dispense with all law. and resort to open forte at once, which should they do, the Reformers will at all events tuuw what they have to trust to. " YOUR'S, &<. A. HUNT. » Coventry, on my road to Manchester, Aug. 5, 1B19." " N. B. This letter was received on Saturday the 7tk." • " Middleton Cottage, August 2, JSiS. " TO THIS r- rroRMFHs oi' MA. vciirjTru AVD ITS stloi; iioeMi( xH-_ " G11 NXn. MEh',—^ VS. yoa have done me the honour to inviu ttic again to presiileat a public Meeting to be heW at MaucheAler, oa Monday, tbe « tb tnst. in order to promote the cause of real Reform. ( I « rmit ine to address a few lines to you preparatory to mv meeting you on that day, through the medium of that truly independent and patriotic newspaper, the Manchester Observer, r. tuch is not only the most impartial but Which is the only Newspaper In England, that 1 know, honestly devoted to such a lle.' brm as would give to tbe |> eopl* their whole rightci through tbe means of Annua! Parliaments, Universal Suffrage, and Election by i a l l o t. In common with everyreal friend onibert. v, 1 have witnessed with great pleasure the numerous meetings of'the bravt Reformers of Lancashire, Cheshire, and Yorkshire, conducted with so much firmness and ability, and ending so peaceably and orderly, to tbe great discomfiture of the Boroughtiiongers. The Reformers of the Metropolis, however tardy, have at length held their mveiing and declared their union with the Reformers c. t" the North, nonwithstanding the denunciations of tile Prince Regent; and tbe infamous intrigues of the various factions cf shau'i Reformers j notwithstanding Ixmdon aud Westminster have beyp so long iyundated. The same infamous cowardly threats and hose acts will be resorteiLto, ill order to deter the Retormers from Meeting it Manchester on the 9th instant, as were put in practice with to much malignancy in tlie Metropolis, 111 order to prevent ths tpeetiitgin Smitbfield; and I have no doubt but they will be trailed by you with the same contempt, and that their bloqdy- minded l « i tentions will be frustrated by the same determined coolness to do your duty on the day of meeting as becomes men struggling to recover their long lost rights. Let tftc officers of Police uieet and enter into resolutions tu arm their miuiqns and partiiaas; be k so— let tbe Magistrates, with Mr. \ Vilbraham Rootle, and Mr. Isaac Blackburn at their head, in « vt and forward their handj works to the Secretary of State; be it so, we tlie Reformers bar* no objection;— if 130,000 regulars be not enough to maintain thu system by force, let them arm themselves; be it so, we have tio Objection. But this shall pot deter us the Keforatem from meeting also ; neither shall bills of iudietment nor packed ipecisl jurias deter us, when met, from expressing our sentiment* UJXJU tb « cruel and bloody acis of the Burouglunongers; and dunattdiiur the restoration of our rights as men, as freemen, ucd as Kiigli » t » . men. in consequence of the absence of Sba- n lteformei ri friHM tlie Meeting in Smithfleld, it was conducted with perfect order and decorum; and I have great pleasure in anticipating tlie « roa results frurn tile « « ine causes ou your Meeting, to the no - muli mortification of all those who, I have no duutit, are doing evorr thing in their power lo treats disorder, riot, apd tjloodsbed. !• I am Ueiitleuieii, j'/ ur obedient humble . Vtvow " I I . H U N T ." M A N C H E S T E R , AUG. the Part of the Orator - llm burial s- ervico, bv( j « uiiiig-.- with, •>.' Jtvtba inidkt,# J,. death." & c. and. the P. vdrn, the responses to W happy man gave in a line, ami aiidible Voice ; after which - he repeated in like mwiinar tSie;' IjOril's. Prayer,- at the" cotieJtisjqn qf • which the executumer comm. cpfed- tbe, dreadful) operations fur launching- tlie unfortuiiats. egljirit into eternity, but unfortunately he appeared not properly to understand his business ; it was neceAsTtrv repeatedly tfV adttfoiitsl^ him, and he was told bv the byestaivh rs, that the rope wt^ certahily too long. After considerable time h? d elapsed tlje riiiie was apparently adjusted, and the cap vws drawn ftvef the eves fit'tli'e culprit, and tied with a black handkerchief. ' The clergyman then asked him if lie had anything to pi- oiriulgate, in answer to' which, wfth the sai. ie firmness lie had previously exhibited, he w: itfi classical priMiuilCfation, uttered the following extempore prayer; — " O God, my Fatiie;-, into ' p ' y hands. l commit my Spirit; Iv merciful Unto me, and putter not the work of Thy hands to die eternally. 0 Almighty G" d, let my siifferiiigs in this last trial t « shwrt; bqt if otherwise. Thy will, () God, not mine, be done. O merciful Saviour, save and receive my soul. " . We tli, en dropped i; i » handkerchief a* a signal Hint he was - prejKired. Mr. ijinarf, the gaol- keepe^*, ordered the man who was at ihe head ofthe horse to move on, which he did not appear to understand, find the unfortunate man finding uo attention paid to his signal, threw hjmoelf froifl the c » rt, when, dreadful to relate, III* noose behlB • WHBlifIgly formed, ' he rope slipped, aud lowered the pqof j'ellflw so, jliaf his toes rested oil the ground. The gaoler mow'proposed to untis. him, ndjuit . ther. ope, and t- o- u the sutt'erer pft' aga!*)'. i> Mf (> pe r>( vtf) e oljicers of the Sheriff called aloud, for. a cpuM notabe procured for some minutes, but it was' ' S j f t f B t t brought, when, the. ground was dug from under hty feet, svKcji j> cre iieftl up . bjidbe executioner during the operation, and • fcr « h » period the acute suSVrings of. the dying rniiu were jmide >.. auifct b j a4ewp. p- ii( Dii,-. - The cuiiCvurMi pr^> ct; tytoiis1--, Hpt>! i iiiiusuaih- - ' null, in uumtts? not i* ulc ' ii buys and fflrh.. '. hi1- ^ elanuipij- - 41 n;,' c tjiai) tHv. copWbdif'gdhief'y oy it witii regrat-. that if Jaini s knew his brother/ that M U^ as « iKihR Min intvery improperly. J,! W more, that Jie Ought, la, baTegiveu the plaintiff time and dueoppcrtunity to inquire Tnto tbefiiCtV ofttio ' catii, which I am SUrry to state that he hns. iipt dtitie. Mj. dpci( l « t judgment is, there fore, this, that the agrcemen- s cannot stand; but I shall be liable t( S correction tWin " any tif yoii'in theicaw; if I am wrong. A mihiber of letters liave been read to shew me that this wae the deliberate act of Harry Gordon." All T" shall1 say is, that they prove quite the contrary to niu of wliat: tjiyy were intended." • Mr. Gordon, who is a liarrittcr, teemed uuifhjill'ected^ jiiMl, laying his baud on his lireast. declared hel'ore God tliat tlie evidence w as false, for that he never knew of the private marriage. The LOUD CiiAKfui. Loit— I am very glad to hear you so solemiilv protest your iniloctiict:. Mi-, troroan; iut allow me to say I ile believe'the affidavits! Awe, read aud heard read. I cannot get over what " they have stvt'fal, irntl't aHi'tiorry for it. Mr. Goiioo;.-— My Lord, I do from the bottom of my soul assure your Lordship that I was totally uninformed by Dr. llogg that such a thing hat';, taken pljice. My Lord, I cannot speak : but mv heart and conscience bear witness to the truth of what I urn saving. The Loan C « A » CF. I. LOR— I lament exceedingly liaving been compelled to hear such a case as this; but where I can be blaineih 1 know not. I fet'! for your painf ul situation, but God knows I must do my duty. You havi; heard the, witnesses' depositions; and really, Mr. Gordon, I illicit say,' with ail respect for you, that I must believe them milensyou can pi'ove to me they are guilty of most infamous perjury, t am sorry for you, but strict justice compl- ls me to do as 1 have done. You had better not say more as it will lead me to. the review of the consideration you paid for these agreements, which 1 don't wish to do, if I can help it. Your Counsel or vouself are al full liberty to point out to me where I am wrung;" I will hear them or you either ; but I must say that - I cannot resist this strong body of evidence which 1 now have against yopf claims- Convince n: c, If you think 1 do wrong, and 1 will'hear you ; hut my feeling, from an honest ConseicucC," is iajjlii thyt I- eannot do otherwise tliaij s. ay that I grant the application pf yojjr brutVor.' , J regret you jauie h-. ie at alL. . •' - i^& tp..: ,...! ' : , , • )'-,' ' ,., , "''- 1 lis THli MA. T- TIi. 1 qf. s x i n ^ s i , His Lordship' pronounced his jfii'dgvuiem in dusiiiaittlf i » bc, that thereAva's not sufficient evidence tictijrii WtawWarrtiiif hiln in'^ pjicriiediu'g the t'oniw. issiqti. His' Lti5dslijj » .' i » f'ter a siivrt - ca « veretttairt. Vitli'i<! iiVLv « ! feiV>'( the b^ fc^ gretdVj'^ jte liberty < ta> » a « '( f tliea. i. it) i'. ti/: e- sann'i-.- itiy die iii>'. i^ ififla mIiu lafcti ar1- rea^ v iu4' a3Vd' hi>. n tUul'jfe the iae& dr ini" ili! iaglit( i-$ i. i< i8e4itvjir-- ; d i-' i torn'., ••' •.;•"' ' • 1c -.'- -! : tiict. tm. IIIM N w uicncuni.., d/ v At ' - ' - j The Jury found the prisoner tfuilty,! » r MRwr * i< Mi{ tt » u> pamphlet, and he wis sentenced to six months' -( itipriialimvtn U « i* thaitny » ol- oviid all , vmr. miE RADICAL^ REFORMERS;. I ' N n l d T S t E N I S A G A I N S T MA J O E CAR- TWRJIGHT, EIJ. MOND1S, M A D H O C K S , I, K\ S'LS> A M ) WOOLER. ( From the Birmingham Argus. 9 i' The rumour of last Saturday is confirmed. Our stllv autlidrlt'ies have preferred and obtained Bills of Indictment against the individuals above named. " Immediately on the intelligence arriving in town, Major Cartwright and Mr. Wppler set out for Warwick, to meet their accusers upon tficir'ow iV'grAiml, ! hl4 ' ptit in bail to the charges preferred aganist tfltum"'- ?> HijflKtal't\ vriglit arrived at Leamington, on Monday,- andiMr » cWoofer at Warwick on the Wednesday summing, Qii0^' bursday, when Mr.- Pearson, as solicitor for the parties ivho were provided with sufficient bail, waited upon the agent for the prosecution, Mr. Spurrier, he was informed that the prosecutors could not tell the amount of the bail that would lie required, until he received orders from London, as the cause had been removed by certiorari into the King's Bench. These orders from London were not expected until Thursday morning; and when they arrived, the bail demanded was fixed at .500/. each for the principals, and two sureties each hi the sunt of ^ 501. The names of the proposed bail was instantly given to iNfr. Spurrier,, who replied that Imshotiy tal^ the lwil olfered for . Major Cartwrigljt, viz- Mr. Canning, (> f J'p? Cotc, and Mr. West, of Ulscote. Mr. Spurrier sajd lie did not know an. v of the parties proposed ior thc other gentlemen, and therefore should require'/ oVfy- ctgfe hours fio/ ice, befere lie accepted the sectiritv." 1 " : . • ."" , . < H < A T ( K ! I ( I . ' M. The followino valna'Ae doctunefits arc from the Another Bounce an the Part of the Orqtor - Hunt having heard ( luring tlie morning of yesterdnv, tliat a war*- rant had been issqed bv the Magistrates of Munchestef to apprehend him, and in order to show them' hew little hu cared far it, marclwd down to the New Baiky, m company with his friend Johnson, jn order to surrendei- himself to their authority, When he arriyed there, lie addressed himself with gratuitous magnanimity to the Magistrates ; informed them tl( at he had heard of the wuirant which they had issued against iiim ; added, that he now stood before them in order that they might, if they thought good, execute it upon him", and concluded by ' inquiring what bail they demanded for his appearance. The Magistrates stared with astonishment at the man they had issued no warrant for his apprehension, and therefore could not at first comprehend the object of the Orator's extra • ordinary visit. When, however, they did Understand it, they informed the Orator that he had' been deceived, and that no such measure, as he appeared to fear, waa theq » « agitation. Hunt, after receiving this intelligence, which be did with the utmost composure, bowed to the Magistrates, left the Court- house, and rejoined his friend and companion, who was at the dqqr waiting for li; ui. It is said here, that he volunteered this surrender of himself an Saturday, in order that liis bail might be accepted QU Monday" before the meeting assembled, and that he might tlieo ti enabled to meet the numerous friends, who will then Lc anxiously expecting his approach. It was yesterday evening reported ( and thfre are p* many reports current iu Manchester, that it is difficult to decide which are correct and which not), that there was lo be this morning a meeting c| f the Radicals from all . parts of this and the neighbouring county, in which the plan of to- morrow's operations was to be fully decided ou. The place of meeting is said to lie Whitepioss, a moor or. se ten miles from Muncheetcr. It is impossible to depict to you the state of trepidation and alarm in which the threatened meeting of to morrow has placed the inhabitants of Manchester. They look forward to nothing else but a general scene of rwt and disturbance. A large placard was issued last night, announcing, that a grand dinner would take place after the speccfufkattone of to- morrow, in which the Reformers publicly avow, that they will abstain frqm the use of wine and spirits, in order to injure, as much ;( s ji| them lies, tlie revenue of the country. They sav, that it is the first step in the new system which they have adopted against the Boroughmunojcrs: they intend in future to sfwtain from all hijjlitaxed commodities. They liipit their imtuliers also to two hundred, probably to make people suppose that more than that quantity have already allied for tickets. ' JW also announce, that those W| K> paid 10s. 6d. for therr tickets may receive 5s. t> d. Imck again, on ajqilicatioa at cliesier Observer. yiebTnu'st be'- followed discover idriti' titeft'- iv' We annutihetd the Pttefipobsiuctif of tin . M Ta n,.-- to its deit, to Tlanchcsltr tjie Observer office. ( F R O M O I K QTYN C O R R E S P O N D E N T ). O U T R A G E C O M M I T T E D BY A P A R T Y OF REFORMISTS} AT IHULL. The Circumstance of parties going out'to drill, having been much talked « bo » * fesjrp. twff persons, vj;. John Shawcross, of Blossoin- itreet, Salfonl, and James Murray, of Withy Grqve, Manchester, set out this morning about One o'clock, for the purpose of ascertaining this fact. On • thiif^ way t^- avds Middleton, these U o persons passed • scventl vpiatL v- ho -. vcrc in regular mprching order, uv. d they heard a gfcat tuaiiy mbri- pirtiesfaljwj; to'-.. Hih Wti%, and front the- answers'being r.;., re distant, every tune they were repeated, suppose.' th/ fields'for some exteut- cuutamed different parties. TittN, place- appointed for a general muster was Whitemoss, betwixt Middletou and Oldham. When Murray and Shawcross arrived. at this place, there Were at least' 500 men iit drjlT^ thiJ; greater part were drilled iu a body ; there were squads of 15 or 20 each. It was now kaltf- ptitt thmeja'cloek a. m. and nearly day- light,; Shaweross and M, WT. vt wire within 50 Virds of the main hotly : a: W) h< tLt? ttft ot' Rayner, who had hcen sent by ShawciVfrS- lfiifkMurrfu- to hear what Was passing, came back, ty.' flif: i') i|,"::. afi{ t ' Said, " the persons at drill say, here ic . Giiigtwrnasi '. lack coining," ( meaning' Murrrfy),. " d— n hiiW/' We'll'piv him, if he comes here." Shawcross. then wished to go away, seeing the eyes of the persons at drill- ft, sej, upon them— the crowd on seeing tliem both go - aWayi said, D— n ' em at em," and some of t} ieui. came. after them, and said " come back, totrifc back" Being still pursued, Murray and Shawcross fled towards a 1. ni< v< where they were overtaken, and asked - what they > vc- rj:"-. doing^ there— Murray said, it was curiosity brought there.— Near 100 persons then attacked Murray and Shuwcross with sticks, stones, and their foet. Soine oiW. kiiockisI Shawcross into the ditch by a blow on the,- head, and they called out. " k i l l him— murder him." While in tin- ditch, one of them kicked Shawcross, who for wwc time remained senseless ; when he recovered, lie. found . th'em still beating him, ami' On his calling " muriler.{.'' tlu? T') Sai. d,'." D — n him, finish him."— After a few Mtfroblows, he was left apparently dead, but he; was enabled tb'get oyer a hedge; and- w. itii some difficulty crawled, to Middleton, and lias been since got to Manchester. Doctor Oilier, who ; bas eiauiinpd him, i$. of opinion that a deep sul • on- Shawcross's lip lias been dotiu by sonic sharp instrument.' Till! back ruiil loins of'Sllawc'ros9 have been beaten to a jelly ; and lie is now cuhflnrd to his bed, and likely to remain there- some time. . Murray was more' abused', if "|) o, 3sibte1' thaif Sli; nvcros. i, rtnd ' lwj lieen- brought home in. a . c j ^ e , atid js now confined to hLs'bed. Histhighs and leg! hayo Weil dreadfully beateh by bludgepns. The depositions of both oi' them have been taken by the Magistrates. ES* KA « T.' OF. ANOTHER PRIVATE LETTER OF THE - ' ' "' SAME DAT!-'. " . To- tu i.- rmv the public meeting, of Reformers will take }> laee. The postponement of. it from the 9th to the 1 © th'itist., has increased the agitation ofthe public mind; andwfof subject has beco « t^ th< S l o ^ o f eftm'tnsation. vbut. wliat relates to the ' 31 -} Wf « f rW'.' W'tl t& Rsttf. n Mrtli- ie fvsti;: a'* n d the means taken -'''^ Yeswiflwtf teas ama/ rketidayy and numbers of people v'" aS0S were eonseto preside at thtyCflsu'ihgmeetiHgi and his presence io. the streets, created in the uiuSi of till-. peaceable iu!|: ibitants some degree of " alarm. A nmnlier of men and ' lidys followed him, crying Ollt ' Hunt for Ci'er ! Hunt ami Liberty.! ' • " It will scarce!-,' he credited to what an extent the delusions of many oi'thes « p o i j t f ; c a r r i e d . They really believe that'a Reform- ' will Ssupply all their wants, and to attempt to conviriecJt3iei? i1Jtd the contrary;- is imputed to motives of oppression ; j^ s.' if the rich only wished to keep the poor in bondage." • T O T H E E D I T O R O f T H E COURIER. Sltt,— I- should not perhaps have acknowledged the flattering uO. tice you have honoured me with in your Jyurii. il of the 7th instant, if the subject upon which you have commented, and the precise time itself, tiad not given tlwit Journal a, temporary importance;- .. . At ttofWcfefc Meeting of Justices in Session at J- iivsrpqol, spokciv of by you, I had ground then afforded - me . . . 1 . : „ i . t : *. :-.. whether the i! SiWrSS?! 1 it i- hop& l an..- iiviV.^ M- Pje noiirinf n^ i'ft apjie tnb^ sir ov. rt. rht, in ttiut pr- ie^ t itingt nairtPlyWA 1 1,1,;'•(., ihe Military Chief', at .; uch, - ii' the County of Cbestvr, with tho. t'iw; Commission of the Peace. The Ml^ wiiis} placard'was postal up in the lun- n'nbourhood. of tlte Burpugli this morning :—- •• U \ 1 V E R S A ! . , C I V I L . AN't, iet>.' t;!(> I'(> rt: J L I B E R T Y. " SURREY AND SOUTHtV. UtK ' y^ EE'nNG.- j " ICENNIN'CTON CO. UMONVON MOSIJAY, AUO'. A-,, '" TWEf. V - ' E * W « UU « s3K',' " :• ' To consult U| H) ftjlllft IBOJFT--| j? « i)? rf, s|) oe4y and e| fectuhli means of obtajiimg, jtljgjr rights, ., iju. l„ the Reform'of the Commons House yi- Parlianieut, aiid redress o f t ha manifold grievances which a patient, honest and industrious people have long suffered, " anJ upon the propriety of making a public, manly and energetic appeal to the 1' utNCK and to the People.— Hex'uv H U N T , Ksq. solicited- to take the Chair. Bv order of t h e Comrtiit'tce, Dr. NS' i s SHAW. T H E A T R E . R O Y A L , I I A Y , \ I A R K E T. This Evening, T H E H E I R A T LAW. After which, E X I T BY M I S T A K E. To- morrow, The foundling of Ihe Forest, with Blue Devils, and The Prisoner at Large. MAII. S \ rrrveii'i— i diiflflh," iHV- itoi'ford, 1 Hamburg. i'icii. is- t » F; » i O< t;' KW W i t s A; JT" ONE7T H Bank S w c i 8311 232 3 per Cl. lt,- d. iSUjli 3 perCt. t- oiis. ' T i f TOl 3J per Cent- SI 1% 4 per Cents. 91jji] 5 per Cts. 1054 104} India Stock 220i lil. lla tt nils 1- 1 15 pin. Ex. Bills ( Sid.) 1 2 pm Long Ann. 19J 3- i(> Oinnium 5 5J 5 pin Cons, for Ac.' 71J 72i 7 S'/ jSi^ litutiou as fiy ;•" aiiid - fib jiiSt'uer, sagelv proposfw,! jliitf . ii'. V ::. ujy, nuwfiijg. sjionld, at any tune, assume an appearance to juilij'g tdarni and tiny extraordinary interference of the Justices, Vhey will consider it a reason - able and just"—- what ? a reasoiuible and just cause for putting it d o w i i N o such thing. When alarm U jiistificdf and when the . extraordinary mSerfWenee of the M ; igistraey is justijied, why then, vOii mav ". iikjiillv. iiito tlie cmlfcs of the coiniriotloH:" Preeiselv as rational wotiul it lie if a niaii's house were. irJjicienify on lire, to justify' alarm and an tfUaiirdinhru inicrf& vnce, for that ' man, to ascertain whether it hnike out in tlie kitchen or the parlour, and whether front desigii or accidetit; before lie suffered a single bucket of Water to be emptied ii| K> n the flames. That such miscliievims . noiisonse as this Was not replied to by: his brother Magistrates, does rio't surprise' us; and if the Colonel supported his resolutions by a speech of the same quality, we must still beg leave to remind huu, as an explanation of tlie silence w hich followed, that " contempt often produces as profound a sileute as conviction." THK C O U R 1 K R . TUpSDA Y ttVtiM. YG, AUGUST 17. No information had been received, at the molheht of our going Rr press, as to tlie issue of the . meeting ye^ tcr- r day at Manclii'ster* . It was expected the' assembly " would be . immense,. and we ieurn, bv a brivate letter, dated eleven , - . ,. -'-' jojx tjitjt' 3 - JI if's: . y m h yif'J| o'clock on Stuidav^ niglit,., thaf. there was, a great influx; of Magistrates'in the- town, vyba- i- wece, at that moiueut, in We beg leave to point- out to the attention of our readers, in a preceding column, the issue of a trial at Warwick, in which a man of the name of BUSS'KI. I. was found guilty for selling one'of Hiis'ii's infamous Parodies, and tor which HOST himself was iiot only acquitted but rewarded. We shall say. nothing,, as to which Jury, the London, or the - W a r w i c k ' l y ^ 4 t 3 c i i » r t ' i i ) its duty t^ society. The fact is both curious anil.: im; ioi'tutit. Letters have been received in town this ijav, from the Cape of Good Hope. Their latest J; ite is the 1.7th of May last, and they contain accounts of an incursion of the Caflres upon Graham's Town, which ended, however, in their complete discomfiture, mid the loss of nianv killed and wounded. They are not likely to appear again very soon. The following: are extracts :— " C A P E TOWN', M A Y J . The Cadres have broken out, and a very serious war is carried 011 at present on the borders. It is said that the Savages are to the amount* of50,000; arid : l detachment of 6,000 attacked Graham's Town, ou Sutuaksv week, about 12 o'clock in the day, but were rqmlsed, uml 150 left dead 011 the field. They carried off .' 500- wounded. Orders have been issued in every district of the Colony, for the young Boors to enrol themselves to oppose the enemy. The settlers are in a sad state, as the Caffrcs have stolen all their cattle. The war is said to haVb been occasioned by the conduct of Litfut. • • —, who had the command in 011C of the districts." " MAY 10. The 13th regiment, commanded by Col. W I L T - S H I R E , have come up with tho main body of the Caffres near Graham's Town, and have defeated them with great loss. Since then they have withdrawn from the British territory. The 5- ltli regiment arrived at this place a few A Ma,!, from IL. iriburijh has arrived*. i^ ijs moriiii. jf, bringing Papers to the 1 l t f c instant.- A c< Sihmiiau; ation addressed by the Frnssiin Govc. rnment to that oi Russia, says, an article from New Sire-, litz, of the iii. ti, luis led to the arrest of Candidate, L1 , of sou of a deceased Ci^ ravinaii. lie .. brought iiitii St. Pi'tersbiirgh 011 the 21st lilt., tun! plaeoil , •- under a strict guard. A dagger aiid two " pistols' were"-^ found in his lid- isessirin. lie lias yec'ciltlv ' j e l f ' t f i e t ^ f ? *^ " » '•' •' -'-'-" J - » n- » Ve, S't ' V' . , , , , ,. : / ; " ' - « •-•- ^ v; Lord I. YSIKTCIC, abeoiiipaiilcd bv Mrl. GllAritAAi, arrived at Hainburg, It is conjectured that his-' Leirrbdups":.- intends to proceed ( in a vi- it to l$ s" brother- in- law,• I. orJ • C a t h c a r t ; ae^ t. dE^' HfsiiuRi,. Exehanga on . Lifiktoi. K Aiig., . i. — 3,",. .- L — Aug. lit.— 55, 7.— T^'. i. 10. • r , - 1 - - . - -•'• - -- •' ' " ' .. IM mbfttiiiJrvSM eleven o'clock, at hou'sc it! Sti Jamt- s's- sijumv, from lis seat, North Cr;<* ; after transacting- business. • at ha' ortu- e, lie ivtunied tirfek tif North Ci'uy tit two. His - Loci- " * ship was in perteel health. Friday, the Right Hon. Sir St'OTT arrived -'! tlie Mii'tision- hotise, in " Newcastle, oil a visit to tii^ r-: Mayoress, Ills i n e i t . l i f e bells Rulg liiefrily on the ooca* sioh to a lat^ BrtUt? 1^'' ^ ^"" ' ' J -•<• : • •. His Majesty's ship CyrMfe,- Captaiif Tozrcti, arrived tit Halifax on tlie 25th Jitne, iri daVJ- froiii Bermuda, and iled again OH, tife 4- th ult. fot-' the Ba^' of, Fundv, Iroiii whence she' rcturiii'iT'qu the ' 14- th f his Majesty's shij, Newcastle, iU'a^ Adiii'iraltl Hl- i^ Tlts, arrived at Halifax Oil the 2Gtli Ji| Mj in sevteHd. iv? ilAil Bermuda, aiul nailu. 1" again . m the- 1- th lilt, for Qitcbee. ' Flic- following etcfei& t ( if rt - letter ffo'irl Atiwt » tijs-, flBe « fsfc! » B ing to the Mor> ti: i » C'itvnieie,-{ rom a respeotSlile EnglisHco Ijousb, thiife'!— f'" ' l3-" JJflf'-^ J vtno -,.,'-.- a| f) t ™ V, upon. whicll- XO fiij^ c ah enquiry paper was to bo received by the Commission of t! Peace as an accredited, though erroneous, expounder y fjf lavvs ; and an authorised, though gratuitous, admonisberof Magistrates. The document announcing thi3 new office aud assumption, having been ojjicially. forwarded to me from the Manchester Session two days before, as a printed circular, entitled— " ' " { Ext,• Act from tlie Courier, JiJy 25, 1819)" " On the means of preserving the public peace" lias decided inc.; for while .011 your part you are received as one of the- " Constituted Authorities," it may not be iuipropCr'WvrmAe lO'- subihit: your Tribilnal—( inchuling. lhe readers who have been invited to associate 111 v name with disgust")— Alt' actual coursc of proceeding which I adopted in Session, and which is thought to be so Judicat i v e of- heresy, ami so wortliyjof proscription. I have the lionour to be, & c. ••>••.<• 1 • - s o e ' i GEORGE W'RI.' FFI^ IWI' J. i. ttle WMutton, Aug. _ ' . ; ' ^ j consultation with the Militarv?@ hiefk' One of our Maucl'iester le. tfars to. day, communicates the particulars of a brutal outrage committed upon two respectable and unoffc'hding individuals whom curiosity had led to witness the iiosfufnal drilling of the disaffected. Certainly it was a want of pmdencc to invade the haunts of those ruffians; but' it is td be hoped the principal aggreasors in, ( Jie< eowa^ illy., assault will be duly punished.— There are.: ( iprstwSy -. itiKsee^ S, who can still heroically doubt the fuct-:-" of" tliosU'soereti. military trainings, and a wiseacre iu' tile TiMes' o f ' tliri " morning, professing to write from Manchester cvein'lL. Mks of the meeting at Mid- • ';.'(;; '.' iiilifi::.- v : , , •• dleton, which we uicntioued on Thursday last, " as meeting in • nuiihus" Vi e s!. f> lild,. be very much iueli'tied to look1 for the wrke/ u wits'in ' that region. Our readers doubtless reuiember, thaf^ ite- W'ti 10 " men were actually. apprehended, and have since' been held* .. to bail, for bting present at this identical meeting— in tlif . clouds. We suppose the indictments were laid . in the comity of Aye. We have given, to- day; H U N T ' S Proclamation) as he. insolently terms it, and a letter addressed- bviiilti to the Reformers of Manchester and its neighbourhood. We really wonder at this man's hostility towards us, for we pay him infinite attention. There is scarcely any thing he does, or says, or writes, but we hasten to inform the world of it, and generally with such comments of our own as must surely convince hiia that we entertain a ' peculiar regard for him. It is fraiii tlii's feeling, alone, that we now suggest, how much better he would talk if he understood English, aud how much better lie would write if lie underitSMiiT grammar. ' fheAyant of these trifling accomplishll^ tftsjijakes - mahv Jjcopie mistake him for a vulgar, illiterate blockhead, wi'A, ' wofii i'uiiljce in his heart than wit ;} u !' lijj . Ijead. '; ^^ hoi'iffldw all his amiable qualities; and all his various acquirements, are afraid to put in a good word for him, lest sincerity should be doubted ;, but if; we . can only bring, him, by dint of discipline, to use good, words himself, lie will not stand in need of our assistance. With this view', we would earnestly rcfcomtliend him always to consult some reforming stjhool master upon what lie wntes, before he publishes, and then we, should not see such unintelligible sentences as may be found in- the aforesaid letter. And if lie were not quite so ' Uoody-^ yil^ vl— with his pen, we mean, it would be. al) the better. He is really as frightful as we, once deemed raiv kcadr: Hiui . Uvfjy loues to be. We are afraid, how ; ivc*>,' Jwi'> 1 « .<& .••!]>! I^ njfiarised his iuiaginatioil- with blood, vfiftlWaB-' lts: possilJe modes of being, slied, .( eXcep. t one, that; his propensity to- that fluid iiijU . inr » i « s< M> la> i- as iii - aU,' otlier ferocious animals. - "< n :< JalUfpiiuq ( days ago from England, and have since been marched off for the frontiers. A large number of infantry have lieen mounted on horseback to enable them to pursue more effectually the savages. They are all In excellent spirits It is reported that our present Governor is going home and that another has been anointed." Rumours have liecn afloat during the day,, of inttdlpgcnce from the South of Spain of an insurrectionary spirit having manifested itself. No certain groiuid was stated for the nejiort, and we . know, that letters from Cjiufiz to the 28th ult., and from Madrid to the 1th instant, said nothing to warrant it.. \ Veat: kugth-, traced. it to ift- i>: t; i> iii, in a letter*. from Valencia, ' dateif'illC " ISdi ifefvi'ivbicR'contains tlie following paragraph. " We are. in a very disturlied afjd . iljsjressjhg state this quarter, as all the mountains are occupied by banditti, and'there is no travelling but in large companies.— We hope soon to bo released from this condition, a » ' ' a ' bodr of the King's Chasseurs has arrived to our assistance, and in the course of three nights has- made capture of more than forty robbers. They killed nine or ten others in the Ww8ftpPit'P " an* nobniO' u'uiai " '-. ' V-- We do not ii|( fj that any of these bands have any political objects in view, and all their efforts seem to be directed to the acquisition of plunder. A Gentleman who left Cadiz on the 20th of July, and who was prisi'nt during the late commotions, asserts I that they have been greatly . exaggerated, an< l that -' mly lion 3IU i: Ml O) I.- .1 ' I'V. Si •• A l A C ) S t , . H.' t. Y'fll " Repeated ordefs from I \ f xz, the Minister of Fiuanopr x haviiig- bee'ii ii'ivtii tli'o; ir Consiilado, to make all foreigners pay the coikrIlmti(' ms and forced loans raised for the. fitting out of tlie Cadiz expedition,, and Sjfert^ gxKJW Wic 1, LESI. KY, our Ambassador at Madrid, 011 the otlivr hand, advising us to resist, we have all, in spite of ik<? - late Treaty, had our property embargoed and sold at public auction, to cover the quota mid the costs. Our share alone was 12,500 rials, whilst the Spanish houses of the first class have only paid 4,000 I We all sent it petition by courier to the Ambassador, who, without loss of time, attended to out1 claims, and sent us baek an- order. from the Minister of State, to stav proceedings until the- King's return from Sacedon ; but the Gonsukido snvs tJtify have ouly to obey the orders from the Mimsturi'ef Fi « diii> « v" i and having once got Qtir money will not . easily, return it." } • TilE D T ' K I I ' O R WELLINGTON*.— Euraifctxif a:] irivater: letter front " Atlt- la- tlli.' jpeMej tia/ tctf- A^ ust'-' l r o f . Resolutions submitted by George Williams:, . tejthe Justices, i i ' c . :— ,. , . . The Justices assembled in Quarter Sessions, at. Liver- ' ' pb^- fte'lld'bf August, 1819, having taken into their, , . consideration tlie latter addressed to the Clerk of the Peace, fronitjic Earl of Derby, in which his Lordship refers to " a Copy of Resolutions entered into by the Earl of ••"'' Staiftfbrd'- atid Warrington, as- Lord Lieutenant, and tho-' ' Ma^ U'trstdt ofti. e C ounty of Chester," have come to the .^.^ jliowiug R'cf'olutions, viz.:— j )„ . - J . ' fiiatjjreatdiseonteiit prevails in thu County. " wliatvyt'f Se the proceedings and object of the di^- r, clearly admits the importance of defendj^ ncy^/^: the. Constitution, confessing at the same time;' r ' thi;^ X]) ress| onaV'&' y taw established," not to be accurately under- ,' v. w ^ lSC- W ^ ariii cm df lije - peace tiiey are prepared tp adopt the imjst- vigyr^ ifi. s'.- j^ v; •>••'£ tl, te -' vjio. vve. r, office, and duty with which th. cy are enlru^ U'J lVv their commission, or by the several statute* , V-' uic. i< ' havc'creai^ l.^ jecl^' olVth'ijiV- jurisdiction," iu support of -• Ahat Con^ tituriou. L.,- r., v- ^ r.• - .4. - Audthat crisis they will, as in. duty bound, take cognizance' oi'bfeaduc^ of " the peace \ v| vich arise out of popular meetings. _ •• 5. That in reference to those sacred principles of the Constitution t^ iwhich the attention of this Bench been callpd by the ffl[ llvs^ ltitious- alluded to,, the J. ustU\ csxanj^ ot? vfus « to vvc>| jnise the ^ i- igtit secuVetl to' ^ he people that Kjoristhiition,'- tb assemble— to - i- o fe^ uive'r^ drfess of any grievances tljey 7 That it suclv'Me^ lyjg^ snould al ariyJ tune " assume an. apw ' pcaranoe to i, « ^ 5sidt^ iwLr^ i^ zW. yJintei- rfcrcriicae \ o£ ti. e Justices, they wil- i t oi}. sider it a reawmable and just prelinuna'ry to infj'uiri/ fTiHv tiW bo^ e 1 iideavour to procure the removal of ^ ijy ^ iich c^^ O^ as , Chp, li'iOfvt tM'ci tu. ii means 01 restoring pei* n! kanent tr. Unjiuiiiiy. 7. That tiie jealousy \ Vilh vi- hieh the presL- nt lJench ttiUfttleyer view the sligf4" « * t'. tretjoasi an the principjes. ofthe Constitution, much'insisted oii in the Uesoiutioiis already alfuded to; will We have received. a'letter from Colonel WiLM- A^, 0lu; thotisand six hundred men. OR two battalions, laid one of County of La. teaster, c o n i . f down their ar. ns by the orders of O ' D O N N K L : they ' r. uuiica « n « iHthy aWofito&'- VlucI, be deemed if. fit. to maJu 110 rusIsta,) ci''' M ll" » f l , r t k ' i r I f e f f propose to the Justice*' ill Session at Liverpool:'' The " nmediafely.; - It. should seem that the Officers, after they Colonel calls upon, us to " give his letter in full, or to had o l ) t a i u i ^ l i ^ 4 i » . K o of raid; and pay, previous to .•... .' rn c r . • >> i i ,. I their detiartur. v fof .. South Ani'erifa. intriinii'd wirlj. ith,*" • Ulai Peace. kstone'i ilvfiititioii of the Office o f t h e Justices of the Duke of WI t; I • IN'DTOK, aceolilpiiniedbyeolonek: dw6fS) rl' and GREVILLK, arrivell here'yesterd. ly « t thiihiight-, tH » » (, S| ia. Several English fqthilids'of^ distiueti< flr- wiio. arethtw<, i at present prevailed upon his Grace to pass a day vyitli^. them in coming from Brussels.- Wis^^ Grace - alighted, the Grand Hotel, antl iriscl- ibed liis iiaiue not Meit « f< WELLINGTON, but "¥ iii\ kev$ f- WataAbo. This, mornut^- he set out fat Berlin, passing. by Cologne and Coblenti. I, think I may give yon a certain assurance, that his mission has for its object the arrangement of the Aliflerehces betwaen Sweden and Denmark, which are suit, far from being settled. BER. VABOTTE is on the point. of being abandoned by the Eni^ ierdrof R U S S I A— a Circumstance which will increase- tlie diflieultics of hU nofition. The object of the DnkVs'urission will no doubt Wlvhim to.- Warsaw, where the Eiiiperor OCRITSSJA will •^ Mlvtf: in the. vnsuing month. One of the principal - Spfesj^ a^ tttrt Mtm'arch is'to fix the fuUirc deistinies of TVlatlil. . Since that kingdom has fallen under his sceptre, •. to& totkxHiiycted its organization with tin anxiety,' aiid Vit^ hed'ItB" prosoeritv with a predilefctioo, which is said to. have excjtej mit a Itttle the ' jealousy of tiie Russian noblesse. You will remember, that tlifcre Was sopie time ago a report that the Duko of W E I . L I N G T O N was going to be present at the grand review of troops- before Petersburgh. ThiS" iviw ' incorrect; but he will ' enjoy- a similar speetadS- aFWiviiiW- > v . MR » A « J! i » ! Vf1tst' S T E X T F rom the favourable certificate receiye'dffoifl St. Bartholomew's Hospital yesterday morning,; w^ ieh- rfpteeents Mrs. STENT as continuing to improve" iH'-' h£ f health;;- she is consii'. ered us sufficiently ttcll tosbe:, lS) ftJf^ wTOhoiit danger, to attend and give her depositio'rtip,,, l* he,' M* « istrate has therefore appointed tomorrow "( Wetllit'Bdny) for the final examination of lier lMiihanJJ.';; l" bpr- . gpiKvp^ j . . . 1 CLT,"-.;'-, '. ' -•„— . . . . . . ' THE PRINCE UEGENZ L'OLLTSMCLUTH, AUG." 15^ The Roval squadron is at its moorings off Cpwes. When the Prince Regent first went ashori; there, the landing place was covered with green cloth. His lloval Highness has since dispensed with, the ceremonies that have been usually offered him. , Oii Friday last the yacht went a little way up our harbour, tyul fhen returned to her station at Spithead. It is rumoured that,, a poor woman, whose husband fe htller sentence of transportation, forced her way through tlie soldiery, Ititjjj'jirt'- sehted a petition to the Prince it » his favqur, . who, graciously received it, and assured her it should be • attended t..-. Sir Georje COCIJMU'II' went. to town aizaiu give our reasons in full, for refusing," We. h: iye at] the former, as the most candid . course at all times,;' aud tlie most desirable, in the present ease. Our readefs mav rcpifi^ bpf^. t^ a niaii of the'name % f SAXTON, ( whom, in his private note to us cifte'^ ailliiibnowfl- idnd uhwtliprised writer,") in his addresij pos'i|> uning the ' i « teiidcd ' Manchester Meeting of the Ojjfci.' SAID) ' F.' tolonel WILLIAM'S, a County Magistrate, had, the. honest boldness On Monday last, at the Liverpool • Quarter Sessions, to advocate your cause and the cause Of the Lancashire Reformers, before his b. Othor Magistrate.-." We, in adverting to this statement, observed that if it were true, which we doubted, we could not but mention tjic '. iwiae of that Magistrate " with disgust." S A X T O » . - ' ' the whole Bench were confoundedii' neWjs - ddnuks*} » ) u> would not be confounded at soff<% 4t'i$ yW » f'tf « y.' at. a uioiifent. like the present ?", r ^ t S l ^ i j i d d ^ l v ' a: iiio. ont/' replied- tb,' his Constitutional atgtynep;.."-,' V,' g subjoined, what cannot Be denied, that.'.". eoptwBp^. a) id abhorrence produce as profound a silence as cortvict! on.' Now what.. does Colonc/ WlLLIA. MS do, by way of exculpating himself froni these charges ? lie very politely transmits to us the Resolutions he actually moved, on the occasion, in one of which lie professes fiot accu. rutciv t j u ider. tauj . he aie. i: s: n j o. ulitasc depar'tijr^; T6! K.^ oiifth: . America, intrigued with men, to prevent their going. A |> ortion of the 3060 which sailed on the IStli, consisted of some part of these t^ italUWfa'.'; '•••-••-' - • •.-, ! We learn from the letters from Madrid, that the Treaty with the United States for the cession of Florida had not been ratified. The Paris Journals of Saturday last have arrived this morning. The following are extracts: — " P A R I S , AUG. I t-. ' " The Duke de R I C H E L I E U , yesterdav, left Paris for Courteil, an estate belonging to the Duchess de R I C H E - L I E U . He will return to the capital in the course of eight d.-. vs. " On the ! 2th inst,, Count C A F O D ' I S T R I A left Paris for London. RARNCII FCNIIS. AUG. 15. Five per Cents. 7lf. 40c.— Bank Stock, 143.: f. " DRESDEN, ALTG.- G. ( E X T R A C T OF A P R I V A T E L E T T E R .) *'• It is sail), tlrat M. JAII- N is. not coufiiied-. in - the fortnss of Cusiriiij but in that of Silberberg, in SiJesia. He is well treated,. ' and allowed a'boltle of wiHt daily ; but he is. el6 » l)', wr. t4tcd,' . / "'^ i'- he KIIIG- of PRUSSIA arid tlie' Duke of Wr. LLfNtiTONjirpon tire liWitatjou of the ' Emperor Al e x a n - 8EK, will proceed to Warsaw, to be jirsscuf at the " Grand Reviews of the Polish Arm v." • • J P i - yWterday. The Duke of York is expected W'e tosnor- . rofjv, on a visit to the Prince', iilieiitls'to gtiJoiind the 1 Ish) Wight, through the Nee4fc? i,. aftd to retiirti by way St. T'le. feii's. Our town- is unusually lull, and the company seems to increase ikiily. The Fengear sails in the morning for Plymouth ; aodtV. tlypcetpn, the Commodore of, the Prince's conyOVr, ' is in the expectation of being relieved, for the purpose of'proc'eediiig td a foreign station,— rumour says, South, America. Some ofthe Congrev'e rockets have becft disetfar » ed from the Hyperion, to show the Prince Regent their destructive effect. A ' . - F F 4 L INTELLIGENCE. PORTSMOUTH, AUG. 1(),— Arrived his Majesty's ship mede, from the iMediterranean. Sailed the Zephvr, Cox, for Cronstadtj and Thames, W'aynton, for Ilam. bro^ His Maj** ty'* ship Lif^ e'y went out of harbour, and brought up at Spithead.— Wind HARWICH^ AUG. Wind E. S. E.—- Arrived the Lord Nelson packet, from Holland; and Eclipse packet, tVoui CuXhavwi, both with mails. DEAL, Acq. 16.— Wind S.— Arrived and sailed for this Uiver the Princess of Wales, Sims, from Jamaica; W'hartow, Purdy, irom Miramichi ; and (. iovernor Myers, Hogarth, from PiCtou. .\ i rived and ^ remains in the JJowiis tile- Agaunern^ on, transport, from the Westward. : . LIVKRPOOL, Aoo. 15.— Arrived Wi) Uan>, Mfjyown, from Charleston, in 7> S days : on lOM" J'^ fvi iwloifg'. ( ig. slit? spoke th » i'an'ie transport, from Honduras for PoHsruouthi iJpVER, AUG. 1<>.—- i-' assed yo. sfefrtiiy' the'v'Ciam, Parker, from oCftar. i; for llotterdarii; shv >. pt> I< y, in Ini. 45. lti, long. 54. ti eVolm, '- Tiioni « s, of Liverpoirl, tr- ovn • l^ o^ Kkrt'Tutrry, with 400 pa. » f> engei;> on board, bonu'd to bt/ John's, ' / A s, AUG. L." S.— Arrived THE NEW Middkaon, Car^ ill, fi'oitv oixvuiund; with 10 lish, 80 tuns; DURHAM ASSIZES, Friday, AUG. 13. CROWN COURT— MURDER. Eight o'clock this morning was the time fixed for this trial; but < o great was the curiosity to see it, that soon after V every corner mto which a human being could squeeze himself was occupied. At 8 precisely the trial began. It was obviously of a nature to excite the greatest interest. We recollect an extraordinary trial for muMer'at Lancaster, two years ago, when a father, his brother, his son, and another, were convicted of the murder of two helpless females, who were left in a house where considerable property was to be found, and were put to death only as a security • gainst the detection of the robbers. This case was remarkably similar to that of the Ashcrofts. Hut here only one unhappy woman was i: i the house. To her murder, however, was added the \ urum- f of the house, iu order to conceal both the robbeiy and the mu. ier. , In this case too, as in that of the Ashcrofts, the evi clence against the prisoners was entirely circumstantial. But the difB ulty was much increased in the present case by the lapse of four years since the atrocious deed had been perpetrated. John Eden, aged 28, James Wolfe, aged 56, and Geo. Wolfe, his son, aged thirty, were charged with the wilful murder of Isabella Yo'. mg, at Herrington, on the night of the' 28th Aug. 1815. Mr. WILLIAMS opened the case to the Jury. The nature of the .. imrge against the prisoners could not fail to have engaged tieir attention. Any attempt on his part to excite their attention would be improper, therefore, as being superfluous. But it • juld bo improper tor another reason: any thing of exaggeration or inflammation which might withdraw their minds from c t and deliberate investigation would be most improper.— • lit 1 .•"• ro was in this case wherewithal to rouse their feelings, if he were to dwell upon the circumstances. A young woman, • . : • > and defenceless, was the person brutally butchered; the' iio-.' M was set in flames to conceal her blood. Such -,•.•„, circumstances of enormity and atrocity attending the , t « e they were to inquire into. But their great business was -. o inquire who were the persons that had perpetrated this iro- jious. deed. He would shortly state the outline of the evidence to be laid before them. Isabella Young had been I the service of Miss Jane Smith, siuce Lady P - at, a lady ' j'. jroat opulence, and i f singular habits and manners. On- ,. ner angular habits was to have only one female servant in her hoiiH". Miss Smith had been from home for a week previously to the t. mrOer, and had left Isabella Young in her house at Herringtin, a village 4 or 5 miles from the town of Sunderland. Isabella V org had been alarmed the night before this fatal attempt; she had heard the bar removed from the door, and in consequence solicited a neighbour to sleep with her on the night of the 28th of August, 1815. ller solicitation failed ; but that neighbour. heard her'bolt the door ct 10 o'clock. Another neighbour found her about ev'o o'clock- next morning murdered. The house had been - el lire so; but the lire hail not reached the part where she was at - ho time he was seen and dragged out. That She murder had been •• ororaitted by some persons or other would be proved, therefore, JIKI all controversy. He would now state to them the evi- •" iK.- e which affected the several prisoners. John Eden had been soldier in the Durham militia, who marched into Newcastle on the 2Stb of Aii;-* n::\ the Saturday before this tragedy. It would be'proved that lie was absent from his regiment oh the night of the L' 8; h and the morning of the 29th, and if the Jury would believe the'. v- tnist, they would find that Eden called at that witness's ho- isc on tbe evening of Mondav the 28th, and told him, that hp and two others were going to herrington on a very disagreeable business,, and spoke of Miss Smith's mouldy money. An idea had prevailed that she had accumulated money ; this had excited cupidity; and her ro'ired manner of living; gave hopes of •; r: it'lVinr that cupidity. Eden spoke of her mouldy money, and if the witness should be believed, and he knew no reason why he should, not, they would find him that night upon this very business. Eden had been a keelman. In the evening lie had been ia blue clothes; next morning lie was seen neatly dressed, and :: i-, - s- a bundle, no unimportant circumstance, 12 miles from Newcastle. He had every appearance of having changed his clothes. On one occasion he said he could establish an alibi, and 0 oveth- ; ho was at. Newcastle; there he certainly ought to have SKVC., B:: T ho would be proved by the muster- roll to have been : twent. Now he would proceed to James Wolfe, He had j a farm from Miss Smith, and had fallen in arrear with his i: -. She had become displeased with him, and got rid of bin:. . . would he proved that he had afterwards, on many occasions, said he would be revenged, be was not done with her yet. In addition :'. would be proved, that in December, 1814, on a remarkable ' vir. dv day, when a wall had been thrown down, and killed a ma": i, a circumstance that naturally fastened on the memory, Wolfe. mentioned ton James Shaw the wrongs and injustice done to km by Miss- Smith, aud said that he would be revenged. To Shaw re remarked that'it would- be easy to rob her house. Next is to George Wolfe, he had been remarkably regular in his emplovment, which w a s that of a furrier, at Bishop- Wearmouth; but'on the night of the 28th he was absent, and when he returned < m " morning of the 29th, he was observed to have a black eye, and to have scratches on, his face, as if dene with nails. His first onnt of it was, " I was drunk, and fell in the streets of Sunder- , a r J . " On another occasion he said, one of bis children had been unwell, and he had risen tirget some Water for the child, and hurt 1 : tr « e) f. He was apprehended in Edinburgh, and a pocket- book wa « found with him, which he said he had. got from the family of i:: s w ife six years before. Lady Peat would prove this'' pocketboo! . to have been hers, and to have been ill her dwelling a week betorejtbc murder. Such was the evidence which would be laid before'" them ; they would weigh it with that measured considera- ;: on end that attentive caution which it was their province to exercise ; end they would, he doubted not, Come to such a conclusion as it'i evidence warranted. Mr. HOLT stated be was Counsel for the two Wolfe?. ; r. WILKINSON said he was Counsel for John Eden. J, idtnce- was first given respecting John Eden, r. c Ilowe lived at Herrlngton in the month of August, 1815, a'ri", time Miss Smith's house was set on fire; lived 50 yards 1 V'i the house; knew Isabella Young well. On Monday night, a. .-' it half- past nine, Isabella Young came to witness's house to a • her to sleep vfcth her, aad said she was frightened to sleep a'.. no Witness » o$ sed the road with her as she returned to Miss Sxitli's; it was then a quarter to ten. Witness stopped at the window't* H she got- info bed in the kitchen. Witness heard her I .1.. 1. and bolt the door, isalsella Young toid her she might go u ay v. lien she got to bed, and she went away. She saw lier next r oi " ing murdered. John Ramsay lived at l iei'rington at the time, and was disturb* ,- j about two o'clock ot' the morning of the 29th; he got up, saw , -. i.-. s Smith's house in flames ; lie went to the house, ran along a passage, and at the kitchen door saw Isabella Young lying ; he d her out and perceived i: o life in her. She was Undressed, e nd had her tinder petticoat grasped in her left hand. John Creduce, Surgeon, ,- t Bishop- Weai- mouth, was sent for, a m saw the body on tiie morning of the 29th. He found two 1 u p " wounds pii tbe back of her head, and a fracture, on the right side of her head. The blows had uudoubtedty occasioned . her death. • , " J L i n c o l n , a seafaring man at Sunderland, knew the prisoner Eden for 20 years. In 1815 Eden Was in the Durham milit.- i ' i had previously been a keelman at Sunderland. About Jive j'cl- ock in the evening before this woful affair happened, Eden ccir. e to the witness in his own house, stood on the middle of the tfooi with his hat on one side of his bead, and appeared very groggy. Witness sat in an arm chair, and smoked his pipe. Eden h- fld a bluejacket and trovvsers on, He said, " James, I am going to Ilerrington tri- iiight; will you go along with us ?" Witness saitl; " 1 don't know." " Why, James?" Eden Said. " I am going to llerringtou on a very disagreeable piece of business ; 1 don't know whether I should go or not." " Well, John," said vitness, " don't go." " Do yon know any body about Herruigton, James?" Witness said, " Not many." He said, " Do ycu know one Wolfe?" Witness said. " I know Mr. Wolfe, the g? ol- keeper, at Durham." He said, " That is not the man; this ii. a farmer man ; he was farmer to Miss Smith, at Herrington." l i e said, " I warrant you know Miss Smith, James." " Aye," said aud hk wife together, when he hail been at home about two months: Eden and his wife had very high words. The wife said, when she was felled by him on the floor, " O you villain! 1 could hang thee for a word. 1 Cross- examined by Mr. WILKINSON— He was master df a small sloop, about the conclusion of the war. When the sloop was laid up by the owners, he was out of a birth. He was obliged to sell his furniture, and got his bread mostly by going up to the collieries to beg a bit of bread. l i e came now from the workhousee. He had seen Eden about a fortnight before the 28th of August. Eden had never said anything of this any other time. Eden had never gone out of the way. Witness never mentioned a word about it till about three years after. He always wished and prayed it might fall upon some person rather than on him to put it forth, for fie knew it was a very dangerous business. ( To a juror.) It was not from regard to Eden, but because his own life would not be safe in Sunderland, and he must now leave Sunderland w ilh his four children. A reward of 200/. had been offered. ( To tbe Court.) He could not say lie expected the reward: he would not refuse it. ( 100(. had been offered by an advertisement from Bowstreet Office, and 100/. by Miss Smith.) He never knew Savory, but he understood he was a gingerbread- baker at Bishop-' Wearmouth. He said, " We have got Savory." He meant that he was in custody upon that gharge. Re- examined in chief.— He spoke of Savory about two months ago. There was a great talk of Savory coming from America. There had been a talk that lie had brought with him some golden images from America. ( Miss Smith was a Catholic.) Hearing that Savory was coming home prisoner concerning the images, he might have said in the streets, " We have got Savory." He meant nothing respecting this murder or robbery, as imputed to Savory, only the golden images, it was said, had been in the house, and Savory was said to have bought them. He had been in the workhouse, but never in his life charged with a crime. By the Court.— He was examined before the Magistrates twice, and mentioned th. e same things. He thought he had stated that 1-. L1.- U had said he must be at Newcastle at six o'clockinthe morning, for he had run it. ( This was not found in the examinations.) Edward Kellett was at the time a watchman at Sunderland, and acting as a watchman when the murder aud burning happened. lie had know n Eden from a child. To the best of his belief, he saw him on the morning he heard of the robbery, between four and five o'clock, between the town- hall, and Bodewelllane, Hi Sunderland,- having on a regimental jacket, a regimental cap, and white trowsers. He had no side arms, and was carrying nothing. He was very clean. Another man, who was with him, carried a bundle. lie saw Mr. Watkin, Mr. Davison, and two other Gentlemen on the morning on which he heard of the robbery. To the best of his belief, but he was not positive, that was the morning he saw Eden. Cross- examined by Mr. WILKINSON.— Eden did not bear oneof the best of characters. Neither of tbe other prisoners was the man with him. Elizabeth Clark lived in Herrington, knew Eden by sight, knew Miss Smith's house, and saw Eden in the house on tbe Sunday afternoon before the robbery. There were some papers on the parlour table before him. What he was doing with them witness knew not. Miss Smith was not at home. Witness did not see the girl. Witness looked, because she was surprised to see a stranger man there. She had seen the girl a little before. He was dressed in a blue jacket and trowsers. Cross- examined by Mr. WILKINSON.— He looked at her. but did not seem alarmed. When she saw him at the time she was before the Magistrate, she had not the presence of mind to recollect that it was the same man. But upon recollection she afterwards became perfectly satisfied that it was the same man. Ann Howe ( again) saw Isabella Young on the Sunday, in the afternoon, standing at the door, and they went into Miss Smith's kitchen, and walked with her again, about half- past seven, towards Sunderland, about a mile from Herrington. They met several men, and onu man in sailor's clothes, with whom they entered into conversation: witness never saw him before ; Isabella Young was acquainted with hiin: he was a tallish man, pock- fretted, with a thinuish face. Witness " left Isabella Young with him for about ten minutes. He bad asked Isabella Young how she was. After he had left them, he called to Isabella Young. th: i' he would be up some night that week: she said, " Weil, John, I don't want you." John Eden, the prisoner, was the mail; she was certain of it. Cross- examined He was coming from Sunderland: he was very mild when he spoke. She was never sent for to be examined before Tuesday last: she could sweaf that was tbe very man. John Close was in the Durham militia in 1315, a corporal.— They marched into Newcastle on the 26th of August, 1815— John Eden was in tbe same company. He had a wife. A guard report was kept in order to mention the prisoners confined, and the nature of the crime. John Eden was absent from the company on the 28th day of August. Witness recollected that very well. Edeu lad been absent on the evening parade of Sunday, anil the whole day Monday. The report he held in his hand had been made bv bis direction, and iu it he was entered absent for two days, most unintell said, Wolfe not' tri I;: ess, " and her father many years ago." " T h a t , " he ' is thfe house we are going to to- night, and I expect is the man that will go through the business: 1 -• ould ve a < 1 n for a man if be cannot go through his busii -. s. This is the third night and the last night 1 shall beat iiemngton, and to- night I mean to do something, ai, d 1 Irive to be at Newcastle at six o'clock in the morning, for Hiave run it. If you go to Harrington with me to- night, James, 1 don't know- nut I'll be able to give you more money then you can work for, for twelve months." " John," said witness, ." I'll not go." He said, '< No man heed be frightened lo go along with me, for I would never give that man or woman leave to stand before me in a Court to condemn. me. I don't want you to go into the house with us; I'll tell you what to do when. you get there." " John," said witness, " I'll- not go." " . N. o, ' James." said lie, " your heart lies ill'the wrong . place ; before- you go with us, you will sit there till you perish like a" '.. » ; oi: J ' <(: i pm for fastening boats to; the phrase was common there). " No, John," said witness, " while 1 can waife up to the colliery and ask for a bit of bread." " Why. James," he said, » ' 1 cm sorry at nought, fcr we shall have to do away with the poor lass before we can ^ o through with this piece of business." Witness said, " Don t go, ' Jontr." Eden replied. " I promised to go, and go 1 will. Miss Smith's maiden is'a bit of a sweetheart of mine, and to- night'I expect to make her confess - where all JMISS S'cmh's uipi^ ldy inpney is. Xhe. b— ch denied me v.' hat. l wanted of her ; Iftif to- night 111 have her whether she will or not— bet 1 tnu'n ( must) away." lie took a step towards the . door, and turned suddenly round to w itness- again, and said, " J tmes, you need net take any notice of what I have said to > ou. , fiat 1 mod- hot mind, for you are not that man able to go • through that'- piece " business. Good night." He then ran down stairs, arid witness saw no more of him till about seven wedks after, when the regiment was disbanded? he bad no further talk with him. : Next morning witness heard the dteadl'iil news that tbe houSe'< jas burnt down, ' and the ooor maiden murdered. That was in Sunderland, about ten o'clock. Witness saw Ed' n ( The report w as unintelligible to the Court, and was eligibly explained by tbe witness.) Evidence was next given with respect to George. Wolfe, the son. Wm Boyd, a police- officer of the city of Edinburgh, searched the flat occupied by George Wolfe, on the 27th of October last, and found a pocket- book in a chest, which was not locked. His wife and three officers were with hirr,. That shown was the book; he had made a small tear upon it for a mark. George Wolfe had not been present. Cross- examined by Mr. HOLT.— At that time Wolfe was employed as a furrier, with Grieve and Scott. Wolfe was not present,. He was sent to England about the 8th of Nov. Witness saw him again at Edinburgh, in the Cow- gate, at large. Lady Peat ( an elderly personage, of peculiar appearance) re. membered having Isabella Young in her service, and had gone from home about the 17th of August, to a considerable distance. She left very great and very valuable property; she left that pocket- book ( found in Wolfe's room) in her desk, in her own room, above the kitchen. She was otiite sure it was the book. Cross- examined by . Mr. HOLT.— Before Dr. Grey, about six months ago, she did not swear to the pocket- book, because she did not like to incur more trouble and expense, having lost so much valuable property. She did not wish for a prosecution, having had so much . trouble, and believing herself unequal to a prosecution. lie was ' discharged; but she then knew it as well to be her pocket- book as now. There were Bank- notes in it, kept for the uses of the family. She lost about four more pocket books. Re- examined in chief.— She bad bad frequent occasion to see the pockc- H- book for taking money out of it. Her reason for reluctance to swear to the pocket- book was, that having lost her house, containing many ancient and valuable things, she was unwilling to incur expenses and trouble. She had discharged Mr. Gregson, the solicitor, From bringing on a prosecution. Mr. Baron WOOD.— So the murder of a poor servant girl was not worth prosecuting. Her Ladyship began a speech ill reply which threatened to be very long, but his Lordship soon expressed himself satisfied. David Sinclair had been ill th » service of Messrs. Mouncey and Richardson, furriers, in Sunderland. George Wolfe was in the same employ. On Monday, the 28th of August, witness was at work, but George Wolfe was not there on that day. Between eight and nine on' Tuesday morning he came to work, his left eye was black, and his left cheek scratched. There were three scratches from- his eye to hiswhiskers. ' The prisoner did not say how he got the black eye and the scratches. Cross- examined by Mr. Hot*— It was not uncommon for workmen to be absent on Mondays. Wolfe did not come on Tuesday so early as usual. l i e stayed at the work about 15 weeks after. * Witness never saw him have a black eye before: he had given this evidence first in November last, when Wolfe was taken and discharged, notwithstanding this evidence. When report came of Wolfe the father having been taken, a^ iri being brought from Carlisle, there was a talk in the factory of the black eye and scratches or. Wolfe the soil, and witness remembered it from circumstances. Mr. Nicholas Fairless, a Magistrates, proved the declaration of George Wolfe, and that the book produced was'the one presented to Wolfe at the time, and he felt stri/ ngly impressed, from Lady Peat's countenance, that she knew the book, although she declined to swear to it. The examination was put in evidence. It stated that the pockethook bad been his wife's father's, and had come to her from Her father when he died, six years ago, and had been 111 h.' r possession ever since. The evidence now respected James Wolfe, the father. Come on Sunday, la order to view the house. Wolfo had said, that Miss Smith had distressed him as much as she could, and said, " D— her, I'll be revenged; no one will be sorry, if she were robbed." Witness said, it would be poor revenge to put his life in danger. Wolfe said, if he had other two with him, it would be easily done. Witness said, she would be sure to make an alarm. He said he Would soon put a stop to that; if she did, he would think it no sin the killing of her, Jarc. es Wolfe, the prisoner at the bar, was the man. Cross- examined by Mr. HOLT.— Wolfe had beon a stringer to w- ituess before that. Wolfe made dead sure of witness going with him From June to September, 1815, he worked at Bridlington- quay in Y'orkshire. He heatd of the reward offered. When he saw the bill, stating the murder, at a publit- bou. se in Easington, on the 6th of September, he said to ther landlord, Harrison —" D— n it, I know who has been at the bottom of tliis !" He was taken before the magistrate oil the charge of being himself concerned, and was bound over; he was not committed. Cross- examined by Mr. WILKINSON.— Wolfe did say he knew a man that would join us. Re- examined in chief.— That man, Harrison, ( pointed out) was the landlord to whom he made the remark on seeing the bill. ( Mr. Williams remarked that he could not call Harrison, but the prisoner's counsel might call him.) Edward Wright took a pdblie- house first in the year 1816, in Sunderland. Tie knew George Wolfe and Eden by sight: they used to be in the habit of frequenting witness's house. Once on a Saturday night, they wvere together, but witness did not know whether they knew one another. John Eden, in his defence, said, that he had never seen James Wolfe in bis life, till he was prisoner with him. James Wolfe said, there was not one word of truth in what Miss Smith ( Lady Peat) told concerning him, and that he had never seen her since he left the farm till now. George Wolfu said he was iunoccnt, and knew nothing at all about it. Witnesses were then called for Eden. The Rev. Sir Robert Peat said, that Eden Mid been committed about 12 months since, some time after the commitment of James Wolfe: he saw Eden before bis commitment: Eden always declared that he was perfectly innocent. Thomas Tarn, Sir Robert's servant, was present at searching Eden's bouse. Every part was readily shown to them, and they found nothing. , Cross- examined.— It was in December last, Mary Smith trades with glasses, & c.: knew Eden for 10 years: he was a keelman, and lived then with his father and mother: he was now married: about 6 years ago he brought his wife to her house in Newcastle to lie ill of her first child. She remeftlbered the Durham militia marching into Newcastle on a Saturday, about 4 years ago. It was about the time of this murder. She saw Eden then, and saw him next day between 1 and 2 o'clock. He was in liquor then, very drunk. He stayed till the Monday morning. She and her family lived with him all the time. She must have known it if he had left the house. She had been then" a widow. Cross- examined.— Her mother and daughter, and two sons, lived with her. The daughter was now 18, the eldest son 12. Her motherw » sstill living. None of them were here; they had rtot been called on. Eden was to have married her for her second husband, but it was not her lot. The Jury here wished to have two witnesses called respecting Eden's absence from the regiment, and they were called. Serjeant- Major Simpson said, that he recollected Eden being reported absent on the morning and evening parade on the Sun- • day, and the same on Monday, and did not see him till Friday; but to the best of bis belief it was reported to him on Wednesday or Thursday that he was in custody. He had ordered non- commissioned officers to search for him. John Richardson, a sergeant in the Durham militia, said, that Eden was absent from parade on the Sunday morning and evening, and the same on Monday. He recollected that he found him, he w as almost sure on Tuesday evening, at least on Tuesday or Wednesday, in a public- house in Newcastle. He was rather tipsy; he was taken to the guard- house, and was in confinement for two or three days. The Rev. Dr. Grey, one of tbe acting Magistrates, said, that when George Wolfe was brought before tbe Magistrates iu October last, Lady Peat was there, and two pocket- books were produced, and upon Lady Peat being asked if she could swear to either of them she said she could not. He drew her attention to a red and green one as rather remarkable ; she said she could not swear to it, and said one book was like another. Cross- examined.— She expressed herself dissatisfied with the proceedings. Dennis Turnbull, a shoemaker in Sunderland, was with George Wolfe in a public- bouse on the Sunday before tbe murder. Wolfe and John Bellwood quarrelled, and Bollwood struck him Oil th. e eye. Witness interfered for* Wolfe, aud that made him recollect it. George Young was there. It Was the Life- boat public- house. Cross- examined by Mr. WILLIAMS The reason why he recollected it was the Sunday before tbe murder, was only that he could recollect It. (' This answer was repeated several times.)- It was the right eye, he believed, because he thought so, but lie could not rightly swear. He did not see the scratches. Tbe eye was black on the Sunday night. He knew Wolfe from being children. He mentioned this first when Wolfe was brought from Edinburgh. That was the first tiiae he thought of recollecting it. Mr. HOLT here remarked upon a hand- bill, purporting to be a true and full account of the murder, aud representing that the prisoners bad voluntarily confessed it. Mr. Baron WOOD said, that it was highly Improper to circulate any thing of the kind. All tbe Jurv declared they knew nothing of it. Mr. Baron WOOD recapitulated the evidence, and made several remarks on the various parts of it. ' The qvideuce consisted wholly of circumstances. All must feel the highest indignation against the perpetrators of the horrid crime committed; but they must not suffer their feelings to carry them to conviction without full proof. If they were satisfied without doubt that the prisoners, or any of them, were the perpetrators, they would find a verdict of guilty. The Jury retired about half- past 2 o'clock. It was then proposed to call another Jury for tbe other trial of murder in the calendar; but l is Lordship remarked, that they could not by law tained a considerable portioh of the plunder. Enraged by this conduct the convicts gave such information as led to the apprehension of their employers. On the trial, a surprising chain of circumstanecs corroborated almost every material part of Buckee'sevidence; and the Jury, with very little hesitation, found all the prisoners Guilty, but recommended them to mercy. The trial lasted seven hours. Before the sentence, the prosecutors, bathed in tears, also implored for mercy for the prisoners. To this brief statement we shall only add Mr. Baron Garrow s speech Oh passing sentence of Death on the prisoners, who were visibly deeply affected :—• " Abraham Abrahams, Judah Solomon, and Joseph Solomon, I am very much afraid that the severe labours of this day have left me hardly voice enough to execute, as I ought to do, the remaining part of ray duty. You have, after a long and anxious inquiry into all the circumstances of the case, been severally found guilty ( on evidence on which I think it quite impossible for any man to doubt, who is capable of reasoning) of the offence of procuring and hiring three unhappy men te commit a burglary in the house of your near neighbour. " There is nothing more gratifying to me in the administration of the criminal law, than to have the recommendation of a Jury, Lady Peat ( again) said, the elder Wolfe had been her tenant, and ceased to be so in hay- time, ill 1814. He paid very badly, and bad gone Off w ithout paying, although she had declined to execute a distress which liad been got against him, with the hope that lie could sell to greater advantage. He afterwards said that he would be revenged, and that lie was not done with her yet: be said so at five or six different times. The house he lived m was left damaged. Cross- examined by Mr. HOLT He did not pay all his rent.— She did not go to a Magistrate to swear the peace against him: she did not wish to aggravate a revengeful man. James Shaw, a gardener, at Sunderland, worked with James Wolfe at a quarry, about the latter end of 1814, and remembered a particularly windy night; it was Friday night; a wall, fell down and killed a man." On that day witness and Wolfe liad a conversation. as it was such a cold day. about some having so much and some so little. Wolfe remarked how much that b— ch, Miss Smith, had, and that he would think nothing of robbing her house. . Witness said, it wouid not be eisy done, as there were so many houses. Wolfe said, if witness knew what was good for him, he would go with their.: he knew a back way by which it was easy to enter the house. He added, that witness had a d d bad heart in his belly to be in such poverty. On the next morning, Wolfe asked witness, if lie had thought upon, it, and irtade up his mind. Wolfe asked witness to go to take a view of the house on Sunday, anil said he would himself go a part of the way, but not > to Iierrington, for be sluuld he known. Witness engaged ' proceed to another trial while a Jury were enclosed upon murder, i t was at last agreed to defer the other trial till to- morrow morning, at S At half- past four o'clock the Jury returned. Their approach excited a most visible sensation throughout the multitude assembled in Court. When the Foreman pronounced the verdict— Guilty upon John Eden, the general feeling could no longer be suppressed. A similar expression was repeated when Guilty was announced as the verdict on James Wolfe. George Wolfe was found Not Guilty. A female, said to be the wife of one of the prisoners, shrieked iu a most agonizing tone wflen the verdicts' were given. The two wretched convicts stood unmoved. George Wolfe bowed his head, and was scarcely able to utter, " I thank you," when he heard liimseif acquitted. When they were asked successively what they had to say why sentence of death should not be pronounced; John Eden said lie was innocent, and went into a confused statement of perjuries against him, and of his having never seen tbe man in bis life. JamesWoli'e said, he was innocent as when God made him. He had been at Cockburn when the thing was done. Mr. Baron Woou pronounced the awful sentence to this effect. —" John Eden and James Wolfe, you have been convicted of the crime of w ilful murder, one of the greatest crimes which man can commit; a crime punishable with death, not only by the laws of this land, but by the law of God, and the voice of nature. Ill your case, murder was also attended with aggravated circumstances. Y6u committed the murder to conceal breaking into a house at midnight, and robbing it of much property; and to conceal the murder, yoti set fire to . the house. Such oil accumulation of crimes has been seldom heard of, and I hope will never be heard of again in this country. One of you, I am sorry to observe, seemed to have considered at'. d planned the act some time ' before, aird it seems as if you determined to carry it into execution at all events. The other of you seemed to have determined to kill Miss Smith, if she had been there. Nothing seems to have interrupted you in your nefarious course.— ( James Wolfe here exclaimed, " 1 am clear as God in heaven.'^ — But minder seldom passes undiscovered or unpunished. By the providence of God, circumstances occurred which have brought your crime to light, anil it is now my painful dpty to pronounce your punishment, which must be carricd into execution. 1 hope you have repented, and continue to repent. I most earnestly recommend to you to apply by prayer to God for that mercy in another world which man cannot give you here. Nothing now remains for me to do but to pronounce the awful sentence » which the law ordains for your crime. That sentence is, that on Monday next, the 16th of August, you be hanged by your necks till you are dead, and your bodies afterwards given to be dissected and anatomized; aiid may God have mercy on your souls U> John Eden would fain enter into further protestations, of his innocence, but he was not allow ed. As he was led away he looked towards the crowd behind the dock, and said he was innocent, he had never seen the man, and be hoped his case would/ be a warning, HOME C I R C U I T — K E I N T ASSIZES, MAIDSTONE Abm. Abrahams, aged 24, Judah Solomon, 36, Jos. Solomon 35, were charged with procuring, counselling, and hiring, ' D. Jacobs, John Ball, and Abraham Buekee. to commit a burglary iu the dwelling house cf - Abraham Abrahams, and Wot Myers, Minster, of which burglary the said Jacobs, Ball, and Buekee were convicted at the iast Assizes. The principal evidence was that of Abraham Buckee, one of the men convicted at the last Assizes, who stated, that the abov prisoners hired him, Jacobs, and Bail, to commit the burglary that ts'ov afterwards deserted them in their necessity, ar. d re case. Though the Jury and the Prosecutors have recommended you, I feel it my duty to tell you that I cannot— that I dare not act upon that recommendation. I say, most certainly, that when I. leave this place, you will be left for execution, and if mercy is t'i » be extended to you, it must proceed from another quarter, ani from a higher authority. " One of the witnesses, who has received his Majesty's most gracious pardon, and who has stated himself to have been addicted for a considerable period of time to vicious courses, was a ready instrument in the hands of those who were planning to rob their near neighbours, whose habits were well known to them. You, Abraham Abrahams, planned the burglary you went up to London to procure persons for tbe purpose you arranged every thing, and held out the inducement. Another of you, to whom two of the burglars were sent, furnished them with tbe money with which they were to be sent to fhe field of action. The other showed them the scene for plunder, telling them to go on to the execution of the plan, and when they were inclined to go back, you urged them to the commission ot the crime, by assuring them the plunder wouid be more than they expected. Two of you waited on the spot, to take a part of the stolen property, and the. other remained in town, to receive the other part. Instead of bringing these men to justice, you defeated her ends, and converted a considerable portion of the* plunder, even up to this day, to your own use. " This has been a most important trial to society at large, aud my reason for saying so, is the consideration that wicked men would not engage in burglaries, and other acts of dishonesty, if there were not persons to be found ready to receive and dispose of the plunder they may obtain. But this trial will read a lesson to accessaries before and after the fact, that when they join in such acts, they do it with the halter about their necks, and that thev can have no security while one of their. guilty gan" exists. The case may come home to them, who for months and° years have indulged in fancied security; it will teach gangs, that there can be no honour among dishonest persons, and that when they enter into a conspiracy against the public, it is only a trial of which shall run the quickest in the race, to save himself, and hang his comrades in guilt; and it will teach them, that the bast and safest way is to live as honest men. " It is not for me to saw how this case will be viewed bv other persons. I shall represent in the proper quarter the recommendation of the jury, and'of the prosecutors, but as far as my judgment goes, their recommendation in this, tiie first instance of the kind, since I have had the honour of being a Judge, will'not be accompanied by my recommendation. 1 feel that 1 should nor do my duty to the public, if I did not leave you for execution, to be redeemed from it only by those who may be better able than myself to watch over the interests of the community."— His Lordship then passed sentence of dea'th on all the prisoners, and they were taken from the bar in the greatest distivss. HAYTI. ( F R O M T H E E O Y A L G A Z E T T E O F H A Y T I , O F M A Y 2 5 . ) C A P E H E N R Y , M A Y 2 5 . On the 4th of May, his Britannic Majesty's ship Shearwater, Captain Cox, entered the port from Jamaica, despatched by Sir Home Popham. As soou as his Grace the Duke Marmelade, Governor of the capital, and Baron Dupuy, Secretary-, were apprised of this agreeable news, they hastened' to give notice to his Majesty, who was absent, visiting tile Spanish part of the Island. His Majesty immediately gave his orders to the Governor, as as to be prepared to receive the Admiral with all the regard and distinction due to his character ; and ordered a guard of troops of the line to wait his arrival. His Excellency was expected for many days by the people of the capital. At length, on the 16th, after twelve days' expectation, at one o'clock in the afternoon, ins Britannic Majesty's frigate Iphigene, of 44 guns, Captain Barker, followed ( by the brig of war Beaver, from llavannah, entered the port, having Sir Home Ponham on board the frigate. A Royal salute was fired. Baron Dupuy repaired on board the frigate, to compliment, in the name of the' King, the Admiral, and invited him to come onshore. The Admiral landed early next morning; he was shown into the carriage of the Governor. The next dav his Majesty gave audience to tiie Board of Foreign Commerce*. ' The day following the Governor, with his numerous Staff, repaired in procession to the Hotel of his Excellency to compliment him. Ilis Grace the Duke Marmelade invited his Excellency to dine with him, together with Captaip Parker. On this occasion there was a splendid repast at the Hotel of the Governor. Among the patriotic toasts suitable to the occasion, the following was drunk: " The King of Great Britain"—" The King of Havti, mayhe complete gloriously what he has commenced wisely." anil • ' A perpetual union between the Haytians and the English." After dinner his Excellency retired; and in the evening be honoured with his presence the ball which was given by the Governor, on the occasion of his Excellency's arrival. ' The following day his Excellency visited the Royal Acadeniv. the National School, and the Magaziiiesi'or Clothes and Provisions ; and walked in the couutry with Captain Parker and his Officers. On the 21st, at four o'clock in the morning, his Majesty, our ery august and well beloved Sovereign, entered this city, accomjanied by his Royal Highness the Prince Royal, returning from lis tour. His Majesty immediately announced his arrival to his Excellency, and signified to him that he should be bappy to give him an audience in his palace at ten. The Admiral went at the hour appointed, having Captain Parker in his carriage. His Excellency was introduced, were the other Officers, into the hall of audience, by the masters of ceremonies, and presented to the King by M. the Baron de Dupuy. His Majesty received his Excellency and his Officers with much friendship, and with the greatest attention. His Majesty, and his Royal Highness, his well- beloved son, remained more than four houts with his Excellency, who appeared to be very well pleased with the particular attention which'he received from his Majesty. On the morning of the 22d, his Excellency went on board the frigate, which sailed early the next morning. His Excellency carried with him our good wishes, and our regrets that we could not retain him any longer time. Every kind of refreshment has been sent on board the frigate, by order of his Majesty, with a readiness and pleasure which furnish unei* iivocal proof how happy we shall always be to receive visits of our true and good friends ! SPORTING. Y O R K A U G U S T R A C E S ( Concluded) SATURDAY, AUG. 14. Fifty Pounds given by the Members for the City of York, for horses, & c. of all ages.— Two miles. Mr. Clapham's i). c. by Selim, 3 yrs old i Mr. Lambton's ch. c. Mandeville, 4 yrs old 2 Mr. Watts's b. f. Bigottini, by Thunderbolt, 4 yrs old 3 Mr. llili'sij c. Meux, by Chorus, 3 yrs old 4 6 to 4 on Mandeville, and 5 to 2 agst Bigottini; a good race, and won with difficulty. The Innkeepers' Purse of 501. for all ages.— Tw o- mile heats. Mr. Larr. bton's b. c. Truth, by Teddy, 4 yrs old, 7st. 121b... 1 1 Mr. Acred's bl. e." by Thunderbolt, 3 yrs old, 6st. 4lb 4 a Mr. Reed's ch. c. by Sir Malagigi, 3 yrs old, est. 41b... 5 5 Col. King's br. c. Master Beverley, 4 yrs old, 7st. ; 2 dr Mr. Warneford's b. f. by ' Thunderbolt, 3 yrs old, G ; , 5 and 6 to 4 on ' Truth, and after the heat 10 to 1 on . . , won easy. Many of the races were contested in a superior style. BIRTHS. . of Robert Langs- On the 15th inst., Mrs. Greenway, of Judd- street, Brunswicksquare, of a daughter. On the 10th inst., at Charles Boggis's, Esq., Linden, Northumberland, the Lady of Thomas GLYN, Esq., of a son. M A R R I E D . At Byth. Aberdeenshire, on the 9th inst. by Bruce, John Murray, Esq., surgeon to the Fc Anne, eldest daughter of thu late Captain Wm. Urquhart. O11 the 14th instant, by the Rev. Win. Borradajle, Alexander Harris, Esq., to Harriett,', eldest daughter of the late Glaister Bell, Esq. D I E D . ~ ~ Last week, at his house in Bicomsbury- square, D. Davis, Esq . well known in the theatrical sphere, On the 14th inst., at Worcester, the Ladylow, Esq., of the Middle Temple, of a son. the Rev. A. orces, to' Maiy London:. Printed by 1- 1. M'SWYNY, 34S. Strandpublished by J. P. W A N L E S S same place. and
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